Copyright: National Trust

National Trust



Hay barn, Low Yewdale, Coniston

Description:  The central section of this complex was intended to be an open side hay barn, built in the late 19th century (but before the painting of T H Mole 1814-1886). By this date the byre and stable had apparently been built onto the east side, despite it early 20th century appearance. Booth the painting and the 1914 OS map show a rectangular building, it is possible that there was originally a covered feeding area of this side, later rebuilt into the present accommodation. The outshot on the west side is probably slightly earlier than this, it included a cartshed and granary.
WALLS - Quarried stone in mortar some flatways quoins, squarer on the eastern outshot.
ROOF - Scientific king-post and strut trusses over the main section, half king-post roof over the eastern outshot. All sawn timbers, torched, sandstone ridge.
DETAILS - Doors and windows are all 20th century. The granary has a door in from the barn, plus a trap door into the cartshed. It is plastered internally but there are no signs of any bins. It is suspected that the entrance arrangement of the shippen was changed so it would be converted from a stable into a byre. The stalls in both sections are of softwood, not closely inspected (Higgins, M, 01/06/1986).

Country:  England

Grid Reference:   SD311991

Map Reference:  [EPSG:27700] 331175, 499140

Period:  1840 - 1900


[ADS] Depositor Id: 26061
[ADS] Associated Id: HBSMR Id: MNA118003
[ADS] Import RCN: NTSMR-MNA118003

People Involved: 
[Publisher] National Trust