Project Title:,Abberton to Wormingford Pipeline ,, Report Title:,"Abberton to Wormingford Pipeline Route, Colchester Borough: Archaeological Evaluation",, Author(s):,"Burrows, B. and Mann, P.",, Date of Report,2010,, Report ID:,2018,, Grid Square:,TL,, Easting:,97341 91931,, Northing:,18060 32938,, Site Name:,"Abberton to Wormingford Pipeline Route, Colchester Borough",, County:,Essex,, District:,,, Parish:,Layer-de-la-Haye CP - Mount Bures CP,, ,Type,Description,Period Subject:,Monument,Settlement,Prehistoric ,Monument,Ditches,Neolithic/Bronze Age ,Monument,Enclosures,Bronze Age ,Monument,Field system,Bronze Age ,Artefact,pot sherds,Early Neolithic ,Artefact,pot sherds,Mid to Late Bronze Age ,Artefact,pot sherds,Roman ,Artefact,pot sherds,Medieval ,Artefact,pot sherds,Post-medieval ,Artefact,Flint blades ,Mesolithic to early Neolithic