Copyright: National Trust

National Trust



Assumed Roman Road (course unclear; may follow Ralph Allen Drive), Bath Skyline

Description:  The line of the possible road may lie closer to that of Blind Lane and Pope’s Walk leading up the spur which separates Widcombe from Lyncombe. It is only recorded here because of its presence on the RBM SMR – the reasons for its inclusion in the latter are unclear, the entry being particularly vague. Presumably the route was thought to be a likely one although whether it was believed to be the arterial route to Poole Harbour or a local route to the imperial villa at Combe Down is unclear, the two of course are not mutually exclusive.

Country:  England

District:  Bath & North East Somerset Unitary Authority

Parish:  Bath

Period/Subject:  43 - 409 - ROAD

[ADS] Depositor Id: 119131
[ADS] Associated Id: HBSMR Id: MNA160512
[ADS] Import RCN: NTSMR-MNA160512

People Involved: 
[Publisher] National Trust