Copyright: Manx National Heritage

Manx National Heritage

Manx Cross 0035.00


Peel Castle Cross Slab

Description:  This slab was recovered from the west wall of the north transept of St German's Cathedral. At 1.15m in length it is far larger than any of the other inscribed stones found at this site. One face bears a carefully cut cross in outline with long upper and lower limbs. The upper arm is unusual as the head of the cross has been left open, and the lines terminate in circles. Four more circles are placed in the spaces between the arms of the cross. Current location: Manx Museum, Douglas, Onchan, Garff, Isle of Man. (238055, 476000)

Country:  Isle of Man

County:  Glenfaba

Parish:  German

Named Location:  St Patricks Isle

Grid Reference:   SC242845

Map Reference:  [EPSG:27700] 224210, 484530


[ADS] Depositor Id: Manx Cross 0035.00
[ADS] Import RCN: MANX15-0035.00

People Involved: 
[Publisher] Manx National Heritage