Copyright: Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority

Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority



Stone Hall

Description:  Farmhouse, now house. Formerly dated 1695 on porch; altered. Random blue ragstone rubble, slobbered, with some sandstone dressings, graduated green slate roof. Modified L-plan formed by singledepth 2-unit main range with prominent storeyed porch, service wing to rear of 2nd unit. EXTERIOR: 2 storeys and attic, 1:1:2 windows, almost symmetrical, with a 3-storey gabled porch in the centre. The porch has a doorway with Tudor-arched lintel protected by a hoodmould (and C20th glazed door), a rectangular 16-pane fixed window at 1st floor filling the opening of a former 2-light mullioned window with double-chamfered reveal and a stone-slate hoodmould. Above this a small datestone panel, a 2-light double-chamfered mullioned window at attic level with small-paned glazing and a hoodmould, gable coping with kneelers, and a small 1-light window at 1st floor of the left side. Flanking the porch the main range has replacement sashed windows on each floor, with margin panes. On each floor immediately to the right of the porch are remains of 2-light mullioned windows and further to the right the ground floor has a 2-light mullioned window and the 1st floor has a chamfered 1-light window. Gable copings with kneelers, large gable chimneys, that to the left of one stage and that to the right 2 stages and on corbels, both with stone-slate bands and cylindrical shafts. Left (west) gable wall has painted render, and attic windows of 1 and 2 lights. Right-hand return has (inter alia) an added stone porch, attic windows flanking the chimney (now with plastic glazing), and the rear wing has a 2-light window at ground floor, a 1-light window above this and a corbelled chimney with cylindrical shaft. INTERIOR: former housepart (right) and parlour (left), now in one (the former partition removed), contain 4 chamfered lateral beams; housepart has muntin-and-plank rear partition wall, a very large rectangular stone fireplace with corbelled lintel, and a built-in cupboard to the right of this; former kitchen to rear of housepart; closed-string splat-baluster staircase; upper-cruck roof trusses to both ranges (3 in main range, 2 in rear wing), all with sharply elbowed blades. (C20th staircase inserted in upper floors of rear wing.). (1)

Country:  England

County:  Cumbria

District:  South Lakeland

Parish:  Sedbergh

Grid Reference:   SD671927

Map Reference:  [EPSG:27700] 367178, 492786

Period:  1695 - 0, LATE C17, UNKNOWN



[ADS] Depositor Id: MYD35651
[ADS] Associated Id: Listed Building 162-1/18/440
[ADS] Import RCN: YDNPA13-MYD35651

People Involved: 
[Publisher] Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority

Bibliographic References: 

  • Department for Culture Media and Sport (1999) 54th List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest