Copyright: National Trust

National Trust



Cart shed (remains of), S of Smout House, Bransdale

Description:  Site visit 30/06/2000:
The remains of an c.E-W aligned barn, attached to the W side of a field wall (373), forming part of the former Loft House complex (see NTSMR 33643 for general entry). A pile of stone is all that remains of the building, on the edge of a pasture field. It is large, overgrown but no structural features are visible. The former E gable is represented by two butt joints in the adjacent wall (wall 373), 2.2m apart [1] [2].
The building is depicted on the OS 1912 25" map as a c.E-W aligned building, 10m by 4m, forming the S side of a small paddock or enclosure [3]. It is not shown on the OS 1857 6" map [4]. It is described in the 1910 valuation as a "Waggon shed" [5].

Country:  England

County:  North Yorkshire

District:  Ryedale

Parish:  Bransdale

Grid Reference:   SE626975

Map Reference:  [EPSG:27700] 462618, 497558

Period/Subject:  1857 - 1900 - CART SHED

[ADS] Depositor Id: 33655
[ADS] Associated Id: HBSMR Id: MNA145716
[ADS] Import RCN: NTSMR-MNA145716

People Involved: 
[Publisher] National Trust