Copyright: Greater London Archaeology Advisory Service, Historic England

Greater London Archaeology Advisory Service, Historic England



Royal London Hospital [The Front Green], Whitechapel Road, Tower Hamlets, London, E1: Archaeological Watching Brief

Description:  An archaeological watching brief by Museum of London Archaeology Service between 28th June - 1st July 2004 at the The Royal London Hospital, Whitechapel Road. The watching brief monitored the excavation of two trial pits and three boreholes for non-archaeological purposes. Post-medieval deposits, ashy fill deposits were recorded below the cellars of former terrace houses facing Whitechapel Road. Extensive fill deposits may indicate quarrying, which took place after a successful petition to flatten the Mount fort by the hospital authorities at the end of the 18th century. There is no trace of a former burial ground on the site prior to that date and no disturbed graves or disarticulated human bone was recovered. A rise in the ground level to a metre above that of the surrounding Whitechapel and New Roads indicates a topographic replacement of the Mount as an elevated feature and the same rise is reflected along the 19th century Mount Terrace. No significant archaeological deposits were observed. *The natural terrace gravel was observed at between 8.4m OD and 8.7m OD and the truncated brickearth at between 8.7m OD and 9m OD*

Year Start:  2004

Year End:  2004

Country:  England




Named Location:  The Front Green

Grid Reference:   TQ347816

Map Reference:  [EPSG:27700] 534758, 181616

Intervention Type:  INTERVENTION

[ADS] Depositor Id: ELO6036
[ADS] Import RCN: GLHER1511-ELO6036

People Involved: 
[Publisher] Greater London Archaeology Advisory Service, Historic England
[Creator] Museum of London Archaeology Service