"EVENT_NAME","EVENT_CODE","EVENT_TYPE","CONTRACTOR","DATE","GRID (NGR)","PROJECT","COUNTY","DISTRICT","PARISH","SMR","SITE_TYPE","PERIOD:","METHOD:","PHASING:","ENVIRO:","FINDS:","GEOLOGY:","CONTEXT_NUM:","THREAT:","SAMPLE:","SUMMARY:","ARCHIVE:","ACC_NUM:","PxProjectNo" "BOWER ROAD","ARC 440 95","WB","OAU","1999-2000",,"CTRL 440","KE","ASHFORD","SMEETH",,,,"All groundwork was monitored. For areas of high potential machine stripping was directed by archaeologists.",,"no sample taken","none","heavy Gault clays and ragstone",2.00,"Channel Tunnel rail link construction and associated working area will result in extensive ground disturbance",0.00,"no significant archaeology discovered during further WB. See Bower Road SDI","OAU",,26 "Bower Road","ARC 440/99","WB","OAU","7/7/99-15/9/99","85951 18812","CTRL 440","KENT","ASHFORD","Smeeth",,"Settlement; cremation; ditches; pits","LIA; RO; MD","Roman building identified in haul road during watching brief. Extent of site defined by additional topsoil and subsoil stripping with 360 excavator under archaeological control. Features excavated by hand with shovel mattock and trowel.","No phasing completed as yet","Charred plant remains were well represented across the site. A total of 24 samples were processed by flotation.The range of species identified are appropriate for the Romano-British period. The result have the potential to provide economic information for the site as well as aid understanding of regional agricultural patterns. The presence of Roman mineralised remains is of regional as well as national interest.","A fairly wide range of artefacts were recovered in fair condition, spanning the period from the foundation of the site in the late Iron Age to the 3rd or 4rth century AD. The bulk of artefacts were pottery, mainly dated from 1st to 2nd century. The CBM is mainly composed of Roman tiles. The flint assemblage contained few tools. Roman glass fragments were vessel sherds, window fragment and beads. Iron finds were mostly nails and unidentified fragments. Copper alloy finds were only coins.","Site lies on Artherfield clay which to the north, is overlain by the Hythe Beds.This geological substrate is overlain by silty clay soils.",893.00,"Channel Tunnel Rail Link construction and associated working area will result in extensive ground disturbance.",55.00,"Between July and October 1999, Oxford archaeological Unit was commissionned by Union Railways (South) Limited to maintain a watching Brief along Project Area 440, near Ashford, Kent. This work, which was part of an extensive programme of archaeological investigation carried out in advance of construction of the Channel Tunnel Rail Link, revealed a site at bower Road with a continuous sequence of occupation spanning the Late Iron Age through to the Late 3rd or 4th century.","OAU",,26 "CTRL 1 Post-excavation","CTRL 1 PX","Post excavation",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,