"tmpEvent","EVENT_NAME","EVENT_CODE","EVENT_TYPE","CONTRACTOR","DATE","GRID (NGR)","PROJECT","COUNTY","DISTRICT","PARISH","SMR","SITE_TYPE","PERIOD:","METHOD:","PHASING:","ENVIRO:","FINDS:","GEOLOGY:","CONTEXT_NUM:","THREAT:","SAMPLE:","SUMMARY:","ARCHIVE:","ACC_NUM:","PxProjectNo" "This event codes spans multiple post-excavation projects. Therefore the filed PXProject should be left as Null","Package 330/350","ARC 330 98","Watching brief","Museum of London Archaeology Service","18/11/98-05/12/99",,,"Kent",,,,,,,,,,,,"Development: CTRL",,,"With MoLAS temporarily",, ,"330 Zone 6 WB (Cuxton)","ARC 330 98E","WB","Museum of London Archaeological Service",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,"CTRL 350 Watching Brief","ARC 350 50+000-51+000 98","Watching Brief","OAU","1998-9","TQ 6350 7350",,"KENT","ROCHESTER UPON MEDWAY","Cuxton;Rochester (NPA)",,"NONE","NONE","All groundworks in areas with potential to contain archaeological remains were monitored by an archaeologist, in accordance with the WSI. Works included the removal of topsoil, subsoil, made ground and superficial geological deposits such as alluvium and colluvium. The translocation of ancient woodland soil was also monitored. When appropriate, a watching brief was maintained on demolition and site clearance works. Stripping of topsoils was largely carried out with machines fitted with toothguards due to agricultural soil protection requirements. ","NONE","None","None","The geology comprises chalk overlain by deep alluvial clay deposits in the River Valley.",3.00,"Channel Tunnel rail link construction and associated working area will result in extensive ground disturbance",1.00,"No significant archaeology has been discovered to date within this area.","OAU",,7 ,"Cuxton Anglo-Saxon Cemetery","ARC CXT 98","Excavation","Museum of London Archaeology Service","27/7/1998-25/9/1998","572000 167350","CTRL","Kent","Rochester upon Medway","Cuxton CP",,"Funerary site","PR; IA; RO; EM; MO","Mechanical removal of topsoil; recording all features; hand excavation of burials and other features","Late Bronze Age/Early Iron Age, Late Iron Age, Late Iron Age/Roman activity; early medieval activity -Anglo-Saxon burials (36 inhumations in ditched enclosures, 2 cremations) and some medieval, post-medieval activity.","Animal bone found in Iron Age pits","Prehistoric and Roman pottery; Anglo-Saxon burial goods, cremation vessels","Chalk; subsoil; topsoil",282.00,"Development; CTRL",,"Late Bronze Age/Early Iron Age, Late Iron Age, Late Iron Age/Roman activity; early medieval activity - in the form of a cemetery with Anglo-Saxon burials (36 inhumations in ditched enclosures, 2 cremations) and some medieval, post-medieval activity.","Museum of London Archaeology Service; temporary","None",7 ,"CTRL 1 Post-excavation","CTRL 1 PX","Post excavation",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,