Fabric code,Description,Date Range (AD),Period PR100,PR unident,450-1900,EM/MD/PM/MO EM1,EM Cant sandy,1050-1225,EM/MD EM2,EM shelly,1050-1225/ 50,EM/MD EM29,EM Fine sandy with flint and sparse shell,1125/ 50-1250,MD EM30,EM non-local coarse sand and shell-tempered,1050/ 75-1175/ 1200,EM/MD EM32,EM ?East Sussex flint and shell-tempered,1050/ 75-1225/ 50,EM/MD EM33,EM ?East Sussex shell and flint-tempered coarse sandy,1075-1250,MD EM41,EM non-local mod. quartz sand with shell and flint temper,1050-1175/ 1200,EM/MD EM45,EM non-local coarse sandy,1050/ 75-1175/ 1200,EM/MD EM100,EM unident,1050-1250,EM/MD EM.M5,Ashford Potter’s Corner-type shelly-sandy,1125/ 50-1225/ 50,MD M1,Tyler Hill ware,1225-1350,MD M37,?Medway chalk-tempered sandy,1225-1400,MD M40B,Ashford/ Wealden sandy,1200/ 25-1400,MD M40C,Ashford/ Wealden pasty with chalk,1250-1450,MD M100,Med. Unident.,1200-1400,MD LM1,LM Tyler Hill,1375-1525,MD LM2,LM fine earthenware,1475-1525/ 50,MD LM32,Wealden orange-buff sandy,1475-1550,MD PM40B,Chinese porcelain ‘famille rose’,1725-1775/ 1800,PM/MO PM100,PM unident.,1550-1775,PM/MO LPM* ,‘Modern’ wares,1775/ 1800 – 1925,MO