Copyright: National Trust

National Trust



site of House & Outbuilding opposite Lower Manor Farm

Description:  Site of house and outbuilding adjacent lane to west (presently bounded by retaining wall) and bounded on eastern side by a courtyard/garden. Recorded in nineteenth century (Tithe 1840-1841) but have since disappeared. No buildings are recorded on 1st edition 25" map (Ordnance Survey, 1886), although it appears that field parcel ref 111 (Tithe Map Nos 173-174) had been extended to incorporate area of demolished northern (larger) building. Site is at base of a steep slope (to east) which rises up to south-western corner of Mill Hill and appears to be a quarried rock face, circa 3.60 metres high, which has undergone subsequent slumping of soil material from above. This may be quarrying contemporary with that nearby, to south, at Brook Brake (Mon. 104090) which pre-dates 1840s. Therefore, it would appear that construction of buildings at this location could be placed somewhere between a phase of quarrying and undertaking of the Tithe Survey in 1840, probably in early nineteenth century. A second outcrop of rock is visible five metres east of existing retaining wall, exposed to circa one metre in height, and may have been cut to accommodate buildings on a level platform between this wall and main rock outcrop. Main access appears to be through an extant gateway to south (opposite side of lane to Lower Manor Farm), although this may be of modern origin; contemporary with recent dumping of soils, stone and concrete to create an access track leading to Mill Hill. Entrances recorded on Tithe Map faced west on to lane, although present ground level east of retaining wall is a maximum of circa two metres above lane. It is likely that existing 'retaining' wall is a result of subsequent land-raising in quarried area east of lane, and that original buildings were on same level as lane, therefore requiring no steps to access lane from entrances recorded on Tithe Map. However, site of buildings may be beneath modern lane with existing retaining wall correlating with location of their eastern side or even sited in old garden area; this would explain only a five-metre width between lower quarried rock-face and existing retaining wall, and apparent northern extention of Lower Manor Farm (Tithe Map, 1841; Ordnance Survey, 1886). Alternatively, 'garden' of this property may have been on slope above lower rock face with buildings immediately adjacent to this outcrop. A fragment of wall abuts main rock face, but is unlikely to be any part of nineteenth century buildings, although it may be a contemporary revetment wall.
Estimated dimensions from Tithe Map: northern building L 18.0m x B 5.0m; southern building L 8.0m x B 5.0m
Orientation: NNW-SSE Archaeological Comments - Site:104083*0 Field visit necessary to check current site status.

Country:  England

County:  Devon

District:  South Hams

Parish:  Ringmore

Grid Reference:   SX648460

Map Reference:  [EPSG:27700] 264850, 46020

Period:  1840 - 1885


[ADS] Depositor Id: 104083
[ADS] Associated Id: HBSMR Id: MNA101436
[ADS] Import RCN: NTSMR-MNA101436

People Involved: 
[Publisher] National Trust