Copyright: National Trust

National Trust



Linhay and Barn, Frogmore Farm, Killerton

Description:  The linhay backs onto the cross-roads and is a fine example of this type of building. It curves round to join on the south end of the farmhouse, and had twelve compartments; the two eastern ones were combined as the building was modified to form loose boxes in the late 20c.
The threshing barn is also stone and slate (it was thatched). The threshing doors survive, but the threshing floor has been replaced by a milking parlour.
The list description is as follows:
"Linhay. Late 19c. Volcanic trap rear wall, under slate roof, timber posts to front. The linhay, extending from farmhouse end wall and at the same alignment, curves around to enclose one end of farmyard. The blank curved rear wall provides an arresting feature to the roadside."
"Barn, granary and livestock sheds. Mid-19c. Coursed volcanic rubble trap with dry slate roof, end gabled and half-hipped. 2 main entrances and 4 upper openings. The range runs parallel to the farmhouse and encloses the farmyard contributing to an attractive group."

Status: Listed Building
Grade: II

Status: Listed Building
Grade: II

Country:  England

County:  Devon

District:  East Devon

Parish:  Broadclyst

Grid Reference:   SS999007

Map Reference:  [EPSG:27700] 299970, 100730

Period/Subject:  1867 - 1899 - BARN, 1833 - 1866 - LINHAY

[ADS] Depositor Id: 107597
[ADS] Associated Id: HBSMR Id: MNA107662
[ADS] Import RCN: NTSMR-MNA107662

People Involved: 
[Publisher] National Trust