British Schools Abroad.


British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara

Research Grants

The Institute offers grants in aid of a range of archaeological and allied subjects, to be undertaken at the Institute in Ankara or elsewhere in Turkey. It is prepared to support research which may require two or more seasons of work, though support in one year should not be taken as a guarantee of continued funding. The funds available each year are shared among several applicants, who are judged on the quality and practicality of the proposed research, the costing of the work, the qualifications of the applicant to conduct the work, the referees' reports, and any other relevent factors. Applicants must be graduates, be of British or Commonwealth nationality, and be appropriately qualified and experienced.

Closing date: November, 1998. Applicants will be notified of the decision of the Research Committee in December, and grants will be payable from April 1st 1997.

Travel Grants

A number of travel grants of up to £500 each will be made to students of archaeology and allied subjects to enable them to travel to and in Turkey for the purpose of familiarising themselves with its archaeology and geography, and to visit its sites and museums. Specific small research projects are also eligible, but applicants should note that an official permit may be required for such work. The Institute ensures that some undergraduates are among the successful candidates each year. Applicants must be of British or Commonwealth nationality. There is no application form, instead applicants are asked to produce a clear summary of their proposed itinery and costs, to outline the specific purpose for the visit and their own particular archaeological or historical interests, and to provide a copy of their CV. The trip to Turkey should take place between April 1997 and March 1998.

Letters of application and references must be with the London Secretary by February 1st 1997. Applicants will be informed of the decision of the Travel Grant Committee in March, and grants will be payable after April 1st.

The London Secretary, 31-34 Gordon Square, London WC1H 0PY.

You could also visit their Web site at <>.


The British Institute at Amman for Archaeology and History

Research and Travel Grants

The British Institute at Amman for Archaeology and History has funds to support a limited number of projects in the countries of the Levant. Research projects in a wide variety of fields have been funded in the past. Travel grants are also available to help students conduct smaller research projects in the region. Research grants usually range from sterling 500 - 3000, while travel grants usually range from sterling 100 - 500. Applications are invited from either British subjects or Commonwealth citizens registered at academic institutions in the United Kingdom. Application forms and details of conditions of applications are available in the autumn from the Assistant Secretary in the United Kingdom.

Ms. Caroline Middleton, Assistant Secretary of BIAAH, c/o The British Academy, 20-21 Cornwall Terrace, London, NW1 4QP

Tel: 01704 569664 , Fax: 01704 569664

You could also e-mail <> or visit their Web site at <>.


British Institute in Eastern Africa

Support for research

The Institute promotes research into the archaeology, pre-colonial history and related studies of eastern Africa, broadly defined (roughly between the Zambezi and the Nile basins). Its archaeological involvement in the region is wide (although the Institute's own research expertise does not generally extend into palaeoanthropology or the Early Stone Age). It also pursues and encourages work in the fields of historical linguistics, oral history, archival study, ethnography and relevant aspects of human geography and ecology. For these purposes the Institute maintains close relations with the universities, museums and other research and academic institutions in the region and encourages contacts and cooperation between scholars involved in research. Most researchers attached to or supported by the Institute are partly or largely funded separately. However, the Institute has in most years limited funds from which it may, at its absolute discretion, assist or supplement research expenses. Because of its own sources of finance, preference is normally given to scholars in Commonwealth and eastern African countries. Support offered is normally to help with actual field research expenses in the region; the Institute does not usually assist with transport to and from eastern Africa.

The Haycock Fund

This fund is devoted principally to research on the ancient civilization of Meroe and related subjects in the region of the Middle Nile and north-eastern Africa (south of Egypt). Applications for assistance from this fund by suitably experienced scholars are invited and considered from to time, usually at intervals of a few years.

The British Institute in Eastern Africa, P.O. Box 30710, Nairobi, KENYA

Tel: (254 2) 43721, Fax: (254 2) 43365

You could also e-mail <> or visit their Web site at <>.


British School of Archaeology on Iraq

Research Grants

Grants are available to support research into the archaeology, history or languages of Iraq and neighbouring countries from the earliest times to c 1700 AD. The limit will normally be sterling 1000.

Mrs L. Glynne Davies, The British School of Archaeology in Iraq, 31-34 Gordon Square, London, WC1H 0PY

Tel: 0171-733 8912


British School of Archaeology in Jerusalem

Scholarships and Grants

Each Year the School offers an Annual Jerusalem Scholarship as well as a number of travel and research grants. The Jerusalem Scholarship (approximately 6000 pounds sterling) is intended for a student at the post-graduate level to undertake research in the area, and travel grants are awarded to enable students to take part in excavations and surveys. These are normally restricted to British and Commonwealth citizens and the closing date for applications is usually at the beginning of February each year.

Joanne Clarke, Assistant Secretary, BSAJ, 21 Buccleuch Place (Top Flat), The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh EH8 9LN

Tel/Fax: +44-131-650-3975

You could also e-mail <> or visit their Web site at <>.


British School at Rome

Archaeological Fieldwork Support

The School offers support to archaeological projects undertaken in Italy by individuals and teams from British and Commonwealth universities. The School's current policy is to channel its financial resources for archaeological fieldwork projects into providing research facilities and equipment, support for specialist study and practical assistance. Support in the form of a direct financial contribution will only be offered in exceptional circumstances. Priority will be given to projects undertaken in collaboration with the School, and making use of its range of resources, including its archaeological laboratory.

Application deadline for support in 1997: 15 January 1997.

Balsdon Fellowship

The Balsdon Fellowship is open to senior scholars aged over 35 who are engaged in research in the archaeology, art history, history or literature of Italy. The Fellowship is for three months. Board and accommodation at the BSR are provided, and an honorarium of sterling 650.

Application deadline for 1997-98 and 1998-99 Fellowships: 15 January 1997/98.

Hugh Last Fellowship And Awards

The Hugh Last Fellowship is open to senior scholars for the collection of research material concerning classical antiquity or the expenses of visits to Italy for the collection of such material (but excluding any archaeological or other excavations or surveys and any work on Roman Britain). The Fellowship is for three months. Board and accommodation at the BSR are provided, and an honorarium of sterling 650. The Hugh Last Awards are offered for one to two months during the 1997-98 academic year.

Application deadline for 1997-98 and 1998-99 Fellowships: 15 January 1997/98.

Rome Scholarships

Up to three Rome Scholarships in Ancient, Medieval & Later Italian Studies are offered for higher research in the archaeology, art history, history or literature of Italy: one will normally be for work in the period to AD 500 and one for work in the period after AD 300. Applicants should normally have begun a programme of research in the general field for which the Scholarship is being sought, whether or not registered for a higher degree. Each Scholarship is for nine months, from October 1997 to June 1998. It includes board and accommodation in a study bedroom at the BSR, and a research grant and travel allowance totalling sterling 425.

Application deadline for 1997-98 Scholarships: 15 January 1997.

Rome Awards

Rome Awards in Ancient, Medieval & Later Italian Studies are offered for higher research in the archaeology, art history, history or literature of Italy. Applicants should normally have begun a programme of research in the general field for which the Award is being sought, whether or not registered for a higher degree. The Awards are offered for one to four months during the 1997-98 academic year (October '97-June '98). They include board board and accommodation in a study bedroom at the BSR, a monthly research grant of sterling 150 and a one-off travel grant of sterling 180.

Application deadline for 1997-98 Scholarships: 15 January 1997.

Miscellaneous Awards

It is often possible for other scholarship-holders to stay at the School and/or use its facilities. Please contact the BSR Registrar for further information.

The British School at Rome, Piazzale W. Churchill, 5 (Via Gramsci 61), 00197 Rome, Italy.

Tel: 00-39-6-3230743, Fax: 00-39-6-3221201

You could also e-mail <> the registrar or visit their Web site at <>.


The Society for Libyan Studies

Research Grants

The Society makes occasional grants in aid of research on Libyan topics.

Application forms from the General Secretary or the Society's Web site at <>.

The completed application form should be returned to the General Secretary, if possible by 1 April for consideration at the Council Meeting in May. However, funds permitting, applications may also be considered at other Council meetings, for which the deadlines for returning forms are 1 January, 1 September, and 1 November.

The Society for Libyan Studies, c/o The Institute of Archaeology, 31-34 Gordon Square, London, WC1H 0PY


The Society For South Asian Studies

Small Personal Research Grants

Applications are invited for a limited number of small personal research grants towards the cost of esearch and fieldwork in the Indian Sub-continent in the history, antiquities, archaeology, ethnography, languages, literatures, art and culture of Afghanistan, Pakistan, India and other countries of South Asia. Grants are only available for work at post-doctoral level although applicants need not necessarily hold a doctoral qualification. Applicants must be normally resident in the United Kingdom and members of the Society for South Asian Studies. Applications for maintenance costs in the UK are not acceptable.

Closing dates: 15 May, 15 October.

Travel Grants

Applications are also invited for a limited number of travel grants up to £500 each towards the costs of graduates and other suitably qualified persons travelling to the Indian Sub-continent to take part in excavations and other organised fieldwork.

Closing dates: 15 May, 15 October.

The Secretary, Society for South Asian Studies, Department of Oriental Antiquities, British Museum, London WC1B 3DG.

Telephone:0171-636 1555

You could also visit their Web site at <>.


British Institute of Persian Studies

Undergraduate Bursary Grant.

Any topic that is relevant to an academic study bearing on Iran will be considered. There is no application form; a proposal should be made on one side A4 paper, supported by an academic reference. The total value of the fund in 1997/98 was unlikely to exceed sterling 1400, and this could be split between several applicants. Students should not expect a bursary to cover all costs of a journey to Iran.

Closing date: 1st May.


Open to British and Commonwealth specialists in all fields of Persian studies, at postgraduate and post-doctoral level, who are normally resident in the United Kingdom. Financial assistance is mainly intended to cover travel, some maintenance and asssistance with fieldwork; funds are not payable for course work or university and college fees. Fellowhip grants are for up to sterling 3000 (although it was unlikely that anything of this size would be awarded in 1997).

Closing date: 1st May.

Bursaries or Travel Grants

Open to British and Commonwealth specialists in all fields of Persian studies, at postgraduate and post-doctoral level, who are normally resident in the United Kingdom. Financial assistance is mainly intended to cover travel, some maintenance and asssistance with fieldwork; funds are not payable for course work or university and college fees. These grants are limited to sterling 1000.

Closing date: 1st May

Application forms and notes for guidance from:

Assistant Secretary, Juliet Dryden, British Institute of Persian Studies, 31-34 Gordon Square, London WC1H 0PY.


British School at Athens

Macmillan-Rodewald Studentship

Open to graduates of British, Irish or Commonwealth nationality, tenable at the School for one year, of which at least eight months must be spent in Greece. The value of the award is 15% greater than the basic British Academy grant for that year. Allowances for travel will be paid as by the British Academy and deductions will be made according to other grants held by the student.

Closing date: 1st May

Applicants should submit a CV and a statement of the proposed course of study with reasons for pursuing it in Greece, with the names of two referees to the Secretary (see below).

School Studentship

Open to graduates of British, Irish or Commonwealth nationality, tenable at the School for one year, of which at least eight months must be spent in Greece. The value of the award is 5% greater than the basic British Academy grant for that year. Allowances for travel will be paid as by the British Academy and deductions will be made according to other grants held by the student.

Closing date: 30th May.

Applicants should submit a CV and a statement of the proposed course of study with reasons for pursuing it in Greece, with the names of two referees to the Secretary (see below).

Cary Studentship

Open to graduates of British, Irish or Commonwealth nationality, tenable at the School for one year, of which at least eight months must be spent in Greece. The value of the award is 5% greater than the basic British Academy grant for that year. Allowances for travel will be paid as by the British Academy and deductions will be made according to other grants held by the student.

Closing date: 1st May

Applicants should submit a CV and a statement of the proposed course of study with reasons for pursuing it in Greece, with the names of two referees to the Secretary (see below).

Knossos Donated Fund

Grants to support the expenses of research projects on Knossian Bronze Age material. At present (1997), a grant in any one year is unlikely to exceed sterling 1000, and may well be considerably less than that sum.

Applications, setting out the proposed work and estimated expenses (references not required) should be sent to the Secretary (see below).

Gladstone Memorial Essay Prize

An annual prize of sterling 250 for the best essay submitted by a currently admitted Student or Associate Student of the School, who should not normally have passed their 40th birthday. Essay should be between 10,000 and 20,000 words in length, should be an original contribution and be distinct from completed doctoral or other dissertations, and should be in publlishable form.

Closing date: 30th May.

Essays must be submitted to the Secretary (see below).

Hector and Elizabeth Catling Bursary

Open to applicants of British, Irish or Commonwealth nationality undertaking research in Greek lands to assist in travel and maintenance costs occurred in fieldwork, to pay for the use of specialised scientific equipment or to buy necessary supplies. It is not intended for publication costs, nor can it be awarded to an excavation or field survey team. The present (1997) maximum value of the Bursary is sterling 500.

Closing date: 15th December.

Applications consisting of a CV, a precise statement of the nature of the work, the amount requested, a breakdown of the likely budget and two references to the Assistant Director (see below).

Centenary Bursaries

Short-term bursaries (up to three months) are offered annually to graduates of Greek or Cypriot nationality for study at British institutions.

Address for the Secretary of the British School:

The Secretary, British School at Athens, 31-34 Gordon Square, London, WC1H 0PY.

Tel: 0171-387 8029. Fax: 0171-383 0781.

Address for the Assistant Director of the British School:

The British School at Athens, Odos Souedias 52, GR106 76 Athens, Greece.

Tel: (301) 721 0974. Fax: (301) 723 6560.


Egypt Exploration Society

Centenary Award

One award, relating to 'survey and exploration' in Egypt and Sudan from the Predynastic to Coptic periods.

In 1997, the award was in the region of sterling 2200.

Closing date: 1st March.

Applications to:

The Honorary Secretary, Egypt Exploration Society, 3 Doughty Mews, London WC1N 2PG.

Tel: 0171-242 1880. Fax: 0171-404 6118.


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