"EVENT_NAME","EVENT_CODE","TRENCH_URL","GROUP","SUB_GROUPS","PERIOD","INTERPRETATION","COMMENTS" "North of Westenhanger Castle","ARC WGC 98","n/a","1","8, 35","BA","Ditches","Two parallel linear ditches, aligned north-east to south-west. The extent of these ditches was not determined, and no finds have been recovered from these contexts, and it is difficult to tie these features down to a specific period. However, the cuts" "North of Westenhanger Castle","ARC WGC 98","n/a","2","15, 50, 53","BA","Soil Horizon","Soil horizon uncovered during the machine stripping of the area excavated. The extent of this deposit was not clear although it was uncovered exclusively in the south-eastern corner of the site. The flints recovered from this deposit have been dated " "North of Westenhanger Castle","ARC WGC 98","n/a","3","43, 44, 46, 47","IA","Structure 1","Curvilinear cuts are located in the south-eastern corner of the site, and appear to represent a round house. The gullies appear to be associated with several pits, post holes and stake holes, and it seems probable that these are structural" "North of Westenhanger Castle","ARC WGC 98","n/a","4","10, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 38, 39, 40, 41","IA","Post-Holes and Stakeholes","Associated with Structure 1" "North of Westenhanger Castle","ARC WGC 98","n/a","5","30, 31, 33, 36, 37, 42, 48","IA","Pits","Pits associated with structure 1. Varying in size, the pits are truncated by the cut of the boundary ditch of Group 6, appearing only in the base of this feature. Finds retrieval was low, and the function of these pits remains unclear." "North of Westenhanger Castle","ARC WGC 98","n/a","6","27, 29, 32, 59","MD","Ditches","These parallel ditches appear to mark the limits of an enclosure, and date to the early medieval phase of occupation. It is likely the cuts represent field boundaries, and the majority of the contemporary features are located within the enclosed area. " "North of Westenhanger Castle","ARC WGC 98","n/a","7","45, 52","MD","Boundary Ditches","Ditches delineating the southern boundary of the enclosure. " "North of Westenhanger Castle","ARC WGC 98","n/a","8","14, 20, 67","MD","Ditches","This group comprises three linear ditches aligned north-west to south-east and parallel to the larger boundary ditches of Group 3. Ceramics retrieved from two of the features date the cuts to c. AD 1050-1225 and c. AD 1075-1125, during the main phase of" "North of Westenhanger Castle","ARC WGC 98","n/a","9","17","MD","Ditch ","Forms part of the drove way" "North of Westenhanger Castle","ARC WGC 98","n/a","10","1, 2, 7, 9, 13, 57","MD","Postholes","Post-holes located within the enclosed area. All of these features were shallow and no evidence of post-packing was revealed in any of the cuts. These post-holes do not appear to form an obvious structure." "North of Westenhanger Castle","ARC WGC 98","n/a","11","21","MD","Pit ","Pit located within the enclosed area, and appears to have been used for the disposal of waste. Aligned north-west to south-east, excavation revealed a series of layers of dumped burnt clays and charcoal. The high density of plant/cereal remains found " "North of Westenhanger Castle","ARC WGC 98","n/a","12","54, 58","MD","Ditches","Linear gullies located in the south-western corner of the site. The function of these gullies is not clear, although both terminate next to two intercutting pits, which may serve an industrial or agricultural function. It has been postulated that cut" "North of Westenhanger Castle","ARC WGC 98","n/a","13","3, 6, 11, 19, 34, 55, 56","MD","Pits","This group comprises the amorphous pits located across the site. These are not of uniform shape or size, and despite excavation, the function of these cuts remains unclear there is certainly no evidence of domestic refuse" "North of Westenhanger Castle","ARC WGC 98","n/a","14","5, 13, 63, 64, 65, 66","PM","Ploughmarks","These ploughmarks are located in the northern half of the excavated area, and their full extent not clear. These features were excavated only at the point of intersection with earlier cuts. No finds were retrieved from these features." "North of Westenhanger Castle","ARC WGC 98","n/a","15","4, 16, 18, 49, 51, 62","PM","Field drians","The field drains within this cut all belong to the post medieval period, and were excavated only at the point of intersection with earlier features. " "North of Westenhanger Castle","ARC WGC 99","n/a","16","60, 61","PM","modern pits","These two pit cuts are located in the northern half of the site. The pits were not excavated, and were interpreted as modern on site." "North of Westenhanger Castle","ARC WSG99","102+400","17","501, 503, 512","BA","Tree throws","Tree throws" "North of Westenhanger Castle","ARC WSG99","102+400","18","524","BA","North-South Ditch","North-South Ditch" "North of Westenhanger Castle","ARC WSG99","102+400","19","167","BA","Earlier Prehistoric Pit","Earlier Prehistoric Pit" "North of Westenhanger Castle","ARC WSG99","102+400","20","214","IA","Structure 1","Structure 2" "North of Westenhanger Castle","ARC WSG99","102+400","21","450, 451, 522","IA","Rectilinear Enclosure","Rectilinear Enclosure" "North of Westenhanger Castle","ARC WSG99","102+400","22","421, 422, 17","IA","Droveway","Droveway" "North of Westenhanger Castle","ARC WSG99","102+400","23","538, 539, 540","IA","Northern return of Droveway","Northern return of Droveway" "North of Westenhanger Castle","ARC WSG99","102+400","24","423","IA","Possible Field Boundaries","Possible Field Boundaries" "North of Westenhanger Castle","ARC WSG99","102+400","25","507","IA","Iron Age Pit at east","Iron Age Pit at east" "North of Westenhanger Castle","ARC WSG99","102+400","26","541","MD","Structure 4","Structure 5" "North of Westenhanger Castle","ARC WSG99","102+400","27","425, 426, 554","MD","Structure 3","Structure 4" "North of Westenhanger Castle","ARC WSG99","102+400","28","444, 445, 530, 542","MD","Enclosure Ditch and Return; related features","Enclosure Ditch and Return; related features" "North of Westenhanger Castle","ARC WSG99","102+400","29","508, 510, 521, 529, 537","MD","Pits at north-west","Pits at north-west" "North of Westenhanger Castle","ARC WSG99","102+400","30","534, 535, 536","MD","Deposits overlying pits","Deposits overlying pits" "North of Westenhanger Castle","ARC WSG99","102+400","31","175, 428, 429, 438, 439, 447","MD","Ditches forming NW-SE boundary","Ditches forming NW-SE boundary" "North of Westenhanger Castle","ARC WSG99","102+400","32","424, 440","MD","Enclosure Ditch lying over boundary","Enclosure Ditch lying over boundary" "North of Westenhanger Castle","ARC WSG99","102+400","33","401, 409, 427, 446, 448, 518, 523, 544","MD","Ditches perpendicular & parallel to E of boundary","Ditches perpendicular & parallel to E of boundary" "North of Westenhanger Castle","ARC WSG99","102+400","34","443, 454","MD","Bifurcating Ditch to E of main group","Bifurcating Ditch to E of main group" "North of Westenhanger Castle","ARC WSG99","102+400","35","453, 455, 517, 519","MD","Late Medieval Ditch and Nearby Pit","Late Medieval Ditch and Nearby Pit" "North of Westenhanger Castle","ARC WSG99","102+400","36","527, 532, 533, 555","MD","Pit Group to East of boundary","Pit Group to East of boundary" "North of Westenhanger Castle","ARC WSG99","102+400","37","505","PM","North-South Ditch","North-South Ditch" "North of Westenhanger Castle","ARC WSG99","102+400","38","449, 452, 500, 502, 504, 506, 525, 526, 534, 536, 538","not determined","Undated Ditches","Undated Ditches" "North of Westenhanger Castle","ARC WSG99","102+400","39","556","pm","Colluvium in centre","Colluvium in centre" "North of Westenhanger Castle","ARC WSG99","102+400","40","528, 535","not determined","Modern Features","Modern Features"