
  1. Bertrand Russell. 1927. The Outline of Philosophy. London: Allen and Unwin.
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  2. Popular excavation song (anon.).
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  3. I use the plural deliberately, for what is normally related are the lives and careers of a few great men (q.v. Daniel and Chippindale 1989). Apart from Jacquetta Hawkes, Kathleen Kenyon, and a few other well known figures, the majority of women from archaeology's 'Golden Age' are largely invisible in the literature, despite the fact that the great men themselves often depended on the work of wives or female assistants on their projects. (For one recent exception to this, though, see Allesbrook and Allesbrook. 1992. Born To Rebel. The Life Of Harriet Boyd Hawes. Oxford: Oxbow Books.). The biographies and histories of the numerous workers who laboured on these projects are similarly obscured.
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  4. Hunter S. Thompson. 1979. The Great Shark Hunt. London: Picador.
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  5. Leonard Cohen. 1992. Democracy. From the album The Future. Columbia (Sony Music).
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  6. James Gleick and Eliot Porter. 1990. Nature's Chaos. London: Abacus.
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  7. Bart Kosko. 1994. Fuzzy Thinking: The New Science of Fuzzy Logic. London: Harper Collins.
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  8. Usually male archaeologists, and I have been guilty of this myself. Far be it from me to lapse into cheap Freudianism however!
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  9. At least this will always be the case for the written record anyway. Computer graphics may be a means to explore further representational possibilities (see Alvey 1993; Forte and Siliotti 1997; Hodder 1997).
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  10. James Gleick. 1993. Chaos: Making a New Science (2nd ed.) London: Abacus.
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  11. Roger Lewin. 1993. Complexity: Life on the Edge of Chaos. London: Phoenix.
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  12. Sir James Frazer. 1922. The Golden Bough (1993 ed.) Ware: Wordsworth.
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About the author

Adrian Chadwick graduated from the University of Sheffield with a degree in archaeology and spent six years working as a contract archaeologist on urban and rural projects in Britain and abroad. He worked at Çatalhöyük during the 1997 season and is currently attempting to finish a master's degree in Landscape Archaeology at Sheffield.

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