"EVENT_NAME","EVENT_CODE","CONTEXT","MATERIAL","COUNT","WEIGHT","PERIOD","COMMENTS" "South of Snarkhurst","ARC 420 66+300-67+100 99","16","Pot","16","183","LIA - AD70","10 B9.1 furrowed jar sherds, 1 B9.3 sherd, 4 MLIA2 bead rims" "South Of Snarkhurst Wood","ARC 420 66+300-67+100 99","20","Pot","205","1971","LIA - 50","All from 1 B9.1 jar" "South Of Snarkhurst Wood","ARC 420 66+300-67+100 99","22","Pot","6","56","Early Roman","1 B6 storage jar sherd, 1 B2 jar, 3 R7 closed form sherds, 1 misc grey" "South Of Snarkhurst Wood","ARC 420 66+300-67+100 99","24","Pot","48","473","Early 2ndC","38 sherds B2 jars, 2 R16 jar sherds, R14 ev rim, 2 shewrds Cologne beaker" "South Of Snarkhurst Wood","ARC 420 66+300-67+100 99","26","Pot","37","272","c.AD40 - 70","29 sherds B9.1 inc. furrowed bead rim jar, 2 MLIA2 sherds, 4 B2.1 jar sherds" "South Of Snarkhurst Wood","ARC 420 66+300-67+100 99","28","Pot","21","681","LIA","20 sherds B9.1 jars" "South Of Snarkhurst Wood","ARC 420 66+300-67+100 99","1","Pot","3","48","Med + 19thC","2 Med sherds 1 19thC china" "South Of Snarkhurst Wood","ARC 420 66+300-67+100 99","9","Pot","3","17","LIA","Fabric B9.3" "South Of Snarkhurst Wood","ARC 420 66+300-67+100 99","10","Pot","79","338","LIA","All from B9.3 jar" "South Of Snarkhurst Wood","66+900","7","Pot","5","35","Post-med",""