EVENT_NAME,EVENT_CODE,EVENT_TYPE,CONTRACTOR,DATE,GRID (NGR),PROJECT,COUNTY,DISTRICT,PARISH,SMR,SITE_TYPE,PERIOD:,METHOD:,PHASING:,ENVIRO:,FINDS:,GEOLOGY:,CONTEXT_NUM:,THREAT:,SAMPLE:,SUMMARY:,ARCHIVE:,ACC_NUM: Northumberland Bottom,ARC WNB 98,Part excavation,Museum of London Archaeology Service,21/7/1998-25/9/1998, 562950 171650,CTRL ,Kent,Gravesham,South Fleet,,"Funerary site, field system, enclosure, boundary ditch, occupation site ",EBA; MBA;LBA; MIA;LIA; LIA; RO; MD; PM,Mechanical removal of topsoil; record all features; hand excavation and recording of selected features,"A linear depressionrunning along the contour of the dry valley is interpreted as an erosion feature, perhaps a prehistoric track.The only dating evidence for this feature is a single sherd of Roman pottery in its fill. A late Neolithic-Early Bronze Age double inhumation was found. Evidence for late Bronze Age activity was a cremation burial in a pottery urn, found on the higher ground in the vicinity of the former Northumberland Bottom army camp. Another (undated) cremation was found to the south of the late Bronze Age cremation. Other (undated) features that might have been associated with funerary activity in the area were a circular hearth or fire-pit and a pit. However, these features might relate to the medieval enclosures located nearby. Iron ages ditches were recorded as were late Iron age/early Roman enclosure and ovens. Two human inhumations were located in the south-east corner of the enclosure. Roads were associated with the enclosure system. Later Roman activity was recorded as was some medieval and later activity. ","Bulk soil samples; animal bone, including complete Iron Age horse skeleton","Prehistoric, Roman and medieval pottery; iron objects",Chalk overlain locally by drift deposits of sandy silts and gravels; subsoil; topsoil,1332,Development; CTRL,,"Early Bronze Age double inhumation with Beaker vessels; Middle/Late Bronze Age ditch; Middle/Late Iron Age ditches, pits, kiln; Late Iron Age/early Roman ditches, pits, kilns, tracks, human burials, horse burial; medieval timber structures, ditches, limited post-medieval activity and a number of undated features. ",Museum of London Archaeology Service; temporary,None ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,