Copyright: Warwickshire Sites and Monuments Record

Warwickshire Sites and Monuments Record



Excavation of Roman Settlement 300m N of Crewe Farm

Description:  Evidence for a Roman settlement was found during an archaeological excavation. The remains of an enclosure, a large building and a road were uncovered. The settlement was located 800m north east of Glasshouse Wood.

{1} Excavation in 1971 in advance of the Kenilworth bypass a revealed rectilinear enclosure, probably 1.25 ha. Evidence of two palisade trenches indicated at least two phases of occupation. This was borne out by the discovery of the post holes of a substantial rectangular timber building which produced many sherds of Romano British pottery. This had replaced an earlier circular structure which had been deliberately dismantled. The later structure was also dismantled and the site was traversed by cart tracks which had been packed with gravel which sealed Roman pottery. This may indicate the presence of a third building which was not located. Occupation would seem to date from the 2nd to 4th century.

{2} Grey wares form the majority of the pottery. Black burnished ware, Mancetter white wares and three Oxfordshire colour-coated sherds occurred. Samian ware formed 0.76% of the total. Seven Nene Valley sherds and one amphora sherd were found. The site appears to have been occupied from the late 1st century to the middle of the 4th century.

{3} Plan.

Country:  England

County:  Warwickshire

District:  Warwick

Parish:  Kenilworth

Grid Reference:   SP314723

Map Reference:  [EPSG:27700] 431400, 272300

Period:  ROMAN


[ADS] Depositor Id: WA1887
[ADS] Associated Id: Sites & Monuments Record 1887
[ADS] Import RCN: WARWSMR-1887

People Involved: 
[Publisher] Warwickshire Sites and Monuments Record

Bibliographic References: 

  • {1} WJF, 1971: WMA 14 14
  • {2}
  • {3} : Plan of Romano-British Enclosure, Crewe Lane, Stoneleigh