Copyright: National Trust

National Trust



Ex-Pigsty, Low Trewhitt Farm, Cragside

Description:  Though it is not marked on the 1926 map it is probable that this pigsty was built at the same time as the one adjacent to the former joiners shop. Building (35) being almost identical, this one is marked on the 1926 map and was probably built around the turn of the century.
Walls: The walls are snecked dressed stone blocks, the quoins are finished with pointed work.
Roof: Slate monopitched roof with stone coping
Photo 47 only.

Country:  England

Grid Reference:   NT999048

Map Reference:  [EPSG:27700] 399904, 604841

Period/Subject:  1900 - PIGSTY

[ADS] Depositor Id: 14362
[ADS] Associated Id: HBSMR Id: MNA125327
[ADS] Import RCN: NTSMR-MNA125327

People Involved: 
[Publisher] National Trust