"FragmentID","EventCode","Context","Taxon","Element","Side","Zones","Description","Photo" 94,"ARC MSH 98","425","Dog","Mandible","L","3","L mandible from male skeleton, PM4 broken almost to the root, remaining tooth in occlusion polished, possibly from occlusal wear through continued use. Buccal side of the M2 shows a small pocket of alveolar resorbtion exposing the Mesial root of the molar, possibly a result of Periodontal disease.",1 95,"ARC MSH 98","425","Dog","Mandible","R","3","R Mandible from Male skeleton, PM4 Broken crown almost to the cemento-enamel junction, mirroring the PM4 on the L side, with evidence of continued use through polishing. Some apparent resorbtion of the alveolar bone on the buccal side of the PM4 is observable, partially exposing the roots. PM3 on the mesial part of the crown has broken, but is polished suggesting continual use after the trauma. On the buccal side of M2, there is a small pocket of alveolar re-sorbtion exposing the Mesial root of the molar, possibly a result of Periodontal disease.",1 150,"ARC MSH 98","342","Cattle","Phalanx (III)","R",,"R Third phalange, displays osteophytic growth on the margin of the proximal articulation.",1 178,"ARC MSH 98","503","Dog","Humerus","R","1","Pronounced articular facet, between the head and the proximal trochanter, could be enlarged ligament attachment.",0 244,"ARC MSH 98","401","Sheep/Goat","Mandible","R","3","M1 appears to be growing at a 45 degree angle causing crowding and irregular occlusion. The remainder of the mandible is missing so it is impossible to say whether this continued along the tooth row.",1 662,"ARC MSH 98","421","Large Mammal","Costal Cartilage",,,"3 fragments of cartilage which are misaligned, new bone growth occurs at the misaligned segments. Possible misaligned healed fractures",0 663,"ARC MSH 98","421","Large Mammal","Rib","L","7","The mid blade is separated from the proximal end of the rib. The area is expanded through deposits of new bone which appears to have been active at the time of death. Possible fracture of the rib, in the process of rejoining.",0 697,"ARC MSH 98","421","Equid","Skull","L",,"Rounded hole standing proud of the surface of the palatine bone, the hollow can be viewed further through the nasal apature, the rounded edges of the bone would suggest the bone had formed around an absess or cyst. The occlusal surface of the M1 tooth on both sides of the maxilla appear to have enlarged voids, it is possibly that this is due to un-even wear.",0 711,"ARC MSH 98","421","Equid","Vertebra- cervical","B",,"new bone growth extention on the ventral aspect of the caudal articulation of the C4 vertebral body.",1 712,"ARC MSH 98","421","Equid","Vertebra- cervical","B",,"New bone growth on the ventral aspect of the cranial articulation of the C5 vertebral body.",1 738,"ARC MSH 98","421","Equid","Vertebra- lumbar","B",,"fusion of the articular facets on the caudal 5th lumbar and the cranial facets of the 6th lumbar vertebra, slight osteophytic lipping on the left caudal facet of the 6th lumbar where articulates with the sacrum.",0 742,"ARC MSH 98","421","Equid","Rib",,,"Non union fracture mid blade of the rib. Bone growth appears active at time of death, in process of healing",1