Description:  Moated fortified manor house, built circa 1260-90 and altered circa 1569 and in the 19th and 20th centuries. The ground floor of the house is rib-vaulted and the first floor contains a chapel. A wing added to the south west corner, probably in the 16th century, was later demolished. This house represents one of the earliest uses of home made brick in England. Now in use as a private museum.

Country:  ENGLAND

County:  SUFFOLK

District:  BABERGH


Grid Reference:   TM08073907

Map Reference:  [EPSG:27700] 608070, 239070

Period/Subject:  MEDIEVAL - CHAPEL, MODERN - DATE STONE, POST MEDIEVAL - EARTHWORK, 1260 - 1290 - EXTANT BUILDING, 1500 - 1599 - FORTIFIED MANOR HOUSE, 1559 - 1579 - HOUSE, 1900 - 1999 - MOAT, 1885 - 1899 - MUSEUM

[ADS] Depositor Id: TM 03 NE 4
[ADS] Import RCN: NMR_NATINV-386512

People Involved: 
[Publisher] Historic England