EVENT_NAME,EVENT_CODE,EVENT_TYPE,CONTRACTOR,DATE,GRID (NGR),PROJECT,COUNTY,DISTRICT,PARISH,SMR,SITE_TYPE,PERIOD:,METHOD:,PHASING:,ENVIRO:,FINDS:,GEOLOGY:,CONTEXT_NUM:,THREAT:,SAMPLE:,SUMMARY:,ARCHIVE:,ACC_NUM: SE of Tolgate,ARC TGS 97,Evaluation,Museum of London Archaeology Service,1/5/97-14/5/97,564750 170700,CTRL ,Kent,Gravesham,Cobham,,Occupation site,LIA; RO,Mechanical removal of top soil; hand excavation and recording of archaeological features,Late Iron Age and Roman,2 samples from cut features contained few environmental remains,"1 Lower Palaeolithic flint pointed biface, occ. struck flint, occ. burnt flint, v. occ. Late Iron Age-Romano-British pottery",Upper Chalk. Some evidence of Thanet Beds and Blackheath Beds.,28,CTRL,1.6,"The site lies approximately 4km to the south of Gravesend in Kent, to the south of the A2 and to the east of the A227. The evaluation covered an area of 8 hectares over three fields, on a shallow north-facing slope. The two northern fields were pasture, and the southern field was under arable crop. A recent geophysical survey identified the western pasture area of the site as having high magnetic susceptibility readings. A Lower Palaeolithic pointed biface (handaxe) was found incorporated within a later deposit of material; the object had been moved from the site of original deposition by later soil processes. A large pit, 6 metres across, was dated from finds of pottery and burnt and struck flint to the Late Iron Age/Romano-British period. A linear feature containing charcoal and struck flint was also recorded. No other archaeological deposits or cut features were encountered. ",URL Archive Aylesford,none ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,