"Description","Creation date","Supporting documentation file names (this should be enclosed separately and include any abbreviations, codes or notations used)","Software used","Software version" "Flint recording data","03/04/2012","X_A122_Flint_Metadata.ods","LibreOffice","Version:" "","","","","" "Sheet Description","Number of rows","Field name (Please start a new cell for each row)","Field description (inc. units of measurements, description of codes, etc. used within each field).","" "Full catalogue of flint analysis","10","Cat","Unique catalogue number","" "","","Phase","Site period phase","" "","","Sf/Sample","Unique small find or sample number","" "","","Fill","Unique number of feature fill","" "","","Cut","Unique number of feature cut","" "","","Feature type","Type of feature","" "","","Group","Group number of feature","" "","","Material","Artefact material","" "","","Cat Type","number code for catelogue type see supporting doument.","" "","","Category","Artefact category","" "","","Sub type","Sub category of artefact type","" "","","Length","length in mm","" "","","Width","Width in mm","" "","","Breadth","Breadth in mm","" "","","Ratio","Length / breadth","" "","","No","Number of pieces","" "","","Broken","Coded type of break see supporting document","" "","","Burnt","Evidence of burning","" "","","Retouch","Retouch present?","" "","","Weight","Weight in grammes","" "","","Date range","Date code","" "","","Notes","Free text notes","" "","","Illustration?","Is this for illustrating in report","" "","","Damage","Damage present? See codes in supporting document","" "","","Cortication","Cortication present? See codes in supposrting document","" "","","Hammer","Hammer mode - see supoorting document","" "","","Platform","Type of platform","" "","","Prep","Evidence of preparation","" "","","Terminal","Type of terminal","" "","","Cortex","Type of cortex","" "","","Colour","Colour of artefact",""