Copyright: Manx National Heritage

Manx National Heritage



Cashtal Lajer; Cronkould

Description:  Ringfort. This impressive oval earthwork survives to a maximum height of 4.6m. The bank, which averages 7m in width, has a diameter ranging from 31 to 35m. There is an entrance on the north-east side. Apart from the enclosure being built up on the north-west side to create a more-or-less level interior, there is no sign of any internal features.

The site has been compared to the circular structure at the Braaid, and stands at a roughly similar altitude, but here the likeness ends as there is no sign of any stone in the bank at Cashtal Lajer.

Country:  Isle of Man

County:  Michael

Parish:  Ballaugh

Named Location:  Cronkould Farm

Grid Reference:   SC358931

Map Reference:  [EPSG:27700] 235850, 493100

Period/Subject:  IRON AGE - RINGFORT

[ADS] Depositor Id: 0439.00
[ADS] Import RCN: MANX15-0439.00

People Involved: 
[Publisher] Manx National Heritage