Copyright: Exeter City Council

Exeter City Council




Description:  The church is mentioned in the lists of Exeter churches by Bishop Marshall (c.1200) and Peter de Palerna (c.1214; Rose-Troup 1923, v). No fabric is known of this period, although the original plan of the church comprising a nave and chancel in the northernmost area of the present church (subsequently extended many times towards the south), could represent the core of the early church of St Petrock (cf. plan by Robert Dymond, 1882, p.2). Close examination of the fabric of the north wall of the nave during recording in 2000 failed to identify convincing early masonry in this area, or in the base of the tower (Parker 2000, 7). Despite this the nucleus of the present church is likely to have formed the church known to have been extant in the early 13th century (above), and this is most likely to have been a simple two-cell plan of nave and chancel. Parker, R.W. 2000 Archaeological Recording at St. Petrock's Church, Exeter, Exeter Archaeology Report 00.90. Original description SRB, 2000; updated 16.v.03.

Extant: Yes

Country:  England

County:  Devon

District:  Exeter

Parish:  Exeter

Grid Reference:   SX919925

Map Reference:  [EPSG:27700] 291944, 92582

Period:  1068 - 1300, NORMAN EXETER

Subject:  CHURCH

[ADS] Depositor Id: 11032.0
[ADS] Import RCN: ECHER11-11032.0

People Involved: 
[Publisher] Exeter City Council

Bibliographic References: 

  • Department of the Environment (1974) List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest: District of Exeter, p. 131. Department of the Environment.
  • Parker, R.W. (2000) Archaeological Recording at St Petrock's Church, Exeter in Exeter Archaeology Report 00.90.. Exeter Archaeology.