"EVENT_CODE","SUB_GROUP","CONTEXTS","PERIOD","INTERPRETATION","COMMENTS","PART OF GROUP","PHASE","PX_Group","PX_Interpretation","PX_Comment","PX_MinDate","PX_MaxDate" "ARC 440 95",0,"All contexts unassigned to a sub-group",,"default sub-group for all unassigned contexts","default sub-group for all unassigned contexts in event ARC 440/99",0,0,0,"default sub-group for all unassigned contexts","Default sub-group for all unassigned contexts in event ARC 440/99",, "ARC 440/99",0,"All contexts unassigned to a sub-group",,"default sub-group for all unassigned contexts","default sub-group for all unassigned contexts in event ARC 440/99",0,0,0,"default sub-group for all unassigned contexts","Default sub-group for all unassigned contexts in event ARC 440/99",, "ARC 440/99",107,,,,,0,4,40003,"cremation","Circular cut for cremation vessel. Diameter c. 0.30m. Depth 0.20m. This cremation is formed by vessel 273, a large everted-rim jar in grog tempered ware, which contained the cremated bones and 2 small vessels, 105 and 106 (fragments of a pentice beaker and a complete but shattered carinated cup).",180,270 "ARC 440/99",123,,,,,0,3,40002,"pit","Sub-rectangular pit with a flat base and steep sides (almost verticals). Diameter 1.06m. Typical depth 0.78m. This pit contains 3 distinctive fills with high charcoal content, possibly resulting from backfill.",130,200 "ARC 440/99",147,,,,,0,3,40002,"pit","Square shape pit with a slightly concave base and steep sides. Width 0.78m. Depth 0.14m.",130,200 "ARC 440/99",163,,,,,0,3,40002,"pit","Circular pit with a concave base and moderate sides. Diameter 0.42m. Depth 0.12m.",130,200 "ARC 440/99",169,"368,486,274,321,379,355,116",,"boundary ditch","ditch group. Linear",0,3,40002,"boundary ditch","Linear ditch aligned ESE-WNW. Full extent in plan 96m. V-shape profile with concave bottom. Typical depth 0.32-0.54m. There is evidence for an earlier cut, 629, in one of the sections. Some pottery dated as late as 250 AD was found, suggesting that possibly part of this ditch stayed open locally, possibly re-used during the following phase (group 40003) or most likely was still visible as a slight hollow in the ground where later material got deposited.",130,200 "ARC 440/99",170,"495,249",,"boundary ditch","ditch group. Earlier cut of present day ditch.",0,6,40005,"boundary ditch","Linear ditch aligned NW-SE. Visible extent 114m. V-shaped profile.Typical depth 0.65m. This ditch represents the earlier cut of a modern boundary ditch. It is stratigraphically the latest feature on the site. It contained some medieval pottery so is likely to be of medieval or post-medieval date.",409,2000 "ARC 440/99",171,"333,461,308,351,398,428,347,507,465,509,323,529,135",,"boundary ditch","rectangular enclosure ditch.",0,4,40003,"boundary ditch","Rectangular enclosure ditch, of which only the southern half was exposed.The exposed part of the enclosed area is 100m long and 42m wide. The boundary ditch has a V-shaped profile, with a typical depth of 0.40 - 0.88m. Building 550 and ditch 181 are located at the eastern end of the enclosure. Ditches 181 and 171 are contemporary.",180,300 "ARC 440/99",172,"268,362,358,480,143,110,483",,"boundary ditch","ditch group. Linear.",0,3,40002,"boundary ditch","Linear ditch aligned WNW-ESE. It is visible for 121m and has a V-shaped profile with a flat bottom. Depth 0.22 - 0.42m. For 60m this ditch runs parallel to enclosure ditch 171 and at its west end diverges away from 171.12 sherds of late Roman pottery (240-400) have been found from the top of this ditch. It is likely that it was still visible as a slight hollow in the ground where later material got deposited (it has to be noted that the intervention where these sherds come from does not appear on any plan and is therefore of unknown location).",130,200 "ARC 440/99",173,"474,325,468",,"drainage ditch","ditch group",0,2,40001,"drainage ditch","Linear ditch aligned E-W. Visible extent 40m.V-shape profile with concave base. This ditch feeds into a probable sump, 382 and appears to be contemporary with ditch 183 (which may be the continuation of ditch 173).",43,130 "ARC 440/99",174,"375,582",,"boundary ditch","ditch group. Curvi-linear.",0,2,40001,"boundary ditch","Curvilinear ditch, aligned NE-SW. Visible extent 26m. Typical V-shape profile. Depth 0.30 - 0.40m. It is cut away to the south by building ditch 181. The dating evidence suggest a Late Iron Age or early Roman date; the alignement suggest this ditch belong rather to the Early Roman phase.",43,130 "ARC 440/99",175,"235,232,233",,"boundary ditch","ditch group. Curvi-linear.",0,3,40002,"ditch","Curvilinear ditch with a full surviving extent of 6m. V-shape profile with a flat bottom. Depth 0.06 - 0.12m. It is situated to the north of ditch 174 and building 550. It could be the remnant of a circular building.",130,200 "ARC 440/99",176,"491,346,716,700",,"drainage ditch","ditch group",0,1,40000,"drainage ditch","Linear ditch aligned NNE/SSW. Visible extent c.32m. V-shape profile with a flat bottom. Depth 0.12 - 0.62m. It curves to the west at its southern end and feeds into pond 253. It is cut by ditch sub-groups 169, 171 and 172.",-50,43 "ARC 440/99",177,"155,157",,"drainage ditch","ditch group",0,0,0,"drainage ditch","Small linear ditch segment aligned NW-SE. Full extent 1.40m. U-shape profile. Depth 0.08 - 0.32m. Unknown date and function.",, "ARC 440/99",178,"258,285,283,115",,"boundary ditch","ditch group. Linear",0,3,40002,"boundary ditch","Linear ditch aligned NNE/SSW. Visible extent 39m. V-shape profile. Depth 0.28-0.44m. It runs into ditch 172 at its southern end, suggesting that they are contemporary. It is cut by ditches 179 and 171. 10 sherds of late Roman pottery (240-300) have been found from the top of this ditch, probably deposited some time after the ditch has gone out of use. It is likely that it was still visible as a slight hollow in the ground where later material got deposited",130,200 "ARC 440/99",179,"128,261,278",,"boundary ditch","ditch group. Linear gully.",0,6,40005,"boundary ditch","Linear ditch aligned WNW-ESE. Visible extent 55m. V-shape profile with flat bottom. Depth 0.25m. Its eastern end is truncated by ditch 170. It appears to be one of the latest features on site as it clearly cuts ditch 171. Date uncertain, late Roman or post-Roman.",409,2000 "ARC 440/99",180,"370,291,131",,"boundary ditch","ditch group",0,3,40002,"boundary ditch","Linear ditch aligned WNW-ESE. Visible extent 27m. V-shape profile with flat bottom. Depth 0.56m. It is cut by ditch 171 and lies parallel with ditches 169 and 172, and is part of the same phase.",130,200 "ARC 440/99",181,"503,545,562,560,572,566,568,574,436,547",,"drainage ditch","ditch group.",0,4,40003,"drainage ditch","Rectangular ditch surrounding building 550. Encloses an area of c.21m x 10m. V-shaped profile with a flat bottom. Consistent depth of 0.40m. It is likely to be a drainage ditch to take rainwater from the roof of building into ditch 171. On the northern side of enclosure ditch 181, a localised deposit of ragstone (516) was laid in the top of the ditch, possibly indicating the location of a doorway into building 550. The ditch must have fallen out of use and been filled in during the life of the building as the upper fills are cut by a later row of postholes (184) on the south side of the building. One sherd of pottery from the fill underlaying 516 was dated to AD 240-400, giving a terminus ante quem of mid 3rd-century for the backfill of ditch 181.",180,260 "ARC 440/99",182,"551,505",,"boundary ditch","ditch group",0,4,40003,"drainage gully","Small linear ditch aligned NW-SE. Full extent 3.40m. U-shape profile. Depth 0.30m. It is located within building 550 and represents an internal drainage gully, feeding into enclosure ditch 171. It is situated near a possible entrance to the northern length of the building.",180,300 "ARC 440/99",183,"591,570",,"drainage ditch","ditch group",0,2,40001,"drainage ditch","Linear ditch aligned NNW-SSE. Full extent 18m. V-shape profile with a concave bottom. Depth 0.18m. It is possibly a continuation of ditch 173.",43,130 "ARC 440/99",184,"583,576,420,414,191",,"other","line of post holes",0,4,40003,"modification of building 550","Line of 5 postholes and 4 postholes offset from the alignment of 550, representing a late modification or repair to building 550. The line of 5 postholes to the south of the building is cut though the upper fill of ditch 181, showing that this feature had fallen out of use and been completely filled by the time of the modification/ repair. The diameter of the 5 postholes varies from 0.75m to 1.2m. Typical depth 0.30 - 0.45m. Probably associated with stone fill 516 and sub-group 187, which also post-date the filling of ditch 181. 4 further postholes within the area delimitated by 550 have also been included in this group as part of a probable phase of modification. Their sizes vary from 0.44 to 1.14m diameter and from 0.10 to 0.35m in depth. The dating evidence recovered from the postholes appear to be residual pottery therefore the attempt of dating this phase of modifications to the building is very tentative.",250,300 "ARC 440/99",185,"218,149,216",,"other","line of post holes",0,3,40002,"post hole (fenceline)","Line of 3 postholes lying parallel to ditch 169, near its terminus, forming a line 7m long. The diameter of the postholes varies from 0.40 to 0.75m. Depth 0.17 - 0.25m. Interpreted as a fenceline.",130,200 "ARC 440/99",186,"438,430,449",,"tree throw","irregular feature",0,0,0,"tree throw","Irregular feature located within ditch 181 and building 550. Dimensions 3.2m x 1.10m. Irregular profile. Depth 0.18 -0.24m. Possibly a ditch segment. The function of this feature is unclear, and no dating evidence was found. Unphased.",, "ARC 440/99",187,"433,399",,"beam slot","short linear feature",0,4,40003,"beam slot","Short linear feature. Full extent 2.5m. U-shape profile. Depth 0.10m. It is located between 2 postholes of sub-group 184, suggesting it is possibly a structural beam slot associated with alterations to building 550. Possibly associated with a doorway. A coin of late 4th century date was recovered from this feature.",250,400 "ARC 440/99",188,"153,226,224,222,220,212",,"other","line of postholes",0,3,40002,"post hole (fenceline)","Line of 6 postholes traced for 15m. The distance between postholes varies from 2.5m to 4.5m. Posthole 224 is slightly offset from the alignment. Interpreted as a fence line. The dating evidence points out to an earlier phase but the sherds are very small and abraded. The presence of two other post structures (185 and 686), located in the vicinity and attributed to phase 2 suggest this group is likely to belong to the same phase and the pottery found is residual.",130,200 "ARC 440/99",195,"140,893",,,,0,0,0,"linear feature","Irregular linear feature aligned NE-SW. Visible extent c.32m. Depth 0.45m. It may represent a ditch, but its irregular shape in plan would rather suggest a stream channel.",, "ARC 440/99",196,"710,721",,,,0,0,0,"ditch","Linear ditch aligned N-S. Visible extent 13m with a terminus at its northern end. V-shape profile. Maximum depth 0.30m. It is possibly associated with ditches 197 and 747, the three features forming two sides of a truncated enclosure. All are Undated. Unphased.",, "ARC 440/99",197,"723,752",,,,0,0,0,"ditch","Linear ditch aligned NW-SE. Full extent 2.5m, with a terminus at the east end. U-shape profile. Depth 0.10m. It is likely to be associated with ditches 747 and 196, the three features forming two sides of a truncated enclosure. All are undated. Unphased.",, "ARC 440/99",198,"737",,,,0,1,40000,"ditch","Linear ditch aligned NNE-SSW. Visible extent c.56.50m. V-shape profile. Depth varies between 0.24 and 0.40m. This ditch is composed of two visible segments, between them no continuation can be seen as it is obscured by colluvium 620 in the central area of the site. It runs parallel to ditch 176. The dating evidence from 198 pointed to the Early Roman period, however it consists of only 1 sherd (10g) and could be intrusive. Alignement and stratigraphic relationships place this ditch in the earlier phase of occupation of the site.",-50,43 "ARC 440/99",199,"887",,,,0,0,0,"ditch","Linear ditch aligned NE-SW. Visible extent 4.80m. U-shape profile. Depth 0.20m. It could be the continuation of sub-group 607. Undated. Unphased.",, "ARC 440/99",200,"698",,,,0,2,40001,"ditch","Linear ditch. Re-cut of ditch 176. Aligned NNE-SSW. Extent unknown. U-shape profile. Depth 0.50m. It is assumed to be a localised re-cut (it does not appear in the southern intervention through ditch 176). It is likely to be associated with ditch 201. This ditch was dated from its stratigraphic position (re-cut of 176 but cut by 742).",43,130 "ARC 440/99",201,"702",,,,0,2,40001,"ditch","Re-cut of ditch 202, aligned NE-SW. Visible extent 1.20m. U-shape profile. Depth 0.24m. It is possibly contemporary with Ditch 200. This ditch was dated from its stratigraphic position (re-cut of 202 but cut by 742).",43,130 "ARC 440/99",202,"704",,,,0,1,40000,"ditch","Ditch aligned NE-SW.Visible extent 1.20m. U-shape profile. Depth 0.24m. Re-cut by ditch 201. It is possibly contemporary with ditch 176. This ditch did not contain any dating evidence, however it is likely to be the same ditch as 176 so to belong to the same phase.",-50,43 "ARC 440/99",203,"265",,,,0,1,40000,"ditch","Linear ditch aligned WNW-ESE. Visible extent c.25m. U-shape profile. Depth 0.18m. This ditch did not contain any dating evidence but was obscured by colluvium to the west and on a parallel alignment to Late Iron Age ditches hence its attribution to this early phase.",-50,43 "ARC 440/99",204,"257",,,,0,1,40000,"ditch drainage","Small ditch segment extending 1m. Depth 0.16m. It is likely to be the same as ditch 206 and feeds into pond 253. The two features appear to be contemporary and to have filled up at the same time. This ditch did not contain any dating evidence, however its alignment and spatial position suggest it belongs to the earliest phase of occupation of the site.",-50,43 "ARC 440/99",206,,,,,0,1,40000,"ditch","Unexcavated linear ditch, aligned NW-SE. Visible extent c. 18m. It meets ditch 204 which then feds into pond 253. It is very likely to be the continuation of 204 but because the intersection between ditches 204, 205 and 206 was not investigated, it is impossible to ascertain. This ditch has been attributed however to the same late Iron Age phase.",-50,43 "ARC 440/99",207,"270",,,,0,0,0,"ditch","Linear ditch aligned NNE-SSW. Visible extent 21m. Depth 0.12m. There is no dating evidence but as ditch 207 is cut by ditch 172, it must be of earlier date. Unphased.",, "ARC 440/99",208,"315",,,,0,1,40000,"ditch drainage","Meandering linear ditch aligned NW-SE and running for 24m. Irregular in plan. Irregular V-shape profile. Depth 0.44m. It is contemporary with pond 253, into which it feeds. This ditch did not contain any dating evidence, however its alignment and spatial position suggest it belongs to the earliest phase of occupation of the site.",-50,43 "ARC 440/99",209,"478",,,,0,2,40001,"ditch","Linear ditch aligned E-W. Visible extent c.12m. The profile is unrecorded. Depth 0.10m. It lies parallel with ditch 173 and contains ceramic dating evidence from the same period. The two ditches are very likely to be contemporary.",43,130 "ARC 440/99",210,"456",,,,0,6,40006,"ditch boundary","Linear ditch aligned NE-SW with a visible extent of c.14m. No section is recorded.",, "ARC 440/99",229,,,,,0,5,40004,"pit","Circular pit with a flat base and moderate sides. Diameter 0.98m. Depth 0.22m. Contains only one fill.",270,400 "ARC 440/99",242,,,,,0,5,40004,"pit","Sub-circular pit with a concave base and steep sides. Diameter 1.6m. Depth 0.96m. This pit contained a large and distinctive assemblage of finds including a glass vessel fragment, a human jaw and quantities of animal bones, some partially articulated. This particularity suggests this pit may be linked to ritual activity.",370,400 "ARC 440/99",253,,,,,0,1,40000,"pond","Irregular, sub-circular pond. Dimensions 12x5.5m. Maximum depth of excavated area 0.45m. This feature is situated downslope in a natural run-off area and several ditches appear to be draining into it, indicating its function as a small pond. This pond is thought to be contemporary with 176, 204, 205, 206 and 208, although only one relationship (with 204) was investigated in the field. Its stratigraphic position (contemporary with 204 and overlaid by colluvium) suggests it belong to the earlier phase of occupation of the site.",-50,43 "ARC 440/99",266,,,,,0,0,0,"pit","Circular pit with a flat base and moderate sides. Diameter 0.90m. Depth 0.14m. This pit did not contain any dating evidence but is likely to be Roman or later as it cuts the colluvium. Unphased.",, "ARC 440/99",340,,,,,0,3,40002,"post hole","Circular posthole with a flat base and steep sides. Diameter 0.59m. Depth 0.26m. No evidence of post pipe or blocking material.",130,200 "ARC 440/99",372,,,,,0,3,40002,"waterhole","Cicular waterhole with a flat base, steep sided to the east and gradually sloping to the west. Diameter 3.80m. Maximum depth 1.1m. The final fill of this waterhole was a sub-circular deposit of ragstones, possibly representing a final episode of backfill. This feature appears to have been in use or open for a long duration as it contains pottery ranging from the late 1st century to the late 3rd century.",130,300 "ARC 440/99",382,,,,,0,2,40001,"pond","Irregular, ovoid feature. Visible extent 7x4.5m. Depth 0.75m. This feature represents a sump area associated with ditch 173.",43,130 "ARC 440/99",389,,,,,0,0,0,"tree throw","Sub-oval tree bowl with irregular base and sides. Dimensions 5.10x0.92m. Depth 0.92m. Unphased.",, "ARC 440/99",434,,,,,0,5,40004,"tree throw","Sub-cicular tree bole or animal burrow with irregular sides and base. Diameter c. 0.50m. Depth 0.40m. Truncates ditch 171 and contains late Roman dating evidence.",270,400 "ARC 440/99",550,"189,190,422,442,444,450,513,517,518,520,522,533,535,537,539,541,543,577,595",,"structural","post-built Roman building",0,4,40003,"structural","20-post rectangular building, surrounded by drainage ditch 181 and contemporary with enclosure 171. The overall dimensions of the building, measured to the inner edge of drainage ditch 181 are 21m x 10m. The diameter of the postholes varies between 0.38 and 1.4m (the majority are c. 1m in diameter). The depth of the postholes ranged from 0.42m to 0.56m. On the northern side of the building a localised deposit of ragstone (516) was laid in the top of ditch 181, possibly indicating the location of a doorway. The pottery evidence from the primary fills of some of the postholes suggests a construction date around AD200. There is evidence for later modification or repair to the building (see posthole alignment 184). Environmental samples, taken from ditches 171 and 181 in the immediate vicinity of the building, provided evidence of crop processing suggesting an agricultural function for building 550.",180,300 "ARC 440/99",554,,,,,0,4,40003,"pit","Rectangular pit with steep sides and flat base. Dimensions 2.5x2m. Depth 0.48m. Clay lined pit located along ditch 181 on the southern side of building 550. This feature provided similar dating that building 550 and ditch 181 and is most likely associated with them. The clay lining suggests it may have been destined to contain water, possibly collected from the roof of the building.",180,300 "ARC 440/99",600,,,,,0,0,0,"linear feature","Unexcavated linear feature, aligned approximately N-S. Visible extent c. 5m.",, "ARC 440/99",601,,,,,0,0,0,"linear feature","Unexcavated linear feature, aligned approximately NW-SE. Visible extent c. 16m.",, "ARC 440/99",602,,,,,0,0,0,"linear feature","Unexcavated linear feature, aligned approximately NW-SE. Visible extent c. 10m.",, "ARC 440/99",603,,,,,0,0,0,"linear feature","Unexcavated linear feature, aligned approximately NE-SW. Visible extent c. 6m. Relationships uncertain with ditch 172.",, "ARC 440/99",604,,,,,0,0,0,"linear feature","Unexcavated linear feature, aligned approximately NE-SW. Only a small segment (c. 1m) has been exposed in the south east corner of the site near the edge. Relationships uncertain with ditch 172.",, "ARC 440/99",605,,,,,0,0,0,"linear feature","Unexcavated linear feature, aligned WNW-ESE. Visible extent c. 25m. Parallel to ditch 172.",, "ARC 440/99",606,,,,,0,0,0,"linear feature","Unexcavated linear feature, aligned NE-SW. Visible extent c. 5m. Relationships uncertain with ditch 172.",, "ARC 440/99",607,,,,,0,0,0,"linear feature","Unexcavated linear feature, aligned NE-SW. Visible extent c. 14.20m. This is a possible continuation of 199 to the south and 609 to the north.",, "ARC 440/99",608,,,,,0,0,0,"linear feature","Unexcavated linear feature, aligned NE-SW. Visible extent c. 27.20m. Relationships uncertain with ditches 172 and 169.",, "ARC 440/99",609,,,,,0,0,0,"linear feature","Unexcavated linear feature, aligned NE-SW. Visible extent c. 12m. Possible continuation of 607.",, "ARC 440/99",610,,,,,0,0,0,"linear feature","Unexcavated linear feature, aligned E-W. Visible extent c. 2.6m. Short segment running between sub-groups 609 and 171. Relationships uncertain with these two features.",, "ARC 440/99",611,"690, 164",,,,0,3,40002,"building demolition","Linear stone structure aligned NW-SE running for c.14.5m in two distinct segments. U-shape profile. Depth 0.22m. This could be the remains of a structure contemporary with building 686. This structure did not contain any dating evidence but seems likely to be associated with building 686, so it was interpreted as part of the same phase.",130,200 "ARC 440/99",612,"151",,,,0,3,40002,"beam slot","Beam slot or small ditch aligned NNE-SSW. Full extent 4.80m. V-shape profile with flat bottom. Depth 0.14m. No obvious associated features.",130,200 "ARC 440/99",613,"392",,,,0,6,40006,"wall","Unmortared ragstone stone wall footing, aligned N-S. Full extent c.12m. The feature is contemporary with walls 614 and 615. These 3 walls are possibly the remains of a series of livestock pens. A small quantity of medieval pottery was found in layer 459, which pre-dates wall 615, so it is likely these walls are of medieval or post-medieval date.",1050,1799 "ARC 440/99",614,"394",,,,0,6,40006,"wall","Unmortared ragstone stone wall footing, aligned E-W. Full extent c.4.30m. It is contemporary with sub-groups 613 and 615. These 3 walls are possibly the remains of a series of livestock pens. A small quantity of medieval pottery was found in layer 459, which pre-dates wall 615, so it is likely these walls are of medieval or post-medieval date.",1050,1799 "ARC 440/99",615,"238, 393",,,,0,6,40006,"wall","Unmortared ragstone stone wall footing, aligned E-W. Full extent c.4.70m. Depth of construction cut 0.17m. The wall is contemporary with sub-groups 613 and 614. These 3 walls are possibly the remains of a series of livestock pens. A small quantity of medieval pottery was found in layer 459, which pre-dates wall 615, so it is likely these walls are of medieval or post-medieval date.",1050,1799 "ARC 440/99",616,"453, 454, 251",,,,0,6,40006,"wall","Slightly sinuous, unmortared ragstone wall footing, aligned E-W. Visible extent c.60m. It cuts layer 459 which contained medieval pottery. The wall is truncated by ditch 210.",1050,1799 "ARC 440/99",617,"748,749,750",,,,0,3,40002,"wall","Unmortared ragstone stone wall footing, aligned SW-NE. Visible extent c.4.5m. Only the lower course has survived. The wall lies parallel to ditch 730 and is probably contemporary with it. No dating evidence. This structure has been phased on the basis of its alignment with wall 730.",130,200 "ARC 440/99",620,"267, 281, 377, 440, 494",,,,0,2,40001,"colluvial layer","Colluvial deposit/layer identified across the site in various places. Depth comprised between 0.10 and 0.18m max. This colluvium probably is of Early Roman origin as it appears to seal late Iron Age features but is cut by Middle Roman Features, indicating a lapse of time in the occupation of the site.",, "ARC 440/99",629,,,,,0,3,40002,"ditch","Linear ditch aligned ESE-WNW. Visible extent in plan 16.50m. V-shape profile with a concave base. Typical depth 0.58m. This ditch has been re-cut at a later stage by 169. However this earlier ditch has not been observed the full length of 169 (only in one section).",130,200 "ARC 440/99",686,"661,659,666,668,670,672,674,676",,"structural","group of post holes forming alignments, possibly palisade?",0,3,40002,"structural","Group of 8 post holes in two parallel alignments, possibly representing the remnant of a fairly substantial building. The surviving extent of this posthole structure is 8.20 x 3m. Most postholes had visible postpipes and a diameter varying from 0.62m to 0.90m. The postholes' typical depth was 0.75m. It could be contemporary with linear feature 611, the remains of a possible ragstone wall.",130,200 "ARC 440/99",688,,,,,0,3,40002,"post hole","Probably circular posthole. This feature was found during machining with a tooth bucket therefore it was not hand dug and almost entirely truncated away by the machine. Diameter 0.4m after machining. This is possibly another posthole associated with building 686 or a surviving fragment of 730?",130,200 "ARC 440/99",727,,,,,0,5,40004,"pit","Rectangular pit with a flat base and steep sides. Dimensions 1.2x1m. Depth 0.35m. This is probably a late rubbish pit as it contains domestic debris and is cut through ditch 742.",270,350 "ARC 440/99",730,"718, 738, 688",,"wall","remains of a dry stone wall",0,3,40002,"wall","Remains of an unmortared ragstone wall footing on a SW-NE alignment.Visible for c.5m. 0.40m wide. Most of the foundations appear to have been robbed out and backfilled, leaving only occasional fragments of the bottom course. Perpendicular to 611, it is possibly associated with this one and building 686.",130,200 "ARC 440/99",731,,,,,0,4,40003,"pit","Elongated oval pit with slightly concave base and steep sides. Dimensions 1.70 x 0.55m. Depth 0.18m. This is a rather isolated pit with no obvious associated features in the surrounding area but situated within the enclosure 171.",180,300 "ARC 440/99",733,,,,,0,3,40002,"pit","Sub circular pit with a concave base and irregular sides. Diameter 0.60m. Depth 0.26m. Its stratigraphic position (parallel and close to ditch 742) and dating evidence suggests a Middle Roman date.",130,200 "ARC 440/99",742,"696,706,713,715,729,743",,"boundary ditch","ditch group. Probable late phase of boundary ditch",0,3,40002,"boundary ditch","Linear ditch aligned NW-SE. Visible extent c.30m. V-shape profile with concave bottom. Depth 0.10-0.32m. This ditch ends in a rounded terminus to the west. The ditch is on the same alignment as the 2nd century enclosure system.",130,200 "ARC 440/99",747,"745",,"boundary ditch","ditch group",0,0,0,"boundary ditch","Unexcavated linear ditch aligned NW-SE. Visible extent 8m. This ditch ends in a terminus to the north-west. It is possibly contemporary with ditch 197. Undated. Unphased.",, "ARC 440/99",754,,,,,0,0,0,"pit","Unexcavated sub circular pit with a flat base and steep sides. Dimensions 0.70 x 0.50m. This is an undated feature of unknown purpose, however as it cuts ditch 742, it is likely to be associated with the phase of building 550 and its associated enclosure or with the late Roman occupation.",200,400 "ARC 440/99",886,,,,,0,3,40002,"pit","Oval shaped pit with a slightly concave base, a NE side slightly undercut and a steep SE side with a pronounced step in the side of the pit. Dimensions 2 x 1.26m. Depth 0.53m. This pit was full of much burnt material and fired clay suggesting the debris from an oven or hearth dumped into it.",130,200