File,FieldName,Description T5 Volume 2.shp,PROJECT,The code assigned to the Project. This may be the invoice code but the primary purpose is to link multiple archaeological sites together for a single post-excavation project T5 Volume 2.shp,SITECODE,An identifier for each site that is usually assigned by an organisation external to the archaeological contractor T5 Volume 2.shp,CONTEXT_ID,The context number assigned to the polygon: this will be an intervention number for excavated segments and a feature number for unexcavated T5 Volume 2.shp,STATUS,The indicator that polygon has been excavated or unexacated or unexamined (Context_ID = 0) T5 Volume 2.shp,VENTIONGIS,Combination GIS key value of site code and context number to provide a unique key when working with overlapping context number ranges T5 Volume 2.shp,FEATUREGIS,Combination GIS key value of site code and feature number to provide a unique key when working with overlapping context number ranges T5 Volume 2.shp,FEATURE,The feature Context number to which an intervention belongs T5 Volume 2.shp,DEPTH,Depth to which the intervention was excavated in metres T5 Volume 2.shp,AREA,Area of the polygon in metres squared T5 Volume 2.shp,INTERPRETN,The interpretative keyword summarising the nature of the context excavated T5 Volume 2.shp,ARCHTYPE,The archaeological class to which the context number applies. T5 Volume 2.shp,STAGE,An optional entry to permit staged management of an excavation Sections.shp,SECTION_ID,The section number assigned to the section. This field is erratically populated Sections.shp,SiteCode,The site code assigned to the site on which the section was drawn. This field is erratically populated Modern.shp,LAYER,The name of the layer on which the polyline was digitised in AutoCAD. This value gives the type of detailed object that was surveyed Hachures.shp,LAYER1,The name of the layer on which the polyline was digitised in AutoCAD. This value gives the type of detailed object that was surveyed Features.shp,UID,The system unique identifier for the polygon defining the feature Features.shp,Project,The code assigned to the Project. This may be the invoice code but the primary purpose is to link multiple archaeological sites together for a single post-excavation project Features.shp,SiteCode,An identifier for each site that is usually assigned by an organisation external to the archaeological contractor Features.shp,Feature,The context number assigned to the archaeological feature Features.shp,Area,The area of all excavated and unexcavated portions of the archaeological feature Features.shp,FeatureGIS,Combination GIS key value of site code and feature number to provide a unique key when working with overlapping context number ranges Features.shp,Interpretn,The interpretative keyword summarising the nature of the context excavated Features.shp,ArchType,The archaeological class to which the context number applies. Features.shp,NoOfIntven,The number of interventions excavated through the feature Features.shp,MaxDepth,The maximum known depth of the archaeological feature in metres Features.shp,MinDepth,The minimum known depth of the archaeological feature in metres Features.shp,MeanDepth,The mean depth of the archaeological feature measured across all interventions through the feature in metres Features.shp,Landscape,The archaeological phase in which the feature was constructed Features.shp,LandNo,The number value indicating the phase described in words in Landscape Features.shp,MonumentID,Field is not used : value therefore is -1 Features.shp,Monument,Where used this field stores categorisation data used to organise the data where it references figures in the monograph Features.shp,MStartDate,Where used this field stores caption data when used to refer to figures in the monograph Features.shp,MEndDate,Field is not used : value therefore is a zero-length string Extrapolated.shp,LAYER,The name of the AutoCAD layer on which the extrapolated polylines were drafted Entities.shp,UID,System number uniquely identifying the polygon defining the entity Entities.shp,PROJECT,The code assigned to the Project. This may be the invoice code but the primary purpose is to link multiple archaeological sites together for a single post-excavation project Entities.shp,ENTITYID,System number uniquely identifying the entity Entities.shp,ENTITY,The name of the entity Entities.shp,LANDSCAPE,The presumed phase in which the entity was constructed Entities.shp,LandNo,The number value indicating the phase described in words in Landscape Entities.shp,EENDDATE,The presumed phase in which the entity was destroyed Entities.shp,ELEVEL,Describes the type of entity Entities.shp,EFILTER,A user-definable filter category Entities.shp,ESTAGE,An indication of the stage of archaeological work in which the entity was defined Entities.shp,AREA,The area of all features (excavated and unexcavated making up the entity) DPs.shp,ID,A unique identifier for each record in the file DPs.shp,POINT_NO,The unique survey point number assigned to the point surveyed on site DPs.shp,XCOORD,The easting value (British National Grid) of the surveyed point DPs.shp,YCOORD,The northing value (British National Grid) of the surveyed point DPs.shp,ZCOORD,The height in metres above Ordnance Datum of the point DPs.shp,LAYER,The survey code identifying the class of survey point. DP stands for Drawing point DPs.shp,THEVALUE,The drawing point number assigned to each survey point with a code of DP. There was some duplication of numbers between TEC05 and other sites DPs.shp,DATE_,The date of final processing (only available for WPR98 data) DPs.shp,SITECODE,"The site code for which the point was surveyed. Since GAI99 continued directly on from WPR98, GAI99 values are referred to using the WPR98 code" DPs.shp,FILESOURCE,Path to source of the data record allfinds.shp,UID,Unique identifier for the GIS multi-point record allfinds.shp,Project,The code assigned to the Project. This may be the invoice code but the primary purpose is to link multiple archaeological sites together for a single post-excavation project allfinds.shp,Location,Indicates whether the coordinates given are extrapolated randomly from the intervention containing the deposit or precisely surveyed allfinds.shp,ObjectID,Unique Identifier for each record in tblObjectdates. This value matches the value in field SourceRecID in table FindsSummaries allfinds.shp,ObjectNo,An optionally assigned number that can be allocated to objects either to locate or identify the location where found or to enhance retrieval from storage facilities allfinds.shp,SiteCode,An identifier for each site that is usually assigned by an organisation external to the archaeological contractor allfinds.shp,VentionGIS,Combination GIS key value of site code and context number to provide a unique key when working with overlapping context number ranges. Indicates the intervention in which the objects were found allfinds.shp,FeatureGIS,Combination GIS key value of site code and context number to provide a unique key when working with overlapping context number ranges. Indicates the feature in which the contexts were found allfinds.shp,Interpretn,The interpretative keyword applied to the Feature summarising the nature of the context excavated allfinds.shp,SGNumber,The stratigraphic group number assigned to the deposit containing the objects allfinds.shp,Deposit,The context number assigned to the deposit containing the objects allfinds.shp,DType,The interpretative keyword applied to the Feature summarising the nature of the context excavated allfinds.shp,Formation,A code indicating the archaeologist's assessment of the deposit formation process that created the deposit allfinds.shp,Intervent,The intervention within which the deposit containing the objects was excavated allfinds.shp,Material,The material from which the objects are fabricated allfinds.shp,FabricType,The description of the pottery fabric allfinds.shp,FullObject,Full object description including date and material as well as the object keyword allfinds.shp,Object,The primary identification of the object allfinds.shp,ObjSub,An optional subsiduary identification of the object = ObjectSubGroup allfinds.shp,ObjType,A second approach to the classification of an object. For pottery this would be ware and for animal bone this would be species allfinds.shp,ObjSubType,An optional subsiduary second approach classification of the objects = TypeSubType. For pottery this is the specialist's fabric code and for coins the value represents the location of the mint allfinds.shp,Specialism,The finds specialism which identified the object allfinds.shp,Condition,Controlled term list for describing the abrasion if applicable to an object allfinds.shp,Complete,A description of the completeness of an object = Completeness allfinds.shp,AB_Species,Species identifications of animal bone allfinds.shp,W_Species,Species identification of wooden objects allfinds.shp,FlintClass,The object classification applied to the worked flint objects allfinds.shp,Mat_Date,Combination of material and typedate allfinds.shp,Flint_Date,The typological date ascribed to worked flint objects allfinds.shp,Pot_Date,The typological data ascribed to pottery objects allfinds.shp,ObjCount,The number of object fragments at the time the object record was created allfinds.shp,Weight,The weight of the object in grammes. An aggregate of all the objects described in this record. The value 1 may be used for some finds categories which are not typically weighed allfinds.shp,TypeDate,The typological date of the objects were objects can be dated by typological classification allfinds.shp,Landscape,The phasing ascribed to the feature within which the deposit containing the objects was excavated allfinds.shp,LandNo,The number value indicating the phase described in words in Landscape allfinds.shp,FromLand,The phasing ascribed to the strtaigraphic group containing the deposit within which the objects were found allfinds.shp,IdentID,A term used by the system for determining which record provides the most recent identification of the object. The higher the numeric value the more recent the identification allfinds.shp,PotFabCode,"The specialist pottery fabric code. This field is only populated for specialism = Prehistoric, Romano-British or Medieval pottery" allsamples.shp,Project,The code assigned to the Project. This may be the invoice code but the primary purpose is to link multiple archaeological sites together for a single post-excavation project allsamples.shp,SiteCode,An identifier for each site that is usually assigned by an organisation external to the archaeological contractor allsamples.shp,VentionGIS,Combination GIS key value of site code and context number to provide a unique key when working with overlapping context number ranges. Indicates the intervention from which the sample was taken allsamples.shp,FeatureGIS,Combination GIS key value of site code and context number to provide a unique key when working with overlapping context number ranges. Indicates the feature from which the context was taken allsamples.shp,Interpretn,The interpretative keyword summarising the nature of the context excavated allsamples.shp,Intervent,The intervention within which the deposit containing the sample was excavated allsamples.shp,Deposit,The context number assigned to the deposit containing the samples allsamples.shp,DType,The interpretative keyword applied to the Feature summarising the nature of the context excavated allsamples.shp,Formation,A code indicating the archaeologist's assessment of the deposit formation process that created the deposit allsamples.shp,Location,Indicates whether the coordinates given are extrapolated randomly from the intervention containing the deposit or precisely surveyed allsamples.shp,ParentSamp,Unique number assigned to each sample within an event code. This will equal SampleNumber if not part of the series allsamples.shp,SampleNo,Unique number assigned to each sample within an event code allsamples.shp,SampleType,Controlled value field that describes the type of sample referred to by the record allsamples.shp,Purpose,Controlled value field that describes the purpose of the sample allsamples.shp,Process,The type of process applied to a sample. This typically is only recorded in the database for samples processed by internal environmental departments. External specialists will provide a blanket statement of any processing they undertook allsamples.shp,Retention,Indicates if a sample was deliberately discarded allsamples.shp,Specialism,Controlled value field that describes the purpose of the sample as assessed or analysed allsamples.shp,Status,Term indicating the analytical stage to which a sample was atken within the available environmental specialisms allsamples.shp,Landscape,The phasing ascribed to the feature within which the deposit containing the objects was excavated allsamples.shp,LandNo,The number value indicating the phase described in words in Landscape allsamples.shp,FromLand,The latest phase ascribed to deposits within the feature from which the sample was taken allsamples.shp,VolFloated,The volume of material floated in litres. Decimal places are not normally required but occasionally used for very small quantities of material if existing data is to be believed allsamples.shp,WetSieved,The volume of material wet-seived in litres allsamples.shp,WtProcess,The weight of material processed in kilogrammes. Default value not set since this value appears to apply to a certain undetermined set of samples allsamples.shp,TotalVol,The total volume of material processed. The difference between this field and Weight processed is not understood by this non-environmenatlist allsamples.shp,FlotVol,The size of any flot measured in millilitres allsamples.shp,Potential,The statement of potential for each specialism as provided at the assessment stage of specialist analysis of samples. Interpretation of values should be made with reference to the specialist reports allsamples.shp,ProcResult,Records the decision as to whether a sample will be considered for inclusion in specialist-led assessment 1943Contours.shp,CONTOUR,The contour value in metres above Ordnance Datum 1943LevelsMetric.shp,Easting,The easting value (British National Grid) of the surveyed point 1943LevelsMetric.shp,Northing,The northing value (British National Grid) of the surveyed point 1943LevelsMetric.shp,Height,The height in metres above Ordnance Datum of the point T5_RESIDUALSNoSinks.shp,_ID_,A unique identifier for each record in the file T5_RESIDUALSNoSinks.shp,_FIELD1_,The easting value (British National Grid) of the calculated residual point T5_RESIDUALSNoSinks.shp,_FIELD2_,The northing value (British National Grid) of the surveyed point T5_RESIDUALSNoSinks.shp,_FIELD3_,The height in metres above Ordnance Datum of the point T5_RESIDUALSNoSinks.shp,_RESIDUALS,The difference as calculated by Golden Software's Surfer program between the modern surface of archaeology and the 1943 ground level Fig2_02Features.shp,LAYER,The layer in an AutoCAD drawing from which the shape was derived. This file orgintes from the actual AutoCAD drawing used to produce Monograph figure 2.2 Fig2_02Features.shp,LABEL,Label displayed in the Framework Freeviewer Fig2_21_HE1Banks.shp,LAYER,The layer in an AutoCAD drawing from which the shape was derived. Fig2_21_HE1Enclosure.shp,see Entities.shp definitions,This applies to all other shape files not individually listed here Fig2_21_HE1Sightlines.shp,LAYER,The layer in an AutoCAD drawing from which the shape was derived. This value in this case has no meaning Fig2_25_C3Cursus.shp,see Features.shp definitions,This applies to all other shape files not individually listed here Fig3_56_1979to1988Excavations.shp,LAYER,The layer in an AutoCAD drawing from which the shape was derived. This file orgintes from the actual AutoCAD drawing used to produce Monograph figure 3.56 Fig4_50_LIAERB_LandscapeZones,LABELS,Values to be displayed as labels based on the AutoCAD drawing used to produce Monograph figure 4.50 Fig4_50_LIAERB_LandscapeZones,CATEGORY,Legend categories based on the AutoCAD drawing used to produce Monograph figure 4.50