"EVENT_NAME","EVENT_CODE","CONTEXT","CONTEXT_TYPE","PERIOD","WEIGHT","IDENTIFIABLE_FRAGMENTS","COLOUR","MINIMUM_NUMBER_OF_INDIVIDUALS" "","","Cremations in area of ring ditches","","","","","","" "TUTT HILL","ARC 430 83+800-84+900 99","115","Upper fill of pit 114","","","4-2 mm residue, no bone","","" "TUTT HILL","ARC 430 83+800-84+900 99","71","Primary fill of pit 70","","4 g","Skull vault, parietal","White","?1 adult male" "TUTT HILL","ARC 430 83+800-84+900 99","72","Upper fill of pit 70","LIA-early Roman",">1 g","Skull vault","White","" "TUTT HILL","ARC 430 83+800-84+900 99","45","Fill of pit 44","","505 g","Skull vault, femur, tibia and fibula shaft","White","?adult" "","","Cremation pits near gullies to the east of the ring ditches","","","","","","" "TUTT HILL","ARC 430 83+800-84+900 99","48","Primary fill of pit 46","LBA","3 g","Nothing identifiable","White","" "TUTT HILL","ARC 430 83+800-84+900 99","49","??primary fill of pit 46","MBA","","4-2 mm residue, no bone","",""