"Methodology Statement","Methodology bibliography" "The artefacts were catalogued according to OA South's standard system of broad artefact/debitage type (Allen et al 2013; Bradley 1999), general condition noted and dating was attempted where possible. The assemblage was catalogued directly onto an Open Office spreadsheet. During the assessment additional information on condition (rolled, abraded, fresh and degree of cortication), and state of the artefact (burnt, broken, or visibly utilised) was also recorded. Retouched pieces were classified according to standard morphological descriptions (e.g. Bamford 1985, 72-77; Healy 1988, 48-9; Bradley 1999). Technological attribute analysis was initially undertaken and included the recording of butt and termination type (Inizan et al. 1999), flake type (Harding 1990), hammer mode (Onhuma and Bergman 1982), and the presence of platform edge abrasion. Measurements and orientation of flint objects utilises the work of Saville (1980).","Allen, T, Barclay, A, Cromarty, A, M, Anderson-Whymark, H, Parker, A, Robinson, M, and Jones, G, Opening the wood, making the Land; The Archaeology of a Middle Thames Landscape, Mesolithic, Neolithic and Bronze Age, Vol 1, Oxford: Oxford Archaeological Unit. Thames Valley Landscapes Monograph 38" ,"Bamford, H., 1985 Briar Hill: excavation 1974-1978, Northampton: Northampton Development Corporation. Archaeological monograph 3" ,"Bradley, P, 1999 The worked flint. In A. Barclay and C. Halpin. Eds. Excavations at Barrow Hills, Radley, Oxfordshire, Oxford: Oxford Archaeological Unit. Thames Valley Landscapes Monograph 11: 211-227." ,"Harding, P, 1990 The worked flint, in The Stonehenge environs project, (ed J C Richards) London, English Heritage" ,"Healy, F, 1988 The Anglo-Saxon Cemetery at Spong Hil, North Elmham, Part VI: Occupation during the seventh to second Millennia BC, East Anglian Archaeological reports 38" ,"Inizan, M.-L, Reduron-Ballinger, M, Roche, H and Tixier, J, 1999 Technology and terminology of knapped stone, Cercle de Recherches et d'Etudes Pr?historiques, CNRS, Nanterre" ,"Onhuma, K and Bergman, C A, 1982 Experimental studies in the determination of flake mode, Bulletin of the Institute of Archaeology, London 19, 161-171" ,"Saville, A., 1980 On the measurement of struck flakes and flake tools, Lithics 1, 16-20" , "Post Depositional Damage ID","Post Depositional Damage Category" 1,"Fresh" 2,"Slight post depositional damage" 3,"Moderate post depositional damage" 4,"Heavy post depositional damage" 5,"Plough damaged" 6,"Rolled" 7,"Glossed" , "Cortication ID","Cortcation Category" 1,"No cortication" 2,"Light cortication" 3,"Moderate cortication" 4,"Heavy cortication" 5,"Very heavy cortication" 6,"Iron stained" , "Hammer Mode ID","Hammer Mode Category" "H","hard hammer bulb" "I","indeterminate hammer mode" "S","soft hammer bulb" , "Breakage ID","Breakage Category" "P","proximal (top bulbar) end remaining" "M","Middle segment remaining" "D","distal (bottom) end remaining" "L","left side remaining" "C","central portion remaining, no left or right margins (often will be C+D or C+P)" "R","right side remaining" "F","fragment" , "CATEGORY-ID","FLINT CATEGORY" 1,"Flake" 2,"Blade" 3,"Bladelet" 4,"Blade-like" 5,"Irregular waste" 6,"Chip" 7,"Micro burin" 8,"Burin spall" 9,"Rejuvenation flake core face/edge" 10,"Rejuvenation flake tablet" 11,"Rejuvenation flake other" 12,"Levallois flake" 13,"Janus flake (= thinning)" 14,"Thinning flake" 15,"Flake from ground implement" 16,"Core single platform blade core" 17,"Core opposed platform blade" 18,"Core other blade" 19,"Tested nodule/bashed lump" 20,"Core single platform flake" 21,"Core multiplatform flake" 22,"Core keeled non-discoidal flake" 23,"Core Levallois/ other discoidal flake " 24,"Core unclassifiable/fragmentary" 25,"Microlith" 26,"Petit tranchet arrowhead" 27,"Leaf arrowhead" 28,"Chisel arrowhead" 29,"Oblique arrowhead" 30,"Barbed and tanged arrowhead" 31,"Triangular arrowhead" 32,"Hollow-based arrowhead" 33,"Laurel leaf" 34,"Unfinished arrowhead/blank" 35,"Fragmentary/unclass/other arrowhead" 36,"End scraper" 37,"Side scraper" 38,"End and side scraper" 39,"Disc scraper" 40,"Thumbnail scraper" 41,"Scraper on a non-flake blank" 42,"Other scraper" 43,"Awl" 44,"Piercer" 45,"Spurred piece" 46,"Other borer" 47,"Serrated flake" 48,"Saw" 49,"Denticulate" 50,"Notch" 51,"Backed knife" 52,"Edge ground Knife" 53,"Discoidal knife" 54,"Scale flaked knife" 55,"Plano-convex knife" 56,"Other knife" 57,"Flake retouched" 58,"Single-piece sickle" 59,"Fabricator" 60,"Axe" 61,"Other heavy implement" 62,"Misc retouch" 63,"Other retouch" 64,"Burnt unworked" 65,"Hammerstone" 66,"Natural (thrown away)" 67,"Core on a flake" 68,"Gun flint" 69,"Axe sharpening flake" 70,"Sieved chips 10-4 mm" 71,"Sieved chips 4-2 mm" 72,"Sieved chips <1 mm" 73,"Bruised blade/flake" 74,"Burin" 75,"Blade crested" 76,"Blade retouched" 77,"End truncation straight" 78,"End truncation oblique" 79,"Lathe tool" 80,"Core bipolar anvil" 81,"Late Upper Palaeolithic point" 82,"Tool retouching flake"