"EVENT_NAME","EVENT_CODE","TRENCH_URL","PHASE","GROUPS","PERIOD","DESCRIPTION","COMMENTS" "North of Westenhanger Castle","ARC WGC 98","n/a","1","1, 2, 7, 18, 19","BA","Early Prehistoric","Few features can be placed in this phase. The ditches seen in excavation (group 1) extended for only a short distance and could not be seen during the watching brief, beyond the area of excavation. It is interesting to note that these ditches follow the" "North of Westenhanger Castle","ARC WGC 98","n/a","2","3, 4, 5, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25","IA","Iron Age","The possible early Iron Age phase is quite nebulous and relies solely on an assessment of a small group of sherds, which do not appear to come from an in-situ deposit. No structural features can be equated with this material and the sherds themselves are" "North of Westenhanger Castle","ARC WGC 98","n/a","3","6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 26, 28, 29, 30","MD","Early Medieval","Part of three buildings, associated pits and enclosures are concentrated in the north-western part of the landscape area. The eastern bounds of this settlement are unclear, although they have probably been removed by the medieval ditches in this area. N" "North of Westenhanger Castle","ARC WGC 98","n/a","4","7, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36","MD","Medieval","There are more features of this phase from the site, than for any other period represented. They cluster in the central part of the landscape and consist largely of ditches, many of which follow the same alignment and are clustered together. There is no" "North of Westenhanger Castle","ARC WGC 98","n/a","5","35","MD","Late Medieval","A third medieval phase can be identified, mainly on ceramic evidence. This, however, is negligible, in comparison with the earlier phases. It consists of a ditch and associated features in the north-eastern part of the landscape, around 100m to the east" "North of Westenhanger Castle","ARC WGC 98","n/a","6","14, 15, 16, 37, 39, 40","PM","Post Medieval","This period is represented by anumber of disparate features, including ditches, pits and animal burials, belong to the post-medieval period. Most of these are thought to be relatively modern and they generally lie in the eastern part of the landscape. " "","","","","","","","" "","","","","","","","" "","","","","","","","" "","","","","","","","" "","","","","","","","" "","","","","","","","" "","","","","","","","" "","","","","","","",""