Copyright: National Trust

National Trust



Cart shed & stable block, Mose House Farm

Description:  Cart shed of c.1840 with adjoining stable block of c.1870. The cart shed is gable ended, one storey with a slate roof and ridge, wall plate exposed to eaves, purlins exposed to narrow bargeboard at verge, no guttering. Struts from tie-beams taken to purlins. Madeley Wood brick. Flemish stretcher bond, E side open and supported by timber posts, originally sandstone. Segmental header over 12 light iron casement window.
The stables have a gabled roof, 1 1/2 storeys, a slate roof with a tiled ridge, partly corrugated iron, fasciaboard to eaves, purlins exposed to narrow bargeboard at verge, no guttering, although one Victorian rainwater head survives.. Collar truss: twisters to joists. Madeley Wood brick in Flemish stretcher bond over sandstone foundations with later concrete rendering. Walls rebuilt from 1st floor lavel in late 19th century, irregular bond, originally open to E and supported on sandstone posts.

Country:  England

County:  Shropshire

District:  Bridgnorth

Parish:  Quatt Malvern

Grid Reference:   SO755900

Map Reference:  [EPSG:27700] 375520, 290080

Period/Subject:  1870 - 1900 - CART SHED, 1840 - 1900 - STABLE

[ADS] Depositor Id: 50499*0
[ADS] Associated Id: HBSMR Id: MNA142175
[ADS] Import RCN: NTSMR-MNA142175

People Involved: 
[Publisher] National Trust