
As usual many thanks go to Barbara Ottaway for all her support throughout the year for assemblage and latterly to John Barrett as Acting Head of the Research School. Thanks for your faith in us !

Many of the editorial team have spent not insignificant amounts of time on this issue and we would like to thank all of our supervisors (and friends and family) for putting up with late research, vacant expressions and a startling incapacity to hold normal conversations since March. Seriously, it is their patience and encouragement which has allowed us all to see through our ambition to bring archaeology closer to people both within and outside the field. Thanks for everything !

Now for the Bafta bit ....

We couldn't have done it without;

Willy Kitchen, Bob Booth, Chris Ramsey, for all of their computer help and Graham McElearney and Stuart Barkworth for last minute scanning.

Ben Power, Jon Humble and all of the BBC crew for organising the Malmesbury scoop and Ian Potts for ferrying our intrepid reporter to–and–fro (and providing cheese sandwiches). Also many thanks to Julian Richards' on–site insights.

Mark Edmonds for his alternative existence as a crossword writer.

Jim Symonds for his unfailing interest, encouragement and support, who kept us smiling with some outrageous photos and a smashing party!

Mike Parker Pearson, John Collis, John Moreland, Mark Edmonds (again!), Martin Evison and Graham Robbins (of Sheffield University) and Paul Caldwell of the Trent and Peak Unit for their time and effort.

All those obsessed souls who responded to our call for trowels and everyone at Neill Tools Ltd. for a fascinating tour, especially Drew Geldart, Marketing Manager, and Steve Bergen, Production Manager. Many thanks for our surprise trowels – they will be treasured!

Christian Turner and Joel Burden, for their commitment to peoples' welfare in the past and present; good luck and don't get sore feet !

And Kathryn Goldsack and Robin Dennell for passing on the information on funding opportunities.

assemblage is run on a tight budget and continues only through the goodwill and support of the whole archaeological community at Sheffield. There are many, many people who have passed on snippets of information, advice, encouragement (and sometimes tea and cake!) to see us through this issue; a great big THANKS to you all!


© assemblage 1997