Copyright: National Trust

National Trust



The Post Office, School Lane, Dunham Town

Description:  MB Ref No 54
Description: Dwelling house of c.1800 with later shop extension of c.1880 under one roof. The original house is of red brick in Flemish bond, the shop added to the W elevation in English garden wall bond brick with plaster render and quoins marked in
faux ashlar
pattern. Double fronted, detached, single pile, two storey.
Gable roof is slate covered with timber at eaves and grey ridge tiles. Barge boards to shop gable and plain close verge to house. Iron gutters and downpipes. Chimneys are inside to E gable and at SW corner of old house, both with red vented tile pots.
Windows are 2 or 3-light, 2-pane casements under soldier brick lintels, with the exception of one which is 6-pane and another of three small lights. The shop window is 6 light, single pane and has timber canopy at lintel level. Timber sills to all windows.
The front door is studded timber with moulded timber canopy on wrought iron brackets. The shop door is « glazed. The rear door is also « glazed within a modern glass and brick porch. Internally, the doors are covered with hardboard.
Ground floor is tile on concrete and first floor timber with modern but varied skirtings. Adzed exposed joists support first floor and are exposed in sitting room. The stair is timber, straight and between rooms. The bedrooms have cast iron grates, now boarded over.
The singe storey extension to rear is brick built in English garden wall bond; graded slates on single pitch roof. Heavy adzed purlin. Now houses kitchen. Previously used as the curing room.
The curtilage brick wall supports a lean-to WC, single pitch, slate covered roof with barge boards and battened timber door.
(T. Norton, 1982, amended by R. Woodside, June 1997)
Sources held in the Stamford Estate Office
C144, 1966 The Post Office, Dunham Town - Proposed WC

Country:  England

County:  Greater Manchester

District:  Trafford

Parish:  Dunham Massey

Grid Reference:   SJ740878

Map Reference:  [EPSG:27700] 374065, 387892

Period:  1880 - 1900, 1800 - 1900


[ADS] Depositor Id: 50897*0
[ADS] Associated Id: HBSMR Id: MNA116209
[ADS] Import RCN: NTSMR-MNA116209

People Involved: 
[Publisher] National Trust