EVENT_NAME,EVENT_CODE,EVENT_TYPE,CONTRACTOR,DATE,GRID (NGR),PROJECT,COUNTY,DISTRICT,PARISH,SMR,SITE_TYPE,PERIOD:,METHOD:,PHASING:,ENVIRO:,FINDS:,GEOLOGY:,CONTEXT_NUM:,THREAT:,SAMPLE:,SUMMARY:,ARCHIVE:,ACC_NUM: West of Sittingbourne road,ARC 61+900-62+000 99,Watching Brief,OAU,2/8/99-17/9/99,557840 157880,CTRL 420,KENT,MAIDSTONE,Detling,,,EMD,All groundwork was monitored. For areas of high potential machine stripping was directed by archaeologists.,,,"Few finds recovered, mostly pottery, animal bones and shells",Middle Chalk overlain by Gault Clay and clay-with-flints,24,Channel Tunnel rail link construction and associated working area will result in extensive ground disturbance,1,"an early medieval enclosure was identified during evaluation. Although designed for preservation in situ, some further work was carried out during the watching brief. Stripping exposed the remains of 2 ditch terminals probably an entrance, 1 posthole and 2 pits.",OAU,