Copyright: National Trust

National Trust



Penberthy's Farm, Arlington

Description:  A pleasant example of a small polite house of local materials and with most features surviving. Some of the traditional farm buildings survive near the house and are Listed Grade II.
An early 19c tenement farmhouse, two-storey rectangular building with gable ended single ridge roof. Extended to west into former granary/store, also two-storey. Porches to front and back doors with catslide roofs. Axial gable end chimney stacks on original house, regular fenestration. Rubble stone walls with front slate hung. Slate roof with black ridge tiles.
Outbuildings include a granary, dairy, garage, barn (Listed Grade II along with the shippon), shippon used as a store shed, a chicken shed and a dog shed, the majority built at around the same time as the house. The chicken shed is 20c.
Penberthys Farmhouse. Tenement farmhouse dating from the early 19th century. Stone rubble, facade and left gable end slate hung. Slate roof. Hipped asbestos slate roof to former outbuilding converted to form part of dwelling. Two-storeys. Three window symmetrical two-light casements. Brick porch. Four panelled inner door. Infilled cart entrance. The 19c joinery principally intact.
Shippon and barn approx. 5m east of Penberthys Farmhouse. Shippon and barn are 19c. Unrendered stone rubble with slate roofs. L-shaped range, with two-storey barn range. Single shippons.

Status: Listed Building
Grade: II

Status: Listed Building
Grade: II

Country:  England

County:  Devon

District:  North Devon

Parish:  Arlington

Grid Reference:   SS618417

Map Reference:  [EPSG:27700] 261820, 141780

Period:  1800 - 1845, 1905 - 1932, 1845 - 1889


[ADS] Depositor Id: 104463
[ADS] Associated Id: HBSMR Id: MNA107599
[ADS] Import RCN: NTSMR-MNA107599

People Involved: 
[Publisher] National Trust