EVENT_NAME,EVENT_CODE,EVENT_TYPE,CONTRACTOR,DATE,GRID (NGR),PROJECT,COUNTY,DISTRICT,PARISH,SMR,SITE_TYPE,PERIOD:,METHOD:,PHASING:,ENVIRO:,FINDS:,GEOLOGY:,CONTEXT_NUM:,THREAT:,SAMPLE:,SUMMARY:,ARCHIVE:,ACC_NUM: South of Snarkhurst Wood,ARC 420 66+300-67+100 99,Watching Brief,OAU,4/6/99-1/1/00,,CTRL 420,KENT,MAIDSTONE,Hollingbourne,,,IIA;UN,All groundwork was monitored. For areas of high potential machine stripping was directed by archaeologists.,,1 sample taken,"Medium size assemblage of pottery and a few other finds (bone, CBM, Fe, flint, burnt flint, fired clay, glass and stone)",Folkestone Sand Beds,33,Channel Tunnel rail link construction and associated working area will result in extensive ground disturbance,100,"Anumber of pits and ditches, some of the latter datable to the LIA. Also a sub-rectangular enclosure.",OAU,