Copyright: National Trust

National Trust



Hunting Stables Complex, Ascott

Description:  The stable complex used for the hunting horses. (The house was used by Leopold de Rothschild as a hunting box ). According to the 1879 O,S, 6" map the stables were much smaller than they are now. The enlargement to its present size taking place later, presumably when they became the stables for the Rothschild Staghounds, a private hunt started in 1850 and which came to an end at the 1914-18 war. The second edition O.S. 6" map revised in 1898 shows a very much enlarged hunting stable complex. The cricket pavilion, just to the east of the stables had also been built by this time. A kennels was also built for the staghounds about 500m. to the north-east (these are not owned by the National Trust). Up until 1985 these kennels were used by the Whaddon Chase Hunt after which time the Hunt was amalgamated with the Bicester Hunt and moved out.
The hunting stables with the attendant outbuildings are placed some 400m. north-east of the house, on the east side of the drive. Constructed originally by George Devey in the estate style, of brick, stucco and black timber, with square leaded lights in casement windows, the enlargement must have been by his successors as Devey died in 1886. The buildings surround a stone sett paved rectangular court yard with a fountain (150389) and a mounting block in the middle. The buildings include cottages as well as the stables and their ancillaries. The main entrance is in the south-west corner with a secondary entrance in the north-east corner. The complex is still used as a stable but on a very much reduced scale, the rest of the buildings are garaging and living accommodation.

Status: Listed Building
Grade: II

Status: Registered Park or Garden
Grade: II*

Country:  England

County:  Buckinghamshire

District:  Aylesbury Vale

Parish:  Wing

Grid Reference:   SP891229

Map Reference:  [EPSG:27700] 489180, 222990

Period/Subject:  1850 - 1900 - STABLE

[ADS] Depositor Id: 150391*0
[ADS] Associated Id: HBSMR Id: MNA129743
[ADS] Import RCN: NTSMR-MNA129743

People Involved: 
[Publisher] National Trust