Copyright: DoENI Environment and Heritage Service

DoENI Environment and Heritage Service




Description:  On a rise, which overlooks good views to the N. and NW and NE. The ground slopes downwards to the N. and NE. Harris (1744), 85, says that the castle here (said to have been built in 1647) "is utterly destroyed" but Knox (1875), 354-5 states that "the earth ramparts ... were levelled ... in 1847, the stones of the old castle were used in forming the foundation of Scarva Church ... The tower of the church is in the exact positoin of the old castle, and the graveyard occupies the site of the ramparts". St. Matthew's Church was completed in 1850. Nothing remains of this site, which has been built over. St. Matthew's Parish Church and graveyard occupy the area of this site.

Country:  Northern Ireland

District:  BANBRIDGE

Townland:  SCARVA

Period/Subject:  C17TH - FORTIFICATION

[ADS] Depositor Id: DOW033:047
[ADS] Import RCN: NISMR-DOW033:047

People Involved: 
[Publisher] DoENI Environment and Heritage Service