"Context","Objectno","Material","Item","Describe","Date","Museum","Conserved" "0000",0.00,"STEATITE","SEAL","Profile: F1, convex.Reverse: Traces of three, incised, parallel lines and four incised circles with central dots. Deep perforation, drilled from either end. Second attempt to drill a hole at right angles to the first has destroyed most of the boss. Design: A horned animal, facing right, with its legs folded beneath it. Above its back are two filler motifs, one shaped like a churn, the other oblong. Remarks: Very dark stone. Persian Gulf Style, back re-worked. No trace of glaze on either face. Drill not used. Previously published (under former number S21:0:0) Crawford 1991, p. 262.",24/2/1991 00:00:00,, "0000",1.00,"STEATITE","BASE FRAG","Base sherd of large shallow decorated steatite bowl. Mottled pale grey crystalline stone. Small part of base and side extant. Base almost flat, side flares very gently. Incised line around outer edge of base, and incised line on side - probably groups of about eight parallel lines vertically down the side, to produce combed effect, but little remaining, and that worn. 7.4 x 5.0 cm, 1.35 thick.",28/1/1990 00:00:00,, "0000",2.00,"STEATITE","RIM","Sherd from rim of pale grey decorated steatite vessel, including stub of a lug or handle attached to the rim. Worn and pitted. Rim plain, sides vertical. Incised decoration consists of at least 2 incised encircling lines immediately below the rim, below which is a group of about five diagonal lines sloping down to the left, and to the right a similar group on the opposing diagonal, to create the effect of a multi-sided triangle. Rest lost. Dimensions 4.6 x 3.0 x 0.9 cm.",28/1/1990 00:00:00,, "0000",3.00,"COPPER","HOOK","Complete fishhook in excellent condition. Straight shaft, tapering towards the top. Lower end shaped in a squarish hook, with upright, pointed tip. Shaft is oval in section. Length 5.15; width 2.2; thickness: 0.4-0.35 cm. Blobs diameter 0.25; 0.45-0.4 cm.",28/4/1999 00:00:00,,"Small circular blob or lump on upper side of shaft, and a slightly larger one on lower face of shaft." "0000",4.00,"STONE","BOWL","Small bowl, of banded dark pink to cream-coloured stone with smoothed surfaces. Complete. Slightly bevelled rim. Interior gently concave, exterior straight with small flat base. Intact except for three chips in rim. Height 3.0-3.9 cm. Diameter rim 7.9 cm. Diameter base 3.0 cm.",17/12/1992 00:00:00,, "0000",5.00,"POTTERY","SHERD","Chain-ridge body sherd, not further described.",2/5/1999 00:00:00,, "0000",6.00,,,"NOT USED",,, "0000",7.00,"STONE","ORE","Piece of metallic ore, possibly galena? Very heavy and dense, irregular in shape. Dimensions 6x4.5x3.9 cm.",13/2/1992 00:00:00,, "0000",8.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Thumbnail scraper or possibly broken tip of larger tool. Semicircular tool of dark brown mottled flint. Striking platform not visible (reworked?). Curved edge is bifacially retouched, the opposite wide edge is scarred with its edges either worn or with discontinuous retouch. Wear probably partly due to its lying on modern pathway. Found E20 on surface of large midden with some sand. Other flint flakes seen in vicinity but not retrieved. Intact (?). Length 1.6, width 2.5, thickness 0.8 cm.",26/3/1995 00:00:00,, "0000",9.00,"PLASTER","OBJECT","Broken object of light grey plaster, perhaps part of a weight, figurine or gaming piece. Worn but possibly once circular flat base, angling upward to pitted narrow waist; and then flaring out again. Smooth convex surfaces, with incised horizontal line just above (1-1.5 cm) the edge of the base. Broken side is worn. Extant height 8.8 cm. Base diameter approx. 11 cm. Extant base 9.3 x 6.3 cm; waist 5.95 x 2.45 cm.",13/4/1998 00:00:00,, "0000",10.00,"POTTERY","HANDLE","Rim fragment from large, shallow vessel with thick strap handle. Friable red clay, sandy temper. Orange-red slip. Rim inverted and flattish at edge. Slight, irregular horizontal grooves below the outer rim. Body worn along broken edge. Preserved length (to handle) 17.0; width 26 cm; thickness of rim 0.3; width of handle 3.1; thickness of handle 4.2 cm.",13/4/1998 00:00:00,," Found in surface sand near NW corner of Square E15." "0000",11.00,"CLAY","BEAD","Worn double conoid/date-shaped bead. Hard fine red clay, surface slightly darker. Large central hole. Shape slightly wider off-centre, tapering slightly towards one end. Both ends are broken and chipped. L: 3.1, max. diameter: 5.0-5.5.",19/4/1998 00:00:00,, "0210",1.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Light coloured stone rubber. Roughly oval in shape. All surfaces worn smooth. Dimensions 6.4 x 6 x 3.5 cm.",9/12/1991 00:00:00,, "0210",2.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Fragment of a dark close grained stone rubber or grinder. Irregular shape. Dimensions=8x5x5 cm.",9/12/1991 00:00:00,, "0210",3.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Fragment of a grindstone. Light coloured and very gritty textured. Saddle-shaped, one surface flattened and very deeply pitted, the opposite surface also pitted but with a shallow central depression starting approx 6cms in from the edge. Overall dimensions 39 x 36 x 8 cm.",9/12/1991 00:00:00,, "0210",4.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Fragment of a stone grinder. Light coloured, sandy stone. Probably once circular in shape, but now broken in half. Lower surface flat and smooth, all other surfaces coarse. Diameter 5.7 cm.",9/12/1991 00:00:00,, "0210",5.00,"STONE","WEIGHT?","Light coloured stone, possibly used as a weight. Rounded outer edge has a groove. Possibly part of what once was a circular overall shape, but is now only a quarter. Section roughly oval in shape. Dimensions=8.3x11.2x9 cm.",9/12/1991 00:00:00,, "0210",6.00,"SHELL","CONE BEAD","Conus ebraeus shell, pierced through apex, presumably for use as bead. Dimensions 1.2x0.8x0.8 cm.",9/12/1991 00:00:00,"Y", "0210",7.00,"STONE","BASIN FRAG","Fragment of a stone basin, probably once rectangular in shape. Light coloured stone. Outer surfaces all worn smooth. Basin walls shallow with a thick base. Dimensions 14 x 8 x 5 cm.",9/12/1991 00:00:00,, "0210",8.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Small stone pounder, of close grained, dark coloured stone. Roughly round in shape. All surfaces worn smooth, but some of outer patina chipped off. Diameter=4 cm. Depth=3 cm.",9/12/1991 00:00:00,, "0210",9.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Light grey, worked stone. Usage unknown, but possibly a rubber? Irregular in shape. Dimensions=7.6x6x3 cm.",9/12/1991 00:00:00,, "0210",10.00,"STONE","BASIN FRAG","Light coloured stone basin fragment, with small shell inclusions. In section roughly triangular in shape. Lower surface flat and smoothed. Dimensions 7 x 7.7 x 9 cm.",9/12/1991 00:00:00,, "0210",11.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Dark, close grained stone pounder? Broken in antiquity, probably once round in shape. Upper and lower surfaces both very smooth, with a soapy feel. Two ends showing signs of abrasion. Diameter=7 cm. Depth=4.4 cm.",9/12/1991 00:00:00,, "0210",12.00,"STONE?","WEIGHT?","Small, light coloured stone weight? Roughly ovoid in shape, with all surfaces worn smooth. Grooved around the middle. Dimensions=4x5x3.5 cm.",9/12/1991 00:00:00,, "0210",13.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Seven pieces of bitumen from the lining of one or more woven vessels. Weave impressions. Not measured",9/12/1991 00:00:00,, "0210",14.00,"STONE","DOMED LID","Lid of light coloured, lightweight stone. Roughly circular in plan, upper surface convex and lower surface flat and smooth. Diameter 8.7 cm.",9/12/1991 00:00:00,, "0210",15.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Fragment of a dark stone rubber. Almost black close grained stone. Probably once a circular shape, but now only a segment. One surface worn smooth, with a sheen remaining. Dimensions=5.7x8x2 cm.",9/12/1991 00:00:00,, "0210",16.00,"SHELL","OPERCULUM","Gastropod operculum, small, rounded and smooth, with one very flat surface. 0.8 x 0.9 x 0.3 cm.",9/12/1991 00:00:00,, "0210",17.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from dry sieved context.",10/12/1991 00:00:00,, "0210",18.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone from dry sieved context.",10/12/1991 00:00:00,, "0210",19.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Fragment of copper sheet, with slight curve. Recovered from dry sieved sand layer. Dimensions 2.1 x 1.3 x 0.3 cm.",10/12/1991 00:00:00,, "0210",20.00,"ORGANIC","DATE","Three date seeds recovered from a dry sieved context.",9/12/1991 00:00:00,, "0210",21.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Dark, close grained stone pounder. Roughly round in shape. One end surface abraded, other has a slight indentation. Diameter=5.6 cm. Depth=4.8 cm.",10/12/1991 00:00:00,, "0210",22.00,"POTTERY","JAR","Jar, generally complete, but with large gaps in body. Rim has rounded bevel to outside. Neck slightly waisted, and flaring to round shoulder. Body rounded, tapering to very low ring-base. Red clay, ridged cream slip out, gritty temper. A large, round piece of the body has been broken in antiquity, and six holes drilled in it, each with a matching hole in the unbroken part, presumably a repair attempt. Traces of bitumen around holes. Height 27.4, rim diameter 10.5, base diameter 6.4-6.8 cm. Associated with lid, 210:24.",10/12/1991 00:00:00,"Y", "0210",23.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Eleven pieces of bitumen from the lining of one or more woven vessels. Weave impressions. Not measured.",10/12/1991 00:00:00,, "0210",24.00,"STONE","DOMED LID","Lid to jar 210:22. Of light coloured stone. Roughly circular in plan. Upper surface convex. Texture almost like pumice. Found in situ the mouth of the jar. Diameter 6.6 cm. Depth 2.3 cm.",11/12/1991 00:00:00,, "0210",25.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Twelve pieces of badly corroded copper, all irregular in shape and unidentifiable. Largest piece measures 1.6 x 2.1 x 0.8 cm.",9/12/1991 00:00:00,, "0211",1.00,"FLINT","FLAKE","Large flint flake. No evidence of retouch. Dimensions=6.5x3.3x2.3 cm.",9/12/1991 00:00:00,, "0211",2.00,"FLINT","CORE","Rough flint core. Dimensions=8x5x5 cm.",9/12/1991 00:00:00,, "0211",3.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Twenty pieces of bitumen from the lining of one or more woven vessels. Weave impressions. Four larger fragments show the impression of the round bottom of the basket. Not measured.",9/12/1991 00:00:00,, "0211",4.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Fragment of a round pounder, now only half remaining. Roughly semi circular in shape, made of a close grained light coloured stone. Diameter=12.3 cm. Depth=6.4 cm.",9/12/1991 00:00:00,, "0211",5.00,"SHELL","SCOOP","Large conch shell (Lambis truncata), with surface of shell partially smoothed, and aperture and body whorl removed to form an open scoop-shape. Length 9.4, width 7.2 cm.",9/12/1991 00:00:00,"Y", "0211",6.00,"COPPER","PIN","Length of thick copper wire, now bent into undulating shape. Presumably a pin or similar. Length 5 cm, width 0.3 cm.",14/12/1991 00:00:00,"Y", "0211",7.00,"FLINT","CORE","Rough flint core, showing evidence of flakes being taken off. Dimensions=5.5x3x3 cm.",14/12/1991 00:00:00,, "0211",8.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Three unworked shells. Not measured. Stored with 211:05, not separately labelled.",,, "0212",1.00,"PLASTER","DOMED LID","Plaster lid, upper surface convex and smoothed. Broken. Diameter 10.7 cm, depth 2.3 cm.",11/12/1991 00:00:00,, "0212",2.00,"COPPER","PIN","Thick copper pin, one end tapering to a point, the other blunt and flattened, with two grooves across it. Length 5.2 cm. Diameter of flattened end 0.5 cm.",11/12/1991 00:00:00,"Y","Mechanically cleaned and stored in plastic box with Silica gel. Only slight corrosion." "0212",3.00,"BONE","BONES",,11/12/1991 00:00:00,, "0212",4.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Four fragments of copper, all of irregular shape and unidentifiable. Probably casting slag. Dimensions: 1. 3.8 x 1.3 x 1 cm. 2) 3.4 x 2.8 x 0.7 cm. 3) 1.8 x 1.4 x 1 cm. 4) 2 x 1.6 x 1 cm.",11/12/1991 00:00:00,,"Mechanically cleaned.No further conservation attempted.Stored in plastic box with Silica gel." "0212",5.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,11/12/1991 00:00:00,, "0212",6.00,"ORGANIC","DATE","Three carbonized date seeds.",14/12/1991 00:00:00,, "0212",7.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Small pieces of bitumen. Not measured.",14/12/1991 00:00:00,, "0213",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from a sieved rubble level.",15/12/1991 00:00:00,, "0214",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixture of shell recovered from a sieved floor context. Mixed shell recovered from the floor but not sieved (bag 2).",15/12/1991 00:00:00,, "0215",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,17/12/1991 00:00:00,, "0217",1.00,"BONE","BONES","One piece of animal bone recovered from the fill to context218.",17/12/1991 00:00:00,, "0217",2.00,"FLINT","FLAKES","Piece of flint in the shape of a blade but with no evidence of retouch .2.3cms long. Flint flake of irregular shape showing no evidence of retouch at all.4cms long.",18/12/1991 00:00:00,, "0217",3.00,"BITUMEN","BEAD","Bead. Overall diameter 2.2 cm. Length 2.1 cm. Diameter of hole 0.5 cm. Outer surface badly pitted.",17/12/1991 00:00:00,"Y","Consolidated with Paraloid B72 in Acetone10% weight/volume solution. " "0217",4.00,"SHELL","WORKED OYSTER","Large oyster shell, broken more-or-less in half longitudinally. The surviving edge is chipped in several places, perhaps deliberately. Traces of at least eight small drilled holes survive. Length 11.0, preserved width 7.6 cm Holes c. 0.5 cm diameter.",17/12/1991 00:00:00,"Y", "0217",5.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from sieving.",20/1/1992 00:00:00,, "0220",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, some burnt. Recovered from the rubble packing below the floor. Dry sieved.",24/12/1991 00:00:00,, "0220",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Fish bone recovered from dry sieving of rubble packing below the floor.",24/12/1991 00:00:00,, "0222",1.00,"BONE","JAW","Pieces of animal jaw bone with three teeth remaining. Recovered from the fill to the room.",24/12/1991 00:00:00,, "0223",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell.",24/12/1991 00:00:00,, "0223",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone recovered from dry sieving of the makeup of context 220.",24/12/1991 00:00:00,, "0224",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, from dry sieved context.",24/12/1991 00:00:00,, "0224",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone from dry sieved context.",24/12/1991 00:00:00,, "0227",1.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAG","Small piece of bitumen with basket-weave impressions on one side, presumably a piece from the lining of a woven vessel. 2.6 x 2.4 x 0.2 cm.",29/8/1992 00:00:00,, "0228",1.00,"BITUMEN","BEAD","Spherical bead. Diameter=2.7 cm. Diameter of the hole=0.7 cm.",28/12/1991 00:00:00,"Y","Conserved by brushing with Paraloid B72 - weight/volume 10%." "0228",2.00,"STEATITE","SEAL","Pale grey stone seal, glazed. Edge slightly concave - (Failaka Var 2). Reverse domed, with a flat area around the edge. Four incised circles with a central dot. Three parallel incised lines across the dome, at right angles to the perforation. Design on the front shows a couchant animal with a long ruffed neck and long horns, looking up and left, back over its shoulder. One horn is fringed. Above the animal's back is a hatched square. On the left of the square is a ?turtle or ??tortoise. Overall diameter=1.7 cm. 0.9 cm thick. Weight 3.4 gm.",29/12/1991 00:00:00,"Y", "0228",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone from a dry sieved context. Includes a large shark bone. Length=11 cm.",29/12/1991 00:00:00,, "0228",4.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from a dry sieved context.",29/12/1991 00:00:00,, "0228",5.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Two pieces of badly corroded copper, probably casting slag. 1) Unidentifiable. Dimensions 2.2 x 1.3 x 0.8 cm. 2) Unidentifiable. 2 x 0.5 x 0.3 cm. This item includes 228:07.",29/12/1991 00:00:00,,"Mechanically cleaned but no further conservation attempted.Stored in a plastic box with Silica gel." "0228",6.00,"FLINT","CORE","Flint core of dark brown colour, flakes taken off all around. Two ends both abraded, probably used as a hammer stone. Dimensions=6.2x5x3.8 cm.",29/12/1991 00:00:00,, "0228",7.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Thin, flat fragment of copper, with a slight lip along one side. Broken off a fairly substantial tool or object, or perhaps processing waste. 2.5 long, 1.4 wide, 0.3 thick.",29/12/1991 00:00:00,, "0228",8.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Ten small pieces of bitumen, from the lining of one or more woven vessels. Weave impressions. Not measured.",30/12/1991 00:00:00,, "0228",9.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Fragment of copper. Dimensions 2.2 x 0.9 x 0.5 cm.",29/12/1991 00:00:00,,"Mechanically cleaned .Stored with Silica gel." "0228",10.00,"COPPER","WIRE OBJECT","Short length of copper wire, fresh breaks both ends. Could be part of hook or pin. Length 2 cm. Diameter 0.25 cm.",29/12/1991 00:00:00,, "0229",1.00,"POTTERY","PLATE","Sherds of a plate. Not restored.",29/12/1991 00:00:00,,"Stored with rest of pottery from context, not separately labelled" "0229",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from a sieved context.",20/1/1992 00:00:00,, "0229",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, including three bovine teeth. Recovered from a sieved context.",20/1/1992 00:00:00,, "0230",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","3 buckets/30? litres for flotation.",29/12/1991 00:00:00,, "0231",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,2/1/1992 00:00:00,, "0232",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","3 buckets/30? litres for flotation.",30/12/1991 00:00:00,, "0233",1.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Round, stone rubber. Light grey in colour, gritty in texture. One flat surface smoothed. Diameter=7.2cms",8/1/1992 00:00:00,, "0233",2.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Light grey stone pounder. Roughly round in shape. All surfaces abraded. Diameter=8.5 cm.",8/1/1992 00:00:00,, "0233",3.00,"STONE","BASIN FRAG","Fragment of a light-coloured stone basin. Thick-rimmed, with a shallow, smoothed depression in the centre. Probably once rectangular in shape. Dimensions 28.5 x 11.8 x 9.3 cm.",8/1/1992 00:00:00,, "0233",4.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,2/1/1992 00:00:00,, "0238",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone recovered from a dry sieved context. Includes some turtle bone and some teeth.",6/1/1992 00:00:00,, "0238",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from a sieved context. Includes a cowrie shell.",6/1/1992 00:00:00,, "0238",3.00,"COPPER","RING","Length of copper wire wound into a ring or 3-4 coils. Diameter 2 cm. Depth 0.7 cm. Thickness 0.2 cm.",7/1/1992 00:00:00,"Y","Mechanically cleaned.In reasonable state of preservation.No further conservation attempted.Stored in plastic box with Silica gel." "0238",4.00,"STONE","BEAD","Tiny blue stone bead. Not further described. Diameter 0.5, length 0.5 cm. Diameter of the hole 0.05 cm.",7/1/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "0238",5.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Two pieces of badly corroded copper. 1) Round shaped fragment. Diameter 1 cm. 2) Irregularly-shaped fragment. Dimensions 1.5 x 1.2 x 0.5 cm.",6/1/1992 00:00:00,, "0238",6.00,"STONE","BASIN FRAG","Light-coloured, gritty textured fragment of a shallow basin. Probably once rectangular in shape. A thick, rounded rim extends approx 4cms in from the edge, then descends into a shallow depression1.7cms deep. Overall dimensions 16.5 x 9 x 7 cm.",10/1/1992 00:00:00,, "0238",7.00,"STONE","BASIN FRAG","Corner fragment of a light-coloured stone basin rim. Probably rectangular in shape. Inner surface smoothed. Dimensions 7.2 x 8.5 x 3.6 cm.",10/1/1992 00:00:00,, "0238",8.00,"STONE","TOOL FRAG","Fragment of a light coloured, dense stone rubber? Probably once round, but broken in antiquity, now wedge shaped. Flat and smooth on upper surface. Dimensions=11.5x8x3.7 cm.",10/1/1992 00:00:00,, "0238",9.00,"STONE","BASIN FRAG","Light, gritty-textured stone basin fragment. Probably once rectangular in shape. Dimensions 8 x 8 x 3.6 cm.",10/1/1992 00:00:00,, "0238",10.00,"STONE","FRAG","Grind stone fragment of light coloured, gritty stone with tiny shell inclusions. Probably once oval in shape, but broken in antiquity. Upper surface flat and smoothed. Dimensions=13.2x11.4x5.8 cm.",10/1/1992 00:00:00,, "0238",11.00,"SHELL","TOOL","Flat piece of shell, roughly oval, and pointed at one end. Apparently deliberately shaped. Pinctada (pearl-oyster). Dimensions 3.4 x 1.4 x 0.25 cm",29/8/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "0239",1.00,"STONE","TOOL FRAG","Fragment of a light coloured stone rubber. Probably once round in shape, but broken in antiquity. Two surfaces heavily pitted and abraded. Dimensions=10.9x9.4x6.1 cm.",10/1/1992 00:00:00,, "0239",2.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder fragment of a pinkish, gritty stone. Probably originally semi-circular in shape. One surface smooth, opposite surface very pitted. Dimensions 13.6 x 7.9 x 5.2 cm.",10/1/1992 00:00:00,, "0244",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Large quantity of mixed bone from sieving.",12/1/1992 00:00:00,, "0244",2.00,"BONE","TUSKS","Six tusks which appear to have been cut. Largest measures=5x1.1x1 cm. Smallest measures=3.5x1x0.9 cm.",12/1/1992 00:00:00,,"Mechanically cleaned then brushed with a solution of Paraloid B72 in Acetone - 5% weight/volume." "0244",3.00,"SHELL","TOOL","Operculum of Turbo species. The interior surface has been incised, with irregular pattern of lines and the edge has small pieces chipped off, perhaps from an attempt at perforation. Operculum surface is degraded. Diameter 1.5 cm.",12/1/1992 00:00:00,, "0244",4.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Unidentified, irregular-shaped fragment of copper. Dimensions 1.9 x 1 x 0.3 cm.",12/1/1992 00:00:00,,"Mechanically cleaned." "0244",5.00,"CLAY","FRAGS","Piece of grey clay. No evidence of impressions. 2.4 x 1.4 x 1.4 cm.",12/1/1992 00:00:00,, "0245",1.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Large, dense lump of very badly corroded copper. Totally unidentifiable. Many small fragments have broken away from the main lump. Dimensions of the lump 10.1 x 8.2 x 5.1 cm. Largest fragment measures 4.2 x 3 x 2.3 cm.",12/1/1992 00:00:00,,"No conservation attempted. X-Ray recommended. " "0246",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, some burnt. Recovered from sieving.",14/1/1992 00:00:00,, "0246",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, some burnt. Recovered from sieving. Includes a long piece of Dentalium.",14/1/1992 00:00:00,, "0246",3.00,"BITUMEN","BEAD","Cylindrical bead. Pierced through the middle. Smoothed on outer surface, but with no fabric or weave impressions in evidence. Diameter 2 cm. Length 2.3 cm. Diameter of the perforation 0.5 cm.",14/1/1992 00:00:00,"Y","Mechanically cleaned and then brushed with a solution of Paraloid B72 in Acetone - 5% weight/volume." "0246",4.00,"CARNELIAN","BEAD","Cylindrical orange carnelian bead. Chipped at both ends. Length 0.9 cm. Diameter 0.6 cm.",14/1/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "0246",5.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Flat, Irregularly-shaped piece of copper. Probably casting slag. Dimensions 3.3 x 2.2 x 0.6 cm.",15/1/1992 00:00:00,,"Mechanically cleaned and stored with Silica Gel in a plastic box." "0246",6.00,"ORGANIC","DATE","A single date seed, carbonized.",15/1/1992 00:00:00,, "0246",7.00,"FLINT","FLAKES","3 Flakes and 1 Fragment, three have retouch/use wear. 1) Large, possibly broken off Pounder, and perhaps used as a Chopper. Oval flake of brown mottled flint with creamy white cortex and thick red-brown sub cortex. The outer convex face is pitted and scarred on all the higher areas and edges. The slightly convex ventral face is angled and rippled. The 'platform' is scarred and pitted, with an irregular hinged termination. L: 7.55; W: 6.4; T: 2.8 cm. 2) Blade Flake of brown glossy mottled flint with remnant patina. Scarred raised platform at end of the sloping, scarred patinated surface. There is a hinged termination with retouch/use wear at the distal tip. The ventral face is rippled. L: 4.0; W: 2.0; T: 1.3 cm. 3) Retouched piece, possibly a Scraper or Bifacial preform fragment. Sub rectangular piece of mottled light brown flint with creamy white cortex and red-brown sub cortex. Three edges are bifacially retouched, the other thick side has been snapped off flat. Dimension 2.5 x 1.7 x 1.1 cm. 4) Blade flake fragment with triangular section. Brown slightly mottled flint. Plain platform and snapped off termination. The piece has been broken longitudinally and the thin later edge is worn. Dimensions 3.3 x 1.45 x 1.0 cm.",14/7/1998 00:00:00,, "0246",8.00,"COPPER","RING","Length of copper wire bent into a circle and overlapped to form a ring. One end swollen with corrosion, also the point where end touches body of ring - perhaps conceals a decorative feature. Diameter 1.65 cm. Thickness 0.3 cm.",15/1/1992 00:00:00,"Y","Mechanically cleaned, but no further conservation attempted. X-ray recommended." "0246",9.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Three bitumen fragments reconstructed to give an irregularly shaped piece with very clear weave impressions on it. Presumably from the lining of a woven vessel. Dimensions 5.2x4.8x0.4 cm. Four irregularly shaped pieces with no evidence of weave impressions. Not measured.",19/1/1992 00:00:00,,"Reconstructed with H.M.G." "0247",1.00,"COPPER","HOOK","Copper fish-hook, in relatively good state of preservation. Midway down the shaft length the metal is swollen, and at the tip of the hooked end a sharp point is still in evidence. Overall length 6.5 cm. Thickness 0.3 cm.",19/1/1992 00:00:00,"Y","Reconstructed with HMG, and mechanically cleaned. No further conservation attempted. Stored in a plastic box with Silica Gel." "0247",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from sieving.",19/1/1992 00:00:00,, "0247",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone from sieving.",9/1/1992 00:00:00,, "0247",4.00,"ORGANIC","CHARCOAL","Ten fragments of charcoal. Largest piece measures=3.5x0.8 cm.",19/1/1992 00:00:00,, "0247",5.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Thick, curved piece of bitumen, probably part of the lining of a woven vessel. Three other fragments that have broken away from the same vessel, but much thinner and all irregular in shape. All show weave impressions on them. Dimensions of thick piece 4.3x3.6x2 cm.",20/1/1992 00:00:00,, "0247",6.00,"SHELL","TOOL?","Flat piece of shell, tapered at one end. Probably deliberately shaped. Dimensions 5.4 x 1.5 x 0.1 cm.",1/7/1991 00:00:00,"Y", "0248",1.00,"BITUMEN","BEAD","Roughly spherical bead, perforated through the middle. Diameter 2.1 cm. Diameter of the perforation 0.4 cm. Most of the outer surface is smoothed.",19/1/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "0248",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Large quantity of mixed bone, not sieved.",20/1/1992 00:00:00,, "0248",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Large quantity of mixed shell. Not sieved.",20/1/1992 00:00:00,, "0248",4.00,"FLINT","GROUP","Group of 3 flint nodules, two of which have been utilised as pounders, found in cluster on floor surface. 1) Ovoid nodule with zone affected by freeze/thaw or heat. Dimensions 4.4 x 3.5 cm. 2) Pounder. Spheroid nodule with one end abraded. Diameter 4.2 cm. 3) Pounder. Elongated ovoid nodule with one surface not worn smooth. Dimensions 6.1 x 3.9 x 3.1 cm.",14/7/1998 00:00:00,, "0248",5.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Small, brown/green stone rubber or burnishing stone. Roughly trapezoid in shape, but oval in section. All surfaces worn smooth, but one end is extremely smooth and soapy to the touch, with a sheen on it. Dimensions=4.5x3.9x3.5 cm.",3/2/1992 00:00:00,, "0248",6.00,"STONE","TOOL FRAG","Discarded.",3/2/1992 00:00:00,, "0248",7.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Light coloured, roughly round, stone rubber. One flattened surface worn very smooth, almost glossy. Diameter=5.6 cm.",3/2/1992 00:00:00,, "0248",8.00,"STONE","DISCARDED","Discarded.",3/2/1992 00:00:00,, "0248",9.00,"STONE","TOOL FRAG","Light coloured, gritty textured tool fragment. Broken in antiquity, now wedge shaped. Possibly used as a rubber, as one surface is worn smooth. Dimensions=7.5x6.5x5.3 cm.",3/2/1992 00:00:00,, "0248",10.00,"STONE","TOOL FRAG","Dark coloured, close grained stone pounder? fragment. Broken in antiquity, probably once round in shape. Most of it's surfaces are abraded. Dimensions=6.9x6x5.5 cm.",3/2/1992 00:00:00,, "0248",11.00,"STONE","TOOL FRAG","Light coloured, gritty textured fragment of a tool. Possibly part of a rubber? Now wedge shaped. Upper surface worn smooth. Dimensions=7x5.3x2.8x3 cm.",3/2/1992 00:00:00,, "0248",12.00,"STONE","TOOL FRAG","Fragment of a red/brown, gritty textured stone rubber? Probably once domed in shape, but broken in antiquity. All rounded edges smoothed. Dimensions=7.9x4.3x4.2 cm.",3/2/1992 00:00:00,, "0248",13.00,"STONE","SOCKET","Sub-square slab of limestone with a shallow, circular depression in one face. The depression has rotary wear marks. Presumably a door-socket. Dimensions 22 x 18.5 x 7.8 cm.",3/2/1992 00:00:00,,"Context sheet has 'stone basin fragment'" "0248",14.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Dark coloured, close grained stone tool, possibly a rubber. Roughly rectangular in shape with rounded edges. Edges and one flattened surface worn very smooth and soapy. Dimensions=6.1x6x2.3 cm.",3/2/1992 00:00:00,, "0248",15.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Brown coloured fragment of flint. Irregular in shape. No evidence of retouch. Dimensions=3.2x3x1.9 cm.",3/2/1992 00:00:00,, "0248",16.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder, possible Chopper. Sub oval piece of brown-grey flint with creamy cortex. Both face very scarred from long-term use. One end has percussion marks on remnant cortex (labelled end). One face is roughly convex and the other is concave. Both have deep scars from pounding on the sharp edges. Intact. Separated from 248:24 by RLS in 1997. Dimensions 6.5 x 5.0 x 2.6 cm.",3/2/1992 00:00:00,, "0248",17.00,"FLINT","CORE","Flint core of a reddy/brown colour. Irregular in shape, with evidence of numerous flakes having been taken off. Dimensions=6.6x5.9x4.8 cm.",3/2/1992 00:00:00,, "0248",18.00,"BITUMEN","BALL","Spherical lump. All surfaces pitted and lined. Diameter 5 cm.",3/2/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "0248",19.00,"STONE","DISCARDED","Discarded.",3/2/1992 00:00:00,, "0248",20.00,"STONE","TOOL","Very dark coloured, close grained stone tool. Roughly round in shape, some surfaces very smooth and others very abraded. Dimensions=6.4x6x5.5 cm.",3/2/1992 00:00:00,, "0248",21.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Grey/green, close grained stone pounder? Trapezoid in shape, flattened surfaces all very smooth, but one end is abraded. Dimensions=9.1x6.8x4.8x2.8 cm.",3/2/1992 00:00:00,, "0248",22.00,"STEATITE","SEAL","Tiny fragment off corner of rectangular seal. Dark grey stone. Reverse has slight swelling at broken edge. Obverse shows two parallel incised lines down one edge, intersecting at the corner with two similar lines running down the other preserved edge. 0.8 x 0.8 cm. c.0.25 cm. thick. Recovered from a floor surface.",19/2/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "0248",23.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","One bucket for flotation.",18/2/1992 00:00:00,, "0248",24.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Fragment of brown flint recorded in 1992 as being unretouched. Possibly discarded as not in bag of 248:16 in 1997. Given separate number from 248:16 by RLS in 1997. Dimensions (as 1992) 4.0 x 3.8 x 1.6 cm.",18/4/1997 00:00:00,, "0249",1.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Four irregular fragments of copper, presumably waste from processing. Dimensions: 1) 3.4 x 2 x 1.4 cm. 2) 1.1 x 1 x 0.9 cm. 3) 1.8 x0.5 cm. 4) 1.1 x 0.5 cm.",20/1/1992 00:00:00,,"Mechanically cleaned." "0249",2.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Twelve bitumen fragments that appear to have been part of a rimmed woven vessel. Three pieces have a flattened rim, and all fragments have distinct weave impressions on them. Rimmed pieces measure 1) 5.7x3.6x1 cm. 2) 3.7x1.9x1 cm. 3)2.8x1.2x1 cm. Thickness of rim 1 cm.",20/1/1992 00:00:00,, "0249",3.00,"POTTERY","PLATE","Part of flat plate, base intact, scant profile of rest. Hard pink clay, grit temper, buff surface. Rim flat on edge, with slight groove. Another shallow groove under rim. Straight sides, flat disc-base. Height 4.0 cm. Rim diameter (reconstructed) 31.2 cm. Base diameter 5.6 cm.",22/4/1998 00:00:00,, "0250",1.00,"STONE","TOOL","Light coloured rounded stone with rough surfaces. Possibly worked. Diameter=19.7 cm. Max depth=10.6 cm.",3/2/1992 00:00:00,, "0250",2.00,"STONE","DISCARDED","Discarded.",3/2/1992 00:00:00,, "0250",3.00,"STONE","FRAG","Fragment of light coloured, gritty textured stone. Has been worked, possibly part of a grindstone. Roughly rectangular in shape, with one surface flat and smooth and the opposite surface flattened but pitted. Dimensions=10x6.9x4.5 cm.",10/1/1992 00:00:00,, "0250",4.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder. Irregular-shaped piece of grey-brown chert. Dimensions 10.6 x 10.4 x 7.5 cm.",14/7/1998 00:00:00,, "0250",5.00,"FLINT","CORE","Mottled brown/red flint core. Irregular in shape. Dimensions=10.6x9.5x5.4 cm.",3/2/1992 00:00:00,, "0250",6.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Dark coloured, close grained stone rubber fragment. Roughly triangular in shape. All surfaces worn very smooth and shiny. Dimensions=6.5x4.8x3.9 cm.",3/2/1992 00:00:00,, "0250",7.00,"STONE","DISCARDED","Discarded.",3/2/1992 00:00:00,, "0250",8.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder fragment of light coloured, gritty textured stone . Probably once rectangular in shape, but broken in antiquity. Curved edges between two flattened surfaces. Upper surface is worn smooth. Dimensions 20 x 14.6 x 3.2 cm.",3/2/1992 00:00:00,, "0251",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,2/1/1992 00:00:00,, "0255",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from sieving.",21/1/1992 00:00:00,, "0255",2.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Three bitumen fragments, all irregular in shape, from the lining of one or more woven vessels. Weave impressions on one side and smooth on the other. Dimensions 1) 3.8x3.2x0.2 cm. 2) 1.6x1.5x0.2 cm. 3) 1.3x1.1x0.2 cm.",21/1/1992 00:00:00,, "0255",3.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Two irregular, badly corroded copper fragments. Dimensions: 1. 7 x 0.9 x 0.5 cm. 2) 1.6 x 0.6 x 0.4 cm.",21/1/1992 00:00:00,,"Mechanically cleaned." "0255",4.00,"BITUMEN","BEAD","Roughly spherical bead. Overall diameter 2.3 cm. Depth 1.6 cm. Diameter of the perforation 0.5 cm.",25/1/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "0255",5.00,"BONE","CUTTLEFISH","Burnt piece of cuttlefish bone. Dimensions=3.5x2.7x1.7 cm.",26/1/1992 00:00:00,, "0257",1.00,"STONE","DISC LID","Lid of light weight and light coloured stone Oval in shape, with two flattened sides, both smooth. Dimensions 6.5 x 5.5 x 1.6 cm.",25/1/1992 00:00:00,, "0257",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone from sieving.",26/1/1992 00:00:00,, "0257",3.00,"COPPER","OBJECT","Flat strip of copper, with blunt point at one end. Bent at the opposite end, which becomes round in section, and is probably broken off. Overall length 5.4 cm. Width 0.5 cm. Possibly the clasp of a brooch? Compare Mughal 1983, 480, Fig. 27 no. 5",25/1/1992 00:00:00,"Y","Mechanically cleaned, stored with Silica Gel in a plastic box." "0257",4.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Scraper. Oval shaped piece of mottled grey-brown flint with bifacial retouch along one edge. Dimensions 3.9 x 3.7 x 0.9 cm.",14/7/1998 00:00:00,, "0257",5.00,"FLINT","FLAKE","Mottled, rough flint flake. Irregular in shape. No evidence of retouch. Dimensions=2x1.5x0.3 cm.",25/1/1992 00:00:00,, "0257",6.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Light coloured, roughly round stone rubber. One surface flattened and extremely smooth, other surfaces pitted. One face sheered off in antiquity. Dimensions=7.8x7x6.5 cm.",26/1/1992 00:00:00,, "0257",7.00,"FLINT","CORE","Mottled grey/brown flint core. Irregular in shape. Dimensions=10x8.2x6.1 cm.",26/1/1992 00:00:00,, "0257",8.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, from sieving.",26/1/1992 00:00:00,, "0257",9.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Mottled, brown coloured flint flake. Roughly blade shaped, but with no evidence of retouch. Dimensions=6.5x2.4x0.5 cm.",26/1/1992 00:00:00,, "0259",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Large quantity of mixed shell, some burnt, from sieving.",21/1/1992 00:00:00,, "0259",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Large quantity of sieved bone, mostly fish, but includes an animal long bone. Length=13.3 cm.",21/1/1992 00:00:00,, "0259",3.00,"STONE","TOOL FRAG","Light coloured, gritty textured fragment of a stone rubber. Possibly once oval in shape, but broken in antiquity. Now one curved edge between two flat surfaces, one smooth the other more pitted. Dimensions=9.4x5x3.2 cm.",25/1/1992 00:00:00,, "0259",4.00,"STONE","DISC LID","Lid of light weight, light coloured, gritty textured stone. Rounded edges, with one flat surface and one very slightly convex side. Dimensions 9.3 x 9.1 x 2.8 cm.",25/1/1992 00:00:00,, "0260",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,6/1/1992 00:00:00,, "0261",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,2/1/1991 00:00:00,, "0262",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,2/1/1992 00:00:00,, "0263",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,2/1/1992 00:00:00,, "0268",1.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Irregular, badly corroded piece of copper. Dimensions 3 x 1.8 x 1.7 cm.",25/1/1992 00:00:00,,"Mechanically cleaned." "0268",2.00,"FLINT","FRAGS","Two flint flakes, both brown in colour, both irregular in shape. No evidence of retouch. Dimensions=1)3.8x2.8x1 cm.2)4x3.4x1.2 cm.",25/1/1992 00:00:00,, "0268",3.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Six fragments of bitumen, all irregular in shape. No evidence of basket weave impressions. Largest piece measures 1.8x1.7x0.5 cm.",25/1/1992 00:00:00,, "0268",4.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, but mostly fish. Includes a piece of burnt animal bone. From sieving.",25/1/1992 00:00:00,, "0268",5.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from sieving.",25/1/1992 00:00:00,, "0268",6.00,"FLINT","DISCARDED",,1/9/1992 00:00:00,, "0269",1.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Oval shaped, dark coloured stone rubber? Lower surface smooth in parts, all other surfaces very smooth. Dimensions=9.2x7.5x4.8 cm.",3/2/1992 00:00:00,, "0269",2.00,"STONE","TOOL FRAG","Oblong shaped stone tool fragment, stained red down one side. The rounded edges and two flattened surfaces are quite smooth, but one surface is abraded. Dimensions=9.1x8x4.7 cm.",3/2/1992 00:00:00,, "0269",3.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Fourteen fragments of bitumen, from the lining of one or more woven vessels. Weave impressions on one side. Other side flat and smoothed. Largest piece measures 3.5x1.8x0.4 cm.",3/2/1992 00:00:00,, "0272",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,2/1/1992 00:00:00,, "0272",2.00,"METAL","SLAG","Dark grey, Irregularly-shaped piece of metallic slag. Dimensions 3 x 2.4 x 1.3 cm.",22/1/1992 00:00:00,, "0273",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","200 ml sample, floated residue found by Dominique but not on any database or record. It follows that this could be unreliable, especially as the context sheet says the context was 100% dry-sieved and sterile.",30/5/1995 00:00:00,, "0286",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Fish bone, from sieving.",25/1/1992 00:00:00,, "0286",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from sieving.",25/1/1992 00:00:00,, "0289",1.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Fragment of a flint hammer stone. Irregular in shape. Overall dimensions=7.9x6.8x3.5 cm.",10/2/1992 00:00:00,, "0289",2.00,"STONE","PIERCED DISC","Limestone disc, pierced through the centre. Just under half missing. Perforation intact. Upper and lower surfaces flattened and smoothed. Diameter 14.1 cm. Thickness 2 cm. Diameter of the perforation 1.4 cm.",10/2/1992 00:00:00,, "0289",3.00,"STONE","TOOL FRAG","Purple/pink coloured worked sandstone fragment. Broken in antiquity, now irregular in shape, but one surface is flat and smooth. Possibly used as a rubbing stone. Dimensions=11.5x9.3x3.6 cm.",10/2/1992 00:00:00,, "0289",4.00,"FLINT","CORE","Mottled grey flint core. Irregular in shape. Overall dimensions=7.6x7.5x4 cm.",10/2/1992 00:00:00,, "0289",5.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Large, brown flint hammer stone. Totally irregular in shape. Overall dimensions=8.2x8.3x7.1 cm.",10/2/1992 00:00:00,, "0289",6.00,"STONE","TOOL FRAG","Grey/green coloured stone tool fragment. Roughly rectangular in shape. Two surfaces flat and smooth. Dimensions=8.4x7x5 cm.",10/2/1992 00:00:00,, "0290",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone.",27/1/1992 00:00:00,, "0290",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,27/1/1992 00:00:00,, "0290",3.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAG","A thick fragment of bitumen from the lining of a woven vessel. Weave impressions on one side, flattened on the other side. Dimensions=3.7x3.5x1.5 cm.",1/2/1992 00:00:00,, "0290",4.00,"STONE","DISCARDED","Discarded.",1/2/1992 00:00:00,, "0290",5.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Dark grey coloured flint fragment. Irregular in shape. No evidence of retouch. Dimensions=6.7x4.7x3.1 cm.",1/2/1992 00:00:00,, "0290",6.00,"BITUMEN","LID OR BUNG","Fragment of lid or bung. Probably once disc-shaped with a central lug. Dimensions=5.4x4.2x1 cm.",1/2/1992 00:00:00,, "0290",7.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Piece of very badly corroded copper. Long and flat, and apparently fused to pieces of stone. Waste from some process? Dimensions 2.7 x 0.7 x 0.6 cm.",1/2/1992 00:00:00,,"Mechanically cleaned." "0290",8.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Amalgamated with find no:290:02.",1/2/1992 00:00:00,, "0290",9.00,"GLASS","BEAD","Light purple coloured, multi-faceted glass bead. Striations visible around the outer surfaces. Overall dimensions 1.1x0.9 cm. Appearance suggests post-Dilmun date, though no intrusion into context observed.",2/2/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "0291",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, includes some large bovid?.",6/2/1992 00:00:00,, "0291",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell.",6/2/1992 00:00:00,, "0291",3.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Triangular piece of flattened copper. Dimensions 1.5 x 1.1 x 0.4 cm.",6/2/1992 00:00:00,,"Mechanically cleaned. Stored with silica gel." "0292",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, but mostly fish.",5/2/1992 00:00:00,, "0292",2.00,"COPPER","HATCHET?","Thin, flat piece of copper, perhaps part of a wide blade. Reconstructed from fragments to form a an approximately rectangular shape, with one side slightly lengthened to produce a protruding corner, and an adjacent side curving outwards to form the other side of the protrusion, which is square at the end. Reconstructed portion measures 3.8 x 2.3 x 0.1 cm. Similar to 5510:88",5/2/1992 00:00:00,"Y","Mechanically cleaned then stuck with H.M.G. Stored with silica gel. Fragment taken by Lloyd Weeks for metallurgical analysis at Sydney, 1998" "0293",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,2/1/1992 00:00:00,, "0295",1.00,"SHELL","SHELL","Oyster shell.",6/2/1992 00:00:00,, "0295",2.00,"BONE","BONES","One piece of fish bone and one of animal.",6/2/1992 00:00:00,, "0296",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone.",6/2/1992 00:00:00,, "0296",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell.",6/2/1992 00:00:00,, "0296",3.00,"ORGANIC","CHARCOAL","A piece of burnt palm, taken as a sample.",15/2/1992 00:00:00,,"Dried slowly and wrapped in Aluminium foil." "0297",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, from sieving.",8/2/1992 00:00:00,, "0297",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed, sieved bone. Quite a lot burnt.",8/2/1992 00:00:00,, "0297",3.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Twelve pieces of bitumen from the lining of one or more woven vessels. All with weave impressions on one side, all smoothed on the other side. Largest piece measures 2.9x2x0.4 cm.",8/2/1992 00:00:00,, "0297",4.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Sample taken to UK for analysis. (DM 1995)",1/9/1992 00:00:00,, "0297",5.00,"ORGANIC","CHARCOAL","Several charcoal fragments from flotation residue. NB These are still labelled 04, the same number as the flotation sample they came from.",14/6/1993 00:00:00,"N", "0298",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Sample taken to UK for analysis. (DM 1995)",1/9/1992 00:00:00,, "0298",2.00,"ORGANIC","CHARCOAL","Several fragments of charcoal from flotation residue.",14/6/1993 00:00:00,, "0299",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,1/9/1992 00:00:00,, "0300",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","9 buckets for flotation.(50% sample).",16/2/1992 00:00:00,, "0300",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell.",15/2/1992 00:00:00,, "0300",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone.",15/2/1992 00:00:00,, "0300",4.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Tiny, angular piece of copper, found in flotation residue. 1.57 x 0.89 x 0.37 cm.",13/6/1993 00:00:00,, "0300",5.00,"ORGANIC","CHARCOAL","Fragment of charcoal from flotation.",14/6/1993 00:00:00,"N", "0300",6.00,"SHELL","DENTALIUM BEAD?","Length of dentalium, possibly worked. Stored with 300:02, not separately labelled.",,, "0306",1.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Very heavy and solid fragment of copper. Irregular in shape, but one side has been flattened. Dimensions 4 x 3 x 2.3 cm.",9/2/1992 00:00:00,,"Mechanically cleaned and stored with silica gel." "0307",1.00,"STONE","TOOL FRAG","Light coloured, close grained fragment of worked stone. Use unknown. Shape is now irregular, has been broken in antiquity. Dimensions=6.7x6.5x5.8 cm.",15/2/1992 00:00:00,, "0307",2.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder fragment of light coloured, very gritty-textured stone. Probably once oval in shape. One surface is flat. Dimensions 9.2 x 6.8 x 3.8 cm.",15/2/1992 00:00:00,, "0309",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, but mostly fish.",18/2/1992 00:00:00,, "0309",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell.",18/2/1992 00:00:00,, "0309",3.00,"FLINT","CORE/FRAGS","Three mottled red/brown flint fragments. A brown/grey rough flint core.",15/2/1992 00:00:00,, "0309",4.00,"STONE","BASIN FRAG","Light grey, gritty-textured fragment of a basin. Now roughly rectangular in overall shape. One surface is flat and pitted, the opposite surface has a shallow depression and is smooth. Overall dimensions 25 x 11 x 9.8 cm.",19/2/1992 00:00:00,, "0309",5.00,"FLINT",,,1/9/1992 00:00:00,, "0309",6.00,"FLINT",,,1/9/1992 00:00:00,, "0309",7.00,"SHELL","PIERCED BIVALVS","Two bivalves with deliberate holes. 1) Cockle (Trachicardium lacunosum), 4.2 x 3.6 cm, hole 2.2 x 1.3 cm. 2) Clam (Amiantis umbonella), 3.9 x 3.6 cm, hole 1.0 x 0.9 cm.",16/4/1994 00:00:00,, "0311",1.00,"FOSSIL BIVALVE","POUNDER","Pounder on fossil. Worn dark grey limestone with crazing of lighter colour across surface. The two shells join each other at an odd angle, being asymmetrical. The two main opposing faces are steeply convex. The surface is pitted and worn. The wide hinge is very worn but the deeper part of it is still visible. The hinge and the rest of the circumference/convex edges are pitted and scarred. Shell L: 5.3; W: 5.55; T: 5.0 cm.",14/7/1998 00:00:00,, "0311",2.00,"STONE","TOOL FRAG","Dark coloured, close grained stone tool fragment. Broken in antiquity, now roughly rectangular, one surface flattened and quite smooth. Dimensions=9.4x8.2x4.8 cm.",17/2/1992 00:00:00,, "0316",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,1/9/1992 00:00:00,, "0321",1.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Rectangular, light coloured, gritty textured grinder. Two edges rounded and the upper surface is flat and worn smooth in parts. Dimensions 22 x 18.5 x 4.8 cm.",15/2/1992 00:00:00,, "0321",2.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder. Sub ovoid nodule of mottled brown flint & creamy chert, with creamy white cortex (around a coral fossil inclusion), and orange-brown sub cortex. Both ends are very pitted as are all the angled edges. This edge pounding has caused deep scarring over much of the surface. Too irregular scarring for a Core. Dimensions 8.2 x 7.0 x 5.35 cm.",14/7/1998 00:00:00,, "0321",3.00,"STONE","DISCARDED","Discarded.",15/2/1992 00:00:00,, "0321",4.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Dark coloured, close grained stone rubber. Roughly cube shaped, but with rounded edges. One flattened surface is worn very smooth. Dimensions=6.7x6.6x5 cm.",15/2/1992 00:00:00,, "0321",5.00,"STONE","DISCARDED","Discarded.",15/2/1992 00:00:00,, "0321",6.00,"STONE","TOOL","Large, dark grey coloured fragment of worked stone. Use unknown. Surfaces have been rounded. Dimensions=15.3x12.9x8.7 cm.",15/2/1992 00:00:00,, "0321",7.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Light coloured, egg shaped stone tool. One surface is very smooth and shows signs of a dark staining. Probably used as a rubber. Dimensions=7x5x5 cm.",15/2/1992 00:00:00,, "0321",8.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Dark grey roughly wedge shape stone pounder. Both ends heavily abraded, but one surface is flattened and smoothed. Dimensions=9.1x6.5x4.3 cm.",15/2/1992 00:00:00,, "0321",9.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Light grey coloured, roughly dome shaped, stone rubber. Flattened surface is extremely smooth. Other surfaces are all abraded. Dimensions=6.3x6x4.7 cm.",15/2/1992 00:00:00,, "0321",10.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Long oblong shaped stone tool. Probably used as a rubber. One surface is flat, whilst all the others are curved. The flat surface is very smooth. Dimensions=9.7x6x3.3 cm.",15/2/1992 00:00:00,, "0321",11.00,"STONE","BASIN FRAG","Fragment of a stone basin. Light coloured, gritty-textured. Probably roughly rectangular in shape. Edges rounded, giving into a shallow depression, which is smoothed. Overall dimensions 33 x 12.8 x 11 cm.",15/2/1992 00:00:00,, "1000",1.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Piece of badly corroded copper, roughly oval in shape. Dimensions 1.5 x 0.9 x 0.8 cm.",1/12/1991 00:00:00,,"Mechanically cleaned. Stored with Silica gel." "1000",2.00,"BONE","BONES",,2/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1000",3.00,"METAL","FRAGS","One piece of corroded ?iron, irregular in shape. Dimensions 3.6 x 2.5 x 2 cm. One piece of copper, perhaps a brooch clasp. Not severely corroded. Length 5.4 cm. Diameter 0.9 cm. One small unidentified fragment of copper. Dimensions 1 x 0.6 x 0.4 cm.",2/12/1991 00:00:00,"Y", "1000",4.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Amalgamated with no:06. MISSING.",2/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1000",5.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Amalgamated with no:06.",2/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1000",6.00,"SHELL","WORKED SHELL?","Small shell, possibly worked. Not further described. MISSING March 1992",2/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1000",7.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Two fragments of copper slag Largest 3.6 x 2.5 x 2.2 cm.",2/12/1991 00:00:00,"Y", "1001",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,4/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1001",2.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Fragment of stone tool. Probably part of a rubber. Semi - circular in shape, one surface being smooth and the other pitted. Grey close stone 7.5x4x3.5cms",4/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1001",3.00,"STONE","TOOL FRAG","Fragment of dark, close grained stone rubber? Broken in antiquity, but probably once round in shape. Upper and lower surfaces worn smooth. Dimensions=3.8x2.7x1.5 cm.",4/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1001",4.00,"BONE","BONES","Unworked animal bone level.",5/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1001",5.00,"FLINT","FRAGS","Amalgamated with no:04.",5/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1001",6.00,"FLINT","FRAG","A piece of burnt flint. Irregular shape. No retouch in evidence. Dimensions=2.6x2x1.8 cm.",7/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1001",7.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Amalgamated with no:01.",8/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1001",8.00,"FLINT","FRAGS","Three flint fragments. 1) Broken flake, the distal end with step termination. Flattish pentagon of brown chert with creamy cortex. Lateral tiny point has tip with possible use wear. Dimensions 2.6 x 2.3 x 0.5 cm. 2) Broken plunging flake/piece. Sub triangular brown flint with creamy cortex and red skin on separated unworked surfaces. Previous and later scars on dorsal surface. Dimensions 2.6 x 2.5 x 0.9 cm. 3) Pot lid. Semicircular piece of coarse grey chert with creamy cortex. Dimensions 2.45 x 2.35 x 0.9 cm. Separated from 1001:44 in 1998.",8/12/1991 00:00:00,"M", "1001",9.00,"ORGANIC","SAMPLE","Small piece of charred organic material, unidentified. Removed from sand layer.",8/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1001",10.00,"STONE","TOOL FRAG","Piece of a light coloured stone rubber? Probably round before being broken. One surface very smooth. Dimensions=7.4x5.5x5.2 cm.",9/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1001",11.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Amalgamated with no:01.",10/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1001",12.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Tiny piece of copper. Dimensions 0.9 x 0.4 x 0.2 cm.",10/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1001",13.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, amalgamated with no:04.",10/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1001",14.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Amalgamated with no:01.",11/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1001",15.00,"METAL","ORE","Small piece of ?iron ore. Almost black in colour. Dimensions 3 x 1.6 x 1 cm.",14/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1001",16.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Amalgamated with no:01.",14/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1001",17.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Two pieces of bitumen from the lining of one or more woven vessels. Weave impressions on one surface. Dimensions 2x1.7x1 cm.1x1x2 cm.",15/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1001",18.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,15/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1001",19.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Fragment of copper , irregular in shape. Dimensions 2.1 x 1.1 x 1 cm.",18/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1001",20.00,"STONE","DISCARDED","DISCARDED.",24/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1001",21.00,"FLINT","FRAGS","Amalgamated with find no:08.",24/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1001",22.00,"FLINT","CORE","Rough flint core. Dimensions=4x5x2.5 cm.",24/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1001",23.00,"COPPER","OBJECT","A piece of badly corroded copper, possibly a brooch clasp or a small blade. Length 4.6 cm.",25/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1001",24.00,"GLASS","VESSEL","Base fragments from two tiny glass vessels. 1) White, traces of blue. Vertical sides, pushed-up base. Pres. H. 2.7, ba. di. 1.5 cm. 2) Mottled brown. Flat base. Pres. H. 1.7 cm.",25/12/1991 00:00:00,"Y", "1001",25.00,"GLASS","BANGLE","Fragment of twisted black glass bracelet. Di. 0.7",25/12/1991 00:00:00,"Y", "1001",26.00,"GLASS","BEAD","Broken grey glass bead. H. 1.2, di. 1.4 cm. Probably post-Dilmun - DISCARDED",25/12/1991 00:00:00,"N", "1001",27.00,"GLASS","BEAD","Fragment of brown glass bead with cream stripe round. 1.4 x 1.2 x 0.7 cm. Probably post-Dilmun.",25/12/1991 00:00:00,"Y", "1001",28.00,"GLASS","BEAD","About half of a striated brown glass bead. 1.2, di. 1.5 cm. Probably post-Dilmun.",25/12/1991 00:00:00,"Y", "1001",29.00,"GLASS","BEAD","As 1001:27. H. 1.4 cm. Probably post-Dilmun",25/12/1991 00:00:00,"Y", "1001",30.00,"GLASS","BEAD","Fragment of brown glass bead with cream stripe around. H. 1.2 cm. Probably post-Dilmun.",25/12/1991 00:00:00,"Y", "1001",31.00,"GLASS","BEAD","Fragment of grey glass bead. 1.1 x 1.3 x 0.9 cm. Probably post-Dilmun.",25/12/1991 00:00:00,"Y", "1001",32.00,"GLASS","BEAD","As 1001:27. H. 1.3 cm. Probably post-Dilmun.",25/12/1991 00:00:00,"Y", "1001",33.00,"GLASS","BEAD","As 1001:36. 1.2 x 1.2 x 0.5 cm. Probably post-Dilmun.",25/12/1991 00:00:00,"Y", "1001",34.00,"GLASS","BEAD","Fragment of brown glass bead with cream stripe round. H. 1.2 cm. Probably post-Dilmun.",25/12/1991 00:00:00,"Y", "1001",35.00,"GLASS","BEAD","Fragment of cream-coloured cylindrical glass bead with cream stripe around. H. 1.2 cm. Probably post-Dilmun.",25/12/1991 00:00:00,"Y", "1001",36.00,"GLASS","BEAD","Fragment of cream and brown glass bead, combed. Dimensions 1.2 x 1.0 x 0.5 cm. Probably post-Dilmun.",25/12/1991 00:00:00,"Y", "1001",37.00,"GLASS","BEAD","Glass bead, probably post-Dilmun - DISCARDED",25/12/1991 00:00:00,"N", "1001",38.00,"GLASS","BEAD","Fragment of brown glass bead. 0.9 x 0.8 x 0.5 cm. Probably post-Dilmun.",25/12/1991 00:00:00,"Y", "1001",39.00,"GLASS","BEAD","Fragments of two brown glass beads. 1.2 x 1.4 cm., and 1.3 x 1.2 cm. Probably post-Dilmun.",25/12/1991 00:00:00,"Y", "1001",40.00,"GLASS","VESSEL","Fragment of ?turned-over rim of brown glass vessel. 1.9 x 2.0 x 0.7 cm.",25/12/1991 00:00:00,"Y", "1001",41.00,"POTTERY","GLAZED BOWL","Sherds of a bowl, reconstructed to give a complete profile of a wide-mouthed bowl, with carination at mid-point. Most of rim and body extant. Buff coloured fabric, with hatched incised decoration on the upper body and a rough surface on the lower body. Inside, evidence of a green glaze. Rim diameter 26 cm. Depth 13 cm. In the style of the Islamic period - presumably intrusive.",25/12/1991 00:00:00,"Y", "1001",42.00,"POTTERY","SHERDS","Islamic-period sherds. Not separately described.",25/12/1991 00:00:00,,"Stored with un-numbered pottery from same context." "1001",43.00,"SHELL","TOOL","Long thin piece of shell with the natural curvature of a bivalve, cut to be roughly sub-rectangular in plan, one end wider than the other. One corner of the wide end has been notched away. Perhaps a scraper. Length 4.7, width 1.9, thickness 0.4 cm.",1/7/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "1001",44.00,"FLINT","FLAKE","Flake, possibly utilised. Glossy pinkish brown mottled flint with red skin. Plain (skin) platform (on corner of flake) and feather-slightly hinged termination. Previous scar on dorsal surface struck from same platform. Possible use wear on convex lateral edge. Similar production to sickle blade flakes? L: 2.4; W: 1.6; T: 0.75 cm. Separated from 1001:8 in 1998.",8/12/1991 00:00:00,"M", "1002",1.00,"BONE","BONES",,11/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1002",2.00,"STONE","WORKED","Worked stone of light grey, close grained texture. Use unknown, but one surface worn very smooth and soapy to the touch. Now roughly rectangular in shape. Dimensions=6.5x7.8x1.6 cm.",11/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1002",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Amalgamated with no:01.",14/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1002",4.00,"STONE","PIERCED OBJECT","Piece of light coloured worked stone, probably once square in shape, with a hole through the centre. Half extant. Dimensions 14 x 8.6 x 8.4 cm. Diameter of hole 3.5 cm.",11/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1002",5.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,11/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1003",1.00,"ORGANIC","SAMPLE","Charred organic material - unidentified.",14/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1003",2.00,"STONE","TOOL","Worked stone. Roughly domed shaped. At flat end there is a circular indentation. Dimensions=5.5x5.4x5 cm.",14/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1004",1.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Fragment of a light-coloured stone grinder. Gritty textured stone. Original shape probably round, now roughly semi-circular. Diameter 8 cm. Depth 3 cm.",17/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1004",2.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Small fragment of badly corroded copper. Irregular in shape. Dimensions 1.3 x 0.9 x 0.5 cm.",17/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1004",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,17/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1004",4.00,"STONE","TOOL FRAGS","Three pieces of dark, close grained stone. Probably fragments of a grinder? Once round in shape, with the upper surface very smoothed. Dimensions=6.9x diameterx2 cm. Now wedge shaped.",17/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1004",5.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder fragment of light grey, gritty stone. Lower surface smooth, all other surfaces very coarse. Now roughly rectangular in shape. Dimensions 8 x 6 x 4 cm.",17/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1004",6.00,"ORGANIC","RESIDUE","Pottery base sherd with organic residue (charred), on the inside. Possibly burnt bitumen?",17/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1006",1.00,"PLASTER","ROOF FRAGS","Thirteen fragments of plaster, various shapes and sizes, presumably from roof or ceiling. Two largest pieces show reed or palm stalk impressions. Dimensions 9 x 8.5 x 3.4 cm; 19 x 9 x 1.2 cm.",19/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1006",2.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Fragment of a large grinder. Light coloured stone, worn smooth on the upper surface. Probably originally rectangular. Dimensions 16 x 15 x 5 cm.",21/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1006",3.00,"PLASTER","FRAG","Piece of plaster with pottery and a copper fragment embedded in it. Dimensions 8.6 x 7.8 x 2.6 cm.",31/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1006",4.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone.",28/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1006",5.00,"PLASTER","ROOF FRAGS","Twenty five pieces of roof plaster, apparently fallen from ceiling. Largest piece showing impression of reeds or palm-leaf. Dimensions 13 x 4.4 x 3.3 cm.",21/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1006",6.00,"POTTERY","PAINTED SHERD","Sherd of painted pottery. Rectangular in shape. Black, hatched painting, on an orange coloured, well-fired fabric. Dimensions 8.4 x 6x 2 cm.",28/12/1991 00:00:00,,"Stored with un-numbered sherds from same context." "1006",7.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Fragments of bitumen, from the lining of one or more woven vessels. Weave impressions on some. Not measured.",28/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1006",8.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Pieces of bitumen from the lining of one or more woven vessels. Weave impressions. Amalgamated with 1006:7. Not measured.",28/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1006",9.00,"PLASTER","FRAG","Piece of plaster with reed or palm-leaf impression on one surface. Irregular in shape. Dimensions 4.8 x 3.5 x 3.2 cm.",28/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1006",10.00,"STONE","BOWL FRAG","Rim fragment of thick-walled vessel, possibly a bowl. Dark pinkish quartzite. Top of rim is wide and flat, with rounded edges. The inner face is concave, the outer is convex. All extant surfaces have been carefully ground smooth. Dimensions 3.3 x 1.4 cm.",14/7/1998 00:00:00,, "1006",11.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder fragment. Light coloured stone with tiny shell inclusions. Smooth on the flat upper flat surface. Dimensions 1 3x 10 x 8.3 cm.",31/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1006",12.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Dark brown flint flake. No evidence of retouch. Dimensions=3x1.2x1 cm.",31/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1006",13.00,"NOT USED","NOT USED","NOT USED",9/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1007",1.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Worked, light coloured stone grinder? Broken in antiquity, but probably once round in shape. All surfaces worn smooth except for one which is abraded. Dimensions=8.4x9.3x7.6 cm.",18/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1007",2.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Light grey, close grained fragment of a rubber? Broken in antiquity, probably once round in shape, now of irregular shape. Two surfaces smoothed. Dimensions=5.6x7x3.5 cm.",18/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1007",3.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Fragment of worked stone, broken in antiquity. Probably a pounder, as one surface heavily abraded. Very close grained dark stone. Dimensions=8x7x3.6 cm.",18/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1007",4.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Shell from a rubble level. Amalgamated with find no:13.",18/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1007",5.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Broken piece of a light grey coloured grinder. Probably once rectangular in shape. Pitted on three surfaces. Dimensions 15.3 x 13 x 10.2 cm.",6/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1007",6.00,"BONE","BONES","Animal bone recovered from a rubble level.",6/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1007",7.00,"STONE","RUBBER","A fragment of dark grey, worked stone. Possibly once part of a rubber? One surface very smoothed, with a sheen in evidence. Broken in antiquity, now roughly wedge shaped. Dimensions=6.5x4.4x4 cm.",6/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1007",8.00,"BONE","BONES","Amalgamated with no:06.",30/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1007",9.00,"STONE","FRAG","Discarded.",7/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1007",10.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder fragment in light coloured gritty stone. Probably once oval in shape. Dimensions 16 x 5.1 x 12 cm.",7/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1007",11.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Fragment of a light coloured grinder. Gritty textured stone. Upper surface smoothed. Probably originally oval in shape. Dimensions 11.2 x 7.6 x 3.6 cm.",7/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1007",12.00,"STONE","FRAG","Discarded.",8/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1007",13.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, amalgamated with find no:04.",8/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1008",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone including an articulated vertebrae. From a wall. Not sieved. Consolidated with Paraloid 5% w/v in Acetone. Packed into a plastic container.",25/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1009",1.00,"STONE","DISCARDED","DISCARDED.",24/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1009",2.00,"STONE","BASIN FRAG","Large fragment of a light coloured stone basin . Roughly rectangular in shape. Inner surface worn very smooth, perhaps from grinding. Dimensions 35 x 24 x 6 cm.",29/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1009",3.00,"STONE","FRAG","Grinder stone fragment, light coloured, porous stone with small shell inclusions. Probably part of a once rectangular grind/quern stone. One surface smoothed. Dimensions=13x10.3x8.3 cm. Roughly rectangular in shape.",29/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1009",4.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Rough flint flake of light brown colour. No retouch evident. Dimensions=2x1.8x0.8 cm.",29/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1009",5.00,"FLINT","CORE","Core of dark brown colour, irregular in shape, no evidence of retouch. Dimensions=6.4x3.5x1.3 cm.",29/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1009",6.00,"FLINT","CORE","Dark brown flint core. A number of flakes having been taken off, but with no evidence of any retouch. Irregular in shape. Dimensions=6x2.6x1.5 cm.",30/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1009",7.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Light brown, flint flake. No evidence of retouch. Recovered from a rubble level. Dimensions=3.8x2.6x0.5 cm.",31/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1009",8.00,"POTTERY","HANDLE?","Part of a ring, or possibly handle, of hard fired clay. Dense pink fabric. Perhaps a net-sinker or similar. Just under half survives, assuming it is a ring. One break shows a tubular section; the other side is much thinner, but probably broken. Outer di. 6.0, inner di 2.0 cm. Depth 2cms",31/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1009",9.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Two pieces of bitumen. Dimensions 2.5x1.5x1.1 cm. 2.1x1.2x0.6 cm.",31/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1009",10.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Possible Awl on a bipolar flake. Irregular flake with spur, of brown dotted flint with lumpy light grey-creamy white cortex. Focal/scarred platform and crushed (bipolar) plunging termination, with a side wing/spur. Spur formed where the fracture has stepped, probably due to a flaw in the flint. The dorsal surface has been flaked (previously?) from one lateral side, creating a sharper point to the spur. The point was possibly utilized as an Awl as the tip is worn and one side is scarred. L: 4.0; W: 3.2; T: 0.6 cm. Separated from 1009:11 & 22 in 1998. (Although originally amalgamated from no:11).",31/12/1991 00:00:00,"M", "1009",11.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Sickle blade blank on blade flake. Rectangular brown dotted flint. Plain platform (on corner of tool) and feather termination. Dorsal surface is flat (small pot lid now occurring) but previously flaked from the same platform. The platform and two lateral edges (snapped/struck) are flat and straight. The distal edge is also straight with retouch or use wear. Dimensions 2.86 x 1.86 x 0.6 cm. Separated from 1009:10 & 22 in 1998. (Originally 2 frags amalgamated with no:10).",2/1/1992 00:00:00,"M", "1009",12.00,"STONE","TOOL FRAG","Broken fragment of a dark coloured stone rubber? Outer surfaces very smooth. Dimensions=6x7x1.7 cm. Probably once oval in shape, but now irregular since fragmented.",2/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1009",13.00,"STONE","TOOL FRAG","Fragment of a light coloured stone pounder. Probably originally round in shape but broken in antiquity. All outer surfaces pitted. Diameter=10.4 cm.",2/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1009",14.00,"STONE","TOOL","Fragment of dark purple worked stone. Use unknown, but one surface is smooth. Irregular in shape since being broken. Dimensions=3x3.2x2 cm.",2/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1009",15.00,"STONE","DISCARDED","Discarded.",2/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1009",16.00,"STONE","TOOL FRAG","Broken fragment of a light coloured stone pounder. Outer unbroken edges all pitted. Probably once oval in shape. Dimensions=10x5.6x7 cm.",2/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1009",17.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell recovered from rubble.",2/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1009",18.00,"BONE","BONES","unworked animal bone recovered from a rubble level.",4/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1009",19.00,"STONE","BASIN FRAG","Basin fragment of light coloured, gritty stone. Part of the rim of a rectangular basin. Inner surface very smooth. Dimensions 10 x 7.7 x 4.8 cm.",4/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1009",20.00,"CLAY","FRAG","Lump of clay, burnt in one place. Irregular in shape. One surface convex. Dimensions=9.4x7.6x3 cm.",2/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1009",21.00,"POTTERY","PAINTED SHERD","Not described individually.",4/1/1992 00:00:00,,"Stored with un-numbered pottery from same context." "1009",22.00,"FLINT","CORE","Small Core. Sub triangular/blocky piece of grey-brown chert with grey and dark red banded sub cortex, and light grey cortex. Flakes struck from flattish cortical and opposing platform. Coarse nature of material makes identification and description difficult. Dimensions 3.95 x 3.4 x 2.05 cm. Flakes: L: 1.7; W: 1.5+ cm. L: 1.9; W: 3.4 cm. Separated from 1009:1 in 1998. (Originally amalgamated with 1009:10).",20/4/1998 00:00:00,"M", "1014",1.00,"BONE","BIRD","A single bird bone. Length15 cm.",23/12/1991 00:00:00,,"Brushed with Paraloid B72-10% weight/volume in Acetone." "1014",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, some burnt, from a dry sieved occupation context.",7/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1014",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from dry sieving of an occupation level.",6/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1014",4.00,"ORGANIC","DATE/WOOD","Four whole, carbonized date seeds and six fragments. One small piece of charred wood. Dimensions=1.6x0.7x0.5 cm.",6/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1014",5.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Light brown flint flake. Irregular in shape, no evidence of retouch. Recovered from a dry sieved occupation level. Dimensions=1.5x1.3x0.4 cm.",6/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1014",6.00,"STONE","DISCARDED","Discarded.",6/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1014",7.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Three fragments of badly corroded copper. One short length of thick, flattened wire, extant length 2.3, width 0.7, 0.4 thick. Two irregular blobs, presumably casting slag, 1.3 x 1.1 x 0.4, and 0.9 x 0.7 x 0.6 cm. Long, thin, slightly curved piece, possibly part of a pin or fish hook. Length 1.8 cm. 2) Irregularly shaped, unidentified piece. Dimensions 1.3 x 0.7 x 0.3 cm. 3) Roughly oval shaped fragment. Dimensions 0.8 x 0.4 x 0.5 cm.",7/1/1992 00:00:00,,"Mechanically cleaned." "1014",8.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Six pieces of bitumen, all irregular in shape, no evidence of weave impressions. Largest piece is roughly triangular in shape and flat on one surface. Dimensions 3.2x3.1x1.7 cm.",7/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1018",1.00,"PLASTER","ROOF FRAGS","Large quantity of collapsed ceiling plaster. Largest two pieces show beam impressions. Dimensions of two large fragments 15x9.6x3.7 cm. 24x8x5.5 cm.",2/1/1992 00:00:00,,"Discarded May 1993" "1018",2.00,"PLASTER","RENDER FRAG","Large fragment of plaster, perhaps from ceiling render, as impressions of tying visible and show ?ceiling lining. Dimensions 22 x 14 x 0.6 cm.",2/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1018",3.00,"BONE","HORN CORE","Animal bone from a rubble level. Includes a horn core - Dimensions=12.7x2.5x1.5 cm.",26/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1018",4.00,"SHELL","SHELL","Oyster shell.",26/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1018",5.00,"STONE","LID","Light coloured, gritty textured stone lid. Diameter 9.2 cm. Depth 3.2 cm.",26/1/1992 00:00:00,,"[WOULD BE NICE TO KNOW THE SHAPE. But unlocated 1998 - even in plaster boxes]" "1018",6.00,"STONE","BASIN FRAG","Fragment of a light-coloured stone basin, probably once oval in shape. A rounded edge with a shallow depression remains. Upper surfaces smooth. Dimensions 10.5 x 9.6 x 4.9 cm.",26/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1018",7.00,"FLINT","CORE","Dome shaped, grey flint core. Outer patina of a cream colour. Used in antiquity as a hammer stone. Diameter=6.4 cm. Depth=4.3 cm.",26/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1018",8.00,"FLINT","CORE","Mottled coloured flint core, which has been used as a hammer stone. Irregular in shape. Dimensions=6.8x5x4.3 cm.",26/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1018",9.00,"PLASTER","ROOF FRAGS","Plaster fragments, probably fallen from roof, with reed or palm-leaf impressions . All irregular in shape. Largest piece measures 18 x 11.2 x 4.2 cm.",26/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1019",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, including a small mandible. Recovered from a sand level.",4/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1019",2.00,"SHELL","SHELL","Oyster shells.",4/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1019",3.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Five bitumen fragments. No evidence of basket impressions. Largest piece measures 4x1.7x0.8 cm.",4/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1020",1.00,"BONE","FISH","Fish bone recovered from a sand level.",5/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1021",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,2/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1021",2.00,"BONE","FISH","Tiny fragments of fish bone, recovered from the sieving of an oven context.",30/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1021",3.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing on yellow/green clay. Knot impressions are visible on the reverse. On the front is a seal impression. The design shows a seated stick figure on the right. Another figure on the left drinks from a pot at his feet through a straw held in one hand. A human foot is visible in the centre, with a vertical line to its right. Dimensions 2.5 x 2.4 x 1 cm. From sieved oven fill.",30/1/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "1021",4.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing fragment. Yellow/green clay. Seal impression, possibly from the same seal as 1021:3 and 5. Design shows a seated figure on the right, possibly holding a drinking straw. Very fragile -broken in two. Larger fragment 1.2 x 1.4 x 0.3 cm. From sieved oven fill.",30/1/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "1021",5.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Clay sealing with very worn impression. Possibly from the same seal as 1021:3 and 4. String impressions on the back. Dimensions 2.4 x 2.2 x 0.6 cm. Recovered from sieved oven fill.",30/1/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "1021",6.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing fragment. Yellow/green clay. String impression on the back. Badly worn seal-impression on the front, illegible. Dimensions 2 x 1.3 x 0.9 cm. From sieved oven fill.",30/1/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "1021",7.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing fragment on yellow/green clay, tiny. Seal-impression on front shows an ?animal head and an ?incised line. Dimensions 1.6 x 1.2 x 0.2 cm. From sieved oven fill.",30/1/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "1021",8.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Two sealing fragments of yellow/green clay with fingerprint impressions, but no design that is legible. Dimensions 1. 15 x 1 x 0.6 cm 2.1 x 1.2 x 0.6 cm",30/1/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "1023",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone from a rubble level.",11/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1023",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from a rubble level.",11/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1023",3.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Red/brown flint flake. No evidence of retouch, but roughly point shaped. Dimensions=2.2x1x0.3 cm.",11/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1024",1.00,"BONE","HORN CORE","Large animal long bone. Length=24 cm. Width=3.5 cm. Two horn cores. Length=1)17.1 cm.2)10.4 cm. Large quantity of mixed bone, from a sieved rubble context.",12/1/1992 00:00:00,,"Mechanically cleaned then treated with Paraloid B72 in Acetone - 5% weight/volume." "1024",2.00,"STEATITE","SEAL","Very dark coloured soft stone seal, soapy to the touch. Edge straight - (Failaka Var. 1). Reverse is domed with a very worn perforation. Two incised circles with a central dot, but probably four originally, but worn away. Three parallel incised grooves at right angles to the perforation. Worn away or interrupted at the top. Edge and reverse very worn and smooth. Design on the front shows a human figure wearing a flounced skirt, facing left. Over his shoulder is a pole, from either end of which is suspended an inverted horned animal with a long, ruffed neck. Both animals look inwards. Design is crude and scratchy. Overall diameter 2.1 x 1.1 cm. Ht. 1.1cm.",12/1/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "1024",3.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Three pieces of bitumen from the lining of one or more woven vessels. Weave impressions on the inner surfaces. All irregular in shape. Dimensions 1) 4.7x5x0.6 cm. 2) 3.3x2.5x0.5 cm. 3) 3x1.7x0.4 cm.",12/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1024",4.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing fragment on hardened yellow/green clay. String impression on reverse, seal-impression on the front. The design shows a standing naked human figure with bent arm outstretched towards a horizontally-striped object which has a ?leg or ?claw at the bottom near the figure's legs. Two horizontal lines below. Dimensions 2.1 x 1.3 x 1.5 cm. Suggested amendment: The design shows a standing figure, probably nude, facing right, head missing. One bent arm is extended to the right, to touch a large, vertical, rectangular object. This has horizontal hatching down its length, and a leg or claw protruding form the lower left corner, near to the figure's legs.",12/1/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "1024",5.00,"STONE","TOOL FRAG","Small fragment of dark coloured, close grained stone ?rubber. Two outer surfaces worn very smooth and soapy to the touch. Broken in antiquity, original shape unknown. Dimensions 2.8 x 1.7 x 2.1 cm.",11/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1024",6.00,"STEATITE","SEAL","Complete light grey steatite seal. Edge slightly waisted - (Failaka Var. 2). Reverse broken off. Traces of perforation extant, and ledge around base of dome, on which tool marks are visible. Design on the front shows a hatched strip down the centre, dividing the field in two. On either side are the ruffed necks, heads, and raised front legs of three horned . On one side they face outwards, to the right. On the other two face left and the third is damaged. (i.e. mirror design). Overall diameter 2.75 cm. Height 0.75 cm. Recovered from rubble.",12/1/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "1024",7.00,"CARNELIAN","BEAD","Disc-shaped carnelian bead, orange in colour and very smooth to the touch. Surface partly ridged. Diameter 0.7 cm. Thickness 0.4 cm.",12/1/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "1024",8.00,"BITUMEN","BEAD","Roughly spherical bead, with central perforation. Diameter 2.3 cm. Diameter of hole 0.5 cm.",12/1/1992 00:00:00,"Y","Mechanically cleaned and then brushed with a solution of Paraloid B72 in Acetone - 5% weight/volume." "1024",9.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Large quantity of mixed shell from a dry sieved rubble context.",12/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1024",10.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Twenty three pieces of corroded copper, Largest 3.9 x 2.4 x 1.8. All casting slag or scrap. 1-3. Three roughly round fragments. 4) One larger round piece, diameter 1.6 cm 5. One rectangular flattened piece, which could once have been part of a blade, 1.9 x 1.1 x 0.3 cm. 6) One large roughly rectangular piece which was possibly once part of a hafted tool. Now brown and very badly corroded, 4 x 2 x 0.8 cm. 7-10. Four badly corroded fragments, 2.5 x 1.2 x 0.9 cm, 1.7 x 1.1 x 0.6 cm., 1.7 x 0.7 x 0.5 cm., 1.1 x 0.9 x 0.8 cm. Thirteen other fragments all irregular in shape and unidentifiable.",12/1/1992 00:00:00,,"Mechanically cleaned." "1024",11.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Many small pieces of bitumen, from the lining of one or more woven vessels. Weave impressions some Largest fragment measures 2.6x2x1.2 cm.",12/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1024",12.00,"STONE","TOOL FRAG","Dark coloured, close grained fragment of a stone rubber? Probably once round or oval in shape, but broken in antiquity, now wedge shaped. One surface flat and very smooth. Dimensions=9.7x4.2x3.8 cm.",12/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1024",13.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Fragment of a light coloured, gritty textured grinder. Probably once rectangular in shape. Upper surface flattened and smoothed. Dimensions 12.9 x 11.6 x 4 cm.",12/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1024",14.00,"STONE","TOOL FRAG","Light coloured, light weight stone rubber. Once circular in shape, but now broken. One flattened surface smooth, the other abraded. Diameter=7.4 cm. Thickness=3 cm.",12/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1024",15.00,"CARNELIAN","BEAD","Small disc-shaped orange carnelian bead. Diameter 0.5 cm. Length 0.55 cm. Diameter of the perforation 0.1 cm.",13/1/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "1024",16.00,"BONE","ASSEMBLAGE","Large assemblage of animal bones, including upper and lower jaws of a sheep?",13/1/1992 00:00:00,,"Mechanically cleaned and diagnostic pieces impregnated with a solution of Paraloid B72 in Acetone - 5% weight/volume." "1024",17.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing fragment of yellow/green hardened clay. Remaining portion shows the rounded edge of a seal-impression: the remaining design shows (from right): the lower part of a ?shield, legs of a human figure, an animal, and part of a hatched rectangle, probably a net. Irregular in shape. Dimensions 2.2 x 1.5 x 0.6 cm.",13/1/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "1024",18.00,"BONE","SKULL","Half of a small animal skull, possibly sheep? Teeth remaining and orbital socket. Overall length=14.7 cm.",14/1/1992 00:00:00,,"Reconstructed with H.M.G., then treated with a solution of Paraloid B72 in Acetone - 5% weight/volume." "1024",19.00,"SHELL","DENTALIUM BEAD","Length of hollow, white, cylindrical dentalium shell, presumably used as a bead. Diameter 0.3cms, length 1.5 cm. Woolley type 5",15/1/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "1024",20.00,"FLINT","FLAKES","Three light brown flint flakes and one dark grey coloured flake. All irregular in shape, with no evidence of retouch. Dimensions=1)3.7x3.1x0.7 cm.2)2.9x1.5x1 cm.3)2.6x1x0.2cms .4)2x2x0.2 cm.",16/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1024",21.00,"STONE","FRAG","Discarded.",16/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1024",22.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Four sealing fragments. 1) Greeny grey clay. Reverse has impression of string and knot. Front has deep finger-impression but no seal-impression. 1.9 x 1.6 x 1.0 cm. 2) Greeny grey clay. Reverse has string-impression. Front is illegible. 1.7 x 1.2 x 1.1 cm. 3) Grey clay. Reverse has ?string-impression. Front has edge of seal-impression, but not enough to determine design. 1.8 x 1.4 x 0.8 cm. 4) Greeny-grey clay. Reverse has string-impression. Front has edge of seal-impression, too worn to determine design. 1.8 x 1.1 x 0.4 cm.",18/1/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "1024",23.00,"STONE","FRAG","Discarded.",19/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1024",24.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Four badly corroded, irregularly shaped fragments of copper. Dimensions: 1) 2.5 x 1.2 x 0.9 cm. 2) 1.7 x 1.1 x 0.6 cm. 3) 1.7 x 0.7 x 0.5 cm. 4) 1.1 x 0.9 x 0.8 cm.",11/1/1992 00:00:00,,"Mechanically cleaned." "1025",1.00,"BONE","FISH","Fish bone with a growth attached to it.",12/1/1992 00:00:00,,"Glued together using H.M.G., then brushed with Paraloid solution in Acetone - 5% weight/volume." "1025",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell 1 bag sieved.",2/3/1993 00:00:00,, "1025",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone 1 bag sieved.",2/3/1993 00:00:00,, "1025",4.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing, on sandy grey clay. String impression on reverse, seal-impression on front. The design, which is probably badly worn, shows a standing figure in a long skirt holding a straw in a pot to the right. a second straw is visible. Dimensions: 1.4 x 1.23 x 1.2 cm.",2/3/1993 00:00:00,"Y", "1028",1.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Many small fragments of bitumen, from the lining of one or more woven vessels. Weave impressions on a few. Largest piece measures 3.5x2.7x0.4 cm.",16/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1028",2.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Badly corroded piece of copper, irregular in shape. Dimensions 1.9 x 0.9 x 0.3 cm.",16/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1028",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, but mostly fish, from a sand sieved level.",18/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1029",1.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing fragment of yellow/green hardened clay, with a string impression on the back and seal-impression on the front. Design shows the torso of a male animal. Irregular in shape. Dimensions 1.5 x 1.3 x 0.7 cm.",18/1/1992 00:00:00,"Y","Very fragile, so treated with a solution of Paraloid B72 in Acetone - 5% weight/volume." "1029",2.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing, hemispherical, of red/orange clay. Made the same size as the seal used on it, so it has a seal-impression exactly fitting the flat surface. The reverse is a smooth convex surface, with an indentation at one edge, presumably where the end of a string was embedded in it, i.e. a tag The design shows a standing figure in a dress. To the left of the figure is a scorpion. To the right is a horned animal looking back over its shoulder at the human figure. Dimensions 2.6 x 2.8 x 1.2 cm",18/1/1992 00:00:00,"Y","Extremely friable. Impregnated with a solution of Paraloid B72 in Acetone - 5% weight/volume." "1029",3.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Fragment of a sealing on yellow/green hardened clay. On the back is a string-impression, on the front a seal-impression with no intelligible design remaining. One edge is flattened and smooth, but the remainder has broken away. Now irregular in shape. Dimensions 2.6 x 2 x 0.9 cm.",18/1/1992 00:00:00,"Y","Very fragile, so treated with 5% Paraloid B72 in Acetone." "1029",4.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Small corner of a sealing on light grey hardened clay. Impression on the front shows two lines at right angles making a corner, to enclose the main impression. Broken in antiquity, now irregular in shape. Dimensions 1.6 x 0.7 x 0.7 cm.",18/1/1992 00:00:00,"Y","Very fragile. Treated with 5% Paraloid B72 in Acetone." "1029",5.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Fragment of sealing on yellow/green hardened clay. Tubular impression on reverse, perhaps of string. Seal-impression on front. Remaining design appears to show a seated figure with its feet on an animal. Dimensions 2 x 1.3 x 1 cm.",18/1/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "1029",6.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing fragment on hardened, yellow/green, clay. The reverse, has part of a string impression. On the front a curved line shows where the edge of a seal-impression once was. Dimensions 1.8 x 1.3 x 0.5 cm.",18/1/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "1029",7.00,"CLAY","SEALING","?Sealing. Piece of hardened, yellow/green clay, probably a sealing. String-impressions on reverse. Obverse has impression of something flat and striated, e.g. wood. Not a stamp sealing. Irregular in shape. Dimensions 1.8 x 1.3 x 0.5 cm.",18/1/1992 00:00:00,"Y","Mended with HMG cellulose nitrate." "1029",8.00,"CLAY","SEALING","?Sealing. Piece of hardened, yellow/green clay. Possibly used for sealing, as one surface is smoothed and indented, but no design remains. Reverse has parallel impressions of ?thin strips of palm leaf used for binding. Dimensions 1.7 x 1.2 x 1.1 cm.",18/1/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "1029",9.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing. Piece of clay with impression of the edge of a seal. Two surfaces seem to be smoothed, but no remaining design is visible. Dimensions 2 x 0.8 x 0.8 cm. Missing May 1992.",18/1/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "1029",10.00,"CLAY","SEALING","?Sealing of hardened grey clay. One surface has been smoothed and rounded, but no design is visible. Dimensions 1.1 x 1 x 0.9 cm.",18/1/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "1029",11.00,"CLAY","SEALING","?Sealing of hardened pale grey clay. One curved line is visible which shows where the edge of a seal-impression once was. Dimensions 1.5 x 0.6 x 0.4 cm.",18/1/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "1029",12.00,"CLAY","SEALING","?Sealing, of hardened grey clay. One surface is smoothed and shows fingerprint impressions. Dimensions 1.3 x 0.6 x 0.4 cm.",18/1/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "1029",13.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Piece of pale grey clay, probably used for sealing, as one surface has been flattened and smoothed. No design is visible. Dimensions 1.1 x 0.5 x 0.4 cm.",18/1/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "1029",14.00,"CLAY","SEALING","?Sealing, of hardened, grey clay. Part of seal-impression remaining on one surface: two lines at right angles, with one wavy line, possibly the horns of some animal? Dimensions 1 x 0.9 x 0.4 cm.",18/1/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "1029",15.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Two small pieces of badly corroded copper, both irregular in shape. Dimensions: 1. 2 x 1.2 x 0.8 cm. 2) 1.1 x 0.8 x 0.7 cm.",18/1/1992 00:00:00,,"Mechanically cleaned." "1029",16.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Tiny, light brown flint chip. No evidence of retouch. Dimensions=1x0.6x0.3 cm.",18/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1029",17.00,"BONE","FISH","Fish bone from a sieved pit context.",18/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1029",18.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Three tiny fragments of bitumen. All irregular in shape. Not measured.",18/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1030",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","? Mixed shell from make-up deposit. Missing June 1993, catalogued from note found to change context.",14/6/1993 00:00:00,, "1031",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,2/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1031",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone from a feature.",19/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1033",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,2/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1037",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone from sieving of a pit fill.",19/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1037",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from a sieved pit context.",19/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1037",4.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Three fragments of bitumen, two quite thick. All irregular in shape. All have what looks like reed or palm-leaf impressions on them. Dimensions 1) 2.8x3.3x1.2 cm. 2) 2x1.5x0.9 cm. 3) 2.8x2.2x0.5 cm.",19/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1037",5.00,"ORGANIC","CHARCOAL","Charred organic material, mostly wood, with a few date seeds.",19/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1037",6.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Tiny piece of copper, irregular in shape. Dimensions 1.5 x 0.4 x 0.2 cm.",19/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1038",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,2/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1039",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,2/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1040",1.00,"STEATITE","SEAL","Grey soft stone. Edge waisted seal, well preserved with a glaze on the surface. (Failaka Var. 2). Reverse has narrow ledge around low dome. Four incised circles with a central dot, and parallel lines running across the dome, at right angles to the perforation. On the front the design shows two horned male animals, with ruffed necks, on either side of a central palm tree. What appears to be a scorpion can be seen at the bottom. Both animals are looking backwards over their shoulders. The animal on the right is upside down. Diameter 2.2cms; height 0.9 cm. Weight 6.8 gm.",20/1/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "1040",2.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Roughly round stone rubber. Dark grey in colour, with two opposite surfaces flattened and smooth. Diameter=7.3 cm. Recovered from a floor surface.",18/2/1992 00:00:00,, "1040",3.00,"FLINT","PEBBLE","Dark brown, egg shaped flint pebble.",18/2/1992 00:00:00,, "1041",1.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing of yellow/green, hardened clay with part of a seal impression remaining on it. Badly eroded and irregular in shape. The front is flattened and the design shows traces of a hatched area, perhaps a net. Dimensions 2.2 x 1.2 x 1 cm.",20/1/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "1041",2.00,"STONE","LID FRAG","Dome-shaped lid made of light-coloured stone. Broken all around the lower edge. Upper surface convex, and lower slightly concave. All surfaces smooth. Diameter 6.5 cm. Depth 2.3 cm.",21/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1041",3.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Rectangular grinder fragment. Light yellow colour. One surface very flat and smooth, opposite surface completely irregular in shape. Dimensions 18.5x13.1x5.9 cm.",21/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1041",4.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, mostly fish, but includes some heavily encrusted animal bones.",21/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1041",5.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, from a sieved rubble context.",21/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1041",6.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Six pieces of bitumen from the lining of one or more woven vessels. All irregular in shape, all with weave impressions on one side. Largest piece measures 3.2x2.9x0.2 cm.",21/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1041",7.00,"ORGANIC","DATE","Two charred date seeds.",21/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1041",8.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Two small fragments of copper. 1) Irregular in shape. Dimensions 1.5 x 1.1 x 0.7 cm. 2) Irregular in shape. Dimensions 0.8 x 0.5 x 0.4 cm.",21/1/1992 00:00:00,,"Mechanically cleaned." "1041",9.00,"STONE","DISCARDED","Discarded.",22/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1041",10.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Dark, close grained stone pounder. Two edges flat , two curved. Some of surface smooth and some abraded. Dimensions=11.9x10.3x9.6 cm.",22/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1041",11.00,"STONE","BLOCK","Cut square ashlar block. Flat and smooth on two sides, all others pitted. Dimensions 14.6 x 13.8 x 9 cm.",22/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1041",12.00,"FLINT","FRAGS","Two fragments of rough flint, neither with any evidence of retouch.1)Mottled brown/red coloured piece of flint. Irregular in shape. Dimensions=5.3x3.5x1.9 cm.2) Dumb bell shaped piece of dark brown flint. Worn very smooth on all outer surfaces. Overall dimensions=3x2.1x0.9 cm.",22/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1041",13.00,"STONE","DISCARDED","Discarded.",25/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1041",14.00,"STONE","DISCARDED","Discarded.",25/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1041",15.00,"STONE","TOOL FRAG","Fragment of a light grey stone rubber. Edges are rounded and smooth and broken face is flattened and smoothed. Now irregular in shape. Dimensions=5.1x3.9x3 cm.",25/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1041",16.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Dark coloured, dome shaped stone pounder. Two opposite surfaces heavily pitted and abraded. Diameter=4.9 cm. Depth=2.3 cm.",25/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1041",17.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing. Irregular fragment of yellow/green, hardened clay seal impression. Traces of string holes on the back. On the front is a seal-impression, the design badly damaged. There appears to be a palm tree in the centre with ?motifs to the right. Dimensions 3.2 x 2.3 x 1.8 cm.",20/1/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "1041",18.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing fragment of grey clay with deep seal impression. Design shows an ?animal. Obverse shows possible signs of having been stuck to something square with a depression in the middle. Dimensions 1.7 x 1.3 x 0.8 cm.",20/1/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "1041",19.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing fragment of yellow/green clay with seal impression. The design remaining seems to show animals. On the reverse is a string impression, and the fragment is perhaps broken along a string-hole going right through. Dimensions 1.7 x 1 x 0.5 cm.",20/1/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "1041",20.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Missing May 1992",7/2/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "1041",21.00,"STONE","TOOL","Light grey, close grained, stone fragment, worked. Probably crystalline limestone. Approximately wedge-shaped, with one face concave and worn. The other face is worn very flat and smooth. The thin edge of the wedge is worn blunt and flat. 8.7 x 8.5 x 3.5 cm. Recovered from rubble.",18/2/1992 00:00:00,, "1042",1.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing fragment of yellow/green hardened clay. On the reverse no evidence of any impression. On the front is a seal-impression. The design shows the upper torso and head of a bearded man facing right. In his raised hand he appears to be holding the nose of a horned animal. The head, abdomen and left foreleg of the animal can be seen. Probably once a circular impression, but broken in antiquity, now irregular in shape. Dimensions 1.8 x 1.4 x 0.9 cm.",26/1/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "1042",2.00,"BONE","FISH","Fish bone, from sieving.",27/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1042",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, including some burnt. Recovered from a sieved rubble context.",26/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1042",4.00,"BITUMEN","LIDS OR BUNGS","Two fragmentary bungs or lids. Both have flattened upper surfaces with a knob in the centre. 1. 4 x 2.8 x0.6 cm. Diameter of the plug 1.3 cm. 2) 3.4 x 2.5 x 1 cm. Diameter of the knob 1.5 cm. Also two bitumen fragments.",26/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1042",5.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Twelve pieces of copper, all irregular in shape. Largest piece measures 2.7 x 1.7 x 1.4 cm. Smallest piece measures 0.5 x 0.6 x 0.3 cm. Only 11 extant Nov. 98, and one re-numbered 28, qv.",26/1/1992 00:00:00,,"Mechanically cleaned." "1042",6.00,"ORGANIC","DATE","Three carbonized date seeds.",26/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1042",7.00,"STONE","DISC LID","Light coloured, disc-shaped stone lid. Circular in plan with bevelled edges and two flattened surfaces. All surfaces smooth. Diameter 6.9 cm. Depth 2.7 cm.",27/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1042",8.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Dark grey, roughly round, stone pounder. Two sides flattened and smooth, all others more abraded. Dimensions=6.7x5.7x5.5 cm.",27/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1042",9.00,"STONE","DISCARDED","Discarded.",27/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1042",10.00,"SHELL","BEAD","Thick, cylindrical, cream coloured bead, pierced longitudinally. Apparently fashioned from a solid piece of a large shell. Very finely worked with chisel like tool. Outer surface is very smooth and has a sheen. Woolley type 4. Overall diameter 0.7 cm. Length 1.2 cm. Diameter of the perforation 0.2 cm.",27/1/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "1042",11.00,"STONE","WORKED","Light grey worked stone. Use unknown. Domed in shape - lower surface slightly concave. Diameter=9.7 cm. Depth=4.8 cm.",27/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1042",12.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Grey, rounded, worked stone. Possibly used as a pounder or a weight. Circular in shape with one slightly convex surface and the opposite surface being flat. All edges are curved. The flat surface is pitted and all others smooth. Diameter=9.4 cm. Depth=3.8 cm.",27/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1042",13.00,"STONE","TOOL","Light coloured piece of chert, worked into a disc shape, with very rough flaking around the circumference. Use unknown. Glossy and soapy to the touch in parts. Diameter=9 cm. Depth=3.8 cm.",28/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1042",14.00,"POTTERY","COOKING POT","Cooking pot. About half of rim extant, base and parts of body. Pink fabric, smoke blackened on outside. Open mouth, no neck. Rim has deep groove on outside just below mouth. Body globular, base rounded. H. and max. width approx. 45 cm. At time of going to press it was unfortunately not possible to locate this vessel to complete the description and measurements, which are taken from an in situ photograph.",26/1/1992 00:00:00,,"Not located May 1999." "1042",15.00,"FLINT","FLAKE","Brown coloured flint flake. No evidence of retouch. Irregular in shape. Dimensions-2x1.8x0.5 cm.",26/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1042",16.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing fragment of yellow/green clay. The reverse has a single string-indentation. On the front is a seal-impression showing two parallel lines curved at one end, maybe the horns of an animal. Broken in antiquity. Dimensions 2.2 x 1.5 x 0.7 cm.",26/1/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "1042",17.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing fragment of yellow/green clay, badly eroded. On the reverse is a faint string-impression. On the front is a seal impression. The design shows a ?horned animal lying down, looking back over its shoulder. Below is a possible second animal. To its right is a possible human figure, holding the first animal by the horns. The remainder is too badly eroded to identify. Dimensions 2.6 x 1.8 x 0.8 cm.",26/1/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "1042",18.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing on light grey hardened clay. On the reverse is evidence of string marks. On the front is a seal-impression, almost complete. The design shows two horned animals, rampant, one on either side of a ?turtle. A rosette or star is in the field above the head of the tortoise. Found in association with a large jar - no:1042:14. 1.8 x 2.1 cm. 0.75 cm thickness. Extant diameter of seal 1.7 cm. Same design as 1042: 19, 20, 21 and 22.",27/1/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "1042",19.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing on light grey, hardened clay. On the reverse is a string-impression. On the front is a seal-impression, almost complete. The very well defined design is identical with that on 1042:18, 20, 21 and 22. Found in association with jar 1042:14. 2.2 x 2.4 x 0.75 cm. Diameter of seal 1.7 cm.",27/1/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "1042",20.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing fragment of yellow/green clay. Seal-impression on front shows a ?turtle between the lower limbs of two rampant horned animals. This is the same design that appears on fragments 1042:18, 19, 21 and 22. Found in association with jar No. 1042:14. 1.2 x 1.9 x 0.7 cm.",20/1/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "1042",21.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing fragment in light grey clay with about 3/4 of a seal impression remaining. Poor definition, but seems to be identical to fragments 1042:18, 19, 20 and 22. Tortoise or turtle, and star just visible. . On the reverse is a deep string impression. Diameter 1.9 x 1.8 x 1.0 cm. Found in association with jar No. 1042:14",20/1/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "1042",22.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing fragment. Light grey clay, rectangular fragment. Badly worn on both sides, but front has traces of a seal impression, probably the same design as seen on 1042:18, 19, 20 and 21. Upper bodies of two horned animals with turtle or tortoise between them. Dimensions 2.1 x 0.9 x 0.7 cm. Found in association with jar 1042:14.",20/1/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "1042",23.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing fragment in yellow/green clay. Reverse broken. Front has what is the upper right section of a circular seal-impression. The design shows the head of a horned animal, facing right. Above and to the right is an animal facing left. The head is incomplete. It has a short, ruffed neck and a short tail, and appears to be standing upright. To the left is a third animal with long neck and front legs bent under its body, The hind legs are missing. Dimensions 2 x 1.6 x 0.7 cm. Missing.",20/1/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "1042",24.00,"CLAY","SEALING","?Sealing fragment in yellow/green clay, flattened and very smooth on one side. Probably used as a sealing, but no impression remains. Nothing on the reverse. Dimensions 3 x 2 x 0.8 cm.",20/1/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "1042",25.00,"CLAY","SAMPLE","Three lumps of yellow/green clay, taken as a sample. Missing spring 1992.",20/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1042",26.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing fragment, in yellow/green clay. Broken in antiquity. On the front is a seal-impression showing a double line of a long hatched area, perhaps a net (7-8 squares visible), with two filled squares either side of a line running at right angles to the net. On the reverse nothing is visible. Dimensions: 2.1 x 1.7 x 0.7 cm.",26/1/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "1042",27.00,"STONE","TOOL","[REDESCRIBE IF LOCATED - TRY BOX 721] Dense, dark coloured stone fragment. Irregular in shape, broken in antiquity. Seems to have been rounded. Overall dimensions=9.6x9x2 cm.",18/2/1992 00:00:00,, "1042",28.00,"COPPER","BEAD","Short length of copper tube, probably a bead. 2.6 x 0.5. Perforation 0.3 at ends, but narrower inside.",17/11/1998 00:00:00,," Corroded, and possibly active Nov. 98." "1043",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,2/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1043",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, from a sieved feature.",30/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1044",1.00,"BONE","HORN CORE","Horn core of a large Bovid? From an occupation context. Length=18.5 cm. Width=4 cm.",13/2/1992 00:00:00,,"Conserved insitu with Paraloid B72 in Acetone - 5% weight/volume.Reconstructed with H.M.G." "1044",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from floor/occupation. 1 bag sieved. 1 bag not sieved.",7/3/1993 00:00:00,, "1044",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone from floor/occupation. 1 bag sieved. 1 bag not sieved.",7/3/1993 00:00:00,, "1044",4.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder or Chopper/Axe. Trapezoidal or sub rectangular tool with convex edges and rounded corners. Grey coarse grained stone. Areas of abrading on parts of two irregular faces. Edges abraded and flake scarred, particularly those at each end. Intact. From floor/occupation. Dimensions: 9.2 x 7.7 x 3.4 cm.",7/3/1993 00:00:00,, "1044",5.00,"PLASTER","LID FRAGS","Three fragments of plaster, all from lids. Largest has one smooth flat face, the opposite being convex. Largest: 7.8 x 6.9 x 2.8 cm.",7/3/1993 00:00:00,, "1044",6.00,"CLAY","FRAG","Discarded. ",7/3/1993 00:00:00,, "1044",7.00,"POTTERY","PAINTED RIM","Sherd from rim and neck of painted jar. Flat rim, with vertical straight neck and carinated shoulder. Light yellow-brown fabric with fine sand inclusions. There are four incised horizontal lines below the rim. The exterior has been painted dark red-brown. Dimensions: 8.4 x 6.4 x 0.8 cm.",7/3/1993 00:00:00,, "1044",8.00,"COPPER","FRAG","One small fragment of copper. Triangular flattish strip. From sieved deposit. Dimensions: 1.9 x 0.6 x 0.3 cm.",7/3/1993 00:00:00,, "1045",1.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing fragment in a dark greenish coloured clay. On the reverse a string impression can be seen. On the front is most of a seal-impression. The design shows a standing male figure in a skirt, facing right, arms held out to either side. In his left hand he holds a dagger, which he thrusts towards the neck of a horned animal. The animal is on the right, looking back over its shoulder at the man. A ?plant or branch appears in the field between the man and animal. Dimensions 1.8 x 1.3 x 0.8 cm. Est. diameter of seal 1.9 cm.",20/1/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "1045",2.00,"STONE","DISC LID","Disc-shaped, light coloured limestone lid. One surface flat and the other slightly convex. Diameter 12.8 cm. Max height 3 cm.",18/2/1992 00:00:00,, "1045",3.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealings. 6 small fragments of light grey sandy clay. Traces of string impressions. Dimensions: Largest: 1.6 x 1.5 x 1.1 cm.",28/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1045",4.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. 1 bag sieved. 1 bag not sieved.",28/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1045",5.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. 1 bag sieved. 1 bag not sieved.",28/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1047",1.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Mottled brown coloured, rough flint tool. Evidence of bifacial retouch on two edges. Dimensions=7.2x4.4x2.1 cm.",2/2/1992 00:00:00,, "1047",2.00,"BONE","FISH","Fish bone from sieving of an occupation context.",2/2/1992 00:00:00,, "1047",3.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Four pieces of copper. 1) Roughly egg-shaped fragment. Dimensions 2 x 1.5 x 1.4 cm. 2) Irregular fragment. Dimensions 2.1 x 1.3 x 0.8 cm. 3) Tiny round piece. Diameter 0.6 cm. 4) Tiny egg-shaped piece. Dimensions 0.7 x 0.6 x 0.4 cm.",2/2/1992 00:00:00,,"Mechanically cleaned.Stored with silica gel." "1047",4.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, from the sieving of an occupation level.",2/2/1992 00:00:00,, "1048",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Large quantity of mixed bone, includes mandible with some teeth of a gazelle?",4/2/1992 00:00:00,, "1048",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Large quantity of mainly the same type of shell. From a rubble context.",5/2/1992 00:00:00,, "1049",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Large quantity of mixed bone, from a rubble context.",5/2/1992 00:00:00,, "1049",2.00,"FLINT","CORE","Light grey-brown chert large Core. Totally irregular in shape. Recovered from a rubble level. Dimensions 9.4 x 8.7 x 8.3 cm.",6/2/1992 00:00:00,, "1049",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell.",6/2/1992 00:00:00,, "1049",4.00,"STONE","TOOL","Fragment of dark coloured, close grained, worked stone. Irregular in shape, but one surface is flattened and very smooth. Dimensions=14.7x9.2x5.1 cm.",6/2/1992 00:00:00,, "1050",1.00,"BONE","FISH","Fish bone from a sieved occupation context.",8/2/1992 00:00:00,, "1050",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Two shells from a sieved occupation level.",8/2/1992 00:00:00,, "1051",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. Missing.",10/2/1992 00:00:00,, "1051",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Large quantity of mixed shell from sieving of rubble. Missing spring 1992.",10/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1051",3.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder fragment of light coloured, gritty textured stone. Probably rectangular in shape. One surface is flattened and smooth. Dimensions 15.2 x 14.4 x 3.3 cm.",9/2/1992 00:00:00,, "1051",4.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Two badly corroded fragments of copper. Dimensions: 1. 1.1 x 1 x 0.5 cm. 2) 0.8 x 0.7 x 0.3 cm.",10/2/1992 00:00:00,,"Mechanically cleaned." "1051",5.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder of light coloured, gritty textured, stone. Roughly round. All surfaces very pitted. Diameter=7.3 cm. Height=5 cm.",10/2/1992 00:00:00,, "1051",6.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing fragment in grey clay. String-marks on the reverse. Seal impression on front, but no coherent design visible. Two lines apparently forming a 'v'. Dimensions 2.2 x 1.3 x 0.5 cm.",10/2/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "1051",7.00,"FLINT","TOOL FRAG","Broken flint hammerstone. Diameter=4.1 cm.",11/2/1992 00:00:00,, "1051",8.00,"STONE","TOOL FRAG","Fragment of a dark coloured, close grained stone rubber? Broken in antiquity, possibly once oval in shape. One surface is flattened and very smooth, other surfaces are rounded. Dimensions=4.7x4x4 cm.",10/2/1992 00:00:00,, "1051",9.00,"STONE","BASIN FRAG","Fragment of a limestone basin, probably once rectangular in shape. Edges are all rounded. Inner surface is smooth. Dimensions 16 x 11.3 x 7 cm.",16/2/1992 00:00:00,, "1051",10.00,"FLINT","FLAKE","Retouched or utilised Flake. Broken flake of unusual bluish-white flint. Focal platform, with the slightly hinged termination having retouch/use wear on one side. Previous flakes struck off the dorsal face from the proximal end. The straight distal edge has retouch/use wear and does the thin convex lateral edge. L: 4.1; W: 3.6; T: 0.7 cm.",14/7/1998 00:00:00,, "1051",11.00,"POTTERY","FILLED NECK","Broken jar neck, filled with plaster. Both ends irregular. Ext. H. c. 6 cm, rim di. 12.2 cm, average di. c. 9 cm.",12/2/1992 00:00:00,,"Jar rim is Heinz Rim Type 100, Ware Type 2. Stored as 'plaster'." "1052",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,13/2/1992 00:00:00,, "1067",1.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Fragment of a light coloured, gritty textured grinder. Broken in antiquity, now roughly triangular in shape. One surface, smooth and depressed, the other flat and pitted. Dimensions 19 x 12 x 16 x 4.4 cm.",18/2/1992 00:00:00,, "1067",2.00,"STONE","DOMED LID","Lid of light-coloured limestone. Dome shaped, with one surface being flat and the other convex. Diameter 11 cm. Max depth 5.4 cm.",18/2/1992 00:00:00,, "1067",3.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder. Spherical nodule of brown mottled flint/chert with two concave faces. These faces are deeply scarred from the edges. The circumference/wide convex edges is totally pitted and scarred. Intact. Diameter 5.4 cm; T: 4.9-4.1 cm.",14/7/1998 00:00:00,, "1067",4.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. 1 bag sieved. 1 bag not sieved.",31/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1067",5.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. From floor 1 bag sieved. 1 bag not sieved.",31/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1067",6.00,"CLAY","SEALING","?Sealing. Much damaged. Design illegible. Dimensions: 2.2 x 1.7 x 1.0 cm. 13 other fragments of light green sandy clay. From a floor.",31/1/1993 00:00:00,"Y", "1067",7.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Three fragments of bitumen from the lining of one or more woven vessels. Weave impressions. Not measured.",31/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1067",8.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Three fragments of copper. 1) Sub rectangular lump, one side flat. Dimensions: 2.9 x 1.6 x 0.6 cm. 2) Small sub rectangular frag. Dimensions: 0.7 x 0.7 x 0.2 cm. 3) Sub oval frag. Dimensions: 0.6 x 0.5 x 0.2 cm.",31/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1067",9.00,"FLINT","CORE","Pounder/Core. Large sub oval nodule of mottled brown flint with creamy-white cortex. Numerous abraded areas and flake scars, almost certainly all from pounding. Intact. Dimensions: 10.9 x 10.8 x 10.1 cm.",1/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1068",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. From a floor/occupation deposit. 1 bag sieved. 1 bag not sieved.",2/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1068",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone including fish & mammal bone. Floor/occupation deposit. 1 bag sieved. 1 bag not sieved. Including: 1 single mammal long bone fragment. 2 articulated vertebrae sections. Consolidated with Paraloid 5% w/v in Acetone. Packed into a plastic container.",9/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1068",3.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Five fragments of copper. 1) Triangular strip, slightly curved. Dimensions: 1.9 x 1.5 x 0.5 cm. 2) Oval: 1.5 x 1.2 x 0.8 cm. 3) Oval: 0.9 x 0.5 x 0.4 cm. 4) Elongated narrow strip, slightly curved. Dimensions: 1.0 x 0.3 x 0.2 cm. 5) Sub rectangular. Dimensions: 0.9 x 0.6 x 0.3 cm.",8/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1068",4.00,"STONE","FRAGS","Discarded. Miscellaneous pebbles and ash only. From floor/occupation.",8/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1068",5.00,"FLINT","TOOL","10 levallois flakes and debitage of brown flint. From floor/occupation deposit. 1) Oval flake, tip broken. Banded flint. Creamy-white cortex. Dimensions: 4.2 x 3.0 x 0.9 cm. 2) Flake: 3.4 x 4.1 x 0.7 cm. 3) Flake/Wedge: 2.3 x 1.3 x 0.8 cm. 4) Flake: 0.9 x 1.8 x 0.2 cm. 5) Flake: 1.3 x 0.9 x 0.1 cm. 6) Chunky flake: 2.0 x 1.3 x 0.7 cm. 7) Flake/Chip: 0.9 x 1.9 x 0.7 cm. 8) Flake: 1.4 x 0.8 x 0.4 cm. 9) Flake/Chip: 1.2 x 1.0 x 0.5 cm. 10) Flake/Chip: 0.6 x 0.4 x 0.2 cm.",8/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1068",6.00,"COPPER","OBJECT","T-shaped copper object, one end broken. Rounded sections. Dimensions: 3.9 x 3.1 x 1.6 cm.",8/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1068",7.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Scraper. Rectangular Levallois flake of brown flint with creamy-white cortex. Two parallel edges retouched, one bifacially. Intact. From floor/occupation. Dimensions: 5.2 x 2.8 x 1.2 cm.",8/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1068",8.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Possible Arrowhead (blank) or Flake. Triangular Levallois flake of light brown flint, tip broken. One side of striking end possibly deliberately notched to form half a tang. Edges sharp with possible fine retouching or use wear. From floor/occupation. Dimensions: 2.0 x 0.8 x 0.4 cm.",8/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1068",9.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Smoother. Small ovoid opaque white quartz pebble. Part of one surface appears smooth from working. From floor/occupation. Dimensions: 4.3 x 2.9 x 1.8 cm.",2/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1068",10.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Flake. Brown flint flake with remnant creamy-white cortex. Probably broken off a pounder. From floor/occupation. Dimensions: 2.9 x 1.7 x 0. cm.",2/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1068",11.00,"BITUMEN","FRAG","Chunky fragment of bitumen. Dimensions: 1.9 x 1.5 x 1.1 cm.",2/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1072",1.00,"PLASTER","BASIN","Base of large storage jar, covered in plaster on both sides and reused as basin. Pot is hard red clay with circular lime inclusions. Thick rounded horizontal ribs. Flat base. Interior flattish, curving up at sides. Very worn. Present height 9.0 cm. Width of body 43.0-42.0 cm. Interior depth from curved edges max. 4.0 cm.",2/5/1998 00:00:00,,"Described in 1992 season as from surface 1069." "1086",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. Not sieved. Found in sand deposit.",4/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1086",2.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Possible end Scraper. Good quality dark brown flint with shiny dark brown patina (desert varnish). Naturally fractured stone with one end partly shaped and possible use wear on edge. deposit. Dimensions: 3.8 x 2.4 x 1.2 cm.",4/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1086",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone found in sand deposit. 1 bag not sieved.",4/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1086",4.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Two irregular lumps of copper. 1) Sub oval: Dimensions: 1.7 x 1.1 x 0.7 cm. 2) Triangular and flat: Dimensions: 1.7 x 1.2 x 0.4 cm",6/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1086",5.00,"POTTERY","PAINTED CUP","Rim sherd only, from painted, straight-sided bowl or cup. Grey pottery, well-levigated, and extremely fine-textured. Exterior surface has narrow, shallow, vertical striations. Exterior also decorated with black or very dark brown paint: two horizontal lines on and below rim, with a horizontal band of diamond shapes outlined by thin vertical lines. Extant H: 2.8, W: 2.8, T: 0.25 cm.",9/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1086",6.00,"STONE","SOCKET","Corner fragment of door socket. Coarse white limestone, roughly shaped and pitted. Flat rim, straight sides and flat base. Interior is concave. Dimensions 10.2 x 9.4. Height: 8.1 cm.",9/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1086",7.00,"SHELL","PIERCED BIVALVE","Pearl oyster shell with hole through. Length 5.1, width 4.8 cm. Diameter of hole 1.3 cm.",17/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1087",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell found in collapse deposit. 1 bag sieved. 1 bag not sieved.",5/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1087",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone found in collapse deposit. 1 bag sieved. 1 bag not sieved.",5/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1087",3.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Irregular lump of copper, roughly oval. Dimensions: 1.1 x 0.8 x 0.5 cm",6/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1087",4.00,"COPPER","BLADE FRAGS?","Joining fragments of copper sheet, two edges converging to a point. Possibly part of an arrowhead? Varying thickness. L: 5.1, W: 2.1, T: 1.2 cm.",6/1/1993 00:00:00,"Y", "1087",5.00,"STONE","TOOL","Light brown grindstone with numerous small quartz inclusions. Sub rectangular with rounded corners. One surface worn flat, the other opposite surface irregular with 5 circular holes (natural?). Intact. Found in collapse deposit. L: 18.4, W: 13.7, T: 4.6 cm. Holes: average diam.: 2 cm maximum depth: 3 cm",6/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1087",6.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Three fragments of sealing(s). Light khaki-green clay. From a collapse deposit. 1) Reverse shows elaborate plait or twist. Design illegible. Dimensions: 1.4 x 1.2 x 0.4 cm. 2) Two smooth surfaces. Possible traces of figure on one surface. Dimensions: 1.2 x 0.9 x 0.9 cm. 3) Possible string impression on one surface. Dimensions: 0.8 x 0.6 x 0.7 cm.",6/1/1993 00:00:00,"Y", "1088",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. 1 bag sieved. 1 bag not sieved. Found in post building deposit.",9/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1088",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. 1 bag sieved. 1 bag not sieved. Found in post building deposit. Includes vertebrae with central hole- not a bead.",9/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1088",3.00,,"DISCARDED",,1/7/1992 00:00:00,, "1088",4.00,"COPPER","STRIP","Long, narrow strip of copper. Dimensions: 1.9 x 0.4 x 0.2 cm.",14/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1089",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from an occupation deposit. 1 bag sieved. 1 bag not sieved.",9/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1089",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone found in occupation deposit. 1 bag sieved. 1 bag not sieved.",10/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1089",3.00,"PLASTER","DISC LID","Disc-shaped plaster lid. Irregular convex surfaces with one side more flat. Complete except for small chip in one edge. Diameter: 11.6-11.7 cm. Height: 2.5 cm.",9/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1089",4.00,"FOSSIL ECHINOID","POUNDER/SMOOTHER","Fossil sea urchin (echinoid), utilized as Smoother/Pounder. Ovoid with upper surface convex and lower surface flat. Lower surface appears to be partly smoothed, and several parts of the edges have been abraded and flake scarred, probably due to pounding. Intact. Found on a house floor in the vicinity of plaster pot lids. From an occupation deposit. L: 6.9, W: 6.2, H: 3.3 cm.",9/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1089",5.00,"PLASTER","DOMED LID","Plaster lid, one surface flat to convex, the other flat to concave, and partly smoothed. Three quarters extant. Diameter: 9.5 cm. Height: 2.4 cm.",9/1/1993 00:00:00,," Found in occupation deposit in room." "1089",6.00,"PLASTER","DOMED LID","Plaster lid, oval in plan, one surface flat, the other slightly convex and irregular. Thick vertical edges with pitted indentations. Complete. Diameter: 9.6-10.5 cm. Height: 2.8 cm.",9/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1089",7.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Levallois flake. Brown flint with creamy-white cortex. Possibly used as scraper although no evidence of retouch. Struck laterally. From occupation deposit. L: 3.7, W: 2.3, T:1.6 cm.",9/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1089",8.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Four small fragments of copper. 1) Narrow rectangular flat piece with slightly curved edges. Dimensions: 2.1 x 0.8 x 0.4 cm. 2) Triangular lump. Dimensions: 1.9 x 1.5 x 0.8 cm. 3) Curved strip with thicker area in middle of fragment. Dimensions: 2.0 x 1.0 x 0.9 cm. 4) Ovoid lump. Dimensions: 1.0 x 0.7 x 0.6 cm.",18/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1089",9.00,"PLASTER","DOMED LID","Plaster lid, one face convex, the other almost flat. Rounded edges. Complete. Diameter: 8.7 cm. Height: 3.4 cm.",18/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1089",10.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Naturally flaked brown flint. Possibly used as small borer. From occupation deposit. L: 2.1, W: 1.9, T: 0.5 cm.",9/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1089",11.00,"FLINT","FLAKE","Broken Levallois flaked tool of light grey stone, chert? Blade with use-wear or discontinuous retouch along edge. From occupation deposit. L: 3.1, W: 1.5, T: 0.6 cm.",9/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1089",12.00,"COPPER","WIRE OBJECT","Fragment of copper. Possible nail or shaft of a fish hook. Bent in an L-shape and round in section. Length: 3.3 cm. Diameter: 0.4 cm.",18/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1090",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell found in collapse deposit. 1 bag not sieved.",10/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1090",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone found in collapse deposit. 1 bag not sieved.",10/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1090",3.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder, intact. Triangular piece of light brown stone with numerous small quartz inclusions. One face worn flat, the other has three small natural holes. Extant sides are almost vertical. Dimensions 8.9 x 7.5 x 4.1 cm.",10/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1090",4.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Large Smoother/Pounder. Almost black close grained stone. Originally ovoid, now sub-rectangular with four smoothed faces. Both convex end are abraded. Complete. From a collapse deposit. L: 13.8, W: 9.9, T: 6.5 cm.",10/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1090",5.00,"PLASTER","DISC LID?","Lid fragment, or possibly a piece of roof-plaster. Oval in plan, flat faces, one smooth. L: 22.2, W: 17.1, T:3.6 cm.",10/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1093",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from post building deposit. 1 bag not sieved.",10/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1093",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone found in post building deposit. 1 bag sieved. 1 bag not sieved.",10/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1093",3.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Four bitumen fragments, presumably from same item. 1) Piece with a shape resembling a rim fragment from a cooking-pot. The inside has rippled folds, and the lowermost edge has a deep groove, as though the whole piece has been stuck onto the top edge of a basket or vessel, then finished off to form a new mouth to it. Dimensions: 4.7 x 2.4 x 1.5 cm. 2) Small flat oval lump with curved edges. Dimensions: 2.0 x 1.5 x 0.5 cm. 3) Sub ovoid lump. Dimensions: 1.6 x 1.2 x 1.1 cm. 4) Sub-ovoid lump. Dimensions: 2.0 x 1.8 x 1.4 cm.",10/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1093",4.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing fragment of very light green sandy clay. Indentation on one side with parallel ridges. No design visible. Dimensions: 1.3 x 0.9 x 0.8 cm.",11/1/1993 00:00:00,"Y", "1093",5.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Three fragments of copper. 1) Pointed oval, flat piece with curved edges. Good condition. Dimensions: 2.1 x 1.1 x 0.3 cm. 2) Small irregular lump. Dimensions: 0.9 x 0.6 x 0.4 cm. 3) Small concave lump. Dimensions: 0.7 x 0.6 x 0.2 cm.",11/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1093",6.00,"FLINT","CORE","Flint Core/Pounder. Mottled brown flint with creamy-white cortex. Sub ovoid with numerous flake scars and some abraded areas. From a post building deposit. Complete. Dimensions: 4.8 x 4.8 x 3.9 cm.",11/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1093",7.00,"PLASTER","RENDER FRAG","Piece of plaster, probably roofing or wall render. Concave one side, the other flat-convex. Dimensions 8.4 x 8.7 x 2.7 cm.",11/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1093",8.00,"PLASTER","FRAG","Plaster fragment, perhaps from render, or part of a lid. Flat both sides with one being smooth. Dimensions: 24.5 x 21.2 x 3.0 cm.",11/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1093",9.00,"METAL","SLAG","Three fragments of smooth black slag. 1) Ovoid. Dimensions: 1.7 x 1.5 x 1.2 cm. 2) Small elongated. Dimensions: 1.6 x 0.6 x 0.6 cm. 3) Ovoid. Dimensions: 1.5 x 1.0 x 0.9 cm.",10/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1094",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell found in occupation deposit. 1 bag sieved. 1 bag not sieved.",10/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1094",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone from occupation deposit. 1 bag sieved. 1 bag not sieved.",10/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1094",3.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Possible flint Scraper from occupation deposit. Mottled brown-dark red brown flint with creamy-white cortex. Levallois flake with retouch or percussion damage at platform end. Broken distal edge. L: 4.9, W: 5.9, T: 1.2 cm.",11/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1094",4.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Possible Smoother fragment. Dark almost black close grained stone. Two smoothed faces extant. From occupation deposit. Dimensions: 3.3 x 2.8 x 1.0 cm.",11/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1094",5.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Two fragments of copper. 1) Small circular object/fragment. Possible bead but no visible hole. Diameter: 0.8 cm. Height: 0.4 cm. 2) Small oval fragment, one side flat. Dimensions: 1.05 x 0.8 x 0.3 cm.",18/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1095",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from collapse deposit. 1 bag sieved. 1 bag not sieved.",11/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1095",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone from collapse deposit. 1 bag sieved. 1 bag not sieved.",11/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1095",3.00,"FLINT","CORE","Flint Core/Pounder. Large mottled brown flint nodule with creamy white cortex. Roughly ovoid with one flat flaked side and numerous flake scars, particularly along one edge. Some flakes may be due to use as pounder. From collapse deposit. Intact. Dimensions: 11.1 x 9.7 x 9.5 cm.",11/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1095",4.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Flint flake. No evidence of retouch. Brown flint with abraded striking platform surface. Possible flake broken off from pounder. From a collapse deposit. L: 2.0, W: 1.3, T: 0.6 cm.",11/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1095",5.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Three fragments of bitumen. 1) Sub triangular fragment, one surface and one end almost flat. The other surface is irregular with impressed marks. Dimensions: 3.1 x 1.8 x 1.2 cm. 2) Sub-triangular fragment. Dimensions: 2.3 x 1.5 x 1.1 cm. 3) Sub-rectangular fragment. Dimensions: 2.5 x 2.0 x 0.9 cm.",11/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1096",1.00,"STONE","CHOPPER","Large Chopper. Small grained dark grey-black stone of sub rectangular/wedge shape. Naturally formed tool with one long edge chipped, probably due to percussion rather than deliberate shaping. Intact. Dimensions: 12.7 x 9.9 x 6.4 cm.",14/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1097",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from occupation deposit. 1 bag sieved. 1 bag not sieved.",13/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1097",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone from occupation deposit. 1 bag sieved. 1 bag not sieved.",13/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1097",3.00,"SHELL","DENTALIUM BEAD","Slightly curved bead length of tubular 'Dentalium octangulatum' shell, presumably used as a bead. One end possibly polished (or natural), the other broken and irregular. Diameter: 0.4 cm. Length/Height: 2.0 cm. Woolley Type 5",13/1/1993 00:00:00,"Y", "1097",4.00,"METAL","SLAG","One sub ovoid fragment of slag. Black. Dimensions: 1.6 x 1.2 x 0.9 cm.",18/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1097",5.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Two fragments of copper. 1) Elongated with small spur. Possible frag. of a barbed fish hook. Dimensions: 2.0 x 0.8 x 0.5 cm. 2) Sub square lump. Dimensions: 0.8 x 0.7 x 0.4 cm.",18/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1098",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell 1 bag sieved. 1 bag not sieved.",16/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1098",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. 1 bag sieved. 1 bag not sieved.",16/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1098",3.00,"IVORY","SEAL","Seal. Gable backed, rectangular in plan. Perforated longitudinally. Reverse: 3 incised lines across short axis of gable, dot and circle motif in each corner. Design: Hatched rectangle in centre (4x3 squares). Flanked on each side by double ended 'standard' with crescent at each end. Each crescent encloses a rosette, 2 of which have crosses in the centre and one a drilled hole. Length 1.91, width 1.45, thickness 0.9 cm.",16/1/1993 00:00:00,"Y", "1098",4.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Small Pounder. Natural spheroid nodule with creamy-white cortex. Several surfaces abraded. Intact. Found on floor. Diameter: 3.2 cm. Height: 3.2 cm.",14/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1098",5.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Eleven fragments of copper. 1) Elongated fragment, possible shank of fish hook. Dimensions: 2.6 x 0.9 x 0.7 cm. 2) Elongated irregular fragment. Dimensions: 2.2 x 0.8 x 0.4 cm. 3) Irregular lump with thick rounded end. Dimensions: 1.8 x 1.3 x 1.0 cm. 4) Sub triangular flat fragment. Dimensions:1.5 x 1.4 x 0.4 cm. 5) Curved fragment. Dimensions: 1.6 x 0.9 x 0.6 cm. 6) Ovoid lump. Dimensions: 1.1 x 0.9 x 0.6 cm. 7) Ovoid lump. Dimensions: 1.2 x 0.9 x 0.7 cm. 8) Sub ovoid lump. Dimensions: 0.9 x 0.8 x 0.7 cm. 9) Ovoid. Intact? Dimensions: 1.6 x 1.0 x 0.6 cm. 10) Elongated with round section and one pointed end. Diameter: 0.4 cm. Length: 1.0 cm. 11) Sub circular lump with small projections. Dimensions: 1.0 x 0.8 x 0.5 cm.",16/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1098",6.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder. Small ovoid nodule of light grey stone (cortex). One or more areas on the convex surface are worn smooth. Both ends are abraded. Intact. L: 4.1, W: 3.2, T: 2.5 cm.",16/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1099",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. 1 bag sieved. 1 bag not sieved.",14/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1099",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. 1 bag sieved. 1 bag not sieved.",16/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1099",3.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAG","Fragment of bitumen from the lining of a woven vessel. Impression of cross-weave on one surface. The other surface is smooth. Dimensions: 2.5 x 2.2 x 0.5 cm.",16/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1099",4.00,"BITUMEN","FRAG","Sub-oval fragment. One curved edge is rounded, another is broken. Almost flat surfaces, one smooth. Possibly part of a the lining to a pot. Dimensions: 4.7 x 3.8 x 1.1 cm.",14/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1099",5.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Small rectangular fragment of copper. Flat piece with thicker central part at one end (where broken). Dimensions: 1.3 x 1.0 x 1.4 cm.",16/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1099",6.00,"PLASTER","RENDER FRAG","Sub-triangular fragment of gypsum plaster, probably from roofing. One face flat, with the other angled from a chamfered edge. Dimensions: 9.2 x 6.8 x 2.8 cm.",16/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1099",7.00,"PLASTER","ROOF FRAGS","Fragment of plaster render, with one face showing impressions of probable palm branches. The other face is broken and irregular. Dimensions: 6.4 x 5.1 x 2.2 cm.",16/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1100",1.00,"STEATITE","BOWL","Small, shallow bowl of decorated pale grey steatite. About a third extant. Thick, rounded rim, sides curve inwards to rounded base. Both surfaces smooth. Two encircling parallel lines incised on exterior just below rim; below them an encircling band of circles each with central dot, and below that another pair of parallel encircling lines. The decoration is shallow and uneven, the parallel lines being cut as a series of more-or-less straight ones. H. 2.8; diameter (reconstructed) 8.0.",14/1/1993 00:00:00,"Y","C.f. Mughal 1983 Pl. L, no. 4) Identical bowl, di. 8.8" "1101",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. From post building deposit. 1 bag not sieved.",14/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1101",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. From post building deposit. 1 bag not sieved.",16/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1101",3.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Two fragments of copper. 1) Large sub-triangular or club-shaped fragment. Broken arrowhead with possible tang? Dimensions: 3.8 x 3.3 x 0.9 cm. 2) Curved fragment with one flat side and bases of two projections on the other side. Dimensions: 2.2 x 0.8 x 0.3-0.7 cm.",16/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1101",4.00,"ORGANIC","SAMPLE","1 Carbon 14 Sample. From a post building deposit.",16/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1101",5.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Pounder/Smoother. Possible Axe. Slightly coarse grained dark grey stone. Wedge shaped with one face worn smooth. The larger convex end is abraded. From a post building deposit. Intact. L: 6.6, W: 3.4, T: 2.8 cm.",16/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1101",6.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder, intact. Oval. Light brown stone with numerous small quartz inclusions. Flat surfaces, one worn smooth. Sides sharply sloping. Dimensions L: 18.5, W: 14.0, T: 3.3 cm.",16/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1101",7.00,"CLAY","SEALING","3 clay sealing fragments. Light green sandy clay. From a post building deposit.",16/1/1993 00:00:00,"Y", "1101",8.00,"PLASTER","DISC LID","Disc-shaped plaster lid. Irregular convex faces and rounded edges. Cracked around edge on one face. Complete except for one small chip from edge. Diameter: 12.6-12.0 cm. Height: 3.7 cm.",14/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1101",9.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Four fragments of bitumen, probably from the same flat object. 1) Sub-square fragment. Flat to gently-curved surfaces. Dimensions: 3.2 x 3.2 x 0.5 cm. 2, 3, 4. Sub-square fragments. Size Range: 1.0-1.6 x 1.0-1.6 x 0.2 cm.",16/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1102",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. From make-up deposit. 1 bag not sieved.",16/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1102",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. From make-up deposit. 1 bag not sieved.",16/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1102",3.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder. Wedge shaped tool of coarse grained light grey stone. Two surfaces worn very smooth. Both convex ends are abraded. Complete. From make-up deposit. L: 8.3, W: 6.6, T: 3.9 cm.",16/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1102",4.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Seven fragments of copper. 1) Sub rectangular flat strip. Dimensions: 3.0 x 1.9 x 0.5 cm. 2) Sub oval flat strip. Dimensions: 1.5 x 1.1 x 0.3 cm. 3) Curved irregular lump. Dimensions: 2.3 x 1.3 x 0.8 cm. 4) Small L-shaped lump. Dimensions: 1.1 x 1.0 x 0.6 cm. 5) Small curved lump. Dimensions: 1.2 x 0.5 x 0.4 cm. 6) Small sub triangular lump. Dimensions: 0.9 x 0.9 x 0.4 cm. 7) Small ovoid lump. Dimensions: 0.6 x 0.4 x 0.4 cm.",16/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1102",5.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder. Small spherical nodule of coarse grained light grey stone. One convex face worn smooth, the main curved surface abraded. Found with 4 others within make-up deposit (1102:05-09). Intact. Diameter: 3.3-3.7 cm. Height: 3.0 cm.",16/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1102",6.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder. Small spherical nodule of coarse grained light grey stone. Two convex faces have been worn smooth and the main curved surface is abraded. Intact. Found with 4 others within make-up deposit (1102:05-09). Diameter: 3.7 cm. Height: 3.2 cm.",16/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1102",7.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder. Small spherical nodule of coarse grained light grey stone. One convex face only partially worn smooth, and the main curved surface is abraded. Intact. Found with 4 others within a make-up deposit (1102:05-09). Diameter: 3.9 cm. Height: 3.8 cm.",16/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1102",8.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Small spherical nodule of coarse grained light grey stone. Entire surface abraded. Intact. Found with 4 others within make-up deposit (1102:05-09). Diameter: 3.3 cm. Height: 3.2 cm.",16/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1102",9.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Small sub ovoid nodule of coarse grained light grey stone. Most of surface is abraded. Intact. Found with 4 others within make-up deposit (1102:05-09) L: 3.5, W: 2.5, H: 2.5 cm.",16/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1105",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. From floor deposit. 1 bag sieved. 1 bag not sieved.",18/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1105",2.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing. 5 fragments, 2 glued together. Fine grey clay. Largest piece has flat area & string impression on reverse. Design: Badly worn. 1) Reverse is flat. Front has the top left corner of a seal-impression, the design showing a horned animal, standing facing left. Above its back is an unidentified motif, and to the left is a ?upright fish. 2) Reverse is flat. Front show left edge of impression from same seal as (1), showing fore-part of animal and the ?fish. 3 & 4) No design. Dimensions: 1) 2.35 x 1.6 x 0.7 cm. 2) 2.0 x 0.95 x 0.45 cm. 3) 2.0 x 1.3 x 0.9 cm. 4) 1.0 x 0.8 x 0.4 cm.",18/1/1993 00:00:00,"Y", "1105",3.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Brown flint chip, with creamy-white cortex. Broken off a flake. Dimensions: 1.5 x 1.0 x 0.7 cm.",18/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1105",4.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Ovoid nodule of coarse grained light grey stone. Abraded at both ends and on other areas. Intact. L: 9.6, W: 7.8, T: 7.0 cm.",17/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1105",5.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. 1 bag sieved. 1 bag not sieved.",18/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1107",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. From collapse deposit. 1 bag not sieved.",17/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1107",2.00,"COPPER","HOOK FRAG?","Elongated fragment of copper, rounded in section with one curved end. Possible broken fish hook. L: 3.7, W: 0.6, T: 0.5 cm.",17/1/1993 00:00:00,"Y", "1107",3.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Levallois flake, probably utilized as a Scraper. Good quality dark brown flint with light grey cortex. No evidence of retouch but possible use-wear on distal edge. Striking platform reworked/broken. Intact except broken into 2 joining fragments. From collapse deposit. L: 3.5, W: 2.6, T: 0.9 cm.",17/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1107",4.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. From collapse deposit. 1 bag not sieved.",17/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1107",5.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Segment of a broken spherical nodule of coarse grained light grey stone. Curved surface abraded. From a collapse deposit. Dimensions: 7.8 x 6.5 x 5.5 cm.",24/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1108",1.00,"STONE","TOOL","Missing June 1993. See 1171:10.",1/7/1993 00:00:00,, "1108",2.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Fragments of clay apparently bearing seal-impression. Missing May 1993",1/12/1993 00:00:00,, "1108",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. 1 bag sieved. 1 bag not sieved.",19/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1108",4.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. 1 bag sieved. 1 bag not sieved.",19/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1108",5.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Irregular elongated fragment of copper. Lumpy edges. Dimensions: 3.5 x 1.5 x 0.6 cm. Spill. Fragment taken by Lloyd Weeks for metallurgical analysis at Sydney, 1998",19/1/1993 00:00:00,"Y", "1112",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. From collapse deposit. 1 bag not sieved.",19/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1112",2.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Flake, possible Scraper, of banded brown flint with creamy-white cortex. Irregular naturally flaked stone laterally reshaped to form a wedge. The long edge possibly retouched to form a rough scraping edge. Intact. From a collapse deposit. L: 4.6, W: 2.7, T: 1.7 cm.",19/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1113",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. 1 bag sieved. 1 bag not sieved.",19/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1113",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. 1 bag sieved. 1 bag not sieved.",19/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1114",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. 1 bag not sieved.",19/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1114",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. 1 bag not sieved.",19/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1115",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. From make-up deposit. 1 bag sieved. 1 bag not sieved.",21/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1115",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. From a make-up deposit. 1 bag sieved. 1 bag not sieved.",21/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1117",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell 1 bag sieved. 1 bag not sieved.",24/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1117",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone 1 bag sieved. 1 bag not sieved.",24/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1117",3.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","3 copper fragments 1. Sub oval strip. Dimensions: 1.6 x 0.9 x 0.5 cm. 2) Sub square strip. Dimensions: 1.2 x 1.2 x 0.5 cm. 3) Thick curved lump with brown staining (iron/rust?). Dimensions: 2.3 x 1.0 x 0.8 cm.",24/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1117",4.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealings. 2 fragments of light grey clay with salt crystals. One has impression of wood or palm frond. Dimensions: 1. 1.7 x 1.8 x 0.9 cm. 2) 2.3 x 2.0 x 0.8 cm.",24/1/1993 00:00:00,"Y", "1117",5.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Flake. Banded brown flint. Dimensions: 2.6 x 3.2 x 0.6 cm.",23/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1118",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. Not sieved. From a collapse deposit.",24/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1118",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. From a collapse deposit. 1 bag not sieved. (1 frag. consolidated with Paraloid). 1 animal jaw nearly complete. Packed into a separate plastic container with 1160:03 bone. Consolidated with Paraloid 5% w/v in Acetone.",25/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1120",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. From make-up deposit. 1 bag sieved. 1 bag not sieved.",27/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1120",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. From a make-up deposit. 1 bag sieved. 1 bag not sieved.",27/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1121",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. From an occupation deposit. 1 bag sieved. 1 bag not sieved.",25/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1121",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone from an occupation deposit. 1 bag sieved. 4 separate plastic containers of mixed bone. Several long bone fragments of mammal as well as fish bone. Many bones have been consolidated with Paraloid 5% w/v in Acetone.",26/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1121",3.00,"FLINT","CORE","Pounder/Core. Sub ovoid flint nodule with flat face. Good quality grey-brown flint with creamy-white cortex. Numerous flake scars and abraded areas. All flakes probably due to pounding. Intact. From occupation deposit. Dimensions: 7.9 x 7.7 x 6.5 cm.",26/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1121",4.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder. Possible Core. Ovoid nodule of grey-brown flint. Creamy-white cortex. Numerous flake scars and abraded areas. Intact. From an occupation deposit. Dimensions: 7.0 x 5.7 x 5.3 cm.",26/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1121",5.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder. Sub ovoid nodule of coarse grained light grey stone. Several areas abraded. One convex area worn smooth. Intact. From an occupation deposit. Dimensions: 7.4 x 7.0 x 6.0 cm.",26/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1121",6.00,"FLINT","TOOL","8 flakes of brown flint, some with creamy-white cortex. From occupation deposit. See also 1121:14. 1) Levallois flake, triangular and thin. Possible use wear on 2 edges. L: 3.1, W: 4.1, T: 0.5 cm. 2) Levallois flake. Oval. L: 1.7, W: 2.1, T: 0.3 cm. 3) Sub square chunky flake, poor quality flint. Possible use wear or retouch along distal edge. L: 2.4, W: 2.4, T: 1.4 cm. 4) Sub square natural(?) flake. Poor quality flint. Dimensions: 2.6 x 2.6 x 0.6 cm. 5) Elongated flake, rounded end. Dimensions: 2.4 x 1.0 x 0.8 cm. 6) Chunky flake, two edges retouched or more probably abraded during pounding. Dimensions: 3.5 x 2.7 x 1.2 cm. 7) Trapezoidal flake, probably broken off a pounder. Dimensions: 2.5 x 2.4 x 2.0 cm. 8) Sub oval flake, possibly broken off a pounder. Dimensions: 3.1 x 2.6 x 0.8 cm.",26/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1121",7.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Four fragments of bitumen from the lining of one or more woven vessels. All show one surface with impressions of cross-weave. Two have smooth surfaces on the other side. One is very thick. Dimensions: Largest- 4.4 x 4.3 x 1.5 cm. Smallest- 1.2 x 0.9 x 0.3 cm.",26/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1121",8.00,"COPPER","HOOK FRAGS","Four fragments of copper. At least 2 probably from a broken fish hook. 1) Angled fragment of possible barbed fish hook. Dimensions: 1.9 x 1.6 x 0.5 cm 2) Angled fragment, smaller version of above. (Upper part of same fish hook?) Dimensions: 0.9 x 0.9 x 0.4 cm. 3) Small rectangular fragment, flat piece with curved edges. Dimensions: 0.8 x 0.6 x 0.3 cm. 4) Flat oval with small chip in edge. Dimensions: 1.3 x 1.0 x 0.4 cm.",26/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1121",9.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother. Possible Pounder. Sub rectangular close grained dark grey stone. One large and two small surfaces worn smooth. Several edges possibly abraded. Intact. From an occupation deposit. Dimensions: 6.6 x 5.6 x 4.2 cm.",26/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1121",10.00,"PLASTER","DOMED LID","Domed plaster lid, oval in plan. One face roughly flat, the other convex and smooth. Edges rounded. Intact. Diameter: 10.7-9.5 cm. Height: 3.5 cm.",26/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1121",11.00,"PLASTER","DOMED LID","Domed plaster lid, one face flat, the other convex. Rounded edges. Intact. Diameter: 9.6-9.7 cm. Height: 4.0 cm.",26/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1121",12.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Smoother/Pounder. Spherical nodule of mottled brown flint with coarse light grey-white cortex. One large convex area worn smooth. The rest of the tool's surface abraded. One area of shallow flake scarring (from pounding). Intact. From an occupation deposit. Dimensions: 7.5 x 7.3 x 6.2 cm.",26/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1121",13.00,"PLASTER","RENDER FRAG","Sub-rectangular fragment of plaster. One face flat. The other with smooth thick white set-coat. Probably render from roofing or wall. Dimensions: 15.8 x 9.3 x 2.2 cm.",26/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1121",14.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Side Scraper. Mottled brown flint with creamy-white cortex. Levallois flake with retouch along one edge. From occupation deposit. See also 1121:06. L: 7.1, W: 3.5, T: 1.3 cm.",26/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1121",15.00,"PLASTER","OBJECT FRAG","Fragment of object made from plaster. One face smooth and concave, the other irregular and convex. Possibly extant curved edge. Dimensions 9.5 x 5.9 x 1.3 cm.",25/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1121",16.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder fragment. Chip of a tool of dark grey close grained stone. One extant surface worn smooth and flat. Several areas abraded. Tool probably broken during pounding. From an occupation deposit. Dimensions: 3.4 x 2.6 x 0.8 cm.",25/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1122",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. From a collapse deposit. Not sieved",27/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1122",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. From collapse deposit. 1 bag not sieved.",27/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1122",3.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder. Broken nodule of coarse grained dark grey-black stone. Two extant surfaces worn smooth. One convex end abraded. Probably broken during pounding. Intact? From a collapse deposit. Dimensions: 5.5 x 5.4 x 4.2 cm.",27/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1123",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. From an occupation deposit. 1 bag sieved. 1 bag not sieved.",27/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1123",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. From an occupation deposit. 1 bag sieved. 1 bag not sieved.",27/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1123",3.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Six fragments of bitumen from the lining of one or more woven vessels. All have one surface with impressions of cross-weave. The other surface is smooth, although slightly pitted. Dimensions: Largest- 2.0 x 2.0 x 0.6 cm. Smallest- 0.6 x 0.6 x 0.2 cm.",27/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1123",4.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Ten fragments of copper. 1) Trapezoid, lumpy, with areas of brown staining (iron/rust?). Dimensions: 1.5 x 1.2 x 0.6 cm. 2) Small oval fragment. Dimensions: 0.6 x 0.5 x 0.3 cm. 3) Sub ovoid lump. Dimensions: 0.6 x 0.4 x 0.3 cm. 4) Small elongated fragment. Dimensions: 0.6 x 0.3 x 0.2 cm. 5) Ovoid with brown staining (iron/rust?). Dimensions: 1.9 x 1.2 x 0.8 cm. 6) Small elongated ovoid lump. Dimensions: 0.6 x 0.3 x 0.2 cm. 7) Sub rectangular with hollow centre. Dimensions: 1.1 x 0.6 x 0.3 cm. 8) Oval flat strip. Dimensions: 0.8 x 0.6 x 0.2 cm. 9) Ovoid (bead?). Diameter: 0.2-0.3 cm. 10) Oval strip: 0.2 x 0.2 x 0.1 cm.",28/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1124",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. From a midden. 1 bag sieved. 1 bag not sieved.",27/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1124",2.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Small sinuous lump of copper. Dimensions: 1.3 x 0.4 x 0.3 cm.",1/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1125",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. From a floor. Not sieved.",28/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1125",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. 1 bag sieved. 1 bag not sieved.",28/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1125",3.00,"FLINT","CORE","Pounder/Core. Banded brown flint with creamy-white cortex. Broken nodule now with one convex face, and one flat face. Numerous flake scars and abraded areas. Flaking and breakage of nodule probably caused by pounding. Dimensions: 6.3 x 5.3 x 3.0 cm.",28/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1125",4.00,"CLAY","FRAGS","Numerous small crumbling fragments of light green sandy clay. From a floor.",28/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1125",5.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAG","Sub-square fragment of bitumen from the lining of a woven vessel. One surface showing impression of a cross-weave. The other has a slightly pitted smooth surface. Dimensions: 2.9 x 2.1 x 0.3 cm.",28/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1125",6.00,"SHELL","PIERCED BIVALVE","Pearl oyster shell with small oval hole roughly cut into one side. Intact. Shell length 3.8, width 4.3 cm. Hole: 0.7 x 0.5 x 0.2 cm.",28/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1126",1.00,"PLASTER","DOMED LID","Domed plaster lid. One face convex, the other flat. Edges are rounded. Surfaces originally smooth but now pitted and covered in seeped-out plaster lumps. Intact. Diameter: 8.7-9.0 cm. Height: 4.4 cm.",28/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1126",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. 1 bag sieved. 1 bag not sieved.",30/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1126",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. 1 bag sieved. 1 bag not sieved.",30/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1126",4.00,"CLAY","FRAGS","Fourteen small fragments of light green sandy clay.",30/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1128",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. From a floor. 1 bag sieved. 1 bag not sieved.",30/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1128",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. 1 bag sieved. 1 bag not sieved.",30/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1129",1.00,"CLAY","FRAGS","Numerous small lumps of light green sandy clay.",30/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1129",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. From feature. Dry sieved, mesh 590 microns.",30/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1129",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. From a feature. Dry sieved, mesh 590 microns.",30/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1129",4.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAG","One small square fragment from the bitumen lining to a vessel. Dimensions: 0.9 x 0.9 x 0.3 cm.",30/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1130",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. From a make up deposit. Not sieved.",30/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1130",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. From a make up deposit. 1 bag sieved. 1 bag not sieved.",30/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1130",3.00,"PLASTER","DOMED LID FRAG","Semi-circular fragment of plaster, presumably part of a lid, one surface convex and roughly made, the other concave and smooth. The edges are sharp and irregular. Dimensions: 15.4 x 9.0 x 2.0 cm.",30/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1130",4.00,"CLAY","FRAGS","Twelve fragments of light green sandy clay.",30/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1131",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. From a make up deposit. 1 bag sieved. 1 bag not sieved.",31/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1131",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. From a make up deposit. 1 bag sieved. 1 bag not sieved.",31/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1131",3.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Large sub ovoid object or fragment of copper with numerous areas of brown staining (iron/rust?). Three small fragments broken off main lump. Badly corroded surface. Dimensions: 7.1 x 4.9 x 4.1 cm [Packed into a plastic container with another metal object from 1757:03]",31/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1131",4.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Ten fragments of copper, and 12 tiny corroded fragments. 1) Curved irregular frag. Dimensions: 1.7 x 0.9 x 0.6 cm. 2) Flat strip with one curved side, the other partly folded over. Dimensions: 1.5 x 1.1 x 0.4 cm. 3) Curved irregular frag. Dimensions: 1.3 x 0.7 x 0.5 cm. 4) Oval strip frag. Dimensions: 0.9 x 0.7 x 0.3 cm. 5) Rectangular strip frag. Dimensions: 0.8 x 0.5 x 0.2 cm. 6) Triangular strip frag. Dimensions: 0.8 x 0.5 x 0.2 cm. 7) Narrow elongated frag., one end curved. Dimensions: 1.3 x 0.3 x 0.3 cm. 8) Sub spherical with areas of brown staining (iron/rust?). Dimensions: 1.8 x 1.7 x 1.6 cm. 9) Sub spherical, two flattened faces. Small areas of brown staining. Dimensions: 1.0 x 1.0 x 0.7 cm. 10) Sub triangular. Dimensions: 1.3 x 1.1 x 0.5 cm.",31/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1131",5.00,"FLINT","TOOL","2 flint flakes. 1) Broken Levallois flake. Good quality brown flint with creamy-white cortex. No retouching but possible use wear on one edge. Dimensions: 4.2 x 3.5 x 0.6 cm. 2) Levallois flake. Good quality brown flint with light grey-white cortex. No retouching. Intact. Dimensions: 4.1 x 2.7 x 1.0 cm.",14/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1131",6.00,"CLAY","FRAGS","Nineteen fragments of light green sandy clay.",14/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1131",7.00,"SHELL","PIERCED BIVALVE","Pearl oyster shell with oval hole in its side, natural or worked. L:6.0, W:5.4 cm. Hole: 1.4 x 1.1 x 0.3 cm.",9/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1131",8.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Six fragments of bitumen from the lining of one or more woven vessels. Two heavy, the others thin with one side showing impression of cross-weave. Largest: 2.3 x 1.4 x 1.2 cm.",31/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1131",9.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing. Fine light grey clay with string marks on the reverse. Front has upper left corner of seal-impression, the design showing the head of bearded figure looking left, sharply defined. In front of the face is the end of a drinking straw. On the left edge is the head of a monkey. Dimensions: 1.0 x 1.3 x 0.4 cm. AMENDMENT Same seal as sealing group from House 220 (see 5137:1), and a group from House 211 (see 1161:04)",14/2/1993 00:00:00,"Y", "1132",1.00,"STONE","BLOCK","Large rectangular block of limestone. Roughly shaped with near flat faces, except for the irregular base. One end is more pointed. The upper surface has been partly worn smooth and flat. Near the pointed end are 4 small circular holes in a line. The latter are possibly drilled, or are natural. Possibly used as a workbench or as a seat. Intact. Dimensions: 58.5 x 33.5 x 17.0 cm. Holes Diameter: 1.0-1.5 cm.",30/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1133",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. From a make up deposit. 1 bag sieved. 1 bag not sieved.",31/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1133",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. From a make up deposit. 1 bag sieved. 1 bag not sieved.",16/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1133",3.00,"CARNELIAN","BEAD","Short cylindrical carnelian bead. Intact. Diameter 0.55 cm. Length 0.5 cm.",31/1/1993 00:00:00,"Y", "1133",4.00,"PLASTER","DOMED LID","Domed plaster lid. Thick for its size, with all surfaces fairly smooth. One face convex, the other is flat. Edges are rounded. Intact except for large chip in one edge. Diameter: 8.3-8.4 cm. Height: 3.2 cm.",31/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1133",5.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","6 fragments of copper. From a make up deposit. 1) Flat sub triangular fragment. Dimensions: 1.8 x 1.3 x 0.4 cm. 2) Flat sub triangular fragment. Dimensions: 1.4 x 1.2 x 0.4 cm. 3) Ovoid fragment. Dimensions: 1.1 x 1.0 x 0.7 cm. 4) Flat elongated strip. Dimensions: 1.2 x 0.6 x 0.3 cm. 5) Oval lump. Dimensions: 0.8 x 0.7 x 0.3 cm. 6) Sub oval flat strip. Dimensions: 1.0 x 0.6 x 0.2 cm.",31/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1133",6.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealings. 14 fragments of light grey sandy clay. Illegible design & string marks on reverse. From a make up deposit. Largest: 2.6 x 1.5 x 0.8 cm.",1/2/1993 00:00:00,"Y", "1133",7.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Thirty fragments of bitumen from the lining of one or more woven vessels. with impressions of cross-weave. Largest: 5.2 x 2.6 x 0.3 cm.",1/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1133",8.00,"FLINT","TOOL","4 flakes of brown flint from a make up deposit. 1) Levallois flake. Dimensions: 2.3 x 1.6 x 0.7 cm. 2) Levallois flake? Dimensions: 1.3 x 1.8 x 0.5 cm. 3) Broken flake/pounder chip. Dimensions: 1.0 x 2.2 x 0.7 cm. 4) Small flake/debitage. Dimensions: 1.2 x 0.8 x 0.3 cm.",1/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1133",9.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder. Fragment of coarse light grey stone broken off end of tool. 3 extant surfaces worn very smooth and flat with the convex end abraded. From a make up deposit. Dimensions: 5.0 x 4.0 x 2.1 cm.",1/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1133",10.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Small Piercer. Possible Levallois flake of banded brown flint. Retouched along one edge to form sharp point. Intact. From a make-up deposit. Dimensions: 1.7 x 2.0 x 1.1 cm.",1/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1133",11.00,"BONE","FISH SKULL","Articulated fish skull. Black Bream. From a make-up deposit. Partly consolidated with: Paraloid 5% w/v in Acetone.",18/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1133",12.00,"ORGANIC","DATE","Half a burnt date pip. Dimensions 0.9 x 0.4 x 0.4 cm. Wgt <0.1gm.",16/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1133",13.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Small Piercer. Flake of brown flint with creamy-white cortex. Sharp point created by one notched edge. Possible use wear at tip. Intact. From make-up deposit. Dimensions: 2.1 x 1.6 x 0.8 cm.",1/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1133",14.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing. Fine grey clay. Knot impression on reverse. Design: Design distorted. 2 figures visible, left hand one is standing, wears long skirt and faces right. Holds ?bag in right hand. To the right is second figure, seated, also facing right. From a make up deposit. Dimensions: 2.5 x 1.9 x 0.9 cm.",5/3/1993 00:00:00,"Y", "1133",15.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing. Slightly sandy grey clay with salt crystals. Knot impression on reverse. Design: Badly worn. One short-horned animal, perhaps a bull, with legs tucked under it. Indecipherable motif over back, traces of seated figure on let. Seal estimated dimensions: 2.35 cm. From a make up deposit. Dimensions: 2.2 x 2.4 x 1.55 cm.",5/3/1993 00:00:00,"Y", "1133",16.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder fragment. Small oval fragment of dark grey close grained stone. Extant convex surface is partly smoothed and abraded. Probably broken during pounding. Dimensions: 2.3 x 2.2 x 0.6 cm.",31/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1133",17.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing. Slightly sandy grey clay with salt crystals. Knot impression on reverse. Design: Badly damaged, 2 joining fragments. Possible traces of hatched square with necks of two animals protruding from top corners, a V-shaped symbol between them. From a make up deposit. Dimensions: 2.2 x 2.67 x 0.8 cm.",5/3/1993 00:00:00,"Y", "1136",1.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder. End fragment of dark grey close grained stone. 2 extant surfaces smoothed, and several areas abraded. Dimensions: 5.5 x 5.1 x 4.8 cm.",1/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1136",2.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder. Sub spherical dark grey-black close grained stone with flattened sides. One surface worn smooth and flat, the rest abraded. Other surfaces may also be partly smoothed. Intact. Dimensions: 6.5 x 6.2 x 5.2 cm.",1/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1136",3.00,"PLASTER","DOMED LID","Domed plaster lid. Thick, with one face convex, the other chamfered, presumably for a better rim fit, from the rounded edge, to form a flattish surface. Intact. Diameter: 9.0 cm. Height: 4.0 cm.",1/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1136",4.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Light grey coarse grained stone. Spherical with entire surface abraded. Intact. Dimensions: 6.3 x 6.2 x 6.1 cm.",1/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1136",5.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Light grey coarse grained stone. Spherical with almost entire surface abraded. Intact. Dimensions: 4.4 x 4.4 x 4.1 cm.",1/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1136",6.00,"PLASTER","PIERCED DISC","Plaster disc with large, oval, central hole. Irregular convex faces with rounded edges. Diameter: 10.0-10.4 cm. Height: 3.9 cm. Hole diameter: 1.7-2.1 cm.",10/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1136",7.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing. Triangular fragment of clay disc. Sandy grey clay. String marks on reverse (?) and on broken edges. Design: Torso of standing male figure looking left towards gazelle, legs broken off. Gazelle looks back towards edge of seal. Dimensions: 1.5 x 2.5 x 1.0 cm.",22/2/1993 00:00:00,"Y", "1136",8.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder. Ovoid nodule of mottled brown-grey flint. Numerous areas abraded and flake scarred. Intact. Dimensions: 6.9 x 6.0 x 4.0 cm.",24/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1137",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","1 bucket flotation sample. Fill of 1135. Missing April 1995.",1/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1138",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. From a feature. 1 bag sieved. 1 bag not sieved.",10/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1138",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone from a feature. 1 bag sieved.",10/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1139",1.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder. Sub ovoid nodule of light grey coarse grained stone. One face worn smooth and flat, subsequently pitted by pounding. Several areas abraded and flake scarred. Intact. Dimensions: 8.0 x 7.6 x 7.2 cm.",14/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1139",2.00,"COPPER","INGOT","Bun-shaped ingot of copper. Sub-oval in plan, top convex, base flat. Several areas of brown staining (iron/rust?). Intact. Dimensions: 12.3 x 11.4 x 4.7 cm.",14/2/1993 00:00:00,"Y","Fragment taken by Lloyd Weeks for metallurgical analysis at Sydney, 1998" "1139",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell 1 bag sieved. 1 bag not sieved.",16/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1139",4.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone 1 bag sieved. 1 bag not sieved.",16/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1139",5.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder fragment. Sub-rectangular fragment of purple coarse grained stone (sandstone). One surface worn smooth and flat. Dimensions 9.1 x 6.8 x 2.8 cm.",16/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1139",6.00,"POTTERY","PLATE","Pottery plate. About a quarter extant: one fragment forming scant profile. Light pinkish brown fabric with light yellow-green surface/slip. Slip is very thin to non-existent on central parts of the bowl. Rim is thick and angled with shallow groove. Wide shallow hollow below rim on exterior. Low flat foot. Other similar bowl sherds from the same unit appear not to be from the same vessel. Height: 5.7 cm. Rim di. (reconstruc.): c. 31 cm. Ba. di. 9 cm.",16/2/1993 00:00:00,,"Not located May 1999" "1139",7.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Smoother. Sub triangular nodule of dull green close grained stone. One surface partly worn smooth and flat. Intact. Dimensions: 4.0 x 2.7 x 1.4 cm.",16/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1139",8.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder. Small sub ovoid nodule of dark grey-green coarse grained stone (steatite?). Parts of 2 opposite faces are worn smooth and flat. Two ends partly abraded and flake scarred. Intact. Dimensions: 3.6 x 3.0 x 1.4 cm.",16/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1141",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell 1 bag sieved. 1 bag not sieved.",17/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1141",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone 1 bag sieved. 1 bag not sieved.",17/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1141",3.00,"PLASTER","RENDER FRAG","Square fragment of plaster. Possibly part of decorative render for a building. One (outer?) face smooth and slightly convex. The opposite face is mostly uneven, but has a large curved hinge with a smooth flat surface formed adjacent to one edge:- presumably to aid attachment. Dimensions: 16.0 x 15.3 x 4.2 cm.",17/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1142",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from floor/occupation. 1 bag sieved. 1 bag not sieved.",13/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1142",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone from floor/occupation. 1 bag sieved. 1 bag not sieved. Several bones packed into a separate plastic container. Consolidated with Paraloid 5% w/v in Acetone.",13/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1142",3.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Eight fragments of copper. 1) Ovoid, with areas of brown staining (iron/rust?). Dimensions: 1.4 x 1.4 x 1.1 cm. 2) Triangular and flat. Dimensions: 1.8 x 1.6 x 0.7 cm. 3) Sub rectangular and flat. Dimensions: 1.2 x 1.1 x 0.5 cm. 4) Sub triangular. Dimensions: 0.9 x 0.8 x 0.4 cm. 5) Triangular and lumpy. Dimensions: 1.9 x 0.7 x 0.5 cm. 6) Trapezoid: 0.8 x 0.6 x 0.3 cm. 7) Sub oval: 1.0 x 0.7 x 0.4 cm. 8) Rectangular: 0.5 x 0.4 x 0.2 cm.",13/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1142",4.00,"CLAY","FRAGS","Thirty six fragments of light green sandy clay. Largest: 2.3 x 1.8 x 1.6 cm.",13/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1142",5.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Flake. Wedge-shaped flake of mottled brown flint. Possibly chipped off a pounder. From floor/occupation. Dimensions: 2.5 x 1.4 x 1.4 cm.",13/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1142",6.00,"PLASTER","RENDER FRAGS","Four fragments of plaster, two joining. Probably parts of structural elements, e.g. roofing. One has a very smooth flat surface, whereas the two adjoining fragments have one face that is concave and smooth. Dimensions of the two joined pieces: 20.9 x 13.1 x 2.8 cm.",13/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1142",7.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Smoother. Small sub ovoid pebble of grey close grained stone. 3 surfaces worn smooth. From floor/occupation. Intact. Dimensions: 3.8 x 3.0 x 2.2 cm.",13/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1142",8.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Small flake. Brown flint. Possibly broken off a pounder. From floor/occupation. Dimensions: 1.0 x 1.0 x 0.7 cm.",13/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1142",9.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Two pieces of bitumen. Largest: 3.2 x 2.8 x 2.3 cm.",13/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1142",10.00,"PLASTER","DOMED LID","Domed plaster lid. One surface convex, the other flat. Intact. Diameter: 12.2 x 11.7 cm. Height: 3.1 cm.",25/3/1993 00:00:00,, "1143",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone from a feature. 1 bag not sieved.",30/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1143",2.00,"COPPER","FRAG","One copper object with large areas of brown staining (iron/rust?). Sub triangular and lumpy. Dimensions: 2.7 x 2.2 x 0.6 cm.",30/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1145",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from a make-up deposit. 1 bag sieved. 1 bag not sieved.",7/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1145",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone from a make-up deposit. 1 bag sieved. 1 bag not sieved. Animal teeth packed into a separate plastic container. Consolidated with Paraloid 5% w/v in Acetone.",7/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1145",3.00,"METAL","SLAG","One cylindrical lump of (copper?) slag. Dark grey with areas of copper corrosion on the surface. Dimensions: 3.2 x 1.9 x 1.6 cm.",7/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1145",4.00,"SHELL","PIERCED BIVALVE","Large clam shell with oval hole punched into body. Worked from exterior. Shell: L:5.1, W:5.4 cm. Hole: 1.1 x 0.9 x 0.4 cm.",7/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1145",5.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Smoother. Thin triangular fragment of dark grey close grained stone, with pronounced horizontal planes. One surface worn smooth and flat. From a make up deposit. Intact. Dimensions: 5.8 x 4.0 x 1.2 cm.",7/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1145",6.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Notched Scraper. Brown flint chunky flake with creamy-white cortex. One edge retouched to form double notch with central point. From a make-up deposit. Dimensions: 4.8 x 3.2 x 2.4 cm.",7/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1148",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from a make up deposit. 1 bag sieved. 1 bag not sieved.",18/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1148",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone from a make up deposit. 1 bag sieved. 1 bag not sieved. One large broken bone & others packed into a separate plastic container. This has been consolidated with Paraloid 5% w/v in Acetone.",18/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1148",3.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Thirteen fragments of copper. Nos.1-7 with areas of brown staining (iron/rust?). 1) Curved thick fragment. Dimensions: 3.1 x 1.6 x 1.3 cm. 2) D-shaped flat strip. Dimensions: 2.3 x 1.4 x 0.7 cm. 3) Sub square: 1.4 x 1.4 x 0.5 cm. 4) Lumpy fragment with broken attachment on one side. Dimensions: 1.5 x 1.4 x 0.9 cm. 5) Sub ovoid lump. Dimensions:1.5 x 1.0 x 0.8 cm. 6) & 7. Sub ovoid lumps. Dimensions: 0.7 x 0.4 x 0.4 cm. : 0.5 x 0.3 x 0.2 cm. 8) Sub rectangular flat fragment. Dimensions: 2.9 x 2.5 x 0.8 cm. 9) Irregular lump. Dimensions: 0.9 x 0.8 x 0.5 cm. 10) Ovoid: 0.7 x 0.5 x 0.5 cm. 11) Ovoid: 0.5 x 0.4 x 0.3 cm. 12-13) Tiny fragments: Dimensions: 0.6 x 0.5 x 0.1 cm. : 0.6 x 0.3 x 0.2 cm.",18/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1148",4.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAG","Bitumen-lined vessel, perhaps a cup. Crushed fragments. Bitumen has impressions of cross-woven palm leaf strips. Overall dimensions of group of consolidated pieces < 10 cm square.",18/2/1993 00:00:00,," Object broke up further during lifting. Now extant as fragments, with one larger mixed lump. During excavtion sand around bitumen consolidated with Paraloid 5% w/v in Acetone. During preliminary conservation and packing HMG used to hold fragments in the larger lump together. To be further conserved." "1148",5.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Numerous fragments of bitumen from the lining of one or more woven vessels. Impressions of cross-weave. Largest: 3.8 x 2.7 x 0.7 cm.",25/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1148",6.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Numerous fragments of bitumen from the lining of one or more woven vessels. With impressions of cross weave. Dimensions of largest: 4.2 x 2.8 x 1.6 cm. Another: 5.1 x 4.2 x 0.5",25/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1148",7.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Combined with 1148:6",25/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1148",8.00,"FOSSIL BIVALVE","POUNDER/SMOOTHER","Fossil bivalve possibly utilized as a Smoother/Pounder. Part of one surface appears (worn?) smooth. Several edges and two surfaces abraded. Intact. L:4.6, W:3.9, T:2.6 cm.",25/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1148",9.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Large flake. Mottled brown flint with creamy-white cortex. Laterally struck. No retouching but possibly some use wear along one edge. From a make-up deposit. Intact. Dimensions: 6.1 x 5.3 x 2.1 cm.",25/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1148",10.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Possible Smoother. Triangular fragment of light grey close grained stone with pronounced horizontal planes. One surface worn(?) smooth and flat. The edges are vertical. Intact. From a make up deposit. Dimensions: 3.5 x 3.2 x 1.5 cm.",18/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1148",11.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder fragment. Curved chip off a flint nodule used as a pounder. Brown flint with creamy-white cortex. One end abraded. From a make up deposit. Dimensions: 3.1 x 1.5 x 1.4 cm.",18/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1148",12.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder fragment. Curved chip off a pebble tool. Light grey close grained stone. Extant surface is abraded. From a make up deposit. Dimensions: 2.8 x 2.6 x 1.5 cm.",18/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1148",13.00,"COPPER","BLADE FRAG","Broad, flat strip of copper, one long edge bowed out slightly. Presumably from a blade, perhaps a knife blade. Extant length 4.6, width 1.9-0.4 cm.",27/2/1993 00:00:00,"Y"," Metal appears to be in good condition." "1150",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","4 buckets flotation sample. Upper fill of 1149.",15/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1150",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone from a feature (upper fill of 1149). 1 bag not sieved.",16/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1151",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","7 buckets flotation sample. Lower fill of 1149.",15/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1152",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone from a hearth feature. Sieved.",27/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1153",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from a make up deposit. 1 bag sieved. 1 bag not sieved. 1 Pen shell (Pinna muricata), broken, packed separately within same bag.",21/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1153",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone from a make up deposit. 1 bag sieved. 1 bag not sieved.",21/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1153",3.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Grindstone fragment. Sub-rectangular fragment of light brown stone with numerous small quartz inclusions. One extant face is partly worn smooth and concave. Another may be part of a straight vertical side. Dimensions 13.9 x 6.7 x 5.4 cm.",22/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1153",4.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Seven fragments of copper. All have areas of brown staining (iron/rust?). 1) Curved thick fragment. Dimensions: 2.4 x 1.5 x 1.3 cm. 2) Sub-rectangular lump. Dimensions: 1.3 x 1.1 x 0.8 cm. 3) Sub-oval, one side hollow. Dimensions: 1.1 x 1.0 x 0.6 cm. 4) Sub-ovoid lump. Dimensions: 2.6 x 1.5 x 1.3 cm. 5) & 6. & 7. Tiny fragments. Dimensions: 0.8 x 0.7 x 0.4 cm; 0.9 x 0.5 x 0.4 cm; 0.8 x 0.5 x 0.3 cm.",22/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1153",5.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Fragment of coarse banded grey-brown flint with creamy-white cortex. Small areas of abrading on two edges. Probably accidentally chipped off a pounder. From a make-up deposit. Dimensions: 4.1 x 2.2 x 1.4 cm.",22/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1153",6.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Possible Smoother fragment. Corner of grey stone that has pronounced horizontal planes. One face is (worn?) smooth and flat. The opposite face is irregular and coated in one small area by a dark red-brown deposit, possibly ochre. From a make up deposit. Dimensions: 4.7 x 3.9 x 1.5 cm.",22/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1153",7.00,"ORGANIC","DATE","Half a broken date pip. Carbonised. Dimensions 1.1 x 0.6 x 0.5 cm. Wgt 0.2 gm.",22/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1153",8.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Two small thin fragments of bitumen from the lining of one or more woven vessels. Both have impressions of cross-weave on one side. Largest: 1.3 x 0.9 x 0.3 cm.",27/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1154",1.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing. Dark grey clay. String marks on reverse. Design: Hatched rectangle (7x4 squares). Traces of 3 objects protruding from one narrow side. From threshold. Dimensions: 1.55 x 1.42 x 0.43 cm.",17/2/1993 00:00:00,"Y", "1154",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone from threshold. 1 bag sieved. 1 bag not sieved.",17/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1154",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from threshold. 1 bag not sieved.",17/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1154",4.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Small lump of copper. Dimensions: 0.5 x 0.4 x 0.2 cm.",17/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1155",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from an occupation deposit. 1 bag sieved. 1 bag not sieved.",25/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1155",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone from an occupation deposit. 1 bag sieved. 1 bag not sieved.",25/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1155",3.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder. Well-used sub oval light grey-brown coarse grained stone. One face worn smooth and flat. All edges abraded. Two adjoining edges flake scarred (pounded) continually to form a single angled edge. Intact. From an occupation deposit. Dimensions: 8.0 x 6.9 x 4.2 cm.",27/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1155",4.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Grinder reused as Pounder. Sub triangular corner fragment of light brown stone with numerous small quartz inclusions. One surface flattish and possibly worn smooth. Several edges and ends are abraded. Intact. From an occupation deposit. Dimensions: 9.1 x 7.9 x 3.4 cm.",27/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1155",5.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder. Fragment of once ovoid nodule of dark grey close grained stone. 2 opposite faces worn smooth: one is flat; the other is convex and highly polished. Parts of the extant edge is abraded. Beside the broken convex surface edge are 2 curved incised or accidentally cut lines. From an occupation deposit. Dimensions: 8.1 x 6.3 x 3.8 cm.",27/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1155",6.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Sub ovoid nodule of dark grey stone with large white inclusions. Light brown cortex. One edge very abraded and flake scarred due to pounding. Intact. From an occupation deposit. Dimensions: 6.4 x 4.7 x 3.9 cm.",27/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1155",7.00,"COPPER","OBJECT","Elongated copper fragment with square section, possibly part of spike or nail. Dimensions: 4.5 x 0.8 x 0.8 cm.",27/2/1993 00:00:00,"Y","Fairly good condition." "1156",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell 1 bag sieved. 1 bag not sieved.",28/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1156",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone including large mammal skull. 1 bag sieved. 1 bag not sieved. 1 plastic container with skull fragment. This consolidated with Paraloid 5% w/v in Acetone.",28/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1156",3.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder. Sub discoid light grey coarse grained (light weight) stone. One surface worn smooth and flat. The rest of the surfaces are abraded. Intact. Dimensions: 5.5 x 5.5 x 4.1 cm.",2/3/1993 00:00:00,, "1156",4.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Fifteen fragments of copper. Nos.1-4 have areas of brown staining (iron/rust?). 1) Long ovoid lump. Dimensions: 2.4 x 1.5 x 1.3 cm. 2) Sub triangular lump. Dimensions: 2.0 x 1.7 x 1.1 cm. 3) Curved thick lump. Dimensions: 1.9 x 1.0 x 0.9 cm. 4) Sub ovoid lump with curved tail. Dimensions: 1.5 x 1.2 x 1.0 cm. 5) Sub triangular lump. Dimensions: 2.0 x 1.5 x 1.2 cm. 6) Sub ovoid lump. Dimensions: 1.5 x 0.9 x 0.7 cm. 7) Hollow tubular fragment. Dimensions: 1.7 x 0.6 x 0.4 cm. 8) Sub triangular flat strip. Dimensions: 1.5 x 1.3 x 0.4 cm. 9) Sub ovoid lump with small tail. Dimensions: 1.0 x 0.9 x 0.5 cm. 10). Sub rectangular lump. Dimensions: 1.1 x 0.8 x 0.5 cm. 11) Sub oval flat strip. Dimensions: 1.3 x 1.1 x 0.4 cm. 12) Sub square flat strip. Dimensions: 0.8 x 0.7 x 0.3 cm. 13) Sub rectangular lump. Dimensions: 0.6 x 0.5 x 0.3 cm. 14) Sub oval lump. Dimensions: 0.6 x 0.5 x 0.3 cm. 15) Small irregular thin lump. Dimensions: 0.8 x 0.6 x 0.2 cm.",3/3/1993 00:00:00,, "1156",5.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder. Sub triangular light grey coarse grained stone. One surface worn smooth. Several areas abraded, including one edge which is very flake scarred from pounding. Intact. Dimensions: 6.3 x 4.6 x 2.6 cm.",3/3/1993 00:00:00,, "1156",6.00,"FOSSIL BIVALVE","POUNDER","Fossil bivalve, possibly utilized as Pounder. Several surfaces abraded. L:5.1, W:3.4, T: 3.2 cm.",3/3/1993 00:00:00,, "1156",7.00,"BONE","HORN","One horn core, intact. Consolidated with Paraloid 5% w/v in Acetone. Packed into a plastic container.",25/3/1993 00:00:00,, "1156",8.00,"SHELL","DENTALIUM BEAD","Length of naturally tubular 'Dentalium octangulatum', tip missing, but otherwise in good condition. Presumably used as a bead. Diameter: 0.4 cm. Length: 2.8 cm.",28/2/1993 00:00:00,"Y", "1156",9.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAG","Thin fragment of bitumen from the lining of a woven vessel, one side having impression of cross-weave. Dimensions: 1.3 x 1.0 x 0.4 cm.",28/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1158",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from make up deposit. 1 bag sieved. 1 bag not sieved.",22/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1158",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone from a make up deposit. 1 bag sieved. 1 bag not sieved.",3/3/1993 00:00:00,, "1158",3.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Thirteen fragments of copper. Nos.1-4 have areas of brown staining (iron/rust?). 1) Triangular fragment with two flat surfaces. Dimensions: 1.9 x 1.4 x 0.8 cm. 2) Small sub circular fragment. Dimensions: 0.7 x 0.7 x 0.3 cm. 3) Small irregular lump. Dimensions: 0.6 x 0.5 x 0.4 cm. 4) Ovoid lump. Dimensions: 1.1 x 0.8 x 0.7 cm. 5) Sub spherical. Dimensions: 1.1 x 1.1 x 0.9 cm. 6) Sub oval: 1.1 x 0.9 x 0.4 cm. 7) Sub-triangular flat strip. Dimensions: 1.4 x 1.2 x 0.3 cm. 8) Oval flat strip, now bent concave. Dimensions: 1.0 x 0.8 x 0.1 cm. 9) - 13. Irregular tiny fragments. Size Range: 0.2-0.7 cm.",22/3/1993 00:00:00,, "1158",4.00,"BITUMEN","VESSEL","Bitumen-coated vessel, perhaps a cup. Large fragment, including base, with impressions of cross-woven date palm strips. Approximate dimensions 4.6 x 6.6 x 5.5 cm.",23/2/1993 00:00:00,"Y","Partly consolidated using HMG. Packed as block with surrounding sand. This sand has been hardened with Paraloid during excavation. To be conserved further." "1158",5.00,"FLINT","TOOL","4 flakes. Variety of brown and grey flint. All probably have broken off pounders. From a make up deposit. 1) Chunky flake, one sharp tip may have been utilized. Dimensions: 2.8 x 2.5 x 1.8 cm. 2) Thin flake. Dimensions: 2.4 x 2.2 x 0.3 cm. 3) Small leaf shaped flake. Dimensions: 1.8 x 1.3 x 0.4 cm. 4) Flake/chip: 1.8 x 1.1 x 0.6 cm.",24/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1158",6.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder of light brown stone, intact except for one broken edge, with numerous small quartz inclusions. Rectangular. All surfaces shaped flat, the lower one worn smooth. Extant edges are near vertical. Dimensions 19.1 x 12.5 x 5.4 cm.",24/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1158",7.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder. Sub rectangular light brown coarse grained stone. One face partly worn smooth and flat. Both ends are convex and abraded. Intact. From a make-up deposit. Dimensions: 9.6 x 7.7 x 4.4 cm.",24/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1158",8.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder. Possibly used as an axe. Sub rectangular/wedge shaped dull red-brown coarse grained stone. All flat faces abraded. The largest convex end is abraded and deeply flake scarred due to pounding. From make up deposit. Intact. Dimensions: 8.5 x 6.7 x 3.5 cm.",28/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1158",9.00,"COPPER","WIRE OBJECT","Fragment of the tip of a copper pin, hook, or similar object. Oval or rectangular in section. Wedge-shaped at the tip. Dimensions: 2.7 x 0.5 x 0.3 cm.",5/3/1993 00:00:00,"Y", "1158",10.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Eight fragments of bitumen from the lining of one or more woven vessels. Impressions of cross-weave. Largest: 3.1 x 2.8 x 0.3 cm.",5/3/1993 00:00:00,, "1158",11.00,"PLASTER","FRAG","Large fragment of plaster. Sub-rectangular with flat-concave/convex faces. One extant edge is rounded. One side beside this edge has remnants of dark grey mortar. Probably part of a structural element. Dimensions: 15.4 x 14.5 x 3.2 cm.",5/3/1993 00:00:00,, "1158",12.00,"SHELL","PIERCED SHELLS","Three shells with oval holes roughly cut into one side. All intact. 1) Spiny oyster (Spondylus exilis). Dimensions: 6.3 x 6.2 cm. Hole: 1.7 x 1.0 x 0.2 cm. 2) Bivalve shell. Dimensions: 3.6 x 4.3 cm. Hole: 1.0 x 0.8 x 0.2 cm. 3) Conch shell. Strombus decorus decorus). Dimensions: 4.2 x 2.2 x 1.8 cm. Hole: 1.0 x 0.7 cm.",22/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1158",13.00,"FLINT","TOOL","5 flakes of brown flint, some banded and mottled. Probably chipped off during pounding. None retouched. Sieved make up deposit. 1) 1.8 x 1.8 x 0.4 cm. 2) 1.9 x 1.0 x 0.5 cm. 3) 2.0 X 1.0 X 0.4 cm. 4) 1.3 X 1.1 X 0.5 cm. 5) 0.7 x 0.5 x 0.1 cm.",22/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1158",14.00,"METAL","SLAG","Two fragments of slag, probably from metal manufacture. Dark grey, with various corrosion products on surfaces. 1) Triangular, green flecked corrosion. Dimensions: 2.3 x 2.2 x 1.1 cm. 2) Elongated ovoid, brown corrosion. Dimensions: 2.1 x 1.3 x 1.1 cm.",22/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1158",15.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing. Fine light grey clay. Smoothed edge. Design: Necks of 2 horned animals. Originally protruding from hatched square? From a make up deposit. Dimensions: 2.55 x 0.9 x 0.6 cm.",22/2/1993 00:00:00,"Y", "1158",16.00,"ORGANIC","DATE","Nine fragments of date pips, carbonised. Two almost complete. Dimensions largest near complete fragment 1.4 x 0.6 x 0.5 cm. Total Wgt 0.6 gm.",5/3/1993 00:00:00,, "1159",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell 1 bag sieved . 1 bag not sieved.",3/3/1993 00:00:00,, "1159",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone 1 bag sieved.",3/3/1993 00:00:00,, "1159",3.00,"COPPER","INGOT","Half a 'bun' ingot, originally hemispherical, now sub rectangular with one face convex, the other flat. The latter has small areas of brown staining (iron/rust?). Good condition. Broken or shaped in antiquity? Dimensions 10.2 x 6.8 x 2.8 cm.",3/3/1993 00:00:00,"Y","Fragment taken by Lloyd Weeks for metallurgical analysis at Sydney, 1998" "1159",4.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder. Triangular fragment of originally rectangular stone. Light brown with numerous small quartz inclusions. One surface worn smooth and flat, the other slightly convex. The extant sides are near vertical. The corner is rounded. Dimensions 19.0 x 19.0 x 2.8 cm.",3/3/1993 00:00:00,, "1159",5.00,"CLAY","TOKEN","Part of clay token with hemispherical back originally pierced for suspension. Obverse has impressed design of hatched square (4 x 6 squares) with necks of 2 short-horned animals protruding from the top, one looking right, and one left. to the left is a damaged 3-toed rampant monster, looking right. Below this a head of an animal with long back-swept horns facing left. Dimensions: 1.8 x 2.2 x 0.75 cm.",3/3/1993 00:00:00,"Y", "1159",6.00,"PLASTER","DOMED LID","Domed plaster lid. Both faces are convex. The upper face has several small impressions or depressions in its surface (deliberate?). The lower one partly shaped to form a chamfered edge. The edges are rounded. Intact. Diameter: 12.2-12.4 cm. Height: 4.8 cm.",3/3/1993 00:00:00,, "1159",7.00,"CLAY","TOKEN","Fragment of hemispherical token. Reverse: surface largely missing. Obverse: Impressed design shows head of animal looking right to edge, with back-swept horns, and 3-toed foot or raised hoof in front of face. Dimensions: 1.2 x 2.0 x 0.75 cm. CHECK: DOES THIS JOIN 1159:05?",4/3/1993 00:00:00,"Y", "1159",8.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing. Fine light grey clay with inclusions. One face smooth, impressions of leaves or wood on other. Dimensions: 1.3 x 1.45 x 0.7 cm.",4/3/1993 00:00:00,"Y", "1159",9.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Eight fragments of copper. Nos.1-6. have areas of brown staining (iron/rust?). Nos. 2-6. have probably broken off No.1. 1) L-shaped/irregular lump. Dimensions: 2.9 x 2.5 x 1.4 cm. 2) Sub triangular fragment. Dimensions: 1.0 x 0.7 x 0.6 cm. 3) Small curved fragment. Dimensions: 1.0 x 0.7 x 0.5 cm. 4-6) Tiny fragments. Size Range: 0.2-0.5 cm. 7) Small oval fragment. Dimensions: 0.6 x 0.5 x 0.2 cm. 8) Small ovoid lump. Dimensions: 0.5 x 0.4 x 0.3 cm.",5/3/1993 00:00:00,, "1159",10.00,"SHELL","PIERCED BIVALVS","Two bivalve shells of the same species, each with oval holes roughly cut into the sides. With No.2 the hole has not fully cut through the interior side of the shell. 1). Dimensions: 3.6 x 4.2 cm. Hole: 0.8 x 0.6 x 0.2 cm. 2) 3.8 x 4.3 cm. Hole: 1.0 x 0.8 x 0.2 cm.",3/3/1993 00:00:00,, "1159",11.00,"BITUMEN","FRAG","Small lump of bitumen. Dimensions: 1.6 x 1.3 x 1.2 cm.",3/3/1993 00:00:00,, "1159",12.00,"STONE","OCHRE","Crimson ochre lump, now broken into 3 joining fragments. Banded crimson/cream/red soft, close grained 'stone'. Worn smooth on one main face with visible unidirectional striations running at an angle to the length of the stone. The other faces are naturally worn. Possibly another worn concave face with striations under the salt crystals. Dimensions 3.2 x 2.8 x 1.6 cm.",14/7/1998 00:00:00,,"Found on floor." "1160",1.00,"BONE","JAW","1 articulated sheep jaw from an occupation deposit. Packed into a rectangular plastic container. Upper part consolidated with Paraloid 5% w/v in Acetone.",24/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1160",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from an occupation deposit. 1 bag sieved. 1 bag not sieved.",25/3/1993 00:00:00,, "1160",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone from an occupation deposit. 1 bag sieved. 1 bag not sieved. Large rib bone fragment. Consolidated with Paraloid 5% w/v in Acetone. N. B. Packed into a plastic container with 1118:02.",25/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1160",4.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder fragment. Sub-triangular light brown stone with numerous small quartz inclusions. One surface worn smooth and flat. The opposite face is also flat. The extant edge is near vertical. Dimensions 7.7 x 6.5 x 4.5 cm.",5/3/1993 00:00:00,, "1160",5.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder fragment. Sub-rectangular fragment of light brown-grey coarse grained stone. The original cortex is dark grey. One face worn smooth and flat (with small granular hollows). The opposite face is slightly convex-flat. The extant edges are rounded-sloping. Dimensions 15.5 x 14.2 x 4.3 cm.",5/3/1993 00:00:00,, "1160",6.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder fragment. Concave chip broken off end of pounder. Brown flint with creamy-white cortex. Original surface and edges are abraded. From an occupation deposit. Dimensions: 5.5 x 5.3 x 2.2 cm.",5/3/1993 00:00:00,, "1161",1.00,"ORGANIC","SAMPLE","C14 sample.",27/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1161",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell 1 bag sieved. 1 bag not sieved.",8/3/1993 00:00:00,, "1161",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone 1 bag sieved. 1 bag not sieved.",8/3/1993 00:00:00,, "1161",4.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing. Light grey fine clay, knot impression on reverse. On the front is the left edge and part of the lower edge of a seal-impression. Design: Standing bearded figure in 3-tiered net skirt facing left towards a seated monkey-like figure facing right. Between them is a jar on a stand with a drinking straw; both figures hold the straw. Dimensions (max.): 2.0 x 1.5 x 0.94 cm. N. B. 1161:04, 05, 09, 14, 15 are all from the same seal. Reconstructed design: Central standing bearded figure in a long net skirt with raised arms facing left: both feet showing below hem of skirt. To left is seated monkey-like figure (cf. Kjaerum Nos.107, 137), between them is (?) a jar on a two-legged pot-stand with a straw in it. To right of figure, design broken, remains of a human head in profile apparently holding a palm frond. Sealings from the same seal were also found in House 220 (see 5111:02), also one in House 200 (1131:09)",8/3/1993 00:00:00,"Y", "1161",5.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing. Joined with 1161:10. Light grey fine clay. String marks on reverse. Possible jar sealing. Estimated Diameter of seal: 2.3 cm. Design: Standing bearded figure with 3-tiered net skirt, facing left, feet below skirt. End of drinking straw visible in front of his face. To the right, head & arm of second figure looking left and holding palm frond. Dimensions: 2.9 x 1.6 x 1.05 cm. See also 1161: 04 for reconstruction of seal design, and list of other sealings with same design.",8/3/1993 00:00:00,"Y", "1161",6.00,"PLASTER","DOMED LID","Small plaster lid, sub-circular to rectangular in plan. One face roughly concave, the opposite flat-convex. The edges are roughly vertical. Intact. Dimensions: 6.2 x 5.7 x 2.9 cm.",8/3/1993 00:00:00,, "1161",7.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Nine fragments of copper. Nos. 7.-9. Have areas of brown staining (iron/rust?). 1) Thick sub rectangular lump. Good metal within. Dimensions: 2.4 x 2.0 x 1.5 cm. 2) Small tip fragment of a pin. Curved. Circular section. Dimensions: 0.9 x 0.2 x 0.2 cm. Missing 1998. 3) Small fragment of an object bent into a U-shape. Circular in section. Dimensions: 0.8 x 0.7 x 0.3 cm. 4) Small ovoid lump. Dimensions: 0.6 x 0.5 x 0.5 cm. 5) Small sub ovoid lump. Dimensions: 0.6 x 0.5 x 0.4 cm. 6) Tiny sub oval strip. Dimensions: 0.5 x 0.4 x 0.1 cm. 7) Sub ovoid lump. Dimensions: 1.9 x 1.7 x 1.0 cm. 8) Oval lump. Dimensions: 1.3 x 0.9 x 0.7 cm. 9) Tiny ovoid lump. Dimensions: 0.3 x 0.3 x 0.2 cm.",8/3/1993 00:00:00,, "1161",8.00,"FLINT","TOOL","6 flakes of brown flint. Nos.1 & 2 have creamy-white cortex. No.3 is mottled. None appear retouched and all are probably chips off Pounders. 1) :1.9 x 1.8 x 0.5 cm. 2) :1.4 x 1.4 x 0.6 cm. 3) :2.8 x 2.3 x 1.3 cm. 4) :1.7 x 2.4 x 1.1 cm. 5) :2.0 x 1.4 x 0.3 cm. 6) :2.7 x 1.7 x 0.7 cm.",8/3/1993 00:00:00,, "1161",9.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing. Fine light grey clay. 2 pieces joined together. Reverse shows knot impression. Finger prints on edges. The front has most of the upper half of a seal impression. Design: Standing bearded figure facing left, 2 tiers of skirt remain. To left is seated monkey-like creature, drinking straw and pot between them. To the right is second broken figure facing left and holding a palm frond. Dimensions: 3.0 x 1.37 x 1.15 cm. See also 1161: 04 for reconstruction of seal design, and list of other sealings with same design.",8/3/1993 00:00:00,"Y", "1161",10.00,"CLAY","SEALING","One fragment of fine light grey clay with impression of stamp seal. N. B. now joined with 1161:05, and stored with it. See 1161:05.",8/3/1993 00:00:00,"Y", "1161",11.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealings. 5 fragments of light grey clay. No impressions. String impressions on 2. Dimensions: Largest: 1.8 x 1.4 x 1.1 cm.",8/3/1993 00:00:00,"Y", "1161",12.00,"SHELL","PIERCED BIVALVE","Bivalve shell with sub-oval hole roughly cut into one side. Intact. Shell: L:4.0, W:4.7 cm. Hole: 1.2 x 0.8 x 0.2 cm.",8/3/1993 00:00:00,, "1161",13.00,"COPPER","OBJECT","Copper object. Oval with one face flat, the other convex. Fairly thick and solid. Diameter: 1.9-2.2 cm. Thickness: 0.8 cm.",8/3/1993 00:00:00,"Y", "1161",14.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing. Fine light grey clay, one inclusion visible. Front has bottom left corner of a seal impression. Design: Lowest tier of net skirt with one foot, to left is pot on stand. Dimensions: 1.35 x 1.54 x 0.8 cm. See also 1161:04 for reconstruction of seal design, and list of other sealings with the same design.",8/3/1993 00:00:00,"Y", "1161",15.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing. Fine light grey clay. String marks on reverse. Front has top left quadrant of a seal-impression. Design: Head and torso of bearded figure, facing left towards head and torso of seated monkey-like creature. Both hold a drinking straw between them. Edge of seal clearly visible. Dimensions: 1.8 x 1.4 x 0.75 cm. See also 1161:04 for reconstruction of seal design, and list of other sealings with same design.",8/3/1993 00:00:00,"Y", "1162",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","1 bucket flotation sample. Fill of 1152. Missing April 1995.",27/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1164",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","1 bucket flotation sample. Fill of 1163. Missing April 1995.",1/3/1993 00:00:00,, "1166",1.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder fragment. Sub-rectangular fragment of brown stone with numerous small quartz inclusions. Both surfaces are smooth and almost flat. The extant edges are rounded and curved. Dimensions: 13.6 x 8.6 x 3.0 cm.",10/3/1993 00:00:00,, "1171",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Missing?",17/2/1999 00:00:00,, "1171",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone 1 bag sieved.",2/3/1993 00:00:00,, "1171",10.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","WRONG NUMBER. MAY BE 1148:01. Smoother/Pounder. Pyramidal-shaped light grey coarse grained stone. Lower face and three of the upper four faces are worn smooth and flat, especially the lower one. All edges are abraded. Intact. Dimensions: 6.8 x 6.1 x 6.1 cm. Note: this item does not appear on the excavation unit sheet, and there is therefore some doubt as to whether it is correctly labelled. Perhaps it is the missing 1108:1",9/3/1993 00:00:00,, "1172",1.00,"POTTERY","COOKING POT","Body fragments of round-bodied cooking vessel. Pink clay, brown surface out, grit temper. Not measured.",8/3/1993 00:00:00,,"Not located May 1999" "1177",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","1 bucket flotation sample. Fill of 1176. Missing April 1995.",7/3/1993 00:00:00,, "1185",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","2 buckets flotation sample. Fill of 1184.",10/3/1993 00:00:00,, "1196",1.00,"STONE","SOCKET","Stone door-socket made from a reused broken rectangular stone basin. Light grey stone with numerous small quartz inclusions (limestone). Rim is very worn and irregular with short interior edges and concave interior base. The exterior has vertical sides and base. One end of the original bowl has been broken in antiquity. A circular area in the centre has been worn entirely through the stone by the action of the door. Obviously used over a long period of time. Dimensions 260 x 23.0 x 9.0 cm. Hollow diameter: 10.0-10.5 cm.",25/3/1993 00:00:00,, "1197",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","9 buckets flotation sample. Fill of 1183.",23/3/1993 00:00:00,, "1199",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Half a bucket flotation sample. Fill of 1198. Missing April 1995.",23/3/1993 00:00:00,, "1201",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Half a bucket flotation sample. From a feature. Missing April 1995.",23/3/1993 00:00:00,, "1203",1.00,"POTTERY","PAINTED SHERD","Painted rim sherd from straight sided open vessel, possibly a goblet. Buff clay, fine sandy temper. Plain pinched rim, slightly pulled outwards at top. Straight sides. Red paint on outside and over onto inside of rim. Top of outside rim overpainted by black horizontal stripe. Design on body, painted in black over the red. To his left, fragment of another element, possibly the back of a second human head. Preserved elements are: two slanting parallel curved lines touching the rim line, probably horns of an animal. To the left, the head and shoulders of a bearded human figure, head turned to the left. Preserved height: 3.4 cm. Rim diameter: 12 cm. Approx 14% of rim represented.",27/3/1995 00:00:00,, "1500",1.00,"FLINT","FLAKES","Two Flakes of brown flint with creamy cortex. 1) Wide flake of good quality flint with concave cortex. Prepared platform and hinged termination ending at cortex. One lateral edge is thin and short, with use wear. L: 3.0; W: 4.7; T: 1.2 cm. 2) Flake of mottled flint. Cortical platform and cortical plunging termination. L: 2.85; W: 2.7; T: 0.9 cm.",2/12/1991 00:00:00,"M", "1500",2.00,"BONE","FISH","Fish bone.",2/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1500",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,2/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1502",1.00,"COPPER","BOWL FRAG","Fragments of a bronze bowl or plate, with bitumen still adhering to the inside. Impression of woven or knitted textile in parts of the corroded surface. Diameter of the bowl 7 cm. Very fragile.",3/12/1991 00:00:00,"Y","Mechanically cleaned,but very fragile,so no further conservation attempted.Stored with the Bitumen in a plastic box with Silica gel. Fragment taken by Lloyd Weeks for metallurgical analysis at Sydney, 1998" "1502",2.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Small oval shaped piece of copper. Badly corroded. ?Casting slag. Dimensions 1.4 x 1 x 0.6 cm.",3/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1504",1.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAG","Tiny, shattered fragment of bitumen, from the lining of a woven vessel. Weave impressions. Not measured.",2/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1504",2.00,"BONE","FISH","Fish bone from dry sieved context.",2/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1505",1.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Assorted pieces of bitumen from the lining of one or more woven vessels. Some show impressions. Dimensions of largest. 4.6x3.3x1 cm.4.8x2.7x1.3 cm. Remaining fragments all much smaller.",3/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1505",2.00,"BONE","FISH","Fish bone.",8/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1505",3.00,"COPPER","GRAVER?","Strip of copper, square in section, notched at one end. Perhaps a graving tool. Length 2.5 cm.",3/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1505",4.00,"BITUMEN","LID FRAG","Mushroom-shaped lid, half extant. Diameter 5.5 cm.",3/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1505",5.00,"PLASTER","PAINTED","Small piece of plaster, one end painted red. Dimensions 3.6 x2 x 1.5 cm.",3/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1505",6.00,"BONE","BONE","A single small bone recovered from dry sieving.",3/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1505",7.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Unworked shell from a dry sieved context.",3/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1505",8.00,"BITUMEN","SEALING?","Irregular, flattish piece of bitumen. One side smooth, the other irregular. At one edge of this side are parallel concave impressions, perhaps of the grass or palm-leaf binding to a bunch or bundle. Other impressions include a very smooth, flat area. Difficult to interpret. Dimensions 8.4 x 4.3 x 1.1 cm.",1/7/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "1506",1.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Two small pieces of copper, one round in shape, the other crescent-shaped.? Casting slag. Dimensions: 1. 1.1 cm diameter. 2) 1.2 x 0.7 x 0.4 cm.",3/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1507",1.00,"BONE","FISH","Fish bone.",4/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1507",2.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAG","Fragment of bitumen from the lining of a woven vessel. Impression on one side of cross-woven material. 2.0 x 2.0 x 0.5 cm",4/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1507",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,4/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1508",1.00,"POTTERY","SHERD","Sherd. Not individually described.",3/12/1991 00:00:00,,"Stored with un-numbered pottery from same context." "1508",2.00,"BONE","FISH","Fish bone recovered from a floor level.",31/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1508",3.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealings. Two small fragments of yellow/green hardened clay. 1) Small frag, irregular, string impression on reverse. Dimensions 1.5 x 0.9 x 0.6 cm. 2) Reverse lost. Obverse shows figure in net pattern skirt. To the left he holds a long straw which leads into a pot at his feet. Dimensions 1.7 x 1.4 x 0.6 cm.",31/12/1991 00:00:00,"Y", "1510",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,31/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1510",2.00,"BONE","FISH","Fish bone from a floor/occupation level.",31/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1510",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Animal bone from a floor/occupation level.",31/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1510",4.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Two small fragments of badly corroded copper, irregular in shape. Dimensions: 1. 1.3 x 0.8 x 0.3 cm. 2) 0.3 x 0.6 x 0.4 cm.",31/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1511",1.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Fragment of badly corroded copper, irregular in shape.? Casting slag. Dimensions 1.4 x 0.8 x 1.2 cm.",3/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1512",1.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Large quantity of small pieces of bitumen from the lining of one or more woven vessels, all with weave impressions on them. Two larger lumps: 3.5x2.8x2 cm.3x3x1.5 cm.",7/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1512",2.00,"ORGANIC","DATE/WOOD","19 carbonized date seeds and one whole date. Three small pieces of carbonized wood, and one larger piece. Dimensions=6x3.6x1.6 cm. 15.1.93. Date stones and wood samples have gone to he British Museum for C14 dating.",7/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1512",3.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Flint flake of irregular shape, with no evidence of retouch. Dimensions=3x2.5x0.6 cm.",7/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1512",4.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Light, pinkish coloured, coarse-grained crystalline worked stone. Possibly used as a small pounder, as one end is abraded. Rectangular shape in section, but with rounded edges. Dimensions=5x4.5x4 cm.",7/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1512",5.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Very dark coloured, close grained smoother/pounder. Two ends abraded, but long sides very smooth. Roughly oblong in shape. Dimensions=7x5x4.3 cm.",7/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1512",6.00,"FLINT","CORE","Flint core probably used as a hammer stone. Dimensions=7x6x5.4 cm.",7/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1512",7.00,"FOSSIL","SHELL","Fossilized shell.",7/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1512",8.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Unworked shell recovered from spit within the sondage.",7/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1512",9.00,"BONE","BONES",,7/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1512",10.00,"STONE","STONE","Frag. of thin stone slab, roughly square in plan. One broad face worn smooth. Not a typical tool - perhaps shape is accidental. Dimensions 5 x 5 x 2.9 cm.",7/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1512",11.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","4 buckets/40? litres for flotation. This flot exported to UK for analysis in March 1994.",7/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1512",12.00,"FOSSIL","FOSSIL","Fossilized shell. Not further described.",7/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1513",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Large quantity of mixed bone, including cuttlefish. Recovered from a midden deposit within the spit in the sondage.",11/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1513",2.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Several crumbling pieces of bitumen from the lining of one or more woven vessels. Weave impressions, and one possible cloth impression. Dimensions of largest piece 1.2 x 1.6 x 0.3 cm.",11/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1513",3.00,"FLINT","TOOLS","1. Tool. Wedge or Punch. Chunky little piece of mottled light brown flint. Both ends scarred/crushed. One end is more pointed. Convex ventral surface. Dimensions 2.2 x 1.4 x 0.8 cm. 2) Pointed Flake, possible lightweight Awl. Thin trapezoidal flake of light brown flint. Scarred platform and hinged termination. One lateral side ends in point, make narrower by natural flaw. Tip appears slightly worn. L: 1.2; W: 2.2; T: 0.4 cm.",11/12/1991 00:00:00,"M","Two items found in bag in 1998.(NB. Original description: Three flint flakes.no evidence of retouch. Large flake=6x4.5x1cms.Two smaller flakes=2x1x0.6cms.1x1.4x0.3cms. All irregular shapes.)" "1513",4.00,"BONE","BONES","Animal teeth from the midden dump in the spit.",11/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1513",5.00,"ORGANIC","DATE","12 carbonized date seeds. Recovered from the midden dump in the spit in the sondage.",11/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1513",6.00,"ORGANIC","CHARCOAL","Three charcoal fragments from the midden dump within the sondage.",11/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1513",7.00,"METAL","ORE","Piece of black/brown ?iron ore, irregular in shape. Dimensions 3.5 x 2.8 x 1.3 cm. Recovered from spit within sondage.",11/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1513",9.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Large quantity of mixed shell - Midden deposit? Recovered from spit within the sondage.",11/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1513",10.00,"ORGANIC","DATE","Date pip. Not measured. Stored with 1513:2.",,, "1514",1.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Fragment of badly corroded copper, roughly rectangular in shape. Dimensions 3.3 x 1.8 x 1.1 cm.",7/12/1991 00:00:00,,"Mechanically cleaned.No further conservation attempted.Stored in plastic box with Silica gal." "1515",1.00,"PLASTER","FOOTPRINT","Footprint impression in floor plaster of a small human foot, perhaps belonging to a child of around 10 years old. Length 15.3 cm, width 9.6 cm.",23/12/1991 00:00:00,"Y","Conserved by brushing on a solution of Paraloid B72 in Acetone,weight to volume ratio 10%." "1516",1.00,"ORGANIC","CHARCOAL","Two pieces of carbonized wood",8/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1516",2.00,"ORGANIC","DATE","Large quantity of carbonized date seeds, with three whole dates. Recovered from the spit within the sondage. 15.1.93. Part of date stones sample has gone to the British Museum for C14 dating.",8/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1516",3.00,"COPPER","SLAG","Lump of slag. Fracture shows a purplish core inside. Very roughly rectangular in shape. Dimensions 2 x 1.5 x 1.1 cm.",8/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1516",4.00,"ORGANIC","SHERDS","Pottery sherd with Carbon traces on the outer surface. Sherd from near the rim of a bowl. Recovered from the spit within the sondage.",9/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1516",5.00,"BONE","BONES","Fish bone from spit in the sondage.",12/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1516",6.00,"STONE","STONE","Frag. of thin slab of limestone. Broad surfaces flat and smooth, but probably a natural fracture. Broken fragment of light grey worked stone. Dimensions 7 x 5 x 2.5 cm.",9/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1516",7.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","6 buckets/30 litres for flotation. The flot was exported for analysis to UK in March 1994.",8/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1516",8.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from dry sieved context.",9/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1516",9.00,"PEARL","PEARL","Pearl. Tiny, irregular, yellowish pearl found in flotation residue. Diameter c. 0.15 cm. Not measured as very fragile.",21/4/1993 00:00:00,"Y", "1516",10.00,"FLINT","FLAKES","5 flakes of flint. From Flot. Residue 1516:7. 1) Broken flake of light brown flint. Proximal end broken, the distal end is hinged. There are numerous scars on the dorsal surface struck from the side. One side edge is very scarred. Extant L: 1.5, W: 2.2, T: 0.4 cm. 2) Semicircular sliver of brown flint. The convex edge is the striking platform and this is worn or scarred. The distal end is broken off. Dimensions 2.1 x 0.6 x 0.4 cm. 3) Elongated chip of brown flint with creamy cortex. Dimensions 1.0 x 0.5 x 0.3 cm. 4) Small flake of grey flint. Slightly scarred striking platform and feather distal end. L: 0.9, W: 1.0, T: 0.3 cm. 5) Small pyramidal chip of grey flint. Dimensions 1.0 x 0.6 x 0.3 cm.",25/5/1995 00:00:00,, "1520",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Two freshwater snail shells, recovered from the fill of a small feature. Missing spring 1992.",9/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1523",1.00,"ORGANIC","DATE","Over thirty carbonized date seeds, recovered from the spit in the sondage.",12/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1523",2.00,"BITUMEN","BUNG?","Small lump of bitumen, possibly a piece of a bung. One side smooth and domed, the other angular and irregular, and broken off round the edges. Dimensions: 3x2.7x2 cm.",12/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1523",3.00,"ORGANIC","CHARCOAL","Two pieces of charred wood from the spit in the sondage. ",12/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1523",4.00,"FLINT","FRAGS","Three flint flakes. two dark red, no retouch. 3 x 1.4 x 1 cm. 2 x 1.4 x 1 cm. One thin, light brown blade, with possible notching on long sides. 3 x 1.6 x 0.3 cm.",12/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1523",5.00,"BONE","BONES","Fish bone from the spit.",12/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1523",6.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell recovered from the spit in the sondage.",12/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1523",7.00,"BONE","BONES","Animal bone from the spit in the sondage.",12/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1524",1.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","One large lump of bitumen and four tiny pieces, one showing evidence of basket weave impression, so presumably from lining of a woven vessel. Largest: 4.0 x 2.0 x 1.3 cm.",15/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1524",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Tiny piece of shell. Possibly worked? Recovered from the fill of the pit.",15/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1524",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Fish bone from pit fill.",15/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1524",4.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Small shells recovered from the pit fill within the sondage. ",15/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1525",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Fish bone.",24/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1526",1.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Twelve small fragments of bitumen from the lining of one or more woven vessels. Four have weave impressions. Largest 3.2 x 3.0 x 0.4 cm and 3.4 x 2.2 x 0.4 cm.",17/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1526",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Fish bone from occupation level.",18/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1526",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed, unworked shell recovered from an occupation level.",17/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1526",4.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Two small copper fragments of irregular shape, recovered from an occupation level. Dimensions: 1. 1.4 x 0.8 x 0.4 cm. 2) 1.5 x 1.3 x 0.5 cm.",18/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1527",1.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Six lumps of bitumen One large, thick piece, showing impressions of wood? Dimensions 8x4.4x2.3 cm.",18/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1527",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Large quantity of fish bone recovered from the spit in the sondage.",18/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1527",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixture of shell recovered from the spit within the sondage. Large quantity.",18/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1527",4.00,"FLINT","FLAKES","21 Flint flakes, all of irregular shape. No retouch apparent on any of the flakes. Largest piece=4x3x1 cm. All recovered from the spit in the sondage. (See Temple Volume for better description RLS)",18/12/1991 00:00:00,"M", "1527",5.00,"ORGANIC","DATE","Large quantity of date seeds, and two whole dates. Recovered from the spit within the sondage.",18/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1527",6.00,"BONE","BONES","Two small pieces of calcified tissue from the spit in the sondage. One piece has been burnt and polished and the other seems to have been shaped on each end.",18/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1527",7.00,"METAL","ORE","Small piece of metallic ore. Recovered from the spit in the sondage. Dimensions=2.8x2x2.2 cm.",21/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1527",8.00,"METAL","SLAG","Small piece of metallic slag, recovered from the spit in the sondage.",21/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1527",9.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","2 buckets/20? litres for flotation. Flot exported to UK in March 1994.",17/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1527",10.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Tiny flake of translucent, amber-coloured flint, approx. rhomboid in plan, and thin, Percussion ripples on both broad faces. Possible retouch along two adjacent edges. Dimensions: 1.9 x 1.1 x 0.4 cm.",4/9/1992 00:00:00,, "1527",11.00,"BONE","WORKED?","Fragment of fish jaw, possibly worked. 2.4 x 1.8 x 0.6 cm.",4/9/1992 00:00:00,, "1527",12.00,"SHELL","PIERCED SHELL","Shell with hole, possibly deliberate. Shell dimensions 4.1 x 3.9 cm. Hole dimensions 1.3 x 1.0 cm.",18/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1528",1.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Six small fragments of bitumen. The two largest have weave impressions, so are presumably part of the lining to one or more woven vessels. Largest 1.8 x 1.4 x 0.6 cm.",28/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1528",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Fish bone from an occupation level.",28/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1528",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Shell from an occupation level.",28/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1528",4.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Five badly corroded fragments of Bronze. All irregular in shape. ?Casting slag. Dimensions=2.2x1.7x0.6 cm. 1.7x1.2x0.7 cm. 1.5x1.2x0.4 cm. 0.9x0.6x0.5 cm. 0.8x0.5x0.4 cm.",29/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1529",1.00,"BONE","BONES",,21/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1529",2.00,"COPPER","HAFT?","Tubular length of copper with longitudinal split. One end slightly splayed. Perhaps the hafting socket from a small tool? Length 3.4, diameter 0.6 cm.",21/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1529",3.00,"STEATITE","RIM FRAG","Rim and part of body of stone plate or lid. Fits 6025:16, q.v. Dimensions 3.6 x 3 x 0.3 cm.",21/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1529",4.00,"STONE","FRAG","Small piece of worked stone. Two broken edges, one finished, now triangular. Perhaps a segment from a disc. Dimensions=2.4x2x0.7 cm.",21/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1529",5.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from an occupation level.",21/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1529",6.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Large quantity of pieces of bitumen. Many fragments having reed and weave impressions, so presumably formed part of the lining to one or more woven vessels. Several pieces are very thick, and obviously from a very robust vessel. Examples: 4.0 x 2.4 x 1.7 3.7 x 2.0 x2.0",21/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1529",7.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Two, small Bronze fragments. Unidentified. Dimensions=2x1x0.5 cm. 1.3x1.1x0.3 cm.",23/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1529",8.00,"COPPER","SLAG","Two lumps of slag. Dimensions 2 x 1 x 0.5 cm, and 1.5 x 0.6 x 0.5 cm.",22/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1529",9.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Ten pieces of Irregularly-shaped, badly corroded bronze. One larger, roughly rectangular piece. ?Casting slag Dimensions=2.5x1.5x0.7 cm.",21/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1529",10.00,"COPPER","SLAG","Lump of slag. Irregular in shape. Dimensions 3 x 2.4 x 1.4 cm.",23/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1530",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","1 bucket/10? litres for flotation.",22/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1530",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Fish bone from fill of burrow run in sondage.",22/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1531",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","1.5 buckets/15? litres for flotation. Flot exported to UK in March 1994.",22/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1533",1.00,"BONE","CAMEL","Cervical vertebra of a camel.14.3x10x5 cm.",23/12/1991 00:00:00,,"Brushed with Paraloid B72 in Acetone. Weight/volume 10%. " "1533",2.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","2 buckets/20? litres for flotation. Flot exported to UK in March 1994.",23/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1533",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Large quantity of fish bone, recovered from the spit within the sondage.",23/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1533",4.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell removed from the spit in the sondage.",23/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1533",5.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Light brown coloured piece of flint. No evidence of retouch. Irregular shape. Dimensions=5.4x3.4x1 cm.",23/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1533",6.00,"ORGANIC","DATE","Carbonized date seeds recovered from the spit in the sondage.(12). 15.1.93. Date stone sample has gone to the British Museum for C14 dating.",23/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1533",7.00,"PLASTER","FRAG","Lump of moulded material, perhaps burnt clay plaster. Dense grey with possible burnt-out vegetable temper. Approximately oval in plan, with one pointed end, and fairly thin. One broad surface concave, with pitting, the other convex, with possible striations. Dimensions 9.7 x 6 x 2.7 cm.",24/12/1991 00:00:00,,"Missing spring 1992." "1533",8.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Small copper fragment.",24/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1533",9.00,"BONE","BONES","Animal bone together with seven pieces of calcified tissue? Includes bird femur. Returned from analysis in York on 1.4.95. Bird femur.",24/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1535",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Missing spring 1992.",4/9/1992 00:00:00,, "1536",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","4 buckets/40? litres collected for flotation. Flot exported to UK in March 1994. Organic sample taken to UK for analysis. (DM 1995)",29/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1536",2.00,"ORGANIC","DATE","30 Carbonized date seeds from the spit in the sondage.",28/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1536",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Fish bone from the spit in the sondage.",29/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1536",4.00,"FLINT","FRAGS","Three large flint flakes of brown and cream coloured flint. Two tiny flakes of dark brown flint, one slightly pointed, like a borer. No other suggestion of retouch. Dimensions 4.7x4.4x2 cm. 6.3x5x1.7 cm. 2x0.8x0.7 cm. 1.7x0.7x0.3 cm. 6.3 x 5.5 x 1.6 cm.",29/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1536",5.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from the spit in the sondage.",29/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1536",6.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAG","Piece of bitumen from the lining of a woven vessel. One side has impressions of weave. Dimensions=3.3x1.9x0.8 cm. Also some small fragments, some with weave impressions.",29/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1536",7.00,"BONE","BONES","Animal bone from the spit within the sondage.",29/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1536",8.00,"BONE","DUGONG?","Two dugong or dolphin ?phalanges, highly polished, with cut marks.",29/5/1995 00:00:00,, "1538",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Fish bone from an occupation level.",30/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1538",2.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Bitumen fragments, two with weave impressions, so presumably part of the lining to a woven vessel. Largest piece 4x3.2x0.6 cm.",30/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1538",3.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Four badly corroded copper fragments, all irregular in shape. Possibly casting slag. Dimensions=2.9x1.5x1.2 cm.1.8x1.5x0.5 cm.2.1x0 .8x0.5 cm.1.4x0.8x0.6 cm.",30/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1538",4.00,"BONE","BONES","Cut marks on 3 mammal bones.",30/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1539",1.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing. Complete. Roughly circular lump of yellow/green hardened clay, with complete impression of stamp seal. Reverse has string impressions Obverse shows hatched rectangle down the centre, with a seated bearded figure to the right, hands outstretched towards it. On the left of the rectangle, an unidentified motif. Small circular, pierced hole in the centre of the rectangle. Dimensions 3.0 x 3.2 x 1.1 cm. Diameter of seal c. 2.2 cm.",31/12/1991 00:00:00,"Y", "1539",2.00,"ORGANIC","DATE","One carbonized date seed.",2/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1539",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Fish bone recovered from occupation level.",2/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1539",4.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell recovered from occupation level.",2/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1539",5.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Nine fragments of hardened clay. One piece showing fingerprint impressions. Possibly once pieces of the surrounds of seal impressions. Dimensions of fragment with prints=2.2x1.7x0.6 cm.",2/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1541",1.00,"POTTERY","STAND","Long, solid, cylindrical pottery object, presumably a stand. One end tapered and broken off. The shaft flares slightly towards the other end, the face of which is hollowed out. Buff clay. Extant ht./length 15.1 cm. Di. at broken end 3.7 cm. Di. of dish end 8.8 cm. Depth of hollow 2.8 cm.",9/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1541",2.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Small bronze fragment. Unidentified, irregular in shape. ?Casting slag. Dimensions=1.6x1x0.2 cm.",12/1/1992 00:00:00,,"Mechanically cleaned." "1541",3.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Nine pieces of bitumen, all irregular in shape and of varying sizes. Largest two pieces are adhering to the inside of pottery sherds. Dimensions 4.2x3.3x1 cm.3.1x1.5x0.9 cm. Two small fragments have weave impressions. One thin, curved slice may be part of a pot lining.",13/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1541",4.00,"BONE","BONES","Fish bone from a sieved floor context.",13/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1541",5.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from a sieved floor context.",13/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1541",6.00,"ORGANIC","CHARCOAL","A small rectangular fragment of charcoal, recovered from a sieved floor context. Dimensions=3.3 cm. Width=0.9 cm.",13/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1542",1.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing fragment of yellow/green hardened clay. REVERSE?? Very worn impression on the front shows a horned animal, couchant, on the right, ?looking back over its shoulder towards a vertical motif, perhaps a palm tree. On the other side of the tree are two vertical lines, one straight, one curved, perhaps the legs of a standing human figure. A horizontal line runs under the scene. Dimensions 2.4 x 1.8 x 0.7 cm.",5/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1542",2.00,"CLAY","FRAGS","Discarded.",11/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1542",3.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Five small pieces of clay. Four have fingerprint impressions on them. One fragment of yellow clay, has part of a seal impression, showing lines at right angles, with net impressions in the angles. Irregular in shape. Dimensions 1.6 x 1.2 x 0.4 cm.",11/1/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "1542",4.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Fragment of soft grey clay seal impression. Reverse has impression of something smooth. Obverse illegible. Dimensions 2.5 x 1.5 x 1.7 cm.",1/7/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "1543",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell recovered from the small pit fill in the feature. Missing.",5/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1543",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Fish bone recovered from the pit fill within the feature.",5/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1543",3.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Pale grey clay. Fragment of clay with finger print impressions: very flaky damaged sealing. Dimensions 2.5 x 1.5 x 2.1 cm.",5/1/1992 00:00:00,"Y","HMG adhesive (cellulose nitrate). Paraloid in acetone 5%." "1543",4.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Two tiny bitumen fragments . No evidence of any weave impressions. Not measured.",5/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1543",5.00,"METAL","SLAG","Three pieces of slag, recovered from the pit fill in the feature. All irregular in size. Dimensions=1)2.2x1x0.6 cm. 2)1.5x1.8x0.9 cm.3)1.3x1.5x0.7 cm.",5/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1543",6.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Hard white clay. Reverse shows impression of something smooth and gently curved. String impression through body of sealing. Obverse shows a standing figure in a net skirt, one hand outstretched to the left towards a ?tree. Unidentified motif to the right. 2.5 x 1.4 x 0.7 cm.",1/7/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "1549",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Fish bone, recovered from the sieving of the feature fill.",8/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1549",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell recovered from sieving of the feature fill.",8/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1549",3.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Eight small pieces of bitumen. All irregular in shape. Three fragments have evidence of basket weave impressions on them, so are presumably from the lining to one or more woven vessels. Largest piece measures 1.2x0.8x0.2 cm.",8/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1549",4.00,"ORGANIC","NUT","Fragment of nut shell, from feature fill.",8/2/1994 00:00:00,, "1550",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Animal long bone, recovered by hand from an occupation level. Length=14 cm.",12/1/1992 00:00:00,,"Reconstructed with H.M.G. and mechanically cleaned. " "1550",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from an occupation level.",12/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1550",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Fish bone, recovered by hand from an occupation level.",12/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1550",4.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Four pieces of bitumen. All irregular in shape. No weave impressions. Largest measures 2.1x1.6x1 cm.",12/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1550",5.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Three unidentified, irregularly shaped bronze fragments. Dimensions=1)1.7x0.9x0.8 cm.2)1x0.8x0.5 cm.3)0.7x0.2cms .",12/1/1992 00:00:00,,"Mechanically cleaned." "1550",6.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Nine pieces of yellow/green, hardened clay seal impression fragments, and one soft grey one. Varying in size and shape. Three have string impressions on the back. The rest have fingerprint impressions and a few totally illegible seal impressions. Largest fragment measures 2.4 x 2.3 x 1.3 cm. One fragment has the remains of an impression, showing a hatched square, a ?fish, and a palm tree or maybe a standard. Dimensions 2.6 x 1.8 x 1 cm.",12/1/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "1553",1.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Small piece of metal in the shape of a squashed sphere. Possibly slag. 1.1 x 0.9 cm.",4/9/1992 00:00:00,, "1555",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Animal bone.",29/12/1991 00:00:00,,"Very fragile, treated with Paraloid B72 in Acetone - 10% weight/volume." "1556",1.00,"BITUMEN","FRAG","Fragment of bitumen. No evidence of basket weave impressions. Dimensions 2.9x2x1.3 cm.",2/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1556",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Shell recovered from rubble.",2/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1557",1.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Fragment of badly corroded copper. Dimensions=2.3x1.1x1 cm.",30/12/1991 00:00:00,, "1558",1.00,"BITUMEN","BEAD","Crude, roughly spherical bead. Pierced through the middle. Some evidence of fibre impressions on the outer surface. Overall diameter 2.5 cm. Diameter of the perforation 0.6 cm.",2/1/1992 00:00:00,"Y","Very fragile, so treated with a solution of Paraloid B72 in Acetone - 10% weight/volume." "1558",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shells recovered from a sand level.",4/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1558",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Fish bone.",2/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1558",4.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Four fragments of badly corroded copper. 1)Probably a piece of a bronze haft?. Dimensions=2x2x1.3 cm. 2)Irregularly shaped fragment. Dimensions=2.3x0.8x0.2 cm. 3)Irregularly shaped fragment. Dimensions=2.4x0.8x0.3 cm. 4)Rectangular shaped fragment. Dimensions=1x0.7 cm.",4/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1558",5.00,"FLINT","FLAKE","Small, brown coloured flint flake. No evidence of retouch. Irregular in shape. Dimensions=1.6x1.2x0.4 cm.",4/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1561",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","1 bucket/5 litres for flotation.",5/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1562",1.00,"BONE","FRAG","Animal scapula fragments. Recovered from a sand level. Dimensions=7.9x4.4xo.8 cm.",6/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1562",2.00,"FLINT","FLAKE","Mottled grey and brown flake of flint. No evidence of retouch. Irregular in shape. Dimensions=5.6x2.2x1.3 cm.",6/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1562",3.00,"METAL","ORE","Missing spring 1992.",4/9/1992 00:00:00,, "1563",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone from a rubble level.",7/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1563",2.00,"POTTERY","PLATE","Plate. About half of body extant, and a quarter of rim and base. Soft white clay, pink core, mixed temper. Rim swollen, with rounded bevel. Slight indent just below rim. Shallow body, slightly curved, flat base with slight indent near centre, underneath. Outside roughly scraped, inside smooth. Ht. 4.8, rim di. (reconstruc.) 32-35, ba. di. (reconstruc.) c. 7 cm",22/4/1997 00:00:00,, "1564",1.00,"POTTERY","DRAINING OBJECT","Fragment of thin, flat, perforated pottery object. Hard pink clay, cream surface, grit temper. Extant end is rounded, suggesting an oval form originally, but associated fragment with long, straight edge suggests a long, thin shape with rounded ends. Roughly flattened on both surfaces, with small perforations all over. Extant length 12.7 , width c. 14 cm. 1.8 cm thick.",18/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1564",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Fish bone.",18/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1564",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Two oyster shells from a floor context.",18/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1565",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell recovered from an occupation level.",8/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1565",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Fish bone, recovered from an occupation level.",8/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1565",3.00,"SHELL","CONE BEAD","Bead of mottled orange and cream coloured shell of Conus ebraeus. Pierced longitudinally. Length 2 cm. Diameter 1.1 cm.",8/1/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "1565",4.00,"BONE","BONES","Animal bone, recovered from an occupation level.",8/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1566",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Animal bone from a sieved occupation context.",9/1/1992 00:00:00,,"Larger, more diagnostic bones reconstructed with H.M.G., then brushed with a 5% weight/volume solution of Paraloid B72 in Acetone. " "1566",2.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Chopper/pounder. Dark grey close grained stone. Wedge or axe shaped. Stone originally had one (naturally?) broken flat face which has been subsequently scarred and its edges pounded during use. The opposite convex face is smooth to the touch with scattered abrading above earlier scars from edge pounding. One corner of the narrower butt end has fine short unidirectional striations. One of the two long sides has numerous unidirectional striations at 90 degrees to the length of the tool. The area beside the shorter end of this side ha been abraded. The opposite side and the shorter end or butt of the tool have been continually abraded. The wider end is convex and very scarred through use (as an axe or chopper?). All edges has at least some scarring. Intact. Dimensions 14.7 x 8.9-12.6 x 6.2-6.5 cm.",9/1/1992 00:00:00,,"Recovered from a sieved occupation level." "1566",3.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Twenty seven small fragments of badly corroded copper, and 4 larger ones. All irregular in shape. Dimensions of larger fragments: 1)3.4x2.4x1.8 cm.2)2.6x2.3x1.8 cm.3)3.5x2.8x1.1 cm.4)3 .2x2.8x2.1 cm.",9/1/1992 00:00:00,,"No conservation attempted. Stored in plastic box with Silica gel." "1566",4.00,"BONE","BONES","Large quantity of fish bone from a dry sieved context.",9/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1566",5.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from dry sieving of an occupation level.",9/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1566",6.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Ten fragments of bitumen. All irregular in shape with no evidence of impressions on them. Largest piece measures 2.6x1.5x0.6 cm.",9/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1566",7.00,"ORGANIC","DATE","Four date pips, two nearly complete and the others fragmentary. Complete pips dimensions 1.2 x 0.6 x 0.5 cm. 1.2 x 0.6 x 0.5 cm. Total Wgt 0.7 gm.",9/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1566",8.00,"STONE","FRAG","Calcite crystal fragment. Sub rectangular with one slightly convex and broken edge. Appears to be worked, cut at right angles on two sides. All extant surfaces have unidirectional striations. Those on the two main surfaces are at 90 degrees to the length of the object. Those on the edges run along their lengths. Uncertain as to the origin of these striations, i.e. worked or natural. Dimensions 2.0 x 17.5 x 12.5 cm.",9/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1567",1.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Large lump of copper. Irregular in shape. Dimensions=10.5x5.7x6.3 cm.",9/1/1992 00:00:00,,"Mechanically cleaned, but no further conservation attempted. X ray recommended." "1567",2.00,"BONE","BONE","Long bone of an animal. Length=21 cm. Diameter=3.3 cm.",9/1/1992 00:00:00,,"Mechanically cleaned, and reconstructed using H.M.G. Brushed with Paraloid B72 6% Weight/Volume, in Acetone. " "1567",3.00,"BONE","HORN CORES","Two horn cores and a smaller bone. Diameter=1)5.7 cm.2)5 cm.",15/1/1992 00:00:00,,"Very fragile, treated with a solution of Paraloid B72 in Acetone - 5% weight/volume." "1567",4.00,"BONE","ASSEMBLAGE","A fully articulated, large fish spine. Recovered from a floor surface. Length=21.6 cm.",5/2/1992 00:00:00,,"Conserved in situ using a solution of Paraloid B72 in Acetone - 5% weight/volume. Reconstructed with H.M.G." "1567",5.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Dark grey medium-coarse grained stone. Sub cubic with rounded edges. Upper and lower faces have been worn smooth with one being larger than the other. Both have been subsequently abraded. The other sides / rest of the tool has been continually abraded. Intact. Dimensions 6.45 x 6.2 x 5.3-5.8 cm.",8/2/1992 00:00:00,, "1567",6.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/pounder. Dark grey close grained stone. Sub wedge-shaped and roughly trapezoid in section. All faces are fairly smooth to the touch. The upper surface has areas of unidirectional striations across the width of the tool. The lower opposite face has been smoothed after broken (rounded ripples). It has occasional fine unidirectional striations near the edges, but all the edges are scarred, the larger scars being at each end. These edges are steeply angled to the sides of the tool. The long sides and most of the wider end surface are smooth, with fine multidirectional striations. One long side has a central zone of pecking with gouged tails. There is some rounding between the upper surface and one long side. One edge of the wider end has been abraded, and its lower corner is scarred. The narrower end or butt has two zones or working visible. Both are abraded, with the very butt having been abraded to vertical. Intact. Dimensions 9.45 x 4.9-5.2 x 3.9-6.4 cm.",8/2/1992 00:00:00,, "1567",7.00,"STONE","DISCARDED","Discarded.",8/2/1992 00:00:00,, "1567",8.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Pounder/Smoother Fragment. Dark grey close grained stone. Sub rectangular, corner part of broken, possibly sub cuboid, tool. All extant parts of surfaces slightly convex and continually but lightly abraded. The higher areas of the largest surface has polish with extremely fine (natural?) multidirectional striations. Similar polished zones are on one long side and one rounded corner. The broken face is very scarred. Dimensions 16.5 x 12.5 x 5.7-8.4 cm.",8/2/1992 00:00:00,, "1567",9.00,"STONE","MORTAR","Edge fragment of grindstone/mortar. Dull, reddish-grey, hard, compact sandstone. Upper surface is concave with scattered, rounded pecking and deep striations across rounded edge of extant side. The lower surface is flat and worn/shaped smooth, with deep abrading in one corner. The extant side is vertical with a darker greyish skin which has been worn away in parts. Dimensions 10.45 x 9.4 x 48.5-8.7 cm.",8/2/1992 00:00:00,, "1567",10.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Broken grinder, possibly once oval shaped. Sub-rectangular fragment of medium-coarse light brown sandstone with occasional shell grit. One surface has been worn very smooth and flat with shallow linear troughs visible towards one side, and remnant pecking in centre. The opposite face is slightly angled to the first and shows similar wear. The edges are rounded with some bevelling. Dimensions 16.0 x 15.7 x 1.0-3.1 cm.",8/2/1992 00:00:00,, "1567",11.00,"STONE","DISCARDED","Discarded.",8/2/1992 00:00:00,, "1567",12.00,"STONE","MORTAR","Mortar, reused as possible pounder. Intact. Grey-green close-grained stone with scattered galena crystals. Sub-triangular with rounded sides and edges. Two stages of use visible. The newer wear was an uneven scatter of lighter-coloured pecking across the whole surface, with one rounded corner having been heavily pecked. The older wear is seen mostly on the concave upper face, which is covered with old pecking. Near the centre is an old oval hollow which has concentric turning marks, like a mini socket. The lower face is broken and slightly convex and the three sides are convex to concave. All are worn and show little evidence of use. The surface of the stone is worn and slightly flaking. Dimensions 14.8 x 14.7 x 4.2 - 7.9 cm.",8/2/1992 00:00:00,,"Found in situ on top of grindstone 1567:10." "1567",13.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder. Light grey-brown crystalline limestone. Discoid to slightly oval with two opposing flattened surfaces and a wide convex circumference. Both upper and lower faces have been worn smooth and have fine unidirectional striations, particularly beside two edges. Both have occasional earlier rounded pecking and slightly scarred edges. The entire circumference is abraded. Intact and in good condition. Dimensions 5.5 x 50 x 4.4 cm.",8/2/1992 00:00:00,, "1567",14.00,"PLASTER","SOCKET","Conical door socket of light grey plaster. Interior concave with flattish base. Interior is roughly pecked with concentric mark only on one upper side. Light brown sandy sediment adhering to inner sides obscuring surface. Rim damaged but generally roughly rounded. Exterior surface smoother, probably due to plaster being poured directly into sandy surface of floor. Base is a rounded point. Height exterior: 12.4 cm; depth interior: 6 cm. Diameter exterior: 16.3-18.0 cm. Diameter interior: 13.3-15.0 cm.",15/2/1992 00:00:00,,"Object is cracked down the middle and part of the rim has broken off and been mended." "1569",1.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Three copper fragments of irregular shape. Dimensions 1. 2.1 x 1.8 x 1.5 cm. 2) 2.5 x 2.2 x 1.7 cm. 3) 1.7 x 1.2 x0.7 cm.",26/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1569",2.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Six pieces of badly corroded bronze. All irregular in shape and size. All unidentified. Largest measures=3.7x2.4x1.5 cm. Smallest measures=1.3x0.6x0.4 cm. Recovered from a floor context.",26/1/1992 00:00:00,,"Mechanically cleaned." "1569",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Animal bone, including a tooth.",26/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1569",4.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,26/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1569",5.00,"BONE","BONES","Fish bone.",30/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1569",6.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Light brown, Irregularly-shaped flint flake. No evidence of retouch. Dimensions=1.4x1.1x0.3 cm.",30/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1569",7.00,"ORGANIC","SAMPLE","A sample of what appears to be compressed vegetation. Recovered by hand from an occupation context. Ash in plaster. (DM 1995)",30/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1573",1.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing fragment. Front has seal-impression, showing the body and hind legs of an animal, perhaps a gazelle. No marks on the reverse. Possibly part of a tag? DIMENSIONS !!!! Missing May 1992",10/2/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "1573",2.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Double-sided grindstone. Light brown sandstone with bands of shell grit across the width. Sub-rectangular, with one pointed broken end. One face (A) has three narrow flat edges with an oval-rectangular area worn concave. This depression runs the full length of the face, open at one end. The flat edges are pecked and the concave area has been pecked and then ground lengthwise. The grinding has left wiggly unidirectional striations between the worn sand grains of the stone. The opposite face (B) has been worn concave by a similar combination of pecking and grinding smooth lengthwise. The sides of the grindstone are irregular and partly scarred. Overall dimensions 52.5 x 38.0 x 14.0-15.0 cm. Dimensions of depression (A) 43.0 x 27.0 x 4.5 (depth) cm Dimensions of (B) 49.0 x 33.0 x 3.0(depth) cm",15/2/1992 00:00:00,, "1573",3.00,"PLASTER","DISC LID","Light-coloured, disk-shaped plaster lid. Edge damaged. Diameter 12.2 cm. Max depth 4 cm.",15/2/1992 00:00:00,, "1573",4.00,"CLAY","FRAGS","Two clay lumps, possibly used for sealing, but with no evidence of impressions on them.1)Yellow/green colour, irregular in shape, but one surface has been flattened. Dimensions=3.4x2.6x2.3 cm.2)Grey coloured clay, irregular in shape. Dimensions=2x1.6x1.5 cm.",15/2/1992 00:00:00,, "1573",5.00,"BONE","BONES","Fish bone, recovered from a feature.",15/2/1992 00:00:00,, "1573",6.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, recovered from a feature.",15/2/1992 00:00:00,, "1573",7.00,"PLASTER","FRAG","Plaster fragment, with a rectangular impression on it. The impression is flattened and smooth. Overall dimensions 5.3 x 4.6 x 2 cm. Depth of the impression 0.9 cm.",15/2/1992 00:00:00,, "1574",1.00,"BITUMEN","BEAD","Spherical bead, pierced through the middle. The outer surface is smooth except for one patch, which has been flattened and has basket weave impressions on it. Diameter 2.2 cm. Diameter of the perforation 0.6 cm.",8/2/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "1574",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Fish bone .",9/2/1992 00:00:00,, "1574",3.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder Fragment. Sub trapezoid fragment, being the end of dark grey close grained stone tool. Remnant upper and lower surfaces are slightly convex and are lightly abraded. The remnant convex sides show more concentrated pecking beside the broken edges, otherwise the surfaces are smooth with a mixture of striations. The narrow end is very abraded forming a near flat face. Dimensions 8.35 x 5.0 x 3.5 cm.",9/2/1992 00:00:00,, "1575",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Fish bone. Includes part of articulated spine.",9/2/1992 00:00:00,, "1575",2.00,"SHELL","SHELL","Oyster shell.",9/2/1992 00:00:00,, "1575",4.00,"POTTERY","BOWL","Bowl with curved sides. Scant profile, of all but centre of base. Pink clay, buff surface out, Temper of fine grit and circular white inclusions. Plain rim, incurved, body rounded, tapers to thin, flat base. Ht. 10.7, rim di. (reconstruc.) 13.8, ba. di (reconstruc.) 6.6 cm.",22/4/1997 00:00:00,, "1579",1.00,"BONE","ASSEMBLAGE","Articulated, large fish bone, recovered from a floor surface. Length=22.5 cm.",8/2/1992 00:00:00,,"Consolidated in situ using a solution of Paraloid B72 in Acetone - 5% weight/volume. Reconstructed using H.M.G." "1580",1.00,"STEATITE","SEAL","Seal made of soft, pale grey stone. Edge slightly waisted (Failaka Var. 1). Reverse has wide, flat area around the dome. Four incised circles with central dot, and three neat parallel lines running over the top at right angles to the perforation. Glazed. On the front, the design shows a central, standing bearded figure, facing left, in a short skirt holding the horns of two animals. The animals are on either side of the man. Each animal has his head turned back over his shoulder, outwards towards the edge of the seal. The design is surrounded by a recessed area. Overall diameter 2.8 cm. Diameter of carved area 2.4 cm. Height 1.2 cm. Weight 13.6 gm. National Museum no. 3887 -2 - 91 - 3",11/2/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "1580",2.00,"CLAY","STOPPER","Piece of yellow/green clay, flattened into a rough disc shape, with an upraised circular area in the centre. Finger prints are visible on the central part. Presumably a stopper. Overall diameter 4.7 cm. Thickness 0.2 cm. Diameter of the central section 1.7 cm. Depth 0.4 cm.",11/2/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "1580",3.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing fragment in yellow/green clay. On the reverse is a probable string-impression. On the front is a seal-impression. The design shows a seated figure, but the impression is very worn. Dimensions 2 x 1.6 x 0.9 cm.",11/2/1992 00:00:00,"Y"," LABELLED AS 2057:09 IN MUSEUM." "1580",4.00,"CLAY","SAMPLE","Returned to sherd yard. Missing.",14/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1580",5.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Grey coloured fragment of a clay seal impression. Design on the front shows a horned animal with a long, ruffed neck, upside down with the legs of a human, facing right, in front of the feet is an unidentified motif. Nothing visible on the back. Dimensions 1.4 x 1 x 0.7 cm.",11/2/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "1580",6.00,"COPPER","HOOK","Large, thick copper fish hook, with broad hook and tapering towards pointed end. Overall length 5.6 cm. Thickness 0.7 cm.",13/2/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "1580",7.00,"BONE","ASSEMBLAGE","Articulated fish spine. Length=17 cm.",15/2/1992 00:00:00,,"Conserved in situ with Paraloid B72 in Acetone - 5% weight/volume." "1580",8.00,"ORGANIC","DATE","One whole carbonized date seed and about 15 fragments. Dimensions of complete specimen 1.4 x 0.6 x 0.5 cm. Total Wgt 0.7 gm.",15/2/1992 00:00:00,, "1580",9.00,"CLAY","FRAGS","Five fragments of clay sealings. 1) Grey clay, no impressions. 1.8 x 1.6 x 1.1 cm. 2) Grey clay, no impressions. 2.2 x 2.0 x 1.4 cm. 3) Grey clay, string impression on reverse, finger prints on obverse. 2.5 x 2.5 x 1.1 cm. 4) Grey clay, possible string impression on one surface. 1.5 x 1.8 x 0.8 cm. 5) White clay. String impression on reverse, obverse possibly gouged, but no impression. 2.0 x 2.1 x 0.9 cm.",15/2/1992 00:00:00,, "1580",10.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Sixteen fragments of bitumen from the lining to one or more woven vessels, all with weave impressions on them. Not measured.",15/2/1992 00:00:00,, "1580",11.00,"BONE","BONES","Fish bone, from a sieved occupation context.",15/2/1992 00:00:00,, "1580",12.00,"BONE","BONES","Animal bone, from a sieved occupation context.",15/2/1992 00:00:00,, "1580",13.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Large quantity of mixed shell, from a sieved occupation context.",15/2/1992 00:00:00,, "1580",14.00,"FLINT","CORE/FRAGS","Blade flake. Mottled brown-grey flint with thick creamy cortex. Scarred/focal platform. Termination is crushed, therefore possibly bipolar. Previous scars on dorsal face struck from distal end. One edge is worn. Separated from 4 other flint objects 1580: 23-27 by RLS in 1997. L: 7.2; W: 4.1; T: 1.1 cm.",18/4/1997 00:00:00,, "1580",15.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Twelve fragments of badly corroded copper. 1)Possibly a fragment of a nail. Straight, tapering piece, flaring out at one end. Length=3.2 cm. Max thickness=0.9 cm. 2)Straight piece of a nail? length=2.8 cm. Max width=0.5 cm. Other fragments irregular.",15/2/1992 00:00:00,,"Mechanically cleaned. Stored with silica gel." "1580",16.00,"COPPER","POINT","Copper point. Strip of copper, square in section, tapers to a point at one end, broken off at the other. Heavy corrosion around the point. 4.6 x 0.5 x 0.6 cm.",15/2/1992 00:00:00,"Y","Mechanically cleaned, no further conservation attempted. Stored with silica gel." "1580",17.00,"BONE","RING","Fish vertebra, shaped and polished into a ring. Outer edges all very smooth. Diameter 2.8, thickness 0.3 cm. Diameter of the hole 1.8 cm.",15/2/1992 00:00:00,, "1580",18.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Pounder/Smoother. Sub cubic-ovoid dark grey close grained stone. Two opposite surfaces are flat, with one at a slight angle to the other. They are both worn smooth with slight pecking in their central areas. One has fine unidirectional striations. The circumference is convex and continually abraded. One part of the circumference is deeply scarred, otherwise intact. Dimensions 5.7 x 5.3 x 39.0-48.5 cm.",15/2/1992 00:00:00,, "1580",19.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Pounder/Smoother fragment. Sub rectangular fragment of dark grey close grained stone. Parts of two opposing flat surfaces and two sides/ends are extant. The two flat surfaces are worn smooth with occasional light abrading. Both have fine unidirectional striations. The two sides/ends are narrow and rounded and have been continually abraded. The broken edges are scarred. Dimensions 7.8 x 3.5 x 3.5 cm.",15/2/1992 00:00:00,, "1580",20.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Pounder/Smoother fragment. Grey (burnt?) limestone. Probably once sub cubic or ovoid with two opposing flattened surfaces and a convex circumference. One flattened surface is worn smooth with slight abrading and an area of unidirectional striations. The other extant surfaces are all abraded. Dimensions 4.9 x 4.2 x 3.15 cm.",15/2/1992 00:00:00,, "1580",21.00,"FOSSIL BIVALVE","POUNDER","Pounder, on fossil bivalve or pebble of similar shape. Ovoid (slightly elliptical in section) light grey limestone, with one side of circumference wider, possibly where hinge of bivalve was. Entire surface abraded with the widest part of the circumference having fine striations at angle to length of tool. Intact. Dimensions 3.7 x 3.3 x 3.1 cm.",15/2/1992 00:00:00,, "1580",22.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder fragment or Chopper. Sub rectangular fragment of dark grey close grained stone. Extant surfaces are slightly abraded and partly patinated. One area is smooth with fine multidirectional striations, possibly natural. All the edges are roughly scarred with one being sharply angled and unifacially scarred possibly deliberately to form a coarse chopping edge. Dimensions 9.4 x 7.7 x 3.7 cm.",15/2/1992 00:00:00,, "1580",23.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder. Sub ovoid cobble of brown flint with patches of patina and remnant light brown cortex. One face is flat with deep scarring around all 4 edges. These edges are near to 90 degrees. Concentrated abrading at each convex end, particularly one end which is also deeply scarred. Scars from this end invade one quarter of the tool. Intact. Separated from 1580:14 & 1580:24-27 by RLS in 1997. Dimensions 8.0 x 5.0 x 5.3 cm.",18/4/1997 00:00:00,, "1580",24.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Retouched flake. Poor quality brown flint with thick cream band below creamy cortex. Hollows in cortex and on ventral surface. Platform prepared from dorsal side, otherwise plain. Feather termination. Previous scar on dorsal surface struck from proximal cortical platform. Convex distal edge has discontinuous unifacial retouch or use wear, more continuous on one half of the edge. ""Found with pot."" Intact. Separated from 1580:14, 23 & 25-27 by RLS in 1997. L; 3.1; W: 5.5; T: 1.3 cm.",18/4/1997 00:00:00,, "1580",25.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Microlith. Geometric. Rectangular good quality brown flint. Pressure flaked dorsal surface. Platform is on tool's corner. Distal termination is stepped or snapped. Proximal edge unifacially retouched/nibbled. Intact. Separated from 1580: 14, 23-24 & 26-27 by RLS in 1997. L: 1.2; W: 0.85; T: 0.2 cm.",18/4/1997 00:00:00,, "1580",26.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Core or natural piece retouched to form Borer/Scraper. Triangular prism in shape. Mottled/banded grey-brown flint/chert with creamy brown cortex on one face. 2 steep slightly concave edges have unifacial retouch and these form a sturdy point. Intact. Separated from 1580:14, 23-27 by RLS in 1997. Dimensions 4.1 x 3.3 x 3.0 cm. L: 3.8; W: 4.5; T: 3.0 cm.",18/4/1997 00:00:00,, "1580",27.00,"FLINT","FLAKE","Flake of grey flint with brown coloured distal end. Scarred platform and feather termination. Dorsal has been previously struck from the proximal end. No visual evidence of retouch or use wear. Intact. Separated from 1580: 14, 23-27 by RLS in 1997.",18/4/1997 00:00:00,, "1581",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mostly fish bone, but with one animal tooth.",16/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1581",2.00,"SHELL","SHELL","Oyster shell.",16/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1581",3.00,"BITUMEN","FRAG","Tiny, flat, roughly square bitumen fragment. Dimensions 1.2x1.1x0.3 cm.",16/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1581",4.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing fragments. Three pieces of yellow/green, hardened clay. 1) Upper surface has a fingerprint impression on a flattened surface, which is pierced through the centre. Two edges flat and smooth, the rest broken off in antiquity. 2.1 x 1.4 x 1.4 cm. 2) Small, Irregularly-shaped piece with a smooth upper surface, and on the back a string impression. 1.8 x 1.2 x 0.6 cm. 3) Small piece with a single incised line on it. 2.1 x 1.3 x 0.5 cm.",16/1/1992 00:00:00,"Y","Very fragile. Treated with 5% Paraloid B72 in Acetone. " "1587",1.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Dark brown flint flake. No evidence of retouch. Irregular in shape. Dimensions=2.4x2x0.6 cm.",18/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1587",2.00,"CLAY","FRAGS","Fragments of 3 seal impressions in hard gritty, greeny clay. 1) Irregular shape. Part of impression on edge shows hatching. Dimensions 1.9 x 1.4 x 0.8 cm. 2) Irregular. Dimensions 2.1 x 2.1 x 0.9 cm. 3) Irregular. Dimensions 2.2 x 1.7 x 0.8 cm. Discarded.",14/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1587",3.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Two pieces of copper, possibly casting slag. 1) Roughly round in shape. Diameter 0.6 cm. 2) Irregular in shape. Dimensions 2.1 x 0.8 x 0.6 cm.",18/1/1992 00:00:00,,"Mechanically cleaned." "1587",4.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell.",18/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1587",5.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing fragment of hard yellow/green clay. Reverse has been stuck on to something flat. Front has left edge of a seal impression. Design shows the net skirt of a standing figure facing right and holding a ?bow in one hand. Dimensions 1.3 x 1.2 x 0.7 cm.",18/1/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "1588",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Fish bone from a sieved feature context.",14/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1588",2.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Five small pieces of bitumen. One has a weave impression, so is presumably from the lining to a woven vessel. Less than 1 cm square.",14/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1588",3.00,"BONE","BONES","A single animal bone, from a sieved feature context. Length=4.3 cm.",14/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1588",4.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Two small shells from a sieved feature context.",14/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1588",5.00,"CLAY","FRAGS","Clay impression fragment. Piece of seal impression in hard yellow clay. Reverse has been stuck in something flat. Obverse has left edge of seal impression showing the net skirt of a standing figure and one arm holding a bow. Crude and deeply cut. Dimensions 1.4 x 1.5 x 0.7 cm.",1/7/1992 00:00:00,, "1593",1.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Part of clay sealing impression, perhaps originally disc-shaped, now broken in half. Reverse badly worn. Soft grey clay. Obverse shows a standing male animal, body, hind legs and tail extant, the rest broken. A ?scorpion or ?plant is below its belly, and another illegible motif behind it. From the same seal as 1622:02. Dimensions 1.7 x 1.6 x 0.7 cm.",13/2/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "1596",1.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Yellow/green hardened clay seal impression. On the reverse there are two distinct string impressions. The design on the front shows a hatched rectangle down the centre, with a ?schematic human figure seated either side, arms outstretched to hatched object, which is outlined by a ?post on either side. Perhaps a weaving scene. Around the edge of the clay are fingerprints. Dimensions 3.0 x 2.6 x 1.2 cm. Diameter of seal 2.2 cm.",19/1/1992 00:00:00,"Y","Very fragile, so treated with a solution of Paraloid B72 in Acetone - 5% weight/volume." "1596",2.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealings. Four fragments of hardened yellow/green clay, all with fragmentary seal-impressions. Three fragments seem to be from the same sealing. The reverse has a string impression. On the front the design shows two standing human figures, wearing flounced dresses, and facing left. A third figure is visible on the third fragment. On the edges of the clay are fingerprints. The seal is the same as that used on 1596:3. Overall diameter 2.7 cm. The fourth piece shows the feet of a human and the rest is lost. On the reverse is a string impression. Now irregular in shape. Dimensions 1.7 x 1.3 x 0.6 cm. All recovered from an occupation level.",19/1/1992 00:00:00,"Y","All treated with Paraloid B72 in Acetone - 5% weight/volume." "1596",3.00,"CLAY","SEALING","The majority of a yellow/green hardened clay seal impression. On the reverse can be seen a string impression. On the front the design shows two standing human figures and the vague outline of a third, with flounced dresses on, standing in a row facing left. The rest of the scene is lost. From the same seal as 1596:2. Dimensions 2.5 x 2.2 x 1.5. Diameter of seal 2.3 cm.",20/1/1992 00:00:00,"Y","Very cracked, so treated with Paraloid B72 in Acetone - 5% weight/volume." "1596",4.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Two badly corroded copper fragments. Both irregular in shape. Dimensions 1. 2.5 x 1.8 x 1.3 cm. 2) 1.3 x1.2 x 0.6 cm.",20/1/1992 00:00:00,,"Mechanically cleaned." "1596",5.00,"BONE","BONES","Fish bone from an occupation floor level.",20/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1596",6.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, from a floor context.",20/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1596",7.00,"BONE","BONES","Animal bone, including a tooth. Recovered from a floor context.",20/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1596",8.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Ten fragments of bitumen. Three pieces have weave impressions on them, so are presumably from the lining to one or more woven vessels. Examples: 2.7x2x0.4 cm; 2.2x1.6x0.4 cm.",25/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1596",9.00,"FLINT","FLAKE","Mottled, brown/cream flint flake. No evidence of retouch. Irregular in shape. Dimensions=4.8x3.1x1 cm.",21/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1597",1.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealings. Three fragments of yellow/green clay. 1) Design lost. Finger-print survives on front, string-impression on reverse. Dimensions 1.6 x 1.5 x 1.3 cm. 2) Front smooth, string impressions on reverse. Dimensions 1.6 x 1 x 0.7 cm. 3)Small edge piece of an impression. Dimensions 1.4 x 0.9 x 0.8 cm.",14/1/1992 00:00:00,"Y","All impregnated with Paraloid B72 in Acetone - 5% weight/volume." "1597",2.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing fragment of yellow/green hardened clay, with seal-impression. Front has a number of incised lines but is otherwise illegible. Dimensions 2.2 x 2.1 x 1.2 cm.",14/1/1992 00:00:00,"Y","Both fragments very fragile. Impregnated with a solution of Paraloid B72 in Acetone - 5% weight/volume." "1597",3.00,"BITUMEN","LID","Mushroom-shaped lid - roughly disc-shaped with a central knob on one side. Overall diameter 11.4 cm. Diameter of the knob 4.8 cm. Length of knob 3.7 cm.",18/1/1992 00:00:00,"Y","Mechanically cleaned and impregnated with a solution of Paraloid B72 in Acetone - 5% weight/volume whilst still in situ. NB photo and drawing differ slightly, as fragility meant part was lost before drawing." "1597",4.00,"BONE","BONES","Fish bone from an occupation level.",19/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1597",5.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Two fragments of grey clay seal impressions. 1) Edge of an impression showing a bearded man on the right, with an arm upheld, in front of a ?crescent-topped standard. ?Rosette within arms of the standard. Dimensions 1.2 x 1.2 x 0.5 cm. 2) Edge of a sealing, with finger-prints. The reverse has a string-impression. Now irregular in shape. Dimensions 1.6 x 1.2 x 0.8 cm.",19/1/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "1597",6.00,"BONE","BONES","Animal bone from an occupation level.",19/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1597",7.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell.",19/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1597",8.00,"COPPER","SLAG","Two lumps of copper slag. Both irregular in shape. Dimensions 1. 3.4 x 2.9 x 2.1 cm. 2) 1.5 x 1.2 x 1 cm.",19/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1597",9.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Large quantity of bitumen fragments, some which join together to form a thick, rounded base of a vessel or vessel lining, and also pieces of rim. All have weave impressions on one side and some have what appears to be straw and date seed imprints on the other side. Largest piece measures 8.1 x 4.6 x 1.4 cm.",19/1/1992 00:00:00,,"Some fragments reconstructed using H.M.G." "1597",10.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing fragment in hardened, yellow/green clay. Almost round piece of a seal impression. Upper surface is smoothed with what appears to be a triangle enclosing hatched lines. Lower surface all lost. Diameter 2.4 cm. Height 1 cm.",1/7/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "1598",1.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealings. Five pieces of light grey clay. One fragment has on the front the remains of a seal-impression showing a triangular hatched design, next to a ?standing figure. Dimensions 1.7 x 1.1 x 1.3 cm. Remaining pieces are all irregular in shape and have no discernible designs on them.",20/1/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "1598",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Three shells from an occupation level.",20/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1598",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Fish bone from an occupation level.",20/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1598",4.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Two small lumps of bitumen. Irregular in shape, with no evidence of weave impressions. Dimensions 1) 1.4x1.2x0.7 cm. 2) 1.8x1.2x0.8 cm.",20/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1598",5.00,"STONE","FRAG","Irregularly shaped piece of Calcite? Recovered from an occupation level. Dimensions=3x1.5x1.1 cm. No evidence of working.",20/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1599",1.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing, complete, of yellow/orange clay. Reverse has two rows of string impressions, Sd. Di. 0.3, sg. di. 0.35, TP 0.8, SSD S-spun, medium coarse fibres. On the front is a seal-impression, the design obscured by a rectangular hole punched from the front. There is a ?seated monkey-like figure on the left, with a hatched rectangle on the far right hand side. Dimensions 3.9 x 3.2 x 1.1 cm. Diameter of seal 2.2 cm. Suggested amendments: Complete sealing, impression damaged obscured by a deliberate rectangular hole seated crouching figure, ?human, or perhaps a monkey.",19/1/1992 00:00:00,"Y","Badly cracked, so treated with Paraloid B 72 in Acetone - 5% weight/volume." "1599",2.00,"BITUMEN","VESSEL","Cup or small bowl, of woven material covered on the outside with bitumen. A little of rim extant, about half of body, base complete. Rim folded in, probably originally oval or sub-rectangular in plan. Sides slightly convex, base square. The interior has weave impressions all over. The outer surface is smooth. Diameter of the rim 7.7 cm. Depth 4.2 cm. Thickness 0.3 cm. Base 4.5 cm. square.",21/1/1992 00:00:00,"Y","Brushed in situ and treated with a solution of Paraloid B72 in Acetone - 5% weight/volume." "1599",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Fish bone from an occupation level.",22/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1599",4.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from an occupation level.",19/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1599",5.00,"COPPER","SLAG","Lump of orange, brown and green slag. Irregular in shape. Dimensions 3.3 x 2.3 x 1.5 cm.",22/10/1992 00:00:00,, "1599",6.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Three small bitumen fragments, all irregular in shape, all with weave impressions, so presumably from the lining to one or more woven vessels. Dimensions 1) 2.4x1.4x0.8cms 2) Piece of a rim 1.3x1.1x0.7 cm 3) 1.4x1.1x0.5cms",22/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1599",7.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing. Piece of hardened grey/green clay with part of a seal-impression. What remains of the design on the front shows the upper torso of a male figure, holding a ?long shield. Now irregular in shape. Dimensions 1.3 x 1 x 0.4 cm.",22/1/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "1599",8.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Light brown flint flake, no evidence of retouch, irregular in shape. Dimensions=2.6x1x0.6 cm.",22/1/1992 00:00:00,, "1599",9.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Grey hardened clay fragment of a seal impression. The remains of what was once a circular impression. The design on the front shows the head of an animal facing left towards two curved lines, possibly the horns of a second animal. On the edge fingerprints are visible. On the reverse there is a possible string-impression. Now irregular in shape. Dimensions 1.9 x 0.9 x 0.5 cm.",22/1/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "1599",10.00,"CLAY","SEALING","?Sealing. Lump of grey clay with fingerprint impressions. No impressions visible on the reverse. Now irregular in shape. Dimensions 3 x 1.9 x 1.2 cm.",22/1/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "1599",11.00,"CLAY","SEALING","?Sealing. Grey clay fragment, probably from sealing, but no design visible. Reverse is smoothed and concave. Irregular in shape. Dimensions 2.1 x 1.5 x 0.4 cm. Missing May 1992",22/1/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "1599",12.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Dark grey clay fragment. No design remains on either surface, but fingerprints are visible along one edge. Hole made by stick or similar jabbed into obverse. Irregular in shape. Dimensions 2.8 x 2.2 x 0.8 cm.",22/1/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "1599",13.00,"CLAY","SEALING","?Sealing. Light grey lump of hardened clay. No design visible, but on the reverse string impression is visible. Irregular in shape. Dimensions 2.7 x 2.1 x 1 cm.",22/1/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "1600",1.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing in dark grey clay, about half extant. On the reverse there is evidence of two string impressions. On the front there is a seated, bearded, nude figure, with arms held up to either side, to the right of what appears to be a pair of entwined serpents. To the left of the palm can be seen the back legs of a quadruped. Above the back of the animal is a ?fish. On the edges of the clay are fingerprints. Overall diameter 2.8 cm. Suggested amendment: Seal impression on front has right half, and some of lower left part of impression. On the right side is a seated, bearded, nude human figure, with arms held up to either side. He touches on the left a caduceus, with the hoofed leg of an animal dangling from the ?top, just above his hand. On the other side of the caduceus is the back part of a quadruped, standing facing right. Above its back is a fish. Apparently same design as 1763:09, and 1853:45.",20/1/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "1600",2.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing in light grey, hardened clay. About half extant. String impression on the reverse side. On the front is a seal-impression, showing a central 'standard' topped with a crescent, with a horned animal on either side of it. Both animals are looking back over their shoulders at each other. In the left field, above the animal's head, is a ?branch. There is a pin-hole through the rump of the right-hand animal. On the edges of the clay are fingerprints. 2.3 x 2.2 x 0.9 cm.",21/1/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "1600",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Four fresh water snail shells, recovered from an occupation context.",16/2/1992 00:00:00,, "1600",4.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Two tiny pieces of bitumen, with no evidence of weave impressions. Not measured.",16/2/1992 00:00:00,, "1600",5.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing of white clay. Reverse very worn, but may show impression of string or fibre. Obverse has seal impression showing a standing animal facing right, but looking back over its shoulder. On the right a standing figure in a net skirt, probably facing left . A vertical line appears between them. Perhaps a spear. Very worn. Dimensions 2.2 x 1.6 x 0.7 cm.",16/2/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "1600",6.00,"BONE","BONES","Tiny pieces of animal bone, from an occupation context.",16/2/1992 00:00:00,, "1604",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Fish bone, recovered from a floor surface by hand.",13/2/1992 00:00:00,, "1604",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Animal bone, recovered from a floor surface, by hand.",13/2/1992 00:00:00,, "1604",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. from a floor context.",13/2/1992 00:00:00,, "1604",4.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS?","Twelve irregularly-shaped pieces of bitumen. All have been stuck to something, but do not appear related. One fragment has basket weave impression. One sliver has impression of ?wood or flattened reed/palm leaf. One thick blob has a right-angled turn as though stuck to a corner. One may be a rim fragment from a vessel. Largest piece measures 3.8x2.5x1.2 cm.",13/2/1992 00:00:00,, "1604",5.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Seven pieces of copper. 1) Roughly triangular in shape. Dimensions 2.9 x 2.5 x 1 cm. 2) Irregularly-shaped fragment. Dimensions 3.3 x 2.2 x 1.3 cm. 3) Irregularly-shaped piece. Dimensions 1.4 x 1 x 0.8 cm. 4) Crescent shaped piece, with what could be a tanged point at one end. Overall dimensions 1.9 x 0.6 x 0.3 cm. 5) Irregularly-shaped, flattened piece. Dimensions 1.2 x 0.8 x 0.2 cm. 6) Rough crescent shaped piece. Dimensions 2.1 x 1 x 0.5 cm. 7) A piece that looks roughly arrowhead shaped, but is badly corroded. Overall dimensions 2.8 x 1.9 x 0.3 cm. All recovered from a floor surface. Spill/refining waste. One piece taken by Lloyd Weeks for metallurgical analysis at Sydney, 1998",13/2/1992 00:00:00,,"Mechanically cleaned. Stored in a plastic box with silica gel." "1610",1.00,"COPPER","OBJECT","Copper object, shaped like a long pouring lip, as on a modern Arabian coffee pot, but not obviously broken off. One end narrower than the other. Width at wide end 2.8 cm. Width at narrow end 1 cm.",30/1/1992 00:00:00,"Y","Mechanically cleaned, no further conservation attempted. Stored in a plastic box, with Silica gel." "1610",2.00,"SHELL","COCKLE RING","Cockle shell (Glycymeris pectunculus) with edges smoothed and a large hole cut into the body of the shell. Diameter 3.8 cm.",9/2/1992 00:00:00,, "1610",3.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing of yellow/green clay with fragment of a seal impression. The design shows an erotic scene, the frontal view of a figure with ?widely splayed legs, and part of a male figure, perhaps engaged in sexual intercourse. Various illegible motifs in the field. On the reverse is a string indentation. Dimensions 2.4 x 1.7 x 1.4 cm. Suggested addition: motifs, mostly illegible, including a crescent under the woman's right arm.",9/2/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "1610",4.00,"PLASTER","PAINTED","Six pieces of painted plaster. One side of each fragment is flattened and painted with a red coloured substance - possibly ochre? Largest piece measures 6.5 x 4 x 1.4 cm.",10/2/1992 00:00:00,, "1610",5.00,"ORGANIC","DATE","Two calcified date seeds. Recovered by hand from a floor surface. Dimensions=1)2x0.9x0.8 cm.2)1.4x0.8x0.7 cm.",10/2/1992 00:00:00,, "1611",1.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","A large quantity of various shaped bitumen fragments, seven with weave impressions, so presumably from the lining to one or more woven vessels. Not measured. Stored with these, not separately labelled, 1611:6, bitumen lid fragment.",9/2/1992 00:00:00,, "1611",2.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Three fragments of copper, all recovered from a sieved floor context. 1) Long, thin curved piece, possibly the end of a fish hook, but broken in antiquity. Length 2.1 cm. Thickness 0.2 cm. 2) Irregular fragment. Dimensions 1.5 x 0.3 cm. 3) Tiny, thin strip. Length 1 cm. Thickness 0.1 cm.",9/2/1992 00:00:00,,"Mechanically cleaned, stored with silica gel. " "1611",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, from a sieved floor context.",9/2/1992 00:00:00,, "1611",4.00,"BONE","BONES","Fish bone, from a sieved floor context.",9/2/1992 00:00:00,, "1611",5.00,"BONE","BONE","Tiny mammal bone, from a sieved floor surface. Returned from analysis York on 1/4/95.",9/2/1992 00:00:00,, "1611",6.00,"BITUMEN","LID","Fragment of lid, disc-shaped with knob on one side. Dimensions: 1.7 x 1.2 cm, thickness 0.1 cm, knob 0.6 cm high. Stored with 1611:1, not separately labelled.",,, "1612",1.00,"STEATITE","SEAL","Soft stone seal. Edge is Failaka Var. 2) Standard back, with the perforation bored from each end. On the front the design shows a standing, nude male figure, looking to the right. In his right hand he holds a shield, in the left the horns of a long horned gazelle. An oblong symbol appears in the left field and a crescent in the right, behind the head of the animal. Diameter=1.9 cm. Height=1.2 cm. Weight 5.7gm.",8/2/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "1612",2.00,"CLAY","FRAG","Irregularly-shaped piece of yellow/orange, hardened clay. Probably used for sealing. One side is flattened and there is a thumb print on the edge, but no evidence of any impression. Dimensions=3.3x2x1.5 cm.",9/2/1992 00:00:00,, "1612",3.00,"ORGANIC","SAMPLE","Sample of light coloured organic residue, from a floor surface.",10/2/1992 00:00:00,, "1612",4.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, but mostly freshwater snail.",11/2/1992 00:00:00,, "1612",5.00,"BONE","BONES","Animal bone, from floor/ occupation. Same as 1604. This is pre - area 221. For C14 date. All bone sent for C14 dating on the 15/1/95.",11/2/1992 00:00:00,, "1612",6.00,"BONE","BONES"," NB Suitable C14. Fish bone, from an occupation context.",11/2/1992 00:00:00,, "1612",7.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Two tiny pieces of bitumen, irregular in shape, no evidence of impressions on them. Dimensions 1) 1.3x1x0.5 cm. 2) 1.3x0.8x0.2 cm.",11/2/1992 00:00:00,, "1612",8.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Six pieces of copper recovered from a floor context. 1) Long, narrow, flattened strip. 3.3 x 0.5 x 0.2 cm. 2) A flattened fragment with two grooves on one side. 2.2 x 2.1 x 0.5 cm. 3) Thick, flat, bent piece. 1.7 x 0.6 cm. Three other pieces, irregular in shape. All spill, except flat fragment. One piece taken by Lloyd Weeks for metallurgical analysis at Sydney, 1998",11/2/1992 00:00:00,, "1612",9.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealings. Two dark grey, ?burnt fragments of clay. Both used as sealings, but only one has the remains of a seal impression. 1) Reverse has string-impression. Design on front shows the head of a horned animal on the right, looking towards a 'ladder' motif. To the left of the ladder stands a human figure, one arm outstretched towards the 'ladder'. Dimensions 1.9 x 1.6 x 1 cm. 2) Piece of clay with one flattened and smoothed surface, but no impression. Dimensions 1.1 x 1 x 0.4 cm. Suggested amendment: human figure, or possibly a crouching monkey [tail is visible, or else it's a stool. and the figure is sitting.]",11/2/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "1612",10.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing, of pale grey clay. Finger prints on side, string impression on reverse, and through body of sealing. On the front is a seal impression showing a hatched rectangle (like a ladder), probably down the centre. One side of the 'ladder' is a row of bearded human heads facing left, the necks touching it as right angles. Three are preserved, but there were probably four originally. On the opposite side of the ladder is part of a different, unidentified motif. Dimensions 2.8 x 2 x 1.3 cm. Suggested amendment: re-orient description acc. photo!",17/2/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "1612",11.00,"CLAY","SEALING","?Sealing of dark grey clay. Fingerprints can be seen on one side. Irregular in shape. 2 x 1.3 x 0.9 cm.",17/2/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "1612",12.00,"SHELL","TOOL","Possible scraper made from a clam shell. The edge of the shell has been retouched from the exterior surface to form a denticulated edge. The worked edge is approximately half of the full length of the edge. Intact. Shell length 3.8, width 4.4 cm. Length of retouch 2.8 cm.",11/2/1992 00:00:00,, "1612",13.00,"COPPER","SOCKET FRAG?","Fragment from tubular copper object, or one with a horseshoe-shaped section: perhaps part of a spear socket or similar. Outer surface smooth, inside rough. Body is thick and internal diameter comparatively small. One long edge may be finished, the other is definitely broken. Length 1.5, outer diameter 1.3, internal diameter 0.4 cm.",11/2/1992 00:00:00,,"cleaned by K. Norman in 1995." "1616",1.00,"BONE","BONE","A single fish bone, recovered from a floor surface.",18/2/1992 00:00:00,, "1616",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Three freshwater snail shells and a Venus clam , from a floor surface.",18/2/1992 00:00:00,, "1617",1.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Irregular, very badly corroded piece of copper. Overall dimensions 3 x 1.7 x 0.8 cm.",18/2/1992 00:00:00,,"Mechanically cleaned." "1617",2.00,"BONE","BONE","A single fragment of animal bone.",18/2/1992 00:00:00,, "1618",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Fish bone, recovered from an occupation/floor context.",19/2/1992 00:00:00,, "1618",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Seven freshwater snail shells, recovered from an occupation context.",19/2/1992 00:00:00,, "1618",3.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Two very badly corroded pieces of copper. Totally irregular in shape. Dimensions: 1. 1.4 x 1.1 x 1 cm. 2) 1.2 x 0.9 x 0.6 cm.",19/2/1992 00:00:00,,"Mechanically cleaned." "1621",1.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Pounder/Smoother. Mid-dark grey close grained stone. Sub cubic or flattened ovoid. Two opposing flattened surfaces are at a slight angle to each other. They have been worn smooth, with small abraded areas and one having fine unidirectional striations. The convex circumference is abraded, which is more concentrated in some areas. Intact. Dimensions 7.3 x 7.0 x 4.9-6.5 cm.",16/2/1992 00:00:00,, "1621",2.00,"ORGANIC","DATE","Three whole, carbonized date seeds. Dimensions 1.3 x 0.6 x 0.5, 1.2 x 0.6 x 0.6, 1.3 x 0.6 x 0.6 cm. Total Wgt 0.7 gm.",16/2/1992 00:00:00,, "1621",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Fish bone, from a sieved feature context.",16/2/1992 00:00:00,, "1621",4.00,"BONE","BONE","One small animal bone, recovered from sieving of a feature.",16/2/1992 00:00:00,, "1621",5.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, from the sieving of a feature context.",16/2/1992 00:00:00,, "1621",6.00,"FOSSIL BIVALVE","POUNDER/SMOOTHER","Pounder/smoother, on pebble or bivalve fossil. Piece of light grey limestone, sub-ovoid (elliptical in section) . One opposing surface is convex, the other is worn flat. The convex surface is slightly abraded with scarred edges, and fine unidirectional striations. The flat surface is scarred with a natural or pecked scar in the centre. The convex circumference is abraded and slightly scarred at the edges. Intact. Dimensions 3.8 x 3.6 x 2.5-3.2 cm.",16/2/1992 00:00:00,, "1622",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","One bucket taken as a sample from the whole pot no:1622:11. Missing April 1995.",15/2/1992 00:00:00,, "1622",2.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing of pale grey clay. Finger prints around edge, multiple string-impressions on reverse. Seal impression on front shows body of male animal with ruffed neck, standing or running. Illegible motifs above its back. Found in pot 1622:11. Dimensions 2.3 x 2.2 x 1 cm.",15/2/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "1622",3.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing fragment on hard, fritty, grey clay. String-impression through body. One side has impressions of parallel pieces of ?grass, and shows a seam between two sets of parallel impressions. These impressions are of some kind of woven or plaited material. There is no seal-impression. Recovered from inside pot 1622:11. Dimensions 2.4 x 1.6 x 1 cm.",15/2/1992 00:00:00,"Y","Paraloid B72 in Acetone - 5% weight/volume, applied to the back of the fragment to give it more strength." "1622",4.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing fragment on pale grey clay. Reverse has worn string-impression. On the front is a seal-impression, showing two lines at right angles, probably part of a cross dividing the seal into four quadrants. Surviving quadrant shows a crab, and the remaining part of another has a ?crab too. Presumably from the same seal as 1622:6, 7 and 8. Found in pot 1622:11 Dimensions 1.6 x 1.3 x 0.6 cm.",15/2/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "1622",5.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing fragment in yellowy grey clay. Reverse lost. Front has seal-impression, well-preserved but impossible to interpret. Linear-style. Various obscure motifs. Recovered from whole pot 1622:11. Dimensions 1.3 x 1.1 x 0.8 cm.",15/2/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "1622",6.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealings. Two fragments of dark clay. 1) Edge of a sealing, . Reverse has string impression. Front has a quarter of a seal-impression showing two arms of an incised cross with a crab in the angle between them. Presumably from the same seal as 1622:4, 7 and 8. Dimensions 1) 8 x 0.9 x 0.7. 2) Dimensions 0.4 x 1.3 x 1.0. Found in pot 1622:11.",15/2/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "1622",7.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing on grey clay. Reverse has string impressions. Front has seal-impression, with design divided into quadrants. A crab fills one, and the one adjacent to it. contents of the other quadrants lost. Presumably from same seal as 1622:4, 6 and 8. Found in pot 1622:11.2.6 x 1.7 x 1.4 cm.",15/2/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "1622",8.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing on hard, gritty, yellow-green clay. Reverse and edge have string impressions. Front has seal-impression, with design divided by lines into quadrants. One contains a crab, another part of a crab, and the others are missing. Presumably from the same seal as 1622:4, 6 and 7. Recovered from inside pot 1622:11. Dimensions 2 x 1.4 x 0.8 cm.",15/2/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "1622",9.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Two badly corroded copper fragments. 1) Narrow, flattened strip, curved at one end. Dimensions 1.8 x 0.4 x 0.1 cm.",15/2/1992 00:00:00,,"Mechanically cleaned." "1622",10.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Two fragments of bitumen. Both irregular in shape. No evidence of weave impressions on either. Dimensions 1) 3x2x0.7 cm. 2) 1x0.6x0.1 cm.",15/2/1992 00:00:00,, "1622",11.00,"POTTERY","COOKING POT","Complete cooking pot. Intact but cracked. Red clay, outer surface sooty. Gritty temper, including circular cream-coloured inclusions. Roughly-formed slight ridge at neck, deep, ovoid body, rounded base. H. 24.4, rim di. 13.0-13.5. Contained sealings 1622:02, 03, 04, 06, 07 and 08,",16/2/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "1624",1.00,"STONE","SOCKET","Socket. Irregular fragment of light grey limestone. Upper surface has sub-rectangular area worn hollow through use. The wear consists of several concentric areas which has left a rippled polish on the stone. The back is naturally roughly convex and shows evidence of plaster. Overall dimensions 18.0 x 16.0 x 5.3 cm. Hollow dimensions 8.3 x 7.0 cm. Depth 1.8 cm.",19/2/1992 00:00:00,, "1625",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Fish bone, recovered from an occupation context. Sieved.",27/2/1992 00:00:00,, "1625",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Animal bone, recovered from an occupation context. Sieved.",17/2/1992 00:00:00,, "1625",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Large quantity of mixed shell, from an occupation context. Sieved.",17/2/1992 00:00:00,, "1625",4.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Two irregular fragments of copper. Dimensions: 1. 1.2 x 1.2 x 0.4 cm. 2) 1.2 x 0.8 x 0.3 cm.",17/2/1992 00:00:00,, "1625",5.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Seven fragments of bitumen, from lining to one or more woven vessels. All have evidence of weave on one side, whilst the other side has been smoothed. All irregular in shape. Largest piece measures 1.7x1x0.4 cm.",17/2/1992 00:00:00,, "1625",6.00,"FLINT","FRAGS","Two dark brown coloured, flint fragments.",17/2/1992 00:00:00,, "1625",7.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder, bun shaped, sub-ovoid with one flattish face. Orange-brown limestone with several crystalline flaws. Almost entire surface scarred, especially on one side and all edges of angled flattish face. Two ends almost flat. Upper convex face has small areas where worn smooth, or is natural patina. Intact. Dimensions 5.8 x 5.3 x 4.35 cm.",17/2/1992 00:00:00,, "1626",1.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder made from a piece of farush or beach rock, formed almost entirely of tiny gastropods with very little fine sand as matrix. Intact. One surface is very flat, the other is convex and covered is white gypsum plaster. One edge of the plaster has been chipped away. Probably used in the wall or floor of a building, but it is possible that it was used as a grindstone and set into position using the plaster. Dimensions 25.9 x 17.8 x 4.0-5.2 cm.",16/2/1992 00:00:00,, "1626",2.00,"FLINT","CORE","Sub ovoid core of brown flint with grey banding and dull creamy cortex. 3 platforms at 90 degrees to each other. Most flakes struck from 2 platforms, as one platform is for shaping the cortex. Other platforms prepared. Flakes mostly have feather terminations with one being stepped. The flakes are narrow, almost blades. Separated from 1626:3 & 1626:4 by RLS in 1997. Dimensions: 3.1 x 2.4 x 12.9 cm. 4 Flakes- L: 1.8; W: 1.2 cm. L: 1.9; W: 1.1 cm (step term.). L: 2.1; W: 1.05 cm. L: 2.2; W: 1.2 cm. 3 Platforms- Cortex: 1.75 x 1.65 cm. Main: 3.0 x 2.0 cm (at 90 degrees to cortex). Other: 2.5 x 1.9 cm (at distal end of main platform).",18/4/1997 00:00:00,, "1626",3.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Tool (blank?) or Core. Sub rectangular piece of brown flint with dull creamy cortex on both main faces. Nodule briefly shaped, so it roughly conforms to a flake. Flattish prepared 'proximal' end. Large flakes struck at 'distal' end from 'ventral' surface, and other flakes struck at each side from 'dorsal' surface. Smaller retouching flakes at distal end, partly bifacial, creating a steep, roughly denticulate, convex chopping/scraping edge. Intact. Separated from 1626:2 & 1626:4 by RLS in 1997. L: 8.8; W: 8.2; T: 6.5 cm.",18/4/1997 00:00:00,, "1626",4.00,"FLINT","CORE","Core or Pounder. Sub oval nodule of grey-brown fossiline chert with dull creamy cortex. One utilised narrow end. Flakes struck bifacially mainly from the narrower end which is scarred. Scarring due possibly from use as a Pounder. One flake scar runs along length of one edge. Other flakes or natural scars at wide end. Echinoid fossil exposed in large flake scars. Looks like a chopper blank. Separated from 1626:2 & 1626:3 by RLS in 1997. Dimensions 11.3 x 9.7 x 4.0 cm. Largest and last flake L: 8.3; W: 4.0 cm.",18/4/1997 00:00:00,, "1627",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Flotation: Fill of hearth sample. 6 plastic bags. 1 litre removed for geophysical examination. Missing April 1995.",14/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1661",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from Altar Table deposits. Dry sieved, mesh 590 microns.",18/3/1993 00:00:00,, "1661",2.00,"ORGANIC","FRAGS","5 tiny fragments of charcoal. From Altar Table deposits. Dry sieved, mesh 590 microns.",18/3/1993 00:00:00,, "1661",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone from Altar Table deposits. Dry sieved, mesh 590 microns.",18/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1661",4.00,"COPPER","FRAG","1 tiny ovoid fragment of copper. From Altar Table deposits. 590 microns dry sieved. Dimensions: 0.3 x 0.2 x 0.2 cm.",18/3/1993 00:00:00,, "1662",1.00,"BITUMEN","STOPPER","Cone-shaped stopper, with flattened tip. Diameter at widest end 4.6 cm. Diameter at narrow end 2 cm. Max. depth 3.9 cm.",18/2/1992 00:00:00,"Y","Impregnated with a solution of Paraloid B72 in Acetone - 5% weight/volume." "1731",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone",5/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1732",1.00,"STONE","TOOL","Grinder (fragment?), possibly once oval. Light brown sandstone with inner band of shell grit. Sub-triangular fragment with one flat face and the other irregular. The flat face has been worn smooth and has multidirectional striations. This face also has a small central area of concentrated pecking, and one rounded edge with deep striations at 90 degrees to the edge. The extant edge of the grindstone is convex and rounded with continual rounded and deep pecking. Dimensions 11.1 x 8.35 x 4.0-4.3 cm.",6/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1732",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell.",6/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1732",3.00,"STONE","FRAG","Possible Flake or a Pounder fragment. Light brown quartzite with glossy orange-brown cortex. Sub triangular with plain platform and stepped termination. Previous flakes struck off distal platform. L: 6.1, W:4.6, T:1.2 cm.",6/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1732",4.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. Fish bone.",6/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1733",1.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing fragment of very light green and grey sandy clay. Reverse shows traces of string. Top surface smooth with 2 pin-holes, no design visible. From dry sieve. Dimensions: 1.4 x 1.1 x 0.5 cm.",9/1/1993 00:00:00,"Y", "1733",2.00,"COPPER","HOOK","Large complete copper fish hook broken into two fragments. Length: 6.0 cm. Width of hook end: 3.6 cm. Thickness of shank: 0.5 cm. (Corrosion has begun to explode the shank to about 1.0 cm wide)",10/1/1993 00:00:00,"Y", "1733",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell- dry sieved.",10/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1733",4.00,"BONE","BONES","Fish bone- dry sieved.",10/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1733",5.00,"BONE","BONES","Animal bone- dry sieved.",10/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1733",6.00,"COPPER","HOOK","Copper fish hook broken into two pieces. Top of shank missing. Total length 4.7, width 2.7, thickness 0.7 cm.",16/1/1993 00:00:00,"Y", "1733",7.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Possible Smoother. Broken banded grey-pink quartzite nodule with slight patina on one face. Sub triangular. Broken stone used as pounder. All edges scarred and long scar down angled edge between extant faces. The old broken face is rippled and partly worn (naturally?) smooth. Dimensions: 4.8 x 4.3 x 3.7 cm.",7/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1733",8.00,"SHELL","WORKED RAZOR","Razor shell, possibly worked at one end, now broken into three large fragments, and several flakes. Shell surface is completely eroded to mother of pearl. Largest fragment has convex wide end (worked?), one long edge being the hinge of the shell. Dimensions of largest fragment 6.9 x 1.5-0.6 x 0.1 cm.",13/4/1998 00:00:00,, "1734",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell.",7/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1734",2.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder/Core. Ovoid/discoid brown-dark red mottled flint nodule with creamy-white cortex. Entire surface abraded and scarred scars probably due to pounding along the circumference. Intact. Dimensions: 8.3 x 7.6 x 5.4 cm.",10/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1734",3.00,"PLASTER","PIERCED DISC","Large pierced plaster disc. Circular, with convex sides and rounded edges. Hole in centre. Upper surface smooth. Intact. Diameter: 20.0 cm. Height: 4.0 cm.",10/1/1993 00:00:00,"Y"," 2 surfaces accidentally damaged by children during 1993 season." "1734",4.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Blade flake/possible small end Scraper. Banded brown flint/chert. Scarred striking platform, hinged narrow termination that has been made round by unifacial use wear/retouch. Dorsal surface has several longitudinal shallow invasive scars. Intact. L: 2.7, W: 1.7, T: 0.4 cm.",16/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1734",5.00,"SHELL","PIERCED BIVALVE","Pierced spiny oyster shell. Dimensions of hole 2.8 x 2.4 cm.",1/7/1993 00:00:00,, "1737",1.00,"POTTERY","VAT","Large storage vessel with horizontal ribs. Lower half complete, but cracked when excavated; fragments of rim. Pink clay, salty, discoloured surface. Rim flat on top, swells slightly to hemispherical body, which tapers to a neat flat base. Elliptical rather than truly round. H. c. 37, rim di. c. 37, ba. di. 16.6 cm.",10/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1739",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Fish bone. 1 bag.",18/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1739",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Animal bone. 1 bag.",18/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1739",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell.",18/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1739",4.00,"PLASTER","DOMED LID","Domed plaster lid. One face convex with flattened centre, the other face flat to slightly concave. Intact except for small chip from one edge. Diameter 8.2-8.5 cm. Height: 2.9 cm.",18/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1739",5.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder/Pestle. Thick cylindrical nodule of banded grey-pink quartzite. Oval in section. Tool has scatter of abrading across entire surface with concentrated areas in long central zones of one face and two sides The convex ends are very abraded and their edges are partly scarred. Intact and in good condition. Length 8.3, width 6.7, thickness 5.4 cm.",18/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1740",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Flotation: whole earth sample. 1 plastic bag. Missing April 1995.",11/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1740",2.00,"PLASTER","TRIPOD LEG","Tripod-leg of ash plaster. Grey, and extremely light in weight. Shape of a cone, flattened to give two opposing long sides. Broken off at base, where it was fixed to the hearth. Not measured.",14/6/1993 00:00:00,"N","Removed from site for safe-keeping, as found loose." "1741",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone deposit.",13/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1741",2.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder fragment. Sub-rectangular. Light brown stone with numerous small quartz inclusions. One face worn smooth, the other convex. Unbroken edges are sloping. Adhering deposit. Dimensions 14.9 x 9.5 x 4.2 cm.",13/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1741",3.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Grindstone fragment. Sub-rectangular, pink-to-brown, coarse-grained stone. Both surfaces flat, one slightly abraded. Edges are near-vertical. Possibly used in conjunction with 1741:02. Dimensions 19.5 x 14.3 x 5.5 cm.",13/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1742",1.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder. Wedge shaped tool of coarse grained dark grey-green stone. One face worn smooth, both convex ends abraded. Almost intact except for the smaller end which has been broken during pounding. From rubble deposit. L: 11.9, W: 7.2, T: 6.1 cm.",17/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1742",2.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Ovoid coarse grained light grey stone nodule. One side flattish but with a naturally indented surface. Most of the surface is abraded and very rough. Intact. From rubble deposit. Diameter: 10.4 x 10.2 cm. Height: 7.8 cm.",17/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1743",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. deposit.",17/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1743",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone.",17/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1744",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. deposit.",18/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1744",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. deposit.",18/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1745",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell.",18/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1746",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Fish bone. Dry sieved.",18/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1746",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. Dry sieved.",18/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1746",3.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Soil sample, residue already dry sieved on site but needing more careful sorting. 2 plastic bags.",26/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1746",4.00,"CLAY","BEAD","Red clay bead, roughly cylindrical with tapered ends. Length 0.7, diameter 0.2 cm.",20/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1748",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. deposit.",24/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1749",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone.",28/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1749",2.00,"BITUMEN","BEAD","Spherical bead with slightly flattened ends. Rough surface with single hole. Intact except for part of one side broken off. Diameter: 2.6 cm. Length: 1.9 cm.",30/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1749",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell.",30/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1750",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. From a make-up deposit.",25/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1750",2.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Numerous fragments of bitumen, some with impressions of weave, so presumably from lining to one or more woven vessels, perhaps all from the same one. Some pieces thicker and one has sherd of pottery within. Largest: 4.7 x 3.5 x 0.6 cm.",25/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1750",3.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","3 copper fragments. Nos.1 & 2 badly corroded and breaking up. From a make up deposit. 1) Sub ovoid. Dimensions: 1.4 x 1.4 x 1.1 cm. Badly diseased and disintegrated Dec. 1993. 2) Sub ovoid. Dimensions: 1.5 x 1.4 x 1.4 cm. 3) Sub ovoid lump of copper with small curved tail. Poor condition. Dimensions: 1.7 x 1.1 x 0.9 cm.",25/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1750",4.00,"FLINT","TOOL","6 flakes of flint. Brown stone with creamy-white cortex. None retouched. Debitage or accidental chips, possibly from a flint pounder. From a make-up deposit. 1) 2.5 x 1.6 x 0.7 cm. 2) 2.4 x 1.3 x 0.8 cm. 3) 2.4 x 1.0 x 0.5 cm. 4) 1.2 x 1.5 x 0.3 cm. 5) 1.2 x 1.0 x 0.3 cm. 6) 2.1 x 2.0 x 0.9 cm.",25/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1750",5.00,"CLAY","SEALING","WAIT TILL DRAWINGS COME AND SORT OUT MUDDLE. ILLUS TEMPLE VOL, BUT APPARENTLY NOW LABELLED 10. Sealing. Fine grey clay with salt crystals visible. Smooth curved area on reverse with string impressions. Possible jar sealing. Front has lower half of a seal-impression showing: Standing nude figure, head missing, facing left, holding a male horned animal by its head. Animal looks back over its shoulder towards him. From a make-up deposit. Dimensions: 1.6 x 2.4 x 1.35 cm. Suggested amendment: Illegible motifs behind and below figure.",25/1/1993 00:00:00,"Y", "1750",6.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from a make up deposit.",7/3/1993 00:00:00,, "1750",7.00,"POTTERY","RIDGED JAR","Lower half of ridged jar with bitumen lining. Rim and neck missing, and a few small gaps in body. Pinky buff clay, grit temper. Body long, tapering to small, thickened flat base. Body ridged all over outside. Thickly crusted with bitumen inside and over broken upper edge. Obviously used as a bitumen container. On breakage, bitumen has seeped through hole in base, and swollen along a large vertical crack in body, so that although bitumen fragments join, they had to be removed to allow the pot to be put together. Pres. H. 37.0, ba. di. 8.0, max. width 30.4 cm. Associated with jar 1750:08.",1/3/1993 00:00:00,, "1750",8.00,"POTTERY","RIDGED JAR","Upper part and base of ridged jar. Much of body missing, and base does not fit. Red clay, buff patches on outer surface, sparse grit temper. Rim everted, short neck, shoulder and body round and with shallow ridges. Lower body tapers to thickened flat base. Small hole, mended with bitumen in antiquity. Pres. H. 32.6, rim di. 12.0, max width (reconstruc.) c.30.0 cm. Original height probably c. 36 cm. Associated with jar 1750:07.",1/3/1993 00:00:00,"Y", "1750",9.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Possible Smoother. Small oval pebble of light grey close grained stone. The edges of one flat-concave face worn partly smooth. Intact. From a make up deposit. Dimensions: 3.1 x 2.3 x 1.0 cm.",7/3/1993 00:00:00,, "1750",10.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing. Uneven lump of light grey clay. Surfaces smoothed. 1 surface shows possible impression of wood/leaf. From a make up deposit. Dimensions: 2.6 x 1.8 x 1.5 cm.",7/3/1993 00:00:00,"Y", "1751",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed fish bone and animal bone.",7/3/1993 00:00:00,, "1751",2.00,"CLAY","FRAGS","30 fragments of light green sandy clay. From occupation deposit. Largest: 2.8 x 2.4 x 1.4 cm.",25/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1751",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. From an occupation deposit.",25/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1751",4.00,"BONE","FISH","Articulated fish tail.",22/3/1993 00:00:00,,"Consolidated with Paraloid 5% w/v in Acetone. Lifted as small block with surrounding sand." "1752",1.00,"POTTERY","PAINTED JAR","Small painted jar, intact. Red clay, numerous exploded white grits. Wide mouth with gently angled rim, wide neck, globular body. Narrow flat base. Exterior and rim area covered with an uneven horizontal wash of dark red. Height: 14.5 cm. Rim Diameter: 9.6-9.7 cm. Base Diam.: 5.5 cm. Max. Diam.: approx. 15.0 cm.",26/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1752",2.00,"BITUMEN","VESSEL","Crushed but half-complete bitumen-lined woven vessel. Impressions of cross-woven palm-leaf strips on the interior. The exterior is smooth with a slight horizontal indentation below the rim corresponding to the position of the original woven rim edge. Approximate dimensions 9.5 x 6.5 x 3.0 cm.",26/1/1993 00:00:00,,"Excavated nearly intact, however, during cleaning the cracked object was accidentally damaged by a falling piece of cardboard. Partly mended with HMG. Needs further conservation work. Photographed shortly after excavation, from the exterior side." "1752",3.00,"BITUMEN","VESSEL","Bitumen-lined woven vessel. The rim is circular but the base is square, stitched up diagonally form corner to corner making crossed seams. Lined inside and out, as shown by impressions of cross-woven palm-leaf, Slight horizontal indentation below the rim of the bitumen, showing where the rim of the woven material finished. Intact, except for rim damage. Badly cracked in all directions. Diameter: 5.5-7.4 cm (distorted); approximate height: 6.0 cm.",26/1/1993 00:00:00,"Y"," Cleaning and consolidation continuing using HMG. Sand within object kept to help preserve shape before further conservation work. Photographed shortly after excavation with sand still inside." "1752",4.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Numerous bitumen fragments, probably from lining to a single woven vessel. Impressions of weave. Some rim- and thicker-walled fragments. Dimensions of large rim frag.: 4.2 x 4.1 x 0.9 cm. Some pieces show that base was square, with pointed corners.",26/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1752",5.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone",26/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1752",6.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealings. 3 irregular pieces, 2 of creamy clay, 1 burnt. String marks through one. Dimensions: Largest: 1.9 x 1.9 x 1.3 cm.",26/1/1993 00:00:00,"Y", "1752",7.00,"FLINT","TOOL","1 very small flake of brown flint. L: 1.2, W: 0.6, T: 0.3 cm.",26/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1752",8.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed small bone from fill in jar, 1752:01. Dry sieved, mesh 590 microns.",26/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1752",9.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed small shell from fill in jar, 1752:01. Shell from within lumps of old flooring clay included in bag. Dry sieved, mesh 590 microns.",26/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1752",10.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell",26/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1752",11.00,"CLAY","FRAGS","20 fragments of light grey-green silty clay with numerous small gastropod shells within. From sieved fill of small jar, 1752:01. Probably originated from flooring material. Largest: 4.6 x 4.1 x 2.5 cm.",26/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1753",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. Dry sieved.",26/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1753",2.00,"STONE","BEAD","Long cylindrical bead of pink agate, with slightly tapered ends. Intact. Woolley Type 6. Diameter 0.3 cm. Length 0.9 cm.",31/1/1993 00:00:00,"Y", "1753",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. Dry sieved.",26/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1753",4.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Two fragments of copper. 1) Small pointed lump of copper. Dimensions: 1.0 x 0.5 x 0.3 cm. 2) Sub oval fragment of copper. Dimensions: 1.5 x 1.1 x 0.5 cm.",2/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1754",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell.",27/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1754",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone.",27/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1755",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. Includes burnt fish tooth. Post talk to workmen. Dry sieved occupation deposit.",30/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1755",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. Dry sieved. From an occupation deposit. Including 1 bag Post talk to workmen.",30/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1755",3.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Flake (Levalloisian?) of good quality brown flint with creamy-white cortex. Possible discontinuous retouch along one edge. From dry sieved occupation deposit. L: 2.7, W: 2.3, T: 0.8 cm.",30/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1755",5.00,"SHELL","DENTALIUM BEAD","Length of natural tubular 'Dentalium octangulatum' shell, broken off, presumably for use as bead. Diameter: 0.5 cm. Length: 1.3 cm.",30/1/1993 00:00:00,"Y", "1755",6.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Two small fragments of bitumen with weave impressions, presumably from lining to a woven vessel. Largest: 1.4 x 1.0 x 0.3 cm.",30/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1756",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell.",28/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1756",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone.",28/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1757",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone.",3/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1757",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell.",3/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1757",3.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Large lump of copper. Ovoid with several brown (iron/rust?) areas. Badly corroded surface. Four small fragments broken off main lump. Dimensions: 4.5 x 3.3 x 3.3 cm. Packed into a plastic container with another metal object from 1131:03.",3/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1758",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","2 sacks flotation sample. Fill of basin.",31/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1758",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone from fill of basin.",31/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1758",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from fill of basin.",31/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1760",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","2 sacks flotation sample. Fill of basin.",1/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1760",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone from fill of basin.",1/7/1993 00:00:00,, "1760",3.00,"ORGANIC","SEED","Red seed, from fill of basin (flot). Circular disc shaped.",1/7/1993 00:00:00,, "1760",4.00,"CLAY","BEAD","Light brown clay bead, roughly cylindrical with tapered ends. Length 0.9, diameter 0.4 cm.",8/12/1993 00:00:00,, "1762",1.00,"POTTERY","BOWL","Pottery bowl, complete except for small hole in side, possibly deliberate. Pink clay, buff surface out and over rim, grit temper. Rim plain, sides swell very slightly, body tapers abruptly to perfunctory 'flat' base. Does not stand well. H. 9.5, rim di. 8.6-9.2 cm.",14/1/1993 00:00:00,"Y","Restored from sherds. Fill dry sieved, mesh 590 microns." "1762",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed small bone found in fill of bowl 1762:01. Dry sieved, mesh 590 microns.",14/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1762",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed small shell from fill in bowl 1762:01. Dry sieved, mesh 590 microns.",14/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1762",4.00,"ORGANIC","SEED","1 small burnt seed from fill in bowl 1762:01. Broken into 2 joining pieces. Dry sieved, mesh 590 microns. Discarded. (DM 1995)",14/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1763",1.00,"PLASTER","PAINTED FRAGS","Seven fragments of plaster, six painted with a crimson-red substance, possibly ochre. Painted fragments: 1) Trapezoid decorated with a narrow curved line in reserve. Dimensions: 7.8 x 7.1 x 1.6 cm. 2) Sub oval with possible reserved decoration. Dimensions: 7.9 x 4.6 x 2.3 cm. 3) Triangular with possible reserved decoration. Dimensions 2.6 x 2.1 x 0.9 cm. 4) Triangular. Dimensions 3.6 x 3.4 x 1.5 cm. 5) Diamond shaped. Dimensions:1.8 x 1.3 x 0.9 cm. 6) Sub rectangular. Dimensions: 6.3 x 4.4 x 2.1 cm. 7) Diamond shaped with painted areas. Dimensions: 1.0 x 6.0 x 1.3 cm.",3/2/1993 00:00:00,"Y","Nos. 1-6 have had the bulk of dirt removed from surfaces. No other treatment given. No. 7 has been fully cleaned (by water?) by the Bahrain National Museum prior to the Saar Exhibition in February 1993. From floors." "1763",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone from floors.",18/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1763",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from floors.",20/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1763",4.00,"BITUMEN","SEALING?","Eleven fragments of bitumen, possibly from pot sealings. Varied shapes, some with folds and blurred impressions. Largest: 4.1 x 3.3 x 3.2 cm.",20/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1763",5.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Possible sealings. Some smoothed edges. Possible leaf impression on one fragment. 12 fragments of light green sandy clay. One lump has broken into 3 fragments From floors.",20/2/1993 00:00:00,"Y", "1763",6.00,"NOT USED","NOT USED",,1/7/1993 00:00:00,, "1763",7.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","4 fragments of copper. Nos.1-2 have brown staining (iron/rust?). From floors. 1) Irregular ovoid lump. Probably from the end of an object with a broken stem/shaft. Dimensions: 2.3 x 2.1 x 1.2 cm. 2) Sub ovoid lump. Dimensions: 1.3 x 0.9 x 0.8 cm. 3) Sub ovoid lump including part of a stem/shaft with a rectangular section. Dimensions: 1.7 x 1.1 x 0.9 cm. 4) Irregular ovoid lump. Dimensions: 1.7 x 1.0 x 1.0 cm.",28/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1763",8.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing. Fine light grey clay. Four lines of string impressions on reverse. Front has upper central part of a seal-impression but the design is illegible. From floors. Dimensions: 2.5 x 1.9 x 0.5 cm.",28/2/1993 00:00:00,"Y", "1763",9.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing. Fine grey clay with salt crystals visible. String impressions. Front has seal-impression showing: Badly damaged human head and arm facing left & holding broken body of animal with raised front leg with hoof. From floors. Dimensions: 1.0 x 1.2 x 0.6 cm. Suggested amendment: Fragmentary seal-impression on the front shows top half of human figure, arm raised to the left to touch a caduceus, from the ?top of which projects a hoofed animal-leg. The surviving top of the caduceus and the face of the human are both jabbed with a pin, or similar. Same design as 1600:01 and 1853:95.",28/2/1993 00:00:00,"Y", "1763",10.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing. Fine grey clay. String impression and one flattened surface on reverse. ? Jar sealing. Front has string-impression showing: Part of standing figure in long skirt facing left with one arm raised to the left, holding an indecipherable object. From Temple floors. Dimensions: 1.9 x 1.2 x 0.6 cm.",28/2/1993 00:00:00,"Y", "1763",11.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing. Fine grey clay. 2 pieces joined together; one quarter segment of complete seal. Smoothed surface on reverse, possible string marks. Front has bottom left quadrant of a seal-impression showing: Leaping (?) naked figure above a long, notched, curved object, like a long animal horn. Below this at an angle of 90 degrees is the head and ruffed neck of short horned animal. From Temple floors. Dimensions: 2.3 x 1.5 x 0.7 cm. Suggested amendment: like a long animal horn or tail.",28/2/1993 00:00:00,"Y", "1764",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. From make up, purifying sand in temple.",28/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1764",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. From make up, purifying sand in temple.",28/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1764",3.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Three fragments of bitumen with weave impressions, presumably from lining to one or more woven vessels. Largest: 2.4 x 2.1 x 0.3 cm.",28/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1765",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell",4/3/1993 00:00:00,, "1765",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone",4/3/1993 00:00:00,, "1765",3.00,"CLAY","FRAGS","3 fragments of light green sandy clay. Only one, the largest, appears shaped or has had its surface shaved or pressed against something. Largest, sub rectangular: 5.1 x 3.3 x 2.0 cm.",4/3/1993 00:00:00,, "1765",4.00,"BONE","FISH","Articulated fish tail from a floor. Consolidated with Paraloid 5% w/v in Acetone. Lifted as small block with surrounding sand.",22/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1766",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone",3/3/1993 00:00:00,, "1766",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell",3/3/1993 00:00:00,, "1766",3.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Copper object fragment with areas of brown staining (iron/rust?). Curved flat strip with narrow rectangular section, broken at both ends. Half of the fragment is thicker and more rounded (where most of the brown corrosion is). Dimensions: 3.5 x 2.3 x 1.2 cm. Strip Size: 1.1 x 0.6 cm.",23/3/1993 00:00:00,, "1767",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell.",9/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1767",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. ",9/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1768",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. Dry sieved.",10/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1768",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from a dry sieved deposit.",10/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1768",3.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Piercer. Pointed flake of banded brown flint with white-grey cortex. Retouched along one edge. Broken into 2 joining fragments, intact. From dry sieved deposit. Dimensions: 5.2 x 3.3 x 2.2 cm.",10/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1768",4.00,"CLAY","FRAGS","12 fragments of light green sandy clay.",10/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1768",5.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Three fragments of bitumen. Two have impressions of cross-weave, so presumably from lining to one or more woven vessels. Largest: 1.6 x 1.4 x 1.3 cm.",10/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1769",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone from a dry sieved deposit.",15/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1769",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. Dry sieved deposit.",15/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1769",3.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Piercer. Flake of brown flint struck from heat-fractured fragment. Distal end shaped to form sharp point. Intact. From a dry sieved deposit. Dimensions: 5.4 x 2.2 x 1.6 cm.",15/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1769",4.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Three fragments of copper. 1) Large irregular lump, largely covered with brown staining (iron/rust?). Dimensions: 4.8 x 3.2 x 2.0 cm. 2) Sub oval flat strip. Dimensions: 2.9 x 1.7 x 0.4 cm. 3) Elongated frag. with rectangular section and small surface lumps. Dimensions: 2.1 x 0.7 x 0.6 cm.",15/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1769",5.00,"CLAY","FRAG","1 clay fragment. Light green sandy clay.",15/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1769",6.00,"FLINT","TOOL","3 flakes. Brown flint with creamy-white cortex. From a dry sieved deposit. 1) Flake: 1.4 x 1.6 x 0.4 cm. 2) Flake laterally struck. Dimensions: 0.8 x 1.8 x 0.3 cm. 3) Flake laterally struck. Dimensions: 0.7 x 1.4 x 0.2 cm.",15/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1769",7.00,"SHELL","PIERCED BIVALVE","Pearl oyster shell with triangular hole punched into its side. Worked from the outside. Shell: L:5.2, W:4.5 cm. Hole: 1.5 x 1.1 x 0.2 cm.",15/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1770",1.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Numerous fragments of bitumen. Not measured.",24/3/1999 00:00:00,, "1770",2.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Smoother. Sub-rectangular-wedge shaped light brown stone with numerous small quartz inclusions. One face worn smooth and flat. The stone probably a reused fragment of a broken grindstone, otherwise intact. Dimensions 8.1 x 6.6 x 4.2 cm.",24/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1770",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from floor(s).",10/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1771",1.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing. Light grey clay with inclusions. 1 smoothed edge. String impressions on reverse, in two parallel lines. Front has seal impression showing: one badly worn, standing figure facing right with possible second figure to the right. Dimensions: 1.8 x 2.65 x 1.1 cm.",10/2/1993 00:00:00,"Y", "1771",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone",9/3/1993 00:00:00,, "1771",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell",9/3/1993 00:00:00,, "1771",4.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Sub ovoid lump of copper with small areas of brown staining (iron/rust?). Dimensions: 1.7 x 1.1 x 1.1 cm.",9/3/1993 00:00:00,, "1771",5.00,"FOSSIL BIVALVE","POUNDER/SMOOTHER","Fossil bivalve shell utilized as pounder/smoother. One side and all edges are abraded. Natural ridging and grey skin of fossil is more evident on one side. Intact. Dimensions 5.35 x 4.8 x 4.1 cm.",9/3/1993 00:00:00,, "1771",6.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder. Sub discoid nodule of poor quality mottled brown cherty flint with creamy-white cortex. Main faces are roughly flat and scarred from edge pounding. The irregular convex edge has concentrated zones of abrading and scarring. Intact. Dimensions: 8.2 x 8.2 x 5.0 cm.",9/3/1993 00:00:00,, "1771",7.00,"STONE","MORTAR","Mortar fragment. Dull, reddish-grey, hard, compact sandstone. Quarter circle with convex extant side. The upper surface is concave with a rounded edge and large, deep, oval pecking. The opposite surface is flat with coarser pecking and deeper hollows. The extant side is rounded. Dimensions 14.5 x 10.6 x 5.5-6.3 cm.",9/3/1993 00:00:00,, "1771",8.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder fragment. Sub-square fragment of light brown sandstone. Possibly once an oval grinder. One surface worn smooth and flat with wiggly unidirectional striations visible between the worn sand grains. These striations run down the extant length of the grinder. The opposite is irregular and flat, slightly bevelled towards an extant convex side . Dimensions: 13.8 x 13.3 x 2.2-4.2 cm.",9/3/1993 00:00:00,, "1771",9.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder fragment. Broken possibly once sub ovoid nodule of dark grey close grained stone. Two extant surfaces at angles to each other are worn smooth and flat. They have a variety of lightly pecked and polished (patinated?) areas. One face has short deep striations or marks. The convex end is very abraded and slightly scarred. One of the broken faces has been subsequently abraded. Probably broken during pounding and continued to be used. Dimensions 10.5 x 6.4 x 3.3-4.6 cm.",9/3/1993 00:00:00,, "1771",10.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Creamy-white limestone smoother. Shape approximately that of a pyramid or trapezoid. Base of ""pyramid"", or largest face, worn very smooth with rounded edges and fine unidirectional striations. The sloping side faces are flat with continual abrading, especially concentrated along the rounded edges and the short upper straight edge. Some of these edges are lightly scarred. Intact and in good condition. Dimensions 6.4 x 6.1 x 5.7 cm.",9/3/1993 00:00:00,, "1771",11.00,"SHELL","PIERCED BIVALVE","Cockle shell with oval hole roughly cut into the side. Intact. Dimensions: 4.4 x 3.6 cm. Hole: 0.9 x 0.6 x 0.2 cm.",9/3/1993 00:00:00,, "1772",1.00,"BITUMEN","LID OR BUNG","Mushroom-shaped lid or bung. Lower surface now pitted, but once smooth and convex. Upper side has a short stem. Lower face part of object and one side of upper stem is broken. Dimensions: 4.7 x 3.3 x 2.5 cm.",14/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1772",2.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Six fragments of bitumen. All have one side showing impressions of cross-weave, so presumably from lining to one or more woven vessels. The other side is smooth. Some pieces thinner, presumably from inner lining rather than outer coating. Largest: 3.4 x 3.1 x 0.4 cm.",14/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1772",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone.",14/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1772",4.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell.",14/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1773",1.00,"STONE","BEAD","Long cylindrical bead of orange banded agate, with slightly tapered ends. Intact except for worn ends beside the holes. Polished surface. Woolley Type 6. Diameter: max.0.9, min.0.7 cm. Length 3.3 cm.",15/2/1993 00:00:00,"Y", "1773",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. 2 pieces of mammal femur shaft and possible mandibular ramus sent fro C14 dating on the 14/3/95.",16/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1773",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell.",16/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1775",1.00,"STONE","SOCKET","Door socket. Large, rough chunk of angular limestone, sub-rectangular in plan. Utilized on one side as a door socket. Light brown stone with numerous inclusions of many sizes. The upper side has light brown earthy-plaster deposits in which a sunken circular hollow has been continually worn over a long period of time by the door. Intact. L: 29.5, W: 23.5, T: 11.0 cm. Circular hollow: Diameter: 4.0. Hole appears to have shifted sideways through time. The wider compound hole is 5 cm in diameter. Depth: 3 cm.",24/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1776",1.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Three fragments of bitumen with impressions of cross-weave, so presumably from lining to one or more woven vessels. Largest: 2.7 x 2.5 x 1.2 cm.",28/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1776",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell.",28/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1776",3.00,"CLAY","SAMPLE","3 fragments of light green sandy clay laid down to form floor. Sampled for analysis. Largest: 10.0 x 6.7 x 2.9 cm.",28/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1777",1.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","POSS JOINS 1777:1? Smoother/Pounder fragment. End of a dark grey close grained stone nodule. Extant convex surface shows one face worn smooth, and abrading marks. Probably broken during pounding. From windblown sand. Dimensions: 4.2 x 3.7 x 1.5 cm.",20/1/1993 00:00:00,, "1778",1.00,"BONE","BONES","One bone fragment. From rubble of early phase Temple.",27/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1778",2.00,"SHELL","SHELL","One shell from rubble of early phase Temple.",27/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1780",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone.",28/2/1993 00:00:00,, "1780",2.00,"BITUMEN","BEAD","Squashed ovoid bead. Large central hole. One small area shows impression of organic material inclusions, possibly straw. Surface is now pitted. Intact. Diameter: 2.7 cm. Length: 1.5 cm. Oval Hole: 0.5 x 0.4 cm.",28/2/1993 00:00:00,"Y", "1785",1.00,"COPPER","STRIP","Thick, bent strip of copper. Total Dimensions: 3.0 x 1.3 x 0.8 cm. (Metal in section is 0.4 cm thick).",4/3/1993 00:00:00,,"Good metal inside." "1785",2.00,"COPPER","OBJECT","Thick L-shaped fragment of copper. One surface is flat, the other is irregular. Dimensions: 3.1 x 2.0 x 1.0 cm.",10/3/1993 00:00:00,, "1785",3.00,"COPPER","OBJECT","Sub-circular object or fragment of copper. Thick with two roughly flat surfaces. Dimensions: 1.6 x 1.4 x 0.6 cm.",16/3/1993 00:00:00,, "1785",4.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing. Dark grey clay with inclusions. On the reverse are deep string-marks in four parallel lines. About three quarters preserved. Front has a seal impression, all but the top left preserved, showing: Stylized palm tree in the centre, seated figure with head missing to left, holding trunk of tree with both hands. Damaged. From Temple floor. Dimensions: 2.2 x 2.3 x 1.1 cm. Estimated diameter of seal 1.8 cm.",20/3/1993 00:00:00,"Y", "1785",5.00,"LATEX","FOOTPRINTS","Latex rubber impression of a group of footprints in Temple floor. Found beside the Matting impression 1785:08. Sub rectangular impression. Dimensions: 127 x 80 cm.",23/3/1993 00:00:00,, "1785",6.00,"LATEX","FOOTPRINTS","Latex rubber impression of a group of footprints in the Temple floor. Found near the central column of the Temple. Sub triangular impression. Dimensions: 80 x 36 cm.",23/3/1993 00:00:00,, "1785",7.00,"LATEX","FOOTPRINTS","Latex rubber impression of a group of footprints in the Temple floor. Found near the bench & impression 1824:01. Sub oval impression. Dimensions: 92 x 76 cm.",23/3/1993 00:00:00,, "1785",8.00,"LATEX","MATTING","Latex rubber impression of 'matting' seen impressed on surface of Temple floor. Found beside Footprints 1785:08. Rectangular impression. Dimensions: 85 x 82 cm.",23/3/1993 00:00:00,, "1785",9.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing. 5 fragments, only 1 with traces of design. Light grey sandy clay with inclusions. Possible string marks on reverse. On the front is a seal-impression with illegible design. From Temple floor. Dimensions: Largest: 1. 2.0 x 1.1 x 0.9 cm. 2) 1.55 x 0.9 x 0.4 cm. 3.- 5.: > 1 cm.",28/3/1993 00:00:00,"Y", "1787",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","1 sack flotation sample. Fill of 1789.",7/3/1993 00:00:00,, "1787",2.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Small Pounder fragment. Quarter sphere with two flattened surfaces and a wide convex circumference. Once sub spherical nodule of light grey limestone. Two opposite, slightly angled faces are abraded and concave. The entire extant surface is abraded. Tool probably broken during pounding. From fill of Tanoor. Dimensions 3.9 x 3.1 x 2.9 cm.",7/3/1993 00:00:00,, "1788",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","1 sack flotation sample. Fill of 1789.",7/3/1993 00:00:00,, "1790",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","1 sack flotation sample. Fill 1791.",7/3/1993 00:00:00,, "1792",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mammal and fish bone. From a feature. Partly consolidated with Paraloid 5% w/v in Acetone. Packed into a plastic container.",9/3/1993 00:00:00,, "1793",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","2 sacks flotation sample. Fill of 1793.",9/3/1993 00:00:00,, "1793",2.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Possible tool. Ovoid light grey pebble. No visible signs of working, perhaps used as a small Smoother. Dimensions 3.0 x 1.8 x 1.8 cm. From Flotation Sample 1793:1.",15/1/1998 00:00:00,, "1810",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, from sieved temple occupation.",17/4/1994 00:00:00,, "1810",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, from sieved temple occupation.",17/4/1994 00:00:00,, "1821",1.00,"IVORY","OBJECT","Artefact of elephant ivory, from early temple floor. Cut length of flattened shaft, very cracked and broken pieces joined together. Both ends show where cut. Length 9.4, width 2.5-2.2, thickness 0.6 cm.",30/4/1994 00:00:00,,"Returned 1/4/95 from UK after examination. Conserved object packed into small cardboard box." "1824",1.00,"LATEX","MATTING","Latex rubber impression of possible 'matting' seen impressed onto surface of Temple feature/bench. Near to Impression 1785:07. Sub rectangular. Dimensions: 62.0 x 51.0 cm.",28/3/1993 00:00:00,, "1834",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, from temple threshold.",17/4/1994 00:00:00,, "1837",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone.",30/1/1994 00:00:00,, "1841",1.00,"STEATITE","SEAL","Dark grey steatite seal from collapse. Reverse glazed, worn off in the centre. Traces of glaze around the edge. The design shows in white. Standard back, slightly worn and rubbed. Failaka var. 2) edge worn convex in parts. Design shows a kneeling male horned animal, at the bottom, facing left. The neck is ruffed and the horns are straight. Above its back, centre, is a standing naked human figure, with the head worn away. He has one arm raised to the left, possibly grasping the horns of a kneeling male quadruped to the left. The animal faces left, and though its head is worn away, it was probably turned back over its shoulder. To the right the central figure holds the hand of a second figure, who has one leg raised. This figure is bearded and faces left. Diameter 2.5, height 1.0 cm. Thickness of edge 0.5 cm.",9/2/1994 00:00:00,, "1841",2.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Twenty one fragments of bitumen plus numerous very small flakes. The largest fragment appears to be shaped. Dimensions of largest fragment 5.9 x 5.7 x 4.2 cm.",10/2/1994 00:00:00,, "1841",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from collapse.",10/2/1994 00:00:00,, "1841",4.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone from collapse.",10/2/1994 00:00:00,, "1842",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone from collapse.",15/2/1994 00:00:00,, "1842",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from collapse.",15/2/1994 00:00:00,, "1843",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Fish bone from ""floors"".",10/2/1994 00:00:00,, "1843",2.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Thirty-seven fragments of bitumen, plus numerous very small flakes. Only two small fragments appear to have any obvious impressions visible. One basket-weave, the other unidentifiable. Dimensions of the largest fragment 4.9 x 4.0 x 0.8 cm. 10/02/94. One fragment of bitumen from the same context, one flat surface, the other with impressions clearly visible. Dimensions 2.5 x 1.8 x 0.8 cm. 22/02/94. Four fragments sent for bitumen analysis 30/04/94.",10/2/1994 00:00:00,, "1843",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from floors.",10/2/1994 00:00:00,, "1843",4.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Light brown flint flake from collapse. Dimensions 1.3 x 1.2 x 0.1 cm.",10/2/1994 00:00:00,, "1844",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone from floors.",12/2/1994 00:00:00,, "1844",2.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Thirty-six fragments of bitumen. Thirteen fragments have weave impressions, so presumably from lining to one or more woven vessels. Dimensions of the largest fragment 3.4 x 2.1 x 0.5 cm",12/2/1994 00:00:00,, "1844",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from floors.",12/2/1994 00:00:00,, "1848",1.00,"STONE","BASIN FRAG","Fragment of a light-coloured stone basin or mortar, with rim. Probably once circular in shape. Flat, fairly smooth base, with very smooth inside surface. Dimensions 12.8 x 10.7 cm. Thickness min 1.3, max 4.6, height 7.0 cm.",17/2/1994 00:00:00,, "1848",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone from collapse.",17/2/1994 00:00:00,, "1849",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Square 4: Mixed shell, sieved.",19/2/1994 00:00:00,, "1850",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Square 1: Mixed shell, sieved.",19/2/1994 00:00:00,, "1850",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Square 5: Mixed shell, sieved.",21/2/1994 00:00:00,, "1850",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Square 12. Mixed shell from collapse.",23/2/1994 00:00:00,, "1850",4.00,"BONE","BONES","Square 12. Mixed shell from collapse.",23/2/1994 00:00:00,, "1850",5.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Square 25. Mixed shell, sieved.",26/2/1994 00:00:00,, "1850",6.00,"BONE","BONES","Square 25. Mixed bone. Yet to locate - 28/04/94.",27/2/1994 00:00:00,, "1850",7.00,"BONE","BONES","Square 13. Mixed bone, from sieved collapse.",27/2/1994 00:00:00,, "1850",8.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Square 13. Mixed shell from sieved collapse.",27/2/1994 00:00:00,, "1850",9.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Square 13. Three copper fragments. 1) Large Irregularly-shaped fragment, with possible traces of iron present. Dimensions 3.6 x 2.9 x 2.1 cm. 2) Oval shaped fragment. Dimensions 1.0 x 0.9 x 0.7 cm. 3) Irregularly-shaped fragment. Dimensions 1.1 x 0.8 x 0.5 cm.",27/2/1994 00:00:00,, "1850",10.00,"STONE","TOOL","Square 19. Light coloured stone tool fragment, from sieved collapse. Roughly square in plan, with all its surfaces very flat and edges straight. One surface has slight ""lip"" protruding outwards from the rest of the stone. Dimensions 6.6 x 5.4 x 5.6 cm.",1/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1850",11.00,"BONE","BONES","Square 19. Mixed bone, sieved.",1/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1850",12.00,"BONE","BONES","Square 23 and 28. Mixed bone, sieved.",27/2/1994 00:00:00,, "1850",13.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Square 23 and 28. Mixed shell, from sieved collapse.",5/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1850",14.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Square 21. Mixed shell from sieved collapse.",5/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1850",15.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Twenty-seven fragments of bitumen. Dimensions of largest fragment 1.1 x 1.0 x 0.4 cm.",5/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1850",16.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Square 14. Mixed shell from collapse.",9/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1850",17.00,"BONE","BONES","Square 14. Mixed bone, from collapse.",9/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1850",18.00,"MORTAR","SAMPLE","Square 4. Mortar sample taken from south section. For Wendy Matthews.",9/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1850",19.00,"BONE","BONES","Square 20. Mixed bone, from collapse.",10/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1850",20.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Twenty-six irregularly-shaped fragments of bitumen. All flat and thin, some with impressions. The largest fragment appears to have a possible finished edge. Dimensions of largest fragment 2.7 x 1.5 cm, thickness 0.1(min), 0.3(max) cm.",10/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1850",21.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone from collapse.",19/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1850",22.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Three copper fragments. All probably from the same object. Fragments very powdery and appear more like staining on another surface rather than actual fragments. No measurements taken.",19/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1850",23.00,"METAL","FRAG","Squares 23 and 28. Iron fragment. Irregularly-shaped, with traces of copper present. Dimensions 3.2 x 1.8 x 1.0 cm.",5/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1850",24.00,"BONE","ASSEMBLAGE","An assemblage of fish bone, some still articulated, from collapse.",26/3/1994 00:00:00,,"Paraloid 10% on site." "1850",25.00,"BONE","BONES","Square 18. Fish bone, from collapse. Bagged into four separate bags with numbers 1 - 4. Each number corresponds to a drawing. Plus one small bag of mixed bone, without a drawing number, as this bone was found within the bag of pottery.",26/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1850",26.00,"POTTERY","RIDGED JAR","Upper part of ridged jar. Base and much of body missing. Red clay, cream slip out, circular white inclusions. Everted rim, short, waisted neck, rounded shoulder and body. Parallel ridges from base of neck to well below max. width. Slip and ridges have largely flaked off. Neck bunged with ashy plaster, probably deliberate, as rest of pot free from encrustation . Ht. 30.9, rim di. 10.4, max width (reconstruc.) 26.4 cm.",9/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1851",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Square 4: Mixed shell, sieved.",19/2/1994 00:00:00,, "1851",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Square 4: Mixed bone, sieved.",19/2/1994 00:00:00,, "1851",3.00,"CLAY","FRAG","Square 4. Irregularly-shaped fragment of hardened yellow clay. Dimensions 4.9 x 3.7 x 3.3 cm.",19/2/1994 00:00:00,, "1851",4.00,"BONE","BONES","Square 9. Mixed bone, sieved.",22/2/1994 00:00:00,, "1851",5.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Square 9. Mixed shell, sieved.",22/2/1994 00:00:00,, "1851",6.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Square 12. Mixed shell, sieved.",24/2/1994 00:00:00,, "1851",7.00,"BONE","BONES","Square 12. Mixed bone, sieved.",24/2/1994 00:00:00,, "1851",8.00,"BONE","BONES","Square 27. Mixed bone, sieved.",24/2/1994 00:00:00,, "1851",9.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Square 17. Mixed shell, sieved.",1/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1852",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Square 4: Mixed shell, sieved.",20/2/1994 00:00:00,, "1852",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Square 27. Mixed bone from sieved collapse.",26/2/1994 00:00:00,, "1852",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Square 27. Mixed shell from sieved collapse.",27/2/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",1.00,"PLASTER","FRAGS","Not described.",19/2/1994 00:00:00,,"Missing 1998" "1853",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Square 4. Mixed shell, sieved.",20/2/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Square 4: Mixed bone, sieved.",20/2/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",4.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Square 1: Mixed shell, sieved. 20/02/94. Square 4: Mixed shell, sieved. 20/02/94.",20/2/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",5.00,"BONE","BONES","Square 1: Mixed bone, sieved.",21/2/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",6.00,"BONE","BONES","Square 8. Mixed bone, sieved.",21/2/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",7.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Square 8. Mixed shell, sieved.",21/2/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",8.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Twelve bitumen fragments, plus numerous very small fragments and flakes. Dimensions of largest fragment 2.5 x 1.7 x 0.4 cm. Four fragments sent for bitumen analysis 30/04/94.",26/2/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",9.00,"STONE","TOOL","Square 27. Dark coloured stone tool, sieved. Roughly rectangular in plan. One existing surface, flat and smooth. The others have been broken away. Dimensions 6.4 x 5.5 x 3.4 cm.",26/2/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",10.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Chopper/Pounder/Adze on large flake, possibly once a Core. Sub hemispherical piece of mixed grey-brown cherty flint with red-brown sub cortex, and pockmarked creamy white cortex. Prepared platform with numerous flakes previously removed from both lateral edges of ventral surface. One edge and two other edges of tool are pitted and scarred, possibly from pounding. The upper lateral edge of the ventral surface has a short straight steep edge with retouch or use-wear. It may also represent a scraping or adzing edge or a prepared striking platform not utilized. Square 27, sieved. Dimensions 7.6 x 6.7 x 4.3 cm. Ventral surface L: 6.25; W: 6.7; T: 4.3 cm.",26/2/1994 00:00:00,"M", "1853",11.00,"PLASTER","DOMED LID","Domed plaster lid, once surface flat and smooth, the other slightly convex. Diameter 7.9, thickness 1.9 cm.",26/2/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",12.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Square 27. Black stone rubber/ smoother, from sieved occupation. Roughly oval in shape, very smooth all over, with one large chip at one end. Dimensions 7.9 x 6.1 x 4.6 cm.",26/2/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",13.00,"PLASTER","DISC LID","Plaster lid in the shape of an oval disc. Both surfaces flat and smooth, chipped on edge in two places. Dimensions 10.6 x 8.8 x 1.7 cm.",26/2/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",14.00,"CLAY","FRAGS","Square 27. Thirty eight fragments of hardened yellow clay, plus numerous very small flakes. Dimensions of largest fragment 6.8 x 6.0 x 1.7 cm.",26/2/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",15.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Square 27. Brown flint fragment, from sieved occupation, with a creamy white cortex. One smooth flat surface. Dimensions 5.5 x 3.0 x 1.2 cm.",26/2/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",16.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Square 27. Mixed shell from sieved occupation.",27/2/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",17.00,"BONE","BONES","Square 27. Mixed bone, from sieved occupation.",27/2/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",18.00,"STEATITE","SEAL","Seal of pale grey stone, from sieved occupation. Glazed all over, and in very good condition, apart from slight chips around the edge and scratches on the reverse. Standard back. Edge slightly concave. Failaka Var. II. Faint scraped lines radiating from the centre of the dome. Design on the front shows a palm tree, just right of the centre. To the right is a seated ?naked human figure, facing the tree, with one arm outstretched to touch it. Small triangle behind the figure's legs, probably indicates a stool. To the left of the palm tree is a standing male horned animal, facing left, but with its head turned back towards the tree. The animal's neck is ruffed and the horns long and fairly straight. On the left behind the animal's head is an unidentifiable motif. Diameter 2.3, height 1.0 cm. Thickness of edge 0.4 cm.",27/2/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",19.00,"BONE","BONES","Square 25. Mixed bone, from sieved occupation.",27/2/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",20.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Square 25. Mixed shell, from sieved occupation.",27/2/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",21.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Square 25. ?Sealing of soft, dark grey clay from sieved occupation. Elongated sphere, part broken off. (Three fragments). The clay has obviously been rolled into a ball by hand. At one point there are faint impressions, perhaps of straw. Dimensions of largest fragment 2.1 x 1.8 x 1.6 cm.",1/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",22.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Square 15. Light coloured stone pounder, from sieved occupation. Roughly rectangular in plan, with rounded edges. All surfaces worn and pitted due to pounding. Dimensions 16.7 x 14.6 x 14.3 cm.",28/2/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",23.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Square 15. Light coloured stone rubber, from sieved occupation. Roughly rectangular in plan. All surfaces worn and chipped from wear. Dimensions 110.7 x 8.5 x 7.1 cm.",28/2/1994 00:00:00,,"Don't believe dimensions JM 8/04" "1853",24.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Square 15. Light coloured stone pounder, from sieved occupation. Roughly square in plan, with rounded edges and corners. Surfaces worn, due to pounding. Bitumen adhering to one surface. Dimensions 9.9 x 9.8 x 8.2 cm.",28/2/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",25.00,"CLAY","FRAGS","Square 15. Two Irregularly-shaped fragments of hardened yellow clay, from sieved occupation. Dimensions of largest fragment 2.7 x 2.6 x 1.9 cm.",28/2/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",26.00,"BONE","BONES","Square 15. Mixed bone, from sieved occupation.",28/2/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",27.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Ten fragments of bitumen, three with possible weave-impressions on, so presumably from lining to one or more woven vessels. Dimensions of largest fragment 1.4 x 1.1 x 0.6 cm.",28/2/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",28.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Square 15. Three copper fragments from sieved occupation. 1) Roughly rectangular shaped fragment. Length 1.8, width 1.0, thickness 0.4 cm. 2) Elongated fragment, one surface concave, the other convex. Possibly once part of a cylindrical object. Dimensions 2.5 x 1.1 x 0.3 cm. 3) Irregularly-shaped fragment, with possible iron adhering to it. Dimensions 2.1 x 1.5 x 0.5 cm.",28/2/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",29.00,"BITUMEN","BEAD","Bead. Diameter 1.9, length 1.8 cm. Diameter of hole 0.5 cm.",1/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",30.00,"STEATITE","SEAL","Seal of grey stone flecked with red, from sieved occupation. Glazed. Glaze worn off around edges. Edge of seal damaged, especially bottom left of front. Standard back. Failaka var. 2) Slightly scratched and discoloured. Design on the front shows two male quadrupeds, back to back, with ruffed necks and straight horns. The long-horned animal on the right is standing facing right, head tilted upwards. The one on the left, with short, curved horns, is damaged, but was standing. It faces left with its head turned back over its shoulder. Between the two heads is a hatched rectangle, to the right of which is a crescent. Diameter 2.1, height 1.0 cm. Thickness of edge 0.5 cm.",2/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",31.00,"BONE","BONES","Square 19. Mixed bone, sieved.",2/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",32.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Square 19. One large copper fragment, plus three very small fragments. 1) Irregularly-shaped fragment, with one slightly curved edge. Dimensions 2.5 x 1.6 x 1.2 cm. 2) Three very small fragments, all irregular in shape. Dimensions 0.7 x 0.4 x 0.2 cm. Dimensions 0.5 x 0.4 x 0.2 cm. Dimensions 0.7 x 0.4 x 0.4 cm.",2/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",33.00,"BITUMEN","BEAD","Bitumen bead. Diameter 2.0, length 2.0 cm. Diameter of hole 0.6 cm.",2/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",34.00,"BONE","BONES","Square 21. Mixed bone, from sieved occupation.",5/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",35.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Square 24. 3 buckets.",19/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",36.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Square 24. Three copper fragments. 1) Irregularly-shaped fragment, with possible iron fragment adhering to it. Dimensions of copper 2.3 x 1.6 x 1.3 cm. Iron fragment 3.4 x 2.2 x 1.6 cm. 2) Irregularly-shaped fragment. Dimensions 4.2 x 2.9 x 2.2 cm. 3) Irregularly-shaped fragment. Dimensions 4.7 x 3.0 x 2.0 cm.",19/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",37.00,"COPPER","PIN","Length of substantial copper wire, tapering and bent up at one end. Presumably a cloak pin, or similar. Length 14.2, thickness 0.3 (min), 0.7 (max) cm",19/3/1994 00:00:00,," Broken into two fragments, that possibly join. . N.B. X. ref with flot sample from this square - 1853:38." "1853",38.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Square 18. 3 buckets.",19/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",39.00,"BONE","BONES","Square 24. Mixed bone, from sieved occupation.",19/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",40.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Square 20. 3 buckets.",19/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",41.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Square 14. 3 buckets.",20/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",42.00,"BONE","BONES","Square 18. Mixed bone, from sieved occupation/ floor.",19/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",43.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Square 18. Mixed shell, from sieved occupation/ floor.",19/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",44.00,"BONE","BONES","Square 20. Mixed bone, from sieved occupation/ floor. ?Missing 1999.",19/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",45.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Square 20. Mixed shell, from sieved occupation/ floor.",19/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",46.00,"BITUMEN","BEAD","Bead, in the shape of a thick disc. Length 1.1, diameter 2.0 cm.",19/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",47.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing, grey clay. String impression on reverse. Design illegible. Square 24. From sieved occupation/ floor. Dimensions:1.05x.7x.4cms",19/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",48.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Square 22. 3 buckets.",20/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",49.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Square 22. Dark coloured stone pounder, from sieved occupation/ floor. Probably originally a natural occurring spheroid, but has since been worn flat on one surface due to pounding. Dimensions 5.2 x 4.9 x 4.6 cm.",20/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",50.00,"BONE","BONES","Square 22. Mixed bone, from sieved occupation/ floor.",20/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",51.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Square 22. Mixed shell, from sieved occupation/ floor.",20/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",52.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Square 22. Two copper fragments. 1) Irregularly-shaped fragment. Dimensions 1.8 x 1.7 x 1.0 cm. 2) Roughly spherical. Dimensions 0.9 x 0.9 x 0.8 cm.",20/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",53.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Square 26. 3 buckets. Missing April 1995.",20/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",54.00,"BONE","BONES","Square 14. Mixed bone, from sieved occupation/ floor.",20/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",55.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Square 14. Mixed shell, from sieved occupation/ floor.",20/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",56.00,"CLAY","FRAG","Square 25. Irregularly-shaped clay fragment. Dimensions 2.6 x 1.8 x 1.7 cm.",28/2/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",57.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Square 10. 3 buckets.",20/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",58.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Square 11. 3 buckets.",20/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",59.00,"CLAY","FRAGS","Square 26. Four clay fragments. No clearly visible seal impressions. Found with numerous other clay sealings from the same context and square number. Three fragments of hardened yellow clay, one of black clay. Dimensions of largest fragment 1.8 x 1.3 x 0.9 cm.",20/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",60.00,"SHELL","CONE BEAD","Conus ebraeus shell, with small circular hole at one end, presumably for use as bead. Length 2.4, diameter or wider end 1.8 cm. Diameter of hole 0.1 - 0.2 cm.",20/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",61.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Square 26. Mixed shell, from sieved occupation/ floor.",20/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",62.00,"BONE","BONES","Square 26. Mixed bone, from sieved occupation/ floor.",20/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",63.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Square 26. Six copper fragments. 1) Irregularly-shaped fragment with possible traces of iron present. Dimensions 2.1 x 1.4 x 0.9 cm. 2) Oval shaped fragment. Dimensions 1.2 x 1.0 x 0.8 cm. 3) Small fragment attached to stone pebble. Dimensions 0.8 x 0.6 x 0.6 cm. 4) Irregularly-shaped fragment. Dimensions 1.4 x 1.4 x 0.8 cm. 5) Irregularly-shaped fragment, heavily embedded in iron. Dimensions 1.7 x 1.4 x 0.9 cm. 6) Irregularly-shaped fragment, with iron present. Dimensions 1.4 x 1.0 x 0.6 cm.",20/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",64.00,"BITUMEN","BEADS","Two beads. 1) Bead fragment. Dimensions 1.6 x 1.4 x 0.8 cm. 2) Complete bead, biconical. Diameter 2.2, height 1.5 cm.",20/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",65.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Light grey stone pounder. Probably originally a natural occurring spheroid, worked or worn flat on two opposing surfaces, to form a thick disc. Not measured. Found with a group of five pebbles 1853:117.",20/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",66.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Square 6. 3 buckets. Residue 27 L. Label lost during flotation, flotation sample discarded, heavy residue sorted.",21/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",67.00,"BONE","BONES","Square 11. Mixed bone, from sieved occupation/ floor.",20/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",68.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Square 11. Mixed shell, from sieved occupation.",20/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",69.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Twenty fragments of bitumen, all with weave impressions on, so presumably from lining to one or more woven vessels. The three largest fragments are all curved. Dimensions of largest fragment 2.5 x 2.1 x 0.3 cm. Four fragments sent for bitumen analysis 30/04/94.",20/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",70.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Square 11. Five fragments of copper. 1) Irregularly-shaped fragment. Dimensions 2.4 x 1.4 x 0.6 cm. 2) Flat, elongated fragment. Dimensions 3.1 x 0.8 x 0.2 cm. 3) Curved strip. Possible ring or hook fragment. Length 2.3, width 0.4, thickness 0.4 cm. 4) Curved strip. Possible ring fragment. Length 3.1, width 0.4, thickness 0.3 cm. 5) Irregularly-shaped fragment. Dimensions 1.0 x 0.7 x 0.5 cm. Flat fragment and ring fragment taken by Lloyd Weeks for metallurgical analysis at Sydney, 1998. Rest missing.",20/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",71.00,"CLAY","BEAD","Ovoid red clay bead. Length 0.4, diameter 0.3 cm.",20/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",72.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Square 10. Mixed shell, from sieved occupation/ floor.",20/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",73.00,"BONE","BONES","Square 10. Mixed bone, from sieved occupation/ floor.",20/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",74.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Eleven large fragments of bitumen. Plus numerous smaller fragments and flakes. Dimensions of largest fragment 3.9 x 3.4 x 0.7 cm.",20/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",75.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Square 10. Flattish, elongated copper fragment. Dimensions 2.6 x 1.1 0.5 cm.",20/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",76.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Square 6. Mixed shell, from sieved occupation/ floor.",21/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",77.00,"BONE","BONES","Square 6. Mixed bone, from sieved occupation/ floor.",21/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",78.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Square 6. Two copper fragments. 1) Irregularly-shaped fragment. Dimensions 0.6 x 0.3 x 0.3 cm. 2) Irregularly-shaped fragment. Dimensions 0.4 x 0.3 x 0.2 cm.",21/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",79.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Square 7. 3 buckets. Label lost during flotation, flotation sample discarded, heavy residue sorted.",21/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",80.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Square 2. 3 buckets. Label lost during flotation, flotation sample discarded, heavy residue sorted.",21/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",81.00,"ORGANIC","DATE","Square 10. One desiccated date pip. (For reference). Imprint (cast) in plaster. (DM 1995) Wgt 22.4 gm.",21/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",82.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Square 2. Mixed shell, from sieved occupation/ floor.",21/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",83.00,"BONE","BONES","Square 2. Mixed bone, from sieved occupation/ floor.",21/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",84.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Square 2. Nine fragments of copper. 1) Irregularly-shaped fragment. Dimensions 2.1 x 1.8 x 1.0 cm. 2) Irregularly-shaped fragment with possible iron traces at one end. Dimensions 2.3 x 1.4 x 0.9 cm. 3) Irregularly-shaped fragment with one flat surface. Dimensions 1.6 x 0.8 x 0.7 cm. 4) Flat, rectangular shaped fragment. Dimensions 1.3 x 0.9 x 0.3 cm. 5) Irregularly-shaped fragment, with traces of iron. Dimensions 1.3 x 1.1 x 0.7 cm. 6) Small fragment. Dimensions 1.0 x 0.6 x 0.5 cm. 7) Small fragment. Dimensions 0.7 x 0.6 x 0.3 cm. 8) Small fragment. Dimensions 0.7 x 0.6 x 0.4 cm. 9) Small fragment. Dimensions 0.5 x 0.4 x 0.4 cm.",21/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",85.00,"ORGANIC","DATE","Square 18. Carbonised date pip, near complete. Dimensions 1.1 x 0.6 x 0.5 cm. Wgt 0.1 gm.",19/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",86.00,"BONE","BONES","Square 7. Mixed bone, from sieved occupation/ floor.",21/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",87.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Square 7. Mixed shell, from sieved occupation/ floor.",21/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",88.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Seven fragments of bitumen. One has weave impressions on, so presumably from lining to a woven vessel. Dimensions of largest fragment 2.0 x 1.6 x 0.3 cm.",21/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",89.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Square 7. Two copper fragments. 1) Irregularly-shaped fragment. Dimensions 0.9 x 0.3 x 0.3 cm. 2) Irregularly-shaped fragment. Dimensions 0.7 x 0.4 x 0.3 cm.",21/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",90.00,"STONE","TOOL","Square 7. Light coloured stone tool, from sieved occupation/ floor. Irregularly-shaped and rough, but very lightweight stone. Dimensions 4.3 x 3.8 x 1.4 cm.",21/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",91.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Square 3. 3 buckets. Label lost during flotation, flotation sample discarded, heavy residue sorted.",22/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",92.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Square 3. Mixed shell, from sieved occupation/ floor.",22/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",93.00,"BONE","BONES","Square 3. Mixed bone, from sieved occupation/ floor.",22/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",94.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Square 3. copper fragment. Irregular shape. Dimensions 1.1 x 0.9 x 0.6 cm.",22/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",95.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Semi-circular sealing. Grey clay with traces of burning. One edge preserved with fingerprints on it. String impression on reverse. Design on obverse shows most of right half of impression. Upper half of seated male figure facing left to centre of seal, his right hand raised towards body, foreleg, neck and head of short-horned animal which arches over his head. This is presumably part of a 'caduceus', as on 1600:01, q.v. To his right he holds a long, curved object with forked upper end. Dimensions: 2.3x1.2x1.1cms Same design as 1600:01 and 1763:09, from the temple.",20/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",96.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing of yellowish clay with traces of pink. 1 edge preserved. String impression on reverse. Design illegible. Square 26. From sieved occupation/ floor. Dimensions:2.25x1.55x.72 cm.",20/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",97.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing of dark grey clay, deeply impressed. 1 edge surviving with ? string impression. Design: Human head on left, ladder-like motif on right, probably part of one of Kjaerum's gate symbols The same impression appears also on sealings: 1853:98 1853:99 1853:100 1853:101 1853:102 1853:103 1853:104 1853:105 1853:106 1853:109 The design can be reconstructed as follows: On the left of the impression is a standing horned quadruped with long, ruffed neck, facing left, with its head turned back over its shoulder towards a seated or squatting nude human figure, facing left with an arm raised to the left. His feet touch a hatched rectangle below. Left of the rectangle is a long-legged bird with striped body, facing right. To the right of the rectangle is an animal head. Above, on the right edge of the impression are a vertical hatched 'shield' motif, and to its right a 'gate' symbol (after Kjaerum). Square 26. From sieved occupation/ floor. Dimensions:1.42x1.1x.85 cm.",20/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",98.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing. Grey clay, possible string impression on reverse. Design: Long hatched rectangle. Same seal as 1853: 97 (q.v.) etc. Square 26. From sieved occupation/ floor. Dimensions:1.45x.8x.6 cm.",20/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",99.00,"CLAY","SEALING","JOINS 1853:100 Sealing. Grey clay, about1/4 of seal impression preserved including the edge which has finger prints. String impressions on reverse. Design: Animal with long ruffed neck on left, head missing, looking back over its shoulder toward seated nude figure. Only lower half of body visible with part of a raised arm. Between the figures is a bird's head. Same seal as 1853:97 (q.v.) etc. Square 26. From sieved occupation/ floor. Dimensions:1.9x1.7x.95 cm.",20/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",100.00,"CLAY","SEALING","JOINS 1853:99Sealing. Dark grey clay. About 1/4 of circumference preserved. Fingerprints on edge. Impressions of rather fine string on reverse. Design: Hatched symbol on right, 'gate' symbol to left. Bottom left has upper right corner of a hatched square. Same seal as 1853:97(q.v.) etc. From sieved occupation/ floor. Dimensions:2.3x1.3x1.02 cm.",20/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",101.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing. Light grey clay. About 1/3 of edge of sealing with fingerprints. Marks on reverse, perhaps palm leaf. Badly worn. Design shows one-horned animal with ruffed neck, head turned over its shoulder towards centre of seal. Traces of another figure to right with a clawed foot and, below it, an illegible motif. Same seal as 1853:97 (q.v.) etc. Square 26. From sieved occupation/ floor. Dimensions:2.3x1.1x.8cms",20/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",102.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing of grey clay. Small segment of smooth edge. 1 concave edge. Twisted string impression on reverse. Design: Hatched rectangle. Same seal as 1853:97 (q.v.) etc. Square 26. From sieved occupation/ floor. Dimensions:1.55x.9x.55 cm.",20/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",103.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing. Dark grey fine clay. Segment of smooth edge with fingerprints. String impressions on reverse. Design: Poorly preserved. Animal head on left with long horns, partly obliterated by thumbprint. Animal faces ?human head. Same seal as 1853:97 (q.v.) etc. Square 26. From sieved occupation/ floor. Dimensions:.9x1.4x.4 cm.",20/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",104.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing of yellowish friable clay. Small segment of smooth edge with 2 pinholes in it. Possible impression of knot on reverse. Design: Triangular hatched motif on edge, 1 of Kjaerum's gate symbols to its right. Same seal as 1853:97 (q.v.) etc. Square 26. From sieved occupation/ floor. Dimensions:1.55x1.3x1.1cms",20/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",105.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing. Dark grey clay. Small area of smooth edge preserved. Design: Long legged bird facing right. Same seal as 1853:97 (q.v.) etc. Square 26. From sieved occupation/ floor. Dimensions:.8x1.15x.4cms",20/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",106.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing. Grey clay. Segment of edge with fingerprint. 1 concave surface. String marks on reverse. Design: Part of hatched motif. Same seal as 1853:97 (q.v.), etc. Square 26. From sieved occupation/ floor. Dimesions:.6x1.2x.75 cm.",20/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",107.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing. Hard yellowish clay. Segment of smooth edge with fingerprints. Reverse shows deep smooth indentation, possibly a small peg ? Design: Very worn, from bottom right of seal-impression. Body, legs and part of neck of animal, facing right, ? looking over its shoulder towards centre of seal. Square 26. From sieved occupation/ floor. Dimensions:1.7x1.14x.9",20/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",108.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing. Yellowish clay. Segment of smooth edge. String impression on reverse. Design: Part of hatched ?rectangle, possibly part of a weaving scene. Square 26. From sieved occupation/ floor. Dimensions:1.65x1.0x1.15cms",20/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",109.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing. Dark grey clay. About 1/4 of smooth edge with fingerprints. Part of lower and lower left edge preserved. Reverse flattish with string marks. Design: Long legged bird with striped body, facing right towards hatched square. Same seal as 1853:97 (q.v.) etc. To the left of its head is a poorly preserved motif which must be the lower hind limb of the animal shown on the matching sealings. Part of a forelimb is just visible on the far left edge, and the human feet above the hatched square. Square 26. From sieved occupation/ floor. Dimensions: 1.0x1.8x.5 cm.",20/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",110.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Square 8. Light brown flint tool, from sieved occupation/ floor. ""Arrow"" shaped fragment, with point broken at one end, and tanged at the other. Appears to show signs of working and has slight serrations along one edge, although looks slightly too thick to be an arrow head. Length 2.5, width 2.7, thickness 0.1 (min), 1.0 (max) cm.",23/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",111.00,"BONE","BONES","Square 23. Mixed bone, from sieved occupation.",24/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",112.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Square 23. Mixed shell, from sieved occupation.",24/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",113.00,"CLAY","FRAGS","Square 23. Twenty seven yellow hardened clay fragments Dimensions of largest fragment 3.1 x 1.9 x 1.2 cm.",24/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",114.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Square 23. Four fragments of copper. 1) Irregularly-shaped fragment. Dimensions 1.7 x 1.3 x 1.1 cm. 2) Roughly triangular shaped fragment. Dimensions 1.5 x 1.2 x 0.4 cm. 3) Irregularly-shaped fragment. Dimensions 0.5 x 0.4 x 0.4 cm. 4) Irregularly-shaped fragment. Dimensions 0.6 x 0.4 x 0.3 cm.",24/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",115.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Eight bitumen fragments, four with weave impressions, so presumably from lining to one or more woven vessels. Dimensions of largest fragment 1.8 x 1.8 x 0.2 cm.",24/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",116.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing on yellow clay. Reverse has string-impression. Front has edge of seal-impression, but design illegible.",31/7/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",117.00,"STONE","GROUP","Group of five pebbles. 1) Light coloured, irregularly-shaped smooth pebble. 4.3 x 3.6 x 2.1 cm. 2) White pebble, roughly oval in plan. Very smooth. 3.5 x 2.7 x 1.5 cm. 3) Light grey, irregularly-shaped pebble. Has traces of what is possibly mortar embedded in small holes and crevices. 3.0 x 2.6 x 1.5 cm. 4) Light grey, flat, triangular shaped pebble. 3.1 x 2.8 x 0.7 cm. 5) Grey, irregularly-shaped, smooth pebble. 2.7 x 2.3 x 1.6 cm. Found with stone tool 1853:65.",20/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",119.00,"FLINT","FLAKE","Cortical flake of mottled brown flint with thin dark red-brown cortex. Old naturally broken surface on the dorsal face has a thin creamy patina. The steeply angled striking platform is scarred and the distal end is hinged. Part of the latter has subsequently been flaked off. Possibly a core fragment? From Flot. Residue 1853:91. Dimensions 4.1 x 3.6 x 1.4 cm. Wgt 20.4 gm.",25/5/1995 00:00:00,, "1853",120.00,"COPPER","FRAG","One sub rectangular thick strip fragment of copper. From Flot. Residue 1853:91. Dimensions 1.0 x 0.6 x 0.3 gm. Wgt 0.2 gm.",25/5/1995 00:00:00,, "1853",121.00,"COPPER","OBJECT","Short, sub-cylindrical piece of copper, bulging slightly in the middle, and tapering at one end, which is round in section. The other end appears more damaged, is slightly bumpy and oval in section. Length 2.7, diameter 1.4-0.9 cm.",23/5/1995 00:00:00,," From flot. residue 1853:38." "1853",122.00,"COPPER","WIRE OBJECT","Piece of copper wire, pointed at one end, perhaps part of a pin or fishhook. Circular in section. Total length 2.4, diameter 0.4 cm.",23/5/1995 00:00:00,,"From flot. residue 1853:38." "1853",123.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Three fragments of copper. From flot. residue 1853:38. 1) Sub oval with one flat and one convex face. 1.4 x 1.2 x 0.7 cm. 2) Sub triangular with folded over tip and rounded corners. 1.4 x 1.1 x 0.7 cm. 3) Sub ovoid/cuboid with small jutting point. 1.4 x 1.3 x 0.9 cm.",23/5/1995 00:00:00,, "1853",124.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Pointed ovoid fragment of copper. Dimensions 1.9 x 1.2 x 0.8 cm. From Flot. Residue 1853:40.",19/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1853",125.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Three large and 21 small fragments of copper slag, all with brown staining. 1) Lumpy elongated sub ovoid 3.0 x 1.5 x 1.1 cm. 2) Lumpy sub ovoid 1.6 x 1.6 x 1.0 cm. 3) Lumpy sub ovoid 1.3 x 1.3 x 1.0 cm. Other fragments range 1.1 x 0.7 x 0.6 to 0.4 x 0.3 x 0.2 cm. From flot. residue 1853:35.",23/5/1995 00:00:00,, "1853",127.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Possible fragment of Pounder. Flake of light-dark grey medium grained stone (perhaps coarse chert?) with remnant light grey lumpy cortex. Focal striking platform, slightly plunging distal end. One edge near the proximal end is worn or possibly retouched or utilised. From Flot. Residue 1853:48. L: 2.9, W: 2.2, T: 0.7 cm. Wgt 3.7 gm.",25/5/1995 00:00:00,, "1853",128.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Fragment of Pounder/Smoother. Sub ovoid fragment of dense dark grey medium grained stone. Extant surface has parts of one face, worn smooth and flat. The curving edge and ends are abraded. Possibly broken during pounding. Dimensions 7.8 x 4.2 x 1.9 cm. From Flot. Residue 1853:48.",25/5/1995 00:00:00,, "1853",129.00,"FLINT","FLAKES","3 flakes of flint of different sizes and shapes. From Flot. Residue 1853:48. Total Wgt 1.0 gm. 1) Coarse grey-white chert with creamy cortex. Hinged distal end. Possibly broken from a pounder. L: 1.2, W: 1.3, T: 0.5 cm. 2) Light brown chert chip. Dimensions 0.9 x 0.7 x 0.2 cm. 3) Mottled brown-red cherty flint with creamy cortex. Focal striking platform and hinged distal end. L: 1.0, W: 0.9, T: 0.2 cm.",25/5/1995 00:00:00,, "1853",130.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Tiny sub ovoid fragment of copper. Dimensions 0.4 x 0.3 x 0.3 cm. From flot. residue 1853:48.",23/5/1995 00:00:00,, "1853",132.00,"FLINT","FLAKE","One cortical flake of light brown-coarse grey flint. Lumpy grey cortex. Plain striking platform with previous scar on dorsal surface struck from same platform. Plunging distal end. Ventral concoidal scar is concave. Possibly broken off pounder. From Flot. Residue 1853:53. Wgt 1.6 gm. L: 1.6, W: 3.0, T: 0.3 cm.",25/5/1995 00:00:00,, "1853",133.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder fragment. Sub trapezoidal piece of dense dark grey coarse grained stone. One face is relatively flat with scarred edges. The rough surface appears abraded particularly on the narrow angled edges and end. Dimensions 5.8 x 5.2 x 4.7 cm. From Flot. Residue 1853:53.",25/5/1995 00:00:00,, "1853",134.00,"FLINT","CORE","Sub cubic core of good quality brown flint banded with light grey-brown, and having some remnant creamy cortex. Two bipolar striking platforms at right angles to each other. Intact, well used. From Flot. Residue 1853:57. Flakes dimensions. - One platform flakes are slightly hinged. L: 2.4, W: 1.5. & L: 1.4, W: 0.9 cm. - Other platform blade flake with feather distal end. L: 3.0, W: 1.3 cm. Dimensions 3.3 x 2.95 x 2.8 cm. Wgt 38.8 gm.",25/5/1995 00:00:00,, "1853",135.00,"COPPER","FRAG","One waisted sub oval flat strip of copper. From Flot. Residue 1853:57. Dimensions 0.7 x 0.4 x 0.1 gm.",25/5/1995 00:00:00,, "1853",136.00,"FLINT","FLAKE","Small flake of light grey chert. Possibly chipped off a pounder. Plain striking platform with feather distal end. From Flot. Residue 1853:57. L: 0.5, W: 1.0, T: 0.2 gm.",25/5/1995 00:00:00,, "1853",137.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Awl broken into two joining fragments. Made from cortical flake with scarred striking platform and hinged distal end. Awl tip created on one distal edge corner by a retouch blow on wither side struck from the cortical surface. This tip is the second fragment. From Flot. Residue 1853:58. L: 0.6, W: 2.5, T: 0.5 cm. Wgt 1.5 gm.",25/5/1995 00:00:00,, "1853",138.00,"COPPER","FRAG","One tiny rectangular fragment. From Flot Residue 1853:58. Dimensions 0.3 x 0.1 x 0.1 cm. Wgt <0.1 gm.",25/5/1995 00:00:00,, "1853",139.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","5 fragments, 2 joining, of copper. From Flot. Residue 1853:66. Total Wgt 1.2 gm. 1-2) Recently broken elongated shaft fragment of object, with rectangular section. Total 1.6 x 0.5 x 0.4 cm. 3) Sub ovoid. 0.5 x 0.3 x 0.2 cm. 4-5) Sub ovoid Range 0.4 - 0.2 cm.",25/5/1995 00:00:00,, "1853",140.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Retouched flake, probable Scraper. Light brown good quality flint. Striking platform slightly reworked and distal end is plunging. Previous scars on the distal surface struck from the proximal end. The proximal end has been retouched from the dorsal surface. The proximal end of one side edge has been bifacially retouched, with the rest of the edge worn possibly through use. The distal tip is retouched or damaged from the ventral surface. The thicker side edge is also partly damaged from the dorsal face. Intact. From Flot. Residue 1853:66. Wgt 2.7 gm. L: 2.2, W: 2.1, T: 0.5 cm.",25/5/1995 00:00:00,, "1853",141.00,"COPPER","FRAG","One sub ovoid fragment with much brown staining. From Flotation Residue 1853:80. Dimensions 0.5 x 0.4 x 0.2 cm. Wgt <0.1 gm.",25/5/1995 00:00:00,, "1853",142.00,"FLINT","FLAKE","Tiny chip of brown flint. From Flot Residue 1853:80. Wgt <0.1 gm. L: 0.6, W: 0.3, T: 0.2 cm.",25/5/1995 00:00:00,, "1853",143.00,"POTTERY","RIDGED JAR","Upper and lower parts of unusually large ridged jar. Rim to shoulder, and about half of base. Red clay, grit and circular white inclusions. Rim bevelled to outside, very short neck, shoulder flares sharply. Lower body sharply tapered to small convex base. Horizontal ridges over all extant body. Rim di. (reconstruc.) 12.8, ba. di. 8.4 cm. Ext. ht. rim 12.0 cm, base 8.6.",22/4/1997 00:00:00,,"(May be mislabelled 1850)" "2053",5.00,"STONE","SOCKET","Formerly 2152:05. Roughly square, light coloured stone door socket. Block of limestone has been cut and a shallow depression made in the centre. Dimensions 17.4 x 17 x 6 cm.",1/7/1991 00:00:00,, "2057",1.00,"STONE","TOOL FRAG","Dark, close grained stone rubber fragment. Now roughly rectangular in shape, outer surfaces very smooth, but both ends abraded. Dimensions=5.5x5.8x4 cm.",2/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2057",2.00,"PLASTER","DISC LID","Disc-shaped plaster lid, upper and lower surfaces flat. Diameter 10.5 cm. Thickness 2 cm.",2/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2057",3.00,"POTTERY","LID","Large pottery disc, presumably a lid. Fabric is well fired and pink in colour. Upper surface slightly convex, and the centre has a scar, presumably where the handle broke off. Lower surface has fragments of plaster adhering. Diameter 11.7 cm. Thickness 1.2 cm.",2/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2057",4.00,"COPPER","HOOK","Copper fish hook. A straight length of metal, with a broad hook at one end. Ribbed appearance of corrosion on shaft may reflect impression of original binding. Length 3.7 cm. Diameter at straight end 0.2 cm. Diameter at pointed end 0.01 cm.",25/1/1992 00:00:00,"Y","Mechanically cleaned, no further conservation attempted. Stored with Silica Gel in a plastic box." "2057",5.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Large quantity of mixed shell from sieving.",26/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2057",6.00,"BONE","HORN CORE","Mixed bone from sieving. Includes a horn core. Dimensions=11.2x3.2x2.4 cm.",26/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2057",7.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Small piece of corroded copper, approximately round. Diameter 1.2 cm.",26/1/1992 00:00:00,,"Mechanically cleaned." "2057",8.00,"STONE","BASIN","Deep rectangular basin of light-coloured, gritty-textured stone. Inside smooth, all other surfaces rough. Dimensions 56 x 33 x 15 cm. Depth of depression max. 6 cm.",26/1/1992 00:00:00,,"Reconstructed with Araldite." "2057",9.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing on yellow-green clay. The reverse has a string-impression. On the front is a seal-impression, the design showing a standing, bearded, ?nude figure looking to his left, hand outstretched towards a horned animal. Under the animal's head is a small bush or plant. Originally a tag. Dimensions 2.1 x 1.7 x 1 cm. MISSING FEB 93. SEE 1580:03",1/2/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "2057",10.00,"STONE","TOOL FRAG","Dark coloured, close grained, fragment of a worked stone. Broken in antiquity. Use unknown. One surface flattened and very smooth. Dimensions=11.6x12.4x9.3 cm.",9/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2062",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone from a dry sieved context.",30/12/1991 00:00:00,, "2062",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from dry sieving.",30/12/1991 00:00:00,, "2062",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Amalgamated with find no:02.",30/12/1991 00:00:00,, "2062",4.00,"GLASS","FRAGS","Two tiny, round fragments of glass. Almost black in colour. Dimensions=0.7cms in diameter.0.6cms in diameter.",30/12/1991 00:00:00,"Y", "2062",5.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Small, round piece of badly corroded copper. Diameter 0.9 cm.",30/12/1991 00:00:00,, "2062",6.00,"SLAG","FRAGS","Three small, irregular fragments of blackish bubbly slag. 2 x 1 x 0.8 cm. 1.1 x 0.8 x 1.1 cm. 5.0 x 4.6 x 5.0 cm. From shell sample. *Only two found in 1998.",4/9/1992 00:00:00,"M", "2068",1.00,"PLASTER","SAMPLE","Sample of plaster for analysis, not described.",31/3/1994 00:00:00,,"Exported for analysis to UK. March 1994." "2069",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from a dry sieved context.",31/12/1991 00:00:00,, "2070",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone from a dry sieved context.",31/12/1991 00:00:00,, "2070",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from dry sieving.",31/12/1991 00:00:00,, "2070",3.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Dark grey flint flake. No evidence of retouch. Recovered from sieving. Dimensions=3.4x2.9x1.4 cm.",31/12/1991 00:00:00,, "2070",4.00,"STONE","FRAG","Tiny piece of opaque crystal. Irregular in shape. Dimensions 0.9 x 0.3 x 0.3 cm. DISCARDED",31/12/1991 00:00:00,, "2070",5.00,"STEATITE","SEAL","Dark coloured soft stone seal. Bun or dome shaped. Edge convex (Failaka Var. 1). On the reverse are four incised circles with a central dot, and three incised lines at right angles to the perforation, interrupted or worn away across top of dome. On the front, the design shows a male animal with a ruffed neck and horns, couchant and facing left. A ?seated figure in a linear style appears above its back, ?holding a straw in his left hand. His right hand seems to be holding the horn of the animal. The head of the figure is missing. To its right is an unidentifiable motif, perhaps a pot, as the straw seems to lead to it. Diameter 2.08 cm. Height 1 cm.",2/2/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "2072",1.00,"PLASTER","SAMPLE","Sample of plaster for analysis, not described.",31/3/1994 00:00:00,,"Exported for analysis to UK. March 1994." "2073",1.00,"STONE","TOOL","Pale grey stone, approximately cubic, but with two opposing sides converging slightly. Possible traces of wear. DIMENSIONS !!!Diameter 5 cm.",16/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2078",1.00,"CLAY","BEADS","Two tiny reddish brown ovoid clay beads, each made up of one piece of clay joined at the side. 1) Diameter 0.4 cm. Length 0.6 cm. 2) Diameter 0.4 cm. Length 0.7 cm.",8/2/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "2078",2.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Two copper fragments. 1) Roughly rectangular piece of corroded copper. Dimensions 1.3 x 1.1 x 0.4 cm. 2. Irregular piece of copper recovered from a dry sieved context. Appears to be two pieces joined at right angles. Dimensions 2 x 1 x 0.4 cm.",8/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2078",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone from sieving.",26/1/1992 00:00:00,,"Mechanically cleaned." "2078",4.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from sieving.",8/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2078",5.00,"STONE","DOMED LID","Lid made of light-coloured, lightweight, porous stone. Domed in shape, with a circular depression in the centre of the under side. Upper domed surface is smoothed. Diameter 8.6 cm. Depth 4 cm.",11/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2079",1.00,"FLINT","CORE","Rough, dark grey flint core. Irregular in shape. Dimensions=5.7x4.2x3 cm.",8/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2079",2.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Irregular fragment of copper. Dimensions 2 x 1.6 x 0.5 cm.",8/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2079",3.00,"STONE","FRAG","Piece of opaque quartz, irregular in shape. No evidence of working. Dimensions=1x0.9x0.7 cm.",8/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2080",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone from sieving.",20/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2080",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell including some burnt from sieving.",20/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2080",3.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Three fragments of copper. 1) Oval in shape. Diameter 1.1 cm. Depth 0.6 cm. 2) Oval in shape. Diameter 0.9 cm. Depth 0.5 cm. 3) Irregular in shape, but one surface flattened. Possibly the end of a point. Dimensions 1.3 x 0.9 x 0.9 cm.",20/1/1992 00:00:00,,"Mechanically cleaned. No further conservation attempted. Recommend X-Ray. Stored with Silica Gel." "2080",4.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Four fragments of bitumen. Three thick pieces with weave impressions on one side, and one much thinner, also with weave impressions. Presumably from lining to one or more woven vessels. All irregular in shape. Dimensions1) 4.1x3.7x1.9 cm.2) 3.6x2.6x1.6 cm.3) 3.7x2.8x0.9c ms.4) 2.1x1.2x0.3 cm.",20/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2080",5.00,"STONE","TOOL FRAG","Fragment of very dark, very dense worked stone. One smaller surface is flat and very smooth and shiny. Broken in antiquity. Dimensions=4x3.4x32.6 cm.",19/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2081",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Animal bone from dry sieving, includes a shark growth.",11/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2083",1.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Fragment of light coloured, gritty textured stone grinder, Rectangular in shape. Many small shell inclusions evident in the stone. One surface very smooth, and flat. Dimensions 6.8x4.3x3.1 cm.",11/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2083",2.00,"MINERAL","FRAG","Fragment of shiny white quartz crystal, round and smooth on two surfaces. Irregular in shape. Dimensions=4.1x2.9x2.8 cm.",11/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2083",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone from sieving.",13/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2083",4.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from sieving.",13/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2083",5.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Three small, badly corroded fragments of copper, all irregular in shape. Dimensions: 1. 1.5 x 1 x 0.2 cm. 2) 0.6 x 0.5 x 0.4 cm. 3) 0.7 x 0.6 x 0.1 cm.",13/1/1992 00:00:00,,"Mechanically cleaned." "2084",1.00,"SHELL","WORKED SHELL?","Apex of cone shell, perhaps Quercinus, with body whorl removed, but otherwise unmodified. Diameter 4.8 cm.",16/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2084",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Large quantity of mixed bone, mostly fish, from sieving.",18/1/1992 00:00:00,, "3208",7.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder or Chopper. Very worn tapered, sub rectangular nodule of mottled light grey-brown flint. Perhaps a naturally worn nodule, or used in two stages, with enough time elapsing between the two for the flint to become very worn. Initially the entire surface became covered in pitting and scarring, perhaps naturally or a blank? The scars originate from the angled edges. The most recent use of the tool is at each end, especially the narrower curved one, which has been abraded and pitted. The recent use is not worn. Dimensions 7.7 x 6.0-4.2 x 3.5 cm. Narrow curved end dimensions 3.1 x 0.6 cm. Larger irregular end dimensions 4.9 x 2.2 cm.",1/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3208",8.00,"BONE","BONES","One broken fish bone.",27/2/1999 00:00:00,, "3209",1.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Chopper/Pounder (fragment?). Large sub-triangular piece of light grey limestone, flaked off a larger nodule. Two flattish triangular faces are pitted with scarring along the edges. The opposite slightly convex edge (hypotenuse), is steeply angled with small and large bifacial scarring, probably from chopping. Dimensions 10.2 x 9.7 x 7.2 cm. Chopping edge L: 11.3 cm.",1/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3209",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed.",1/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3209",3.00,"SHELL","CONE BEAD","Small cone shell, light pinkish yellow and slightly glossy surface with vague mottled patterning. The apex has been ground flat to reveal the natural hole, presumably for use as a bead. Slightly worn with shell edge partly eaten away. Otherwise intact. L: 2.44; W: 1.27; T: 1.0 cm.",1/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3211",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed.",1/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3211",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed. One bivalve has angled breakage, possibly where bashed open.",1/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3212",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed.",1/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3212",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","2 bivalve clam.",1/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3212",3.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder fragment. Possibly double sided. Triangular corner piece of light brown, small-medium grained sandstone. One face has been worn slightly convex and smooth, especially near the narrow rounded end, the rest being pitted. On this face there are fine unidirectional striations running the length of the fragment. The corner is rounded. The opposite face (base) is flat and joins the upper face at an angle. It is pitted, with some grinding of the higher zones, possibly from use rather than shaping. Dimensions 11.2 x 10.7 x 3.55 cm.",8/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3212",4.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pestle/Pounder. Elongated ovoid nodule of dark grey-brown flint with thick, smooth creamy cortex, and partly jutting seam running longitudinally up one side. One oval end has scars which are partly invasive up one side. The opposite end, still cortex, appears smooth and slightly greyer than the rest of the cortex. The seam edge is scarred towards the worked end, where it juts out and has a convex edge. Intact. A very good example. Dimensions 8.7 x 3.7 x 2.95 cm. Scarred end 2.1 x 1.8 cm. Seam scarring length 5.5 cm. 139.0 gm.",8/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3214",1.00,"COPPER","WIRE OBJECT","Shaft of possible fishhook or nail. Straight piece of copper just starting to curve at one end. Probably square in section. Length 3.5; thickness 0.7 x 0.6-0.5 cm.",1/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3214",2.00,"COPPER","OBJECT","Thick, sub-triangular piece of copper, perhaps a corner from something. Dimensions 4.9 x 3.85 x 1.5 cm.",1/3/1999 00:00:00,," Good metal within?" "3214",3.00,"PLASTER","DOMED LID","Domed lid of light grey plaster. One face flat, the other convex. Rounded, slightly irregular edges. Two wide, linear marks on the convex face. Intact. Diameter 9.0-8.75; Thickness 3.55 cm.",1/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3214",4.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Large Pounder. Sub ovoid nodule of light grey limestone, one side is fairly flat. There are no really defined faces. Entire surface is pitted and scarred, concentrated at each oval-triangular convex end. The scarring originates at the irregular angled edges of the ends and sides. Dimensions 12.5 x 9.4 x 9.0 cm.",1/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3214",5.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed including small gastropod, murex & strombus. Includes small bag of sieved (1mm) shell from below bitumen basket/mat 3214:10.",1/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3214",6.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed, mostly fishbone. Includes two separate bags of fishbone, and one small bag of sieved (1mm) bone from below bitumen basket/mat 3214:10.",1/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3214",7.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. 3/4 of a cuboid (one corner broken off) piece of light grey limestone. One face slightly convex. The opposite face is irregular, and the four sides are flat-convex. All the faces are pitted and the edges scarred, especially the slightly convex main face. Dimensions 10.65 x 9.05 x 6.7 cm.",6/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3214",8.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Flat section from the lining to matting or a basket, broken into approx. 100 fragments. The bitumen shows the impression of cross-woven palm frond strips, some in multiple layers, with an additional irregular-smoother coat on one face. The width of the strips is larger than for a cup, and the appearance is fairly coarse. Perhaps the object was broken and squashed together before being abandoned. The bitumen contains other vegetable impressions and inclusions. Largest dimensions 3.8 x 3.7 x 0.9 cm. Strip width 1.6-1.1 cm.",10/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3214",9.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Sub ovoid fragment/slag of copper with brown staining. Dimensions 1.4 x 1.15 x 0.9 cm.",14/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3214",10.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Fragments from the lining of a large basket or mat. Impressions of cross-woven palm frond strips fortified with radiating frond stems, all covered with a flattish bitumen coating. One side has single wide frond strip, possibly edging. Entirely flat and coarser in appearance than a cup. Largest preserved section is 19.0 x 11.0 cm on sand support. Strip width 0.5-1.0 cm. Edging width 2.5-2.1 cm. Stem width 0.6 cm. One small bag contains untreated fragments.",15/3/1999 00:00:00,,"Small bag of fragments untreated. Preserved in 4 large sections on sand using 10% Vinamul 6825 in distilled water, then Vinamul with Klucel G (5:1) as a final coating." "3214",11.00,"STEATITE","RIM","Rim fragment from large, deep bowl of greenish steatite. Rim is simple, narrow and rounded, walls are vertical. Interior and exterior have been ground, the exterior is very smooth (not polished) from being ground longer. There is no decoration. Diameter (reconstructed) 22 cm. Extant height 7.75 cm; width 0.3-1.28 (rim-body) cm.",14/3/1999 00:00:00,," (Very similar to complete vessel seen at Shaikha Noora's Palace in Janabiya, est. diam. 26 cm; height 40 cm. RLS 1999)." "3214",12.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Utilised flake or Scraper, on possible pounder flake. Cortical flake of mottled/banded cream-brown-grey flint, with creamy white cortex which has tiny grey dots. The cortical platform is pitted and scarred. Rippled ventral surface with hinged termination. A previous flake scar can be seen on the dorsal face, removed by a strike from the side, creating a wide shallow notch. This straightish lateral edge also has retouch/use wear. Intact. L: 5.8; W: 5.9; T: 1.6 cm. Length of R/U edge 3.25 (including notch) cm.",14/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3214",13.00,"ORGANIC","DATE PIPS","21 small carbonised date pip fragments. Largest dimensions 0.5 x 0.45 x 0.25 cm. Total weight 0.2 gm.",15/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3214",14.00,"SHELL","PIERCED BIVALVE","Shell of pearl oyster with pierced by large oval hole. Shell L: 4.4; W:4.1; hole 0.9 x 0.9 cm. 7.6 gm.",14/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3215",1.00,"COPPER","SPEARHEAD","Tanged spearhead with tip broken off, and perhaps one lower corner. Blade is in the form of a short isosceles triangle, the long sides gently curved. There is no mid-rib, but the blade is thicker down the centre. The tang is thick and solid, widest beside the blade, tapering and squared off at the other end, rectangular in section. The flat surfaces of the object are covered in small lumpy corrosion, otherwise it feels solid. Extant Maximum L: 12.8; W: 4.2; T: 0.9 cm. Blade L: 6.1; W: 4.2-1.8; T: 0.9-0.4 cm. Tang L:6.65; W: 2.05-0.7; T: 0.9-0.35 cm.",16/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3215",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed.",16/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3215",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed.",16/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3215",4.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Pebble Smoother/Polisher. Ovoid pebble of light brown-grey limestone(?). Surface is weathered smooth. One oval face has been worn smoother than the rest, no striations visible. Intact. Dimensions 2.85 x 2.15 x 1.95 cm. Smooth area 2.35 x 1.6 cm. 18.4 gm.",16/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3215",5.00,"STONE","CHOPPER","Chopper on Pounder fragment. Rectangular, with rounded corners, piece of mid grey, very close grained igneous stone. Unusual stone that contains larger darker grains, and some smaller red ones. Possibly porphyritic basalt. Originally a thin cobble with naturally weathered and extremely smooth convex faces. Chopping/pounding on the two straight sides and especially the convex ends has caused deep scarring, particularly across one face. One end is narrower than the other forming the bit of the Chopper. Well used but intact. A very good example. L: 9.35; W: 7.05; T: 3.0 cm. Ends L: bit 6.55; butt 6.4 cm.",16/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3215",6.00,"PLASTER","DOMED LID","Large domed lid of whitish plaster. One face flat, with swirling finger marks from smoothing out the plaster. The other face convex, and slightly wrinkled, with concentric impressions of a tightly woven basket, the centre of which has an irregular star impression (stitching of the central seam?). The edges are slightly undulating and curved up (due to settling in the basket when it was made). Intact. Diameter 18.0-17.5 cm. Thickness 4.75 cm.",16/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3215",7.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder, reused fragment. Oval piece of dark grey, small grained igneous stone. Possibly dolerite and basalt. One face is slightly convex, with a smooth zone towards one end (natural?). The rest is lightly pitted and three of the convex edges are scarred and pitted. The opposite face is flat, probably an old break. It has subsequently been scarred, and parts of the upper zones worn smooth. All the edges are scarred. The extant convex edge is rounded and smooth. Dimensions 5.4 x 4.7 x 2.15 cm.",16/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3217",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed. Some fragments are burnt.",2/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3217",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Fish bone.",2/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3217",3.00,"CLAY","SAMPLE","Light green natural clay, broken into approx. 20 fragments. Unworked fine clay with occasional orange inclusions. Largest dimensions 4.7 x 3.2 x 2.35 cm.",2/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3218",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed. Includes large mammal bone.",8/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3218",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed, mostly bivalve clam. 4 burnt shells. Fragments from at least 5 razor shells.7 bivalves show consistent angled breakages: where bashed open?",13/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3218",3.00,"CLAY","FRAGS","Sealing frags? Five small fragments of sandy, light brown clay with occasional tiny white inclusions. Reverse surfaces missing. Several have one or more smoothed faces. Largest piece has one smooth surface with impressions of narrow striations, perhaps from grass or reeds. One small piece appears to have been pinched up. Dimensions of largest 1.6 x 1.7 x 0.5, smallest 1.06 x 0.8 x 0.52 cm.",8/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3218",4.00,"POTTERY","SHERDS","Two large body fragments from a large jar, with a thick bitumen deposit on the inside, towards one corner. Red clay, greyer out in parts. Temper of grit and white circular inclusions. Dimensions (1)12.7 x 9.55 x 0.95 cm. (2)13.7 x 8.95 x 0.9 cm.",8/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3218",5.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Pebble Chopper/Pestle. Sub oval pebble of light grey silicified limestone, hard like flint. The surface is naturally weathered smooth. The pointed end is very scarred. Intact, good example. Dimensions 7.2 (above point) x 4.8 x 2.1 cm.",9/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3218",6.00,"FOSSIL ECHINOID","POUNDER","Fossil echinoid used as Pounder. Hemispherical/oval piece of light grey limestone. Parts of worn radiating sections of echinoid visible on the convex face, and central anus on the flat face. Only the high centre of the convex face is pitted, the rest is worn. Most of the flat face and the circumference is pitted and scarred. Intact, a good example. Diameter 6.65-6.05; thickness 3.8 cm.",9/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3218",7.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Large Pounder fragment. Approx. 1/3 of a spherical cobble of light grey limestone, with two flattened faces. Extant convex surface is entirely pitted. All the edges are scarred. There is a jutting triangular lump of harder stone (a fossil?) on the flat broken face. Dimensions 12.7 x 9.4 x 8.15 cm.",9/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3218",8.00,"STONE","FRAG","Building stone fragment. Irregular lump of light grey limestone. Discarded. Dimensions 5.9 x 5.3 x 4.2 cm.",9/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3218",9.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Grindstone fragment. Double-sided, trough type, possibly open ended. Sub-rectangular slab of light grey-brown farush sandstone. Small sand grain matrix between shell grit and small shells (mostly gastropod). Both faces have been worn concave leaving informal, but pronounced, concave edges on either side of the direction of wear. In addition there are unidirectional striations running the present width of the stone (I.e. is broken off at each end of the grindstone). One face is at a slight angle to the other . The extant sides are near vertical, slightly convex and have rough shaping scars. The broken edges are irregular-straight, the centre of one being thinner than the other. Max. dimensions 24.0 x 17.5 x 6.1-0.9 cm. Extant L: 17.5-9.75; W: 24.0-18.0; T: 6.1-0.9 cm. Concave face (1 with more shells) L: 20.7-16.5; W: 14.5-8.5; (2) 23.6-17.7; W: 16.7-10.0 cm. Thickness: sides 6.1-4.1 cm; ground centre of stone 4.8-0.9 cm. Depth (1) 1.0; (2) 1.2 cm.",9/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3218",10.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Chopper. Ovate-oval piece (reworked flake?) of banded light and dark grey-brown cherty-flint, with thick creamy cortex on one thicker side. Both faces are scarred, the convex one perhaps the original ventral surface. One lateral edge and two edges of the blunt end (platform) have retouch/use wear. The pointed end (distal) is very scarred, continuing on from the wear on the lateral edge. Intact, a good example. Dimensions 8.2 x 6.15 x 3.75 cm.",9/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3218",11.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Possible Pounder fragment, perhaps used when broken as informal Scraper. Small section of an unusual nodule of variable brown, close grained igneous (?) stone. Possibly basalt? The cortex is thin and weathered very smooth, dark grey in colour with wiggly white inclusions. Below this is a small patch of white quartzite. One end of the fragment is scarred and two of the sharply angled broken edges have retouch/use wear. One of these edges is convex (cortical), the other is straight. Parts of the cortex are pitted. Dimensions 6.7 x 4.1 x 2.5 cm.",10/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3218",12.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Flat section of lining from a mat or basket, broken into approx. 200 fragments. The bitumen shows the impression of cross-woven palm frond strips with an additional irregular-smoother coat on one face. Running across the weave are radiating twig impressions with pointed ends. The width of the strips is larger than for a cup, and the appearance is fairly coarse. There are some thicker pieces, perhaps from near the base/seams. The bitumen contains other vegetable impressions and inclusions. Largest dimensions (thicker piece) 6.2 x 4.3 x 2.0 cm; (matting) 4.65 x 3.2 x 0.9 cm. Strip width 1.3-1.0 cm.",11/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3218",13.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Sub trapezoidal cobble of dark grey, medium grained igneous stone. Possibly dolerite. The two opposing triangular faces are slightly convex. They are both pitted, with one having a flat smooth area (natural?). Between these is an oval flat face/side, with central pitting, which is a lighter grey. The other side is narrower and convex, with a circular flat face at one end. It is very pitted and slightly scarred. One end is narrow and scarred, the other irregular and pitted. All the edges are scarred. Dimensions 8.6 x 6.1 x 6.0-2.8 cm.",11/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3218",14.00,"FOSSIL BIVALVE","POUNDER","Fossil bivalve used as Pebble Pounder. Spherical light grey limestone. Almost all traces of fossil have been worn away. Entire surface pitted. Intact, good example. Diameter 3.15-3.05 cm. 36.1 gm.",11/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3512",13.00,"CLAY","FRAGS","5 fragments of hard fired orange clay. One face is slightly moir? yellow and smoothish, with impressions of brush or other instrument. Fabric is crumbly with occasional small pebble inclusions. From near fireplace/tannur? Largest dimensions 5.4 x 3.8 x 2.6 cm.",24/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3512",14.00,"PLASTER","FRAG","Sub-triangular piece of soft, dark grey ashy plaster. One face is smooth and flat, the other irregular. Numerous vegetal inclusions including carbonised date pips. Dimensions 8.05 x 7.1 x 3.5 cm.",24/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3513",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed.",11/4/1998 00:00:00,, "3513",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed. Includes one cuttlefish fragment.",24/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3513",3.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Sub ovoid piece of medium-large grained dark grey igneous stone. Possibly dolerite. One main face is slightly convex, the other is slightly concave. Both are scarred. One side is straight, the other convex. Both ends are convex, one being larger than the other. The sides and ends are rounded, totally pitted and scarred. Dimensions 8.0 x 5.15 x 3.35 cm.",11/4/1998 00:00:00,, "3513",4.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","From floor beside tripod 3520. Area 401. Packed into 2 large bags. 258.9 gm sample kept, rest sieved and then discarded.",11/4/1998 00:00:00,, "3513",5.00,"CLAY","FRAG","One lump of burnt orange clay. Probably from tannur. One face is irregular with finger impressions, the other is smooth, concave and burnt black. Found near hearth on floor. Dimensions 4.3 x 4.0 x 2.65 cm.",24/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3514",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed.",30/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3514",2.00,"PLASTER","TRIPOD LEG","Conical lump of plaster: 'Leg' from a cooking tripod. About two thirds extant. Dark grey ashy plaster, moulded into conical shape with smooth outer surface. Interior very soft with many carbonised vegetal inclusions and several small pebbles. There is a fine crack across the entire convex surface. Extant height 15.2 cm. Width 14.7 x approx. 9.35 cm.",30/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3514",3.00,"PLASTER","LID?","Oval slab of light grey plaster, one face is flat and smooth, the other slightly concave. Worn, with much scarring - possibly a lid re-used as a tool. Dimensions 8.1 x 6.6 x 3.05 cm.",30/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3514",4.00,"STONE","BASIN","Sub-circular basin. Light grey limestone with tiny sand hollows. Upper surface has a narrow rounded rim which is partly chipped. On the interior the sides have a gentle slope which changed abruptly at the flat inner base. On the exterior the sides are nearly vertical, showing vertical chisel marks. The sides change abruptly for a slightly convex base. The surfaces are slightly weathered, with the interior sides showing the horizontal layering of the rock. Intact except for rim chipping. Diameter rim exterior 36.7-35.0; interior 33.5-32.0 cm. Diameter base exterior 34.5-33.0; interior 27.5-26.5 cm. Height exterior max. 8.5; interior 5.5 cm. Max depth interior 6.7 cm.",23/4/1998 00:00:00,, "3514",5.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 3514:4. 434.6 gm",13/4/1998 00:00:00,, "3514",6.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Soil Sample/Fill within stone basin 3514:4. Above lower fill 3514:10. 1116 gm. 101 gm to Australia in 1998.",31/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3514",7.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","2 pearl oyster.",30/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3514",8.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Fragment of copper with a figure of 8 shape (waisted), with 2 slightly convex faces. Some brown rust. Dimensions 1.8 x 1.0-0.8 x 0.7 cm.",30/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3514",9.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Below/beside stone basin 3514:4. 308.3 gm.",23/4/1998 00:00:00,, "3514",10.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Lower fill of basin 3514:4. 1003.2 gm.",13/4/1998 00:00:00,, "3514",11.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","General. Area 402. 848.0 gm.",4/4/1998 00:00:00,, "3514",12.00,"STONE","FRAG","Probable building stone. Sub oval piece of dark grey, close grained, vesicular basalt. Triangular in section. Two faces and one edge are flattish. Dimensions 8.2 x 5.4 x 3.3 cm. DISCARDED.",20/4/1998 00:00:00,, "3514",13.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder fragment. Quarter spherical fragment of dark grey small grained igneous stone. Probably dolerite. One main original face is convex, indicating the stone may once have been spherical. The other two broken faces and two broken sides are irregular. All are entirely pitted or worn. Dimensions 6.4 x 5.4 x 4.5 cm.",20/4/1998 00:00:00,, "3514",14.00,"STONE","FRAG","Natural fragment. Sub triangular piece of dark grey limestone. Weathered lumpy surface with natural hollows. Possibly heat affected. Dimensions 12.0 x 6.5 x 3.0 cm. DISCARDED.",20/4/1998 00:00:00,, "3514",15.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","In situ.",3/5/1998 00:00:00,, "3514",16.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside stone tools 3514:12-15. Only part of original 4 bag sample kept after sieving remainder: 609 gm.",20/4/1998 00:00:00,, "3514",17.00,"POTTERY","INCISED RIM","Incised rim sherd of large ridged storage jar. Hard pink clay, circular lime inclusions. Three incised lines on outer edge of rim, forming an arrow shape which does not join at the point. 'Arrow' points upward. Central line is 0.87 cm long. Dimensions of sherd 11.2 x 5.25 x 4.1 cm.",20/4/1998 00:00:00,, "3515",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed.",11/4/1998 00:00:00,, "3515",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed. 2 fragments are burnt.",13/4/1998 00:00:00,, "3515",3.00,"FLINT","TOOL","1) Chopper/Core AND 2) Flake (broken off?). 1) Large sub-ovoid nodule of brown flint with creamy white cortex. One main face is convex, the other irregular. One convex edge is continuously bifacially scarred forming an undulating denticulated edge. Two cortical flakes have been removed from the irregular face towards the opposite end, and another from the opposite end itself. These due to hafting or core testing? The scars on the convex edge have mostly hinged or step terminations. The convex face has the larger scars, the earlier ones are the largest. L: 12.4; W: 12.5; T: 7.6 cm. Convex face scars a) L: 2.8; W: 4.0. b) L: 2.2; W: 2.8 cm. The irregular face scars a) L: 1.9; W: 3.7. b) L: 2.3; W: 4.3 cm. Scar towards opposite end L: 4.7; W: 3.8 cm. Scar at opposite end L: 3.7; W: 2.1 cm. 2) Flake is pointed piece of dark grey-brown flint with light creamy-grey cortex on lateral edge. Bipolar and possibly heat affected. Scarred platform (narrow) and crushed pointed termination. Dorsal face angled and concave. L: 3.95; W: 2.7; T: 1.0 cm.",12/4/1998 00:00:00,, "3515",4.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder/Hammer. Waisted rectangular flat piece of pink-brown quartzite. Both main faces are flat with pitting concentrated in the central zone. The sides are vertical-concave/waisted in the middle. Both rectangular ends are slightly convex, vertical, and very pitted and scarred. These surface features are from manufacture. One end is smaller than the other. A good example, intact. L: 8.2; W: 6.65-4.2; T: 3.7 cm. Width where waisted 5.05 cm. Small end 4.2 x 3.3 cm. Large end 6.6 x 3.5 cm.",12/4/1998 00:00:00,, "3515",5.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder. Ovoid (discoid) piece of light grey limestone with two flat faces. One circular face has been worn flat and smooth with shallow unidirectional striations across the width. The edges are scarred. The opposite face is flattish/irregular and scarred. The wide convex sides/circumference is entirely pitted with scarred edges. Diameter 7.8-7.7 cm. T: 5.8-4.4 cm. Flat face 7.1 x 6.8 cm.",12/4/1998 00:00:00,, "3515",6.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Fragment of grinder. Sub-square piece of light brown sandstone with small-medium sand grains. Very worn, and hard to tell which face was the upper or the lower. One main face (possibly the upper) slopes down at one side, and is bevelled beside what may have been the original straight, vertical edge. The other main face is flat with rounded pitting and a triangular hollow. It is slightly bevelled beside the straight edge. The three broken sides are roughly straight and near vertical. Dimensions 8.25 x 7.7 x 4.9 cm.",12/4/1998 00:00:00,, "3515",7.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside stone tools 3515:4, 5 & 6. Only part of the 3 bag sample kept after sieving remainder: 749.7 gm.",12/4/1998 00:00:00,, "3515",8.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Sub ovoid piece of dark grey small grained igneous stone. Possibly basalt or dolerite. One main face is convex, the other is flat. The two straight sides are rounded. One end is flat, the other angled. The entire surface is pitted, with shallow scars. The entire surface is slightly worn. Dimensions 6.5 x 5.2 x 4.1 cm.",12/4/1998 00:00:00,, "3515",9.00,"STEATITE","SEAL","Dark grey stone with traces of glaze. Edge convex and glazed (Failaka F2). Reverse Boss very worn. Pierced, but top of boss has almost worn through, exposing most of the perforation. Faint traces of three parallel lines near edge, but no trace of dot and circle decoration. Obverse: Standing human figure in centre of field. He has a beard, wears a hatched skirt, and faces right. To the right he holds a long straw which leads into a pot near his feet to the right. Beyond the jar, on the edge of the seal, is a vertical scorpion, facing up. To the left of the figure is a horned male animal with ruffed neck. It is vertical, in a leaping position with foreleg tucked up. The human figure holds its foreleg. Diameter 1.9 cm. Height 1.63 cm.",13/4/1998 00:00:00,, "3515",10.00,"BITUMEN","BEAD","Spherical bead with large central hole. Wider and more rounded at one end. Surface is very pockmarked. Hole slightly oval and larger at wider end. Diameter 2.3-2.1 cm. Length 1.9 cm. Hole diameter 0.7-0.6 cm.",13/4/1998 00:00:00,, "3515",11.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing fragment of dense greeny clay with a stone chip preserved in it. Nothing of edges or reverse preserved. Obverse: fragment of seal impression, probably from central part of seal. To the right, the back part of a standing animal. It faces right but is probably looking back over its shoulder. To the left are the feet and flounced skirt of a human figure, facing right. The impression is very neat, and came from a well-cut seal. Dimensions 1.6 x 0.9 x 0.95 cm.",13/4/1998 00:00:00,, "3515",12.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pebble Pounder. Small sub ovoid naturally worn pebble of light grey limestone. One triangular end has been scarred and pitted, leaving a wide, angled face. The rest of the pebble consists of three faces, with rounded edges, and occasional natural hollows. Intact. Length from worked face 3.4; width: 2.9; thickness: 2.6 cm. Dimensions of worked face 2.75 x 2.7 cm.",15/4/1998 00:00:00,, "3515",13.00,"STONE","PEBBLE","Possible Pebble Pounder. Oval pebble of dark grey limestone (?) with small surface hollows. One face is convex, the other is flat. The circumference (rounded edges) is slightly scarred, possibly not naturally, in several places. Diameter 3.7 cm. T: 2.2 cm.",15/4/1998 00:00:00,, "3515",14.00,"STONE","FRAGS","2 fragments, one a possible tool (a pounder). Both are triangular pieces of grey mudstone, with flat weathered faces and straight, worn rounded edges. A) Possibly utilized where one side is broken. B) No evidence of use, naturally weathered pitting across the flattest face and along the longest edge. Dimensions A) 5.0 x 4.5 x 1.45 cm; B) 5.6 x 2.95 x 1.9 cm. Found in sand on floor 3534.",15/4/1998 00:00:00,, "3515",15.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Fragment of grinder. Sub-oval piece of light brown sandstone with mixed sand grains and occasional shell fragments. One main face (upper) has been worn flat with scattered pitting and hollows from where shells have fallen out. The face slopes down at one end. The other main face (base) is slightly convex and almost entirely covered in white gypsum plaster. There is a small burnt area near the broken edge. The extant end, and parts of the two extant sides are narrow, rounded and slope down to the base. There are large bivalve shell fragments in the broken straight end. Dimensions 14.8 x 10.0 x 3.8-1.6 cm (broken end-extant end).",15/4/1998 00:00:00,, "3515",16.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Below/beside 3515:15. Only part of the original 3 bags sample kept after sieving remainder: 579.8 gm.",15/4/1998 00:00:00,, "3515",17.00,"POTTERY","BOWL","Fragment of deep bowl. Extremely fine orange clay, no apparent temper. Red paint out, and inside rim, heavy vertical burnish out. Plain pinched rim, straight sides, tapering slightly. Very well-made. Wheel thrown. Diameter 12 cm. Dimensions 8.9 x 5.8 cm.",11/4/1998 00:00:00,, "3515",18.00,"FLINT","TOOL FRAGS","2 joining Pounder fragments, broken off end. Dark grey-brown flint with creamy-grey cortex on one face. Sub trapezoidal corner fragment with parts of 4 extant flattish faces. All edges are scarred and pitted. The flattish broken face and its edges have been scarred after the piece was broken off. The join between the two fragments has a small gap. Total Dimensions 4.1 x 3.9 x 2.95 cm.",11/4/1998 00:00:00,, "3515",19.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Chopper or Pounder fragment. Sub ovoid/suboid piece of mottled dark - light brown, opaque flint. One oval face, with 4 parts of 2 sides and 2 ends extant. All edges are scarred and pitted. The tool has been broken by a strike at the convex end, and subsequently the fragment has been used along the edges of the broken face. Dimensions 5.4 x 3.9 x 3.3 cm.",15/4/1998 00:00:00,, "3519",1.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Sub rectangular fragment of copper. Elongated with two convex faces and bright green corrosion on one side. Dimensions 1.5 x 1.3 x 0.9 cm.",2/4/1998 00:00:00,, "3520",1.00,"PLASTER","TRIPOD LEG","Conical lump of smoothed plaster: a 'leg' from a cooking tripod. Mixed dark, soft, ashy plaster with firmer, crusty surface. Inside it is very crumbly and soft. Numerous carbonised vegetal inclusions. Extant height 1.0 cm. Base diameter 15.2 x 12.2 cm.",11/4/1998 00:00:00,, "3524",1.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Fill of tannur 3521. Area 401. 4 larges bags, 10 litres. A separate 299.2 gm sampled for analysis RLS 1998.",1/4/1998 00:00:00,, "3530",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed.",5/4/1998 00:00:00,, "3534",1.00,"COPPER","WIRE OBJECT","Long shaft fragment. Oval in section, surface very corroded and partly bright green. Possible fish hook or nail. L: 3.85 cm. Shaft diameter av. 0.5 cm.",15/4/1998 00:00:00,, "3534",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed.",15/4/1998 00:00:00,, "3534",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","All bivalve clam, one is burnt.",15/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6510",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. Not sieved.",15/3/1995 00:00:00,, "6510",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. Not sieved.",15/3/1995 00:00:00,, "6511",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. Not sieved.",16/3/1995 00:00:00,, "6511",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. Not sieved.",16/3/1995 00:00:00,, "6512",1.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Patch of bitumen-coated coarsely-woven palm-leaf, from a basket or possibly a mat. Dimensions of largest fragment 6.0 x 4.9 x 0.5< cm.",19/3/1995 00:00:00,"Y","Shattered in situ, not possible to keep together on lifting." "6512",2.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","More than a hundred small fragments of bitumen from the lining to one or more woven vessels. Most have one face flat and the opposite with weave impressions. Largest dimensions 2.1 x 1.4 x 0.6 cm.",19/3/1995 00:00:00,, "6512",3.00,"STONE","SOCKET","Door socket, intact. Sub oval/square large piece of light grey limestone with upper surface worn smooth and concave. The concavity is fairly wide at the top and then the sides suddenly angle down until near the bottom they angle down sharply again to form a narrow concave base. The base has a slightly raised bump in the centre. The sides are worn and irregular, the bottom of the stone is fairly flat. Stone dimensions 23.0 x 20.0 x 9.1 cm. Concavity diameter: top 16.0, upper/mid 10.0, lower/base 4.5 cm.",19/3/1995 00:00:00,, "6512",4.00,"PLASTER","POT LINING","Four fragments of light grey plaster. All thin and curved and probably lined a pottery vessel. The outer surface is relatively smooth with fine horizontal impressions, the inner concave surface is rough. Largest dimensions 12.2 x 6.6 x 0.2-0.9 cm.",19/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6515",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. Not sieved.",20/3/1995 00:00:00,, "6515",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. Not sieved.",20/3/1995 00:00:00,, "6516",1.00,"PLASTER","RENDER FRAGS","Twenty six fragments of light grey plaster, presumably render, with impressions of stones etc on the underneath, which is uneven. The upper part/interior has a darker grey thin set coat. Some of the fragments show the beginning of the curve up to the side. Largest fragment is sub-trapezoid, dimensions 18.5 x 13.0 x 2.8 cm. Set coat thickness 0.7-0.2 cm. It is thickest just at the base of the side.",21/3/1995 00:00:00,,"Sample from the basin feature lining." "6518",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. Not sieved.",21/3/1995 00:00:00,, "6518",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. Not sieved.",21/3/1995 00:00:00,, "6518",3.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","9 fragments of copper all different sizes and shapes. 1) Sub ovoid 11.8 x 1.0 x 1.0 cm. 2) Sub ovoid 0.9 x 0.8 x 0.6 cm. 3) Sub ovoid slag 1.0 x 0.7 x 0.3 cm. 4) Sub ovoid 0.7 x 0.4 x 0.2 cm. 5.-9. Sub ovoid 0.1 - 0.5 cm.",21/3/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "6518",4.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Grindstone, intact. Made from sub-oval piece of light brown sandstone with numerous quartz inclusions. One surface has been worn smooth, particularly in a circular central area. The opposite face is slightly convex. The edges are rounded but narrow. One long edge is slightly chipped. Dimensions 36.0 x 23.3 x 4.4 cm.",21/3/1995 00:00:00,, "6519",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. Not sieved.",21/3/1995 00:00:00,, "6520",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. Not sieved. 4 bivalves show consistent angled breakages: where bashed open?",25/3/1995 00:00:00,, "6520",2.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Fragment of Pounder/Smoother. Oval fragment of dark grey close grained stone, basalt (?). One extant surface is worn smooth, the other is abraded. Probably broken during pounding. Dimensions 3.6 x 2.5 x 1.0 cm.",25/3/1995 00:00:00,, "6520",3.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Possible Pounder. Sub ovoid piece of light grey limestone. Surface is irregular and worn, with several scars that may have been formed during use as a pounder. Intact? Dimensions 8.5 x 6.6 x 5.5 cm.",25/3/1995 00:00:00,, "6520",4.00,"FOSSIL ECHINOID","POUNDER/SMOOTHER","Echinoid fossil possible utilised as Pounder/Smoother. Light grey limestone. Parts of the upper convex surface and edges are abraded. The flat lower surface is partly smooth, possibly due to wear. Intact. Height 3.3, diameter 5.1-6.3 cm.",25/3/1995 00:00:00,, "6520",5.00,"FAIENCE","BEAD","Ovoid blue bead, probably faience. Intact. Length 0.55, diameter 0.5 cm.",25/3/1995 00:00:00,, "6520",6.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Ovoid fragment. Dimensions 0.8 x 0.5 x 0.4 cm.",25/3/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "6520",7.00,"SHELL","CONE BEAD","Cone(?) shell with large hole in shaved-off and polished apex. Worn surface with remnants of dark red-brown markings. Intact with slight damage on one edge. Length 3.6, max width 2.6, max thickness 2.5 cm. Hole diameter 0.5 cm.",8/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6520",8.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Pounder/Smoother (fragment?). Sub ovoid fragment of dark grey close grained stone, basalt (?) One convex face has been worn smooth and convex. Part of this face and the rest of the stone has been abraded. Intact? Dimensions 5.8 x 3.8 x 2.6 cm.",25/3/1995 00:00:00,, "6520",9.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. Not sieved.",25/3/1995 00:00:00,, "6520",10.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Corner fragment from grinder, of light brown sandstone with numerous quartz inclusions sandstone. Sub- rectangular piece One face has been worn smooth and flat, the opposite is convex. Two of the edges are narrow with others nearly vertical, possibly broken. Dimensions 10.9 x 8.2 x 4.6 cm.",25/3/1995 00:00:00,, "6520",11.00,"BONE","BONES","Articulated bone. Very small animal. In bag.",25/3/1995 00:00:00,, "6520",12.00,"SHELL","PIERCED SHELLS","Two shells, each a with large sub-oval hole in its side. Both intact. 1) Pearl oyster shell. Length 5.7, width 5.4 cm. Hole dimensions 0.9 x 0.8 cm. 2) Murex shell. Length 5.2, width 3.9, thickness 2.8 cm. Hole dimensions 1.5 x 1.4 cm.",25/3/1995 00:00:00,, "6520",13.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAG","Sub-oval fragment from the bitumen lining to a woven vessel, with impressions of woven palm-leaf. On one face these impressions are long and linear. Dimensions 3.0 x 2.2 x 0.9 cm.",25/3/1995 00:00:00,, "6520",14.00,"PLASTER","RENDER FRAGS","Five fragments of light grey plaster, probably render. Irregular shapes, some have one smooth side and the other with possible broad vegetal impressions. Largest dimensions 5.6 x 4.4 x 2.0 cm.",25/3/1995 00:00:00,, "6520",15.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Broken tool/retouched flake. Sub triangular fragment of mottled grey-brown flint with remnant weathered surface on dorsal. Striking platform broken away but original distal edge was hinged. Both long edges and the rounded tip are retouched and also have possible use wear. Towards the pointed end the edges are notched. All retouch is from the dorsal surface. Previous scars on the dorsal surface struck from the side (forming the point) and the distal edge. Dimensions 2.8 x 2.1 x 1.55 cm.",25/3/1995 00:00:00,, "6522",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. Not sieved.",12/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6522",2.00,"SHELL","PIERCED MUREX","Murex shell with two small holes in the sides. Otherwise intact. Apparently drilled, but possibly natural holes made by other molluscs. Length 4.8, width 3.7, thickness 3.1 cm.",12/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6522",3.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Pounder/Smoother fragment. Sub oval fragment of dark grey close grained stone. Extant flat-convex face is mostly worn smooth. The edges are abraded and partly deeply scarred. Probably damaged during pounding. Dimensions 8.4 x 7.6 x 2.6 cm.",12/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6522",4.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. Not sieved.",12/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6522",5.00,"FOSSIL BIVALVE","POUNDER","Bivalve fossil possibly utilised as a Pounder tool. Light grey limestone. The edges are either worn or abraded through pounding. Intact. Length 4.2, width 5.0, thickness 2.9 cm.",12/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6522",6.00,"PLASTER","LID?","Large oval fragment of white plaster. Possibly a rough lid. One face is smooth and convex, the opposite is both convex and concave. All edges are narrow, the three thinnest being partly broken. The other edge is straight and probably formed when the plaster was poured up against something flat or straight. Dimensions 19.2 x 11.9 x 2.9 cm.",12/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6522",7.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Five fragments of bitumen from the lining to one or more woven vessels. All have vegetable impressions on one face and the other is fairly smooth. Largest fragment 1.3 x 1.3 x 0.5 cm.",12/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6522",8.00,"COPPER","STRIP","Semicircular thin strip of copper partly bent at one edge. Dimensions 1.0 x 0.9 x 0.2 cm.",12/4/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "6522",9.00,"PLASTER","FRAGS","Two fragments of grey ashy plaster. Numerous inclusions including vegetal. Largest lump dimensions 5.0 x 4.9 x 3.0 cm.",12/4/1995 00:00:00,,"Sent to Hempel Marine Paints , Manama, for analysis 16/5/95." "6523",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Occupation deposit sample. 4 buckets.",18/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6523",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. Not sieved.",15/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6523",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. Not sieved.",15/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6523",4.00,"SHELL","PIERCED BIVALVE","Pearl oyster shell with oval hole in one side. Intact. Shell length 4.3, width 3.8 cm. Hole dimensions 0.6 x 0.4 cm.",15/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6523",5.00,"FLINT","FLAKE","Flake of mottled light grey-brown flint with thick creamy white cortex. Striking platform is the naturally fractured/weathered surface which is scarred. The distal edge is plunging and incorporates the cortex. The concoidal scar is partly concave. Previous scars on the dorsal surface struck from the proximal end. L: 4.0, W: 3.8, T: 1.1 cm.",15/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6524",1.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Seventeen fragments of bitumen from the lining to one or more woven vessels. Most have on one face impressions of cross-weave, the opposite face being generally fairly smooth. Largest (from base?) dimensions 2.8 x 1.6 x 0.8 cm.",15/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6637",11.00,,,"Broken pieces of modern concrete slab. Discarded.",11/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6637",12.00,"FLINT","FLAKE","Flake of mottled brown flint with thick creamy white cortex. Struck from cortex at one end of plain platform, with hinged termination. L: 2.9; W: 2.5; T: 0.75 cm.",19/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6637",13.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Thin strip of copper. Sub trapezoid fragment with flat faces, now bent into slight double curve. Dimensions 1.6 x 1.2-0.8 x 0.3-0.2 cm.",19/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6637",14.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed, bleached white, includes large animal teeth.",19/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6638",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed.",9/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6638",2.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder. Sub spherical nodule of light grey limestone with two flattish faces. One face has been worn smooth and slightly convex, with all the edges and a central line and zone pecked. The opposite face is flattish with traces of a worn smooth surface between concentrated pecking. The entire wide rounded sides/circumference is pecked and scarred. Good example, intact. Diameter 8.5-8.0; thickness 5.9 cm; height of curvature of convex face 0.7 cm.",8/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6638",3.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder fragment, possibly reused as a coarse smoother. Oval to sub-rectangular piece of light brown sandstone with small-medium sand grains. One rectangular face is flat with rounded shallow hollows or pitting. The other rectangular face is smaller and flattish, and slightly sloping at one end. The three sides are vertical with worn old scars. Worn appearance. Dimensions 8.1 x 7.3 x 4.6-4.4 cm.",8/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6638",4.00,"STONE","FRAG","Natural piece, possibly used as Pounder/Smoother. Sub rectangular slab of light grey limestone. Both main faces are flat. One long side is straight, the opposite is convex and scarred, probably naturally worn. One end is straight, the other is slightly concave. Dimensions 10.1 x 7.3 x 2.1 cm.",8/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6638",5.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pestle. Possibly made on another broken tool. Elongated ovoid piece of dark grey close grained igneous stone. Probably basalt. The largest main face is flat, from an old break. The other side has one large slightly convex face, and one narrower flat one. The convex face bevels down towards the smaller end. This bevelling is smooth and slightly darker than the rest of the face which is lightly pitted. This pitting joins the totally pecked rounded edge. The narrow flat face is more heavily pitted in zones at both ends. The 2 triangular, convex ends are totally abraded and light grey in colour. They are partly scarred along the edges. Good example, intact? L: 10.6; W: 6.7; T: 3.9 cm. Dimensions small end 4.6-3.1 x 2.3 cm; large end 4.8 x 3.3 cm; main convex face 10.0 x 5.6 cm with bevel 5.0 cm long; narrow face 10.0 x 3.5 cm.",9/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6638",6.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 6638:5. 193.0 gm.",9/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6638",7.00,"PLASTER","RENDER FRAG","Sub-square fragment of light grey plaster, probably wall render or similar. One face is flat and smoothish, with brush impressions. The other is lumpy but flat. Dimensions 12.4 x 11.7 x 2.6 cm.",9/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6638",8.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","General. 247.5 gm.",9/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6638",9.00,,,"NOT USED",7/5/1998 00:00:00,, "6638",10.00,"STONE","FRAG","Natural piece of grey limestone. Sub oval, flat and thin, with weathered surfaces. Dimensions 6.3 x 5.6 x 1.0 cm. DISCARDED.",9/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6638",11.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Possible small Pounder. Wedge-shaped chunky piece of brown mottled flint with thin, dimpled creamy white cortex. Worn with rounded, scarred edges. An old piece, rolled. Dimensions 2.7 x 2.2 x 1.8 cm.",9/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6638",12.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed.",9/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6638",13.00,"STONE","FRAG","Building stone. Oval flat piece of light grey limestone. One face and one edge are flat. Dimensions 6.2 x 4.0 x 3.2 cm. DISCARDED.",9/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6638",14.00,"POTTERY","PAINTED SHERD","Sherd from body of large jar. Red clay, grey near outer surface, cream wash out. Purple-brown painted design over. Hard clay, fine grit temper. Design shows two horizontal lines, below which a squiggle. Dimensions 4.9 x 2.4 x 1.2 cm.",9/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6639",1.00,"PLASTER","RENDER FRAG","Rectangular piece of light grey plaster. One surface is flat and smoothish, with one long edge turned down with a similar smooth face. This has been produced with a slightly darker 'set coat' of plaster over the irregular lower face. Probably from bench render or similar. Dimensions 16.5 x 7.5 x 3.75 cm.",9/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6639",2.00,"PLASTER","RENDER FRAG","Angled fragment of light grey plaster, probably render from corner of wall/ceiling. One face is smooth and concave. The other is irregular, with slight impression of woody (palm?) material on one side. Not measured.",9/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6639",3.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder fragment, possibly Hammer or Pestle type. Rectangular piece of dark grey, close grained igneous stone. Probably basalt. Parts of one main face, one side and one end are extant. These are all worn naturally smooth. The other faces are broken off flattish. The two ends are straight, at a slight angle to each other. All the edges are scarred, especially along the narrow side and the narrow end. The extant part of the narrower end is abraded/pitted. Dimensions 8.1 x 5.5 x 3.0-1.8 cm. Ends narrow: 5.3 x 2.2; thicker: 4.8 x 3.0 cm.",9/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6639",4.00,"STONE","PEBBLE","Pebble. Elongated oval pebble of light grey-brown limestone. Smoothish weathered surface. Dimensions 3.4 x 1.7 x 0.8 cm. DISCARDED.",9/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6639",5.00,"PLASTER","FRAGS","Eleven fragments of plaster. Ten are of light grey plaster, one a lump of soft, dark grey plaster with numerous vegetal inclusions. The largest two are rectangular slabs of similar size, with one long edge curved up from the smooth face, and the opposite edge curved down. They are thick, with 2-3 layers of plaster, the upper layers thin and more carefully laid. Max dimensions of slabs 1) 25.0 x 15.5 x 8.5; thickness 4.9-1.9 cm; 2) 22.3 x 16.0 x 9.0; thickness 5.1-2.4 cm. Eight fragments have one smoothish face with one convex edge. The other face is rough, with the impressions of what the plaster was laid on, possibly a bench. Largest curved fragment dimensions 17.8 x 9.4 x 5.2 cm. Thickness 1.1-1.6 cm. Dark lump dimensions 5.4 x 3.85 x 2.3 cm.",9/3/1998 00:00:00,,"13 similar fragments discarded." "6639",6.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed.",18/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6639",7.00,"BONE","BONES","Mammal fragments.",18/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6640",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed.",14/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6640",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed.",11/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6640",3.00,"CLAY","COUNTER?","Elongated conical piece of baked clay, perhaps a counter or token. Hard orange clay with grit temper. One side flattened and smoother with possible orange slip. Sub-triangular base with rounded corners and very end of round tip flattened. Height 4.54 cm; dimensions base 3.0 x 2.4 cm. Diameter of tip 1.0 cm.",14/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6641",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed.",10/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6641",2.00,"STONE","FRAG","Building stone. Oval piece of light grey limestone with two flat faces, worn surfaces and rounded edges. Two sides have been chopped off flattish. Dimensions 12.5 x 8.7 x 3.8 cm. DISCARDED.",11/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6641",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed.",14/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6641",4.00,"PLASTER","RENDER FRAGS","Three thin fragments of light grey plaster. Wall render or similar. All are flat with two having one smoothish face showing impressions of coarse brush. The other face is rougher. Largest dimensions 8.95 x 4.750.4 cm.",15/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6641",5.00,"STONE","SAMPLE","Probable vesicular basalt lump. Thick sub triangular piece of dark grey mottled stone, with numerous wiggly air holes. One face is flatter than the other and is also lighter in colour. Rough to the touch. Dimensions 14.5 x 12.8 x 8.0 cm.",15/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6642",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed. 1 has angled breakage: where bashed open?",18/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6642",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed. 6 fragments of curved bones similar in type to worked bone 6642:19.",21/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6642",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Concentration of fish bone.",17/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6642",4.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Two fragments of bitumen from the lining to one or more woven vessels. Both have impressions of cross-woven palm-leaf on one face, the other being smooth. Vegetable inclusions. Largest dimensions 2.0 x 1.7 x 0.7 cm. Width of leaf strip 0.7 cm.",17/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6642",5.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Tiny ovoid piece of copper. Dimensions 0.4 x 0.3 x 0.2 cm.",17/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6642",6.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Rectangular, chunky fragment of heat affected flint. Now a dark, dull grey. Cracked longitudinally. Dimensions 2.05 x 1.25 x 1.0 cm.",18/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6642",7.00,"FOSSIL","CORAL","Coral fossil. Rounded sub square piece of light orange limestone. Flattish base with stubs of lumpy branches. Worn surface covered in small polyp holes. Dimensions 3.5 x 3.4 x 2.0 cm.",21/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6642",8.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed. Mostly pearl oyster.",28/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6642",9.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed.",23/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6642",10.00,"FOSSIL ECHINOID","POUNDER","Pounder Tool on fossil. Oval fossil of light grey limestone, with remnant light brown skin/impression. The convex (conical) main face is slightly worn, with the central zone and parts of the edges having been pitted and scarred. Most of this wear is below gypsum crystal encrustation. The other face is slightly concave, with pitting and scarring in the central zone (around and on the fossil anus). A good example, intact. Dimensions 6.7 x 6.0 x 2.9 cm.",26/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6642",11.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Two fragments of bitumen possibly from the lining to one or more woven vessels. Both have one side fairly smooth, the other with impressions of palm leaf pieces. Largest dimensions 2.2 x 1.9 x 0.7 cm.",26/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6642",12.00,"POTTERY","SHERDS","Group of sherds, not separately described.",26/3/1998 00:00:00,,"Stored with un-numbered pottery from same context." "6642",13.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","General.",7/5/1998 00:00:00,, "6642",14.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","From bone concentration 6642:9 & shell concentration 6642:8.",7/5/1998 00:00:00,, "6642",15.00,"ORGANIC","DATE PIP","Carbonised date pip. Complete except for small chip in one side. Dimensions 1.55 x 0.5 x 0.5 cm.",26/3/1998 00:00:00,, "7533",23.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Pebble chopper, and possibly pestle. Irregular ovoid pebble with cortex of light brownish-grey limestone, with dark brown interior. The surface is weathered smoothish with numerous tiny and larger hollows. One face is convex, the opposite is concave with rounded hollows. The ends are thin. One end is convex and slightly pitted, the other is concave, thin and scarred. The convex sides are rounded. Intact, an example of casual stone use. Dimensions 4.8 x 4.0 x 2.95 cm. Scarred part of end L: 1.8; W: 0.5 cm. Part of group 7533:53.",28/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7533",24.00,"STONE","TOOL?","Possible pebble polisher. Ovoid pebble, with one pointed end, of light grey limestone. Surface is weathered smooth, with small hollows. The flat face appears pitted around the centre, and the oval zone around this pitting is slightly polished. This wear may not be natural. The other face is slightly convex, and the edges rounded. Intact. Dimensions 3.5 x 2.45 x 1.4 cm. Part of group 7533:53.",28/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7533",25.00,"STONE","POLISHER","Possible pebble polisher. Pentagonal pebble of grey limestone, with rounded edges and corners. Surface is weathered smooth, with numerous tiny hollows. One flat face is slightly polished, and crossed by short linear flaws. The other face, sides and ends are unworked. The sides are slightly concave, making the tool waisted and easy to hold in the fingers. Dimensions 4.0 x 2.75 x 1.7-1.55 cm. Polished area 3.45 x 2.5 cm. Part of group 7533:53.",28/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7533",26.00,"FOSSIL BIVALVE","POUNDER","Bivalve fossil used as pebble pounder. Sub-spherical light grey limestone. Well used with surface entirely pitted, obscuring fossil surface although shape/size make it obvious. Then worn, and bitumen dripped over much of the surface, or possibly held by fingers and dipped in. Intact, an unusual example with the bitumen. Fossil shell L: 3.75; W: 3.75; T: 3.4 cm. 55.3 gm (includes bitumen). Part of group 7533:53. Perhaps used with mortar 7533:30?",28/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7533",27.00,"STONE","CHOPPER","Pebble chopper, possible smoother. Flat, triangular piece of grey limestone, with horizontal bedding. Surface weathered smoothish, with numerous tiny hollows and rounded edges and corners. Both faces are flat, with one slightly polished, possibly due to finger rubbing. One long side is partly scarred and the straight end is pitted, possibly not naturally. Intact. Dimensions 3.8 x 3.0 x 1.4 cm. Scarring on side L: 2.65 cm. Polished area 3.1 x 2.25 cm. Part of group 7533:53.",28/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7533",28.00,"STONE","CHOPPER","Chopper on Fragment of smoother, possibly double sided. Piece of dark grey, close grained igneous stone. Perhaps the quarter of an ovoid. Probably basalt. Surface weathered smooth. Parts of two opposite original faces extant. One is convex and smooth, the other flat and very polished. There are no visible striations. The convex edge between the two faces is smooth, wide and gradual. The two broken faces are flat, forming a right angle. These faces are pitted and their edges, especially one, are scarred. Dimensions 4.4 x 3.15 x 3.7 cm. Main chopping face 3.7 x 3.0 cm. Part of group 7533:53.",28/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7533",29.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pebble, probably used as a pounder of chopper. Cuboid pebble of light grey limestone. Surface weathered smoothish, with numerous small hollows. The convex face is slightly darker than the other. It is pitted and scarred, with wear mostly from percussion of the narrow convex edge. It also has large gypsum crystals on it. The other face is smaller and flatter. The two sides and the other end are thick and straightish. Intact. Dimensions 4.85 x 3.6-2.9 x 2.5 cm. Scarring on convex edge L: 1.9 cm. Part of group 7533:53.",28/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7533",30.00,"STONE","TOOL","Tool, probably a weight, reused as small anvil/mortar on one face, with bitumen subsequently dripped over much of the surface. Cylindrical/spherical with two flat circular faces. Light grey limestone with entire surface lightly pitted (possibly for shaping). One face is slightly convex, the other has a small circular pitted hollow. Intact, an unusual example. Diameter 5.3-5.05 cm. Thickness 4.75 cm. Hollow diameter 1.5-1.3 cm. Depth 0.3 cm. Weight 204.8 gm (includes bitumen). Part of group 7533:53. Perhaps used with bivalve pounder 7533:26. Similar to 3224:1.",28/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7533",31.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Pebble chopper/pounder, broken. Pebble, possibly originally ovoid, of mottled dark-light brownish-grey stone, possibly limestone. Surface is weathered smooth, and is light brownish-grey. Both faces are fairly flat, with edges rounded. One face and one extant convex end are partly pitted. The broken edge was caused by at least one strike on the worked face. Dimensions 4.1 x 3.4+ x 1.8 cm. Part of stone tool group 7533:53.",28/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7533",32.00,"FLINT","CORE FRAG","Bipolar core fragment. Triangular fragment of brown flint, triangular in section. Broken off at wide end. The narrow, slightly convex and partly crushed, edge has bifacial flake scars, possibly from the anvil end of the strike. One face has a small scar opposite the other (conjoining in middle), struck from a plain platform. The scars have slightly hinged terminations. Dimensions 2.05 x 0.8 x 0.75 cm. Platform 1.75 x 0.75 cm. Flake scars: platform edge L: 0.55; W: 0.55; anvil edge L: 0.6; W: 1.2; L: 1.2; W: 0.8 cm. Part of group 7533:53, q.v., and knapping sub-group.",28/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7533",33.00,"FLINT","CORE FRAG","Bipolar core fragment. Oval fragment of brown flint, triangular in section. Remnant of prepared platform and two flake scars struck off it either side. The opposite narrow convex edge is slightly crushed with small corresponding, and conjoining, hinged scars. Dimensions 1.9 x 1.1 x 0.75 cm. Platform 1.45 x 0.75 cm. Flake scars: platform L: 0.6 (total with joining anvil flake 1.15); W: 1.0; L:1.1; W: 1.6; anvil edge L: 0.7; W: 1.0 cm. Part group 7533:53, q.v., and of knapping sub-group.",28/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7533",34.00,"FLINT","FLAKE","Utilised flake. Wide flake of brown flint, with creamy cortex, and red-brown sub cortex, on left lateral and distal edges. Plain prepared platform and hinged termination. Previous flake scar on dorsal face struck from the proximal end. Discontinuous retouch/usewear on convex right lateral edge. L: 2.3; W: 4.6; T: 1.8 cm. R/U L: 2.4 cm. Part of group 1733:53, q.v., and of knapping group.",28/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7533",35.00,"FLINT","FLAKE","Broken flake. Brown mottled flint with remnant creamy cortex on distal edge. Scarred platform, slightly hinged termination. Dorsal face is very scarred from previous flake removals struck from left lateral cortical edge. Broken off on right side. L: 4.0; W: 3.1(+); T: 1.1 cm. Part of group 7533:53, q.v., and of knapping sub-group.",28/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7533",36.00,"FLINT","FLAKE","Wide flake, very thin. Brown, slightly mottled flint, with thin creamy cortex/patina on part of distal edge. Scarred, thin curved platform, feather termination. Previous scars seen on dorsal face were struck off the proximal and both side ends. The thin convex left lateral and dorsal edge is worn and ragged, possibly from use. L: 1.9; W: 3.4; T: 2.5 cm. Part of group 7533:53, q.v., and of knapping sub-group.",28/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7533",37.00,"FLINT","FLAKE","Thin flake of brown flint. Scarred platform and hinged termination. Previous flake scars seen on dorsal face removed from proximal & distal ends. Thin creamy cortex on dorsal. Left lateral edge worn. Thin distal edge is ragged. Intact. L: 2.45; W: 2.1; T: 0.4 cm. Left edge wear L: 1.35. Part of group 7533:53, q.v., and of knapping sub-group.",28/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7533",38.00,"FLINT","FLAKE","Wide flake of brown flint, probably bipolar. Scarred platform and hinged termination with worn/crushed thin distal edge. Previous flake scars seen on dorsal face removed from proximal end. Concave break on distal edge. L: 1.9; W: 3.4; T: 0.55 cm. Distal edge 'wear' L: 1.95. Part of group 7533:52, q.v., and of knapping sub-group.",28/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7533",39.00,"FLINT","FLAKE","Bipolar flake of brown flint. Scarred platform (and ventral scar) and thin crushed bipolar termination. Ventral face is flat. Previous flake scars seen on dorsal face removed from proximal end. Wear on concave left lateral edge. L: 2.4; W: 2.6; T: 0.6 cm. Left edge wear L: 1.3. Part of group 7533:53, q.v., and of knapping sub-group.",28/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7533",40.00,"FLINT","FLAKE","Flake of brown flint. Thin scarred platform and snapped-off termination. Previous flake scars seen on dorsal face removed from proximal end. L: 1.8; W: 1.25; T: 0.3 cm. Part of group 7533:53, q.v., and of knapping sub-group.",28/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7533",41.00,"FLINT","SCRAPER","Concave scraper. Trapezoidal chunky piece/reworked flake of brown mottled flint, with thick, irregular, creamy cortex on dorsal face. Ventral face is severely hinged, with the platform reworked leaving a deep hinged scar. Afterwards a flake was removed from the new scarred platform on the right side of the dorsal face. This created a sharp thin concave edge which has retouch/usewear. A short length of the opposite cortical left lateral edge also has retouch/usewear - backing? Tool L: 2.65; W: 2.55; T: 1.2 cm. R/U lengths: right 1.45; left 1.25 cm. Part of group 7533:53, q.v., and of knapping sub-group.",28/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7533",42.00,"FLINT","FLAKE","Wide flake of brown flint, triangular in section, possibly a component tool. Scarred thick platform and feather termination. Previous flake scars seen on dorsal face removed from proximal end. Thin distal edge has possible usewear. L: 1.25; W: 1.8; T: 0.5 cm Part of group 7533:53, q.v., and of knapping sub-group.",28/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7533",43.00,"FLINT","FLAKE","Wide flake of brown flint, broken distal edge or severe step termination. Scarred focal platform. Previous flake scar seen on dorsal face removed from proximal end. Right edge missing. L: 1.7+; W: 2.5; T: 0.3 cm. Part of group 7533:53, q.v., and of knapping sub-group.",28/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7533",44.00,"FLINT","AWL","Possible Awl. Wide bipolar debitage flake of brown flint. Scarred focal cortical platform, crushed thin termination. Possible deliberate strike to right of platform has created concave edge leading to tip which has possible usewear. The crushed termination forms the other side of the point. Previous flake scar seen on dorsal face removed from proximal end. Flake L: 1.0; W: 1.3; T: 0.2 cm. Awl L: 1.3 cm. Part of group 7533:53, q.v., and of knapping sub-group.",28/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7533",45.00,"FLINT","FLAKE FRAG","Brown flint. Possibly a fragment of a damaged flake. Irregular angled shape, with remnant flattish flake scars off a cortical platform and a previous hinge termination. Other end is tapered with a thin blunt tip. L: 2.4; W: 2.9; T: 0.55 cm. Part of group 7533:53, q.v., and of knapping sub-group.",28/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7533",46.00,"FLINT","FLAKE FRAG","Brown flint. Possibly a fragment of a tapering blade flake with a thin, worn convex left edge. Triangular and triangular in section. Proximal and distal ends snapped off. L: 2.4+; W: 1.25; T: 0.5 cm. Part of group 7533:53, q.v., and of knapping sub-group.",28/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7533",47.00,"FLINT","FLAKE FRAG","Piece of brown translucent, good quality flint. A fragment of flake with a hinge termination. Triangular with additional scar on ventral face. Dimensions 1.7 x 1.75 x 0.3 cm. Same flint as 7533:50. Part of group 7533:53, q.v., and of knapping sub-group.",28/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7533",48.00,"FLINT","FLAKE FRAG","Piece of brown flint. Middle section of flake with hinge termination. Elongated triangular, point opposite to termination. Dimensions 2.4 x 1.0 x 0.45 cm. Part of group 7533:53, q.v., and of knapping sub-group.",28/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7533",49.00,"FLINT","FLAKE FRAG","Left side of flake of brown flint, with darker skin on flat dorsal. Scarred platform and hinge termination. Hemispherical in shape. L: 1.85; W:1.0+; T: 0.85 cm. Part of group 7533:53, q.v., and of knapping sub-group.",28/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7533",50.00,"FLINT","CORE FRAG","Probable core fragment. Small, chunky piece of translucent, good quality, brown flint. One face is a concave scar, the other is convex and totally scarred, some from the same platform. L: 1.45; W: 1.25; T: 0.7 cm. Same flint as 7533:47. Part of group 7533:53, and of knapping sub-group.",28/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7533",51.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Debitage piece. Small cuboid piece of brown flint. Dimensions 0.85 x 0.45 x 0.4 cm. Part of group 7533:53, q/v/, and of knapping sub-group. Possibly in bitumen basket 7533:7.",28/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7533",52.00,"FLINT","FLAKE FRAG","Broken flake of grey-brown flint, with slightly laminating surface. Plain platform, broken distal and left edges. Remnant hinge termination. Scarred focal platform. Previous flake scar seen on dorsal face removed from left side. Right edge slightly worn. L: 1.75+; W: 2.35; T: 0.4. Part of group 7533:53, q.v., and of knapping sub-group. Possibly in bitumen basket 7533:7.",28/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7533",53.00,"STONE","GROUP","Group of stone and flint tools and objects 7533:6, 8-14, 16-52. See descriptions under individual numbers. Flint objects 7533:8 and 7533:32-53 form a knapping group within the general group. Bitumen basket fragments 7533:7, possibly containing some of the flints, and cone shell bead 7533:15 also associated.",17/9/2003 00:00:00,, "7535",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed.",25/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7536",1.00,"PLASTER","CONVEX LID","Large, flat, circular lid made from light grey plaster. Evenly made with both faces convex. One face is thickly covered with gypsum salt crystals which also contain small bone fragments. The other face is fairly smooth. The thick edges have vertical linear impressions, perhaps from a mould. Intact. Diameter 14.2-13.5 cm. Thickness (including salts) 7.45 cm.",6/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7536",2.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Oval grindstone made of light brown farush sandstone, comprised almost entirely of tiny gastropod shells and grit in a minimal matrix of fine sand. One face has been worn flat, with smooth upper zones. In between are pitted and natural hollows. The surface is coated in a light brown honey-like residue and gypsum crystals (obscuring surface). The opposite face is sloping and bevelled at each side and extant end (saddle-shaped). Its surface has ash and white plaster adhering. The extant end is convex, the broken one is almost straight. Dimensions 21.2 x 17.7 x 5.7-1.5 cm.",6/4/1999 00:00:00,,"Found flat face up on the floor." "7536",3.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Sub-oval grindstone of light grey-brown farush sandstone. Comprised mainly of tiny gastropod shells and grit in a minimal matrix of fine sand. One face has been worn flat with smooth upper zones in between numerous deep hollows. The smoothed areas, including shells, have fine unidirectional striations across the width of the face. The opposite face is slightly convex and naturally undulating. There is a pearl oyster and other species of shell on the surface. The sides are convex and scarred, each end ends in a point. The entire surface of the stone is covered in light brown honey-like residue. Dimensions 20.3 x 14.5 x 5.7-3.0 cm. Flat face 19.5 x 13.0 cm.",6/4/1999 00:00:00,,"Found flat face up on the floor." "7536",4.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pestle fragment with bitumen covering one broken face (of the sides). Reused as Pounder. Purple quartzite. Most of circular flat end is extant, with one edge broken off straight. Two thirds of the convex sides remain, which gently taper outward from the base. Both the original end and the sides are entirely pitted. The tool has broken off not far from the base, leaving an irregular face. Subsequently the edges of this face have been scarred. Pounder dimensions with bitumen 4.8 x 4.35-2.85 x 3.6. Pestle extant length 4.35 cm. Max width present shaft 4.8 cm. End diameter 3.4 cm.",20/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7540",1.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder fragment. Perhaps originally a double-sided discoid Smoother. Irregular ovoid fragment of dark grey, medium-fine grained igneous stone. Possibly dolerite or basalt. Two opposing faces have been worn smooth and convex. They are scarred on their edges. The extant convex edge is near vertical, abraded and pitted. The two broken ends are scarred. Dimensions 7.4 x 3.8 x 3.95 cm.",29/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7540",2.00,"BONE","BONES","2 burnt mammal bone fragments.",29/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7540",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","One bivalve clam.",29/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7540",4.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Fragment of grindstone, possibly reused as grinder and/or whetstone. One extant face has been worn concave with a central wide linear groove. It is smoothest near the edges with fine unidirectional striations running the length of the face. The two ends also have worn grooves perpendicular to the edge. The straight end is original (a side or end) and its chiselled worn face angles down to the opposite flattish face (base). The other broken edges, or sides of the fragment, are straight and convex. Dimensions 10.95 x 10.0 x 7.8-2.0 cm. Linear groove L: 9.8 cm.",29/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7543",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed. One is burnt.",29/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7543",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Fishbone.",29/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7544",1.00,"PLASTER","PIERCED DISC","Disc of light grey plaster, with convex faces, pierced centrally. One face is smooth, the other very damaged, but originally less smooth. Circumference is also scarred. The hole has been made with the stalk from a palm leaf. Diameter 7.85-7.8 cm. Thickness 3.9 cm. 191.1 gm.",20/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7544",2.00,"PLASTER","DOMED LID","Grey plaster lid, one face flat, the other slightly convex. Flat face has clear impressions of a woven mat, made of horizontally laid palm fronds or reeds, tied onto vertical stems, either side of a central zone, by thin twine or rope (?). The opposite face is slightly convex and smooth. The edge and two sides of the impressed face are damaged. Diameter 14.75-14.4 cm. Thickness 2.65 cm.",20/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7544",3.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder, Hammer type or shaped Pestle. Rectangular cobble, with triangular-oval section, of dark grey medium grained igneous stone. One face flat and weathered smooth. The opposite face is convex/gabled, with one side weathered smooth and the other totally scarred. One end is more convex than the other. Both are pitted, scarred and abraded. Both straight sides are pitted and abraded, with one side damaged by a deep scar. Intact. Dimensions 12.15 x 6.9-6.7 x 4.2 cm. Side 9.65 x 2.8 cm. Ends wear convex 6.55 x 3.05; straight 6.4 x 3.4 cm.",20/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7544",4.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder. Ovoid cobble of dark grey, medium grained igneous stone (with green crystals). Possibly basalt or dolerite. Possibly reused fragment. One oval face is flat with worn scars and partly smoothed upper zone with several multidirectional fine striations. The edges are scarred. The opposite face is steeply convex, with two parallel scarred indents on either side towards the narrower end making good finger-holds. This face is pitted and scarred. One end is wider and sloping, the other is convex. Both are entirely pitted and slightly abraded. Intact, a good example. Dimensions 7.3 x 5.7-4.8 x 4.5 cm.",20/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7544",5.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder or possible Weight. Ovoid small cobble of milky white quartz. Surface naturally weathered smoothish and slightly dull, with small darker wrinkles. There are larger brown wrinkles near the circumference. Both faces are slightly convex, one has a scar on one side. The entire circumference is pitted and slightly scarred, especially at each end. Intact, an unusually large piece of quartz. Dimensions 7.05 x 6.0 x 3.8 cm. 223.2 gms.",20/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7544",6.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Possible pebble Polisher and Pestle. Elongated ovoid pebble of light grey limestone, with smooth weathered surface. The central zone of the trapezoidal convex face is worn very smooth, perhaps from polishing or finger wear. The opposite face is slightly concave and naturally (?) smooth. One convex oval end has a central hollow (natural). The other wider end is angled, concave and slightly scarred, perhaps not naturally. This end also has natural circular brown discolourations. Dimensions 4.95 x 2.55 x 1.75 cm. Polished area approx. 4.0 x 2.2 cm.",20/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7544",7.00,"STONE","POLISHER","Possible Pebble Polisher, broken. Sub cuboid-tapered piece of dark grey, medium grained igneous stone. Possibly basalt or dolerite. One trapezoidal face, and parts of four others are weathered very smooth. Perhaps one was utilised. Dimensions 2.45 x 2.25 x 1.1(+) cm.",20/4/1999 00:00:00,, "L17:009",3.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","7 tiny blobs of copper waste",2/3/1990 00:00:00,, "L17:009",4.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","About a dozen thick lumps of bitumen, not from a basket lining. Largest measures 4.8 x 3.2 x 2.9 cm",2/3/1990 00:00:00,, "L17:009",5.00,"POTTERY","SHERD","Sherd with bitumen on inside showing impression of matting. Red clay, buff out, grit temper. Not measured.",2/3/1990 00:00:00,, "L17:009",6.00,"POTTERY","NOTCHED SHERD","Trapezoidal-shaped potsherd from large vessel, V-shaped notch cut into widest edge. Pink clay, cream surface, grit temper. Dimensions 3.6 x 4.2 x1.0 cm.",3/12/1990 00:00:00,, "L17:009",7.00,"STONE","TOOL","White stone, spherical but flattened into two opposing faces, one worn very smooth. Patch of damage/wear at one place on circumference. Diam. 6, h. 5) Abs. l. 9.61m, E 2.70m, N 9.10m",28/2/1990 00:00:00,, "L17:011",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Three sacks of a whole earth sample taken for flotation.",14/2/1991 00:00:00,, "L17:013",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,15/3/1990 00:00:00,, "L17:013",2.00,"BONE","BONES",,15/3/1990 00:00:00,, "L17:013",3.00,"STONE","PEBBLE","Small, cream-coloured pebble, irregular but smooth, one broad surface rubbed very smooth.",18/3/1990 00:00:00,, "L17:013",4.00,"POTTERY","JAR","Upper part of jar. Most of rim and neck and a little of shoulder extant. Badly chipped. Red clay, sparse grit temper. Rim slightly turned out, long straight neck, shoulder probably narrow. Perhaps sieve-necked jar, broken off at level of sieve. Pres. H. 7.4, rim di. 6.2.",9/4/1990 00:00:00,, "L17:018",1.00,"BONE","BONES",,24/3/1990 00:00:00,, "L17:018",2.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Flat, lunate-shaped piece of copper with edges turned in. L. 2.7; max. w. 1.15.",24/3/1990 00:00:00,, "L17:035",4.00,"CLAY","BEAD","Tubular red clay bead, slight damage to one end. 1.0 x 0.4 cm. Probably should be L17:039:4",24/2/1991 00:00:00,, "L17:038",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","30 l floated (half), little carbon.",,, "L17:038",2.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","THIS SHOULD BE A STONE. THE SAMPLE SHOULD BE 01. Three sacks of a whole earth sample taken for flotation.",12/2/1991 00:00:00,, "L17:038",3.00,"COPPER",,"Missing",20/4/1991 00:00:00,, "L17:038",4.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,12/2/1991 00:00:00,, "L17:038",5.00,"BONE","BONES","assorted fragments of bone",14/2/1991 00:00:00,, "L17:038",6.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Piece of close grained black stone, long, section shaped like a long hemisphere. Rounded surfaces all worn smooth, ends show signs of possible pounding. 7.4 x 3.9 x 3.8 cm.",9/4/1991 00:00:00,, "L17:038",7.00,"CARNELIAN","BEAD","Long cylindrical carnelian bead, orangey red, Woolley type 4. Length 0.1, diameter 0.2 cm.",16/5/1994 00:00:00,, "L17:039",1.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Large piece of unworked flint. 7.0 x 5.5 x 4.0 cm.",5/3/1991 00:00:00,,"Washed" "L17:039",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,14/2/1991 00:00:00,, "L17:039",3.00,"BONE","BONES",,14/2/1991 00:00:00,, "L17:039",4.00,,,"Missing 1991. Probably the object described as L17:035:4, and may be labelled as such.",20/4/1991 00:00:00,, "L17:039",5.00,"POTTERY","SIEVE FRAG","Part of a ceramic sieve. Not further described.",18/2/1991 00:00:00,,"Stored with un-numbered pottery from same context." "L17:039",6.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Limestone, fragment from the edge of a mortar or grindstone. Straight edge. Max present length 6.0 cm, max present width 7.4 cm. Height 3.0 cm.",17/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Stone mortar fragment has been brushed." "L17:040",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","A 60 litre whole earth sample taken for flotation.",19/3/1991 00:00:00,, "L17:040",2.00,"POTTERY","NECK SIEVE","Small, saucer-shaped sieve, probably from the neck of a sieve-necked jar. Broken into three pieces. Buff clay, greenish surface, sandy temper. Rim thins to sharp edge. Body of uneven depth, relatively thick. Ht. 1.8, rim di. 6.0 - 6.3 cm. Di. of perforations approx 0.5 cm.",14/2/1991 00:00:00,,"Repaired using a nitro cellulose adhesive. Possibly wrongly labelled L16:122:02" "L17:040",3.00,"STONE","FRAG","Irregular slab of stone concretion, including shells. 16.5 x 12.0 x 3.7 cm.",27/3/1991 00:00:00,, "L17:040",4.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,14/2/1991 00:00:00,, "L17:040",5.00,"BONE","BONES",,14/2/1991 00:00:00,, "L17:040",6.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Small fragment of brown flint, unworked. 1.5 x 0.9 x 0.3 cm.",2/3/1991 00:00:00,, "L17:040",7.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Small fragment of grey flint, unworked. 2.2 x 2.0 x 1.4 cm.",6/3/1991 00:00:00,, "L17:045",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Seven sacks of a whole earth sample taken for flotation.",12/2/1991 00:00:00,, "L17:045",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,14/2/1991 00:00:00,, "L17:045",3.00,"BONE","BONES",,14/2/1991 00:00:00,, "L17:046",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Whole earth sample taken for flotation.",19/3/1991 00:00:00,, "L17:046",2.00,"STONE","BEAD","Small, black, polished stone bead. Triangular in plan, with rounded corners. Perforation off-centre. Dimensions 1.0 x 1.0 x 0.6 cm.",19/2/1991 00:00:00,, "L17:048",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Whole earth sample taken for flotation. From residue:- One fragment of carbonised seed. Wgt <0.1 30l sample floated (?), no carbon gm.",19/3/1991 00:00:00,, "L17:048",2.00,"BITUMEN","LID OR BUNG","Small lid or bung broken into two fragments. Largest piece is sub-oval, with small oval knob beside one broken edge. The upper surface is slightly concave and was smooth but is now pitted. The lower surface is slightly convex and fairly smooth. Impressions of vegetable matter on lower surface in inside breaks. Knob is splitting longitudinally. Lid dimensions 3.0 x 2.4 x 0.6 (-1.1 with knob). Knob dimensions 1.2 x 1.0 cm.",9/2/1992 00:00:00,, "L17:056",1.00,"BONE","TORTOISE","Fragments of bone from a tortoise.",21/2/1991 00:00:00,, "L17:056",2.00,"POTTERY","PIERCED SHERD","Flat, irregularly shaped piece of unfired clay, with perforation. 13.0 x 12.0 x 2.1 cm. Perforation 2.4 x 2.0 cm.",3/3/1991 00:00:00,,"Lifted from trench in block of sediment, very friable. Consolidated with paraloid in the lab. Returned to the sherd yard." "L17:060",1.00,"COPPER","FRAG","One piece of corroded copper. 3.2 x 2.2 x 1.2 cm.",18/2/1991 00:00:00,, "L17:060",2.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Three sacks of a whole earth sample taken for flotation. 32 l, no carbon",18/2/1991 00:00:00,, "L17:060",3.00,"SHELL","RING","Piece of shell worked into shape of a flat ring. Just under half preserved. Length 2.4, width 0.9, thickness 0.4 cm. Original diameter c. 2.5, original diameter of hole c. 1.4 cm.",21/2/1991 00:00:00,, "L17:060",4.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,19/2/1991 00:00:00,, "L17:060",5.00,"BONE","BONES",,19/2/1991 00:00:00,, "L17:060",6.00,"FLINT","FLAKE","Purple/brown flint, unworked. 4.8 x 3.6 x 1.2 cm.",2/3/1991 00:00:00,, "L17:060",7.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Slab of limestone, thinner at one end than the other, roughly square in plan. Broad faces worn smooth, three edges show signs of pounding especially the thickest. 10.2 x 9.9 x 5.8 cm.",5/3/1991 00:00:00,,"Surface brushed to remove surplus sediments." "L17:060",8.00,"STONE","WORKED","Natural lump of limestone, roughly rectangular in plan. One broad face worn very smooth. 13.5 x 12.0 x 7.6 cm.",28/2/1991 00:00:00,,"Surfaces brushed to remove all surplus sediments." "1853",144.00,"POTTERY","PAINTED JAR","Painted jar. Base complete, scant profile of rest. Pink clay, temper of grit and circular inclusions, buff slip out. Sloppy paint, varying from red to black, but red may be discolouration where flaked off. Remains under rim and a little inside too. Also applied diagonally over lower body. Rim swollen to outside, with rounded bevel. No neck: body swells into globular shape and tapers to narrow flat base. Horizontal ridge under rim. Ht. 20.7, rim di. (reconstruc.) 13.2, ba. di. 4.8 - 5.4.",22/4/1997 00:00:00,,"(May be mis-labelled 1850)" "1854",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Square 4. Mixed bone, sieved.",20/2/1994 00:00:00,, "1854",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Square 1: Mixed bone, sieved. 21/02/94. Square 4: Mixed bone, sieved. 20/02/94.",20/2/1994 00:00:00,, "1854",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Square 1: Mixed shell, sieved.",21/2/1994 00:00:00,, "1854",4.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Square 5. Mixed shell from sieved floor.",22/2/1994 00:00:00,, "1854",5.00,"BONE","BONES","Square 9. Mixed bone",22/2/1994 00:00:00,, "1854",6.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Square 5. 3 buckets. Label lost during flotation, flotation sample discarded, Heavy residue sorted.",26/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1854",7.00,"BONE","BONES","Square 12. Mixed bone from sieved floor.",26/2/1994 00:00:00,, "1854",8.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Square 12: Mixed shell, sieved",26/2/1994 00:00:00,, "1854",9.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Square 9. Mixed shell from sieved floor.",26/2/1994 00:00:00,, "1854",10.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Square 13. Mixed shell from sieved floor.",28/2/1994 00:00:00,, "1854",11.00,"BONE","BONES","Square 13. Mixed bone, from sieved floor.",28/2/1994 00:00:00,, "1854",12.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Square 21. 9 buckets. Missing April 1995.",5/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1854",13.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Square 23. 10 buckets. Label lost during flotation, flotation sample discarded, heavy residue sorted.",5/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1854",14.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Square 19. Light coloured coarse grained stone rubber, Probably once rectangular in shape, but is now broken. One surface is very flat and smooth. The other is very worn, and has only one small smooth area in the middle still remaining. All the edges are rounded. Dimensions 21.0 x 18.8 x 4.1 cm.",7/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1854",15.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Square 20. Dark coloured stone rubber, Roughly square/ rectangular in plan, with two very smooth and shiny faces. There also appears to be a faint incised straight line, close to the edge, running across both smooth surfaces. Dimensions 6.3 x 6.2 x3.8 cm.",17/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1854",16.00,"STONE","TOOL","Square 26. Dark grey stone tool, Roughly oval in plan, with one surface slightly domed or conical. The opposing surface being fairly flat, with slight indentations. Dimensions 3.7 x 3.5 x 3.2 cm.",17/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1854",17.00,"STONE","TOOL","Square 26. Light coloured, coarse grained stone fragment, Roughly rectangular in plan. One surface flat with smooth areas closer to one edge. The opposing surface is Irregularly-shaped and very rough. Dimensions 20.2 x 14.9 cm. Thickness 1.5 (min), 6.1 (max) cm.",17/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1854",18.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Thirty five fragments of bitumen, plus numerous very small flakes, all thin and flat with weave impressions, so presumably from lining to one or more woven vessels. Thickness 0.3 cm. One larger fragment, no impressions, is very irregular in shape, with part of it deliberately cut away to form a flat surface. Dimensions 5.6 x 3.3 x 1.9 cm.",17/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1854",19.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Square 18. Light coloured stone quern fragment, Very coarse grained stone. Irregularly-shaped. Flat, with three rounded, finished edges. The fourth edge appears to have been broken off. Upper surface is fairly flat, and slightly rough. The lower surface is flat and smooth. Found with plaster fragment - Object No. 1854:23. Dimensions 20.5 x 18.1 x 3.5 cm.",19/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1854",20.00,"BONE","ASSEMBLAGE","Square 22. An assemblage of articulated fish bone, Possibly from three separate fish.",20/3/1994 00:00:00,,"Paraloid 10% on site." "1854",21.00,"STONE","FRAG","Square 10. Light coloured stone fragment, (For reference). Irregularly-shaped coarse grained stone. One surface appears to be very weathered or ?water worn, and has numerous shell inclusions in the pitted/ worn areas. Dimensions 28.5 x 18.3 x 9.5 cm.",21/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1854",22.00,"BONE","ASSEMBLAGE","Square 14. An assemblage of articulated fish bone,",10/3/1994 00:00:00,,"Paraloid 10% on site." "1854",23.00,"PLASTER","FRAG","White plaster fragment. Irregular shape. One flat, surface, cracked and worn. The other surface is slightly domed, and appears to have incised grooves or scratch marks on it. One edge also has a slight groove along its length. Found with stone quern 1854:19 Dimensions 6.6 x 6.5 x 2.4 cm.",19/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1854",24.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Six fragments of copper. From Flot. Residue 1854:13. Total Wgt 10.0 gm. 1) Sub ovoid lump. 1.8 c 1.4 x 0.9 cm. 2) Irregular sub ovoid lumpy attached to pointed piece of grey slag(?). 1.3 x 1.0 x 1.0 cm. 3) Sub-oval with curved nick in one edge. 1.2 x 1.1 x 0.6 cm. 4) Sub-ovoid lump. 1.1 x 0.8 x 0.6 cm. 5) Sub-triangular lump with brown staining. 1.3 x 1.1 x 0.7 cm. 6) Comma-shaped with brown staining. 0.7 x 0.5 x 0.4 cm.",25/5/1995 00:00:00,, "1854",25.00,"STONE","FRAG","Fragment possibly utilised briefly as a pounder? Rounded sub triangular nodule of dark grey close grained stone with weathered (desert polish) black surface. One convex edge and the apex of the stone is partly scarred, possibly by pounding or natural chipping. From Flot. Residue 1854:12. Dimensions 4.1 x 3.0 x 2.9 cm.",25/5/1995 00:00:00,, "1854",26.00,"COPPER","HOOK FRAG","Shaft of copper with round section, bent into a curve and beginning to taper to a point. Probable fish-hook fragment. Very end of pointed tip broken off in antiquity. From flot. residue 1854:12. Length 2.0, diameter 0.5-0.3 cm.",23/5/1995 00:00:00,, "1854",27.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Two angular fragments of copper. From flot. residue 1854:12. 1) Sub-triangular, surface lumpy. 1.4 x 1.4 x 0.5 cm. 2) Waisted sub-ovoid. 1.2 x 0.8-0.4 x 0.7-0.4 cm.",23/5/1995 00:00:00,, "1855",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Square 8: Mixed bone, sieved.",21/2/1994 00:00:00,, "1855",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Square 27. Mixed bone, sieved.",24/2/1994 00:00:00,, "1855",3.00,"STONE","FRAG","Square 25. Red stone fragment, sieved. Irregular in shape. Possible red ochre. Dimensions 4.4 x 3.4 x 2.5 cm.",26/2/1994 00:00:00,, "1855",4.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Square 25. Mixed shell, sieved.",27/2/1994 00:00:00,, "1855",5.00,"BONE","BONES","Square 25. Mixed bone, sieved.",27/2/1994 00:00:00,, "1855",6.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Square 25. Irregularly-shaped copper fragment. Dimensions 1.3 x1.2 x 0.6 cm.",27/2/1994 00:00:00,, "1856",1.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing, very dark grey clay, lower left edge of sealing preserved. Deep impressions of twisted string on reverse. Design: nude figure, head missing, facing left and seated on a small rectangular hatched stool/seat. He holds a long straw which leads into a ?pot at his feet. Similar design to 1021:3 and 4. Square 7. Dimensions: 2.5x2.0x1.0cms",16/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1856",2.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Three fragments of bitumen. No impressions visible. All three fragments are fairly flat. Dimensions of largest fragment 2.4 x 2.1 x 0.6 cm.",16/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1856",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Square 7. Mixed shell.",16/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1856",4.00,"BONE","BONES","Square 7. Mixed bone.",16/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1856",5.00,"FLINT","FRAGS","Square 7. Two flint fragments. 1) Irregularly-shaped reddish brown fragment, possibly worked. Dimensions 3.8 x 2.6 x1.4 cm. 2) Irregularly-shaped brown fragment. Dimensions 4.3 x 3.3 1.6 cm.",16/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1858",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Square 5. 2 buckets. Label lost during flotation, flotation sample discarded, heavy residue sorted.",26/2/1994 00:00:00,, "1858",2.00,"FLINT","FLAKE","Tiny elongated triangular chip of good quality dark brown flint. From Flot. Residue 1858:1. L: 0.8, W: 0.3, T: 0.2 cm. Wgt <0.1 gm.",25/5/1995 00:00:00,, "1860",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Square 13. Mixed bone, from sieved occupation.",27/2/1994 00:00:00,, "1860",2.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Square 13. 6 buckets.",27/2/1994 00:00:00,, "1860",3.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Square 13. Four copper fragments. 1) Large Irregularly-shaped fragment, with traces of ?iron present. Dimensions 5.3 x 4.2 x 3.8 cm. 2) Roughly rectangular shaped fragment. Dimensions 3.6 x 2.5 x 1.7 cm. 3) Irregularly-shaped fragment. Dimensions 2.3 x 1.9 x 0.8 cm. 4) Small, Irregularly-shaped fragment. Dimensions 1.4 x 0.9 x 0.6 cm. Refining waste. Fragment taken by Lloyd Weeks for metallurgical analysis at Sydney, 1998",27/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1860",4.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Sub-ovoid fragment of copper. From Flot. Residue 1860:2. Dimensions 0.5 x 0.3 x 0.3 cm. Wgt 0.1 gm.",25/5/1995 00:00:00,, "1861",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Square 32. Mixed shell, sieved.",27/2/1994 00:00:00,, "1861",2.00,"PLASTER","RENDER FRAGS","Thirteen fragments of white plaster, presumably wall or roof render. Dimensions of largest fragment 3.6 x 2.8 x 0.9 cm.",27/2/1994 00:00:00,, "1862",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Square 32. Mixed bone, from sieved collapse.",27/2/1994 00:00:00,, "1862",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Square 32. Mixed shell from sieved collapse.",27/2/1994 00:00:00,, "1862",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Square 33. Mixed bone from sieved collapse.",28/2/1994 00:00:00,, "1862",4.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Square 33. Mixed shell from sieved collapse.",28/2/1994 00:00:00,, "1862",5.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Two fragments of bitumen. Dimensions of largest fragment 1.5 x 0.9 x 0.4 cm.",28/2/1994 00:00:00,, "1862",6.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Square 35. Mixed shell from sieved collapse.",1/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1862",7.00,"BONE","BONES","Square 35. Mixed bone, from sieved collapse.",28/2/1994 00:00:00,, "1862",8.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Square 35. Four copper fragments. 1) Irregular fragment, with traces of iron present. Dimensions 1.9 x 1.9 x 1.4 cm. 2) Irregular fragment. Dimensions 1.7 x 1.5 x 0.7 cm. 3) Small fragment. Dimensions 0.8 x 0.6 x 0.6 cm. 4) Irregular fragment. Dimensions 0.9 x 0.7 x 0.7 cm.",1/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1862",9.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Nine irregular fragments of bitumen, plus numerous small flakes. All flat and thin, some with impressions. Thickness 0.3 cm. Except one larger fragment. Dimensions of largest fragment 3.6 x 2.9 x 1.8 cm.",1/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1862",10.00,"PLASTER","FRAGS","Three white plaster fragments. One irregular, the other two flat. Dimensions of largest flat fragment 7.6 x 5.4 x 1.1 cm.",28/2/1994 00:00:00,, "1863",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Square 15. Mixed bone, sieved.",28/2/1994 00:00:00,, "1864",1.00,"CLAY","FRAGS","Square 33. Seventeen fragments of yellow hardened clay. No impressions clearly visible. Dimensions of largest fragment 2.1 x 1.5 x 1.4 cm.",1/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1864",2.00,"CLAY","FRAG","Square 30. Seventeen fragments of Irregularly-shaped hardened yellow clay. The largest fragment is possibly shaped. Dimensions 4.9 x 4.9 x 2.5 cm.",1/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1864",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Square 30. Mixed bone, from sieved occupation.",1/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1864",4.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Square 30. Mixed shell from sieved occupation",2/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1864",5.00,"BONE","BONES","Square 33. Mixed bone, sieved.",1/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1864",6.00,"CARNELIAN","BEAD","Cylindrical carnelian bead, translucent red to orange, ends slightly tapered. Woolley type 6. Length 0.9, diameter 0.5 cm.",2/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1864",7.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Square 35. Copper fragment, oval in shape, with one small nodule protruding from one surface. Rounded edges. Dimensions 1.4 x 1.1 x 0.7 cm.",2/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1864",8.00,"BONE","BONES","Square 35. Mixed bone from sieved occupation.",2/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1864",9.00,"CLAY","BEAD","Short tubular red clay bead with rounded ends. Length 0.4, diameter 0.3 cm.",2/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1864",10.00,"COPPER","RING","Length of copper wire bent into a slightly oval ring with widely overlapping ends. Diameter - outer 1.7 (min), 2.0 (max), inner 0.8 (min), 1.2 (max) cm. Width of band 0.3 (min), 0.5 (max), thickness 0.2 (min), 0.6 (max) cm.",3/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1864",11.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Ten fragments of bitumen with weave impressions, so presumably from lining to one or more woven vessels. Dimensions of largest fragment 2.0 x 2.0 x 0.3 cm.",3/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1864",12.00,"BONE","BONES","Square 32. Mixed bone, from sieved occupation.",3/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1864",13.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Square 32. Mixed shell from sieved occupation.",3/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1864",14.00,"BONE","BONES","Square 28. Mixed bone, from sieved occupation.",5/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1864",15.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Square 28. Mixed shell from sieved occupation.",5/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1864",16.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Square 29. 3 buckets. Label lost during flotation, flotation sample discarded, heavy residue sorted.",21/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1864",17.00,"BONE","BONES","Square 29. Mixed bone, from sieved occupation/ floor.",24/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1864",18.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Square 29. Mixed shell, from sieved occupation/ floor.",21/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1864",19.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAG","Fragment of bitumen from the lining of a woven vessel, with weave impressions. Dimensions 2.6 x 1.3 x 0.5 cm.",5/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1864",20.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Square 30. Copper and iron corroded into one large mass. Plus eight copper fragments. 1) Copper and iron mass. Dimensions 4.6 x 3.3 x 2.6 cm. 2) Irregular flat fragment. Dimensions 1.3 x 0.9 x 0.2 cm. 3) Elongated fragment, curved or bent at one end. Dimensions 2.0 x 0.6 x 0.5 cm. 4) Irregular fragment, with traces of iron present. Dimensions 2.5 x 2.4 x 1.9 cm. 5) Elongated, irregular fragment. Dimensions 2.3 x 0.8 x0.7 cm. 6) Irregular fragment. Dimensions 1.8 x 1.6 x 0.7 cm. 7) Semi circular fragment. Dimensions 1.9 x 1.1 x 0.5 cm. 8) Irregular fragment. Dimensions 2.3 x 1.9 x 0.6 cm. 9) Irregular fragment, with possible traces of iron present. Dimensions 1.1 x 0.9 x 0.5 cm. Two fragments taken by Lloyd Weeks for metallurgical analysis at Sydney, 1998",23/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1864",21.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Square 36. 3 buckets.",24/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1864",22.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Square 31. 3 buckets.",26/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1864",23.00,"STONE","BEAD","Short biconical bead of shiny grass-green stone, possibly jasper. Woolley type 8. Length 1.3, diameter 1.0 cm.",23/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1864",24.00,"COPPER","HOOK","Copper fish hook. Long straight shaft, hook end bent out slightly. Length 5.0, thickness 0.3 cm.",23/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1864",25.00,"BITUMEN","BEAD","Spherical bead, flattened at the ends. Diameter 2.5, thickness 1.4 cm.",21/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1864",26.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Square 29. Two copper fragments. 1) Irregular fragment. Dimensions 2.2 x 0.8 x 0.8 cm. 2) Irregular fragment. Dimensions 0.8 x 0.5 x 0.4 cm.",21/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1864",27.00,"STONE","TOOL","Square 30. Light coloured stone tool, from sieved occupation/ floor. Possibly granite/ basalt. Probably once roughly oval in plan, but one end has been broken off. All surfaces smooth. Dimensions 4.4 x 3.4 x 2.1 cm.",23/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1864",28.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Twelve fragments of bitumen. Dimensions of largest fragment 2.0 x 1.2 x 0.7 cm.",23/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1864",29.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Square 33. Mixed shell, from sieved occupation.",24/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1864",30.00,"BONE","BONES","Square 33. Mixed bone, from sieved occupation.",24/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1864",31.00,"STONE","BEAD","Cylindrical bead of carnelian or agate. Colour clear, with lines of translucent red/orange around circumference. Woolley type 4. Length 1.1, diameter 0.4 cm.",26/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1864",32.00,"BONE","BONES","Square 31. Mixed bone, from sieved occupation/ floor.",26/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1864",33.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Square 31. Mixed shell, from sieved occupation/ floor.",26/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1864",34.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Thirteen large fragments of bitumen. Plus numerous very small fragments and flakes. Dimensions of largest fragment 4.7 x 2.7 x 1.1 cm. Four fragments sent for bitumen analysis 30/04/94.",26/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1864",35.00,"STONE","TOOL","Square 31. Grey stone tool, from sieved occupation/ floor. Roughly oval in plan, and very rounded. Has been chipped of broken off on one area to form a flattish surface. Dimensions 3.3 x 2.7 x 2.5 cm.",26/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1864",36.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing. Light grey clay, about 1/2 of oblong tag with one surface flattened for sealing. String hole at one end, string apparently much finer than the usual twisted variety. Flat surface shows about 1/4 of design, badly worn. Hatched square with curving notched line running from top left corner. Illegible motif to right. Square 31. From sieved occupation/ floor. Dimensions:1.5x2.0x1.3 cm.",26/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1864",37.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Square 31. Four copper fragments. 1) Irregular fragment, with traces of iron present. Dimensions 2.0 x 1.7 x 1.1 cm. 2) Irregular fragment. Dimensions 3.3 x 1.6 x 0.5 cm. 3) Irregular fragment, with small iron fragment adhering to one end. Dimensions 2.4 x 1.4 x 1.0 cm. 4) Irregular fragment. Dimensions 1.1 x 0.5 x 0.5 cm. Spill/refining waste. One piece taken by Lloyd Weeks for metallurgical analysis at Sydney, 1998",26/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1864",38.00,"BONE","BONES","Square 36. Mixed bone, from sieved occupation/ floor.",24/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1864",39.00,"CLAY","FRAGS","Square 36. Thirteen fragments of hardened yellow clay.",24/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1864",40.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Square 36. Three copper fragments. 1) Irregular fragment. Dimensions 2.3 x 1.4 x 0.5 cm. 2) Irregular fragment, roughly ""L"" shaped. Dimensions 2.6 x 2.2 x 1.2 cm. 3) Elongated, irregular fragment. Dimensions 3.6 x 1.5 x 0.9 cm. Spill. One piece taken by Lloyd Weeks for metallurgical analysis at Sydney, 1998",24/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1864",41.00,"SHELL","CONE BEAD","Conus ebraeus shell with circular hole at one end, for use as bead. Length 2.8, diameter of widest end 2.0 cm. Diameter of hole 0.4 cm.",24/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1864",42.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Cylindrical fragment. Length 2.0, diameter 0.4 cm. Taken by Lloyd Weeks for metallurgical analysis at Sydney, 1998",24/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1864",43.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Two sealing fragments on yellowish clay, possibly from same sealing. 1) Segment of edge with indentation. String marks on reverse. Design shows a palm tree, to the left of which is the upper half of a human figure, one arm outstretched towards the tree. To the right is the ? nose of an animal. Possible from same seal as 1893:07. Dimensions 1.0 x 1.7 x 0.5 cm. 2) Segments of edge with indentation. Design shows possible lower half of animal. Dimensions 0.95 x 1.5 x 0.55 cm.",2/8/1994 00:00:00,, "1864",45.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Three fragments of copper. From Flot. Residue 1864:22. Total Wgt 2.9 gm. 1) Sub-trapezoidal, with four corners very pointed, and bent into slight curve. 1.5 x 1.0 x 0.5 cm. 2) Sub-oval, with lumpy, angular surface and brown staining. 1.6 x 1.2 x 0.6 cm. 3) Sub ovoid. 0.6 x 0.5 x 0.3 cm.",25/5/1995 00:00:00,, "1864",46.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Three fragments of copper. From Flot. Residue 1864:16. Total Wgt 1.9 gm. 1) Angular, lumpy, sub-ovoid, with angled, jutting side point. 1.8 x 1.2 x 0.6 cm. 2) Sub-ovoid with one pointed end. 1.0 x 0.5 x 0.4 cm. 3) Sub-ovoid slag bent into slight curve. 0.6 x 0.3 x 0.2 cm.",25/5/1995 00:00:00,, "1864",47.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","One possible object fragment and 5 other smaller slag fragments with brown staining. From Flot. Residue 1864:21. Total Wgt 8.4 gm. 1) Sub-triangular piece with rounded apex. One face flat, the other convex. Possibly part of a broken object. Dimensions 2.0 x 1.0 x 0.7 cm. 2) Sub-ovoid and lumpy 1.3 x 1.2 x 1.1 cm. 3) Sub-ovoid and lumpy 1.0 x 0.6 x 0.5 cm. 4) Sub-oval and lumpy with short projection on one corner 1.0 x 0.8 x 0.4 cm. 5) Sub-ovoid and lumpy 0.8 x 0.7 x 0.5 cm. 6) Sub-ovoid and lumpy 0.7 x 0.7 x 0.4 cm.",25/5/1995 00:00:00,, "1864",48.00,"BONE","OBJECT","Two fragments, presumably from the same long, thin, flat bone artefact. One piece is thin and flat, approximately sub-rectangular, with the edges and one end rounded off. The other end is broken. 9mm from the finished end is a drilled hole. The other piece is also thin and flat, and now sub-rectangular, with at least one end broken off. The other end may be either worn or broken. The pieces do not join, but appear related. Dimensions of piece with hole: ext. length 1.0, max. pres. width 1.2, 0.7 thick, hole 0.25. Other piece: ext. length 2.4, max. width 1.4, 0.9 thick.",8/4/1997 00:00:00,, "1864",49.00,"IVORY","WORKED","Two eroded strips of ivory, probably part of the same artefact, now split longitudinally and with salt in the gap. One piece is rectangular, with the short ends broken off. The second is similar, but more eroded, and the long edges are less obviously worked. Dimensions: (1) ext. length 3.5, width 1.2; (2) extant length 4.5, width 1.0; original thickness c. 1.0 Found during bone sorting.",8/4/1997 00:00:00,, "1864",50.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Two copper fragments. 1) One irregularly-shaped, fairly flat fragment. Dimensions 1.3 x 0.9 x 0.3 cm. 2) One other irregularly-shaped fragment with possible iron adhering to it. Dimensions 1.2 x 0.9 x 0.8 cm.",,,"Split off from 1864:10" "1865",1.00,"PLASTER","FRAGS","Three fragments of plaster. Dimensions of largest fragment 11.0 x 10.0 x 1.9 cm.",2/4/1994 00:00:00,, "1866",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Square 17. Mixed shell, sieved.",1/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1866",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Square 17. Mixed bone, sieved.",2/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1866",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Square 11. Mixed shell, from occupation/",16/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1866",4.00,"BONE","ASSEMBLAGE","Square 11. An assemblage of articulated fish bone, from occupation. Plus one bag of loose mixed bone.",16/3/1994 00:00:00,,"Paraloid 10% on site." "1866",5.00,"ORGANIC","DATE","Square 11. Fourteen carbonised date pip fragments. Largest dimensions 1.1 x 0.7 x 0.5 cm. Total Wgt 1.1 gm.",16/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1866",6.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAG","Fragment of bitumen from the lining of a woven vessel. Thin and flat, with weave impressions. Slightly convex on surface without impressions. Dimensions 2.5 x 1.8 x 0.4 cm.",16/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1868",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Square 32. Mixed bone, sieved.",2/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1869",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Square 17. 6 buckets.",2/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1869",2.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Square 16. Two and a half buckets. Label lost during flotation, flotation sample discarded, heavy residue sorted.",6/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1869",3.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Square 16. Copper from occupation/ floor. Appears to be several irregular copper fragments, stuck together to form one large mass. Also traces of possible iron present. Dimensions 5.2 x 5.0 x 4.9 cm.",20/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1869",4.00,"BONE","BONES","Square 16. Mixed bone, from sieved occupation/ floor.",20/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1869",5.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sub oval fragment of light brown fine clay. Obverse. Surface has finger impressions to the left and slightly over part of the circular seal impression. Extant seal impression shows hindquarters of equid facing right, and another unidentifiable motif below. Above these is the bottom left corner of a hatched square (?) held by the right arm of a human figure. Only part of the head, neck and upper torso of the figure is visible, but not clearly. Reverse. String impressions. Height 1.55, width 1.45, thickness 0.55 cm. From Flot. Residue 1869:1. See also 1869:5-8.",25/5/1995 00:00:00,, "1869",6.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Small sub oval fragment of fine light brown clay with one side mostly flat and the other showing string impressions. From Flot. Residue 1869:1. See also 1869:5-8. Dimensions 1.2 x 0.7 x 0.55 cm.",25/5/1995 00:00:00,, "1869",7.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Small sub oval fragment of fine light brown clay. Obverse. Angled faces, one smooth, the other with partial impression of hatched square (?) motif. Very worn surface. Reverse. String impression. From Flot. Residue 1869:1. See also 1869:5-8. Length 1.0, width 0.9, thickness 0.6 cm.",25/5/1995 00:00:00,, "1869",8.00,"CLAY","SEALING","7 fragments of fine light brown clay. (One fragment of ashy plaster discarded). From Flot. Residue 1869:1 See also 1869:5-8. 1.-6. have string impressions on the reverse. 1) Sub ovoid with convex obverse surface, sharp angle to concave smooth side. 1.75 x 1.2 x 0.77 cm. 2) Sub rectangular with possible worn seal impression on obverse. 1.27 x 0.98 x 0.6 cm. 3) Sub triangular with curved edges, fingerprints on obverse. 1.0 x 0.8 x 0.34 cm. 4) Sub triangular with dot on tip and possible worn impression on convex obverse. 1.0 x 0.95 x 0.43 cm. 5) Sub rectangular with very worn fingerprint impressions on obverse. 1.1 x 0.75 x 0.4 cm. 6) Pointed triangular with small smooth concave obverse surface. String impressions on two surfaces. 1.0 x 0.57 x 0.4 cm. 7) Worn sub ovoid lump with no impressions. 0.85 x 0.6 x 0.35 cm.",25/5/1995 00:00:00,, "1869",9.00,"COPPER","FRAG","One sub-spherical copper lump with brown staining and small bumps on surface. Possible object or slag. From Flot Residue 1869:2. Diameter 0.9-1.1, height 0.8 cm. Wgt 2.7 gm.",25/5/1995 00:00:00,, "1870",1.00,"STONE","VESSEL","Light coloured, coarse grained stone vessel. Roughly square/ rectangular in plan, with a shallow depression. Base is flat, sides are flat and rough. Height 5.3, width 6.8 x 6.6 cm. Thickness of walls at rim 1.8 cm. Depth of depression 2.6 cm.",2/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1870",2.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Square 35. Flint tool from sieved floor. Possible pounder. Spheroid in shape, with one chipped/ worn end due to pounding. Two large chipped areas at opposite end. Diameter 4.9 (min), 5.2 (max) cm.",2/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1870",3.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Square 35. Dark grey/ ?black chert stone rubber fragment, from sieved floor. Roughly triangular in plan. Surviving edges are smooth. Dimensions 11.8 x 9.1 x 7.6 cm.",2/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1870",4.00,"POTTERY","VAT BASE","Base of large storage vat. Three joining fragments of base. Pink clay, sparse sandy temper. Heavy ribs on outside. Deliberate hole through base, plugged with white plaster. Inner surface is grey, perhaps from firing. Inside has encrustation of grey plaster, possibly post- depositional, including a fragment of copper slag. One sherd has similar encrustation outside. Height 4.3, diameter of base 5.4 cm. Diameter of plaster plug 3.3 cm.",2/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1870",5.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Square 35. Dark coloured stone tool from sieved floor. Possible pounder. Roughly rectangular in plan, with one flat end, the opposite end slightly tapering. Dimensions 8.4 x 8.1 x 5.9 cm.",2/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1870",6.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing of dense green clay. Reverse has multiple impressions, perhaps of string or thongs Dimensions 3.2 x 2.9 x 12. cm.",2/8/1994 00:00:00,, "1870",7.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Square 35. Light coloured, coarse grained stone rubber, from sieved floor. Roughly rectangular in shape, with rounded corners and edges. One flat surface, the other is very slightly domed. Length 17.2, width 15.6, thickness 3.1(min), 5.5(max) cm.",2/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1870",8.00,"STONE","TOOL","Square 35. Light coloured stone fragment Possibly worked. Roughly rectangular in plan. One surface is chipped at one end, and slightly concave. The other surface is chipped at both ends, with rounded edges. Dimensions 15.8 x 14.2 x 8.3 cm.",8/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1870",9.00,"BONE","ASSEMBLAGE","Square 30. Articulated fish bone",2/3/1994 00:00:00,,"Paraloid 10% on site." "1870",10.00,"STONE","TOOL","Square 30. Light coloured stone tool Roughly spheroid in shape, very worn. Dimensions 3.8 x 3.7 x 3.4 cm.",2/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1870",11.00,"STONE","TOOL","Square 30. Light coloured stone tool, from sieved floor. Roughly square in plan, with ?bitumen adhering to one corner. Very worn. Bitumen has slight impressions. Dimensions 5.4 x 5.0 x 2.6 cm.",2/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1870",12.00,"STONE","TOOL","Square 30. Light coloured stone tool, from sieved floor. Circular in plan, one surface fairly flat and smooth, the other is domed and badly worn or chipped away, with only some smooth areas left. Diameter 5.8, thickness 2.8 cm.",2/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1870",13.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Square 30. Dark grey stone rubber, from sieved floor. Very rounded, but not spheroid. All surfaces are smooth with very slight scratch marks. Dimensions 5.1 x 4.8 x 3.9 cm.",2/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1870",14.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Square 30. Black ?chert rubber fragment from sieved floor. Rounded. Existing surface is very smooth, the rest has broken off. Dimensions 4.6 x 3.2 x 2.4 cm.",2/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1870",15.00,"STONE","TOOL","Light coloured stone tool, Probably originally a natural occurring spheroid, worked or worn relatively flat on two opposing faces to form a thick disc. Both ends of the disc are heavily pitted possibly due to pounding. Diameter 5.9, thickness 5.2 cm.",23/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1870",16.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Large bitumen fragment. Fairly flat, possibly broken off at one end to form a flat, straight broken edge. Dimensions 12.5 x 14.4 x 3.2 cm.",17/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1870",17.00,"SHELL","CONE BEAD","Conus ebraeus shell, with very small hole at one end, presumably for use as bead. Length 2.2, diameter at widest part 1.7 cm. Diameter of hole 0.1 cm.",17/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1870",18.00,"STEATITE","SEAL","Grey steatite, glazed, glaze worn round the edges. Standard back with traces of burning on dome. Failaka var.1, straight, and badly worn in part. Design shows standing man facing left, wearing short, 2-tiered skirt. His arms are outstretched on either side of his waist. In his right hand he holds the horns of a bull, which stands below him and faces left. His left hand holds the horns of a second animal, ?standing back to back with the first, but part broken, and facing right. In upper left field is monkey-like creature, below man's arm is a jar. In upper right field is crescent and second ?jar. Diameter 2.46 Height 1.01cms",19/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1870",19.00,"CARNELIAN","BEAD","Cylindrical bead of translucent orange-red carnelian. Ends slightly tapered. Slightly chipped at both ends. Woolley type 6. Length 1.1, diameter 0.6 cm.",19/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1870",20.00,"STONE","GROUP","Group of ten stone tools, part of larger group 1870:48. 1) Light-coloured stone tool. Roughly rectangular/ square in plan, with rounded corners. Slightly pitted/ chipped on one surface. Dimensions 4.7 x 4.6 x 3.4 cm. 2) Light-coloured stone tool. Roughly oval in plan, with one end broken off or worn flat. Dimensions 4.8 x 4.3 x 2.0 cm. 3) Light-coloured stone tool. Irregularly-shaped. Dimensions 7.0 x 4.3 x 2.7 cm. 4) Light-coloured stone tool. Irregularly-shaped, with one flat smooth surface. Dimensions 3.7 x 3.4 x 1.4 cm. 5) Light-coloured stone tool. Irregularly-shaped. Dimensions 6.6 x 3.9 x 2.8 cm. 6) Light-coloured stone tool. Roughly circular/ oval in plan. Dimensions 4.6 x 4.5 x 3.8 cm. 7) Light -coloured stone tool. Probably once circular/ oval in plan, but has been broken in half. Dimensions 4.9 x 3.5 x 2.4 cm. 8) Light-coloured stone tool/ pebble. Irregularly-shaped. One surface has perhaps been worn away, forming a concave slot/ groove at one end. Dimensions 3.4 x 2.0 x 1.5 cm. Dimensions of groove, length 2.2, width 1.7 (at widest point), depth 1.5 (approx) cm. 9) Light-coloured stone tool/ pebble. Oval disc shaped. Dimensions 3.4 x 3.1 x 1.5 cm. 10) Light grey stone tool/ pebble. Irregularly-shaped. One surface smooth and fairly flat. The opposing surface worn and rough. Dimensions 4.4 x 2.9 x 1.3 cm.",20/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1870",21.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Square 29. Light coloured stone rubber, Probably once a naturally occurring spheroid which has been worn flat on two surfaces by rubbing. The flat surfaces are adjacent to each other, and are very smooth. Dimensions 6.9 x 6.4 x 5.9 cm.",20/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1870",22.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Square 29. Dark coloured stone pounder, Roughly oval in plan, but one end has been broken away to form a flat surface. The remaining rounded end is very chipped, possibly due to pounding. One flattish surface, the other has been worn away into a slightly concave surface. The remaining edges are rounded and smooth. Dimensions 9.6 x 8.6 x 6.5 cm.",20/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1870",23.00,"STONE","TOOL","Square 29. Dark coloured stone tool, Irregular in shape, but was probably once rectangular. Two corners appear to have been broken off. Upper surface is flat and smooth, apart from near one of the broken corners, the upper surface has been worn or chipped away. The lower surface is very chipped and worn, looks to be deliberate. There are three possible finished edges, one of which shows the complete length of the tool. This edge is very smooth, perhaps used as a smoother/ rubber. The other two finished edges are only partially still in existence, the rest has been broken off. Length 13.4, width 11.2, thickness 6.9 cm.",20/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1870",24.00,"STONE","TOOL","Square 34. Black stone tool, Irregularly-shaped, but very smooth and shiny. Has some areas of possible wear. Dimensions 7.3 x 5.3 x 3.4 cm.",20/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1870",25.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Square 34. Dark coloured stone rubber/ smoother, Rectangular in plan, with rounded edges. One surface appears to be domed and very smooth. The opposing surface is rough and very worn. Both ends appear to have finished edges. Length 6.5, width 4.1 x 3.9 cm.",20/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1870",26.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Square 34. Light coloured stone tool Roughly triangular in shape, with rounded corners. Upper surface flat and fairly smooth, with one corner of the triangle chipped. The lower surface is very rough. Of the three sides, one appears to be fairly smooth and perhaps a finished edge. One other appears slightly concave. The third appears much rougher and pitted, perhaps from use as a possible pounder. Dimensions 13.6 x 13.1 x 8.1 cm.",20/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1870",27.00,"STONE","TOOL","Square 30. Light coloured stone tool, Roughly rectangular in plan, but very rounded. Both opposing faces are flat and fairly smooth, but are very worn. All the edges appear to be pitted and have lots of wear due to possible pounding.",20/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1870",28.00,"STONE","TOOL","Square 30. Dark grey stone tool, Cylindrical in shape, but slightly square in section. Very smooth on all surfaces, but has white ?mortar adhering to one face. Both ends appear to be finished, one having a slight chip out of one corner. Possibly used as a rubber. Dimensions 8.7 x 3.3 x 3.1 cm.",20/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1870",29.00,"BONE","BONES","Mammal bone,",21/3/1994 00:00:00,,"Paraloid 10% on site." "1870",30.00,"STONE","TOOL","Light coloured stone tool, Irregularly-shaped, with only one flat surface. The other surfaces appear to be worn and rough. One end has a slight curve to it, and is slightly pitted, possibly due to pounding. Dimensions 11.1 x 8.9 x 8.9 cm.",23/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1870",31.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Dark coloured stone tool, Roughly rectangular in plan, but with very rounded corners. One surface fairly flat and smooth, the other is slightly rougher and has one large chip at one end. Has rounded edges. Perhaps used as a smoother/ rubber. Dimensions 6.2 x 5.5 x 3.4 cm.",23/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1870",32.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Dark grey/ brown flint tool, Roughly oval in plan. Numerous chips and flakes on all surfaces. Possibly used as a pounder. Dimensions 7.2 x 6.9 x 5.9 cm.",23/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1870",33.00,"STONE","GRINDST0NE","Large, light coloured grindstone. Roughly square in shape, but has broken edges. Upper surface is very slightly concave across its width, and very worn, with traces of a white substance, possibly mortar along one edge. Across the centre of the flat surface is a dark coloured staining from possible residue. Lower surface is very rough. Only one edge is a possible finished edge, the rest are broken. Length 34.5, width 32.3, thickness 2.5 (min), 6.6 (max) cm.",23/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1870",34.00,"STONE","GROUP","Group of twelve stones, probably tools, comprising part of larger group 1870:47. 1) Flint. Roughly circular in shape, almost spheroid. Dimensions 4.5 x 4.4 x 3.9 cm. 2) Small stone pebble. Roughly oval in shape, and flat. Dimensions 2.3 x 1.6 x 0.8 cm. 3) Light-coloured stone. Roughly circular in shape, almost spheroid. Dimensions 3.5 x 3.3 x 2.7 cm. 4) Light-coloured stone, Irregularly-shaped. One smooth flat surface, slightly square in shape. Dimensions 3.7 x 3.5 x 2.8 cm. 5) Light-coloured stone. Irregularly-shaped, with one broken edge. Dimensions 5.3 x 4.5 x 2.1 cm. 6) Light-coloured stone. Probably originally a natural occurring spheroid, worked or worn flat on two opposing faces to form a thick disc. There are two incised, scratches of grooves along part of the edge. Diameter 3.8, thickness 3.2 cm. 7) Light-coloured stone pebble. Oval in shape and flat. Dimensions 3.6 x 3.1 x 1.8 cm. 8) Light-coloured stone. Roughly square in plan. One surface flat and smooth, the others are rough and worn. Dimensions 4.2 x 4.1 x 3.9 cm. 9) Light-coloured stone. Irregularly-shaped, with one end broken off. Rounded edges, with one surface fairly flat and smooth, the other irregular but smooth. Dimensions 5.0 x 4.0 x 2.2 cm. 10) Dark-coloured stone pebble, fairly flat and smooth. Dimensions 3.5 x 3.3 x 1.0 cm. 11) Light-coloured stone. Roughly rectangular in shape and fairly flat. Dimensions 4.8 x 3.2 x 1.7 cm. 12) Light-coloured stone. Probably originally a natural occurring spheroid, worked or worn flat on two opposing faces to form a thick disc. Dimensions 4.0 x 3.6 x 3.2 cm.",23/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1870",35.00,"COPPER","PIN","Long piece of substantial copper wire - presumably a pin or similar. Length 15.2, thickness 0.1 (min), 0.3 (max) cm.",24/3/1994 00:00:00,," Broken into three fragments that fit together." "1870",36.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Dark coloured stone smoother/ rubber. Irregular in shape, but has one flat, smooth surface. One end appears to have been broken off. Dimensions 7.7 x 7.7 x 4.6 cm. Part of group 1870:47.",23/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1870",37.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Smoother/ rubber of light-coloured stone. Roughly square in plan, with rounded corners, almost a cube. Only one surface is flat and smooth. Dimensions 5.2 x 5.1 x 4.8 cm. Part of group 1870:47.",23/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1870",38.00,"STONE","TOOL","Dark coloured stone tool, Roughly oval in plan, but with one end flat rather than curved. One surface appears to be slightly flatter than the others, possibly due to use. Found with large group of stones - object numbers 1870:34, 1870:36, 1870:37, 1870:39, 1870:40, 1870:41. Dimensions 4.4 x 3.8 x 2.8 cm.",23/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1870",39.00,"STONE","TOOL","Dark-coloured stone tool. Irregularly-shaped, with one curved edge, and one flat but rough surface. The rest seems to have been broken away. Dimensions 7.6 x 4.8 x 3.6 cm. Part of group 1870:47.",23/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1870",40.00,"STONE","TOOL","Light-coloured stone tool, Circular in plan, disc shaped. One surface is smooth and has rounded edges, the other is very rough but fairly flat. Diameter of smooth surface 6.3 cm. Diameter if rough surface 7.1 cm, thickness 3.0 (min), 3.9 (max). Part of group 1870:47.",23/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1870",41.00,"STONE","TOOL","Dark grey/ black stone tool, Roughly square in plan, with rounded corners. Smooth all over, with one surface a lot flatter than the others. Dimensions 2.8 x 2.8 x1.6 cm. Part of group 1870:47.",23/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1870",42.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Dark grey stone rubber/ smoother. Irregularly-shaped. One surface very smooth and shiny. The opposing surface being relatively flat, but and slightly rough. This surface also appears to have a brown residue still adhering to it, and also along one edge. Dimensions 5.5 x 5.2 x 2.4 cm. Part of group 1870:48.",20/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1870",43.00,"STONE","TOOL","Dark grey stone tool. Roughly oval in plan, two possible finished ends. The other surfaces appear to be very worn, chipped and pitted. Dimensions 7.3 x 6.7 x 5.9 cm. Part of group 1870:48.",20/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1870",44.00,"STONE","TOOL","Dark grey/ black stone tool. Irregularly-shaped, with one convex surface. The rest appears to have been broken off. Dimensions 4.5 x 4.1 x 3.7 cm. Part of group 1870:48.",20/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1870",45.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Dark grey stone rubber/ smoother, Triangular in plan. All surfaces flat and smooth, apart from one rough edge. Dimensions 4.5 x 4.1 x 3.2 cm. Part of group 1870:48.",20/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1870",46.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Dark grey flint fragment, Roughly rectangular in plan. One flat surface, slightly chipped/ pitted around the edges. The other surfaces are rough. Dimensions 4.9 x 4.3 x 3.7 cm. Part of group 1870:48.",20/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1870",47.00,"STONE","GROUP","Group of stone tools, 1870:34, 36-41. See descriptions under individual numbers.",16/9/2003 00:00:00,, "1870",48.00,"STONE","GROUP","Group of stone tools 1870:20, 42-46. See descriptions under individual numbers.",,, "1871",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Square 32. Mixed bone, from sieved collapse.",3/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1871",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Square 32. Mixed shell from sieved collapse.",3/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1871",3.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Square 32. Ten fragments of copper 1) Curved strip. Possible ring fragment. Diameter 1.9, width of band 0.8, thickness 0.3 cm. Missing 1998. 2) Irregular, flat fragment. Dimensions 2.0 x 1.9 x 0.4 cm. 3) Irregular fragment. Dimensions 2.0 x 1.5 x 0.6 cm. 4) Irregular fragment with possible traces of iron present. Dimensions 2.0 x 1.6 x 0.9 cm. 5) Irregular fragment. Dimensions 1.2 x 0.9 x 0.5 cm. 6) Irregular fragment, with traces of iron. Dimensions 1.4 x 0.9 x 0.8 cm. 7) Irregular fragment. Dimensions 1.5 x 1.0 x 0.7 cm. 8) Irregular fragment or possible staining on another object. No measurements taken. 9) Irregular fragment. Dimensions 1.7 x 0.9 x 0.6 cm. 10) Slightly curved strip. Possibly part of number 2 (above). Length 1.0, width 0.8, thickness 0.3 cm. Only 7 frags extant 1998",3/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1871",4.00,"CARNELIAN","BEAD","Translucent orange-red carnelian bead in the shape of a thick disc, ends rounded and slightly tapered. Length 0.4, diameter 0.6 cm.",3/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1871",5.00,"COPPER","RING","Length of copper wire bent round to form ring. Ends taper, and do not quite touch. Di. c. 2.0, max thickness c. 0.5 cm.",,, "1871",6.00,"COPPER","RING","Copper ring, now attached to roughly rectangular fragment, with slightly curved edges. Diameter of ring 1.9, width of band 0.5, thickness 0.4 cm. Dimensions of rectangular fragment 2.1 x 1.7 x 0.5 cm.",,, "1872",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Square 19. 2 buckets.",2/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1873",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Square 17. 2 buckets.",2/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1873",2.00,"CLAY","SEALING","One sub cuboid fragment, with pointed corner, of light brown clay. Numerous angular clear inclusions, possibly gypsum crystals. Obverse. Smooth and sloping down at one end, no visible impressions. Reverse. One face is worn and crystalline, the two broken edges have string impressions. Dimensions 2.95 x 1.15 x 0.75 cm. From Flot. Residue 1873:1.",25/5/1995 00:00:00,, "1874",1.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Four copper fragments, one with iron adhering to all its surfaces, plus one iron fragment. 1) Thin sheet of copper, with a large quantity of iron adhering to it. Dimensions of copper sheet 1.7 x 1.5 x 0.1 cm. Dimensions including iron 2.0 x 1.8 x 1.0 cm. 2) Copper fragment, irregular shape, but fairly flat. Dimensions 1.2 x 1.0 x 0.2 cm. 3) Irregular iron fragment. Dimensions 1.4 x 0.7 x 0.5 cm. 4) Irregular fragment. Dimensions 2.4 x 2.0 x 1.0 cm.",8/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1874",2.00,"COPPER","NAIL","Very large copper nail or long pin, in excellent condition. Small disc-shaped head, long cylindrical shaft. Length 19.4, thickness 0.8 cm. Diameter across head 1.2 cm.",21/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1874",3.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing of gritty yellowish clay. About Half preserved. Fingerprints on preserved edge. Obverse. Approximately half an impression, part of hatched rectangle, originally in centre of design(?). Above, the feet and lower skirt of a standing human figure facing right. In left field a horned animal standing facing left, head turned back over its shoulder. Reverse. Impression of knotted string. Dimensions 2.1 x 1.5 x 0.95 cm. Estimated diameter of seal 3.3 cm.",24/2/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "1876",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,20/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1893",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, from sieved occupation.",27/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1893",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, from sieved occupation.",27/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1893",3.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Six copper fragments, from sieved occupation. 1) Irregular fragment. Dimensions 1.5 x 0.9 x 0.6 cm. 2) Irregular fragment. Dimensions 1.7 x 1.1 x 0.7 cm. 3) Roughly square-shaped fragment. Dimensions 1.8 x 1.5 x 0.7 cm. 4) Irregular fragment. Dimensions 1.3 x 0.7 x 0.3 cm. 5) Irregular fragment. Dimensions 0.6 x 0.5 x 0.3 cm. 6) Irregular fragment. Dimensions 0.8 x 0.5 x 0.2 cm.",27/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1893",4.00,"CLAY","FRAGS","Eleven fragments of yellow hardened clay. No impressions visible. Dimensions of largest fragment 1.8 x 1.8 x 1.0 cm.",27/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1893",5.00,"CLAY","FRAGS","Nineteen fragments of black, burnt clay. No impressions clearly visible. Dimensions of largest fragment 1.3 x 1.1 x 1.1 cm.",27/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1893",6.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealings. Twelve fragments of clay sealings, of fine grey clay with fragmentary designs on each. From sieved occupation. i. Reverse shows string impression. Part of smoothed edge with fingerprint. Design: Pair of human legs facing left with horizontal hatched motif in right field behind them. Fragment of 'caduceus' in left field. Linear style. Dimensions:1x2x1.2 cm. ii. Reverse shows string impression. Part of smoothed edge with fingerprint. Design: Part of left margin of seal, a scorpion with a hatched, oblong 'shield' to right. Dimensions:1.6x1.1x.8cms iii. Nothing visible on reverse. Small segment of smoothed edge, with fingerprint. Design; 3 parallel linear motifs. Dimensions:1.6x1.2x.8 cm. iv. Reverse broken. Fragment of smoothed edge. Design: Several disjointed linear motifs including a possible pair of horns. Dimensions:1.2x1.1x.9cms v. String mark on reverse, smoothed edge. Design:2 curved parallel lines on edge of seal. Dimensions:1.6x1.2x.7cms vi. Possible string marks on reverse. Small area of smoothed edge. Design; Badly worn, 2 raised motifs, parallel to each other. Dimensions:2x21.2x.7cms vii. String impression on reverse. Small area of smoothed edge. Design: upper half of ?seated human figure, facing left, with one arm raised to the left towards a hoof. Same design as on 1600:01 (q.v.) etc. Dimensions:1x1.1x.6cms viii. String impression on reverse. Small smoothed area. Design: Possible hatched motif. Dimensions:1.2x1.1x.5cms ix. Possible string impression on reverse. Design: Damaged, 2 parallel lines survive. Dimensions:1x.9x.5 cm. x. Fragment of smoothed edge with fingerprint. Design badly worn. 2 curved parallel lines ? horns. Dimensions:.45x1.1x.7 cm. xi. Small fragment no edge. Design; A pair of human legs, linear style. Dimensions:.5x.8x.42 cm. xii. small fragment, no edge. Design; Human torso facing left, badly worn. Dimensions:.8x.75x.3cms",27/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1893",7.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing of yellowish clay with salty inclusions. Reverse worn. Part of smoothed edge. Design: Segment of top and right edge of impression, showing head and long horns of animal facing right, head turned over its shoulder. Palm tree to left, and in right field an unidentified motif. From sieved occupation. Dimensions:2.15x1.45x1.1cms",27/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1893",8.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Four fragments of clay sealings, all of yellowish clay with white inclusions. From sieved occupation. i. String marks on reverse. Part of edge. 1 smooth surface with indentation, but no design visible Dimensions 2.15x1.6x.95 cm. ii. Part of right edge of sealing. Possible string marks on reverse. Design: Worn figure of animal looking back over its shoulder to centre of seal. Dimensions:1.72x1.16x.9 cm. iii. Irregular fragment, string impression on one face. Design: Badly worn, parallel striations visible. Dimensions:1.3x.9x.65 cm. iv. Small irregular fragment. Traces of design: tree or frond on right, on left a horned animal with head stretched up, with a possible second animal to right of 'tree'. Dimensions:0.6x1.05x.45 cm.",27/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1893",9.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing. Yellowish clay with salty inclusions. String impressions on reverse. Segment of smoothed edge. Design: Lower part of standing figure in tiered skirt, vertical line on either side of figure, perhaps a spear and shield ? From sieved occupation. Dimensions:2.5x1.45x1.0cms",27/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1896",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, from early temple floors, sieved.",28/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1896",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, from early temple floors, sieved.",28/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1896",3.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Three fragments of copper, from sieved early temple floors. 1) Irregularly-shaped fragment. Dimensions 0.9 x 0.8 x 0.6 cm. 2) Irregularly-shaped fragment, with possible deliberate hole at one end. Dimensions 1.5 x 0.6 x 0.3 cm. 3) Irregularly-shaped fragment. Dimensions 0.5 x 0.3 x 0.2 cm.",28/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1896",4.00,"PEARL","PEARL","Possible pearl or fish tooth, from sieved early temple floors. Diameter 0.4 cm.",28/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1897",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, from early temple floors, sieved.",29/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1897",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, from early temple floors, sieved.",29/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1898",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, from street sand.",29/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1898",2.00,"STONE","TOOL","POSS JOINS 1777:1??Dark grey stone tool, from street. Probably once circular/ oval in plan, but has had one part of the edge broken off. Lower surface, flat but rough. Upper surface flat and smooth, sloping downwards towards the broken edge. The remaining edge is very smooth. Dimensions 13.4 x 12.9 cm. POSS JOINS Thickness 3.0 (min), 5.2 (max) cm.",29/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1899",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, from street.",29/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1899",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, from street.",29/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1900",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, from street.",30/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1900",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, from street.",30/3/1990 00:00:00,, "1900",3.00,"STONE","TOOL","Grey spheroid shaped stone tool, from street. Possibly natural. Diameter 3.4 cm.",30/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1900",4.00,"BONE","ASSEMBLAGE","Fish skull, from street.",5/4/1994 00:00:00,,"Paraloid 10%." "1900",5.00,"PLASTER","LID FRAG","Fragment of white plaster, probably from a disc lid. About a quarter extant. One surface flat, the other slightly domed. Dimensions 6.4 x 4.4 x 4.2 cm.",30/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1900",6.00,"PLASTER","FRAG","Irregular fragment of white plaster. One surface flat. The opposing surface relatively flat, with one large protrusion, with a possible lipped edge. Dimensions 8.0 x 4.9 x 1.9 cm. Dimensions of protrusion: length 4.6, width 2.3 (broken), height 2.3 cm.",30/3/1994 00:00:00,, "1901",1.00,"BONE","ASSEMBLAGE","An assemblage of fish bone. Hamour, from street.",31/3/1994 00:00:00,,"Paraloid 10%." "1901",2.00,"PEARL","PEARL","Burnt pearl from street. Grey in colour, and very cracked.",31/3/1994 00:00:00,,"Paraloid 5% " "1901",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, from sieved street.",3/4/1994 00:00:00,, "1901",4.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, from sieved street.",3/4/1994 00:00:00,, "1901",5.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Light brown flint fragment, from sieved street. Dimensions 1.7 x 0.7 x 0.2 cm.",3/4/1994 00:00:00,, "1901",6.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Two fragments of copper, from sieved street. 1) Irregularly-shaped fragment. Dimensions 1.2 x 1.1 x 0.5 cm. 2) Irregularly-shaped fragment. Dimensions 1.0 x 0.7 x 0.6 cm.",3/4/1994 00:00:00,, "1902",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, from sieved floor/ street.",3/4/1994 00:00:00,, "1902",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, from sieved street/ floor.",3/4/1994 00:00:00,, "1902",3.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Two fragments of copper, from sieved floor/ street. 1) Irregularly-shaped fragment. Dimensions 0.8 x 0.8 x 0.4 cm. 2) Very small fragment. Dimensions 0.4 x 0.1 x 0.1 cm.",3/4/1994 00:00:00,, "1904",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed small mammal bone, from sieved temple floor. Returned from analysis York on 1/4/95.",3/4/1994 00:00:00,, "1904",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, from sieved temple floor.",1/7/1994 00:00:00,, "1905",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, from sieved temple floor.",4/4/1994 00:00:00,, "1905",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, from sieved temple floor.",4/4/1994 00:00:00,, "1905",3.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Two fragments of copper, from sieved temple floor. 1) Elongated, Irregularly-shaped fragment. Dimensions 2.6 x 1.3 x 0.5 cm. 2) Irregularly-shaped, flat fragment. Dimensions 1.4 x 1.1 x 0.2 cm. One piece taken by Lloyd Weeks for metallurgical analysis at Sydney, 1998",4/4/1994 00:00:00,, "1905",4.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Dark brown flint fragment, from sieved temple floor. Irregular in shape, with two flat surfaces. Dimensions 3.0 x 2.3 x 0.7 cm.",4/4/1994 00:00:00,, "1906",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, from sieved temple floor.",4/4/1994 00:00:00,, "1906",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, from sieved temple floor.",4/4/1994 00:00:00,, "1906",3.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAG","Bitumen fragment, from lining of woven vessel, with weave impressions. Dimensions 1.7 x 1.2 x 0.2 cm.",4/4/1994 00:00:00,, "1907",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, from sieved temple floor.",4/4/1994 00:00:00,, "1907",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, from sieved temple floor.",4/4/1994 00:00:00,, "1907",3.00,"GLASS","BEADS","Two glass beads. 1) Black, spherical, Woolley type 12. Length 0.5, diameter 0.4 cm. 2) Green, cylindrical, Woolley type 4. Length 0.5, diameter 0.4 cm. N. B. Both these beads were found in the sieve. But definitely not temple finds - although the men are adamant they weren't planted. Could have been chucked in by visitors.",17/4/1994 00:00:00,, "1910",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, from sieved temple floor.",5/4/1994 00:00:00,, "1910",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, from sieved temple floor.",5/4/1994 00:00:00,, "1911",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, from sieved temple floor.",5/4/1994 00:00:00,, "1911",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, from sieved temple floor.",5/4/1994 00:00:00,, "1911",3.00,"COPPER","FRAG","copper fragment, from temple floor. Irregular shape. Dimensions 2.0 x 1.5 x 0.7 cm. After cleaned by K. Norman in 1995. Piece can be seen to have the shape of a long triangle, with the apex broken off and one other corner cut out. One broad face is smooth, the other lumpy and irregular. All edges apparently broken off. The 'notch' created by the cut-out corner maybe deliberate. Broken fragment of something? Length 2.1, width 1.3, thickness 0.7 cm.",5/4/1994 00:00:00,, "1914",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Parrot fish teeth, from stone platform.",21/4/1994 00:00:00,, "1915",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, from sieved temple floor.",10/4/1994 00:00:00,, "1915",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, from sieved temple floor.",10/4/1994 00:00:00,, "1915",3.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Two copper fragments, from sieved temple floor. 1) Irregularly-shaped fragment, with traces of iron present. Dimensions 2.2 x 1.0 x 0.6 cm. 2) Irregularly-shaped fragment. Dimensions 1.0 x 0.9 x 0.5 cm.",10/4/1994 00:00:00,, "1915",4.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Seven bitumen fragments. Dimensions of largest fragment 2.2 x 2.0 x 0.8 cm.",10/4/1994 00:00:00,, "1917",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, from street.",10/4/1994 00:00:00,, "1917",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, from street.",10/4/1994 00:00:00,, "1917",3.00,"COPPER","FRAG","copper fragment, from street. Irregular in shape, tapering at one end. Dimensions 2.8 x 1.1 x 0.7 cm.",10/4/1994 00:00:00,, "1918",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, from sieved temple floor.",11/4/1994 00:00:00,, "1918",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, from sieved temple floor.",11/4/1994 00:00:00,, "1919",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, from sieved temple floor.",14/4/1994 00:00:00,, "1919",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, from sieved temple floor.",14/4/1994 00:00:00,, "1919",3.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Twenty fragments of bitumen. Dimensions of largest fragment 3.4 x 2.8 x 1.1 cm.",14/4/1994 00:00:00,, "1921",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, from street sand.",12/4/1994 00:00:00,, "1921",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, from street sand.",12/4/1994 00:00:00,, "1922",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone.",14/4/1994 00:00:00,, "1922",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell.",14/4/1994 00:00:00,, "1923",1.00,"ASH","SAMPLE","Ash deposit. Top fill of depression feature in early temple. C14 sample. Two tubs.",14/4/1994 00:00:00,, "1924",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, from sieved temple floor.",16/4/1994 00:00:00,, "1924",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, from sieved temple floor.",16/4/1994 00:00:00,, "1924",3.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Twenty two fragments of bitumen. Some have slight impressions on. Dimensions of largest fragment 5.5 x 3.7 x 1.3 cm.",16/4/1994 00:00:00,, "1925",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone,",14/4/1994 00:00:00,, "1925",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell,",14/4/1994 00:00:00,, "1926",1.00,"BONE","ASSEMBLAGE","Fish skull",14/4/1994 00:00:00,,"Paraloid 10%." "1927",1.00,"BONE","BONES","NB Suitable C14. Mixed bone, from pre building 206 and temple. This is actually at back (external) of temple - below temple construction.",17/4/1994 00:00:00,, "1927",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, from pre temple and building 206.",17/4/1994 00:00:00,, "1927",3.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAG","Bitumen fragment from lining of a woven vessel, with weave impressions visible on one side. Dimensions 2.9 x 2.3 x 1.2 cm. Sent for bitumen analysis 30/04/94.",17/4/1994 00:00:00,, "1928",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, from sieved temple floor.",18/4/1994 00:00:00,, "1928",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, from sieved temple floor.",18/4/1994 00:00:00,, "1928",3.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Three fragments of copper, from sieved temple floor. 1) Irregularly-shaped fragment. Dimensions 1.7 x 0.8 x 0.7 cm. 2) Irregularly-shaped, flat fragment. Dimensions 1.8 x 0.8 x 0.3 cm. 3) Irregularly-shaped fragment. Dimensions 1.5 x 1.3 x 0.9 cm.",18/4/1994 00:00:00,, "1928",4.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Numerous bitumen fragments. Dimensions of largest fragment 1.6 x 1.1 x 0.6 cm. 6 fragments sent for bitumen analysis 30/04/94.",18/4/1994 00:00:00,, "1929",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, from sieved temple floor.",19/4/1994 00:00:00,, "1929",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, from sieved temple floor.",19/4/1994 00:00:00,, "1929",3.00,"COPPER","FRAG","copper fragment, from sieved temple floor. Roughly circular/ oval in shape. Dimensions 1.4 x 1.2 x 0.7 cm.",19/4/1994 00:00:00,, "1929",4.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Numerous bitumen fragments. Dimensions of largest fragment 1.6 x 1.1 x 0.4 cm.",19/4/1994 00:00:00,, "1930",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, from sieved temple floor.",20/4/1994 00:00:00,, "1930",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, from sieved temple floor.",20/4/1994 00:00:00,, "1930",3.00,"CLAY","FRAGS","Twenty four hardened yellow clay fragments, from sieved temple floor. Dimensions of largest fragment 4.4 x 3.1 x 2.0 cm.",20/4/1994 00:00:00,, "2000",1.00,"POTTERY","PIERCED DISC","Sherd from fairly large vessel, very roughly circular. Well-fired buff clay, orange/red paint out, small central hole. Diameter 6.6 cm. Thickness 0.9 cm. Di. of hole 0.4 cm",1/12/1991 00:00:00,, "2001",1.00,"FLINT","CORE","Flint core, showing evidence of flakes being taken off. Probably used as a hammer stone at one time. Roughly round in shape. Diameter=6.9 cm.",2/12/1991 00:00:00,, "2001",2.00,"STONE","TOOL FRAG","Close grained black stone. Probably half of a stone rubber. Upper surface smoothed. Lower surface damaged 7.5x4.5x2.5cms",2/12/1991 00:00:00,, "2001",3.00,"STONE","TOOL FRAG","Close grained black stone. Probably half of a stone rubber. Upper surface smoothed. Lower surface damaged. 7.5x4.5x2.5 cm.",2/12/1991 00:00:00,, "2001",4.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Small, round, light coloured stone, probably used as a small pounder. One end abraded, all others smooth. Diameter=3.5 cm.",3/12/1991 00:00:00,, "2001",5.00,"FLINT","FRAG","A rough flake of brown flint. No evidence of retouch. Dimensions=3.7x3.5x1.4 cm.",7/12/1991 00:00:00,, "2001",6.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Small, light coloured stone pounder. Roughly oval in shape. All surfaces pitted. Dimensions=4x3xx3 cm.",8/12/1991 00:00:00,, "2001",7.00,"STONE","FRAG","Fragment of dark pink coloured stone, worked but use unknown. Possibly a broken fragment of a small pounder. Irregular in shape. Dimensions=4.5x2.7x1.9 cm.",8/12/1991 00:00:00,, "2001",8.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Small fragment of badly corroded copper, irregular in shape. Dimensions 1.5 x 1 x 1 cm.",8/12/1991 00:00:00,, "2001",9.00,"COPPER","BLADE FRAG?","Triangular fragment of copper, probably part of a blade. Dimensions 1.9 x 1.4 x 0.3 cm.",9/12/1991 00:00:00,, "2001",10.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Light, greenish coloured stone pounder or pestle. Broken in antiquity. Dimensions=9x5.5x4 cm.",9/12/1991 00:00:00,, "2001",11.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Brown flint flake.",9/12/1991 00:00:00,, "2001",12.00,"BONE","HORN CORE","Horn core of a sheep or goat. Length=9.6 cm.",6/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2005",1.00,"STONE","BASIN","Basin of light-coloured stone, roughly square in shape. A fairly deep depression extends from the rim. Re-used as a threshold. Lower surface is flat. Dimensions 49 x43 x 15 cm.",15/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2019",1.00,"STONE?","FRAG","Large fragment of stone with a white plaster covering. Roughly rectangular in shape. Dimensions=20x22x14 cm.",30/12/1991 00:00:00,, "2020",1.00,"BONE","BONES",,10/12/1991 00:00:00,, "2024",1.00,"BONE","BONES",,15/12/1991 00:00:00,, "2024",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,15/12/1991 00:00:00,, "2024",3.00,"POTTERY","KNOB?","Short, waisted, cylindrical piece of baked clay. One end is slightly convex, the other slightly hollowed out. Outer surfaces all smoothed. Perhaps the broken-off knob to a lid or similar. Diameter at one end 2.9cms, at other 3.7 cm. Length 3.9 cm.",18/12/1991 00:00:00,, "2024",4.00,"POTTERY","SHAPED SHERD","Shaped pot sherd. Sub-rectangular, with one side rounded off. All outer surfaces smoothed. Chip near centre may represent an attempt to pierce. Max. diameter:-2.4 cm. Max. thickness 1.2 cm",18/12/1991 00:00:00,, "2024",5.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Flint blade, no evidence of retouch. Length=4 cm.",18/12/1991 00:00:00,, "2024",6.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Irregular, badly corroded fragment of copper. Dimensions 2.7 x 2 x 2 cm.",18/12/1991 00:00:00,, "2024",7.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed. Amalgamated with find no:02.",18/12/1991 00:00:00,, "2025",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone including teeth.",14/12/1991 00:00:00,, "2025",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,14/12/1991 00:00:00,, "2025",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone from dry sieving.",24/12/1991 00:00:00,, "2025",4.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shells from dry sieving.",24/12/1991 00:00:00,, "2025",5.00,"FLINT","TOOL",,4/9/1992 00:00:00,, "2026",1.00,"PLASTER","FRAG","A very thick piece of plaster, with parallel impressions, of reed or palm-leaf, all across one flattened surface. The opposite surface has been flattened, and a straight line cut into it on one edge. Overall dimensions 21 x 22 x 8.8 cm.",16/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2028",1.00,"BONE","BONES",,14/12/1991 00:00:00,, "2030",1.00,"BONE","BONES",,19/12/1991 00:00:00,, "2030",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,19/12/1991 00:00:00,, "2030",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone removed from a dry sieved context.",21/12/1991 00:00:00,, "2030",4.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from sieved context.",21/12/1991 00:00:00,, "2030",5.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Large quantity of tiny fragments of bitumen, many with weave impressions, presumably therefore from lining to one or more woven vessels. Not measured.",21/12/1991 00:00:00,, "2030",6.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Tiny fragment of copper. Length 0.6 cm.",21/12/1991 00:00:00,, "2030",7.00,"SHELL","WORKED SHELL?","Tiny black shell, possibly worked. Diameter 0.8 cm.",21/12/1991 00:00:00,, "2031",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Fish bone from a sieved context.",22/12/1991 00:00:00,, "2031",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from sieving, including some burnt shell.",22/12/1991 00:00:00,, "2031",3.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Missing spring 1992",4/9/1992 00:00:00,, "2035",1.00,"COPPER","PIN FRAG","Length of copper rod, presumably part of a pin or nail, not badly corroded. Length 2.2 cm. Thickness 0.4 cm.",17/12/1991 00:00:00,,"Mechanically cleaned. No further conservation attempted. Stored in plastic box with Silica gel." "2037",1.00,"SHELL","WORKED SHELL?","Tiny shell, possibly worked. Diameter 0.7 cm.",24/12/1991 00:00:00,, "2037",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone recovered from dry sieving.",24/12/1991 00:00:00,, "2037",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from dry sieving. Amalgamated with find no:01.",24/12/1991 00:00:00,, "2038",1.00,"STONE","FRAG","DISCARDED.",18/12/1991 00:00:00,, "2038",2.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Rough flint hammer stone. Round in shape. Diameter=-5 cm.",18/12/1991 00:00:00,, "2038",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,18/12/1991 00:00:00,, "2038",4.00,"BONE","BONES",,18/12/1991 00:00:00,, "2038",5.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder of light coloured, close grained stone. Roughly round in shape, with one surface abraded. Diameter=7 cm.",18/12/1991 00:00:00,, "2038",6.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Irregular fragment of copper. Dimensions 3.3 x 1.7 x 0.7 cm.",18/12/1991 00:00:00,, "2039",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, but mostly fish, from sieving.",13/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2039",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from sieving.",13/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2039",3.00,"FLINT","CORE","Large, dark grey flint core. Irregular in shape. Dimensions=12.8x6.6x2 cm.",13/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2047",1.00,"BONE","BONES",,21/12/1991 00:00:00,, "2047",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,21/12/1991 00:00:00,, "2047",3.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Small, irregular fragment of copper. Dimensions 1.1 x 1.8 x 0.7 cm.",21/12/1991 00:00:00,, "2048",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Large piece of fish bone from the skull. Dimensions:-7.5x4.4 cm.",22/12/1991 00:00:00,, "2048",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Fish bone from dry sieved context.",22/12/1991 00:00:00,, "2048",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed, burnt shell from dry sieved context.",22/12/1991 00:00:00,, "2051",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, but mostly fish, from dry sieving.",12/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2051",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from sieving.",12/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2051",3.00,"COPPER","HOOK FRAGS?","Two pieces of copper, possibly fragments of fish hooks. 1) Thin, slightly curved length of badly corroded copper, possibly part of a hook. Length 2.8 cm. 2) Smaller, slightly curved fragment, possibly the end of a fish hook. Length 1.4 cm.",8/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2051",4.00,"BITUMEN","BEAD","Roughly spherical bead, pierced through the middle. Diameter 1.8 cm. Length 1.9 cm. Diameter of hole 0.3 cm.",9/1/1992 00:00:00,"Y","Brushed with a solution of Paraloid B72 in Acetone - 5% weight/volume." "2051",5.00,"BONE","FRAG","Small piece of burnt calcified tissue. Appears to have been worked - a curved length with flattened and glossy upper surface. Rounded at the end. Dimensions=2.5x0.7x0.4 cm.",9/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2051",6.00,"STEATITE","SEAL","Light grey steatite seal, recovered from sieving. Edge straight - (Failaka Var. 1). Reverse broken away. traces of perforation visible. Design on the front shows two male animals with short horns standing either side of a palm tree with three branches. The animals face away from the tree, but their heads are turned back towards each other. Their necks are ruffed and their legs are neatly together in order to fit the curve of the seal. Their flicked-up tails are represented as crescents. The base of the tree divides into three roots. Overall diameter 2.3 cm, extant ht. 0.6",11/1/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "2051",7.00,"ORGANIC","DATE","Four date seeds.",12/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2053",1.00,"PLASTER","PIERCED DISC","Pierced object of light grey plaster. Discoid, with two smooth, compact, convex surfaces, possibly made in a sand mould. Hole through one edge. Sharp angled circumference or rim. Smoothest surface is side opposite hole. Hole in side does not extend through the object and has probably been made by a palm frond twig. Residue of possible metallic ore in the hole. Diameter 6.9 cm. Height 3.1 cm. Hole 1.4 x 1.1 cm. Depth: 2.1 cm.",28/12/1991 00:00:00,, "2053",2.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Round, light coloured stone pounder. All surfaces pitted. Diameter=7 cm.",2/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2053",3.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Small, light coloured stone rubber. One surface worn very smooth. Round in shape. Diameter=4.4 cm.",2/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2053",4.00,"PLASTER","PIERCED OBJECT","Round plaster object, perhaps a socket. Upper surface has been flattened, while lower surface has a triangular perforation in the centre. The hole seems to go about half way through. Overall dimensions 17 cm in diameter, max depth 6.5 cm, perforation 3.5 x 2 cm.",1/7/1991 00:00:00,,"Formerly 2152:04." "2084",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell.",9/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2084",4.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Fragment of a stone grinder. Light coloured farush, with many tiny shell inclusions. Probably once rectangular in shape, but since broken. Upper, flat surface, worn very smooth. Dimensions 11.2 x 9.6 x 2.7 cm.",19/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2084",5.00,"STONE","TOOL FRAG","Fragment of a dark, close grained stone pounder or rubber. Broken in antiquity, but probably once oval in shape. Unbroken surfaces are smooth, but with one end abraded. Dimensions=9x6.8x3.1 cm.",19/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2084",6.00,"STONE","DISC LID","Fragment of a lid, of light coloured stone. Circular, with upper surface slightly convex and lower surface concave. All surfaces very smooth. Diameter 6.9 cm. Thickness 1 cm.",19/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2084",7.00,"PLASTER","DOMED LID?","Piece of light grey plaster, perhaps part of a lid, one surface convex, and apparently burnt, the other concave. Diameter 11.8 cm. Thickness 3.1 cm.",19/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2084",8.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Ten fragments of bitumen, all irregular in shape, all with weave impressions on one side, so presumably from lining to one or more woven vessels. Largest piece measures 2.8x1.7x0.2 cm.",19/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2084",9.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Five fragments of copper. 1) Possibly the tip of a needle or hook, flattened and pointed. Dimensions 1.1 x 0.4 x 0.1 cm. 2) Roughly square piece, flattened. Dimensions 1 x 0.9 x 0.3 cm. 3) Roughly rectangular in shape. Dimensions 1.5 x 0.8 x 0.3 cm. 4) Irregular in shape. Dimensions 1.4 x 0.9 x 0.5 cm. 5) Irregular in shape. Dimensions 2.1 x 1.3 x 1 cm.",19/1/1992 00:00:00,,"Mechanically cleaned. Stored with silica gel." "2085",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,2/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2086",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,2/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2088",1.00,"STEATITE","SEAL","Very dark coloured, soft stone seal. Edges slightly waisted on one side and glazed. On the other, convex. Reverse domed, with a groove around the base of the dome. Four incised circles with a central dot. Three parallel grooves run at right angles to the perforation, worn away at the top. Traces of glaze are evident. Design on the front shows two horned animals standing and facing each other, either side of a fringed stalk - perhaps a stylized palm tree. The animals have long, ruffed necks and their heads are stretched up to the top of the 'tree'. At the base a scorpion is facing to the right. Overall diameter 2.2 cm. height 1.2 cm.",14/1/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "2088",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from sieving.",15/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2088",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone from sieving, includes an animal long bone. Length=15.2 cm.",15/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2088",4.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Many small pieces of bitumen, all irregular in shape, some with weave impressions, so presumably from lining to one or more woven vessels. Largest fragment measures 2.5x1.9x0.3 cm.",15/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2089",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,2/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2090",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,2/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2092",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,14/9/1992 00:00:00,, "2094",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,2/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2096",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, but mostly fish.",15/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2096",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from sieving.",15/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2096",3.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Three pieces of badly corroded copper. 1) Probably the barbed tip of a fish-hook. Dimensions 1.6 x 1.2 x 0.4 cm. 2) Irregular, curved fragment piece. Dimensions 3.1 x 1 x 0.7 cm. 3) Irregular lump, with brown corrosion products adhering to it. Dimensions 3.6 x 2.7 x 0.8 cm. No hook fragment located 1998",15/1/1992 00:00:00,,"Mechanically cleaned." "2096",4.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Five small fragments of bitumen. All irregular in shape. Two have weave impressions on them, so presumably from lining to one or more woven vessels. Largest measures 1.5x0.9x0.3 cm.",15/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2096",5.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Light grey, round, small stone rubber. Both upper and lower surfaces worn smooth. Diameter=2.9 cm. Depth=2.7 cm.",16/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2096",6.00,"STONE","FRAG","Dark coloured, close grained worked stone fragment. Fragmented in antiquity, now totally irregular in shape. One surface very smooth and soapy to the touch. Dimensions=8.2x7.2x2.3 cm.",16/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2096",7.00,"STONE","FRAG","White, shiny fragment of quartz or rock crystal. Two surfaces rounded and smooth. Probably once oval in shape, but broken in antiquity. Dimensions=4.3x3.9x2.9 cm.",16/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2096",8.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Fragment of a stone grinder. Light coloured and very gritty in texture. Probably originally rectangular in shape with rounded corners. Flattened upper surface very pitted. Dimensions 11.2 x 9.6 x 4 cm.",16/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2096",9.00,"PLASTER","ROOF FRAG","White piece plaster with parallel impressions of reed or palm-leaf, presumably roof plaster. Roughly rectangular in shape. Dimensions 10.6 x 6.7 x 3.2 cm.",16/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2097",1.00,"FLINT","CORE","Dark brown flint core, used as a hammer stone in antiquity. Most of the outer surfaces are abraded. Irregular in shape. Dimensions=7x6.3x4.8 cm.",26/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2097",2.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Dark coloured , close grained stone rubber. Roughly round in shape, two flattened surfaces are worn very smooth. Dimensions=5.3x5.1x3.6 cm.",26/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2097",3.00,"FLINT","CORE","Grey/brown coloured flint core. Has been used as a hammer stone in antiquity. Roughly round in shape. Two surfaces pitted and abraded. Dimensions=7.4x5.9x4.6 cm.",26/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2098",1.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Light brown flint flake recovered from sieving. Roughly blade shaped, but no evidence of retouch. Dimensions=1.6x0.9x0.1 cm.",18/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2098",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, but mostly fish. Recovered from sieving.",30/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2098",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, from sieving.",30/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2098",4.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Dark coloured stone pounder? Almost pear shaped, with two edges being abraded, all other surfaces are smoothed. Overall dimensions=15x9.8x10.7 cm.",9/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2098",5.00,"STONE","TOOL FRAG","Dark coloured, close grained, worked stone. Broken in antiquity, but one surface has been flattened and is very smooth. Probably once rectangular in shape. Dimensions=11.7x10.2x3.5 cm.",9/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2098",6.00,"STONE","TOOL FRAG","Fragment of dark coloured, close grained stone rubber? Broken in antiquity, now wedged shape, but probably once circular. Outer surfaces all very smooth. Dimensions=9.9x6.8x5.5 cm.",9/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2100",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,2/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2102",1.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Round, ball shaped, dark stone rubber. Most of the outer surface is smooth, but one small patch of abraded surface. Diameter=6.3 cm.",20/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2102",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Large quantity of bone from sieving, mostly fish.",21/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2102",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from sieving.",21/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2102",4.00,"COPPER","BLADE FRAGS?","Seven fragments of copper. 1)Possible blade-fragment. Two sides flattened and smoothed. Dimensions 2.3 x 1 x 0.3 cm. 2)Narrow, flattened fragment, probably once part of a blade. Dimensions 1.7 x 0.7 x 0.4 cm. 3)Triangular shaped fragment, flattened on two sides, possibly once part of a blade. Dimensions 1.3 x 0.9 x 0.4 cm. Other pieces irregular.",21/1/1992 00:00:00,,"Mechanically cleaned, stored with silica gel." "2102",5.00,"ORGANIC","DATE","A single carbonized date seed.",21/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2102",6.00,"METAL","SLAG","Five pieces of slag. All irregular in shape and dark in colour. Largest measures=2.1x2.2x0.5 cm.",21/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2102",7.00,"STONE","FRAG","Dark coloured, close grained worked stone. Rectangular in shape, with two flat very smooth sides. One surface has an oval shaped indentation in it. Dimensions=3.2x1.9x1 cm.",21/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2102",8.00,"STONE","FRAGS","Several fragment of black, gritty, burnt stone. Largest piece measures=3.8x2.7x0.9 cm.",21/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2102",9.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Brown flint flake from sieving. No evidence of retouch, irregular in shape. Dimensions=2.4x1.3x1.1 cm.",21/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2102",10.00,"STONE","TOOL FRAG","Light green coloured fragment of a pounder, Broken in antiquity, probably once roughly round. One surface, flattened and abraded. Dimensions=12.2x10.6x8.8 cm.",16/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2102",11.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Buff coloured, Irregularly-shaped stone pounder. All surfaces heavily abraded, one flattened. Dimensions=9.7x7.6x6.2 cm.",16/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2102",12.00,"PLASTER","OBJECT","Object of grey plaster, possibly architectural. Resembles a grindstone in shape: sub-rectangular or trapezoid, with upper face fairly smooth and slightly convex. Lower opposite face is rough. The edges are near vertical. Dimensions 18.0 x 13.2 x 4.7-3.3 cm.",16/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2102",13.00,"POTTERY","COOKING POT","Rim and part of body of cooking vessel. Purple clay, pink core, circular lime inclusions. Rim thickened to inside, and slightly bevelled to outside. Deep groove out, just below rim. Body globular, no neck. Present height 7.5 cm. Rim diameter 12.0-12.8 cm.",22/4/1998 00:00:00,, "2103",1.00,"FLINT","CORE","Reddy/brown flint core, used as a hammer stone. Roughly round in shape, with most of the outer edges heavily abraded. Diameter=7.5 cm.",22/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2103",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Animal bone, including teeth.",22/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2103",3.00,"STEATITE","RIM","Rim fragment from deep vessel made of soft, mid-grey stone, with complex carved decoration on exterior. Rim flat on top, sides vertical. Just under the rim is an encircling groove, and below that a horizontal ridge. In one place the ridge is interrupted, and just under this point are two holes, side-by-side, not bored right through the vessel wall. The area directly below the holes is carved into four raised, rounded ridges, running vertically down the body of the vessel. The area to the left of the vertical panel thus formed is preserved as a cross-hatched triangle with its apex to the right, against the nearest ridge, but it may be part of a lozenge, or a of a long vertical zigzag design. The area outside the triangle is hatched diagonally. To the right of the vertical ridges is a group of parallel diagonal lines, perhaps part of a panel mirroring that on the left. Dimensions 2.9 x 2.8 x 0.5 cm.",1/7/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "2108",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,26/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2108",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Animal bone.",26/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2108",3.00,"STONE","BASIN FRAG","Fragment of light-coloured, gritty-textured stone basin. Now irregular in shape - one straight edge between two flattened and smoothed surfaces. Dimensions 9.8 x 5.3 x 4.1 cm.",26/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2108",4.00,"FLINT","FLAKE","Brown coloured flint flake. Possibly worked along one edge? Bulb of percussion and striking platform in evidence. Dimensions=4.6x3.7x0.9 cm.",26/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2108",5.00,"ORGANIC","DATE","Two carbonized date seeds.",26/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2109",1.00,"STEATITE","SEAL","Light grey, soft stone seal. Edge grooved, (Failaka Var. 4). Reverse very worn. Traces of two incised circles with central dot visible, presumably four originally. On the front the design has a central circle with a dot in the middle. This is encircled in turn by dots, then another circle. Radiating from this central motif are four lines, each with a volute at the end, on the outer edge of the seal. Each sector thus formed contains a motif. One shows a hatched square attached to the central circle by a line; the others each contain a standing, horned, male animal. Two of these face outwards and right, with the head held up; the third looks back over its shoulder. Overall diameter 1.5 cm. Height 0.7 cm. Ref: Kjaerum, nos:16-17.",26/1/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "2109",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Shell from sieving.",26/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2109",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Fish bone, from sieving.",27/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2109",4.00,"CLAY","FRAG","Discarded.",1/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2110",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from sieving.",26/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2110",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone from sieving.",26/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2111",1.00,"STONE","TOOL FRAG","Dark coloured, close grained stone rubber. Broken in antiquity, now with a trapezoid shape section. Three of the surfaces worn very smooth. Dimensions=8.1x7.3x4 cm.",8/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2111",2.00,"STONE","TOOL","Very dark coloured worked stone. Use unknown, but two surfaces have been smoothed and worked. In profile it suggests a shallow basin possibly? Dimensions=15.2x12.3x4 cm.",8/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2111",3.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Large, roughly oval shaped stone rubber. Dark coloured, close grained stone. One flattened surface is very smooth and worn. Dimensions=13.9x13.2x10.3 cm.",9/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2111",4.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Dark coloured, close grained stone rubber. Cube shaped with rounded edges. Three surfaces flattened and worn smooth. Dimensions=8.3x8.5x8.5 cm.",8/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2111",5.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Small, dark coloured stone rubber. Rectangular with rounded edges. All surfaces very smooth, one end surface almost shiny. Dimensions=4.8x3.1x2.4 cm.",8/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2111",6.00,"STONE","TOOL","Light coloured stone rubber, roughly round in shape. All surfaces pitted except for one, which is flat and very smooth. Diameter=8.7 cm.",8/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2111",7.00,"STONE","SOCKET","Door socket made from a rectangular block of stone, with a circular depression carved into the centre. Circular striations still visible in the depression. Dimensions 12.7 x 10.5 x 7.8 cm. Diameter of the depression 6 cm. Depth 1.9 cm.",13/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2112",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, but mostly fish, from sieving.",30/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2112",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from sieving.",30/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2112",3.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Twenty one assorted fragments of copper, all apparently casting slag or waste. Largest: horseshoe-shaped spiky piece, 3.8 x 3.2 x 2.6, very heavy. One short length of flattened wire, rectangular in section, pointed at one end, possibly tip of small implement, but too corroded to say. Extant length 1.1, width 0.3, 0.2 cm thick.",30/1/1992 00:00:00,,"Mechanically cleaned. The needle is reconstructed with H.M.G and stored with silica gel." "2112",4.00,"COPPER","PIN","Length of copper wire, slightly bent, one end tapering and broken off. Presumably a cloak pin or similar. Dimensions 6.9 cm. long, 0.2-0.3 cm. thick.",1/7/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "2114",1.00,"BONE","ASSEMBLAGE","Animal bone assemblage, includes part of a skull and two sets of mandibles.",6/2/1992 00:00:00,,"Very badly encrusted with salt crystals, so mechanically cleaned then treated with a solution of Paraloid B72 in Acetone - 55 weight/volume." "2115",1.00,"BONE","ASSEMBLAGE","IN NATIONAL MUSEUM May 1999. Large animal bone assemblage, includes Skull of sheep?, ribs and vertebra.",6/2/1992 00:00:00,,"Mechanically cleaned then treated with a solution of Paraloid B72 in Acetone - 5% weight/volume. Reconsructed with H.M.G." "2117",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone from sieving. Missing spring 1992.",10/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2117",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Shell from sieving.",10/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2117",3.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Four tiny pieces of bitumen, two with weave impressions, so presumably from lining to one or more woven vessels. Not measured.",10/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2117",4.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Irregular-shaped copper fragment. Dimensions=1.2x1x0.5 cm.",10/2/1992 00:00:00,,"Mechanically cleaned." "2117",5.00,"PLASTER","DOMED LID","Domed lid of light-coloured plaster. One surface flat and the other slightly convex. Straight indentation on one edge. Dimensions 11.2 x 10.5 x 2.2 cm.",10/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2123",1.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing fragment on grey clay. Reverse has string-impression. Edge has fingerprints. The front has a seal-impression, with the design showing a stylized linear figure on the far left, arm held up to the right. A possible second such figure is in the centre of the seal, with a diagonal line above it. Linear style. Could be schematic Gulf style early seal with animal designs. Dimensions 1.7 x 1.4 x 0.6 cm. Di. of seal c. 1.5 cm.",1/2/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "2124",1.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Heavy piece of copper, badly corroded. One side is flattened. Irregular in shape. Dimensions=3.1x1.9x1.3 cm.",1/2/1992 00:00:00,,"Mechanically cleaned." "2124",2.00,"CLAY","FRAG","Discarded.",1/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2124",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Mostly animal bone .",1/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2124",4.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Oyster shells.",1/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2124",5.00,"STONE","VESSEL FRAG","Fragment of worked black stone, possibly part of a stone vessel. Edge has been rounded and one surface smoothed. Irregular in shape. Dimensions 3.4x2.2x0.7 cm.",4/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2124",6.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Lump of heavily corroded copper, irregular in shape. Dimensions=2.5x1.6x1.5 cm.",4/2/1992 00:00:00,,"Mechanically cleaned." "2124",7.00,"STONE","FRAG","Discarded.",2/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2124",8.00,"STONE","TOOL FRAG","Light grey, small pebble type rubber, broken in antiquity. What appears to be a manmade hole in one surface. All surfaces smooth. Diameter=2.9 cm. Diameter of the hole=0.3 cm.",4/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2124",9.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Four fragments of bitumen, one with weave impressions on one side, so presumably from lining to a woven vessel. Largest piece measures 4.8x3.2x0.3 cm.",4/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2124",10.00,"STONE","FRAG","Possible Core of quartz. On wide, cortical bipolar flake or natural broken cobble. Sub-hemispherical piece of milky-white quartz with a dull cortex, and a shiny appearance where flaked. Flat (flawed), ventral surface is scarred from the proximal edge. One side has a flat surface, from which several small untidy flakes have been removed from the cortex. Dimensions 3.4 x 2.6 x 1.8 (W x L x T) cm. Last cortical flake scar L: 1.15; W: 0.5 cm.",14/7/1998 00:00:00,, "2124",11.00,"STONE","FLAKE","Quartz flake. Dull, milky quartz, badly flawed. Irregular bipolar flake with plain platform and pointed, crushed termination. Previous flakes have been struck off the dorsal surface from one side. L: 3.0; W: 1.5; T: 0.8 cm.",14/7/1998 00:00:00,, "2126",1.00,"CLAY","TOKEN","Hemispherical piece of grey clay. Reverse: convex, with fingerprints. Obverse: The design shows four stylized, deeply incised horned heads in rotation, horns facing towards the outer rim, the head impressions being on a flat, smooth background. Clay apparently burnt. Diameter 1.5 cm. Max. depth 0.8 cm.",3/2/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "2126",2.00,"CLAY","TOKEN","Button-shaped token or clay seal of dark-grey burnt clay. Pierced for suspension by very thin cord. Reverse: Hemispherical, surface eroded. Obverse: No design visible. Diameter 2.15 cm. Ht. 1.3 cm.",3/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2126",3.00,"COPPER","PIN","Piece of substantial copper wire, square in section, tapered at both ends, bent into undulating shape. Presumably a cloak pin or similar. Dimensions 6 cm. long, 0.3 cm. thick.",3/2/1992 00:00:00,"Y","Mechanically cleaned and reconstructed using H.M.G. Stored with silica gel." "2126",4.00,"CLAY","SAMPLE","Lump of yellow/green clay, taken as a sample. Missing spring 1992.",3/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2126",5.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Four fragments of bitumen, all irregular in shape. None have weave impressions. Largest piece measures 3x2.2x0.5 cm.",3/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2126",6.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, but mostly animal.",4/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2126",7.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell.",4/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2126",8.00,"FLINT","CORE","Mottled grey/brown flint core used as a hammer stone. Roughly round in shape, but flakes have been taken off. Diameter=5.8 cm.",6/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2126",9.00,"FLINT","TOOL",,14/9/1992 00:00:00,, "2127",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Fish bone.",5/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2129",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mostly fish bone from sieving.",8/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2129",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from sieving.",8/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2129",3.00,"COPPER","HOOK","Copper fish hook. Heavily corroded and badly squashed. Blunt end thickened. Parallel ridges in corrosion just below this end may indicate binding. Dimensions 6.4 cm. long, 0.5 cm. thick.",8/2/1992 00:00:00,"Y","Mechanically cleaned, no further conservation attempted. Stored with silica gel." "2129",4.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Four badly corroded fragments of copper. 1) Large, Irregularly-shaped piece. Dimensions=4.3x2.8x1.9 cm. 2) Small oval shaped piece. Dimensions=0.9x0.8x0.6 cm. 3) Tiny round shaped piece. Diameter=0.5 cm. 4) Tiny flattened strip. Length=0.7 cm. Thickness=0.2 cm.",8/2/1992 00:00:00,,"All pieces mechanically cleaned. Stored with silica gel." "2129",5.00,"ORGANIC","DATE","A single carbonised date seed.",8/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2130",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Large quantity of mixed bone.",16/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2130",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Large quantity of shell, some burnt. From sieving.",16/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2130",3.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Seven pieces of bitumen, all with weave impressions on one side, so presumably from lining to one or more woven vessels. Largest fragment measures 3.4x1.8x0.3 cm. Latex impression taken (not submitted to Museum)",16/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2130",4.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Mottled brown flint flake.",16/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2130",5.00,"STONE","TOOL FRAG","Fragment of very dark stone tool? Broken in antiquity, now irregular in shape, but two surfaces are rounded and very smooth. Dimensions=3.9x2.3x1.5 cm.",16/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2130",6.00,"STONE","TOOL FRAG","Green coloured fragment of stone pounder. Broken in antiquity, now irregular in shape. One surface is quite smooth, all others are abraded. Dimensions=9.3x7.4x3.2 cm.",16/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2130",7.00,"STONE","FRAG","Fragment of burnt, darkened stone, possibly Pumice? No evidence of working. Dimensions=6.8x5x2.2 cm.",16/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2130",8.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Axe/Pounder fragment. Hemispherical piece of black close grained stone. One face scarred, the opposite is slightly convex and smooth, with a narrow very polished line up the centre. The remnant rounded sides are also smooth. The extant convex edge (the widest dimension) is pitted and scarred, deeply cutting into the two main faces. The upper flattish surface is where tool has broken off. Dimensions 7.55 x 4.5 x 2.9 cm.",16/2/1992 00:00:00,"M", "2130",9.00,"STONE","TOOL FRAG","Dark coloured, close grained fragment of a stone rubber? Broken in antiquity, outer surfaces rounded and smooth. Dimensions=9.9x8.8x5.5 cm.",16/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2130",10.00,"STONE","TOOL FRAG","Roughly half of a circular shaped stone rubber. Upper and lower surfaces are both flat and smoothed. Diameter=5.4 cm. Depth=2.6 cm.",16/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2130",11.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Twelve fragments of copper 1)Possible awl tip. Heavy fragment, badly corroded, with curved point at one end. Extant length 2.2, width 0.7. Rest all scrap or casting slag. 2) Roughly blade-shaped piece. Long, flattened strip. Dimensions=3.5x1.2x0.5 cm. 3) T-shaped fragment, a thin strip joining at right angles to a thicker strip. Overall dimensions=2.2x1.6x0.6 cm. 4) Tiny loop, both ends overlapping slightly. Diameter=0.7 cm. Thickness=0.1 cm.",16/2/1992 00:00:00,,"Mechanically cleaned, stored with silica gel." "2130",12.00,"COPPER","RING","Length of copper wire bent round into a tiny ring. Circumference flattened where ends overlap. Dimensions 0.7 x 0.9 x 0.2",15/9/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "2130",13.00,"SHELL","PIERCED SHELL","Fig shell (Ficus subintermedia), pierced at one end, and with a strip missing from the surface. Length 5.5, width 3.8, hole diameter 0.8 cm.",1/7/1992 00:00:00,, "2139",1.00,"SHELL","CONE BEAD","Conus ebraeus shell, pierced at one end, presumably for use as bead. Length 2.5 cm.",8/2/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "2139",2.00,"STONE","DISCARDED","Discarded.",8/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2139",3.00,"STONE","DISCARDED","Discarded.",8/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2139",4.00,"FLINT","CORE","Mottled brown coloured flint, used as a hammer stone. DIMENSIONS !!!",8/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2141",1.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing on yellow/green clay, probably originally circular. String-impression on reverse. On the front is most of a seal-impression, on a flat smooth surface. The design has in the centre a rosette framed by a double-edged square. The rest is worn, but it is possible to make out a six pointed star below the square, and a standing, horned animal on either side of it. The animals face outwards, but look back over their shoulders towards each other. Above the horns of one is an unidentified motif. Dimensions 1.5 x 1.7 x 0.5 cm.",9/2/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "2141",2.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Flint hammer stone. Roughly round in shape. Diameter=6.7 cm.",9/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2141",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Large quantity of mixed shell, from sieving.",9/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2141",4.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, from sieving.",9/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2141",5.00,"CLAY","FRAG","Discarded.",9/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2141",6.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Three irregular pieces of bitumen. Largest fragment measures 2.2x1.5x0.5 cm.",9/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2141",7.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Nine irregular fragments of copper. Largest piece measures=1.6x1x0.6 cm.",9/2/1992 00:00:00,,"Mechanically cleaned. Stored with silica gel." "2141",8.00,"ORGANIC","DATE","A single carbonised date seed.",9/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2141",9.00,"POTTERY","INCISED BOWL","Rim fragment of cup or small bowl, decorated in imitation of steatite vessel. Simple, narrow, rounded rim. Fine orange-brown clay with grey core, and darker brown slip, almost totally worn away out. Decoration just below the rim consists of two encircling lines, between which is a horizontal band of circles, each with a central dot. Dimensions 3.95 x 3.95 x 0.6 cm. Rim diameter (reconstructed) 8.0. Extant height 3.8 cm.",27/3/1999 00:00:00,, "2142",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, from sieving.",13/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2142",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Shell, from sieving.",13/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2142",3.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Copper fragment. A thin strip with a round bulbous end. Possibly used as a toggle for fastening? Dimensions 3 x 0.5 x 0.3 cm.",13/2/1992 00:00:00,"Y","Mechanically cleaned. Stored with silica gel." "2142",4.00,"PLASTER","PIERCED OBJECT","Renumbered 2053:04, q.v.",13/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2142",5.00,"STONE","SOCKET","Renumbered to 2053:05, q.v.",13/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2142",6.00,"PLASTER","DOMED LID","Small, plaster lid, one flat surface, one convex. Diameter 6.7 cm. Max depth 2.2 cm.",13/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2142",7.00,"PLASTER","DOMED LID","Plaster lid, one surface flat, the other slightly convex. Diameter 15.4 cm. Depth 2.1 cm.",13/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2142",8.00,"STONE","DISCARDED","Discarded.",13/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2142",9.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Grey coloured, roughly disc shaped, stone rubber? One surface is quite smooth and shows striations. Diameter=4.2 cm. Max height=10.7 cm.",13/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2142",10.00,"BONE","BONES","Badly encrusted animal bones.",16/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2142",11.00,"SHELL","SEAL","Centre of the wide end of a conch (Lambis Truncata) shell, trimmed to be roughly circular. Probably intended to be a shell seal, but unfinished. Diameter 3.7 x 4.0 cm. 1.6 cm thick.",15/2/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "2143",1.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing fragment of orange coloured clay with seal impression. Possibly burnt. Front has fragmentary seal-impression, showing a rectangle with horizontal lines across it. Dimensions 1.6 x 1 x 1 cm.",10/2/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "2143",2.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Flint hammer stone, fragmented, but probably once round in shape. Diameter=6.3 cm.",10/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2143",3.00,"STONE","TOOL","Light coloured, light weight Limestone tool. Roughly circular in shape. All surfaces pitted, one is flattened. Diameter=6.7 cm. Max height=3.8 cm.",10/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2143",4.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Light grey coloured stone pounder. Irregular in shape, two ends are abraded, whilst other surfaces are quite smooth and rounded. Dimensions=6.1x5.8x5.7 cm.",10/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2143",5.00,"FLINT","CORE","Piece of reddy/brown flint core. Irregular in shape. Overall dimensions=6.9x5.1x4.8 cm.",10/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2143",6.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Light coloured, Chert? stone pounder. Roughly round in shape. One surface is flattened and smooth, all others are abraded. Diameter=7.1 cm.",10/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2143",7.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Mottled grey/brown flint hammer stone. Once roughly round in shape. Diameter=5.8 cm.",10/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2143",8.00,"STONE","TOOL FRAG","Close grained, dark coloured stone tool fragment. Broken in antiquity. Probably used as a rubber, as one surface is flat and very smooth. Dimensions=11x7.6x5.2 cm.",10/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2143",9.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder fragment. Light coloured, with gritty texture. Probably once oval in shape. One surface flat and smooth, opposite one slightly convex and rough. Dimensions 11.3 x 10.8 x 2.7 cm.",10/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2143",10.00,"STONE","TOOL FRAG","Dark grey, oblong shaped stone rubber. Broken roughly in half in antiquity. All surfaces rounded and quite smooth. Dimensions=8.4x5.8x3.4 cm.",10/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2143",11.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Dark brown coloured flint end scraper. Recovered from sieving. Dimensions=3.6x3.3x1 cm.",10/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2143",12.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Fragment of dark brown flint. No evidence of retouch. Irregular in shape. Dimensions=5.3x2.5x2.2 cm.",10/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2143",13.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Dark brown flint side scraper. Dimensions=7.1x3.2x1.1 cm.",10/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2143",14.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Dark brown flint fragment. No evidence of retouch. Irregular in shape. Dimensions=4.1x5.8x2.5 cm.",10/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2143",15.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Roughly half of a flint nodule. Dark grey coloured flint. Egg shaped. Dimensions=5.3x4x2 cm.",10/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2143",16.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone from sieving, but mostly fish.",10/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2143",17.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from sieving.",10/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2143",18.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Four fragments of copper. 1) Oval shaped fragment. Dimensions=1.2x1x0.7 cm. 2) Irregular piece. Dimensions=1.8x1.4x0.8 cm. 3) Irregular piece. Dimensions=2.6x1.6x1 cm. 4) Two entwined strands, ending in a globular mass at the end. Possibly used as a toggle fastener? Overall dimensions=2.3x1x0.5 cm.",10/2/1992 00:00:00,,"Mechanically cleaned. Stored with silica gel." "2143",19.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Three irregular pieces of bitumen. 1) 2.2x1.6x0.4 cm. 2) 1.8x1.8x0.6 cm. 3) 1.7x0.9x0. 4 cm.",10/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2143",20.00,"COPPER","RING","Length of copper wire bent round to form a ring. Somewhat misshapen: oval rather than round, and ends clumsily aligned. Di.1.5 - 1.2 cm, thickness of wire 0.2 cm.",10/2/1992 00:00:00,"Y","Mechanically cleaned. Stored with silica gel." "2143",21.00,"SHELL","CORAL","Forked piece of coral. No evidence of working. Overall dimensions 3.2 x 2.3 x 0.8 cm.",10/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2144",1.00,"STEATITE","SEAL","Dark grey soft stone seal. Edge convex (Failaka Var. 1). Reverse has the usual four incised circles with central dot, and three rather crooked parallel lines at right angles to the perforation. Traces of glaze. Top of dome worn. The design on the front shows a figure with raised arms riding an ?equid-like quadruped with long, ruffed neck, ?long ear, and long, thin tail. Both face to the left. The animal's nose is worn away. The figure's right hand is adjacent to a motif which may be a star, while by the left hand is an obscure motif consisting of a vertical line topped by an open crescent containing a sphere. The lower end of the vertical line trails away to the right in a downward curve above the animal's rump. By the rider's knee (only one leg is shown) is a ?fish, and in front of the animal a plant motif. Diameter 2.2 cm. Height 0.8 cm. Weight 5.5 gm.",10/2/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "2148",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone from sieving.",13/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2148",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, from sieving.",13/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2149",1.00,"CLAY","BEAD","Tiny, red/brown coloured cylindrical clay bead. Dimensions 0.4 x 0.3 cm.",11/2/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "2149",2.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing fragment on yellow clay. On the front is one remaining edge of a seal-impression, of which three parallel incised lines are visible. Dimensions 1.7 x 0.9 x 0.6 cm.",11/2/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "2149",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, from sieving.",13/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2149",4.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, from sieving.",13/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2149",5.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Four pieces of copper. 1) Small, thin, flattened strip. Dimensions=1.7x0.4x0.3 cm. 2) Irregular fragment. Dimensions=2x1.5x0.2 cm. 3) Irregular fragment. Dimensions=1.5x1.4x0.9 cm. 4) Roughly egg-shaped piece. Dimensions=1.1x0.9x0.8 cm.",13/2/1992 00:00:00,,"Mechanically cleaned. Stored with silica gel." "2154",1.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Dark coloured, roughly round stone pounder. Two surfaces show signs of smashing, whilst other surfaces are reasonably smooth. Diameter=7.1 cm.",19/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2154",2.00,"STONE","SOCKET","Stone door-socket made from a re-used stone bowl. Rectangular object of light grey limestone with squared off rim. Interior has vertical sides and a flat base. The exterior also has vertical sides and a flat base. Chisel or pick marks visible on all surfaces. Half the interior soil has been left unexcavated showing succession of circular mud and plaster deposits accumulated at the base of a door. Intact except for one badly broken corner. Dimensions: 19.0 x 16.0 x 11.5 cm. Circular deposits: diameter: 8.5 cm; depth: 4.5 cm.",17/3/1993 00:00:00,, "2157",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mostly fish bone, from sieving.",15/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2157",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, from sieving.",13/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2157",3.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Five irregular fragments of copper. Dimensions of largest piece=1.9x1.4x0.5 cm.",13/2/1992 00:00:00,,"Mechanically cleaned." "2157",4.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Dark coloured, close grained stone rubber. Rectangular in shape, but with rounded edges. Upper and lower surfaces both flattened and smooth. Dimensions=7.7x7.1x3.6 cm.",13/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2157",5.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing fragment on yellow clay. Possible string-hole on right side. Front has seal-impression, showing the lower parts of two standing figures in net skirts. Dimensions 1.6 x 1.3 x 0.6 cm.",15/2/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "2157",6.00,"BITUMEN","STOPPER","Bullet-shaped piece of bitumen, presumably a stopper. Circular at one end, then tapering off to a point at the other. Diameter at widest end 2.1 cm. Diameter at pointed end 0.1 cm. Length 3 cm.",15/2/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "2158",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, from sieving.",15/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2158",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, from sieving.",15/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2158",3.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Tiny fragment of copper. Triangular in shape, curved up at the tip. Possibly once part of a thin tool. Dimensions=1x0.8x0.2 cm.",15/2/1992 00:00:00,,"Mechanically cleaned." "2158",4.00,"BITUMEN","FRAG","Irregular, burnt piece of bitumen. Dimensions 2x1.3x0.9 cm.",15/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2163",1.00,"PLASTER","FRAG","Piece of plaster that has been applied to an uneven surface. Many irregular and varied patterns impressed on the surface. Overall dimensions 34 x 35 x 3 cm.",16/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2164",1.00,"CLAY","FRAGS","Seven fragments belonging to slab of hard, burnt clay. One side has a slightly ridged impression, perhaps of wood. The other has been against something smooth but slightly uneven, bound with thick twine, The string marks are in straight lines, sometimes single, sometimes double, and sometimes run a right-angles to each other - rather like the string with which a parcel is tied. One fragment has two jabbed holes from the smooth side. Dimensions of largest fragment: 4 x 3.5 x 0.9 cm. Diam. of string 0.7 cm. max. See also 2164:04 for more fragments from flotation.",16/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2164",2.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,16/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2164",3.00,"PEARL","PEARL","Small ovoid pearl. Intact. Light pink colour. Diameter: 0.1-0.15 cm.",16/2/1993 00:00:00,"Y", "2164",4.00,"CLAY","FRAGS","Numerous fragments of brown clay with impressions of vegetable matter. Largest: 2.9 x 2.5 x 0.7 cm. See also 2164:01 for more fragments of same clay.",16/2/1993 00:00:00,, "2166",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Fish bone, from sieving.",17/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2166",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, from sieving.",17/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2166",3.00,"CLAY","FRAGS","Four fragments of yellow/green clay, probably used for sealing. All slightly flattened on one side, but with no designs and no string impressions.",17/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2166",4.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Four irregular fragments of copper. Largest piece measures=2.3x1.1x0.7 cm.",17/2/1992 00:00:00,,"Mechanically cleaned." "2166",5.00,"FLINT","CORE","Grey coloured flint hammer stone.",17/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2166",6.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Flake. Dimensions 3.6 x 2.6 x 0.5 cm.",15/9/1992 00:00:00,, "2170",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, from sieving.",17/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2170",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, from sieving.",17/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2171",1.00,"STEATITE","SEAL","Fragment of a soft grey stone seal. About a third of the face preserved, rest broken away. Edge slightly waisted (Failaka Var. 2). Design on front shows a standing male animal on the right, facing right, , head turned backwards into the centre of the seal. It has a ruffed neck and long, curved horns, and all four legs and hooves are shown. A figure in a short skirt, feet facing right, can be seen left of the animal. Only the feet and lower edge of skirt remain. There is a broken motif below the feet of the figure and a tree motif in the right field behind the neck of the animal. Very fine and delicate carving. Estimated original diameter 2.2 cm. Dimensions of the fragment 2 x 1.3 x 0.4 cm.",18/2/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "2171",2.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing fragment in brown clay. String marks are visible on the back. The front has a seal-impression. The style is linear and deeply incised. The design shows (from left to right) a tree or branch, a standing nude male figure, facing right and holding a 'standard' . The standard is topped by a crescent on its back, with a rosette or sun above. A second damaged figure faces left on the other side of the 'standard'. Impression must have come from a small seal, estimated diameter 1 cm. Dimensions of the impression 1.6 x 1 x 0.7 cm. Recovered from sieving.",18/2/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "2171",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone.",12/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2171",4.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,15/9/1992 00:00:00,, "2174",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone.",12/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2174",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,15/9/1992 00:00:00,, "2174",3.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Fourteen irregularly shaped pieces of copper. One roughly square-shaped piece, which has been flattened. Dimensions=3.5x3.3x0.6 cm. Flat fragment and hook only located, and taken by Lloyd Weeks for metallurgical analysis at Sydney, 1998",18/2/1992 00:00:00,,"Mechanically cleaned. Stored with silica gel." "2174",4.00,"ORGANIC","CHARCOAL","[GIVE TO CHARCOAL LADY?] Charred remains of date seeds and wood.",18/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2174",5.00,"CLAY","FRAGS","Discarded.",18/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2174",6.00,"FLINT","CORE","Grey/brown piece of flint core.",18/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2174",7.00,"FLINT","FRAGS","Six brown flint fragments. All are mottled light brown flint, five are pieces (possibly from a Pounder), the other is a pot lid with a light greyish cortex. Separated from 2174: 10 & 11 in 1998. From sieving. Dimensions 1. (Pot lid) 4.6 x 3.5 x 1.5 cm. 2) 4.6 x 4.2 x 1.6 cm. 3) 4.4 x 2.8 x 1.5 cm. 4) 2.85 x 2.8 x 0.9 cm. 5) 1.7 x 1.4 x 1.1 cm. 6) 1.8 x 1.3 x 0.4 cm.",18/2/1992 00:00:00,"M", "2174",8.00,"SHELL?","SHELL?","Flattened tubular bead with irregular ends. Banded, white material, polished. Presumably shell, or possibly a tooth. Dimensions 1.2 x 0.8 x 0.5 cm.",1/7/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "2174",9.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,15/9/1992 00:00:00,, "2174",10.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Retouched blade flake. Brown flint, with scarred platform and irregular plunging termination. Part of one lateral edge retouched from the dorsal face, leaving a short spur. Distal end of dorsal has a small pot lid scar. L: 3.15; W: 1.3; T: 0.55 cm. Separated from 2174:7 in 1998.",26/1/1998 00:00:00,"M", "2174",11.00,"FLINT","FLAKES","Two flakes. 1) Light brown with mottling of red-brown sub cortex at each end. Scarred platform with slightly hinged termination. Previous scars on the dorsal surface are from the proximal end. Some wear on the straight lateral edge. L: 4.05; W: 3.4; T: 0.9 cm. 2) Probable bipolar flake of dark brown flint with light grey cortex. Plain cortical platform, concave ventral surface, with hinged and crushed termination. L: 3.156; W: 2.6; T: 0.9 cm. Both separated from 2174:7 in 1998.",26/1/1998 00:00:00,"M", "2187",1.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Sub spherical nodule of grey coarse grained stone. Evenly and symmetrically abraded on entire surface. Two opposite ends are slightly concave. Intact. From a possible occupation deposit below a floor. Diameter: 6.2-6.3 cm. Height: 5.5 cm.",17/3/1993 00:00:00,, "2500",1.00,"STEATITE","SEAL","Pale grey stone seal, possibly glazed. Edge grooved - (Failaka Var.4). Reverse has a flat area around the dome. Four incised circles with a central dot. Three parallel incised lines run right across the dome at right angles to the perforation. The design on the front shows a standing nude figure facing right, holding in front of him a ?standard - a pole with a crescent at the top and a hatched triangle, apex downwards, at the bottom. Behind the figure is another crescent moon, at the far right edge is a tree or palm frond. Overall diameter 1.6 cm. Height 0.7 cm.",29/12/1991 00:00:00,"Y", "2501",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Shell from a dry sieved floor context.",30/12/1991 00:00:00,, "2501",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone from dry sieved floor context.",30/12/1991 00:00:00,, "2502",1.00,"STONE","TOOL FRAG","Light coloured, gritty textured, fragment of a stone grinder? Roughly rectangular in shape, but broken in antiquity. Two surfaces are flat and one edge has been bevelled. One of the flat surfaces is smooth, the other pitted. Dimensions=10.9x9.7x2.4 cm.",30/12/1991 00:00:00,, "2502",2.00,"STONE","FRAG","Dark grey, close grained, worked stone. Possibly part of a mortar. Probably once round in shape, but broken in antiquity. Lower surface smooth and upper surface concave and smooth. Dimensions=12x4.5x6.5 cm.",30/12/1991 00:00:00,, "2502",3.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Dark, close grained stone pounder, recovered from a floor context. Roughly round in shape. All surfaces smooth except one, which is heavily abraded. Diameter=7.5 cm. Depth=5 cm.",30/12/1991 00:00:00,, "2502",4.00,"BITUMEN","SHERD","Base of a pot with a thick lining of bitumen adhering to the inside, showing impressions of reeds or matting. All appears to be charred. Diameter 13 cm. Depth 3 cm.",30/12/1991 00:00:00,, "2502",5.00,"STONE","TOOL FRAG","Dark grey, close grained, fragment of a pounder. Both flat surfaces smooth, all other edges abraded. Dimensions=11x5x3.5 cm.",30/12/1991 00:00:00,, "2502",6.00,"STONE","PIERCED FRAG","Fragment of limestone, with evidence of a central perforation. Overall dimensions 6.3 x 3 x 2.7 cm.",14/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2502",7.00,"FLINT","FRAGS","Two light brown flint flakes. Irregular in shape, with no evidence of retouch. Dimensions=1)3.4x2.2x0.4cms 2)1.7x1.2x0.3 cm.",14/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2502",8.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Round, light coloured stone pounder. Both ends sheered off, all other outer surfaces pitted. Diameter=5.5 cm.",14/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2502",9.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from a sieved floor context.",14/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2502",10.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, but mostly fish, recovered from a sieved floor context.",14/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2502",11.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Five fragments of badly corroded copper 1) Thin flattened piece, possibly once part of a thin blade. Dimensions=1.4x1.1x0.1 cm. 2) Irregular fragment. Dimensions=2x1.7x1.1 cm. 3) Irregular in shape. Dimensions=1.3x0.9x0.4 cm. 4) Irregular in shape. Dimensions=1x0.9x0.5 cm. 5) Irregular in shape. Dimensions=0.9x0.8x0.3 cm.",14/1/1992 00:00:00,,"Mechanically cleaned." "2502",12.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Round, light coloured stone pounder or weight. Most of outer surface is smoothed, suggesting use as a weight rather than a pounder. Diameter=4.8 cm.",14/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2502",13.00,"STONE","FRAG","Discarded.",14/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2502",14.00,"STONE","SOCKET","Door socket made of a light coloured, gritty-textured stone. Cut into a rough rectangle with a shallow depression in the middle. Depression is circular and worn smooth. Overall dimensions 18.5 x 18 x 4.8 cm. Diameter of depression 8.5 cm. Depth 1 cm.",25/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2503",1.00,"CLAY","FRAG","Small lump of yellow/green clay. Irregular in shape. Dimensions=1.9x1.5x1 cm.",30/12/1991 00:00:00,, "2503",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone from sieving of occupation level.",30/12/1991 00:00:00,, "2503",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, recovered from sieving in an occupation level.",30/12/1991 00:00:00,, "2505",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","1 bucket/5 litres for flotation.",30/12/1991 00:00:00,, "2506",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from a sieved floor context.",4/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2506",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone from a floor sieved context.",4/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2506",3.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Four fragments of badly corroded copper. Only one extant 1998. 1) Irregular fragment. Dimensions 2.1 x 0.9 x 0.7 cm. 2) Barbed tip of an arrowhead or fish hook. Overall dimensions 1.3 x 1.7 x 0.7 cm. 3) Rectangular, flattened fragment, probably once part of a blade. Dimensions 2.3 x 1.6 x 0.3 cm. 4) Irregular fragment. Dimensions 3.2 x 1.7 x 0.6 cm. 7.? Also 2506:4, q.v. Only one frag extant 1998",7/1/1992 00:00:00,,"Mechanically cleaned, but no further conservation attempted. Stored in a plastic box with Silica gel." "2506",4.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Rectangular fragment of copper. Dimensions 3.2 x 0.7 x 0.5 cm.",9/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2506",5.00,"COPPER","HAFT","Tubular fragment, perhaps of a haft. Length 1.4 cm. Diameter 0.9 cm.",1/7/1992 00:00:00,, "2506",6.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Six thin, irregular fragments of bitumen, all with weave impressions on them., so presumably from lining to one or more woven vessels. Largest 1.1 x 1.2 cm.",4/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2510",1.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Dark, close grained stone rubber. Ovaloid in shape, all surfaces smoothed, but one in particular is very flattened and almost glossy. Dimensions=6x4.6x4.2 cm.",26/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2523",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, recovered from the sieving of the makeup to context 2506.",7/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2523",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Fish bone from dry sieving of the makeup to context 2506.",7/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2524",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from a sieved foundation trench.",12/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2524",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone recovered from dry sieving of the foundation trench.",2/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2524",3.00,"ORGANIC","DATE","A single carbonized date seed.",7/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2525",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, recovered from a sieved floor context.",9/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2525",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mainly fish bone, but one animal long bone included. Recovered from a dry sieved floor context.",9/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2525",3.00,"COPPER","TWEEZERS","Pair of copper tweezers, looped at one end, with pointed pincers of equal length at other end. Overall length 6.1 cm. Length of pincers 4.1 cm. Thickness 0.4 cm.",9/1/1992 00:00:00,"Y","Mechanically cleaned and reconstructed using H.M.G. No further conservation attempted. Stored with Silica gel in a plastic box." "2525",4.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Possible grinder, of light coloured, heavily pitted stone. Roughly disc-shaped. Broken in antiquity. Diameter 8.7 cm. Thickness 3.3 cm.",11/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2526",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from dry sieving of an occupation level.",8/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2526",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mostly fish bone, recovered from a sieved occupation level, with two animal long bones.",9/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2526",3.00,"BONE","AWL","Part of an artefact fashioned from a length of bone, hollow down the centre. From about half way along the extant length, one side of the bone has been pared away, and the resulting tongue of thin bone shaved to a point, of which the tip is broken away. The thick end of the object is also broken off. The thin end shows polish. Presumably part of a bone awl. Length 4.9, max. diameter 1.3 length of point 2.2 cm.",8/1/1992 00:00:00,"Y","No consolidation due to the sheen on the point." "2526",4.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Small fragment of copper. Irregular in shape. Dimensions=1.8x1.2x0.7 cm.",8/1/1992 00:00:00,,"Mechanically cleaned." "2526",5.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Dark grey flint flake. Roughly moon shaped. No evidence of retouch. Dimensions 4.3 x 2.5 x 1.8 cm.",8/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2526",6.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Light grey flint core, roughly spherical. Two opposing sides abraded, so probably used as a hammer stone. Diameter 5.6 cm.",15/9/1992 00:00:00,, "2527",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from sieving.",11/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2527",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone from sieving.",11/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2529",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,2/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2529",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from the sieved fill of context 2528.",13/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2529",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone from the sieved fill of context 2528.",13/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2529",4.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Thin, straight piece of copper, possibly part of a pin or fish hook. Length=2 cm.",13/1/1992 00:00:00,,"Mechanically cleaned." "2529",5.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Three small pieces of bitumen. All have weave impressions on them, so presumably from lining to one or more woven vessels. All irregular in shape. 1) 2.5x1.7x0.7 cm. 2) 2x1x0.2 cm. 3) 1.2x1.2x0.3 cm.",13/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2531",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,2/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2531",2.00,"CLAY","BEAD","Dark grey ovoid bead with two holes. Burnt/fired clay. Intact. Diameter: 1.5-1.4 cm. Height: 0.7 cm.",12/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2531",3.00,"CLAY","BUTTON","Hard dark grey clay disc, perhaps a button. One surface flat, the other slightly domed. In the centre are two tiny holes, 0.2 mm apart. Max. diam. 1.5, H. 0.72 cm.",1/7/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "2533",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,2/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2534",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from a sieved floor context.",15/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2534",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone from a sieved floor context.",15/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2534",3.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Three pieces of copper and a piece of slag. 1) Lump of dark coloured slag. Irregular in shape. Overall dimensions=1.4x1.2x0.9 cm. 2) Irregular fragment. Dimensions=1.7x1.3x0.9 cm. 3) Irregular in shape. Dimensions=1.5x0.8x0.7 cm. 4) irregular fragment. Dimensions=1.5x0.6x0.4 cm.",15/1/1992 00:00:00,,"Mechanically cleaned." "2534",4.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Two thick bitumen pieces, flattened on two sides and showing evidence of reed or palm-leaf impressions on the flat sides. Roughly triangular in section. Dimensions 1) 4.8x2.5x1.6 cm. 2) 3.2x2.4x1 cm.",16/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2534",5.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Six copper fragments. 1) Irregular in shape. Dimensions=2.2x1.7x1.3 cm. 2) Irregular in shape, but with one flattened surface. Dimensions=1.6x1.4x0.9 cm. 3) Piece of a possible haft, flattened on one side. Dimensions=1.8x1x0.6 cm. 4) Piece of a possible blade. Flattened and smooth on two sides, with a rounded point. Dimensions=1.6x1.5x0.2 cm. 5) Tiny fragment, irregular in shape. Dimensions=1.1x0.7x0.1 cm. 6)Tiny irregular fragment. Dimensions=0.9x0.7x0.2 cm.",22/1/1992 00:00:00,,"Mechanically cleaned, stored with silica gel." "2535",1.00,"STEATITE","SEAL","Dark grey soft stone seal. Edge straight - (Failaka Var 1). Glazed. Reverse has a low dome and a clumsy, wide perforation. There are three incised circles with a central dot, and a probable fourth has been removed by the perforation. Three parallel incised lines run at right angles to the perforation, with a gap at the top. Patches of glaze are evident around the base of the dome. Design on the front is an incised cross dividing the face into four quadrants. Each contains the elongated ruffed neck and head and horns of an animal. The horns of three are bent sharply back and the angle fits inside the angle of the dividing cross. The fourth, which is very stylized, has short horns and faces the opposite way. Overall diameter 1.95 cm.",15/1/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "2535",2.00,"STEATITE","SEAL","Dark grey, soft, soapy stone seal. Lower quarter broken off. Edge is convex - (Failaka Var 1). Reverse is domed with the usual four incised circles and a central dot. Three parallel incised lines run at right angles to the perforation, worn away at the top of the dome. The area either side of the lines is glazed. An incised line encircles the base of the dome. Reverse and edge worn and smooth. Design on the front shows a seated figure on the right, facing left, nude and with a beard and perhaps with a girdle - or it may represent the back of the chair. He is holding a straw which is in a jar at his feet. On the left, a standing, bearded figure with a flounced robe faces right and holds a large object up above the pot - possibly a fan. Overall diameter 1.95 cm. Height 0.9 cm.",15/1/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "2535",3.00,"STEATITE","SEAL","Pale grey stone seal. Edge waisted - (Failaka Var. 2). Reverse domed, with a flat area around the base. The reverse has the usual four incised circles with a central dot and three incised parallel lines running at right angles to the perforation. Edge and reverse glazed and relatively fine and unworn. traces of wear on crest of dome. Design on the front shows three horned animals. Two are standing facing each other, the third is couchant below them, facing right looking up and back over its shoulder. Above its rump is a crescent moon. Overall diameter 2.5 cm. Height 1.3 cm. Weight 10.8 gm. National Museum no. 3890 - 2 - 91 - 3",18/1/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "2535",4.00,"STONE","TOOL FRAG","Dark coloured, close grained fragment of a pounder or rubber. Sheered roughly in half in antiquity. Now trapezoid in shape. Dimensions=9.2x9x8.1x3.2 cm.",18/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2535",5.00,"STEATITE","SEAL","A fragment of a dark grey, soft stone seal, worn and abraded. Design illegible. Dimensions 2.7 x 0.9 cm.",18/1/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "2535",6.00,"FLINT","FRAGS","Three brown flint fragments. Irregular in shape, with no evidence of retouch. Dimensions=1)3.8x2.8x0.4 cm.2)2.3x1.4x0.2 cm. 3)2x1.5x0.5 cm.",18/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2535",7.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Strombus decorus, two pieces, one modified except for possible cut where it has been removed from the body of the shell, the other is heavily abraded and pierced, probably worked but could be natural beach abrasion. Diameter 1) 2.3 cm.2) 1.7 cm. [none of this makes sense - ignore. JM]",18/1/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "2535",8.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Ten badly corroded pieces of copper. 1) Flattened, roughly trapezoid-shaped piece - probably once part of a blade. Dimensions 1.6 x 1.1 x 0.3 cm. 2) Irregular lump. Dimensions 1.6 x 1.5 x 0.7 cm. 3) Rough point shaped piece. Dimensions 1.3 x 0.7 x 0.3 cm. 4) Two strips, apparently joined in the middle - mangled. Overall dimensions 2.5 x 1.3 x 1.2 cm. Rest just lumps.",18/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2535",9.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Shell from sieving.",18/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2535",10.00,"BONE","BONES","Large quantity of mixed bone, including two shark growths.",18/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2535",11.00,"STEATITE","LID","Small lid of decorated light grey steatite. Disc-shape, with a vertical cylindrical handle at the centre. Edge worn, also top of handle. Lower surface has shallow indention round edge. Upper surface is decorated with a band of incised circles, all with central dot, and all but one with double circumference. There was a second, outer ring, which is now badly worn at the edges, the circles on this one with single circumference. The base of the knob is encircled with a single incised line. Polish is visible on the knob itself. Overall diameter 6.5 cm. Internal diameter 4.9 cm. Diameter of knob 1.8 cm. Length of knob 2.3 cm.",18/1/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "2535",12.00,"STONE","BOWL","Small, cream-coloured alabaster bowl or cup. Complete. Flattened rim, wide mouth, slightly convex sides and a shallow indented base. Heavily encrusted with salt and inner surface cracked in two places. Height 4.2 cm. Rim diameter 7.9 cm. Diameter of base 5 cm.",18/1/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "2535",13.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder fragment. Light coloured, with gritty texture. Probably originally oval in shape. One surface ground flat. Dimensions 12.6 x 11 x 5.5 cm.",26/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2535",14.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Small, oval shaped light grey, stone rubber. All outer surfaces smoothed. Dimensions=3.7x3.2x2.6 cm.",25/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2535",15.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Mottled coloured, lozenge shaped stone rubber. Extremely smooth and glossy on all surfaces. One edge flattened and smooth, suggesting that it was possibly used for burnishing? Dimensions=3.6x2.8x1.3 cm.",26/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2535",16.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Orange/red, oval shaped, small stone rubber? All surfaces worn smooth. Dimensions=3.2x2.3x1.4 cm.",26/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2535",17.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Dark coloured, lozenge shaped stone rubber. Very smooth and glossy on all surfaces. Dimensions=3.9x2.2x1.8 cm.",26/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2535",18.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Light grey, dome shaped stone rubber. Curved surfaces cracked in places. Flat surface very smooth and soapy to the touch. Dimensions=Diameter=5 cm. Depth=2.2 cm.",26/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2535",19.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Four bitumen fragments, all irregular in shape, and all with weave impressions on them, so from lining to one or more woven vessels. Largest fragment measures 2x1.8x0.5 cm.",26/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2535",20.00,"STONE","DISCARDED","Discarded.",26/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2535",21.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Weathered flint, pebble like in shape. Worn very smooth. Brown in colour. Dimensions=6.3x5x4.1 cm.",26/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2535",22.00,"STONE","SOCKET","Light coloured, gritty stone, cut into a rough square shape with a circular depression in the middle. Probably used as a door socket. The depression is worn and smooth. Overall dimensions 20.5 x 20 x 9.9 cm. Diameter of the depression 13.5 cm. Depth 3 cm.",27/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2535",23.00,"SHELL","COCKLE RING","Cockle shell (Glycymeris pectunculus), with large hole cut into it. Height of shell 2.9 cm. Diameter of the hole 1.6 cm.",25/1/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "2537",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,2/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2539",1.00,"BONE","HORN CORE","Long horn core, very deteriorated. Recovered from a pit feature. Length=21 cm. Diameter at widest end=4.5 cm.",16/1/1992 00:00:00,,"Very fragile, treated with a solution of Paraloid B72 in Acetone - weight/volume 5%." "2539",2.00,"STONE","FRAG","Sheered off fragment of a light grey coloured stone rubber? Probably once ovoid in shape, but fragmented in antiquity. Rounded sides smooth, other surfaces rough. Dimensions=13.2x11.8x5 cm.",16/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2539",3.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAG","Thick lump of bitumen, from lining of a woven vessel. Weave impressions on one side. Irregular in shape. Dimensions 5.1x4.3x1.4 cm.",16/1/1992 00:00:00,,"Impregnated with a solution of Paraloid B72 in Acetone- weight/volume=5%." "2539",4.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from the sieved fill of context 2538.",16/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2539",5.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, including an animal long bone.",16/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2539",6.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Round, light coloured stone pounder? All surfaces abraded, one has a residue adhering to it. Diameter=3.6 cm.",16/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2544",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from sieving of the makeup to context 2535.",19/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2544",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone from sieving of the makeup to context 2535.",19/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2544",3.00,"COPPER","BLADE FRAGS?","Two pieces of copper, possibly once part of blades. 1) Thin flattened fragment, with one corner curved upwards. Dimensions 1.6x1.5x0.1 cm. 2) Thicker flattened piece, roughly triangular in shape. Dimensions 1.6x1.2x0.5 cm.",19/1/1992 00:00:00,,"Mechanically cleaned, stored with silica gel." "2544",4.00,"STONE","FRAG","Dark coloured worked stone. Broken in antiquity, but probably once round in shape. Two rounded surfaces very smooth and soapy to the touch, one has a groove, so possibly used as a weight. Dimensions=3x3x2 cm.",19/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2544",5.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Light grey, rough flint flake. No evidence of retouch. Irregular in shape. Recovered from the sieved makeup to context 2535. Dimensions=4.7x3x1.8 cm.",19/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2544",6.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAG","Small, irregular fragment from the lining of a woven vessel. Weave impression on one side. Dimensions=1.8x1x0.4 cm.",19/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2544",7.00,"STONE","DISCARDED","Discarded.",26/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2544",8.00,"STONE","DISCARDED","Discarded.",26/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2544",9.00,"STONE",,"Missing spring 1992",15/9/1992 00:00:00,, "2544",10.00,"STONE",,"Missing spring 1992.",15/9/1992 00:00:00,, "2544",11.00,"STONE",,"Missing spring 1992.",15/9/1992 00:00:00,, "2545",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from a sieved floor context.",21/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2545",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, but mostly fish, recovered from a sieved floor context.",21/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2545",3.00,"ORGANIC","DATE","A single carbonized date seed.",21/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2545",4.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Six copper fragments. 1) Small piece of the end of a possible needle or pin. Length=0.9 cm. Diameter=0.2 cm. 2) Spill/waste. 0.5x0.3x0.05 cm. 3) Roughly round fragment, diameter=0.9 cm. 4) Oval shaped fragment dimensions=1.7x0.8x0.5 cm.5)Irregularly-shaped piece dimensions=1.1x1x0.1 cm. 6) Spill/waste. Dimensions=1x0.9x0.1 cm. All recovered from a sieved floor context.",21/1/1992 00:00:00,,"Mechanically cleaned." "2547",1.00,"POTTERY","JAR","Complete large storage jar. Red clay, pale pink surface (slightly smeared diagonally), gritty temper. Rim swollen and slightly turned out. Straight neck, flaring slightly to rounded shoulder. Body rounded, tapering to neat, flat base. Height 32.0 cm, rim diameter 12.5 cm, base diameter 8.0 cm. Found in situ with lid on (2547:02).",20/1/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "2547",2.00,"STONE","DOMED LID","Lid to jar 2547:01. Light coloured worked stone. Found in situ in the mouth of the jar. Roughly domed in shape, but wider at the top and tapering in at the bottom. Unequal depth. Bottom is concave. Diameter at the top 10.8 cm. Diameter at the bottom 8.1 cm. Depth varies from 5.3cms to 3 cm.",20/1/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "2547",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Fish bone, recovered from a feature.",20/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2547",4.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Totally unrecognisable, very badly corroded fragment of copper. Dimensions=2.1x1.5x1.2 cm.",20/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2548",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from a sieved floor context.",19/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2548",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, but mostly fish, from a sieved floor context.",19/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2548",3.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Two small, irregular pieces of copper. Dimensions=1)1.4x0.9x0.6 cm.2)0.9x0.9x0.1 cm.",19/1/1992 00:00:00,,"Mechanically cleaned." "2548",4.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Small, light brown flint flake. Roughly blade shaped, but no evidence of retouch. Dimensions=2.1x1.3x0.4 cm.",19/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2548",5.00,"SHELL","BEAD","Disc-shaped slice through Strombus decorus shell, with wide hole through, presumably for use as bead. Diameter 1.7 cm.",19/1/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "2548",6.00,"COPPER",,"Missing spring 1992.",15/9/1992 00:00:00,, "2549",1.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Fragment of copper recovered from inside jar no:2542:01. Butterfly-shaped. Overall dimensions=2x1.2x0.6 cm.",20/1/1992 00:00:00,,"Mechanically cleaned." "2551",1.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Egg shaped, badly corroded fragment of copper. Dimensions=2.7x2 cm.",21/1/1992 00:00:00,,"Mechanically cleaned." "2551",2.00,"FLINT","CORE","Dark brown, rough flint core, used as a hammer stone. Diameter=8.8 cm. Depth=4.5 cm.",21/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2552",1.00,"PLASTER","DOMED LID","Plaster lid, approximately hemispherical in shape. One surface smooth and convex, the other rough and slightly concave. Overall diameter 8.3 cm. Depth 2.9 cm.",21/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2552",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Three shells from the sieving of a hearth context.",21/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2552",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Fish bone from the sieving of a hearth context.",21/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2553",1.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Light coloured grinder fragment. Possibly once oval in shape, now irregular, with three straight edges and one curved. Upper surface slightly concave, and smooth. Dimensions 37 x 31 x 11.6 cm.",22/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2553",2.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Light coloured grinder fragment. Roughly rectangular in shape. Upper surface deeply pitted. Dimensions 30 x 23.5 x 9.8 cm.",22/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2553",3.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Light coloured grinder fragment. Possibly once oval in shape, now irregular. Upper surface is smooth. Dimensions 22 x 22.5 x 8.8 cm.",22/1/1991 00:00:00,, "2553",4.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Sieved.",22/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2553",5.00,"BONE","BONES","Fish bone from dry sieving of a feature context.",22/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2553",6.00,"FLINT","CORE","Brown coloured flint core. Irregular in shape. Dimensions=6.5x6x3.9 cm.",22/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2553",7.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Strip of mangled, badly corroded copper Irregular in shape. Overall dimensions=3.2x1x0.3 cm.",22/1/1992 00:00:00,,"Mechanically cleaned." "2555",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, recovered from the sieved fill of context 2554.",27/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2555",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Fish bone, from the sieving of the fill of context 2554.",27/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2557",1.00,"POTTERY","RIDGED JAR","Large storage jar, complete. Red clay, outer surface purple. Gritty temper, including white, circular bits. Bevelled rim, short neck. High shoulder, long body tapering to neat, flat base. Shoulder and body ridged. Height 45.0 cm. Rim diameter 15.0-15.5 cm. Base diameter 18.0 cm.",1/2/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "2557",2.00,"PLASTER","DISC LID","Lid of light grey plaster, in the shape of a thick disc. One face uneven but flattish, with one side having deep cracks from the drying of the plaster. Opposing surface smooth and slightly concave. Rim is slightly wrinkled. Intact. Diameter 12.7 cm, height 4.7 cm.",1/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2557",3.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Irregular and badly corroded copper fragment. Dimensions=2.7x1.3x1 cm.",30/1/1992 00:00:00,,"Mechanically cleaned." "2557",4.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, recovered from the sieving of the fill of context 2556.",1/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2557",5.00,"BONE","BONES","Fish bone from the sieving of the fill of context 2556.",1/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2559",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, recovered from sieving of the fill of context 2558.",29/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2559",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone from the sieving of the fill of context 2558.",29/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2559",3.00,"COPPER","FRAG","A lump of badly corroded copper. Irregular in shape. Dimensions=4.4x2.7x3.4 cm.",29/1/1992 00:00:00,,"Attempted to mechanically clean, but too severely corroded. X-Ray recommended." "2559",4.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Small, dark coloured stone pounder. Pebble shaped, most surfaces smooth apart from one. Dimensions=3.3x3x3 cm.",29/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2559",5.00,"STONE","DISCARDED","Discarded.",29/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2559",6.00,"STONE","DISCARDED","Discarded.",30/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2559",7.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Light coloured, oval shaped stone pounder. Very smooth on all surfaces except one, which is abraded. Dimensions=3.4x2.4x1.9 cm.",30/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2559",8.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Three fragments of badly corroded copper. 1) Tiny piece of thin, curved strip. Possibly part of a hook? Length=1.5 cm. Thickness=0.2 cm. 2) Irregular fragment. Dimensions=2.1x1.2x0.5 cm. 3) Irregular fragment. Dimensions=1.8x1x0.8 cm.",30/1/1992 00:00:00,,"Mechanically cleaned." "2559",9.00,"STONE","DISCARDED","Discarded.",30/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2559",10.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Small, brown, circular flint flake. No evidence of retouch. Diameter=2.1 cm. Thickness=0.2 cm.",30/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2561",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Fish bone, from the fill of context 2560.",30/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2563",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Shell from the sieving of the fill of context 2562.",30/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2563",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Fish bone, recovered from the sieving of the fill of context 2562.",30/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2565",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, recovered from the sieving of the fill of context 2564.",30/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2565",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, including a tooth, from the sieved fill of context 2564.",30/1/1992 00:00:00,, "2567",1.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Grindstone, in the shape of large disc, worn into a depression in the middle, with the very centre worn right through. Smooth, light-coloured stone. Set into the ground. Diameter 32 cm. Depth 5.3 cm.",1/2/1992 00:00:00,,"Reconstructed with Araldite." "2567",2.00,"STONE","BEAD","Cylindrical bead of black agate with blue striations. Dimensions 1.2 cm long, 0.6 cm thick.",1/2/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "2567",3.00,"STONE","DISCARDED","Discarded.",2/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2567",4.00,"STONE",,,2/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2567",5.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder of light coloured stone. Roughly trapezoidal in shape. All edges are bevelled. Flat and smooth on the upper surface, irregular and rough on the lower surface, with traces of a white plaster. Dimensions 21 x 16. 5 x 4.2 cm.",2/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2567",6.00,"BITUMEN","FRAG?","Discarded without description. Presumably a featureless fragment.",2/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2567",7.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder of light coloured, gritty textured stone. Roughly trapezoidal in shape, with a convex lower surface. Upper surface is flat and smooth. Dimensions 15.5 x 13.4 x 3.4 cm.",2/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2567",8.00,"STONE","TOOL FRAG","Light coloured, rounded rough stone pounder fragment. Broken in antiquity. Dimensions=12x8 cm.",2/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2567",9.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Grey coloured flint flake. No evidence of retouch. Roughly semi circular in shape. Dimensions=4.8x3x1 cm.",2/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2567",10.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder fragment of light coloured, gritty-textured stone. Smoothed and flattened upper surface. Irregular in shape. Dimensions 17 x 12.3 x 5.4 cm.",2/2/1992 00:00:00,,"Fragmented into two pieces on excavation." "2567",11.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder of light coloured limestone. Roughly rectangular in shape, with rounded edges. Upper surface flat and smooth, lower surface is slightly convex. Dimensions 17 x 16 x 3.1 cm.",2/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2567",12.00,"PLASTER","BASE LINING","Piece of plaster, shaped as though fitted into the narrow base of a storage jar. There is a hole right through, lengthways. Approximately cylindrical, with one end slightly wider than the other, and the edges broken off. Preserved height 7.3 cm., diameter 8.7-9.4 cm., diameter of hole 2.6 cm.",3/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2567",13.00,"BITUMEN","BEAD","Small bead, round with a hole through the centre. Outer surface pitted and lined erratically. Diameter 2 cm. Diameter of the perforation=0.3 cm.",3/2/1992 00:00:00,"Y","Mechanically cleaned and then treated with Paraloid B72 in a solution of Acetone - 5% weight/volume." "2567",14.00,"FLINT","NODULE","Large flint nodule which looks like a votive figure, but is probably completely natural. Overall dimensions=21cmsx18cmx7.3 cm.",3/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2567",15.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from rubble.",9/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2567",16.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, but mostly animal, from a rubble context.",3/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2567",17.00,"FLINT","CORE","Burnt flint hammer stone. Evidence of fire cracking. Irregular in shape. Dimensions=6.3x5.3x3.4 cm.",3/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2567",18.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Irregular copper fragment. Dimensions=3.8x1.8x2.7 cm.",4/2/1992 00:00:00,,"Mechanically cleaned. No further conservation attempted. Stored with silica gel." "2567",19.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Irregular copper fragment possibly part of a haft. One side is furrowed. Overall dimensions=1.5x1.3x0.2 cm.",9/2/1992 00:00:00,,"Mechanically cleaned." "2567",20.00,"FLINT","CORE","Brown flint core.",15/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2569",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Three bags of mixed shell. One bag from 50% sieving.?",11/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2569",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, from an occupation context. Second bag sieved 50%.",5/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2569",3.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Light colour, roughly oval stone pounder. One surface chipped and abraded. Dimensions=6.1x5.6x4.7 cm.",6/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2569",4.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Light coloured, roughly egg shaped stone rubber. Three surfaces are worn very smooth and are flattened. Dimensions=6.3x4.9x5 cm.",6/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2569",5.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Two tiny copper fragments. 1) Thin flattened strip, possibly once part of a pin or fish hook. Length=1.1 cm. Thickness=0.2 cm. 2) Round fragment. Diameter=0.5 cm.",6/2/1992 00:00:00,,"Mechanically cleaned." "2569",6.00,"FLINT","FRAGS","Two dark grey coloured flint flakes. Both irregular in shape, both with no evidence of retouch. Recovered from sieving of an occupation context. Dimensions=1)4.3x2.3x1.3 cm.2)2.7x1.1x0.5 cm.",6/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2569",7.00,"SHELL","PIERCED COWRIE","Cowrie shell, with a small area near one end filed flat then roughly pierced. Dimensions 2.3x1.7x1.3 cm.",6/2/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "2569",8.00,"STONE","TOOL FRAG","Dark coloured, close grained stone tool fragment. Broken in antiquity. Triangular in section, three edges are flat and smooth. Overall dimensions=7.5x6.7x5.2 cm.",9/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2569",9.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Retouched blade flake, possibly used as scraper. Plain strikng platform, broken distal tip. Remnant light brown-grey cortex towards distal end. Previous flake scars on dorsal face struck from proximal end. One edge towards proximal end is retouched from the ventral surface to form sight concave working edge. L: 3.6, W: 1.8, T: 0.6 cm.",23/5/1995 00:00:00,, "2570",1.00,"STEATITE","SEAL","Pale grey soft stone seal. Edge waisted (Failaka Var 2). Reverse has wide, flat ledge around low dome. Four incised circles with central dot, and three parallel incised lines at right angles to perforation, slightly worn at the crest of the dome. Patches of glaze. On the front, the design shows a naked, bearded figure, standing facing left. With either hand he grasps the horns of an animal. Two other horned animals can be seen on either side of his legs and a fifth beneath his feet. All schematically drawn. Diameter 2.7 cm. Height 1.2 cm.",9/2/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "2570",2.00,"COPPER","RING","Piece of copper wire, tapered at one end, bent round to form a ring. The circumference is pushed in slightly at the point where the ends are joined. Diameter 2 cm. Thickness 0.4 cm.",10/2/1992 00:00:00,"Y","Mechanically cleaned. Stored with silica gel." "2570",3.00,"FOSSIL","SHELL","DISCARDED?",13/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2570",4.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Small egg-shaped copper fragment. Dimensions=1.3x1x0.7 cm.",13/2/1992 00:00:00,,"Mechanically cleaned. Stored with silica gel." "2570",5.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Small, egg shaped stone rubber or pounder. One surface is abraded, whilst others are smooth. Dimensions=3.9x3.1x2.9 cm.",13/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2570",6.00,"STONE","DISCARDED","Discarded.",13/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2570",7.00,"STONE",,"FIND AND DESCRIBE",,, "2570",8.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Large quantity of mixed shell from sieving.",13/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2570",9.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, from a sieved floor context.",13/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2570",10.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Dark coloured, close grained stone tool. Roughly cube shaped, but with rounded edges. One surface is flattened and very smooth. Probably used as a rubber. Dimensions=5.4x5x5.1 cm.",15/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2570",11.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Double-sided tag of orange coloured clay, oval in shape. Break at one end, where string pulled away. A different seal impression on either side. Heavy patch of burning on one side, where the design shows a rectangle with a vertical bar in its centre. To the right is a standing figure in a short skirt, facing left, arms up to either side, touching the rectangle. The top border line of the rectangle appears to extend across the figure's shoulders: perhaps he is carrying a net. There is a second, badly damaged figure to the left of the central rectangle. Second side shows a wheel of four horned animals, necks joined by a large hatched circle. Between the heads are other motifs, one of which is a standing man, the rest illegible. One animal faces right and its neighbour left. The rest are too worn to tell. Design is distorted by pressure after stamping. Originally used as a tag or label. Fingerprints visible on the edge. Dimensions: Max length 3 cm. Max width 2 cm. Recovered from a floor surface.",15/2/1992 00:00:00,"Y", "2570",12.00,"STONE","TOOL FRAG","Small, light coloured stone tool fragment. Broken roughly in half in antiquity, now semi circular in shape. Lower flat surface very smooth with traces of staining. Diameter=4 cm. Height=1.9 cm.",15/2/1992 00:00:00,, "2579",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone.",29/1/1994 00:00:00,, "2579",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell.",29/1/1994 00:00:00,, "2580",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone from collapse.",30/1/1994 00:00:00,, "2580",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, from collapse.",30/1/1994 00:00:00,, "2580",3.00,"PLASTER","ROOF FRAG","Large irregular fragment of white plaster, one convex surface, one concave. Convex surface has a row of ten short parallel grooves impressed at right angles to the long axis. Two large lumps of ?stone inclusions. Broken off at short ends. Presumably from roof. Dimensions 19.8 x 14.7 x 5.4 cm.",31/1/1994 00:00:00,, "2580",4.00,"PLASTER","SAMPLE","Large fragment of rough white plaster, approximately rectangular in plan. One side is roughly domed, the other is hollow. The hollow is flat on the bottom, with the sides flaring out from it. The short ends of the lump are broken off. Length 23.2, width 15.3, thickness 13.3 cm.",31/1/1994 00:00:00,, "2580",5.00,"PLASTER","FRAG","Thin flat fragment of plaster. One surface is flat, the other is fairly smooth. Dimensions 15.4 x 9.4 x 1.6 cm.",2/2/1994 00:00:00,, "2580",6.00,"PLASTER","FRAG","Triangular fragment of plaster. Rough flat surfaces. Dimensions 10.0 x 6.4 x 1.6 cm.",2/2/1994 00:00:00,, "2580",7.00,"PLASTER","FRAG","Flat, roughly triangular fragment of plaster. Smooth upper surface, with small ridge of possible mortar still attached. Underside very rough, with impressions. Dimensions 15.6 x 11.1 x 1.6 cm.",2/2/1994 00:00:00,, "2581",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone from collapse.",31/1/1994 00:00:00,, "2581",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from collapse.",31/1/1994 00:00:00,, "2581",3.00,"FOSSIL BIVALVE","BIVALVE","Fossilised bivalve fragment. Dimensions 5.0 x 4.6 x 3.5 cm.",31/1/1994 00:00:00,, "2581",4.00,"STONE","SOCKET","Door socket fragment. Light coloured stone with one circular depression. Length 21.5, width 10.1, thickness 6.0 cm. Diameter of depression 3.9, depth 2.9 cm.",6/2/1994 00:00:00,, "2582",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from collapse.",31/1/1994 00:00:00,, "2582",2.00,"STONE","WORKED","Small fragment of possibly worked stone. Light in colour, with a slightly domed upper surface. Lower surface and one side appear to have been broken off. Length 7.4, width 4.2, thickness 3.1 cm.",31/1/1994 00:00:00,, "2593",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone.",5/2/1994 00:00:00,, "2593",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell.",5/2/1994 00:00:00,, "2594",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone from collapse.",5/2/1994 00:00:00,, "2594",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from collapse.",5/2/1994 00:00:00,, "2595",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from collapse.",8/2/1994 00:00:00,, "2595",2.00,"STONE","TOOL","Small fragment of green/grey stone from collapse. Flat, with smooth upper and lower surfaces. Rounded edges, two of which have been broken off. Dimensions 3.6 x 3.2 x 1.2 cm.",8/2/1994 00:00:00,, "2595",3.00,"STONE","TOOL","Dark grey stone fragment from collapse. Roughly worked but broken. Dimensions 16.8 x 11.3 x 8.2 cm.",8/2/1994 00:00:00,, "2595",4.00,"STONE","TOOL","Irregular fragment of very hard speckled black stone. Two adjacent faces worn very smooth, the rest are broken off. Dimensions 12.1 x 8.0 x 5.8 cm.",8/2/1994 00:00:00,, "2595",5.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Sub-rectangular grinder fragment. Light coloured, gritty textured. One surface worn very smooth, the other slightly rougher. Dimensions 24.2 x 15.0 x 5.2 cm.",9/2/1994 00:00:00,, "2595",6.00,"STEATITE","BOWL RIM","Fragment from the rim of an undecorated shallow steatite bowl. Fairly thick rim, gently bevelled to outside, sides curve quite steeply inwards. Height 2.3, width 2.8, thickness 0.6 cm. Rim di. (reconstruc.) c. 9.6",9/2/1994 00:00:00,, "2595",7.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone from collapse.",9/2/1994 00:00:00,, "2595",8.00,"STEATITE","BASE FRAG","Fragment from the base and lower body of a deep, thick-walled steatite vessel. Sides steep, base flat. Preserved H. 3.6, thickness 0.8 cm. Ba. Di. (reconstruc): c. 7.8 cm.",9/2/1994 00:00:00,, "2595",9.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Flint flake from collapse. Brown. Triangular in shape, with one pointed end broken off. Very thin and flat. Dimensions 1.6 x 0.9 x 0.3 cm.",9/2/1994 00:00:00,, "2595",10.00,"STONE","VESSEL FRAG","Fragment of a light coloured stone vessel. Probably once rectangular in shape, but now broken. Length 18.3, width 12.7, height 13.8, thickness 6.4 cm.",10/2/1994 00:00:00,, "2598",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from collapse.",9/2/1994 00:00:00,, "2601",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from collapse.",10/2/1994 00:00:00,, "2601",2.00,"STONE","TOOL","Fragment of crystalline white stone, roughly semi circular in plan. Curved edge possibly worked or worn. Dimensions 9.3 x 4.8 x 4.7 cm.",12/2/1994 00:00:00,, "2601",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone from collapse.",3/3/1994 00:00:00,, "2602",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, from collapse.",12/2/1994 00:00:00,, "2602",2.00,"STONE","BASIN FRAG","Two rim/side fragments of a basin. Both are rectangular pieces of light grey oolitic limestone. They do not join but are from the same/similar (rectangular?) vessel. The straight rim is flat to slightly rounded, the inner face is flat, the outer face is uneven but flattish. The surface has been ground flat on the rim, inside and just below the rim outside. The surfaces are mostly worn. Dimensions 11.4 x 7.0 x 3.1; 11.3 x 4.6 x 3.2 cm.",27/3/1999 00:00:00,, "2605",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from collapse.",13/2/1994 00:00:00,, "2606",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from collapse. Two bags, one from square L18, the other from K18/ L18.",13/2/1994 00:00:00,, "2606",2.00,"STONE","BASIN FRAG","Possible corner fragment of a light-coloured stone basin, presumably once square or rectangular in plan. All surfaces smooth and flat. Dimensions 9.1 x 6.9 x 7.5 cm.",14/2/1994 00:00:00,, "2606",3.00,"STONE","TOOL","Fragment of white crystalline stone, from collapse. The one existing surface is very smooth, and rounded. The rest has been broken off. Dimensions 3.8 x 2.6 x 2.2 cm.",14/2/1994 00:00:00,, "2606",4.00,"STONE","WORKED","Very rough worked stone fragment. Broken into two fragments that still fit together. L-shaped in plan, with the inner surface slightly rounded. Dimensions 8.2 x 7.4 x 5.5 cm.",14/2/1994 00:00:00,, "2606",5.00,"STONE","TOOL","Dark grey stone fragment from collapse. Small chip, roughly smoothed edges, the rest having been broken off. One very smooth, polished? edge, slightly curved. Dimensions 9.1 x 6.2 x3.2 cm.",17/2/1994 00:00:00,, "2608",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","2 buckets.",14/2/1994 00:00:00,, "2611",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell.",15/2/1994 00:00:00,, "2611",2.00,"BITUMEN","FRAG","Large fragment of bitumen, broken into two pieces. Possibly once cylindrical in shape, with impressions on the inside. Plus numerous small flakes. Dimensions of largest fragment 4.2 x 2.9 x 0.3 cm.",3/3/1994 00:00:00,, "2612",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from collapse.",16/2/1994 00:00:00,, "2612",2.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Numerous very small flakes and fragments of bitumen. Dimensions of largest fragment 1.2 x0.9 x 0.2 cm.",16/2/1994 00:00:00,, "2612",3.00,"STONE","BASIN FRAG","Light-coloured worked stone fragment, possibly from a basin. L- shaped in section. Outer surfaces are smooth, inner surface has possible residue still present. Dimensions 9.6 x 8.3 x 4.4 cm.",16/2/1994 00:00:00,, "2612",4.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone from collapse.",27/2/1994 00:00:00,, "2613",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, Some sieved, some not sieved. Bagged separately.",27/3/1994 00:00:00,, "2613",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell,",27/3/1994 00:00:00,, "2613",3.00,"STONE","BASIN","Large white stone basin, broken into 4 fragments. Rectangular in plan. Base is flat and rough. Four straight, roughly-finished sides. The inside of the basin is also flat and rough. Length 84.4, width 45.6, height 22.8, thickness of walls 1.1 (min), 4.9 (max) cm. One fragment numbered 2659:05.",28/4/1994 00:00:00,, "2617",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from collapse.",17/2/1994 00:00:00,, "2617",2.00,"STONE","BASIN FRAG","Corner-fragment of light coloured stone basin. Probably once rectangular in shape. Rough flat base. Rim still present. Dimensions 29.2 x 27.2 x 7.3 cm. Irregular thickness: min - 4.1, max - 8.0 cm.",19/2/1994 00:00:00,, "2617",3.00,"STONE","WORKED","Gritty textured stone fragment. Flat, with rough upper and lower surfaces and one possible worked straight edge. Dimensions 6.4 x 5.8 x 4.3 cm.",19/2/1994 00:00:00,, "2617",4.00,"STONE","TOOL","Dark green stone tool, from collapse. Irregularly-shaped, but very smooth, shiny and ridged. Dimensions 2.9 x 2.2 x 1.7 cm.",5/3/1994 00:00:00,, "2618",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone from occupation. Some sieved, some not sieved. Bagged separately.",17/2/1994 00:00:00,, "2618",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from occupation.",17/2/1994 00:00:00,, "2618",3.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Retouched/utilised blade flake. Brown flint with light grey cortex. Plain platform (prepared cortical), with step termination. Previous flake struck from the dorsal surface from the distal end and has step termination. Thin lateral edge has retouch/use wear. L: 5.1; W: 2.9; T:0.9 cm.",5/3/1994 00:00:00,, "2619",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone from floor/ occupation. Some bags sieved, some bags not sieved. Plus some articulated fish bone, packed separately.",19/2/1994 00:00:00,,"Paraloid 10% on site." "2619",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from floor/ occupation.",19/2/1994 00:00:00,, "2619",3.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Roughly oval shaped fragment of copper. Length 1.3, width 1.0, thickness 0.5 cm.",19/2/1994 00:00:00,, "2619",4.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Light brown flint flake from floor/ occupation. Pointed at one end. Length 1.3, width 0.5, thickness 0.3 cm.",21/2/1994 00:00:00,, "2619",5.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","4 buckets.",19/2/1994 00:00:00,, "2619",6.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Dark brown flint fragment from floor/ occupation. Irregularly-shaped, with numerous chips/ flakes on all surfaces. One flat smooth surface. Dimensions 5.0 x 4.1 x 2.9 cm.",5/3/1994 00:00:00,, "2619",7.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Three fragments of copper. 1) Irregular fragment. Dimensions 1.5 x 0.6 x 0.6 cm. 2) Slightly rounded fragment. Dimensions 1.9 x 1.8 x 0.9 cm. 3) Irregular fragment. Dimensions 2.1 x 1.3 x 1.1 cm. Spill/refining waste. One piece taken by Lloyd Weeks for metallurgical analysis at Sydney, 1998",5/3/1994 00:00:00,, "2620",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from collapse.",22/2/1994 00:00:00,, "2622",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone from floor/ occupation. Some sieved, some not sieved. Bagged separately.",22/2/1994 00:00:00,, "2622",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from floor/ occupation.",22/2/1994 00:00:00,, "2622",3.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Two irregular fragments of copper. 1) 0.8 x 0.7 x 0.7 cm. 2) 1.7 x 1.5 x 0.7 cm.",23/2/1994 00:00:00,, "2622",4.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","4 buckets.",22/2/1994 00:00:00,, "2622",5.00,"STEATITE","SEAL","Black ?steatite seal. Persian Gulf style. Badly worn. Reverse domed, with no trace of decoration. Edge is deep and more or less straight. Design consists of two stylised horned quadrupeds, facing outwards, one inverted above the other. Linear style, no use of tubular drill. Diameter 1.9, height 1.4 cm. Thickness of edge 1.0 cm.",7/3/1994 00:00:00,, "2622",6.00,"STONE","TOOL","Light coloured stone smoother, from floor/ occupation. Roughly semi circular in plan. One flat, very smooth surface with straight edges. The other surfaces are fairly smooth, but worn. Dimensions 7.9 x 6.3 x 5.1 cm.",7/3/1994 00:00:00,, "2622",7.00,"CLAY","FIGURINE","Animal figurine of light-coloured baked clay, possibly burnt. Quadruped torso. Head and limbs missing. Length 5.3, width 3.7, height 3.5 cm.",7/3/1994 00:00:00,,"Similar to elephant figurine from QB. See QB 1, Fig. 1766." "2622",8.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Two fragments of bitumen. No impressions visible. Dimensions of largest fragment 1.1 x 1.0 x 0.1 cm.",23/2/1994 00:00:00,, "2625",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","6 buckets. Residue 60l",26/2/1994 00:00:00,, "2626",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from collapse.",27/2/1994 00:00:00,, "2626",2.00,"STONE","BASIN FRAG","Fragment of light-coloured stone basin. Probably once oval in shape, as the main edge is straight but curves at one end. Both ends of the fragment are broken off. Lower surface is flat and rough. The inside base of the basin is rough and slopes downwards towards the centre. The walls are uneven and rough. Length 24.0, width 14.0, height 9.3, thickness walls 4.8, thickness of base 4.4 cm.",13/4/1994 00:00:00,, "2626",3.00,"STONE","TOOL","Light coloured stone tool/ ?basin fragment, from collapse. Possible once circular or oval in shape, as main edge is curved and smooth. Upper surface is smooth and slopes downwards towards the centre, where it appears to have been cut away, possibly deliberately in a circular shaped. The lower surface is flat. Broken at both ends. Dimensions 14.8 x 8.3 x 1.9 (min), 5.4 (max) cm.",13/4/1994 00:00:00,, "2626",4.00,"STONE","WORKED","Light coloured worked stone fragment. Roughly rectangular in plan, with straight edges. All surfaces are flat, apart from one slightly uneven face and one possibly shaped face. This surface appears to have been ?deliberately cut/ worked to form a ""step"", with a slight ridge running lengthways along one part. Length 17.6, width 14.9, thickness 8.5 cm.",13/4/1994 00:00:00,, "2626",5.00,"STONE","TOOL","Light coloured stone fragment, from collapse. Roughly half oval in shape. Upper surface slightly uneven, but fairly smooth. Lower surface flat, but rough. Edges are rounded. Dimensions 23.1 x 20.3 x 4.4 cm.",13/4/1994 00:00:00,, "2626",6.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Light coloured stone pounder, from collapse. Roughly oval in plan. Appears to be pitted, worn and chipped on all surfaces, probably due to pounding. Dimensions 11.4 x 9.1 x 7.9 cm.",14/4/1994 00:00:00,, "2626",7.00,"STONE","TOOL","Light coloured stone tool, from collapse. Roughly oval in plan, but appears to have been broken leaving only one main surface. This remaining surface is slightly pitted, possibly due to pounding. Dimensions 8.0 x 7.1 x 3.0 cm.",14/4/1994 00:00:00,, "2627",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone from occupation. Some sieved, some not sieved. Bagged separately.",2/3/1994 00:00:00,, "2627",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from occupation. Some sieved, some not sieved. Bagged separately.",2/3/1994 00:00:00,, "2627",3.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","4 buckets.",3/3/1994 00:00:00,, "2628",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, from collapse.",3/4/1994 00:00:00,, "2629",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","2 buckets.",3/3/1994 00:00:00,, "2630",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, from collapse. Some sieved, some not sieved. Bagged separately.",8/3/1994 00:00:00,, "2630",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, from collapse.",27/3/1994 00:00:00,, "2630",3.00,"PLASTER","DOMED LID","Light grey plaster lid, one surface flat, the other slightly convex. About half extant. Dimensions 6.9 x 3.9 x 1.9 cm.",8/3/1994 00:00:00,, "2634",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","4 buckets.",6/3/1994 00:00:00,, "2637",1.00,"PLASTER","DISC LID","Very large disc-shaped lid of white plaster. Sub-circular in plan. One surface fairly smooth, the other encrusted with ?mortar. Dimensions 36.2 x 36.8 cm. Thickness 0.8 (min), 2.9 (max).",23/3/1994 00:00:00,, "2637",2.00,"PLASTER","DISC LID FRAG","Fragment of a disc-shaped plaster lid. Upper surface, flat and smooth, lower surface flat, but rough. Dimensions 19.4 x 7.8 x 3.2 cm.",23/3/1994 00:00:00,, "2637",3.00,"STONE","TOOL","Light coloured stone fragment , from collapse. Roughly oval in shape. Upper surface fairly flat and rough, and slopes downwards across the width. Lower surface is flat and smooth. Has rounded edges. Dimensions 20.5 x 14.3, thickness 1.0 (min), 3.9 (max) cm.",23/3/1994 00:00:00,, "2637",4.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, from collapse.",26/3/1994 00:00:00,, "2637",5.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, from collapse.",26/3/1994 00:00:00,, "2638",1.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Thin copper strip. Dimensions 1.8 x 0.3 x 0.2 cm.",6/3/1994 00:00:00,, "2638",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, from occupation. Some sieved, some not sieved. Bagged separately.",26/3/1994 00:00:00,, "2638",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, from occupation.",26/3/1994 00:00:00,, "2639",1.00,"STONE","TOOL","Light coloured stone fragment, Circular in shape, but has been broken away, leaving only a rough half circle. The lower surface is rough and flat, the upper surface being slightly domed and rough. Dimensions 10.4 x 6.8 x 3.6 cm.",26/3/1994 00:00:00,, "2639",2.00,"STONE","STOPPER","Light coloured stone object, Possible stone stopper/ bung. Oval in plan, with one end being larger than the other. The larger end is slightly domed, and is chipped along part of the edge. The smaller end is also chipped at the edge. Dimensions of larger end 8.3 x 7.6 cm. Dimensions of smaller end 6.1 x 5.4 cm. Thickness 6.1 cm.",26/3/1994 00:00:00,, "2639",3.00,"STONE","TOOL","Light coloured stone tool, Roughly spheroid in shape, but very rough all over. Dimensions 7.9 x 7.5 x 7.4 cm.",26/3/1994 00:00:00,, "2639",4.00,"PLASTER","PIERCED OBJECT","Cylindrical object of white plaster. Central circular hole running all the way through to both ends. Chipped at one end. Length 4.3, diameter 1.8 (outer), 0.7 (inner) cm.",26/3/1994 00:00:00,, "2639",5.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, from sieved floor.",28/3/1994 00:00:00,, "2639",6.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell,",28/3/1994 00:00:00,, "2639",7.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Twenty two fragments of copper.1) Elongated, irregular. Dimensions 3.9 x 1.3 x 0.5 cm. 2) Irregular fragment. Dimensions 2.1 x 1.5 x 1.3 cm. 3) Irregular fragment. Dimensions 2.1 x 2.0 x 1.3 cm. 4) Strip fragment. Dimensions 2.9 x 1.4 x 0.5 cm. 5) Irregular fragment. Dimensions 3.2 x 1.5 x 0.8 cm. 6) Irregular fragment. Dimensions 2.2 x 1.0 x 0.9 cm. 7) Elongated, irregular fragment. Dimensions 2.6 x 1.3 x 0.3 cm. 8) Irregular fragment. Dimensions 1.6 x 0.9 x 0.5 cm. 9) Irregular fragment, with traces of iron present. Dimensions 1.2 x 1.2 x 1.0 cm. 10) Irregular fragment. Dimensions 1.8 x 1.3 x 0.5 cm. 11) Roughly triangular fragment. Dimensions 1.5 x 1.5 x 0.9 cm. 12) Elongated, irregular fragment. Dimensions 2.0 x 0.9 x 0.5 cm. 13) Roughly oval-shaped fragment. Dimensions 1.0 x 0.7 x 0.6 cm. 14) Roughly spheroid fragment. Dimensions 0.8 x 0.7 x 0.7 cm. 15) Irregular fragment. Dimensions 0.9 x 0.5 x 0.4 cm. 16) Irregular fragment. Dimensions 1.5 x 0.6 x 0.4 cm. 17) Irregular fragment. Dimensions 1.5 x 0.9 x 0.7 cm. 18) Irregular fragment. Dimensions 0.8 x 0.7 x 0.4 cm. 19) Irregular fragment. Dimensions 1.0 x 0.8 x 0.4 cm. 20) Irregular fragment. Dimensions 1.0 x 0.9 x 0.5 cm. 21) Roughly spheroid fragment. Dimensions 0.3 x 0.3 x 0.3 cm. 22) Irregular fragment. Dimensions 1.0 x 1.0 x 0.6 cm.",28/3/1994 00:00:00,, "2639",8.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Light brown flint fragment, Creamy white cortex still present. Irregularly-shaped. Dimensions 5.5 x 4.0 x 2.6 cm.",28/3/1994 00:00:00,, "2639",9.00,"FOSSIL ECHINOID","TOOL","Fossilized echinoid. Oval in shape. One surface is smooth, but has a slight indent in the centre, with faint line going outwards from the centre to the edges. The opposing surface is probably flat, but is encrusted with white ?mortar. Possible use-wear. Dimensions 7.5 x 6.7 x 1.9 cm.",29/3/1994 00:00:00,, "2639",10.00,"STONE","TOOL","Light coloured stone fragment, Possibly once round in shape, shown by curved edge. Slightly domed upper surface. Lower surface is flat, and has dark green staining on it. Dimensions 12.1 x 11.7 x 4.1 cm.",29/3/1994 00:00:00,, "2639",11.00,"POTTERY","PAINTED BASE","Painted vessel. Base and a little of lower body only. Powdery pink clay, darker core. Solid, high pedestal base, rounded body. Wheel-made. Traces of faint red-brown slip/wash and black design. Unusual - possibly Wadi Suq, or Umm an-Nar domestic, or Harappan. Preserved height 6.5 cm. Rim diameter (reconstructed) 12 cm.",4/3/1999 00:00:00,, "2640",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell.",9/3/1994 00:00:00,, "2641",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, some sieved, some not sieved. Bagged separately.",6/3/1994 00:00:00,, "2641",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from occupation. Some sieved, some not sieved. Bagged separately.",6/3/1994 00:00:00,, "2642",1.00,"BONE","ASSEMBLAGE","An assemblage of fish bone, from floor/ occupation. Some is still articulated. Plus mixed bone, sieved and mixed bone, not sieved. Bagged separately.",21/3/1994 00:00:00,,"Paraloid 10% on site." "2642",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, from occupation/ floor. Plus one small bag of mixed shell, sieved.",9/3/1994 00:00:00,, "2642",3.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Five fragments of copper. 1) Irregular flat fragment, with one small hole going all the way through its thickness. Dimensions 2.4 x 1.6 x 0.3 cm. 2) Irregular fragment. Dimensions 1.4 x 0.9 x 0.8 cm. 3) Irregular fragment. Dimensions 0.9 x 0.7 x 0.6 cm. 4) Irregular fragment. Dimensions 0.8 x 0.7 x 0.6 cm. 5) Small fragment. Dimensions 0.6 x 0.4 x 0.2 cm.",21/3/1994 00:00:00,, "2642",4.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Three fragments of bitumen. Plus numerous small fragments and flakes. Some impressions visible. Dimensions of largest fragment 1.9 x 1.2 x 0.5 cm.",21/3/1994 00:00:00,, "2642",5.00,"FLINT","FRAGS","Two small flint fragments, from floor/ occupation. 1) Brown, Irregularly-shaped. Dimensions 1.1 x 0.4 x 0.3 cm. 2) Brown, Irregularly-shaped. Dimensions 0.6 x 0.3 x 0.1 cm.",21/3/1994 00:00:00,, "2642",6.00,"STONE","BASIN FRAG","Corner fragment of white stone basin. Probably originally square or rectangular in shape, but now only two sides remaining. The edges are flat, but very rough. On the inside corner of the basin, is an encrusted residue of white ?mortar. Length 23.3, width 17.8 cm. Thickness of walls 2.6 (min), 5.9 (max) cm.",30/3/1994 00:00:00,, "2642",7.00,"STEATITE","BASE FRAG","Sherd from junction of body and of base of decorated grey steatite vessel. Lowest part of side turns fairly abruptly to thick, gently rounded base. Outside polished. Fragment of incised decoration preserved just above base: four parallel horizontal lines bound the very bottom of the design, and just above, and merging into them, is a group of five diagonal lines sloping down to the left, possibly part of a zigzag design. Dimensions 4.7 x 3.8 cm. Thickness of base 0.8 cm.",21/3/1994 00:00:00,, "2642",8.00,"STONE","BASIN FRAG","Corner fragment of light-coloured stone basin. Probably once square or rectangular in shape, but now only has two sides remaining. The outer edges are flat, but rough. The inner corner is slightly rounded rather than squared or right-angled, as is the outer side. Length 10.5, width 10.3 cm. Thickness of walls 2.9 (min), 4.2 (max) cm.",31/3/1994 00:00:00,, "2642",9.00,"POTTERY","PAINTED JAR","Rim of Wadi Suq style jar. About a quarter of rim and a little of neck. Distinctive pinky-buff clay, sparse inclusions of small grits and some vegetable matter. Surface eroded, but possible traces of black paint. Mouth opening pulled outwards and neatly rounded. Short, waisted neck, flaring immediately into gently rounded shoulder. Perhaps wheel-turned. Preserved height 6.5 cm. Rim diameter (reconstructed) approx. 11 cm.",3/5/1999 00:00:00,, "2643",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, sieved and mixed bone not sieved. Bagged separately.",8/3/1994 00:00:00,, "2643",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, from occupation.",8/3/1994 00:00:00,, "2643",3.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","4 buckets.",17/3/1994 00:00:00,, "2643",4.00,"STONE","TOOL","Light coloured stone tool, from occupation. Probably originally a natural occurring spheroid, worked or worn flat on two opposing faces to form a thick disc. Both flat faces are slightly pitted, possibly due to pounding. Diameter 5.6, thickness 4.8 cm.",19/3/1994 00:00:00,, "2644",1.00,"PLASTER","FRAG","Flat, white plaster fragment. Pentagonal in plan. Upper surface very smooth, with rounded edges. Lower surface slightly rougher, with possible mortar adhering. Dimensions 22.2 x 14.1 x 2.6 cm.",19/3/1994 00:00:00,, "2644",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, from sieved floor.",19/3/1994 00:00:00,, "2644",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, Plus one small bag of mixed shell, sieved.",19/3/1994 00:00:00,, "2644",4.00,"PLASTER","FRAG","Flat fragment of white plaster. Roughly rectangular in shape, with one corner broken off, and rounded edges. Upper surface is smooth and flat. Lower surface is flat and rough. Dimensions 14.4 x 11.3, thickness 0.7 (min), 2.5 (max) cm.",19/3/1994 00:00:00,, "2644",5.00,"PLASTER","FRAG","Flat, white plaster fragment. Roughly triangular in shape, with at least one definite broken edge. Upper surface is smooth and flat, with slightly rounded edges and straight sides. Lower surface flat, but rough. Dimensions 21.3 x 12.8, thickness 2.7 (min), 2.9 (max) cm.",19/3/1994 00:00:00,, "2644",6.00,"PLASTER","FRAG","Irregularly-shaped flat fragment of white plaster Upper surface is smooth and flat, the lower surface is flat and rough. Straight edges. Dimensions 13.9 x 9.7 x 2.8 cm.",19/3/1994 00:00:00,, "2645",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, from occupation. Some sieved, some not sieved. Bagged separately.",20/3/1994 00:00:00,, "2645",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, from occupation. Plus one small bag of mixed shell, sieved.",20/3/1994 00:00:00,, "2645",3.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAG","Bitumen fragment from the lining of a woven vessel. Weave impressions on one side. Dimensions 1.1 x 0.9 x 0.2 cm.",20/3/1994 00:00:00,, "2645",4.00,"STONE","BASIN","White stone basin, embedded in wall. Rectangular in plan. Only three complete sides still visible. All sides are straight, and fairly flat. The base is also flat. Inside of the basin is uneven and shallow. Length 56.8, width 39.8 (approximate measurement, as other side is not completely visible.), height 14.2, thickness of basin walls 0.8 (min), 5.4 (max) cm. In situ",3/5/1994 00:00:00,, "2649",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, Some sieved, some not sieved. Bagged separately.",22/3/1994 00:00:00,, "2649",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell,",22/3/1994 00:00:00,, "2650",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed shell, from occupation. Some sieved, some not sieved.",24/3/1994 00:00:00,, "2650",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, from occupation.",24/3/1994 00:00:00,, "2650",3.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Fifteen fragments of bitumen. Some have possible weave impressions on, so presumably from lining to one or more woven vessels. Dimensions 1.8 x 1.3 x 1.2 cm.",27/3/1994 00:00:00,, "2652",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Yet to locate. 28/04/94.",1/7/1994 00:00:00,, "2654",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","5 buckets.",27/3/1994 00:00:00,, "2657",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","One and a half buckets. Missing April 1995.",21/3/1994 00:00:00,, "2658",1.00,"POTTERY","LID","Large sherd from lower body of storage vat, found in situ as lid for ribbed jar 2658:02. Red clay, grit temper, patchy orange surface. Heavily ribbed out. From same kind of vessel as K17:32:14. Dimensions 20.9 x 19.7 x 2.7 cm.",28/3/1994 00:00:00,, "2658",2.00,"POTTERY","RIDGED JAR","Large ridged jar. Complete except for small piece missing from central body, and rim chipped in places. Reddish - brown sandy clay. No obvious inclusions, except occasional grits. Pink slip out, flaking in places. Band rim, short neck, body swells gently then tapers gradually to small uneven flat base, with a bulge in the middle - pot will not stand on a flat surface. Surface from neck to below maximum width has horizontal ridges, presumably made by finger smearing. Ridging on inside of upper body suggest pot was coil-made. Height 43.6, rim diameter 13.2, max width 33.5, base diameter 8.0 cm. Found with large sherd, acting as lid - object number 2658:01.",28/3/1994 00:00:00,," Intact except for hole in side - sherds found nearby. Badly cracked, and ridges flaked off in area of hole." "2658",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, from sieved fill of pit.",28/3/1994 00:00:00,, "2658",4.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, from fill of pit.",28/3/1994 00:00:00,, "2659",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, from floor, some sieved, some not sieved. Bagged separately.",29/3/1994 00:00:00,, "2659",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell,",29/3/1994 00:00:00,, "2659",3.00,"STONE","WORKED","Light coloured coarse grained stone object. Possible incense burner. Square in plan, rectangular in section. Upper surface has one large depression, which is very uneven and irregular in shape. This lies closer to one corner, rather than being in the centre. Plus one other small depression, nearer to another edge. The lower, opposing surface is flat, and has been shaped to form four ""legs"", one at each corner. One of which, appears to have been broken off. All four sides of the object are flat. Height 15.0, width 13.6, thickness 13.5 cm. Dimensions of large depression 9.8 x 7.5 cm, depth 3.5 (approx) cm.",29/3/1994 00:00:00,, "2659",4.00,"POTTERY","INDUS JAR","Fragments of large painted Indus jar, giving profile of rim to lower body. Bright orange fabric, no discernible temper. Rim bevelled. No neck. Body globular. Traces of red and black paint on rim. Body is painted sealing - wax red, except for broad band painted creamy pink on the shoulder. This band is bordered top and bottom by double black lines. Another pair of horizontal black lines encircles the maximum width, painted over the red. A pair of undulating black lines is painted around the shoulder, filling the cream coloured panel on the upward stroke, and dipping into the red - painted body on the downward. Little of this pattern is preserved. The lower body in particular has suffered from a white (plaster?) encrustation, but the paint was obviously bright and clear originally. The red has traces of polish. Pres. Height c.49 cm. Rim diameter (reconstructed) c.36 cm. Max width (reconstructed) c.65 cm.",30/3/1994 00:00:00,, "2659",5.00,"STONE","BASIN FRAG","Large white stone basin fragment. Fits 2613:03, q.v.",28/4/1994 00:00:00,, "2659",6.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Two copper fragments. 1) Irregular fragment. Dimensions 2.5 x 1.0 x 0.6 cm. 2) Irregular fragment. Dimensions 1.2 x 0.9 x 0.6 cm.",28/3/1994 00:00:00,, "2659",7.00,"POTTERY","PAINTED SHERD","Sherd from a narrow beaker, or possibly a jar neck. Fine dull pink clay, no visible inclusions, cream surface out. Vertical hatched design painted on outside in black. Small blank area at far left, suggesting a more complex overall pattern. Wheel-thrown. Dimensions 3.4 x 1.5 x 0.3 cm.",28/4/1994 00:00:00,, "2660",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","2 buckets.",28/3/1994 00:00:00,, "2664",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, Some sieved, some not sieved.",31/3/1994 00:00:00,, "2664",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell,",31/3/1994 00:00:00,, "2664",3.00,"COPPER","PIN?","Length of copper rod, perhaps part of a substantial pin. Length 4.8, width 0.5, thickness 0.5 cm.",31/3/1994 00:00:00,, "2664",4.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Three fragments of copper 1) Irregular fragment. Dimensions 1.7 x 1.3 x 1.0 cm. 2) Irregular, flat fragment. Dimensions 0.7 x 0.6 x 0.1 cm. 3) Roughly rectangular fragment. Dimensions 0.5 x 0.4 x 0.3 cm.",31/3/1994 00:00:00,, "2664",5.00,"BITUMEN","BUNG","Small bitumen bung. Roughly oval in plan, with numerous impressions or perhaps scored lines on flat upper surface. Tapers to lower surface, which is oval in plan and very rough. Height 1.6 cm. Dimensions of upper end 2.1 x 1.9 cm. Dimensions of lower end 1.5 x 0.9 cm.",31/3/1994 00:00:00,, "2665",1.00,"POTTERY","FILLED NECK","Neck of sieve-necked jar, from top of sieve to base of neck, filled with plaster, which protrudes well beyond the bottom of the neck. Single hole pierced through the plaster, made with an object D - shaped in section, e.g. a palm - stalk. Either this has pushed right through the sieve, or the sieve was broken first. Plaster contains large angular pebble. Pink clay, sand and grit temper, buff surface. Height of pot 7.9, height including plaster 11.4 cm. Diameter of rim 8.6 cm.",31/3/1994 00:00:00,, "2665",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, from occupation.",2/4/1994 00:00:00,, "2665",3.00,"STONE","VESSEL FRAG","Fragment of light coloured stone vessel. Probably once circular in shape, but now only approximately half remaining. Base is flat, but very rough. The inside surface is very smooth and slopes down towards the centre to a slightly concave bottom. Diameter 28.4, thickness 1.8 (min), 5.6 (max) cm.",31/3/1994 00:00:00,, "2665",4.00,"SHELL","RING","Shell ring. Diameter 2.7 (outer), 2.1 (inner), thickness 0.3 cm.",31/3/1994 00:00:00,, "2665",5.00,"PLASTER","DOMED LID","Domed plaster lid. Upper surface slightly convex. Edge chipped. Lower surface flat, with slight indentation in the centre. Dimensions 6.9 x 6.6 x 3.1 cm.",2/4/1994 00:00:00,, "2665",6.00,"CLAY","TOKEN","Hemispherical token of burnt, pinky grey clay. Complete. Reverse convex with clear fingerprints. Obverse: complete seal impression, with edge of seal visible in places. Design: three concentric circles, each with loops on outer edge: 9 on central circle, 14 or 15 on the middle one, and on the outer the impression is too shallow to say. Diam. 2.05, ht. 0.75. From the same seal as 5500:27. Identical to bifacial examples from Barbar temple (Museum Cat. I, 154), also Diraz, Qal'at al-Bahrain and Al-Hajjar. Harriet has: bifacial example from Barbar temple (Museum Cat. I, p. 154), two more unifacial examples on display, one pierced for suspension and one from Q. al B.",2/8/1994 00:00:00,, "2665",7.00,"STONE","BASIN FRAG","Fragment from side of light-coloured stone basin. Both ends have been broken off, although one still has the corner remaining. Outer surface is flat, inside surface is flat and appears to be very worn. Dimensions 17.6 x 10.1 x 5.1 cm.",3/4/1994 00:00:00,, "2665",8.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Five copper fragments, from occupation. 1) Strip fragment. Dimensions 2.4 x 1.0 x 0.4 cm. 2) Irregular fragment. Dimensions 1.9 x 1.4 x 0.8 cm. 3) Irregular fragment. Dimensions 1.0 x 0.9 x 0.5 cm. 4) Irregular fragment. Dimensions 1.0 x 0.6 x 0.5 cm. 5) Irregular fragment. Dimensions 1.7 x 1.1 x 0.5 cm. Spill. One piece taken by Lloyd Weeks for metallurgical analysis at Sydney, 1998",4/4/1994 00:00:00,, "2665",9.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, from occupation. Some sieved, some not sieved. Bagged separately.",4/4/1994 00:00:00,, "2665",10.00,"POTTERY","HANDLE?","Leg-like pottery object, perhaps a handle. Hard fired pink clay, temper of grit and black grit, cream surface. Cylindrical piece of clay, one end broken off, the other bent at a shallow angle then splayed into sub-triangular foot, which has clearly been attached to something very smooth. Extant length 7.5, width 2.1, thickness (object at angle) 2.1-2.2, wide end 3.1 x 2.1 cm.",31/3/1994 00:00:00,, "2666",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, from makeup.",2/4/1994 00:00:00,, "2666",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, from makeup.",2/4/1994 00:00:00,, "2667",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, from sieved floor.",4/4/1994 00:00:00,, "2667",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell,",4/4/1994 00:00:00,, "2667",3.00,"STEATITE","SEAL","Grey steatite, glazed. On edge, chipped, and glaze worn away. Worn. Standard back. Very slightly concave edge, probably Failaka Var. 2) Design: Nude human figure, facing left, arms raised to either side, is seated on a chair with vertically hatched back, both uprights of which are visible. The figure faces (perhaps touches - damaged) a hatched rectangle (5x4) to left, and the claws of a scorpion to the right. Body of scorpion hatched. Below is animal with long, backswept, notched horns, facing right, with a ?bush behind the head. Diameter 2.25, ht. 1.1 cm.",2/8/1994 00:00:00,, "2667",4.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Five copper fragments. 1) Strip fragment. Dimensions 3.4 x 0.8 x 0.5 cm. 2) Circular, domed fragment. Dimensions 1.2 x 1.1 x 0.8 cm. 3) Curved strip fragment. Dimensions 1.4 x 0.4 x 0.3 cm. 4) Irregular fragment. Dimensions 0.9 x 0.6 x 0.3 cm. 5) Irregular fragment. Dimensions 0.8 x 0.6 x 0.5 cm.",4/4/1994 00:00:00,, "2667",5.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAG","Fragment of bitumen from lining of a woven vessel. Weave impressions visible on one side. Dimensions 3.9 x 2.9 x 0.9 cm.",3/4/1994 00:00:00,, "2668",1.00,"POTTERY","JAR BASE","Base of large jar with scraped decoration. Three joining sherds making up most of the base and part of lower body. Pink clay, grit temper, buff slip out. Body tapers to flat base. Slip scraped in vaguely horizontal lines. Inside is encrusted with bitumen. Height 10.8, base diameter 7.6 cm.",3/4/1994 00:00:00,, "2669",1.00,"COPPER","ROD OBJECT","Cylindrical copper object, one end bent over, the other broken off. Length 5.2, width 0.8, thickness 0.6 cm.",5/4/1994 00:00:00,, "2669",2.00,"BITUMEN","BUNG","Fragment of disc-shaped bung. Height 1.5 cm. Dimensions of upper part 4.3 x 3.8 x 0.5 cm. Diameter of lower end 3.6 cm.",5/4/1994 00:00:00,, "2669",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, Some sieved, some not sieved. Bagged separately.",5/4/1994 00:00:00,, "2669",4.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell,",5/4/1994 00:00:00,, "2669",5.00,"PASTE","BEAD","Thin lapis-blue cylindrical bead with tapering ends. Perhaps lapis paste, or frit. Woolley type 6. Length 1.0, diameter 0.2 cm.",5/4/1994 00:00:00,, "2669",6.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Eight fragments of copper. 1) Irregular fragment. Dimensions 2.7 x 2.5 x 1.5 cm. 2) Cylindrical fragment. Dimensions 2.6 x 0.7 x 0.6 cm. 3) Irregular fragment, with traces of iron present. Dimensions 1.7 x 1.3 x 1.0 cm. 4) Irregular fragment. Dimensions 1.5 x 1.1 x 1.0 cm. 5) Irregular fragment, encrusted with iron. Dimensions 1.5 x 1.4 x 1.0 cm. 6) Irregular fragment. Dimensions 1.1 x 1.0 x 0.7 cm. 7) Irregular fragment. Dimensions 0.8 x 0.6 x 0.5 cm. 8) Irregular fragment. Dimensions 0.8 x 0.7 x 0.4 cm. Only one pin/awl fragment located, taken by Lloyd Weeks for metallurgical analysis at Sydney, 1998",5/4/1994 00:00:00,, "2669",7.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Light coloured ?crystalline stone pounder, Probably originally a natural occurring ovoid, worked or worn flat on one surface. Both ends appear to be pitted, probably due to pounding. Plus one large chipped area on the smooth surface, close to one edge. Dimensions 7.8 x 5.6 x 4.1 cm.",5/3/1994 00:00:00,, "2669",8.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Twelve fragments of bitumen. Some have basket weave impressions on, so presumably from lining to one or more woven vessels. Dimensions of largest fragment 1.6 x 1.5 x 0.4 cm.",4/4/1994 00:00:00,, "2670",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Humerus (prox) bos, Plus one bag of mixed bone, sieved.",5/4/1994 00:00:00,, "2670",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell,",6/4/1994 00:00:00,, "2670",3.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Three fragments of copper. 1) Elongated, irregular fragment. Dimensions 2.5 x 0.8 x 0.6 cm. 2) Irregular fragment. Dimensions 1.4 x 0.9 x 0.6 cm. 3) Irregular fragment. Dimensions 0.8 x 0.4 x 0.4 cm.",6/4/1994 00:00:00,, "2672",1.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Light coloured stone smoother/ rubber, Rectangular in plan, with rounded corners. All surfaces smooth, apart from one end, which is slightly pitted. One surface is also smooth but chipped. Dimensions 10.8 x 7.9 x 4.8 cm.",6/4/1994 00:00:00,, "2672",2.00,"BITUMEN","BEAD","Bead. Spherical, with one end slightly chipped. Diameter 2.4, thickness 2.0 cm.",6/4/1994 00:00:00,, "2672",3.00,"BITUMEN","BEAD","Bead, probably once spherical, but now broken. Dimensions 2.3 x 1.6 x 1.2 cm.",6/4/1994 00:00:00,, "2672",4.00,"BITUMEN","BEAD","Bead fragment. Probably once biconical, but now broken. Dimensions 1.8 x 1.5 x 1.1 cm.",6/4/1994 00:00:00,, "2672",5.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, from sieved floor.",6/4/1994 00:00:00,, "2672",6.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell,",6/4/1994 00:00:00,, "2672",7.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Thirteen fragments of copper, 1) Roughly oval in shape, with traces of iron present. Dimensions 1.5 x 1.1 x 1.0 cm. 2) Irregularly-shaped fragment. Dimensions 1.7 x 1.0 x 0.7 cm. 3) Flat, slightly curved strip. Dimensions 1.6 x 0.7 x 0.2 cm. 4) Roughly oval shaped fragment. Dimensions 1.1 x 0.6 x 0.6 cm. 5) Irregularly-shaped fragment. Dimensions 1.2 x 1.1 x 0.5 cm. 6) Roughly triangular shaped fragment. Dimensions 1.3 x 0.8 x 0.5 cm. 7) Irregularly-shaped fragment. Dimensions 1.0 x 0.9 x 0.8 cm. 8) Irregularly-shaped fragment. Dimensions 1.2 x 0.7 x 0.4 cm. 9) Roughly triangular shaped fragment. Dimensions 0.8 x 0.5 x 0.3 cm. 10) Irregularly-shaped fragment. Dimensions 1.2 x 0.8 x 0.5 cm. 11) Irregularly-shaped fragment. Dimensions 1.1 x 0.6 x 0.5 cm. 12) Irregularly-shaped fragment. Dimensions 0.9 x 0.7 x 0.5 cm. 13) Irregularly-shaped fragment. Dimensions 0.5 x 0.5 x 0.3 cm.",6/4/1994 00:00:00,, "2672",8.00,"PLASTER","DISC LID","Disc-shaped plaster lid, Both surfaces flat, one slightly smoother than the other. Diameter 8.6, thickness 2.4 cm.",7/4/1994 00:00:00,, "2672",9.00,"STONE","TOOL","Light coloured stone fragment, Roughly square in plan, but with very rounded corners. One of which has been broken off. One surface is fairly smooth, but has a slight depression close to one corner. The opposing surface is uneven. Dimensions 15.2 x 14.9 x 7.6 cm.",7/4/1994 00:00:00,, "2672",10.00,"STONE","TOOL","Dark coloured stone tool, Roughly rectangular in plan, with rounded corners. One smooth convex surface. The opposing one being relatively flat, but rough. Dimensions 5.0 x 3.5 x 2.9 cm.",11/4/1994 00:00:00,, "2672",11.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Eight fragments of bitumen, Three fragments have possible basket weave impressions on, so presumably from lining to one or more woven vessels. Dimensions 2.9 x 1.8 x 1.5 cm.",11/4/1994 00:00:00,, "2673",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, from sieved floor.",7/4/1994 00:00:00,, "2673",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell,",7/4/1994 00:00:00,, "2673",3.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Five fragments of copper, 1) Irregularly-shaped fragment, with possible traces of iron. Dimensions 3.1 x 2.0 x 1.7 cm. 2) Irregularly-shaped fragment. Dimensions 2.2 x 1.7 x 0.6 cm. 3) Irregularly-shaped fragment. Dimensions 2.3 x 1.0 x 0.6 cm. 4) Elongated, Irregularly-shaped fragment. Dimensions 2.7 x 0.6 x 0.5 cm. 5) Irregularly-shaped fragment. Dimensions 1.0 x 0.7 x 0.4 cm. Spill/refining waste. One piece taken by Lloyd Weeks for metallurgical analysis at Sydney, 1998",7/4/1994 00:00:00,, "2673",4.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Light coloured stone pounder, Roughly oval in plan, with slightly flattened ends. Both ends have been possibly worn flat due to pounding. The rest appears to be relatively smooth. Dimensions 11.7 x 8.6 x 7.8 cm.",19/4/1994 00:00:00,, "2673",5.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Dark coloured stone pounder, Roughly rectangular in plan, with rounded corners. Slightly tapering at one end. Both main surfaces are fairly smooth. One end appears to be very pitted, possibly due to pounding. The opposing end is worn and partially chipped. Along one of the longer edges is a very worn area. Length 12.2, width 5.2 (min), 7.8 (max), thickness 4.4 cm.",19/4/1994 00:00:00,, "2674",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, from sieved occupation.",7/4/1994 00:00:00,, "2674",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, from occupation.",7/4/1994 00:00:00,, "2674",3.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Fourteen fragments of copper. 1) Large irregular fragment. Dimensions 4.8 x 4.2 x 2.5 cm. 2) Irregular fragment. Dimensions 2.2 x 1.1 x 0.7 cm. 3) Irregular fragment. Dimensions 1.2 x 0.7 x 0.5 cm. 4) Roughly rectangular fragment. Dimensions 1.0 x 0.8 x 0.4 cm. 5) Irregular fragment. 1.4 x 0.7 x 0.6 cm. 6) Irregular, flat fragment. Dimensions 1.5 x 0.7 x 0.4 cm. 7) Irregular fragment. Dimensions 1.1 x 0.9 x 0.4 cm. 8) Square fragment. Dimensions 0.8 x 0.7 x 0.5 cm. 9) Irregular fragment. Dimensions 0.8 x 0.5 x 0.2 cm. 10) Irregular fragment. Dimensions 0.4 x 0.4 x 0.2 cm. 11) Irregular fragment. Dimensions 0.6 x 0.5 x 0.4 cm. 12) Irregular fragment. Dimensions 0.6 x 0.4 x 0.3 cm. 13) Irregular fragment. Dimensions 0.5 x 0.4 x 0.2 cm. 14) Irregular fragment, attached to shell. Dimensions 0.5 x 0.3 x 0.1 cm. Refining waste. Fragment taken by Lloyd Weeks for metallurgical analysis at Sydney, 1998",7/4/1994 00:00:00,, "2674",4.00,"FAIENCE","BEAD","Light blue bead in the shape of an elongated lozenge. Probably faience, or perhaps frit. Length 1.5, diameter 0.7 cm.",7/4/1994 00:00:00,, "2676",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, Some sieved, some not sieved. Bagged separately.",14/4/1994 00:00:00,, "2676",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell,",14/4/1994 00:00:00,, "2676",3.00,"STONE","BASIN FRAG","Basin fragment of light-coloured stone. Probably once circular or oval in shape. Base is flat. Inside of bowl is smooth, and the bottom is flat. Height 11.4, thickness of base 3.5, thickness of walls 2.6 cm.",14/4/1994 00:00:00,, "2676",4.00,"SHELL","BLISTER PEARL","Large shell with pearl formation. Dimensions of shell 13.2 x 10.1 cm. Dimensions of pearl formation 1.5 x 1.1 cm.",14/4/1994 00:00:00,,"Paraloid 10% on outer surface." "2676",5.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Light coloured stone pounder. Probably originally circular in plan, but due to wear, one curved edge has been chipped and worn away in large chunks. The remaining surface area is slightly chipped and pitted. Dimensions 9.6 x 9.2 x 9.1 cm.",14/4/1994 00:00:00,, "2676",6.00,"STONE","TOOL","Dark grey stone tool, Roughly rectangular in plan, but with rounded corners. Both main surfaces are flat. One end is slightly pitted and worn, perhaps due to pounding. Dimensions 8.0 x 6.7 x 4.5 cm.",14/4/1994 00:00:00,, "2676",7.00,"STONE","TOOL","Dark coloured stone tool, Roughly rectangular in plan, with rounded corners. One surface is fairly flat. The opposing surface has one large smooth area, the rest is very rough and uneven. Dimensions 13.3 x 10.4 x 6.7 cm.",14/4/1994 00:00:00,, "2676",8.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Light coloured stone pounder, Roughly half oval shaped in plan. One roughly flat end, which is worn and possibly pitted, due to pounding. The opposing end slightly tapers to a rounded end, which also appears to be very worn and possibly chipped. The main two surface are relatively flat, one of which has a small fragment of white ?mortar still adhering to it. Length 9.7, width 2.9 (min), 7.8 (max), thickness 7.1 cm.",14/4/1994 00:00:00,, "2676",9.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Light-coloured grinder, intact. Rectangular in plan, with rounded corners. One surface is flat, the other is fairly smooth and slopes downwards across its width. Length 27.8, width 15.4, thickness 1.4 (min), 3.7 (max) cm.",14/4/1994 00:00:00,, "2676",10.00,"STONE","TOOL","Black stone tool/ pebble, Very smooth and shiny. Irregularly-shaped, slightly semi circular in plan. Dimensions 2.3 x 1.8 x 1.6 cm.",14/4/1994 00:00:00,, "2676",11.00,"STONE","TOOL","Grey stone tool, Irregularly-shaped. One surface has a small chip near the edge. The opposing edge is ?pitted or flaked, perhaps through use and wear. The remaining surfaces are relatively smooth. Dimensions 4.2 x 3.9 x 2.8 cm.",14/4/1994 00:00:00,, "2676",12.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Sample taken from below grindstone - object number 2676:09.",18/4/1994 00:00:00,, "2676",13.00,"SHELL","CONE BEAD","Conus ebraeus shell, with small hole in apex, presumably for use as a bead. Dimensions 2.8 x 1.6 x 1.3 cm. Diameter of hole 0.4 cm.",19/4/1994 00:00:00,, "2676",14.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Thirty one fragments of bitumen. Dimensions of largest fragment 2.5 x 1.7 x 1.2 cm. Sent for bitumen analysis 30/04/94.",19/4/1994 00:00:00,, "2676",15.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Two fragments of copper. 1) Irregular, with traces of iron. Dimensions 1.5 x 0.9 x 0.5 cm. 2) Irregular fragment. Dimensions 1.0 x 0.6 x 0.3 cm.",19/4/1994 00:00:00,, "2676",16.00,"STONE","SOCKET","Stone door socket, cube shaped. All the surfaces are relatively flat, two having roughly circular indentations in the centre. One is fairly shallow and small, whilst the other is a lot larger and deeper. The opposing surface to the larger indented face, has a large domed shaped fragment of ?mortar adhering to it, with an Irregularly-shaped hole at the top of the dome, slightly off-centre. Dimensions 15.5 x 14.9 x 12.3 cm. Diameter of small indent 4.6, depth 1.5 cm. Diameter of large indent 5.6, depth 2.5 cm. Dimensions of ?mortar fragment 10.0 x 8.5 x 1.5 cm. Dimensions of hole 2.4 x 1.6 cm. Depth 2.5 cm.",1/5/1994 00:00:00,, "2676",17.00,"STONE","TOOL","Grey stone tool, Probably originally a natural occurring spheroid, possibly worked or worn flat on two opposing surfaces to form present shape. One surface appears to be smooth, whilst the opposing surface is possibly pitted, with one large indent, slightly off centre. Dimensions 3.8 x 3.5 x 3.4 cm.",14/4/1994 00:00:00,, "2679",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","1 bucket. Missing April 1995.",9/4/1994 00:00:00,, "2680",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","2 buckets.",9/4/1994 00:00:00,, "2681",1.00,"BONE","ASSEMBLAGE","Fish tail, from occupation. Plus bags of mixed bone, some sieved, some not sieved. Bagged separately.",10/4/1994 00:00:00,,"Paraloid 10% on site." "2681",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, from occupation.",11/4/1994 00:00:00,, "2681",3.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Two fragments of copper. 1) Large irregular fragment, with traces of ?iron present. Dimensions 5.0 x 3.3x 2.0 cm. 2) Irregular fragment. Dimensions 1.1 x 0.8 x 0.7 cm. Refining waste. Taken by Lloyd Weeks for metallurgical analysis at Sydney, 1998",11/4/1994 00:00:00,, "2681",4.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Thirteen bitumen fragments. Some have basket-weave impressions on, so presumably from lining to one or more woven vessels. Dimensions of largest fragment 3.8 x 2.5 x 0.4 cm.",11/4/1994 00:00:00,, "2682",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, Some sieved, some not sieved.",17/4/1994 00:00:00,, "2682",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell,",17/4/1994 00:00:00,, "2682",3.00,"COPPER","AXE","Copper axe head, or possibly a chisel. Long, flat blade, approximately rectangular, narrowing slightly towards one end, which is thick and neatly squared off. The opposing end splays abruptly outwards to a sharp thin, square edge. Length 14.1, width 2.4 (min), 5.1 (max), thickness 0.3 (min), 0.9 (max) cm.",17/4/1994 00:00:00,, "2682",4.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Light coloured stone pounder, Roughly rounded in shaped. Possibly originally a natural occurring spheroid worked or worn flat across most of the surface area. Very pitted and worn, possibly due to pounding. Dimensions 7.5 x 7.3 x 6.5 cm.",18/4/1994 00:00:00,, "2682",5.00,"FOSSIL","TOOL","Light coloured fossil shell. Possible tool. Roughly circular in plan, apart from one Irregularly-shaped edge. Domed on both main surfaces, with a slight ridge all the way round the circumference. Dimensions 6.6 x 6.3 x 4.4 cm.",18/4/1994 00:00:00,, "2682",6.00,"FOSSIL","TOOL","Light grey fossil shell. ?Tool. Dimensions 5.0 x 4.7 x 3.6 cm.",18/4/1994 00:00:00,, "2682",7.00,"COPPER","STRIP","Narrow copper strip, bent over at one end. Length 4.9, width 0.6, thickness 0.4 cm.",17/4/1994 00:00:00,, "2682",8.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Grey stone pounder, Probably originally a natural occurring spheroid, worked or worn flat on two opposing faces to form present shape. Very pitted all over, probably due to pounding. Dimensions 5.6 x 5.5 x 5.2 cm.",25/4/1994 00:00:00,, "2682",9.00,"STONE","SOCKET","Stone door socket, made from reused basin corner fragment. Probably originally square/ rectangular in shape. Two sides only remaining, which are rough and flat. The base is also very rough and flat. Inside of the basin is rough, with a circular shaped worn fragment of grey plaster in the corner. Dimensions 15.5 x 14.8 cm. Height 15.3 cm. Thickness of basin walls 2.2 (min), 3.7 (max) cm. Diameter of plaster fragment 5.5 cm.",1/5/1994 00:00:00,, "2682",10.00,"STONE","WORKED","Worked stone fragment, still in situ on site. Roughly triangular in plan, with rounded corners. The upper surface is fairly flat with three circular shaped indents. One shallow indent close to one corner, next to another slightly deeper one. The third indent is in another corner. The sides are rough and uneven. The base is not visible. Dimensions 51.9 x 38.1 cm, height 21.5 cm (approximate measurement as stone is still in situ, the base is not clearly defined). Diameter of shallow indent in one corner 8.5 (min), 10.0 (max) cm. Depth not measured as is very shallow. Diameter of adjacent indent 9.0, depth 1.5 cm. Diameter of third indent 8.0, depth 1.3 cm.",3/5/1994 00:00:00,, "2694",1.00,"POTTERY","RIDGED JAR","Large ridged jar, complete except for half of rim. Cracked as found in situ. Red clay with circular white inclusions. Red slip or wash outside, and inside neck. Horizontal ribs over entire body. Everted rim, very short neck, rounded body, small flat base. One side heavily discoloured, slip fired to white, with dark brown to black patches - presumably a firing effect. H. 45.8, rim di. 15.2, max. width 38.3, ba. Di. 7.4 cm.",1/5/1994 00:00:00,, "2694",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, from fill of pit 2693.",27/4/1994 00:00:00,, "2695",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Fill of jar 2694:1. Excavated 1994. Discarded due to contamination.",14/7/1998 00:00:00,, "2800",1.00,"FLINT","FLAKE","Broken flake or fragment of dark brown flint with creamy white cortex at distal edge. Hinge termination. Extant L: 3.0; W:3.95; T: 10.05 cm.",21/2/1999 00:00:00,, "2800",2.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Fragment of grindstone. Perhaps reused as a small grinder. Trapezoidal piece of purple sandstone. One face has been worn smoothish and slightly concave, with the long straight edge showing unilinear striations across it at right angles. The opposite is flat with a naturally weathered surface. The extant edge is thick and flat. The stone's surface appears worn with numerous natural holes. Dimensions 9.1 x 7.5 x 4.85 cm.",21/2/1999 00:00:00,, "2800",3.00,"STONE","FRAG","Possibly a very worn oval Grinder, now a D-shaped fragment of light brown sandstone. The extant convex edges are near vertical, the broken edge is straight. Both worn faces are slightly concave, one more so than the other. On the more concave face the broken edge is greenish (natural growth?) and has unilinear striations across it at right angles. Dimensions 6.7 x 6.1 x 1.8 cm.",21/2/1999 00:00:00,, "2800",4.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Pounder/small Mortar. Sub ovoid fragment of light brown sandstone with small-medium sand grains. One face is concave and entirely pitted. The opposite face is convex and pitted, with large scars beside the straight edges. Two sides are convex, three others have edges pounded straight and vertical. Dimensions 8.2 x 7.8 x 4.7 cm.",23/2/1999 00:00:00,, "2800",5.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Probable Pounder fragment. Oval piece of dark brown flint with thick creamy white cortex. Most of the cortical surface is pitted and slightly scarred. Dimensions 5.7 x 4.3 x 2.35 cm.",23/2/1999 00:00:00,, "2800",6.00,"FLINT","FLAKE","Flake of brown mottled flint. Scarred narrow platform and feather termination. Previous flake scars can be seen on the dorsal face struck from the proximal end. Thin distal edge chipped or possible use wear. L: 2.8; W: 2.8; T: 0.4 cm.",23/2/1999 00:00:00,, "2800",7.00,"STONE","BOWL FRAG","Small chip of stone, apparently from the rim of a vessel, possibly a bowl. Unusual pink marble-like stone. Rim and interior concave surface have been carefully ground and polished. Too small to estimate diameter. Extant rim length: 1.45; height: 1.2; thickness: 0.5 cm.",23/2/1999 00:00:00,, "2801",1.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Smoother, possible Weight. Sub-cuboid pebble of dark grey close grained igneous stone, possibly basalt. One face is naturally convex with some pitting. The other face has been worn partly smooth in between pitting. The sides are near vertical and are pitted. Intact. Dimensions 4.5 x 4.25 x 3.4 cm. Smoothed face 4.4 x 3.85 cm. Weight 115.0 gm.",8/3/1999 00:00:00,, "2801",2.00,"POTTERY","INDUS SHERD","Body sherd of large jar. Indus-related. Hard red-brown fabric, very fine, moderate small sub-rounded white inclusions (<0.5mm), possibly lime. Streaky red-grey-brown slip or paint externally. Dimensions 10.7 x 10.2 x 10.6-10.25 cm.",8/3/1999 00:00:00,, "2801",3.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Small Chopper/Pounder possible Core. Small oval piece (pebble sized) of dark brown flint with remnant light grey cortex. There are small irregularities in the flint. Both convex faces are formed by scars from the percussion of the steep circumference/edges. The direction is predominantly bipolar, the flake scars have a variety of terminations. There is no evidence for platform preparation. Dimensions 3.65 x 3.75 x 2.05 cm.",10/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3000",1.00,"BONE","HORN CORE","Mixed bone including a small horn core. Recovered from wind blown sand.",9/2/1992 00:00:00,, "3000",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Large quantity of mixed shell, from wind blown sand.",9/2/1992 00:00:00,, "3001",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed, some burnt. 2 show consistent angled breakages: where bashed open?",28/2/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",2.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","General Square E14. 224gms.",9/2/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",3.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","General Square E13 above Area 407. 322.5 gm.",9/2/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",4.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","General Square F13 above Area 400. 241.5 gm.",9/2/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",5.00,"FLINT","FLAKE","Flake of brown flint with creamy white cortex on lateral edge. Scarred platform with step termination. Previous flake scar on dorsal surface struck from same platform. L: 3.75; W: 3.4; T: 1.0 cm.",9/2/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",6.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed. Includes 3001:45 fish vertebra; 3001:47 fish tooth; 3001:17 & 81 burnt bone fragments.",26/2/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",7.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Two irregular small fragments of copper. Both have wiggly edges. Largest dimensions 1.7 x 1.6 x 0.9 cm.",30/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",8.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Grindstone fragment. Sub-triangular piece of light brown sandstone with coarse grains and pieces of broken shell. Upper surface worn smooth and concave, with scattered pecking and unidirectional striations along length of surface. The one extant edge is near vertical with chisel marks. The base is flattish. Dimensions 17.5 x 14.7 x 7.0 cm. Depth of concave surface 0.4 cm.",11/2/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",9.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Large grindstone. Trapezoidal block of whitish-grey fossiline limestone. Small pebble and shell fragment inclusions. The upper face has been worn slightly concave/sloped down, with smooth areas extant between deep rounded hollows. Pebble and shell inclusions are worn flat. Possible fine unidirectional striations are visible on one pebble, running in the direction of the length of the face. The lower face is flattish with natural undulations. One side is lower than the other. The four sides/ends are (chopped off?) fairly straight and roughly vertical. Dimensions (L x W x T) 24.2 x 25.0 x 11.5-7.8 cm. Upper face 19.0 x 20.0 cm. Max. extant depth/slope 0.5 cm.",12/2/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",10.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Large grindstone or mortar, or possibly a doorsocket. Quarter-circular shaped piece of light grey limestone, very close grained and smooth-looking. The lower part of the stone is more lumpy and contains fossils. The upper surface has been worn concave. No striations are visible. Originally pitted, with a more convex, worn, smooth circular area towards the right-angled corner. There are small circular hollows beside one straight side and some recent damage/wear on the edges. All the sides are roughly scarred, mainly the upper part (for shaping?). The lower face is slightly convex, naturally undulating. Two sides are straight, one is convex. Very heavy. Dimensions 31.0 x 27.0 x 20.0 cm. Upper face 25.0 x 25.0 cm. Circular area 16.0 x 14.0 cm. Depth of concavity 1.7 cm.",12/2/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",11.00,"STONE","FRAG","Building stone, heat affected. Large sub cuboid chunk of limestone, which has been heated to a mottled orange-brown colour. The largest surface has been naturally weathered, the others have been roughly shaped by removal of large flakes. Has the appearance of a large core. Dimensions 14.9 x 11.85 x 9.1 cm.",15/2/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",12.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Ovoid fragment of copper/slag with brown rust. Dimensions 1.1 x 0.9 x 0.8 cm.",10/2/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",13.00,"FLINT","FLAKE","Wedge or Core fragment/flake. Elongated mottled light brown cherty flint. Bipolar blade flake scars. L: 2.55; W: 1.4; T: 0.85 cm.",15/2/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",14.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Grindstone fragment. Sub-triangular piece of light brown sandstone/farush, with large fragments of shell. The upper surface has been worn partly smooth and concave, with scattered pecking and fine unidirectional striations running at right angles to the longest edge. The striations are also visible on the shell fragments. The extant edge is convex and near vertical with rough chisel marks. The base is irregular with natural hollows. Dimensions 21.3 x 20.0 x 11.2 cm. Depth of convex surface from edges 0.4 cm.",16/2/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",15.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Grindstone fragment. Quarter-circle piece of brown sandstone with one extant convex side. The upper surface has been worn concave and partly smooth with pecking in between. The upper edge is rounded and the sides near vertical with rough chisel marks. The base is flattish with deep pitting. Dimensions 19.3 x 12.6 x 8.3 cm. Depth of concave surface from edges 0.4 cm.",21/2/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",16.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Grindstone or grinder. Oval slab of light brown sandstone, with mixed sand grains and numerous shell fragment inclusions. One face has been worn flat, with some smoothed areas (visible as shell fragments worn flat), between numerous pitting and rounded natural hollows. Fine unidirectional striations are visible running at a slight angle to the width. The lower face is irregular-naturally undulating, with a central hollow. The convex sides have worn scars, and are near vertical. The stone is worn. Dimensions 28.0 x 23.2 x 8.0 cm. Upper face 26.2 x 20.0 cm.",21/2/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",17.00,"BONE","BONES","Burnt bone. Incorporated into general bone 3001:6. Originally identified as bitumen.",7/5/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",18.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Sub ovoid cobble of unusual igneous stone. Possibly gabbro or granite, with large white and grey crystals in a brown matrix. One face is flattish, the opposite is irregular. The entire surface is scarred and pitted. The worn crystalline nature of the stone makes definition poor. Two sides appear darker, which may be the result of heat, or the presence of a darker cobble surface. Dimensions 6.8 x 5.9 x 4.4 cm.",28/2/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",19.00,"SHELL","PIERCED BIVALVS","Four shells with central holes. Dimensions L x W x Th. at hinge: 1. Pearl oyster 5.4 x 5.3 x 1.0 cm, hole 1.6 x 1.3 cm; 2. Pearl oyster 4.5 x 4.7 x 0.9 cm, hole 1.05 x 0.7 cm; 3. Venus clam 4.8 x 5.3 x 1.5, hole 1.2 x 0.9 cm; 4. Venus clam 4.4 x 5.1 x 1.5, hole 1.4 x 1.15 cm.",8/2/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",20.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Missing? Possibly combined with another fragment, see other copper fragment objects in 3001.",7/5/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",21.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Five fragments of bitumen lining, presumably from lining to one or more woven vessels. Five have one surface with impressions of cross-woven palm leaf, the other being smooth. Vegetable inclusions. One piece is a sub-ovoid blob, dimensions 2.4 x 1.5 x 0.8 cm. Palm leaf strip width 0.5 cm.",23/2/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",22.00,"POTTERY","PAINTED SHERD","Sherd, probably from rim of beaker-shaped vessel. Hard pink clay, orange near outer surface. Very fine and dense, with no apparent inclusions. Reddish-brown paint out. Horizontal band of diagonal strokes below rim, below which a second band, slanting the opposite way. Below that, a band of joined lozenges, and below that traces of a band of different decoration, of which two fragmentary motifs only: part of a circle with central blob (possibly an animal head), and a possible palm-leaf motif to its right. Ext. Ht: 4.9 cm. Diam or rim: approx. 10.0 cm.",11/2/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",23.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder. Sub ovoid piece of dark grey close-medium grained igneous stone, possibly basalt. Triangular in section, the tool has basically one main, two side and two end faces. The main face, and at least one side are flat and smooth. The angled edges, and especially the two ends are pitted and scarred. One end is straight, the other is wider and convex. Dimensions 5.7 x 3.5 x 3.05 cm.",24/2/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",24.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Oval grinder, intact. Light brown sandstone. Neatly shaped stone, one face worn flat-slightly convex (end to end), with fine unidirectional striations running the width of the stone. The convex ends have a narrow flattish face, the slightly convex sides curve continuously to the base. The base has been shaped to be gently convex. Some recent (shovel) marks on the flattish face. Dimensions 28.0 x 21.0 x 4.4 cm. Convex curve 2.6 cm (1.3 cm down at each end from centre).",25/2/1998 00:00:00,," Found flat face up in NE corner of Area 409." "3001",25.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside/above 3001:24. Area 409. 250 gm.",23/2/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",26.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder, possibly broken. Rectangular piece of light brown sandstone with medium-sized grains. One face has been worn smooth and flat, with a pecked central area. There are faint unidirectional striations across the width of the face. The other face appears to have been ground flat, and in parts smooth, interrupted by natural hollows. The two sides are straight and flattish, with scars that are occasionally vertical. One end is straight and flat, the other is slightly wider and convex. They are both scarred. Stone possibly originally larger, with the convex end the original edge, and reused at this size. Dimensions 10.8 x 7.5 x 6.55 cm.",25/2/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",27.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Sub ovoid lump of copper/slag with much brown rust. Dimensions 2.3 x 1.8 x 1.6 cm.",15/2/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",28.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Pebble Pounder/Smoother. Ovoid naturally worn pebble of light grey limestone. One oval convex end is pitted and scarred. One oval part of the convex side has been polished, and is a slightly darker grey. Intact, good example. L: 3.7; W: 2.7; T: 2.5 cm. Dimensions of pitting 2.5 x 2.2 cm. Dimensions of polish 2.4 x 2.0 cm.",26/2/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",29.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Fragment of Pounder/Hammer. Sub ovoid cobble of very dark grey close grained igneous stone, probably basalt. The two natural convex faces are very smooth, with occasional fold lines. One end is thick with a sloping flattish face. Parts of its three edges are scarred. The other end is convex and thinner, with much pitting and scarring. One side has concentrated pitting and scarring towards the flat end (for hafting?). The other side has broken off, and its edges have been subsequently scarred. L: 8.3; W: 6.05; T: 4.25 cm.",26/2/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",30.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","More than twenty fragments of bitumen from lining to one or more woven vessels. All have one surface with impressions of cross-weave, the other generally smooth. Vegetable inclusions. Largest dimensions 1.8 x 1.5 x 0.75 cm. Leaf strip width 0.6-0.8 cm.",1/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",31.00,"STONE","MORTAR","Broken grindstone/mortar. Thick, sub-triangular piece of light grey-brown sandstone. Medium-to-large sand grains and some broken shell inclusions. Upper surface is concave and is entirely pecked/pitted. The base is flat with small natural hollows. The extant side is straight and slightly convex near the base. It is pitted. Part of another side may be original, indicating that the object may have been a small rectangular mortar rather than a grindstone. The broken, and scarred, vertical edges form one straight side, and one concave corner. Dimensions 15.2 x 12.6 x 7.6-7.1 (extant edge) cm. Thickness of centre part 6.4 cm. Depth of concavity 1.2 cm. Upper surface dimensions 1.3 x 11.0 cm.",1/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",32.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 3001:31. 210.2 gm.",1/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",33.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Fragment of large Pounder/Chopper. Triangular piece of dark grey limestone (heat affected?). One main face flat, as are the two straight sides. These may represent the original broken faces which were reused, or the tool was always this shape. The other main face is flat towards the pointed end, and then curves down to form a wide convex edge. All the faces and edges are pitted, especially the convex end and its flat face. Both ends are scarred, indicating use as a Chopper. Surface is worn. Dimensions 11.8 x 8.2 x 4.4 cm.",1/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",34.00,"STONE","DOOR SOCKET","Door Socket completely pierced by hole. Sub cuboid block of whitish-grey limestone. The upper main face has a rectangular area carefully shaped and partly ground flat. In the centre of this is a circular hole which has been vertically chiselled. There are vertical chisel marks on the sides of the hole which narrows towards the other side of the block. The opposite face has only a roughly hollowed out rectangular area (corresponding to the upper), which is pitted and scarred. The rest of the irregular face is left roughly scarred. The sides of the block are roughly defined into rectangles. The upper edges are rounded and the upper parts are flat. One rectangular end is straight and almost flat, as are the adjacent parts of the two sides (i.e. carefully shaped). The rest of the sides and the other end are only roughly formed. Dimensions 19.5 x 18.3 x 10.7-5.0 cm. Upper ground rectangular face 14.0 x 11.0 cm. Hole top: 7.5 x 7.2 cm; bottom: 3.0 x 2.8 cm.",1/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",35.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Corner fragment of large flat grindstone. Coarse, light grey farush limestone. The upper surface is worn flat in-between the wiggly natural hollows. There is a large piece of gastropod shell near the broken edge, which has been worn flat, and has fine unidirectional striations (the same direction as the extant length of the stone). The two extant edges are slightly convex and rounded. The base is flat and thinly plastered (white gypsum). The hollows have light brown sandy sediment. Dimensions 19.1 x 16.7 x 4.6-4.15 (broken-curved edge) cm.",1/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",36.00,"STONE","BASIN FRAG","Basin fragment. Sub-triangular piece of light grey limestone, with tiny hollows where sand grains have disappeared. Inner part of basin is flat - slightly concave, with scattered pecking, enclosed by a narrow, straight, high, vertical side. The base is flat, slightly bevelled near the extant edge. Extant length of vertical side 16.0; width 18.0; max. height 11.0 cm. Height of vertical side 10.3 cm. Thickness of base 5.3-4.5 cm.",2/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",37.00,"COPPER","WIRE OBJECT","Long straight fragment of copper, rectangular in section, tapering to a circular tip. Possible fish hook or nail shank? Extant length 3.5 cm; diameter shank 0.6-0.5, tip before point 0.3 cm.",20/2/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",38.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Large grindstone. Sub-ovoid block of medium grey limestone, very close grained. Upper concave surface has been worn smoothish. Fine unidirectional striations running the length of the stone, some striations running across the side edges at right angles to the first. Not measured.",2/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",39.00,"PLASTER","RENDER FRAGS","Six thin fragments of light grey plaster, presumably render. Four are flattish, two curved, with one surface smoother than the other. Largest (with ashy deposit on interior) Dimensions 8.7 x 4.5 x 0.8 cm.",22/2/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",40.00,"COPPER","LUMP","Fused pieces of copper and slag forming large irregular lump with several loose pieces. Much brown rust staining. Dimensions 7.4 x 5.4 x 5.0 cm.",20/2/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",41.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder fragment. Large oval piece of a grey limestone. The extant convex surface is entirely pitted and slightly scarred, the other broken surface is flattish. The fragment was flaked off one end of the pounder, possibly during use. Dimensions 11.7 x 7.1 x 2.4 cm.",3/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",42.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 3001:41. 108.2 gm.",3/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",43.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Worn grindstone fragment. Used as temporary whetstone? Near semicircular piece of light brown sandstone with small sand grains, and several old cylindrical worm holes. The upper surface has been worn slightly concave, with a scatter of large worn pecking. One (and possibly part of another) linear score mark crosses the surface from the long straight broken side to near the extant edge. This is not a recent mark. The base is slightly convex and smoothish. The extant edges, both convex and concave, have been shaped to be near vertical Dimensions 22.5 x 17.5 x 5.2 cm. Depth of concave surface 0.5 cm. Score mark length 12.0 cm.",3/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",44.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder, or possibly threshold stone fragment. Sub-triangular thin piece of farush limestone with large fragments of shell and numerous small hollows. One surface is flat with worn upper areas, the opposite face is naturally flattish with deep hollows. The edges are vertical, one being slightly convex. Max. length 17.5 cm. Dimensions 14.2 x 13.5 x 3.5-2.8 cm.",3/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",45.00,"BONE","BONES","Fish vertebra with long pointed shaft. At first thought a pin object, but as is natural, incorporated into general bone 3001:6.",4/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",46.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Sub ovoid lump of copper/slag. Brown staining. Dimensions 1.45 x 1.35 x 0.9 cm.",7/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",47.00,"BONE","TOOTH","Fish tooth. Stored with 3001:6, not separately labelled.",7/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",48.00,"FLINT","FLAKE","Bipolar Flake. Sub oval flake of good quality brown flint, with thin creamy cortex (on dark red) at extreme end of the platform. Scarred platform and termination. Previous flakes removed from dorsal surface from proximal and distal ends. Distal end straight and thin. L: 3.4; W: 4.35; T: 0.9 cm.",9/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",49.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","General. 284.7 gm.",9/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",50.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder. Sub spherical nodule of mottled brown flint with thick creamy white cortex. Approx. half of the surface is scarred and pitted, the pounding done on three faces. The rest has not been used. Intact. Dimensions 5.5 x 5.4 x 4.7 cm.",9/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",51.00,"POTTERY","SHERD","Body sherd with woven impressions. Pink clay, sparse temper. Outside sooted, with chequered impression, perhaps from lying against woven material. Dimensions 6.0 x 4.0 x 0.6 cm.",2/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",52.00,"POTTERY","PLATE","Plate, two thirds of rim and body missing, and a little of the base. Soft greeny-buff fabric, occasional inclusions of possible vegetable matter. Rim bevelled to outside, and slightly rounded over the edge. Sides straight, tapering to very low, badly defined ring base. Height 6.0 cm. Rim diameter approx 32.0 cm (uneven). Base diameter 7.6 cm.",2/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",53.00,"COPPER","BEAD?","Thick lentoid piece of copper. Very regular with possible upper part of hole visible on one of the convex faces. Possible bead? Diameter 1.3; thickness 0.9 cm.",9/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",54.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder. Possible Weight. Thick discoid (or spherical with two flattened faces) piece of dark grey medium grained igneous stone. Possibly dolerite. One face has been worn smooth and flat, with a central zone of light pecking. One large and two smaller scars invade the edges. The opposite face is similar but with a bevelled worn area at one side. The entire wide side/circumference is lightly pecked/worn. A good example, intact. Diameter 7.3-7.2 cm; thickness 4.35-3.9 cm.",9/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",55.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 3001:54. Area 406. 209.5 gm.",9/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",56.00,"PLASTER","BASKET LINING","Sub-rectangular piece of light grey plaster, apparently from lining to woven vessel. One face is smooth and concave (with recent damage). The other shows impression of woven palm leaf basket. A tight weave with prominent horizontal pattern, and traces of possible bitumen lining or other vegetal matter. Plaster presumably set within the basket, or carried in it. Similar to 3001:90, perhaps from same item. Dimensions 8.0 x 4.7 x 1.9 cm.",9/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",57.00,"PLASTER","DOMED LID","Small, domed lid of light grey plaster. All surfaces smooth , one convex, the other flattish with a small oval depression near the centre. One edge and parts of both faces chipped away. Diameter 6.7-7.0 cm (uneven). Thickness 2.4 cm.",10/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",58.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Fragment of grinder, or possibly of coarse smoother. Sub-oval piece of fine grained purplish sandstone. One surface has been worn smooth and flat, with shallow small pitting. It slopes down to be slightly convex at the extant narrow end. This end is slightly scarred. Both extant sides are vertical-slightly overhanging with vertical chisel marks. The base is slightly convex. Dimensions 6.4 x 6.2 x 3.6 cm.",10/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",59.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 3001:57. 99.2 gm.",13/4/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",60.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 3001:58. 166.8 gm.",13/4/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",61.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Corner fragment of grindstone. Sub-rectangular piece of light grey-brown sandstone with small grains. Upper face has been worn concave with a scattering of pecking. The extant long edge is slightly rounded, the other is partly separated from the worn concave zone by a wide and flattish border. It has a slightly scarred lip. The corner is scarred. The sides are vertical and with carefully chiselled vertical marks visible. The base is flattish and irregular, possibly partly shaped. Dimensions 19.5 x 13.0 x 6.1-4.5 (edge-worn centre) cm. Depth of concave face from sides 1.5+ cm.",10/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",62.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Ovoid cobble of light grey limestone. Entire surface pitted and scarred, particularly the two ends and the sharper-angled edges. One main face is convex, the opposite is flattish. One end is smaller than the other. Intact. Dimensions 10.0 x 7.0 x 6.9 cm. Larger end sub triangular-oval 4.5 x 4.5 cm. Smaller end oval 2.9 x 2.65 cm.",10/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",63.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 3001:61. 100.1 gm.",13/4/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",64.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 3001:62. 149.4 gm.",13/4/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",65.00,"PLASTER","FRAG","Hemispherical piece of light grey plaster. One face is flat and irregular, the other is convex and smooth, where it lay against a smooth surface. The edges are thin and chipped. Dimensions 13.0 x 8.5 x 2.01 cm.",10/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",66.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 3001:65. 102.0 gm.",13/4/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",67.00,"POTTERY","RE-USED BASE","Pottery base, possibly re-utilized. Pink clay, darker patches out, hard grit temper. Disc base, edges broken off, possibly deliberately knapped. Diameter 5.0 cm. Max thickness 1.0 cm.",3/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",68.00,"POTTERY","SHERD","Fragment from neck and shoulder of jar. Brown clay, sandy and grit temper, red surface out and inside neck. Shoulder edge worn thin - possibly used as scraper. Dimensions 9.3 x 6.1 x 0.7 cm.",3/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",69.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","General from sand-collapse in Area 405. 233.3 gm.",24/2/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",70.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","General from sand-collapse in Area 408. 335.2 gm.",24/2/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",71.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","General from sand-collapse in Area 407. 206.0 gm.",24/2/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",72.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","General from sand-collapse in Area 409. 238.5 gm.",24/2/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",73.00,"STONE","FRAG","Possible Pounder. Diamond-shaped piece of mid grey limestone. One main face is flattish with two deep long hollows. The other face is convex, with three areas of brown staining, or residue, possibly animal or plant. In the vicinity of the long stain is an area of scattered light pitting, perhaps not natural. Dimensions 5.9 x 4.3 x 2.4 cm.",10/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",74.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 3001:73. 120.6 gm.",10/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",75.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside stone tool group 3001:107. 127.6 gm.",15/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",76.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Fragment of grinder. Sub-rectangular piece of purplish fine grained sandstone. Possible corner fragment. One face worn very flat and the other flattish with slight undulations. Two extant sides are vertical with circular pick marks. The flat (upper) surface and all sides have gypsum crystals adhering. Dimensions 6.2 x 4.6 x 3.6 cm. Flat face 6.2 x 4.6 cm.",15/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",77.00,"STONE","GROUP","Group of 12 pebble tools. All are light grey limestone, mostly a worn sub-ovoid shape. Only Nos. 3, 4, 6, 9 & 10 described below show any sign of wear. 1) Largest is sub oval, with one slightly concave face. It has a probably recent scar on its thin side edge. No sign of wear. 7.0 x 4.5 x 2.3 cm. 2) Oval with one convex face and the other one slightly concave, with a hollow. Possibly slight pitting on one convex end. No sign of wear. 5.4 x 3.3 x 2.1 cm. 3) Pebble pounder probably on a bivalve fossil. Sub-spherical stone with two flattened faces. One side is flat, breaking the rounded shape of the wide circumference. Entire surface lightly pitted. 3.5 x 3.3 x 2.9 cm. 4) Pebble Pounder. Elongated ovoid, with slightly irregular surface having several small, natural hollows. The two oval convex ends and the side sides are pitted. 5.0 x 2.6 x 2.3 cm. ends 1.9 x 1.6; face 2.2 x 2.1 cm. 5) Sub oval, with one slightly convex face. The other face is slightly concave with several small natural hollows. One convex end is slightly pitted, perhaps not naturally. No sign of wear. 4.3 x 3.3 x 2.0 cm. 6) Possible Pebble Pounder. Sub ovoid with one larger oval end. One face is slightly concave, the other is convex. Both have shallow dimples. The smaller oval, convex end and the rounded edge of the large end are lightly pitted. No sign of wear. 4.0 x 2.9 x 2.6 cm. Faces 2.1 x 1.4; 2.6 x 2.3 cm. 7) Sub ovoid. Slightly darker grey than most. One main face is flattish, the other humped. The two convex ends and parts of the rounded sides are lightly pitted, perhaps not naturally. No sign of wear. 4.3 x 3.3 x 2.3 cm. 8) Sub-ovoid. Slightly darker grey than most. The two main faces are flattish with several small natural hollows. One end is oval, and larger than the other. Its rounded edges are lightly pitted. One side of the smaller oval convex end is also slightly pitted, perhaps not naturally. No sign of wear. 4.1 x 2.9 x 2.1 cm. 9) Pebble Pounder. Sub ovoid with two flattish faces, one with small natural hollows. The two oval convex ends, and the rounded edges of the sides, are pitted. The use of these has created scars up one main face. 3.2 x 2.4 x 2.1 cm. Scarred width 2.2 x 1.5; on ends 1.5 x 1.2 cm. 10) Pebble Pounder. Sub ovoid. The two main faces are irregular and convex. One has been pitted and scarred. Both ends are also lightly pitted. 3.1 x 2.3 x 2.2 cm. Scarred face 3.1 x 2.3 cm. 11) Sub ovoid. Convex faces and sides. One of the two convex ends is very lightly pitted, perhaps not naturally. No sign of wear. 3.3 x 2.5 x 1.6 cm. 12) Sub ovoid. One main face is convex, the other flattish. The two main oval convex ends are very lightly pitted, perhaps not naturally. No sign of wear. 2.6 x 2.2 x 1.7 cm.",15/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",78.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pebble Pounder fragment. Sub oval piece of dark grey, small - medium grained igneous stone. Possibly basalt or dolerite. Two main faces are smooth and slightly convex. One is slightly pitted, both have slightly scarred edges. The two convex rounded sides are pitted and abraded. The two (old broken?) sides are straight, and are pitted and scarred, especially on the edges. Unknown whether the stone has been worn down to this shape during use or only used after is had been broken off a larger piece. Found with 3001:106. Dimensions 4.3 x 2.95 x 2.25 cm.",15/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",79.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder fragment. Approximately quarter of a spherical piece of dark grey close-medium grained igneous stone. Possibly basalt. Parts of two flattish faces and a wide convex circumference extant. All are pitted with the greater concentration on the circumference. Dimensions 5.8 x 5.3 x 5.1 (height) cm.",15/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",80.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Small ovoid piece of copper. Dimensions 0.85 x 0.75 x 0.6 cm.",15/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",81.00,"BONE","BONES","Bone fragment, burnt and partly mineralised. Small and cylindrical. Incorporated into general bone 3001:6.",15/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",82.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 3001:83. Area 408. 196.1 gm.",15/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",83.00,"STONE","PEBBLE","Naturally worn smooth pebble, which possibly was temporarily used as a Pounder. Sub ovoid pebble of light brown-grey stone, probably limestone. One main face is convex, the other is flat. One end is pointed with old deep scarring which has been worn smooth. The tip has two small, more recent scars. The rounded edges and narrow convex end are lightly pitted, perhaps not naturally. Dimensions 5.2 x 3.9 x 2.2 cm.",15/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",84.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 3001:85. Area 406. 154.7 gm.",15/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",85.00,"STONE","TOOL?","Possible Pounder. Sub square piece, with rounded sides. Light grey limestone. Both main faces are flattish, but one is obscured by yellowish plaster with white inclusions (floor plaster?). Parts of edges are pitted, perhaps not naturally. Dimensions 4.6 x 4.1 x 2.1 cm.",15/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",86.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Fragment of bipolar Core, or possible Pounder fragment. Ovoid flake with one flattish ventral face. Good quality brown flint with remnant red-brown sub cortex. Main prepared platform is triangular, the distal end is crushed. Piece removed from strike at distal end. Previous flakes removed from both ends (towards one side) of dorsal surface. All flake scars are fairly flat. L: 3.5; W: 2.7; T: 1.6 cm. Previous flake scar L: 2.85; W: 2.2 cm.",16/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",87.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder fragment. Hemispherical piece of light brown sandstone. One face has been worn flat with scattered pecking. The opposite face is convex. The extant edges are rounded, the broken edge is at the fragments widest part. All the surfaces are very worn. Dimensions 8.0 x 7.0 x 3.4 cm.",18/2/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",88.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Fragment, possibly of grindstone. Sub-rectangular piece of light brown sandstone with zone of coarser grains and shell fragments at base. Upper surface is humped, with a rounded ridge in between two ground surfaces. One face has been worn smooth and concave with scattered pecking. The extant edge or wide lip is rounded and curved, forming. The opposite main face is irregular due to the weathering of the coarser material. Dimensions 15.3 x 13.4 x 6.6 (ridge) cm. Lip thickness 2.4 cm. Inner surface thickness 2.5 cm.",1/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",89.00,"POTTERY","SHERDS","Group of sherds, not separately described.",17/3/1998 00:00:00,,"Stored with un-numbered pottery from same context." "3001",90.00,"PLASTER","BASKET LINING","Irregular piece of light grey plaster. One face is smooth and concave, the other shows impression of woven palm-leaf basket: a tight weave with prominent horizontal pattern, and traces of possible bitumen lining or other vegetal matter. Presumably the plaster was set win the basket, or carried in it? Similar to 3001:56, and perhaps from same item. Dimensions 12.3 x 12.0 x 2.15 cm.",17/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",91.00,"PLASTER","BASIN FRAGS","Five fragments from a plaster lined basin. All light grey, with curved profiles. Largest fragment is bowl-shaped, with a smooth inner surface. The outer surface is also smoothish, and appears to have been formed upon a bed of soft, dark grey ash. Its dimensions 14.15 x 12.5 cm. Height 7.4 cm. Thickness 0.7-1.6 cm.",17/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",92.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Scraper/Blade. Large flake of mottled brown opaque flint, with remnant thin whitish cortex, and thick red-brown sub-cortex, on one lateral edge. Prepared platform and reworked termination. Previous flakes removed from (cortical) side of dorsal face. Two edges are unifacially retouched. Longest (on distal edge) is a straight blade/scraper edge, with some possible use wear. The other edge (dorsal side of proximal edge) has a slightly concave, steep scraping edge, which is thinner, and slightly denticulated towards one end. Intact, good example. Overall length 6.4 cm. Flake L: 4.9; W: 6.0; T: 2.1 cm.",17/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",93.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pebble Pounder. Sub ovoid pebble of light grey limestone, with smooth worn surface. One face convex, the other slightly angled at used end. Wide, narrow end is scarred and pitted. L: 4.5; W: 3.5; T: 2.4 cm. Scarred face dimensions 2.5 x 1.6 cm.",17/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",94.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","One lump (sub ovoid?) of bitumen now broken into approx. 20 fragments. Both surfaces and the interior show vegetable inclusions. Largest dimensions 3.3 x 2.2 x 1.4 cm.",17/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",95.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Smoother. Sub ovoid piece of light grey limestone. One very smooth face has been worn slightly convex, tapering downwards along the sides. The surface has fine unidirectional striations across the width of the stone. The is a small lump of hard material adhering to the surface at one side. The rest of the tool is a smooth, pale, lightly pitted surface, with the sides slightly flattened. In general this tool has a worn smooth appearance. Intact and a very good example. L: 7.5; W: 5.8; T: 4.4 cm. Smooth face dimensions 7.5 x 5.8 cm. Height of convexity cm.",17/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",96.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 3001:95. 199.4 gm.",17/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",97.00,"SLAG","FRAG","Sub ovoid lump of brown rusted copper slag. No green patinated metal visible. Surrounded by fused sand and small stones. Dimensions 3.35 x 2.8 x 2.0 cm.",19/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",98.00,"CLAY","FIGURINE","Animal figurine, perhaps of a sheep, of fired red-orange clay with sand inclusions. Worn surface and damaged head, no legs or tail extant. Thick cylindrical body with flattish belly. Narrow squarish head is raised above and at an angle to the upper body. The small remnant of the base of the tail slightly projects from the top of the flattish rear. Four stumpy bases of legs at each corner of lower body. Max. extant length 13.55; height 7.6; width 5.15 cm. Body length 11.0 cm. Head length 1.7-4.2 (neck join with body lower-upper); max. width 2.2; thickness 1.53-0.5 cm. Left front leg stump height 0.4; width 2.1; thickness 1.8 cm. Right rear leg stump height 0.8; width 2.2; thickness 1.85 cm.",21/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",99.00,"COPPER","BLADE FRAG?","Flat, sub-triangular fragment of copper sheet, perhaps the tip of a blade. Dimensions 2.6 x 1.8 x 0.6 cm.",9/3/1998 00:00:00,,"good grey metal showing on one face." "3001",100.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pebble Pounder, possible Smoother. Sub ovoid pebble of dark grey, close grained igneous stone. Probably basalt. One1 main face is slightly convex and (naturally?) worn smooth. It has very fine unidirectional striations running the length of the face. This smooth worked surface curves gently down to include one smooth side. This area has fine striations running at an angle to the edge. The other edge is straight and smooth with fine striations running the length of the face. The other main face is convex, with rounded hollow scars. One side is flat and (naturally?) worn smooth. One end is triangular, convex and slightly abraded, with scarring along the steep edge with the main flat face. The other end is sub triangular and irregular due to deep scarring. Dimensions 4.6 x 3.2 x 2.0 cm. Main flat face 4.6 x 2.9 cm. Triangular end 3.0 x 3.2 (T) cm. Scarred end 2.9 x 1.3 (T) cm. Side with smooth face 4.45 x 1.95 (T) cm. Gentle curving face 3.95 x 0.9 (T) cm.",23/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",101.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","General. Area 409. 103.2 gm.",23/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",102.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Triangular fragment of light brown opaque flint with thick creamy white cortex and red-brown sub cortex. Triangular in section. Dimensions 2.6 x 2.25 x 1.65 cm.",23/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",103.00,"STONE","FRAG","Probable Grinder fragment. Wedge-shaped piece of light brown sandstone with medium-sized sand grains. Both faces flattish but damaged, and tapering towards a narrower and thinner end. Two of the sides are possibly original, forming a corner with straight edges. Very worn, and as found in plaster, accidentally brushed. Dimensions 9.4 x 7.3-4.9 x 2.85 cm.",9/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",104.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 3001:103. 782.0 gm.",9/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",105.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Between 3001:78 & 3001:106.",15/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3001",106.00,"STONE","TOOL?","Possibly utilized pebble. Sub ovoid pebble of light grey limestone. 1 face is flat (through use wear?), the other is convex. The sides are near vertical but have rounded edges. The entire surface is naturally worn smooth. Found with 3001:78. Dimensions 3.3 x 2.65 x 1.7 cm. Flat face 3.3 x 2.65 cm.",15/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3002",1.00,"FLINT","FLAKE","Utilized Flake/Tool-awl? Pointed flake of dark brown flint with light grey cortex along one side. Plain platform with slightly hinged termination. Previous flake removed from dorsal surface from proximal end. The distal tip has retouch/use wear, possibly from both sides, leaving a sharper tip. L: 3.2; W: 2.0; T: 0.9 cm.",2/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3002",2.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","General. 188.0 gm.",3/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3002",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed.",13/4/1998 00:00:00,, "3003",1.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","General. Area 406. Ashy. 171.6 gm.",8/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3003",2.00,"POTTERY","TANNUR","Group of tannur sherds. Not separately described.",9/3/1998 00:00:00,,"Stored with un-numbered pottery from same context." "3004",1.00,"POTTERY","SHERDS","Group of sherds, not separately described.",12/3/1998 00:00:00,,"Stored with un-numbered pottery from same context." "3004",2.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","General. 106.0 gm.",13/4/1998 00:00:00,, "3004",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed.",12/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3004",4.00,"PLASTER","RENDER FRAGS","Four thin fragments of light grey plaster, presumably render. One side is smoothish with impressions of brush or other instrument. The other is slightly lumpy. All are flat with one having one edge turned back - perhaps from coating a bench. Largest dimensions 10.0 x 8.4 x 1.0 cm.",12/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3004",5.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Possible Pounder fragment. Sub triangular piece of poor quality mottled grey-brown cherty flint. Wider end has remnant light grey chert with creamy coloured cortex. Heat affected. One pitted and jagged edge. Dimensions 4.1 x 2.95 x 2.1 cm.",12/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3006",1.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Half of oval grinder. Piece of light grey-brown sandstone with mixed sized sand grains and shell fragments. Numerous hollows where these inclusions have fallen out. One face has been worn flat and smooth between hollows. In parts the smooth areas have been deliberately pitted. The face is worn down gently at the extant convex end, and it is especially smooth towards the convex sides and end. The other face has been evenly ground to form a slightly convex surface, which gently curves up to the sides and end. These rounded edges are lightly pitted. The broken end is straight and worn. Extant L: 16.0; W: 16.5; T: 4.0-5.6 (5.4 in centre) cm. Main worked face, convexity end to end: 1.0 cm.",11/3/1998 00:00:00,,"Taken from line of stones in deconstruction, Area 406." "3006",2.00,"PLASTER","FRAGS","Three large lumps and a quantity of loose, soft, dark grey ashy plaster with much carbonised vegetal matter. Largest fragment dimensions 8.05 x 7.6 x 4.5 cm.",11/3/1998 00:00:00,," From line of stones, substrate-rework in Area 406." "3039",1.00,"BITUMEN","CUP","Two joining fragments of the bitumen coating to a cup of woven palm-leaves. Also approx. 30 small fragments. Most of square base missing, but may have diagonally stitched across the corners to form a cross. Outer surface is smoothish, the inner shows impression of weave. Extant height 5.0 cm. Body dimensions 7.1 x 6.7 cm. Leaf strip width 0.5 cm.",30/3/1998 00:00:00,,"Consolidated (two main bitumen and sand pieces) with 10% Vinamul 6825 in distilled water; and then a final application of 10% Vinamul 6825 & Klucel G mixed 5:1." "3039",2.00,"STONE","TOOL","Label changed by excavator to 3041:28.",7/5/1998 00:00:00,, "3039",3.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 3039:2. Label changed by excavator to 3041:29.",7/5/1998 00:00:00,, "3039",4.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Approx. fifty fragments of bitumen, from lining to one or more woven vessels. All have one smoothish face, and the other with impressions of cross-woven palm leaf. Largest fragment dimensions 2.7 x 2.4 x 0.4 cm. Leaf strip width 0.6-0.65 cm.",30/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3039",5.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Missing, never arrived to finds cabin.",7/5/1998 00:00:00,, "3039",6.00,"BONE","BONES","Missing, never arrived to finds cabin.",7/5/1998 00:00:00,, "3039",7.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","2 fragments of copper. 1) Irregular with blobby surface. Dimensions 1.9 x 1.6 x 0.9 cm. 2) Sub-ovoid. Dimensions 0.7 x 0.65 x 0.6 cm.",25/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3039",8.00,,,"NOT USED",7/5/1998 00:00:00,, "3039",9.00,"STONE","PEBBLE","Label changed to 3041:30 by excavator.",7/5/1998 00:00:00,, "3039",10.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 3039:9. Label changed by excavator to 3041:31.",7/5/1998 00:00:00,, "3040",1.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Half a blank sealing? Grey-green clay with white inclusions. Two pieces originally joined with smoothed edge and indentations on obverse. No identifiable motifs. Reverse: Flat surface with possible plaster inclusions. Dimensions 1) 2.57 x 1.92 x 0.8 cm. 2) 1.83 x 1.1 x 0.65 cm.",31/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3040",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed.",26/4/1998 00:00:00,, "3040",3.00,"BITUMEN","LID OR BUNG","Sub oval bung or lid. One face is flat with slightly raised (broken?) oval knob. The other face is slightly convex. 4 small fragments have broken off the narrow edges. Inclusions of vegetable matter. Dimensions 3.7 x 3.2 x 0.55 (-0.7 with knob) cm.",31/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3040",4.00,"STONE","FRAG","Possible Smoother/Pounder, but probably a natural pebble. Ovoid pebble (broken longitudinally) of dark grey close grained igneous stone. Probably basalt. Outer convex surface is very smooth but this is probably due to natural weathering. One convex end has light pecking or weathering marks. Dimensions 4.7 x 1.9 x 1.4 cm.",31/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3040",5.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 3040:4. 177.8 gm.",13/4/1998 00:00:00,, "3040",6.00,"STONE","FRAG","Possible Smoother or natural pebble. Sub oval pebble of grey limestone with natural hollows on one face. The other flattish face has a dull light brown coarser mottle. The edges are rounded. The surface is fairly smooth, possibly through use. Dimensions 3.9 x 3.3 x 1.8 cm.",31/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3040",7.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 3040:6. 233.8 gm.",13/4/1998 00:00:00,, "3040",8.00,"FLINT","FLAKE","Flake of light brown opaque flint with dimpled, thick creamy-brown cortex at distal edge, and red-brown sub cortex. Plain platform, slightly hinged termination. Previous flakes struck from dorsal face from proximal end. Possible use wear or natural damage on extreme distal end of later edge. Max. dimension 4.95 cm. L: 4.3; W: 3.8; T: 1.7 cm.",1/4/1998 00:00:00,, "3040",9.00,"FLINT","FLAKE","Possibly utilized flake, as Awl? Trapezoidal thin flake of light brown opaque flint. Scarred narrow platform and hinged termination. Previous flakes struck off dorsal face from proximal end and sides. Sharp point at distal end of one lateral edge, which may have been utilized, has a small scar on one side. L: 1.5; W: 2.3; T: 0.3 cm.",1/4/1998 00:00:00,, "3040",10.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pebble Pounder. Sub pyramidal pebble of unusual, reddish-brown, close grained stone. Lighter smoothly worn surface. The largest face/base is totally scarred, and appears to be worked well back the original surface. The scarring originates at two opposite sloping sides. Height above scarred face 3.6; width 3.9; thickness 3.1 cm.",2/4/1998 00:00:00,, "3040",11.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 3040:10. 350.6 gm.",2/4/1998 00:00:00,, "3040",12.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Sub ovoid large pebble of dark grey close-small grained igneous stone. Probably basalt. One main face is (naturally?) worn smooth and convex. The other face is roughly ground slightly convex and is also scarred. Both sides are flattish and scarred. The two ends are the main pounding faces. One flattish end is sub triangular with slightly scarred edges. The other slightly convex oval end is very scarred from pounding along the rounded edge. The entire surface looks worn and is partly obscured by fine brown sediment. Dimensions 5.5 x 3.85 x 3.6 cm. Small end 2.8 x 2.7 cm. Larger end 3.3 x 2.2-1.2 (including scarring on faces-rounded edge) cm.",2/4/1998 00:00:00,, "3040",13.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 3040:12. 280.9 gm.",2/4/1998 00:00:00,, "3040",14.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Edge chip from grinder, possibly reused as a pounder fragment. Sub-oval piece of light brown, fine grained sandstone. One face worn smooth and slightly convex. Slight bevelling at one side. One end has been worn nearly through, and has been subsequently damaged/scarred, perhaps by pounding. There is occasional pitting, and unidirectional striations across width of stone. The striations are seen as definite lines on the upper edge of the thickest end. The other face is roughly ground with rounded pitting. Dimensions 15.7 x 15.2 x 3.6-0.65 cm. Convexity 0.35-1.2 (l-w) cm.",4/4/1998 00:00:00,, "3040",15.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 3040:15. 367.8 gm.",4/4/1998 00:00:00,, "3040",16.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Large Pounder fragment. Sub oval piece of light grey limestone. Parts of two faces extant. The main face is convex but irregular along one side. The other face (end?) is flattish and only slightly convex. The entire extant surface is pitted, with scarred edges. The broken face is flattish. Dimensions 14.2 x 12.6 x 5.75 cm.",5/4/1998 00:00:00,, "3040",17.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAG","Flat base fragment of the bitumen lining to a basket or cup. Preserved on sand as square base with cross of thicker stitching. Lower face probably smoothish, the upper (visible) has impression of cross-woven palm leaf vessel with linear hollows where cross is located. Extant dimensions 9.1 x 9.0 cm. Length of one point of cross to centre of vessel 4.5 cm. Palm leaf width 0.6-0.7 cm.",2/4/1998 00:00:00,,"Consolidated as flat piece on thin slab of sand on which it lay with 10% Vinamul 6825 in distilled water, with final application of 10% Vinamul 6825 & Klucel G in a 5:1 mix." "3040",18.00,"PLASTER","RENDER FRAGS","Three fragments of thin, flat plaster, wall render or similar. The smoothish upper coat is above soft, dark grey ashy plaster (mortar?). Largest dimensions 5.6 x 4.0 x 1.3 cm.",21/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3041",1.00,"STEATITE","SEAL","Seal. Profile: F2, slightly convex. Reverse: Two-thirds of boss broken away. Two complete dot and circle motifs survive together with part of a third and traces of three parallel lines. Design: Linear style. Unusual bow-legged human figure with raised arms approximately in centre of seal. His left hand touches the ear of a bull (head badly damaged) which stands at right angles to him facing the edge of the seal. Above its back is a bulbous motif. Below the feet of the central figure is a second badly damaged horned animal facing left. Above this and to the left of the main figure is a second seated human figure with one arm outstretched to touch the elbow of the main figure. A third figure above and at right angles to the bow-legged man has one leg raised and extends one arm towards him. Diameter 2.75-2.7 cm. Height (incomplete) 1.26 cm.",24/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3041",2.00,"COPPER","WIRE OBJECT","Fragment of possible broken fish hook or pin. Piece of thin wire with circular section. Bent slightly into curve at one end. Extant length 2.7; thickness of shaft 0.5-0.2 (patinated-non patinated) cm.",23/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3041",3.00,"PLASTER","RENDER FRAG","Sub-oval slab of light grey plaster, presumably from wall-render or similar. Two straight (corner) edges. One face is smooth and slightly convex. The other is flat with a rough surface. Dimensions 26.5 x 21.7 x 4.4 cm.",24/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3041",4.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 3041:3.",24/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3041",5.00,"COPPER","WIRE OBJECT","Ring or fish hook fragment. Thick cylindrical piece of copper bent into a smooth curve, broken at both ends. Extant length 3.3; diameter of shaft 0.75 cm. Outer diameter of object 3.5 cm",24/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3041",6.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed. Includes straight mammal horn core. Length of horn fragment 11.9; diameter 3.2-2.3 cm.",29/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3041",7.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed mammal. Includes broken skull and part of horn core of possible Oryx?",24/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3041",8.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Smoother, double sided. Ovoid piece of dark grey medium grained (slightly mottled) igneous stone, with two large faces worn smooth and slightly convex. Possibly dolerite or gabbro. Although opposing, they are at slight angles to each other. One has two scars off two edges. The four sides are flat with rounded corners. They are lightly pecked. Good example & intact. Dimensions 4.75 x 3.9-3.75 x 4.05-3.2 cm. Dimensions large face 4.6 x 4.1; other large face 4.6 x 3.5 cm.",30/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3041",9.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed.",24/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3041",10.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 3041:8. Area 409. 487.2 gm.",24/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3041",11.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder. Sub ovoid piece of light grey limestone. One face has been worn smooth and flat. It has fine unidirectional striations running the length of the tool. Subsequently the flat face has been pitted, with a concentration in a wide band across the centre, a deliberate resurfacing? The edges of the face are scarred. The rest of the surface of the tool is convex, with three main faces and two trapezoidal ends. The main faces are pitted and scarred, with the flattest (side) one having long shallow scars from the end pounding. One end is small than the other, both have concentrated pitting. Intact, a good example. Dimensions L: 8.2; W: 7.6-5.8; T: 5.2-4.6 cm. Dimensions small end 5.8 x 4.4 cm; large end 7.0 x 5.1 cm.",24/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3041",12.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 3041:11. 374.6 gm.",24/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3041",13.00,"PLASTER","FRAG","Sub-ovoid lump soft, dark grey ashy plaster. Numerous vegetal inclusions, including carbonised date pips. Dimensions 7.6 x 4.7 x 4.4 cm.",24/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3041",14.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","5 fragments of copper. 1) Corroded (bright green) fragment broken into three pieces. The original was elongated, with lumpy/wiggly edges. Largest piece dimensions 2.25 x 1.0 x 0.5 cm. 2) Comma-shaped fragment with rounded surfaces. Dimensions 2.7 x 1.3 x 1.0 cm. 3) Sub ovoid, narrower at one end, with lumpy surface. Dimensions 2.1 x 1.3 x 0.85 cm. 4) Rectangular strip which has been bent into a slight curve, the surfaces are fairly flat. Dimensions 2.3 x 1.05 x 0.4 cm. 5) Sub ovoid with lumpy surface. Dimensions 1.5 x 1.0 x 0.8 cm.",24/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3041",15.00,"PLASTER","STOPPER","Mushroom-shaped object of grey plaster, presumably a stopper. Irregular cylinder, widening at one end, which is flattened on top. Diameter of top 4.4-4.35 cm. Diameter of stem 2.15-1.8 cm. Height 2.8 cm.",24/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3041",16.00,"CLAY","SEALING","16 fragments of greenish yellow clay with some white crystalline inclusions. Sealings? 1) Pinched roughly triangular fragment. 2) Irregular fragment. 3) Fragment with one smooth edge, one smooth surface. 4) Fragment with one smooth surface. Plus 12 other smaller pieces. Reverse: 1) n/a. 2) Tubular impression tapering to a point, small peg? 3) Parallel striations. 4) One flat surface with parallel striations. Dimensions 1) 2.15 x 1.5 x 1.05 cm. 2) 1.85 x 1.32 x 0.82 cm. 3) 1.95 x 1.1 x 0.72 cm. 4) 2.0 x 0.78 x 0.45 cm.",25/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3041",17.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Sub ovoid fragment of copper. Thick long side, possibly created by folded edge of thin strip. Small part of rest of strip on the other side. Dimensions 1.9 x 0.7 x 0.5 cm.",25/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3041",18.00,"CLAY","SEALING","2 fragments. Description: 1) Fine grey clay, one arc of smoothed edge. Impression shows seated human figure looking left. His right hand touches the rump of a (damaged) inverted horned animal with head to the left. Below the figure to the right is another animal facing right, back legs missing. Above its rump is a (?) crab with a St Andrew's cross on its shell. Reverse: 1) Knot impression and two parallel ridges. 2) Uneven smoothed area. Dimensions: 1) 2.75 x 2.1 x 1.1 cm. Estimated diameter of seal 1.2 cm. 2) 1.94 x 1.47 x 0.9 cm.",25/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3041",19.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Sub cuboid nodule of light grey limestone, with rounded edges. Entire surface is pitted, with some scarring. Intact. Dimensions 7.5 x 7.4 x 6.8 cm.",25/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3041",20.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 3041:19. 453.1 gm.",25/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3041",21.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Roughly rectangular piece of fine grey clay with two smoothed edges. Small arc of circular sealing preserved. To the left are a foreleg with hoof, and the rear hoof of an animal drawn together. To the right are three perpendicular motifs parallel to each other. Reverse: Knot impression. Dimensions 1.5 x 1.23 x 0.69 cm.",25/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3041",22.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Sub ovoid piece of mottled grey limestone. Two main oval faces are flattish, one being smoother than the other. They are partially pitted and scarred. The convex wide edges/circumference is entirely pitted and scarred. The two large scars from pounded edges have deeply scarred both the main faces. Dimensions 7.1 x 6.8 x 5.65 cm.",29/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3041",23.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 3041:22. 710.4 gm.",29/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3041",24.00,"STONE","FRAG","Building stone. Sub oval piece of light grey-brown fossilline limestone. Triangular in section with a naturally weathered surface. One main face, part of the other face, and one edge have been chopped off flat. Dimensions 15.0 x 12.0 x 6.0 cm. DISCARDED.",29/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3041",25.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 3041:24. 808.4 gm.",29/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3041",26.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing fragment of very powdery brown clay with white inclusions. Deep edge, slightly corrugated. Reverse: Worn string and knot impressions. Obverse bears a probable seal impression, too worn to interpret, except for a pair of lines forming a right-angle, probably near the edge, and a possible second pair just inside them. Dimensions 3.13 x 1.85 x 1.65 cm.",11/4/1998 00:00:00,, "3041",27.00,"ORGANIC","DATE PIPS","2 whole & 2 large, 30 small fragments of carbonised date pips. 1) whole L: 1.1; W: 0.5, T: 0.4 cm. 2) whole L: 1.0; W: 0.5; T: 0.5 cm. NB this does not have central linear hollow and is partly impressed with plaster dots. Large fragments dimensions 0.8 x 0.5 x 0.4; 0.8 x 0.45 x 0.4; 0.8 x 0.5 x 0.35; 0.5 x 0.5 x 0.3 cm",29/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3041",28.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Smoother, double sided. Sub ovoid piece of dark grey medium grained igneous stone. Probably dolerite. Two opposing oval faces are worn slightly convex and very smooth. These surfaces have fine unidirectional striations. The lines are most visible on the larger face, and run across at a slight angle to the width. The use wear has continued slightly past all the edges making them rounded/convex. The two sides and two ends are flat, all are oval-rectangular except for one trapezoidal end. The sides are very smooth (finger polish?), and the ends are lightly pitted/abraded. A good example, intact. Label changed from 3039:2 by excavator. Max. dimensions 4.55 x 4.1 x 4.0 cm. Main face 4.55 x 4.1 cm. Other main face 4.55 x 3.55 cm. Main flat side 3.3 x 3.0 cm. Flat-convex side 4.0 x 3.1-2.7 cm. Pitted areas on ends (w x th): trapezoid 2.8 x 3.1 cm; rectangular 3.5 x 2.9 cm.",30/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3041",29.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 3041:28. Label changed from 3039:3 by excavator. 259.3 gm.",30/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3041",30.00,"STONE","PEBBLE","Small pebble, possibly used as tool, but probably just natural. Two main faces thinly covered in sandy plaster (mostly gypsum bonded sand). Sub ovoid pebble of dark grey close grained stone. Probably limestone as it has vague horizontal banding and a natural hollow. The largest face is very smooth and flat, probably due to natural weathering. Dimensions 2.7 x 2.2 x 1.8 (with sandy coating) cm. Originally labelled 3041:9 and changed by excavator.",30/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3041",31.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 3041:30. Label originally 3039:10, changed by the excavator. 151.9 gm.",30/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3041",32.00,"FLINT","CORE","Core piece, on flake. Possible core tool or preform. Single platform. Triangular piece of light grey-brown opaque flint. Platform scarred with plunging termination. Irregular ventral surface. Previous flakes struck from the same platform, creating a thick tip with possible use wear damage. Possible tool or preform as it has invasive flake scars on the convex dorsal face. Distal edge created by flakes struck from the corner of the distal and lateral edges on the ventral face. Dimensions as flake L: 2.2; W: 1.65; T: 1.65 cm. Flake scar L: 1.7; W: 8.5 cm.",29/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3043",1.00,"BITUMEN","VESSEL","Large fragment from the bitumen lining to a large basket, bag or mat. Found lying flat on the sand beside a tannur, possibly used as a mat or emplacement. One side (upper in ground) has radiating spokes of palm frond stalks woven at right angles with palm frond leaf strips. The other side has the more usual cross-woven palm leaf strips. There is a portion of slightly thicker edging at one end, which is approx. 3cm wide. This is made of a double line of thicker leaf or frond strip. Both sides have a partially preserved smoother coating of bitumen and mud (?). Dimensions 36.5 x 18.0 x 1.0 (max. edging) cm. Frond strip width (other side) max 1.0 cm.",1/4/1998 00:00:00,,"Conserved on sand it was lying on with 10% Vinamul 6825 in distilled water, and then a final application of 10% Vinamul 6825 & Klucel G in a 5:1 proportion." "3044",1.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Convex end Scraper. Oval piece of brown mottled flint with creamy white cortex on one slightly convex face. Made on a cortical flake, which has been restruck on the ventral face, from the straight proximal end, to form a thin piece. The convex distal edge has then been carefully nibbled (bifacial retouch). Intact. L: 2.6; W: 2.2; T: 0.7 cm.",1/4/1998 00:00:00,, "3045",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","All bivalve clam.",7/4/1998 00:00:00,, "3045",2.00,"FOSSIL BIVALVE","POUNDER","Complete fossilized bivalve, used as a pounder. The sharply angled edges are partly pitted and scarred. Mid-grey limestone. Part of one convex face and the hinge area are possibly pitted or naturally worn. L: 4.9 (shell height); W: 5.3 x T: 3.6 cm.",7/4/1998 00:00:00,, "3045",3.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 3045:2. 274.2 gm.",7/4/1998 00:00:00,, "3200",1.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder/Chopper. Sub ovoid (boot-shaped) nodule of dark brown flint with creamy mottles. Remnant creamy-grey cortex at the thicker oval end, which has been pitted. Surface is entirely scarred, and used to the point where one half of the tool is convex and steeply angled. Scarring originates at the edges. Dimensions 6.5 x 4.8 x 4.7 cm. Oval end dimensions 4.0 x 3.5 cm. Accidentally washed at the pot yard.",13/2/1999 00:00:00,, "3200",2.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder/Smoother/Whetstone. Hemispherical-shaped nodule of mottled light grey-brown, white and crimson flint. Triangular in section. Remnant light grey thin cortex on crimson face. Surface scarred from angled convex edges. The edges have subsequently been abraded smooth, especially beside a flattish triangular face at one end which has been worn very smooth. There are several fine unidirectional striations near the edges of this smooth face. Along one side, at a slight angle to it, is a shallow linear groove. Perhaps this smooth face was used as a strop/whetstone during tool sharpening, rather than for rubbing on a larger surface? (unusual for flint). Type of flint similar to Core 3200:7. Dimensions 6.9 x 6.1 x 5.2 cm. Flat face (minus rounded edges) 4.5 x 2.6; entire triangular end 5.4 x 5.0 cm. Weight 289.7 gm. Accidentally washed in pot yard.",13/2/1999 00:00:00,, "3200",3.00,"FLINT","TOOL","End Scraper. On an elongated angled fragment or core piece of good quality mid brown flint with thick creamy-white cortex and crimson sub cortex. A prepared steeply angled convex end has fine denticulated retouch/use wear, some of the scars are invasive. The end is trihedral. The opposite edge is scarred. Intact, a good example. L: 5.9; W: 2.55; T: 2.65 cm. Convex end L: 2.4 cm.",2/2/1999 00:00:00,, "3200",4.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Large Pounder. Sub ovoid nodule of light grey limestone, almost square in section. Three faces are flat, one is partly angled. The entire surface is pitted with scarring originating at the rounded edges. Pitting is very concentrated at the two sub oval ends, one of which is smaller than the other. Intact. Similar to 3214:4. Dimensions 13.8 x 7.9 x 7.6 cm.",2/2/1999 00:00:00,, "3200",5.00,"FLINT","FLAKE","Flake. Cortical with a prepared platform. Mottled light grey flint with irregular creamy-white cortex and red-brown sub cortex. Struck off one end of a plain platform, hinged termination. L: 5.25; W: 5.3; T: 2.0 cm. Accidentally washed in pot yard. *Can be conjoined with Core 3200:7. Recent?",6/2/1999 00:00:00,, "3200",6.00,"BITUMEN","BEAD","Sub-spherical, slightly squat large bead. Large central hole has been pushed through from one end. Some surface damage and pitting. Vegetable inclusions. Diameter 2.45-2.3 cm; Height 1.9 cm. 6.8 gm.",6/2/1999 00:00:00,, "3200",7.00,"STONE","CORE","Single platform Core on an irregular sub-ovoid nodule of mottled light grey flint. Cortex is irregular and creamy-white, with some red-brown sub cortex. Broad prepared platform across one side of the nodule, the opposite convex side is crushed, therefore probably a bipolar technique of striking on an anvil. Two adjacent flake scars have hinged or stepped terminations. Type of flint similar to 3200:2. Dimensions 11.6 x 9.3 x 6.7 cm. Platform 9.2 x 4.95 cm. Flake scars (1 = 3200:5) L: 5.15; W: 5.25 cm; (2) L: 5.6; W: 5.2 cm. Accidentally washed in pot yard. *One flake can be conjoined with 3200:5.",6/2/1999 00:00:00,, "3200",8.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Large Pounder/Chopper. Sub ovoid nodule of light grey limestone. Two face and two sides are flat. Three are entirely pitted, with one face totally scarred from edge percussion. One end is convex and pitted with edge scarring. The other end is straight, steeply sloping and deeply scarred from edge percussion/chopping. The flat faces may have made a good small anvil surface. Dimensions 10.5 x 9.1 x 7.15 cm. Chopping edge L: 8.6 cm. Accidentally washed in pot yard.",6/2/1999 00:00:00,, "3200",9.00,"POTTERY","PLATE","Deep plate/shallow bowl. Hard pink clay, gritty temper, cream surface except inside base. Badly salted. Rim bevelled to outside, edge rounded and slightly pinched. Slight bulge just below on outside. Straight sides, very low ring-base. Height 4.2 cm. Rim diameter (reconstructed) c. 31 cm. Base diameter (reconstructed) c. 8 cm.",6/2/1999 00:00:00,, "3200",10.00,"POTTERY","BOWL","Shallow bowl, just under half extant: full profile. Pink clay, cream surface except inside base - perhaps worn away. Hard grit temper. Rim bevelled to outside, shallow groove below. Gently rounded body, flat base, slightly hollow underneath. Height 5.8 cm. Rim diameter c. 32.0 cm - oval rather than truly round. Base diameter c. 8.0 cm.",6/2/1999 00:00:00,, "3202",1.00,"POTTERY","INCISED RIM","Rim fragment of cooking pot, with pot mark. Pink clay, black core, black surface out, circular lime inclusions. Rim pinched, no neck. Part of a globular cooking vessel. Below rim on outside is an incised parallelogram. Present height 5.0; rim diameter 12.0 cm. Dimensions of mark 1.2 x 1.1 cm.",13/2/1999 00:00:00,, "3206",1.00,"POTTERY","INDUS SHERD","Body sherd of large painted jar. Hard, fine grey-brown fabric with: moderate sub-rounded opaque yellowish and pale grey grains (<0.5mm), elusive of observation, differing from quartz sand found in Barbar pottery; moderate subangular black grits (<0.5mm); very occasional tiny white inclusions; mica; some tiny voids. Slip and fabric: cf. Sorath Harappan (post-mature Harappan found at sites in Gujerat etc.), probably dating to first few centuries of the 2nd millennium. Reminiscent of very late 3rd / very early 2nd millennium pottery from Nud Ziba. Probably wheelmade. Streaky red and brown slip(s) out, with black painted thick line. Dimensions 10.2 x 6.9 x 1.1 cm.",15/2/1999 00:00:00,, "3207",1.00,"POTTERY","INDUS SHERD","Body sherd from a small-to-medium painted vessel. Sherd is an elongated sub-rectangle. Thick orange-red slip out, with black paint in four parallel lines. Hard, fine, pale brown fabric with: moderate tiny rectangular black grits (<0.25mm); occasional tiny subrounded white inclusions (<0.25mm); quite a lot of mica; moderate very fine linear voids (possibly from very fine vegetable temper). Dimensions 8.1 x 3.3 x 0.6 cm. Probably Indus-related.",17/2/1999 00:00:00,, "3208",1.00,"FOSSIL ECHINOID","POUNDER","Echinoid fossil possibly used as a Pounder. Worn surface with the flat face and one end of the upper convex face pitted and slightly scarred. Intact. Diameter 5.7-5.3; Thickness 2.9 cm. Weight 114.9 gm.",21/2/1999 00:00:00,, "3208",2.00,"COPPER","BLADE FRAG?","Triangular fragment of copper sheet, possibly the tip of a blade, rather blunt and possibly broken off. Surfaces slightly bumpy. L: 2.9; W: 1.5-0.85; T: 0.8-0.4 cm.",22/2/1999 00:00:00,, "3208",3.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder. Oval piece of light brown sandstone with medium sand grains. One face has been worn flat, slightly curving down at the ends. There are a few remaining unidirectional striations across the width of the face, and wear marks along the edge of the intact slightly convex side. There is a triangular hole towards one side. The opposite face is slightly convex and naturally undulating, with large natural hollows. The higher parts of its surface has been ground smooth. One side is scarred. The entire surface is pitted. Dimensions 19.0 x 15.2 x 3.9-3.7 cm.",23/2/1999 00:00:00,, "3208",4.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Burin/Scraper on wide large flake, or Pounder fragment. Sub rectangular piece of mottled brown and grey flint, with brown-creamy white cortex. All of the edges are scarred. The narrow slightly concave end has denticulated retouch/use wear on the narrow end. The tip has scars below it indicative of burin use. A jutting straight edge along one side has bifacial retouch/use wear. L: 10.4; W: 6.5; T: 3.1 cm. Buring edge L: 3.5; other edge L: 2.6 cm.",23/2/1999 00:00:00,, "3208",5.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Half fragment of Chopper or Pounder. Oval piece of dark grey-brown mottled flint, with remnant light grey cortex. Oval piece, broken lengthways off a nodule. The cortical face is convex, the broken face is mostly flat curving downward at the thinner end. All edges are scarred. The thicker end is pitted, and it may have originally been the butt of the chopper. L: 8.2; W: 6.0; T: 2.4 cm.",23/2/1999 00:00:00,, "3208",6.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder, 3/4 complete. Ovoid, with flattened face, nodule of light grey limestone. Surface entirely pitted, with small scars near the rounded edges. Large concave section missing where tool broken. Dimensions 6.5 x 5.7 x 5.0 cm.",1/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3218",15.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder (fragment) continued to be used after broken. Hemispherical piece of dark grey, medium grained igneous stone. Possibly basalt or dolerite. Fragment likely to have broken off the end of a larger, ovoid stone, with two flattened faces. One face is worn very flat and smooth, with fine, unidirectional striations running across the width of the fragment. The opposite face has remnant smooth weathered surface in the centre. Around its edges, and on the entire convex side is deep pitting and scarring. The presumably broken flattish side has subsequently been worn smooth and flat at the upper zones, with fine unidirectional striations running across the width of the face. Dimensions 6.85 x 4.1 x 4.05 cm. Flat face 6.3 x 3.45 cm; broken face 6.85 x 3.5 cm.",11/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3218",16.00,"SHELL","PIERCED BIVALVE","Bivalve shell with radiating ridges (not scallop), pierce by large sub square hole beside the hinge. The hinge edge has broken away. Shell L: 3.65; W: 4.1 cm. Hole dimensions 1.6 x 1.55+ cm. 7.1 gm.",14/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3218",17.00,"POTTERY","OBJECT","About half of a pottery object apparently shaped like a doughnut with flattened base, the inner rim hollowed out to leave an internal cavity all the way round. Dark red clay, with numerous tiny black and occasional sub-rounded quartz inclusions. Occasional tiny voids. The convex exterior is very rough and worn, the concave interior smooth. Badly worn altogether, so true shape may be misrepresented. Diameter (reconstructed) 9 cm. Extant height 3.65 cm. Wall thickness 1.0-1.4-0.6 (convex face-side-flat face) cm. Max. extant length 7.45 cm.",14/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3218",18.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Figure-8 shaped blob of copper. Possibly a twisted piece of wire as there is a raised thin section on one face. Dimensions 1.6 x 1.45 x 0.75 cm.",14/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3218",19.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Three fragments of copper. (1) Irregular-triangular lump with two of the ends blunt and the other pointed. Possibly two fused fragments, one has brown staining. Dimensions 4.0 x 3.15 x 1.9 cm. (2) Spherical lump with irregular gap one side. Diameter 1.0-0.9 cm. (3) Hemispherical fragment broken of a possibly oval piece. Dimensions 0.85 x 0.55 x 0.45 cm.",15/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3218",20.00,"CLAY","FRAG","Natural light green fine clay lump. Dimensions 4.5 x 2.2 x 2.0 cm.",13/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3218",21.00,"SHELL","PIERCED BIVALVS","Three pierced shells with large, oval holes. 1) Pearl oyster L: 4.7; W: 4.4; hole 1.2 x 0.75 cm. 9.6 gm. 2) Pearl oyster L: 3.9; W: 3.5; hole 0.8 x 0.7 cm. 3.4 gm. 3) Clam 3.05; W: 3.45; hole 0.65 x 0.45 cm. 4.6 gm.",13/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3218",22.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Fragment or Flake, possibly from Pounder. Sub oval piece of dark grey-brown, heat affected (crazed) flint with light grey cortex on the original convex face. The convex face is scarred, the broken face irregular due to the heated flint. Dimensions 4.4 x 2.5 x 1.45 cm.",13/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3218",23.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Pebble Pestle and possible Polisher/Smoother. Ovoid pebble of light grey limestone. One face is convex, the other flat and very smooth. One convex end and part of the adjacent convex side is scarred. The other end is straight. Intact, a good example. Dimensions. 3.3 x 2.85 x 1.85 cm. Scarred end L: 1.8 cm. Oval smooth zone 3.2 x 2.75 cm.",13/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3218",24.00,"SHELL","PIERCED BIVALVE","Broken pearl oyster with central hole. Not measured. Stored with 3218:02, not separately labelled.",,, "3221",1.00,"STONE","BASIN FRAG","Probable basin fragment, possibly reused as an anvil. Sub-rectangular piece of whitish oolitic limestone with no extant edges. One face is flat, the opposite is more irregular (old exterior?). Both are slightly pitted which may not be original, and due perhaps to re-use as an anvil. All edges are irregular. Dimensions 13.8 x 10.55 x 4.3 cm.",11/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3221",2.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Fragment of grindstone? Drop-shaped corner fragment of light brown sandstone with medium sand grains. Surface is very worn. One face has concave are defined by straight line, possibly the grinding edge. The opposite face (base) is roughly convex. The extant edges are roughly shaped and taper down toward the base. The broken edges are narrow and angled. Dimensions 15.5 x 12.95 x 6.2-1.5 cm.",11/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3221",3.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Fragment of grinder, possibly once oval. Trapezoidal piece of light brown sandstone with small sand grains and occasional shell grit and large grains. One face has been worn very flat and partly smooth, with fine unidirectional striations running the length of the fragment (across the original grinder). Probably used after broken (broken edge worn down). The face is also pitted, concentrated towards the thicker end (original centre). The extant edge/side is rounded, curving down to a convex base. These have been shaped, with the edge also partly ground. Dimensions 8.9 x 8.45 x 3.6-1.1 cm. Found with grinders 3221:5& 6 on work platform.",11/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3221",4.00,,,"Not used.",8/5/1999 00:00:00,, "3221",5.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Fragment of grinder, or possibly of grindstone. Worn triangular piece of light brown sandstone, with small sand grains. One face, perhaps the grinding face, slightly flatter than the other. One edge chipped and thinner than the others, perhaps original. Dimensions 8.4 x 8.4 x 2.7500.6 cm. Found on work platform, with grinders 3221:3 & 6",11/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3221",6.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Fragment of grinder, or possibly of grindstone. Triangular piece of pinkish sandstone, with small sand grains. Remains of two original flat faces, one which flatter than the other and has fine unidirectional striations running parallel to one of the broken edges. The other face is slightly pitted. The extant convex edge is pitted. Dimensions 6.35 x 3.7 x 3.6 cm. Found on work platform with grinders 3221:3 & 5",11/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3223",1.00,,,"Not used.",8/5/1999 00:00:00,, "3223",2.00,"BONE","BONES","One fishbone.",11/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3224",1.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Small Smoother/Pounder, possible Weight. Sub spherical/cubic dark grey, small-medium grained, igneous stone. Possibly basalt or dolerite. One face has been worn or is naturally flat and partially smooth, with concave central pitting, and a short line of pitting/fault off to one edge. The rest of the stone is convex, with slight flattening on three faces. Part of the convex surface is smoothish, the rest is pitted. Possibly a little used tool. Diameter 4.95-4.8; thickness 4.2 cm. Flat face diameter 3.1 cm. 166.9 gm. Similar to 7533:30.",9/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3224",2.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pebble Pounder. Sub ovoid pebble of dark grey, close grained igneous stone, probably basalt. Surface weathered smooth. Two adjacent (perpendicular) oval faces are almost flat and are scarred around the edges. The rest of the convex surface is slightly pitted and scarred. Intact. Dimensions 4.5 x 3.4 x 2.7 cm. Flat faces 3.9 x 3.1; 3.9 x 2.5 cm.",9/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3224",3.00,"FOSSIL BIVALVE","POUNDER","Fossil bivalve used as a Pounder. Entire surface is pitted, the edges and hinge area are scarred. Intact. Shell L: 3.55; W: 4.0; T: 2.95 cm. 50.7 gm.",9/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3224",4.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Large Pounder/Anvil. Oval cobble, broken off straightish at one end, of dark grey, medium grained igneous stone. Heavy and dense. One face is convex (naturally weathered) and pitted. The opposite face is concave and pitted. The extant convex sides are pitted and deeply scarred, with a concentration at the end. There is increased scarring also near the broken end, and from here a crack runs longitudinally through the stone. Dimensions 12.0 x 11.0 x 4.6 cm.",9/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3224",5.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Grindstone made from rim and side fragment of basin. Square piece of whitish oolitic limestone, triangular in long section. One side is the original flat rim of a probably rectangular basin, the opposite edge is thin and scarred. Both it and one flat face have angled chisel marks visible between partly a ground surface. The other flat-slightly concave face is weathered with numerous hollows, possibly added to by deliberate pitting (vermiculated appearance). Parts of the weathered upper peaks have been partly worn flat, perhaps during grinding. This face would have facilitated a coarse grinding, possibly as a lower stone. Found on work platform in House 305, Area 41. Dimensions 15.35 x 15.3 x 4.55-0.8 cm.",11/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3225",1.00,"BONE","BONES","One fish vertebrae.",14/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3225",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed.",14/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3226",1.00,"BONE","BONES","One fishbone.",14/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3229",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed.",16/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3229",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","4 burnt pearl oyster.",16/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3230",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Fishbone.",16/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3230",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","1 bivalve clam.",16/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3233",1.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Small sub rectangular (ox-hide shaped) fragment of copper. The surface is lumpy and three of the corners have extended points. One face slightly convex, the other slightly concave. Dimensions 2.6 x 1.95 x 1.0 cm.",18/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3233",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed.",17/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3233",3.00,"BONE","BONES","2 pieces of cuttlefish and one fish vertebrae.",17/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3233",4.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Sub rectangular, thin piece of copper. Slightly bent into a curve and waisted. Dimensions 1.6 x 0.85 x 0.35 cm.",5/5/1999 00:00:00,, "3235",1.00,"BONE","BONES","2 fishbone fragments.",18/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3236",1.00,"ORGANIC","DATE PIPS","Two broken carbonised date pips, now in several tiny fragments. (1) 0.8 x 0.55 x 0.5 cm. (2) 0.75 x 0.55 x 0.5 cm.",20/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3236",2.00,"PLASTER","SAMPLE","Four fragments of a soft, dark grey, ashy plaster with impressions of insect burrows. One has fishbone vertebrae attached. Largest dimensions 3.35 x 2.85 x 1.2 cm.",20/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3236",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Fishbone.",20/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3236",4.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed.",20/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3238",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed. Includes one small fish vertebrae with very smooth sides and tiny central hole (diameter 0.75 cm): a bead?",22/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3238",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed. Some fragments are burnt.",22/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3239",1.00,"PLASTER","FRAGS","Ashy plaster frags. Ten rounded lumps of soft, dark grey ashy plaster. All have impressions and carbonised vegetal matter, often date pips, and some small bone inclusions. Largest dimensions 6.75 x 4.1 x 2.7 cm.",23/3/1999 00:00:00,,"40 smaller fragments discarded." "3240",1.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Notched scraper or utilised flake. Flake of dark grey-brown flint with light grey coarser flint. Probably heat affected as surface is dulled (but not crazed). Scarred platform, with retouch/use wear on dorsal edge. Rippled ventral surface with scarring and hinged termination. White cortex remnant on upper right lateral edge. Previous flake struck off dorsal face from proximal end. Discontinuous retouch/use wear on left lateral edge, notch, and convex distal edge. R/U exposes darker flint below dull surface. L: 2.7; W: 2.8; T: 0.6 cm.",23/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3240",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","4 bivalve clam.",23/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3240",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Fishbone.",23/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3242",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Fishbone.",22/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3242",2.00,"STONE","TOOL FRAG","Possible Pounder fragment. Chunky triangular piece of dark grey, close grained igneous stone. Probably basalt. Five scarred faces only. Dimensions 5.1 x 4.9 x 4.4 cm.",22/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3243",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed.",22/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3243",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","2 bivalves.",23/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3244",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed. Includes two long pointed fishbone (like needles).",23/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3244",2.00,"PLASTER","RENDER FRAGS","Four fragments of light grey, presumably render from wall or installation. Thin, with one face smoother than the other which show vaguely linear impressions. Largest dimensions 8.2 x 7.25 x 1.0 cm.",23/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3245",1.00,"STEATITE","LID FRAG","Rim fragment from decorated lid of pale grey steatite. Upper face convex, the lower is concave. Underneath flanged. Single band of incised circles, with double circumference and central dot. Surface has been ground and partly polished. Dimensions 6.5 x 3.5 x 0.85 cm. Rim diameter (reconstructed) 12 cm. Rim thickness 0.7 cm. Extant height 1.6 cm.",24/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3245",2.00,"STEATITE","LID","Circular lid with long, central, cylindrical knob. Made from dark grey steatite. Part of rim broken away. Upper surface is highly polished and slopes up towards central stalk-like handle, which seems to have been broken off then re-smoothed. This face is decorated near the rim with a single circular row of incised concentric circles (2 circles) with central dots. 12 of these circles are extant, and 4 (estimated) are missing. The top of the slightly tapering knob is at present slightly convex, its surface worn off . The lower face of the lid has been ground flat, smooth but not polished. It is defined by a slightly smaller circle which has cut back vertically the lower half of the rounded rim, presumably to make a snug fit. Parts of the upper and lower face, the end of the knob, and the rim are pitted and scarred, possibly from reuse as a pounder. Maximum diameter 6.6-6.8 cm. Total height with knob 4.25 cm. Without knob thickness 1.45-0.85 cm. Lower face diameter 5.75-5.6 cm. Knob diameter bottom: 2.85-2.5; top: 1.9 cm.",29/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3245",3.00,"POTTERY","JAR","Lower part of jar: rim and neck missing, and parts of body. Reddish-brown clay, outer surface red, smoothed with much water, sandy temper. High rounded shoulder, long body, very slightly rounded, tapers to low, narrow ring base, not high enough to support pot. Preserved height 39.0 cm. Base diameter 7.8 cm. Max width (reconstructed) 34.0 cm.",8/5/1999 00:00:00,, "3247",1.00,"BONE","BONES","One fishbone.",24/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3247",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed.",24/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3248",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed.",24/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3249",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Fishbone.",24/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3250",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed. One mammal bone fragment burnt.",24/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3255",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Fish bone.",24/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3260",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Bivalves.",25/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3260",2.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Smoother. Ovoid cobble of light grey limestone. Entire surface is pitted, presumably to shape. One oval face has been worn very smooth and flat, the wear sloping partly down the sides at both ends. There are fine unidirectional striations running the length of the face (i.e. down the sides). The edges of this face has a few scars. Intact, a very good example. Surface heat affected, probably as was found in a firepit. Diameter 7.35-7.3 cm. Thickness 6.1 cm. Smooth face 6.7 x 6.2 cm. 526.5 gm.",25/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3260",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Fishbone.",25/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3260",4.00,"ORGANIC","DATE PIPS","9 carbonised date pips from firepit. (1) One tip broken off. Dimensions 1.85 x 0.7 x 0.55 cm. 0.3 gm. (2) Complete/cracked. Dimensions 1.65 x 0.7 x 0.55 cm. 0.3 gm. (3) Complete. Dimensions 1.6 x 0.65 x 0.5 cm. 0.3 gm. (4) 1.4 x 0.5 x 0.45 cm. 0.2 gm. (5) Flat one end. Dimensions 1.2 x 0.6 x 0.55 cm. 0.2 gm. (6) Pointed end & broken flat end. Dimensions 1.3 x 0.6 x 0.5 cm. 0.2 gm. (7) Complete/cracked stubby. Dimensions 1.25 x 0.6 x 0.55 cm. 0.2 gm. (8) Long with chip out of side. Dimensions 1.65 x 0.7 x 0.5 cm. 0.2 gm. (9) Half. Dimensions 1.0 x 0.65 x 0.55 cm. 0.1 gm. Total weight 2.2 gm.",25/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3261",1.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Small Grinder/Abrader/Smoother. Possible Weight? Shaped, fairly worn surface. Oval piece of light brown sandstone with medium sand grains. One face is flat and slightly pitted. The opposite face is slightly convex and partly obscured by gypsum salt crystals. The convex edges/circumference are vertical with traces of vertical chisel marks. Intact, a good example. Diameter 6.15-5.75 cm. Thickness 3.75 cm.",29/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3261",2.00,,,"Not used.",8/5/1999 00:00:00,, "3261",3.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Casting slag. Flat, thin irregular piece of copper. Dimensions 1.7 x 1.3 x 2.5 cm.",5/5/1999 00:00:00,, "3261",4.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Brown piece of copper (?). Shape oval or square, but mostly obscured in sand which has hardened around it. Dimensions approx. 2.4 x 1.9 x 1.3 cm.",5/5/1999 00:00:00,, "3261",5.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Ovoid lump of copper. Surface slightly cracking. Dimensions 1.75 x 1.3 x 1.0 cm.",5/5/1999 00:00:00,, "3261",6.00,"FOSSIL BIVALVE","POUNDER","Pebble Pounder. Type indicates that it was originally a bivalve fossil, now completely invisible. Sub spherical with two flattened faces. The surface is entirely pitted and slightly worn. Intact. Diameter 3.7-3.4 cm. Thickness 3.1 cm. 55.5 gm.",5/5/1999 00:00:00,, "3261",7.00,"BITUMEN","LID OR BUNG","Broken bung or small lid, of dark brown bitumen with numerous inclusions and vegetable impressions. One face is smoothish and convex, the other face is smooth and concave, with an elongated knob stuck on. Knob is slightly tapering in plan, with a rounded narrow end, a flat top and straight sides. Dimensions 4.15 x 2.95 x 0.6 (-1.35 with knob) cm.",5/5/1999 00:00:00,, "3264",1.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder, about half extant. Double sided. Made from light brown sandstone with small-medium sand grains. One face has been worn smooth and slightly convex, curving down at the convex edges. Fine unidirectional striations run across the width of the fragment. Parts of the face are pitted. The opposite face is also ground convex but is more worn. It is rounded at the broken straight edge. Across most of this face are scattered circular hollows or large pitting marks. The two faces slope down to one another at the thin convex end. The broken edge is the thickest part of the fragment. Well-used. Dimensions 18.2 x 14.4 x 4.45-0.55 cm.",29/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3264",2.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Possible old Weight? Sub spherical large pebble of dark grey, medium grained igneous stone. Possibly basalt or dolerite. One face is slightly flatter than the other, with two sides very flat (old scarring?). The entire surface is lightly pitted and slightly worn. Intact. Dimensions 5.1 x 5.1 x 4.95 cm. 227.6 gm.",29/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3264",3.00,"PLASTER","DOMED LID","Domed lid of light grey plaster, oval in plan. One face is convex, with small ripples, possibly from being set to dry in sand. Edges curve up to meet the other face, and are very thin, broken off in places. Other face concave, with rounded bumps across the smoothish surface. Diameter 17.8-15.2 cm. Thickness 3.05 cm.",5/5/1999 00:00:00,, "3268",1.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Irregular t-shaped fragment of copper. Perhaps two flattish oval pieces fused together at right angles, or cut piece twisted around. Wiggly edges. Dimensions 2.8 x 2.4 x 1.45 cm.",31/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3268",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed, including on strombus with hole in side.",8/4/1999 00:00:00,, "3268",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed.",8/4/1999 00:00:00,, "3269",1.00,"BONE","BONES","One mammal vertebra.",4/4/1999 00:00:00,, "3269",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed including intact bivalve double shells,",4/4/1999 00:00:00,, "3270",1.00,"BITUMEN","FRAG","Flat rectangular fragment of bitumen. One face smoother than the other. Possibly broken off an object. Includes numerous vegetable inclusions and impressions. Dimensions 4.2 x 2.9 x 1.5 cm.",4/4/1999 00:00:00,, "3270",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed including murex.",4/4/1999 00:00:00,, "3270",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed.",4/4/1999 00:00:00,, "3270",4.00,"POTTERY","PAINTED JAR","Fragments of fine, red, torpedo-shaped jar. Much of rim and neck extant, and some body frags. Fine, dense red clay, with no apparent inclusions except occasional ship of ground pottery. Rim bevelled to outside, neck vertical with sharply gouged horizontal striations (7 flat ridges). Traces of red wash out. Partly burnt. Rim diameter (reconstructed) approx. 9 cm. Extant height 4.4 cm.",4/4/1999 00:00:00,,"The one sherd from this context joins two others from 3268, and one of the latter joins two more from 8013. There is 1 body sherd from 3270 and 11 from 3268 that are probably from the same vessel but they do not join. Two other neck sherds from 3270 have shallow incised lines and may be from a different vessel. All incorporated into the same bag." "3274",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed, including burnt bivalves.",4/4/1999 00:00:00,, "3274",2.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Five fragments of bitumen. (1) Four brown-black pieces are from the lining of a palm leaf strip woven vessel. They have one smooth slightly convex face and the other showing the weave impression. (2) One piece is a solid brown lump, with smooth faces and sides, and one face having linear vegetable impressions. Dimensions (1) largest 2.1 x 1.6 x 0.3 cm. Width of strips 0.6-0.8 cm. (2) 1.65 x 1.6 x 1.3 cm.",4/4/1999 00:00:00,, "3274",3.00,"BONE","BONES","2 fish vertebrae.",4/4/1999 00:00:00,, "3275",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed, including one burnt bivalve.",7/4/1999 00:00:00,, "3275",2.00,"BONE","BONES","2 fishbones.",7/4/1999 00:00:00,, "3276",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","3 bivalve clam.",7/4/1999 00:00:00,, "3277",1.00,"COPPER","SLAG","Sub ovoid lump of brown stained copper, presumably slag. Central part appears more green, with irregular exterior. Dimensions 3.35 x 2.75 2.1 cm.",8/4/1999 00:00:00,, "3277",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed.",14/4/1999 00:00:00,, "3277",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed, mostly sheep-sized mammal.",14/4/1999 00:00:00,, "3280",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed, including burnt shells.",6/4/1999 00:00:00,, "3280",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed.",6/4/1999 00:00:00,, "3280",3.00,"POTTERY","PAINTED BOWL","Rim fragment of deep bowl. Hard, gritty, grey-buff clay. Rim turned out, and flattened on top, triangular in profile. Sides vertical, bulging slightly. Four vertical undulating lines in red paint, parallel to each other, on outside. Faded. Preserved height 6.6 cm. Rim diameter 17.0 cm.",13/4/1999 00:00:00,, "3280",4.00,"SHELL","PIERCED BIVALVE","Bivalve (cockle with radiating ribs), pierced by large circular hole towards the hinge end. Intact. Shell L: 4.0; W: 4.1 cm. Hole diameter 1.85-1.65 cm. 8.3 gm.",13/4/1999 00:00:00,, "3284",1.00,"PLASTER","RENDER FRAG","Flat, rectangular piece of light grey plaster, presumably from lining to wall or installation. One face is slightly smoother than the other. Dimensions 5.15 x 4.3 x 1.1 cm.",11/4/1999 00:00:00,, "3287",1.00,"BONE","BONES","One fishbone.",14/4/1999 00:00:00,, "3291",1.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Ovoid, egg-shaped, nodule of grey limestone, partly silicified. Entirely pitted and scarred, the scarring from pounding on the side and end edges. Both faces are convex, the flatter one is pitted only, the other is scarred. One wider end is flat, the narrower one is convex. Darker colour than usual, possibly heat affected or in ashes. Intact, a good example. Dimensions 9.2 x 7.9 x 6.1 cm.",7/4/1999 00:00:00,, "3291",2.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Smoother/Pestle fragment. Sub rectangular piece, one convex end, of grey-brown close grained, igneous stone, with tiny-large dark inclusions. Possibly basalt. One face has been worn convex and very smooth with fine unidirectional striations running the extant length of the face. The opposite face is more convex, with the naturally weathered smooth surface covered in light pitting. The extant triangular end is entirely pitted and abraded. The broken edge is flat. The extant sides are scarred which invades into the faces. Dimensions 7.6 x 5.55 x 4.3 cm. Triangular end wear 6.5 (+) x 2.65 cm.",7/4/1999 00:00:00,, "3291",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed.",14/4/1999 00:00:00,, "3291",4.00,"PLASTER","RENDER FRAG","Flat, triangular piece of light grey plaster, with remnant dark grey soft ashy plaster mortar on one face. Presumably from lining to wall or installation. The opposite face is slightly smoother than the other, but both are worn. There are three coats of the paler plaster, the top one (set coat) is a finer grade than the middle. Dimensions 7.9 x 6.2 x 1.65 cm.",14/4/1999 00:00:00,, "3291",5.00,"SHELL","COSMETIC SHELL?","Clam shell filled with white substance, possibly plaster. Not measured.",,, "3292",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed including large murex.",13/4/1999 00:00:00,, "3298",1.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Smoother in pestle shape. Sub ovoid (tapered) nodule of light grey limestone. The smaller convex end (back) and the slightly tapering sides are entirely pitted for shaping. The larger circular end has been worn slightly convex. Fine multidirectional striations are across the face, always perpendicular to the edges. For face up the straightish sides have also been slightly worn smooth (upper zones only) with similar unidirectional striations either across or along the length. Intact, rare shape, good example. Dimensions 7.55 x 6.8 x 6.6 cm. Smooth end 6.4 x 6.15 cm. Convexity (L x W) 1.4 x 1.4 cm. Side smooth areas striations: across 4.35 x 3.4; 4.2 x 2.3; 3.5 x 2.5; along 3.4 x 1.7 cm. 519.6 gm.",11/4/1999 00:00:00,, "3298",2.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Smoother, double sided. Ovoid pebble of light grey, slightly silicified or crystalline, limestone with two slightly convex faces. Carefully made, the entire thick convex circumference is pitted. Two oval faces have been worn very smooth and convex, with fine multidirectional striations, with lines perpendicular to the edges. There are a few small scars around the edge of one face (1). Intact, a good example. Dimensions 6.05 x 5.8 x 4.4 cm. Smoothed faces (1) edge scars 5.5 x 5.2; (2) 5.3 x 5.25 cm. 284.1 gm. Smooth faces convexity (1) 0.8 x 0.8; (2) 0.8 x 0.8 cm.",11/4/1999 00:00:00,, "3298",3.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Smoother, double sided. Ovoid small cobble of light grey, slightly silicified or crystalline, limestone with one convex and one flattish face. Carefully made, the entire thick convex circumference is pitted. The two oval faces have been worn very smooth, with fine striations. The convex face has predominantly unidirectional striations which curves down at the ends, as well as others perpendicular to these and the edges which they run across. Across the centre of the face, at the highest level, is a rough shallow area of a pitting, perhaps the remainder of a resurfacing. The flattish face is less used (slightly convex at the edges), with multidirectional lines running perpendicular to the edges. Intact, a good example. Dimensions 7.2 x 7.0 x 4.6-3.0 cm. Smoothed faces: convex 6.75 x 6.25; flat 6.4 x 6.35 cm. 413.8 gm. Smooth faces convexity: convex 1.4 x 0.8; flattish 0.8 x 0.8 cm.",11/4/1999 00:00:00,, "3298",4.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Chopper or Hoe on Smoother/Pestle fragment. Pestle broken longitudinally, approx. half extant. Originally a cylindrical (?) shaft (or tool was oval in section) with one end worn flat and smooth at an angle to the shaft. There are fine unidirectional striations across the broken width of the face. The other end appears smaller and is pitted and abraded. The shaft surface is weathered smooth with scattered light pitting. The broken face of the fragment is irregular, stepping down towards the smaller end. The two long straightish sides of the fragment, the straight edge of the smoothed end and the same end tip beside it, as well as the other end are all scarred from chopping. An interesting example. Max. dimensions 12.6 x 7.4 x 3.75 cm. Chopper edges L: 6.8; 6.8; smoothed end edge 6.8; tip edge 2.65; pitted end edge 5.4 cm. Dimensions smoothed end 7.0 x 2.9+ cm. Dimensions pitted end 5.25+ x 1.95+ cm.",12/4/1999 00:00:00,, "3298",5.00,"STONE","CHOPPER","Chopper, possible part Pounder. Pinkish-grey sub-ovoid cobble of crystalline metamorphic stone, with blurred crimson vein. Possibly marble or dolomitic limestone. Original surface of stone, surviving on the convex side and two ends, is more creamy-grey and weathered smooth. One face of the cobble has broken off flattish, and subsequently scarred around the edges. The opposite face is convex, with a large sloping scar coming from the sharply angled side adjacent to the flat face. This particular narrow edge is the most heavily scarred (chopping). The other edges of the sloping scar are also scarred. Unusual stone. Dimensions 8.3 x 6.1 x 5.0 cm. Chopping edge L: 6.0 cm.",12/4/1999 00:00:00,, "3298",6.00,"POTTERY","GOBLET","Stem and base of goblet, rim and upper body missing. Hand made. Red clay, temper of pale yellow circular lime, and occasional sub angular hard quartz inclusions. Body thin-walled, inside base very flat, lower body very solid and heavy. Short stem flaring to high ring-base. Under side of base is concave with fingernail impressions in design of a complicated 'X'. Outer side of base is convex and stem is concave, with fingerprint impressions where they have vertically smoothed the surface. Extant height 7.3 cm. Base diameter 4.8-4.5 cm. Width of foot 0.4 cm. Max present width 9.8 cm.",12/4/1999 00:00:00,, "3298",7.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAG","Bitumen lining from woven palm-leaf strip basket. About half of rim preserved. Thin pointed lip with convex outer side and concave inner. Very smooth faces, with impression of leaf strips on inside. Diameter (estimated) 11.0 cm. Maximum L: 12.1; Body W: 0.8; H: 1.2 cm. Found beside bitumen bung 3298:8.",14/4/1999 00:00:00,,"Resting and consolidated on occupation sand. Next to it was small bitumen bung. Consolidant: Vinamul 6825 % in distilled water, then Vinamul with Klucel G (5:1)." "3298",8.00,"BITUMEN","BUNG","Small oval bung. One face is slightly convex, curving up to thin, irregular edges. The other face is flat with a small irregular knob towards one side. There are numerous impressions and inclusions of vegetable material. Found beside bitumen basket rim fragment 3298:7. Dimensions 2.5 x 2.3 x 0.6-0.3 (with-without knob) cm. Knob dimensions 0.6 x 0.55 cm.",22/4/1999 00:00:00,, "3298",9.00,"PLASTER","DISC LID","Roughly disc-shaped grey plaster lid. Rather irregular convex faces, edges partly pinched. One face has linear impression, possibly palm-leaf, near one edge, also wedge-shaped indentations. Other face has impressions of seeds (wheat/barley?), and a crease shaped like a long arrow. Some vegetable temper, which has turned red-brown, perhaps from intense heat. About a third of edge broken away. Diameter 8.35 cm. Thickness 3.0 cm.",22/4/1999 00:00:00,, "3298",10.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Three fragments of bitumen. Largest piece is sub ovoid, with numerous vegetable inclusions and impressions. Dimensions 3.4 x 1.8 x 1.7 cm.",28/4/1999 00:00:00,, "3298",11.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Incorporated into 3298:10",28/4/1999 00:00:00,, "3298",12.00,"FOSSIL BIVALVE","POUNDER","Pounder on probable bivalve fossil. Sub-spherical pebble of light grey limestone, with two slightly flattened faces. Surface almost entirely pitted except for one oval area, with a concentration around the wide circumference. A curved linear indent may be a fossil hinge remnant. Intact, a good example. Diameter 3.85-3.8 cm. Thickness 3.4 cm. 56.4 gm.",22/4/1999 00:00:00,, "3298",13.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Fragment of worn Pounder? Sub trapezoidal pebble of dark grey, close grained igneous stone. Possibly basalt. Original faces are convex and flat, and are weathered smooth. The three flattish broken faces have very worn scars. Dimensions 2.65 x 2.2 x 2.1 cm.",22/4/1999 00:00:00,, "3298",14.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Chopper/Pounder. Possible Polisher. Circular pebble of dark grey, close grained igneous stone, with larger whitish inclusions. Possibly porphyritic basalt. Weathered into pebble with smooth brownish cortex. One face is slightly convex, the other is flat with a very smooth central zone. Opposite edges of the rounded circumference are scarred, causing invasive scarring on opposite faces. The scarring across the convex face is larger than the other. Intact, an excellent unusual example. Diameter 4.5 cm. Thickness 2.05 cm. Scarring L: 3.15; 2.4 cm. Diameter of smooth zone 2.5 cm.",22/4/1999 00:00:00,, "3298",15.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder fragment, broken down the middle. Quarter-circular in plan. Originally sub ovoid cobble of crimson close grained, igneous stone. Probably iron-rich basalt. Extant face is convex and entirely pitted and scarred. There is a natural hollow in the centre of the flat end, the other end is pointed. The broken face is flattish from a strike at its top right hand corner. The stone does not appear to have been used after it broke. Unusual stone colour. Dimensions 8.05 x 7.4 x 3.95 cm.",28/4/1999 00:00:00,, "3298",16.00,"POTTERY","PAINTED RIM","Rim fragment from painted jar. About a quarter of rim and a little of neck. Hard, crisp, pink clay, buff near surfaces. Painted red, in and out. Rim thickened to outside and rounded. Neck gently waisted. Fine, generally better-finished than the usual jar rims of this type. Preserved height 4.2 cm. Rim diameter approx. 10 cm.",3/5/1999 00:00:00,, "3299",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Bivalve clams.",12/4/1999 00:00:00,, "3299",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Fishbone, some jaw fragments are large.",12/4/1999 00:00:00,, "3300",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","One bivalve.",28/2/1999 00:00:00,, "3301",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed. Includes broken horn core & large mammal teeth.",2/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3301",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed. Two bivalves show angled breakages: where bashed open?",3/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3301",3.00,"COPPER","HOOK FRAG","Probable fishhook fragment, broken into two pieces. Most or all of straight shaft and beginnings of curved hook extant. Shaft is square in section. In poor condition, covered in corrosion, and has copper disease where broken into two. Max dimensions 4.25 x 1.55 x 0.6 cm. Shaft piece length 4.25 cm. Shaft thickness 0.65 cm.",22/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3302",1.00,"STEATITE","SEAL","Circular seal of mottled grey steatite, very worn, possibly glazed. Edge convex (Failaka F1). Reverse standard, but very worn, especially over top of low boss. One possible dotted circle visible, and traces of three lines. Design crudely executed and very worn. A central, stick-like standing human figure with extremely long legs, probably facing right, as his feet face right, but the head is indicated only by an angled line either side of the neck. To the left is a vertical ellipse, perhaps a shield, which he holds. To the right he extends an arm to a horned male animal with ruffed neck, which stands facing right, with its head turned back to face him. Linear style. Diameter 2.9 cm. Height 1.1 cm.",2/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3302",2.00,"STONE","TOOL/WEIGHT","Small Pounder/Weight. Cubic with rounded edges and corners. All faces are very slightly convex. Dark grey close grained igneous stone, possibly basalt. The entirely surface is lightly pitted. Intact. 4.85 x 4.7 x 3.9 cm. Weight 173.0 gm.",2/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3302",3.00,"STONE","CHOPPER","Chopper on Smoother/Pounder fragment. Oval flattish piece of dark grey close grained igneous stone, with numerous tiny black inclusions. Possibly basalt. The original slightly convex face has been smoothed at each ends, with a concentration of shallow pitting across the central zone. In the smoothed areas there are fine unidirectional striations in the direction of each end. The other flat face is pitted. All the thin edges, especially the two convex ends are bifacially scarred. Intact, a good example /nice shape. Dimensions 9.9 x 7.2 x 2.1 cm. Weight 226.6 gm.",2/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3302",4.00,"STONE","TOOL/WEIGHT","Pounder/Applicator or Weight. Spherical nodule of light grey limestone, with one flat face covered in bitumen. The entire surface is pitted. Intact, carefully made, a good example. Diameter 5.25-5.15; Thickness 5.1 cm. Flat face diameter approx. 3.0 cm. Weight 215.2 gm.",2/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3302",5.00,"POTTERY","PLATE","About half extant. Hard-fired pink clay, greeny-buff surfaces, fine grit temper. Surface somewhat eroded. Rim rounded and slightly swollen, sides straight, flaring widely from very low ring base. Rim diameter approx. 31.0 cm. Height 4.1 cm. Base diameter approx. 5.0 cm.",9/5/1999 00:00:00,, "3302",6.00,"STONE","CHOPPER","Chopper on Pounder fragment. Sub oval piece of light grey limestone. Extant convex face is entirely pitted, with scarring at the edges. This scarring is concentrated along one edge, done after broken, when used as a Chopper. Dimensions 6.7 x 5.75 x 2.2. Main chopping edge L: 4.4 cm.",4/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3302",7.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Two fragments of copper or slag found together. 1) Irregular ovoid mostly rusty brown with small green protrusion at one end. Dimensions 3.5 x 2.85 x 1.9 cm. 2) Sub rectangular green lump with one flat face and the other curled up at both ends. Dimensions 1.8 x 1.3 x 0.9 cm.",3/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3302",8.00,"BITUMEN","BEAD","Spherical bead with large central hole. Inclusions and impressions of vegetable matter. Good condition, intact. Diameter 2.3; length 2.1 cm. 6.1 gm.",3/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3302",9.00,"STONE","CHOPPER","Pebble Chopper. Oval pebble of light grey limestone with two flattish faces. One edge has been scarred straight. Intact. Good example. L: 3.85; W (above edge): 3.35; T: 1.5 cm. Scarred edge L: 3.85 cm.",3/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3302",10.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Pebble Pounder/Smoother. Ovoid pebble of light grey limestone. One face has been worn flattish and smooth. The convex edges are partly scarred and pitted, especially at the larger end. Intact. Dimensions 3.55 x 3.2 x 2.45 cm. Weight 41.3 gm.",3/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3302",11.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pebble Pounder. Ovoid pebble of light grey limestone. Both faces slightly convex. The circumference is pitted and slightly scarred, especially three sides. Intact. Dimensions 4.0 x 3.0 x 1.9 cm. Weight 33.6 gm.",4/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3302",12.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pebble Pounder, broken or very used. One convex end of an ovoid pebble of light grey limestone. The broken face across the middle is scarred at the edges. Dimensions 2.7 (across broken face) x 2.05 x 1.6 cm.",4/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3302",13.00,"BITUMEN","BEAD","Sub-spherical bead, smaller than usual. Large central hole pushed through from one end. Good condition, intact. Diameter 1.8; length 2.0 cm. 3.5 gm.",4/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3302",14.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Possible Pebble Pounder. Ovoid pebble of light grey limestone with one fairly pointed end. Surface is naturally pitted, with possible use pitting around the edges and ends. Perhaps barely used. Intact. Dimensions 3.7 x 2.3 x 1.7 cm. Weight 17.4 gm.",4/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3302",15.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder/Anvil. Slightly tapered cuboid small block of light grey limestone. Parts of cortex remains on one flat face, the edges are scarred. The other face is flat and pitted, with a central hollow from pounding. Its edges are also scarred. All sides are flattish and straight, with slightly rounded corners. They are entirely pitted. Intact, a good example. Dimensions 6.8 x 5.9-5.3 x 3.7 cm. Hollow approx. 3.0 x 3.5 cm. Weight 290.4 gm.",4/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3302",16.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Pebble Pounder/Chopper. Sub triangular pebble of light grey limestone with rounded corners. Both sides flat. The circumference is pitted and slightly scarred. Intact. Dimensions 3.15 x 2.7 x 1.25 cm. Weight 16.1 gm.",4/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3302",17.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Large Pounder/Anvil. Ovoid cobble of light grey igneous stone with large grey and white inclusions. Possibly Dolerite. Heavy stone. Entire surface is pitted, especially the convex sides and the ends. One face is flatter than the other and has worn shallow scars across it. One end is smaller and flat, with scarred edges. This scarring continues up the sides, and into the flatter face, creating an extra angled scarred face. Intact. Dimensions 12.75 x 11.15 x 7.95 cm. Flat end 6.2 x 4.25 cm. Angled scarred face 10.15 x 7.85 cm.",4/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3303",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed.",11/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3303",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed.",11/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3303",3.00,"POTTERY","SHERD","Re-numbered 3304:3, q.v.",14/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3303",4.00,"STONE","CHOPPER","Large Chopper, possibly on broken Pounder or building stone. Hoe? Wedge-shaped piece of grey limestone, with thick end darker (heat affected?), and tiny fossil hollows. Slightly weathered surface. One face has two angled faces, the more steeply sloping one is very scarred. Opposite face is a large flake scar and flat, with another angled scar off the side at the thick end. The thick end (butt) is flattish, remains as a pitted square, with scarred edges. The convex end (bit) is thinner and scarred. This scarring continues up both the sharply angled side edges. Unusual form. Dimensions 12.5 x 9.7 x 7.1 cm. Bit dimensions 6.0 x 1.9. Butt dimensions 8.25 x 6.5 cm. Weight approx. 860 gm.",27/4/1999 00:00:00,, "3304",1.00,"POTTERY","FILLED BASE","Broken pottery jar base, plugged with grey ashy plaster, and pierced by large central hole formed by palm frond stem (shape of stem clearly discernible). Pot is very worn and flaking, with most of the surface missing. Lower parts of horizontal row of rounded indentations (finger impressions) where body starts to swell above base. Orange-red fabric with numerous sub-rounded quartz grains, and occasional white inclusions. In the larger opening the plaster is convex, with numerous small hollows and fracture lines. It has vegetable inclusions and impressions. Dimensions (max.) 14.2 x 12.0 x 9.6 cm. Neck diameter 6.35-6.15 cm. Hole diameter 2.5-2.4 cm.",14/3/1999 00:00:00,,"Found at west end of row of objects 3304:1-3 beside wall. Stored as plaster." "3304",2.00,"POTTERY","FILLED SHOULDER","Jar neck and shoulder, plugged with grey ashy plaster. Ribbed jar, of red ware with small round inclusions, fairly worn and pitted. Rim, neck and shoulder extant. (Hojlund Rim type B3, ware 2). Brown fabric with cream surface. The wide face of plaster in the broken shoulder of the pot is convex. The plaster has numerous tiny white pieces of plaster, tiny pebbles and vegetal inclusions, including a carbonised date pip. Dimensions (max.) 20.0 x 17.5 x 10.1 cm. Neck diameter 11.6-11.5 cm.",14/3/1999 00:00:00,,"Object was central one of three beside wall 3304:1-3. Stored as 'plaster'." "3304",3.00,"POTTERY","RIDGED JAR","Fragments of ridged jar, comprising base and lower body, non-joining sections of shoulder and possible rim. Red clay, inclusions of white circular grits and black grit, cream surface out. Outer body has multiple horizontal ribs, becoming shallower towards base. Splash of red paint inside shoulder, rounded shoulder, lower body straighter, tapering to low ring base, not high enough to support pot. Rim, may belong, bevelled to outside, on short neck. Base diameter 8.5 cm. Rim diameter approx. 12 cm. Original height estimated at 45-50 cm.",14/3/1999 00:00:00,," Parts also from 3303:3 & 3301." "3304",4.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed.",14/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3305",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed and often burnt. A portion of the tannur fill was sieved (1mm) and bone recovered.",16/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3305",2.00,"POTTERY","RE-USED JAR","Lower part of jar, used to line tannur. Rim, neck and large portion of body missing. Soft buff clay, sparse sandy temper. Rounded shoulder, elongated body tapering to very low ring-base. Perfunctory horizontal ribbing out. Long strip of bitumen applied out, presumably to caulk split. Preserved height 27.8 cm. Base diameter 8.8 cm. Max. width (reconstructed) 28 cm.",4/5/1999 00:00:00,, "3305",3.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Fill of tannur. Bag containing heavy fraction after 1mm sieve. Unsorted.",16/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3305",4.00,"ORGANIC","DATE PIPS","3 small fragments of carbonised date pips. From sieved tannur fill. Largest dimensions 0.55 x 0.4 x 0.2 cm. Total weight. 0.1 gm.",10/4/1999 00:00:00,, "3307",1.00,"STONE","TOOL","Chopper and Smoother on probable Pounder frag. Oval piece of dark grey, close grained igneous stone. Probably basalt. Both faces are flattish, one is a rippled flake scar, the other is scarred from edge percussion. The upper zones of both faces have been worn flat and smooth, with no visible striations. The four edges are deeply scarred beside the flaked face. The longest edge is less used and may have formed a type of butt. Dimensions 6.0 x 5.1 x 2.2-1.7 cm. Edges L: 5.6; 5.2; 4.3; 4.1 cm.",17/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3307",2.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Fragment of grindstone. Trapezoidal piece of light brown sandstone. One face has been worn slightly concave, with scattered pitting. The opposite face is convex and has been slightly ground. The two extant sides form a corner, and are pitted. The corner point is angled and scarred. The two broken faces are vertical. Dimensions 9.7 x 8.75 x 7.1-4.85 cm.",17/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3307",3.00,"FOSSIL ECHINOID","POUNDER","Fossil echinoid possibly used as Pounder. Oval piece of light grey limestone with worn surface. Vague remnants of echinoid radiating ridges on the convex face and asymmetrical anus on the flatter/slightly concave face. Both faces are slightly pitted. One end is thicker than the other. The circumference is pitted and slightly scarred. Intact/ Diameter 6.0-5.3 cm. Thickness 2.55-1.7 cm.",17/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3307",4.00,"STONE","PEBBLE","Possible Pounder, barely used. Irregular ovoid pebble of light grey limestone. Surface weathered smooth. The narrower end has one small scar. From floor. Dimensions 3.7 x 2.75 x 2.0 cm.",17/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3307",5.00,"BITUMEN","CUP","Fragmentary bitumen coating for cup of woven palm-leaves. Part of two sides and square base extant. Outer and inner surfaces smooth, with impression of cross woven strips between. The two extant corners of the base protrude slightly, like stubby legs. Cup base 8.0 x 8.0 cm. Extant height of sides 3.6 cm.",25/3/1999 00:00:00,,"Consolidated with Vinamul 6825 10% in distilled water, followed by & Vinamul and Klucel G, 5:1." "3307",6.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Sub cubic cobble of light creamy-grey limestone with blurred crimson veins. Entire surface is pitted and scarred, with one corner of the tool scarred off. Intact, a good example. Similar to 7583:1. Dimensions 8.55 x 8.45 x 8.05 cm. Weight approx. 1.0 kg.",27/4/1999 00:00:00,, "3307",7.00,"STONE","TOOL","Polisher/Smoother. Small sub oval pebble of very dark grey, close grained igneous stone. The surface is weathered smooth. One face is mostly flat and is more polished smooth, with no visible striations. Intact. Dimensions 2.9 x 2.1 x 1.1 cm. Smoothed area 2.3 x 1.75 cm.",27/4/1999 00:00:00,, "3307",8.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Bivalve clams.",27/4/1999 00:00:00,, "3310",1.00,"BITUMEN","BEAD","Sub-spherical (slightly lentoid) bead with slightly flattened ends and large central hole. The surface is slightly pitted, with fine fold or fracture lines running outward from the hole. There are some vegetable inclusions and impressions. Diameter 2.45 cm. Length 1.65-1.45 cm. Hole diameter 0.6 cm. 5.6 gm.",22/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3310",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed, including sheep-sized bone and fishbone. One burnt.",22/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3310",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed.",22/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3310",4.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Sixteen small fragments from lining to a woven vessel. One face is smoothish, the other shows the impression of the cross-woven palm leaf strip vessel. Largest dimensions 4.0 x 3.2 x 0.9 cm. Strip width 0.7-0.8 cm.",22/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3310",5.00,"COPPER","FRAG","T-shaped fragment of copper. Longest stem is rectangular in section and tapers to a point. Opposite this the fragment flattens out to a thin trapezoidal end. Dimensions 2.2. x 1.45-0.45 x 1.15-0.6 cm.",22/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3310",6.00,"POTTERY","PAINTED GOBLET","Painted goblet, missing its stem and foot, and over half its rim. Wheel made. Dense red clay, now flaking, with slightly greyer core. Very spares vegetal temper, and white and other larger inclusions. Plain, thin, pinched rim; straight body, then rounds gently into chalice shape. Solid stem, snapped off. Very fine and even, with very neat deep hollow in centre of base. Slightly darker orange-red slip in and out. Faded painted band of black triangles below rim, bordered below by single black line. In place of at least one triangle is a metope bordered by a vertical line either side. Rim diameter 10 cm. Body height (exterior) 6.5 cm. Total extant height 8.0 cm. Inner base hollow diameter 2.2-2.0 cm.",4/4/1999 00:00:00,, "3310",7.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder slightly broken, well used. Sub oval piece of very fine grained light brown sandstone. Saddle-triangular in section. One face has been worn flat to slightly convex. Its surface is smooth with fine and deep unidirectional striations across the width. The wear continues partly down each end, and there are wear marks perpendicular to the thinnest convex side. There is scattered pitting especially down one side and near the ends. The opposite face is roughly pitted, tapering up towards the other face at the convex side and end. The other side is straight and scarred. One convex end is deeply scarred, the other end is angled having broken partly away. Dimensions 20.8 x 14.85 x 6.4-1.5 cm. Smoothed face 19.5 x 14.15 cm.",10/4/1999 00:00:00,, "3310",8.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Double sided grinder, broken away at two corners. Sub-oval piece of light brown, small-medium grained sandstone. Both faces have been worn smooth, and flat-to-slightly convex, with fine, deep unidirectional striations across the width. This wear is visible across (and perpendicular to) the side edges. In between is scattered pitting and occasional natural hollows. One face is more used, and flatter, than the other which may have been the original base (bevelled sides). The two straight sides and the convex ends are scarred and worn. A very good, visible example. Dimensions 21.7 x 17.5 x 2.55-1.65 cm.",10/4/1999 00:00:00,, "3311",1.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Fragment of grinder, or possibly grindstone. Sub-cubic piece of light brown sandstone with small sand grains. One face has been worn flat and is slightly pitted. The opposite face is irregular. The sides are straightish, with one being slightly convex and possibly original. The entire surface is worn, with vague linear grooves across the flat face and the slightly convex side. Dimensions 8.75 x 8.4 x 8.4 cm. Flat face 7.3 x 5.3 cm.",10/4/1999 00:00:00,, "3311",2.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Fragment of grinder, or of grindstone fragment. Oval piece of light grey-brown sandstone with small sands grains, with an interleaving layers of larger grains and shell grit. One face has been worn slightly concave and is pitted. The upper zones have bee worn flat and smooth, especially next to the sides, with fine unidirectional striations running across the width (perpendicular to the sides). The opposite face is worn and stepped. The sides and one end are convex, the other end is straight. Dimensions 7.55 x 7.3 x 3.55 cm.",10/4/1999 00:00:00,, "3311",3.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder broken or well used. Sub square piece of light grey limestone. One rectangular face (thickest side) has been pitted and then worn partly flat and smooth. It has fine-coarse unidirectional striations running across the width of the face. The larger squarish face is naturally weathered and is slightly concave. The opposite roughly flat face is very pitted and scarred around the edges. The three other sides are very scarred. Dimensions 9.4 x 8.9 x 5.9-3.65 cm. Flat face 7.35 x 5.8 cm.",10/4/1999 00:00:00,, "3311",4.00,"FOSSIL ECHINOID","POUNDER","Pounder on possibly on a naturally very worn echinoid fossil. Ovoid pebble of light grey limestone, with scattered natural hollows. One face is convex, the other is flat-slightly concave. The sides are straight, the ends convex. The edges are partly pitted, and where thinnest are scarred. Intact. Dimensions 6.0 x 4.4 x 2.8 cm.",10/4/1999 00:00:00,, "3311",5.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder. Made out of a grindstone fragment. Cuboid piece of light brown sandstone with medium sand grains. One face has been worn slightly concave. It is mostly smooth with fine and deep unidirectional striations across the width of the face. In between is shallow pitting, perhaps more concentrated in the centre. The opposite face is flattish and naturally undulating. One side is slightly concave, the other slightly convex. One end is straight, the other slightly convex. All edges are scarred and worn. Dimensions 8.8 x 7.35 x 4.8 cm.",10/4/1999 00:00:00,, "3311",6.00,"STONE","PEBBLE","Oval thin pebble of light grey limestone. Both faces are fairly flat and the edges rounded and smooth. The surface is naturally weathered smooth with occasional hollows. No wear marks visible although the edges are very smooth on the flattest face. Dimensions 4.5 x 4.0 x 1.0 cm.",10/4/1999 00:00:00,, "3311",7.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Fragment of grinder, or possibly grindstone. Chunky triangular piece of light brown, small grained sandstone. Parts of two extant faces are convex, the other is concave. They meet at a rounded point. The broken triangular face is flat. Dimensions 4.85 x 7.25 x 4.65 cm.",10/4/1999 00:00:00,, "3311",8.00,"STONE","WORKED?","Utilised possibly as a net weight? Chunky hook-shaped or sub ovoid pebble of light grey limestone, with one end and one side pierced by large natural holes. The surface is weathered smooth. On one face is a large natural hollow, which may have been opened up further as it is partly scarred. The opposite face is convex and very smooth. One end is flat and pierced by a large oval hole (old worm hole?). The surface around the hole is slightly worn. The opposite end is rounded. Dimensions 3.15 x 2.75 x 2.0 cm. Hole dimensions: end 1.1 x 0.9; side 2.0 x 1.1-0.8 cm. 15.0 gm.",10/4/1999 00:00:00,, "3311",9.00,"FOSSIL BIVALVE","POUNDER","Bivalve fossil used as Pounder. The entire surface has scattered pitting and scarring, particularly the edges. The fossil has two linear depressions on one side of the hinge. Intact. Shell L: 4.4; W: 4.55; T: 3.4 cm.",4/4/1999 00:00:00,, "3311",10.00,"STONE","TOOL","Pebble Polisher/Smoother. Possible pigment source? Oval pebble of crimson close grained stone (limestone?). Naturally weathered smooth with two flattish faces and rounded edges. Both faces and all edges have areas of very visible fine unidirectional striations. One face (1) has a larger oval zone, the striations at an angle (45 degrees) to the length. The other face (2) has two oval zones on either side of a low rise. The striations at the wide end are at an angle to the length, the others are roughly parallel to the length. Those on the edges mostly run at an angle to the edge, although there is a small area at the wide end where they are parallel to it. From collapse. Intact. A very good example. Dimensions 3.8 x 2.8 x 1.45 cm. Zone (1) 2.5 x 1.8; (2) 1.55 x 1.9; 1.3 x 1.1 cm. 23.4 gm.",4/4/1999 00:00:00,, "3311",11.00,"PLASTER","PIERCED STOPPER","Mushroom-shaped object of light grey plaster, pierced longitudinally, perhaps a stopper. Roughly made and slightly worn, perhaps formed inside a jar-neck. The larger circular end flares outward from the slightly concave stem. It has a convex face and thick rounded edges which have been badly chipped. The other circular end is flattish, sloping down unevenly at one side, where is worn or poorly finished. The centre of the object has been pierced by, or formed around, a palm frond stem. This hole is at a slight angle to the length of the object. Height 8.65 cm. End diameters 13.5; 8.85 cm. Hole dimensions 2.2 x 1.7 cm. Weight approx. 940 gm.",10/4/1999 00:00:00,,"Weight approx. (kitchen scale) 940 gm." "3312",1.00,"PLASTER","KNOBBED LID","Irregular lump of light grey plaster, presumably a lid. One face is flat to slightly concave, with irregular thin, chipped edges. Near the centre is a roughly made oval lump or knob. The opposite face has a rougher surface and is slightly convex. Dimensions 11.0 x 10.1 x 2.9-1.6 (with-without knob) cm.",10/4/1999 00:00:00,, "3312",2.00,"PLASTER","DOMED LID","Small light grey plaster lid, one face convex (slightly asymmetrical), the other flattish. Edges rounded to thin. Fairly smooth surface. Intact. Diameter 6.85-6.75 cm. Thickness 2.7 cm.",10/4/1999 00:00:00,, "3312",3.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Sub ovoid cobble of light grey limestone with slightly angled, red-brown banding on the convex face. The opposite face is flat. The sides and the one end are convex, the other end is angled but rounded. The entire surface is pitted, with occasional large scars around the edges of the flat face. Intact, a good example. Dimensions 12.55 x 10.0 x 6.95 cm. Weight approx. 1.32 kg.",10/4/1999 00:00:00,, "3312",4.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Possible Smoother. Circular cobble of dark grey, medium grained igneous stone. Possibly dolerite or gabbro. One circular face is flat with worn scars. The opposite face has two flat faces sloping towards each other, forming a gable. They are both smooth, with scattered pitting and scarred edges. The larger oval sloping face may not be natural but there are no visible striations. The thick circumference is entirely pitted, with scarred edges. Intact. Diameter 8.35-8.15 cm. Thickness 5.1 cm. Possible smoothed face 5.6 x 5.0 cm. 557.0 gm.",10/4/1999 00:00:00,, "3312",5.00,"STONE","TOOL","Pebble Polisher/Smoother. Ovoid-cuboid pebble of dark grey, close grained, probably igneous stone. Possibly basalt. The surface has been weathered smooth. The larger rectangular flat face has a slight hollow in the centre around which is an oval zone which is polished smooth. Intact. Dimensions 3.5 x 2.4 x 1.85 cm. Smoothed zone approx. 2.25 x 2.0 cm.",10/4/1999 00:00:00,, "3312",6.00,"STONE","TOOL","Pebble Chopper. Triangular pebble of light grey limestone. Naturally weathered smooth surface with some small hollows. The long straight edge is bifacially scarred. Intact, a good example. Dimensions 6.8 x 4.3 x 2.45 cm. Chopping edge L: 6.8 cm.",10/4/1999 00:00:00,, "3313",1.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Ash fill of tannur. Sieved 1mm. Approx. 3.8 kg. Fine residue discarded. Approx. one quarter of shell, bone & organic remains kept - from fast manual sort (see 3313:2, 3 & 4).",22/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3313",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed, all burnt or ash stained. From tannur fill.",22/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3313",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Bivalve clams, all burnt or ash stained. From tannur fill.",22/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3313",4.00,"ORGANIC","DATE PIPS","2 whole carbonised date pips and four fragments of another. Dimensions: 14 x 7 x 6; 14 x 17 x 6; 11 x 6 x 4+ cm. From fill of tannur.",12/5/1999 00:00:00,, "3315",1.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Grindstone, broken into in three large fragments (two joining: one end and two sides only). Trough-shaped, with one open end and a saddle base. Originally a large oval slab of light grey-brown sandstone with varied sand and shell inclusions in different horizontal layers. One face has been worn very concave with fine unidirectional striations running the length of the face. The face is bounded on two sides and one end by a rounded ridge, which on the side closest to the centre is ground smooth. The base is irregular but roughly convex. The sides and the ridged end are slightly convex. One side and the end slope down towards the base, the other side is vertical. All have large shaping scars. The open end is damaged and fragmentary. The stone has broken and worn along the weaker cleavage planes. Possibly same as 3315:6 & 3315:17. Max extant dimensions 50.2 x 28.5 (+) x 12.9-5.3 (rim-interior) cm. Interior concave face 43.0 x 20.0 (+) cm. Depth interior approx. 4.7 cm.",10/4/1999 00:00:00,, "3315",2.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder, possible Smoother (barely used or preform). Possible Weight. Spherical, with two flattish faces, cobble of light grey limestone. One circular flat face is slightly smoothed in the centre, with pitting and scarring towards the edges. The opposite face is broken and irregular, with large scars extending down one side and obscured by gypsum crystals. The wide circumference is entirely pitted. Intact, a good example. Diameter 8.65-8.5 cm. Thickness 7.1 cm. Smooth face diameter 6.45-6.0 cm. Weight approx. (kitchen scale) 780 gm.",10/4/1999 00:00:00,, "3315",3.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Large Smoother/Pounder. Sub cuboid cobble of light grey limestone, partly silicified. One face (originally rectangular?) has been worn smooth and slightly convex. No striations are visible and it is slightly pitted near the centre. Above the pitting is an oval area of brown residue, possibly from floor. Two corners and one side of the face are very scarred, forming a rectangle with one gabled side. The opposite face and the two ends are convex and entirely pitted. The two sides are pitted and deeply scarred from edge percussion. Dimensions 12.0 x 9.45 x 7.2 cm. Smooth face 11.2 x 8.85 cm. Brown residue 6.65 x 5.3 cm.",10/4/1999 00:00:00,, "3315",4.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder. Drop-shaped nodule of mottled grey flint with light grey cortex and red-brown sub cortex. Entire surface pitted and scarred, with scarring invasive across the faces mostly from edge pounding. The three rounded corners, especially the more narrow one are abraded/ground. Intact, a good example. Dimensions 6.95 x 6.35 x 4.4 cm.",10/4/1999 00:00:00,, "3315",5.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pebble Pounder. Sub ovoid pebble of dark grey, fine grained igneous stone. Possibly basalt. One face is flat, the opposite is convex. They are both naturally weathered smooth (which has possibly been accentuated in us by fingers). The thick sides and ends are pitted and scarred, with some abrading. Intact. Dimensions 5.2 x 4.4 x 2.8 cm.",10/4/1999 00:00:00,, "3315",6.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Two fragments of grindstone or grinder. Very worn sub-trapezoidal pieces of light brown sandstone with small-medium sand grains. No extant surfaces. Possibly part of grindstone 3315:1. Dimensions largest 11.6 x 6.1 x 5.2; 10.3 x 7.1 x 4.2 cm.",10/4/1999 00:00:00,, "3315",7.00,"STONE","DISC LID","Stone oval, either a poorly made lid, or a tool or net weight. Oval (not circular) flattish piece of whitish oolitic limestone. Both faces are roughly ground flat, the convex edges are rounded and appear pitted. They slope slightly towards each other at one side. One face has a line of pitting across the centre meeting one indented edge. Dimensions 10.3 x 8.75 x 2.25-1.55 cm. 211.9 gm.",10/4/1999 00:00:00,, "3315",8.00,"FOSSIL ECHINOID","POUNDER","Echinoid fossil probably used as Pounder. Oval piece of light grey limestone with (slightly asymmetric) radiating fossil markings on convex face and central (convex) anus on the flat face. One end of both faces and the rounded circumference is pitted and scarred. Intact, a good example. Diameter 5.55-5.1 cm. Thickness 2.75 cm. 89.1 gm.",10/4/1999 00:00:00,, "3315",9.00,"STONE","TOOL","Pebble Chopper or Pounder. Circular flat pebble of light grey limestone with pronounced horizontal cleavage and numerous hollows. Most of the narrow convex edge is scarred. Intact. Diameter 4.65-4.5 cm. Thickness 1.7 cm.",10/4/1999 00:00:00,, "3315",10.00,"PLASTER","DOMED LID","Small, slightly domed lid of whitish plaster. Thin, with one face only slightly convex, the other flat. One part of the edge is thin and chipped. Diameter 4.5-4.45 cm. Max. thickness 0.95 cm.",10/4/1999 00:00:00,, "3315",11.00,"PLASTER","DOMED LID","Small light grey plaster lid, one face flat, the other slightly convex, with the edges gently bevelled to the circumference. Intact. Diameter 7.1-7.0 cm. Thickness 2.1 cm.",10/4/1999 00:00:00,, "3315",12.00,"FOSSIL BIVALVE","POUNDER","Fossil bivalve used as Pounder. Light grey limestone. The two convex faces are partly pitted and scarred. The entire edge, especially the hinge is very scarred. Intact, a good example. Shell L: 3.85; W: 4.45; T: 3.2 cm.",10/4/1999 00:00:00,, "3315",13.00,"STONE","DOMED LID","Lid, or possible smoother. Piece of light grey limestone carefully shaped into a dome-shape, with numerous shell fossils and worm holes. One face has been worn flat, with very smooth upper zones in between natural (all?) hollows. Any striations that may be on the smoothed area are obscured by the inclusions. The opposite face is slightly convex with three worm holes near the sloping edges. Intact. Diameter 8.6-8.5 cm. Thickness 3.7 cm. Weight (some sand in hollows) 314.2 gm.",10/4/1999 00:00:00,, "3315",14.00,"PLASTER","DOMED LID","Small white plaster lid, oval in plan, one face slightly convex, the other flat but curving up at the circumference. Flat face has wide incised line and two circular scars. Intact. Diameter 5.35-4.9 cm Thickness 2.3 cm.",10/4/1999 00:00:00,, "3315",15.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder fragment, possibly reused as chopper/scraper. Sub-oval piece of light brown sandstone with medium sand grains. Obviously chipped off a larger stone with one face flat and the other angled and scarred along the thicker side. The three convex thin edges are scarred/worn. Possibly utilised? Dimensions 7.9 x 5.3 x 1.9 cm.",10/4/1999 00:00:00,, "3315",16.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/chopper. Tapered rectangular fragment of dark grey, close grained igneous stone. Probably basalt. One rectangular face has been worn very smooth and flat, with obvious unidirectional striations across the width. All its edges, especially the ends, are scarred. The opposite face is slightly convex, with sloping sides. The main rectangular area has been slightly smooth, with fine unidirectional striations across the width. The sides are pitted. One convex end is smaller than the other. A good example. Dimensions 8.25 x 6.45-4.75 x 2.4-2.0 cm. Ends 6.2 x 2.1; 4.75 x 2.0 cm. 219.6 gm",10/4/1999 00:00:00,, "3315",17.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Fragment of grindstone with rounded rim. Sub-square piece of light brown sandstone, with medium sand grains and rare shell grit. Triangular in section. One face is concave and pitted, with a thick raised rim on an extant slightly convex edge. On the rim is a patch of dark green residue, possibly algae. The opposite face is convex and irregular, with the two faces tapering towards each other opposite the rim. The two broken edges are straight and vertical. Possibly same as 3315:1. Dimensions 9.45 x 8.7 x 6.9-1.8 cm.",10/4/1999 00:00:00,, "3315",18.00,"STONE","CHOPPER","Chopper or knife. Deliberately shaped like a wide knife, the cortex providing a rounded a grip (similar in style to a flint tile knife). Sub rectangular cobble of dark grey, igneous stone with close grained matrix and larger greenish crystals. Possibly porphyritic basalt. The cortex is thick, smoothish and light yellowish brown with numerous small hollows. The cortex remains on one end of one side and the larger end. The other end of the same side is flat and pitted. The two faces are fairly flat, one slightly convex, the other concave. The faces are pitted and the long slightly convex edge scarred, with a large scar in the centre (notch). The smaller end is pitted and scarred. Intact, a very good example and unusual stone for type. Length 9.6; width cortex end 5.9; small end 2.65; thickness cortex end 2.55; small end 1.3 cm. Ends W: 5.05; 2.55 cm. 169.8 gm.",10/4/1999 00:00:00,, "3315",19.00,"FOSSIL BIVALVE","POUNDER","Bivalve fossil used as Pounder. Sub oval piece of light grey limestone, with two convex faces of shell fossil, and an additional jutting triangular piece of limestone on one face above the hinge. Parts of the two faces and the hinge edge is pitted. The hinge edge and the jutting section is also scarred. The narrow convex edge is almost untouched. Intact. Shell L: 4.75; W: 4.95; T: 3.3-2.9 (with-without jutting section) cm.",10/4/1999 00:00:00,, "3315",20.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pebble Pestle. Oval pebble of light grey limestone with naturally weathered surface. One face is slightly concave, the other convex. One narrow end is scarred. Intact. Dimensions 4.8 x 3.1 x 1.55 cm. Scarred end L: 1.45 cm. 31.1 gm.",10/4/1999 00:00:00,, "3316",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed but mostly bivalve clam. 7 bivalves show consistent angled breakages: where bashed open?",10/4/1999 00:00:00,, "3316",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mostly large fishbone.",10/4/1999 00:00:00,, "3316",3.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Part of small oval grinder, or possibly of grindstone. About three quarters preserved; one corner broken off at angle. Very worn light brown sandstone with medium sand grains. One face is roughly flat, with shallow scars near the rounded and straight edges. The other face is naturally undulating. The extant slightly convex edges are rounded. Dimensions 7.1 x 6.7 x 3.65 cm,",10/4/1999 00:00:00,, "3316",4.00,"STONE","PIERCED STONE","Probable Weight for fishing etc. Coral fossil lump with centrally drilled hole. Possibly used as net weight? Triangular piece of light creamy-grey limestone with lumpy surface. One face is flattish. Hole the same diameter as that for bitumen beads. Dimensions 4.75 x 4.4 x 2.8 cm. Hole diameter 0.6 cm. 26.2 gm.",10/4/1999 00:00:00,, "3316",5.00,"BITUMEN","BEAD","Sub-spherical bead with large central hole. The smoothish surface is now slightly pitted. The hole is slightly flared out at one end. The bead has broken away at an angle. There are some vegetable inclusions and impressions. Diameter 2.2-2.15 cm. Length 1.75 cm. Hole diameter 0.6 cm. 3.5 gm.",10/4/1999 00:00:00,, "3320",1.00,"PLASTER","TOOL","Tool of hard grey plaster, apparently, if improbably, used as a grinding instrument, incorporating a small area used as a mortar. Long, with one convex and one flat end. Sides mostly broken away, but extant edge straight, with patch of light pitting, and in the centre a small, circular hollow. Flat end worn smooth, with unidirectional striations across the width of the face, and over the side edges. The opposite face is convex, slightly softer and worn. Dimensions 9.5 x 5.9 x 2.5-1.2 cm. Hole diameter: top 0.6; bottom 0.25 cm.",6/5/1999 00:00:00,, "3320",2.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder made from fragment of grinder/mortar fragment. Sub-triangular to oval piece of light brown sandstone with very small sand grains. One face has been worn flat, with scattered pitting and smooth upper zones with coarse multidirectional striations (perpendicular to straight sides). Covering much of the face is obvious brown (high clay content) and some green (algae?) residue. The opposite face is irregular and naturally undulating. Part of the original convex side/end with rounded edge is extant, the other broken edges being fairly vertical. Dimensions 10.0 x 8.7 x 4.5-1.7 cm.",6/5/1999 00:00:00,, "3501",1.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Possible Smoother/Pounder. Sub spherical nodule of grey crystalline limestone. One face is flattened, possibly through use, and a slightly darker colour. The opposite face is convex. The entire surface is covered in natural hollows. The convex face and the rounded sides/circumference are lightly pitted and worn. Intact. Diameter 5.25-5.1; thickness 4.55 cm.",8/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3501",2.00,"BONE","HORN","Broken horn core, in three joining fragments. Curved and broken at each end, with the beginnings of tapering for attachment at one end. Dimensions 1. 22.2 x 3.25 x 2.0 cm. Curve of horn roughly equivalent to 26 cm on diameter chart.",8/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3501",3.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Fragment of grindstone or stone bowl. Sub-triangular piece of light grey limestone with carefully shaped surfaces. One face has been worn slightly concave, with the extant edge being convex. The lower face/base is flat with gently sloping sides up to the upper edge. The object is fairly thin (therefore broken) between the upper and lower faces. The extant edge is partly blackened. Dimensions 11.15 x 8.6 x 3.9-1.7 cm. Approx. diameter 30 cm.",9/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3501",4.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Fragment of grindstone. Large sub-triangular piece of light brown sandstone. The upper part has fine sand grains, the lower part has coarse grains and shell fragments. The upper surface has been worn concave and fairly smooth, with worn pecking. It has an oval shaped edge, created by one roughly chiselled sloping side. The other extant side is vertical, the base is irregular. Dimensions 16.0 x 14.0 x 11.9 cm. Concave oval surface dimensions 13.2 x 8.6 cm, depth 0.7 cm.",10/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3501",5.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed.",11/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3501",6.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Possible Mortar/Grindstone fragment or Pounder. Ovoid piece of purplish sandstone with small sand grains. Worn surface. The flattish upper face has a large concave zone of concentrated pecking/pitting. The other face is flat and probably weathered smoothish, with a deep natural hollow. The convex and the two straight vertical edges are entirely pitted or very weathered. It is possible that a Mortar/Grindstone fragment, being of a handy size, was reused briefly as a Pounder. Dimensions 9.9 x 8.8 x 3.8 cm.",11/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3501",7.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Fragment of grindstone. Large irregular/sub-oval piece of light brown sandstone with mixed sand grains, gravel, small pebbles and shell fragments. The upper (main) face was worn flattish, curving up at one end (the original side?). The surface is smooth in between pitted marks and worn hollows from fallen out inclusions and matrix. The other main face is flattish-irregular. One broken edge is straight and flat, the other is irregular. The two broken ends are irregular, with one thicker than the other. Dimensions 25.5 x 16.2 x 9.0-6.3 (thick end-centre) cm. Present max. depth main face 0.6 cm.",11/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3501",8.00,"BONE","BONES","2 fragments mixed.",11/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3501",9.00,"PLASTER","RENDER FRAGS","Five flat fragments of light grey plaster, presumably from render. All have one smooth face and the other rougher. Largest dimensions 6.5 x 5.3 x 1.2 cm.",11/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3501",10.00,"STONE","PEBBLE","Natural pebble of light grey limestone. Sub ovoid, with one flattish end. It has a large circular hole beside the convex end, with a pink deposit within it, and partly inside a smaller hollow below it. Weird but natural, the hole a fossilized worm hole, the deposit unknown. Dimensions 3.0 x 3.0x 1.85 cm. Hole diameter 1.0-0.8 (other face) cm.",28/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3502",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed.",11/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3502",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed.",10/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3502",3.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Grindstone fragment. Saddle-shaped. Sub-rectangular piece of light brown sandstone. One face has been worn slightly concave with scattering of small pitting. The opposite face (base) is convex with central rounded angle (saddle). The extant edges are rounded, with the end near vertical. Part of the edge and the base has been fire blackened. Dimensions 12.6 x 6.1 x 3.5 cm. Depth of worked surface 0.4 cm.",10/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3502",4.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","General. 371.5 gm.",13/4/1998 00:00:00,, "3502",5.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Missing 1998",13/4/1998 00:00:00,, "3502",6.00,"STONE","MORTAR","Possible small mortar or door-socket, perhaps made from a grindstone fragment. Sub-rectangular piece of light brown limestone with tiny sand hollows. Upper face is domed, with large circular hollow pecked into the surface, off-centre and adjacent to one side. The hollow is simple and concave. The rectangular base is smoothish and flat. The other faces are pitted. One straight, long side, directly below the hollow, is low and flat. The other side is higher and slightly concave, perhaps an old grindstone surface. The two ends are slightly convex. Overall dimensions 9.15 x 6.7 x 5.3 cm. Upper hollow diameter 7.0 x 4.75 cm (x 5.0 cm when measured edge to edge when object tilted to horizontal). Hollow depth 1.7 cm.",14/1/1998 00:00:00,, "3502",7.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Small grindstone, or fragment of larger one. Upper face has been worn smooth and flat. It has very fine unidirectional striations running parallel to the extant length. The two convex edges are pitted, the possibly broken straight edges are slightly scarred. The lower face is rough, and slopes up towards one end of the stone. Dimensions 17.5 x 11.9 x 6.8-3.5 cm. Upper face dimensions 13.6 c 11.9 cm.",15/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3502",8.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Fragment of grindstone or grinder. Perhaps a grindstone fragment reused as a grinder. Sub- rectangular chunky piece of light brown sandstone with medium sand grains, and an inner band of coarse sand and shell fragments. One face has been worn very smooth and flat, perhaps a grinder face. The opposite face is slightly concave and is pecked, perhaps a grindstone face. The two possible extant sides are straight and near vertical. Max. dimensions 12.7 x 8.0 x 7.7 cm. Flat face dimensions 8.7 x 7.8 cm. Concave face dimensions 9.8 x 6.2 cm. Concavity depth 0.2 cm.",15/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3502",9.00,"STONE","SAMPLE","Possible Smoother. Elongated triangular piece of dark greyish-green, close grained stone with scatter of dark spots, and horizontal bedding planes. Unusual stone, a type of mudstone? The surface, except for one flattish end, is worn and has a dull rippled patina-cortex. Both main faces are flattish. One of the narrow long sides has fine unidirectional striations along its length. The other side has a small recent scar beside the flattish end. One patinated end has rounded point, the other has been broken in antiquity and worn flattish-sloping. Dimensions 10.3 x 5.5 x 2.3-1.3 cm.",15/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3502",10.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Small Pounder. Sub ovoid large pebble, with rounded triangular section, of dark grey, medium grained igneous stone. Possibly dolerite. The three flat faces and the rounded edges are pitted and slightly scarred. The two slightly convex triangular ends have the most wear, with one being much smaller than the other. The smallest end is entirely pitted. The other end is pitted and deeply scarred. Dimensions 5.2 x 4.1-2.6 x 3.6 cm. Dimensions small end 2.6 x 2.0 cm; large end 4.1 x 4.0 cm.",15/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3502",11.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Pounder/Smoother. Sub ovoid piece of dark grey close grained igneous stone. Probably basalt. Two adjoining faces smoothed flat (natural surfaces?) with a rounded edge between them. The largest has later slight pecking in the central zone. The opposite face has a naturally smooth surface, with an old worn angled break across its centre. The two convex ends are pitted, with one being sub square in shape. One flattish side face is scarred, and all other angled edges are pitted and scarred. Dimensions 7.6 x 6.1 x 5.25 cm.",15/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3502",12.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Sub ovoid lump of copper, broken into three fragments. Bumpy surface and bright green core. Largest dimensions 1.5 x 1.0 x 0.8 cm.",15/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3503",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed. 2 articulated mammal vertebrae and on unusual bone that tapers to a broken point.",19/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3503",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed.",15/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3503",3.00,,,"NOT USED",1/7/1998 00:00:00,, "3503",4.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder, or possible threshold stone. Sub-rectangular flat and thin slab of light grey, coarse farush limestone. Numerous shell fragments, hollows and natural holes. The upper face is flat and smooth, with shell worn flat. The lower face is naturally flat but has undulating inclusions. The edges are vertical. Dimensions 21.8 x 3.5 x 2.2-2.9 cm.",15/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3503",5.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Lentoid tag of fine grey clay with white inclusions, originally with string through long axis. One end now broken away, apparently from around knot. Upper surface smoothed, badly worn circular impression partly visible. Motifs include a horned animal with its head turned back over its shoulder (?) and to its right the lower part of a human figure with a long skirt, facing left. Between the figures is a jar (?). Reverse: Convex, smooth. The bulla is crossed with fine cracks. Extant dimensions 3.6 x 2.95 x 1.47 cm. Estimated diameter of seal 1.8 cm.",16/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3503",6.00,"STONE","FRAG","Building stone. Sub rectangular slab of light grey limestone. One large face and the pointed end are naturally irregular. The other face has been weathered smooth with slight ripples. Two sides have been roughly shaped, and the end has been chopped flat. From occupation. Dimensions 17.5 x 14.5 x 8.8 cm. Discarded.",16/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3503",7.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Strip of copper. Roughly diamond-shaped, with small lumps on the two flattish faces. Dimensions 1.8 x 1.3 x 0.6 cm.",16/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3503",8.00,"CLAY","FRAG","HARRIET: NOTE DOWNGRADED TO FRAG. Sub-rectangular piece of light grey-green clay with occasional tiny white flecks. One surface carefully smoothed, surface flaking from the other. The surface has numerous vegetable impressions. Dimensions 2.63 x 1.91 x 1.16 cm.",16/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3503",9.00,"CLAY","FRAG","Conical lump of light green clay with several white inclusions. One face has been shorn circular and flat, the sides are irregular and convex, tapering to a broken edge. Height 2.2; width 2.85; thickness 2.25 cm. Diameter of flat face 2.0 cm.",16/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3503",10.00,"POTTERY","VAT BASE","Base of large ribbed storage vessel. Pink clay with grit temper. Disc-base, slightly raised around the edges. Hole through centre. Bitumen adhering to inside, goes over break, so either accidental or pertaining to re-use of the base once broken off its pot. Bitumen is flaking off into fragments. Diameter 14 cm. Hole diameter 2.4 (base side) ; 2.0 (inside) cm. Extant height (without bitumen) 4.3 cm. Piece of bitumen given to Jacques Connan for analysis Nov. 98. Sample of the bitumen given to Pierre Lombard for bitumen analysis Nov. 98",15/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3504",1.00,"BITUMEN","BEAD","Spherical bead with large central hole. Smooth surface, with some small hollows and damage beside one of the holes. Surface covered in thin brown sediment. Diameter 2.3; length 1.9 cm.",15/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3504",2.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Grindstone. Unknown whether complete or fragment. Rectangular slab of light grey-brown farush limestone. Inclusions of numerous tiny gastropod and other shell fragments. Upper (main) face is rectangular and worn slightly concave. The surface is smooth in between pitting and hollows from fallen out inclusions. Other (base) face is flattish with undulating inclusions. One side (extant?) is slightly convex, the other is straightish. Both sides are vertical with occasional vertical chisel marks. One thinner end is straight, the other thicker end is convex, rounded and slightly worn. Dimensions 24.5 x 17.0 x 5.3-2.9 (corner edge-broken opposite corner) cm. Depth concavity main face 0.7 cm.",21/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3504",3.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Grindstone corner fragment. Sub-rectangular piece of light brown-grey sandstone with mixed sized sand grains, and occasional shell fragments. The upper (main) rectangular face has been worn concave. The surface is entirely pitted with hollows from fallen out inclusions. The two extant sides form an corner, with a rounded narrow lip. Although one side of the corner is chipped away, the sides are flat-convex with rough shaping scars. The base is shaped flat with rounded large pitting. One broken side is concave, the other is convex, and both are near vertical. Dimensions 16.9 x 13.5 x 7.6-3.25 (corner-opposite broken corner) cm. Max present depth main face 2.1 cm.",21/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3504",4.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Sub-rectangular slab of light grey-brown farush limestone. The stone has numerous large shell and pebble inclusions and hollows from where they have fallen out of the finer matrix. The upper (main) rectangular face has been worn flat, with very smooth areas between the hollows and occasional pitting. The smooth areas at the edges and on the shell fragments show fine unidirectional striations running the length of the face. The other main face is flattish, with undulating inclusions and hollows. It is partly covered in thin white lumpy plaster. One (original?) side is roughly straight and vertical. Both ends are straight, vertical and roughly ground. Dimensions 24.7 x 16.5 x 5.2-4.7 cm.",21/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3504",5.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Sub ovoid large pebble of mottled grey and white, medium grained stone. One face is flattened (slightly convex) and scarred, particularly along one edge. The other convex surfaces are slightly pitted and scarred. Dimensions 5.55 x 3.4 x 4.1 (height) cm. Worked flattish face 5.55 x 2.7 cm.",21/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3504",6.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder fragment worn into a circular piece, possible object. Grey medium grained igneous stone. Possibly basalt or dolerite. One face is concave and the other is flattish. Both are very pitted and scarred. The convex edge/circumference is scarred in a regular way, suggesting deliberate shaping. Dimensions 4.5 x 4.1 x 1.75 cm.",21/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3504",7.00,,,"NOT USED",1/7/1998 00:00:00,, "3504",8.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder/Hammer on (old?) Smoother/Pounder. Wedge-shaped piece of dark close grained igneous stone. Probably basalt. One face is very flat and smooth, with a scattering of tiny pecking. There are very fine unidirectional striations across its width. The opposite face is angular with worn (natural?) scars along both sides and wide end. The narrow end is pointed and scarred. The wide end has scars along part of its sharp angled edges. Both sides are slightly convex, and have been worn smooth, damaged at each end by scarring. L: 7.25; W: 5.2; T: 2.9-2.5 (narrow-wide end) cm.",21/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3504",9.00,"COPPER","WIRE OBJECT","Long piece of copper wire with lumpy surface. Probably part of a fish hook or nail. Dimensions 2.0 x 0.95 x 0.9 cm.",17/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3504",10.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed.",21/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3504",11.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 3504:2. 318.1 gm",13/4/1998 00:00:00,, "3504",12.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 3504:3. 406.4 gm.",13/4/1998 00:00:00,, "3504",13.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 3504:4. 314.3 gm.",13/4/1998 00:00:00,, "3504",14.00,"BONE","ARTICULATED","Fish vertebrae, loose in bag. From floor.",21/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3504",15.00,"BONE","ARTICULATED","Fish vertebrae, loose in bag. From floor.",21/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3504",16.00,"BONE","ARTICULATED","Fish vertebrae, loose in bag. From floor.",21/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3504",17.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Fragment of flat grinder. Sub-cuboid piece of reddish sandstone with fine sand grains. Both main faces are flattish. The smaller face is very flat and was probably the original used upper. It has an angled narrow incision, possible an old whetstone mark, towards one side. There are possibly other fainter incisions near it. Difficult to tell which face was the upper one as stone is worn. There is part of one extant edge which is straight and flat. Dimensions 8.1 x 7.55 x 4.6-3.85 (edge-inner) cm. Large incision length 3.5 cm.",21/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3504",18.00,"PLASTER","RENDER FRAG","Sub-rectangular piece of grey plaster, presumably from wall. One face is nearly flat, the other very convex. Dimensions 6.0 x 5.2 x 1.6 cm.",21/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3504",19.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed.",21/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3504",20.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Two small fragments of bitumen from lining to one or more woven vessels. One side is smooth, the other has impressions of cross woven palm leaf. Largest dimensions 0.86 x 0.6 x 0.2 cm.",21/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3504",21.00,"CLAY","SEALING","AWAITING DRAWING TO ADJUDICATE DESCRIPTIONS Sealing fragment of light grey clay, with a darker area on the smoothed edge. Possible jar sealing. Edge has fingerprints, reverse has one small flat surface and a knot impression. Obverse shows about a quarter of an impression. [Remaining design seems to be a thick border line, possibly with a dog-tooth design along it, and 4 parallel lines at right angles to it. Near the broken edge, probably in the middle of the seal, is a solid circle ROBYN'S DESCRIPTION]. [no clear motifs, perhaps the hindquarters of an animal and a vertical line. HARRIET'S DESCRIPTION]. Dimensions 1.7 x1.56 X 0.75",27/3/1999 00:00:00,, "3505",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed.",18/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3505",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed.",18/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3505",3.00,"PLASTER","RENDER FRAG","Substantial piece of light grey plaster from the corner of a wall. Interior surface is smooth and concave, partly sunken. The other side shows the impression of the wall and its hollows. Dimensions 11.8 x 9.5 x 5.1 cm.",18/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3505",4.00,"PLASTER","RENDER FRAGS","Six fragments of light grey plaster, presumably render fragments. All have one face which is smoothish, and five are from corners. The other face is rough, showing impression of wall surface and hollows. Largest angled corner fragment has a smoother 'set coat', with the rough side retaining part of the ashy plaster mortar of the wall. Dimensions 11.2 x 8.7 x 7.1 cm. Thickness 2.8 cm. Other fragments are of light grey plaster. All are angled with one flat face on the concave side, and rough convex side, probably wall (corner) render. Largest dimensions 9.1 x 7.2 x 2.7 cm.",19/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3505",5.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder, possible Smoother. Sub rectangular piece of dark grey medium grained igneous stone. Possibly dolerite. One main face is very smooth and flat, but this appears to be natural weathering. Parts of this face are pitted, especially around the edges. The other main face is slightly convex and very pitted and scarred. The sides, one straight, one convex, are totally pitted. The two ends, one slightly larger than the other, are also totally pitted and slightly scarred. Intact. Dimensions 6.6 x 5.4 x 3.0 cm. Dimensions small end 4.3 x 2.6-1.9 cm; large end 4.7 x 2.8 cm.",21/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3505",6.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Curved sub triangular piece of copper. Irregular lumpy surfaces. Dimensions 2.0 x 1.35 x 1.0 cm.",21/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3505",7.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Fragment of Pounder. Continued to be used after broken. Sub ovoid piece of grey limestone. Extant main face is long and convex, and entirely pitted. Its edges are scarred. The two broken faces are also pitted, but less densely. The sub oval large end is flat and pitted. The other end has a concave tip, a possible old scar. Dimensions 12.0 x 7.0 x 5.9 cm.",21/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3505",8.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Fragment of grinder, possibly double sided. Sub-square piece of light brown sandstone with medium sand grains and occasional small shell fragments. Two opposing faces have been worn flat at an angle to each other making them meet at one thin ragged edge. Both faces are pecked, with hollows also formed by shell fragments. The two extant straight sides form a corner. The thickest side is vertical with rounded edges. The other is triangular in section, and tapers down towards one face (the lower one?). The possible lower face has larger shell fragments. Max. dimensions 13.3 x 11.3 x 4.05 cm.",21/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3505",9.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Axe/Chopper/Hammer or Pounder fragment. Slightly wedge-shaped piece of dark grey medium grained igneous stone. Possibly dolerite. One main face is convex and pitted. The opposite face is very scarred, making it concave beside the now thin, wide, slightly convex end. This may have been useful for chopping. The other end is smaller, flattish and rectangular. The sides are straight and vertical, one may be largely naturally formed. The entire surface is worn, with a pitted appearance. L: 9.0; W: 6.0-5.0; T: 3.8 (max) cm. Dimensions small end 5.0 x 2.9; large end 6.0 x 0.5 (max) cm.",21/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3505",10.00,"STONE","TOOL","Pick or large tool fragment. Rectangular piece, with triangular section, of dark grey, close grained, igneous stone. Possibly basalt. Three long faces are flattish with a rough surface. The side edges of the largest one are scarred. The two triangular ends have remnant slightly convex smooth surfaces (probably natural). One end is smaller than the other. Both have continuous scarring along the longest edge, the deepest being on the largest end where one corner is a large scar. Dimensions 13.4 x 7.3 x 4.1-3.4 cm. Dimensions small end 6.1 x 3.3; large end 7.7 x 3.6 cm.",21/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3512",1.00,"PLASTER","PIERCED DISC","Disc of light grey plaster, with central hole. Both faces are smooth and convex, with one having a slightly darker area of plaster and a chipped edge. The edges are rounded. The hole is round, with vague vertical marks, presumably made by a stick. Diameter 8.8-8.6 cm. Thickness 3.9 cm.",24/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3512",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed. Includes one cuttlefish fragment.",24/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3512",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed.",24/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3512",4.00,"PLASTER","DOMED LID","Light grey plaster lid, one flat face and one convex. Fairly worn surfaces, and two opposing edges broken. Diameter 7.05 cm. Thickness 2.8 cm.",24/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3512",5.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Fragment of grindstone. Sub-rectangular piece of light brown, small-medium grained sandstone, with rare shell fragments. One main face has been worn flat with scattered pitting. The other face is irregular and worn. The two sides are vertical, one being straight, the other convex. One end is straight and vertical, the other is narrower and convex. Dimensions 11.25 x 6.9 x 5.8 cm.",24/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3512",6.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Possible grindstone fragment, very worn. Pointed oval piece of light brown-grey limestone with tiny sand hollows. Both main faces are very worn, one is concave, the other flat. The concave face, which is obscured by sediment, may have been the original grinding surface. One side (original?) is thicker, convex and near vertical. It has vertical chisel marks. The other side is convex, very thin and chipped. Dimensions 21.4 x 11.5 x 5.5-0.6 (original?-chipped) cm.",24/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3512",7.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Fragment. Sub-oval piece of light brown-grey sandstone with mixed sand grains, occasional tiny pebbles, and large shell fragments. The upper (main) face has been worn concave, with a sloping centre (now broken edge) which rises steeply to the original side. The surface is pitted, with numerous hollows from fallen out inclusions. The other main face (base) is flattish with undulating inclusions. The extant side is at one end of the fragment. It is straight and vertical. The two sides of the fragment are convex/irregular and vertical, converging to a point. Dimensions 17.0 x 10.0 x 8.0-2.7 cm (original side-broken centre) cm.",24/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3512",8.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Fragment of grindstone, or perhaps vessel or whetstone. Unique. Sub-triangular piece of light grey quartzite, with the appearance of fine, clean plaster. One main face is flat at the wider end, with flat shallow marks with angled edges ground onto the surface. The face is concave at the pointed end with small natural hollows from fallen out grains. The other main face is flat with a pointed, slightly deeper flat mark at the wide end (similarly ground as the others). There are unidirectional striations at an angle across the stone, and across the edges of the sides. All sides are near vertical and roughly straight. Dimensions 11.4 x 8.3-2.4 x 4.0-2.0 (wide flat end-concave pointed end) cm.",24/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3512",9.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Fragment of Smoother? Sub triangular, chunky fragment of grey limestone. One main face is worn very flat (naturally?), with shallow, fairly wide, unidirectional striations across the width of the fragment. There is older pitting (probably natural) is areas. The other four faces are naturally irregular. Dimensions 8.35 x 6.2 x 5.5 cm. Smooth face 8.35 x 4.7 cm.",24/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3512",10.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Worn fragment of grinder. Light brown sandstone, small sand grains at top, larger and occasional shell fragments lower down. Remnant upper flattish face with scatter of pitting. Irregular worn base and convex sides. Dimensions 6.4 x 4.9 x 4.2 cm. Flat face dimensions 6.3 x 4.1 cm.",24/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3512",11.00,"SHELL","PIERCED BIVALVE","Pearl oyster shell with large irregular central hole. Shell height 5.05; width 4.4; thickness (hinge) 0.9 cm. Hole dimensions 1.7 x 1.3 cm.",28/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3512",12.00,"FOSSIL BIVALVE","POUNDER","Pounder on bivalve fossil. Sub spherical piece of light grey limestone ex-fossil. Entire surface is pitted, and especially concentrated where the circumference is wide, and once the bivalve hinge. Diameter 3.6; thickness 3.4 cm.",31/3/1998 00:00:00,, "3534",4.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder fragment. Quarter spheroid of light grey limestone. Probably the stone was spherical before breaking. Extant convex surface is entirely pitted. The broken faces are irregular. Dimensions 7.35 x 5.85 x 5.05 cm. Approx. diameter of original spheroid 7.35 cm.",20/4/1998 00:00:00,, "3535",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed.",15/4/1998 00:00:00,, "3535",2.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Fill of tannur 3521. Area 401. 4 large bags, not weighted. 251.1gms extra sample kept aside for Australia analysis 1998.",15/4/1998 00:00:00,, "3538",1.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Fill of pit cut 3539. Area 401. Packed into 2 large bags. Not weighed, 229.51 gm extra kept aside for Australia analysis 1998.",15/4/1998 00:00:00,, "3600",1.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Oval grinder, or possibly grindstone. Intact. Heavy, dark grey igneous stone with medium pale inclusions. Possibly dolerite? The stone was roughly shaped with the entire surface pitted. One sub-rectangular face has been worn flat and fairly smooth over the pitting. The wear curves down at each end. There are fine unidirectional striations across the width of the surface. The sides are scarred, especially one. Intact. Unusual stone for this tool. Weight 4.91 kg. Dimensions 23.7 x 16.6 x 6.01-5.5 cm.",13/2/1999 00:00:00,, "3600",2.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder. Sub spherical, with tow flat faces, nodule of dark grey, close grained igneous stone. Sandpapery feel. Probably basalt. There is a thin brown coating on parts of the surface (natural salts?). Two faces have been worn smooth and flat. One has been used for a long time, curving down at one side; the other (2) has been barely used. There are fine multidirectional striations visible at the edges of both faces. The wide convex circumference/sides are partially scarred, perhaps naturally, and the higher parts abraded and pitted (a light grey colour). Three of the scars are very large, making the sides irregular. Dimensions 6.55 x 6.55 x 5.35 cm. Smoothed faces (1) 6.25 x 5.4 cm; (2) 4.35 x 3.3 cm. Weight 394.0 gm.",13/2/1999 00:00:00,, "3600",3.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Retouched Blade. Sickle blade? Sickle-shaped blade flake of glossy brown flint with large spots of light brown. Remnant creamy-brown cortex on narrow dorsal face near proximal end. Proximal end has been reworked, the termination is hinged. The concave edge has fine retouch/use wear, as does the tip. The steeper convex-straight edge has more irregular retouch/use wear. The distal end remains undamaged. Intact, unusual tool. L: 3.45; W: 1.9; T: 0.7 cm. Concave edge to tip L: 2.85 cm. Convex edge L: 2.2 cm.",13/2/1999 00:00:00,, "4001",1.00,"STEATITE","SEAL","Seal of light grey steatite with traces of glaze. Edge concave (Failaka Var. 2) Intermediate Style? Reverse has two 2 incised lines at right angles to perforation and four incised circles with central dot. Design (worn): Seated human figure on left, facing right, one arm holding the neck of a horned animal in centre of seal. Back legs not visible. Pot/fish motif between them in field. 2nd horned animal, poorly preserved, on right rim of seal, possible traces of 3rd animal below. Diameter: 2 cm. Height: 1 cm.",9/1/1993 00:00:00,"Y", "4001",2.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder? Fragment of rounded end of black close grained stone. Found in sand infill to room. Dimensions: 3.6 x 3.4 x 1.3 cm.",9/1/1993 00:00:00,, "4001",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. Found in sand infill in room.",9/1/1993 00:00:00,, "4001",4.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Thirty-eight bitumen fragments from lining to one or more woven vessels. Impressions of cross-weave. Dimensions: 0.5 - 2.0 cm.",9/1/1993 00:00:00,, "4001",5.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. Found in sand infill in room.",10/1/1993 00:00:00,, "4001",6.00,"POTTERY","PLATE","Large plate restored from two sherds, three-quarters extant. Base worn but complete. Orange-red clay, buff surface. Temper of grit and fine vegetable matter. Rounded rim, straight sloping sides, flat concave small base. Smooth interior surface. Exterior, and possibly interior has yellow-buff slip. Uneven interior surface near base. Height 4.8 cm. Rim di. (reconstruc.): c. 34 cm. Ba di. 5.2 cm",5/1/1993 00:00:00,, "4006",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. infill to street.",18/1/1993 00:00:00,, "4006",2.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Possible Smoother. Trapezoid fragment of coarse grained black stone. Two faces are worn smooth. infill to street. Dimensions: 9.2 x 9.3 x 4.2 cm.",18/1/1993 00:00:00,, "4007",1.00,"POTTERY","TANNUR","Tannur fragments, heavily salt-encrusted. Red clay. Not measurable.",20/1/1993 00:00:00,, "4009",1.00,"POTTERY","BOWL","Deep bowl. About a quarter of rim and body extant - profile to near base. Hard pink clay, paler surface in, buff slip out. Rim flattened on top, forming ledge inside and out. Body drops vertically then rounds inwards. Pres. Ht. 16.0, rim di. (reconstruc.) c. 30cms",22/4/1997 00:00:00,, "4009",2.00,"POTTERY","PLATE","Deep plate. Scant profile, of all but centre of base. Soft greenish clay, with pieces of ?grog. Rim bevelled, side straight, low ring-base. Ht. 7.2, rim di. c. 25 - 27 (reconstruc.), ba. di. (reconstruc.) c. 5 cm",22/4/1997 00:00:00,, "4011",1.00,"BONE","FISH","Complete articulated fish skull.",16/2/1994 00:00:00,, "4011",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. infill to room.",25/1/1993 00:00:00,, "4013",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, infill.",26/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4016",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. Sieved occupation deposit. HOUSE 205. 1 bag from: Square B. Square J. Square L. Square M.",28/1/1993 00:00:00,, "4016",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. Sieved. From occupation deposit. HOUSE 205. 1 bag from: Square B. Square E. Square G. Square J. Square L. Square M.",28/1/1993 00:00:00,, "4016",3.00,"ORGANIC","DATE","Half a date pip. Broken longitudinally and hollow. Square L. Dimensions: 1.5 x 0.8 x 0.4 cm. Wgt 0.4 gm.",28/1/1993 00:00:00,, "4016",4.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Grindstone fragment. Triangular fragment of light brown sandstone with coarse grains and hollow areas. Upper surface worn smooth and concave. It is covered with wiggly unidirectional striations between the sand grains. These run parallel to the extant edge of the stone. The extant edge is rounded at the top and roughly vertical. The base is irregular but almost flat. One broken side has a large natural hollow. From sieved deposit.",31/1/1993 00:00:00,," [NEEDS BETTER DESCRIP.] Dimensions: 29.8 x 25.0 x 5.0-9.9 cm." "4016",5.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Flotation sample from occupation deposit. 12 buckets.",7/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4017",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. Sieved. Contents of pit. 1 bag from: Square J. Square L.",28/1/1993 00:00:00,, "4017",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. Sieved. From pit fill. 1 bag from: Square J. (See worked shell 4017:10). Square L.",28/1/1993 00:00:00,, "4017",3.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Flotation sample from occupation deposit. Square M. 4 buckets. 5.6mm",8/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4017",4.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Scraper/Core. Sub rectangular wide cortical flake of brown flint with creamy-white cortex. Scarred striking platform and feather termination. Unifacial retouch on 2 side edges, all struck from ventral surface making it a possible core. Bifacial retouch or scarring on the distal edge. Intact. From sieved deposit. Square J. L: 3.5, W: 4.4, T: 1.8 cm.",2/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4017",5.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Fragment of copper with small areas of brown (iron/rust?). Circular lump with many small narrow spikes jutting from the edge. Similar to hub-shape of beads in Ur classification. One face has the remains of a possible broken off attachment. Square J. Dimensions: 1.3 x 1.3 x 0.5 cm.",2/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4017",6.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder/Core. Sub ovoid nodule of dark brown flint with creamy-white cortex. Several abraded areas and flake scars, probably from pounding, mainly around the circumference. Intact. From an occupation deposit. Square J. Dimensions: 56.5 x 5.1 x 4.5 cm.",6/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4017",7.00,"STONE","DISC LID","Oval lid of light grey, coarse-grained stone. Re-used as pounder, or deliberately shaped by abrading. One surface convex, the opposite one roughly flattish. Some zones appear polished but this is probably patina. Irregular, rounded circumference is abraded and scarred. There are several blobs of bitumen on almost all the surfaces, dripped on after the object was shaped. Intact. Diameter: 9.7-10.1 cm. Height: 3.7-4.8 cm.",5/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4017",8.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Grindstone fragment, double sided. Possibly reused as pounder. Chunky rectangular fragment of light brown sandstone. Both upper and lower surfaces worn smooth. These show rough pecking and unidirectional striations across the width of the fragment. The extant edge is vertical with concentrated pecking in the centre (where reused as pounder?). Dimensions 8.3 x 7.6 x 6.0-7.6 cm.",5/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4017",9.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Spherical nodule of light grey limestone. Entire surface abraded. Intact. From sieved occupation deposit. Square J. Dimensions: 5.6 x 5.5 x 5.5 cm.",6/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4017",10.00,"SHELL","PIERCED BIVALVE","Pearl oyster shell with large sub-oval hole cut into it. Length of shell 5.1, width 5.1 cm. Hole 2.2 x 1.4 x 0.2 cm.",2/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4017",11.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Flotation sample from occupation deposit. Square H. 4 buckets.",8/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4018",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Flotation sample from fill of basin. 1.5 buckets.",10/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4018",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. From sieved fill of basin.",7/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4018",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone from sieved fill of basin.",7/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4018",4.00,"CLAY","BALL","Ball of burnt dark brown clay, roughly spherical, much of surface broken away. Perhaps a stopper. Diameter: 3.2 cm. Height: 2.35 cm.",7/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4018",5.00,"ORGANIC","DATE","Two broken date pips, surviving as two large and five tiny fragments. Carbonised. Dimensions largest fragment 1.1 x 0.5 x 0.4 cm. Total Wgt 0.3 gm.",7/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4018",6.00,"POTTERY","COOKING POT","Cooking pot. Profile to near base. Brown clay, sandy temper, pink surface out. Some smoke-blackening, but at least partly post-depositional, as colour-change extant between breaks. Rim thickened and slightly turned up. body globular. Pres. ht. 15.6, rim di. (reconstruc.) 12-14, max. width (reconstruc.) c. 23 cm",22/4/1997 00:00:00,, "4019",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Flotation sample Square K. 4 buckets. Missing April 1995.",10/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4019",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone from sieved floor. 1 bag from: Square A. Square C. Square E. Square G. Square Y. Square AA. 2 bags from: Square F. Including one from sieved material by Obj.08 fish vertebrae.",7/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4019",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from sieved floor. 1 bag from: Square A. Square C. Square E. Square F. Square G. Square Y. Square AA.",7/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4019",4.00,"COPPER","LUMP","Large sub-ovoid lump of copper with areas of brown staining, perhaps from contact with iron. Dimensions: 2.5 x 2.2 x 1.5 cm.",9/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4019",5.00,"PLASTER","DOMED LID","Domed lid made of gypsum plaster. One face convex, the other smooth and flat with several deep linear striations. Three-quarters complete. Diameter 8.6. 2.8 cm thick.",9/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4019",6.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAG","Sub-rectangular fragment of bitumen from the lining of a woven vessel. One side shows impression of cross-woven palm-lead. The other side is smooth. Dimensions: 2.8 x 2.2 x 0.4 cm.",10/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4019",7.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Two fragments of copper. Square E. 1) Sub-ovoid. Dimensions: 1.4 x 1.2 x 1.1 cm. 2. Sub-ovoid with small curved tail. Dimensions: 0.9 x 0.5 x 0.5 cm.",10/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4019",8.00,"BONE","BONES","5 articulated fish vertebrae.",11/2/1993 00:00:00,,"Consolidated with Paraloid 5% w/v in Acetone." "4019",9.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Pounder/axe. Wedge-shaped tool of dark grey large-grained stone. Two opposite faces are worn smooth and flat, with a scattering of pecking. Both the sides and the convex ends are abraded, and partly scarred. The widest end is the most worn and scarred. Intact. Dimensions 9.8 x 7.3-8.2 x 3.0-3.6 cm.",11/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4019",10.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/pounder. Sub-ovoid nodule of light grey-brown crystallised limestone. One surface worn into a long smooth convex face, divided centrally lengthwise by a narrow band of pecking. The edges of this surface is slightly scarred. The remaining convex surfaces are abraded. Intact and in good condition. Dimensions: 7.2 x 6.5 x 4.7 cm.",11/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4019",11.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Flotation sample Square G. 4 buckets.",10/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4019",12.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Flotation sample Square E. 4 buckets. 38l residue, 7.93 mm",10/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4019",13.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Flotation sample Square C. 4 buckets.",10/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4019",14.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Flotation sample Square D. 4 buckets.",10/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4019",15.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Flotation sample Square H. 4 buckets. 70 l residue, 7.93 mm.",10/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4019",16.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Flotation sample Square O. 4 buckets.",10/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4019",17.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Flotation sample Square P. 4 buckets. 46l residue, 3.36mm",10/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4019",18.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Flotation sample Square N. 4 buckets.",10/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4019",19.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Flotation sample Square X. 4 buckets.",10/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4019",20.00,"BITUMEN","BEAD","Ovoid bead with large central hole. Oval in section. Surface smooth with small pitted areas. Intact and in good condition except for a small surface chip. Diameter: 1.9-2.2 cm. Length: 2.4 cm. Oval Hole: 0.6-0.7 cm.",17/2/1993 00:00:00,"Y", "4019",21.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder. Sub oval corner fragment of dark grey close grained stone. Two extant faces worn smooth and flat, with occasional fine unidirectional striations and light abrading. One is scarred/damaged. The two extant rounded edges are lightly abraded. The broken edges are very scarred. Square P. Overall Dimensions: 9.0 x 7.3 x 3.4 cm. Dimensions according to tool surfaces 6.8 x 5.5 x 4.2 cm.",17/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4019",22.00,"COPPER","NAIL?","Curved fragment of an copper object with oval section, perhaps a broken nail, with most of surface covered in brown staining, presumably from contact with iron. Dimensions: 1.9 x 1.1 x 1.1 cm.",14/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4019",23.00,"SHELL","PIERCED BIVALVE","Bivalve shell with oval hole cut in its side. Shell broken along the one edge. Shell: L:3.6, W:4.6. Hole: 1.4 x 1.0 x 0.3 cm.",10/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4019",24.00,"COPPER","RING","Narrow strip of copper, or perhaps length of wire, bent into a ring. Ends overlap slightly. Outer end flat. Outer diameter 2.0, inner diameter 1.6 cm. Width of band 0.4, thickness 0.2 cm.",23/2/1994 00:00:00,,"Found in flotation residue." "4019",25.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Pounder/Smoother fragment. Medium grained dark grey stone. Sub oval fragment (a large flake) essentially of one flat face, with remnant edges of other three faces. Main face is very smooth with a scatter of light pitting. One long side of this face joins another similar smooth face at a sharp angle. All broken edges are scarred, the tool apparently broke during pounding of the second flat face. Dimensions 11.9 x 8.8 x 1.9 cm. From Flotation Sample 4019:14.",15/1/1998 00:00:00,, "4020",1.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder. Sub-cuboid or spheroid with slightly flattened opposing surfaces. Grey-brown crystallized limestone. The two flattened faces have been deeply scarred but have small flat zones which show fine unidirectional striations. All convex sides show signs of abrading and polishing. One side is almost entirely covered in fine unidirectional striations running the width of the tool. Intact. Square R. Dimensions: 5.9 x 5.7 x 3.8-5.0 cm.",30/1/1993 00:00:00,, "4020",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. Sieved. From floor occupation. 1 bag from: Square R.",30/1/1993 00:00:00,, "4020",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. From floor occupation. Sieved deposit. 1 bag from: Square R. Square S.",30/1/1993 00:00:00,, "4020",4.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Four fragments of bitumen from lining to one or more woven vessels. Impressions of weave. Largest: 2.1 x 1.6 x 0.3 cm.",2/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4020",5.00,,,"DOES THIS EXIST? CHECK ORIGINAL CONTEXT SHEET.",,, "4020",6.00,,,"IS THIS A FLOT SAMPLE? CHECK ORIGINAL CONTEXT SHEET. If so, label has 28l residue, 7.93 mm",,, "4022",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. From sieved feature. Square G.",11/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4022",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from a sieved feature. 1 bag from: Square G.",11/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4022",3.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Flotation sample. 4 buckets.",21/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4024",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. Sieved floor. 1 bag from: Square R. Square S. Square V.",2/3/1993 00:00:00,, "4024",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. Sieved floor. 1 bag from: Square R. Square V.",2/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4024",3.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Flake of brown flint. Sub triangular and chunky. Dimensions: 2.6 x 1.9 x 1.2 cm.",2/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4024",4.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Ovoid fragment of copper. Presently attached to small pebble. Square R. Dimensions: 1.3 x 0.8 x 0.6 cm.",2/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4024",5.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Flotation sample Square T. 4 buckets.",21/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4024",6.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Flotation sample Square Q. 4 buckets.",21/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4024",7.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Flotation sample Square U. 4 buckets. 20l residue 27.8 mm, 20l 53.5 mm.",21/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4025",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Flotation sample Square K. 4 buckets. Missing April 1995.",21/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4025",2.00,"BONE","SCALES","Two fish scales. Di. 1.1 cm.",2/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4025",3.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Flotation sample Square K. 4 buckets.",21/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4025",4.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone from sieved floor. 1 bag from: Square B. Square G. Square Y.",9/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4025",5.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from sieved floor. 1 bag from: Square B. Square G. Square Y.",9/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4025",6.00,"STEATITE","SEAL","Seal of grey steatite, glazed. Edge: Failaka Var. 1. Reverse has three incised lines at right angles to the perforation, and four incised circles with central dot. The design shows a central nude female figure, looking right, with legs splayed and a prominent vulva. Below her is a flat-topped stand with 2 legs, each of which ends in a hoof. The figure is flanked by 2 standing nude male figures each of whom faces her and ?holds one of her feet. The figure on the right has an erect penis. For similar stand see Kjaerum No.166. Diameter 2.45 cm, height 0.95 cm.",10/2/1993 00:00:00,"Y", "4025",7.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder. Discoid (once ovoid?) nodule of mottled brown-grey crystallised limestone with light grey cortex. Two opposite faces worn very smooth below the cortex surface. These faces are covered with fine unidirectional striations, with some concentrations of pecking in the centre and edges. The entire curved circumference of the stone is abraded. Intact except for a large chip and smaller scars on one edge. Square A. Dimensions: 7.0 x 6.7 x 4.1-4.5 cm.",10/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4025",8.00,"ORGANIC","DATE","One date pip, burnt. Intact but cracked. Square G. Dimensions 1.5 x 0.5 x 0.4 cm. Wgt 0.1 gm.",11/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4025",9.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Flotation sample Square G. 4 buckets.",21/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4025",10.00,"CLAY","FRAGS","Three fragments of light green hard sandy clay. Square Y.",14/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4025",11.00,"ORGANIC","DATE","One broken date pip, burnt. Square Y. Dimensions: 1.3 x 0.6 x 0.6 cm. Wgt 0.2 gm.",14/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4025",12.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,24/11/1993 00:00:00,, "4025",13.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Flotation sample Square D. 4 buckets. Bone <2cm, 216; >2 cm, 6; pottery <2cm 50, >2cm, 40. 127l, 7.93 mm",21/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4025",14.00,"STEATITE","SEAL","Grey steatite seal, cream glaze. Edge concave, (Failaka Variant 2). Worn on one side and on top of dome. Reverse has three incised lines at right angles to the perforation, and four incised circles with central dot. The design is in two registers. The top register shows a kneeling naked male figure facing right, holding an animal on either side of him by the neck. Both male animals face him and have ruffed necks, and short horns (though animal on left damaged). In the lower register is a second kneeling male figure facing right, holding the tails of an animal on either side of him. These male animals face outwards and have ruffed necks and long back-swept horns which form the division between the two registers. Diameter: 2.87 cm. Height: 1.34 cm.",17/2/1993 00:00:00,"Y", "4025",15.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Flotation sample Square M. 4 buckets. 30l residue 7.93mm",21/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4025",16.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Flotation sample Square N. 4 buckets.",21/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4025",17.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Flotation sample Square O. 4 buckets.30l residue, 3.36 mm",21/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4025",18.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Flotation sample Square P. 4 buckets.",21/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4025",19.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Flotation sample Square X. 4 buckets.",21/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4025",20.00,"PLASTER","OBJECT","Moulded plaster object, sub-ovoid in shape. Smooth surfaces. One face slightly convex. Intact. Dimensions 4.9 x 4.2 x 3.8 cm.",17/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4025",21.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Discoid nodule of light grey limestone. Most areas abraded. One almost flat surface appears smoother and is probably due to natural weathering. Intact. Square O. Dimensions: 3.9 x 3.7 x 3.0 cm.",17/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4025",22.00,"STONE","SAMPLE","Haematite or Ironstone. Ovoid nodule of dark grey stone, very heavy, with tiny shiny crystal inclusions. Surface has small patches of red-brown staining. Square D. Dimensions: 5.8 x 4.6 x 3.9 cm.",17/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4025",23.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Flake. Brown flint, chunky. Possibly flake resulting from pounding. From a sieved floor. Square B. Dimensions: 1.5 x 1.7 x 1.1",10/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4025",24.00,"STONE","BEAD","Ovoid bead of white stone bead. Woolley type 12. Not measured, but diameter c. 0.8 cm from photograph.",17/2/1994 00:00:00,, "4026",1.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder. Small sub square tool of dark green-grey close grained stone. 2 opposite surfaces worn smooth and flat. These have fine unidirectional striations and occasional abrading. The upper part of one of these faces has natural hollows. Both slightly convex sides are pecked with one having fine unidirectional striations across the width of the tool. Both flat ends are abraded. Intact. Square R. Dimensions: 3.65 x 3.55 x 2.8 cm.",6/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4026",2.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder. Triangular fragment of light brown sandstone. One surface has a scatter of large pecking with the upper surface and extant edge worn flat, with wiggly unidirectional striations between sand grains. These striations run parallel to the extant edge. The lower surface and the extant edge have been roughly shaped. Dimensions 9.3 x 7.9 x 2.7-3.3 cm.",6/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4026",3.00,"STONE","WORKED","Large sub rectangular, and fairly thin, piece of light brown sandstone. Underside is composed of compacted shell, occasional large ovoid pebbles and sand (farush). The stone has two stages of use. Firstly the upper surface was worn into a pecked circular hollow, during grinding(?), with the centre piercing one edge of the stone. This surface was then abandoned (?) and covered in marine growth of shells and snail trails. Finally the edges of the stone (and the base?) have been chipped to create roughly straight sides, possibly for use as a building stone. Intact. From a floor. Square R. Dimensions 34.0 x 22.0 x 5.5 cm. Hollow diameter 20.0 cm Depth 4.5 cm.",6/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4026",4.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from sieved floor. 1 bag from: Square Q. Square R. Square T. Square V.",6/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4026",5.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone from a sieved deposit. 1 bag from: Square R. Square S. Square U. Square V.",6/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4026",6.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder/Core. Sub ovoid nodule of brown flint with creamy-white cortex. Several areas abraded and numerous flake scars probably from pounding. From sieved floor deposit. Square R. Dimensions: 6.4 x 5.3 x 3.7 cm.",5/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4026",7.00,"CLAY","FRAGS","Seventeen fragments of creamy & light green sandy clay. Square V.",5/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4026",8.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Large fragment of copper with areas of brown (iron/rust?). In the shape of two ovoid lumps stuck together. One browner than the other. Square S. Dimensions: 2.2 x 2.2 x 1.7 cm.",6/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4026",9.00,"SHELL","SEAL","Shell seal. Sliced-off apex of large gastropod, presumably intended as a shell seal, using the natural spiral pattern of the sectioned shell. Diameter: 2.4-2.6 cm. Height: 1.2 cm.",18/2/1993 00:00:00,"Y", "4026",10.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Retouched Flake/Scraper. Good quality brown flint with creamy-white cortex. Prepared but plain striking platform with hinged distal termination. Coarse retouch at proximal end struck off dorsal face to form possible scraping edge. Thin edge near distal end has discontinuous bifacial use wear/retouch. Intact. From sieved deposit. Square Q. L: 5.0, W: 4.9, T: 1.3 cm.",18/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4026",11.00,"COPPER","BLADE FRAG","Large, flat, curved piece of copper. Possible fragment of a knife or similar object. Dimensions 6.3 x 4.2 x 1.0 cm.",18/2/1993 00:00:00,"Y","Surface now lumpy but solid metal below." "4026",12.00,"POTTERY","PIERCED SHERD","Pottery sherd with hole drilled through centre. Sub-rectangular shoulder sherd from large ribbed jar. Pink clay, paler surface out, with fine grit temper. Dimensions 9.0 x 7.4 x 0.6 cm. Hole diameter upper drilling: 0.7; lower: 0.2 cm.",20/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4027",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone from a sieved deposit. 1 bag from: Square S. Square V.",7/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4027",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from sieved deposit. 1 bag from: Square S. Square T. Square V.",7/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4027",3.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAG","Small trapezoidal fragment of bitumen from the lining of a woven vessel. One surface shows impressions of weave. Dimensions: 1.3 x 1.2 x 0.3 cm.",7/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4027",4.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Two copper fragments. Square S. 1) Sub- ovoid with jutting narrow section. Several brown areas on surface (iron/rust?). Dimensions: 2.4 x 1.7 x 1.5 cm. 2) Sub-rectangular. (slag?) Dimensions: 1.7 x 1.3 x 0.5 cm.",7/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4028",1.00,"CARNELIAN","BEAD","Carnelian bead in the shape of a thick disc with rounded, slightly tapered ends. Intact except for one slightly chipped end. Max. diameter: 0.6 cm. Length: 0.5 cm.",6/2/1993 00:00:00,"Y", "4028",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from sieved floor. 1 bag from: Square Q. Square R. Square T. Square V.",6/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4028",3.00,"CLAY","FRAGS","3 fragments of light green sandy clay. From a sieved floor. Square R.",6/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4028",4.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone from a sieved floor. 1 bag from: Square Q. Square R. Square S. Square T. Square V. Also: Square Q. 1 plastic container with bone including one complete gazelle horn core. (One small joining fragment of horn core has broken off end). Consolidated with Paraloid 5% w/v in Acetone.",7/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4028",5.00,"BITUMEN","BEAD","Spherical bead. Large central hole. Intact except for two areas of deep pitting. Diameter: 2.2 cm. Length: 1.9 cm.",6/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4028",6.00,"FLINT",,"Missing 1994",1/7/1994 00:00:00,, "4028",7.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Pounder/axe. Possible smoother. Sub-ovoid, slightly wedge-shaped, nodule of dark grey close grained stone. 2 opposing surfaces, one flat and one slightly convex, are smooth, probably natural patination. Some very fine multidirectional striations (natural?) on the convex face. All edges are abraded. The two convex ends are very scarred. One side has a long flake scar which may have been removed to facilitate hafting. Intact. From sieved floor. Dimensions 7.7 x 5.7 x 3.75 cm.",7/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4028",8.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder. Large sub-rectangular fragment of light brown sandstone. May originally have been oval shaped. All surfaces appear to be shaped, except one broken edge. One surface worn very smooth and flat, with unidirectional wiggly striations between sand grains. The opposite surface is convex with a wide bevel to meet the edge. This surface also appears slightly striated, possibly due to the natural bedding plane. The extant edges are rounded. Dimensions 15.5 x 15.3 x 3.6-4.5 cm.",7/2/1993 00:00:00,," Square V." "4028",9.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Ovoid nodule of dark brown flint. One convex end possibly utilized (as Smoother/Pounder ?). Intact except for one flake scar. From sieved floor. Square V. Dimensions: 3.6 x 2.6 x 2.4 cm.",7/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4028",10.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Seventeen small fragments of bitumen, from lining to one or more woven vessels. All have impressions of cross-weave on one surface. Largest: 1.4 x 0.9 x 0.3 cm.",7/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4028",11.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder. Sub spherical nodule of dark grey medium-coarse grained stone, with a thin white quartz vein. The main worn convex surface is angled down into the circumference zone. It is smooth with two zones of fine unidirectional striations and partial abrading. The opposite face is flat with the natural surface having been partly abraded and scarred. This scarring is irregular and rounded. The rest of the tool is abraded and slightly scarred. Intact. From sieved floor. Square S. Dimensions: 6.5 x 4.9 x 4.0-5.2 cm.",7/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4028",12.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder. End fragment of dark grey medium-coarse grained stone. Parts of four surfaces are extant. The two opposing flat faces have been worn smooth and show fine unidirectional striations at an angle to the width of the tool. Part of another smoothed surface at an angle to the first has also been abraded. The convex end is lightly abraded, becoming light grey in colour. The broken face is opposite the convex end. From sieved floor. Square S. Dimensions: 8.9 x 5.6-6.9 x 3.5 cm.",7/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4028",13.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder/Core. Ovoid or discoid nodule of mottled brown flint with creamy-white cortex. Numerous areas abraded and flake scarred, probably from pounding along the circumference. Intact. From sieved floor. Square R. Dimensions: 8.1 x 7.7 x 4.0-5.2 cm.",7/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4028",14.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Flotation sample Square T. 4 buckets. 25l, 27.8 mm.",22/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4028",15.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Flotation sample Square Q. 4 buckets.",22/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4028",16.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Flotation sample Square U. 4 buckets.",22/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4028",17.00,"ORGANIC","DATE","Four burnt date pips, three whole. Square Q. Dimensions of whole pips 1.3 x 0.5 x 0.5, 1.4 x 0.6 x 0.6, 1.2 x 0.5 x 0.5 cm. Total Wgt 0.8 gm.",21/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4028",18.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Large irregular copper object or lump with large areas of brown staining (iron/rust?). Roughly butterfly-shaped. Square Q. Dimensions: 4.8 x 2.7 x 1.8 cm.",21/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4028",19.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Large pounder of light grey limestone. Half cylindrical in shape with convex ends. Tool may have always been this shape as the flattish face is abraded, and all its edges scarred. All surfaces have a scatter of large peck marks and flattish scarring on the higher parts. The main convex surface is very abraded except for several natural shallow hollows. The two flattish-slightly convex ends are also abraded and deeply scarred. Possibly broken during use and reused? Dimensions 14.2 x 13.0 x 4.6-8.5 cm.",21/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4028",20.00,"SHELL","PIERCED BIVALVE","Clam shell with sub-circular hole cut into its body from the exterior. Shell 3.4 x 4.0 cm. Hole 1.0 x 1.0 x 0.2 cm.",21/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4028",21.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing on fine yellowy clay. Part of edge extant, reverse worn. Design on front shows: vertical hatched motif, perhaps a shield, with a ?human head to the right. Dimensions 1.2 x 0.97 x 0.5 cm, Perhaps from same seal as 5155:06",2/8/1994 00:00:00,, "4028",22.00,"POTTERY","COOKING POT","Cooking pot, rim complete, profile of rest to near base. Brown clay, sandy temper, dark brown surface out, inside rim, and inside lower body - appears to be deliberate surface treatment, now mostly flaked off. Rim slightly swollen and pulled up, body spherical. Pres. Ht. 24.6, estimated original ht. 25 cm. Rim di. 14.6, max. width (reconstruc.) 31.2 cm.",22/4/1997 00:00:00,, "4028",23.00,"SHELL","WHELK BEAD","Bead made by filing off tip of small brown and white striped whelk, Engina mendicaria, to expose natural perforation. Dimensions 1.2 x 0.9 cm.",,, "4029",1.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder. Sub ovoid nodule of creamy-brown close grained stone. One convex end worn smooth. All other surfaces abraded. Several flake scars from pounding. Surface also shows signs of long-term use of tool, with possibly older smoothed surfaces now abraded. Intact. From drift sand. Dimensions: 8.5 x 8.1 x 6.6 cm.",20/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4029",2.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Large nodule of light grey coarse grained stone. Sub spherical with two flattened sides. Entire surface abraded. Intact. From drift sand. Dimensions: 1.1 x 10.6 x 8.2 cm.",20/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4029",3.00,"STONE","BASIN FRAG","Corner fragment of stone basin, presumably once square or rectangular. Made from a light brown stone with numerous small quartz inclusions. High squared-off rim. Interior sides are near vertical leading to a flat surface. Exterior sides are vertical, the base is flat. Most surfaces are roughly smooth. The interior shows chisel marks. Dimensions: 12.8 x 11.0 x 5.8 cm.",20/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4029",4.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder corner fragment. Light brown stone with numerous small quartz inclusions. Flat upper and lower surfaces. Extant edges vertical. Dimensions: 5.9 x 5.8 x 4.6 cm.",20/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4029",5.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder fragment. Dark grey close grained stone. Two extant faces worn, one very smooth and flat. Several abraded areas. Probably broken during pounding. From drift sand. Dimensions: 7.0 x 5.8 x 4.2 cm.",20/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4029",6.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder. Sub ovoid fragment of dark grey close grained stone. 2 extant faces worn smooth and flat. One convex end abraded. Probably broken during pounding. From drift sand. Dimensions: 11.9 x 9.0 x 5.1 cm.",22/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4029",7.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. From drift sand.",27/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4029",8.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. From drift sand.",28/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4029",9.00,"POTTERY","PLATE","Large pottery plate. Two-thirds complete, restored from 6 adjoining sherds. Light brown to green fabric with light green surface. Simple rounded rim with slight horizontal indentation below rim exterior. Flat to slightly concave low footed base. H. 5.2, rim di. 32.8 cm.",28/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4029",10.00,"POTTERY","PLATE","Large pottery plate. About half extant. Pink clay, sandy temper. Presently covered by a salt encrustation. Simple angled rim with double slight horizontal indentations below rim exterior. Low ring footed base. H. 5.2, rim di. 31.4, ba. di. 7.4 cm.",28/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4029",11.00,"POTTERY","PLATE","Large pottery plate. About half extant. Greenish clay, pink core, sandy temper. Simple angled rim with a slight horizontal indentation below both rim interior and exterior. Flat to slightly concave low footed base. H. 6.2, rim di. (reconstruc) 31.2, ba. di. c. 8 cm. See also 4029: 9-10; 12.",28/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4029",12.00,"POTTERY","PLATE","Large pottery plate. One quarter complete. Light green fabric. Angled rim with sharp carination from interior surface. Two wide horizontal finger indentations below rim exterior. Low flat base. H. 5.4 cm.",28/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4029",13.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder fragment. Dark grey close grained stone. Extant nodule surface concave slightly abraded. Probably broken during pounding. From drift sand. Dimensions: 8.6 x 4.1 x 2.4 cm.",2/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4030",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone from sieved deposit. Square R.",9/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4030",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from sieved deposit. 1 bag from: Square R.",9/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4032",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone from a sieved deposit. 1 bag from: Square C. Square E. Square F. Square G. Square AA.",11/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4032",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from a sieved sand deposit. 1 bag from: Square E. Square F. Square G. Square AA.",11/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4032",3.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Flotation sample. Square C. 4 buckets.",25/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4032",4.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Flotation sample. Square D. 4 buckets.37l residue, 5.66mm",25/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4032",5.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Flotation sample. Square H. 4 buckets. 28l residue, 5.66 mm",25/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4032",6.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Flotation sample. Square P. 4 buckets.",25/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4032",7.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Flotation sample. Square O. 4 buckets.",25/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4032",8.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Flotation sample. Square N. 4 buckets.",25/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4032",9.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Flotation sample. Square X. 4 buckets.",25/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4032",10.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Flotation sample. Square W. 4 buckets.",25/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4032",11.00,"CLAY","BEADS","Two cylindrical red clay beads. 1) Length 0.8. diameter 0.2 cm. 2) Length 0.7, diameter 0.2 cm. Found in flot residue square N, object 08.",17/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4033",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed fish bone. From a post building feature.",14/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4033",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from a post building feature.",14/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4033",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone from a post building feature.",16/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4034",1.00,"POTTERY","PAINTED JAR","Upper part of jar. Base and lower body missing, some small gaps above. Pink clay, sparse grit temper. Traces of red paint out. Band rim, sloping slightly in. Long neck, body tapers immediately below it, then widens gradually to rounded shoulder. Pres. H. 15.0, rim di. 9.1-9.4, max. width 17.5 cm.",18/2/1993 00:00:00,"Y"," N.B. Could adjoin with sherds from 4001, 4034 and unexcavated floor below." "4034",2.00,"POTTERY","COOKING POT","Cooking pot. Rim and a few body sherds. Pink clay, grey surface, grit temper. Thickened rim, no neck, globular body. Rim di. c. 16 cm.",18/2/1993 00:00:00,,"N.B. Could adjoin with sherds from 4001, 4034 and unexcavated floor below. Not located May 1999" "4034",3.00,"POTTERY","RIDGED JAR","Pottery jar. Most of rim and neck extant, rest missing. Pink clay, paler surface, fine grit temper. Everted rim, short, waisted neck. upper body flares sharply, probably ridged. Pres. H. 7.4, rim di. 12.6-13.2 cm.",18/2/1993 00:00:00,,"N.B. Could adjoin with sherds from 4001, 4034 and unexcavated floor below." "4034",4.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Sub circular or bun-shaped nodule of light grey coarse grained stone. One face convex, the opposite is roughly flat. Similar to a thick pot lid. All surfaces abraded and flake scarred. Intact. Dimensions: 10.1 x 9.2 x 6.0 cm.",18/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4034",5.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Large ovoid nodule of light grey coarse grained stone. All surfaces abraded. Several flake scars. Intact. Dimensions: 12.2 x 10.6 x 7.1 cm.",18/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4034",6.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder. Light brown sub-rectangular stone with numerous small quartz inclusions. One side worn smooth and flat. The opposite side is irregular but has an oval hollow in part of its surface that may be natural, or indicates another use of the stone. Three edges are sloping, the other is vertical, possibly broken in antiquity. Otherwise intact? Dimensions 22.0 x 11.8 x 4.4 cm.",18/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4034",7.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder. Large sub-square light brown stone with numerous small quartz, and occasional broken shell inclusions. One side worn smooth and flat. The opposite side is roughly convex. The edges are sloping. Intact except for one broken edge. Dimensions 19.2 x 17.7 x 4.1 cm.",18/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4034",8.00,"POTTERY","JAR","Round-bodied jar. Most of rim and neck extant; little of rest, but profile to near base. Pink clay, buff slip, wearing off, and sandy temper. Rim bevelled to outside, short, flaring neck, rounded body, and presumably a rounded base. Three blunt horizontal ridges below base of neck. Pres. Ht. 19.8, rim di. 14.4 cm. Unusual type: perhaps Mesopotamia - related.",13/5/1997 00:00:00,, "4034",9.00,"POTTERY","COOKING POT","Cooking pot. Much of rim and body extant, base and part of lower body missing. Orange-brown sandy fabric with small white grits. Outer surface has darker wash. Partly smoke-blackened, and surface flaking. Rim thickened, no neck, globular body. Pres. Ht. 15.8, rim di. 13.7 - 14.1 cm., max. width (reconstruc.), 25.6 cm. Broken lower edge eroded, as though vessel had spent sometime lying in sand after the base had broken away.",18/2/1993 00:00:00,,"Type 180. Several adjoining sherds. N.B. Could adjoin with sherds from 4001, 4034 and unexcavated floor below. Possible same jar sherds bagged separately but in association with this object." "4034",10.00,"POTTERY","JAR BASE","Flat base, probably from jar, and jar rim fragments.",18/2/1993 00:00:00,,"N.B. Could adjoin with sherds from 4001, 4034 and unexcavated floor below. Stored with pottery from rest of context." "4034",11.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder. Sub oval nodule of dark grey close grained stone. Three faces worn smooth and flat. Both convex ends are abraded. Intact. Dimensions: 8.3 x 7.4 x 5.8 cm.",20/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4034",12.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone from a floor.",1/2/1994 00:00:00,, "4034",13.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from a floor.",1/2/1994 00:00:00,, "4037",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. 1 bag sieved.",23/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4037",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. 1 large bag sieved.",23/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4037",3.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder. Sub-rectangular light brown stone with numerous small quartz inclusions. One surface worn smooth and flat. The opposite is irregular and convex. Thin for its size. Intact. Length 20.7, width 17.9, thickens 3.5 cm.",23/2/1993 00:00:00,,"From sieved deposit." "4037",4.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder. Hemispherical (once ovoid) nodule of light grey coarse grained stone. One face worn smooth and flat. The opposite convex end, and parts of the sides are abraded. Also several flake scars from pounding. From sieved deposit. Intact. Dimensions: 5.8 x 6.3 x 6.3 cm.",23/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4037",5.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder fragment. Sliver of dark grey close grained stone. Extant surfaces show areas of smoothing and abrading. From sieved deposit. Dimensions: 6.5 x 2.8 x 0.7 cm.",23/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4037",6.00,"SHELL","PIERCED BIVALVE","Scallop shell with sub-square hole cut into body from exterior. Shell: L:6.9, W:5.9 cm. Hole: 1.3 x 1.3 x 0.3 cm.",22/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4037",7.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Probable Pounder flake. Chunky chip of light brown fairly coarse flint (chert?). From sieved deposit. Dimensions: 3.2 x 1.8 x 1.4 cm.",22/2/1993 00:00:00,, "4039",1.00,"COPPER","BLADE FRAG","Thin, flat strip of metal, long sides converge to a blunt point, other end broken off. Presumably the tip of a blade. Length 3.6, width at wide end 1.9, at narrow end 0.4 cm.",4/3/1993 00:00:00,"Y","Fairly good condition." "4039",2.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder. Broken sub ovoid nodule of dark grey close grained stone. The curved surface is smooth, probably worn from smoothing. The convex end and other edges are abraded. infill. Dimensions: 6.4 x 5.4 x 4.9 cm.",4/3/1993 00:00:00,, "4039",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","One shell infill.",4/3/1993 00:00:00,, "4040",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, sieved.",17/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4040",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, sieved.",17/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4040",3.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Three copper fragments. 1) Irregular fragment. Dimensions 1.9 x 1.4 x 0.9 cm. 2) Irregular fragment. Dimensions 1.0 x 0.9 x 0.5 cm. 3) Curved strip, tapering at one end. Length 1.5, width 0.3 (min), 0.5 (max), thickness 0.4 cm.",17/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4040",4.00,"ORGANIC","DATE","Eighty one calcified date pips. Sample taken to UK for analysis. (DM 1995)",17/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4040",5.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Eight fragments of bitumen. One blob looks as though it may have been pushed into a hole: 1.4 x 1.1 x 0.6 cm.",17/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4040",6.00,"METAL","FRAG","Irregularly-shaped fragment of iron. Dimensions 3.0 x 2.6 x 2.6 cm.",17/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4041",1.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Five copper fragments. 1) Irregular, with one flat surface. Dimensions 1.2 x 1.0 x 0.6 cm. 2) Roughly oval-shaped fragment. Dimensions 1.1 x 1.0 x 0.7 cm. 3) Irregular fragment. Dimensions 1.1 x 0.8 x 0.6 cm. 4) Irregular fragment. Dimensions 0.8 x 0.7 x 0.5 cm. 5) Small fragment. Dimensions 0.4 x 0.3 x 0.2 cm.",10/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4041",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, sieved.",19/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4041",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, sieved.",10/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4041",4.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Eleven fragments of bitumen. Four fragments have weave impressions, so presumably from lining to one or more woven vessels. Dimensions of largest fragment 1.8 x 1.1 x 0.8 cm",10/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4041",5.00,"ORGANIC","DATE","One carbonised date pip. Dimensions 1.3 x 0.5 x 0.6 cm. Wgt 0.1 gm.",10/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4041",6.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing. Light grey clay. About a quarter of left edge of sealing preserved, with clear fingerprints. Reverse shows one twisted string-mark, and possibly other larger ones. Design: Body and legs of a standing male animal facing right, head and neck missing. but curved ends of horns visible above. Dimensions 2.12 x 1.25 x 1.03 cm. From sieved occupation.",10/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4052",1.00,"PLASTER","SAMPLE","Sample of plaster for analysis, not described.",31/3/1994 00:00:00,,"Sample of wall plaster taken to UK for analysis in March 1994." "4081",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, from a hearth.",29/1/1994 00:00:00,, "4081",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, sieved (2 buckets).",29/1/1994 00:00:00,, "4081",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, sieved from hearth fill.",29/1/1994 00:00:00,, "4081",4.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","50% of fill. 3 buckets.",29/1/1994 00:00:00,, "4082",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, sieved.",29/1/1994 00:00:00,, "4082",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, sieved. (2 bags).",29/1/1994 00:00:00,, "4083",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Square 1: Mixed bone, dry sieved from occupation. 31/01/94. Square 4: Mixed bone, sieved. 28/02/94. Square 7: Mixed bone, dry sieved from an occupation horizon. (3 buckets). 01/02/94. Square 10: Mixed bone, sieved. 02/03/94.",31/1/1994 00:00:00,, "4083",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Square 1: Mixed shell, dry sieved from occupation. 31/01/94. Square 4: Mixed shell, sieved. 28/02/94. Square 7: Mixed shell, dry sieved from an occupation horizon. (3 buckets). 01/02/94.",31/1/1994 00:00:00,, "4083",3.00,"ORGANIC","DATE","Fifteen fragments of carbonized date pips. Largest dimensions 1.0 x 0.5 x 0.4 cm. Wgt 0.4 gm. Total Wgt 0.5 gm. Square 7.",1/2/1994 00:00:00,, "4083",4.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Seven fragments of bitumen. Dimensions of largest fragment 1.4 x 0.8 x 0.4 cm.",1/2/1994 00:00:00,, "4083",5.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Square 4. 3 buckets.",30/1/1994 00:00:00,, "4083",6.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Square 10. 3 buckets.",30/1/1994 00:00:00,, "4083",7.00,"COPPER","FRAG","One small sub-oval fragment. From Flot. Residue 4083:6. Dimensions 0.5 x 0.3 x 0.2 cm. Wgt 0.1 gm.",25/5/1995 00:00:00,, "4084",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Square 3: Mixed bone, sieved. (4 buckets). 31/01/94. Square 5: Mixed bone, sieved. 08/02/94. Square 6: Mixed bone, sieved. 02/03/94. Square 7: Mixed bone, dry sieved. (6 buckets). 02/02/94. Square 9: Mixed bone (2 bags), sieved. 31/01/94, 01/02/94. Square 11: Mixed bone, sieved. 06/02/94. Square 13: Mixed bone, dry sieved from windblown sand. (18 buckets). 02/02/94. Square 15: Mixed bone, sieved. 01/02/94. Square 17: Mixed bone, sieved. 01/02/94. Square 18: Mixed bone, sieved. 08/03/94. Square 19: Mixed bone, sieved. (3 buckets). 01/02/94.",31/1/1994 00:00:00,, "4084",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Square 3: Mixed shell, sieved. (4 buckets). 31/ 01/94. Square 5: Mixed shell, sieved. 08/02/94. Square 7: Mixed shell, sieved. (6 buckets). 02/02/94. Square 9: Mixed shell, sieved. 31/01/94. Square 11: Mixed shell, sieved. 06/02/94. Square 13: Mixed shell, sieved from windblown sand. (18 buckets). 02/02/94. Square 15: Mixed shell, sieved. 01/02/94. Square 18: Mixed shell, sieved. 08/03/94. Square 19: Mixed shell, sieved. (3 buckets). 01/02/94. Square 17: Mixed shell, sieved. 01/02/94.",31/1/1994 00:00:00,, "4084",3.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Square 3: Light grey, Irregularly-shaped fragment. 31/01/94. Dimensions 1.2 x 1.1 x 0.7 cm. Square 7: Two very small fragments, dry sieved. (6 buckets). 02/02/94. 1) Light brown, slightly pointed flake. Dimensions 1.2 x 0.7 x 0.2 cm. 2) Light grey, Irregularly-shaped fragment. Dimensions 1.1 x 0.6 x 0.2 cm.",31/1/1994 00:00:00,, "4084",4.00,"METAL","SLAG","Square 19: Small fragment of metal. Dimensions 0.9 x 0.6 x 0.4 cm.",1/2/1994 00:00:00,, "4084",5.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS?","Bitumen fragments. One fragment with impressions on one surface, dimensions 1.1 x 0.8.x 0.2 cm. Five fragments. Dimensions of largest fragment 1.8 x 1.1 x 0.8 cm. Six very small fragments. One with slight impressions. Dimensions of largest fragment 0.9 x 0.7 x 0.3 cm. Five small fragments, all with impression marks. Dimensions of largest fragment 0.9 x 0.8 x 0.2 cm.",1/2/1994 00:00:00,, "4084",6.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Square 5. Very small copper fragment. Dimensions 0.3 x 0.2 x 0.1 cm.",8/2/1994 00:00:00,, "4085",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Square 1: Mixed shell, dry sieved from an interface between sand and ash. (6 buckets). 02/02/94. Square 3: Mixed shell, sieved. 31/01/94.",31/1/1994 00:00:00,, "4085",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Square 1: Mixed bone, dry sieved from an interface between ash and sand. (6 buckets). 02/02/94. Square 3: Mixed bone, sieved. 31/01/94.",31/1/1994 00:00:00,, "4085",3.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Bitumen fragments. Dimensions of largest fragment 0.7 x 0.5 x 0.3 cm.",2/2/1994 00:00:00,, "4085",4.00,"ORGANIC","DATE","Square 1: One large & 15 small carbonised date fragments. Total Wgt 0.3 gm. Dimensions largest fragment 1.2 x 0.6 x 0.5 cm. Wgt 0.2 gm.",2/2/1994 00:00:00,, "4086",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Square 1: Mixed bone, dry sieved from an ash deposit. (4 buckets). 02/02/94. Square 2: Mixed bone, sieved. 28/02/94 Square 3: Mixed bone, sieved. 31/01/94. Square 5: Mixed bone, sieved. 09/02/94 Square 6: Mixed bone, sieved midden. 28/02/94. Square 7: Mixed bone, sieved. 29/01/94. Square 10: Mixed bone, sieved. 02/03/94.",31/1/1994 00:00:00,, "4086",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Square 1: Mixed shell, dry sieved from an ash deposit. (4 buckets). 02/02/94. Square 2: Mixed shell, sieved. 28/02/94. Square 3: Mixed shell, sieved. 31/01/94. Square 5: Mixed shell, sieved. 09/02/94. Square 6: Mixed shell, sieved midden. 28/02/94. Square 7: Mixed shell, sieved. 01/03/94 Square 10: Mixed shell, sieved. 02/03/94.",31/1/1994 00:00:00,, "4086",3.00,"ORGANIC","DATE","Square 1: A single near whole date pip, from dry sieving an ash deposit. (4 buckets). Dimensions 1.3 x 0.7 x 0.6 cm. Wgt 0.2 gm.",2/2/1994 00:00:00,, "4086",4.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Square 2. 3 buckets.",31/1/1994 00:00:00,, "4086",5.00,"ORGANIC","DATE","Square 2: Two fragments of carbonised date pip, from occupation. Largest fragment dimensions 1.1 x 0.5 x 0.5 cm. Total Wgt 0.2 gm.",26/2/1994 00:00:00,, "4086",6.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Square 4. 3 buckets.",31/1/1994 00:00:00,, "4086",7.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Square 6. 3 buckets.",31/1/1994 00:00:00,, "4086",8.00,"PLASTER","DOMED LID","Plaster lid, one surface flat and fairly smooth, the other slightly domed. Found with Indus jar vessel rim 4086:09. Diameter: 28.5-3.0, thickness 5.3 cm.",27/2/1994 00:00:00,, "4086",9.00,"POTTERY","INDUS RIM","Rim of large Indus storage vessel. Hard-fired red clay, grit temper. Traces of red paint or wash out. Rim pulled back, no neck, body starts to flare. Diameter 40.6 (outer), 30.9 (inner). thickness of vessel walls 1.7 cm. Found with plaster pot lid 4086:08.",27/2/1994 00:00:00,,"Not located May 1999" "4086",10.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder fragment. Grey sandstone, possibly originally oval or circular in shape. Has one extant convex edge which is slightly angled down to the lower face. The upper surface has scattered pecking but is largely worn smooth and flat. Several wiggly unidirectional striations can be seen near the extant edge between the sand grains. The lower surface is slightly convex and bevelled to meet the edge. Dimensions 9.3 x 4.6 x 3.0 cm.",1/2/1994 00:00:00,, "4086",11.00,"FLINT","FRAGS","Square 7. Three flint fragments, sieved. 1) Pale grey Irregularly-shaped fragment, with red areas. One small area of creamy white cortex. Dimensions 4.0 x 3.2 x 1.6 cm. 2) Pale grey flint fragment, with reddish brown areas. One small area of creamy white cortex. Dimensions 3.5 x 2.2 x 1.3 cm. 3) Dark grey possible worked flint. Small area of creamy white cortex. Dimensions 5.2 x 2.7 x 2.2 cm.",1/2/1994 00:00:00,, "4086",12.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Square 10. 3 buckets.",31/1/1994 00:00:00,, "4086",13.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Square 10: Seven irregular copper fragments. One larger fragment, and six very small fragments. Dimensions of largest fragment 2.5 x 1.9 x 1.1 cm.",2/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4086",14.00,"CLAY","FRAGS","Square 10. Five Irregularly-shaped fragments of hardened yellow clay, sieved. Dimensions of largest fragment 5.5 x 3.8 x 2.7 cm.",2/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4086",15.00,"COPPER","RING FRAG","Narrow strip of copper, bent round into a curve, probably part of a finger ring or similar. Length 2.1, width 0.3, thickness 0.1 cm.",2/3/1994 00:00:00,,"Taken by Lloyd Weeks for metallurgical analysis at Sydney, 1998" "4086",16.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Five fragments of copper. From Flot. Residue 4086:6. Total Wgt 7.6 gm. Nos. 1.-3. have brown staining. 1) Sub-ovoid lumpy. 0.5 x 0.3 x 0.3 cm. 2) Sub-triangular/oval with one surface both lumpy and hollow. 0.7 x 0.7 x 0.4 cm. 3) Sub- ovoid and lumpy, totally brown. 1.0 x 0.5 x 0.5 cm. 4) Sub-square with three pointed corners and small central hole. 1.4 x 1.3 x 0.4 cm. 5) Sub-ovoid and lumpy. 1.1 x 0.9 x 0.8 cm.",25/5/1995 00:00:00,, "4087",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Square 1: Mixed bone, dry sieved from mixed ash and sand. (4 buckets). 02/02/94. Square 2: Mixed bone, sieved. 02/03/94. Square 3: Mixed bone, sieved. 31/01/94. Square 4: Mixed bone, sieved. 02/03/94. Square 5: Mixed bone, sieved. 09/02/94. Square 8: Mixed bone, sieved. 02/03/94.",31/1/1994 00:00:00,, "4087",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Square 1: Mixed shell, dry sieved from mixed sand and ash. (4 buckets). 02/02/94. Square 2: Mixed shell, sieved. 02/03/94. Square 3: Mixed shell, sieved. 31/01/94. Square 4: Mixed shell, sieved 02/03/94 Square 5: Mixed shell, sieved. 09/02/94. Square 8: Mixed shell, sieved. 02/03/94.",31/1/1994 00:00:00,, "4087",3.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Square 3. Flat, irregular fragment of copper. Dimensions 1.5 x 1.0 x 0.3 cm.",31/1/1994 00:00:00,, "4087",4.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Square 1: Flat, irregular piece of metal. Length 2.2, width 1.1, thickness 0.4 cm.",31/1/1994 00:00:00,, "4088",1.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Square 3: Very small, irregular lump of metal. Dimensions 0.5 x 0.3 x 0.2 cm.",31/1/1994 00:00:00,, "4088",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Square 2: Mixed bone, sieved. 28/02/94. Square 3: Mixed bone, sieved. 31/01/94. Square 4: Mixed bone, sieved. 28/02/94. Square 5: Mixed bone, sieved. 09/02/94. Square 6: Mixed bone, sieved. 28/02/94. Square 10: Mixed bone, sieved. 03/03/94. Square 11: Mixed bone, sieved. 06/02/94.",31/1/1994 00:00:00,, "4088",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Square 2: Mixed shell, sieved. 28/02/94. Square 3: Mixed shell, sieved. 31/01/94. Square 4: Mixed shell, sieved. 28/02/94. Square 5: Mixed shell, sieved. 09/02/94. Square 6: Mixed shell, sieved. 28/02/94. Square 10: Mixed shell, sieved. 03/03/94. Square 11: Mixed shell, sieved. 06/02/94.",31/1/1994 00:00:00,, "4088",4.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Square 2. 3 buckets.",31/1/1994 00:00:00,, "4088",5.00,"BONE","BONES","Square 2: Mixed bone, from occupation.",28/2/1994 00:00:00,, "4088",6.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Square 4. 3 buckets.",31/1/1994 00:00:00,, "4088",7.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Square 6. 3 buckets.",31/1/1994 00:00:00,, "4088",8.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Square 10. 3 buckets.",31/1/1994 00:00:00,, "4088",9.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sub cubic fragment of light brown clay with a large stony inclusion (0.7 x 0.4 cm) and one side burnt to a dark grey. Obverse. Two sides of a squared smoothed surface, later burnt to a dark grey. Smaller extant surface has fingerprint impressions. Reverse. Irregular with possible string impression. Dimensions 1.6 x 1.3 x 0.8 cm. From Flot. Residue 4088:8.",25/5/1995 00:00:00,, "4088",10.00,"STONE","FRAGS","Four fragments of light brown stone with numerous quartz inclusions, sandstone. Possibly broken off a grinder/grindstone. The largest is grey probably from exposure to heat. 1) Largest is elongated sub rectangular, triangular in section. Dimensions 5.7 x 2.2 x 1.2 cm. 2) Flake sub rectangular with long pointed corner. 2.6 x 2.2 x 0.8 cm. 3-4) Two flakes. Range 1.4-0.9 x 0.7-0.3 x 0.4-0.3 cm. From flot. residue 4088:8.",3/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4088",11.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Tiny sub-ovoid fragment of copper. From Flot. Residue 4088:8. Dimensions 0.3 x 0.2 x 0.1 cm. Wgt <0.1 gm.",25/5/1995 00:00:00,, "4088",12.00,"FLINT","FLAKE","Tiny chip of light brown flint. L: 0.4; W: 0.5; TH: 0.1 cm. From Flotation Sample 4088:7. Weight: 0.1gm.",15/1/1998 00:00:00,, "4089",1.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Several fragments of bitumen, with no impressions. Dimensions of largest fragment 3.9 x 2.0 x 0.5 cm.",31/1/1994 00:00:00,, "4089",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Square 3: Mixed shell, sieved. (17 buckets). 31/01/94. Square 5: Mixed shell, sieved. 10/02/94. Square 10: Mixed shell, sieved. 03/03/94. Square 11: Mixed shell, sieved. 06/02/94. Square 17: Mixed shell, sieved. 05/02/94. Square 19: Mixed shell, sieved. 08/02/94.",31/1/1994 00:00:00,, "4089",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Square 3: Mixed bone, dry sieved. (17 buckets). 31/01/94. Square 5: Mixed bone, sieved. 10/02/94. Plus one bag of burnt bone. 10/02/94. Square 10: Mixed bone, sieved. 03/03/94. Square 11: Mixed bone, sieved. 06/02/94. Square 12: Mixed bone, sieved. 03/03/94. Square 17: Mixed bone, sieved. 05/02/94. Square 19: Mixed bone, sieved. 08/02/94.",31/1/1994 00:00:00,, "4089",4.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Square 13. 3 buckets. Missing April 1995.",1/2/1994 00:00:00,, "4089",5.00,"POTTERY","PLATE","Deep plate. Half of base extant, scant profile of rest. Yellowish clay, sandy temper, cream slip. Rim turned out and bevelled. Sides slightly curved, base flat disc. Ht. 4.6, rim di. (reconstruc.) 33.8, ba. di. 7.6 cm.",22/4/1997 00:00:00,, "4091",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Square 9: Mixed shell, sieved. 31/01/94. Square 15: Mixed shell, sieved. 05/02/94.",31/1/1994 00:00:00,, "4091",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Square 9: Mixed bone, sieved. 31/01/94. Square 15: Mixed bone, sieved. 05/02/94.",31/1/1994 00:00:00,, "4091",3.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Two fragments of bitumen from lining to one or more woven vessels, with weave impressions. Dimensions of largest fragment 1.3 x 0.6 x 0.2 cm.",31/1/1994 00:00:00,, "4092",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Square 18: Mixed bone, sieved. 08/03/94. Square 19: Mixed bone, from ashy layer below context 4084. 01/02/94.",1/2/1994 00:00:00,, "4092",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Square 18: Mixed shell, sieved. 08/03/94. Square 19: Mixed shell from an ashy layer below context 4084. 01/02/94. Mixed shell, sieved. 05/02/94.",1/2/1994 00:00:00,, "4092",3.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Square 18. 3 buckets.",6/2/1994 00:00:00,, "4093",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Square 13. Two thirds of a bucket.",7/2/1994 00:00:00,, "4095",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Square 1: Mixed shell, sieved. 02/02/94.",2/2/1994 00:00:00,, "4095",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Square 1: Mixed bone, sieved. 02/02/94.",2/2/1994 00:00:00,, "4095",3.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Square 4. 3 buckets.",9/2/1994 00:00:00,, "4095",4.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Square 2. 3 buckets.",9/2/1994 00:00:00,, "4095",5.00,"COPPER","FRAG","One sub-ovoid fragment of copper with brown staining. From flot. residue 4095:3. Dimensions 1.1 x 0.7 x 0.7 cm. Wgt 0.9 gm.",25/5/1995 00:00:00,, "4096",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Square 4: Mixed bone, sieved. 05/03/94. Square 7: Mixed bone, dry sieved from plaster. (1/2 bucket). Square 10: Mixed bone, sieved. 05/03/94.",2/2/1994 00:00:00,, "4096",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Square 4: Mixed shell, sieved. 05/03/94. Square 7: Mixed shell, dry sieved from plaster. (1/2 bucket). Square 10: Mixed shell, sieved. 05/03/94.",2/2/1994 00:00:00,, "4096",3.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Square 4. 3 buckets.",9/2/1994 00:00:00,, "4096",4.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Square 10. 3 buckets.",9/2/1994 00:00:00,, "4096",5.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Clay sealing formed from sub-ovoid lump of light brown fine clay, surface partly baked to orange. Obverse. Finger smoothed and pushed, edges appear to have been pushed also by an object or finger/fingernail. Surface covered with fingerprint impressions. Reverse. Broad and well preserved string impressions. Dimensions 2.5 x 1.6 x 0.8 cm. From Flot. Residue 4096:3.",25/5/1995 00:00:00,, "4096",6.00,"FLINT","FRAGS"," Five joining fragments of brittle dark grey-brown flint. Four are falling off (pot-lidding) from a sub triangular larger fragment with creamy crystalline cortex. Probably heat affected. From Flot. Residue 4096:3. Largest piece dimensions 4.5 x 4.3 x 1.7 cm. Total Wgt 29.0 gm.",25/5/1995 00:00:00,, "4097",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Square 1: Mixed bone, sieved. 03/02/94.",3/2/1994 00:00:00,, "4097",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Square 1: Mixed shell, sieved. 03/02/94.",3/2/1994 00:00:00,, "4097",3.00,"ORGANIC","DATE","One whole carbonised date and three fragments. Whole pip dimensions 1.4 x 0.6 x 0.6 cm. Total Wgt 0.5 gm. Square 1:",3/2/1994 00:00:00,, "4097",4.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Square 4. 3 buckets.",9/2/1994 00:00:00,, "4097",5.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Square 2. 3 buckets.",9/2/1994 00:00:00,, "4097",6.00,"COPPER","RING","Tiny copper ring, or perhaps a link. Thin wire bent round till ends form a join which protrudes slightly from the circumference. Intact. Diameter 1.1-1.0, thickness 0.3 cm.",9/2/1994 00:00:00,, "4098",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Square 1: Mixed bone, sieved from a sandy layer with ?mortar. 03/02/94.",3/2/1994 00:00:00,, "4098",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Square 1: Mixed shell, sieved. 03/02/94.",3/2/1994 00:00:00,, "4099",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Square 4: Mixed bone, sieved. 05/03/94. Square 7: Mixed bone, sieved. 03/02/94. Square 10: Mixed bone, sieved. 05/03/94.",3/2/1994 00:00:00,, "4099",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Square 4: Mixed shell, sieved. 05/03/94. Square 7: Mixed shell, sieved. 03/02/94. Square 10: Mixed shell, sieved. 05/03/94.",3/2/1994 00:00:00,, "4099",3.00,"COPPER","FRAG"," Copper fragment. Dimensions 0.5 x 0.4 x 0.2 cm. Square 7.",31/1/1994 00:00:00,, "4099",4.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Square 4. 3 buckets.",13/2/1994 00:00:00,, "4099",5.00,"BONE","BONES","Square 4. Complete fish spine, from occupation.",5/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4099",6.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Square 10. 3 buckets.",13/2/1994 00:00:00,, "4099",7.00,"FLINT","FLAKE","Small triangular flake of light grey chert with remnant creamy-red/brown cortex on striking platform Distal end is plunging. From Flot. Residue 4099:6. L: 0.8, W: 0.7, T: 0.2 cm. Wgt <0.1 gm.",25/5/1995 00:00:00,, "4100",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Square 1: Mixed bone, sieved. 03/02/94. Square 13: Mixed bone, sieved. 13/02/94 Square 17: Mixed bone, sieved. 13/02/94.",3/2/1994 00:00:00,, "4100",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Square 1: Mixed shell, sieved. 03/02/94. Square 13: Mixed shell, sieved. 13/02/94. Square 17: Mixed shell, sieved. 13/02/94.",3/2/1994 00:00:00,, "4102",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Square 15. Mixed bone, sieved.",8/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4102",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Square 15: Mixed shell, sieved.",8/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4104",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Square 4:Mixed bone, sieved.29/02/94. Square 5: Mixed bone, sieved.10/02/94. Square 6: Mixed bone, sieved. 03/03/94. Square 8: Mixed bone, sieved. 28/02/94. Square 9: Mixed bone, sieved. 06/02/94. Square 11: Mixed bone, sieved. 08/02/94.",6/2/1994 00:00:00,, "4104",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Square 5: Mixed shell, sieved. 10/02/94. Square 6: Mixed shell, sieved. 03/03/94. Square 8: Mixed shell, sieved. 28/02/94. Square 9: Mixed shell, sieved. 06/02/94. Square 11: Mixed shell, sieved. 08/02/94 Square 12: Mixed shell, sieved. 28/02/94.",6/2/1994 00:00:00,, "4104",3.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Square 5. 3 buckets.",15/2/1994 00:00:00,, "4104",4.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Square 4. 3 buckets.",15/2/1994 00:00:00,, "4104",5.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Square 8. 3 buckets.",15/2/1994 00:00:00,, "4104",6.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Square 12. 3 buckets.",15/2/1994 00:00:00,, "4104",7.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Two possible sealing fragments of burnt clay. Now very dark grey. 1) Sub ovoid/angular with possible impressions or heat warping. 0.8 x 0.7 x 0.6 cm. 2) Sub ovoid. 0.65 x 0.45 x 0.4 cm. From Flot. Residue 4104: ?5? (Label problem but not unsolvable). [WHAT DOES THIS MEAN???]",25/5/1995 00:00:00,, "4104",8.00,"FLINT","FRAG","One flake of mottled brown flint. Focal striking platform and hinged/stepped distal end. Numerous scars on dorsal face. Ventral surface concave. Possibly broken from pounder. From Flot. Residue 4104:3. L: 1.4, W: 1.9, T: 0.6 cm. Wgt 1.5 gm.",25/5/1995 00:00:00,, "4105",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Square 5: Mixed bone, sieved. 10/02/94. Square 6: Mixed bone, sieved. 03/03/94. Square 8: Mixed bone, sieved. 03/03/94. Square 9: Mixed bone, sieved. 06/02/94. Square 11: Mixed bone, sieved. 06/02/94 Square 12: Mixed bone, sieved. 05/03/94.",6/2/1994 00:00:00,, "4105",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Square 5: Mixed shell, sieved. 10/02/94. Square 6: Mixed shell, sieved. 03/03/94. Square 8: Mixed shell, sieved. 03/03/94. Square 9: Mixed shell, sieved. 06/02/94. Square 11: Mixed shell, sieved. 06/02/94.",6/2/1994 00:00:00,, "4105",3.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Square 5. 2 buckets.",17/2/1994 00:00:00,, "4105",4.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Square 4. 3 buckets.",17/2/1994 00:00:00,, "4105",5.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Square 8. 3 buckets.",17/2/1994 00:00:00,, "4105",6.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Square 12. 3 buckets.",17/2/1994 00:00:00,, "4106",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Square 15: Mixed bone, sieved. 06/02/94. Square 19: Mixed bone, sieved. 15/02/94.",6/2/1994 00:00:00,, "4106",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Square 15: Mixed shell, sieved. 06/02/94. Square 19: Mixed shell, sieved. 15/02/94.",6/2/1994 00:00:00,, "4107",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Square 5: Mixed bone, sieved. 12/02/94. Square 9: Mixed bone, sieved. 07/02/94.",7/2/1994 00:00:00,, "4107",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Square 5: Mixed shell, sieved. 12/02/94. Square 9: Mixed shell, sieved. 07/02/94.",7/2/1994 00:00:00,, "4107",3.00,"PEARL","PEARL","Pink pearl. Diameter 0.2 cm.",9/2/1994 00:00:00,, "4107",4.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Square 5. 3 buckets.",19/2/1994 00:00:00,, "4107",5.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Square 6. 3 buckets.",19/2/1994 00:00:00,, "4108",1.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Grindstone, double sided. Large, sub-rectangular light brown sandstone. One surface (upper) has been worn smooth and concave forming rough rounded long edges. It has been worn away/broken at one end. This surface has wiggly unidirectional striations between the sand grains, running down the length of the face. The opposite (lower) surface has also been worn concave, in an oval or rectangular trough. It has a fairly high rounded-partly flat rim around three sides and is open at one end. The striations are the same as above. Approximately half way down its length the surface becomes very irregular and deeper, with deep grooves, possibly due to intense wear through use. The worn area has created a small hole in the side of the object. All the sides are roughly flat, apart from the worn end, which is very irregular. Dimensions 60.0 x 34.5 x 18.0-15.5 cm. Upper surface dimensions 38.0-52.0 x 16.0 cm. Depth 20.0 cm. Lower surface dimensions 58.2 x 33.0 cm. Depth 6.4 cm. Hole dimensions 1.8 x 1.5 cm.",8/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4109",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Square 7: Mixed bone, sieved. 09/02/94. Square 10: Mixed bone, sieved. 03/03/94 Square 11: Mixed bone, sieved. 06/03/94. Square 14: Mixed bone, sieved. 03/03/94. Square 17: Mixed bone, sieved. 19/02/94 Square 19: Mixed bone, sieved. 06/03/94.",9/2/1994 00:00:00,, "4109",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Square 7: Mixed shell, sieved. 09/02/94. Square 10: Mixed shell, sieved. 03/03/94. Square 11: Mixed shell, sieved. 06/03/94. Square 14: Mixed shell, sieved. 03/03/94. Square 17: Mixed shell, sieved. 19/02/94. Square 19: Mixed shell, sieved. 06/03/94.",9/2/1994 00:00:00,, "4109",3.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Square 4. 3 buckets.",19/2/1994 00:00:00,, "4109",4.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Square 10. 3 buckets.",19/2/1994 00:00:00,, "4109",5.00,"CLAY","FRAGS"," Twenty three irregular fragments of hardened clay. Dimensions of largest fragment 12.1 x 8.8 x 1.9 cm. Square 10.",3/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4109",6.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Square 16. 3 buckets.",19/2/1994 00:00:00,, "4109",7.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Square 16. Tapering strip of copper. One end broken off, the other tapers to a point. Length 9.0, width 1.1 (widest part), thickness 0.7 cm.",6/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4109",8.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Roughly rectangular fragment of copper. Dimensions 2.2 x 1.3 x 0.4 cm. Square 14.",8/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4109",9.00,"PLASTER","FRAGS","Six fragments of white plaster. All irregular in shape, with line impressions on one side. Dimensions of largest fragment 2.2 x 2.0 x 0.6 cm.",8/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4109",10.00,"FLINT","FLAKES","Two small flakes of dark brown flint. From Flot. Residue 4109:6. Total Wgt 0.2 gm. 1) Semicircular with stepped distal end. L: 0.5, W: 0.6, T: 0.1 cm. 2) Oval/sub cuboid flake with pointed corner on broken distal end. Scarred striking platform. L: 0.8, W: 0.8, T: 0.3 cm.",25/5/1995 00:00:00,, "4109",11.00,"PLASTER","FRAGS","Seven fragments of whitish plaster, different shapes and sizes. Some show impressions of vegetal matter. Not measured.",25/5/1995 00:00:00,, "4110",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","1 bucket.",20/2/1994 00:00:00,, "4110",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Square 19: Mixed bone, sieved.",14/2/1994 00:00:00,, "4110",4.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Square 19: Mixed shell, sieved.",14/2/1994 00:00:00,, "4112",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Square 19. One and a half buckets.",21/2/1994 00:00:00,, "4112",2.00,"MICRO","SAMPLE","Square 19. (label says 'GRID 13'). Half a bucket. Ashy sand nest to grindstone (1994). Discarded.",12/5/1999 00:00:00,, "4112",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Square 13: Mixed bone, sieved. 13/02/94. Square 17: Mixed bone, sieved. 13/02/94.",13/2/1994 00:00:00,, "4112",4.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Square 13: Mixed shell, sieved. 13/02/94. Square 17: Mixed shell, sieved. 13/02/94.",13/2/1994 00:00:00,, "4112",5.00,"ORGANIC","SEED POD","Approx. half of a seed pod casing, carbonised on the inside. Part of stem attachment also present. L: 0.55; Max. Diameter. approx. 0.5 cm. From flotation of sample 4112:1 (1994) For botanist - JAM 1999",8/5/1999 00:00:00,, "4113",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Square 7: Mixed bone, sieved.",9/2/1994 00:00:00,, "4113",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Square 7: Mixed shell, sieved.",9/2/1994 00:00:00,, "4114",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Square 5: Mixed bone, sieved.",12/2/1994 00:00:00,, "4114",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Square 5: Mixed shell, sieved.",12/2/1994 00:00:00,, "4115",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Square 13: Mixed bone, sieved.",13/2/1994 00:00:00,, "4115",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Square 13: Mixed shell, sieved.",13/2/1994 00:00:00,, "4116",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Square 19: Mixed bone, sieved.",15/2/1994 00:00:00,, "4116",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Square 19: Mixed shell, sieved.",15/2/1994 00:00:00,, "4117",1.00,"ORGANIC","DATE","Carbonised date pip. Dimensions 1.3 x 0.6 x 0.5 cm. Wgt 0.2 gm.",24/2/1994 00:00:00,, "4122",1.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Copper fragment. Roughly oval in shape. Dimensions 1.0 x 0.8 x 0.4 cm.",26/2/1994 00:00:00,, "4124",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","3 buckets. Missing April 1995.",22/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4127",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","6 buckets.",26/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4129",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, from sieved floor.",24/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4129",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, from sieved floor.",24/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4129",3.00,"STONE","TOOL","Light coloured stone tool, from floor surface. Roughly rectangular in shape, with rounded corners. One corner has been broken off. The upper surface is flat and fairly smooth, but appears to be slightly pitted at one end, and chipped at the other. The lower surface is very rough, and has been chipped at both ends. The central part of the surface is concave. Dimensions 13.7 x 11.7, thickness 3.6 (min), 6.1 (max) cm.",24/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4129",4.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Light coloured stone tool, from floor surface. Roughly square in plan, but with one edge curved rather than straight. All surfaces worn and rough, with one corner chipped or broken off. Possible pounder. Dimensions 10.7 x 10.7 x 8.3 cm.",24/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4129",5.00,"POTTERY","LID","Disc-shaped pottery lid, just under half extant. Dense pink clay, with large angular black grits - corresponds most closely to our 'Indus related' wares. One surface flat, or very slightly concave, with two chips missing, opposing surface thickens towards the centre of the disc, perhaps the beginning of a handle or knob. Diameter 8.6, pres. ht. 1.4 cm.",22/4/1997 00:00:00,, "4130",1.00,"CLAY","FRAGS","Thirteen fragments of hardened clay. Some have possible impressions on, but not very clear. Dimensions of largest fragment 2.7 x 1.9 x1.7 cm.",19/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4130",2.00,"ORGANIC","CHARCOAL","Three charcoal/ burnt wood fragments. Dimensions of largest fragment 1.9 x 1.3 x 1.1 cm. Sample taken to UK for analysis. (DM 1995)",19/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4130",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, from sieved floor.",28/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4130",4.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, from sieved floor.",23/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4130",5.00,"COPPER","HOOK","Copper fish hook. Shaft thickened towards the top, then tapering and abruptly bent inwards. Length 4.1, width 1.9, thickness 0.2 (min), 0.5 (max) cm.",27/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4130",6.00,"ORGANIC","DATE","Carbonised date pips: three whole, one near whole, and four fragments. Dimensions whole 1.6 x 0.6 x 0.5, 1.5 x 0.6 x 0.6, 1.3 x 0.5 x 0.5 cm. Total Wgt 1.2 gm.",28/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4130",7.00,"STONE","TOOL","Light coloured stone tool, from floor surface. Probably originally a naturally occurring spheroid, worked or worn flat on two opposing surfaces, to form a thick disc. One surface is flat and smooth. The opposing surface is also flat and smooth, but has a slight indent towards the centre, and is chipped around the edge. Dimensions 6.5 x 6.1 x 4.8 cm.",27/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4130",8.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Grey stone pounder, from floor surface. Probably originally a naturally occurring spheroid worked or worn flat on two opposing faces, to form a rough thick disc. One flat surface appears to be very pitted possibly due to pounding. The opposing surface is worn and has one large chip on the edge. Dimensions 5.7 x 5.4 x 4.4 cm.",27/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4130",9.00,"STONE","TOOL","Light coloured stone tool, from floor surface. Roughly square in plan, but with rounded corners. One surface is badly chipped/ worked. Possibly due to pounding. Dimensions 6.8 x 6.5 x 3.7 cm.",27/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4130",10.00,"STONE","TOOL","Reddish stone fragment, from floor surface. Has one slightly curved edge, with possible groove/ slot along its length. One surface is flat. The opposing surface appears to have been broken off. Dimensions 12.2 x 8.9 x 4.8 cm.",27/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4130",11.00,"STONE","TOOL","Light reddish stone fragment, from floor surface. Irregularly-shaped, with broken edges. One surface is smooth and concave, the other is slightly convex and rough. Dimensions 8.4 x 8.1 x 3.0 cm.",27/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4130",12.00,"METAL","SLAG","Fragment of slag. Dimensions 1.3 x 0.7 x 0.7 cm.",27/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4130",13.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Three fragments of copper. 1) Elongated, irregular fragment. Dimensions 1.3 x 0.5 x 0.3 cm. 2) Slightly curved strip fragment. Dimensions 1.1 x 0.5 x 0.3 cm. 3) Irregular fragment, with traces of iron present. Dimensions 1.7 x 0.7 x 0.5 cm.",28/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4130",14.00,"CLAY","FRAGS","Fourteen fragments of hardened white clay. Appears to be very worn and weathered. Dimensions of largest fragment 5.9 x 3.6 x 2.4 cm.",28/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4131",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, from sieved occupation.",29/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4131",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, from sieved occupation.",29/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4131",3.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Copper fragment. Irregular shape. Dimensions 1.3 x 1.1 x 0.5 cm.",29/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4132",1.00,"BITUMEN","BEAD","Round bead, damaged. Length 2.2, diameter 2.0 (min), 2.5 (max).",21/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4132",2.00,"FAIENCE","BEAD","Pale green ovoid bead, probably faience, or perhaps frit. Dimensions 12. Length 1.0, diameter 1.2 cm.",21/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4132",3.00,"POTTERY","JAR","Upper part of jar, including some of the shoulder. About half of the rim is missing. Badly salted. Pink clay, grit temper. Rim bevelled, neck flares to ridge at top of shoulder. Not measured. Associated with plaster lid 4132:04.",21/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4132",4.00,"PLASTER","DOMED LID","Domed lid of white plaster. Upper surface slightly convex, lower surface flat but uneven. Diameter 8.8, thickness 3.0 cm. Found with pottery vessel 1432:03.",21/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4132",5.00,"STONE","TOOL","Light coloured stone tool, from floor surface. Probably originally a naturally occurring spheroid, worked or worn fairly flat to form a thick disc. Diameter at one end larger than at the other. All surfaces fairly smooth. Diameter of larger end 7.6 cm. Diameter of smaller end 6.2 cm. Thickness 7.1 cm.",21/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4132",6.00,"PLASTER","GROOVED DISC","Disc of light grey plaster, both faces flat, and the circumference grooved with lines scratched on it. The circumference appears to have some scratched lines on it. One (upper) face is flattish and made more carefully than the other (lower), which has a lumpy and folded surface and a more irregular edge. Upper surface is of slightly larger diameter than the lower surface. Perhaps a lid, or a pulley wheel. Diameter of upper surface 11.7-11.9 cm. Diameter of lower surface 11.0 cm. Thickness 5.9 cm.",21/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4132",7.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Grindstone fragment, from floor surface. Roughly rectangular in plan, with one end slightly rounded. Upper surface is fairly flat, but is very worn due to use. The lower surface is very flat and smooth. Has broken edges. Length 24.0, width 14.9, thickness 3.0 cm.",21/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4132",8.00,"STONE","TOOL","Light coloured stone fragment, from floor surface. Roughly rectangular in plan, but has broken edges. Upper surface is worn smooth, through use. One area has been worn a lot deeper, making an indentation. The lower surface is flat, but rough. All the edges are sharp and relatively straight. One of the corners has been worn or broken away, but the missing area is not visible from the top. Dimensions 15.3 x 12.7 x 7.9 cm.",21/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4132",9.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, from sieved floor.",30/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4132",10.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, from sieved floor.",30/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4135",1.00,"ORGANIC","DATE","Three carbonised date fragments. Largest nearly whole: dimensions 1.5 x 0.6 x 0.5 cm. Total Wgt 0.2 gm.",23/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4135",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, from sieved occupation.",24/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4135",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, from sieved occupation.",24/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4136",1.00,"POTTERY","JAR","Small jar: gaps in body and rim, and several chips. Dense pink clay, sparse lime temper. Most of lower body blackened out, also black patches under rim. Rim bevelled, neck swells to globular body, which tapers to a narrow, flat base. Dense and heavy. Height 14.8 - 16.2, rim diameter 9.0 - 9.3, base diameter 4.5 - 4.7 cm.",23/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4136",2.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","From within pottery jar - object number 4136:01. Missing April 1995.",5/4/1994 00:00:00,, "4136",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, from fill of basin 4137, sieved.",23/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4136",4.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, from fill to basin 4137, sieved.",28/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4138",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, sieved.",28/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4138",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, sieved.",28/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4138",3.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Copper fragment. Irregular shape. Dimensions 1.2 x 0.9 x 0.7 cm.",28/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4139",1.00,"STEATITE","SEAL","Seal. Mottled green stone, ? serpentine. Persian Gulf style. One edge chipped, tool marks visible of drill, inciser, and scraper round edge. Perforation broken, originally bored from both ends. No trace of decoration on reverse. Design: Schematic human figure with arms raised and legs apart with knees bent to form three sides of a rectangle, mirroring position of the arms. ? plant motif between the legs, unidentified fringed motif on either side of figure at waist level. Simple linear style, no use of tubular drill. Diameter 1.64 Height 1.14cms",23/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4139",2.00,"PLASTER","KNOBBED LID?","White plaster lid, damaged so as to be irregular, but presumably originally circular or oval in plan. Upper surface concave with a fragment of plaster near to the edge: possibly a knob handle. Lower surface is convex and rough. Dimensions 7.5 x 7.4 x 1.4 cm. Dimensions of 'handle' 4.7 x 3.7 x 1.5 cm.",29/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4139",3.00,"STONE","TOOL","Light purple stone tool, from floor surface. Probably once oval in shape, but has one end broken off. Upper surface is slightly domed, but is very uneven. Lower surface is flat. Dimensions 8.5 x 7.4 x 3.3 cm.",29/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4140",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, from sieved makeup.",26/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4140",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, from sieved makeup.",24/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4140",3.00,"POTTERY","SHAPED SHERD","Flat sherd with edges rubbed down, presumably to form a rectangle. Just one end extant. Soft, greenish clay with gritty inclusions. Scratch-marks parallel to sides visible on one face. Width 4.3, extant length 2.6, thickness 0.9 cm.",22/4/1997 00:00:00,, "4143",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, from sieved feature.",26/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4143",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, from sieved feature.",26/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4143",3.00,"ORGANIC","DATE","Nineteen carbonised date pips. Five whole, four nearly whole, ten half fragments. Total Wgt 2.6 gm. Whole pips dimensions 1.8 x 0.6 x 0.6, 1.3 x 0.6 x 0.6, 1.3 x 0.5 x 0.5, 1.6 x 0.6 x 0.5, 1.2 x 0.6 x 0.6 cm",26/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4144",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, from sieved floor.",27/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4144",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, from sieved floor.",27/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4145",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, from sieved floor.",28/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4145",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, from sieved floor.",28/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4147",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, from sieved fill.",27/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4147",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, from sieved fill.",27/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4148",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, from sieved feature.",27/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4148",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, from sieved feature.",27/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4150",1.00,"STONE","TOOL","Light coloured stone tool, from floor surface. Two opposing flat surfaces, and one curved edge. The other edges appear to have been broken off. Dimensions 7.1 x 5.9 x 1.9 cm.",28/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4150",2.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Copper fragment. Thin strip. Dimensions 1.7 x 0.5 x 0.2 cm.",2/4/1994 00:00:00,, "4150",3.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Dark brown flint core. Roughly rectangular in plan. Dimensions 8.2 x 3.9 x 2.9 cm.",2/4/1994 00:00:00,, "4150",4.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, from sieved floor.",4/4/1994 00:00:00,, "4150",5.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, from sieved floor.",4/4/1994 00:00:00,, "4150",6.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Brown flint fragment, possibly burnt. Irregular in shape. One surface is very rough and unworked, the other appears to have been deliberately smoothed to form a concave surface. Lower part dark brown, upper part light grey/ brown. Dimensions 3.2 x 2.6 x 0.4 cm.",4/4/1994 00:00:00,, "4150",7.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Thirty-six fragments of bitumen. Some have weave impressions on, so presumably from lining to one or more woven vessels. Dimensions of largest fragment 3.4 x 3.2 x 1.0 cm. Sent for bitumen analysis 30/04/94.",4/4/1994 00:00:00,, "4150",8.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Dark grey/ black stone smoother/ rubber. irregularly-shaped, with one very flat, smooth, shiny surface. The opposing surface is irregular in shape, with one large chip taken out of it. The remaining surfaces are fairly smooth. Dimensions 6.6 x 5.9 x 5.4 cm.",5/4/1994 00:00:00,, "4150",9.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Dark brown flint pounder. Roughly spheroid in shape. Creamy white cortex still present in a small area. Pitted and chipped all over, due to pounding. Dimensions 5.8 x 5.5 x 5.4 cm.",5/4/1994 00:00:00,, "4150",10.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Light grey flint fragment. Roughly spheroid in shape, with numerous chips/ flakes. Small area of cortex still present. Dimensions 5.1 x 5.0 x 4.5 cm.",5/4/1994 00:00:00,, "4150",11.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Light grey flint fragment, from floor surface. Roughly rectangular in plan. One surface flat and smooth. The opposing surface appears to be worked. Dimensions 5.8 x 3.2 x 1.9 cm.",5/4/1994 00:00:00,, "4150",12.00,"COPPER","OBJECT","Copper object. Roughly rectangular in plan, with rounded corners. Length 4.1, width 0.9, thickness 0.7 cm.",5/4/1994 00:00:00,, "4150",13.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Dark grey stone smoother/ rubber, from floor surface. Probably once rectangular in shape, but has been broken at one end. Has one flat, smooth surface. The opposing surface is convex. Dimensions 3.9 x 4.2 x 2.8 cm.",11/4/1994 00:00:00,, "4150",14.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Light coloured stone ?smoother/ rubber. Roughly rectangular in plan, with rounded corners. Both main surfaces are flat and smooth, one surface having a slight hint of purple to it - ?residue. The two long edges are also smooth, with both ends being slightly pitted and worn. Dimensions 4.4 x 3.0 x 2.5 cm.",11/4/1994 00:00:00,, "4150",15.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Light brown flint fragment. Irregular in shape. Dimensions 4.5 x 3.0 x 1.5 cm.",11/4/1994 00:00:00,, "4150",16.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Light brown flint tool. Creamy white cortex still present in one small area. Irregular in shape. One possibly worked/ serrated edge. Possible scraper. Dimensions 5.0 x 3.5 x 1.5 cm.",11/4/1994 00:00:00,, "4150",17.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Light coloured grindstone. Stone has numerous shell inclusions. Both upper and lower surfaces are flat. One rough and one fairly smooth. Broken edges, with one possible fragment of a finished edge. Dimensions 29.7 x 16.2 x 5.0 cm.",11/4/1994 00:00:00,, "4153",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell.",28/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4156",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, from sieved fill.",28/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4156",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, from sieved fill.",28/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4156",3.00,"METAL","FRAG","Fragment of iron. Roughly oval in shape. Dimensions 2.0 x 1.6 x 1.5 cm.",28/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4156",4.00,"BONE","PIERCED DISC","Disc-shaped bone object, with circular central hole. Broken into three fragments. Diameter 2.1, thickness 1.0 cm. Diameter of hole 0.7 cm.",28/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4156",5.00,"ORGANIC","DATE","Thirty-eight calcified date pips. Sample taken to UK for analysis. (DM 1995)",28/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4156",6.00,"CLAY","FRAG","One fragment of hardened clay, with possible impressions on. Dimensions 2.6 x 2.1 x 0.6 cm.",28/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4158",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","4 buckets.",16/4/1994 00:00:00,, "4158",2.00,"FLINT","FLAKES","Two flakes of dark grey flint. Probably heat affected, as brittle and pot-lidding. From one broken flake? From Flot Residue 4158:1. Total Wgt 0.2 gm. 1) Dimensions 0.8 x 0.5 x 0.2 cm. 2) Dimensions 0.6 x 0.6 x 0.1 cm.",25/5/1995 00:00:00,, "4159",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, sieved.",29/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4159",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, sieved.",29/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4159",3.00,"POTTERY","BOWL","Deep bowl, of Umm an-Nar type. A few rim sherds only, and fragment of carinated lower body. Dense pink clay, no apparent temper. Dark wash out, on rim and body below indentation. Rim bevelled to outside, slight indentation below, body tapers gradually, and presumably carinates before tapering to base, now lost. Ext. ht. 5.9, rim di. c. 16-17 cm.",4/6/1997 00:00:00,,"Identified as Umm an-Nar by Rob Carter, 1997." "4160",1.00,"STONE","TOOL","Irregularly shaped stone tool, from floor surface. Upper surface appears to be very weathered and worn, and is light in colour. The lower surface is much darker and has been possibly broken off. Only one flat surface. Dimensions 10.4 x 9.2 x 5.5 cm.",29/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4160",2.00,"STONE","TOOL","Light grey/green coloured stone tool. Possible smoother/ rubber. Irregular in shape. Possibly once rectangular in shape, but is now broken on two edges. Surviving faces are flat and smooth, possibly through wear. Dimensions 13.3 x 6.6 x 5.7 cm.",29/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4160",3.00,"STONE","CORE","Possibly later utilised as Pounder/Chopper & Smoother? Irregular shape. Unusual dark purple close grained stone with three smooth natural cobble surfaces. One face very smooth, possibly used as a Smoother? Dimensions 10.9 x 6.9 x 5.9 cm.",29/3/1994 00:00:00,"M", "4164",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, from sieved feature.",30/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4164",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, from sieved feature.",30/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4164",3.00,"BONE","ASSEMBLAGE","Left Maxilla and teeth, probably sheep, from fill to feature 4163.",2/4/1994 00:00:00,,"Paraloid 10% on site." "4165",1.00,"PLASTER","DOMED LID","Domed plaster lid, oval in plan. Flat lower surface, with central area worn away, and chipped around the edges. Upper surface convex with one small hole, off centre, all the way through to the lower surface. Dimensions 10.9 x 10.1 x 4.0 cm. Dimensions of hole on upper surface 0.5 x 0.3 cm, dimensions on lower surface 0.6 x 0.5 cm.",30/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4165",2.00,"PLASTER","DOMED LID","Domed white plaster lid. Upper surface smooth and convex, with chipped edges at both ends. Lower surface is smooth but uneven. Dimensions 15.7 x 12.7 x 4.1 cm.",30/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4165",3.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Dark coloured stone tool. Roughly rectangular in plan, with rounded corners, although slightly tapers towards one end. Tool has been broken in half, possibly deliberately, as the broken surface is flat. The upper surface is flat and very pitted. Possibly used as a pounder. Length 14.4, width 5.8 (min), 8.9 (max), thickness 3.7 (min), 5.7 (max) cm.",30/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4165",4.00,"STONE","TOOL","Light grey stone tool. Irregular in shape, but fairly rounded. One end has been broken off. One surface is flat. The others are very worn and appear to be pitted, possibly due to pounding. Dimensions 14.8 x 11.5 x 8.0 cm.",31/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4165",5.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, from sieved floor.",31/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4165",6.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, from sieved floor.",31/3/1994 00:00:00,, "4165",7.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Brown flint fragment. Very thin and flat. Irregular in shape. Possible scraper. Dimensions 2.3 x 2.1 x 0.4 cm.",2/4/1994 00:00:00,, "4167",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, from sieved fill to feature 4166.",2/4/1994 00:00:00,, "4167",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, from sieved fill to feature 4166.",2/4/1994 00:00:00,, "4172",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, from sieved fill to feature 4171.",11/4/1994 00:00:00,, "4174",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, from sieved fill to basin 4173.",11/4/1994 00:00:00,, "4174",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, from sieved fill to feature 4173.",11/4/1994 00:00:00,, "4176",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, from sieved fill to feature 4175.",11/4/1994 00:00:00,, "4176",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, from sieved fill to feature 4175.",11/4/1994 00:00:00,, "4176",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Turtle shell fragment, from sieved fill to feature 4175.",11/4/1994 00:00:00,, "4178",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, from sieved floor.",11/4/1994 00:00:00,, "4178",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, from sieved floor.",11/4/1994 00:00:00,, "4180",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, from sieved fill to feature 4179.",11/4/1994 00:00:00,, "4180",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, from sieved fill.",11/4/1994 00:00:00,, "4183",1.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Copper fragment. Roughly triangular and flat in shape. Dimensions 2.5 x 1.7 x 0.3 cm.",5/4/1994 00:00:00,, "4187",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, from sieved floor.",11/4/1994 00:00:00,, "4187",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, sieved.",9/4/1994 00:00:00,, "4187",3.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Light brown flint fragment. One face flat, and tapers at one end. Dimensions 3.2 x 1.6 x 0.8 cm.",11/4/1994 00:00:00,, "4189",1.00,"COPPER","CHISEL/AWL","Cylindrical copper object, tapered at both ends. Circular in section and pointed at one end, and square in section at the other. Large swelling of corrosion near mid-point. Presumably an awl or chisel, or perhaps both. Length 6.5, diameter in centre 0.5, thickness of squared section 0.5 cm.",9/4/1994 00:00:00,, "4189",2.00,"STONE","TOOL","Dark grey stone smoother/ rubber. Half-oval in plan. One smooth and shiny area, on one surface. This continues round along one edge. Dimensions 6.6 x 6.6 x 2.7 cm.",11/4/1994 00:00:00,, "4189",3.00,"STONE","TOOL","Light-coloured stone fragment. Both main surfaces are flat, with a possible curved edge. ?Stone pot lid fragment. Dimensions 5.5 x 5.5 x 2.7 cm.",11/4/1994 00:00:00,, "4189",4.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Brown flint fragment. Creamy white cortex still present in one small area. Irregular in shape. Dimensions 6.4 x 5.4 x 3.9 cm.",11/4/1994 00:00:00,, "4189",5.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, from sieved floor.",14/4/1994 00:00:00,, "4189",6.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, from sieved floor.",14/4/1994 00:00:00,, "4194",1.00,"POTTERY","TANNUR","Sherds of tannur: parts of both rims and much of body extant. Dense red clay with sparse grit temper. Surface discolouration and knife scraped (both sides). Top rim: slightly rounded and everted. Diam. 44 cm. Bottom rim: flattened off. Diam. 40 cm.",14/4/1994 00:00:00,, "4194",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, from sieved feature fill.",14/4/1994 00:00:00,, "4194",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, from sieved feature fill.",14/4/1994 00:00:00,, "4195",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, from sieved feature fill.",14/4/1994 00:00:00,, "4195",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, from sieved feature fill.",14/4/1994 00:00:00,, "4195",3.00,"POTTERY","LID","Pottery disc, approx. one third extant, presumably a lid. Red clay with white circular and occasional sand grit temper. Upper surface slopes gently towards the centre, where there is the emplacement for a handle, now missing. Diameter 10.0 cm. Present height 0.3-0.2 (with-without knob fragment) cm.",2/5/1999 00:00:00,, "4196",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, from sieved makeup.",14/4/1994 00:00:00,, "4196",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, from sieved makeup.",14/4/1994 00:00:00,, "4197",1.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing. Pale grey clay. String impression on reverse. Front has central part of a rather large seal-impression. Design: kneeling male horned quadruped, possibly a bull, facing left. Above him is a smaller, standing quadruped, facing left, looking back over its shoulder. To the upper right is the raised arm of a standing human figure. To the left of the animals are unidentified motifs. From floor surface.",2/8/1994 00:00:00,, "4197",2.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Dark grey/ brown flint fragment, from floor surface. Creamy white cortex still present in some small areas. Irregular in shape. Dimensions 8.4 x 8.1 x 4.6 cm.",14/4/1994 00:00:00,, "4197",3.00,"STEATITE","SEAL","Persian Gulf seal, pale grey stone with face darker, possibly burnt. Good condition. Reverse has a single incised line at right angles to the perforation. Design on front shows: a stylised horned quadruped standing, facing right. Linear style. Di.1.9, h. 1.5",2/8/1994 00:00:00,, "4197",4.00,"CARNELIAN","BEAD","Disc-shaped carnelian bead of red-orange colour, pierced transversely. Diameter 2.1, thickness 0.7 cm.",17/4/1994 00:00:00,, "4197",5.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Light brown flint flake. Irregular in shape, with possible serrated edge. Dimensions 3.5 x 2.5 x 0.7 cm.",17/4/1994 00:00:00,, "4197",6.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Copper fragment. Irregular shape. Dimensions 3.2 x 2.2 x 1.2 cm. Spill. Taken by Lloyd Weeks for metallurgical analysis at Sydney, 1998",17/4/1994 00:00:00,, "4197",7.00,"FOSSIL","FOSSIL","DISCARDED. Stone fossil.",17/4/1994 00:00:00,, "4197",8.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, from sieved floor.",19/4/1994 00:00:00,, "4197",9.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, from cleaning of floor surface.",14/4/1994 00:00:00,, "4197",10.00,"STONE","BASIN","Light-coloured stone basin. Rectangular in plan. One possible finished end, although it is partially broken away. The opposing end has been broken off. Base and sides are flat and fairly smooth, but appear to be very worn. Inside the basin is a large area of grey residue. Length 16.7, width 10.0, height 10.6 cm. Depth of basin 2.3 cm.",18/4/1994 00:00:00,, "4197",11.00,"POTTERY","SHERDS","Not separately described.",18/4/1994 00:00:00,,"Stored with un-numbered pottery from same context." "4197",12.00,"CARNELIAN","BEAD","Lozenge-shaped carnelian of red-orange colour, pierced longitudinally. Woolley type 20. Dimensions 1.5 x 0.8 x 0.3 cm.",18/4/1994 00:00:00,, "4198",1.00,"POTTERY","RE-USED JAR","Rim and part of shoulder of jar. Found upside down as the centre of a hearth feature. Orangey clay, grit temper. Surface discoloured and salted. Rim bevelled, neck short, shoulder flares. Pres. Ht. 9.0, rim di. 10.8-11.0 cm.",24/4/1994 00:00:00,, "4200",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, from sieved fill to feature.",17/4/1994 00:00:00,, "4201",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, from sieved fill to feature.",17/4/1994 00:00:00,, "4204",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, from sieved feature fill.",19/4/1994 00:00:00,, "4204",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, from sieved feature fill.",19/4/1994 00:00:00,, "4205",1.00,"STONE","TOOL","Grey stone tool, from surface. Roughly rectangular in plan, with rounded corners. Both main surfaces are relatively flat, one of which has two grooves/ incised lines near one edge, probably wear marks. Dimensions 6.0 x 5.4 x 3.6 cm.",19/4/1994 00:00:00,, "4207",1.00,"ORGANIC","SAMPLE","Burnt dates and possibly palm strands.",24/4/1994 00:00:00,,"Label found in Awali Nov. 99" "4300",1.00,"STEATITE","SEAL","Circular stamp seal, intact. Greenish mottled stone. Reverse: Low, narrow boss with 3 parallel lines running over it at right angles to perforation. Traces of thick white glaze at base of boss and on edge. Edge: Failaka Var. I. Design: Shows long horned standing male animal with deeply incised body, facing right, behind him a foot symbol. A second animal is arranged with its vestigial legs at the upper edge of the seal, its head fitting into the space between the horns and back of the first. In the same space on the second animal is a crescent. Diameter 2.27, Height 1.22, Diameter of boss 1.8 cm.",20/2/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "4300",2.00,"POTTERY","INDUS SHERD","Body sherd from very large vessel. Dense, pinky-orange clay, with large inclusions of grit and grog. Red wash on outside, overpainted by design in black. The preserved elements are: two parallel horizontal lines, with a swag of two parallel lines below. Very similar to 5546:7. Dimensions 1.14 x 9.5 x 1.2-1.7 cm.",20/2/1995 00:00:00,, "4300",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone.",23/2/1995 00:00:00,, "4300",4.00,"SHELL","PIERCED CONCH","Small conch shell (Strombus) with large sub-oval hole in side. Shell length 5.5, width 2.9, thickness 2.3 cm, hole dimensions 1.8 x 1.6 cm.",11/2/1995 00:00:00,, "4300",5.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Three fragments of bitumen from lining to one or more woven vessels. One side has impressions of cross-weave. Largest dimensions 2.9 x 1.7 x 0.4 cm.",15/2/1995 00:00:00,, "4300",6.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Pounder/Smoother. Angular fragment of dark grey close grained stone with one slightly convex face smoothed and remnants of 6 other faces abraded from pounding. Broken probably due to pounding and subsequently continued to be used for pounding. Dimensions 5.7 x 5.5 x 4.6 cm.",23/2/1995 00:00:00,, "4300",7.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Fragment of Pounder. Quarter spherical fragment of mottled grey-brown chert, probably broken off tool during pounding. Convex surface is abraded as are edges. Possibly utilized after broken off. Dimensions 3.7 x 3.6 x 2.9 cm.",28/2/1995 00:00:00,, "4303",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell.",23/3/1995 00:00:00,, "4303",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone.",28/3/1995 00:00:00,, "4303",3.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Fragment of possible Pounder/Smoother. Sub triangular flake of dark grey close grained stone. The surface from which it was struck is very smooth and flat with abrading on the edges. Dimensions 2.7 x 1.9 x 1.1 cm.",23/3/1995 00:00:00,, "4304",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell.",2/4/1995 00:00:00,, "4304",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone.",2/4/1995 00:00:00,, "4304",3.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Retouched flake. Possible awl or scraper. Sub triangular flake of mottled and banded brown and grey flint. Scarred & abraded striking platform and slightly hinged distal edge. Concoidal fracture partly concave and uneven due of quality of flint. The lower part of the dorsal face have been struck to form a narrower pointed distal tip and a concave edge. The two long edges and the tip have possible use wear &/or discontinuous retouch. L: 3.5, W: 2.0, T: 1.5 cm.",2/4/1995 00:00:00,, "4305",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone.",10/4/1995 00:00:00,, "4305",2.00,"STONE","CHOPPER","Axe/Chopper. Sub trapezoid fragment of dark purple close grained stone with lighter coloured inclusions. Probably flaked off a naturally fractured piece. The three lower edges are rounded at the corners. They are retouched first with a heavy hammer, mostly from the 'ventral' surface, and then more carefully bifacially. There are some smooth areas on both surfaces, particularly beside the 'dorsal' edge, that are very smooth. These may have been formed by grinding/smoothing. The other upper edge is nearly flat and may have been created naturally, when the tool was being made or by the tool breaking. There is some later abrading of this edge. Intact tool? Dimensions 8.3 x 6.0 x 2.3 cm.",10/4/1995 00:00:00,, "4306",1.00,"STEATITE","SEAL","Circular stamp seal [of light grey steatite] much damaged and very worn. BACK: Broken, traces of 3 lines and one dot & circle survive. EDGE: Failaka Var. I (now convex). OBVERSE: Very worn with small hole in centre, the result of a badly bored hole for the perforation [and of wear]. Remains of a standing male animal with ruffed neck, facing right, on lower right, to right of roots of [?]tree. Lozenge shape below [and to left of] forelegs of animal. Above are one vertical and two diagonal lines, probably secondary. Deep vertical line across centre of seal, with long diagonal line to either side, and one cutting diagonal line on the left. Diameter 2.35, Height 0.68 cm.",12/4/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "4306",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. Includes two articulated fish vertebrae. Not sieved.",20/4/1995 00:00:00,, "4306",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. Not sieved.",15/4/1995 00:00:00,, "4306",4.00,"STEATITE","SEAL","Circular stamp seal, broken. Grey steatite with creamy glaze. Reverse completely broken away. Small area only of edge, apparently Failaka Var. II. Obverse framed by circular line, denticulated on outside. Area within divided into four by deeply incised cross. Two incised rectangles, one inside the other in centre. A crab in each quadrant, the one bottom left broken, with 3 legs on either side, the next one to the left with 5 legs each side, the next to the left with 5 legs each side, the next with 3 legs each side. All crabs have long pincers pointing towards centre of seal. cf. sealings from House 203, 1622:4 - 1622:8. Diameter 2.26, Present max. height/thickness 0.36, min. thickness 0.4 cm.",17/4/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "4306",5.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. Sieved.",18/4/1995 00:00:00,, "4306",6.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. Sieved. Includes two articulated fish vertebrae.",18/4/1995 00:00:00,, "4306",7.00,"STEATITE","SEAL","Circular stamp seal, broken. Dark grey steatite with cream glaze. Badly damaged, most of boss and lower left quarter of obverse broken away. Reverse: Traces of 3 parallel lines and one dot and circle motif survive. Edge: Failaka Var. I. Obverse: Hatched rectangle in centre, with second smaller one above it. To the right a standing male figure in a tiered skirt looking left who touches the top right hand corner of the large rectangle with one hand. Behind him is a jar with a straw in it, held in the left hand. A second naked figure stands to left of hatched square facing right and touching the top left hand corner with one hand. Lower body and legs destroyed. Below the rectangle is a crab, facing downwards, with the pincers missing. Diameter 2.2, Surviving height 0.9 cm.",19/4/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "4306",8.00,"BITUMEN","BEAD","Spheroid bead with large central hole. Surface smooth but slightly pitted. Intact. Length 1.8, diameter 2.3 cm.",23/4/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "4306",9.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Broken Pounder. Sub hemispherical fragment of mottled grey and white medium grained stone. The interior is darker than the exterior surface. The extant convex surface is abraded and deeply scarred. Probably broken during pounding. Dimensions 5.6 x 5.6 x 5.2 cm.",24/4/1995 00:00:00,, "4306",10.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Core/Pounder. Sub ovoid nodule of mottled brown flint with creamy white to red brown cortex. The convex surface is abraded and mostly deeply scarred. Two prepared striking platforms. The largest has produced flakes with hinged distal ends. One scar L: 2.5, W: 2.4 cm. Dimensions 5.4 x 4.8 x 3.3 cm.",24/4/1995 00:00:00,, "4306",11.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Pounder/Smoother. Sub cuboid-ovoid nodule of dark grey close grained stone, limestone? One flat face and one convex end have been worn smooth with slight later abrading and scarring. The other faces are abraded or deeply scarred. One corner has probably been broken off during pounding, otherwise it is intact. Dimensions 7.8 x 6.7 x 6.6 cm. Soft metamorphic rock? (M Mendeck May 1995)",25/4/1995 00:00:00,, "4306",12.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Broken Pounder. Waisted sub ovoid/cuboid fragment of mottled dark grey-white coarse grained stone. Tool broken longitudinally in half (?). Two extant ends are very abraded, the surfaces in between are flat-concave and also partly abraded. Dimensions 5.7 x 4.9 x 2.4-3.2 cm.",3/5/1995 00:00:00,, "4306",13.00,"STONE","FRAG","Sub ovoid lump of very dark grey heavy stone, possibly haematite? Has grey small crystalline structure. Slightly magnetic. One face is fairly flat, the opposite is irregular-convex. Sides are thick and two edges are near vertical. The two other edges are sloping and appear worn or used. Possibly used to make kohl? Dimensions 5.3 x 3.7 x 3.1 cm. Metallic ore, slightly magnetic. Magnetic bearing (Fe3 O4) or Franklinite bearing (Zn Fe Mn) (Fe Mn O4). Some reddish oxidation. Non local. (M Mendeck May 1995)",3/4/1995 00:00:00,, "4306",14.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder. Sub ovoid nodule of mottled brown-grey flint with remnant creamy white cortex and some natural surface holes. The entire surface is abraded and deeply scarred. The scarring is concentrated on two sides of one pounding edge. Intact. Dimensions 5.4 x 5.3 x 4.8 cm.",30/4/1995 00:00:00,, "4306",15.00,"POTTERY","SHAPED SHERD","Shaped sherd, possibly scraper. Fan-shaped with gently curving body. Orange clay with grey core. Sandy temper. One edge has been nibbled to give a convex edge; the others are fairly straight. Dimensions 5.9 x 5.5 x 0.7 cm.",25/4/1995 00:00:00,, "4306",16.00,"PLASTER","POT COATING","Fragment of light grey plaster from the outer coating to a pot. Outer surface is rough and convex. The inner surface is smooth and concave with horizontal impressions of pot rim, neck and ridges. Upper part is thicker and rounded, bending outward to become flat at the very top. Dimensions 7.9 x 5.1 x 2.2 cm.",20/4/1995 00:00:00,, "4306",17.00,"PLASTER","POT COATING","Fragment of light grey, ashy plaster from round the outside of a pot rim. Rough convex outer surface. The inner surface is convex, and smooth where it has the impression of the pot rim & neck. This bends outward to form a pointed upper edge. Dimensions 4.4 x 3.3 x 1.7 cm.",25/4/1995 00:00:00,, "4306",18.00,"POTTERY","SHERD"," Hard fired red clay with sandy temper. Dark grey outer surface and slightly browner inner surface. Dimensions 5.4 x 5.4 x 0.9 cm.",18/4/1995 00:00:00,,"Squiggly lines & possible (Arabic?) letters formed in reserve on outer surface, i.e. seen as red within the dark grey. Possibly formed by plant roots against pot? (Don't believe a word of it. JM)" "4307",1.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Grindstone, or possibly large grinder. Square block of light brown sandstone with mixed sand grains and occasional pebbles and shell fragments. One main face has been worn flat with some deep unidirectional striations at an angle to the width. The pebbles are also partly worn down. The face is slightly pitted, with hollows from where inclusions have fallen out. The other main face is flattish, with natural hollows, and is at a slight angle to the other face. The four near-vertical sides are straight with rounded corners. The stone has a slightly worn appearance. Dimensions 17.0 x 15.5 x 7.7-4.8 cm. Largest pebble 2.2 x 1.2 cm. Pebble worn near edge 1.8 x 0.9 cm.",24/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4307",2.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Large Pounder. Large ovoid piece of light grey, fossiline limestone. One oval main face is very flat with natural hollows, and shell (grey) fossil ridges at a slight angle to the width. The other main face is irregular with scarred edges. The two convex sides are rounded, as are the two oval ends. One end is smaller and flatter than the other. They both have percussion scars. The entire surface has natural hollows and ridges (from shells). It is very worn and some of the scars and pitting may not be natural. L: 16.5; W: 10.0; T: 7.5 cm. Flat face 14.0 x 8.0 cm. Small end 6.2 x 5.9 cm. Large end 9.65 x 6.0 cm.",24/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4307",3.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Between 4307:1 & 4307:2.469.2 gm.",24/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4307",4.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Sub cubic piece of light brown limestone. One main face is flattish and smooth with scattered pitting and several natural hollows. The edges are scarred. The other face is irregular and scarred. The two sides are straight, flat and entirely pitted. The two rectangular ends are slightly convex with rounded corners. They have the highest concentration of pitting and scarring. All edges are scarred. Max. L: 9.2; W: 9.05; T: 6.3 cm. Small end 7.8 x 4.5 cm. Large end 8.1 x 5.9 cm.",24/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4307",5.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Large Pounder. Sub ovoid cobble of light grey limestone with dark grey mottling. One main face is flattish, the other is convex. They are both pitted and scarred from the edges. One side is flat, the other is slightly concave. They are both pitted. Both the ends are flattish, with a high concentration of pitting. One end is rectangular and larger than the other. It is very scarred on one side which penetrates to the main face. All edges are scarred. L: 12.7; W: 10.3-6.1; T: 9.4 cm. Small end 6.6 x 6.1 cm. Large end 11.0 x 7.5 cm.",24/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4307",6.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","General. 597.4 gm.",24/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4307",7.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder/Pestle or Hammer. Regular sub cuboid, with rounded corners and edges, piece of mottled grey limestone. One main face is flat, the other is slightly concave. The two rectangular sides are flat-slightly convex. All faces and sides are pitted and slightly scarred. The two square ends are almost the same size. They have the greatest concentration of pitting and have scarred edges. A good example, intact. L: 11.5; W: 8.5; T: 7.2 cm. Small end 6.0 x 5.5 cm. Large end 6.5 x 6.5 cm.",24/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4307",8.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 4307:7. 440.4 gm.",24/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4307",9.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder fragment. Possibly Pestle type. Half ovoid piece of dark grey small grained igneous stone. Possibly basalt or dolerite. Parts of two main flat convex faces, with smooth surfaces, are extant. Parts of the convex rounded circumference/sides are also extant. These may represent one end and parts of two rounded sides with a rounded edge. The surfaces are very abraded, and the edges are scarred. The broken face is flattish and rectangular. Dimensions 7.6 x 5.2 x 5.0 cm.",24/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4307",10.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside upper face of 4307:8. 366.1 gm.",24/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4307",11.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Sub ovoid, large pebble of light grey limestone. Both faces, one side and one end are convex, whereas the other side and end are flattish. The entire surface is pitted and lightly scarred, the edges are rounded. The highest concentration of pitting is on the circumference/sides & ends. Dimensions 5.7 x 5.0 x 4.6 cm.",24/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4307",12.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 4307:12. 394.8 gm.",24/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4307",13.00,"STONE","FRAG","Possible Grinder/Grindstone fragment, very worn. Sub oval piece of light grey, heat effected, sandstone with small-medium sand grains. Both main faces are flattish, but none appear to be original or in good enough condition to be conclusive. Dimensions 10.0 x 7.4 x 4.55 cm.",24/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4307",14.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 4307:13. 257.1 gm.",24/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4307",15.00,"POTTERY","JAR","Jar. Parts of body missing. Rim chipped. Fine brown clay, sandy temper, also white grits. Red surface. Blackened patches on body, and one area very worn and burnt. Rim slightly turned out, with rounded bevel. Neck straight. Body widens abruptly at base of neck, leaving ridge. Body globular, tapering gently to uneven flat base. Traces of diagonal scraping on shoulder. Height 31.6 cm. Rim diameter 12.4-12.8 cm. Base diameter 8.6-9.0 cm. Max. width 28.8 cm.",13/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4307",16.00,"POTTERY","JAR","Small squat jar. Base, lower body, and part of shoulder. Non-joining piece gives part of rim, neck and shoulder. No join, but severely eroded just where join would occur, and full profile can be estimated from drawing. Brown clay, circular white inclusions, red surface, scorch marks on rim and shoulder. Rim bevelled to outside, neck waisted high up then swells. Short shoulder, high carination. Body dumpy, tapering to wide flat base. Preserved height: lower part 8.8 cm; rim portion 6.5 cm. Estimated height of jar 15.3 cm. Rim diameter approx. 9.8 cm. Base diameter 6.6 cm.",15/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4307",17.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed.",24/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4307",18.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed.",24/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4307",19.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Ten small fragments of bitumen, from lining to one or more woven vessels. All have one smooth face, the other shows impression of cross-woven palm leaf. Vegetable inclusions. Largest dimensions 1.8 x 1.45 x 0.5 cm. Leaf strip width 0.6-0.8 cm.",24/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4307",20.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","General, from threshold area. 341.3 gm.",24/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4309",1.00,"STONE","BEAD","Sub-cuboid stone bead with large central hole. Sides are slightly irregular in size. Conglomerate of bright yellow, orange and red pebbles in a dark grey glassy matrix. Porphyry? Originally smooth polished surface but now worn and corners rounded. Intact. Length 1.6, width 1.3, thickness 0.9-1.0 cm. Possibly intrusive, and therefore post-Dilmun.",27/4/1995 00:00:00,, "4314",1.00,"BONE","BONES","One bag of mixed bone.",11/3/1996 00:00:00,, "4314",2.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder fragment. Sub oval fragment of mottled grey medium-coarse grained stone. Tool broken longitudinally. Extant concave surface is covered in percussion marks. The edges are scarred, and deeply so at one end. Dimensions 11.4 x 9.7 x 3.6 cm.",11/3/1996 00:00:00,, "4314",3.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Twenty fragments of bitumen from lining to one or more woven vessels. All have one smooth side and the other showing impressions of cross-woven palm-leaf. Largest dimensions 5.8 x 3.7 x 0.4 cm. Palm frond width 0.7-0.9 cm.",11/3/1996 00:00:00,, "4314",4.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Grindstone, nearly complete. Sub-oval piece of light brown sandstone with fine-to-medium sand grains. Upper surface is fairly flat with slightly pitted central zone and narrow smooth areas towards the edges. Lower surface is slightly undulating. Fairly thin object with extant edges rounded. One side is straight. Possibly broken at one end. Dimensions 21.2 x 17.5 x 3.2 cm.",11/3/1996 00:00:00,, "4314",5.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder/Grinder. Sub cubic tool of light brown sandstone with medium to large quartz and rare shell inclusions. Possibly reused fragment of a grinder or other piece of equipment. Most faces and edges are fairly straight, with one edge concave. All faces and edges have percussion marks and some scarring. Dimensions 6.6 x 6.5 x 5.0 cm.",11/3/1996 00:00:00,, "4314",6.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder/Core. Sub spherical nodule of mottled grey flint with creamy white cortex. Half of the tool is deeply scarred by percussion and the cortex is also partly pitted. Small areas of bitumen embedded in cracked surface. Intact. Dimensions 6.3 x 5.5 x 5.0 cm. If Core- flake with hinged termination from possibly prepared platform L: 2.3; W: 2.0 cm.",13/3/1996 00:00:00,, "4314",7.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder/pounder. Quarter-circle shaped fragment. Light brown sandstone with small to medium grained inclusions. One surface is flat with percussion marks towards one side and along the edges. The rest is smooth. The other face is flat with percussion marks and a smooth, rounded bevelled edge. The extant and broken edges are scarred from pounding. Dimensions 8.1 x 6.8 x 3.0 cm.",11/3/1996 00:00:00,, "4314",8.00,"BITUMEN","LID OR BUNG","Three fragments of small lid or bung. All are curved with smooth surfaces and occasional impressions of vegetable matter. Lid must have been slightly concave on the upper side with a small oval knob near the centre. Lower side is slightly convex. Largest fragment is sub-oval with most of the handle near one edge. Largest dimensions 3.9 x 2.5 x 0.8 (-1.1 with knob) cm. Knob is oval 1.3 x 0.9 cm.",11/3/1996 00:00:00,, "4314",9.00,"COPPER","FRAG","One sub-oval copper fragment. One side flat, the opposite is convex. Dimensions 0.9 x 0.7 x 0.4 cm.",21/3/1996 00:00:00,, "4316",1.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder. Sub oval tool of dark grey fine grained stone. Part of one flat face and half of the convex edges are worn smooth. The rest of the edges and parts of both faces have percussion marks and scarring. Intact. Dimensions 8.4 x 7.3 x 3.2 cm.",11/3/1996 00:00:00,, "4316",2.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","One broken lump of copper. Irregular ovoid with lumpy surface. Total dimensions 3.1 x 2.1 x 1.5 cm.",11/3/1996 00:00:00,, "4316",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell.",11/3/1996 00:00:00,, "4316",4.00,"CLAY","FRAGS","Three adjoining large fragments of sealing? clay. Sub rectangular in shape with two flat faces. Mid khaki green in colour and fairly fine in texture. Occasional white and crystalline inclusions. Largest fragment dimensions 10.3 x 8.5 x 4.2 cm. Packed in box.",11/3/1996 00:00:00,, "4316",5.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone.",11/3/1996 00:00:00,, "4316",6.00,"BITUMEN","LID OR BUNG","Fragment of small lid or bung. Fragment is smooth and slightly convex on the lower side and has the remains of an oval knob on the upper side. Several impressions of vegetable matter . Dimensions 2.1 x 1.7 x 0.6 (-1.1 with knob) cm.",11/3/1996 00:00:00,, "4316",7.00,"SHELL","COSMETIC SHELL","Large deep bivalve shell with light green clay inside. Shell height 4.8; width 5.0; thickness 2.5 cm.",21/3/1996 00:00:00,, "4316",8.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Corner fragment from a grinder. Sub-triangular piece of light brown sandstone with small-to-medium sand inclusions. Upper surface has been worn smooth, with a large area of pitting. The lower face is flat, being carefully shaped with bevelled straight edges. The extant corner has been squared off. The broken irregular edge cuts cross the corner of the grinder. Originally a carefully shaped grinder. Dimensions 11.7 x 10.9 x 3.0 cm.",4/5/1996 00:00:00,, "4316",9.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Fragment of sealing. Pale pink clay. Top right quarter of edge and impression preserved. Reverse has impression of string and knot. Impression has well-defined edge. Design in top right shows human figure, bearded and facing left. To his left his arm is extended, but the impression is broken off. To his right he holds a long elliptical shield, with horizontal stripes. His lower body is crossed by a horizontal, bulky motif, rather like the body of a human or animal. Extant height 1.97, width 1.87, thickness 1.20 cm. Weight 3.3 gm.",29/4/1996 00:00:00,, "4318",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone.",21/3/1996 00:00:00,, "4318",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell.",21/3/1996 00:00:00,, "4319",1.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Two fragments of bitumen from lining of woven vessel(s). Both have impressions of weave. Largest is sub-triangular with impression of what appears to be a seam of the vessel. Largest dimensions 3.5 x 1.9 x 1.1 cm.",11/3/1996 00:00:00,, "4319",2.00,"CLAY","FRAGS","Two adjoining fragments of sealing? clay. Sub triangular in shape. Light khaki green in colour with a fine texture. Rare white inclusions. Total dimensions 5.3 x 5.3 x 2.5 cm.",11/3/1996 00:00:00,, "4319",3.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Missing. May 1996.",8/5/1996 00:00:00,, "4319",4.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Sub ovoid lump of copper with irregular surface. Dimensions 1.6 x 1.3 x 0.9 cm.",21/3/1996 00:00:00,, "4319",5.00,"BONE","BONES","One bag of mixed bone.",21/3/1996 00:00:00,, "4319",6.00,"POTTERY","PLATE","Plate, just over half preserved, mended from sherds. Soft green clay, temper of grit and vegetable matter, inner surface smoothed. Rim diameter: 30-32 cm. Height: 4.8 cm. Base diameter: 6.8 cm.",15/4/1996 00:00:00,, "4324",1.00,"COPPER","FRAG","One sub oval lump of copper with slightly pointed ends. Dimensions 1.7 x 1.3 x 0.8 cm.",11/3/1996 00:00:00,, "4324",2.00,"PLASTER","DOMED LID","Domed lid of whitish plaster. Both faces convex, rim narrow. One face smoother than the other. Intact. Diameter 9.0 - 9.5 cm. Thickness 3.7 cm.",11/3/1996 00:00:00,, "4324",3.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Axe/Pounder. Sub wedge-shaped/cuboid dark grey close grained stone with dark brown cortex. The long edges appear smoothly ground and two have subsequently been scarred. The square end has scarred edges and a small trace of a rusty coloured material, possibly ochre. The opposite end is tapered and deeply scarred. Intact. Dimensions 9.4 x 6.4 x 5.3 cm. Weight 437.5 gm.",11/3/1996 00:00:00,, "4324",4.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Sub rectangular piece of dark grey close grained stone. The longest edge and one face has been broken. The other large face is deeply scarred along the broken edge. Two of the three extant edges are flat and the other is slightly convex and angled. The latter has a trace of rusty-coloured material, possibly ochre. All extant edges have deeply scarred edges. Dimensions 14.6 x 8.6 x 6.3 cm.",11/3/1996 00:00:00,, "4324",5.00,"POTTERY","RE-USED JAR","Broken rim and neck of jar, with white plaster moulded round outside, apparently intended to be used with jar-rim downwards. About half extant. The upper plaster surface is smooth and slightly convex with a rounded edge and central hole. The lower side is steeply convex. Pot has orange clay and sandy temper, cream slip out. Dimensions 18.0 x 8.5 cm. Approx. diameter 18.0 cm. Height 10.5 cm. Diameter of hole 3 cm.",11/3/1996 00:00:00,, "4324",6.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone.",11/3/1996 00:00:00,, "4324",7.00,"FLINT","CORE","Core or possible Pounder fragment. Sub cubic mottled grey chert with dark grey and white cortex or weathered fractured surface. Core is multi-platformed, at right angles to each other. Main platform is plain, weathered surface, with much scarring from flaking. Flake L: 2.2; W: 2.5 cm. The other platforms formed by preparation. Flake L: 2.7; W: 2.2 cm. Most flakes are stepped at distal end. Dimensions 3.3 x 3.0 x 2.7 cm.",13/3/1996 00:00:00,, "4324",8.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAG","Sub-oval fragment of bitumen from the lining of woven vessel. One side is smooth, the other has impressions of cross-weave. Dimensions 3.2 x 2.0 x 0.6 cm.",11/3/1996 00:00:00,, "4324",9.00,"BITUMEN","LUMP","Sub-square, solid lump of bitumen with many impressions of vegetable matter. Dimensions 4.0 x 3.8 x 3.0 cm.",11/3/1996 00:00:00,, "4324",10.00,"FLINT","FLAKE","Wide flake of good quality brown flint with creamy white cortex. Plain striking platform and hinged/feather termination. Previous scars on dorsal surface struck from proximal end (cortex). L: 2.4; W: 2.7; T:0.4 cm.",21/3/1996 00:00:00,, "4324",11.00,"STONE","FRAG","Non local stone. Large sub oval flake of brown close grained stone with veins of pyrite crystals. Dorsal surface is irregular and scarred. Possibly flaked off a tool or being used as a source of iron. Dimensions 7.5 x 6.0 x 2.0 cm. Weight 109.0 gm.",22/4/1996 00:00:00,, "4324",12.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell.",27/4/1996 00:00:00,, "4325",1.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","One large lump of copper, surface partly flaking away. Irregular in shape with very lumpy green surface. Dimensions 6.6 x 5.4 x 3.7 cm. Packed in box.",11/3/1996 00:00:00,, "4325",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone.",11/3/1996 00:00:00,, "4325",3.00,"PLASTER","DOMED LID","White plaster lid, one face is fairly, the other convex with pronounced rise off-centre. Diameter 7.4 - 8.5 cm. Thickness 3.7 cm.",11/3/1996 00:00:00,, "4325",4.00,"PLASTER","PIERCED DISC","Sub-oval piece of whitish plaster with central small hole. Upper face is flat and quite thin on one side. Hole near centre, surrounded by a raised broken rim. Lower face is fairly flat. Dimensions 5.0 x 4.8 x 2.4 cm. Hole diameter 0.8 - 0.9 cm.",11/3/1996 00:00:00,, "4325",5.00,"BONE","HORN","Mammal horn core, partly broken. Packed into box.",11/3/1996 00:00:00,, "4325",6.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Two copper lumps. 1) Irregular sub-ovoid and solid green. Dimensions 1.7 x 1.1 x 0.9 cm. 2) Irregular lump with brown patches. Dimensions 2.0 x 1.4 x 1.0 cm.",11/3/1996 00:00:00,, "4332",1.00,"CARNELIAN","BEAD","Spheroid carnelian bead. Mottled orange red colour with polished surface and single hole. Intact and in good condition. Diameter 1.6; Height 1.5 cm. Hole diameter 0.15 cm. Weight 5.4 gm.",16/3/1996 00:00:00,, "4332",2.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Large lump of bitumen broken into three fragments. Sub-diamond shaped and triangular in section. Surface has impressions of vegetable matter. Interior also shows remains of vegetable matter, including probable seeds/grain. Largest fragment dimensions 7.4 x 5.3 x 2.6 cm.",19/3/1996 00:00:00,, "4332",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. Add to 1996 bag with same number.",16/3/1996 00:00:00,, "4332",4.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. Add to 1996 bag with same number.",19/3/1996 00:00:00,, "4332",5.00,"BONE","CRAB","100+ carapace and claw crab fragments. From hermit crabs found nearby on floor still inside murex shells- see 4332:11. See also murex shell cluster 4332:6 & other crab frags 4338:6. Hand sieved. In flat box.",20/4/1996 00:00:00,, "4332",6.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. Large bag mainly of murex. Found on floor in cluster. Four have been separated to form 4332:11 as they still contain hermit crabs. Other crab fragments see 4332:5.",20/4/1996 00:00:00,, "4332",7.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Small Pounder/Smoother. Ovoid pebble of light grey limestone. One face is slightly convex and worn partly smooth. This face lay directly on the floor leaving a stain on the surface of the tool. The opposite face is flat but slightly irregular (natural) with some abrading around the edges. The wide curved zone of the circumference is very abraded, particularly at each end, one of which is flat. Intact and in good condition. Dimensions 4.4 x 4.1 x 3.0 cm. Weight 92.0 gm.",22/4/1996 00:00:00,, "4332",8.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Small Pounder, possible Smoother. Sub ovoid pebble of light grey limestone with small natural hollows on the surface. Abraded along two opposite sides and at each slightly convex end. The tool was lying on a floor which left a stain on a possibly worked convex surface. Intact. Length 4.2, width 2.8, thickness 2.6 cm. Weight 50.0 gm.",22/4/1996 00:00:00,, "4332",9.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Fragment of Pounder. Sub triangular fragment of dark grey fine-medium grained stone. Extant surface is irregular and scarred possibly through pounding especially at one pointed end. Greenish deposit (algae?) on extant and broken surfaces. Dimensions 9.4 x 8.2 x 4.3 cm.",22/4/1996 00:00:00,, "4332",10.00,"PLASTER","OBJECT","Sub-spherical lump of burnt gypsum plaster. Irregular surface, one part convex. Dimensions 6.2 x 5.8 x 5.0 cm. Possibly related to 4342: 1.",24/4/1996 00:00:00,, "4332",11.00,"BONE","CRAB","4 Hermit crabs in murex shells. One murex shell is larger than the others, very worn, and contains the remains of an almost complete fragmented crab. The others are more incomplete. Found within cluster of murex shells on floor 4332:6. See also crab fragments 4332:5 & 4338:6. In box. Dimensions largest shell: length 5.85, width 4.2 cm.",20/4/1996 00:00:00,, "4332",12.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Cluster of mixed shells. 5 bivalves show consistent angled breakages: where bashed open?",15/4/1996 00:00:00,, "4332",13.00,"POTTERY","PAINTED SHERD","Painted sherd. Fragment from upper body of vessel, possibly just below rim of goblet. Clay buff near inner surface, pink near outer. Outer surface well-smoothed. Black-painted design of animal with long, back-swept curved horns: most of torso, top of front legs, neck, most of horns, and ear preserved. Body hatched. Animal faces left, towards partially preserved vertical motif with fringed edge- perhaps a palm frond. Tiny portion of horizontal band preserved above animal. Inside upper part smoke-blackened. 5.3 x 5.0 x 0.5 cm.",20/4/1996 00:00:00,, "4332",14.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Cluster of mixed shells. 5 bivalves show consistent angled breakages: where bashed open?",15/4/1996 00:00:00,, "4332",15.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder, broken. Sub ovoid nodule, with one flat face, of mottled cream-light grey limestone. One long face has been worn to a very smooth and flat sub oval surface. This has subsequently been partly abraded. The opposite face comprises a long convex abraded surface which then slopes sharply down to the flat face. The latter slope is deeply scarred due to pounding of the angled narrow edge. All sharply angled edges are scarred. One end of the tool is broken off and concave, caused by pounding from the flat surface. The other end is a continuation of the convex abraded surface. Dimensions 7.2 x 6.2 x 4.4 cm.",22/4/1996 00:00:00,, "4332",16.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Large rectangular grindstone of farush sandstone (inclusions of sand and shell). Upper surface mostly worn flat with one pitted area partly filled with flattened bitumen. Several loose fragments are kept with the stone. The lower side and the edges are irregular. Fine deposit on upper surface left uncleaned. Intact. Dimensions 52 x 31 x 8-10 cm. Pitted area 15 x 10 cm.",15/4/1996 00:00:00,, "4332",17.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Cluster of mixed shell. 10 bivalves show consistent angled breakages: where bashed open?",15/4/1996 00:00:00,, "4332",18.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Small Pounder. Sub cuboid pebble of light grey limestone. Two adjacent surfaces very abraded and scarred, especially around a slightly higher central point. Other scattered abrading marks, especially at the flat ends. Intact. Dimensions 3.4 x 2.8 x 2.5 cm.",22/4/1996 00:00:00,, "4332",19.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Sub spheroid nodule of light grey limestone. Two opposing faces are slightly flattened. Entire surface abraded and scarred. Deeper scars on the edge of these slightly flattened faces. Intact. Dimensions 5.6 x 5.5 x 5.4 cm. Weight 214.6 gm.",22/4/1996 00:00:00,, "4332",20.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Two fragments of copper. 1) Irregular L-shaped fragment with lumpy surface. 2.3 x 1.5 x 0.7 cm. 2) Oval corroding blob of copper on the side of an L-shaped pebble. 1.0 x 0.7 x 0.4 cm.",27/4/1996 00:00:00,, "4332",21.00,"COPPER","NEEDLE","Copper needle with pointed end broken off, otherwise in good condition. Shaft is circular in section. End with eye cut through is wider, and slightly squared off and pinched. Eye is elongated with pointed ends. Extant length 5.3, diameter 0.2 cm. Wider at eye width 0.3 cm. Eye end tip width 0.2 cm. Eye inside length 0.7, width 0.1 cm.",27/4/1996 00:00:00,,"Treated with Benzotriazole April 1996" "4332",22.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Sub rectangular flat fragment of copper with brown rusted lump on one face. Dimensions 2.1 x 1.7 x 1.2 cm.",23/2/1998 00:00:00,, "4332",23.00,"FLINT","NODULE","Sub triangular nodule of mottled brown-light brown flint with desert varnish over pot-lidded scars. One corner is rounded, the other are broken. Dimensions 4.0 x 3.3 x 1.5 cm.",15/2/1998 00:00:00,, "4332",24.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder/Axe. Waisted, sub ovoid large pebble of dark grey close grained igneous stone. Probably basalt. Original surface is naturally smooth with very fine striations. One main face convex, the opposite is flat. The two rounded sides have areas of pitting and small scarring (hafting?). One end is small and rounded, and entirely pitted/worn. The other end is flaring, convex and narrow, with numerous scars and pitting. These scars continue up the sides. Dimensions max. 7.3 x 5.3 x 4.05 cm. Waist width 4.2 cm. Wide rectangular end 5.1 x 2.6 cm. Small circular end 1.7 x 1.6 cm.",18/2/1998 00:00:00,, "4332",25.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Small pounder. Roughly diamond-shaped large pebble of light grey limestone with naturally worn surface. The main convex and flat faces have a scattering of pitting. The two pointed ends (one longer than the other) and the sides are scarred and pitted. Dimensions 5.75 x 4.1 x 3.0 cm.",18/2/1998 00:00:00,, "4332",26.00,"FOSSIL BIVALVE","POUNDER","Small Pounder on a very worn-down fossil (probable bivalve). Sub ovoid piece of light grey limestone. Entire surface pitted, especially at each rounded end and the sides The ends are also slightly scarred. Dimensions 3.9 x 3.4 x 3.0 cm.",18/2/1998 00:00:00,, "4332",27.00,"FOSSIL BIVALVE","POUNDER","Fossilized bivalve, used as a pounder. Sub-ovoid, light grey limestone. The two convex faces are partly pitted. The sharp edges are also scarred and pitted. Bivalves L: 4.55; W: 4.45; T: 3.6 cm.",18/2/1998 00:00:00,, "4332",28.00,"FOSSIL BIVALVE","POUNDER","Fossilized bivalve used as a pounder. Sub-ovoid, of light grey limestone. Both the convex faces pitted. The sharp edges are scarred and pitted. There are bitumen blobs on part of the edge opposite the hinge. Bivalves L: 4.1; W: 4.5; T: 3.55 cm.",18/2/1998 00:00:00,, "4332",29.00,"FOSSIL BIVALVE","POUNDER","Fossilized bivalve, used as a pounder. Sub-ovoid, of light grey limestone. Both convex faces have sporadic pitting. The sharp edges are pitted and scarred. Bivalves L: 4.5; W: 4.85; T: 3.5 cm.",18/2/1998 00:00:00,, "4332",30.00,"POTTERY","OBJECT","Fragment of large, thin, flat pottery object. Brown clay, dark core, hard grit temper. One surface flat but not well-smoothed, as though made against rough flat surface such as earth. Opposite surface has cream slip, with patterns in red, probably reserved from the slip. Pattern consists of concentric circles of alternating cream and red stripes, with at least one diagonal line. Design suggests object was circular. Splodge of bitumen on rough side. Dimensions 10.0 x 9.5 x 1.8 cm.",22/2/1998 00:00:00,, "4332",31.00,"PLASTER","FRAG","Thin, curved and pointed piece of light grey plaster. The convex surface is smooth, the concave surface is uneven. Dimensions 4.9 x 2.3 x 1.4 cm.",18/2/1998 00:00:00,, "4334",1.00,"FLINT","FLAKE","Snapped flake of good quality brown flint with dark brown cortex and thin white patina. Longitudinally broken. Remnant striking platform reworked and hinged termination. Dimensions 2.2 x 1.1 x 0.5 cm.",21/3/1996 00:00:00,, "4334",2.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Two fragments of bitumen. The largest is triangular with one flat and fairly smooth surface. The other surface is slightly convex with a small central hollow. Dimensions 1.8 x 1.8 x 0.6 cm.",27/4/1996 00:00:00,, "4335",1.00,"GLASS","BEAD","Black bead probably made of glass. Small double lentoid disk bead. Intact. Diameter 0.27 cm. Total height 0.32 cm. Individual lentoid segment height 0.15 cm. Hole diameter 0.5 cm. Weight less than 0.1 gm. Assoc. intrusive grave - post-Dilmun.",19/3/1996 00:00:00,, "4335",2.00,"FAIENCE","BEAD","Biconical bead of faience. Slightly squashed shape. Surface whitish with blue tinge. Single hole. Intact. . Intact. Diameter 0.6; Height 0.6 cm. Hole diameter 0.15 cm. Weight 0.3 gm. Assoc. intrusive grave - post-Dilmun",16/3/1996 00:00:00,, "4335",3.00,"CARNELIAN","BEAD","Red-banded carnelian bead of complex shape. Essentially rectangular in plan, as seen looking through perforation. At either end, however, the corners have been sharply cut out to create deep facets. One third of one face is broken beside the hole and has two other tiny chips. The end of one side is also slightly chipped. Height 0.7, width 0.7, thickness 0.5 cm. Hole diameter 0.15 cm. Weight 0.4 gm. Associated with late grave - effectively unstrat.",20/4/1996 00:00:00,, "4335",4.00,"GLASS","BEAD","Black bead probably made of glass. Small double lentoid disk bead. Identical to but just slightly shorter and fatter than 4335:1. Intact. Diameter 0.32 cm. Total height 0.28 cm. Individual lentoid segment height 0.15 cm. Hole diameter 0.1 cm. Weight less than 0.1 gm. Assoc. intrusive grave - post-Dilmun.",20/4/1996 00:00:00,, "4335",5.00,"CARNELIAN","BEAD","Small spherical carnelian bead. Clear orange-red. One end concave, and hole is wider here. The other end is fairly flat but has tiny chips. The surface of the bead has several tiny chips or irregularities. Intact. Height 0.5, diameter 0.6 cm. Hole diameter 0.15 cm. 0.3 gm. Assoc. late grave - effectively unstrat",20/4/1996 00:00:00,, "4335",6.00,"STONE","BEAD","Cylindrical agate bead with rounded ends. Translucent brown agate, partly banded. Shaped from irregular stone making it a slightly flattened cylinder with small dips and chips on the surface. The ends are flat. Shiny surface. Height 1.4 cm, Diameter 0.6-7. Hole diameter 0.2 cm. Weight 1.0 gm. Assoc. intrusive grave - post-Dilmun.",20/4/1996 00:00:00,, "4338",1.00,"STONE","BEAD","Short, roughly cylindrical bead of dark grey close grained stone with tiny shiny inclusions (lead crystals?). Surface irregular: worn or perhaps unfinished. Intact. Diameter 1.9, height 14 cm. Hole diameter 2.5 cm. Weight 13.1 gm. Possibly intrusive, and therefore post-Dilmun.",19/3/1996 00:00:00,, "4338",2.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder. Possible Core. Sub ovoid nodule of mottled crimson flint with mottled light grey cortex. One face is flattish, the other is convex. One side has had a large flake removed, probably through pounding, leaving a convex surface. The flake scar has subsequently been scarred from all sides. Entire surface abraded, especially the circumference and the flattish face. The rest is scarred, with little cortex remaining. Dimension 7.5 x 5.8 x 5.5 cm. Large flake scar L: 4.3, W: 4.9 cm.",4/5/1996 00:00:00,, "4338",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell.",5/4/1996 00:00:00,, "4338",4.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone.",27/4/1996 00:00:00,, "4338",5.00,"STONE","BOWL FRAG","Fragment from the rim and body of stone vessel, possibly a shallow bowl or mortar. Curved fragment of pink stone with small sand inclusions. Rim is narrow and rounded. Inside is shallow and concave, the outside is convex. These two extant surfaces are very smooth, with only slight pitting on the lower outer surface. General dimensions 6.7 x 4.1 x 2.5 cm. Weight 90.8 gm. Extant height 4.1 cm. Rim diameter approx. 15 cm. Extant body diameter 16 cm.",4/5/1996 00:00:00,, "4338",6.00,"BONE","CRAB","10 small fragments of crab. Similar to hermit crabs found nearby see 4332:5 & 4332:11. In box.",27/4/1996 00:00:00,, "4340",1.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder, broken into two joining fragments. Sub oval piece of farush limestone, formed almost entirely of small shells. One face has been worn flat, with smooth upper zones mostly shell) in between numerous natural hollows. The other face is naturally weathered with shells creating the irregular surface. Two extant edges form two straight rounded sides with a rounded corner. Very sharp to the touch. Dimensions 23.3 x 15.2 x 3.45 cm.",14/2/1998 00:00:00,, "4340",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed.",15/2/1998 00:00:00,, "4340",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed.",14/2/1998 00:00:00,, "4340",4.00,"PLASTER","FRAGS","Two fragments of grey plaster. 1) Sub-oval and curved, with both surfaces rough. Dimensions 8.7 x 5.1 x 1.2 cm. 2) Sub-triangular with a smooth inner surface and a rougher flat outer surface. Formed in two parts with paler finer plaster on upper inner surface. Dimensions 5.0 x 4.9 x 1.75 cm.",14/2/1998 00:00:00,, "4340",5.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Fragment of Pounder. Sub oval flake of light brown quartz with slightly granular structure. Extant convex surface is scarred, especially at the edges. The other surface (ventral) is slightly concave. Dimensions 7.2 x 5.4 x 1.3 cm.",14/2/1998 00:00:00,, "4340",6.00,"FLINT","FLAKE","Possibly natural flake as surfaces are flat. Dark brown mottled flint with creamy white cortex on one lateral edge. Scarred platform and step termination, with previous scarring at proximal end. L: 1.8; W: 2.5; T: 0.3 cm.",14/2/1998 00:00:00,, "4340",7.00,"PLASTER","PIERCED DISC","Half of broken disc of light grey plaster, pierced with a hole slightly off centre. One face is flat, the other is slightly convex, with rounded edges. Smooth, slightly bubbly surfaces. Diameter 7.2 cm. Thickness 1.9 cm. Hole diameter 1.4 cm.",28/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4341",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell.",2/5/1996 00:00:00,, "4341",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone.",2/5/1996 00:00:00,, "4342",1.00,"PLASTER","OBJECT","Sub-spherical lump of burnt plaster. One part of the surface is concave. Diameter 3.8-3.9 cm. Possibly related to 4332:10.",24/4/1996 00:00:00,, "4342",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, much mammal.",15/4/1996 00:00:00,, "4342",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell.",15/4/1996 00:00:00,, "4342",4.00,"STONE","FRAG","Possible tool fragment. Sub cubic piece of coarse dark grey stone, vesicular basalt? Lumpy surface with many inner, and often tubular, hollows. No evidence of working on the rough surface. Dimensions 3.9 x 3.8 x 3.7 cm.",22/4/1996 00:00:00,, "4342",5.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Two large and four tiny fragments of bitumen. The larger ones are thick and irregular, generally sub-ovoid. They have several impressions of vegetable matter on the surface and within the fabric itself. Largest fragment dimensions 2.7 x 2.1 x 1.0 cm.",27/4/1996 00:00:00,, "4345",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed.",18/2/1998 00:00:00,, "4345",2.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Diamond-shaped piece of copper. One face is flattish, the other is slightly convex. Dimensions 1.85 x 1.2 x 1.45 cm.",20/2/1998 00:00:00,, "4345",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Missing. Never arrived to finds cabin.",7/5/1998 00:00:00,, "4346",1.00,"STEATITE","SEAL","Circular stamp seal. Finely cut and unworn. Profile: F 1. straight. Reverse: Standard. Glaze intact. Obverse: Standing male figure in tiered skirt facing right. To the left he holds a shield beyond which is a hatched oblong motif. To the right is a swimming bird facing left with a sub-circular motif above its back; triangular hatched motif in bottom right field below the bird. Diameter 2.25 cm. Height 1.0 cm. Weight 6.0 gm.",15/4/1996 00:00:00,, "4346",2.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAG","Sub-triangular fragment of bitumen from the lining of a woven vessel. One face is smoothish and flat, the other has the impression of cross-woven palm leaf. Dimensions 2.5 x 1.9 x 0.3 cm. Leaf strip width 0.6-0.7 cm.",22/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4346",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed. 1 fragment is burnt.",25/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4348",1.00,"STONE","WORKED","Possible statue base or its plinth reused as anvil. Cuboid piece of light brown sandstone with small sand grains. Shaped cuboid upper part is above very carefully carved raised and slightly smaller rectangular lower part with smoothed surfaces. The latter may have been where the base was socketed into a hole. All faces fairly straight with visible tool marks. The top 2.5 cm of the upper part tapers outward 1.0 cm from the side. The lower part has one long side which is slightly indented from the top to 1.0 cm from the bottom. The surface of the lower part has been subsequently pitted (when anvil?), especially towards one end. Height: 14.3; Width Upper: 17.4-15.2, Lower: 14.1-13.5; Thickness Upper: 8.3-6.4, Lower 7.2-6.4 cm.",15/4/1996 00:00:00,, "4348",2.00,"STONE","WORKED","Possible tool or architectural stone. Large sub square piece of dark grey close grained stone. One surface is irregular with one side partly pecked flat leaving a small lip in one corner. The central zone is smooth and other parts of the surface may also have been pecked. The opposite surface is convex and appears more naturally worn. Two opposite sides are bevelled and were perhaps worked. The other edges are rough. Dimensions 22.3 x 21.5 x 70.6 cm.",15/4/1996 00:00:00,, "4348",3.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder/Core. Sub ovoid nodule of brown banded flint & chert with light grey-cream cortex. Slightly waisted in the middle with one fairly flat face. Sharply angled sides and the convex ends are very scarred and pitted. Largest flakes removed from one side struck from the flat face. Last one has scarred platform with step terminations. L: 1.8, W: 4.6 cm. Intact. Dimensions 7.7 x 5.2 x 4.7 cm. Weight 203.0 gm.",18/6/1996 00:00:00,, "4348",4.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, mainly mammal. One small fragment of tortoise.",24/4/1996 00:00:00,, "4348",5.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. Included one pearl oyster with small pearl now 4348:25.",24/4/1996 00:00:00,, "4348",6.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Corner fragment of grinder. Pink sandstone with small sand grains. One surface is worn fairly smooth and flat, the opposite is also fairly flat. Extant edges are near vertical. Dimensions 8.6 x 7.2 x 4.0 cm. Weight 293.5 gm.",18/4/1996 00:00:00,, "4348",7.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Grindstone fragment. Sub-triangular piece of light brown sandstone with small-to-large sand and pebble inclusions in a very compacted structure. The upper surface has been worn fairly smooth and concave, with some pitting towards the extant centre of the object. The lower face is irregular. The extant convex edge is nearly vertical, as are the two broken straight edges at right angles to each other. Dimensions 9.8 x 8.6 x 4.2 cm.",22/4/1996 00:00:00,, "4348",8.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Fragment of grinder, possibly reused as pounder. Sub-trapezoidal fragment of light brown sandstone with small sand inclusions. Very worn. One surface flat and fairly smooth near the curved edge. The rest is slightly abraded or even slightly striated. The opposite face is slightly convex with several abrading marks (possibly natural). One curved side is narrow, with the other two straight sides joining at right angles. The shortest vertical side is the thickest and has been abraded, especially along one edge. Dimensions 8.3 x 7.1 x 3.5 cm. Weight 218.0 gm.",22/4/1996 00:00:00,, "4348",9.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Two fragments of copper. 1, S-shaped flattish strip with one pointed end. One surface is irregular and slightly convex along the length of the fragment, the other is slightly concave. 3.6 x 1.4 x 0.7 cm. 2) Irregular cross-shaped lump with irregular surface. 1.8 x 1.2 x 0.6 cm.",27/4/1996 00:00:00,, "4348",10.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Pounder/Smoother. Sub ovoid-cubic nodule of light grey limestone. One face worn(?) smooth and flat with subsequent abrading on the surface and scarring at the edges. The opposite face is concave and lightly abraded. Its edges are also scarred. The wide circumference is very abraded. One side of the circumference is flat, the rest is curved. Intact. Dimensions 9.6 x 9.0 x 7.7 cm.",27/4/1996 00:00:00,, "4348",11.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Sub ovoid (egg-shaped) nodule of light grey limestone. Entire surface is coarsely abraded especially at the narrower ends. One face has three large flattish scars, one of which has been subsequently abraded. These scars show where flakes were struck off by pounding at both ends of the tool. One side is also deeply and broadly scarred. Intact. Dimensions 12.6 x 9.4 x 8.6 cm.",27/4/1996 00:00:00,, "4348",12.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder, possibly reused as anvil. Intact. Sub-rectangular piece, with rounded corners, of light brown sandstone with small-medium sand inclusions. Larger shell grit inclusions only on parts of lower surface. Upper surface has been worn smooth and flat with several small areas of abrading. Slightly angled parallel striations on flat surface. Deposit on surface not cleaned off. Lower surface is gently sloping with several natural small hollows. The central zone on this face has been worn partly smooth and flat, and one corner area is very pitted, perhaps not naturally. The edges are shaped and are slightly bevelled on the lower face. They are slightly chipped, one edge having a small concavity in the middle. Dimensions 20.8 x 19.2 x 4.0 cm.",27/4/1996 00:00:00,, "4348",13.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Fragment of grinder. Sub-rectangular fragment of light brown sandstone with small sand and large shell inclusions. Extant upper surface is worn fairly smooth and flat. The lower surface is irregular and pitted. The two extant sides are shaped and rounded, one being straight, the other convex. The broken edges are irregular. Dimensions 14.1 x 8.8 x 7.0 cm.",27/4/1996 00:00:00,, "4348",14.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Small Smoother/Pounder. Elongated ovoid pebble of dark grey close grained stone. One long side of the stone has been worn partly smooth and flat. Parts of the side and the two flattish ends are abraded. Intact except for a long scar/hollow running form one end. Length 5.7, width 3.0, thickness 2.7 cm. Weight 81.1 gm.",22/4/1996 00:00:00,, "4348",15.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Sub oval nodule of mottled grey stone. Both faces are naturally dimpled and angled at a diagonal to the length. One end is shorter than the other, with a slightly concave edge adjacent to it. All of the rounded edges and in particular the slightly convex ends are abraded. Intact. Dimensions 8.5 x 6.3 x 4.4 cm.",4/5/1996 00:00:00,, "4348",16.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder fragment. Approximately one quarter of tool. Sub ovoid fragment, with two flattish broken faces, of dark grey stone, with small grains. Two opposite extant faces are flat, the two others are convex. The entire extant surface is partly abraded, particularly the two flat faces. The edges, and two angled edges between the faces are slightly scarred. Dimensions 6.8 x 4.8 x 3.9 cm.",4/5/1996 00:00:00,, "4348",17.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder, possible Smoother. Small sub triangular nodule/pebble of dark grey close grained stone. One face is flat, the opposite is angled down to the narrow diagonal edge. The two largest faces and the longest side are very smooth, perhaps naturally worn. The pointed end is slightly worn, but the other slightly convex end and the diagonal edge are abraded and scarred. Intact. Dimensions 5.3 x 4.0 x 2.3 cm.",4/5/1996 00:00:00,, "4348",18.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Small Pounder. Sub oval piece of dark grey close grey stone. Extant surface is convex and partly scarred. The lower face is flattish, probably formed by a large scar, and its edges are scarred. Dimensions 4.0 x 3.7 x 2.6 cm.",5/5/1996 00:00:00,, "4348",19.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Small Pounder with Bitumen. Elongated sub rectangular/oval pebble of dark grey close grained stone. Fairly smooth naturally weathered surface. One end is very abraded and has long scars running from it which continue down the length of one side of the tool. Bitumen is adhering in some of these scars. The other end is broken and scarred. Parts of the angled edges of the pebble are also lightly abraded. Dimensions 4.8 x 2.7 x 2.0 cm.",5/5/1996 00:00:00,, "4348",20.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Small Pounder. Sub ovoid pebble of dark grey small grained stone. One face is convex and abraded and scarred. The lower face is flattish and very scarred. The curved circumference is very abraded, especially at the ends. Dimensions 4.4 x 3.2 x 2.5 cm.",5/5/1996 00:00:00,, "4348",21.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Small Chisel/Pounder. Possible Smoother. Sub square pebble of light grey limestone with some dark grey mottling. The two main faces are slightly convex and smooth. Both these faces and the sides are slightly abraded. One end is wedge-shaped and its narrow edge is very scarred. The opposite end has an abraded flat rectangular face with scarred edges. Intact tool from floor surface. Good example. Dimensions 3.7 x 3.6 x 2.7 cm.",4/5/1996 00:00:00,, "4348",22.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder. Sub ovoid/wedge-shaped nodule of dark grey close grained stone. The stone has very rounded edges with one face flattish, and the other convex. The entire surface is very smooth, perhaps naturally water worn. The two faces are slightly abraded in the centre. The larger end appears slightly ground or smoothed, forming a slightly bevelled edge. The two edges near this end are abraded. The shorter end is slightly abraded and has two large scars. Intact. Dimensions 7.0 x 5.5 x 3.9 cm.",4/5/1996 00:00:00,, "4348",23.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Possible Pounder/Anvil/Palette. Sub oval flat piece of grey stone with strong horizontal cleavage planes. One side is straight with two bumps. The two flattish faces, and the rounded narrow edges are slightly abraded and worn, possibly naturally. Dimensions 9.3 x 7.2 x 2.4-1.3 cm.",4/5/1996 00:00:00,, "4348",24.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Large sub cuboid piece of grey mottled limestone, with rare small shell fossils. The two largest faces are flat, one side face is flat, the other concave. The two ends are slightly convex. The entire surface is abraded and slightly scarred. The abrading and scarring is predominant at the ends and their edges, as well as on the concave side. Intact. Dimensions 12.0 x 8.5 x 7.2 cm.",4/5/1996 00:00:00,, "4348",25.00,"SHELL","BLISTER PEARL","Small oval of nacre, a possible pearl, adhering to the inside of a pearl oyster shell. Shell height 4.5, width 4.5 cm. Pearl length 0.2, width 0.15 cm.",27/4/1996 00:00:00,, "4348",26.00,"BITUMEN","FRAG","Triangular fragment of bitumen. Both faces fairly flat and smooth, with only some pitting. Dimensions 2.8 x 1.4 x 0.8 cm.",27/4/1996 00:00:00,, "4348",27.00,"POTTERY","PAINTED JAR","Striped painted vessel. About a quarter of rim and body preserved. Base missing. Pink clay, grit temper. White slip out and horizontal black painted stripes. Painting sloppy and uneven. Rim flattened and sloped inwards, probably slightly to outside. Body globular. Small diagonal scratch marks on lower body. Extant height 14.6 cm. Rim diameter approx. 12.0 cm (reconstructed). Max. width approx. 21.6 cm (reconstructed).",1/5/1996 00:00:00,, "4349",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone.",29/4/1996 00:00:00,, "4349",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell.",29/4/1996 00:00:00,, "4349",3.00,"SHELL","PIERCED MUREX","Two murex shells with holes through.",,,"Stored with 4349:02, not separately labelled." "4350",1.00,"STEATITE","SEAL","Circular stamp seal. Grey steatite, glazed. Edge chipped, especially left side of design. Edge deep and slightly concave. Reverse has usual three lines and 4 dotted circles, but lines are oblique to the perforation, so the circles are not as evenly spaced as usual. Design shows a standing bearded figure on the left side. He wears a tiered robe and faces right. The design behind him is chipped away, but to the right he holds a long vertical shield with two prongs at either end. To the right is a horned male quadruped, standing facing right. He has a very elongated, ruffed neck, and his head is held up and back, so his nose just touches the top of the shield. Both the human head and the shield top are pushed to the right to fit the curve of the seal. Height 1.22 cm. Diameter 2.16-2.2 cm. Boss diameter 1.8 cm. Weight 7.3 gm.",29/4/1996 00:00:00,, "4350",2.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Cubic stone with rounded edges and corners (or spheroid with flattened faces). Light pink-grey medium grained stone. Entire surface is finely abraded, with slightly more marks in the centre of all faces. One face is concave in the centre due to the concentrated pitting. Intact and in good condition. Dimensions 7.2 x 7.1 x 7.1 cm. Weight 580.7 gm",22/4/1996 00:00:00,, "4350",3.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Pounder/Smoother. Large sub triangular piece of dark grey medium-grain stone. One face is flattish and abraded. Both sides bevel down to the edges and are very smooth. The opposite face is flattish but very abraded in the central zone. All the sides and edges are very abraded. The two slightly convex ends are also very abraded, one being larger than the other. Intact. Dimensions 12.2 x 11.7 x 6.3 cm.",5/5/1996 00:00:00,, "4350",4.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Pounder/Smoother. Sub spheroid nodule, with two flattened faces, of dark grey close-small grained stone. The largest flattened face was smooth and subsequently abraded. Its edges are slightly scarred. The opposite face is slightly sloping and similarly abraded, but two sides have been broken away due to large scarring. The wide convex band of the circumference is very abraded and in two parts deeply scarred. Intact. Diameter 8.2-8.0, Height 6.65-5.1 cm.",5/5/1996 00:00:00,, "4350",5.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder, probably broken. Large sub circular piece of light grey limestone. One face is flattish formed possibly when tool broke and was subsequently scarred. The other face is flat and very abraded. The curved circumference of the tool is very abraded and scarred. Many of the scars originated at the sharp edge of the flat, broken face. Height 5.6, diameter 12.0-11.7 cm.",4/5/1996 00:00:00,, "4350",6.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Grindstone, broken. Sub oval piece of light brown sandstone with small-large sand and shell inclusions. Upper surface worn flat, with surface smooth near the edges and the rest abraded and pitted, perhaps due to re-pecking of stone. The lower face is slightly convex and sloping, with coarser grains on the surface. The extant curved edges are bevelled towards the lower face. The broken edges are straight and vertical. Dimensions 17.2 x 14.4 x 5.2-2.1 cm.",4/5/1996 00:00:00,, "4350",7.00,"FLINT","OBJECT","Possible Pick/Core, or architectural stone. Large elongated piece of coarse mottled grey-brown flint with remnant creamy-white cortex and skin of dark red-brown. One end is blunt, the other roughly pointed. Made from a natural chunk by flaking from one prepared end, leaving two parallel longitudinal scars. One scar was then restruck twice from the edge of the other long scar. Subsequently the pointed end was scarred, as was one long edge beside the cortex which has discontinuous bifacial scars. A large flake has also been removed from near the blunt end of the cortex/skin edge, possibly to aid hafting. Dimensions 14.2 x 7.5 x 5.8 cm.",22/4/1996 00:00:00,, "4350",8.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone.",29/4/1996 00:00:00,, "4350",9.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder. Possible Core. Sub oval nodule of mottled grey-brown flint with creamy white cortex. The curved edges are abraded and scarred. One face is very scarred, making it nearly flat with one small raised area. This face has a tubular natural hole. The opposite face is slightly convex with much of the cortex remaining, being scarred at the edges. The irregular nature of the scarring & flaking indicates that it was a Pounder rather than a Core. Intact. Overall dimensions 6.7 x 6.5 x 3.6 cm. Flake on convex side L: 2.5, W: 2.9 cm.",5/5/1996 00:00:00,, "4350",10.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Fragment of grinder. Thin, sub-triangular piece of light brown sandstone with small-medium sand inclusions. Upper surface worn smooth and flat, with slight pitting. The lower face is irregular. The edges are irregular. One may be complete. Dimensions 8.2 x 7.7 x 2.1-1.1 cm.",4/5/1996 00:00:00,, "4350",11.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Fragment of grinder. Sub- rectangular piece of light brown sandstone with small sand inclusions. Upper surface flat but entirely abraded (re-pecked?) and worn. The lower face is smooth but undulating. The extant edge is nearly straight and rounded, with slight bevel on lower side. The three broken edges are vertical. Dimensions 9.8 x 7.0 x 3.9 cm.",4/5/1996 00:00:00,, "4351",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone.",29/4/1996 00:00:00,, "4351",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. Includes one very large murex with slightly burnt apex and opening (no side hole).",29/4/1996 00:00:00,, "4352",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone.",29/4/1996 00:00:00,, "4352",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell.",29/4/1996 00:00:00,, "4352",3.00,"STONE","FRAG","Sub ovoid piece of light red ironstone with pyrite crystals within. From floor surface. One edge is slightly damaged/scarred. Dimensions 2.9 x 2.3 x 1.8 cm.",2/5/1996 00:00:00,, "4352",4.00,"FLINT","FLAKE","Flake, possibly from Pounder. Wide sub square flake of mottled brown poor quality flint. Scarred striking platform and feather termination. Broken along one side. The unbroken distal edge is worn. Previous scars on the dorsal surface struck from the proximal end. L: 4.5 W: 5.3, T: 1.5 cm.",5/5/1996 00:00:00,, "4352",5.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Eight medium-sized and 20+ tiny fragments of copper. 1) Sub-rectangular fragment bent into a curve, with one pointed end. Lumpy surface. 2.7 x 1.2 x 0.9 cm. 2) Sub-rectangular, cracked, with one surface recently broken (bronze disease). 1.7 x 1.5 x 0.9 cm. 3) Sub-trapezoid with two flattish faces. 1.3 x 1.3 x 0.6 cm. 4) Sub-rectangular slightly bent with two flattish faces. 1.6 x 0.8 x 0.4 cm. 5-7) Three sub-ovoid fragments recently broken (off No. 2.?). Av. dimensions 1.1 x 0.9 x 0.6 cm. 8) Thin wire fragment with one pointed end pushed to one side, oval in section. 1.0 x 0.3 x 0.3 cm. Other fragments less than 0.7 cm.",1/5/1996 00:00:00,, "4352",6.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Fragment of Pounder/Smoother. Sub triangular piece of dark grey medium grained stone. Three extant parts of worked surfaces, a corner fragment, with other face flattish where broken. Two slightly convex faces are abraded, the other is smooth and flattish. Dimensions 3.8 x 2.3 x 1.2 cm.",1/5/1996 00:00:00,, "4352",7.00,"PLASTER","PIERCED DISC","Large, roughly oval piece of soft grey plaster, with numerous vegetable inclusions. Dimpled surface and badly cracked through the centre. One face convex, the other flattish. The edges are rounded. Triangular hole, a little off centre, presumably made with palm-stick. Diameter 14.9-12.85 cm. Thickness 5.1 cm. Hole dimensions 2.1 x 1.7 cm. Weight, 440.9 gm",1/5/1996 00:00:00,,"Excellent for organic analysis as has many carbonised fragments including date pip. Packed into box." "4354",1.00,"POTTERY","BASE","Base, or possibly handle. Solid tubular piece of clay, flaring at top. Pink clay, temper of hard, white, crystalline grit. Surface paler to buff in patches. Presumably base to very large storage jar, or other vessel of unidentified form. Or conceivably a handle for a large lid. Base diameter 3.5-3.3 cm. Extant upper diameter 6.-6.6 cm. Extant Height 7.5 cm.",14/2/1998 00:00:00,, "4354",2.00,"PLASTER","FRAG","Not described.",7/5/1998 00:00:00,,"Missing, never arrived to finds cabin." "4354",3.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder, possible Core. Large sub triangular flake of light pinkish brown limestone. The dorsal surface is convex and has numerous flake scars. All flakes struck from the ventral surface. Perhaps the edges of the stone used for pounding or chopping causing the large scars. The pointed end and adjacent edges were the most used. Overall dimensions 12.5 x 9.5 x 4.8 cm. Last flake scar (snap termination) L: 1.8; W: 2.7; other flake L: 2.5; W: 2.5 cm.",14/2/1998 00:00:00,, "4354",4.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder fragment. Quarter of a circle, flat piece of light grey farush limestone with numerous shell fragments and hollows. Upper surface worn flat, including the shells. The lower face is flattish. Extant edge is convex. Dimensions 9.7 x 9.5 x 3.6 cm.",14/2/1998 00:00:00,, "4354",5.00,"STONE","FRAG","Elongated sub ovoid piece of dark grey igneous stone. Possibly vesicular basalt. The entire surface is weathered and irregular, with numerous small hollows and bumps. Dimensions 10.3 x 5.3 x 3.7 cm.",14/2/1998 00:00:00,, "4354",6.00,"STONE","FRAG","Possible Tool- Pick(?) or building stone. Sub rectangular piece, with one pointed end, of dark grey stone with sharp bumps/inclusions. Possibly vesicular basalt or burnt limestone. The two main faces are weathered and irregular. Two sides have been roughly shaped straight and vertical. One end is flat and rectangular, the other has a long, rounded point. Dimensions 14.2 x 9.1 x 4.55 cm. Rectangular flat end 8.0 x 4.7 cm.",14/2/1998 00:00:00,, "4354",7.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed.",14/2/1998 00:00:00,, "4354",8.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed. 1 burnt murex, and 2 broken pearl oysters, possible net weights. [ignore. JM]",26/2/1998 00:00:00,, "4354",9.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Over forty fragments of bitumen from lining to one or more woven vessels. All have one surface with impressions of cross-woven palm leaf, while the other is smooth. Vegetable inclusions. Largest dimensions 4.4 x 3.3 x 0.6 cm. Leaf strip width 0.5-1.2 cm.",17/2/1998 00:00:00,, "4354",10.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","General. 369.6 gm.",13/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4354",11.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Fragment of Pounder. Pointed ovoid piece of dark grey medium grained igneous stone. Possibly dolerite. The extant convex face is the edge of two pitted surfaces, one is flattish, the other convex. The broken face is concave. Dimensions 7.7 x 3.9 x 2.5 cm.",19/2/1998 00:00:00,, "4354",12.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed.",19/2/1998 00:00:00,, "4354",13.00,"STONE","FRAG","Fragment of grey fossiline limestone (small shell fossils etc). Sub cubic, with weathered, rounded surfaces and numerous hollows. Two opposing surfaces are flattish. Dimensions 9.5 x 8.1 x 7.2 cm.",19/2/1998 00:00:00,, "4354",14.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder fragment, or possible threshold stone. Sub-oval thin fragment of light grey farush limestone. One surface has been worn flat, with higher smoothed areas between natural hollows. The shell fragments are also worn flat. The other surface is naturally irregular with deep rounded hollows. The extant edge is straight and vertical. The rest are broken and chipped. Dimensions 18.7 x 16.8 x 3.8-2.4 cm.",19/2/1998 00:00:00,, "4354",15.00,"FLINT","CORE","Core or naturally flaked piece. Sub rectangular piece of tabular, mottled, grey-brown flint with dimpled creamy-white cortex on both main faces. Three sides have been broken off straight, two are patinated, the other is more recent but shows no definite bulb of percussion. One corner has a cortical, large, wide, flake scar with slightly hinged termination. Dimensions 6.8 x 6.0 x 3.7 cm. Flake scar L: 2.9; W: 5.5 cm.",19/2/1998 00:00:00,, "4354",16.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder, possible Core. Sub ovoid nodule of mottled brown flint with creamy white cortex on one concave face and one end. Most of the surface is covered in large scars, all from percussion of the angled sides and convex ends. The lack of any platform preparation, and the haphazard nature of the flake scars indicates that it is unlikely to be a core. Dimensions 7.8 x 6.1 x 5.0 cm.",19/2/1998 00:00:00,, "4354",17.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Fragment of grinder. Sub-oval piece of light grey farush (fossiline/biogenic) limestone. A very concentrated mix of tiny gastropods and other shell fragments in minimal matrix. Very coarse. One face is flat, with the shell fragments also worn flat, and numerous natural hollows in between. The other face is convex with whole shells. Dimensions 10.5 x 9.1 x 2.9 cm.",19/2/1998 00:00:00,, "4354",18.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed.",19/2/1998 00:00:00,, "4354",19.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed.",23/2/1998 00:00:00,, "4354",20.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed. 1 burnt.",23/2/1998 00:00:00,, "4354",21.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder. Half of spherical nodule of brown flint, with large curved paler area at one end. The entire convex surface is pitted and scarred. The pounder may have broken during use. Diameter 4.8-4.4 cm. Present thickness 2.8 cm.",23/2/1998 00:00:00,, "4354",22.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Possible Scraper. Flake of banded brown, cream and red-brown chert, with creamy white cortex. Plain platform with plunging termination. Previous flakes struck off dorsal face from proximal end and from one side. Dorsal edge of platform has denticulated retouch, , forming a slightly concave scraping edge. Overall dimensions L: 4.7; W: 3.0; T: 1.2 cm. Flake scar L: 4.0 cm. Scraping edge length 2.4 cm.",23/2/1998 00:00:00,, "4354",23.00,"STONE","FRAG","Vesicular basalt. Irregular grey lump, sharp and craggy. Dimensions 10.6 x 7.2 x 6.2 cm.",23/2/1998 00:00:00,, "4354",24.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Large Pounder fragment. Sub cuboid piece of dark grey mottled limestone. Parts of three worked faces, all are slightly convex and are entirely pitted. There are deeper long scars at the pointed end and along parts of the edges. These scars show that the tool continued to be used after it was broken. Dimensions 12.4 x 9.6 x 8.7 cm.",23/2/1998 00:00:00,, "4354",25.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 4354:24. 115.7 gm",23/2/1998 00:00:00,, "4354",26.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Fragment of grinder. Sub-rectangular piece of purplish sandstone with fine sand grains. One face is flat and pecked all over. The other main face is smooth and flat, sloping up towards one end. The extant end is convex, narrow and rounded. The three broken edges are straight and vertical. Dimensions 8.8 x 6.1 x 4.2-1.9 cm.",23/2/1998 00:00:00,, "4354",27.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 4354:26. 144.4 gm.",23/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4354",28.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Sub spherical piece, with two flattened faces, of light grey limestone. One main face is flat, the other is irregular concave. Half of the wide circumference is convex, the other forms a straight-sided corner. The entire surface is pitted and scarred, especially concentrated on the circumference. Diameter 9.4-9.1 cm; thickness 7.5-5.8 cm.",23/2/1998 00:00:00,, "4354",29.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder with bitumen residue on one face. Sub ovoid piece of light grey limestone, with one angled flat side. The two main faces are slightly convex. The three sides are convex and rounded. All these are entirely pitted. One side has been scarred flat-convex. The bitumen is on this face and partly down the other adjacent faces. L (above flat face): 5.3; W: 6.35; T: 4.8 cm. Flat face 4.6 x 3.0 cm.",23/2/1998 00:00:00,, "4354",30.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Fragment of small Pounder. Fan-shaped piece of mottled grey and white igneous stone. Possibly dolerite or gabbro. The extant convex surface has parts of two original pitted faces. One is flat, the other is convex (the original circumference?). Dimensions 3.9 x 3.5 x 1.6 cm.",23/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4354",31.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Sub ovoid or wedge-shaped piece of very light grey limestone with powdery surface. The four main faces are slightly convex, one with a deep scar across its widest end. One end is narrower and wider than the other. Both ends are oval. The entire surface is pitted, with scarring mostly at the ends and rounded edges. A very worn surface. Dimensions 10.6 x 8.1-5.2 x 7.1-3.5 cm. Dimensions small end 6.0 x 5.2 cm; large end 7.6 x 3.9-3.5 cm.",23/2/1998 00:00:00,, "4354",32.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Large Pounder. Sub spherical light grey limestone, with two flattened faces and several natural hollows. Entire surface scarred and very worn. Diameter 12.3-11.8 cm. Thickness 7.7 cm.",23/2/1998 00:00:00,, "4354",33.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed.",23/2/1998 00:00:00,, "4354",34.00,"BONE","BONES","1 fish vertebrae.",23/2/1998 00:00:00,, "4354",35.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Pointed fragment of heat affected dark grey flint with one reddish end. One face is heat crazed. Dimensions 2.3 x 1.3 x 0.6 cm.",19/2/1998 00:00:00,, "4354",36.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","General. 225.5 gm.",17/2/1998 00:00:00,, "4354",37.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","General. 181.2 gm.",23/2/1998 00:00:00,, "4354",38.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder fragment. Oval piece of mottled brown flint with creamy white cortex and red-brown sub cortex. Almost the entire convex surface is scarred, as are the edges, showing use after the tool was broken. Dimensions 8.2 x 7.6 x 4.1 cm.",26/2/1998 00:00:00,, "4354",39.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder/Small Chopper. Discoid piece of maroon, close grained igneous stone. Probably basalt. One main face is convex, the other is flat. They are deeply scarred from percussion of the edges. The scarred circumference is thicker and flat at one end, tapering down to the angled opposite end. L: 5.05; W: 5.2; T: 2.9 cm. Thick end T: 2.55 cm.",26/2/1998 00:00:00,, "4354",40.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Core Tool on flake. Retouched to form Scraper. Sub triangular piece of heat affected mottled grey flint. Angular flake scars, some with crackled surfaces. (no real definition). Dorsal edge of striking platform continuously retouched to form steep scraping edge. Overall dimensions 4.8 x 4.4 x 2.4 cm. Dimensions of core as flake L: 4.3; W: 4.9; T: 2.4 cm. Retouched edge length 2.4 cm.",1/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4354",41.00,"FLINT","FLAKE","Possibly utilised Flake. Cortical flake of good quality brown tabular flint with creamy white-grey cortex. Cortical platform with slightly plunging termination. Previous flakes on dorsal face struck from the proximal end. One lateral edge slightly damaged, possibly from use wear. L: 3.1; W: 3.4; T: 1.4 cm.",1/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4354",42.00,"STONE","SAMPLE","2 joining fragments, sub cuboid, of unusual mid grey close grained stone with blurred horizontal bedding planes. Possibly broken of a tool. Dimensions 4.4 x 2.2 x 1.9 cm. Accidentally washed.",28/2/1998 00:00:00,, "4354",43.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Fragment of Tool- Pounder? Thin flattish sub oval flake of maroon-coloured close grained igneous stone. Unusual colour but probably basalt. Outer (dorsal) surface has been naturally worn smooth. Cortical platform with hinge/step termination. Convex edges are worn. L: 4.8; W: 5.56; T: 0.75 cm. Accidentally washed.",28/2/1998 00:00:00,, "4354",44.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Fragment of Pounder. Sub oval chip of medium grained dark grey igneous stone. Possibly dolerite or basalt. Extant flattish surface is pitted, especially beside the edge where broken off tool. Dimensions 2.65 x 1.95 x 0.5 cm. Accidentally washed.",26/2/1998 00:00:00,, "4355",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed. Includes small animal skull fragments.",10/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4355",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed.",10/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4355",3.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","General. 247.9 gm.",4/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4355",4.00,"PLASTER","BASIN FRAGS","Broken grey plaster basin. Two large and fifteen smaller fragments. The largest pieces show that the basin was roughly circular, concave and shallow, with several layers of replastering. The extant curved edge of the lowest firm layer is thin and partly rounded. Lowest plaster is dark grey and ashy with a roughly convex lower face. Then there is a succession of layers going up: light grey with smooth firm surface; rough light grey; light grey with smooth firm surface; dark grey ashy; white-light grey thin with smooth firm surface (so 2-3 stages). Dimensions largest and most intact fragment 22.0 x 13.5 x 3.8 cm. Curved edge approx. diameter 47.0 cm.",4/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4355",5.00,"STONE","FRAG","Probable Grinder or Grindstone fragment, very worn. Sub cuboid piece of light brown sandstone with two flattish, rectangular main faces. One main face and two ends are flat and scarred. The other main face is concave and sloping. The stone is too worn for any conclusive identification. Dimensions 6.5 x 5.2 x 4.0 cm.",10/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4356",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed.",22/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4357",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed.",19/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4357",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed.",19/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4357",3.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder. Discoid piece of dark grey medium grained igneous stone. Possibly dolerite. Two opposite circular faces have been worn partly smooth and flat, and show fine unidirectional striations. Both have pitting, but one is more evenly smoothed than the other, and has been scarred along one side. One part of the convex side/circumference has also been worn flat and partly smooth, forming an oval surface with fine striations aligned to the width of the tool. The rest of the thick circumference is entirely pitted and partly scarred near to the angled edges. Dimensions 6.8 x 6.1 x 4.35-3.4 cm.",19/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4357",4.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","General. 111.0 gm.",13/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4357",5.00,"FLINT","CORE","Sub triangular core on a chunky flake. Mottled brown flint (with light grey chert) and thick creamy cortex. Two prepared platforms at right angles to each other, for flake and (almost) blade flake production. All the flake scars show hinged terminations. Subsequently bashed/broken beside bases of flake scars. Overall dimensions 5.3 x 4.7 x 3.35 cm. Adjacent flakes from main platform L: 1.6; W: 1.8 cm; L: 1.8; W: 1.6 cm. Flake from other platform L: 2.1; W: 1.1 cm.",19/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4357",6.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Approx. thirty fragments of bitumen from lining to one or more woven vessels. All are flat with one face having impression of cross woven palm leaf, the other being smooth. Three have impression of a thicker rib, possibly from stitching or where the vessel had a foot. The position of the sides above and at an angle to the rib indicate that the bitumen lined the inside of a flattish vessel. Vegetable inclusions. Largest fragment dimensions 4.15 x 3.7 x 0.4 cm. Leaf strip width 0.6-0.9 cm. Two joining fragments with rib 6.7 x 2.6 x 1.2 cm.",19/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4358",1.00,"STONE","MORTAR","Mortar, or possible door-socket. Half of a double sided, previously circular piece of grey limestone. Heat-affected with numerous hollows. The main (upper) surface has a slightly convex ridge or edging surrounding a circular concave hollow, which is very bumpy. The other (lower) face is flattish with a shallower, circular hollow. The gap between the 2 hollows is narrow (seen in broken section). The circumference edges are wide and rounded. Dimensions L: 14.6; W: 7.7; T: 1.69. Estimated diameter 17.0 cm. Upper large hollow diameter 9.o cm; depth 3.9 cm. Lower hollow diameter 4.5 cm; depth 1.6 cm. Gap between hollows 1.7 cm.",1/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4358",2.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 4358:1. 220.8 gm.",25/2/1998 00:00:00,, "4358",3.00,"STONE","FRAG","Probably building stone. U-shaped piece of grey limestone. Both main faces are naturally weathered, one is flat with scoured wind-ripples (hence misidentification in field). One part of the convex side has been chopped off flat. The other edges are naturally weathered. Dimensions 18.0 x 12.0 x 0.6 cm. DISCARDED.",25/2/1998 00:00:00,, "4358",4.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 4358:3. 281.9 gm.",25/2/1998 00:00:00,, "4358",5.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder, or possible mortar. Ovoid piece of light brown sandstone with mixed sand grains and large shell fragments. The largest face is flat, and is dimpled/pitted. The tiny gastropod shells on the surface have been worn flat. The opposite face is much smaller and flattish. One end of this face has broken off. The sides and ends are slightly convex and rounded. The stone has a weathered appearance, perhaps partly due to its relatively weak matrix. Dimensions 14.1 x 11.5 x 7.6 cm. Dimensions of large face 14.1 x 11.5 cm.",25/2/1998 00:00:00,, "4358",6.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 4358:5. 136.5 gm.",25/2/1998 00:00:00,, "4358",7.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","General. 153.1 gm.",25/2/1998 00:00:00,, "4358",8.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed.",1/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4358",9.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed. 1 very large and worn pearl oyster fragment. 1 fragment is burnt.",30/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4358",10.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder, possible Core. Sub ovoid nodule of light grey crystalline limestone. Entire surface covered with large scars. Series of flake scars off sharply angled edges. Overall dimensions 7.4 x 7.0 x 6.7 cm. Late flake scar with hinge-snap termination L: 6.0; W: 3.5 cm.",1/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4358",11.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Flake reworked, possibly a Tool preform. Heat effected. Oval, thick and flattish piece of mottled opaque grey flint. Flat ventral surface although originally a flake. All edges are scarred, some scars invasive on the dorsal face. Dimensions 4.8 x 3.4 x 1.2 cm.",1/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4358",12.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder fragment? Semicircular piece of mid grey (heat affected or ash residue) limestone. Broken surface flat. The extant convex face is entirely pitted and scarred. Dimensions 8.2 x 6.5 x 2.7 cm.",1/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4358",13.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Possible Flake. Heat effected piece of light grey flint with darker grey skin at one end. One possibly ventral surface heat crinkled. Dimensions 3.05 x 1.9 x 0.7 cm.",28/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4358",14.00,"FLINT","CORE","Core/Tool. Sub oval piece of good quality translucent brown flint with remnant creamy white cortex. Possible platform preparation one face with a stepped irregular scar. Smaller flakes struck off this face. One straight edge has retouch/use wear, with larger nibbles at each end. An older blade flake scar struck off an adjacent platform at right angles. Dimensions 2.1 x 2.25 x 1.35 cm. Platform L: 1.9; W: 2.6. Flake scar L: 1.2; W: 1.2 cm. Blade scar L: 2.2; W: 1.0 cm. R/U edge length: 1.8 cm.",28/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4358",15.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Sub oval fragment of copper with brown rust. Flattish surfaces with corrosion blobs. Dimensions 1.6 x 1.1 x 0.8 cm.",30/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4358",16.00,"POTTERY","SIEVE","Fragment of pottery sieve. About a fifth of the rim and part of body survive. Red clay, white grits. Rim flattened on top, body very shallow, thickens towards presumed base. Probably shaped like a small, thick saucer. Holes all over body. Small gap has been chiselled from top of rim, perhaps to hold a handle. Present height 3.4 cm. Rim diameter approx. 8 cm. Holes diameter 0.7 cm.",28/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4358",17.00,"POTTERY","TANNUR","Fragments of tannur, including at least part of rim and base, and some of body. Red clay, with many circular white inclusions. Outer surface cream in places, inner surface burnt. Upper rim flattened on top. Body presumably vertical, and very thin near rim. Lower body thick, tapers very slightly towards bottom. Edge roughly squared off. Heavy parallel incisions on outer body, presumably result of smoothing with a slightly serrated instrument. Not measurable.",30/3/1998 00:00:00,,"Stored with un-numbered pottery from same context. Bagged and returned to general pot, sack 179" "4359",1.00,"POTTERY","SHAPED SHERD","Sub-rectangular sherd, from large jar. Orange clay with small circular white inclusions in, and yellow-buff coloured out with low rounded finger ridging. One long side is chipped and worn, with possible deliberate retouch. Max. H: 5.4; W: 6.7; T: 0.6 cm. Length of possible worked edge 4.9 cm.",28/2/1998 00:00:00,, "4359",2.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Small pointed fragment of brown flint with creamy white cortex on one face. Possibly broken off a pounder or a core fragment. Dimensions 3.1 x 1.7 x 1.3 cm.",26/2/1998 00:00:00,, "4359",3.00,"POTTERY","BOWL","Deep pottery bowl. About half of rim and body missing, and centre of base. Pink clay, sparse temper of hard grit, cream surface. Rim bevelled to inside, slight depression below rim on outside. Body rounded, carinated low down to form uneven, gently rounded base. Height c. 12.0 cm. Rim diameter c. 15 cm - very uneven.",15/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4359",4.00,"POTTERY","BOWL","Deep pottery bowl. About half of rim and upper body extant. Pink clay, cream surface out, and over rim. Temper of hard grit. Plain rim. Sides flare to gentle carination, below which body begins to taper. Present height 6.8 cm. Rim diameter c. 8 cm - very uneven.",15/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4359",5.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed. 2 burnt fragments.",26/2/1998 00:00:00,, "4359",6.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed.",26/2/1998 00:00:00,, "4359",7.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder. Sub ovoid nodule of dark brown flint with numerous cracks and fault lines. Remnant dull grey cortex. Surface entirely pitted and scarred from percussion of angled edges. Dimensions 6.6 x 6.5 x 6.2 cm.",28/2/1998 00:00:00,, "4359",8.00,"FLINT","FLAKE","Wide flake of brown flint with occasional lighter blobs. Remnant creamy-grey cortex. Scarred platform with hinged termination. Previous flakes on the dorsal face struck from the proximal end. L: 3.4; W: 4.5; T: 1.2 cm.",28/2/1998 00:00:00,, "4359",9.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Possibly on a worn fragment of Grindstone? Sub ovoid piece of light brown sandstone with numerous shell fragments and small sand grains. One face is flat and oval, the opposite is sloping and oval. The sides circumference/wide sides are near vertical, with one part deeply scarred. Very worn looking with poor definition of pitting and scarring. Unusual material for this tool. Dimensions 7.9 x 6.6 x 6.5 cm.",2/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4359",10.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder fragment. Oval piece of dark grey medium grained igneous stone. Possibly dolerite. Extant pitted convex face, scarred and pitted around the edges/circumference. Dimensions 7.3 x 6.3 x 2.4 cm.",2/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4359",11.00,,,"NOT USED",7/5/1998 00:00:00,, "4359",12.00,,,"NOT USED",7/5/1998 00:00:00,, "4359",13.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder, possibly broken or used in this shape. Sub oval piece of dark grey close grained igneous stone. Probably basalt. One main face is convex with scattered pitting in the centre. The other face is scarred, perhaps naturally. Surface is worn. Dimensions 5.3 x 4.8 c 2.8 cm",2/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4359",14.00,"FOSSIL ECHINOID","POUNDER","Pounder Tool. Light grey limestone. Conical shaped with oval circumference. Surface worn, but the circumference and parts of the flattish lower face, with central anus, are pitted, and slightly scarred. Possibly some of this is natural weathering. Intact. Diameter 6.8-6.2; height 3.5 cm.",2/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4359",15.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 4359:10. 13, 14. 220.6 gm.",2/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4359",16.00,"PLASTER","FRAGS","Three fragments of plaster. 1) Light grey plaster with one smooth flattish face. The other face has some dark grey ashy plaster adhering. Dimensions 5.65 x 3.7 x 1.45 cm. 2) Two fragments are part of a lump of soft, dark grey ashy plaster, with numerous vegetal inclusions. Dimensions max. 5.6 x 3.7 x 2.7 cm.",28/2/1998 00:00:00,, "4359",17.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder, short Pestle type. Sub cuboid piece of light grey limestone. The four faces, two convex, two flat, have rounded edges. The two square ends, convex and flat, and are pitted and slightly scarred. Intact, good example. Dimensions 5.7 x 5.2 x 4.8 cm.",28/2/1998 00:00:00,, "4359",18.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Possible Smoother fragment. Sub cuboid block of dark grey close grained igneous stone. Probably basalt. All six faces are broken and worn, with little use wear. One rectangular face has been worn smooth, with polish on upper parts. This has a red-brown residue, as does the two adjacent sides. Dimensions 8.8 x 6.7 x 5.2 cm.",28/2/1998 00:00:00,, "4359",19.00,"FLINT","CORE","Blade Core, possibly reused as Pounder. Conical nodule of brown flint, slightly mottled, with creamy white cortex. Single platform with several blade scars. Pitting on one side of the flat platform and one convex side. This perhaps indicates a later use of the core. Dimensions H: 5.9; W: 6.0; T: 3.8 cm. Flake scars (wiggly thin) L: 4.3; W: 1.2 cm; (pointed) L: 4.5; W: 1.3 cm.",28/2/1998 00:00:00,, "4359",20.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder? Sub ovoid or wedge-shaped piece of light grey limestone. One main face is convex, the other is flat with a hollow at one corner. The two sides are convex. One oval end is smaller than the other, and flattish. The other is oval and slightly convex. The entire surface is pitted, scarred and very worn. Dimensions 5.8-4.5 x 6.1-4.5 x 5.0 cm. Dimensions small end 4.5 x 4.0 cm; large end 6.6 x 4.7 cm.",28/2/1998 00:00:00,, "4360",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed.",13/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4361",1.00,"STEATITE","SEAL","Stamp seal of pale grey stone. Profile: F1 straight. Reverse: Standard, glazed. Design: On the left is a long-horned animal looking over its shoulder to the centre of the seal and a second monstrous creature which looks outwards towards the edge of the seal. It has horns, a pointed open beak, a ruffed neck and a long tail. Its front and back legs are raised in front of its body and the feet have large claws. Below its back legs and above its head are crescents; a four-pointed motif lies between its front and back legs. Between the two animals is a plant with a (damaged) crescentic top. Two chips on edge of surface at top and at upper right. Diameter 2.53; Height 1.1 cm.",4/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4361",2.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder or worn stone. Trapezoid slab of grey close grained stone, with blurred horizontal bedding planes. The two main faces are flat with partly scarred edges. The sides are straight and flat. The smaller end is straight and flat, whereas the other end is angled to the first and slightly concave along its length. Both ends are partly pitted, with scarring on the edges. Dimensions 8.6-6.3 x 7.3-6.25 x 3.45-3.15 cm. Similar material to 4354:42.",7/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4361",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed. With several burnt fragments and large mammal teeth/jaw. Also unusual thin skull fragments with parallel sutures.",10/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4361",4.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed. 9 show consistent angled breakages: where bashed open?",8/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4361",5.00,"PLASTER","RENDER FRAGS","Three fragments of plaster, at least two probably wall render. These are light grey. They are thin and flat with one face slightly smoother than the other. Third piece is of soft, dark grey ashy plaster with numerous vegetal inclusions. It has one flat face and one irregular face. Largest thin fragment dimensions 8.8 x 5.55 x 0.9 cm. Ashy fragment dimension 4.4 x 2.7 x 1.7 cm.",8/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4361",6.00,"STONE","OBJECT","Missing May 1998",7/5/1998 00:00:00,,"Missing, never arrived to finds cabin." "4361",7.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Possible Pounder/Smoother. Elongated rectangular flake of dark grey close grained igneous stone. Probably basalt. There are two extant faces. The main face is convex and partially pitted, with a smooth area near the other face. There are longitudinal cracks at the thin end. The other face is flat and very smooth. The rounded extant edge is lightly scarred. Pounding on this face caused the break. Dimensions 11.2 x 5.6 x 3.2 cm. *NB. This stone was found very clean inside the pottery bucket of 4361. It is similar in appearance to 4365:1 which went missing after being exposed and left fairly clean on the floor, a few days before. RLS",8/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4361",8.00,"FLINT","CORE","Core. Has two transverse (90 degrees) platforms. Sub triangular piece of brown tabular flint with creamy white-grey cortex on both main faces. There is a band of light grey chert within it on one side. Flakes, and preparation flakes, have been struck from a cortical platform. Other later flakes have been struck from the prepared platforms. All flakes have hinged terminations. Overall dimensions 6.3 x 5.4 x 3.8 cm. Preparation flake preparation L: 1.9; W: 3.6 cm. Later flake L: 2.4; W: 1.5 cm.",8/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4361",9.00,"FLINT","FLAKE","Retouched flake. Large wide flake of mottled brown flint with creamy white cortex. Scarred platform (reworked) and hinge termination. Previous flakes struck off dorsal face from the proximal end. Platform reworked with denticulated retouch struck from the ventral side. A small part of the distal edge, where there is cortex, also has denticulated retouch towards one lateral edge. L: 3.9; W: 5.5; T: 1.9 cm.",8/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4361",10.00,,,"NOT USED",7/5/1998 00:00:00,, "4361",11.00,"PLASTER","OBJECT","Solid, diamond-shaped piece of light grey plaster. Possibly from building decoration/lining. The two upper angled faces are smooth, one lower face is irregular. The other lower face almost resembles a worn human face, with a long central tang, like a human nose, between hooded eye sockets with a sunken oval mouth below. The flat diamond-shaped ends are smooth with thin borders around the upper sides, with one creased. Height 9.7; width 7.6; thickness 6.2 cm.",7/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4362",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed. 3 burnt fragments. 2 show consistent angled breakages: where bashed open?",18/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4362",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed.",18/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4362",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed. 1 burnt fragment. From midden.",21/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4362",4.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Eight small & 25 tiny fragments from lining to one or more woven vessels. All have one smoothish face, the other has impressions of cross-woven palm leaf. Largest has a slightly convex smooth surface, dimensions 2.6 x 2.0 x 0.5 cm. Leaf strip width 0.4-0.5 cm.",21/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4362",5.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Large Pounder. Sub square/cubic, very attractive, piece of limestone with mixed hues of grey and linear dark flaws/fossil lines. The faces and sides are all slightly convex. One main face is totally scarred from percussion of all the edges. The other face is bevelled smooth, and slopes down to a smaller side. All the sides/ends are used equally, and have deep percussion scars. All the corners are rounded. Any unscarred surface is pitted. A good example, intact. L: 13.9; W: 14.05; T: 8.9 cm. Smaller side 7.0 x 3.8 cm. Long side 13.4 x 5.4 cm. Other sides 10.3 x 3.8; 10.6 x 8.2 cm.",25/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4362",6.00,"SHELL","PIERCED BIVALVS","Two broken pearl oysters with central holes. Not measured. Stored with 4362:1, not separately labelled.",,, "4363",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed. Includes many large mammal bones.",7/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4363",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed. 7 show consistent angled breakages: where bashed open? 15 fragments are burnt. 2 unusual tiny gastropods.",9/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4363",3.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder fragment. Sub oval fragment of dark grey coarse grained igneous stone. Possibly dolerite. Two adjoining extant surface are pitted and scarred along the edges. Dimensions 7.9 x 5.8 x 2.6 cm. Accidentally washed.",7/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4363",4.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Two lumps of bitumen with inclusions of vegetable matter. 1) Sub-spheroid with vague inner division. Damaged convex surfaces. Dimensions 44.1 x 3.7 x 3.0 cm. 2) Sub-ovoid with one convex surface. Dimensions 4.8 x 3.4 x 2.85 cm.",7/3/1998 00:00:00,,"Accidentally washed." "4363",5.00,"PLASTER","RENDER FRAGS","Six fragments of plaster, presumably from render. Mixed shapes and sizes: four are light grey. All have one face smoother than the other, and most are curved and thin. One is larger, possibly from a basin. Largest dimensions 15.0 x 11.2 x 2.3 cm. One curved thin dimensions 6.4 x 5.6 x 1.2 cm.",7/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4363",6.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 4363:8. 280.3 gm.",25/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4363",7.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Sub cuboid piece, with six faces and rounded corners. Mid grey limestone. Entire surface pitted and lightly scarred. Dimensions 5.4 x 5.3 x 5.1 cm.",25/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4363",8.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Sub ovoid piece of grey crystalline limestone, with two flat faces. Three of the four faces of the circumference/convex sides are pitted. The other is flat-slightly concave, with natural hollows. All the edges are scarred. Dimensions 6.8 x 6.2 x 5.5 cm.",25/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4363",9.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder/Pestle. Possibly broken. Elongated sub cuboid piece of dark grey, close grained igneous stone. Probably basalt. Main face is convex with naturally smooth surface, that has been pitted all around the sides. There are scars at each end and along the edges. The other side has 2 faces that join at a hump. The faces represent old breaks, one is flat, the other is humped. Both are scarred, especially along the edges. The sub triangular, slightly convex ends, are scarred, with one more deeply than the other. Good example. Intact. L: 9.2; W: 5.0; T: 3.7 cm. Main face L: 8.7 cm. Dimensions small end 4.2 x 1.7 cm; large end 4.2 x 2.4 cm.",25/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4363",10.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder fragment. Diamond-shaped flattish fragment of dark grey, close grained igneous stone. Probably basalt. Extant 2 faces are flat, and are at an angle to one another. Both are pitted, but this is more concentrated on the narrower face/side. Was covered in an ashy deposit. Dimensions 11.2 x 6.5 x 2.7 cm.",25/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4363",11.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 4363:10. 256.8 gm.",25/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4363",12.00,"POTTERY","LUGGED RIM","Rim fragment from open vessel. Red clay, circular lime inclusions. Plain rim, probably slopes in. Broken lug or handle emplacement on top of rim. Dimensions 5.2 x 6.7 cm.",9/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4363",13.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","General. 286.5 gm.",24/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4364",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed.",14/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4364",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed. 2 burnt shells.",16/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4364",3.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside/above 4365:1. 190.0 gm.",16/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4364",4.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Above/beside 4365:2. 100.3 gm.",16/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4364",5.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside/within area of south tool group 4365:3-24. 225.0 gm.",16/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4364",6.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Large Pounder. Thick, wedge-shaped piece of grey limestone. One main triangular face is flat, the other is sloping with naturally worn hollows. It tapers down to one large end. The two sloping sides are oval and flat. One end is smaller than the other. Both are convex and are oval-rectangular. All faces are pitted with scarring predominantly at the edges, and especially at the ends. L: 13.5; W: 10.7-5.7; T: 9.55 cm. Flat face 10.0 x 5.4 cm. Hollow face 10.5 x 3.3 (scar on corner) cm. One side face 10.1 x 8.6 cm. Other side face 10.8 x 8.1 cm. Small end 8.4 x 4.9-3.2 cm. Large end 10.7 x 5.25-4.0 cm.",16/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4364",7.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside/within north tool group 4365:28-43. 250.7 gm.",16/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4364",8.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","General. Area 48. 259.5 gm.",16/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4364",10.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Fragment of grinder, or possibly of grindstone fragment. Possibly double sided. Thin sub rectangular piece of light grey-brown sandstone with small sand grains. One face is worn flat-slightly concave. The other face is worn flat. Both faces have a slight scatter of pitting and hollows. The extant end is straight and near vertical. The sides taper towards each other, close to a thin broken edge. Dimensions 10.45 x 9.0 x 3.4-1.15 cm.",17/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4364",11.00,"FOSSIL BIVALVE","POUNDER","Fossilized bivalve, used as a pounder. Complete bivalve fossil of light grey limestone. Two opposing smoothish, convex faces, which are slightly pitted (naturally?) near the edges. The sharply angled edges/circumference, and possibly part of the thicker hinge area are scarred. Used only lightly. Dimensions shell H: 4.6; W: 4.85; T: 3.55 cm.",17/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4364",12.00,"FOSSIL ECHINOID","POUNDER","Pounder on a possible echinoid fossil. Sub hemispherical fragment of light grey limestone. Probably part of a circular pebble or fossil. One face is convex, the other is flat. The original edge is convex and sloping, the two others are straight and vertical. The entire surface is lightly pitted and scarred, especially on the edges. Dimensions 4.3 x 2.6 x 2.6 cm.",17/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4364",13.00,"FOSSIL ECHINOID","POUNDER","Pounder, possibly on an echinoid fossil. Thick semi-circular piece of grey limestone. Both main faces are slightly convex, and one has a deep circular hollow. The convex and flat edges are all scarred. Dimensions 4.6 x 3.9 x 3.05 cm.",17/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4364",14.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pebble Pounder on chert nodule. Sub ovoid nodule of very creamy light grey chert with dimpled orange cortex. Unusual material. One concave end is bifacially scarred. L: 4.45; W: 3.9; T: 2.35 cm. Length of worked edge: 3.75 cm. Max. width of edge scarring across face: 1.5 cm.",17/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4364",15.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside stone tool group 4364:10-14. 223.7 gm.",17/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4364",16.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","General, from near east wall just north of doorway. 219.9 gm.",17/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4364",17.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Above/beside unexcavated stone grinder (unnumbered) still lying within floor deposit 4365. Situated 1m south of north wall, 1m east of west wall. 244.1 gm.",16/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4364",18.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder, intact. Sub-oval piece of farush limestone, light grey-brown with numerous shells and coarse sand grains. The upper surface has been worn flat-slightly convex, and sloping at each end. The base is convex and irregular, with small patch of flattened plaster near centre. Depth of sloping end of upper surface 1.0 cm (profile gauge). Dimensions 23.2 x 19.6 x 4.4 cm. Plaster dimensions 8.8 x 6.2 cm.",14/2/1998 00:00:00,, "4364",19.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 4364:18. 167.6 gm.",14/2/1998 00:00:00,, "4365",1.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Missing. Accidentally removed from floor of house during excavation. Was a dark grey igneous stone tool fragment, a pounder or similar. *See 4361:7. RLS",5/5/1998 00:00:00,, "4365",2.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Missing. Accidentally removed from floor of house during excavation. Was a spherical limestone pounder, pebble-sized. *NB. Possibly was moved and became 4365:25? RLS",5/5/1998 00:00:00,, "4365",3.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Sub circular piece of dark grey, close grained igneous stone. Probably basalt. One face is convex and very pitted. The opposite face is slightly concave and pitted, especially in the centre. The circumference/convex sides are scarred from percussion of the edges. This tool was originally a broken pounder that continued to be used after broken. The broken face is the concave one above. The convex face is comprised of parts of four faces and a rounded corner. Diameter 6.25 cm. T: 3.8 cm. Part of tool group 4365:48",28/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4365",4.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder fragment. Irregular, wing-shaped broken cobble of dark grey, close grained igneous stone. Probably basalt. One main face is naturally smooth, and slopes up to a straight, broken edge. This edge is scarred. The opposite side is steeply concave, almost like a scraper or a wide notch (hafting?). The narrow end is straight, and the wide end is convex. The concave side and the ends are scarred adjacent to the broken, flattish lower face. Before it was broken, the tool may have been a pounder/pestle. Dimensions 9.3 x 5.3-2.8 x 4.05-2.8 cm. Part of tool group 4365:48.",28/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4365",5.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder/pestle. Thick wedge-shaped piece of dark grey, mottled, small-medium grained, igneous stone. Probably dolerite. One main trapezoidal face is flattish with smooth areas near the wider end. The opposite face is convex, and thicker towards the lower centre. It is pitted and worn. The two straight, flat sides are slightly pitted, mostly towards the narrow end. One end is smaller than the other. Both are convex and very pitted/abraded, with scarring at the edges, especially beside the flat face. L: 9.3; W: 7.3-5.4; T: 4.8-2.3 cm. Flat face 9.3 x 7.3-5.4 cm. Convex face 8.9 x 5.5-4.1 cm. One side (to right of convex face) 6.9 x 4.1-2.0 cm. Other side 6.7 x 4.4-2.3 cm. Small end 5.25 x 2.3 cm. Large end 7.2 x 3.6 cm. Part of tool group 4365:8.",28/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4365",6.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder, on hollow nodule. Slightly used, or naturally damaged. Hemispherical piece with a large circular concave hollow in the centre of the flattish face. Dark brown flint with creamy white, smooth cortex on all surfaces including the hollow. Scatter of pitting and scarring around the external edge of the flat face. L: 5.15; W: 4.1; T: 2.7 cm. Hollow diameter: 2.5; depth: 2.1 cm. Part of south tool group 4365:3-24.",28/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4365",7.00,"FOSSIL BIVALVE","POUNDER","Pounder Tool on fossil. Complete bivalve fossil of mottled grey limestone, heat affected/darker on the hinge side. Most of one convex face (darker colour) is pitted/worn in a zone radiating from the hinge side. The other face is less generally pitted, with a concentration near the hinge side. The edges are almost completely scarred and pitted. A good example, intact. Shell L: 5.45; W: 5.9; T: 4.2 cm. Part of south tool group 4365:3-24.",28/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4365",8.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Possible smoother. Elongated, ovoid pebble of light grey limestone, with brown surface covered in small natural hollows, naturally smooth. Only indication of use is one oval face which is smoother than the rest. Intact. Dimensions 4.9 x 2.6 x 2.4 cm. Part of tool group 4365:48.",28/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4365",9.00,"FOSSIL ECHINOID","POUNDER","Pounder on probable fossil echinoid. Ovoid pebble of light grey limestone. One main face is convex, the other is slightly concave with central area hollow (echinoid anus?). The edge of the circumference/convex sides is rounded. The entire surface is pitted and scarred from edge percussion. Dimensions 4.5 x 4.1 x 3.05 cm. Part of tool group 4365:8.",28/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4365",10.00,"FOSSIL BIVALVE","POUNDER","Pounder on bivalve fossil. Spherical piece of light grey limestone. A well used stone, the evidence of the fossil only remaining is the deepest part of the shell hinge. This linear hollow is filled with dark brown residue, probably bitumen. The surface is entirely pitted. A good example, intact. Shell L: 3.45; W: 3.55; T: 3.4 cm. Part of tool group 4365:48.",28/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4365",11.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pebble pounder. Ovoid/egg shaped pebble of grey limestone, darker along one side, possibly heat-affected. Both main faces are slightly convex, as are the two convex sides and ends, one being smaller than the other. Parts of most faces are covered in light brown residue, probably floor plaster. The visible surface is worn, with pitted sides and ends. Worn but intact. Dimensions 4.1 x 3.65 x 2.8 cm. Part of tool group 4365:48.",28/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4365",12.00,"STONE","PEBBLE","Pebble, possibly smoother. Triangular weathered pebble, with rounded corners, of mid grey limestone or very worn mudstone. The two straight sides and the two convex ends are rounded. One end is smaller than the other. One main face has a vague, small, raised oval area which is smoother than the rest of the surface. Dimensions 3.1 x 2.7 x 1.7 cm. Part of tool group 4365:48.",28/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4365",13.00,"STONE","PEBBLE","Pebble, possibly utilized as a smoother. Oval weathered pebble of creamy-white limestone, with one area of darker brown (residue?) on one face, and dotted inclusions on the other. Both main oval faces are slightly convex. The face with the residue at one end has a small scar on one side (natural?). The other face has a small zone which slightly smoother than the rest, and here the dotted inclusions are smudged. The sides are rounded. Dimensions 2.9 x 2.75 x 1.5 cm. Part of tool group 4365:48.",28/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4365",14.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pebble, possibly pounder. Sub-ovoid weathered pebble of light grey limestone. One main face is convex, with a central hollow at the highest point, and other natural hollows. The opposite face is slightly concave with small hollows. There are two slightly convex sides, and one convex and one pointed end. The edges beside the concave face is rounded and are lightly pitted and scarred, perhaps not naturally. Dimensions 4.45 x 3.35 x 2.25 cm. Part of tool group 4365:48.",28/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4365",15.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pebble pounder. Sub-spherical piece of light grey limestone. Two oval faces are slightly convex, the circumference/wide sides are convex. The entire surface is pitted and scarred. Intact. Diameter 4.7-4.6 cm. T: 4.1 cm. Part of tool group 4365:48.",28/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4365",16.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Pebble, possibly smoother. Sub-ovoid nodule of creamy-coloured stone with tiny orange hollows. Possibly a chert nodule, but inside surface not visible. The two oval faces are slightly convex. The upper parts of these faces are worn smooth at one end, as are the rounded sides. This wear may not be natural. Intact. Dimensions 4.35 x 3.75 x 2.65. Part of tool group 4365:48.",28/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4365",17.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder on nodule. Slightly used. Half of an ovoid nodule of brown flint with a lighter coloured centre. Thick creamy white, smooth cortex. Parts of the broken flat face is scarred, especially around the circumference. L: 4.1; W: 3.7; T: 2.8 cm. Part of south tool group 4365:3-24.",28/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4365",18.00,"STONE","PEBBLE","Possible tool, perhaps, perhaps used for applying residues seen on surface. Oval pebble of light grey limestone. One face is slightly convex, with thick, light brown residue, and dotted inclusions on one side. The other face is slightly convex with thicker white and light brown residue. No evidence of use-wear, but may be hidden below residues. Dimensions 4.4 x 3.15 x 1.1 cm. Part of south tool group 4365:48.",28/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4365",19.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pebble pounder. Sub-ovoid pebble of crystalline limestone. The piece has a core that is light brown-grey crystalline, grading to a creamy-white coarser material at the edge, and a darker skin with weathered paler surface. One corner is deeply scarred, and continues across one convex face (this has revealed the core). The other main creamy face is slightly convex with two natural tiny hollows. The corners and sides are rounded. Dimensions 4.5 x 3.7 x 2.7 cm. Total length scarred edge: 4.0 cm; scarring L: 3.15 cm. Part of tool group 4365:48.",28/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4365",20.00,"STONE","PEBBLE","Pebble, possibly utilized, perhaps for applying residue found on its surface. Sub-oval pebble, probably limestone. Flattish-slightly convex oval faces with rounded edges. Almost the entire surface is covered in thin brown residue, different and lighter in colour than bitumen. Above that is remnant collapse/floor deposit residue, a sandy brown deposit with plaster blobs. This residue is the same as on 4365:39. Dimensions 3.5 x 2.6 x 1.2 cm. Part of tool group 4365:48.",28/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4365",21.00,"STONE","PEBBLE","Pebble, possibly utilized as smoother. Sub-oval pebble of red-purple mudstone, with naturally weathered surface. One face is slightly convex with round and linear hollows. The other face is flattish. The sides are convex and rounded. No evidence of use, but the flat face and some of the sides may be slightly smoother than the rest. Dimensions 3.4 x 3.3 x 1.5 cm. Part of tool group 4365:48.",28/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4365",22.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pebble pounder. Ovoid pebble of dark grey, close grained igneous stone. Probably basalt. Two oval main faces are flattish and scarred. The three convex sides are rounded, pitted and scarred. Intact. Dimensions 3.6 x 2.5 x 2.25 cm. Part of south tool group 4365:48.",28/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4365",23.00,"STONE","PEBBLE","Pebble, possibly utilized as pounder. Ovoid, elongated pebble of light grey limestone. The naturally weathered surface is obscured by a thin brown-grey residue. Three long, convex main faces have rounded edges, and two convex ends. One end and part of the sides have slight pitting, perhaps not natural. Dimensions 4.15 x 2.1 x 2.1 cm. Part of tool group 4365:48.",28/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4365",24.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pebble pounder. Sub-ovoid pebble of creamy-grey limestone with a naturally weathered surface. Both main faces are undulating. One side is scarred, making it almost flat. The narrow convex end is slightly pitted, as is part of the wider convex end. The other rounded side is unworked. Dimensions 4.9 x 3.3 x 2.6 cm. Scarred edge L: 4.9 cm. Part of tool group 4365:48.",28/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4365",25.00,"FOSSIL","BIVALVE TOOL","Pounder possibly on a bivalve fossil, going by size and shape only. Sub ovoid pebble of light grey limestone. Two main oval faces are convex, the thickest oval side is wide and flattish with rounded edges and two hollows/scars (possible old shell hinge). The other side and two ends are convex and rounded. The entire surface is pitted and slightly scarred. Intact. Dimensions 3.3 x 4.0 x 3.65 (shell L x W x T) cm. Possibly was originally found/identified as 4365:2? RLS.",28/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4365",26.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Circular (or square with rounded corners) pebble of light grey limestone. The two main circular faces are slightly convex. The convex circumference/convex sides is rounded. The entire surface is pitted and scarred near the edges. Intact. Dimensions 4.5 x 4.3 x 2.9 cm.",28/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4365",27.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Large Pounder or Anvil. Sub cuboid cobble of light grey limestone. One rectangular face is flat and the opposite face is concave. Both sides are straight, with one being flat, the other convex. The two ends are flat, one being at a slight angle to the other. All are totally pitted, the highest concentration at the ends. There are deep scars on the edges which continue partly into each face. A good example, intact. Dimensions 14.3-9.5 x 12.0 x 9.3-8.7 cm. Main faces 11.3 x 9.9; 11.35 x 9.5 cm. Sides 9.7 x 8.3; 13.2 x 7.8 cm. Ends 10.0 x 8.5; 11.6 x 8.6 cm.",28/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4365",28.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder. Ovoid nodule probably of dark brown flint, but hard to tell as the surface of smooth whitish cortex has been barely damaged. One narrow oval pitted area, with occasional pitting and scars elsewhere. A good example, intact. L: 5.6; W: 5.35; T: 4.8 cm. Pitted end 3.8 x 1.2 cm. Part of north tool group 4365:49.",28/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4365",29.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Sub-spheroid pebble of light grey limestone. The convex faces and what may be seen as two ends are entirely pitted and occasionally scarred. Intact. Dimensions 3.6 x 3.45 x 3.35 cm. Part of north tool group 4365:49.",28/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4365",30.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Large sub-ovoid pebble of light grey limestone. The naturally weathered surface is dimpled. All faces are convex. One main face is scarred/broken flattish from a strike at the narrow and pitted end. The other wider end is pitted and very scarred. The two sides are partly scarred. A good example, well used. Dimensions 5.01 x 4.0-2.7 x 3.2-1.9 cm. Small end 2.7 x 1.9 cm. Wide end 4.0 x 3.0 cm. Part of tool group 4365:49.",28/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4365",31.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pebble, possibly a smoother/pounder. Irregular ovoid pebble of light orange-brown mudstone. One face is slightly convex, the other is similar but is slightly smoother and has small natural hollows. The two sides and one end are flattish with worn edges. One end has a rounded point which is scarred down one side (probably naturally). It is possible that the smoothest main face is not natural. Dimensions 3.8 x 2.6 x 1.9 cm. Part of tool group 4365:49.",28/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4365",32.00,"STONE","PEBBLE","Pebble, with no evidence of use. Egg shaped pebble of grey close-grained stone, mudstone? Weathered smoothish surface. The two main faces are convex, with one having a hollow near the centre. The edges are convex, with one end tapering and narrow, with a hollow where the stone's material is softer, i.e. at bedding plane. Dimensions 4.8 x 3.7 x 2.8 cm. Part of tool group 4365:49.",28/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4365",33.00,"FOSSIL ECHINOID","POUNDER","Pounder tool made from fossil echinoid. Circular fossil of light grey limestone. The upper convex face has remnant impression of the echinoid, but most of the surface is pitted and scarred. The other face is flat-slightly convex, and is pitted. The circumference/convex edges is rounded and scarred, the scarring penetrating partly across each face. A good example, intact. Diameter 5.0-4.8 cm. T: 3.5 cm. Part of tool group 4365:49.",28/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4365",34.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder. Spherical nodule, with two slightly convex faces, of light grey chert, with light grey cortex. The entire surface is pitted and scarred, especially around the wide convex sides/circumference. Intact. Diameter 4.6-4.5 cm. T: 3.65 cm. Part of north tool group 4365:49.",28/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4365",35.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Large ovoid pebble of light grey limestone. Triangular in section. All three sides are flattish with rounded edges. The two ends are convex. The entire surface is pitted and scarred, especially at the ends and edges. Intact. Dimensions 6.1 x 3.6 x 3.15 cm. Ends 3.1 x 2.7; 2.8 x 2.75 cm. Part of tool group 4365:49.",28/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4365",36.00,"STONE","PEBBLE","Pebble, possibly utilized as a smoother. Sub-ovoid pebble of dark grey, close-grained igneous stone. Probably basalt. Naturally weathered smooth surfaces. One main flattish face and part of the wide end appears to have been worn smoother than the rest. There are no visible striations. Dimensions 3.0 x 2.7 x 2.2 cm. Smoother oval patch 2.3 x 2.1 cm (includes bevel). Part of tool group 4365:49.",28/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4365",37.00,"STONE","PEBBLE","Pebble, possibly used as a smoother. Sub-triangular pebble of dark grey mudstone. Naturally weathered. One face is slightly convex and smooth, perhaps through use. The other irregular/concave face has natural hollows. The three straight sides have rounded edges and corners. Dimensions 3.7 x 3.1 x 1.3 cm. Part of tool group 4365:49.",28/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4365",38.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pebble pounder, perhaps also smoother. Elongated ovoid pebble of mottled white-pink close-grained stone, perhaps limestone. Naturally weathered smooth. One main face is convex with mottled brown residue. Adjacent to this is a long smooth area. The other main face is flatter and also smooth. There is the same residue at each end of this face. The two convex ends and the rounded sides have a few small scars. Intact. Dimensions 5.1 x 3.1 x 2.55 cm. Smooth patches long: 4.0 x 1.5; oval: 3.5 x 2.0 cm. Ends oval: 1.7 x 1.6; triangular: 2.2 x 1.6 cm. Part of tool group 4365:49.",28/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4365",39.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pebble, possibly a pestle/pounder. Elongated oval pebble of light grey close-grained stone, perhaps limestone. Naturally weathered smooth, totally covered in brown residue. Both main faces are slightly convex. The sides are slightly convex and rounded. Dimensions 4.8 x 2.55 x 1.6 cm. Part of tool group 4365:49.",28/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4365",40.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pebble, possibly utilized as pounder. Ovoid pebble of reddish-brown mudstone. Naturally weathered surface, fairly smooth and dimpled. Both main faces, one side and both ends, are convex. The other side is straight. All edges are rounded. The pitting on the wider end is possibly not natural. Dimensions 4.25 x 3.15 x 2.1 cm. Wide end 2.9 x 1.6 cm. Part of north tool group 4365:49.",28/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4365",41.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pebble pounder. Sub-triangular, chunky pebble of light grey limestone. Naturally weathered surface. It has two concave and one flattish main faces with a narrow convex end. One oval, irregular-concave side is scarred, which partly penetrates the adjacent faces. Dimensions 2.85 x 2.9 x 2.7 cm. Scarred side 2.9 x 2.7 cm. Part of north tool group 4365:49.",28/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4365",42.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Pebble smoother, possibly double sided. Small ovoid pebble of mottled grey limestone. Naturally weathered smooth. One oval main face has a central oval area worn flat and very smooth. The opposite face has the beginnings of the same. There is a white natural mottling over part of the flattened face. A good example, intact. Dimensions 2.85 x 2.15 x 1.7 cm. Main smooth face 1.5 x 1.15 cm. Other smooth face 1.3 x 1.0 cm. Part of tool group 4365:49.",28/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4365",43.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pebble pounder. Oval, or triangular with rounded corners, pebble of light creamy-brown, mottled limestone. Naturally weathered surface. One main face is convex and very smooth, the other is slightly concave. Both have natural cracks and hollows. The three convex sides are rounded. One corner is pitted and slightly scarred. Intact. Dimensions 3.45 x 3.35 x 1.7 cm. Pitted corner 1.2 x 0.7 cm. Part of tool group 4365:49.",28/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4365",44.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside/below 4365:27. 190.2 gm.",28/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4365",45.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed fish bone.",17/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4365",46.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed. 1 burnt fragment. Due to mislabelling, this shell has been mixed with that from 4367:4.",14/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4365",47.00,"SHELL","PIERCED BIVALVE","Broken venus clam with large central hole. Not measured. Stored with 4365:46, not separately labelled.",,, "4365",48.00,"STONE","GROUP","Group of tools, mainly pebbles, 4365:3-24, many with wear. See descriptions under individual numbers.",16/9/2003 00:00:00,, "4365",49.00,"STONE","GROUP","Group of stone tools, mainly pebbles, 4365:28-43. See descriptions under individual numbers.",16/9/2003 00:00:00,, "4366",1.00,"STONE","TOOL","Missing, never arrived to finds cabin.",7/5/1998 00:00:00,, "4366",2.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 4366:1. Missing, never arrived to finds cabin.",7/5/1998 00:00:00,, "4367",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed including fish head fragments.",11/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4367",2.00,"COPPER","INGOT FRAGS","Two flat copper ingot fragments fused together with two other brown rusted lumps. Main pieces are sub-triangular with some brown rust. Max object dimensions 6.85 x 5.5 x 1.6 cm; ingot width 0.3 cm.",28/2/1998 00:00:00,, "4367",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed.",14/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4367",4.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","No bag now exists. Due to a mislabelling problem the shell from this context has been incorporated with that from 4365:46. See that context.",17/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4367",5.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Possible Weight as has fairly smooth and regular faces. Spherical (or cubic with rounded edges) piece of purplish quartzite, with two opposing flat faces. These faces are lightly pitted. The circumference/wide sides, two are convex, two are flattish, is very pitted/abraded. The rounded edges are scarred. A good example, intact. Diameter 7.8-7.5 cm. Thickness/height 6.5-6.2 cm.",28/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4367",6.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder. Sub ovoid nodule of dark brown flint with creamy white cortex on 2 main faces, and thin white patina/skin on 2 old broken faces. These latter faces join at an angled edge. The tool is triangular in section. All edges are scarred, particularly the edge of one sub-triangular old broken face and it opposing edge. Dimensions 7.2 x 5.3 x 4.9 cm.",28/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4367",7.00,"POTTERY","VAT","Base of large storage vessel. Base and part of lower body only. Red clay, temper of grit and white circular inclusions. Outer surface cream. Tapering body, ribbed right down to tiny circular base. This base has a neat hole through, stopped with plaster. Presumably coil built. Preserved height 25.6 cm. Base diameter 4.0 cm. Hole diameter 2.0 cm. Max. present width (reconstructed) 28.6 cm.",2/5/1999 00:00:00,, "4367",8.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Spherical (or cubic with rounded edges) piece, with two opposing flattened faces, of mottled grey-green igneous stone with large crystals. Possibly gabbro. The two flattish faces are pitted, making the central zone slightly hollow. The circumference/wide sides is very pitted, with scarred, rounded edges. A good example, intact. Diameter 6.85-6.7 cm. Thickness/height 4.6-4.4 cm.",28/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4367",9.00,"POTTERY","COOKING POT","Rim and part of shoulder of cooking pot. Brown, gritty clay, circular lime inclusions, orange slip out and over rim. Not blackened - perhaps unused?. Hole mouth rim thickened, then flattened and pushed out. Preserved height 4 cm. Rim diameter (reconstructed) 15 cm.",28/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4368",1.00,"POTTERY","PIERCED SHERD","Pentagonal pot sherd with shallow hollow in centre, presumably incomplete piercing. Made from body sherd of vessel with pink clay and grit temper, with several small yellowish circular inclusions. The interior surface has a worn (pecked/drilled?) circular hollow in the centre. There are also two narrow lines etched into the surface, one close and parallel to one edge. The edges and rounded corners appear to have been worn possibly by grinding, with two adjacent ones very straight. One half of the object appears to half been more carelessly shaped, or worn. Dimensions 2.8 x 2.7 x 0.65 cm.",23/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4368",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed.",23/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4371",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed. 3 fragments are burnt.",1/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4371",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed.",1/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4371",3.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Fragment/flake off pounder. Mottled grey close-grained stone. Possibly heat affected chert or basalt. Outer/dorsal surface is convex and scarred. The ventral surface is fairly flat with an irregular curved edge. Dimensions 4.0 x 2.65 x 0.95 cm.",13/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4371",4.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Probable Pounder fragment. Comma-shaped chunky piece of dark grey-brown flint, with dull creamy-grey cortex. Heat affected. One face is very flat, the others are crazed and scarred. Dimensions 3.6 x 3.55 x 2.3 cm.",1/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4372",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed.",2/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4372",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed. 2 show consistent angled breakages: where bashed open?",2/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4372",3.00,"POTTERY","SHERDS","Group of eight sherds from same vessel. Several fit to form small section of lower body of jar. Extremely unusual ware: clay reddish grey, extremely hard, tempered with fine white grits. Surface has horizontal streaks of pink, black and pale grey. Wheel-thrown. Texture almost of cinder. Not measured.",2/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4372",4.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","General. 120.2 gm.",2/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4373",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed.",5/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4373",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed. 1 broken pearl oyster with deliberate or natural central hole (possible net sinker). [ignore. JM]1 thick, broken, worn very smooth broken oyster.",4/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4373",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed. 6 shells show consistent angled breakages: where bashed open?",5/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4373",4.00,"POTTERY","PLATE","Plate. About a third preserved. Hard pink clay, grit temper, cream slip, which worn away on inside. Rim bevelled to outside, sides very straight and shallow, flat base. Height 4.0 cm. Rim diameter (reconstructed) 32.8 cm. Base diameter approx. 8.0 cm.",2/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4373",5.00,"PLASTER","RENDER FRAGS","Five fragments of plaster. Two are light grey and probably from wall render. The largest has fish bone fragments adhering to smoothish concave surface. The other surface is even more smooth and slightly convex. Two other fragments are darker grey ashy plaster, with carbonised vegetal inclusions. Largest fragment dimensions 10.3 x 7.2 x 1.4 cm. Largest ashy plaster fragment dimensions 4.75 x 4.6 x 1.65 cm.",2/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4373",6.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Sub-oval piece of brown flint with creamy-grey cortex. Ventral surface shows severe hinged termination. Scarred on dorsal surface edge where probably broken off main body. Dimensions 2.4 x 2.15 x 0.75 cm.",2/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4373",7.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","General. 30.2 gm.",5/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4374",1.00,"PEARL","PEARL","Pink pearl with slightly worn nacre surface. From floor beside wall. Diameter 0.5 cm.",12/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4374",2.00,"BONE","ARTICULATED","?Gazelle/sheep skeleton. Juvenile. Legs bent near skull. Skull partly flattened, with eye sockets and jaw damaged. No evidence of a horn. Skull and part of bones in small bag (only) consolidated with 10% Primal WS24 in distilled water. Packed in box.",13/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4374",3.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder. Sub-spherical nodule of mottled brown flint with thin creamy-grey cortex. Entire surface is scarred and pitted. One very scarred face is slightly flatter than the rest. There is a small patch of bitumen on one face. Dimensions 5.7 x 5.7 x 5.5 cm.",27/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4374",4.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder. Spherical nodule of banded brown-light grey flint with creamy grey smooth cortex. Little used with almost entire cortex intact. One part of the surface is scarred and possibly partly pot lidded. The edges of the larger scars (some possibly natural) have been subsequently scarred. Dimensions 4.1 x 3.7 x 3.4 cm.",27/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4374",5.00,"STONE","TOOL?","Broken cobble possibly utilized as Smoother/Pounder? Sub cuboid broken cobble of brown mudstone. The two main flat faces have been naturally weathered smooth, and one is mostly broken away along one side. The other face has shallow, fairly wide, unidirectional striations running roughly the length of the stone. These lines are in a flat zone towards the right-angled broken side. The surface close to the other intact convex side is slightly sloping, and has been partly chipped. The convex side itself has been scarred at one end, possibly by pounding. The other end has a naturally weathered, flattish face which has unidirectional striations (recent?) running perpendicular to the sharply broken edge. Dimensions 10.4 x 5.5 x 4.5 cm.",27/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4374",6.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Over one hundred fragments from lining of one or more woven vessels. All have one smoothish face, the other showing impression of cross-woven palm leaf. Vegetable inclusions. Several fragments show impression of thicker stitching of base. Largest dimensions 3.45 x 2.7 x 0.4 cm. Leaf strip width 0.7 cm.",27/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4380",1.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder/Pestle. Sub ovoid elongated piece of mottled brown flint. two main faces and two sides are scarred. All have irregular surfaces. Both ends are scarred, especially the oval concave one. All edges are scarred. Dimensions 7.7 x 4.5 x 3.8 cm. Oval end 2.9 x 2.7 cm.",26/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4380",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed, mostly bivalve clam.",26/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4393",1.00,"FLINT","NODULE","Tabular piece, naturally patinated and weathered. Sub square piece, with two flattish main faces, of brown mottled flint with creamy cortex. All weathered faces have dimpled and smoothish patina. No working is visible, with only one small scar on one edge. Dimensions 8.65 x 8.1 x 4.1 cm.",28/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4393",2.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder/Chopper. Sub oval-square piece of brown flint with thick creamy white cortex on one flattish face. One face is entirely scarred from edge strikes. 3 edges are pitted and scarred, producing bifacial scars along the edges. The ends are straight, and the edges vary between slightly convex-concave. A good example, intact. L: 7.35; W: 7.05; T: 3.3 cm.",28/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4393",3.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Sub ovoid piece of light grey limestone. One oval face is flattish with a small hollow. The opposite face is convex with a large natural hollow. Both faces are pitted and scarred. The circumference/wide sides is mostly convex with one flat, circular face with rounded edges. The circumference has the highest concentration of pitting, with scarred, rounded edges. Dimensions 7.2 x 6.7 x 5.5-4.3 cm.",28/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4393",4.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder. Thick wedge-shaped (trapezoidal) piece of light grey limestone. One main trapezoidal face has been pitted and then worn mostly smooth. This smoothing is concentrated along one side, following the curved edge. This zone has fine, unidirectional striations running across the width of the stone. The opposite face is flattish, and pitted and scarred, especially on one side. The two thick sides are also pitted and scarred. One side is flat with a central area of pitting or natural hollowing. The other side is convex with a small circular hollow near the centre, possibly a drill hole or small pick mark. The two ends are ovoid, convex, and one is smaller than the other. Both ends have the highest concentration of pitting. L: 7.55; W: 7.15-5.7 (large-small ends); T: 6.5-5.3 (small-large ends) cm. Smoothed face 5.5 x 5.5-3.3 cm. Opposite face 5.7 x 5.4-3.5 cm. Side with big hollow 5.7 x 5.2-4.1 cm. Side with drill hole 5.0 x 5.7-4.6 cm. Drill hole diameter at top 0.4 cm. Small end 5.6 x 6.2 cm. Large end 7.1 x 4.9 cm.",28/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4393",5.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder fragment. Half of ovoid piece, with two flattened faces, of mottled grey igneous stone, with large crystals. Possibly gabbro or dolerite. One semicircular face has been worn (naturally?) flat and smooth, with occasional pitting. The opposite face is also flattish and smooth, with deeper pitting (natural?). Both faces slope down to the extant end. The original sides are either convex or are straight, tapering to form a convex end. Dimensions 5.2 x 3.1 x 2.5-2.25 cm.",28/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4393",6.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder, possible Pestle. Sub ovoid piece of brown mottled flint with pink-grey blotches and coarser grey material on one face. The cortex is light grey. Three main faces are scarred as are their edges. One end is oval and flat, with some edge scarring. The other end is triangular and convex, and is very pitted and abraded. Dimensions 5.85 x 4.85 x 4.25 cm. Triangular end 3.75 x 2.8 cm.",28/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4396",1.00,"POTTERY","SHERDS","Group of sherds, not separately described.",28/4/1998 00:00:00,,"Stored with un-numbered pottery from same context." "4397",1.00,"POTTERY","COOKING POT","Part of cooking pot. Hard red clay with circular lime inclusions and grit temper, fire-blackened out. Hole mouth, rim thickened, and then flattened and pushed out. Rim diameter (reconstructed) 15 cm.",28/4/1998 00:00:00,,"Stored with un-numbered pottery from same context." "4701",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed.",2/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4701",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed.",2/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4701",3.00,"POTTERY","PAINTED SHERDS","Three joining sherds of large painted vessel. Part of shoulder just below neck. Hard-fired red clay, fine sandy temper. Rounded shoulder. Faint traces of red paint, presumably an all-over wash. Design painted in black: 3 narrow horizontal registers outlined by black bands, each filled by an undulating line. Below that, broad horizontal register, with diagonally striped triangles and a tree motif. The preserved part shows, from left, triangle, tree, triangle, triangle. Wheel-thrown. Incorporates 4703:7. Indus-related? Preserved height c. 14.0",20/4/1998 00:00:00,,"Not located May 1999" "4703",1.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Sub ovoid/bun-shaped piece of light grey limestone. One face is convex, the opposite is flattish. The sides are rounded except one which is straight and flat. The entire surface is pitted and scarred. Dimensions 8.7 x 8.2 x 7.5 cm.",9/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4703",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed.",10/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4703",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed. 5 burnt fragments.",10/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4703",4.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","General. 196.2 gm.",9/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4703",5.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Large sub rectangular piece of copper. Thick flat strip, now bent in a curve. Cut off at three sides, with one bevelled extant edge. Metal is solid, heavy and grey where not patinated. Dimensions 3.85 x 3.0 x 0.9-1.4 cm.",10/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4703",6.00,"STONE","SAMPLE","Two adjoining fragments possibly utilized as Pounder/Chopper. Sub ovoid piece (before broken) of unusual red-grey igneous stone with very large crystals, some cubic. Possibly gabbro or granite? Fairly light in weight. Both oval main faces are convex. One convex edge is narrow and scarred. The other is thicker and flattish. The surface is dull and uneven, perhaps pitted and scarred due to either natural weathering or use wear. Found in collapse in Building 9. Total dimensions 6.9 x 6.1 x 3.5 cm.",13/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4703",7.00,"POTTERY","TRAY FRAG?","Fragment of tray, or similar. Brown clay, sandy temper, reddish surface underneath. Thin, flat fragment, with one long straightish edge, rest is broken. Underside is flat, as though made against the ground, upper is badly worn, but with several finger-impressions. Reminiscent of a Hassuna-period 'husking tray'. Dimensions 12 x 7 x 1.5 (thick) cm.",13/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4704",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed.",15/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4704",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed.",9/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4704",3.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Possibly broken off a Pounder. Elongated piece of light grey-brown flint with whitish cortex. Worn appearance. One face is irregular with scarred edges, the other flat. One end has a natural notched point. Dimensions 3.7 x 1.9 x 0.75 cm.",9/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4704",4.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","General. Area 31. 229.0 gm.",11/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4705",1.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","General, from ash deposit. 153 gm.",10/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4706",1.00,"FOSSIL ECHINOID","POUNDER","Possible Pounder on fossil. Ovoid fossil of light grey limestone with mottled creamy-pink skin. Upper convex (conical) face has a clear fossil impression, which is partially obscured by gypsum crystals. The lower flat face is almost totally obscured by the same crystals. The rounded circumference/edges is partially scarred, perhaps not naturally. A good example, intact. Dimensions 7.15 x 6.3 x 4.2 cm.",2/5/1998 00:00:00,, "4706",2.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 4706:1. 180.4 gm.",2/5/1998 00:00:00,, "4709",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed.",15/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4709",2.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Sub triangular fragment of brown flint with irregular creamy white cortex. Sharply angled convex break on one face, with the cortex surface concave. Dimensions 3.5 x 2.2 x 1.2 cm.",15/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4709",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed.",15/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4709",4.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","General. 356.2 gm.",13/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4711",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed.",17/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4711",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed.",17/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4714",1.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","General. 244.2 gm.",13/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4714",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed.",19/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4716",1.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","General. 262.0 gm.",13/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4718",1.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","General. 308.4 gm.",13/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4720",1.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Large Pounder, Pestle type. Broken longitudinally and reused. Thick wedge-shaped piece of dark grey, small-medium grained igneous stone. Probably dolerite. The largest main trapezoidal face is flattish and broken. There is a remnant old side along one edge. The other main trapezoidal face is convex beside two flat sloping sides. All these faces are pitted. The smallest convex, triangular end is very pitted and scarred, especially at the edges. A strike at this end broke the original tool. The larger convex, semicircular end is slightly bevelled, with radiating scars and abrasion. Its edges are also scarred, invading all the main faces. The tool may have continued being used after being broken, as the large broken face has pitted and scarred edges. Dimensions 11.9 x 9.7-6.7 x 6.9-3.9 cm. Main faces broken: 11.4 x 8.1; other: 10.7 x 6.8 cm. Sides sloping: 9.7 x 4.0; 8.4 x 5.7; remnant: 6.7 x 3.3 cm. Ends small: 6.3 x 3.8; large: 9.4 x 6.5 cm.",3/5/1998 00:00:00,, "4730",1.00,"STONE","BOWL FRAG","Rim fragment of stone vessel, possibly a bowl. Dull, dark pink, slightly banded, quartzite. Simple, slightly rounded rim, flat on exterior with convex body. Interior is concave. All surfaces are carefully ground smooth. Rim diameter (reconstructed) 8.0 cm. Present height 3.8 cm. Vessel type and stone similar to 1006:10 & F18:28:3.",24/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4730",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed.",25/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4730",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed.",24/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4730",4.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder. Barely used tool. Sub ovoid/curved nodule of mottled brown-grey poor quality flint, with thick creamy white cortex. One end is scarred flat (old?) with scarred edges. The other end has a large scar across one face. Dimensions 8.85 x 7.55 x 4.9 cm.",25/6/1998 00:00:00,, "4731",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed.",25/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4731",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed. One burnt.",15/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4731",3.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Possible tip of knife or triangular sheet fragment. Flattish with slightly wiggly/lumpy edges. One face has brown lumpy rust. Dimensions 2.7 x 1.9 x 1.0-0.4 cm.",25/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4732",1.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Large Smoother/Pounder. Sub ovoid/bun-shaped piece of light grey limestone. One sub oval face has been worn smooth and flat over large scars. Subsequently, the edges have been scarred again. The rest of the convex surface is covered in large scars, some natural and weathered. There is pitting on the higher zones. One face, adjacent to the main flat face, is naturally(? there are no striations) worn flat, with its edges scarred and pitted. A rare big example, intact. Dimensions 10.9 x 10.9 x 9.7 (L x T x H above flat face) cm. Worn flat face 10.0 x 7.6 cm.",3/5/1998 00:00:00,, "4732",2.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder/Hammer. Very rough. Thick wedge-shaped piece of light grey limestone. Both main oval faces are flattish, one is entirely scarred, the other is naturally worn, and slightly scarred and pitted. The two convex sides are rounded. They are pitted and deeply scarred. Both sub oval-rectangular, convex ends are rounded and pitted. They have large scars on the edges which penetrate into all the other faces. One end is smaller than the other. They have the highest concentration of pitting and scarring. Intact. L: 9.4; W: 7.6-4.8; T: 5.6 cm. Ends small: 4.3 x 3.9; large: 6.8 x 4.8 cm.",31/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4732",3.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 4732:2. 158.5 gm.",31/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4732",4.00,"PLASTER","DOMED LID","Domed light grey plaster lid. One face (upper?) is smooth and convex. The other face is slightly flattened with a raised circular centre. The sides are convex. Intact. Diameter 8.8-8.7 cm. Height 6.5 cm.",31/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4732",5.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 4732:4. 271.5 gm.",31/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4734",1.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Fragment of Pounder and possible Smoother. Sub rectangular piece of dark grey, medium grained igneous stone. Possibly dolerite. Fragment cuts across three worked faces. The central flat one is mostly naturally smooth, with fine, probably natural, multidirectional striations. The two side faces are straight and slightly convex, and are very pitted. The broken face is flat. The extant edges are rounded. Extremely clean when brought to finds cabin. Dimensions 9.1 x 7.1 x 3.6 cm.",28/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4734",2.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Pounder/Smoother. Abrader? Partly broken. Thick ovoid, with two flattened faces, piece of dark grey, medium grained igneous stone. Probably dolerite. Both circular faces are slightly convex and pitted, especially in the central zone. The circumference/wide convex sides are abraded strangely smooth. One side has been broken away, and now is a large, worn convex scar. The surface appears worn. Dimensions 7.2 x 6.3 x 5.0 cm.",29/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4734",3.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 4734:2. 139.6 gm.",29/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4734",4.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder, Pestle type fragment. Sub oval piece of dark grey, medium grained igneous stone. Probably dolerite. Parts of four or five original faces are extant. All are flat-slightly convex with naturally weathered, smooth surfaces. These faces have then been pitted, with the highest concentration at the ends of the fragment and the rounded edges. The broken face is angled/irregular. Dimensions 8.8 x 7.5 x 4.9 cm.",29/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4734",5.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder. Sub oval thick piece of dark grey-brown flint with dimpled grey cortex. Colours are obscured by an overall ashy deposit (occupation sediment), and the material is probably heat effected. One main face is concave, the other is irregular. The faces are deeply scarred from edge pounding. The circumference/sides is rounded, scarred and pitted. One part of the edge is concave with a natural hollow. Dimensions 9.85 x 9.1 x 4.7 cm.",29/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4734",6.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 4734:5. 259.0 gm.",29/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4734",7.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Grindstone/mortar. Large oval slab of heavy, brown mudstone, the colour obscured by dark grey ashy sediment. The flat upper face is exfoliating at one side and end (corner), and is covered in shallow pitting. The other face is also flat with some gypsum crystals as well as bone fragments adhering to the surface. Two corners are worn lower than the rest or chipped off. One side is convex, the other straight. Both ends are convex, one is smaller than the other. All edges are rounded, with worn horizontal bedding planes evident. Parts of both sides are darker grey- burnt. A good example in unusual material, intact. Dimensions 26.5 x 21.2 x 6.0 cm.",29/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4734",8.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Pounder/Smoother, possible Weight. Almost perfectly spheroid except for one small, circular flattened area. Grey limestone. The entire surface, other than the flat face, is pitted. The tool is covered in dark grey ashy sediment, especially thick in the hollows. Some of the residue may be bitumen. A good example, intact. Diameter 6.5-6.15 cm. T: 5.5 cm. Flat face diameter 3.0 cm.",29/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4734",9.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 4734:8. 164.8 gm.",29/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4734",10.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder, Pestle type, possibly broken at the wide end. Slightly wedge-shaped piece of dark, dull grey, close grained igneous stone. Probably basalt. The two main faces are flat, with straight, slightly rounded sides. One main face is very pitted, but this is off centre. The other face has only a scatter of pitting. The sides also differ, with one having a narrow band of pitting along its length, whereas the other has only a concentrated spot near the wide end. The flat, oval, wide end (broken?) is entirely pitted, but the greatest concentration is in an off-centre, oval area at the smaller convex end. Good example. L: 7.2 x 6.7 x 3.5 cm. Dimensions small end (pitting) 3.8 x 20 cm; large end 7.2 x 6.7 cm.",29/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4734",11.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 4734:10. 214.5 gm.",29/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4734",12.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","General. Area 165. 180.8 gm.",29/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4734",13.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Sub spherical piece, with two flattened faces, of mottled grey and white medium crystalline, igneous stone. Possibly dolerite. Two main faces are at a slight angle to each other. Entire surface pitted. Intact, a good example. Diameter 5.0-4.9 cm; thickness 4.1-3.7 cm.",26/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4739",1.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","General. Area 164. 268.8 gm.",29/3/1998 00:00:00,, "4739",2.00,"FLINT","FLAKE","Blade flake. Brown semi-transparent flint, with one grey blob, and creamy white cortex on the distal end and proximal edge. Slightly scarred platform with hinged termination. Concave fracture partly snapped at one side. Previous flakes struck off dorsal face from proximal end. The thin lateral edge is worn. L: 3.2; W: 1.8; T: 0.7 cm.",4/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4739",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed. 1 burnt fragment.",4/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4739",4.00,"BONE","BONES","2 mammal bone fragments.",4/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4739",5.00,"POTTERY","BOWL","Small, deep, open vessel. About a third survives, giving profile. Red clay, heavy grit. Plain pinched rim, vertical sides, base flattened. Height 6.4 cm. Rim diameter (reconstructed) 6.5 cm.",15/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4740",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mammal bone fragments.",1/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4740",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed. Includes razor shell fragment.",1/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4740",3.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder fragment. Oval piece of grey limestone. Part of the original convex face is extant, and it is entirely pitted. The broken face is angled/irregular. Dimensions 4.7 x 2.5 x 1.5 cm.",1/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4740",4.00,"STONE","MORTAR","Possible small mortar or door-socket, slightly broken. Sub-square piece of light grey-brown limestone, with rounded edges and corners. The upper face is concave, and covered in large pitting. The other face is smaller, slightly rectangular and convex. The two sides gently rise up from the base, making it U-shaped in section. The two ends are straight. One is smaller than the other, probably due to damage. The whole surface is rough, with deep hollows and small inclusions. Dimensions 9.6 x 9.5 x 5.3-4.4 cm. Depth/concavity 2.7 cm.",1/4/1998 00:00:00,,"A good example." "4741",1.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Fragment of grinder. Sub-oval piece of light grey crystalline limestone (almost like coarse quartzite), with small shell and pebble inclusions. One face is worn flat with large rounded pitting in between smooth areas. The smoothest parts are beside the extant convex side. There are no visible striations. The other face is slightly convex and roughly ground. The extant edge is rounded, and thicker at one end. Dimensions 16.6 x 10.75 x 4.3-2.7 cm.",4/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4741",2.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Sub ovoid/cubic piece of dark grey, medium grained igneous stone. Possibly dolerite. The four main faces are slightly convex. The two trapezoidal ends are convex and very pitted. They are scarred on the edges. One end is smaller than the other. All edges are pitted and scarred, which penetrates into the four main faces. The tool has a worn appearance. Dimensions 7.85 x 9.0 x 7.2 (L end-end x W x T) cm. Ends small: 6.6 x 6.2; large: 8.5 x 7.0 cm.",4/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4741",3.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 4741:2. 185.7 gm.",4/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4741",4.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed.",4/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4741",5.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed.",13/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4741",6.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder. Sub ovoid nodule of mottled grey-brown flint with remnant dimpled creamy cortex in hollows. Two flattened faces and wide circumference. Main face scarred from percussion of edges. The wide circumference is entirely pitted and scarred, especially concentrated at each end. Other flattish face still has much cortex remaining within the scarred edges. A good example. Intact. Dimensions 9.0 x 8.0 x 6.7 cm.",13/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4741",7.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 4741:6. 211.0 gm.",13/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4741",8.00,"STONE","TOOL","Chopper or possible Pounder/Smoother fragment. Oval piece of dark grey, small grained igneous stone. Possibly basalt or dolerite. One main face is sloping, and has a flat, naturally worn smooth surface. It is slightly scarred at one end, and more deeply at the other where probably used for chopping. The other main face (old break?) is flattish, with worn, shallow scars. The higher zones of the this face are very smooth. All rounded convex edges/circumference are lightly scarred. There are two plaster blobs on the flat face. A good example. Dimensions 9.0 x 8.25 x 2.7 cm. Main chopping edge L: 6.6 cm.",13/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4741",9.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 4741:8. 130.4 gm.",13/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4741",10.00,"POTTERY","NECK SIEVE FRAG","Part of a sieve from a sieve-necked jar. Not further described.",13/4/1998 00:00:00,,"Stored with un-numbered pottery from same context." "4741",11.00,"STEATITE","SEAL","Cylinder seal of pale grey steatite. Ends slightly domed, cylinder slightly waisted. Incised border-line to impression top and bottom. Bad vertical crack. The design shows two scenes, separated by a crescent: 1) Two men sitting facing each other, drinking through straws from a pot near their feet. They are bearded, wear tiered skirts, and each sits on a seat represented by a square, inside which is another baseless square. Each hold his drinking straw with one hand. The man on the left holds his free hand in his lap, while the one on the right holds a staff out to the right. The staff has a crescent-top, with a vertical spike in the centre. Alternatively, it may represent a palm tree. 2) The second scene shows two naked men dancing. They are bearded, and face each other. Between them they hold a short, crescent-topped staff. Each holds his free hand at his waist. The style of the scenes and the figures is exactly as on Dilmun stamp seals. Length 3.05 cm. Diameter top 1.75-1.63; bottom 1.76-1.72; centre 1.65-1.63 cm. Cf. Kjaerum 1983, No. 373, which shows the same scene, but with some interesting differences: the two seated men are gods, with horns, and each holds a hand up to the other as though proposing a toast, though there is no sign of drink. The naked men each hold a crescent in their free hands.",14/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4741",12.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Large Pounder. Sub ovoid piece of light grey limestone. Both main faces are slightly convex, pitted and scarred. One face is more scarred than the other, with a hollow concentrated area, and some gypsum crystals. Both sides and ends are slightly convex and rounded. The ends are oval, with one being slightly larger than the other. They are all pitted and scarred on the edges, with the greatest concentration on the ends. Dimensions 10.2 x 9.5 x 8.6 cm. Ends small: 7.4 x 6.8; large: 8.6 x 6.4 cm.",14/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4741",13.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 4741:12. 228.2 gm.",14/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4741",14.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder, Pestle type. Ovoid piece of light grey limestone, with two nearly flat main faces and two wide sides. The main faces are lightly pitted, with one having two large shallow scars across its surface. The sides have a slightly greater concentration of pitting. The two oval, convex ends are very pitted with a few scars from the rounded edges. Intact, a good example. L: 8.9; W: 6.8; T: 6.0 cm. Dimensions one end 4.4 x 4.0 cm; other end 5.0 x 4.0 cm.",14/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4741",15.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","General. Area 163. 192.7 gm.",14/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4741",16.00,"FLINT","FLAKE","Possible Tool fragment. Chunky angled flake of brown flint with light grey dotted mottles. Narrow scarred platform, steeply hinged termination. Previous flakes struck off dorsal face from proximal end. L: 3.3; W: 4.1; T: 1.4 cm.",20/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4741",17.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Possibly utilised fragment. Sub rectangular piece of brown mottled flint, triangular in section. One flattish smooth face with one edge having some bifacial retouch/use wear. Dimensions 4.1 x 3.1 x 1.8 cm. R/U edge length: 3.7 cm.",20/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4741",18.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder. Sub ovoid nodule of dark brown flint with thick creamy white cortex on convex face. Rest of surface is scarred, with pitting on angled edges, especially at each end. Dimensions 7.1 x 5.5 x 5.4 cm.",20/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4741",19.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Fragment of grinder. Sub-rectangular piece of light brown sandstone. One face is worn flat and smooth, with remnant deep pitting. There are possible unidirectional striations running the length of the fragment. The edges of the two or three extant sides are chipped. The other face has been roughly ground convex, tapering gradually up to the two sides. Dimensions 11.8 x 7.5 x 3.1-1.1 cm.",20/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4741",20.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Sub ovoid piece of dark grey, medium grained igneous stone. Probably dolerite. Both main sub oval faces have been naturally weathered smooth. They are both pitted on their edges. One face is more convex than the other, and has a large scar coming from the smaller end. The two straightish rounded sides are pitted/abraded. The two convex ends have the highest concentrations of pitting/abrading. They are also scarred on the edges. The smaller end is oval and narrow (due to scar), the larger one is trapezoidal. Dimensions 6.0 x 6.35 x 4.9-1.9 (L x W x T) cm. Ends small: 5.7 x 2.6-1.9; large: 6.2 x 4.8-2.6 cm.",20/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4742",1.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Anvil or very Large Pounder, Pestle type. Thick, wedge-shaped cobble of dark grey, medium grained igneous stone. Probable dolerite. Two main flat trapezoidal faces are entirely pitted, and have scarred edges. One is smaller than the other and has a large scar across one side. The two sides, or other main faces, are similar except they have more of the original naturally smooth surfaces. One side is flat, with one convex part curving towards the large end. One area of this convex part is pitted and scarred. The other side is slightly convex, one part is scarred, the other is pitted. The two ends are convex and very pitted, with occasional edge scarring. The smaller one is sub rectangular, the larger is triangular. Most scars on the tool have been subsequently pitted. A very heavy stone. Good example, intact. Dimensions 20.0 x 10.5 x 10.2 cm. Faces 18.2 x 10.0-3.1; 13.6 x 3.0 cm. Sides 17.5 x 10.3-8.5; 16.0 x 9.7-9.4 cm. Ends small: 9.2 x 6.2; large: 10.3 x 10.2 cm.",11/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4742",2.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 4742:1. 305.5 gm.",11/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4742",3.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","General. Area 162. 352.4 gm.",11/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4742",4.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder fragment. Broken and then reused. Sub ovoid piece of light creamy-brown limestone. One oval face is flat and pitted, with scarring on the edges. Joining three-quarters of the oval face is a sloping convex face which has been worn very smooth. This surface has fine striations radiating from the direction of the flat face's edge. It has subsequently been pitted, and is scarred on the edges. The opposite face is also flat and pitted. Its convex edges are deeply scarred, especially at each end, where one is narrower than the other. There is light brown residue on part of the smooth/scarred face, and on the opposite face. This material is probably part of the collapse sediment. There are gypsum crystals on the opposite flat face. Dimensions 9.1 x 7.5 x 4.4 cm. Main face 5.8 x 5.2 cm. Opposite face 5.4 x 5.5 cm. Maximum width smooth part of main face 3.2 cm.",11/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4742",5.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Large grindstone. Slightly saddle-shaped in section. Oval, with one narrow end, slab of light brown sandstone with mixed sized grains and shell fragment inclusions. The upper face has been worn concave, with a deeper oval area towards the narrow (pointed) end. This surface is weathered, showing the sandstone layers. These layers appear as oval marks or ridging. There are smooth areas between deep pitting, especially on the higher parts on the face towards each end. There are fine unidirectional striations running the length of the face. There is a large fracture cutting diagonally across the stone in the sunken area. It has created vertical hollows on the sides. The base is slightly convex, with a naturally undulating surface. One side is straight, the other convex. The wide end is straight, the narrow end is convex, originally an extension of the convex side, now separated by scarring. The fracture may cause stone to break. Very heavy. Dimensions 63.0 x 40.0 x 20.5-11.0 (sides-central hollow) cm. Upper face 57.0 x 38.0; worn oval area top: 35.0 x 29.0; bottom: 25.5 x 14.0 cm. Depth of concavity 9.5 cm.",11/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4742",6.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 4742:5. 331.6 gm.",11/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4742",7.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Possibly on an older Pounder fragment. Oval piece of dark grey, medium grained igneous stone. Probably dolerite. One face is convex, and has parts of three worked faces, joined at a corner. Two of the faces are flattish, with naturally worn, smooth surfaces, which have been lightly pitted. The other face is slightly convex and very pitted. All edges are scarred. The opposite (old break) flattish face is very scarred from edge pounding. Dimensions 6.4 x 5.6 x 2.8 cm.",12/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4742",8.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed.",12/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4742",9.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed.",12/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4742",10.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Large Pounder/Anvil. Sub cuboid block of light brown limestone. One end is smaller than the other, and slightly convex. The other is very flat. Both are pitted and scarred, the large end is especially scarred around the edges. The four sides are slightly concave from the large scars produced from the end pounding. Intact. Dimensions 10.8 x 11.45-7.7 x 9.8-8.3 cm. Small end 8.3 x 7.7 cm. Large end 11.45 x 9.8 cm.",13/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4742",11.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 4742:10. 322.4 gm.",13/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4744",1.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Large Pounder/Anvil. Sub cuboid cobble of dark grey, slightly mottled, medium grained igneous stone. Probably dolerite. It is trapezoidal in section, and has rounded edges and corners. One sub trapezoidal face is slightly convex, and slopes down towards the narrow convex side. The surface is pitted, with several concentrated areas, including the centre and along the straight side. The other semicircular flat face has more naturally weathered surface remaining. It is lightly pitted towards the thick end, with a small circular zone near the convex side. There is a long crack and a scar along the straight side. There are deep scars at each end, especially coming from the narrow end. The straight side has a rectangular flattish face, with a rounded concave centre and a mostly naturally weathered surface. The rest of the face is pitted, with deep scars along edge adjoining the main flat face. The pitting continues into the main face. The other, sub triangular, smaller side is narrow and convex. It is entirely pitted at the narrow end, with deep scarring at the thick end. The thick end has a slightly convex rectangular face which is entirely pitted. The rounded edges are all scarred. The smaller end is sub triangular and convex. It is entirely pitted, with scarring along the edge adjoining the flat face. Mixed use of tool, with strong pounding at the ends. A good example, intact. Dimensions 15.0 x 12.5 x 9.4 cm. Main faces convex: 14.0 x 11.0; flat: 14.1 x 10.0 cm. Sides straight: 13.0 x 7.5-4.2; convex: 13.1 x 7.3-4.2 cm. Ends small: 8.9 x 5.6; thicker: 6.9 x 7.7 cm. Circular pitted zone on flat face diameter: 2.5 cm.",16/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4744",2.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 4744:1. 283.7 gm.",16/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4744",3.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pestle, possibly broken at top. Wedge-shaped piece of dark, dull grey close grained igneous stone. Probably basalt. Carefully shaped tool, with two slightly convex main faces, and rounded sides. The tool tapers from a wide flat end to a smaller convex end. It is the larger end which may represent a broken face. One main surface and part of the other, as well as one side and the large end are pitted. The smaller oval end is defined by a small area of very concentrated pitting and some scarring. Good example. L: 10.4; W: 8.4-4.8; T: 4.7-2.6 cm. Dimensions small end 3.5 x 2.6; large end 8.4 x 4.8 cm.",16/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4744",4.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 4744:3. 224.4 gm.",16/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4744",5.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pestle. Elongated, cylindrical piece of dark grey, close grained igneous stone. Probably basalt. Four main faces can be discerned on the cylinder. They have various oval and triangular zones of pitting and abrasion on their dark smooth surfaces. These areas do not quite meet the abraded ends. The slightly larger faces have the most pitting, with the sides have fine unidirectional striations running the length of the tool. The slightly oval ends are worn flat, and one is slightly larger than the other. The abrading of the ends are a solid grey colour. An excellent and rare example. Intact. L: 11.0; W: 4.4; T: 4.2 cm. Faces dimensions with triangular zones 10.7 x 3.3 cm; with oval zones 10.6 x 3.3 cm. Sides dimensions 10.7 x 3.3 cm; 10.7 x 3.4 cm. Ends dimensions, small 2.3 x 2.0 cm; large 2.8 x 2.6 cm.",16/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4744",6.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 4744:5. 136.7 gm.",16/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4744",7.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pestle. Wedge shaped. Light grey quartzite with worn smooth appearance. Both main trapezoidal faces are flat with straight roughed edges. One face and one side have occasional light pitting. All have scars from percussion of both ends. The smaller end is sub rectangular and convex. The larger end is sub rectangular and flat. Both ends are heavily pitted and scarred at the edges. Very good example, intact. L: 11.9; W: 6.0-4.9; T: 3.8-33 cm. Dimensions small end 4.9 x 3.3 cm; large end 6.0 x 3.8 cm.",16/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4744",8.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 4744:7. 136.3 gm.",16/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4744",9.00,"POTTERY","BOWL","Large, deep bowl. Base and most of body complete. Non-joining rim fragment. Fine, hard red clay, grit temper. Rim flat on top, folded back into inside, leaving deep groove under rim on inside. Body swells slightly, then tapers gradually to heavy, wide, flat base. Preserved height of body 27.8, of rim frag 12.0 cm. Original height approx. 30 cm. Rim diameter (reconstructed) approx. 42 cm. Base diameter 20.8 cm.",16/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4744",10.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Scraper, double sided. Large thin flake of mottled brown-light grey flint with red-brown sub cortex at each end. Creamy white cortex remains at the distal end. Scarred platform, hinged termination. Previous flake scars on dorsal face struck from the proximal end. This scar has a step termination. The proximal ends of two lateral edges has unifacial retouch/use wear, to form two straightish scraping edges. L: 7.55; W: 5.5; T: 1.1 cm. R/U edges lengths: 2.6; 2.3 cm.",20/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4744",11.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed. Includes large mammal bone fragments.",20/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4744",12.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed.",20/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4744",13.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","General. (Brushed from bone and shell). 18.5 gm.",20/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4756",1.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder fragment, very worn, and possibly reused as small smoother or pounder. Sub-oval piece of light brown sandstone with small-medium sand grains. One main oval face is flat with slightly worn grains and several rounded pitting marks/hollows. The opposite face is slightly convex/irregular. One side and two ends are convex, the other side is concave. All are rounded with very worn scars. Dimensions 8.7 x 7.5 x 4.2 cm. Flat face 7.5 x 6.5 cm.",28/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4756",2.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 4756:1. 249.0 gm.",28/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4756",3.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Smoother, double sided, with partial wear on four other sides. Thick oval piece of light grey-brown limestone. Two opposing oval faces are worn slightly convex and very smooth. The wear slopes down at each end (convex). They both have fine, unidirectional striations running the width of the tool. The wear continues slightly down at each end of the striations (i.e. slightly convex). Parts of the edges are scarred. The wide convex sides/circumference are entirely pitted (manufacture), which on four of the flatter areas have been subsequently partly smoothed. These zones also have fine unidirectional striations running across the thickness of the tool. Two of these side areas are more used than the other two. A good example, intact. Dimensions 6.7 x 6.6 x 4.9 cm. Oval faces 6.1 x 5.9; 5.8 x 5.4 cm. Sides 5.3 x 4.2; 4.7 x 4.1; 4.4 x 3.35; 4.6 x 3.8 cm. Sides smoothed zones (same order) 3.6 x 4.2; 3.3 x 4.7; 3.3 x 3.5; 3.7 x 3.8 cm.",28/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4756",4.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 4756:3. 201.0 gm.",28/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4756",5.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder. Sub spherical nodule of mottled dark brown flint with thick creamy white, smooth cortex. One side scarred almost flat, with its edges pitted and scarred. Diameter 5.2 cm. T: 4.1 cm.",28/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4756",6.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 4756:5. 170.1 gm.",28/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4756",7.00,"STONE","PLATE","Half of oval or sub-circular plate, possible grindstone fragment, very carefully made, of light grey quartzite. Extremely unusual. Upper face worn concave, entirely covered with light pitting. Simple convex rim, with exterior surface gently tapering down to convex base. The exterior is entirely pitted, slightly more deeply than on the interior. One edge has been broken. There is a dark grey stain or residue near the centre. Cannot measure height or rim diameter due to irregularity/insufficient size. Dimensions 26.5 (near to diameter) x 14.3 x 4.3 cm.",28/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4756",8.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 4756:7. 198.8 gm.",28/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4756",9.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder. Ovoid, with two flattened faces, piece of mottled dark grey igneous stone, with medium-large crystals. Possibly dolerite. Two opposing oval faces have been worn smooth and are roughly convex. They have fine unidirectional striations, those on one face running almost at right angles to those on the other across the tool. One face is more worn than the other, the wear continuing at one end, slope down into one side. The other face is less defined, with the end of the wear again continuing down the side, adjacent to the first. Both faces have been worn over old pitting (mainly near the centre) and have slightly scarred edges. Where not smoothed, the circumference/wide convex sides is totally pitted and slightly scarred. A good example, intact. Dimensions 5.5 x 5.4 x 4.1-2.2 cm. Main faces 5.1 x 3.9; 5.50 x 2.8 cm.",28/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4756",10.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 4756:9. 201.5 gm.",28/4/1998 00:00:00,, "4762",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Missing, never arrived to finds cabin.",7/5/1998 00:00:00,, "4762",2.00,"POTTERY","INDUS SHERD","Fragment from extremely large painted jar, of Indus-related type. Hard, salmon-pink clay. Dark core, darker outer surface, inclusions of ground-up pottery. Painted out in black: design includes at least two hatched areas, probably triangle, and a horizontal band. These may be part of a circular motif consisting of four hatched triangles with incurved edges, separated by blank ellipses, the whole with a line through the middle. Wheel made. Dimensions 8.1 x 5.3 x 2.6 cm.",28/4/1998 00:00:00,,"Not located May 1999" "4762",3.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAG?","Triangular, thick curved piece of bitumen with numerous inclusions and impressions of vegetable matter. Both surfaces smooth. Maybe part of the base lining of a woven vessel, with one straight edge hollowed, showing impression of stitching or thicker piece for connecting upper part of vessel. Brown. Dimensions 3.75 x 3.3 x 1.3 cm.",28/4/1998 00:00:00,," accidentally washed" "5000",1.00,"BITUMEN","BEAD","Spherical bead with flattish sides. Dark brown, slightly pitted surface. Single large hole. Intact. Diameter: 2.1-2.2 cm. Height: 1.5 cm Hole diameter: 0.6 cm.",5/1/1993 00:00:00,, "5000",2.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Light grey-brown coarse grained stone. Spherical with one slightly flattened side and one slightly concave side. All surfaces abraded. Intact except for shallow chunk broken off surface. From surface sand. L: 9.3, W: 9.3, T: 7.1 cm.",5/1/1993 00:00:00,, "5000",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone deposit. 1 bag not sieved.",5/1/1993 00:00:00,, "5000",4.00,"PLASTER","DISC LID","Disc-shaped lid of light grey plaster. Intact except for one broken edge. Convex surfaces. Diameter: 8.0-7.4 cm. Height: 3.5 cm.",6/1/1993 00:00:00,, "5000",5.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Two irregular fragments of bitumen. 1) Oval. Dimensions: 5.0 x 4.2 x 2.3 cm. 2) Irregular lump. Dimensions: 2.5 x 1.5 x 1.4 cm.",6/1/1993 00:00:00,, "5000",6.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Irregular lump of copper, roughly trapezoid. Dimensions: 1.3 x 1.1 x 0.4 cm.",6/1/1993 00:00:00,, "5000",7.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder. Dark, almost black close grained stone. Originally ovoid, now with 5 flat smooth faces and one convex end partly smoothed. Rest of surface abraded. Intact. From surface sand. L: 9.3, W: 9.3, T: 7.1 cm.",7/1/1993 00:00:00,, "5000",8.00,"STONE","FRAG","Stone sample, possible core. Pink coarse grained quartz (?). Sub-rectangular, with several flat natural (?) flake scars. From surface sand. L: 7.1, W: 5.4, T: 4.2 cm.",7/1/1993 00:00:00,, "5000",9.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder. Dark almost black close grained stone. Ovoid with one flat smooth surface. Abraded around all of convex edge. Intact. From surface sand. L: 6.8, W: 4.9, T: 3.8 cm.",7/1/1993 00:00:00,, "5000",10.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder. Banded light and dark brown ovoid flint nodule. Most of surface abraded and flake scarred during pounding. Intact. From surface sand. L: 5.2, W: 4.7, T: 4.5 cm.",7/1/1993 00:00:00,, "5000",11.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Mixed dark grey coarse grained stone with smooth creamy white cortex. Spherical with one side slightly flattened and very abraded. Intact. From surface sand. Height: 3.7 cm. Diameter: 4.3 cm.",7/1/1993 00:00:00,, "5000",12.00,"COPPER","HOOK FRAG","Copper hook-shank fragment with eye. Extant length: 4.6 cm. Diameter (maximum): 0.4 cm. Eye width: 0.5 cm.",7/1/1993 00:00:00,"Y", "5000",13.00,"FLINT","CORE","Pounder/Core. Good quality dark brown flint nodule. Sub-ovoid. Numerous abraded surfaces and flake scars. Creamy-white cortex. Intact. From surface sand. Dimensions: 6.0 x 5.5 x 4.9 cm.",7/1/1993 00:00:00,, "5000",14.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Small Smoother/Pounder. Grey close grained stone. Rectangular with rounded sides and edges. Smooth continuous surface. One end abraded. Intact. From surface sand. L: 4.4, W: 2.8, T: 2.0 cm.",9/1/1993 00:00:00,, "5000",15.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from surface sand. 1 bag not sieved.",9/1/1993 00:00:00,, "5000",16.00,"BITUMEN","BEAD","Four fragments of a spherical bead. Dark brown with slightly pitted surface. Diameter: 2.5 cm. Extant height: 2.7 cm",6/1/1993 00:00:00,"Y", "5000",17.00,"STEATITE","BOWL RIM","Rim fragment from deep decorated bowl made of pale grey coarse-grained steatite. Rounded rim, flat on top, sides near-vertical, swelling slightly. Smooth surfaces. Exterior incised decoration: deep, uneven encircling band immediately below rim; below that a band of circular motifs, each consisting of two concentric circles with a central dot - one extant, traces of two others; rest lost. Extant circular motif disfigured by large diagonal gouge, perhaps from a chisel. Extant H: 2.35, diameter (reconstructed) c. 14.0 cm. Thickness: 0.7 cm.",5/1/1993 00:00:00,"Y", "5000",18.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder. Light grey close grained stone. Spheroid with two slightly flattened and smooth sides. Circular edge surface has occasional marks of abrasion. From surface sand. Diameter: 6.0-5.7 cm. Height: 4.5 cm.",10/1/1993 00:00:00,, "5000",19.00,"BITUMEN","BEAD","Spherical bead. Fairly pitted surface with a single wide hole. Diameter: 2.2-2.3 cm. Height: 2.3 cm.",19/1/1993 00:00:00,, "5000",20.00,"NOT USED","NOT USED",,1/7/1993 00:00:00,, "5000",21.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder. Ovoid nodule of banded brown flint with light grey cortex. Circumference very abraded and much of the surface flake scarred. Intact. From surface sand. Dimensions: 7.2 x 6.8 x 4.9 cm.",28/2/1993 00:00:00,, "5000",22.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder. Semi-oval dark grey close grained stone. 2 opposite faces worn smooth and flat, one being slightly convex. Edges subsequently abraded and flake scarred due to pounding. Intact? From surface sand. Dimensions: 8.3 x 7.8 x 2.4 cm.",28/2/1993 00:00:00,, "5012",1.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder. Sub ovoid nodule of light grey coarse grained stone. One face worn smooth and flat. The rest of the surface is abraded. Intact. Dimensions: 6.8 x 5.6 x 6.0 cm.",28/2/1993 00:00:00,, "5012",2.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder. Sub-rectangular fragment of light pinkish-grey coarse-grained stone. Two opposing faces are flat, one worn smooth. One extant edge is nearly vertical. Dimensions 9.3 x 9.2 x 3.8 cm.",28/2/1993 00:00:00,, "5012",3.00,"PLASTER","FRAG","Plaster fragment. Sub oval. One surface smooth with an angled face. The opposite surface is convex. Possibly part of a finished structural surface. Dimensions: 16.3 x 16.2 x 3.5 cm.",28/2/1993 00:00:00,, "5012",4.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder. Sub ovoid nodule of poor quality, coarse grained light brown flint with dark brown cortex. One convex surface, and circumference abraded. Several flake scars due to pounding. Intact. Dimensions: 6.5 x 5.8 x 5.0 cm.",28/2/1993 00:00:00,, "5012",5.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder. Square dark grey close grained stone. Several flattish faces worn smooth, 3 ends abraded. Intact. Dimensions: 4.6 x 4.6 x 3.0 cm.",28/2/1993 00:00:00,, "5012",6.00,"CLAY","TOKEN","Unpierced hemispherical 'token' of fine hard red clay. Reverse: button-shaped. Obverse: seal-impression, very worn, showing ? 2 or 3 standing figures on a boat. 3 interlocking circles below 'boat'. Dimensions: 1.53 x 1.7 x 0.5 cm.",2/3/1993 00:00:00,"Y", "5016",1.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Four fragments of copper. 1) Large irregular lump with brown (iron/rust?) areas. Dimensions: 3.6 x 2.4 x 1.6 cm. 2) Thick kidney-bean shaped fragment, good condition. Dimensions: 1.7 x 1.0 x 0.8 cm. 3) Irregular triangular lump. Dimensions: 1.6 x 1.2 x 0.7 cm. 4) Ovoid lump with small projection on one side. Areas of brown (iron/rust?). Part of a nail? Dimensions: 1.9 x 1.6 x 1.4 cm.",11/1/1993 00:00:00,, "5016",2.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing. Oval tag. Fine light grey clay. Lozenge shape. Reverse smooth, tag originally squeezed round a thread. Holes for thread remain at each end. On the front is a seal-impression, rectangular not round, badly distorted and worn. Possibly 2 partly superimposed sealings. On the left is a hatched square. The rest is indecipherable. From collapse deposit. Dimensions: 3.2 x 2.2 x 0.8 cm.",10/1/1993 00:00:00,"Y", "5016",3.00,"COPPER","PIN","Length of copper wire, presumably part of a pin or similar object. Extant length 6.4 cm. Diameter (maximum): 0.4 cm",11/1/1993 00:00:00,"Y","In two pieces" "5018",1.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Spherical nodule of grey coarse grained stone. Carefully and finely abraded over all curved surfaces except for two small opposite flat ends. A near perfect sphere. Intact. Diameter: 7.1 cm. Height: 6.6 cm.",1/3/1993 00:00:00,, "5018",2.00,"PLASTER","PERFORATED OBJECT","Trapezoidal fragment. Grey plaster with brown residue, or skin from weathering, on surface. Flat faces and edges, with a rounded corner. Regular vertically punched holes through sides, possibly created by palm frond twigs. Broken along two lines of these holes. Possibly part of a house ventilation grill, or a coarse sieve. Dimensions 9.6 x 8.7 x 3.4 cm.",3/3/1993 00:00:00,, "5018",3.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder. Sub rectangular nodule of dark grey close grained stone. Two faces worn flat and smooth. Two convex ends are abraded. Intact. Dimensions: 9.1 x 6.4 x 4.3 cm.",1/3/1993 00:00:00,, "5018",4.00,"STONE","BASIN FRAG","Large end fragment of stone basin. Light brown stone with numerous tiny quartz inclusions (limestone). Roughly made by small pick/chisel (marks visible) and very worn. Rim flat with vertical interior sides leading to a flat interior base. The extant exterior sides are vertical to convex. The base is roughly flat. Extant fragment joins door-socket 5081:1, q.v., , fashioned from another fragment of the basin. Dimensions: 22.5 x 24.0 x 14.2 cm. Total basin size: length 34.0, width 24.0, ht.14.2 cm.",4/3/1993 00:00:00,, "5018",5.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder fragment, possibly reused as a pounder. Pentagonal fragment of purple coarse grained stone, perhaps sandstone. Presently covered in skin of gypsum salts. One surface flat, probably worn. One edge broken, possibly due to pounding. Dimensions 9.7 x 7.6 x 3.4 cm.",4/3/1993 00:00:00,, "5018",6.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder. Small sub spherical nodule of grey coarse grained stone. One convex surface worn partly smooth. The circumference is abraded. Intact. Dimensions: 3.7 x 3.5 x 3.1 cm.",4/3/1993 00:00:00,, "5018",7.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder. Small sub spherical nodule of grey coarse grained stone. Part of one convex face is worn smooth. The rest of the surface is abraded. Intact. Dimensions: 3.4 x 3.1 x 3.0 cm.",4/3/1993 00:00:00,, "5018",8.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder. Ovoid nodule of dark purple close grained stone. 4 faces worn smooth and flat. Several areas abraded and flake scarred from pounding. Intact. Dimensions: 7.2 x 5.4 x 4.4 cm.",4/3/1993 00:00:00,, "5018",9.00,"POTTERY","PIERCED BASE","Pierced pottery base sherd from storage jar. Interior shows traces of bitumen. Coarse orange-red fabric with white quartz grit temper. Dimensions: 13.6 x 10.6 x 2.8 cm. Diameter of hole 2.9 cm.",4/3/1993 00:00:00,, "5018",10.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. 1 bag sieved.",4/3/1993 00:00:00,, "5018",11.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. 1 bag sieved.",4/3/1993 00:00:00,, "5018",12.00,"COPPER","PIN","Length of copper wire, one end thickened perhaps for an eye or head. Lower end slightly flattened (wedge shaped). Circular section. Presumably part of pin or similar. Diameter: 0.4 cm. Length: 7.0 cm. Thickened end diameter: 0.7 cm.",4/3/1993 00:00:00,"Y", "5018",13.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Four fragments of copper. Nos.1 & 2 have small areas of brown staining (iron/rust?). 1) Small sub-rectangular. Dimensions: 0.9 x 0.7 x 0.4 cm. 2) Small sub-ovoid lump. Dimensions: 0.9 x 0.7 x 0.6 cm. 3) Sub-rectangular flat strip. Dimensions: 1.4 x 1.2 x 0.4 cm. 4) Irregular, thick, rectangular lump. Dimensions: 1.2 x 1.0 x 0.8 cm.",4/3/1993 00:00:00,, "5018",14.00,"GLASS","BANGLE","Small fragment of a glass bangle. Black with surface showing where glass has been twisted during manufacture. Diameter: 0.6 cm. Length: 1.4 cm.",4/3/1993 00:00:00,"Y", "5019",1.00,"STONE","WEIGHT","Complete cubic stone weight of Indus Valley type. Brown banded chert. Polished surfaces and carefully chamfered edges. Height 1.2, width 1.5, thickness 1.5 cm. Weight: 6.7 gm.",11/1/1993 00:00:00,, "5019",2.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Copper fragment. Elongated flat sheet with pointed end and slightly curled-up sides. Dimensions: 2.8 x 1.5 x 0.6 cm.",12/1/1993 00:00:00,, "5019",3.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder fragment. Sub-rectangular. Light brown stone with numerous small quartz inclusions. Flat surfaces, one worn smooth. Extant side is vertical. Dimensions 6.5 x 4.3 x 3.2 cm.",12/1/1993 00:00:00,, "5019",4.00,"STONE","DISC LID","Circular lid of coarse-grained light grey stone. Natural nodule partly shaped and smoothed. Faces are flattish with slightly grooved surfaces and rounded edges. Diameter: 8.8 cm. Height: 2.4 cm.",12/1/1993 00:00:00,, "5019",5.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. From collapse deposit.",11/1/1993 00:00:00,, "5020",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone from an occupation deposit. 1 bag sieved.",18/1/1993 00:00:00,, "5020",2.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Ovoid fragment of copper. Dimensions: 1.3 x 1.1 x 0.8 cm.",18/1/1993 00:00:00,, "5020",3.00,"CLAY","FRAGS","Three lumps of fine light yellow-green clay. Similar to sealing clay. 1) Sub-ovoid. One face has a lumpy uneven surface (where hand squeezed?). Half of the other face has a sunken flat surface. Broken into 2 joining fragments. Dimensions: 5.9 x 4.3 x 2.0 cm. 2) Sub-ovoid. One face has circular impression, the other is angled where it was possibly pressed against a surface. Broken into 3 joining fragments. (1 piece missing from whole) Dimensions: 4.2 x 3.5 x 1.9 cm. 3) Trapezoid. Hand squeezed lump. Dimensions: 3.8 x 3.1 x 1.5 cm.",18/1/1993 00:00:00,, "5020",4.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from an occupation deposit. 1 bag from sieving.",18/1/1993 00:00:00,, "5020",5.00,"BITUMEN","FRAG","Sub-oval fragment of bitumen. Irregular surfaces. Dimensions: 2.4 x 1.7 x 1.6 cm.",18/1/1993 00:00:00,, "5021",1.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder. Discoid nodule of dark grey coarse grained stone. Two opposite faces worn smooth and flat. The circumference is abraded. One edge has been deeply flake scarred by pounding. Intact. Dimensions: 7.7 x 7.1 x 5.0 cm.",7/3/1993 00:00:00,, "5021",2.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Smoother/Pounder. Half ovoid nodule of dark brown flint with brown smooth cortex. One face worn very smooth and flat (interior of stone). The opposite face is naturally convex with possible abraded areas on the highest parts. The ends also show signs of abrading. Possibly broken during pounding, and reused as smoother. Dimensions: 9.8 x 6.9 x 3.5 cm.",7/3/1993 00:00:00,, "5021",3.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Large Pounder. Sub spherical or bun-shaped nodule of light brown coarse grained stone. Wider and roughly flat on one face, the opposite is also nearly flat. One part of the curved surface is naturally concave. The entire surface is abraded. Intact. Dimensions: 13.1 x 11.4 x 9.2 cm.",7/3/1993 00:00:00,, "5021",4.00,"PLASTER","DOMED LID","Domed plaster lid. One face flat, the opposite is slightly convex. The edges are rounded. Intact except for an ancient chip in one edge, and accidental recent damage to another part of the edge. Diameter: 8.2-8.3 cm. Height: 2.5 cm.",7/3/1993 00:00:00,, "5021",5.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","8 fragments of copper. 1) Sub ovoid lump, almost completely stained brown (iron/rust?). Dimensions: 1.9 x 1.4 x 1.2 cm. 2) Fragment of broken object. One extant end is double rounded in shape with narrow thin broken spur adjoining. (Rounded end is similar to a bone joint in appearance). One surface of the end also has remnants of more metal now broken away. Dimensions: 1.9 x 1.7 x 0.9 cm. 3) Irregular narrow flat strip. Dimensions: 2.4 x 1.0 x 0.4 cm. 4) Sub rectangular lump. Dimensions: 1.7 x 1.4 x 0.7 cm. 5) Sub ovoid lump. Dimensions: 1.3 x 1.2 x 0.7 cm. 6) Sub trapezoid lump. Dimensions: 1.7 x 1.3 x 0.8 cm. 7) Irregular sub rectangular lump. Dimensions: 1.6 x 0.9 x 0.6 cm. 8) Tiny ovoid lump. Dimensions: 0.7 x 0.4 x 0.3 cm.",7/3/1993 00:00:00,, "5021",6.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone 1 bag sieved.",7/3/1993 00:00:00,, "5021",7.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell 1 bag sieved.",7/3/1993 00:00:00,, "5021",8.00,"PLASTER","DOMED LID","Domed plaster lid. One surface convex, the opposite one flat, with sides sloping up to fairly sharp edges. Almost intact except for large chip in one edge. Diameter: 9.0 cm. Height: 3.1. cm.",9/3/1993 00:00:00,, "5021",9.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder. Sub ovoid nodule of mottled light brown flint with light grey-brown cortex. Surface has several abraded areas and much flake scarring due to pounding. Intact. Dimensions: 5.5 x 5.4 x 4.7 cm.",9/3/1993 00:00:00,, "5021",10.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder. Elongated sub ovoid nodule of poor quality brown flint with light brown cortex. The two ends of the stone are the main ones abraded. Almost entire surface is covered in flake scars, some of which are natural. Intact. Dimensions: 8.3 x 6.1 x 4.7 cm.",9/3/1993 00:00:00,, "5021",11.00,"STONE","GROUP","Group of 4 stone tools found together on floor. All intact. 1) Smoother. Small ovoid pebble. Light brown close-grained stone, possibly flint. Two opposite faces are slightly worn smooth. Dimensions: 4.0 x 3.4 x 1.9 cm. 2) Smoother. Small sub-ovoid pebble. Light grey close-grained stone. One face worn smooth and flat. Dimensions: 3.0 x 2.3 x 2.2 cm. 3) Pounder. Possible smoother. Small sub-ovoid pebble. Dark grey coarse-grained stone with irregular surfaces. Several areas abraded, particularly at each end. One face appears worn slightly smooth. Dimensions: 3.8 x 2.9 x 2.2 cm. 4) Possible smoother. Tiny sub-trapezoid pebble. Light grey close-grained stone. Three flat faces may have been utilized. Dimensions: 1.5 x 1.3 x 1.0 cm.",9/3/1993 00:00:00,, "5021",12.00,"FOSSIL BIVALVE","POUNDER/SMOOTHER","Fossil bivalve utilized as Smoother/Pounder. Two opposite sloping faces worn partly smooth. Edges abraded and slightly flake scarred due to pounding. Intact. Dimensions: 3.9 x 3.7 x 3.1 cm",9/3/1993 00:00:00,, "5021",13.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder. Small sub ovoid pebble of dark grey close grained stone. One and possibly two surfaces worn smooth and flat. (One surface obscured by very hard gypsum salts) Parts of the edges are abraded. Intact. Dimensions: 4.0 x 3.5 x 1.8 cm.",9/3/1993 00:00:00,, "5021",14.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Possible Pounder/Smoother. Reused Grindstone fragment? Sub ovoid light brown stone with numerous small quartz inclusions. Possible signs of working obscured by grain size. Dimensions: 4.8 x 4.1 x 3.3 cm.",9/3/1993 00:00:00,, "5021",15.00,"PLASTER","DOMED LID","Domed plaster lid. One face very smooth and concave. The opposite face is flat. Very narrow lid. Intact. Diameter: 9.0-9.2 cm. Height: 2.1 cm.",4/3/1993 00:00:00,, "5021",16.00,"METAL","SLAG","Slag probably from metal production. Dark grey sub ovoid lump with small flecks of green corrosion on the surface. From sieving. Dimensions: 1.0 x 0.8 x 0.7 cm.",7/3/1993 00:00:00,, "5021",17.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Probable Smoother. Long ovoid pebble of light grey close grained stone. Parts of the surface are smooth. Intact. Dimensions: 5.2 x 2.7 x 1.2 cm.",7/3/1993 00:00:00,, "5021",18.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Smoother. Very small oval pebble of light grey close grained stone. One face is worn smooth. Intact. Dimensions: 2.3 x 2.0 x 0.5 cm.",7/3/1993 00:00:00,, "5021",19.00,"COPPER","WIRE OBJECT","Copper object. Possible fish hook or pin tip fragment. Circular (?) in section with sharp point. Bent into a curve. Dimensions: 2.7 x 0.5 x 0.5 cm.",7/3/1993 00:00:00,"Y", "5021",20.00,"METAL","IRON","3 fragments of flat strips of iron. Probably intrusive to floor. Largest: 3.8 x 2.7 x 0.5 cm.",7/3/1993 00:00:00,, "5022",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. Not sieved.",12/1/1993 00:00:00,, "5033",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell . 1 bag not sieved.",23/1/1993 00:00:00,, "5033",2.00,"PLASTER","DISC LID","Disc-shaped plaster lid. White with small grey inclusions. Small with flattish faces. One side has a chamfered edge. Complete. Diameter: 6.4 cm. Height: 1.8 cm.",23/1/1993 00:00:00,, "5033",3.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Smoother. Possible pounder. Fragment of dark grey close grained stone. 1 extant surface worn smooth and flat. 1 convex area possibly abraded. Dimensions: 5.4 x 4.9 x 1.9 cm.",23/1/1993 00:00:00,, "5035",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, from area in front of temple.",30/1/1994 00:00:00,, "5035",2.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Fragment/ flake, from area in front of temple. Brown. Length 4.7, width 4.4, thickness 1.6 cm.",31/1/1994 00:00:00,, "5035",3.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Smoother/ rubber. Light coloured, fine grained stone, from area in front of temple. Rectangular in shape, broken off at one end. One flat surface with sharp edges, the rest are rounded. Dimensions 6.5 x 5.7 x 3.6 cm.",31/1/1994 00:00:00,, "5035",4.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from area in front of temple.",31/1/1994 00:00:00,, "5036",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone from collapse deposit. 1 bag not sieved.",25/1/1993 00:00:00,, "5036",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from collapse deposit. 1 bag not sieved.",24/1/1993 00:00:00,, "5036",3.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Smoother. Possible Pounder. Originally spherical nodule of close grained black stone. Extant as quarter sphere. Parts of 2 worn smooth faces, and 2 small abraded areas. Pounding probably caused the stone to break. Dimensions: 5.4 x 4.9 x 4.2 cm.",24/1/1993 00:00:00,, "5036",4.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Spherical nodule of coarse grained light grey stone. Flattened ends. Entire surface abraded. Intact. From collapse deposit. Dimensions: 7.9 x 7.6 x 6.9 cm.",26/1/1993 00:00:00,, "5036",5.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder. Ovoid nodule of brown flint with creamy-white cortex. Abraded surface and numerous flake scars from pounding. Intact. Dimensions: 5.6 x 5.1 x 4.3 cm.",31/1/1993 00:00:00,, "5036",6.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder, possible Smoother. End fragment of dark grey coarse grained stone. Convex end abraded, and one surface possibly slightly smoothed. From collapse deposit. Dimensions: 6.9 x 6.5 x 3.3 cm.",31/1/1993 00:00:00,, "5036",7.00,"BITUMEN","VESSEL FRAG","Body fragment of thick-walled bitumen vessel, or perhaps lining to a pottery or woven vessel. Smooth surfaces. Dimensions: 9.5 x 5.2 x 1.2 cm.",31/1/1993 00:00:00,, "5036",8.00,"STONE","TOOL","Fragment of dark grey-black close grained stone. Probably basalt. Triangular with flat surfaces. Tip and one sharp slightly convex edge may have been roughly shaped. The edge also shows possible use wear. Opportunistic use of natural fragment? Dimensions: 9.6 x 4.0 x 1.8 cm.",30/1/1993 00:00:00,, "5037",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone from a collapse deposit. 1 bag not sieved.",30/1/1993 00:00:00,, "5037",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from a collapse deposit. 1 bag not sieved.",30/1/1993 00:00:00,, "5037",3.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Scraper. Levallois flake of brown flint. Discontinuous retouch along distal and one other edge. Intact. From a collapse deposit. Dimensions: 3.6 x 3.2 x 1.2 cm.",30/1/1993 00:00:00,, "5037",4.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Small sub triangular flake of brown flint. Possibly chipped off a pounder. From a collapse deposit. Dimensions: 2.0 x 1.3 x 0.5 cm.",30/1/1993 00:00:00,, "5038",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone from a post building occupation deposit. 1 bag not sieved.",25/1/1993 00:00:00,, "5038",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from a post building occupation deposit. 1 bag not sieved.",25/1/1993 00:00:00,, "5038",3.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Flake. Chunky sub rectangular flake of brown flint with creamy-white cortex. No retouch. Possibly flaked off a pounder as striking platform is abraded. From a post building occupation deposit. L: 3.4, W: 2.4, T: 1.9 cm.",27/1/1993 00:00:00,, "5038",4.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Smoother. Small ovoid fragment of close grained black stone. Extant surface convex with 2 visible faces worn smooth and flat. From a post building occupation deposit. Dimensions: 3.3 x 3.3 x 2.0 cm.",27/1/1993 00:00:00,, "5038",5.00,"SHELL","PIERCED BIVALVS","Two pearl oyster shells with oval cuts made in them, possibly from the inside. General Dimensions: 1. L:4.6, W:5.0 cm. Hole: 1.5 x 1.3 x 0.3 cm. 2) L:4.5, W:4.8 cm. (burnt after hole cut) Hole: 1.6 x 1.4 x 0.3 cm.",27/1/1993 00:00:00,, "5038",6.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Scraper. Dark-light brown flint. Levallois flake retouched along two edges. Intact. From a post building occupation deposit. Dimensions: 5.4 x 4.1 x 1.5 cm.",25/1/1993 00:00:00,, "5038",7.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Scraper. Dark brown mottled flint with creamy-white cortex. Levallois flake retouched along one convex edge. Intact. From a post building occupation deposit. Dimensions: 6.4 x 5.2 x 1.3 cm.",25/1/1993 00:00:00,, "5038",8.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Smoother. Thin end fragment of dark grey close grained stone. 1 extant surface worn smooth and flat. From a post building occupation deposit. Dimensions: 8.2 x 6.0 x 1.6 cm.",25/1/1993 00:00:00,, "5038",9.00,"ORGANIC","DATE","One date pip fragment, burnt. From post building occupation. Dimensions 1.1 x 0.6 x 0.6 cm. Wgt 0.1 gm.",3/2/1993 00:00:00,, "5038",10.00,"BITUMEN","BEAD FRAG?","Ovoid fragment of bitumen. Texture and size indicates it may have broken off a bead. Dimensions: 2.5 x 1.8 x 1.3 cm.",3/2/1993 00:00:00,, "5038",11.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Possible Smoother ? Fragment of ovoid nodule of light pink-brown coarse grained stone. One area on the surface appears smoother and slightly flatter. From a post building occupation deposit. Dimensions: 5.8 x 3.0 x 2.9 cm.",25/1/1993 00:00:00,, "5038",12.00,"SHELL","PIERCED BIVALVS","Two clam shells, one burnt, each with a hole through. Not measured. Stored with 5038:05, not separately labelled.",,, "5039",1.00,"SHELL","SEAL","Cut-off apex of large cone shell, damaged at one side, with traces of burning. Presumably for use as shell seal, the obverse design being the natural 'incised' spiral pattern of the sectioned shell. Diameter: 2.25 cm. Height: 1.3 cm.",31/1/1993 00:00:00,"Y", "5039",2.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Possible Smoother. Triangular dark grey close grained stone. Two surfaces appear to have been worn smooth. From a post building feature - pit. Intact. Dimensions: 3.4 x 2.5 x 1.6 cm.",31/1/1993 00:00:00,, "5039",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone from a post building feature- pit. 1 bag not sieved.",31/1/1993 00:00:00,, "5039",4.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from a post building feature- pit. 1 bag not sieved.",31/1/1993 00:00:00,, "5039",5.00,"CLAY","FRAG","Discarded.",31/1/1993 00:00:00,, "5039",6.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Small sub spherical nodule of grey-brown coarse grained stone. Entire surface is abraded. Brown colouring may be due to exposure to fire. From a post building feature - pit. Dimensions: 3.7 x 3.7 x 3.4 cm.",1/2/1993 00:00:00,, "5039",7.00,"STONE","HANDLE","Stone handle of vessel. Broken fragment. Dark grey stone. Curved with varying oval section. Dimensions: 2.2 x 2.1 x 1.5 cm.",1/2/1993 00:00:00,, "5040",1.00,"STEATITE","SEAL","Seal of light brown mottled steatite. Edge concave (Failaka Variant 2). Reverse has three incised lines at right angles to the perforation, and four incised circles with central dots. The design shows a central palm frond or stylized tree with a rampant horned animal on either side. Both animals are male and have ruffed necks, back-swept fringed horns and flicked-up tails. Diameter: 2.34 cm. Height: 1.24 cm.",1/2/1993 00:00:00,"Y", "5040",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. 1 bag sieved.",21/2/1993 00:00:00,, "5040",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. 1 bag sieved.",21/2/1993 00:00:00,, "5040",4.00,"STONE","TOOL","Missing May 1993",1/7/1993 00:00:00,, "5040",5.00,"SHELL","CONE BEAD","Small cone shell with hole through apex, presumably for use as bead. Length 2.7, diameter of hole 0.2 cm.",1/7/1993 00:00:00,, "5041",1.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Possible Smoother. Discoid nodule of light grey coarse grained stone. The entire curved surface is abraded. There are numerous flake cars due to pounding. One flat face partly worn smooth. Intact. From a collapse deposit. Dimensions: 10.5 x 10.5 x 6.3 cm.",14/2/1993 00:00:00,, "5041",2.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Fragment of grindstone or mortar. Light brown stone with numerous small quartz inclusions. One curved edge extant. Pecked and worn concave interior surface. Roughly smooth upper edge and irregular sloping side. Roughly flat base. Dimensions: 15.6 x 16.2 x 9.5 cm.",14/2/1993 00:00:00,, "5041",3.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Possibly also used as a Chopper after broken. Large half-ovoid fragment of brown-orange close grained stone (chert?). Original convex irregular surface has several abraded areas. Edges are also abraded and flake scarred (from chopping?). The flattish face of the stone, after it probably had been broken during pounding, has been subsequently abraded. From a collapse deposit. Dimensions: 10.2 x 7.7 x 3.9 cm.",14/2/1993 00:00:00,, "5049",1.00,"STONE","SAMPLE","Haematite. Oval crystalline fragment. One use: Crushed, as the main ingredient in Kohl. Dimensions: 1.8 x 1.4 x 0.8 cm.",17/2/1993 00:00:00,, "5050",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. 1 bag sieved. 1 bag not sieved.",10/2/1993 00:00:00,, "5050",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. 1 bag sieved.",10/2/1993 00:00:00,, "5050",3.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Flake. Poor quality dull grey fine grained stone, possibly flint, with lightly dimpled dark grey cortex. Intact. Dimensions: 5.2 x 2.9 x 1.9 cm.",10/2/1993 00:00:00,, "5050",4.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Round blob of copper waste or casting slag. Dimensions: 1.0 x 0.8 x 0.4 cm.",10/2/1993 00:00:00,, "5050",5.00,"STEATITE","BOWL","Decorated steatite bowl: 4 adjoining sherds give full profile: about a third extant. Dark grey-green stone. Rim rounded, sides swell very slightly then taper gently to flat base. Exterior originally smooth, now pitted and worn, with incised decoration consisting of: encircling line immediately below rim; below that an encircling band of circular motifs, each consisting of two concentric circles with central dot; below that, another line. The decoration is confined to a narrow band below the rim, and is carefully executed, the lines being regular and evenly-cut. H. 7.2, rim di. 10.6 cm.",18/2/1993 00:00:00,"Y","C.f. Mughal 1983, Pl. LI, no. 1" "5050",6.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, not sieved. Packed into 2 plaster containers. Several fragments have been consolidated with Paraloid 5% w/v in Acetone.",20/2/1993 00:00:00,, "5050",7.00,"BITUMEN","FRAG","Not described. Missing May 1993",1/7/1993 00:00:00,, "5051",1.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Tile knife. Trapezoidal natural tile fragment of mottled brown flint with light brown cortex. One edge bifacially retouched. Intact. Dimensions: 11.7 x 7.7 x 1.3 cm.",1/7/1993 00:00:00,, "5051",2.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Irregular copper fragment. Main part is pointed sub rectangular with a lumpy piece joined at an angle at one end. Dimensions: 2.9 x 1.9 x 1.0 cm.",7/2/1993 00:00:00,, "5051",3.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Thick round copper fragment, probably a piece of casting slag. Diameter: 1.3 cm. Height: 0.8 cm.",7/2/1993 00:00:00,, "5051",4.00,"ORGANIC","DATE","Several date pips, burnt. Maximum 5. All broken except one. Date and date fragments. 1 whole, approx. 20 fragments. (DM 1995) Total Wgt 1.2 gm. -whole 1.8 x 0.9 x 0.6 cm. Wgt 1.0 gm.",7/2/1993 00:00:00,, "5051",5.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Flake broken off a pounder. Dark brown flint with light grey cortex. Chunky fragment of a probably ovoid nodule. One extant curved surface is abraded from pounding. Dimensions: 3.8 x 3.2 x 2.2 cm.",7/2/1993 00:00:00,, "5051",6.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Possible Scraper. Retouched core fragment or large Levallois flake of mottled brown flint with irregular light grey cortex. Intact. Dimensions: 5.3 x 4.8 x 3.0 cm.",7/2/1993 00:00:00,, "5051",7.00,"PLASTER","DOMED LID","Domed plaster lid, half extant. One face is convex, the other flat to slightly concave in the centre. Rounded edges. All surfaces are smooth, with a coarse sandpaper-like texture due to the numerous fine grain hollows of the plaster fabric. Diameter: 10.3 cm. Height: 2.4 cm.",9/2/1993 00:00:00,, "5051",8.00,"PLASTER","DOMED LID","Domed plaster lid. One face has a smooth, slightly convex surface, the other is flat. Intact. Diameter: 10.1-10.4 cm. Height: 2.3 cm.",9/2/1993 00:00:00,, "5051",9.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. Not sieved.",9/2/1993 00:00:00,, "5051",10.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. Not sieved.",9/2/1993 00:00:00,, "5052",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. From sieved deposit.",14/2/1993 00:00:00,, "5052",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from sieved deposit.",14/2/1993 00:00:00,, "5052",3.00,"STONE","SAMPLE","Haematite. One small crystalline fragment. Dimensions: 1.7 x 1.2 x 0.9 cm.",14/2/1993 00:00:00,, "5052",4.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Fifteen small fragments of bitumen from lining of one or more woven vessels. All have one side showing impressions of cross-weave. The other side is smooth. Largest: 2.0 x 1.4 x 0.4 cm.",14/2/1993 00:00:00,, "5053",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone from sieved deposit.",16/2/1993 00:00:00,, "5053",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from sieved deposit.",16/2/1993 00:00:00,, "5053",3.00,"ORGANIC","DATE","1 date pip, burnt. Almost intact. From sieved deposit. Dimensions 1.4 x 0.6 x 0.5 cm. Wgt 0.2 gm.",16/2/1993 00:00:00,, "5054",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone for a sieved deposit.",16/2/1993 00:00:00,, "5054",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from sieved deposit.",16/2/1993 00:00:00,, "5054",3.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder. Fragment of dark grey close grained stone. Irregular in shape stone. One convex surface worn smooth. One broken end abraded. Probably broken during pounding. Dimensions: 8.4 x 3.4 x 3.1 cm.",16/2/1993 00:00:00,, "5055",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone from sieving. Including a collection of 6 articulated fish vertebrae.",17/2/1993 00:00:00,, "5055",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from sieved deposit.",15/2/1993 00:00:00,, "5055",3.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Seven fragments of bitumen from lining of one or more woven vessels. All have one face showing impressions of cross-weave. The other is smooth. Largest: 3.4 x 3.2 x 0.4 cm.",15/2/1993 00:00:00,, "5055",4.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder. Possibly reused as Scraper. Hemispherical fragment of brown flint with light grey-white cortex. Broken spherical nodule with numerous abraded areas and flake scars from pounding. Part of the curved broken edge appears to have been retouched to form scraping edge. Dimensions: 4.9 x 4.9 x 2.7 cm.",16/2/1993 00:00:00,, "5055",5.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder. Sub spherical nodule of light grey coarse grained stone. One face worn smooth and flat. Several areas abraded. Intact. Dimensions: 7.3 x 6.7 x 6.2 cm.",16/2/1993 00:00:00,, "5055",6.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Possibly also a Smoother. Sub spherical nodule of dark grey close grained stone. One flattish face possibly worn smooth. Intact. Dimensions: 5.5 x 5.1 x 4.9 cm.",16/2/1993 00:00:00,, "5055",7.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder. Roughly hemispherical nodule of dark grey close grained stone. At least one extant face worn smooth and flat. Several areas abraded, notably one indented convex end. Broken nodule before use? Now with large crack through stone. Dimensions: 6.2 x 4.8 x 4.6 cm.",16/2/1993 00:00:00,, "5055",8.00,"BITUMEN","BEAD","Sub ovoid bead with large off-centre hole. Appears partly squashed or distorted. Surface has shallow folds and is pitted. Intact except for small broken area around one hole. Diameter: 2.4-2.6 cm. Length: 2.1 cm. Hole Diam: 0.5-0.6 cm.",16/2/1993 00:00:00,"Y", "5055",9.00,"CLAY","FRAGS","6 fragments of light green sandy clay.",16/2/1993 00:00:00,, "5055",10.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Numerous fragments of bitumen from lining of one or more woven vessels, with impressions of cross-weave. Largest: 2.5 x 1.9 x 0.5 cm.",17/2/1993 00:00:00,, "5055",11.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Sub triangular fragment of copper. One face flat. Dimensions: 1.3 x 1.1 x 0.5 cm.",17/2/1993 00:00:00,, "5055",12.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Fine smoother or possible weight. Sub-rectangular nodule, with triangular section, of opaque white quartz. Smooth faces and edges. One rectangular side is worn or shaped very smooth and convex. The opposite side is hipped with roughly four smooth (worn or shaped) convex faces. Intact. Possibly for fine polishing work, a weight, or an ornament. Weight: 51.8 gm. Dimensions 4.4 x 2.9x 2.8 cm.",17/2/1993 00:00:00,, "5055",13.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder fragment. Dark grey close grained stone. Longitudinally broken. Convex surface worn very smooth. Both ends abraded. Probably broken during pounding. Dimensions: 9.5 x 5.4 x 1.9 cm.",17/2/1993 00:00:00,, "5056",1.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder. End fragment of once sub rectangular nodule of dull green close grained stone. Four extant faces worn smooth and nearly flat. The convex end has been partly abraded. Possibly broken during pounding. Dimensions: 5.9 x 4.7 x 4.6 cm.",8/3/1993 00:00:00,, "5056",2.00,"FLINT","CORE","Pounder/Core. Semi-spherical nodule of dark brown flint with creamy white cortex. All surfaces and edges are abraded and flake scarred, probably entirely due to pounding. However, one face has large flake scars and has obviously been worked continuously. These flakes may have been utilized. Intact. Dimensions: 6.7 x 6.6 x 3.8 cm.",8/3/1993 00:00:00,, "5056",3.00,"PLASTER","DOMED LID","Thick, domed plaster lid. One face convex. The opposite face is flat with the sides sloping up to the rounded edges. Intact. Diameter: 8.7-8.8 cm. Height: 4.4 cm.",8/3/1993 00:00:00,, "5056",4.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder. Small ovoid nodule of brown flint with light brown cortex. Most areas on the surface are abraded and some are flake scarred due to pounding. Intact. Dimensions: 5.0 x 4.1 x 3.9 cm.",8/3/1993 00:00:00,, "5056",5.00,"PLASTER","DOMED LID","Domed plaster lid, one face convex, the opposite concave. Very worn, and clumsily made. Edge chipped, otherwise intact. Dimensions: 7.0-7.5 cm. Height: 2.6 cm.",8/3/1993 00:00:00,, "5056",6.00,"FOSSIL ECHINOID","POUNDER/SMOOTHER","Fossil sea urchin utilized as Smoother/Pounder. Sub ovoid light grey stone. The flat base is slightly worn smooth. The circumference edges are abraded and partly flake scarred, due to pounding. Intact. Found in association with 5056:04 & 5056:05. Dimensions: 6.6 x 6.0 x 3.8 cm.",8/3/1993 00:00:00,, "5056",7.00,"POTTERY","COOKING POT","Cooking pot, half extant. Not measured.",8/3/1993 00:00:00,," Not located May 1999" "5056",8.00,"POTTERY","VESSEL","Sherds comprising most of a vessel, probably a cooking pot. Not restored.",8/3/1993 00:00:00,,"Not located 1999" "5056",9.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder. Oval grey close grained stone with one slightly flattened long edge. Two opposite faces are worn very smooth and slightly convex. One surface covered with a brown stain or burning mark. The two long edges are also worn very smooth and flat. Stone subsequently used as pounder, with both ends and one long edge abraded and flake scarred. A well-used tool. Intact. Dimensions: 9.6 x 7.9 x 3.9 cm.",8/3/1993 00:00:00,, "5056",10.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder. Sub ovoid nodule of dark grey close grained stone. Three surfaces worn smooth, two very flat. Tool subsequently used solely as pounder, with all edges and some surfaces abraded and flake scarred. Intact. Dimensions: 6.9 x 5.9 x 3.8 cm.",8/3/1993 00:00:00,, "5056",11.00,"BITUMEN","FRAG","Sub-rectangular fragment of bitumen. Roughly flat surfaces with rounded corners. Impressions of fragments of large vegetable matter, possibly straw. Broken at on end. Poor condition. Dimensions: 3.8 x 3.1 x 1.2 cm.",8/3/1993 00:00:00,, "5056",12.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Smoother. Sub triangular pebble of brown-dark grey stone, with pitted surface. Two opposite faces worn slightly smooth. Intact. Dimensions: 4.5 x 3.6 x 1.5 cm.",8/3/1993 00:00:00,, "5056",13.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Numerous fragments of bitumen, from lining of one or more woven vessels. All fragments have impressions of cross-weave. Three larger fragments have curved edges, angled sides, and a narrower flat base, with traces of a squared interior corner. The upper surface is smooth and irregular. Best fragment: 5.8 x 4.9 x 2.1 cm.",8/3/1993 00:00:00,,"Needs conservation" "5056",14.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder fragment. Light brown stone with numerous small quartz inclusions. One face worn smooth and concave to flat., one smooth and convex. The extant edges are roughly vertical. Dimensions 20.0 x 20.0 x 3.9 cm.",8/3/1993 00:00:00,, "5056",15.00,"PLASTER","DOMED LID","Large, domed plaster lid. One surface is convex. the other is smooth and flat. Intact. Diameter: 15.3-11.3 cm. Height: 3.8 cm.",8/3/1993 00:00:00,, "5056",16.00,"STONE","GROUP","Group of 8 stone tools found together on floor. All intact except for No.8. 1) Pounder. Small, sub-square, dark grey, close-grained stone. Two surfaces and two ends/edges abraded. One flat edge is flake scarred from pounding. Dimensions: 5.3 x 5.1 x 2.3 cm. 2) Smoother/pounder. Small discoid pebble of light grey stone with thick creamy-white cortex. Both surfaces worn smooth and slightly convex. The circumference is also worn smooth. Two areas on the edge are abraded. Dimensions: 4.1 x 3.8 x 1.9 cm. 3) Pounder. Small sub-oval pebble of grey-brown coarse-grained stone. One end and possibly other areas abraded. Dimensions: 4.8 x 3.4 x 1.6 cm. 4) Smoother/pounder. Small sub-ovoid pebble of light grey close-grained stone. One small surface worn partly smooth. Several areas, particularly the ends, are abraded. Dimensions: 5.1 x 2.9 x 2.8 cm. 5) Pounder. Small sub-ovoid pebble of light grey close-grained stone. One end and edge are abraded. Dimensions: 4.1 x 3.2 x 2.2 cm. 6) Pounder. Small sub-ovoid pebble of light grey close-grained stone. One end only slightly abraded. A new tool? Dimensions: 4.1 x 2.7 x 1.9 cm. 7) Possible pounder. Very small elongated sub-ovoid nodule of light grey close-grained stone. One narrow wedge-shaped end possibly abraded. Dimensions: 3.3 x 1.7 x 1.2 cm. 8) Smoother/pounder. Fragment broken off light brown coarse-grained stone. Extant surfaces, convex and flat, have possibly been worn smooth. These are also partly abraded. Dimensions: 3.3 x 1.8 x 1.4 cm.",8/3/1993 00:00:00,, "5056",17.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Large sub ovoid (bun-shaped) nodule of light grey coarse grained stone. One wide face is flat with a worn concave hollow in the centre, the opposite is flat but at an angle to the first. The entire surface is abraded. Intact. Dimensions: 8.7 x 8.7 x 6.1 cm.",8/3/1993 00:00:00,, "5056",18.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Ovoid lump of copper. Dimensions: 1.3 x 1.0 x 0.7 cm.",9/3/1993 00:00:00,, "5056",19.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone 1 bag not sieved.",9/3/1993 00:00:00,, "5056",20.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell 1 bag not sieved.",9/3/1993 00:00:00,, "5056",21.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing, irregular in shape, of fine, light grey clay. String mark. Traces of sealing on one face, showing sun symbol and possible animal head. Dimensions: 1.7 x 1.8 x 0.85 cm.",9/3/1993 00:00:00,"Y", "5056",22.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Possible Smoother/Pounder fragments. Two small chips off a white quartz nodule. Both have curved exterior surfaces. Probably broken off during pounding. Dimensions: 1. 1.7 x 1.2 x 0.3 cm. 2) 1.0 x 0.9 x 0.6 cm.",9/3/1993 00:00:00,, "5057",1.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Grindstone, in form of saddle quern, intact. Sub-rectangular dark grey close grained stone. Main faces are concave, with one worn very smooth. 2 long sides are straight and vertical. The ends are irregular. Length 25.0, width 14.0, thickness 10.0 cm.",22/2/1993 00:00:00,, "5057",2.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Rectangular nodule of light grey coarse grained stone. 2 concave faces have pitted indentations. The edges are convex. All surfaces abraded. Intact. Dimensions: 8.3 x 7.8 x 5.4 cm.",22/2/1993 00:00:00,, "5057",3.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Possible Pounder. Trapezoid fragment of light grey coarse grained stone, with a dark red-brown (burnt?) surface. All faces are flat. Possible abrading marks on one surface. Dimensions: 8.7 x 5.7 x 4.5 cm.",22/2/1993 00:00:00,, "5057",4.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. 1 bag sieved.",22/2/1993 00:00:00,, "5057",5.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. 1 bag sieved.",22/2/1993 00:00:00,, "5057",6.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Possible Smoother. Long ovoid nodule of grey coarse grained stone. One surface may be partly worn smooth. Intact. Dimensions: 6.0 x 3.2 x 1.4 cm.",1/3/1993 00:00:00,, "5057",7.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder. Sub discoid nodule of light grey coarse grained stone. One surface worn smooth and flat, with fine scratches, from long-term use. Two opposite faces are also worn smooth, with one subsequently abraded forming concave hollow. The circumference is flat and abraded. Intact. Dimensions: 6.0 x 5.9 x 3.8 cm.",1/3/1993 00:00:00,, "5057",8.00,"NOT USED","NOT USED",,1/7/1993 00:00:00,, "5057",9.00,"CLAY","FRAGS","5 fragments of light green sandy clay. One is large and sub ovoid. Largest: 6.8 x 5.4 x 4.5 cm.",2/3/1993 00:00:00,, "5059",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone from a make up deposit. 1 bag not sieved.",24/2/1993 00:00:00,, "5059",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from a make up deposit. 1 bag not sieved.",24/2/1993 00:00:00,, "5059",3.00,"BITUMEN","BEAD","Ovoid bead with large central hole. Surface now pitted and showing occasional impressions of vegetable inclusions, possibly straw. Intact. Diameter: 2.3 cm. Length: 1.8 cm.",24/2/1993 00:00:00,, "5059",4.00,"STEATITE","SEAL","Grey steatite seal. Remains of thick creamy glaze. Boss broken off. Perforation crudely drilled from opposite ends. Edge concave (Failaka Variant 1). Reverse: Remains of 1line, 3 circles visible, each with central dot. Design: Central lozenge motif with horned animals with ruffed necks on either side. Both animals face outwards, one being reversed. One has long horns, the other short. Diameter: 2.21 cm. Height (at present): 0.53 cm.",25/2/1993 00:00:00,"Y", "5059",5.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone from a make up deposit. 1 bag sieved.",1/3/1993 00:00:00,, "5059",6.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from a make up deposit. 1 bag sieved.",1/3/1993 00:00:00,, "5059",7.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Four fragments of bitumen from lining of one or more woven vessels. All have impressions of cross-weave. Largest: 1.7 x 1.6 x 0.4 cm.",1/3/1993 00:00:00,, "5064",1.00,"POTTERY","DOOR SOCKET","Jar base, re-used as a door socket. Ridged red jar, very worn. Interior shows circular marks and mud/plaster deposits made by the movement of the door. Base diameter: 8.4 cm; extant height 6.7 cm. Overall dimensions at this height: 1.6 x 8.5 cm. Hole diameter: approx. 6.7 cm.",28/2/1993 00:00:00,, "5065",1.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing, of sandy, light grey clay. Edge smooth. Reverse has three parallel string marks. On the front is a seal-impression, nearly complete, distorted by squeezing. Design: standard with crescent on top, above a hatched square. To left is a rampant male horned animal. 2nd damaged rampant animal to right. Goose or duck in left field, looking over its shoulder to the left. Dimensions: 2.3 x 2.0 x 0.9 cm.",1/3/1993 00:00:00,"Y", "5065",2.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder. Hemispherical nodule of banded brown flint with light grey-white cortex. A once spherical nodule probably broken during pounding. Almost entire extant surfaces abraded. From an occupation deposit. Dimensions: 5.3 x 4.9 x 3.0 cm.",1/3/1993 00:00:00,, "5065",3.00,"BONE","ASSEMBLAGE","Articulated goat skeleton, fragmentary and poor condition. From an occupation deposit. Partly consolidated with Paraloid 5% w/v in Acetone. Packed into a plastic container.",2/3/1993 00:00:00,, "5065",4.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone from an occupation deposit. 1 bag sieved.",1/3/1993 00:00:00,, "5065",5.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from an occupation deposit. 1 bag sieved.",2/3/1993 00:00:00,, "5065",6.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","3 copper fragments. From sieved occupation deposit. 1) Sub ovoid. Dimensions: 1.8 x 1.4 x 1.3 cm. 2) Triangular flat strip with slightly raised areas in the centre. From a knife/arrowhead? Dimensions: 1.7 x 0.9 x 0.4 cm. 3) Small thick L-shaped fragment with circular section. Dimensions: 1.2 x 0.6 x 0.7 cm.",2/3/1993 00:00:00,, "5065",7.00,"BITUMEN","BEAD","Spherical bead with large central hole. Smooth surface now slightly pitted. Intact. Diameter: 2.1 cm. Length: 2.0 cm.",2/3/1993 00:00:00,"Y", "5065",8.00,"METAL","SLAG","One sub ovoid fragment of slag. Dark grey with flecks of green corrosion on the surface. Probably from metal production. From an occupation deposit. From sieving. Dimensions: 1.5 x 0.9 x 0.7 cm.",2/3/1993 00:00:00,, "5068",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. 1 bag not sieved.",9/3/1993 00:00:00,, "5068",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. 1 bag not sieved.",9/3/1993 00:00:00,, "5068",3.00,"SHELL","PIERCED COWRIE","Cowrie shell with small hole in the side. Possibly used as a bead. Dimensions: 3.9 x 2.5 x 1.8 cm. Sub-oval Hole: 0.4 x 0.3 cm.",9/3/1993 00:00:00,, "5070",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","1 sack flotation sample.",2/3/1993 00:00:00,, "5072",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","1 sack flotation sample. Sample taken to UK for analysis. (DM 1995)",2/3/1993 00:00:00,, "5077",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. Both sieved and not sieved combined in 1 bag.",4/3/1993 00:00:00,, "5077",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. 1 bag both sieved and not sieved.",4/3/1993 00:00:00,, "5079",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. 1 bag sieved.",4/3/1993 00:00:00,, "5081",1.00,"STONE","SOCKET","Door-socket made from the end of a rectangular stone basin. Light brown stone with numerous tiny quartz inclusions (limestone). Roughly made by small pick/chisel (marks visible) and very worn. Rim flat with vertical interior sides leading to flat interior base. The exterior sides are vertical to convex. The base is roughly flat. Extant fragment joins 5018:04, q.v. Dimensions: 24.0 x 15.4 x 10.5 cm.",4/3/1993 00:00:00,, "5085",1.00,"STONE","SOCKET","Stone door-socket made from square fragment of light grey limestone, cut from a reused stone bowl or basin, or perhaps grindstone. The bowl had a flat squared rim with a concave interior and vertical sides and base. The high corner part of the sloping interior has been re-used, with a circular hole worn deeply into the surface. Some mud and plaster deposits also remain within the hole. Dimensions: 18.5 x 18.0 x 10.6 cm. Hole diameter: 10.0-11.0 cm. Hole depth: 7.5 cm.",11/3/1993 00:00:00,, "5088",1.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder. Sub ovoid nodule of dark grey close grained stone. One surface worn smooth and flat, and then subsequently abraded. The rest of the tool is abraded. Intact. Dimensions: 8.2 x 8.0 x 6.2 cm.",20/3/1993 00:00:00,, "5088",2.00,"COPPER","BLADE FRAG?","Two adjoining fragments of narrow, flat strip of copper, slightly bent. One edge may be serrated. Dimensions: 3.0 x 1.1 x 0.3 cm.",20/3/1993 00:00:00,"Y"," One piece taken by Lloyd Weeks for metallurgical analysis at Sydney, 1998 Good metal visible in section." "5099",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. Includes fin and fish vertebrae. Not sieved.",19/2/1995 00:00:00,, "5099",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. Two bags, one from square H12/ I12. (30/01/94). The other from square H11/ H12/ I11/ I12, lying in between building phases. (05/02/94). 1995: Mixed shell. Not sieved.",19/2/1995 00:00:00,, "5099",3.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Tapering strip of metal, plus one smaller irregular lump. 1) Length 3.4, width 1.6 tapering to 1.2, thickness 0.4 cm. 2) Dimensions 1.8 x 1.1 x 0.6 cm.",30/1/1994 00:00:00,, "5099",4.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/ pounder. Grey, sub-oval in shape. Possibly worn smooth on surfaces, very worn at both ends due to pounding. Dimensions 5.8 x 4.5 x 3.9 cm.",30/1/1994 00:00:00,, "5099",5.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Double ended pounder of dense grey stone. Pentagonal in plan. Two adjacent edges pitted and rounded from pounding, as is the opposing end. The two broad faces are smooth from handling. Dimensions 8.1 x 7.6 x 6.1 cm.",30/1/1994 00:00:00,, "5099",6.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/ pounder. Off white, light brown stone, oval in shape. Worn smooth on surfaces possibly due to use. Several flake scars due to pounding. Dimensions 7.2 x 6.2 x 4.4 cm.",30/1/1994 00:00:00,, "5099",7.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Grey, sub-circular in shape. Several flake scars due to pounding. Dimensions 7.3 x 6.2 x 5.1 cm.",30/1/1994 00:00:00,, "5099",8.00,"POTTERY","COOKING POT","Cooking pot. Essentially complete: a few chips, and some surface flaking. Gritty pink clay. Outer surface blackened and still sooty. Inner surface has patches of discolouration. Rim thickened to inside, mouth edge flattened, and slightly concave in places. No neck . Body swells, then tapers to a rounded point. Height 27.4 cm. Rim diameter 15.0 - 15.4 cm. Maximum width 24.8 cm.",30/1/1994 00:00:00,, "5099",9.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Tapering strip of metal, plus two irregular lumps, from inside pottery vessel no. 08. 1) Length 3.2, width 1.4 tapering to 0.6, width 0.5 cm. 2) Dimensions 1.7 x 0.7 x 0.6 cm. 3) Dimensions 1.1 x o.8 x 0.6 cm.",30/1/1994 00:00:00,, "5099",10.00,"CLAY","SEALING","DISCARDED. Fragments x 3 of clay, probably used for sealing, located adjacent to the pottery vessel no. 08.",30/1/1994 00:00:00,, "5099",11.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, sieved 100%, in pottery vessel no.08.",30/1/1994 00:00:00,, "5099",12.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, sieved in pottery vessel no. 5099:08.",30/1/1994 00:00:00,, "5099",13.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grindstone/ quern? Light coloured rectangular stone with numerous quartz inclusions. One surface worn smooth, the other is roughly convex. Dimensions 9.8 x 9.5 x 2.6 cm.",31/1/1994 00:00:00,, "5099",14.00,"COPPER","OBJECT","Flat, roughly D shaped piece of metal. Length 1.5, width 1.4, thickness 0.4 cm.",31/1/1994 00:00:00,, "5099",15.00,"CLAY","FRAGS","Twenty nine fragments of hardened yellow clay. Some with slight impressions. Possible clay sealings. Dimensions of largest fragment 3.7 x 2.2 x 1.2 cm.",3/2/1994 00:00:00,, "5099",16.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Six fragments of hardened pale grey clay. No impressions clearly visible. Dimensions of largest fragment 4.2 x 2.5 x 0.9 cm.",3/2/1994 00:00:00,, "5099",17.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Smoother, broken off fragment. Dark grey/ black stone with rounded edges. Dimensions 8.3 x 6.0 x 2.6 cm.",3/2/1994 00:00:00,, "5099",18.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Roughly square shaped lump of copper. Dimensions 2.3 x 2.2 x 1.3 cm.",3/2/1994 00:00:00,, "5099",19.00,"STONE","TOOL","Disc shaped stone. One face slightly domed and very smooth, the other slightly indented. Has a small chip on circumference. Perhaps a natural fossil. Diameter 4.1, thickness 1.6 cm.",3/2/1994 00:00:00,, "5099",20.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Irregularly-shaped fragment of copper. Dimensions 2.6 x 1.4 x 0.7 cm.",5/2/1994 00:00:00,, "5099",21.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Two fragments of bitumen. The largest fragment has possible impressions on one surface. Dimensions of largest fragment 4.3 x 3.6 x 1.9 cm.",5/2/1994 00:00:00,, "5099",22.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Oval shaped fragment of copper. Length 1.4, width 1.0, thickness 0.7 cm.",6/2/1994 00:00:00,, "5099",23.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Irregularly-shaped fragment of copper. Dimensions 1.4 x 0.9 x 0.7 cm.",6/2/1994 00:00:00,, "5099",24.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Mottled light grey/ brown flint fragment. Patches of cortex still present. Dimensions 7.0 x 6.1 x 2.4 cm.",6/2/1994 00:00:00,, "5099",25.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pale grey stone, possible pounder. Semi circular in plan. Chipped and worn at both ends from pounding. Dimensions 6.0 x 4.9 x 4.2 cm.",6/2/1994 00:00:00,, "5099",26.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder of grey stone. Roughly oval in plan, with large pitted areas due to pounding. Dimensions 7.5 x 5.3 x 4.4 cm.",6/2/1994 00:00:00,, "5099",27.00,"STONE","TOOL","Dark coloured stone tool fragment. One existing surface, very smooth, with rounded edges, the rest has been broken off. Possible smoother. Dimensions 6.0 x 5.7 x 2.2 cm.",22/2/1994 00:00:00,, "5099",28.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Irregular shaped copper fragment. Dimensions 1.9 x 1.7 x 1.2 cm.",22/2/1994 00:00:00,, "5099",29.00,"PLASTER","DOMED LID","Domed plaster lid. One surface flat, the other is convex. Diameter 7.9, thickness 3.1 cm.",10/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5099",30.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Dark coloured stone smoother/ rubber. Probably originally a natural occurring spheroid, worn flat on two opposing faces form a thick disc. Very smooth. Diameter 7.1, thickness 5.7 cm.",10/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5099",31.00,"CLAY","FRAG","Clay fragment, roughly spheroid in shape. Diameter 3.5 (min), 3.9 (max) cm.",10/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5099",32.00,"STEATITE","SEAL","Seal. Light grey steatite with white glaze worn in places. Standard back, flattened on one side. Straight sides, Failaka var. 1. Cracked in two, and glued together. Design: Head and front legs of two long-horned kneeling animals joined together back to back to form a single two headed one. Both face outwards to opposite edges of the seal and look up at two more horned animals on either side of palm frond. The left-hand animal is rampant, with part of one long notched horn visible, head damaged. The right-hand animal is a standing quadruped, head damaged, apparently looking back over its shoulder to centre of the seal. Diameter 2. Height 1.3, rim .8.",12/3/1994 00:00:00,,"Joined HMG" "5099",33.00,"STEATITE","SEAL","Seal. Dark grey steatite, glazed, glaze burnt brown (or stained) on reverse and worn over dome. Standard back. Failaka var.2. Design: male figure in tiered skirt, facing left and standing on a hatched platform with raised front, perhaps a boat with raised prow. One arm is raised above short-horned animal with curly tail and claws on hind leg in left field. Animal faces edge of seal with head turned back towards man. Man holds large rectangular shield in right field with a triangular spike, possibly a spear, protruding from the centre of its lower edge, and the ?shaft from the upper. A crescent lies above it, and below is a jar, between the shield and the man. In extreme right field is another composite animal with a ? scorpion's body and gazelle's head. Diameter: 2. Height 1.2 rim .6cms",16/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5099",34.00,"POTTERY","LID","Large sherd found in situ as lid for jar 5099:08. Dimensions 16.6 x 10.3 x 0.9 cm.",30/1/1994 00:00:00,, "5099",35.00,"STONE","TOOL","Light coloured stone tool. Oval in plan and fairly flat. Both main surfaces smooth. Dimensions 4.1 x 3.7 x 1.8 cm.",22/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5099",36.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder, possibly made from a worn-out lid. Sub-oval fragment of light grey stone with numerous shell and coarse sand inclusions: farush sandstone. It has two flat faces. One face has been smoothed. Diameter 8.4 - 9.0 cm. Height 3.3 cm.",19/2/1995 00:00:00,, "5099",37.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Large sub-spherical grey limestone nodule with entire surface abraded. Some flatter surfaces and one large one has deep scars, probably from pounding. Intact. Dimensions 10.5 x 9.7 x 9.1 cm.",19/2/1995 00:00:00,, "5100",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone.",19/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5100",2.00,"PLASTER","PIERCED DISC","White plaster oval disc with off-centre circular hole. One surface slightly domed and rough, the other smooth and flat. Dimensions 7.6 x 6.9 x 1.5 cm. Diameter of hole 1.0 cm.",17/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5100",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell.",23/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5100",4.00,"STONE","TOOL","BETTER DESCRIPTION Orange/ brown stone tool. Roughly oval in plan. Very pitted, and very shiny. Dimensions 3.7 x 2.7 x 2.3 cm.",23/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5101",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, 100% sieved sample. (1 bucket/ 10 litres).",9/2/1994 00:00:00,, "5101",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell.",9/2/1994 00:00:00,, "5104",1.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Double ended pounder. Pale grey crystalline stone worked into a rectangular shape. The two shorter ends are pitted from pounding. Has a large chip on one side. Surfaces worn very smooth. Dimensions 10.2 x 7.2 x 5.5 cm.",9/2/1994 00:00:00,, "5104",2.00,"STONE","BASIN FRAG","Rim fragment of light-coloured stone basin. Dimensions 14.6 x 6.2 x 3.5 cm.",9/2/1994 00:00:00,, "5104",3.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Large grey/ brown flint fragment. Cortex still present over large area, patinated. Flake scars due to possible pounding. Dimensions 10.9 x 8.1 x 5.1 cm.",9/2/1994 00:00:00,, "5104",4.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell.",13/2/1994 00:00:00,, "5104",5.00,"FOSSIL BIVALVE","POUNDER","Pounder on Bivalve Fossil. Ovoid fossil of grey limestone. One main face is convex, the other is almost flat. The entire surface is pitted and slightly scarred. The heaviest wear is on the circumference, where the deepest part of the hinge is still visible. Intact. Dimensions (=shell L x W x T) 3.7 x 3.55 x 2.8 cm.",14/7/1998 00:00:00,, "5104",6.00,"POTTERY","SAMPLE","Pot sherd with residue adhering to inside. Possible bitumen residue. Dimensions 6.1 x 6.1 x 0.6 cm.",9/2/1994 00:00:00,,"Sent for bitumen analysis 30/04/94." "5104",7.00,"STEATITE","SEAL","Pale grey stone flecked with red. Glazed. Edges of face broken away. Edge slightly concave. Failaka Var. II. Standard back. Slightly scratched and discoloured. Badly chipped round edges. The design on the front shows a hatched square top centre. Kneeling male horned animal with ruffed neck, facing right. Schematic human foot to left. Scorpion bottom right field, inverted scorpion in bottom left field. There is a crescent in the curve of the tail of the right scorpion, and a rectangular motif in that of the left scorpion. Diameter 2.4, height 1.2 cm. Thickness of edge 0.8 cm.",9/2/1994 00:00:00,, "5104",8.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Irregular shaped, grey/ brown flint fragment. Dimensions 2.9 x 1.5 x 1.2 cm.",9/2/1994 00:00:00,, "5104",9.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Triangular block of copper, with other metal?/ corrosion attached to one corner, and traces attached to another. Deliberately shaped with sharp edges. Dimensions 2.7 x 1.6 x 1.7 cm.",9/2/1994 00:00:00,, "5104",10.00,"COPPER","STRIP","Flat strip of metal, one end with slightly rounded corners, the other with a square end, possibly broken. Length 5.2, width 1.8, thickness 0.3 cm.",9/2/1994 00:00:00,,"Taken by Lloyd Weekes for analysis in Sydney, 1998" "5104",11.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone.",12/2/1994 00:00:00,, "5104",12.00,"ORGANIC","DATE","Date pip found with bitumen basket frags. (5105:02). One date pip caste, approximately half. (DM 1995) Wgt 0.1 gm.",9/2/1994 00:00:00,, "5104",13.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Light grey and brown flint fragment. Creamy white cortex covers one whole surface, the other is flat. Dimensions 4.3 x 2.8 x 1.1 cm.",20/2/1994 00:00:00,, "5104",14.00,"STONE","TOOL","Light coloured stone tool. Roughly oval in shape, with one surface flat, the other domed. Very rough all over, with slight patches of pinkish brown ?residue still adhering to both upper and lower surfaces. Dimensions 6.8 x 6.2 x 3.0 cm.",9/2/1994 00:00:00,, "5104",15.00,"BITUMEN","BEAD","Fragments of a bead, probably spherical. Dimensions 2.2 x 1.8 x 0.9 cm. Sent for bitumen analysis 30/04/94.",9/2/1994 00:00:00,, "5105",1.00,"BONE","ASSEMBLAGE","Animal skull.",9/2/1994 00:00:00,,"Paraloid 10% on site." "5105",2.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Numerous bitumen fragments from the lining for a basket, all with impressions. Dimensions of one of the larger fragments 6.7 x 2.1 x 0.5 cm.",9/2/1994 00:00:00,,"Four fragments sent for bitumen analysis 30/04/94." "5105",3.00,"CLAY","FIGURINE","Animal figurine of red baked clay. Torso of quadruped. Limbs, head and tail all missing. Length 8.4, width 3.6, height 4.9 cm.",13/2/1994 00:00:00,, "5105",4.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell.",13/2/1994 00:00:00,, "5105",5.00,"STONE","TOOL","Dark grey/ black stone, square in plan, with rounded corners and edges. Smooth surfaces with slight sheen. Dimensions 2.5 x 2.4 x 1.4 cm.",13/2/1994 00:00:00,, "5105",6.00,"PLASTER","DOMED LID","Domed plaster lid. Slightly convex on one surface, chipped on edge. Diameter 8.9, thickness 2.9 cm.",13/2/1994 00:00:00,, "5105",7.00,"CLAY","FRAGS","Four irregular shaped clay fragments, plus some small flakes. Dimensions of largest fragment 1.6 x 1.2 x 0.7 cm.",13/2/1994 00:00:00,, "5105",8.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone.",14/2/1994 00:00:00,, "5105",9.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Irregular shaped fragment of copper. One surface flat. Dimensions 1.4 x 0.8 x 0.4 cm.",16/2/1994 00:00:00,, "5105",10.00,"POTTERY","HANDLE?","Object of baked clay. Long piece of pottery, approximately cylindrical, but slightly squashed. Ends bent at right angles towards each other and splayed and hollowed out. Perhaps a handle. One side broken off. Orange clay, grit temper. Dimensions 7.6 x 3.7 x 3.2 cm.",14/2/1994 00:00:00,, "5106",1.00,"STONE","TOOL","Pale grey stone, probably originally a natural occurring spheroid. Worked or worn flat on two opposing faces, to form a thick disc. Diameter 7.0, thickness 4.6 cm.",14/2/1994 00:00:00,, "5106",2.00,"STONE","TOOL","Pale grey stone with possible fossil inclusions. Probably originally a natural occurring spheroid, worn or worked flat on two opposing faces to form a thick disc. Chipped. Diameter 7.3, thickness 5.3 cm.",14/2/1994 00:00:00,, "5106",3.00,"STONE","FRAG","Very small stone fragment. ?Pyrites. Roughly triangular in plan. Dark grey/ black in colour, and very shiny. Dimensions 1.2 x 1.1 x 0.7 cm.",14/2/1994 00:00:00,, "5106",4.00,"CLAY","FRAGS","Five fragments of hardened yellow clay, possibly shaped. Dimensions of largest fragment 3.8 x 2.9 x 1.9 cm.",14/2/1994 00:00:00,, "5106",5.00,"BITUMEN","FRAG","Fragment of bitumen. One flat surface, the other slightly domed. Dimensions 3.3 x 2.0 x 0.7 cm.",14/2/1994 00:00:00,, "5106",6.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Grey dense stone, Roughly oval in plan. Worn and pitted due to pounding. Dimensions 12.7 x 11.5 x 6.3 cm.",14/2/1994 00:00:00,, "5106",7.00,"PLASTER","DISC LID","Disc-shaped plaster lid. Both surfaces fairly smooth and flat, with rounded edges. Diameter 7.7, thickness 3.0 cm.",14/2/1994 00:00:00,, "5106",8.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Thin sheet of copper, folded/ bent over to form a roughly rectangular shape. Length 2.4, width 1.2, thickness of sheet 0.1 cm. Overall thickness of object 0.9 cm.",17/2/1994 00:00:00,, "5110",1.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing fragment of hard pink clay. Approximately semi-circular. Almost half the circumference of the seal is preserved. Reverse has multiple string impressions. Part of the edge is smooth, the rest broken away. The design shows a long hatched rectangle, presumably down the centre of the seal. To either side is a seated human figure in long hatched skirt, facing inwards. The right-hand figure has an arm raised to the left, in which he holds a vertical straw, which leads into a pot at waist-height. The left-hand figure also has an arm raised, to the right. Same impression as 5143:01. Dimensions 2.7 x 2.8 x 1.1 cm.",27/2/1994 00:00:00,, "5110",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, sieved. 100%.",28/2/1994 00:00:00,, "5110",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, sieved. 100%.",28/2/1994 00:00:00,, "5110",4.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Eight copper fragments, 100% sieved. 1) Irregular shaped fragment. Dimensions 1.2 x 0.9 x 0.4 cm. 2) Irregular shaped fragment. Dimensions 2.1 x 0.9 x 0.6 cm. 3) Triangular shaped fragment. 1.3 x 0.8 x 0.5 cm. 4) Irregular shaped fragment. Dimensions 2.4 x 1.7 x 0.6 cm. 5) Irregular shaped fragment. Dimensions 1.4 x 1.1 x 0.3 cm. 6) Circular shaped fragment. Dimensions 0.5 x 0.5 x 0.5 cm. 7) Irregular shaped flat fragment. Dimensions 0.5 x 0.4 x 0.1 cm. 8) Irregular shaped fragment. Dimensions 0.4 x 0.2 0.1 cm.",28/2/1994 00:00:00,, "5110",5.00,"PLASTER","DOMED LID","Domed lid of white plaster. One surface is flat and smooth, the other is convex. Diameter 7.7, thickness 2.7 cm.",28/2/1994 00:00:00,, "5111",1.00,"BONE","ASSEMBLAGE","Fish bone, tail/ fins.",17/2/1994 00:00:00,,"Paraloid 10% on site." "5111",2.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing fragment of black, burnt clay, irregular shape. Reverse is lumpy and irregular, with two deep indentations - perhaps knot impressions. On the front is a seal impression, perhaps from the centre of a stamp seal, and probably including nearly the whole height. In the centre is a standing, bearded figure in a long, tiered skirt, facing left. His head is turned to the left, his lower arms extended to either side. To the right he touches something consisting of long line and a circle (?second figure), to the left he holds a stick or spear-shaft. To the left is a seated, monkey-like figure, also holding the stick. The following sealings would seem to be impressed with the same seal: 5137:01, 5137:02. AMENDMENT, also group from House 211 (see 1161:04), and one sealing from House 200 (1131:09) . Dimensions 2.0 x 2.0 x 1.0 cm.",28/2/1994 00:00:00,, "5111",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, sieved. 100%.",1/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5111",4.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, sieved. 100%.",1/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5111",5.00,"ORGANIC","DATE","Two carbonised date pips, sieved 100%. Packed into two boxes (? correct labels? RLS 1995) - near complete 1.0 x 0.5 x 0.5 cm. (label sieved 100%) Wgt 0.1 gm. - near complete 1.5 x 0.6 x 0.5 cm. Wgt 0.2 gm.",1/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5111",6.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Three fragments of copper, sieved. 1) Irregular shaped fragment. Dimensions 1.7 x 1.5 x 1.1 cm. 2) Irregular shaped flat fragment. Dimensions 0.8 x 0.4 x 0.2 cm. 3) Irregular shaped fragment. Dimensions 0.7 x 0.4 x 0.3 cm.",1/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5111",7.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Curved, cylindrical copper fragment, sieved 100%. Dimensions 1.5 x 0.4 x 0.4 cm. Taken by Lloyd Weeks for metallurgical analysis at Sydney, 1998",1/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5115",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. Sieved 100% (half bucket - 5 litres).",16/2/1994 00:00:00,, "5116",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone.",16/2/1994 00:00:00,, "5120",1.00,"COPPER","FRAG","copper fragment. Irregular shaped, but flat. Dimensions 2.3 x 1.8 x 0.5 cm.",20/2/1994 00:00:00,, "5120",2.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Irregular shaped copper fragment. Dimensions 1.1 x 0.7 x 0.6 cm.",24/2/1994 00:00:00,, "5120",3.00,"CLAY","FRAG","Irregular shaped fragment of hardened yellow clay. Possibly shaped. Dimensions 6.0 x 3.6 x 3.0 cm.",24/2/1994 00:00:00,, "5120",4.00,"PLASTER","PIERCED DISC","Light-coloured plaster disc, with a central hole going right through to the other side. One surface is rough and flat, the other is domed and smooth. Diameter 6.2, thickness 2.3 cm. Diameter of hole 1.4 cm.",24/2/1994 00:00:00,, "5120",5.00,"STEATITE","LOZENGE","Flat, diamond shaped steatite object with drilled holes at two opposing corners. Upper and lower surfaces are smooth. Length 3.8, width 3.0, thickness 0.5 cm. Diameter of drilled holes 0.2 cm.",26/2/1994 00:00:00,, "5122",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. ",20/2/1994 00:00:00,, "5122",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell.",24/2/1994 00:00:00,, "5122",3.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Flint fragment. Sub rectangular in shape. Brown, with creamy white cortex. Dimensions 6.5 x 3.3 x 1.8 cm.",24/2/1994 00:00:00,, "5124",1.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Flat, reddish coloured stone fragment. Roughly oval in shape, but has been broken along one side and end. Upper surface is smooth, but appears to be slightly pitted and rough nearer to the finished edge. Lower surface is very flat and relatively smooth. Dimensions 19.3 x 12.0, thickness 0.5 (min), 2.4 (max) cm.",21/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5124",2.00,"STONE","FRAG","Light coloured, very coarse stone fragment with plaster facing. Stone has many large inclusions, including shell and small pebbles. Roughly oval in shape. The upper surface is a white plaster, which is very flat and smooth. The lower surface of stone, is rough but flat. Dimensions 7.9 x 13.4 cm. Thickness of stone 1.7 (min), 3.2 (max). Plaster thickness 1.3 cm.",21/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5124",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, sieved.",22/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5124",4.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, sieved.",22/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5124",5.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Eleven copper fragments, sieved. 1) Roughly square shaped copper and iron fragment. Dimensions 2.0 x 2.0 x 1.6 cm. 2) Irregular shaped fragment. Dimensions 1.0 x 0.9 x 0.5 cm. 3) Irregular shaped fragment. Dimensions 1.0 x 0.6 x 0.5 cm. 4) Elongated fragment. Dimensions 2.4 x 0.5x 0.5 cm. 5) Irregular shaped fragment with small ?clay fragment attached. Dimensions 1.3 x 0.9 x 0.5 cm. 6) Irregular shaped fragment. Dimensions 1.0 x 0.9 x 0.6 cm. 7) Irregular shaped fragment. Dimensions 1.6 x 0.8 x 0.5 cm. 8) Irregular shaped fragment. Dimensions 1.4 x 0.7 x 0.6 cm. 9) Irregular shaped fragment. Dimensions 1.2 x 0.8 x 0.7 cm. 10) Irregular shaped fragment. Dimensions 1.1 x 0.7 x 0.3 cm. 11) Small curved strip. Dimensions 0.8 x 0.3 x 0.3 cm.",22/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5124",6.00,"CLAY","FRAGS","Ten fragments of hardened yellow clay, sieved. No impressions clearly visible. Dimensions of largest fragment 3.1 x 2.5 x 1.1 cm.",22/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5128",1.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Copper fragment. Roughly ""T"" shaped. Dimensions 1.6 x 1.1 x 0.4 cm.",27/2/1994 00:00:00,, "5133",1.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing of dark grey clay. Fragment of original edge with fingerprint. Reverse has deep pencil-shaped indentation. Design divided into 4 fields by cross formed by 4 hatched rectangles. Where the arms of the cross meet the resulting square is unhatched. Sub-triangular or bow-shaped motif in two surviving quadrants. From same seal as 5143:15 Dimensions 1.4 x 1.3 x 0.65 cm.",2/8/1994 00:00:00,, "5135",1.00,"POTTERY","BOWL","About half of a miniature deep bowl, including most of its base. Hard-fired red clay. Hand made, clumsy vessel. Deep bowl, with vertical sides and rounded base, thick walls. Height 3.7, rim diameter c. 4.0 cm.",1/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5135",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, sieved. 100%.",1/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5135",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, sieved. 100%.",1/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5135",4.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Three copper fragments, sieved. 1) Flattish, elongated fragment. Dimensions 2.5 x 1.1 x 0.6 cm. 2) Irregular shaped fragment. Dimensions 1.1 x 0.9 x 0.8 cm. 3) Irregular shaped fragment. Dimensions 2.2 x 1.0 x 0.4 cm/",1/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5135",5.00,"SHELL","BLISTER PEARL","Shell with pearl formation. Dimensions of pearl 0.8 x 0.6 x 0.6 cm.",1/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5135",6.00,"FLINT","FRAGS","Two flint fragments, from make up. 1) Small, light brown flint fragment with creamy white cortex. Roughly triangular in shape. Dimensions 1.5 x 0.8 x 0.6 cm. 2) Grey and reddish brown flint fragment, with small area of creamy white cortex. Irregular shaped. Dimensions 1.5 x 1.3 x 0.9 cm.",1/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5136",1.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing fragment of burnt black clay. Almost entire circular impression preserved, two opposing edges broken off. Reverse has deep multiple string impressions. The design shows: a standing, skirted human figure facing left, and a fringed square to the right. The seal was probably badly worn. From the same seal as 5143:02 (q.v.) etc. Dimensions 2.3 x 2.0 x 1.8 cm. Estimated diameter of seal 2 cm.",3/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5136",2.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing on dark grey clay. String impressions on reverse. Two motifs, one a star the other illegible. Dimensions 2.2 x 1.8 x 1.0 cm.",3/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5136",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, collected by hand from unsieved portion.",3/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5136",4.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, collected by hand from unsieved portion.",3/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5136",5.00,"CLAY","FRAGS","Six irregular shaped fragments of hardened yellow clay, sieved. Dimensions of largest fragment 7.2 x 4.2 x 1.5 cm.",3/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5136",6.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Three sealing fragments of hard, greenish clay. 1) Thin fragment from lower edge of a sealing. Reverse very smooth and concave. On the front is a seal impression. The design shows the lower part of a standing figure in a hatched skirt, the feet turned to the left. To the left is a ?second figure, perhaps kneeling on one knee facing left. Right of the central figure is another fragmentary device, and there is possibly another below his feet. Dimensions 1.7 x 1.4 x 0.4 cm. 2) Part of circular tag ? Reverse very smooth, string impression in section. The clay has been allowed to dry, then seared with wet clay again to take the sealing. The design on the front shows: a standing male animal facing right, with its head probably turned back over its shoulder, but poorly preserved. To the right is the head of a horned animal with ruffed neck, rest of body missing. Below it is a large, disembodied human foot, and below that two parallel bent lines, perhaps the legs of a seated human figure facing left. Dimensions 2.6 x 1.8 x 1.1 cm. 3) Small fragment, including part of edge. Reverse smooth and concave. On the front is a seal impression, undeciphered. Dimensions 1.3 x 1.1 x 0.3 cm. The two smaller fragments with the thin, concave backs, originally stuck to the clay disc which forms the core of the other piece. EH??",3/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5136",7.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAG","Fragment of bitumen from the lining of a woven vessel. Weave impressions on one side, and one long groove down the length of the other side. Dimensions 5.8 x 3.8 x 1.2 cm.",6/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5136",8.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone from sieved portion.",6/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5136",9.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, sieved. From sieved portion.",6/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5136",10.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Twenty-three fragments of bitumen, plus numerous small flakes, from lining of one or more woven vessels. All have weave impressions. All thin and flat. Two of the larger fragments appear to have one finished edge. Dimensions of largest fragment 4.1 x 1.9 x 0.3 cm.",6/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5136",11.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Two sealing fragments of pale grey clay. Both very thin, with smooth backs, one edge on each raised. 1) Reverse very smooth and concave. Design shows standing figure in tiered skirt, facing left. To left, fragmentary figure, facing left, apparently kneeling, with a long tail. Fragmentary device to lower right of standing figure. Dimensions 1.7 x 1.4 x 0.4 cm. 2) Reverse smooth and concave. Design illegible. Dimensions 1.3 x 1.1 x 0.3 cm.",2/8/1994 00:00:00,, "5137",1.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing of white gritty clay. Part of lower edge preserved. Reverse has multiple string impressions. Design shows a standing male figure with a long tiered skirt, head turned to the left. His arms are stretched out on either side. To the left he holds a vertical stick with forked ends, which is held on the other side by a squatting, monkey-like figure which faces him. To the right he touches a second, unidentified figure. AMENDMENT From same seal as 5111:02 and 5137:02, also same as group from House 211 (See 1161:4), and one sealing from House 200, 1131:09 . Dimensions 2.5 x 2.5 x 1.0 cm.",7/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5137",2.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing fragment of black, burnt clay. Finger print on left edge. Reverse has string impressions. Design: on the left edge of the fragment is a ?seated naked figure holding a vertical stick to the right. To the right is part of a standing figure, facing left, in a long, striated skirt, also with one hand grasping the stick. AMENDMENT From same seal as 5111:02 and 5137:01. Also same as a group of sealings from House 211 (see 1161:04), and one sealing from House 200 (1131:9). Dimensions 2.1 x 1.3 x 1.9 cm.",7/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5137",3.00,"ORGANIC","DATE","One date seed. Date pip caste. (DM 1995) Three quarters complete. Wgt 0.6 gm.",7/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5137",4.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Three copper fragments, sieved. 1) Flat, triangular fragment. Dimensions 1.9 x 1.0 x 0.4 cm. 2) Flat fragment. Dimensions 1.0 x 0.5 x 0.2 cm. 3) Irregular shaped fragment. Dimensions 0.6 x 0.4 x 0.4 cm.",7/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5137",5.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, sieved.",7/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5137",6.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, sieved.",7/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5137",7.00,"STONE","TOOL","Dark coloured stone tool of very dense stone. Probably once rectangular in plan, but has since had one corner broken off. All surfaces are smooth, with rounded edges and corners. Dimensions 12.4 x 8.5 x 8.1 cm.",9/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5138",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, sieved. 100%.",6/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5138",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, sieved. 100%. Plus one bag of mixed shell from floor, ?not sieved.",6/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5138",3.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Five copper fragments, sieved. 1) Spheroid in shape. Diameter 0.9 cm. 2) Irregular in shape. Dimensions 1.7 x 1.3 x 1.2 cm. 3) Very small, irregular fragment. Dimensions 0.8 x 0.7 x 0.5 cm. 4) Irregular shaped fragment. Dimensions 2.6 x 1.0 x 0.5 cm. 5) Oval shaped fragment. Dimensions 2.1 x 1.5 x 1.5 cm. Spill/refining waste. One piece taken by Lloyd Weeks for metallurgical analysis at Sydney, 1998",8/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5138",4.00,"ORGANIC","DATE","Three date seeds from sieving. Sample taken to UK for analysis. (DM 1995)",8/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5138",5.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing. Dark grey clay. Part of edge preserved with fingerprints. Part of impression showing head of a long-horned animal facing left. 2 parallel lines to left form part of indecipherable motif. 1.6x1.15x.9",8/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5138",6.00,"STONE","SPINDLE WHORL","Pierced disc with one domed face, presumably a spindle whorl. Dark stone. Diameter 2.0, thickness 1.2 cm. Diameter of hole 0.6 cm.",8/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5138",7.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing fragment of buff clay. Part of smoothed edge with fingerprints. String impressions on reverse. Design: shows torso of human figure, possibly wearing a hatched skirt, grasping a horned animal to the right. The animal is vertical and facing left, looking back over its shoulder. Dimensions 1.9 x 1.8 x 1.1 cm.",8/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5138",8.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing fragment of grey clay. Very worn, but edge of seal and sealing apparent at one side. Reverse broken and worn. Front has part of a seal impression, showing the head of a long-horned animal facing left. Dimensions 1.0 x 0.9 x 0.6 cm.",9/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5138",9.00,"PLASTER","DOMED LID","Domed plaster lid. One surface smooth and slightly convex, the other is flat. Slightly chipped around edges. Diameter 7.1, thickness 2.5 cm.",9/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5138",10.00,"STONE","TOOL","White/ light grey stone tool, Probably once circular in shape, but now broken. Appears to have a possible hole in the centre of the disc, as a light smooth surfaced groove is still present. One surface smooth and flat, with slight chip at one edge. The opposing surface was possibly once domed, and has a large area broken off near to the centre. Dimensions 7.7 x 4.4 x 3.3 cm. Measurement across hole 1.3 cm.",9/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5143",1.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing fragment in pale grey clay. The top left edge is preserved, and has fingerprints, the rest is broken off. The reverse has possible string impressions. On the front is the impression of the top left quadrant of a seal. The design shows a long, vertical, hatched rectangle, probably central to the seal. To the left is the torso of a human figure, facing right and holding a vertical, linear motif. To the right of the rectangle is a possible second figure. From the same seal as 5110:01 Dimensions 2.0 x 1.8 x 0.9 cm.",6/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5143",2.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing in pinky grey clay. Virtually complete. Lower and right edge of seal-impression preserved. Top has large, round hole, as though pulled off a knot. Reverse has multiple string impressions. The design shows two standing figures touching a fringed square. The following sealings appear to be impressed with the same seal: 5143:03 5143:08 5143:14 The complete design is: two standing human figures. The left-hand figure wears a horizontally-hatched skirt and has arms raised to either side. The figure on the right wears a flounced skirt, and holds his arms downwards. Both touch a fringed square between them, partly obscured by a lump which must represent a damaged area of the seal. Above the square is a crescent, the horns of which enclose a star. A similar motif appears just below the square. Dimensions 2.7 x 2.4 x 1.1 cm.",6/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5143",3.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Two sealing fragments in greeny grey clay. 1) Irregular, featureless fragment. Dimensions 1.7 x 1.0 x 0.6 cm. 2) Thick fragment, part of top edge preserved. Reverse has multiple string marks. Front has most of a seal impression, with only parts of the lower right edges missing. The design shows two standing figures in long, hatched skirts, the left hand figure with arms raised to either side. The right-hand figure has arms held downwards. Both touch a large fringed square between them, partly obscured by a raised lump, probably a damaged area of the seal. Above the square is a crescent, the horns of which enclose a star. Same seal as 5143:02 (q.v.) etc. Dimensions 2.0 x 2.1 x 1.7 cm.",6/3/1994 00:00:00,,"Recent break joined with HMG." "5143",4.00,"CLAY","BEADS","Eight red clay beads, roughly round or ovoid. Length of smallest bead 0.3, diameter 0.3 cm. Length of largest bead 0.5, diameter 0.5 cm.",6/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5143",5.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Irregular shaped copper fragment. Dimensions 1.8 x 1.2 x 1.1 cm.",6/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5143",6.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing of hard pink clay, apparently complete, but the seal impression has partly missed. Fingerprints on edge. Reverse has impression of something fibrous, ? string. Design incomplete and damaged, part of lower and right edges preserved. Design: standing figure in a tiered skirt, feet to the left. Head missing, arms extended by his sides. To the left are traces of a square. Dimensions 2.2 x 1.8 x 1.4 cm.",6/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5143",7.00,"BITUMEN","FRAG","Rounded lump of bitumen, oval in plan. Domed on one surface. Dimensions 2.9 x 2.6 x 1.9 cm.",6/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5143",8.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing fragment in pale pink clay. Part of right hand edge preserved, with fingerprints. Reverse has multiple string marks. The design shows part of two standing figures in long hatched skirts. The right hand figure is standing with arms extended by his sides. His head is turned to the left. The left hand figure has only part of the skirt is preserved, and an arm held up to the right. Between the figures is a large fringed square, which both are touching, largely obscured by a lump, which probably represents a damaged area of the seal. From same seal as 5143:02 (q.v.) etc. Dimensions 2.1 x 2.1 x 1.1 cm.",6/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5143",9.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing fragment of fine, pale grey clay, from sieving. Reverse has two striations, possibly from matting. One edge is smooth. The design shows part of at least four concentric circles. Touching the edge of seal to the right is a crescent enclosing a star, and part of a hatched square below it. Dimensions 1.8 x 1.8 x 0.5 cm.",6/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5143",10.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing fragment, buff clay. Edges and reverse broken off. Impression shows head of long-horned animal facing left. Behind the neck is a curved line ? the crescent moon. Dimensions 1.4 x 1.1 x 0.8 cm.",6/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5143",11.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, sieved.",6/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5143",12.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Nine fragments of copper, sieved. 1) Elongated fragment. Dimensions 1.9 x 0.8 x 0.7 cm. 2) Irregular shaped fragment. Dimensions 1.4 x 1.1 x 0.6 cm. 3) Irregular shaped fragment. Dimensions 2.0 x 1.2 x 0.5 cm. 4) Irregular shaped fragment, with possible iron present. Dimensions 3.0 x 1.9 x 1.1 cm. 5) Irregular shaped fragment. Dimensions 2.3 x 1.6 x 0.9 cm. 6) Elongated thin fragment. Dimensions 2.6 x 0.3 x 0.3 cm. 7) Irregular shaped fragment. Dimensions 1.8 x 1.4 x1.2 cm. 8) Irregular shaped fragment. Dimensions 1.4 x 1.0 x 0.9 cm. 9) Irregular shaped fragment. Dimensions 1.6 x 0.9 x 0.9 cm.",6/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5143",13.00,"CLAY","FRAGS","Sixteen fragments of irregular shaped hardened yellow clay, plus numerous small flakes. Dimensions of largest fragment 5.5 x 4.5 x 2.9 cm.",6/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5143",14.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Clay sealing in pinky grey clay. Left and part of lower edge preserved, with fingerprints. Reverse has multiple string impressions. The design shows a standing, bearded figure on the right, wearing a long, hatched skirt and facing left. To the left he touches a fringed square with clumsy round lump in the middle, probably a damaged area of the seal. Above the square is a crescent, its horns enclosing a star. Left of the square is the edge of what presumably a second figure. Same impression as 5143:02 (q.v.) etc. Dimensions 2.3 x 2.4 x 1.1 cm.",9/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5143",15.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing fragment on burnt, black clay. About half of edge preserved, thick, with fingerprints. Reverse has string impressions, one very deep. On the front is a seal impression, with about half of the edge of the seal preserved. The design is divided into four fields by a cross. Arms of cross formed by rectangle filled by hatching at right angles. Where the arms off the cross meet, the resulting square is unhatched. In each of the two adjacent preserved quadrant is a sub-triangular motif. from same seal as 5133:01. Dimensions 2.2 x 1.9 x 1.1 cm. Estimated diameter of seal 1.8 cm.",9/3/1994 00:00:00,,"Joined with HMG." "5143",16.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, sieved.",9/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5143",17.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, sieved.",9/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5143",18.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Two copper fragments, sieved. 1) Irregular shaped fragment. Dimensions 2.1 x 1.0 x 0.6 cm. 2) Irregular shaped fragment. Dimensions 3.3 x 1.3 x 0.9 cm. Spill. One piece taken by Lloyd Weeks for metallurgical analysis at Sydney, 1998",9/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5143",19.00,"STONE","TOOL","Light coloured stone tool. Probably originally a natural occurring spheroid, worked or worn flat on one face. Dimensions 6.2 x 5.3 x 4.7 cm.",19/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5143",20.00,"CLAY","BEADS","Eight short, cylindrical red clay beads. Length of smallest bead 0.3, diameter 0.2 cm. Length of largest bead 0.6, diameter 0.4 cm.",,, "5147",1.00,"STEATITE","SEAL","Seal. Light grey steatite. Patches of glaze on reverse, worn off dome. I incised line at right angles to the perforation, four dot and circles, two on each side. Failaka var. 2) Design: Kneeling man facing right with one arm raised, towards long-horned leaping animal with a ruffed neck. Below and between them is another, smaller, long-horned male animal facing right, with its head raised. It almost appears to be suckling from the larger animal. Crescent in lower left field. Diameter 2. Height .88 rim .5cms",9/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5147",2.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing fragment on black clay. The top right edge is preserved. The reverse has possible string impressions. Very worn seal impression, showing torso of figure with head turned to the right, and arm outstretched to the left, holding a horned animal which faces left, with its head turned back towards him. To the right, unidentified motifs. Dimensions 2.6 x 1.3 x 0.9 cm.",9/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5147",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Fish scales.",9/3/1994 00:00:00,,"Paraloid 10% on site." "5147",4.00,"PLASTER","DOMED LID","Domed lid of white plaster. One surface flat, the other slightly convex. Smooth all over. Diameter 11.9, thickness 2.9 cm.",19/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5147",5.00,"BITUMEN","FRAG","One large bitumen fragment, now broken into three pieces. One surface is flat. The other appears to be ridged along its length. Possibly three ridges, the central one being the most prominent. Dimensions 3.4 x 3.4 x 1.4 cm.",19/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5147",6.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Not described. Missing.",19/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5147",7.00,"BITUMEN","BEAD","Spherical bead, slightly conical at one end. Length 1.8, diameter 2.7 cm.",20/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5147",8.00,"BITUMEN","BEAD","Spherical bead. Length 1.6, diameter 1.8 cm.",20/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5147",9.00,"PLASTER","DISC LID","Thick, light grey plaster disc, perhaps a lid. One surface flat and smooth, with an off-centred circular indentation. The opposing surface is also flat and smooth, but shows signs of wear in the centre, and is slightly chipped along part of the edge. Very worn along the whole edge of the disc. Diameter 6.9, thickness 3.9 cm. Diameter of indentation 1.3, depth approx 0.9 cm.",20/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5147",10.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Eleven copper fragments, sieved. 1) Roughly oval in shape. Dimensions 1.5 x 1.2 x 1.0 cm. 2) Irregular shaped fragment. Dimensions 2.0 x 1.6 x 0.8 cm. 3) Irregular shaped flat fragment. Dimensions 2.2 x 1.6 x 0.4 cm. 4) Irregular shaped flat fragment. Dimensions 1.9 x 1.2 x 0.3 cm. 5) Irregular shaped fragment. Dimensions 1.5 x 1.5 x 0.8 cm. 6) Irregular shaped fragment, with traces of iron present. Dimensions 1.7 x 1.4 x 1.0 cm. 7) Roughly oval shaped fragment. Dimensions 1.1 x 0.8 x 0.8 cm. 8) Roughly circular shaped fragment. Dimensions 0.8 x 0.7 x 0.6 cm. 9) Irregular shaped fragment. Dimensions 1.1 x 1.0 x 0.4 cm. 10) Irregular shaped fragment. Dimensions 0.9 x 0.7 x 0.3 cm. 11) Irregular shaped fragment. Dimensions 0.5 x 0.4 x 0.2 cm. One piece taken by Lloyd Weeks for metallurgical analysis at Sydney, 1998",20/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5147",11.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, sieved.",21/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5147",12.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, sieved.",27/2/1994 00:00:00,, "5147",13.00,"BITUMEN","BEAD","Spherical bead, slightly conical at one end. Length 1.8, diameter 2.6 cm.",21/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5147",14.00,"STONE","PIERCED TOOL","Light coloured stone object. Roughly oval in plan. Both opposing surfaces have a deeply recessed, roughly centred hole, that pierces all the way through to both sides. One surface being deeper than the other. Dimensions 12.8 x 10.9 x 6.8 (min), 9.6 (max) cm. Hole diameter 1.5 cm. Depth of recess 3.4, 6.0 cm.",19/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5153",1.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing of burnt grey clay. Reverse: deep tubular impression, diam. 0.4. Obverse: central part of a seal impression, no edges preserved. Design shows a cross with striated arms, similar to 5143:15.",23/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5153",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, sieved.",30/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5154",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, sieved.",21/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5154",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, sieved.",21/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5154",3.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Five copper fragments, sieved. 1) Circular fragment. Diameter 0.9, thickness 0.6 cm. 2) Irregular shaped, iron present. Dimensions 1.7 x 1.3 x 1.1 cm. 3) Irregular shaped, embedded in iron and possibly ?mortar. Dimensions of complete mass 2.2 x 1.6 x 1.5 cm. 4) Irregular shaped. Dimensions 1.5 x 1.6 x 0.4 cm. 5) Irregular shaped. Dimensions 1.0 x 0.9 x 0.8 cm.",21/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5155",1.00,"BONE","ASSEMBLAGE","An assemblage of mammal vertebrae.",22/3/1994 00:00:00,,"Paraloid 10% on site." "5155",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Articulated fish vertebrae.",24/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5155",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Articulated fish vertebrae.",24/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5155",4.00,"BONE","BONES","Articulated fish vertebrae.",24/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5155",5.00,"STEATITE","LID HANDLE","Handle broken off a steatite lid. Cylindrical with swollen end, in the centre of which is incised a circle with central dot. Height 2.8, diameter of upper part 2.8 cm. Diameter of lower part 2.1 cm.",27/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5155",6.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing. Light grey clay, 2 pieces joined with HMG. 2/3 from lower part of circular sealing, smoothed edges, string marks on reverse. Design:: long, thin , horizontally hatched motif, probably a shield, held by a standing nude figure (head missing) to right, which faces left. To left is damaged figure of standing horned animal facing left with head thrown back. Similar to 4028:21. Dimensions: 1.6x3.0x.9. Estimated diameter of seal 2.3cms",27/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5155",7.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing. Fine grey clay. About 1/4 of impression preserved. Reverse shows 2 twisted string impressions and part of smoothed edge with fingerprints. Design: left edge of seal with seated human figure facing right, one arm outstretched towards a broken motif, perhaps an animal. Dimensions:2.0x2.4x1cms",27/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5155",8.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing. Fragment of grey clay. Segment of smoothed edge. Design: 2 converging lines. Dimensions: .9x1.0x.5cms",27/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5155",9.00,"CLAY","FRAG","One fragment of hardened grey clay. Dimensions 1.6 x 1.1 x0.7 cm.",27/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5155",10.00,"STEATITE","SEAL","Seal, broken in half. Grey steatite flecked with red. Thick white glaze. Standard back. Failaka var. 2) Design (top half preserved): in centre, head of an animal with ruffed neck and backswept knobbed, horns looking right. The base of the neck protrudes from the body of a second animal, at right angles, facing upwards, of which the body, head, long ruffed neck and front leg are present, and there is an unidentified motif below the leg. Human foot motif in the upper left field. To the right are the head and ruffed neck of an animal with backswept knobbed horns, facing left. Design finely and deeply cut. Diameter 2.65 Height 1.24 depth of rim 0.75 cm",27/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5155",11.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Light brown flint tool, with some reddish brown areas and a creamy white cortex. Irregular shaped, chipped on all surfaces. Dimensions 5.9 x 5.7 x 4.1 cm.",27/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5155",12.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Dark grey and brown stone tool. Circular in plan, thick disc shaped. Appears to be very pitted and chipped on one surface, possibly due to pounding. Dimensions 7.3 x 7.1 x 4.4 cm.",28/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5155",13.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Light grey flint fragment. Creamy white cortex still present on one surface, slightly domed on the opposing surface. Possibly worked. One very straight edge. Dimensions 5.7 x 5.5 x 2.6 cm.",28/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5155",14.00,"STONE","TOOL","Dark grey stone tool. Roughly rectangular in plan, but slightly wider at one end than the other. One of the larger faces is flat, the opposing one is uneven and rough. Dimensions 6.3 x 5.6 x 4.1 cm.",28/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5155",15.00,"STONE","TOOL","Dark coloured stone tool. Rectangular in plan, and slightly domed on one face. The opposing face is fairly flat, but rough. Dimensions 4.5 x 3.7 x 3.0 cm.",28/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5155",16.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Light brown flint fragment. Creamy white cortex still present. Irregular shaped and chipped. Dimensions 6.5 x 5.6 x 4.7 cm.",28/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5155",17.00,"STONE","TOOL","Dark grey/ black stone fragment. Irregular shaped. One fairly smooth surface. All other surfaces and edges appear to be broken off. Dimensions 6.2 x 5.5 x 2.5 cm.",28/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5155",18.00,"COPPER","RING","Tiny copper ring. Presumably made by bending length of wire, as body round in section, but no join apparent now. Perhaps a link? Diameter 1.0 (outer), 0.4 (inner), width of band 0.2 (min), 0.4 (max), thickness 0.2 cm.",28/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5155",19.00,"STONE","TOOL","Dark coloured stone tool. Roughly oval in shape. One surface is worn at one end, the other is worn at one edge. Dimensions 4.7 x 3.8 x 2.5 cm.",28/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5155",20.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, sieved.",28/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5155",21.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, sieved.",28/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5155",22.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","2 buckets.",29/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5155",23.00,"CLAY","BEAD","Roughly biconical red clay bead. Length 1.2, diameter 0.7 cm.",28/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5155",24.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Seventeen fragments of copper, sieved. 1) Irregular shaped fragment. Dimensions 1.8 x 1.4 x 0.6 cm. 2) Roughly oval shaped fragment. Dimensions 0.7 x 0.6 x 0.4 cm. 3) Irregular shaped fragment. Dimensions 1.7 x 1.1 x 0.9 cm. 4) Irregular shaped fragment. Dimensions 0.9 x 0.6 x 0.4 cm. 5) Irregular shaped fragment. Dimensions 1.1 x 0.7 x 0.4 cm. 6) Roughly triangular shaped fragment. Dimensions 1.7 x 1.3 x 0.8 cm. 7) Irregular shaped fragment. Dimensions 1.9 x 1.1 x 0.6 cm. 8) Irregular, flat shaped fragment. Dimensions 1.4 x 0.8 x 0.3 cm. 9) Elongated, irregular shaped fragment. Dimensions 1.8 x 0.5 x 0.3 cm. 10) Irregular shaped fragment. Dimensions 1.0 x 0.7 x 0.5 cm. 11) Irregular shaped fragment. Dimensions 0.6 x 0.5 x 0.3 cm. 12) Irregular shaped fragment. Dimensions 1.4 x 1.2 x 0.8 cm. 13) Irregular shaped fragment. Dimensions 1.8 x 1.1 x 1.2 cm. 14) Irregular shaped fragment. Dimensions 1.8 x 1.1 x 1.1 cm. 15) Irregular shaped, flat fragment. Dimensions 1.0 x 0.7 x 0.3 cm. 16) Roughly rectangular shaped fragment. Dimensions 1.7 x 1.3 x 0.7 cm. 17) Irregular shaped fragment. Dimensions 0.6 x 0.4 x 0.4 cm.Spill/refining waste. One piece taken by Lloyd Weeks for metallurgical analysis at Sydney, 1998",29/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5155",25.00,"STONE","TOOL","Dark coloured stone tool. Irregular shaped, with some smooth areas. Dimensions 5.4 x 4.6 x 3.5 cm.",30/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5155",26.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Chopper/Scraper on bipolar flake. Sub oval flake of mottled brown flint with creamy cortex. The distal (cortical) edge shows crushing due to use of an anvil when the flake was struck. Both faces subsequently shaped/flaked. The dorsal face has long flake scars struck from the cortex, the ventral face has larger flake scars struck from the proximal end. Reworking done to create a straight edge with bifacial retouch (a slightly curved edge when viewed edge-on), and a similar adjacent edge with a less careful finish. Overall dimensions 6.7 x 6.1 x 1.75. Original flake L: 6.3; W: 6.9; T: 1.75 cm. Separated from 5155: 27 & 28 in 1998.",28/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5155",27.00,"FLINT","FLAKE","Retouched/utilised flake. Brown mottled and banded flint with creamy cortex. Possibly struck for core preparation as at 90 degrees to cortex. Scarred platform and hinged termination. The ventral surface has a scarred bulb and wavy ridging. Previous flakes scars on dorsal surface struck from the side (cortex). Retouch/use wear, occasionally slightly denticulated, on one edge. L: 6.7; W: 5.0; T: 1.3 cm. Separated from 5155:026 in 1998.",26/1/1998 00:00:00,"M", "5155",28.00,"FLINT","FLAKE","Sub triangular flake or possible piece. Brown flint with creamy cortex (platform), and red-brown sub cortex. Focal platform, scarred bulb, concave ventral surface and feather termination. L: 2.2; W: 2.2; T: 0.8 cm. Separated from 5155: 026 in 1998.",26/1/1998 00:00:00,"M", "5158",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, sieved.",30/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5158",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, sieved.",30/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5167",1.00,"STONE","TOOL","Dark grey stone tool. Roughly oval in plan. One surface is smooth, with a ?scored line widthways across the surface. Plus is chipped at both ends. The opposing surface is very uneven. Dimensions 11.4 x 6.2 x 4.0 cm.",28/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5167",2.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing. Light yellowish clay, almost complete circular sealing in poor condition. Reverse shows twisted string impressions. Section of smoothed left and right edges. Design: square shouldered seated figure facing right. behind him to the left is a notched, curved object. Dimensions:1.92x2.1x.9 cm.",30/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5167",3.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing. Hard pinkish clay. 1 quadrant of impression survives. Reverse shows impression of string. Part of smoothed edge. Design; 3 unidentifiable linear motifs roughly parallel to each other. Dimensions: 1.55x1.75x.95cms",30/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5167",4.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Grey stone tool. ?Pounder. Probably originally a natural occurring spheroid, worked or worn on one surface. This surface is chipped and worn, with two deep grooves or crevices possibly due to pounding and over use. The rest of the tool appears to be very slightly pitted in areas. Dimensions 7.1 x 6.8 x 6.7 cm.",30/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5167",5.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Light coloured stone pounder. ?Flint. Roughly spheroid in shape, and pitted all over, probably due to pounding. Dimensions 4.7 x 4.5 x 4.1 cm.",30/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5167",6.00,"STONE","TOOL","Dark coloured stone tool. Irregular shaped. One surface has a slight indent/ groove running lengthways. Dimensions 3.3 x 3.2 x 2.9 cm.",30/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5167",7.00,"BITUMEN","BEAD","Roughly oval bead. Both ends flat. Dimensions 2.1 x 1.9 x 1.6 cm.",30/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5167",8.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Seven bitumen fragments. One with a curved edge. One, with weave impressions, from the lining of a woven vessel. Dimensions of largest fragment 3.5 x 2.4 x 1.1 cm.",2/4/1994 00:00:00,, "5167",9.00,"COPPER","FRAG","copper fragment. Oval in plan, with both main surfaces flat. Dimensions 1.8 x 1.2 x 0.7 cm.",2/4/1994 00:00:00,, "5167",10.00,"STONE","TOOL","Light coloured stone tool. Roughly circular in plan, but has one straight rather than curved edge. One surface is domed, and has a large indent on one side, with a brownish residue. The opposing surface is rough and concave. Dimensions 6.7 x 6.5 x 5.4 cm.",2/4/1994 00:00:00,, "5167",11.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Light coloured stone smoother/ rubber. Probably originally a natural occurring spheroid, worked or worn flat on two opposing faces, to form a thick disc. Both these faces are smooth and have traces of black ?residue. Dimensions 7.1 x 6.2 x 4.3 cm.",2/4/1994 00:00:00,, "5167",12.00,"STONE","TOOL","White stone tool. Roughly oval in plan. One surface is very worn, perhaps through wear and use. The rest is smooth. Dimensions 4.5 x 3.5 x 3.2 cm.",2/4/1994 00:00:00,, "5167",13.00,"CLAY","BEAD","Roughly cylindrical red clay bead with slightly tapered ends. Length 0.7, diameter 0.3 cm.",2/4/1994 00:00:00,, "5167",14.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Light coloured stone pounder. Probably originally a natural occurring spheroid, worked or worn on one surface. This surface is chipped, probably due to pounding. One other surface appears be very indented. Dimensions 5.5 x 5.2 x 5.0 cm.",2/4/1994 00:00:00,, "5167",15.00,"STONE","TOOL","Dark coloured stone tool. Irregular shaped. Probably once circular in shape, but has possibly been broken in half. Very rough all over. Dimensions 8.0 x 5.9 x 4.1 cm.",2/4/1994 00:00:00,, "5167",16.00,"COPPER","TWEEZERS","Pair of copper tweezers. Head is looped, blades are pointed at the ends. Length 5.3, width 0.9, thickness 0.5 cm.",2/4/1994 00:00:00,, "5167",17.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, sieved.",2/4/1994 00:00:00,, "5167",18.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, sieved.",2/4/1994 00:00:00,, "5167",19.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Twenty fragments of copper, sieved. 1) Elongated fragment. Dimensions 2.4 x 1.0 x 0.6 cm. 2) Irregular shaped fragment. Dimensions 1.2 x 0.8 x 0.8 cm. 3) Irregular shaped fragment. Dimensions 2.7 x 1.9 x 1.1 cm. 4) Irregular shaped fragment, with possible traces of iron present. Dimensions 1.5 x 1.2 x 0.9 cm. 5) Irregular shaped flat fragment. Dimensions 0.9 x 0.6 x 0.3 cm. 6) Irregular shaped fragment. Dimensions 0.9 x 0.6 x 0.3 cm. 7) Irregular shaped fragment. Dimensions 0.7 x 0.4 x 0.3 cm. 8) Irregular shaped fragment. Dimensions 1.1 x 0.7 x 0.6 cm. 9) Irregular shaped fragment. Dimensions 0.9 x 0.7 x 0.6 cm. 10) Irregular shaped fragment. Dimensions 2.0 x 1.3 x 0.6 cm. 11) Slightly curved strip fragment. Dimensions 1.2 x 0.5 x 0.3 cm. 12) Roughly rectangular, flat fragment. Dimensions 1.4 x 1.1 x 0.4 cm. 13) Irregular shaped fragment. Dimensions 1.7 x 1.1 x 0.9 cm. 14) Elongated, cylindrical fragment. Dimensions 2.3 x 0.7 x 0.6 cm. 15) Roughly oval shaped fragment. Dimensions 1.3 x 0.9 x 0.7 cm. 16) Irregular shaped, flat fragment. Dimensions 1.0 x 0.7 x 0.2 cm. 17) Irregular shaped fragment. Dimensions 1.0 x 0.8 x 0.7 cm. 18) Irregular shaped, flat fragment. Dimensions 0.5 x 0.4 x 0.1 cm. 19) Irregular shaped, flat fragment. Dimensions 0.7 x 0.2 x 0.1 cm. 20) Irregular shaped fragment. Dimensions 0.5 x 0.4 x 0.2 cm.",2/4/1994 00:00:00,, "5167",20.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Very dark grey clay. Smoother edge with deep hollows, probably a finger impressions. Reverse has finger impression. Design shows raised lower left edge of seal impression: lower legs of standing human, facing left. Dimensions 0.75 x 0.85 x 1.4 cm.",2/8/1994 00:00:00,, "5167",21.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Two fragments of copper, sieved. 1) Irregular shaped fragment. Dimensions 1.9 x 0.8 x 0.6 cm. 2) Irregular shaped fragment. Dimensions 0.6 x 0.5 x 0.5 cm.",2/4/1994 00:00:00,, "5168",1.00,"STEATITE","SEAL","Seal. Grey steatite, white glaze, partly worn on both faces. Edge slightly chipped. Standard back. Failaka var.2. Design; Seated god with horned headdress, wearing tiered skirt, facing right, his left arm raised to the right, showing three fingers on the hand. His seat has a vertically hatched base and forked back. Facing him is a naked standing man who apparently touches the god's waist with a stick/sword. Behind the seated figure is another standing nude male figure, facing right, with left arm raised and three fingers of the hand visible. In the lower field a standing male horned animal, facing right, head downward, probably a bull. Diameter 2.54 Height 1.1 rim .55",29/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5168",2.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Eighteen fragments of bitumen lining to a basket, with weave impressions. Dimensions of largest fragment 2.8 x 2.1 x 0.2 cm.",29/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5168",3.00,"CLAY","FRAGS","Three fragments of hardened yellow clay. Dimensions of largest fragment 1.9 x 1.1 x 0.8 cm.",29/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5168",4.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing on fine grey clay. Reverse has string impression. Part of edge extant, with fingerprints. Design: Part of two adjacent arms of a ?hatched cross, with another possible motif (damaged) between them. Dimensions 1.5 x 1.2 x 0.7 cm.",2/8/1994 00:00:00,, "5168",5.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, sieved.",30/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5168",6.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, sieved.",30/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5168",7.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Seven fragments of copper, sieved. 1) Irregular shaped fragment. Dimensions 3.0 x 1.3 x 1.9 cm. 2) Irregular shaped fragment. Dimensions 1.4 x 0.7 x 0.5 cm. 3) Roughly rectangular shaped fragment. Dimensions 1.1 x 0.6 x 0.4 cm. 4) Irregular shaped fragment. Dimensions 2.5x 1.1 x 0.8 cm. 5) Irregular shaped fragment. Dimensions 1.5 x 0.7 x 0.6 cm. 6) Irregular shaped fragment. Dimensions 1.3 x 0.8 x 0.6 cm. 7) Irregular shaped fragment. Dimensions 1.6 x 1.2 x 0.8 cm.",30/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5169",1.00,"STONE","BASIN","White stone basin. Almost complete, but broken into eight fragments. Square in shape, with a rough, flat base and straight sides. Inside is slightly concave on the bottom, sloping to the centre. Length 38.3, width 33.3, height 17.8 cm. Thickness of walls 2.4 (min), 4.0 (max) cm.",26/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5169",2.00,"BITUMEN","FRAG","One fragment of bitumen or burnt clay. Has one curved edge, the rest has probably been broken away. Dimensions 3.0 x 2.3 x 2.1 cm.",24/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5169",3.00,"ORGANIC","DATE","Carbonised date pip. Sample taken to UK for analysis. (DM 1995)",24/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5170",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. Not sieved.",11/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5170",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. Not sieved.",11/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5170",3.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder fragment. Sub triangular fragment of mottled dark brown-grey chert with creamy-grey cortex. Probably broken off during pounding. Numerous scars on several faces. Dimensions 5.2 x 5.0 x 4.1 cm.",11/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5174",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","8 buckets.",30/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5174",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, sieved.",30/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5174",3.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Dark coloured stone smoother/ rubber. Probably once oval in plan, but one end has been broken away. The two main surfaces are flat and smooth. One surface has a large chip close to the edge. Dimensions 6.7 x 5.4 x 3.1 cm.",30/3/1994 00:00:00,, "5176",1.00,"PLASTER","PIERCED DISC","Round white plaster object, with a slightly off centred hole, piercing through to both sides. One surface is flat, the other is slightly domed. Diameter 10.9, thickness 3.6 cm. Hole dimensions at one end 1.3 x 1.6 cm, at the other end 0.9 x 1.0 cm.",4/4/1994 00:00:00,, "5176",2.00,"CLAY","TOKEN","Sealing. Light pink baked clay. Lower left segment of impression of a large seal. Small section of edge. Reverse smooth and convex, with fingerprints and fragment of a transverse hole. Design: On left, standing skirted human figure, top half missing, facing right. To the right, lower legs of a quadruped, probably facing right. Below, on lower edge, a standing male quadruped, facing right and looking upwards. Below its head, a ?bush. Dimensions 2.35 x 2.42 x 1.05",2/8/1994 00:00:00,, "5176",3.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing. Light grey clay. Fragment of right edge present, and about a quarter of design extant. Poor condition. String impression on side. Design: On right, standing quadruped, head missing. To the left, and standing, skirted human figure, one arm raised towards the animal. Dimensions 2.0 x 2.05 x 1.95 cm.",2/8/1994 00:00:00,, "5176",4.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing. Light grey fine clay. One small area of smooth edge. Design: crescent with star above, fragment of human head to right. Same seal as 5176:14 Dimensions 0.95 x 0.72 x 0.5 cm.",2/8/1994 00:00:00,, "5176",5.00,"CLAY","FRAGS","Four fragments of yellow hardened clay, from floor/ occupation. Dimensions of largest fragment 1.4 x 1.0 x 0.8 cm.",4/4/1994 00:00:00,, "5176",6.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing. Light grey clay. Segment of smoothed edge. Twisted string impression on reverse. Trace of edge of seal impression, design illegible. Dimensions 1.5 x 1.2 x 0.65",2/8/1994 00:00:00,, "5176",7.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing, . Fine, light grey clay. Upper two thirds of the impression of a small seal. Smoothed edge with finger-impression and indentation. String impression on reverse. Design: two seated, monkey-like figures with raised arms touching a central, crescent-topped standard, with a star above. An unidentified motif behind the left-hand monkey. Dimensions 1.8 x 2.0 x 1.0 Estimated diameter of seal 1.85 cm.",2/8/1994 00:00:00,, "5176",8.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Fine, light grey clay. Area of smoothed edge with string impression. Further string impressions on reverse. Design: on the left, top of palm frond, to the right an animal head facing the frond. Perhaps from same seal as 5176:10 Dimensions 1.1 x 1.65 x 0.9 cm.",2/8/1994 00:00:00,, "5176",9.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing. Fine grey clay. Small flat fragment with impression of edge of seal. Design: part of hatched triangle. Dimensions 0.95 x 0.9 x 0.8",2/8/1994 00:00:00,, "5176",10.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing. Light grey clay with white inclusions. Twisted string impression on reverse. Design: about a quarter survives. Two horizontal rows of hatched squares, neck and head of animal with short horns protruding from it to right facing towards a palm frond, to the left of which is the neck of a second animal. Perhaps from same seal as 5176:08. Dimensions 1.75 x 1.68 x 0.85",2/8/1994 00:00:00,, "5176",11.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing. Hard buff clay. Reverse flattened with linear marking of reed/leaf? Smoothed edge with fingerprints. Design, from top edge of sealing: human head and top of spear, compare Dimensions 1.85 x 0.85 x 0.75 cm.",2/8/1994 00:00:00,, "5176",12.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing. hard light grey clay. String impression on reverse. Segment of smoothed edge with fingerprint. Design from right edge of impression: ?upper part of figure of stick-like human with raised arms. Linear style Compare 5176:13, presumably from same seal. Dimensions 1.4 x 1.15 x 0.7 cm.",2/8/1994 00:00:00,, "5176",13.00,"CLAY","SEALING","NOW DRAWN - RE-WRITE DESCRIPTION Sealing. Fine grey clay. Possible string marks on reverse. Small area of smoothed edge with fingerprint. Design: to tight, lower half of human figure standing cross-legged. Behind him, to the right, a linear motif, perhaps his arm. Same as 5176:12 Dimensions 1.1 x 1.45 x 1.05 cm.",2/8/1994 00:00:00,, "5176",14.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing. Dark grey fine clay. Reverse smooth and slightly concave, string impression on side. Raised edge of seal impression visible. Design: horizontal crescent with star/sun in the curve, and to the right the head, shoulder and arm of a possible human figure. Deeply cut. From the same seal as 5176:04 Dimensions 1.15 x 1.0 x 0.65",2/8/1994 00:00:00,, "5176",15.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing. Light grey clay. String marks on reverse. Slightly concave smoothed edge with fingerprint. Dimensions 1.47 x 1.0 x 1.15 cm.",2/8/1994 00:00:00,, "5176",16.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, sieved.",5/4/1994 00:00:00,, "5176",17.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, sieved.",3/4/1994 00:00:00,, "5176",18.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Eight fragments of copper, sieved. 1) Irregular shaped fragment. Dimensions 2.0 x 0.9 x 0.8 cm. 2) Irregular shaped fragment. Dimensions 1.4 x 1.0 x 0.5 cm. 3) Irregular shaped fragment, mostly iron with traces of copper. Dimensions 2.2 x 1.4 x 1.1 cm. 4) Elongated fragment, with traces of iron. Dimensions 2.4 x 1.0 x 0.6 cm. 5) Irregular shaped fragment. Dimensions 1.2 x 0.8 x 0.4 cm. 6) Elongated, irregular shaped fragment. Dimensions 1.7 x 0.6 x 0.2 cm. 7) Irregular shaped fragment. Dimensions 1.3 x 0.9 x 0.7 cm. 8) Irregular shaped fragment. Dimensions 1.0 x 0.6 x 0.4 cm.",5/4/1994 00:00:00,, "5177",1.00,"STONE","TOOL","Dark coloured stone smoother/ rubber. Roughly rectangular in plan, with rounded corners. Only one very smooth, slightly concave face. The others are flat but not as smooth. One edge appears to have been broken off, the opposing edge looks finished, but with slight pitted marks in a circular pattern, caused by ?pounding. Dimensions 10.6 x 10.1 x 7.0 cm.",4/4/1994 00:00:00,, "5177",2.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Light coloured stone rubber/ smoother. Roughly rectangular in plan, but tapering at one end. Both main surfaces fairly smooth, one being slightly concave. All the edges are straight and flat, apart from the tapered end which is rounded. Dimensions 11.5 x 7.0 x 5.1 cm.",4/4/1994 00:00:00,, "5177",3.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Dark grey stone smoother/ rubber. Very smooth and rounded. One surface appears to be deliberately flattened, and another appears broken off but now smooth due to wear. Dimensions 9.1 x 8.1 x 5.9 cm.",4/4/1994 00:00:00,, "5177",4.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Light coloured stone pounder. Probably originally a natural occurring spheroid, worked or worn on one surface. Has small pitted areas, probably due to pounding. Dimensions 6.9 x 6.8 x 5.5 cm.",4/4/1994 00:00:00,, "5177",5.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Light coloured stone tool. ?Pounder. Probably originally a natural occurring spheroid, worked or worn flat on two opposing faces to form a thick disc. Although one part of the disc shape appears to be slightly squared as opposed to round. Pitted and chipped on one main area, probably due to pounding. Plus also appears to be slightly pitted on other areas too. Dimensions 8.7 x 7. 8 c 7.7 cm.",4/4/1994 00:00:00,, "5177",6.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Light coloured stone smoother/ pounder. Probably originally a natural occurring spheroid, worked or worn on two opposing faces to form a thick disc. Dimensions 8.6 x 8.5 x 6.3 cm.",4/4/1994 00:00:00,, "5177",7.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, sieved.",6/4/1994 00:00:00,, "5177",8.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Three fragments of copper. 1) Large fragment. Slightly curved strip with corrosive lumps adhering. Dimensions 3.6 x 2.7 x1.1 cm. 2) Irregular shaped fragment. Dimensions 1.6 x 1.1 x 1.1 cm. 3) Irregular shaped fragment. Dimensions 1.5 x 1.1 x 0.8 cm. One piece located, and taken by Lloyd Weeks for metallurgical analysis at Sydney, 1998",6/4/1994 00:00:00,, "5177",9.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, sieved.",6/4/1994 00:00:00,, "5178",1.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing fragment of fine, sandy clay. The top left part is preserved. Edge: smooth with fingerprints. Reverse: string impression. Obverse: Design shows human head and shoulders facing right, one arm raised to right touching vertical line. Dimensions 1.45 x 1.2 x 0.55 cm",2/8/1994 00:00:00,, "5178",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone.",4/4/1994 00:00:00,, "5178",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell.",4/4/1994 00:00:00,, "5178",4.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Possible tool. Elongated cuboid piece of light grey-pink flint (very unusual colour), with retouch/use wear on two long edges. Similar in appearance to a chunky blade flake. Dimensions 3.9 x 2.1 x 1.4 cm.",4/4/1994 00:00:00,, "5178",5.00,"BITUMEN","FRAG","Fragment of bitumen of irregular shape. Dimensions 3.3 x 2.5 x 1.1 cm.",10/4/1994 00:00:00,, "5178",6.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Ten copper fragments. 1) Irregular shaped fragment. Dimensions 1.8 x 0.9 x 0.7 cm. 2) Roughly rectangular shaped fragment. Dimensions 1.3 x 0.8 x 0.7 cm. 3) Irregular shaped fragment. Dimensions 1.5 x 1.3 x 0.6 cm. 4) Irregular shaped, slightly curved fragment. Dimensions 0.8 x 0.5 x 0.3 cm. 5) Irregular shaped, with traces of iron adhering. Dimensions 1.0 x 0.9 x 0.6 cm. 6) Irregular shaped fragment. Dimensions 1.1 x 0.9 x 0.4 cm. 7) Curved U shaped fragment. Dimensions 0.8 x 0.7 x 0.4 cm. 8) Irregular shaped fragment. Dimensions 0.7 x 0.3 x 0.2 cm. 9) Irregular shaped, flat fragment. Dimensions 0.4 x 0.4 x 0.1 cm. 10) Irregular shaped fragment. Dimensions 0.7 x 0.4 x 0.2 cm.",4/4/1994 00:00:00,, "5179",1.00,"BONE","ASSEMBLAGE","Distal left humerus of ?bos/ Oryx, with a circular hole at one end.",31/3/1994 00:00:00,,"Paraloid 10% on site." "5179",2.00,"BONE","ASSEMBLAGE","Articulated fish vertebrae.",31/3/1994 00:00:00,,"Paraloid 10% on site." "5179",3.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Light coloured grindstone. Upper surface concave in the centre and very smooth. Lower surface is very rough. Has broken edges, one of which may be a finished edge. Dimensions 44.0 x 43.3 x 12.6 cm (approx.).",6/4/1994 00:00:00,, "5179",4.00,"STONE","BASIN FRAG","Side fragment from light-coloured stone basin, presumably once square or rectangular. Broken off at both ends. One end has part of the corner still remaining. Outer surface is flat and smooth. The inner surface is flat but has slight ridges running lengthways near the lower edge. Length 35.4 x 10.3 x 4.0 cm.",6/4/1994 00:00:00,, "5179",5.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Large flint fragment. Irregular shaped, with both ends ?deliberately cut or worked flat. One surface is chipped or worked. The opposing surface is relatively flat, but uneven. Dimensions 16.4 x 13.3 x 8.4 cm.",6/4/1994 00:00:00,, "5179",6.00,"STONE","TOOL","Dark coloured stone tool. Irregular shaped, with three fairly smooth edges. The rest have been broken off. Upper and lower surfaces are both uneven. Dimensions 12.3 x 8.9 x 6.3 cm.",6/4/1994 00:00:00,, "5179",7.00,"STONE","TOOL","Light coloured stone tool. Irregular shaped. Chipped on all surfaces. Dimensions 12.5 x 11.0 x 9.1 cm.",6/4/1994 00:00:00,, "5181",1.00,"BONE","ASSEMBLAGE","Bos horn/ bone",5/4/1994 00:00:00,,"Paraloid 10% on site." "5182",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, sieved.",5/4/1994 00:00:00,, "5182",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, sieved.",5/4/1994 00:00:00,, "5183",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone.",6/4/1994 00:00:00,, "5184",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Bos/ Oryx metatarsal,",31/3/1994 00:00:00,,"Paraloid 10% on site." "5187",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, sieved.",12/4/1994 00:00:00,, "5187",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, sieved.",12/4/1994 00:00:00,, "5187",3.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Two fragments of copper. 1) Fragment of iron and copper, irregular shaped. Dimensions 2.2 x 1.5 x 1.0 cm. 2) Curved strip. Dimensions 1.9 x 0.8 x 0.3 cm.",12/4/1994 00:00:00,, "5187",4.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Two fragments of copper, sieved. 1) Irregular shaped fragment. Dimensions 1.3 x 0.6 x 0.4 cm. 2) Irregular shaped fragment. Dimensions 1.7 x 1.5 x 0.7 cm.",12/4/1994 00:00:00,, "5187",5.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. Not sieved.",25/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5192",1.00,"BONE","BONES","One single piece of mammal bone, broken into several fragments.",10/4/1994 00:00:00,, "5195",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell.",13/4/1994 00:00:00,, "5195",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone.",14/4/1994 00:00:00,, "5196",1.00,"CLAY","TOKEN","Sub-oval fragment of orange-red baked clay. Reverse roughly domed and pinched, with finger-prints. Obverse has unclear, shallow parallel lines. Dimensions: 2.2 ? 1.5 ? 1.0. Note: considered by Crawford (2001) to be a fragment of a rectangular clay seal.",4/5/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "5208",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. Not sieved. Two small articulated sections of fish vertebrae consolidated with Paraloid B72 in acetone.",14/2/1995 00:00:00,, "5208",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. Not sieved.",14/2/1995 00:00:00,, "5208",3.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Possibly also Smoother. Flattened ovoid nodule of grey limestone with abrading around edge and concentrated in centres of flattish faces. These faces are otherwise smooth, possibly due to use wear? Intact. Length 8.8, width 6.3, thickness 3.1 cm.",14/2/1995 00:00:00,, "5208",4.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Sub-ovoid nodule of grey limestone. The largest convex face is entirely abraded, the other has deep scarring. Intact. Length 7.7, width 7.1, thickness 6.0 cm.",14/2/1995 00:00:00,, "5208",5.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder fragment. Part of dark grey close grained stone nodule. Extant convex and flattish surfaces show abrading marks and percussion flake scars. Probably broken during pounding. Dimensions: 6.3 x 4.7 x 4.6 cm.",14/2/1995 00:00:00,, "5208",6.00,"SHELL","PIERCED BIVALVS","Two pierced shells. 1) Pearl oyster with large irregular punched hole. Top of shell is broken. Length 3.7, width 4.3. Hole dimensions 1.1 cm. 2) Bivalve with beginning of large hole partly cut away on exterior surface. Length 4.4, width 4.7. Hole 1.1 - 1.3 cm.",14/2/1995 00:00:00,, "5208",7.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Pounder/Smoother. Sub-cuboid fragment of light brown stone with numerous small quartz inclusions, farush sandstone. Two long faces are worn smooth, the other flat faces, ends and edges are abraded. One face has central hollow formed by constant pounding. The two ends are particularly abraded. One corner has broken off possibly due to pounding, otherwise intact. Length 9.4, width 6.4, thickness 6.3 cm.",18/2/1995 00:00:00,, "5208",8.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Perhaps originally a broken off fragment of Grinder. Small cuboid fragment of light brown stone with numerous coarse quartz inclusions, beach-stone sandstone. All flattish faces are abraded with the most scars on the ends. Two faces have hollows formed by constant pounding. Intact as pounder. Length 8.5, width 4.8, thickness 4.3 cm.",18/2/1995 00:00:00,, "5208",9.00,"COPPER","FRAG","2 sub oval copper frags with thick patina. Largest dimensions 2.0 x 1.6 x 0.6 cm.",21/2/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "5208",10.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Flake. Mottled brown flint with creamy white cortex on distal end. Plunging flake with previous flake scars on dorsal and scarred striking platform. Thin edges have slight wear. Intact. L: 3.3, W: 2.9, T: 0.9 cm.",21/2/1995 00:00:00,, "5208",11.00,"SLAG","FRAG","Small sub ovoid fragment of copper slag. Numerous small rounded inclusions of copper. Dimensions 2.0 x 1.4 x 1.4 cm.",21/2/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "5208",12.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Pounder/Smoother. Sub ovoid nodule of light grey limestone. One convex and possibly another small remnant face have been smoothed. Then this and almost entire surface abraded, particularly the two ends. Two faces have deep scarring due to pounding. Intact. Dimensions 1.08 x 1.02 x 7.4 cm.",23/2/1995 00:00:00,, "5208",13.00,"STONE","FRAG","Elongated irregular fragment with pointed ends. Black close grained stone. Entire surface is pitted and varnished from long exposure to elements. Dimensions 6.7 x 3.6 x 1.4 cm. Slightly broken at one end for identification purposes. ""Desert varnish"" coated microxin rock, hardness >5. (M Mendeck May 1995)",23/2/1995 00:00:00,, "5208",14.00,"COPPER","FRAG","1 small sub ovoid fragment of copper with thick patina. Dimensions 1.3 x 0.7 x 0.5 cm.",23/2/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "5208",15.00,"CLAY","STOPPER","Lid or stopper of roughly shaped unbaked clay, in the shape of a waisted, truncated cone. Base oval, flat to slightly concave. Top worn or broken away, otherwise intact. The clay is similar to that used for clay sealings, mottled grey-green with no really visible inclusions. Height 2.8 cm. Base diameter 2.9-3.6 cm.",28/2/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "5208",16.00,"SHELL","PIERCED BIVALVE","Pearl oyster shell with sub-oval hole in side. Shell length 5.8, width 5.1, hole dimensions 1.0 x 0.9 cm.",28/2/1995 00:00:00,, "5208",17.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder fragment? Sub ovoid fragment with one pointed end. Banded brown chert with grey cortex on irregular curved surface and interior sub circular flaw. Some pitting on extant surface edge. Possibly broken during pounding. Dimensions 5.4 x 4.6 x 3.3 cm.",27/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5208",18.00,"FOSSIL BIVALVE","POUNDER","Bivalve fossil possibly utilized as Pounder tool. Light grey limestone. Surface is very worn and pitted, particularly on edges. Intact. Length 5.0, width 6.5, thickness 4.3 cm.",27/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5209",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. Not sieved.",22/2/1995 00:00:00,, "5209",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. Not sieved.",22/2/1995 00:00:00,, "5209",3.00,"PLASTER","BASIN FRAGS","Four adjoining fragments of a plaster basin. Probably about a quarter extant. Originally sub-rectangular with rounded corners, the extant fragments form one of these corners. Thickest at base, with sides tapering to rough point at irregular heights. Horizontal finger ridges visible on both sides, particularly interior. Lower exterior has remnant light grey ashy silt adhering to it, probably the original deposit used to set the basin into the ground. Extant length 27.8, extant width 27.9, height at end 16.0, height at side 3.0 cm. Thickness at base 3.0 cm.",22/2/1995 00:00:00,, "5210",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. Sieved. Large bag.",25/2/1995 00:00:00,, "5210",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. Sieved.",25/2/1995 00:00:00,, "5210",3.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","10 fragments of copper with thick patina. Various shapes. 1) Largest one is large sub ovoid with much brown staining 2.4 x 2.4 x 1.7 cm. 2) Sub ovoid 1.2 x 1.0 x 1.0 cm. 3) Sub ovoid 0.7 x 0.6 x 0.5 cm. 4) Elongated with oval section 1.7 x 0.5 x 0.3 cm. 5) Sub rectangular bumpy 1.3 x 0.7 x 0.4 cm. 6) Sub ovoid 0.5 x 0.3 x 0.2 cm. 7) Thin elongated bent into small curve 0.7 x 0.2 x 0.2 cm. 8.-10. 3 tiny frags < 0.04 cm.",25/2/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "5210",4.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Fifteen tiny fragments of bitumen from the lining of one or more woven vessels. Three show impressions of cross-weave on one side, the other being fairly smooth. Largest dimensions 1.3 x 0.7 x 0.2 cm.",25/2/1995 00:00:00,, "5210",5.00,"ORGANIC","DATE","1 whole and 4 fragments of carbonised date pips. From sieved deposit. Intact pip consolidated with Paraloid B72 in acetone. Intact pip length 1.9, width 0.6, thickness 0.5 cm.",25/2/1995 00:00:00,, "5210",6.00,"CLAY","SEALING","2 adjoining fragments of unbaked fine grey clay. Sub oval. From sieved deposit. Segment of disk with string impression running through it. Upper and lower surfaces smooth. No impression. Dimensions 2.85 x 1.75 x 1.2 cm.",25/2/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "5210",7.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Fragment of a Pounder/Smoother probably broken off during pounding. Dark grey close grained stone. Extant parts of the stone show that one face is abraded and another is smooth. Dimensions 6.0 x 4.0 x 1.7 cm.",25/2/1995 00:00:00,, "5211",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. Sieved.",7/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5211",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. Sieved.",7/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5211",3.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","16 small fragments of copper. Variety of shapes and sizes. From sieved deposit. 1) Flat strip sub rectangular (cut?) 2.0 x 1.4 x 0.3 cm. 2) Ovoid 1.6 x 1.2 x 0.7 cm. 3) Sub ovoid 1.6 x 0.9 x 0.8 cm. 4) Flat sub square 0.8 x 0.7 x 0.3 cm. 5) Flat sub triangular 1.1 x 0.7 x 0.4 cm. 6) Sub ovoid & solid 2.9 x 1.9 x 1.4 cm. 7) Flattish and sub triangular with brown rust? 1.8 x 1.2 x 0.7 & 1. x 1.3 x 0.8 cm. 8) Ovoid 0.2 - 0.5 cm. 9 -16) Sub ovoid range 0.6 x 0.4 x 0.3 to 1.0 x 0.7 x 0.5 cm.",7/3/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "5211",4.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Possible pounder. Ovoid nodule of dark brown flint with almost complete light grey cortex. The smooth surface is slightly pitted which may have been partly due to pounding. Intact. Dimensions 6.2 x 5.7 x 4.7 cm.",7/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5211",5.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder, probably intact. Sub-oval fragment of light brown sandstone with numerous quartz inclusions. One face is smooth (with two small hollows), the opposite is flat. The edges are near vertical. Dimensions 10.2 x 7.6 x 3.4 cm.",7/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5211",6.00,"BITUMEN","BEAD","Half of spherical bead with central hole. Broken along axis of hole. Surface once smooth but now pitted. Diameter 1.8-1.9 cm. Extant thickness 0.9 cm.",7/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5211",7.00,"CLAY","TOKEN","Broken disc-shaped bifacial token, of light brown sandy burnt clay. SIDE 1: About one third of circular sealing from right side of impression. On the rim are the head and claws of a scorpion facing down, and below, also round the rim, a second complete scorpion, facing down. To the left is a comb motif and the curved back of a monkey-like creature, broken. SIDE 2: To the right a seated monkey like creature with arms outstretched towards the skirt of a standing figure in the centre of the seal. DimenSIONS: Length 2.74, Width 1.75, Thickness 1.1, Estimated diameter of seal 1.8 cm. Previous description for side 1: One scorpion on left, facing up. Below, part of another scorpion, just the head and pincers preserved. (The double comb is possible vegetation, not a long-horned animal.) One long, curved line ending in a ?jar, to its right a shorter, parallel line, the two lines joined at the top by another line, perhaps a human hand or arm. Another, indistinct, motif. I haven't made it clear enough whereabouts these things are] showing, around the edge, one complete scorpion and below it the head of a second. Towards the centre of the seal is a motif like a double comb and the head of a long-horned animal.",7/3/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "5211",8.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. Not sieved.",7/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5211",9.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. Not sieved.",7/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5211",10.00,"COPPER","RING","Copper ring formed from a flat strip (or possibly lengths of wire stuck together). Ends overlap and are rounded. Intact and in good condition with thick patina. Diameter 1.7 - 1.9 cm. Width 0.5 - 0.6 cm. Thickness 0.2 cm.",7/3/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "5211",11.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Spheroid nodule of light grey limestone with areas of abrasion on the surface. One of the several deeper natural holes has been filled (deliberately?) with bitumen. Intact. Diameter 5.4-5.7 cm.",8/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5211",12.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Sub ovoid nodule of light grey limestone. Almost entire surface is abraded or scarred. One face has a partly hollow area due to constant pounding. Intact. Dimensions 9.2 x 7.8 x 6.2 cm.",8/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5211",13.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder, possibly intact. Large sub-rectangular piece of very coarse light grey stone, with numerous inclusions of grit, sand and shell: farush sandstone. One face is flat and worn fairly smooth. The opposite is convex, gently sloping to two narrow edges. Two other edges are near-vertical. Dimensions 19.0 x 13.7 x 6.3 cm.",8/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5211",14.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Probable Pounder fragment. Oval flake of dark brown flint with dorsal face light grey-creamy cortex. Cortex is abraded. Flake probably broken off during pounding. L: 3.3, W: 3.1, T: 1.0 cm.",7/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5211",15.00,"FOSSIL ECHINOID","POUNDER/SMOOTHER","Echinoid fossil probably utilised as Pounder/Smoother tool. Light grey limestone. Lower flat surface is partly smooth. The curved edges and part of the domed upper face is scarred and abraded. Intact. Height 3.2, Diameter 7.3-6.5 cm.",7/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5211",16.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Unbaked greenish clay with numerous tiny-small white inclusions. Left edge, and part of lower edge preserved. Obverse: Segment of impression showing ? seated naked human figure, head missing, facing left, one arm raised to the left holding a vertical, curved, linear object, probably a drinking straw. Reverse: Impression of part of knot in coarse string. Dimensions: 2.2 x 1.4 x 0.63, Estimated diameter of seal 1.65 cm.",7/3/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "5213",1.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Sub oval fragment of light brown stone with numerous quartz inclusions, sandstone. Opposing flattish faces have central hollows due to pounding. The edges are near vertical but irregular. Intact? Dimensions 8.2 x 7.5 x 3.8 cm.",6/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5213",2.00,"PLASTER","OBJECT","Sub-spheroid lump of hand moulded plaster. Surface irregular but fairly smooth, with one area scarred, possibly due to pounding or grinding. Presumably a tool, or possibly a weight. Intact. Dimensions 9.7 x 8.8 x 8.3 cm. Weight 596.3 gm.",6/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5213",3.00,"STONE","WORKED","Possible architectural stone fragment. Sub rectangular fragment of light grey limestone. All faces shaped flat except for one corner that is convex and raised higher than one edge. The extant edges are vertical and flat. Tool marks visible. Dimensions 15.5 x 9.3-10.4 (w-w/out raised end) x 5.3 cm.",6/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5213",4.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Chopper/Pounder fragment? Pointed sub oval fragment of mottled brown chert with creamy white cortex. Flaked from irregular nodule. Its pointed end has been broken off and one edge is worn. Dimensions 7.8 x 6.3 x 3.3 cm.",20/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5213",5.00,"PLASTER","ROOF FRAG","Sub-rectangular fragment of light grey plaster with linear impressions, perhaps of a palm frond, on the interior surface. The convex exterior surface appears smooth, but is largely obscured by ashy plaster. Possibly a fragment of ceiling plaster? Dimensions 7.3 x 5.7 x 0.6 cm.",20/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5213",6.00,"BONE","BONES","One bone fragment.",20/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5214",1.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Sub spheroid nodule of light grey limestone abraded on most of surface, particularly at each end. Edges also abraded and partly scarred. Four faces have central hollow formed by continual pounding. Intact. Dimensions 9.3 x 8.3 x 7.9 cm.",6/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5214",2.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Pounder/Smoother. Sub spheroid nodule of dark grey close grained stone, basalt (?). Four extant faces have been roughly smoothed. The edges are abraded as are parts of the smoothed faces. Two areas are deeply scarred probably due to pounding. Tool used over a long period of time? Intact. Dimensions 7.5 x 7.3 x 7.1 cm.",6/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5214",3.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Large flake of dark brown good quality flint with light grey cortex. Wide flake with one edge towards distal end worked and partly retouched to form a steep concave-notched scraping edge. Proximal edge broken off (deliberately?) and possibly utilized. Otherwise intact. L: 3.8, W: 6.7, T: 1.4 cm.",6/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5214",4.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder, possibly intact. Sub-rectangular piece of light grey stone with numerous inclusions of quartz grains, angular pebbles and shell: farush sandstone. One face is roughly flat and partly smoothed by grinding. The opposite one is also fairly flat with 3 edges rounded. The other edge is vertical and probably broken. Dimensions 18.2 x 15.1 x 5.7 cm.",6/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5214",5.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder fragment. Sub-rectangular fragment of light brown stone with numerous quartz inclusions, presumably sandstone. One face is flat and worn smooth. The opposite face slopes down to a narrow edge, with one area at the top worn smooth. The broken edges are near vertical. Dimensions 12.2 x 6.8 x 3.8 cm.",6/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5214",6.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. Not sieved.",6/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5214",7.00,"STONE","FRAG","Possible Grinder fragment. Triangular fragment of light brown stone with numerous quartz and rare shell grit inclusions, farush sandstone. One face is flat and possibly worn partly smooth. The opposite face is sloping. The edges are near vertical. Dimensions 9.8 x 5.2 x 4.1 cm.",6/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5214",8.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Fragment of grinder, possibly reused as pounder. Sub-oval fragment of light brown stone with numerous quartz inclusions, sandstone. One face worn or shaped smooth and flat. The opposite is also flattish and partly worn smooth towards the extant edge. The rest of this latter face appears abraded and is hollowed at one broken edge probably due to constant pounding. One edge is deeply scarred also probably due to pounding. The extant vertical-convex edge is carefully shaped and smooth. Dimensions 11.4 x 9.8 x 3.6 cm.",14/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5214",9.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone.",6/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5215",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. Sieved. 2 bags.",8/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5215",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. Sieved.",8/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5215",3.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","15 small fragments of copper. All irregular shapes and different sizes. Most sub oval. -13 Sub oval. Range dimensions 0.3 x 0.2 x 0.1 cm to 1.9 x 1.4 x 0.6 cm. -1 Pointed fragment of wire (pin?) Dimensions 0.8 x 0.1 cm. -1 Flattish piece shaped like a tiny tanged arrowhead Dimensions 2.0 x 1.0 x 0.5 cm.",8/3/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "5215",4.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Eight fragments of bitumen. All have one face smooth. Four show linear (string?) impressions on other face. Range dimensions 0.9 x 0.5 x 0.3 cm to 3.5 x 1.8 x 1.3 cm.",8/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5215",5.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. Not sieved. ",9/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5215",6.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. Not sieved.",9/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5215",7.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Pounder/Smoother fragment. Sub oval fragment of dark grey-black close grained stone. Two extant faces have been worn smooth and flat. The edge between and the end are abraded. Probably broken during pounding. Dimensions 11.4 x 7.4 x 2.9 cm.",11/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5215",8.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder fragment. Oval flake of grey limestone. One face is flat, the opposite is abraded and scarred. Probably broken off during pounding. Dimensions 4.8 x 3.9 x 1.3 cm.",11/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5215",9.00,"PLASTER","DOMED LID","Domed lid of grey plaster, half extant. Concave upper surface and convex lower surface. Upper surface is smooth with slight uneven bulging lip. Height 2.8-1.0 (centre-lip), Diameter 15.5 cm.",11/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5215",10.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder fragment. Triangular flake of light brown mottled flint. Probably broken off during pounding. Dimensions 3.0 x 1.7 x 1.0 cm.",8/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5217",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. Not sieved.",13/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5217",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. Not sieved.",13/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5217",3.00,"COPPER","RING FRAG","Probable ring fragment. Approximate half of a ring formed by a single piece of copper wire with oval section bent into a curve. Badly weathered with thick patina and attached small pebbles. Diameter 1.9 cm. Thickness 0.3 x 0.25 cm.",13/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5217",4.00,"ORGANIC","DATE","Two date pips, almost complete. Carbonised. Length 1.4, diameter 0.6 cm; Extant length 1.25, diameter 0.6 cm.",13/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5217",5.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Twenty-three fragments of bitumen of different shapes and sizes, from the lining of one or more woven vessels. All have impressions of cross-woven palm leaf. Range dimensions 0.8 x 0.4 x 0.3 cm to 2.7 x 2.6 1.0 cm.",13/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5218",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. Not sieved.",12/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5218",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. Not sieved.",12/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5218",3.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAG","Sub-ovoid fragment of bitumen, from the lining to a woven vessel. Interior concave with impressions probably from near base of vessel. The exterior is fairly smooth and flat convex. Dimensions 3.7 x 2.2 x 1.6 cm.",12/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5218",4.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","4 fragments of copper, all small but with different shapes and sizes. 1) Sub rectangular 0.6 x 0. x 0.2 cm. 2) Sub ovoid 0.8 x 0.5 x 0.5 cm. 3) Sub oval 0.5 x 0.3 x 0.2 cm. 4) Sub oval flat strip 0.4 x 0.4 x 0.1 cm.",12/4/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "5218",5.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. Sieved deposit.",12/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5220",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, one small shaft fragment has cut marks. Not sieved. Packed into a bag and a box. Includes fish skull (?)",16/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5220",2.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder, intact. Rectangular, with rounded edges. Piece of light brown sandstone with numerous inclusions of quartz, shell and pebbles: farush. One face is worn flat and slightly concave in the centre. The opposite is convex , sloping down to near vertical edges. Dimensions 25.5 x 19.7 x 6.1 cm.",23/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5220",3.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Fragment of light brown stone with numerous quartz, and occasional shell inclusions, sandstone farush. One face has been worn smooth and flat. The opposite is sub convex and slopes down to irregular sides. One edge is vertical. Dimensions 12.5 x 8.2 x 4.4 cm.",23/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5220",4.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Sub ovoid nodule of dark grey close grained stone. Irregular concave surface is abraded. The opposite side has two flat - concave surfaces with some deep scarring. Probably broken during pounding. Dimensions 9.3 x 8.2 x 5.4 cm.",23/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5220",5.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder. Ovoid nodule of dark grey flint with light grey-white cortex. The maximum diameter edges are abraded and deeply scarred. Intact. Dimensions 11.8 x 9.9 x 5.0 cm.",23/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5220",6.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Pounder/Smoother. Sub trapezoid piece of coarse grained stone with large light-dark grey & white inclusions. Type of schist? One face possibly worn smooth and flat-concave, then partly abraded during pounding. The opposite face is deeply scarred. The angled edges/faces are the most intensively abraded, and party scarred. Intact. Dimensions 11.4 x 10.5 x 4.5 cm.",29/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5220",7.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. Not sieved.",23/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5220",8.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Sub ovoid bumpy fragment of copper. Deposit not sieved. Dimensions 1.6 x 0.9 x 0.8 cm.",23/3/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "5221",1.00,"BONE","ARTICULATED","Articulated sheep/goat skeleton. Consolidated with Primal. In separate crate. See also Object Nos. 5221:1-7.",18/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5221",2.00,"BONE","ARTICULATED","Articulated sheep/goat skeleton. Consolidated with Primal. In separate crate. See also Object Nos. 5221:1 - 7.",18/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5221",3.00,"BONE","ARTICULATED","Articulated sheep/goat skeleton. Consolidated with Primal. In two crates. See also Object Nos. 5221:1 - 7. N. B. 5221:5 has been combined with 5221:3. (Being the animal's legs)",18/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5221",4.00,"BONE","ARTICULATED","Articulated bones of small animal. Packed in box. Consolidated with Primal. See also Object Nos. 5221:1-7",18/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5221",5.00,"BONE","ARTICULATED","See 5221:3.",18/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5221",6.00,"BONE","ARTICULATED","Sheep/goat bones not immediately associated with other articulated groups in deposit. Separate bag. See also Object Nos. 5221:1 - 7.",18/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5221",7.00,"BONE","ARTICULATED","Articulated sheep/goat skeleton. Half consolidated in Primal. 12 bones individually consolidated with Primal at different strengths. All in crate. See also Object Nos. 5221:1-6.",18/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5222",1.00,"BITUMEN","BEAD","Spherical bead with large central hole. Surface once smooth but now deeply pitted. Intact. Height 1.5, diameter 1.9-2.1 cm.",25/3/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "5222",2.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","2 copper fragments covered by thick green patina. 1) Wire or nail, oval in section, bent into a tight pointed loop 1.7 x 1.4 x 0.6 cm. 2) Sub triangular flat strip bent into slight curve 1.2 x 0.7 x 0.3 cm.",25/3/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "5222",3.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Pounder/Smoother. Sub ovoid nodule of coarse grained stone with large dark grey, white and yellow inclusions. Type of schist? One and possibly two other faces have been worn smooth. The rest of the surface is abraded. The largest face is deeply scarred. Intact. Dimensions 11.6 x 11.2 x 7.3 cm. Chloritic metamorphic rock. (M Mendeck May 1995)",29/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5222",4.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Pounder/Smoother. Sub ovoid nodule of light grey limestone. Several faces abraded and deeply scarred. One face has been formed by a large scar probably from pounding. One end face is worn smooth. Intact. Dimensions 9.1 x 8.2 x 6.0 cm.",29/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5223",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. Not sieved.",25/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5223",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. Not sieved.",25/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5223",3.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Fragment of Pounder or Scraping tool. Large long flake of mottled grey-creamy white flint with remnant creamy white cortex. The striking platform is scarred and the adjoining proximal edge is abraded. Due to pounding? The irregular distal edge is partly plunging as well as denticulated but the latter is probably naturally formed. On either side are two large concave edges. Intact. L: 7.8, W: 5.2, T: 1.8 cm.",25/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5224",1.00,"STEATITE","VESSEL","Rectangular vessel carved from dark grey steatite. Plain, thin, slightly worn rim, sides almost straight, sloped outwards to near base, then slightly in, turning abruptly to almost flat, very slightly convex base. The vessel is wider at the base than at the rim, and trapezoid in plan. Smooth and polished. All corners are slightly rounded. Interior has smooth flat surfaces curving to flat-slightly concave base. Three faces of the exterior have incised decoration, while the fourth - the largest - is plain, with a swollen ridge down each side and across the bottom. This is presumably the filed-down stump of a con-joining vessel, the original being double. The incised decoration on the sides adjacent to the break consists in each case of a vertical row of four circles down either side, each circle with double circumference and central dot. The side opposite the break, which is slightly larger, is the same, but with the addition of another circle between the lowest two, to form a row across the bottom, and another immediately above, to form another horizontal row. All three sides are outlined with a single incised line down the sides and across the bottom. Height 5.1, width 3.5-5.2, thickness 3.8-4.2 cm.",23/3/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "5226",1.00,"BONES","BONES","Mixed bone. Not sieved. One bag and one small container with skull fragment.",28/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5226",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. Not sieved. 14 bivalves show consistent angled breakages: where bashed open?",28/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5226",3.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Sub ovoid nodule of dark grey close grained stone, basalt (?). All surfaces abraded particularly on one end and narrow face. Two faces are deeply scarred, probably due to pounding. Intact. Dimensions 8.8 x 7.8 x 5.8 cm.",29/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5226",4.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Fragment of Pounder/Smoother. Sub triangular corner fragment of dark grey close grained stone. Two faces worn smooth, and one later abraded. The other extant face and the edges are abraded. Probably broken during pounding. Dimensions 6.9 x 6.6 x 2.9 cm.",29/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5226",5.00,"FOSSIL BIVALVE","POUNDER","Bivalve fossil possibly utilized as a Pounder tool. The edges and sides are slightly scarred/worn. Intact. Length 5.1, width 5.1, thickness 3.9 cm.",29/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5226",6.00,"FOSSIL BIVALVE","POUNDER","Bivalve fossil possibly utilized as Pounder tool. Light grey limestone. Edges and upper part of one side is scarred. Intact. Length 4.6, width 5.1, thickness 3.3 cm.",29/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5226",7.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Sub ovoid nodule of dark grey close grained stone, basalt (?) The two opposing flat and flat-convex faces have been worn smooth and then abraded. The curved edge of largest diameter is abraded. Intact. Dimensions 6.5 x 6.1 x 4.4 cm.",29/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5226",8.00,"PLASTER","STOPPER","Lump of grey plaster, carefully shaped to a rounded cone: presumably a stopper. Has flattish upper face tapering to a rounded base. Intact. Height 8.4, diameter 7.9-8.0 cm. Weight 507.8 gm.",29/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5226",9.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder. Sub ovoid nodule of banded and mottled brown chert with creamy white cortex. Parts of the surface are abraded and deeply scarred. Primarily worked from opposing faces. Intact. Dimensions 7.7 x 6.1 x 5.6 cm.",29/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5226",10.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder/Chopper. Sub ovoid nodule, with pointed ends, of brown flint/chert with creamy white cortex. It is well used with numerous deep scars particularly from using the ends and wider edges. The formed steep edges could have been utilized for chopping. Intact. Dimensions 6. x 4.4 x 3.0 cm.",29/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5226",11.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder/Chopper. Sub ovoid nodule of mottled brown chert with creamy white cortex. One side has deep natural hollow. If a pounder it is well used with numerous deep bifacial scars. If a chopper the shaping has formed a steep irregular edge. Intact. Dimensions 7.2 x 6.5 x 5.0 cm.",29/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5226",12.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder fragment? Sub ovoid angled fragment of dark grey coarse grained stone with large white inclusions. A type of schist? One face has the original desert worn and pitted surface. The others are sharp and almost flat, probably formed by pounding. Dimensions 6.6 x 5.6 x 5.1 cm. Metamorphic rock. (M Mendeck May 1995)",29/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5226",13.00,"PLASTER","DISC LID","Disc-shaped lid, of light grey plaster. Half extant. The two faces are fairly smooth and flat to convex. The extant edge is rounded. Height 2.5, diameter 10.4 cm.",28/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5226",14.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder/Core. Sub oval fragment of mottled dark brown and pinky grey flint. The two scarred convex faces may have been caused by long-term pounding or to produce flakes. The outer curved edge of the extant nodule is very abraded. Intact? Dimensions 5.9 x 5.1 x 2.4 cm. Last large flake on one face L: 4.2, W: 4.3 cm.",26/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5226",15.00,"FLINT","FLAKE","Possibly utilised flake. Wide flake of light grey-brown flint. Scarred striking platform and plunging distal edge. The distal edge has possible retouch or usewear. The dorsal face has scars struck previously from the proximal end. L: 2.3, W: 2.7, T: 0.7 cm.",2/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5226",16.00,"SHELL","PIERCED CONCH","Small conch shell (Strombus) with sub-oval hole in its side. Shell length 5.2, width 2.8, thickness 2.5 cm. Hole dimensions 0.8 x 0.5 cm.",26/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5226",17.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Twenty tiny fragments of bitumen, from the lining of one or more woven vessels. Most have impression of cross- woven palm-leaf. Largest 0.6 x 0.4 x 0.05 cm.",29/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5226",18.00,"SHELL","PIERCED BIVALVE","Bivalve shell with large sub-oval hole in the side. Shell length 3.4, width 4.1 cm. Hole dimensions 1.4 x 1.0 cm.",29/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5231",1.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Fragment of Pounder/Smoother. Sub cuboid fragment of dark grey close grained stone. All extant surfaces are abraded except for one which is concave and worn very smooth (almost polished). Probably broken during pounding. Dimensions 5.8 x 5.4d x 5.2 cm.",2/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5231",2.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder. Sub ovoid nodule of mottled and banded brown chert with creamy-light grey cortex. Surface abraded and in places deeply scarred. Intact. Dimensions 5.8 x 5.7 x 4.9 cm.",2/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5231",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. Includes two articulated fish vertebrae.",2/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5231",4.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell.",2/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5232",1.00,"POTTERY","PLATE","Plate, about a quarter extant, giving profile except for centre of base. Hard cream clay with pink core, grit and veg. Temper. Surface abraded. Rim bevelled to outside and slightly rounded; wide, shallow depression on outside just below rim; sides straight, vessel tapers to disc base. Ht. 6.0, rim di. C. 32, ba. Di. C. 6-8 cm.",1/7/1992 00:00:00,, "5232",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. Not sieved.",12/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5232",3.00,"COPPER","PIN","Short length of substantial copper wire, with oval section and slightly pointed ends. Presumably part of a heavy pin. Length 3.3, diameter 0.5-0.6 cm.",12/4/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "5232",4.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Broken Pounder/Smoother. Corner fragment of sub cuboid very dense dark grey close grained stone. Extant parts of three faces have been worn smooth and flat. The edges and the corner are rounded and slightly abraded. The edges of the broken flat faces are later abraded. Possibly broken during pounding. Dimensions 6.8 x 6.6 x 4.3 cm. Suspect chlorite metamorphic rock. (M Mendeck May 1995)",23/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5232",5.00,"PLASTER","PIERCED OBJECT","Half of a pyramid-shaped object of creamy white plaster. One face nearly flat, curving to rounded edges, the other sharply conical, with a large central hole, presumably to attach a stick or piece of palm frond. This hole has partial linear impressions. It opens onto the conical face but finishes just 0.5 cm away from the other face. Diameter 9.2, height 4.8 cm.",25/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5232",6.00,"STONE","PIERCED OBJECT","Stone fragment with drilled hole. Sub-rectangular piece of grey close grained stone with predominantly horizontal bedding. Possibly mudstone or limestone. Both large faces are worn (?) smooth and flat, the edges partly abraded and scarred. The object is slightly narrowed in the middle of the edges creating an axe-like shape. Near the centre of the shortest end is a hole drilled through the stone at an angle. Beside this hole the corner of the stone has broken off otherwise it is intact. Dimensions 9.3 x 7.4 x 1.9 cm. Hole diameter: 0.6 cm.",25/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5232",7.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Pounder/Smoother. Sub ovoid nodule of very dense dark grey close grained stone. One convex face is worn fairly smooth and later partly abraded. The opposite is deeply scarred. The outer curved edge is very abraded. Intact. Dimensions 8.6 x 8.3 x 5.5 cm.",25/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5232",8.00,"FOSSIL BIVALVE","POUNDER","Bivalve fossil possibly used as a Pounder tool. Sub ovoid light grey limestone. Surface is worn and abraded particularly on the outer curved edge. Intact. Length 4.6, width 4.4, thickness 3.5 cm.",25/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5232",9.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Sub oval/S-shaped fragment of copper strip. Dimensions 1.9 x 1.1 x 0.4 cm.",25/4/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "5232",10.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder possible Core. Sub ovoid nodule of banded grey-red brown flint with remnant creamy white cortex. Most of surface is abraded or deeply scarred, particularly one curved area. Variety of irregular flake scars. Intact. Dimensions 6.2 x 6.1 x 4.5 cm. Flake approximate size L: 1.9, W: 3.2 cm.",26/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5232",11.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Pounder/Smoother. Sub ovoid-cuboid nodule with flattened sides of light grey limestone. One face is worn very smooth and flat, the opposite is fairly flat but probably natural. The outer curved-squared sides and edges are abraded. The two flat faces have slight later abrading on them as well. Intact. Dimensions 6.5 x 6.4 x 5.5 cm.",26/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5238",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Pit sample. 4 buckets.",8/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5248",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. Not sieved.",12/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5248",2.00,"BITUMEN","LUMP","Sub-ovoid lump of bitumen, now broken into one large and four small fragments. Smoothed surfaces, one flat. Dimensions 5.2 x 3.2 x 3.1 cm.",12/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5248",3.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAG","Fragment from the bitumen lining to a woven vessel, showing impressions of cross-woven palm-leaf. Dimensions 2.2 x 1.7 x 1.3 cm.",12/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5251",1.00,"FOSSIL BIVALVE","POUNDER","Bivalve fossil possibly used as Pounder tool. Sub ovoid light grey limestone. Abraded or worn on edges and on broad end. Intact. Height 4.4, width 4.9, thickness 3.3 cm.",15/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5251",2.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder/Core. Sub ovoid piece of banded grey-red brown flint with remnant creamy-white cortex. Surface is deeply scarred. If core it is multi-platformed with wide range of flake sizes and shapes. Flint not good quality causing flakes to be irregular. Intact. Dimensions 7.1 x 6.0 x 4.5 cm. Flake sizes L: 3.4, W: 1.4 ; L: 3.6, W: 3.8 cm. Some smaller.",15/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5251",3.00,"FOSSIL ECHINOID","POUNDER","Echinoid fossil possibly used as Pounder. Sub ovoid light grey limestone with flattish base and convex upper surface. A few scars and a small area of black staining (bitumen?) on the curved outer edge. Wear or abrading on upper convex surface. Intact. Dimensions 4.6 x 4.2 x 2.2 cm.",15/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5251",4.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Fragment of Pounder. Sub oval flake of nodule of light brown smoky quartz-quartzite (?) with creamy-white cortex. Abrading marks on outer convex surface, particularly near where this flake was struck off probably during pounding. Dimensions 6.4 x 6.0 x 2.7 cm.",17/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5251",5.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Pounder/Smoother. Sub triangular fragment of dark grey close grained stone. The two largest faces have been worn smooth and relatively flat, and then later partly abraded and scarred. The extant narrow end and the edges have been abraded and deeply scarred. Tool has been broken at one end possibly during pounding. Dimensions 8.2 x 5.2 x 2.8 cm.",17/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5251",6.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Axe/Pounder. Waisted sub ovoid nodule of very dense dark grey close grained stone, broken at one end. The entire surface is abraded, particularly at the two slightly convex ends and the narrow edges. The centre of one edge appears to have been deliberately abraded forming a small elongated hollow. (The opposite side is broken) This waisted appearance continues across one face as it is convex. The other face is fairly flat, possibly natural. The extant convex end is deeply scarred and the other is broken, probably during pounding. Three quarters intact. Dimensions 9.0 x 5.8-6.5 x 3.8-4.1 cm.",17/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5251",7.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder fragment of light brown sandstone with numerous quartz inclusions. Sub-square. Lower face is worn (?) flat, the opposite is also fairly flat. The extant edge is steeply angled and convex. Dimensions 10.4 x 8.7 x 4.7 cm.",17/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5251",8.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Fragment of Pounder. Sub square flake of poor quality dark grey flint/chert with remnant light grey cortex. Large flake probably broken off during pounding. Striking platform area is very abraded. Dimensions 4.7 x 4.5 x 1.7 cm.",17/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5251",9.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder. Sub hemispherical nodule of mottled grey-red brown flint with remnant creamy white cortex on the outer surface. Surface is very abraded and deeply scarred, particularly near the broken edges. The nodule was probably broken during pounding. Dimensions 8.2 x 5.1 x 4.4 cm.",17/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5251",10.00,"FOSSIL BIVALVE","POUNDER","Bivalve fossil possibly used as Pounder tool. Sub ovoid light grey limestone. Wear or abrading marks on outer edge and thick side. Intact and in good condition. Height 5.1, width 5.5, thickness 3.2 cm.",17/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5251",11.00,"SHELL","SHELL","One shell.",22/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5253",1.00,"COPPER","HOOK","Broken fishhook. Part of shaft with circular section, curving round to form hook with pointed tip. Reasonable condition. Extant length 2.7, width hook 2.0, diameter of shaft 0.35-0.5 cm.",13/4/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "5262",1.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Pounder/Smoother. Sub ovoid nodule of light grey limestone. One face is worn smooth and flat. The opposite is concave with small central hollow. The outer curved sides are very abraded and partly scarred. One part is partly concave and possibly broken during pounding. Dimensions 6.6 x 5.0 x 4.6 cm.",23/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5262",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone.",23/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5263",1.00,"FOSSIL BIVALVE","POUNDER","Bivalve fossil possibly used as Pounder tool. Sub ovoid light grey limestone. Very worn surface with much abrading particularly near the angled edges. Intact. Length 5.5, width 5.6, thickness 4.4 cm.",23/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5264",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. Not sieved. 1 bivalve has two or three large nicks on the edge, possibly worked and not natural. [ ignore. JM] 13 bivalves show consistent angled breakages: where bashed open?",22/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5264",2.00,"SHELL","PIERCED CONCH","Small conch shell (Strombus) with large sub-oval hole in the side. Shell length 5.4, width 2.7, thickness 2.2 cm. Hole dimensions 1.5 x 0.9 cm.",22/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5264",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone.",22/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5264",4.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Pounder/Smoother. Sub ovoid nodule of dense dark grey close grained stone. One face is (worn?) smooth and flat. The opposite face is abraded and deeply scarred. The edges and particularly the ends are very abraded. Intact. Dimensions 5.0 x 3.7 x 3.1 cm.",22/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5270",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Tannur fill. 100% sample. 1.5 buckets.",30/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5275",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed, not sieved. Several are burnt. Several large mammal skull bones the same as in 5277:1.",22/2/1998 00:00:00,, "5275",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed, not sieved.",11/2/1998 00:00:00,, "5275",3.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAG","Fragment from the bitumen lining to a woven vessel. One face is smoothish, the other has impression of cross-woven palm leaf vessel. Dimensions 2.3 x 1.2 x 0.5 cm. Leaf strip width 0.6 cm.",3/3/1998 00:00:00,, "5275",4.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Fragment of Smoother/Pounder. Oval piece of dark grey medium grained igneous stone with parts of two adjoining extant surfaces. Possibly Dolerite. One face has been worn smooth and slightly convex, the other is scarred and pitted. Dimensions 4.2 x 3.1 x 0.9 cm.",11/2/1998 00:00:00,, "5275",5.00,"POTTERY","JAR","Part of small jar: profile to near base. Red clay with many circular white inclusions. Outer surface has buff and black patches. Plain rim, slightly swollen and pulled out. Short, waisted neck, swelling to squat rounded body. Body curves in towards (missing) base. Diameter approx. 9 cm. Probable height 12.2 cm. Max. width (reconstructed) 15.2 cm.",11/2/1998 00:00:00,, "5275",6.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Possible Pounder or worn pebble. Diamond-shaped grey limestone pebble with naturally worn and rounded surfaces. The two rounded ends may have been used but are worn. Dimensions 6.3 x 4.4 x 3.4 cm.",11/2/1998 00:00:00,, "5275",7.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder made from sub-oval piece of light brown sandstone with small sand grains. Intact. Upper surface has been worn flat and smoothish. The lower face is convex with several rounded natural hollows. Two sides and one end are straight, with one convex end. The straight end is scarred. Dimensions 23.0 x 17.6 x 3.3 cm.",22/2/1998 00:00:00,, "5276",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed. One fish scale. One unusual small jaw with teeth and several burnt fragments. General.",1/3/1998 00:00:00,, "5276",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed. General.",3/3/1998 00:00:00,, "5276",3.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","About fifty fragments from the lining of one or more woven vessels. All have impression of cross-woven palm leaf strips on one surface, with the other surface smooth. Largest dimensions 4.1 x 2.3 x 0.7 cm. Leaf strip width 0.4-1.2 cm.",11/2/1998 00:00:00,,"As badly shattered not possible to lift. Context sheet has measurements. Stored in small plastic container." "5276",4.00,"CLAY","FRAG","1 sub ovoid blob of light green clay. One surface is convex, the other is irregular and concave. No obvious impressions, although the concave surface may have worn string marks. Dimensions 3.15 x 2.7 x 1.4 cm.",1/3/1998 00:00:00,, "5276",5.00,"BITUMEN","LID OR BUNG","Broken bung or tiny lid. One surface is slightly concave with an irregular knob, the other surface is convex. Both surfaces are smooth with all edges broken or chipped. Inclusions of vegetable matter. Dimensions 2.4 x 2.3 x 0.55 (-1.2 with knob) cm.",1/3/1998 00:00:00,, "5276",6.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Solid irregular fragment of copper. One face flattish, the other is bumpy with a small burnt fragment attached. Wiggly edges. Dimensions 3.8 x 1.6 x 0.8 cm.",20/2/1998 00:00:00,, "5276",7.00,"STONE","PEBBLE","Pebble of milky quartz with worn surface. Sub triangular with two adjoining flat surfaces. No obvious sign of working. Dimensions 1.55 x 1.3 x 1.3 cm.",3/3/1998 00:00:00,, "5276",8.00,"SHELL","BLISTER PEARL","Blister pearl on inside of pearl oyster shell. Positioned near to straight edge of shell, the blister is ovoid and partly open on one side. Shell L: 4.25; W: 4.0. Blister dimensions 0.7 x 0.55 x 0.55 cm.",3/3/1998 00:00:00,, "5276",9.00,"ORGANIC","SEEDS","7 tiny fragments of carbonised tiny date pip or seeds. Largest dimensions 0.3 x 0.3 x 0.2 cm.",1/3/1998 00:00:00,, "5276",10.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Sub ovoid piece of dark grey close grained igneous stone. Probably basalt. One face is flat, from an old break. The other two faces are convex and concave. The convex face is fairly smooth, with a scarred side edge. The small triangular end is convex and smooth, with scarred edges. The larger end is convex and deeply scarred. Dimensions 10.4 x 7.9 x 4.8 cm. small end dimensions 5.2 x 3.5 cm.",21/4/1998 00:00:00,, "5277",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Skull bones of large mammal. Long flat pieces with parallel sutures. See also 5275:1 for more pieces.",16/2/1998 00:00:00,, "5277",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed. General.",16/2/1998 00:00:00,, "5277",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed. General.",16/2/1998 00:00:00,, "5278",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed, not sieved.",16/2/1998 00:00:00,, "5278",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed, general. 2 show consistent angled breakages: where bashed open?",16/2/1998 00:00:00,, "5278",3.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Possible Smoother/Pounder or worn pebble. Small oval pebble of whitish limestone, with naturally weathered surfaces. One flattish surface is slightly smooth, and one end has several small pitted marks. Dimensions 3.5 x 2.55 x 1.0 cm.",16/2/1998 00:00:00,, "5278",4.00,"STONE","FLAKE","Possible Tool or accidental flake off a Tool. Angled thin piece of light grey limestone, with scarred platform and reworked distal end. The concave distal edge may have been utilized. L: 8.2; W: 5.85; T: 1.35 cm.",16/2/1998 00:00:00,, "5293",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed. General.",28/2/1998 00:00:00,, "5293",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS"," Mixed. General.",28/2/1998 00:00:00,, "5302",1.00,"BONE","BONES","2 burnt fragments.",28/2/1998 00:00:00,, "5302",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed. General.",28/2/1998 00:00:00,, "5306",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed. General.",7/3/1998 00:00:00,, "5306",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed. General.",7/3/1998 00:00:00,, "5306",3.00,"ORGANIC","DATE PIPS","Approx. 10 tiny fragments of carbonised date pip(s). Largest dimensions 0.7 x 0.65 x 0.5 cm.",7/3/1998 00:00:00,, "5307",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed, general, with several burnt fragments.",7/3/1998 00:00:00,, "5307",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed. General.",7/3/1998 00:00:00,, "5307",3.00,"ORGANIC","DATE PIP","Approx. 10 tiny fragments of carbonised date pip(s). Largest dimensions 0.8 x 0.5 x 0.4 cm.",7/3/1998 00:00:00,, "5308",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed. General.",7/3/1998 00:00:00,, "5308",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed. General.",7/3/1998 00:00:00,, "5309",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed. General.",18/3/1998 00:00:00,, "5309",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed, general. 1 burnt fragment.",18/3/1998 00:00:00,, "5310",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed, general.",31/3/1998 00:00:00,, "5310",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed. General.",31/3/1998 00:00:00,, "5310",3.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder/Pestle fragment. Wedge-shaped piece of dark grey medium grained igneous stone. Possibly dolerite. Parts of two convex faces which are deeply scarred. One side edge is smooth and rounded, probably natural weathered surface. The small end is very scarred, the wide end is flattish, with one edge broken away. Dimensions 6.9 x 6.4-4.2 x 4.2 cm. Dimensions small end 4.3 x 3.9 cm; large (broken) end 6.0 x 3.6 cm.",31/3/1998 00:00:00,, "5310",4.00,"ORGANIC","DATE PIP","One tiny fragment of carbonised date pip. Dimensions 0.45 x 0.4 x 0.3 cm.",31/3/1998 00:00:00,, "5328",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed, general. 13 show consistent angled breakages: where bashed open?",18/3/1998 00:00:00,, "5328",2.00,"FOSSIL BIVALVE","POUNDER","Fossilized bivalve used as a pounder. Sub-spherical piece of light grey limestone, with low convex faces. Fire blacked prior to use. Parts of two main faces and the circumference edges are pitted. L: 4.1; W: 4.2; T: 3.5 cm.",18/3/1998 00:00:00,, "5328",3.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder fragment. TO BE DESCRIBED 1999.",21/4/1998 00:00:00,, "5328",4.00,"BONE","BONES","Fish bone fragments.",21/4/1998 00:00:00,, "5328",5.00,"COPPER","WIRE OBJECT","Shaft fragment off possible fish hook, pin, nail etc. Square in section, tapering to rounded point. Broken off at thickest end (old break). Length 4.45; width 0.55-0.3; thickness 0.4-0.3 cm.",21/4/1998 00:00:00,, "5333",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","General, all bivalve clam.",23/3/1998 00:00:00,, "5340",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Fish bone fragments. General.",29/3/1998 00:00:00,, "5340",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed, general, mostly bivalve clam. 4 show consistent angled breakages: where bashed open?",29/3/1998 00:00:00,, "5367",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed. General.",29/3/1998 00:00:00,, "5367",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","2 bivalve clam.",29/3/1998 00:00:00,, "5367",3.00,"PLASTER","FRAG","Soft, dark grey, ash plaster lump, with numerous inclusions of carbonised vegetal matter, tiny pebbles and small animal bone fragments. Dimensions 6.1 x 3.8 x 3.35 cm.",29/3/1998 00:00:00,, "5369",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed. General.",29/3/1998 00:00:00,, "5369",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed. General.",29/3/1998 00:00:00,, "5369",3.00,"FLINT","FLAKE","Flake, possibly off a Pounder. Oval piece of opaque grey-brown flint with creamy white cortex, and red-brown sub cortex. Platform scarred (near cortex area) and termination snapped. Bulbar scar. L: 2.4; W: 2.8; T: 0.7 cm.",29/3/1998 00:00:00,, "5369",4.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","About thirty fragments from the lining of one or more woven vessels, showing impressions of unusual palm frond pieces, and other vegetable inclusions. Some palm -leaf strip impressions. Largest dimensions 2.95 x 1.6 x 0.5 cm. Largest palm frond piece, oval in section, diameter: 2.0-1.5; length: 1.9 cm.",13/3/1998 00:00:00,, "5369",5.00,"SHELL","PIERCED BIVALVE","Bivalve shell (with radiating ridges) with large circular hole at the hinge end. Shell L: 4.2; W: 4.45; thickness (at hinge): 1.3 cm. Hole diameter 1.7 cm.",29/3/1998 00:00:00,, "5375",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed. General.",11/4/1998 00:00:00,, "5375",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed. General",11/4/1998 00:00:00,, "5375",3.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","About twenty fragments from the bitumen lining to a woven vessel. Most have one smooth flattish face, with the other showing impression of cross-woven palm-leaf vessel. Dimensions of largest 2.4 x 2.1 x 0.5 cm. Leaf strip width 1.5 cm.",11/4/1998 00:00:00,, "5384",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed, general, several burnt.",11/4/1998 00:00:00,, "5384",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed, general. 1 fragment is burnt.",11/4/1998 00:00:00,, "5384",3.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Large Pestle/Pounder end fragment. Sub trapezoid chunky piece of light grey, with pinkish mottle, quartzite. Remains of four side faces which are flat with rounded edges. All are pitted. The extant triangular end is slightly convex. It has been worn partly smooth, with a scatter of pitting. Extant L: 6.8; W: 9.4-6.1 ; T: 7.4-5.9 cm. End dimensions 6.1 x 5.9 cm.",11/4/1998 00:00:00,, "5386",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","General. Large bag of mostly venus clams. 1 is burnt; and 22 show consistent angled breakages: where bashed open?",11/4/1998 00:00:00,, "5386",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed. General.",11/4/1998 00:00:00,, "5388",1.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Four fragments of bitumen from the lining of one or more woven vessels. Different sizes and shapes but all probably from lining. Largest is thicker than usual. It is trapezoid shaped, with one slightly convex smooth face, and the other concave face has impression of palm-leaf strips (all lying in one direction). Dimensions 3.5 x 2.5 x 1.2 cm.",11/4/1998 00:00:00,, "5388",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed. General.",11/4/1998 00:00:00,, "5388",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed. General.",11/4/1998 00:00:00,, "5388",4.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Fragment of Pounder/possible Smoother. Sub square piece of dark grey medium grained igneous stone. Possibly dolerite. One face is extant, with pitting and scarring around a rounded edge, and the beginnings of a possible smooth face. Very clean, found in pot bucket. Dimensions 2.6 x 2.5 x 1.15 cm.",11/4/1998 00:00:00,, "5388",5.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Fragment of Pounder, or possible end Scraper. Triangular piece of mottled grey-brown flint, with curved sides. The straight wide end has bifacial retouch or continuous scarring. The pointed end is also scarred. Both main faces are formed by scarring. Very clean, found in pot bucket. Dimensions 3.4 x 1.8 x 1.3 cm. Length of retouched edge 1.65 cm",11/4/1998 00:00:00,, "5429",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Fish bone fragments. General.",21/4/1998 00:00:00,, "5429",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed, general, mostly bivalve clam.",21/4/1998 00:00:00,, "5433",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed. General.",21/4/1998 00:00:00,, "5433",2.00,"STONE","FRAG","Natural fragment, possible building stone. Sub rectangular, tapering, piece of dark grey limestone. Heat affected. All six faces have naturally weathered flat surfaces. Dimensions 6.5 x 3.5 x 2.3 cm. DISCARDED.",21/4/1998 00:00:00,, "5443",1.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Wedge/Punch, possible Core piece. Rectangular piece, with triangular section, of dark brown flint. Probably heat affected, as slightly crackled on one side. Scars and crushing at each end, and flake scars across the width of two faces from struck sharply angled edges. L: 3.0; W: 1.7; T: 1.36 cm.",21/4/1998 00:00:00,, "5443",2.00,"STONE","FRAG","Possible Tool or Vessel fragment, or perhaps an abrasive Smoother? Unusual light brown sandstone with tiny white and black inclusions. Rubs off in the fingers. Sub rectangular, with two very smooth faces, one flat, the other slightly convex. One convex edge, at one end, may be original. Here the side is tapering down to the convex face. Dimensions 3.8 x 2.7 x 1.45 cm.",21/4/1998 00:00:00,, "5500",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. Not sieved.",11/2/1995 00:00:00,, "5500",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. Not sieved.",11/2/1995 00:00:00,, "5500",4.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","17 fragments of copper. All different sizes and shapes, mostly sub oval. Some with brown staining. Twelve are sub ovoid. Range dimensions 1.1 x 1.0 x 0.6 cm to 3.3 x 2.7 x 2.1 cm. Four are flattish strips, mostly sub rectangular. Range dimensions 0.9 x 0.8 x 0.1 cm to 1.9 x 1.3 x 0.8 cm. One is a tiiny ovoid fragment 0.2 x 0.2 x 0.2 cm.",13/2/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "5500",5.00,"COPPER","RING","Strip of copper curled twice to form a coiled ring. Good condition with thick patina. Strip width 3, thickness 3 cm. Ring diameter 1.9-2.0 cm.",14/2/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "5500",6.00,"CLAY","FRAGS","39 fragments of light green-grey clay. Found close together. Not sieved. -3 adjoining broken from one sub cuboid piece. Total dimensions 5.3 x 2.8 x 2.2 cm. -2 adjoining broken from one rectangular piece with flat faces. Total dimensions 8.4 x 3.2 x 2.5 cm.",11/2/1995 00:00:00,, "5500",7.00,"BONE","BONES","Rodent bones.",14/2/1995 00:00:00,, "5500",8.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing of dark grey clay with large white inclusions. Rectangular fragment, the preserved portion representing the centre of an impressions, and a small segment of one edge. Obverse: In the centre, the lower part of a standing human figure in long tiered skirt, feet missing, touching a pair of angular lines, possibly the legs of a seated figure facing right. Very damaged figure in left field. Reverse: Knot/string impression. Dimensions 1.8 x 1.2 x 0.74 cm.",16/2/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "5500",9.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing of coarse, dark grey clay, with numerous small white inclusions. Fragment of ovoid bulla? String hole, diameter 0.04 cm, at narrow ends and impression of string through body of bulla. Further impressions on transverse section, perhaps of a knot. Dimensions 2.5 x 2.15 x 1.15 cm.",16/2/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "5500",10.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","17 bitumen fragments. All irregular shapes with one fairly smooth face. Several show impressions of organic material on one face. Range dimensions 0.6 x 0.5 x 0.4 cm t0 3.0 x 2.7 x 1.4 cm.",11/2/1995 00:00:00,, "5500",11.00,"SHELL","PIERCED BIVALVE","Pearl oyster shell with large sub-oval hole in side. Shell length 3.7, width 3.8 cm. Hole dimensions 1.5 x 1.2 cm.",11/2/1995 00:00:00,, "5500",12.00,"PLASTER","OBJECT","Curved fragment of grey ashy gypsum plaster that shows moulding of some object, perhaps a pot. One face is convex and fairly smooth. The opposite is convex with a thickened rim. Possibly used as a sealing or a lid. Dimensions 9.4 x 4.5 x 0.8-1.6 cm.",21/2/1995 00:00:00,, "5500",13.00,"STONE",,"LOCATION? Context sheet has 'cut stone'",1/7/1995 00:00:00,, "5500",14.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder or Weight. Sub spheroid with two flattish faces. Dark grey close grained stone. Abraded over almost entire surface, particularly on convex areas and in centre of one flatter face where hollow has formed due to constant pounding. One large scar but otherwise intact. Dimensions 6.8 x 6.8 x 4.8 cm. Weight 307.0 gm.",13/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5500",15.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Pounder/Smoother. Sub trapezoid piece of light grey limestone. The largest convex face, and parts of two others have been worn smooth. The other faces are abraded. Some multiple use of side faces for pounding and smoothing. Two side faces in particular have deep scars. Intact. Very good example. Dimensions 8.6 x 6.4 x 5.6 cm. Smooth convex surface 7.8 x 5.5 cm.",13/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5500",16.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Fragment of Pounder/Smoother. Dark grey and slightly mottled close grained stone with quartz vein. Extant faces have convex smooth surfaces and the other is abraded and scarred. Probably broken off during pounding. Dimensions 4.4 x 4.2 x 2.5 cm. Appears to be low grade metamorphic shale. (M Mendeck May 1995)",13/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5500",17.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder/Core. Sub ovoid-cuboid nodule, with one large flattish face, of mottled grey-brown chert with creamy white cortex. Several abraded and scarred areas. Probably used for heavy duty pounding. The large flattish-concave face is a result of an old natural fracturing as it has slight patina. Intact. Dimensions 10. x 5.5 x 4.7 cm. Flake sizes L: 5.4, W: 5.6; L: 2.0, W: 4.0? cm.",13/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5500",18.00,"FOSSIL BIVALVE","POUNDER","Bivalve fossil possibly utilised as Pounder tool. Light grey limestone. Complete bivalve (clam) with curved edge abraded and partly scarred. Thicker hinge edge appears very abraded or worn. Possibly merely due to wear in soil. Length 5.1, Width 5.7, Thickness 3.4 cm.",12/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5500",19.00,"COPPER","CHISEL?","Elongated solid piece of copper with flat faces and square section. One end is flatter with a convex edge. Dimensions 4.5 x 0.8-1.1 x 0.8 cm.",13/3/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "5500",20.00,"SHELL","CONE BEAD","Complete cone shell with small hole at apex, presumably for use as bead. Length 3.3, diameter 1.3-1.7 cm.",12/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5500",21.00,"BITUMEN","LID OR BUNG","Small lid or bung. Sub-oval piece of bitumen with smooth surfaces and convex base. Upper surface is fairly flat with small sub oval knob in centre. Rough edges, possibly partly broken. Otherwise intact. Dimensions 3.8 x 3.4 x 0.5 (-1.3 with knob) cm. Knob 1.3 x 1.0 x 0.8 cm.",16/3/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "5500",22.00,"PLASTER","OBJECT","Plaster rendered grave marker/cover. Extant one end of a rectangle. Stone rubble core with light pink-grey plaster on all exterior faces with numerous inclusions of red, black and white. The surface is darker and smooth particularly on the upper face. The vertical sides are plain and flat, becoming uneven at the bottom where the plaster met the ground surface. The extant upper face is decorated with a higher level of the same plaster, leaving an apsidal shaped design in reserve at the central end. The open part of the apse faces the opposite end, the area around it is flat. General extant length 24.5, total width 43.0, total height 20 cm. The vertical side is 17 cm plus 2 cm for the decorated upper surface. Plaster thickness: sides- 0-1cms; upper 2.5-3.0 cm; decorated surface design 2 cm.",17/3/1995 00:00:00,,"DISCARDED 1998. NOT ANCIENT.]" "5500",23.00,"POTTERY","RIDGED JAR","Neck and upper part of shoulder of ridged jar. Dense orange-red fabric, thick light brown coating out, and inside rim. entire surface thickly salt-encrusted. Neck flares, three ribs extant on shoulder. Height 8.3, broken base of rim max diameter 9.4, internal upper neck diameter 7.0-7.1, broken shoulder max width 18.0 cm. Associated with plaster lid 5500: 26.",19/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5500",24.00,"PLASTER","KNOBBED LID","Roughly-made plaster lid, sub-oval in plan, with convex base and concave upper surface, to which a large, sub-oval knob has been applied. The edges, where extant, are thin and irregular. The knob is also roughly made and off centre. The lid is broken immediately beside the knob. Dimensions of body 9.6 x 6.6 x 0.2-1.2 cm. Knob dimensions 3.1 x 2.4 x 2.3 cm.",19/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5500",25.00,"SOIL","FRAG","Burnt soil lump? Grey-black sub ovoid fragment with numerous tiny holes and occasional tiny quartz inclusions. Dimensions 4.9 x 4.1 x 3.0 cm.",13/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5500",26.00,"PLASTER","DOMED LID","Domed plaster lid, three-quarters extant. Base is convex and slightly flares out to edge. The upper surface is rough and slightly concave. The edges are irregular and thick. Top is dark grey in colour, underneath soft and white. Found with jar 5500:23. Height 4.7 cm. Diameter 10.9 cm.",19/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5500",27.00,"CLAY","TOKEN","Sub-circular token of hard baked red clay with occasional white inclusions. Worn, with large nick out of edge. Reverse: domed, with faint fingerprints. Obverse: seal impression, with edge just visible. Design has triple concentric circles motif with small loops on outer side of each circle. Diameter 1.85-2.1, height 0.7 cm. From same seal as 2662:06",26/4/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "5500",28.00,"POTTERY","SHAPED SHERDS","Five pot sherds, cut and shaped to be sub-circular, all with gently curving bodies. Perhaps scrapers. 1) Large sub-oval, one edge scalloped/, forming a point with adjacent edge. Red clay with circular lime particles. Outer surface has dark brown substance adhering. 11.2 x 10.2 x 0.5 cm. 2) Sub-oval with one straight edge. Dark red clay with circular lime particles, especially numerous on interior surface. 7.3 x 6.5 x 0.7 cm. 3) Sub-oval with nick in one end. Orange-red clay with sandy temper and flaking exterior surface. 6.4 x 4.8 x 0.5 cm. 4) Sub-oval with one straight edge. Dark red clay with circular lime particles, especially on numerous interior surface. 5.6 x 5.5 x 0.6 cm. 5) Fan-shaped with one crooked lower edge. Fine yellow clay with sandy temper. Exterior partly blackened. 8.3 x 6.6 x 0.5 cm.",30/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5500",29.00,"BONE","BONES","One bag of mixed bone, not sieved.",16/3/1996 00:00:00,, "5500",30.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","One bag of mixed shell.",19/3/1996 00:00:00,, "5500",31.00,"POTTERY","PIERCED DISC","Sherd worked into rounded shape, with central drilled perforation. Red clay, thick cream slip out. Temper of fine grit and circular lime particles. From large jar. Diameter 8.0-7.4, thickness 0.5-0.9 cm. Hole diameter 0.4-0.8 cm.",20/4/1996 00:00:00,, "5500",32.00,"POTTERY","PIERCED SHERD","Shaped sherd, probably originally square or rectangular, incompletely drilled through the centre. Broken away at perforation. Two adjacent straight edges at right angles partially preserved, rest missing. Coarse red clay, temper of fine grit and some possible vegetable matter. Cream slip on upper surface and one edge. Top worn around finished edges. Dimensions 6.8 x 3.5-5.6 x 1.1-1.3 cm. Hole diameter 1.2 cm.",20/4/1996 00:00:00,, "5502",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Sand layer covering tripods sample. 4 buckets, 14 L.",6/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5503",1.00,"BONE","BONES","One bag of mixed bone not sieved.",11/3/1996 00:00:00,, "5503",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","One bag of mixed shell not sieved.",11/3/1996 00:00:00,, "5503",3.00,"BITUMEN","BEAD","Spherical bead with large central hole. Surface is pitted. Intact. Diameter 2.2-2.3 cm. Height 1.8 cm. Weight 4.7 gm.",11/3/1996 00:00:00,, "5503",4.00,"COPPER","RING","Length of copper wire bent round until ends meet, to form tiny ring. Diameter 0.4-0.6 cm; thickness 0.2-0.4 cm.",21/3/1996 00:00:00,,"broken into two joining fragments." "5506",1.00,"BONE","OBJECT","Bone object made from a long thin piece of solid bone, shaped to be square in section. Each of the four faces is carefully smoothed, and decorated with a single line of incised dot-and-circle motifs along its length. Two faces have 6 circles, one has 7, the other has 8. The motifs are regular but their placement is not. At either end the object tapers, and is carved into parallel deep grooves perpendicular to the length. One end has 5 grooves, the other has 3 extant. The ends are broken off. Length 6.3 cm. Width/thickness: 0.6-0.8 cm. End with 5 grooves width 0.3 cm.",12/3/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "5506",2.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder (fragment?). Sub ovoid nodule of dark grey-brown flint with light grey cortex on irregular surface. Surface deeply scarred due to pounding. Otherwise intact? Dimensions 6.7 x 6.0 x 3.6 cm.",14/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5506",3.00,"COPPER","AWL","Copper awl in bone handle. Awl blade is square in section, becoming circular and narrowing to a point at the end . Exposed length 8.1, diameter 0.5-0.8 cm. Handle is made from a long bone with slightly damaged epiphysis at the handle end. The shaft has been cut off at right-angles, and the blade hafted into a circular hole. In this area the bone has been shaped to be roughly square in section with rounded corners. Handle length 7.8-7.9 cm. At hafting point: width 1.2, thickness 1.3 cm. Overall tool length 16 cm. Part of handle split away below hafting point.",17/3/1995 00:00:00,"Y"," Cleaned by conservator and handle consolidated in Paraloid B72.In reasonable condition but bone starting to split longitudinally." "5506",4.00,"STEATITE","BOWL RIM","Fragment from the rim and upper body of a large decorated steatite bowl. Rim flat on top, sides fairly slender, tapering slightly to curve in towards base. All surfaces smooth with fine tool scratches, these being slightly deeper on the interior. Good condition generally. Incised decoration on outside is confined to the area below the rim, and consists of a band of circles each with double circumference and central dot, the band bordered top and bottom with a single encircling line. Height 6.1, Width 6.0, Thickness 0.6 cm. Diameter of bowl (reconstruc.) c. 24 - 26 cm.",16/3/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "5506",5.00,"STEATITE","SEAL","Circular stamp seal with worn back. Speckled grey steatite. Reverse: Low boss destroyed by 2 bored holes at right angles to each other. Trace of line around base of boss. Edge straight: Failaka Var. I. Design: Animal. Possibly horned bovid, with vertically striated body standing facing right. Second striated motif above its back at right angles to it, possibly a second unfinished animal. String of 5 small triangular holes in left field. An unfinished design? Diameter 2.3, Height 1.05 cm.",18/3/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "5506",6.00,"CARNELIAN","BEAD","Wide lozenge-shaped carnelian bead, with convex ends. Similar to Woolley's Type 19 but with rounded square ends. Thin and diamond shaped in section. Intact but surface flawed. Length 0.55, width 1.0, thickness 0.3 cm.",18/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5506",7.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Fragment of Smoother/Pounder. Sub oval flake of dark grey close grained stone, basalt. Extant slightly convex face has been worn very smooth. One edge of another face is abraded. Probably broken during pounding. Dimensions 4.7 x 4.7 x 1.1 cm.",18/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5506",8.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","6 fragments of copper, three of these are slag. The slag has brown (rust?) on surface. Fragments: -1. Sub oval with one flat surface 2.6 x 2.1 x 0.9 cm. -2. Sub rectangular embedded in ash 2.6 x 1.0 x ? cm. -3. Sub rectangular embedded in ash 0.9 x 0.8 x ? cm. Slag: -4. Sub ovoid 5.6 x 4.4 x 2.6 cm. -5. Elongated sub rectangular 1.3 x 1.6 x 1.2 cm. -6. Sub ovoid 2.1 x 1.2 x 1.1 cm.",23/3/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "5506",9.00,"FOSSIL BIVALVE","POUNDER","Fossil bivalve probably utilised as Pounder tool. Light grey limestone. One quarter of the fossil and parts of the edges are abraded, possibly due to pounding. Intact. Dimensions 5.4 x 4.3 x 3.8 cm.",22/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5506",10.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Scraper. Wide plunging flake of good quality brown flint with light grey-white cortex. Part of one edge has been retouched. One side of the striking platform has been damaged. Intact. L; 5.0, W: 7.4, T: 2.0 cm.",22/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5506",11.00,"SHELL","CONE BEAD","Small cone shell with small hole in apex. Surface still has orange-brown pattern and is fairly shiny. Intact and in good condition. Length 2.5, width 1.7, thickness 1.6 cm.",22/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5506",12.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Pounder/Smoother or Weight. Bun-shaped or spheroid with flat base. Dark grey close grained stone. Careful even abrading over entire upper convex surface. Abrading is particularly concentrated around curved area of maximum diameter, and in places is also scarred. Flat base has firstly been worn smooth, and then abraded, especially in the central zone. A very aesthetically pleasing object. Intact. Height 4.6 cm, diameter 8.8 cm. Weight 650 gm (rough using kitchen scale)",22/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5506",13.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Fairly straight section of copper, circular in section, broken off at both ends. The surface has three tiny broken projections, one is angled and thin. Possibly bases of barbs on the shaft of a broken fish hook? Length 3.5, diameter 0.3 cm.",23/3/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "5506",14.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. Not sieved.",23/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5506",15.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. Not sieved.",23/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5506",16.00,"SHELL","WORKED GASTROPO","Large gastropod shell with large sections of the side removed, apparently deliberately, revealing central column. The latter is creamy white and very shiny. Apex not cut. Length 12.5, width 6.6, thickness 7.0 cm.",23/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5506",17.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Elongated straight section of copper with one or possibly two ends broken. Flat - oval in section. Fairly solid but beginning to split mid section. Part of broken object. Dimensions 5.2 x 1.2 x 0.7-0.9 cm.",23/3/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "5506",18.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","50< small fragments of bitumen. Different shapes and sizes. Most have impression of cross woven basket or cup on one face, the other is smooth. Largest dimensions 1.8 x 1.8 x 0.3 cm.",14/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5506",19.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone from sieved deposit inside pot base from same context.",2/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5506",20.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell from sieved deposit within pot base from same context.",2/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5506",21.00,"BONE","HORN","Mammal horn core, partly broken. Packed into box.",9/3/1996 00:00:00,, "5510",1.00,"STEATITE","SEAL","Circular stamp seal, intact. Light creamy steatite, heavily glazed. Reverse: Four incised circles, each with central dot. Edge: Failaka Var. II. Design: 2 standing male figures in tiered skirts facing right. The left-hand figure holds a striated rectangle, possibly a shield, to his left, and the right-hand one holds a similar object to his right. Diameter 2.12, Height 1.35 cm.",18/3/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "5510",2.00,"STEATITE","SEAL","Small circular stamp seal, intact except for slight chip. Light, creamy steatite, glazed. Standard back. Edge: Failaka Var. II. Design: Seated monkey, facing left, with tail to the right, holding a stick or staff which has a ruffed neck and head of an animal protruding from either end. The necks curve round the edge of the seal and the heads look in to the centre, towards a wavy line parallel to the staff. Diameter 1.0, Height 0.87 cm.",28/3/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "5510",3.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Large Pounder/Smoother or Grinder. Sub rectangular fragment of dark grey coarse grained stone. Part of the largest surface which curves to the lower edge has been worn smooth. One other extant surface is also worn smooth. Some of the edges are abraded. Tool is broken, probably during pounding. Dimensions 14.4 x 11.6 x 5.4 cm.",4/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5510",4.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Sub ovoid fragment of copper with one face recently chipped. Dimensions 1.0 x 0.7 x 0.5 cm.",4/4/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "5510",5.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Sub ovoid fragment of copper. One end flat and tapered, and partly recently chipped. Dimensions 2.0 x 1.2 x 0.9 cm.",4/4/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "5510",6.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Broken Pounder/Smoother. Sub ovoid nodule of dark grey close grained stone. The convex extant surfaces are smooth but the two ends are abraded and slightly scarred. Probably broken longitudinally during pounding. Dimensions 5.0 x 3.5 x 2.8 cm.",4/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5510",7.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Pounder/Smoother. Carefully shaped sub cylindrical tool with convex long surface and flat ends. Slightly oval in section with narrowed ends. Dark grey closed grained stone. Curved surface has 2 areas that are slightly worn smooth, the rest is slightly abraded. The ends are heavily abraded. Similar to a pestle. Intact. Length 6.3, diameter 2.6-3.9 x 2.8-4.4 cm.",4/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5510",8.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Sub cuboid fragment of copper slag. Dimensions 1.7 x 1.3 x 1.3 cm.",4/4/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "5510",9.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Sub oval fragment of copper slag. Dimensions 2.9 x 2.4 x 0.8 cm.",4/4/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "5510",10.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Pounder/Smoother. Small elongated sub ovoid pebble of dark grey close grained stone, basalt (?). One slightly convex face is slightly worn smooth, all other surfaces are slightly abraded. One flat end is particularly abraded. Intact. Dimensions 3.7 x 2.9 x 1.3 cm.",4/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5510",11.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Sub oval fragment of copper with lumpy surface. Dimensions 3.0 x 2.7 x 1.3 cm.",4/4/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "5510",13.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Rectangular grinder with slightly convex sides. Intact. Light brown sandstone with numerous quartz inclusions. One face is worn smooth and flat. The opposite one is slightly convex. The narrow edges have been shaped to be rounded or vertical. Dimensions 22.3 x 19.2 x 3.9 cm.",9/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5510",14.00,"BONE","WHISTLE?","Long, thin, hollow animal bone, with holes. Shaft of ?bird bone, one end cut off, the other broken off. Near the break are three cuts across the surface of the shaft. There is a small hole near the cut end, and two more near the other, as well as a chip which may be an attempt to bore a fourth. They are not finished, but do not look accidental either. Possibly an unfinished whistle? Length 8.8, width 0.5-0.6 cm. Holes diameters 0.2, 0.2 & 0.3 cm.",12/4/1995 00:00:00,"Y","Broken into 4 pieces, mended HMG." "5510",15.00,"STEATITE","SEAL","Circular stamp seal. Creamy stone with traces of glaze remaining. Intact but with one serious crack. Back: Standard. Edge: Failaka Var. II. Obverse: Well preserved, finely cut design, showing naked standing male figure in centre, facing right, and holding a large hatched square. This has the heads of 2 long-horned animals with ruffed necks protruding from its inner corners towards the top and bottom rims of the seal . To the left the figure holds a long shield and to the right a palm frond or tree that lies on the extreme edge of the seal, with the upper left part damaged. Diameter: 2.2, Height 1.1 cm.",12/4/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "5510",16.00,"CARNELIAN","BEAD","Cylindrical carnelian bead with tapered ends. Banded orange-red. Intact. Woolley Type 6. Length 1.76, width 0.4-0.8 cm.",12/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5510",17.00,"CLAY","SEAL","Fragment of ceramic circular stamp seal. Hard fired reddish clay with brown core. About one quarter of obverse remains, back broken away, one edge of perforation preserved. Obverse: Two parallel vertical lines, deeply incised, and two more lines, diagonal, below them at right angles - possibly lower legs and feet of a person? Max. length 1.5, Width 1.0, Thickness 0.61, Estimated diameter of seal 2.2 cm.",12/4/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "5510",18.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Unbaked fragment of fine pale grey clay. One smoothed edge. Obverse: About one third of seal showing left edge. Standing figure with tiered skirt facing right, one arm raised to right, perhaps holding hand of fragmentary second figure to right. Only part of his tiered skirt is preserved. Between the two figures is a jar. See also 5510:26, 31 & 44 apparently from same seal, and probably also 1596:2 & 3 from temple. Reverse: One string impression, probably part of a knot. Dimensions 1.83 x 1.2 x 0.74 cm.",12/4/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "5510",19.00,"CARNELIAN","BEAD","Lozenge-shaped carnelian bead, broken in half. Similar to Woolley's Type 19 but with rounded square ends. Length 0.7, extant width 0.6, thickness 0.2-0.4 cm.",15/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5510",20.00,"CLAY","BEAD","Tubular bead of dull orange clay. Smooth surface, slightly narrowed ends. Ends chipped. Length 1.1, diameter 0.35 cm.",15/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5510",21.00,"STEATITE","SEAL","Circular stamp seal, broken. Light grey steatite with creamy glaze. Back: Broken away. Traces of 3 incised lines in one area. Perforation asymmetrical. Edge: Failaka Var. II. Obverse: Two male figures, deeply incised, standing facing right, wearing tiered skirts and carrying a jar between. The left hand figure holds the horns of a long horned male animal on the left edge of the seal. The animal looks back over his shoulder towards the figure. The right hand figure drinks through a straw from another jar to his right. A crescent lies on the edge of the seal between the heads of the men. Another is in a similar position between their feet. Diameter 2.7, Present height 0.9 cm.",15/4/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "5510",22.00,"CLAY","BEAD","Tubular dull orange clay bead. Smooth surface. Intact. Length 1.1, diameter 0.33 cm.",15/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5510",23.00,"CLAY","SEALING","BELONGS WITH 5510:36, THOUGH DOESN'T QUITE JOIN. Light grey unbaked small fragment of smooth [bottom] edge of sealing with very small area of impression. Obverse: Small arc of edge of impression with pair of human feet [facing left]. Reverse: V-shaped string impression. Dimensions 1.08 x 1.04 x 0.53 cm.",15/4/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "5510",24.00,"CLAY","SEALING","8 small pieces of unbaked light grey clay of irregular shapes with no distinguishing features. Dimensions of largest piece 1.12 x 0.83 x 0.62 cm. NB. 5510:25, 38, 40, 41, 42, 43, 51 amalgamated with 5510:24.",15/4/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "5510",25.00,"CLAY","SEALING","See 5510:24.",15/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5510",26.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Unbaked fragment of fine pale grey clay. One smoothed edge. Obverse: Right third of design. Standing figure in tiered skirt on right, head and shoulders missing. To left fragmentary remains of second figure in similar skirt. See also 5510:18, 31 & 44 apparently from the same seal, and 1596:2 & 3 from the temple. Reverse: Half a circular imprint probably from string [going through middle] on one face and two strands of a piece of string on the second face. Dimensions 1.5 x 0.86 x 0.86 cm.",15/4/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "5510",27.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing? Unbaked light greenish clay lump of irregular shape with four lines on one surface. Dimensions 2.25 x 1.9 x 1.33 cm.",15/4/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "5510",28.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Light grey unbaked sub-triangular fragment, segment of smoothed edge with triangular indentation. Poor condition - cracked down centre, Obverse: Central part of design. On left, hindquarters and back leg of animal facing left, in centre trunk of tree or palm frond, and to the right the flounced skirt of a standing figure. Reverse: One smooth surface. Dimensions 2.56 x 1.26 x 0.95 cm.",15/4/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "5510",29.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Light grey unbaked irregular fragment. Obverse: Small segment of edge of an [possible] impression, no design visible. Reverse: String impression. Dimensions 1.64 x 1.26 x 0.86 cm.",15/4/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "5510",30.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Light grey unbaked irregular fragment. Obverse: No identifiable motif, fingerprint. Reverse: Two string impressions. Dimensions 1.6 x 0.95 x 0.93 cm.",15/4/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "5510",31.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Unbaked fragment of fine yellowish clay. One slightly concave smooth surface, one smooth longitudinal indentation. Fingerprints on right side and lower obverse. Obverse: Part of lower right segment of design. Standing figure in tiered skirt, upper body and head missing, to the right is a jar with unidentified motifs above and to the right. See also 5510:18, 26 & 44 apparently from the same seal, and 1596:2 & 3 from the temple. Reverse: String impression of knot, apparently originally running through centre of the sealing. Dimensions 2.2 x 0.85 x 1.0 cm.",15/4/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "5510",32.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Light grey unbaked poorly preserved fragment. Obverse: Standing figure in long robe facing right, only feet and lower part of skirt preserved. Star motif to left of skirt. Below, fragmentary remains of ?animals. Reverse: No legible impressions. Dimensions 1.3 x 1.25 x 0.63 cm. Similar to 5510:35",15/4/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "5510",33.00,"CLAY","SEALING","PART OF ONE PROBABLE EDGE VISIBLE. PALM FROND AT EDGE, WITH POSSIBLE HORNED ANIMAL FACING IT, BUT LOOKING BACK OVER ITS SHOULDER. SEE DRAWING Light grey unbaked irregular piece, apparently pinched into triangular shape. Possible reed impressions on one surface. Dimensions 1.7 x 1.06 x 0.9 cm.",15/4/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "5510",34.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Light grey unbaked fragment with one smoothed surface with a single line on it. Reverse: Impression of edge of possible reed. [Or string knot] Dimensions 1.5 x 1.43 x 0.7 cm.",15/4/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "5510",35.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Light grey unbaked poorly preserved fragment. Small area of smoothed edge with two triangular indentations. Obverse: Badly worn figure of male animal facing left. Above, the feet and lower skirt of a standing human figure facing right. Reverse: Two indeterminate marks. Dimensions 1.42 x 1.5 x 0.95 cm.",15/4/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "5510",36.00,"CLAY","SEALING","BELONGS WITH 5510:23, BUT DOESN'T QUITE JOIN. Light grey clay, unbaked, semi-circular fragment, with an arc of smoothed edge and tiny segment of seal impression with illegible motifs. Reverse: One string impression. Dimensions 1.3 x 0.73 x 0.63 cm.",15/4/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "5510",37.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Light grey unbaked fragment with one convex surface with [possible] impression of parallel lines. Dimensions 1.0 x 0.5 x 0.4 cm.",15/4/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "5510",38.00,"CLAY","SEALING","See 5510:24.",15/4/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "5510",39.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Yellowish unbaked clay fragment, roughly cone-shaped with a chip off the apex.]. Dimensions 1.0 x 0.98 x 0.95 cm. Reverse has string marks. Obverse has irregular lines - possible impression]",15/4/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "5510",40.00,"CLAY","SEALING","See 5510:24.",15/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5510",41.00,"CLAY","SEALING","See 5510:24.",15/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5510",42.00,"CLAY","SEALING","See 5510:24.",15/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5510",43.00,"CLAY","SEALING","See 5510:24.",15/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5510",44.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Unbaked fragment of light grey clay. Small irregular shape with very small area of smoothed edge. Obverse: Hem of skirt and pair of feet facing left, another foot facing right on left edge. See also 5510:18, 26 & 31 apparently from same seal, and 1596:2 & 3 from temple. Dimensions 0.7 x 0.8 x 0.46 cm. Reverse broken off.",15/4/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "5510",45.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Pounder/Smoother. Sub ovoid nodule of light grey limestone. Almost entire surface is abraded and two faces deeply scarred. One face has been worn smooth and flat and then later partly abraded. Another flat-convex face has been worn very smooth with its edges abraded. Intact. Dimensions 7.1 x 6.5 x 6.2 cm.",15/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5510",46.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Pounder/Smoother. Large sub ovoid nodule of light grey limestone. Almost entire surface is abraded and two faces are deeply scarred. One of these has a central area which has been constantly pounded forming a hollow. One flat-slightly convex face has been worn very smooth with some of its edges abraded. Intact. Dimensions 9.5 x 8.4 x 7.2 cm.",15/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5510",47.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder or Pestle. Sub ovoid with flattened ends, one smaller than the other. Dull grey-brown close grained stone, quartzite. One curved face is extremely smooth, the opposite slightly so with later abrading marks. A concentration of abrading occurs on one curved edge. The lower oval face has possibly been broken during pounding and its sharp edge is scarred. The other oval end is slightly convex and partly abraded. Intact? Dimensions 6.5 x 4.4-7.4 x 2.9-4.2 cm. Microxin, suspect siliceous, relic bedding? (M Mendeck May 1995)",15/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5510",48.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. Sieved. 1 bivalve has a series of nicks on the edge and is possible scraper tool. 2 bivalves have nicks on edge, possibly worked and not natural. [ignore. JM] 6 bivalves show consistent angled breakages: where bashed open? 1 bivalve has pale yellow deposit on interior.",15/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5510",49.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. Sieved. Includes 2 crab claws & one jaw fragment.",16/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5510",50.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Fragment probably of Pounder. Sub trapezoidal flake of mottled red brown-grey flint with remnant smooth red brown cortex. Striking platform is narrow and very scarred, probably from previous pounder hits. The distal end has a feather edge. L: 2.2, W: 1.9, T: 1.2 cm.",15/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5510",51.00,"CLAY","SEALING","See 5510:24.",15/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5510",52.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Fragment of fine unbaked yellowish clay. One quarter of seal impression with fragment of smoothed edge. Fingerprint upper left of obverse. Obverse: Top left quarter of design showing a goose-like bird looking right towards a palm frond. Below the bird is a horizontal hatched motif, perhaps the horizontal arm of a cross dividing up the surface of the seal. Reverse: Possible reed or wood impressions and one doubtful string impression. Dimensions 1.57 x 1.46 x 0.65 cm.",15/4/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "5510",53.00,"COPPER","PIN","Broken pin. Elongated, narrow and broken at one end. Circular in section tapering to point. Slightly curved. Extant length 6.4, diameter 0.5-0.2 (with-without lumpy patina) cm",15/4/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "5510",54.00,"COPPER","HOOK FRAG","Fishhook shaft, with possible looped end. Broken piece with circular section and oval looped end (like large needle). Extant length 3.6, diameter 0.3 cm. Looped end dimensions 1.0 x 0.5 x 0.4 cm.",15/4/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "5510",55.00,"COPPER","WIRE OBJECT","Pin or fishhook shaft fragment. Broken at both ends and circular in section. Starting to split. Extant length 2.2, diameter 0.7 cm.",15/4/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "5510",56.00,"COPPER","WIRE OBJECT","Shaft fragment of possible pin or fishhook. Broken at both ends and circular in section. Extant length 1.5, diameter 0.6 cm.",15/4/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "5510",57.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","104 fragments of copper and copper slag (many with brown corrosion). From sieved deposit. 1) Sub triangular with bumpy surface. 2.7 x 1.8 x 1.0 cm. 2) Sub ovoid, very brown.1.9 x 1.5 x 1.2 cm. 3) Sub ovoid with bumpy surface. 2.1 x 1.7 x 1.4 cm. 4) Sub square with both faces sunken in middle. 1.6 x 1.6 x 1.0 cm. 5) Sub oval strip with bumpy edges. 1.9 x 1.4 x 0.6 cm. 6) Elongated ovoid with one wider end. 2.1 x 0.8-1.4 x 0.9 cm. 7) Sub rectangular strip with bumpy edges. 1.9 x 1.2 x 0.6 cm. 8) Sub oval with bumpy edges. 2.0 x 1.2 x 0.7 cm. 9) Elongated piece with sub oval section, bent into a curve & very bumpy surface. 2.3 x 1.1 x 0.8 cm. 10) Elongated piece with sub oval section, bent into a crooked curve & very bumpy surface. 2.0 x 0.8 x 0.7 cm. 11) Elongated flat strip with irregular edges. 2.1 x 0.9 x 0.3 cm. 12) Elongated piece with sub oval section and one jagged edge. 2.0 x 0.6 x 0.3 cm. 13) Sub triangular flat strip bent into a slight curve. 1 x 1.3 x 0.3 cm. 14-15) Two sub diamond-shaped frags. with one flat face and the opposite bumpy. 1.7 x 1.1 x 0.5 - 1.6 x 1.0 x 0.6 cm. 16. - 22. Seven angular bumpy frags. Range 1.4 x 1.1 x 0.7 - 1.9 x 1.2 x 0.8 cm. 23. - 32. Ten sub ovoid frags, one with pointed projection. Range 1.2 x 1.2 x 0.7 - 1.7 x 1.3 x 0.8 cm. 33. - 39. Six sub ovoid frags. Range 1.1 x 0.9 x 0.5 - 1.3 x 0.8 x 0.7 cm. 40. - 51. Twelve angular bumpy frags. Range 1.1 x 0.9 x 0.4 - 1.1 x 1.1 x 0.8 cm. 52. - 64. Fourteen sub ovoid-angular frags. Range 0.8 x 0.5 x 0.4 - 0.8 x 0.6 x 0.6 cm. 65. - 83. Nineteen angular frags. Range 0.5 x 0.4 x 0.2 - 0.8 x 0.6 x 0.5 cm. 84. - 90. Seven elongated frags. Range 0.6 x 0.3 x 0.1 - 1.0 x 0.5 x 0.4 cm. 91 - 104. Fourteen tiny frags. Range 0.1 x 0.4 cm.",15/4/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "5510",58.00,"CARNELIAN","BEAD","Short biconical carnelian bead. Intact. Length 0.6, diameter 0.5-0.6 cm. Woolley Type 8.",16/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5510",59.00,"CLAY","BEAD","Tubular bead. Dull orange-red clay with smooth surface. Slight tapering at ends. Intact. Length 1.1, diameter 0.3 cm.",16/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5510",60.00,"CLAY","BEAD","Tubular bead. Dull orange-red clay with smooth surface. Intact. Length 1.0, diameter 0.3 cm.",16/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5510",61.00,"CLAY","BEAD","Slightly irregular ovoid bead of dull orange-red clay. Appears hand-rolled. Intact. Length 0.4, max diameter 0.3 cm.",16/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5510",62.00,"CLAY","BEAD","Slightly irregular ovoid bead of dull orange-red clay. Appears hand-rolled, from fingerprints Intact. Length 0.5, max diameter 0.3 cm.",16/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5510",63.00,"BITUMEN","BEAD","Spherical - ovoid bead. Slightly squashed with large central hole. Smooth surface. Intact. Length 2.1, diameter 2.0-2.3 cm.",16/4/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "5510",64.00,"COPPER","CHISEL FRAG","Possible chisel fragment. Broken elongated piece of copper with square section tapering and flattening towards one end. Extant length 3.4, width & thickness 0.7-1.0 (original-with patina lumps) cm.",16/4/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "5510",65.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Small Pounder/Smoother. Sub spherical nodule of light grey limestone with two flattened faces (like a chunky wheel). Flattened faces are slightly convex and appear partly worn smooth and later slightly abraded. The outer thick curved edge is near vertical and very abraded. Diameter 4.3-4.7, thickness 3.8 cm.",16/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5510",66.00,"FOSSIL ECHINOID","POUNDER","Probable echinoid fossil possibly used as Pounder tool. Light grey limestone. Very worn and pitted (no patterning left on surface), ovoid with flat base and convex upper surface. Hard to tell whether worn naturally or not. Intact. Dimensions 5.4 x 5.1 x 2.5 cm.",16/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5510",67.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Small Pounder. Sub spherical light grey limestone with slightly flattened-convex faces. These faces are partly smooth (natural surface?) and slightly abraded. The curved wide near vertical edges are very abraded. Dimensions 3.7 x 3.4 x 3.4 cm.",16/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5510",68.00,"STONE","TOOL","Oval piece of very worn light brown stone with numerous quartz inclusions, sandstone. The surface beside the largest rounded convex edge appear slightly smoother than the rest of the stone. Beside it is a small hollow (recent damage?). The opposite straight-concave edge is narrow and appears abraded. Intact pebble. Dimensions 10.2 x 8.3 x 2.6 cm.",26/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5510",69.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Broken Pounder/Smoother. Sub triangular fragment of dark grey close grained stone. One extant flat-convex face has been worn smooth. One narrow end is very abraded. Other parts of the extant surface are abraded. Possibly broken during pounding. Dimensions 7.0 x 6.7 x 4.9 cm.",16/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5510",70.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Small Pounder/Smoother. Small sub ovoid nodule of dark grey close grained stone. Two ends and parts of the rounded edges are slightly abraded. Three faces are fairly smooth and flat, but this may be natural. Intact. Dimensions 44.2 x 3.5 x 2.7 cm.",16/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5510",71.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Pounder/Smoother. Sub cuboid dark grey close grained stone. One face is flat, the opposite is flat-convex. These are fairly smooth but have been later partly abraded. There are two straight sides and two convex ones. The two faces and one straight side has a central hollow of concentrated abrading marks. Two edges of the sides are similarly hollow. The convex edges are very abraded. Intact. Dimensions 7.2 x 7.0 x 4.4 cm.",16/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5510",72.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder. Sub triangular fragment of dark grey close grained stone. One face has been worn smooth and flat, and it curves down to a rounded edge. The extant edge and the edges of the extant face are abraded. Possibly broken during pounding. Dimensions 4.8 x 3.0 x 2.1 cm.",16/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5510",73.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Pounder/Smoother & possible Pick. Elongated sub ovoid nodule of dark purplish-brown close grained stone, limestone? The convex surfaces have been partly worn smooth and parts have been later abraded. The ends are slightly abraded. The rounded edges are very deeply scarred or even 'broken'. Otherwise intact. Different in shape from all other Pounder/Smoothers seen this year. Dimensions 18.1 x 5.6 x 3.6 cm. Suspect siliceous material, rounded from water action. (M Mendeck May 1995)",16/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5510",74.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Fragment of Pounder/Smoother. Curved edge fragment of possibly once sub ovoid nodule of dark grey close grained stone. The extant parts of the two curved faces are worn (?) smooth. The rounded extant side and the angled broken edges are abraded and scarred. Possibly broken during pounding. Dimensions 7.2 x 3.2 x 3.1 cm.",16/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5510",75.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder. Sub ovoid nodule of dark grey close grained stone. Largest face has been worn smooth and flat, and parts of two other face are also slightly smooth (natural?). Much of the rest of the surface is pitted, perhaps abraded during pounding. Intact. Dimensions 6.4 x 5.3 x 4.1 cm.",16/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5510",76.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Broken awl or point. Sub triangular flake of mottled brown-grey flint. Striking platform reworked by side strike to form tip which has subsequently broken off. The distal end is hinged. L: 1.6, W: 1.0, T: 0.35 cm.",19/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5510",77.00,"SHELL","OLIVE BEAD","Glossy yellow olive shell bead. Apex cut and smoothed off to form a large hole. In excellent condition, intact. Length 2.4, width 1.4, thickness 1.1 cm. Hole diameter 0.3-0.3.5 cm.",16/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5510",78.00,"COPPER","ARROWHEAD?","Thin, flat, triangular piece of copper. Two adjacent edges appear to have been sharp, and converge to a point. The third is masked by corrosion. One face is thick and lumpy, possibly only from corrosion. Presumably the end of a blade, possibly a complete arrowhead. In reasonable condition. Height 2.5, width 1.5, thickness 0.3-0.6 cm.",16/4/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "5510",79.00,"BITUMEN","FRAG","Triangular chunk of bitumen, perhaps from a sealing or lid. The angled sides are smooth. Possible string impressions on the broken face. Dimensions 3.9 x 2.2 x 1.9 cm.",16/4/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "5510",80.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Pounder/Smoother. Large sub ovoid nodule of dense very dark grey close grained stone. Two convex and the flat (broken?) faces are partly worn smooth with occasional later abrading and scarring. The flat-convex ends are very abraded. One long edge, where it is now flattish, was possibly broken during pounding. Intact? Dimensions 11.0 x 7.8 x 5.4 cm.",18/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5510",81.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder. Sub ovoid nodule of mottled grey-brown flint with remnant creamy white cortex. Surface abraded and deeply scarred. One end has been flattened by a scar. Intact. Dimensions 8.3 x 7.7 x 6.2 cm.",18/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5510",82.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Pounder/Smoother. Sub cubid-ovoid nodule of light grey limestone. The two fairly flat faces are smooth with one having been later abraded. There are two straight and two convex sides. All are abraded with the latter two particularly so. Intact. Dimensions 5.8 x 5.3 x 4.2 cm.",18/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5510",83.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Sub ovoid nodule of light grey limestone. Almost entire surface is abraded with some deep scarring. Several small surface areas are smooth but these may be natural. Intact. Dimensions 6.2 x 5.8 x 4.4 cm.",18/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5510",84.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Axe/Pounder. Waisted sub ovoid nodule of very dense dark grey close grained stone. Both convex ends are heavily abraded. The concave sides area also abraded. Intact. Dimensions 6.4 x 5.1-5.5 x 4.7 cm.",18/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5510",85.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder/Core. Sub ovoid nodule of dark brown flint with remnant thin creamy white cortex. Surface abraded and deeply scarred. Intact. Dimensions 7.0 x 6.5 x 4.4 cm.",18/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5510",86.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Pounder/Smoother. Sub cubic dark grey close grained stone. One slightly convex surface and possibly parts of four others (concave-convex) are worn smooth. Most of these have been later abraded to a varying extent as are the angled edges. One end face is very abraded. Some deep scarring on three faces near the edges. Intact. Dimensions 5.4 x 5.0 x 4.8 cm.",18/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5510",87.00,"PLASTER","DOMED LID","Domed lid of light grey plaster. Lower surface flat with small central hollow. The upper surface is concave, bevelled down to rounded edges. Carefully made with smooth finish. Intact. Diameter 8.2-8.6, height 3.6 cm.",18/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5510",88.00,"COPPER","HATCHET?","Flat, heavy, sub-rectangular sheet of copper, with short rod extending from one corner, producing the shape of an axe with a very short handle with rounded tip: possibly a square blade with tang. The blade-edge opposite the 'tang' has rounded corners. Occasional lumps on the surface but otherwise in good condition with one recent nick in upper edge. Otherwise apparently intact. Similar to 292:02. Height with tang 8.75, without tang 5.2-6.2, width 7.5, thickness 0.4. Thickness of tang with lump 1.0 cm.",18/4/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "5510",89.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Fragment of Pounder. Sub oval fragment of mottled grey-white flint with band of red-brown. Convex dorsal face is very abraded. Probably broke off during pounding. Dimensions 4.1 x 3.1 x 1.0 cm.",19/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5510",90.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Fragment of Pounder? Elongated sub rectangular flake of poor quality mottled light-dark grey chert. Dorsal surface is very abraded near one edge and the flake possibly broke off during pounding. Dimensions 5.3 x 2.1 x 0.8 cm.",19/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5510",91.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Possible Grinder fragment. Sub cuboid piece of pink-light brown coarse grained stone, sandstone (?) Both faces are flat, one being worn smooth as well. The sides are near vertical, and one straight one has a white substance adhering to it. Intact? Dimensions 6.3 x 5.2 x 3.0 cm.",19/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5510",92.00,"FLINT","FLAKE","Flake of brown flint with remnant light grey-brown cortex. Sub rectangular wide flake with possible use wear on one edge near distal end. Platform is focal with plunging distal end. The dorsal surface shows previous scars from the distal and proximal ends. Intact. L: 4.3, W: 4.4, T: 1.1 cm.",20/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5510",93.00,"STONE","WORKED","Limestone with one flat worked side. Sub ovoid fragment with one face flat and fairly smooth. This is also slightly darker in colour. The opposite and all edges are irregular and rough. Perhaps used as a type of smoothing tool. Intact? Dimensions 10.3 x 5.5 x 4.2 cm.",20/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5510",94.00,"FLINT","FLAKE","Small triangular/semicircular flake of light grey flint. Scarred striking platform. Possibly broken off pounder. L: 0.6, W: 1.0, T: 0.2 cm.",19/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5510",95.00,"FLINT","FLAKE","Small pointed flake of banded light grey-brown chert with remnant white cortex. Platform focal, the distal end is hinged. The point may have been used as an awl but flake has probably been chipped off a pounder. L: 0.8, W: 1.7, T: 0.2 cm.",16/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5510",96.00,"STONE","OBJECT","Sub-rectangular crystal of gypsum, possibly natural. One face is flat, the opposite is also flat with all edges bevelled except for one broken end. Extant end is angled and convex with a hole/damage to one side. One side of the bevelled face has two pitted hollows. The surface is covered with natural linear crystalline deposits. Extant length 4.8, width 2.9, thickness 0.6 cm.",20/4/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "5510",97.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Core. Sub hemispherical nodule of brown flint with occasional white blotches, and creamy white cortex. Core has two main prepared striking platforms which are at right angles to each other. One end of the nodule has coarser flint. The steep convex edge may have been used as a heavy scraper. Intact. The blade flake scars are often hinged and range in size between L: 3.8, W: 2.4 to L: 1.5, W: 1.0 cm. Dimensions 4.4 x 3.6 x 3.6 cm.",20/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5510",98.00,"FOSSIL ECHINOID","POUNDER","Echinoid fossil possibly used as Pounder tool. Sub ovoid light grey limestone with flattish base and high convex upper surface. Parts of lower surface and outer edge are scarred and abraded. Intact and in good condition. Dimensions 6.8 x 6.3 x 4.0 cm.",20/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5510",99.00,"PLASTER","DOMED LID","Domed lid of light grey plaster. One flat, slightly rough surface, one convex. The edges are rounded. Intact. Diameter 7.6-7.9, height 2.7 cm.",20/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5510",100.00,"PLASTER","DOMED LID","Domed lid, of white plaster. One surface flat, the other convex. Edges bevelled to rounded. Intact. Diameter 7.0-7.1, height 3.1 cm.",20/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5510",101.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Small Pounder. Hemispherical fragment of white quartz nodule. The two damaged faces are fairly flat but their edges and the extant nodule surface is abraded. Nodule possibly broken during pounding. Dimensions 4.1 x 3.0 x 2.6 cm.",20/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5510",102.00,"SHELL","OLIVE BEAD","Olive shell bead with glossy yellow surface. Apex cut off forming large hole, now partly damaged, presumably for use as bead. Otherwise intact. Length 2.3, width 1.4, thickness 1.2 cm.",20/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5510",103.00,"ORGANIC","DATE","7 fragments (and other tiny chips) of carbonised date pips and 12 fragments of impressions probably also of date. The impressions are creamy white in a matrix of light grey sand. Largest carbonised pip fragment dimensions 1.0 x 0.5 x 0.5 cm. Largest impressions dimensions 1.7 x 0.8 x 0.5cms & 1.3 x 0.9 x 0.5 cm.",22/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5510",104.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","One large and thirty-six smaller fragments of bitumen, from the lining to one or more woven vessels. All have impressions on one face of cross-weave. The large fragment from a base of cup or basket. Bottom is relatively smooth with several impressions and small pits. Dimensions 4.8 x 4.2 x 1.7 cm.",22/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5510",105.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Fragment of grinder. Sub-triangular corner fragment of light brown stone with numerous inclusions of quartz, sandstone. One face is worn smooth and flat. The opposite face is convex and irregular, sloping down to the near vertical extant edges. The broken edges are vertical and irregular. Dimensions 10.2 x 10.0 x 4.0 cm.",22/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5513",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. Not sieved.",26/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5516",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. Not sieved.",26/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5516",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. Not sieved.",26/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5517",1.00,"STONE","OBJECT","Small natural crystal. Discarded.",26/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5517",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone.",24/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5519",2.00,"POTTERY","TANNUR","Complete tannur. Burnt buff clay, pink surface out, very patchy. Lower rim uneven and pinched into 'pie-crust'. Top rim flattened on top. Scraped vertically. Diameter c. 66 cm (measured in situ).",7/5/1996 00:00:00,, "5519",3.00,"PLASTER","DOMED LID","Domed lid of whitish plaster. One face slightly convex, the other slightly concave. Edges rounded. Intact. Diameter 10.6 x 11.3 x 2.7 cm.",13/3/1996 00:00:00,," Found within tannur." "5519",4.00,"POTTERY","COOKING POT","Cooking pot, one third extant. Pink clay, temper of grit and white grit. Outer surface smoke-blackened. Rim pinched, with ridge on inside. Hole mouth, globular body, base missing but presumably round. Rim diameter: c. 16 cm. Max. present height: 27.4 cm. Max width (reconstructed): 30 cm.",14/3/1996 00:00:00,,"found inside tannour 5519:2" "5519",5.00,"BONE","BONES","One fish bone from inside tannur.",21/3/1996 00:00:00,, "5520",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","One pearl oyster shell found inside tannur.",15/4/1996 00:00:00,, "5521",1.00,"POTTERY","TANNUR","Sherds of tannur, most extant. Pink hard clay, exterior buff. Hard grit temper. Upper rim swollen and flattened on top, creating small ledge inside and out. Lower rim roughly finished and finger-pinched. Scraped down vertically on outside. Diameter c, 74 cm, measured in situ.",20/4/1996 00:00:00,, "5523",1.00,"PLASTER","RENDER FRAGS","Fifteen fragments of plaster, probably render from wall or ceiling. All with one flat face, the opposite irregular and occasionally with impressions. Largest dimensions 11.1 x 5.9 x 1.3 cm.",30/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5523",2.00,"PLASTER","RENDER FRAG","Fragment of plaster render from the corner of a wall or floor. The outer convex surface is smooth as is most of the interior concave surface. Dimensions 9.7 x 5.9 x 5.8 cm.",30/3/1995 00:00:00,, "5524",1.00,"POTTERY","RE-USED VAT","Large ribbed storage vat, re-used as plaster lined basin. Hard red clay. Heavy grit temper. Rim flattened on top. Body swells, then tapers to base. Heavily ribbed on outside. Presumably coil-built. Filled with solid plaster in situ. Awaiting restoration: not yet measured.",29/4/1996 00:00:00,,"TO LUBNA, IN 2 SACKS, TO RECONSTRUCT, 1996" "5528",1.00,"POTTERY","BOWL","Sherds of large pottery bowl, found as an in situ feature. Pink clay, red surface - possibly wash, sandy temper with lime inclusions. Rim turned out, flat on top. Body flares slightly then tapers to wide, flat base. Rim diameter c. 36 cm.",1/4/1995 00:00:00,,"Not reconstructed." "5529",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Fill of ceramic vessel, feature 5528. Approx. 7 buckets. Excavated 1995. Discarded due to contamination.",14/7/1998 00:00:00,, "5529",2.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAG","Sub-oval fragment of bitumen from the lining of a woven vessel. One convex surface is smooth, the opposite has impression of cross woven palm-leaf. Dimensions 2.0 x 1.8 x 0.9 cm.",1/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5529",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. Small fragments from sieved portion of pot interior found within deposit and not given separate number.",1/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5529",4.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. Small fragments from sieved portion from pot found within deposit and not given separate number.",1/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5529",5.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. Not sieved.",1/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5532",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Fill of tannur sample. 1 bucket.",2/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5532",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. Not sieved.",2/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5534",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Fill of tannur sample. 1 bucket.",2/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5535",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Fill of tannur sample. Half bucket.",2/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5536",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. Sieved. 3 bivalves with nicks on edge, possibly worked & not natural. [ignore. JM]",9/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5536",2.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","13 fragments of copper, all of different sizes and shapes. Sieved deposit. 1) Sub oval flat strip 1.6 x 1.2 x 0.4 cm. 2) Sub ovoid with brown staining 1.4 x 1.2 x 0.7 cm. 3) Sub spherical 1.1 x 1.0 x 0.9 cm. 4) Sub triangular flat strip 1.1 x 0.7 x 0.2 cm. 5) Sub rectangular thin strip 1.0 x 0.4 x 0.2 cm. 6) Sub oval with lumpy surface and one pointed end 2.0 x 1.9 x 0.7 cm. 7) Sub ovoid with one side concave 1.3 x 0.9 x 0.8 cm. 8) Sub oval 1.0 x 0.8 x 0.4 cm. 9) Sub ovoid tiny 0.6 x 0.3 x 0.3 cm. 10) Wiggly elongated flat strip 1.4 x 0.6 x 0.2 cm. 11) Sub oval 1.3 x 0.8 x 0.4 cm. 12) Sub ovoid 0.3 x 0.3 x 0.2 cm. 13) Sub oval 0.5 x 0.3 x 0.1 cm.",9/4/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "5536",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. Sieved.",5/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5536",4.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Ten fragments of bitumen from the lining to one or more woven vessels, some with impressions of cross weave one surface. The other is smooth. Largest dimensions 3.9 x 3.3 x 0.9 cm.",9/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5536",5.00,"ORGANIC","DATE","Carbonised date pip. Almost complete. Length 1.2, width 0.5, thickness 0.4 cm.",9/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5536",6.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Possible pounder flake. Sub trapezoidal fragment of banded brown flint-chert with remnant irregular white-grey cortex. The striking edge is partly abraded/scarred. L: 1.6, W: 1.9, T: 0.5 cm.",9/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5537",1.00,"POTTERY","VAT BASE","Base and a few related sherds from large storage vessel. Very friable. Dense pink clay, paler core, sparse sandy temper. Pale surface preserved in places on inside. Rounded base. Not measured.",11/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5539",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. Sieved.",4/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5539",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. Sieved. 15 bivalves show consistent angled breakages: where bashed open?",4/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5539",3.00,"STONE","FRAGS","30< fragments of crystalline stone, gypsum. Light brown-pink. Largest dimensions 7.3 x 3.5 x 3.4 cm. Gypsum undergoing dissolution. (M Mendeck May 1995)",4/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5540",1.00,"CLAY","BEADS","Three small ovoid beads of dull orange clay with rare small white inclusions. Intact. Length 0.3-0.4, diameter 0.3 cm.",4/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5540",2.00,"SHELL","OLIVE BEAD","Olive shell with shiny yellow surface. Apex end cut off to form large hole, presumably for use as a bead. Intact. Length 2.1, width 1.3, thickness 1.0 cm.",4/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5540",3.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","12 fragments of copper all of different sizes and shapes. 1) Large sub ovoid (solid) with jutting lumps 3.9 x 2.4 x 2.0 cm. 2) Sub ovoid 1.1 x 1.0 x 0.9 cm. 3) Flat sub oval flat strip 1.3 x 1.3 x 0.5 cm. 4) Sub rectangular flat strip with brown surface lumps 3.2 x 2.2 x 0.8 cm. 5) Irregular with elongated piece with oval section joined to brown lump 2.6 x 2.0 x 1.5 cm. 6) Elongated flat strip, broken at one end 1.8 x 0.8 x 0.5 cm. 7) Sub ovoid fragment 0.9 x 0.8 x 0.7 cm. 8) Sub oval 11.1 x 0.8 x 0.5 cm. 9) Sub oval 0.8 x 0.7 x 0.3 cm. 10) Sub ovoid 0.7 x 0.6 x 0.3 cm. 11) Sub ovoid 0.8 x 0.6 x 0.4 cm. 12) Ovoid 0.3 x 0.2 x 0.2 cm.",4/4/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "5540",4.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. Sieved.",5/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5540",5.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. Sieved.",5/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5541",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. Sieved.",9/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5541",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. Sieved.",9/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5541",3.00,"CLAY","SEALING?","Possible sealing? Piece of fine burnt clay with tiny white inclusions, pinkish on one surface, grey on another. Approximately rectangular with one ridged surface and one curved one. All surfaces smoothed and covered in fingerprints. No seal impressions. Max. length 2.78, width 1.95. thickness 1.0 cm.",9/4/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "5541",4.00,"COPPER","WIRE OBJECT","Elongated fragment, circular in section and tapering at one end. Possibly shaft from broken fishhook. Extant length 3.9, diameter 0.6-0.6 cm.",4/4/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "5542",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. Sieved.",11/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5542",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. Sieved.",11/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5542",3.00,"PLASTER","KNOBBED LID","Small lid of light grey plaster, round in plan, with smooth, convex, lower surface, and smooth upper surface, bearing small, sub-oval knob in the centre. Edges very thin and partly chipped. Otherwise intact. Diameter 5.2-5.9, height 1.7-1.2 (with-without knob) cm. Knob length 2.2, width 1.4 cm.",11/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5542",4.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Ovoid fragment with brown staining. Dimensions 1.1 x 1.0 x 0.6 cm.",11/4/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "5546",1.00,"PLASTER","KNOBBED LID","Plaster lid, sub-circular in plan, large central knob on top. White to light grey plaster. Upper surface is rough and ridged. Knob is sub-oval, badly worn. Under side convex, and relatively smooth. One side broken off beside the knob. Extant length (rough diameter) 9.7, width 7.9, thickness 4.5-2.9 (with-without knob) cm. Knob length 6.0-3.4 cm.",10/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5546",2.00,"STEATITE","SEAL","Circular stamp seal. Grey green stone with traces of glaze and badly worn. Intact. Back: Standard, lines rubbed off the boss. Edge: Failaka Var. I (now convex). Obverse: Standing male animal at lower centre, facing right, possibly a caprid. One horn curves in either direction. Above his back are two more horned animals, on either side of, and facing, a row of dots, probably the remains of a frond or a bus. Diameter 2.29, Height 0.65 cm.",11/4/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "5546",3.00,"PLASTER","KNOBBED LID","Roughly-made lid of white plaster. Oval in plan, lower face convex, upper face irregular and lined, with large, applied ovoid knob. Intact but edges chipped. Lid length 13.3, width 7.5, thickness 4.3-2.8 (with-without knob) cm. Knob length 4.8, width 3.0 cm.",12/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5546",4.00,"SHELL","CONE BEAD","Cone (?) shell with dark red-brown markings and large hole in apex. Partly worn but intact. Length 2.55, max width 1.8, max thickness1.6 cm.",12/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5546",5.00,"PLASTER","COUNTER","Small conical or pyramid-shaped object, possible counter or gaming piece. Four faces have rounded corners. Rounded apex and flat rectangular base. All surfaces smoothed, but not perfectly. Intact. Height 3.8, width 2.44-0.7 (base-near apex), thickness (base-near apex) 2.0-0.7 cm.",9/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5546",6.00,"COPPER","ROD OBJECT","Section of substantial copper rod, rectangular in section, broken at one end and tapering to a wedge at the other. Perhaps part of a chisel, or the hafting end of a larger tool or weapon. Length 4.2, width 0.5-1.0, thickness 0.3-0.7 cm.",22/4/1995 00:00:00,"Y","Solid with thick patina." "5546",7.00,"POTTERY","INDUS SHERD","Body sherd from very large vessel. Dull orange clay with dark core. Temper of fine white grit. Outer surface painted red and burnished with horizontal and vertical strokes. Overpainted with black design, of which only preserved elements are two horizontal lines. Similar to 4300:2. Dimensions 17.7 x 19.5 x 0.9-1.0 cm.",11/4/1995 00:00:00,,"Found cracked" "5546",8.00,"POTTERY","PAINTED SHERD","Body sherd with crimson paint. Orange clay with circular white inclusions. Crimson wash on outside. Dimensions 4.1 x 2.7 x 0.4 cm.",11/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5546",9.00,"FLINT","FLAKE","Possible Pounder flake. Sub triangular flake of mottled dark grey flint. Probably heat treated. Focal striking platform, concoidal fracture is partly concave, and hinged dorsal end. Previous scars on dorsal surface from all directions. L: 2.1, W: 1.8, T: 0.9 cm.",26/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5546",10.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder or possible Core. Sub oval geode of banded brown-grey flint with remnant creamy white cortex and central hollow with clear crystalline lining. The extant edges of the stone are very abraded and the two deeply scarred opposite faces come from these strikes. Well used and intact. Dimensions 7.8 x 7.4 x 4.2 cm. One flake scar L: 1.5, W: 2.3 cm.",4/5/1995 00:00:00,, "5546",11.00,"SHELL","SHELL","One thorny oyster shell. Not sieved.",4/5/1995 00:00:00,, "5549",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Date pit sample. One third of a bucket.",16/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5550",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. Not sieved.",1/5/1995 00:00:00,, "5550",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. Not sieved.",1/5/1995 00:00:00,, "5551",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. Sieved. 7 bivalves show consistent angled breakages: where bashed open?",25/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5551",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. Sieved. Includes three tiny articulated vertebrae.",24/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5551",3.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","37 fragments of copper, all different sizes and shapes. From sieved floor. 1) Bumpy sub ovoid with projection from one corner. 2.2 x 1.5 x 1.2 cm. 2) Bumpy sub ovoid 1.7 x 1.0 x 0.8 cm. 3) Sub ovoid 1.5 x 1.2 x 0.9 cm. 4) Sub triangular lump with tiny projection 1.4 x 1.1 x 0.7 cm. 5) - 10. Sub ovoid bumpy 1.4 x 1.0 x 0.6 - 1.1 x 0.7 x 0.6 cm. 11) Sub square frag bent into slight curve. 1.1 x 0.9 x 0.4 cm. 12) Pointed sub oval. 1.3 x 0.8 x 0.4 cm. 13) Triangular with flattish faces. 1.1 x 0.8 x 0.4 cm. 14) Sub oval fragment of flat strip bent into a curve 1.3 x 0.6 x 0.4 cm. 15) Sub oval lumpy 0.8 x 0.7 x 0.3 cm. 16-17) Irregular with some pointed edges. 0.9 x 0.7 x 0.2-0.3 cm. 18) Thin long narrow strip with blob on end. 0.9 x 0.2-0.4 x 0.1-0.3 cm. 19. Long thin narrow frag. 0.5 x 0.2 x 0.2 cm. 20-30) Sub ovoid with some pointed edges. 0.5 x 0.4 x 0.2 - 0.8 x 0.5 x 0.4 cm. 31- 37) Sub ovoid lumps 0.2-0.4 cm.",26/4/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "5551",4.00,"CLAY","BEADS","Two tubular beads of dull orange clay, hand rolled. Ends of both are slightly chipped but otherwise intact. 1) In better condition: Length 1.2, diameter 0.3 cm. 2) Damaged end: Length 1.1, diameter 0.3 cm.",26/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5551",5.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAG","Small, irregular fragment of bitumen from the lining of a woven vessel. Impressions of a cross woven palm-leaf on one face. Dimensions 1.0 x 0.7 x 0.5 cm.",25/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5551",6.00,"ORGANIC","DATE","4 small fragments of carbonised date pips & 2 small fragments of seed impressions, also probably dates. The cream coloured impressions are in a light grey sand. Largest carbonised fragment dimensions 0.6 x 0.5 x 0.5 cm. Largest impression dimensions 0.5 x 0.4 x 0.2 cm.",25/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5552",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Fill of ring hearth sample. One eighth of a bucket.",22/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5553",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Fill of ring hearth sample. One eight of a bucket. Pure ash. DISCARDED.",2/5/1999 00:00:00,, "5554",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Fill of ring hearth sample. three quarters of a bucket",22/4/1995 00:00:00,, "5565",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone.",1/5/1996 00:00:00,, "5565",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. 6 bivalves show consistent angled breakages: where bashed open?",29/4/1996 00:00:00,, "5565",3.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Sub oval fragment of copper, badly corroded into two pieces. Dimensions 1.6 x 1.1 x 0.8 cm.",27/4/1996 00:00:00,, "5565",4.00,"FLINT","FLAKE","Flake of brown flint. Plain striking platform, slightly hinged termination. One end of platform and one edge has broken off. Previous flakes removed from the dorsal surface from the proximal end. Concave distal edges have discontinuous nicks and two small notches, possibly more from natural damage rather than from use-wear/retouch. L: 3.1, W: 3.1, T: 0.45 cm.",2/5/1996 00:00:00,, "5567",1.00,"POTTERY","NECK SIEVE","Sieve from a sieve-necked jar. Complete except for small chip at rim. Perhaps never used. Saucer-shaped, with thick base and rim pinched very thin. Pink clay, fine grit temper, upper surface buff, lower dark pink. Diameter 7.6 cm. Height 2.2 cm. Hole diameter 0.9 cm.",11/3/1996 00:00:00,, "5567",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone not sieved.",11/3/1996 00:00:00,, "5567",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. - Shell dimensions 5.1 x 2.6 cm. Hole dimensions 0.7 x 0.7 cm.",11/3/1996 00:00:00,, "5567",4.00,"POTTERY","PAINTED BOWL","Small bowl or cup. Single fragment: approximately 25% extant. Dense orange clay, no apparent temper. Crimson paint inside and outside except for broad stripe under rim. Narrow smudgy black stripes outside below rim. Pinched rim, rounded body, neat flat base. Diameter rim 8 cm; base 3 cm. Height: 4.0 cm.",16/4/1996 00:00:00,, "5567",5.00,"POTTERY","SHAPED SHERD","Pot-sherd, deliberately shaped. Now D-shaped but possibly originally oval and snapped off. Orange clay, temper of grit and white grit, traces of red, smoke-blackened outer surfaces, mostly eroded of. Presumably from a cooking pot. Dimensions 5.3 x 5.3 x 0.5 cm.",21/3/1996 00:00:00,, "5567",6.00,"SHELL","PIERCED CONCH","Strombus shell with has irregular hole in the side. Not measured. Stored with 5567:3, not separately labelled.",,, "5568",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone not sieved.",15/4/1996 00:00:00,, "5568",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell.",15/4/1996 00:00:00,, "5569",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone not sieved.",15/4/1996 00:00:00,, "5569",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell not sieved. 11 bivalves show consistent angled breakages: where bashed open?",15/4/1996 00:00:00,, "5571",1.00,"COPPER","FRAG","One solid sub ovoid lump of copper with irregular surface. Rare brown spots on surface. Dimensions 2.5 x 1.4 x 1.4 cm.",11/3/1996 00:00:00,, "5571",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Once articulated fish vertebrae in one bag.",21/3/1996 00:00:00,, "5571",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone not sieved.",21/3/1996 00:00:00,, "5571",4.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell not sieved. 18 bivalves show consistent angled breakages: where bashed open?",21/3/1996 00:00:00,, "5571",5.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Possible object. Sub circular lump with one convex face, and the other flattish with small central projection. Diameter 1.4, thickness 1.0 cm.",27/4/1996 00:00:00,, "5571",6.00,"BONE","ASSEMBLAGE","Articulated fish vertebrae. Large fish. 4 vertebrae are consolidated on sand block, and 2 separately with Primal WS 24 10%. 5 other vertebrae are separate and untreated. In box.",15/4/1996 00:00:00,, "5571",7.00,"CLAY","DISC","Sub-circular disc of unfired clay. Buff coloured with rare fine black and white inclusions. Both surfaces are flat to slightly convex with rounded rim. The rim is deeply cracked and at one part broken off. Possibly used as a lid. Presumably made by hand-patting the clay into shape. Diameter 4.7, thickness 1.4 cm.",20/4/1996 00:00:00,, "5571",8.00,"BONE","SCALES","Fish scales from part of skin. Scales lying in original position. 4 scales are separate from main group. From floor/occupation. Consolidated as block on sand with fish bone (same fish?) with Primal WS 24 10%. Part of block created by bridge support of Primal and sand compound. In small box. Dimensions 6.0 x 3.2 cm.",15/4/1996 00:00:00,, "5571",9.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Fragment of Smoother/Pounder. Sub oval dark grey close grained stone. Corner fragment of tool showing parts of three extant faces. Largest face has been worn smooth and slightly convex, the others abraded. The corner of the tool is very abraded and possibly broke during this pounding procedure. Dimensions 4.0 x 3.4 x 1.4 cm.",22/4/1996 00:00:00,, "5571",10.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Sub square fragment of a flattish strip of copper. Almost T-shirt shaped, with two slightly projecting corners. One face is slightly convex. Dimensions 1.8 x 1.6 x 0.7 cm.",27/4/1996 00:00:00,, "5571",11.00,"PLASTER","PIERCED DISC","Half of a lentoid disc with large central hole. Made of fine light grey plaster, with once fairly smooth surfaces, now partially lumpy through weathering. Diameter 9.0 cm. Height 3.5 cm. Hole diameter 1.0 cm.",20/4/1996 00:00:00,, "5571",12.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Pointed fragment of coarse banded brown chert with remnant dark purple cortex/skin. Possible natural pot-lid or struck off Core or Pounder. No easily discernable striking platform. Dorsal surface scarred from all directions. Ventral surface has two triangular scars, presumably from when this fragment was struck. Dimensions 4.3 x 2.8 x 1.1 cm.",2/5/1996 00:00:00,, "5572",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. Three fish vertebrae adjoining.",19/3/1996 00:00:00,, "5572",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell not sieved.",16/3/1996 00:00:00,, "5572",3.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Small Pounder/Smoother. Sub ovoid pebble of dense dark grey close grained stone. One edge and corner have continuous percussion marks and scars. The lower surface is flattish and appears worn smooth. Intact. Dimensions 3.5 x 2.8 x 1.8 cm. Weight 51.5 gm.",21/3/1996 00:00:00,, "5584",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell.",15/4/1996 00:00:00,, "5584",2.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Fragment of Pounder/Smoother. Sub cubic fragment of dark grey medium grained stone. Broken off the end of the tool. The extant end face is convex and is abraded and scarred. The extant parts of two other opposing faces have been worn partly smooth and flat. The other three flattish faces appear to have been caused by breakage. Dimensions 4.7 x 3.4 x 3.3 cm.",22/4/1996 00:00:00,, "5585",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Flotation sample. 20 L (15 L. when measured during flotation).",1/5/1996 00:00:00,, "5585",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone not sieved.",19/3/1996 00:00:00,, "5585",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell not sieved.",19/3/1996 00:00:00,, "5588",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Flotation sample. 10L (8 L. when measured during flotation).",1/5/1996 00:00:00,, "5589",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Flotation sample. 20L (15 L. when measured during flotation).",1/5/1996 00:00:00,, "5590",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Flotation sample. 10L (7L. when measured during flotation).",1/5/1996 00:00:00,, "5592",1.00,"COPPER","DAGGER BLADE","Long copper blade with flat tang, mostly broken off. Long thin blade, gradually widens towards tang, then tapers abruptly. Flat faces with slightly rounded tip. Length 14.7; width 4.0; thickness 0.25-0.6 cm. Tang length 2.1; width at end 1.35 cm; thickness 0.4 cm.",19/3/1996 00:00:00,," in two pieces (recent break). in two pieces (recent break)." "5592",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone not sieved. Includes 11 fragments of cuttlefish.",21/3/1996 00:00:00,, "5592",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell not sieved.",21/3/1996 00:00:00,, "5592",4.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Possible pebble Smoother. Sub oval pebble of banded grey close grained stone. One surface is flat and possibly utilised. Intact. Dimensions 3.8 x 3.8 x 2.0 cm.",18/4/1996 00:00:00,, "5592",5.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Not described. Missing. May 1996.",8/5/1996 00:00:00,, "5593",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone not sieved. Includes fish scales.",15/4/1996 00:00:00,, "5593",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell.",15/4/1996 00:00:00,, "5593",3.00,"FLINT","FLAKE","Chunky flake, possibly off a core. Banded grey-dark red cherty-flint with creamy white cortex. Plain, wide, prepared striking platform with stepped or snapped termination. Previous flakes struck off dorsal surface from all sides. L: 3.4, W: 3.6, T: 2.2 cm.",2/5/1996 00:00:00,, "5593",4.00,"STONE","CORE","Core. Possible Pounder. Large Sub ovoid cubic nodule of white quartz with remnant grey cortex. Two opposing platforms are flat, with one having a large cubic chunk taken out of it. Flakes are often large, irregular and angular or even irregular with a range of terminations. If pounder then sharply angled edges were used causing scarring. The cleavage planes of the quartz would cause flaking irregularities. General Height (between platforms) 5.6, width (length of platform) 6.5, thickness (of platform) 5.0 cm. Largest platform: Plunging? flake L: 5.5, W: 5.3 cm; Hinged flake L: 3.6, W: 2.8 cm. Other platform: Hinged flake L: 3.2, W: 2.5; Hinged flake L: 1.7, W: 2.6 cm. Weight 275.0 gm.",22/4/1996 00:00:00,, "5593",5.00,"FOSSIL BIVALVE","POUNDER/SMOOTHER","Bivalve fossil possibly reused as small Pounder/Smoother. Sub spherical light grey limestone. Most of the surface of the fossil has worn away, a small area is seen near the hinge. Entire surface appears abraded or worn, especially around the angled join between the two halves of the shell (or the widest circumference). The largest convex surface is fairly smooth, possibly partly due to use as well as left-over original surface. Fossil length 4.1, width 3.9, thickness 3.4 cm.",22/4/1996 00:00:00,, "5593",6.00,"SHELL","PIERCED BIVALVE","Pearl oyster shell with large central hole. Surface badly flaking, otherwise intact. Shell dimensions 6.2 x 5.9 cm. Hole dimensions 2.5 x 1.6 cm.",20/4/1996 00:00:00,, "5593",7.00,"BITUMEN","FRAG","Thick, diamond-shaped fragment of bitumen. Both faces fairly flat. One is slightly pitted, the other has impressions of vegetable matter. The edges are near vertical. Breaking away slightly at one end. Dimensions 4.7 x 2.6 x 1.1 cm.",27/4/1996 00:00:00,, "5593",8.00,"PLASTER","DOMED LID","Domed lid of light grey plaster. Upper surface is flat and fairly smooth. The lower is convex and pitted. The rim is rounded. Intact. Diameter 6.3-6.4, height 2.2 cm.",20/4/1996 00:00:00,, "5593",9.00,"BITUMEN","BUNG","Three joining fragments of possible bung. Sub-oval. One surface is flat , with impression of cross-woven palm matting or basket. The second face is convex and smooth, tapering to very thin broken edges. Extant length 4.1, width 3.0, thickness 1.0-0.1 cm. Palm frond av. width 0.5 cm.",27/4/1996 00:00:00,, "5594",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Flotation sample. 20L.",1/5/1996 00:00:00,, "5594",2.00,"BONE","BONES","One bag of mixed bone, general.",15/4/1996 00:00:00,, "5594",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, general.",15/4/1996 00:00:00,, "5595",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, not sieved. Including two articulated fish vertebrae.",29/4/1996 00:00:00,, "5595",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, not sieved. Includes one large murex with large (worn?) hole through the side, possible net weight. [ignore. JM] 5 bivalves show consistent angled breakages: where bashed open?",29/4/1996 00:00:00,, "5595",3.00,"COPPER","ROD OBJECT","Piece of copper rod, rectangular in section, broken off at both ends. One end tapers slightly. Length 4.5, width 0.6-0.4, thickness 0.5-0.5 cm.",27/4/1996 00:00:00,, "5595",4.00,"COPPER","HOOK FRAG","Possible fishhook fragment. Badly corroded fragment, very mottled brown surface. Probable hook end of a shaft, with rectangular section, bent into a curve and having a slightly tapered point. Broken in antiquity. Object extant length 0.3, width 1.8, thickness 0.5-1.0 cm. Shaft diameter approx. 0.7 cm.",27/4/1996 00:00:00,, "5595",5.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Two fragments of copper. 1) Solid elongated sub ovoid fragment, with lumpy surface especially at one end. Possible broken shaft of object within? 3.0 x 1.8 x 1.4 cm. 2) Sub ovoid fragment with lumpy surface. 1.1 x 1.0 x 0.9 cm.",27/4/1996 00:00:00,, "5595",6.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Irregular sub ovoid piece of dark grey medium grained stone. One face is convex and very abraded. It has broken away at one end where there is a large scar. The opposite face is flat and formed by scarring. One end is convex, the large scar struck from its edge makes it narrow. The other end is flat and scarred. All edges are abraded and slightly scarred. Intact. Dimensions 5.7 x 5.4 x 5.0 cm.",5/5/1996 00:00:00,, "5595",7.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Five large fragments of copper, four encrusted with pebbles. Measurements ignore pebbles. 1) Sub ovoid lump with fairly even but cracked surface (no pebbles). 2.7 x 2.1 x 2.0 cm. 2) Possible shaft fragment of object. Elongated fragment with possible square section, bent into a slight s-curve. At least one end broken in antiquity. Thick surface corrosion. Length 4.3, diameter 1.1 cm. 3) Irregular thick u-shaped fragment or two pieces fused together and later recently broken. Two broken points show two ends of a possible rectangular shaft, bent into a curve, but difficult to see. General dimensions 2.9 x 2.7 x 1.5 cm. One shaft 0.6 x 0.7 cm. 4) Sub ovoid lump. 2.4 x 1.9 x 1.5 cm. 5) Elongated sub ovoid (?) lump. 2.1 x 1.0 x 1.0 cm. Spill/refining waste. One piece taken by Lloyd Weeks for metallurgical analysis at Sydney, 1998",27/4/1996 00:00:00,, "5595",8.00,"SHELL","BEAD?","Apex of a cone shell, worn or ground to a rough, thick, ring shape, for use as a bead, or possibly accidental. Diameter 1.2-1.4, thickness 0.6 cm. Hole diameter 0.4-0.5 cm. Weight 1.2 gm.",27/4/1996 00:00:00,, "5595",9.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Two fragments of copper. 1) Solid sub rectangular lump, shaped like a knuckle bone. One face concave, the other convex. Much brown corrosion 2.9 x 2.3 x 1.6 cm. 2) Sub ovoid with one flattish face. 1.0 x 0.9 x 0.6 cm.",1/5/1996 00:00:00,, "5595",10.00,"STONE","FRAG","Fragment possibly chipped off a tool. Thin oval fragment of coarse grained pink stone with mica crystals and grey linear blotches. Gneiss? One surface slightly scarred, the other (broken face?) is flat. From floor/occupation. Dimensions 2.5 x 1.6 x 0.4 cm.",29/4/1996 00:00:00,, "5596",1.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Sub ovoid lump of copper with partly cracked brown and green corroding surface. Two pebbles adhering. Dimensions 2.1 x 1.8 x 1.7 cm.",27/4/1996 00:00:00,, "5597",1.00,"POTTERY","INDUS JAR","Upper part of large painted Indus storage jar, re-used as sherds for installation-base. Rim and shoulder complete. Lower body missing. Break horizontal and very even. Probably coil-built, and has broken away along a coil. Surface badly eroded in places. Rim rounded outwards. Very short neck. Rounded shoulder. Core grey, inner edge brown, outer yellow, then brick red near surface. Sparse sandy temper with occasional very large grit or lump of pottery. Inner surface eroded, outer washed with sealing-wax red and highly burnished. Design of at least 4 horizontal stripes from neck to maximum width, probably with horizontal rows of circles, is painted over in black. Design may be more elaborate but very faded. Re-use of broken pieces means adjacent sherds are of very different colours and conditions. Preserved height 44 cm. Rim diameter 28.6 cm. Max. width 66 cm (reconstructed). Indus-related.",2/5/1996 00:00:00,, "5598",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone not sieved.",15/4/1996 00:00:00,, "5598",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell not sieved.",15/4/1996 00:00:00,, "5598",3.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Fragment of Smoother/Pounder. Sub triangular fragment of dark grey close grained stone. Metamorphic. Parts of three faces are extant and all have surfaces worn smooth and slightly concave. The angled edges are abraded and slightly scarred. Dimensions 7.7 x 5.3 x 4.8 cm.",22/4/1996 00:00:00,, "5598",4.00,"COPPER","DISC FRAG","Copper fragment shaped as the segment of a disc: perhaps part of a button or similar, with about a third preserved. Extant length 1.8, width 1.7, thickness 1.0-0.3 (with-without lumps) cm. Diameter approx. 2.5 cm.",27/4/1996 00:00:00,,"One face has central area of brown corrosion. The other has lumps on what appears to be another flat surface." "5598",5.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Possible object. Fairly solid sub ovoid lump of copper with cracked surface making it look similar to a peach seed. Several small pebbles adhering to surface. Glimpse of darker green central core at two edges. Dimensions 2.1 x 1.9 x 1.4 cm.",27/4/1996 00:00:00,, "5599",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone not sieved.",15/4/1996 00:00:00,, "5599",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell not sieved.",15/4/1996 00:00:00,, "5599",3.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Fragment of Smoother/Pounder. Large sub oval flake off one face of dark grey fine grained stone. One slightly convex surface and the beginnings of a continuing second surface are both worn very smooth. Three edges are abraded and scarred, through pounding or chopping subsequent to this fragment breaking off the original tool. Dimensions 8.2 x 7.2 x 2.0 cm. Weight 147.1 gm.",22/4/1996 00:00:00,, "5602",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone not sieved.",15/4/1996 00:00:00,, "5602",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell not sieved.",15/4/1996 00:00:00,, "5602",3.00,"COPPER","WIRE OBJECT","Length of copper wire, tapering towards one end. Both ends broken. Possible pin or hook. Extant length 3.2, diameter 0.6-0.3 cm.",27/4/1996 00:00:00,, "5602",4.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Irregular sub ovoid lump of copper. Shape formed by numerous fused small blobs of copper and hollows. Slag? Dimensions 1.9 x 1.7 x 1.1 cm.",27/4/1996 00:00:00,, "5602",5.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Fragment, possibly broken off a Core or Tool. Sub conical piece of light brown chert, with four tapering sides. Butt end is scarred and pointed end is worn. Dimensions 2.3 x 1.6 x 1.5 cm.",2/5/1996 00:00:00,, "5602",6.00,"STONE","FRAG","Quartz pebble. Sub ovoid crystal with central ridge and pointed ends. Surface is rolled/weathered smooth. Two sides convex, the other concave. One small scar on ridge, another at one end. From floor/occupation. Dimensions 2.6 x 1.7 x 1.4 cm.",2/5/1996 00:00:00,, "5604",1.00,"POTTERY","BOWL","Large bowl. Found complete in situ, but badly cracked. Red clay, temper of grit and white circular inclusions. Rim flat on top, everted. Body swells slightly, then tapers gently to flat base. Three encircling ribs on upper body. Base coated with bitumen, also dribbles inside upper body. Rim diameter: 43-46 cm. Height: 33.2 cm. Base diameter: 15-15.5 cm.",15/4/1996 00:00:00,, "5605",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, general.",15/4/1996 00:00:00,, "5605",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","One worm casing from shell.",15/4/1996 00:00:00,, "5607",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone much large mammal.",15/4/1996 00:00:00,, "5607",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell not sieved. Large bag. 8 bivalves show consistent angled breakages: where bashed open?",15/4/1996 00:00:00,, "5607",3.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Three adjoining fragments of bitumen, perhaps form pouring spill. Thick, with vegetable inclusions and impressions. Total dimensions 3.6 x 3.2 x 0.9 cm.",20/4/1996 00:00:00,, "5607",4.00,"STONE","BITUMENED STONE","Stone with bitumen on surface. Sub-trapezoidal dark grey close grained stone. The visible faces flattish, with one having a large shallow concave scar. All faces except one end are coated at least partially in bitumen. One convex face is entirely covered to a thickness of approximately 1 cm. Extant bitumen surface is irregular with several impressions of vegetable matter. Stone dimensions 6.6 x 4.1 x 3.8 cm. With bitumen dimensions 7.0 x 4.4 x 4.1 cm.",27/4/1996 00:00:00,,"From midden." "5607",5.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Probable flake off a Pounder. Mottled brown flint with irregular light grey cortex. Long cortical flake with scarred platform and slightly plunging termination. Large natural hole on one edge which has been abraded on the cortical side. Two other areas of the cortex are also abraded. Possibly broke during pounding. L: 7.0, W: 6.5, T: 1.6 cm.",29/4/1996 00:00:00,, "5607",6.00,"SHELL","PIERCED BIVALVE","Lower part of a broken large bivalve shell with large central hole, also broken. Shell dimensions 5.2 x 3.5 cm. Hole dimensions Approx. 1.1 x 1.0 cm.",20/4/1996 00:00:00,, "5607",7.00,"BONE","ASSEMBLAGE","Articulated fish (?) vertebrae on limestone. 17 small vertebrae consolidated with Primal WS 24 10%. In box.",15/4/1996 00:00:00,, "5609",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone not sieved.",15/4/1996 00:00:00,, "5609",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell.",15/4/1996 00:00:00,, "5609",3.00,"BITUMEN","FRAG","Sub-triangular fragment of bitumen. One face is smooth and slightly convex, the other has impressions of vegetable matter. Dimensions 1.5 x 0.9 x 0.7 cm.",27/4/1996 00:00:00,, "5609",4.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Fragment, possibly off Pounder. Sub oval piece of heat affected dark grey cracked flint. Roughly convex dorsal surface is scarred from all sides. Broken/ventral surface is very irregular. Dimensions 4.5 x 4.2 x 1.4 cm.",2/5/1996 00:00:00,, "5610",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone not sieved.",15/4/1996 00:00:00,, "5610",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell not sieved. One pearl oyster shell has possible pearl see 5610:3.",15/4/1996 00:00:00,, "5610",3.00,"SHELL","BLISTER PEARL","Possible pearl below surface nacre of pearl oyster shell. Possibly only a bubble below thickly layered nacre. Shell height 5.5, width 5.3 cm. Oval nacre pearl or bubble diameter 0.3 cm.",2/5/1996 00:00:00,, "5611",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone not sieved.",15/4/1996 00:00:00,, "5611",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell not sieved.",15/4/1996 00:00:00,, "5611",3.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Scraper. Triangular chunky flake of mottled grey and brown flint. Prepared and facetted striking platform with feather termination. Previous flakes struck off the dorsal surface from the proximal and upper sides. Continuous retouch or use-wear along one edge and part of the curved end, struck from the ventral surface. Tip possibly partly broken. L: 4.1, W: 3.7, T: 2.2 cm.",2/5/1996 00:00:00,, "5611",4.00,"STONE","FRAG","Possible architectural stone, core or blank. Sub ovoid piece of grey limestone with remnant light grey cortex. Nodule struck from many sides to form sharply angled surface. One face has central ridge, the other is convex. One end is pointed, the other is flat. Possibly shaped to fit some architectural need. Dimensions 10.2 x 7.3 x 6.2 cm.",24/4/1996 00:00:00,, "5612",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone not sieved.",15/4/1996 00:00:00,, "5612",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell not sieved. 6 bivalves show consistent angled breakages: where bashed open?",15/4/1996 00:00:00,, "5612",3.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Three small fragments of bitumen from the lining to one or more woven vessels. All have one smooth surface and the other with impressions of cross-weave. Includes some possible desiccated palm fragments. Largest dimensions 1.1 x 1.0 x 0.4 cm.",27/4/1996 00:00:00,, "5614",1.00,"BONE","BONES","One animal tooth.",15/4/1996 00:00:00,, "5614",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell, general.",15/4/1996 00:00:00,, "5614",3.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder. Sub ovoid nodule of light grey limestone. Two opposite faces are flattened and smooth. One is larger than the other, but both have some small scarring around their edges. One side is concave. The wide convex band of the circumference is very abraded and partly scarred. All angled edges are abraded and scarred. Intact. A reasonable example of a tool. Dimensions 5.9 x 5.1 x 4.5 cm.",5/5/1996 00:00:00,, "5614",4.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder. Sub cubic nodule of dark grey small-medium grained stone. The two largest faces slope down towards the narrower edge. Three convex faces, and parts of another and one end are smooth. All the rounded edges and one end are very abraded. Some scarring is on the edges of both ends. Intact. Good example of tool. Dimensions 6.0 x 5.8 x 4.0-33 cm.",5/5/1996 00:00:00,, "5614",5.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder. Sub spheroid with flattened faces (or cuboid with rounded corners) of mottled grey-brown flint with white-light grey cortex. Surface entirely abraded and scarred, particularly around the edges of the flatter faces. One of these faces is entirely scarred, and has tiny natural hollow. Intact. Dimensions 5.0 x 4.8 x 4.4 cm.",5/5/1996 00:00:00,, "5614",6.00,"POTTERY","SHERDS","Chain-ridge sherds. Pieces from body of very large storage jar. Hard red clay, temper of white grit and occasional circular lime particles, also pieces of crushed pottery. Surface of smooth pale pink mostly eroded away. Some pieces have horizontal thumb-impressed ridges (large 'chain-ridge'). One pair of ridges is very close, while on another sherd a pair is 9 cm apart. Thumb impressions are 1.5 cm wide, 1.2 cm high. Similar sherds found in two rooms of same house. Inner room contexts: floor/occupation- 5614:6 (16 sherds); collapse- 5612 (3 sherds). Outer room contexts: floor/occupation- 5616 (6 sherds); collapse- 5615 (3 sherds). N. B. All these sherds kept in same bag with 5614:6.",1/5/1996 00:00:00,, "5614",7.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Small Pounder, possible Smoother. Sub oval pebble of grey close grained stone. The slightly convex and concave faces are fairly smooth natural? surface that has been abraded. About half of the slightly convex edge is very abraded, breaking through the worn surface of the stone. Intact. Dimensions 4.5 x 3.8 x 2.7 cm.",4/5/1996 00:00:00,, "5614",8.00,"FOSSIL BIVALVE","POUNDER","Small Chisel/Pounder tool. Broken sub oval bivalve fossil of mottled light grey limestone, with remnant darker skin. One face is convex with natural creasing on the surface. The opposite face is slightly convex and scarred. The entire curved band of the circumference and the edges are abraded and scarred. Shell fossil height 3.3, width 3.6, thickness 2.35 cm. Tool dimensions 3.6 x 3.3 x 2.35 cm.",5/5/1996 00:00:00,, "5614",9.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Bitumen adhering to small stone. Small sub-ovoid limestone pebble with smooth surface and natural oval hollows. Three of the hollows have bitumen stuck in them and onto the surrounding convex surface, perhaps when the stone came into contact with a puddle of cooling bitumen? Dimensions of stone 3.3 x 2.5 x 2.2 cm.",4/5/1996 00:00:00,, "5614",10.00,"POTTERY","PIERCED BASE","Base of large storage vessel. Base conical, terminating in disc with perforation. Hard pink clay, grit temper. Inside very eroded, outside has smooth pale pink surface, well-preserved, and rough concentric ribs. Extant height 5.5 cm. Extant length 24.5, width 21.0, thickness 0.8 cm. Disc base diameter 6.3 cm. Diameter of perforation 1.8 cm.",1/5/1996 00:00:00,, "5614",11.00,"POTTERY","VAT BASE","Flat base of large storage vessel. Flat base, badly cracked, sides flaring upwards. Pink clay, sparse, sandy temper, outer surface red and very smooth, but mostly eroded. From floor/occupation. Extant height 6.0 cm. Base diameter 16.5 cm. thickness 1.0 cm at centre.",1/5/1996 00:00:00,, "5615",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone not sieved. Includes cuttlefish.",15/4/1996 00:00:00,, "5615",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shells not sieved. 10 bivalves show consistent angled breakages: where bashed open?",15/4/1996 00:00:00,, "5615",3.00,"BITUMEN","FRAG","Large sub-oval fragment of bitumen. Possible residue from inside a vessel or part of an object. One surface is flat with some deep narrow pitting. The other surface is similar in texture but convex. The edges are roughly scalloped and reveal the layered nature of the bitumen. Dimensions 7.0 x 6.1 x 2.5 cm.",27/4/1996 00:00:00,, "5615",4.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Fairly solid sub ovoid lump of copper with a lot of surface brown corrosion. Irregular surface. Dimensions 3.4 x 2.1 x 2.0 cm.",27/4/1996 00:00:00,, "5615",5.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Fragment of Smoother/Pounder. Circular piece of light grey limestone. Broken side is flattish. Extant side is corner of tool, showing parts of two surfaces worn convex and smooth. Tiny striations are visible on these surfaces. The extant corner and rounded edges are abraded and slightly scarred. Dimensions 4.9 x 4.7 x 2.2 cm.",27/4/1996 00:00:00,, "5615",6.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Chopper/Pounder. Unusual wedge shaped piece of dark red-brown close grained stone with pink linear mottles. Metamorphic? Very flat faces and near vertical sides. All four, but mainly two angled edges of the sides have been unifacially struck/abraded, leaving scars across one face. The widest end has been pounded to form numerous small and large scars. The small tapered end also has several worn scars. Was the tool hafted? Intact. Length 10.3, max. width 5.7, thickness 2.5-2.3 cm. Weight 221.8 gm.",22/4/1996 00:00:00,, "5615",7.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Sub ovoid lump of copper with small blob at one end. Some brown surface corrosion. Dimensions 1.0 x 0.8 x 0.6 cm.",27/4/1996 00:00:00,, "5615",8.00,"STONE","SAMPLE","Small fragment of galena or pyrite. Metallic crystals, to be identified. Dimensions 1.9 x 1.5 x 1.3 cm. Weight 7.8 gm.",24/4/1996 00:00:00,, "5615",9.00,"SHELL","PIERCED BIVALVE","Bivalve shell with large oval hole in side. Intact. Shell dimensions 3.9 x 4.2 cm. Hole dimensions 1.1 x 0.8 cm.",24/4/1996 00:00:00,, "5615",10.00,"STONE","SAMPLE","Farush. Sub ovoid piece of coarse sandstone with large inclusions of broken shell. Numerous holes and hollows within it. One face is flat and worn? smooth. The other has four large pearl oyster shells imbedded in the surface. Dimensions 9.8 x 6.9 x 4.5 cm.",22/4/1996 00:00:00,, "5615",11.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Possible Grindstone fragment. Elongated rectangular fragment of light brown sandstone with medium-coarse sand inclusions. The ends are pointed. Upper surface is slightly concave and fairly smooth with occasional small abrading marks. The opposite is slightly convex. Dimensions 10.9 x 2.4 x 1.9 cm.",22/4/1996 00:00:00,, "5615",12.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Fragment, possibly off a Core or Tool. Sub triangular piece of heat affected dark grey cracked flint, with remnant blackened cortex on one flat face. The other is cracked and irregular. Dimensions 3.6 x 2.2 x 0.7 cm.",2/5/1996 00:00:00,, "5615",13.00,"POTTERY","PIERCED SHERD","Perforated sherd. Perhaps originally sub-rectangular with central perforation, but now with one corner missing. Hole drilled from both sides. Hard brown clay, sparse grit temper, traces of cream slip out. From body of large vessel. Dimensions 5.2 x 4.6 x 0.7 cm. Hole diameter 0.3 cm.",29/4/1996 00:00:00,, "5616",1.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder. Sub ovoid nodule of light grey limestone. One long side has been worn into a very smooth and slightly convex oval surface. This surface has many small striations. The irregular curved surface of the rest of the tool is abraded, particularly in the wide zone of the circumference. The most abrading occurs at the ends. Intact and in good condition. Length 7.1, width 6.3, thickness 4.8 cm. Weight 318.6 gm.",22/4/1996 00:00:00,, "5616",2.00,"POTTERY","BOWL","Small bowl. Single fragment of rim and body only, less than a quarter preserved. Brown clay, temper of white grit. Black surfaces. Rim roughly flattened on top, sides straight, lower body rounded, base presumably flat. Rough and uneven. Height 4.6 cm. Rim diameter approx. 9.6 cm (reconstructed).",1/5/1996 00:00:00,, "5616",3.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Small Pounder. Possible Smoother. Sub ovoid pebble of light grey limestone. One sub trapezoid face is flat and smooth. Surface in general is smooth except for the rounded edges which are slightly abraded. One slightly pointed end is more abraded. Dimensions 3.4 x 3.0 x 2.4 cm.",5/5/1996 00:00:00,, "5616",4.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Small Pounder. Sub ovoid, tear-drop shaped, pebble of light grey limestone. The surface is generally smooth, probably naturally. Both faces are nearly flat. The rounded edges and especially the pointed end are abraded. Dimensions 4.1 x 2.6 x 1.7 cm.",5/5/1996 00:00:00,, "5617",1.00,"POTTERY","BOWL","Bowl. Part of base and large piece of rim and body missing. Pink clay, cream surfaces, grit temper. Pinched rim, rounded body, flat base. Base very thin in centre, perhaps worn almost through. Warped. Height 8.8 cm. Rim diameter 8.8-10.0 cm. Base diameter 5.0 (reconstructed) cm.",20/4/1996 00:00:00,,"Sherds also found in 5612 & 5614." "5617",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone not sieved.",15/4/1996 00:00:00,, "5617",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell not sieved. 2 bivalves show consistent angled breakages: where bashed open?",15/4/1996 00:00:00,, "5617",4.00,"POTTERY","PIERCED SHERD","Sherd with central drilled perforation. Approximately trapezoid in plan. Pink clay, cream surfaces, some smoke-blackening, also over breaks. Temper of grit and perhaps some vegetable matter. From large vessel. Length 5.0-5.7, Width 3.6-5.6, thickness 0.7-1.0 cm. Hole diameter 0.25-0.9 cm.",20/4/1996 00:00:00,, "5617",5.00,"STONE","FRAG","Possible non-local stone. Sub triangular piece of dark grey close grained stone with irregular rough surfaces. No evidence of working. Dimensions 6.3 x 3.2 x 2.7 cm.",22/4/1996 00:00:00,, "5619",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Flotation sample. 5L.",1/5/1996 00:00:00,, "5619",2.00,"POTTERY","COOKING POT","Cooking pot. About one third of rim and upper body preserved. Red clay, temper of grit and circular lime inclusions. Outer surface smoothed with diagonal finger-strokes. Smoke-blackened patches out. Rim swollen, flattened on inside, with indentation just below small indentation on outside, just below rim. Body globular. Extant height 16 cm. Rim diameter 14 cm (reconstructed). Max. width 25.6 cm (reconstructed).",29/4/1996 00:00:00,,"Found in situ in tannur." "5619",3.00,"STONE","FRAG","Very large worked flake. Possible architectural fragment or used as large tool: Chopper or Pounder. Light grey limestone. Plain platform, pointed slightly plunging termination. Dorsal surface is very scarred from edge pounding, shaping or damage, particularly along one side edge and distal end. From inside tannur. Height 12.5, width 13.7, thickness 5.1 cm.",29/4/1996 00:00:00,, "5636",1.00,"POTTERY","PAINTED BOWL","Bowl: base and part of lower body only. Heavy orange clay, sparse temper of grit and white grit. Body tapers gently from point of maximum width to flat base. Part of bold, swirling design in purple paint. Extant height 4.0 cm. Base diameter 3.4-3.6 cm.",29/4/1996 00:00:00,, "5636",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. Includes large camel? bone. Not sieved.",1/5/1996 00:00:00,, "5636",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. 4 bivalves show consistent angled breakages: where bashed open?",1/5/1996 00:00:00,, "5636",4.00,"POTTERY","PAINTED SHERD","Painted sherd. Brown clay, very fine, but with occasional large inclusions of grit or lime. Surface polished, painted bright red, with design in black. Wheel made. Extant height 5.9, width 5.3, thickness 0.6 cm.",1/5/1996 00:00:00,, "5636",5.00,"SHELL","PIERCED CONCH"," Strombus shell with irregular oval hole in side. Not measured. Stored with 5636:03, not separately labelled.",,, "5642",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. Not sieved.",1/5/1996 00:00:00,, "5642",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell.",1/5/1996 00:00:00,, "5642",3.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Two fragments of copper. 1) Possible broken shaft of object. Elongated fragment with square section at one broken end, tapering to a more rounded narrower one at the other broken end. Length 1.7, diameter 0.7-0.4 (each end) cm. 2) Small irregular fragment encrusted with pebbles. Approx. dimensions 0.7 x 0.5 x 0.4 cm.",27/4/1996 00:00:00,, "5642",4.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Small Chisel/Pounder. Possible Smoother. Flat sub oval pebble of grey close grained stone. Both flat faces are slightly abraded near the scarred edge, one more than the other. The less abraded face is very smooth near the curved edge, and was perhaps worn this way when held or used. Natural edge is convex with several small hollows. One half of the stone has been continually scarred and is almost vertical The opposite edge is abraded. Intact tool from basin fill. Good example of well-used tool. Dimensions 3.9 x 3.8 x 1.2 cm.",27/4/1996 00:00:00,, "5742",1.00,"STONE","POLISHER","Pebble Polisher. Possible Weight. High conical pebble of dark grey, close grained igneous stone. Weathered smooth surface, with flat oval-triangular face more polished. No visible striations. The rounded edges of this face are slightly worn with a few small scars. The other rounded edges of the rest of the pebble are also worn. From street. Intact, a good example. Dimensions 2.5 x 2.2 x 2.2 cm. Smooth face 19.0 x 16.5 cm. 19.4 gm.",6/5/1999 00:00:00,, "5774",1.00,"STEATITE","SEAL","Circular stamp seal of grey and white mottled steatite, glazed. Cracked into two pieces. Edge: Failaka var. 2) Reverse standard but worn: the three parallel lines are only visible at the edge, and one of the four dot-and-circle motifs is damaged. Design is deeply cut. Design: Two seated men face each other, drinking through straws from a jar between their feet. Each has his outside arm crooked, his inside one on his straw. Foot motif below jar and a crescent to the left. A horizontal line joins the two men at the shoulder - perhaps the tops of the straws, which have merged. Above this and between their faces is another motif, possibly a jar with two down-curving straws in it. Dark grey steatite, traces of glaze. Diameter 2.2 cm. Height 1.08 cm.",27/4/1999 00:00:00,,"Repaired HMG" "5799",1.00,"STONE","PIERCED DISC","Thick pierced disc, perhaps a weight, or a double-sided mortar/door socket that has worn right through. Otherwise intact. Discoid piece of whitish oolitic limestone, roughly shaped. Two faces have been at least partly ground flat, and then pitted. They are pierced with a large central hole that tapers from each side towards the centre. The hole has remnant vertical chisel marks near the top, and pitting down the sides. The circular circumference is vertical and entirely deeply pitted. All the edges are partly scarred. Diameter 8.0-7.75 cm. Thickness 3.95 cm. Hole diameter (top) 4.5-4.0; (bottom/centre) 1.55-1.2 cm",27/4/1999 00:00:00,, "5807",1.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Fragment of Pounder, continued to be used after broken. Chunky triangular piece of dark grey, medium grained igneous stone. Probably dolerite. Parts of three original faces extant, forming three sides of a rectangle. Two are flat, the other is convex. Two are pitted and scarred, as is the broken face (a flake scar). All the edges are scarred, especially around the broken face. Dimensions 3.55 x 3.5 x 3.3 cm.",2/5/1999 00:00:00,, "6001",1.00,"COPPER","NAIL","Shaft of nail, square in section, head broken off. Otherwise good condition with patina. Extant length 5.8, width 3 - 7, thickness 3 - 8 cm.",13/2/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "6002",1.00,"BITUMEN","BEAD","Spherical bead with large central hole. Complete but concave surface damaged. Diameter: 1.9 cm. Height: 1.4 cm.",15/2/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "6002",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. Not sieved.",16/2/1995 00:00:00,, "6002",3.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Ten fragments of bitumen from the lining to one or more woven vessels, with one side having impressions of cross-weave. Other side fairly smooth but pitted. Largest dimensions 2.2 x 2.2 x 0.4 cm.",16/2/1995 00:00:00,, "6002",4.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder. Small sub ovoid nodule of mottled grey-brown flint with remnants of thin creamy white cortex. Abraded and scarred predominantly in zone around maximum circumference. Dimensions 4.5 x 3.4 x 3.1 cm.",13/2/1995 00:00:00,, "6002",5.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder. Sub-rectangular fragment of light brown stone with numerous large quartz inclusions, sandstone. One face is worn smooth and flat. The other is also worn fairly smooth and tapers down to form extant bevelled edge. Other probable extant edge is vertical. Dimensions 12.7 x 8.4 x 3.5 cm.",13/2/1995 00:00:00,, "6002",6.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. Not sieved.",16/2/1995 00:00:00,, "6002",7.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","4 small fragments of copper. Largest is shaped like two ovoid fragments joined at an acute angle. Largest dimensions 1.5 x 1.1 x 0.8 cm.",16/2/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "6003",1.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Twenty-two small fragments apparently all from the lining to one small woven vessel, with one side showing impression of cross-weave, the other smooth but slightly pitted. Largest fragment is partly curved, possibly near or join of base. Largest dimensions 4.6 x 3.2 x 0.4 cm.",20/2/1995 00:00:00,, "6003",2.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder. Sub ovoid nodule of mottled flint with creamy white cortex. Abraded and deeply scarred predominantly in zone around maximum circumference. Intact. Dimensions 6.2 x 5.5 x 4.8 cm.",22/2/1995 00:00:00,, "6003",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. Not sieved.",22/2/1995 00:00:00,, "6003",4.00,"PLASTER","FRAG","Sub-triangular fragment of plaster. One side very smooth and flat, the other roughly flat. Dimensions 6.3 x 4.0 x 1.4 cm.",22/2/1995 00:00:00,, "6003",5.00,"PLASTER","DISC LID","Small, disc-shaped, light grey plaster lid. Both sides convex with edges worn, otherwise in very good condition. Intact. Diameter 5.3 cm. Height 2.4 cm.",22/2/1995 00:00:00,, "6003",6.00,"CARNELIAN","BEAD","Half carnelian bead, possibly double conoid or cylindrical with tapered ends. Extant length 0.8, diameter 0.6, hole diameter 0.4 cm.",22/2/1995 00:00:00,, "6003",7.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. Four fish vertebrae articulated and consolidated with Paraloid B72 in acetone.",22/2/1995 00:00:00,, "6003",8.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","1 large and 36 small fragments of copper. All covered with thick patina, some with brown staining. 1) Largest is elongated flattish strip now slightly curved. Edges are bumpy, and end pointed. Possible object. Dimensions 5.6 x 2.0 x 0.6 cm. 2.-11. Angular fragments with bumpy surfaces Range 1.4 x 0.8 x 0.5 to 0.7 x 0.5 x 0.3 cm. 12.-15. Sub ovoid-angular Range 0.8 x 0.7 x 0.6 to 0.7 x 0.5 x 0.5 cm. 16.-37. Flat strips-partly angular Range 0.8 x 0.5 x 0.2 to 0.4 x 0.4 x 0.1 cm.",22/2/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "6003",9.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing? Very fine light grey clay with rare tiny white and light grey inclusions. Originally ovoid? Surviving piece represents one rounded end with smooth exterior surface. String impression on broken surface. Dimensions 2.1 x 2.05 x 1.35 cm.",22/2/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "6004",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone.",26/2/1995 00:00:00,, "6004",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell.",26/2/1995 00:00:00,, "6004",3.00,"BITUMEN","FRAG","Small sub-square fragment of bitumen with flat but pitted sides. Dimensions 2.4 x 2.0 x 1.0 cm.",26/2/1995 00:00:00,, "6004",4.00,"COPPER","FRAG","1 sub ovoid fragment of copper with brown staining. Lumpy with pointed ends. Dimensions 2.6 x 1.7 x 1.3 cm.",26/2/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "6005",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. One bivalve has substance adhering to both sides (bitumen?).",26/2/1995 00:00:00,, "6005",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone.",26/2/1995 00:00:00,, "6005",3.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","4 fragments of copper, all different sizes and shapes. 1) Sub ovoid fragment of copper. Fairly solid with thin patina 2.6 x 1.9 x 1.0 cm. 2) Sub ovoid/irregular with lumpy surface & brown staining 2.6 x 1.7 x 1.2 cm. 3.-5. probably join. 3) Sub rectangular flat strip, broken at one end 1.1 x 0.9 x 0.4 cm. 4) Sub square tiny fragment 0.5 x 0.5 x 0.1 cm. 5) Sub rectangular fragment 0.6 x 0.3 x 0.2 cm.",26/2/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "6005",4.00,"PLASTER","RENDER FRAGS","Three fragments of white plaster, probably render. 1) Sub-ovoid with bumps and recesses on one face with the opposite fairly smooth and slightly concave. 8.8 x 7.6 x 4.9 cm. 2) Sub- triangular, fine texture and with two fairly flat surfaces 4.0 x 3.4 x 1.4 cm. 3) Flat, irregular, with one smooth face, the opposite has linear impressions of reeds or palm fronds 5.8 x 4.0 x 0.6 cm.",26/2/1995 00:00:00,, "6005",5.00,"SHELL","PIERCED SHELLS","Three pierced shells, all intact. 1) Murex shell with large oval hole in side. Length 6.2, width 4.5, thickness 4.3. Hole: 0.9 x 0.8 cm. 2) Conch shell (strombus) with irregular oval hole in side. Length 4.8, width 2.6, thickness 2.3 cm. Hole: 1.7 x 1.3 cm. 3) Bivalve shell with oval hole in side. Length 4.0, width 4.3 cm. Hole: 1.2 x 0.8 cm.",26/2/1995 00:00:00,, "6005",6.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Awl or point. Diamond shaped flake of brown flint with remnant white cortex with brown skin. Striking platform is scarred. The distal end is hinged and later struck sideways to form point. The short edge near proximal end has been backed by retouching from the dorsal surface. Intact. L: 3.3, W: 2.0, T: 0.7 cm.",27/3/1995 00:00:00,, "6005",7.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Eight large and more than thirty smaller fragments of bitumen, from the lining to one or more woven vessels. Most of the fragments have impressions of cross-eave. The largest is sub-ovoid with no impressions. Dimensions: 4.9 x 3.3 x 3.4 cm.",27/3/1995 00:00:00,, "6005",8.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Sub spherical nodule of light grey limestone. Almost entire surface is abraded with several faces deeply scarred. One face in particular has been scarred almost flat with a raised bivalve fossil remaining in the centre. Intact. 9.7 x 9.2 x 8.6 cm.",27/3/1995 00:00:00,, "6005",9.00,"STONE","BEAD","Large, wide, slightly irregular cylindrical bead, of close-grained white stone with brown linear flaw. Possibly quartz, or marble. Surface has been smoothed, or is possibly worn, but is still irregular, with several indentations at one end. Ends rounded, one at an angle. Large central hole. Intact. Conceivably a blank for a cylinder seal. Length 2.1-2.3, diameter 1.5 cm. Poorly stratified, and therefore possibly post-Dilmun.",5/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6005",10.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Fragment of grinder. Sub cuboid light brown stone with numerous quartz inclusions, sandstone. One face is worn smooth and flat. The opposite is irregular and convex. he edges are irregular-near vertical. Dimensions 7.4 x 6.6 x 4.5 cm.",27/3/1995 00:00:00,, "6005",11.00,"FLINT","CORE","Blade core piece utilised also for production of other flakes. Oval flaked brown mottled flint. Striking platforms bipolar as well as one at ninety degrees. Long flakes struck from bipolar platforms:- L: 3.5, W: 1.5 cm. These platforms are scarred. The platform at right angles is also scarred and partly facetted. The flakes from struck from the latter are wider:- L: 0.5, W: 1.1 cm. One long edge shows possible use wear. Overall L: 3.6; W: 2.0, T: 1.0 cm.",27/3/1995 00:00:00,, "6005",12.00,"FOSSIL ECHINOID","TOOL","Echinoid fossil. Sub ovoid light grey limestone with flattish base and convex upper surface. Very worn/abraded on upper surface. Used as pounder tool? Intact. Dimensions 5.8 x 5.1 x 2.6 cm.",27/3/1995 00:00:00,, "6005",13.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Flake probably of Pounder. Ovoid fragment of dark grey-brown flint with remnant light grey cortex. Probably heat treated or exposed due to dark colour and internal fracturing. Striking platform is in area of scarring/abrading. The distal end is chunky and plunging. Dimensions 1.9 x 1.0 x 0.6 cm.",27/3/1995 00:00:00,, "6005",14.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Possible Pounder flake. Light grey chert with white-grey cortex. Elongated sub cuboid. Striking platform not obvious. Dimensions 3.2 x 1.1 x 1.0 cm.",27/3/1995 00:00:00,, "6005",15.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Fragment of Pounder/Smoother. Sub ovoid-pointed fragment of dark grey close grained stone. One face is convex and worn fairly smooth. The other and all the extant edges are abraded. Dimensions 4.6 x 2.4 x 2.1 cm.",27/3/1995 00:00:00,, "6007",1.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","More than a hundred fragments of bitumen from the lining to one or more woven vessels. All have impressions of cross-weave. One large thick base (?) fragment dimensions 8.1 x 5.5 x 2.0 cm. Crumbled condition.",6/3/1995 00:00:00,, "6007",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. ",11/3/1995 00:00:00,, "6007",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell.",11/3/1995 00:00:00,, "6007",4.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Large fragment of grinder. Sub-square fragment of light brown very coarse grained stone with numerous inclusions of sand, shell grit and small pebbles, farush sandstone. One face is flat and worn smooth. The opposite is uneven. The edges are narrow to near vertical. One corner of stone is broken off but otherwise intact. Dimensions 22.0 x 19.5 x 6.4 cm.",11/3/1995 00:00:00,, "6008",1.00,"BONE","ARTICULATED","Articulated bone of small mammal. In separate crate. Consolidated with Primal.",12/3/1995 00:00:00,, "6008",2.00,"FLINT","FLAKE","Blade flake with broken tip. Brown flint with one face showing weathered surface. Struck from light grey-brown cortex. One thin edge worn (damaged). L; 2.8, W: 0.9, T: 0.4 cm.",12/3/1995 00:00:00,, "6008",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. 2 bivalves have continuous nicks on the edge and are possible scraper tools [ignore. JM]. 5 bivalves have double nicks on the edge, possibly worked and not natural. 18 bivalves have nicks on the edge, possibly worked and not natural. Where prised open? 2 bivalves show consistent angled breakages: where bashed open?",10/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6008",4.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. Includes numerous articulated small foot bones and jaw. In box. Not consolidated.",12/3/1995 00:00:00,, "6008",5.00,"BONE","ARTICULATED","Several sections of articulated bone, including jaw. Consolidated with Primal. Packed into plastic box.",12/3/1995 00:00:00,, "6008",6.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Fragment of possible Smoother. Sub ovoid fragment of dark grey close grained stone, limestone? Two extant surfaces and edge are smooth and slightly convex. Broken edges are possibly partly abraded. Dimensions 2.7 x 2.2 x 1.7 cm.",10/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6008",7.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","'midden' sample, 3 buckets, 17L. Excavated 1995. Discarded due to contamination.",14/7/1998 00:00:00,, "6010",1.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Sub-rectangular piece of light brown stone with numerous quartz inclusions, sandstone. One face has been worn smooth and flat, with several natural circular hollows. The opposite is irregular and slightly convex, with a small (worn?) concave hollow towards one end. This face tapers down to two narrow and one horizontal edges. The fourth edge is broken at an angle, otherwise the grinder is intact. Dimensions 21.4 x 15.9 x 5.2 cm.",23/3/1995 00:00:00,, "6010",2.00,"PLASTER","RENDER FRAG","Sub-rectangular fragment of light grey plaster, presumably from wall or installation. One face is flat and smooth. The opposite is irregular with sub-rectangular indentations or impressions of stone or timber. The edges are near vertical, the thickest being convex, the opposite narrow and broken. Dimensions 11.8 x 9.0 x 5.5 cm.",23/3/1995 00:00:00,, "6010",3.00,"FLINT","SCRAPER","Scraper. Long plunging flake of brown flint with remnant creamy white cortex at distal end. One part of distal edge has been retouched. Intact. L: 3.7, W: 2.3, T: 0.6 cm.",23/3/1995 00:00:00,, "6010",4.00,"BITUMEN","BEAD","Spheroid bead with large central hole. Smooth surface is only slightly pitted. In good condition and intact. Height 1.5, diameter 2.3 cm.",23/3/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "6010",5.00,"COPPER","RING","Fragment of copper, oval-circular in section and curved into a semicircle: presumably half a ring. Diameter 2.2, thickness-width 0.3-0.4 cm.",23/3/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "6010",6.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Sub-rectangular fragment of grinder, made of light brown stone with numerous quartz inclusions: sandstone. One face has been worn smooth and slightly concave. The opposite is irregular and partly convex. Dimensions 9.5 x 8.4 x 4.4 cm.",3/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6010",7.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","5 copper fragments of different sizes and shapes. Nos. 2.-5. probably originally one fragment. 1) Slag sub oval 2.4 x 1.6 x 1.0 cm. 2) Sub ovoid 0.8 x 0.6 x 0.5 cm. 3) Sub ovoid 0.7 x 0.5 x 0.4 cm. 4) Sub oval 0.5x 0.4 x 0.3 cm. 5) Sub ovoid 0.5 x 0.5 x 0.4 cm.",3/4/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "6010",8.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS?","Four fragments of bitumen, all sub-ovoid. Some with plant (palm?) impressions. Possibly lining fragments from base of basket. Largest dimensions 3.7 x 3.3 x 2.3 cm.",3/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6010",9.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell.",3/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6010",10.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone.",3/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6011",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Sample from basin fill. 2 buckets.",25/3/1995 00:00:00,, "6012",1.00,"POTTERY","RIDGED JAR","Partial jar: complete profile. Most of rim extant, about half of body, and a fragment of the base. Red clay, white grit temper, cream surface, yellower near base. Outer surface 'ribbed' by roughly horizontal finger smears, fading out on lower body. Hole apparently deliberately cut out of body. Large grey patch on one side of outer body. Height 46.8, max width 40.4, rim diameter 15.2-15.6, base diameter (reconstructed) 4.2 cm. Di. of hole approx. 7 x 7 cm.",26/3/1995 00:00:00,, "6012",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell.",18/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6012",3.00,"COPPER","WIRE OBJECT","Two fragments of broken object or objects, perhaps pins or fishhooks. 1) Shaft piece with square section with slightly bumpy patinated surface. 2.8 x 0.6 x 0.6 cm. 2) Shaft piece with square-circular section. Total 3.9 x 0.4-0.7 x 0.4-0.7 cm.",18/4/1995 00:00:00,"Y","2. Has recent break" "6012",4.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Sub ovoid piece of very coarse stone with numerous inclusions of shell and quartz grains, farush sandstone. Parts of the coarse surface are visibly abraded, others are not as easily distinguishable. The outer sides are particularly abraded. Intact. Dimensions 9.1 x 8.6 x 6.8 cm.",18/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6012",5.00,"SHELL","PIERCED BIVALVE","Worn spiny oyster shell with large sub-oval hole in the side. Shell Length 6.2, width 5.4 cm. Hole dimensions 2.3 x 1.3 cm.",18/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6013",1.00,"ORGANIC","WOOD","Large sections of palm. From well fill. Packed into 2 crates. Other small samples of wood unconsolidated in 4 small plastic containers. C14 sample also taken. See 6013: .",2/4/1995 00:00:00,,"Consolidated with Vinamul." "6013",2.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","More than fifty fragments of bitumen, five of which are large, from the lining to one or more woven vessels. All have impressions of cross-weave on one face, the opposite face being relatively smooth. Part of the original palm(?) fronds are preserved. Bitumen is brown in colour rather than the usual black. Largest dimensions 5.1 x 2.7 x 0.6 cm.",12/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6013",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","One bivalve shell.",12/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6013",4.00,"ORGANIC","SAMPLE","Carbon sample for dating of wood (6013:1) from well fill. Packed into small round plastic tub.",27/5/1995 00:00:00,, "6015",1.00,"POTTERY","COOKING POT","Cooking pot, found complete in situ, upside down, but badly fractured. Small gap in body. Much of outer surface abraded. Crisp pink clay, temper of fine lime particles (but not the usual circular speckles) on the surface. Occasional large particles. Outside is smoke blackened. Hole mouth, edge thickened and very slightly pulled up to give perfunctory, uneven pinched rim. Body ovoid, terminating in blunt pointed base. Height 39.0 cm. Rim diameter 15.2-16.5 cm. Max. width 31.4 cm.",5/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6015",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell.",30/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6015",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone.",30/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6015",4.00,"PLASTER","POT COATING","Sub-oval fragment of light grey plaster, possibly from pot-coating. One face is smooth and convex, the opposite is irregular. The edges are irregular, with one long side with a large notch. Dimensions 11.4 x 7.2 x 2.6 cm.",30/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6016",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. Not sieved. Includes large mammal bone & a jaw fragment.",13/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6016",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. Not sieved.",13/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6016",3.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Six small fragments of bitumen from the lining to one or more woven vessels. Five have impressions of cross-weave on one face, the opposite face being relatively smooth. The largest is smooth on both faces. Largest dimensions 1.9 x 1.8 0.4 cm.",13/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6016",4.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Pounder/Smoother. Sub ovoid nodule of light grey limestone. Most of surface is abraded and on three faces deeply scarred. One flat face has been worn very smooth, with its edges abraded. Intact. Dimensions 8.8 x 7.8 x 7.4 cm.",13/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6016",5.00,"BITUMEN","VESSEL","Bitumen-coated vessel of woven palm-fronds, perhaps the 'bucket' for the well. Actual pieces of palm-frond preserved too. Width of palm frond pieces used approx. 1.1 cm.- unusually wide. Largest fragment 6.0 x 5.1 x 2.3 cm. Diameter (measured in situ) c. 30-36 cm.",11/4/1995 00:00:00,,"Only able to preserve as fragments." "6016",6.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Sample from the well fill. 1 bucket. Partial sample wet sieved and sorted by Dominique. NB Fragile condition of objects within once water-logged deposit indicates that it may be gentler on them to wet sieve rather than float.",13/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6016",7.00,"BITUMEN","LID OR BUNG","Fragment of small lid or bung, with oval knob. The upper surface is flat and smooth, the lower surface is convex and smooth. Dimensions 2.7 x 1.4 x 0.5 (-1.3 with knob) cm. Knob length1.3, width 1.1 cm.",13/4/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "6016",8.00,"POTTERY","PAINTED JAR","Painted jar, fragile and fragmentary, tenuous profile. Red clay, grit temper. Now very soft. Cream slip out. Outer surface has black washy paint (very perfunctory) over upper part of body and just inside rim. Bevelled rim, short, wide, waisted neck, body globular, tapering to flat base. Height (restored) 25.5 cm. Rim diameter 12.4-12.6 cm. Base diameter 7.4 cm.",13/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6016",9.00,"POTTERY","RIDGED JAR","Most of rim and neck, and parts of shoulder of ridged jar. Brown clay, very soft from damp conditions. Heavily speckled with circular lime particles. Red wash outside and over inside of neck. Rim bevelled, short, slightly waisted neck, shoulder rounded and swelling as far as preserved, shoulder ridged. Rim diameter 12.2-12.4 cm. Preserved height 14.8 cm. Max. preserved width (reconstructed) 31.2 cm.",13/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6017",1.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Well fill. Dry sieved sample. 6 buckets. Some sorted by Nabiel:- -small bottle of shell. -small bottle of bone. -small box of carbonised & other seeds & casts (date).",12/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6017",2.00,"ORGANIC","SEEDS","Numerous seeds: (1) approx. 100 with black (carbonised?) ovoid epidermis, one pointed end, slightly flattened both faces; (2) approx. 50 spherical yellow (like eggs??); (3) 2 partial curved date pip phytoliths, showing central linear indentation. From flotation of sample 6017:1 (1995). Dimensions (1) 0.1 x 0.05 cm; (2) diam. 0.05 cm; (3) largest 1.9 x 0.05 x 0.03 cm. From flotation of soil sample 6017:1 (1995). For botanist - JAM 1999",8/5/1999 00:00:00,, "6019",1.00,"BITUMEN","BEAD","Half of spherical (?) bead with large central hole. Surface smooth. Length 2.1, extant width 2.1, extant thickness 1.1 cm.",14/4/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "6019",2.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","2 fragments of different shapes and sizes. 1) Elongated curved with oval section 2.1 x 0.5-0.9 x 0.5-0.7 cm. 2) Elongated wiggly irregular 1.5 x 0.7 x 0.6 cm.",15/4/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "6019",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell.",15/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6019",4.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone.",15/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6019",5.00,"POTTERY","BOWL","Small bowl. Extant two sherds join to make up about half the vessel. Crisp pink clay, grit temper. Outer surface greyish buff. Roughly pinched rim, uneven and slightly overhanging in places. Curved sides, thin flat base. Lower half of body rough on outside. Height: 4.4 cm. Rim diameter: 9 cm. Base diameter: 6 cm.",15/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6019",6.00,"COPPER","WIRE OBJECT","Length of copper wire, both ends broken, perhaps the shaft of a pin or fishhook. Length 4.6, diameter 0.5 cm.",15/4/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "6020",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell.",23/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6020",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone.",23/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6020",3.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Elongated ovoid fragment of copper with brown staining. Slightly curved shape, wider at one end, the other appears circular in section. Dimensions 2.0 x 0.5-0.8 x 0.5-0.8 cm.",23/4/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "6020",4.00,"STONE","FRAG","Possible grinder fragment. Elongated ovoid fragment of light brown stone with numerous quartz inclusions, sandstone. One extant face is smooth and flat-slightly convex. It was possibly the edge of the worked object. Dimensions 14.0 x 4.7 x 3.9 cm.",30/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6021",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone.",23/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6021",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell.",23/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6021",3.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Possible Pounder. Sub cuboid fragment of dark grey-brown close grained stone, limestone? Surface is lighter and beside one edge is stained dark brown. The two largest faces are fairly flat with some abrading. The near vertical edges are also abraded and in parts deeply scarred, particularly one corner. One edge has a notch-like scar. Intact. Dimensions 12.0 x 12.0 x 5.2 cm. Microxin, suspect siliceous or CO3. (MM May 1995)",23/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6021",4.00,"STONE","WORKED","Fragment of stone object, possibly a grinder or basin. One extant surface and one side or edge are both relatively flat. The edge is beginning to curve at one end. The broken faces are irregular. Dimensions 10.8 x 8.9 x 4.9 cm.",23/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6021",5.00,"PLASTER","KNOBBED LID FRAG","Sub-oval fragment of a lid made of white plaster. Base slightly convex with broad linear impressions, possibly of palm frond. Upper side also slightly convex, with linear zones of vegetal impressions, in between pronounced ridges, with remains of large sub-rectangular/angled knob with a smooth convex surface. Narrow edges, all now broken and worn. Dimensions 12.8 x 10.4 x 0.4-4.1 cm (edge to centre, with knob). Knob length 8.0, width 2.8-4.0 cm.",23/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6021",6.00,"SHELL","PIERCED COWRIE","Cowrie shell with sub-oval hole pierced through upper side. Brown spotted surface. Intact. Length 3.2, width 2.3, thickness 1.6 cm. Hole 0.4 x 0.3 cm.",23/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6021",7.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","2 adjoining fragments of copper. Both similar wiggly elongated ovals with lumpy surfaces. The end of one is joined halfway down the other's side. Total dimensions 3.7 x 2.4 x 0.4-0.7 cm. Separate dimensions 2.6-2.7 x 0.9 x 0.4-0.7 cm",23/4/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "6021",8.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Fragment of Pounder or Core? Sub ovoid fragment of veined brown flint with white blotches. Surface scarred. Dimensions 2.0 x 1.4 x 1.3 cm.",23/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6021",9.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Pounder/Smoother. Sub circular nodule of dense very dark grey close grained stone. Extant convex surface is partly smoothed and partly abraded. Probably broken during pounding. Dimensions 6.2 x 4.6 x 2.6 cm.",23/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6021",10.00,"POTTERY","SHAPED SHERD","Shaped pot sherd, possibly used as a scraper. Fan-shaped and nearly flat. Bright orange-red clay with circular lime particles. One edge cut into a semicircle, with slightly nibbled appearance. In good condition. Length to top of curve/fan 7.2, width of curve 8.9, thickness 0.5 cm.",23/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6022",1.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Sub rectangular-ovoid fragment of copper. Convex surfaces with one end concave and the other end convex. Dimensions 1.4 x 1.0 x 0.7 cm.",25/4/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "6023",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. 6 bivalves show consistent angled breakages: where bashed open?",23/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6023",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone.",23/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6023",3.00,"FLINT","FLAKE","Flint blade flake. Mottled grey-brown flint. Scarred narrow striking platform and plunging distal end. One thin edge has use wear or natural damage. Intact. L: 3.4, W: 1.3, T: 0.3 cm.",23/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6023",4.00,"STONE","FRAG","Flake or possible pounder fragment. Sub oval flake of dark grey close grained stone, limestone? Broken off a curved nodule, possibly a pounder. A few abrading marks near distal edge, but the striking platform is focal. L:3.9, W: 3.3, T: 0.9 cm.",23/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6023",5.00,"PLASTER","FRAG","Sub-oval fragment of light grey plaster. Thin and slightly concave. One side is fairly smooth and the other is bumpy. Generally worn smooth. Dimensions 6.6 x 5.9 x 0.7 cm.",23/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6023",6.00,"POTTERY","SIEVE JAR","Rim and upper shoulder of jar, with sieve-holes (19) at the neck. Orange-red clay with numerous circular lime particles. Yellow wash on outer surface. Neck is applied: join visible on inside. Angled everted rim; neck waisted, with ridge at base where shoulder begins to flare out widely. Unevenly broken edges at shoulder. Small area of light brown calcretion or plaster adhering to inside of rim, same as that on the upper side of the associated lid. Overall dimensions 20.4 x 17.5 cm. Extant height 8.6 cm. Rim diameter 11.3 cm. Sieve holes diameter 0.7-0.8 cm. Found with plaster lid 6023:7.",23/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6023",7.00,"PLASTER","DOMED LID","Domed lid of light grey plaster, for a sieve-necked jar. Upper surface flat and smooth. Lower surface is convex, with more than 7 raised bumps from the corresponding sieve holes: I.e. the lid fitted very snugly into the sieve-mouth of the its jar. The edges are sharp. Remnant light brown calcretion or plaster on the upper surface, the same as that found on the inside of the pot rim. Intact. Diameter 6.7-6.3, height 2.3 cm. Found in situ in mouth of jar 6023:6",23/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6024",1.00,"BITUMEN","FRAG","Sub-ovoid lump of bitumen with numerous impressions of vegetable matter. One surface is flat with linear impressions, the opposite is convex with irregular impressions, some palm frond. Cracked and starting to split. Dimensions 8.7 x 7.7 x 3.4 cm.",25/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6024",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. 3 show consistent angled breakages: where bashed open?",30/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6024",3.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder/Core. Large flake of brown mottled flint with creamy white cortex. Numerous flake scars on the dorsal face struck from the same proximal striking platform. Other parts of the surface are abraded and slightly scarred. Intact core or tool broken during pounding? Dimensions 7.0 x 4.3 x 3.1 cm. Typical flake scar L: 1.7, W: 1.9 cm.",26/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6024",4.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Small Smoother and possible Pounder. Elongated sub cuboid nodule of dark grey close grained stone. One flat face has been worn smooth. One end has broken off. The rest of the faces, particularly the extant end, may possibly be abraded but it is hard to tell. Dimensions 4.4 x 2.9 x 2.5 cm.",30/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6024",5.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone.",30/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6024",6.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Elongated triangular piece of copper with bumpy surface. Dimensions 3.3 x 1.3 x 0.7 cm.",26/4/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "6025",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. Including one animal jaw fragment.",2/5/1995 00:00:00,, "6025",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. 21 show consistent angled breakages: where bashed open?",2/5/1995 00:00:00,, "6025",3.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Flake from Pounder. Mottled light grey-brown flint with remnant white & dark red-brown cortex. Numerous abrading on striking platform with a feather distal edge. The dorsal surface has a few other scars and abrading marks. L: 2.5, W: 3.3, T: 0.8 cm.",2/5/1995 00:00:00,, "6025",4.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS?","Two fragments of bitumen. Very worn. One side is fairly flat and smooth, the other is bumpy. Possibly from the lining to a palm basket. Largest is sub oval and thin dimensions 2.7 x 2.1 x 0.6 cm.",2/5/1995 00:00:00,, "6025",5.00,"BITUMEN","BEAD","Spheroid bead with large hole. Very worn and pitted surface but otherwise intact. Length 0.7, diameter 2.0 cm.",2/5/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "6025",6.00,"STONE","TOOL","Fragment of possible tool. Sub triangular fragment of nodule of black very close grained stone with smooth and wrinkled cortex. The edges of the extant outer surface of the nodule is slightly abraded and scarred, particularly at the narrow end. One face is extremely smooth and flat. The stone possibly broke during pounding. Dimensions 2.6 x 2.6 x 1.9 cm.",2/5/1995 00:00:00,, "6025",7.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Five fragments of copper, two adjoining, all different shapes and sizes. 1) Small sub ovoid, one face is fairly flat but the others are lumpy, almost forming a figure eight. 1.2 x 0.6 x 0.5 cm. 2) Sub circular with one flat face and the other with small bump towards one side. 1.7 x 1.6 x 0.7 cm. 3) Tiny elongated shaft with one pointed tip. Circular section. 1.0 x 0.4 x 0.3 cm. 4) 5. U-shaped fragment broken recently into two. One side of the U or hole is wider than the other and may have originally met at the tips. The broader side is bent into a curve. Part of a link? Total dimensions 1.3 x 1.0 x 0.5 cm",2/5/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "6025",8.00,"STONE","FRAG","Burnt farush sandstone. Sub ovoid piece and other fragments of stone with numerous inclusions of shell. One face is flat, probably cut, as even the shells are sectioned. Dimensions of large fragment 8.0 x 5.3 x 4.9 cm.",2/5/1995 00:00:00,, "6025",9.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Pounder/Smoother. Sub cuboid/ovoid nodule of light grey limestone. One end is convex and slightly smooth in the parts that have not been later abraded. The other faces and edges are abraded and partly deeply scarred. One corner has broken off but otherwise it is intact. Dimensions 9.6 x 7.6 x 6.2 cm.",2/5/1995 00:00:00,, "6025",10.00,"STONE","DISC LID","Small circular lid. Light brown stone with numerous inclusions of quartz and shell: farush sandstone. Flat faces with worn and chipped vertical edges. Intact. Diameter 6.6-6.8, height 2.4 cm.",2/5/1995 00:00:00,, "6025",11.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder, intact. Oval fragment of light brown sandstone with numerous inclusions. One surface is worn smooth and flat. The opposite is irregular and convex. The edges are narrow. One long edge is very thin and partly broken. Dimensions 18.6 x 15.8 x 3.3 cm.",2/5/1995 00:00:00,, "6025",12.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder/Smoother. Sub ovoid nodule of mottled brown-grey flint with limestone intrusions and cavities. One surface is worn smooth on the outer rim but it is naturally concave in the centre. Most of the other surfaces and edges are abraded. One side of the tool has been broken off, possibly during pounding. Dimensions 6.1 x 5.7 x 4.8 cm.",2/5/1995 00:00:00,, "6025",13.00,"PLASTER","KNOBBED LID","Thick lump of grey plaster, sub-oval in plan, with rough knob near centre of one surface, which has been smoothed. The other surface is rough and convex. The knob is rough and sub-oval, the edges thin and chipped. Broken along one edge, otherwise intact. Dimensions 10.6 x 8.7 x 2.4-1.6 (with-without knob) cm. Knob 2.3 x 2.0 cm.",2/5/1995 00:00:00,, "6025",14.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Almost waisted sub ovoid-cuboid fragment of dense dark grey close grained stone. Entire surface is abraded, particularly at the two slightly convex ends. The faces in between are either naturally concave or abraded and scarred. Intact. Dimensions 7.1 x 5.7 x 4.9 cm.",2/5/1995 00:00:00,, "6025",15.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Sub spherical nodule of light grey limestone with slightly flattened ends. Entire surface is abraded and there are a few deeper scars. Intact. Dimensions 6.7 x 6.3 x 5.6 cm.",2/5/1995 00:00:00,, "6025",16.00,"STEATITE","VESSEL","Fragmentary plate, or perhaps a lid. Grey/pink crystalline stone, with occasional light-green impurities. Thick rim, rounded on top, turns abruptly at right angles to form thin, flat base. Rim/side is concave on inner edge. Smoothly finished surfaces with high polish on rim and outer surface. H. 0.9, rim di. C. 16 cm. Thickness of body 0.25, of rim 0.6 cm. General dimensions 4.4 x 1.8 x 0.6 cm. Fits 1529:03, from the Temple, q.v.",2/5/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "6025",17.00,"STEATITE","BOWL","Piece from rim and body of bowl made of very dark grey stone. Profile to near base. Surface worn, but originally smooth. Simple rounded rim, curved sides drop quite steeply. Incised decoration on outside is confined to area below rim, and consists of: deeply incised encircling line just below rim, below that a band of widely-spaced circles each with double circumference and central dot. Below that a more shallow encircling line. Rim diameter 11.6 cm. Extant height 4.9, width 6.1, thickness 0.8 cm.",1/5/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "6025",18.00,"ORGANIC","DATE","Three large and numerous tiny fragments of carbonised date pips. Largest fragment dimensions 1.1 x 0.6 x 0.5 cm.",2/5/1995 00:00:00,, "6025",19.00,"SHELL","PIERCED BIVALVE","Small pearl oyster shell with sub-oval hole in the side. Intact. Shell length 3.1, width 3.7 cm. Hole dimensions 1.5 x 1.2 cm.",2/5/1995 00:00:00,, "6025",20.00,"COPPER","SAW BLADE?","Elongated piece of copper bent into a slight curve, perhaps a saw blade. Oval in section and tapering at one extant end. Edges are slightly rippled, possibly deliberately serrated or could just be the effect of corrosion. Length 3.5, width 0.6-0.3, thickness 0.3-0.2 cm.",2/5/1995 00:00:00,"Y"," Recently broken into 2 adjoining fragments showing solid metal below patina." "6025",21.00,"POTTERY","RIDGED JAR","ridged jar. Most of rim and shoulder, rest missing. Red clay, sandy temper, circular white inclusions. Ash smudges out. Rim bevelled to outside, with depression. Short waisted neck, shoulder round. Encircling ribs all over outside of preserved area. Rim diameter 15.5-14.5 cm. Preserved height 23.0 cm.",27/4/1999 00:00:00,, "6026",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone.",30/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6026",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell.",30/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6027",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell.",30/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6028",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Sample from oven fill. 3 buckets.",30/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6028",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone.",30/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6029",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell.",30/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6029",2.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder. Sub cuboid fragment of light grey limestone. One face has been worn very smooth and flat. The opposite face is partly worn smooth but then must have been pounded as it is now almost entirely scarred. All the edges and much of the rest of the surface are abraded and slightly scarred. Intact. Dimensions 7.5 x 6.7 x 3.8 cm.",30/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6029",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone.",30/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6031",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell.",30/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6032",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone.",2/5/1995 00:00:00,, "6045",1.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Fragment of Pounder/Smoother. Sub oval chip off the corner of a tool. Dark grey mottled medium-coarse grained stone. Parts of three angled faces extant. One has been worn smooth and flat. The other two surfaces, one flat and one convex, are abraded. Dimensions 5.5 x 4.2 x 1.8 cm.",22/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6071",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone.",6/3/1996 00:00:00,, "6071",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell.",6/3/1996 00:00:00,, "6071",3.00,"SHELL","PIERCED BIVALVE","Pearl oyster shell with large central oval hole. Shell dimensions 4.6 x 4.3 cm. Hole dimensions 1.3 x 1.1 cm.",6/3/1996 00:00:00,, "6072",1.00,"BONE","BONES","One bag of mixed bone.",13/3/1996 00:00:00,, "6072",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","One bag of mixed shell. . -9 bivalve shells show consistent angled breakages : where bashed open?",7/3/1996 00:00:00,, "6072",3.00,"FLINT","FLAKE","Flake of brown flint with thick creamy white cortex. Distal end broken, plunging hinged termination. No retouch but some wear on thin side edge. L: 4.2; W: 3.5; T: 0.9 cm.",13/3/1996 00:00:00,, "6072",4.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder fragment. Irregular sub ovoid fragment of dark grey close grained stone. Central section of tool remains, with both ends roughly broken off. Two opposite convex surfaces have percussion marks. Dimensions 5.8 x 4.9 x 4.2 cm.",11/3/1996 00:00:00,, "6072",5.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder/Core. Sub ovoid nodule of poor quality dark brown flint with creamy white cortex and dull dark weathered fractured surface. Circumference edge worked forming deep scars on one convex face. Other sharply angled edges also partly scarred. If Core then no platform preparation. Flake with hinged termination L: 3.3; W: 2.7 cm. Dimensions 5.3 x 4.3 x 3.7 cm.",13/3/1996 00:00:00,, "6072",6.00,"FOSSIL BIVALVE","POUNDER","Possible tool. Bivalve fossil with some wear visible on the sharp edges. Possibly used as Chisel/Pounding, i.e. like a wedge. Intact but worn. Shell fossil Height 4.1; Width 4.4; Thickness 2.8 cm.",14/3/1996 00:00:00,, "6072",7.00,"SHELL","PIERCED MUREX","Large murex shell with large oval hole in the side. Shell dimensions 6.0 x 5.1 cm. Hole dimensions 1.65 x 0.8 cm.",,,"Stored with 6072:02, not separately labelled." "6073",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone.",19/3/1996 00:00:00,, "6073",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell.",19/3/1996 00:00:00,, "6073",3.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Pounder/Smoother. Possible Weight. Carefully made thick discoid tool of light grey limestone. with flattened upper and lower surfaces and near vertical circumference. Lower surface is smooth and slightly larger than the upper face. Upper surface is slightly scarred through percussion and has been slightly damaged in excavation causing the tool to break in half. The wide surface of the circumference has numerous small percussion marks and one deeper scar. Diameter 7.4 x 7.2 x 5.7 cm. Weight 490.5 gm. Weight 490.6 gm.",19/3/1996 00:00:00,, "6073",4.00,"FLINT","CORE","Core with opposing platforms. Sub spherical nodule of banded brown and light grey flint with dull whitish cortex. Main prepared platform produced hinged flakes of wide variety. Flakes e.g. L: 3.7; W: 2.3 cm. L: 1.8; W: 0.9 cm. Other cortical platform also produced hinged flakes e.g. L: 3.0; W: 3.0 cm. Total dimensions 4.6 x 3.9 x 3.2 cm.",19/3/1996 00:00:00,, "6073",5.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Pounder/Smoother. Sub ovoid fragment of dark grey medium grained stone. Two small opposing and one side flat faces are possibly remnants of smoothing. The rest of the tool is deeply scarred due to percussion. Tool may once have been sub cubic. Dimensions 8.5 x 7.5 x 5.1 cm.",19/3/1996 00:00:00,, "6073",6.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder/Core. Sub ovoid nodule of poor quality mottled grey-brown flint with dull whitish cortex. Two ends and parts of the edges have been scarred, often vertically. Widest end with flat face has flakes (scars) taken off three edges. Flakes are stepped and hinged. E.g. L: 2.2; W: 2.1 cm. L:1.3; W: 1.4 cm. Total dimensions 5.5 x 4.8 x 4.8 cm.",19/3/1996 00:00:00,, "6073",7.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Fragment of grindstone. Sub-triangular piece of light brown sandstone with fine to medium quartz grains. Upper surface is concave, sloping down from a slightly curved extant edge. The lower surface is irregular but roughly flat. The edges are vertical. The surfaces have occasional blotches of a white substance. Dimensions 15.2 x 7.8 x 7.6 cm.",19/3/1996 00:00:00,, "6073",8.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Sub ovoid fragment of close grained dark grey stone. Extant convex surface has numerous percussion marks, the rest is deeply scarred. Dimensions 7.4 x 5.9 x 4.1 cm.",19/3/1996 00:00:00,, "6073",9.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder/Grindstone fragment. Irregular piece of light brown sandstone/farush with coarse quartz and shell grit inclusions. One face is flat and worn fairly smooth. The opposite is flat but rough. The edges are irregular and near vertical. Dimensions 7.8 x 7.3 x 3.5 cm.",19/3/1996 00:00:00,, "6073",10.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Pounder/Smoother. Large flake or fragment of tool. Dark grey coarse grained stone. Remnant flat upper and lower faces which appear worn smooth. The joining face is convex with numerous percussion marks. The edges are deeply scarred. Dimensions 12.0 x 9.5 x 7.7 cm.",19/3/1996 00:00:00,, "6074",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. One large mammal knuckle bone.",10/3/1996 00:00:00,, "6074",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell.",10/3/1996 00:00:00,, "6074",3.00,"FLINT","FLAKE","Flake or possible Scraper. Wide flake of brown flint with white patches and creamy white cortex on both the proximal and distal ends. Plain cortical platform and hinged plunging termination. Previous flake scars from the proximal end on the dorsal surface. One steep edge towards the distal end has unifacial retouch or use wear. Both side edges show probable weathering or use wear. L: 4.8; W: 7.05; T: 2.4 cm.",13/3/1996 00:00:00,, "6074",4.00,"STEATITE","VESSEL FRAG","Small curved fragment from steatite vessel, possibly the wall of a bowl. Mid grey colour with coarse shiny grain. Both sides are smooth. Dimensions 3.1 x 2.3 x 0.5 cm.",10/3/1996 00:00:00,, "6074",5.00,"POTTERY","SHAPED SHERD","D-shaped sherd, perhaps deliberately shaped. Fine, crisp red clay, outer surface blackened. Temper of circular lime inclusions. From cooking-pot. Dimensions 6.8 x 5.1 x 0.5 cm.",20/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6075",1.00,"CLAY","SEALING","2 fragments of greenish clay. i) One smooth, slightly convex surface, the other broken away to show greenish body of clay. ii) Segment of smoothed edge and small arc of impressed surface showing 3 illegible motifs. One surface broken away. Dimensions: i) 2.05 x 1.2 x 0.55 cm. ii) 1.7 x 0.85 x 0.8 cm. Total weight 2.2 gm.",15/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6075",2.00,"COPPER","FRAG","One elongated fragment of copper. Sub rectangular with one face having angled lumps and with patches of true copper showing through. The other is smooth and green. Fairly solid : possible broken object or amalgamated pieces. Dimensions 4.9 x 1.9 x 1.2 cm. Spill. Taken by Lloyd Weeks for metallurgical analysis at Sydney, 1998",11/3/1996 00:00:00,, "6075",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone.",14/3/1996 00:00:00,, "6075",4.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell.",14/3/1996 00:00:00,, "6075",5.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Two fragments of grinder, possibly the same one. Light brown sandstone/farush, with small to large quartz inclusions and occasional shell grit towards the upper surface. 1) Sub-square with flat upper face with one bevelled edge, the others vertical. The lower working face is flat. Dimensions 9.0 x 9.0 x 3.1 cm. 2) Sub-triangular with irregular upper face and flat lower working face. All the edges are vertical. Dimensions 8.8 x 5.0 x 3.4 cm.",14/3/1996 00:00:00,, "6075",6.00,"FLINT","FLAKE","Large flake of dark brown flint with remnant creamy white cortex at distal end. Possibly broken off pounder as the dorsal face shows numerous percussion marks and scarring from all directions. Scarred platform with plunging termination. No evidence of retouch but the edges are very sharp and irregular. L: 7.6; W: 6.2; T: 2.6 cm.",14/3/1996 00:00:00,, "6075",7.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Pounder/Smoother. Sub ovoid nodule of dark grey close grained stone. Wide circumference, edges and one face has numerous percussion marks and deep scars. The other face is flat and may have been partly worn smooth particularly near one edge. Intact. Dimensions 9.1 x 8.6 x 6.5 cm. Weight approx. 910 gm (kitchen scales).",14/3/1996 00:00:00,, "6075",8.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder/Core. Sub circular nodule of banded good quality brown flint with thick creamy white cortex. Circumference of tool pitted and deep scars into the two faces. Intact. If Core there is no platform preparation. Flakes tend to have a hinged termination, e.g. L: 2.2; W: 2.5 cm. Dimensions 7.8 x 7.1 x 4.5 cm. Weight 287.3 gm.",13/3/1996 00:00:00,, "6075",9.00,"POTTERY","COOKING POT","Cooking pot. Most of rim complete and much of body. Base missing. Brown clay, pink surface outside, very smoke-blackened. Temper of grit and white grit. Extant height 15.5 cm. Rim diameter: 12.7-13.0 cm. Max. width 23-24 cm.",14/3/1996 00:00:00,, "6075",10.00,"SHELL","PIERCED BIVALVE","One pearl oyster shell with large oval hole in the side. Intact. Shell dimensions 4.7 x 4.2 cm. Hole dimensions 1.1 x 1.0 cm.",16/3/1996 00:00:00,, "6075",11.00,"POTTERY","SHAPED SHERD","Pot-sherd, deliberately shaped. Oval, with one flat edge, possibly a subsequent break. Hard, pink clay, fine grit temper. Inside surface dark red, outer black, with marks of scraping tool. Dimensions 6.1 x 5.8 x 0.6 cm.",10/3/1996 00:00:00,, "6075",12.00,"SHELL","PIERCED MUREX","Murex shell with large oval hole in the side. Shell dimensions 5.8 x 4.2 cm. Hole dimensions 1.0 x 0.8 cm.",,,"Stored with 6072:2, not separately labelled." "6077",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Flotation sample. Whole context. 1.5 buckets, 12 L.",27/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6078",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Flotation sample. Whole context. 2 buckets, 18 L.",27/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6079",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. Large bag. -99 bivalve fragments show consistent angled breakage: where bashed open?",14/3/1996 00:00:00,, "6079",2.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Fragments of bitumen, not described.",24/3/1999 00:00:00,, "6079",3.00,"ORGANIC","DATE","Four fragments of carbonised date pip. Total weight 0.2 gm 1. Half pip dimensions 0.9 x 0.5 x 0.4 cm. 2) Half pip dimensions 0.8 x 0.5 x 0.4 cm. 3) Fragment dimensions 0.7 x 0.5 x 0.4 ms. 4) Fragment dimensions 0.4 x 0.3 x 0.3 cm.",14/3/1996 00:00:00,, "6079",4.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone.",19/3/1996 00:00:00,, "6079",5.00,"STONE","FLAKE","Flake of possible stone tool. Long (blade) flake of grey close grained stone. Focal platform and snapped off distal end. Dorsal surface is angled and smooth indicating the surface of a nodule or possible ground stone tool. L: 2.15; W: 0.9; T: 0.2 cm.",19/3/1996 00:00:00,, "6079",6.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Fragment of clay sealing. Buff clay. Part of one edge of sealing pinched together. Fingerprints. Obverse: Standing figure in a tiered skirt looking left, head and feet damaged. To the left he holds a palm frond beyond which is a long horned animal facing left and its head stretched upwards to the edge of the seal. Reverse: Knot impression. Amendment: reverse has impression of textile, with a depression from which protrudes twisted twine. Dimensions: 2.55 x 2.2 x 1.3 cm. Weight 2.8 gm.",15/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6079",7.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Three fragments of bitumen, from the lining to one or more woven vessels. Two have one smooth side and the other showing impressions of cross-woven palm leaf. Largest with two smooth sides dimensions 2.4 x 2.0 x 0.6 cm.",14/3/1996 00:00:00,, "6080",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone.",16/3/1996 00:00:00,, "6080",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell.",16/3/1996 00:00:00,, "6080",3.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Large flake probably broken off a Pounder. Possible Chopper. Wedge shaped. Good quality brown flint with creamy white cortex. Plain cortical platform scarred where flaked and on dorsal surface. Thick curved edge to distal end has numerous percussion scars. L: 7.6; W: 5.6; T: 2.6 cm.",19/3/1996 00:00:00,, "6081",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone.",16/3/1996 00:00:00,, "6081",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell.",16/3/1996 00:00:00,, "6081",3.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Twenty fragments of bitumen. Surfaces mostly smooth with a few impressions of vegetable matter. Very fragile with sandy temper. Largest fragment dimensions 1.7 x 1.3 x 0.6 cm.",16/3/1996 00:00:00,, "6082",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Flotation sample. Whole context. 2 buckets, 15 L.",27/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6083",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Flotation sample. Whole context. 1 bucket, 8.5 L.",27/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6084",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. Almost all are mammal.",19/3/1996 00:00:00,, "6084",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell.",19/3/1996 00:00:00,, "6086",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone.",21/3/1996 00:00:00,, "6086",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell.",21/3/1996 00:00:00,, "6086",3.00,"FLINT","FLAKE","Wide flake of brown flint with remnant creamy white cortex. Facetted striking platform, hinged termination. One end of proximal edge has broken off creating a long blunt tip. Dorsal surface struck previously from the same platform. Small invasive scars on the ventral surface beside the broken proximal edge. No retouch. L: 2.9, W: 5.1, T: 1.1 cm.",2/5/1996 00:00:00,, "6086",4.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Fragment of Pounder. Sub ovoid fragment of very dark grey close grained stone with rare small red-brown mottles. Originally a natural cobble broken across the middle during use. Extant face is convex with two other ones flat where stone has broken. Entire convex surface is partly abraded. The most abrading and scarring is at one convex end and around the angled broken edges. Dimensions 8.5 x 5.6 x 5.4 cm. Weight 325.6 gm.",22/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6087",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. Includes inner bag of bone lifted as one.",15/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6087",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. 6 bivalves show consistent angled breakages: where bashed open?",15/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6087",3.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Ovoid lump of copper. Fairly smooth surfaces, one face slightly concave. Dimensions 1.1 x 0.8 x 0.6 cm.",27/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6087",4.00,"STONE","FRAG","Haematite. Large heavy sub ovoid stone with dark purple staining amongst a general dark grey colour. One edge has recent chip revealing a dull sparkly grey. Dimensions 7.1 x 7.1 x 5.2 cm.",22/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6087",5.00,"STONE","FRAG","Haematite or Galena? Black heavy stone with dark shiny crystals. Natural stone shape/ground into a sub spheroid with one flat face with two natural indentations. Dimensions 3.1 x 3.0 x 2.7 cm. Weight 61.2 gm.",22/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6087",6.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Fragment of Smoother/Pounder. One face of a large flake broken off a tool. Sub oval fragment of creamy brown limestone with large harder grey inclusions. The main extant face is slightly convex and has been worn smooth. It was subsequently abraded, especially towards the edges. Narrow parts of three other faces show similar evidence of working. The most abrading and scarring is on a large dark inclusion where the tool was broken. Dimensions.7.5 x 7.2 x 2.4 cm.",22/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6087",7.00,"STEATITE","BOWL RIM","Rim fragment of decorated steatite bowl. Stone is coarse mottled grey with large crystal inclusions that are breaking away on the inside of the vessel. Slightly swollen rim flattened on top, body begins to taper. Outer surface is smooth, the inner is rougher with tool marks. Incised decoration on outside. Single horizontal line immediately below rim, below that a band of circles with double circumference and central dot - one motif preserved, and part of another. Below that, another single, or possibly a double, encircling line. Extant height 2.64, width 2.75, thickness 0.5-0.85 cm. Diameter uncertain as too small.",20/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6087",8.00,"STONE","WHETSTONE","Whetstone. Sub trapezoidal piece of light brown sandstone with small sand grains. Two surfaces have linear incisions caused by tool sharpening. The most used surface is almost flat with one deep angled incision across entire width of stone. Four other smaller incisions at different angles are also visible. The other surface has one smaller incision visible with one end vanishing where the corner of the stone has broken away. Main incision L: 7.1, W: 0.7, Depth: 0.2 cm. Stone dimensions 9.0 x 8.8 x 3.1 cm.",18/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6087",9.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Small L-shaped fragment of copper with lumpy surface. Dimensions 1.2 x 1.0 x 0.6 cm.",27/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6087",10.00,"STEATITE","SEAL","Circular stamp seal. Pale grey steatite, glazed. Edges slightly chipped. Edge slightly concave. Failaka Var. Reverse has usual lines and circles, slightly worn, rather disproportionately large perforation. Design on front is bordered by incised circle, cross-hatched by pecked strokes. On the right is a male horned animal with ruffed neck, standing facing left towards a palm-frond. On the left edge is a vertical monkey-like creature with a tail, facing and touching the palm-frond. Execution rather crude. Height 0.85 cm. Diameter 1.9-1.95 cm. Boss diameter 1.5 cm. Weight 3.6 gm.",29/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6087",11.00,"STONE","TOOL","Possible tool fragment or utilised sub cubic piece of dark grey close grained stone. All surfaces flattish with the exception of one angled corner. Several of the angled edges have discontinuous abrading. Dimensions 6.2 x 5.4 x 5.1 cm.",18/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6087",12.00,"POTTERY","SHAPED SHERD","Sub-triangular sherd, possibly deliberately shaped, two sides rounded outwards, one incurving. Pink clay, cream surface out. Temper of coarse grit and possible vegetable matter. Dimensions 8.7 x 8.5 x 0.7-1.0 cm.",20/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6088",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone.",21/3/1996 00:00:00,, "6088",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell.",21/3/1996 00:00:00,, "6088",3.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Angular fragment of copper. Roughly T-shaped with one flat and one convex face. Dimensions 1.7 x 1.3 x 0.9 cm.",21/3/1996 00:00:00,, "6088",4.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder. Sub ovoid/cuboid nodule of grey-brown flint with remnant creamy white cortex. The largest square end is heavily marked by percussion, as are parts of the sharp edges and the other convex end. The sides are deeply scarred, flakes coming from the edges. Intact. Dimensions 6.0 x 4.9 x 4.7 cm. Weight 192.5 gm.",21/3/1996 00:00:00,, "6088",5.00,"BITUMEN","FRAG","Elongated flattish strip of bitumen. Both surfaces are fairly smooth, one being slightly convex and folded at one end. Both ends are pointed. Fine in texture and brown in colour. Dimensions 3.5 x 1.5 x 0.5 cm.",27/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6089",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone.",15/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6089",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. 2 bivalves show consistent angled breakages: where bashed open?",15/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6089",3.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Twenty-three fragments of bitumen. The largest ones have an interesting variety of impressions of vegetable matter and possibly woven palm frond objects. Dimensions below. 1) Sub ovoid with numerous hollows, vegetable impressions and inclusions. 2.9 x 2.1 x 1.7 cm. 2) Sub-triangular, similar to above but with one long concave hollow or impression. 2.1 x 2.0 x 1.4 cm. 3) Sub-oval with one convex surface similar to above. The other face is concave showing three long thin palm frond impressions one above the other, perhaps of a woven object. Height 1.7, width 2.5, thickness 1.3 cm. 4) Sub-trapezoidal with one smooth flat surface, the other with vegetable impressions. 1.9 x 1.7 x 0.9 cm. 5) Broken ovoid blob of fine-textured bitumen and smooth puckered surface. 1.9 x 1.1 x 0.7 cm.",20/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6089",4.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Fragment of Pounder/Smoother. Sub oval dark grey close-medium grained stone. Approximately half of the tool, broken at an angle to the faces. Two opposite surfaces have been worn smooth, with one being angled/convex. The curved wide zone of the circumference is totally abraded and is slightly lighter in colour. Dimensions 6.8 x 5.9 x 2.7 cm. Weight 168.8 gm.",22/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6089",5.00,"SHELL","PIERCED FRAG","Fragment of shell with hole. Apex or operculum of gastropod, large hole drilled through the centre of the apex. Approximately one third of the object is extant. Completely blackened. Length 1.65, width 1.65, thickness/height 0.73 cm. Original diameter approx. 1.8 cm. Hole diameter 0.3-0.5 cm. Weight 1.3 gm.",20/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6089",6.00,"PLASTER","FRAG","Sub-oval fragment of whitish-light grey plaster. One face has long oval impression, perhaps of a palm branch. Dimensions 4.4 x 4.2 x 2.7 cm. Impression dimensions 4.2 x 2.0 cm.",20/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6089",7.00,"FLINT","FLAKE","Flake of dark heat affected flint with remnant (darkened) cortex. Possibly struck off Core or Pounder. Flint is slightly cracked, the striking platform scarred and damaged. The ventral surface is very flat and with a hinged termination. Previous strikes on the dorsal surface from the proximal end and one side. No retouch. L: 3.2, W: 2.4, T: 0.7 cm.",2/5/1996 00:00:00,, "6089",8.00,"POTTERY","SHAPED SHERD","Sherd, possibly worked into rounded shape. Pink clay, temper uncertain. Heavily smoke-blackened all over. From lower body of large jar. Dimensions 9.5 x 8.1-8.8 x 0.8 cm.",20/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6090",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Flotation sample. Half of context. 4 buckets, 33.5 L.",27/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6090",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone.",15/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6090",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell.",15/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6090",4.00,"BITUMEN","LID OR BUNG","Bung or tiny lid. Rim entirely missing. Sub oval with smooth surfaces. The lower is convex, the upper flat with a small low knob. Extant length 3.2, width 2.5, height 0.6 (-0.7 with knob) cm. Knob 0.8 x 0.5 cm.",20/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6090",5.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Core. Possible well-used Pounder. Sub ovoid nodule of brown flint with light brown-white cortex. Sharply angled edges of circumference is very abraded and scarred. Better formed flakes struck from this single platform edge, the other side being coarsely flaked perhaps in order to prepare the platform. Most are parallel blade flakes with feather-hinged terminations. Earlier flakes in sequence appear larger and wider (not measurable). Dimensions 6.0 x 4.7 x 3.3 cm. Flakes L: 2.8, W: 1.0 cm. L: 2.4, W: 1.3 cm. L: 1.5, W: 0.5 cm. L: 1.2, W: 0.7 cm.",2/5/1996 00:00:00,, "6091",1.00,"POTTERY","PAINTED CUP","Painted cup, intact except for small chip and damaged base. Buff clay, outer surface red, inside painted dark reddish brown. Hard, sparse grit temper. Extant height: 6.9 cm. Rim diameter: 5.8-6.8 cm. Max. width: 8.1-8.6 cm.",15/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6091",2.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Pounder/Smoother. Sub rectangular piece of dark grey fine grained stone. Straight, slightly waisted sides and convex ends. One surface worn smooth and flat, as are parts of the slightly convex side edges. The opposite surface is flattish. The two ends are scarred and pitted, one more than the other, and the angled side edges less so. Intact. Dimensions 7.2 x 6.0 x 2.9 cm. Weight 221.8 gm.",18/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6091",3.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder/Core. Sub ovoid nodule of coarse grey limestone with light grey cortex. One face is convex, the other is slightly concave. Both ends have been chopped to form fairly flat faces at a slight angle to the main faces, one end being larger than the other. Much of the convex surface and all the edges are abraded and slightly scarred. Informal tool or shaped to fit some (architectural?) purpose? Dimensions 10.1 x 7.6 x 5.7 cm.",24/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6091",4.00,"POTTERY","PIERCED DISC","Sherd shaped into a disc with central drilled perforation. Pink clay, outer surface cream. Grit temper. From lower body of jar. Intact. Diameter 3.7, thickness 0.5 cm. Hole diameter 0.4-0.7 cm.",20/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6091",5.00,"BONE","ASSEMBLAGE","Once articulated fish vertebrae in one bag.",15/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6091",6.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","More than twenty fragments of bitumen from the lining to the base of a woven cup. All have one surface showing the impressions of the cross-woven palm. The other surface is fairly smooth. Largest fragment dimensions 3.7 x 2.7 x 0.4 cm. Average width of palm strips 0.6 cm.",20/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6091",7.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder of coarse farush sandstone, totally filled with inclusions of small shells and grit. Sub- rectangular. Upper surface has been worn relatively flat and smooth. The lower side is irregular. The two (extant?) edges are narrow and are almost bevelled on the lower side. The other two fairly straight edges join at right angles and are near vertical. Dimensions 15.3 x 13.6 x 4.7 cm. Weight approx. 1, 075 gm.",22/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6091",8.00,"BONE","ASSEMBLAGE","Once articulated fish vertebrae in one bag.",15/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6091",9.00,"BONE","ASSEMBLAGE","Once articulated fish vertebrae in bag.",15/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6091",10.00,"BONE","ASSEMBLAGE","Once articulated fish tail bones in one bag.",15/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6091",11.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Grindstone, possibly a fragment. Quarter-circular piece of light brown sandstone with small-to-medium- sized sand inclusions. The upper surface is fairly smooth near the edges with the central zone deeply pitted. The lower face is irregular and still has small animal bones and plaster adhering. The extant curved edge is rounded and slightly darker than the rest of the object. The two other straight and near vertical edges (extant?) form a right angle. Possibly the stone was originally this size or has broken off a larger grindstone and been reused. Dimensions 11.3 x 11.2 x 6.4 cm. Weight approx. 650 gm (kitchen scales).",22/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6091",12.00,"STONE","FRAG","Fragment of Pounder? Sub triangular fragment of dark grey medium-coarse grained stone. One face is roughly convex and very pitted and scarred. The opposite face is roughly flat (broken?). Two extant edges, one side and one end, are sloping and scarred. The others are irregular. The coarseness of the stone may account for the difficulty in seeing definite evidence of working. Dimensions 7.6 x 5.3 x 2.4 cm.",22/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6091",13.00,"CLAY","FRAG","Large sub square fragment of clay. Fine light yellow with one smooth convex surface along possible natural cleavage plain. The opposite face is broken and angular. Natural lump. Dimensions 8.5 x 7.1 x 5.0 cm.",20/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6091",14.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Three fragments of copper. 1) Sub ovoid lump. 1.4 x 1.1 x 0.8 cm. 2) Sub ovoid lump. 0.7 x 0.7 x 0.6 cm. 3) Sub triangular fragment. 0.8 x 0.6 x 0.4 cm.",27/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6091",15.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. Includes partly burnt murex with hole.",15/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6091",16.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone.",15/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6091",17.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Two fragments of bitumen from the lining to one or more woven vessels. Both have one surface showing impressions of cross-woven palm. The other surface is fairly smooth. Largest fragment dimensions 2.7 x 1.2 x 0.5 cm. Approx. palm frond strip width 0.7 cm.",20/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6091",18.00,"POTTERY","JAR","[PART OF GROUP] Fragments (19) of body of jar. Unusually crisp and hard. Slightly overfired green clay, temper of mixed grit and circular lime particles. Rounded body, not very elongated. Heavy bitumen smear inside and out. Outside finger-smeared to form shallow-ridging. Width of vessel wall 0.4-0.5 cm.",29/4/1996 00:00:00,,"Found in group on floor." "6092",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone.",15/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6092",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. 4 show consistent angled breakages: where bashed open?",15/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6092",3.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Fragment of Smoother/Pounder. Sub hemispherical piece of dark grey close grained stone. One partly extant face is fairly flat and smooth, due to either wear or natural weathering. Adjacent to this face is a convex face, which has a series of large deep scars off it forming the other faces. The largest concave (broken) face is at right angles to the smooth surface. Dimensions 6.0 x 5.3 x 4.6 cm.",22/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6092",4.00,"FLINT","FLAKE","Wide thin flake with most of distal end snapped off. Light grey-brown chert with creamy white cortex at proximal end. Focal platform and possible feather termination. One edge is abraded. Possibly flaked off a larger tool? No retouch. L: 2.1+, W: 3.0, T: 0.5 cm.",29/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6092",5.00,"COPPER","FRAG","One irregular fragment of copper. Snail shaped, with an ovoid lump having a curved lumpy extension at one end. One face is fairly flat. Dimensions 2.0 x 1.2 x 0.9 cm.",27/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6094",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone.",15/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6094",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. 2 bivalves show consistent angled breakages: where bashed open?",15/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6094",3.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","More than twenty small fragments of bitumen. Many have impressions of vegetable matter and some have small stony inclusions. Largest is triangular dimensions 1.4 x 1.0 x 0.6 cm.",27/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6094",4.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Large sub ovoid nodule of light grey limestone. One side is convex, the opposite is more flat. The sides are convex except for one long one which is concave. Entire surface has been abraded and has some areas of larger scarring particularly on half of the flattish face. Most of the pounding has been done using the ends and the wide edges. Intact. Dimensions 9.7 x 9.0 x 6.8 cm. Weight approx. 860 gm (kitchen scales).",22/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6094",5.00,"STONE","OBJECT","Stone with deep hollow pecked into the centre of one face. Subtrapezoid or eye shaped piece of light grey limestone. Upper surface is flat with wide central hollow. Entire surface deeply pecked/abraded. Lower face is irregular, along the natural cleavage plain. The sides are convex and near vertical, ending in two sharp points. Possibly used as an anvil or pivot point. Dimensions 10.5 x 8.8 x 4.3 cm. Hole diameter 4.0-2.0 (top-bottom) cm, depth 1.8 cm. Weight 254.5 gm.",22/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6094",6.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Grindstone, double sided, incomplete. Sub-rectangular piece of light grey-brown limestone. One end and parts of two long sides are broken away. Both main faces are also damaged. One face is worn partly smooth and flat, with some areas of abrading, especially on the wider side. Slightly off centre there is the largest sub rectangular sunken area, trough, which has been worn concave. It has rounded edges, an abraded surface and a double hole in the centre. About one third of the trough has been damaged or broken away. The opposite face also has a sub-rectangular/oval sunken area near one corner. It is nearly complete, but has a large crack running through it near one end. Its concave surface is abraded and has a more concentrated circular area of pitting towards one end. Parts of the adjacent flattish surface are extant and are abraded. Two extant sides are near vertical. From rubble. Extant length 33, width 33, thickness 25 cm. Larger trough extant length 16, width 17, depth 4 cm. Smaller trough length 17, width 15, depth 4 cm.",2/5/1996 00:00:00,,"Good example for surface analysis." "6095",1.00,"ORGANIC","PALM","Fragments of carbonised palm. Small pieces breaking up into individual fibres. Max length 4 cm.",29/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6096",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, including large mammal.",15/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6096",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. Includes unusual bivalve. 22 bivalves show consistent angled breakages: where bashed open?",15/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6096",3.00,"PLASTER","DOMED LID","Piece of lumpy white plaster, oval in plan, presumably a lid. One surface is slightly concave, the other convex with a large central oval raised area. Edges are thin, broken and worn. Dimensions 7.8 x 5.4 x 2.3 cm. Lower raised area dimensions 6.0 x 4.1 cm.",20/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6096",4.00,"FLINT","CORE","Core/ Pounder. Sub ovoid nodule of dark brown good quality flint with remnant creamy-light grey cortex, and two faces with dark red weathered skin. Flakes were mainly removed from either side of the curved scarred circumference of the stone. The flakes generally had hinged or stepped terminations. The better formed flakes are all on one side, with the edge scarring and irregular flaking on the other side perhaps due to coarse platform preparation. It is also possible that the scarring was solely the result of pounding. Two other edges at angles to the main one are also scarred. Dimensions 5.45 x 4.7 x 4.1 cm. Main side :-platform-distal end max. 40 cm. -Flakes range L: 2.5, W: 1.9 cm. (one inside another similar scar) L: 2.3, W: 1.3 cm. L: 1.9, W: 1.9 cm. L: 2.3, W: 2.2 cm.",29/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6096",5.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Small Smoother/Pounder. Sub cuboid pebble of dark grey close grained stone. Two opposite long faces, and part of one end have been worn smooth. All angular edges have been abraded especially at the two flattish ends. One smoothed surface has subsequently been partly abraded. Intact. Dimensions 3.3 x 2.6 x 2.4 cm.",22/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6096",6.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Two fragments of bitumen. Both have impressions of vegetable matter, especially numerous on one surface. The other surface is smoother and slightly convex. Largest dimensions 2.9 x 2.1 x 0.8 cm.",27/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6096",7.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Possible fragment of Core or Pounder. Sub triangular fragment of brown poor quality flint. The thin sharp edges are scarred. Dimensions 3.8 x 2.4 x 0.9 cm.",2/5/1996 00:00:00,, "6102",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone.",15/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6102",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell.",15/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6102",3.00,"ORGANIC","DATE","Carbonised date pip, almost intact. Long. Length 1.8, width 0.7, thickness 0.6 cm. Weight 0.3 gm",27/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6103",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Flotation sample. Whole context. 0.75 of a bucket, 5 L.",27/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6106",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone.",29/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6106",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. 18 show consistent angled breakages: where bashed open?",29/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6106",3.00,"SHELL","CONE BEAD","Cream-white cone shell with large single hole drilled through the apex of the shell, presumably for use as a bead. Curved edge of shell is slightly ragged but otherwise intact. Object possibly unfinished or accidental as cannot string- no opening at other end. Length 1.75 cm. Max. width 0.8-1.0 cm. Hole diameter 0.25 cm. Weight 0.9 gm.",20/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6106",4.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder. Possible Core. Sub spheroid nodule of mottled brown-grey flint with light grey cortex. Entire surface is abraded and scarred. Scarring on one surface has made it flattish. Deep scars also on the upper concave surface and sides. Irregularity of scarring indicates that it was a Pounder not a Core. Intact. Diameter 5.8-5.7 cm. Height 4.4 cm.",5/5/1996 00:00:00,, "6106",5.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Possible Smoother/Chisel. Sub rectangular piece of light brown sandstone with fine and grains. One face is very smooth and flat, sloping down to a narrow end (chisel?). The opposite face is also flat with numerous scars at each end. One side is slightly concave and abraded, the other is flat. The two slightly convex ends are very abraded and slightly scarred. All the angled edges are abraded. Dimensions 5.3 x 4.3 x 2.3 cm.",5/5/1996 00:00:00,, "6106",6.00,"FLINT","FRAGS","Two fragments of flint. Possibly broken off Pounders or Cores. 1) Largest is sub triangular piece of mottled grey flint and chert. Its three flattish faces and two ends are scarred. One face has a deep natural oval hole. 5.9 x 4.2 x 3.3 cm. 2) Small sub trapezoid piece of brown flint with remnant brown cortex. Cortex is slightly scarred. Dimensions 2.0 x 1.5 x 1.2 cm.",5/5/1996 00:00:00,, "6112",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone.",24/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6112",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell.",24/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6112",3.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Small sub oval fragment of copper. One side is flattish. Dimension 0.8 x 0.5 x 0.3 cm.",27/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6113",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone.",29/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6113",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell.",29/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6113",3.00,"FLINT","FLAKE","Possible Scraper or Retouched Flake. Large flake of brown chert with remnant white-light brown cortex. Scarred striking platform and plunging termination. Previous flakes off the dorsal surface from the proximal end. Part of the distal edge has discontinuous retouch or use-wear, a possible scraping edge. The tip of the distal edge is damaged, and a blade flake has fallen off the ventral surface along a crack line. L: 7.2, W: 5.9, T: 2.2 cm.",5/5/1996 00:00:00,, "6116",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone.",1/5/1996 00:00:00,, "6116",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. 21 bivalves show consistent angled breakages: where bashed open?",1/5/1996 00:00:00,, "6116",3.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder. Possible Core. Large irregular, sub ovoid, nodule of poor quality, mottled grey and brown chert and flint with creamy white cortex. Remnant surface is irregular and mostly concave, with numerous natural hollows. Almost the entire surface is deeply scarred, and the edges are very abraded. The irregularity of the nodule and the flake removal indicates that the stone was used as a Pounder rather than as a Core. If Core, three edges or platforms, at angles to each other have had flakes struck off them. Only one platform, which can be interpreted as prepared, has flakes of any regularity and size. Largest flake with feather termination. L: 4.2, W: 4.2 cm. Overall dimensions 8.6 x 8.0 x 6.8 cm.",5/5/1996 00:00:00,, "6232",1.00,"POTTERY","PLATE","Plate, about a quarter extant, giving profile. Cream clay, pink core, grit and white grit temper. Bevelled rim, with broad depression just below rim on outside. Straight sides, flat base. Height 5.0 cm. Rim diameter c. 30 cm. Base diameter c. 10 cm.",21/5/1995 00:00:00,, "6500",1.00,"BITUMEN","FRAG","Sub-square fragment of bitumen with impression, possibly of string, on one side. The other is fairly smooth but slightly pitted. Dimensions 1.6 x 1.4 x 0.9 cm.",13/2/1995 00:00:00,, "6500",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. ",11/2/1995 00:00:00,, "6501",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. Not sieved.",13/2/1995 00:00:00,, "6501",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. Not sieved.",13/2/1995 00:00:00,, "6502",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. Not sieved.",15/2/1995 00:00:00,, "6503",1.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder fragment. Sub rectangular/angular fragment of light brown sandstone with numerous coarse sand inclusions: farush. One face worn smooth and flat by grinding. Grinder is angled in section, with one of the two extant edges being vertical - slightly convex, the other is pointed. Dimensions 12.0 x 7.2 x 0.7 - 4.3 cm.",18/2/1995 00:00:00,, "6503",2.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Sub-spheroid nodule of light brown stone with numerous small quartz inclusions, sandstone with entire surface abraded. Two faces are flattish and also abraded, one with central hollow formed by constant pounding. Intact. Dimensions 8.6 x 8.6 x 7.7 cm.",18/2/1995 00:00:00,, "6503",3.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Chopper. Large wide sub-oval flake of light brown chert with rare white inclusions. Heavy bifacial retouch on three edges, including proximal (& striking platform) and distal. Discontinuous heavy retouch or use wear on other edge. Intact. L: 7.7, W: 10.6, T: 3.8 cm.",19/2/1995 00:00:00,, "6503",4.00,"STONE","BASIN","Possible basin or grindstone fragment. Sub-triangular fragment of light brown stone with numerous small quartz inclusions, and occasional shell, farush sandstone. Interior surface is worn concave, base has been shaped to be slightly concave. Badly worn or irregular edge. Dimensions 10.9 x 10.5 x 1.2 - 5.6 cm.",20/2/1995 00:00:00,, "6503",5.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. Not sieved.",18/3/1995 00:00:00,, "6503",6.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. Not sieved.",18/3/1995 00:00:00,, "6503",7.00,"FOSSIL ECHINOID","POUNDER/SMOOTHER","Echinoid fossil possibly utilised as Pounder/Smoother tool. Ovoid light grey limestone with flat base that may have been partly smoothed. The curved edges are slightly abraded. Fossil may have acquired these marks due to natural wear. Intact. Height 2.4 cm. Diameter 4.5-5.1 cm.",18/3/1995 00:00:00,, "6504",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. Not sieved.",23/2/1995 00:00:00,, "6504",2.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Core fragment. Mottled grey brown flint with small remnant creamy white cortex. Multi-platform. Largest scar with slightly hinged distal end L: 3.2, W: 1.4 cm. Dimensions whole 5.0 x 2.8 x 2.5 cm.",23/2/1995 00:00:00,, "6504",3.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder. Large sub ovoid nodule of light grey limestone with flattened top and bottom faces. Bottom, largest face, has been smoothed flat. The curved middle zone of the tool has been partly abraded with a few deeper scars due to pounding. Intact and in good condition. Dimensions 1.06 x 1.01 x 7.7 cm.",23/2/1995 00:00:00,, "6504",4.00,"FLINT","TOOL","End scraper. Flake of dark brown flint. Ventral side is broken up due to poor quality. One end, probably proximal has been unifacially retouched from ventral side to form convex scraping edge. Intact. L: 3.3, W: 1.8-1.9, T: 0.8 cm.",23/2/1995 00:00:00,, "6505",1.00,"PLASTER","DOMED LID","Domed plaster lid. One face is smooth and convex. The other is more flat, but uneven, with linear impressions of palm frond or timber (?). Edges are rough and chipped, otherwise intact. Diameter 12.1-12.5 cm. Height 3.7 cm.",25/2/1995 00:00:00,, "6505",2.00,"PLASTER","BASKET LINING","Rounded lump of light grey plaster, probably from the base of a basket. Uneven but fairly smooth convex base, with rounded edges, concave upper surface. Sides are slightly flaring with partial impression of vertical weave. Diameter top: 12.3-13.2; bottom: 10.6-11.0 cm. Height 5.2 cm.",26/2/1995 00:00:00,, "6505",3.00,"PLASTER","PIERCED OBJECT","Roughly conical plaster object, with rough flat base. The rounded upper part is smooth with occasional pitting. The base has a deep hole near the centre, made by a palm frond or wooden stick. The hole is sub-oval with pointed ends. Intact. Object diameter of base 8.9 cm. Height 8.2 cm. Hole length 1.8, width 1.4, depth 7.3 cm.",26/2/1995 00:00:00,, "6505",4.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. Not sieved.",26/2/1995 00:00:00,, "6505",5.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. Not sieved.",26/2/1995 00:00:00,, "6505",6.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Four fragments of bitumen. Different shapes and sizes. All have impressions of cross-weave on one face, the opposite face being fairly smooth. Range dimensions 1.0 x 0.9 x 0.4 cm. to 2.7 x 2.0 x 0.6 cm.",23/3/1995 00:00:00,, "6506",1.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Pounder/Smoother. Sub ovoid nodule of dark grey-black close grained stone. One large face is partly worn smooth and flat, the opposing one is also partly worn smooth and slightly concave. Both were later used for pounding as are slightly abraded. All faces, particularly the two convex ends are abraded. Intact. Found near Object nos. 6506:3, 4, 5. Dimensions 9.3 x 7.5 x 4.5 cm.",26/2/1995 00:00:00,, "6506",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. Not sieved.",26/2/1995 00:00:00,, "6506",3.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Pounder/Smoother. Sub trapezoidal nodule of dark grey-black close grained stone. One face worn smooth and flat, with the opposite also worn smooth and flat and continuing from one edge around to the next face forming a concave surface. One extant end and most of the narrow faces are very abraded and slightly scarred. The smooth faces are also subsequently abraded. Tool appears broken on two sides probably by pounding. Found near to Objects nos. 6506:1, 4, 5. Dimensions 8.5 x 6.5 x 6.2 cm.",26/2/1995 00:00:00,, "6506",4.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Pounder/Smoother. Elongated sub ovoid nodule of dark grey-black close grained stone. Abraded mostly at each end and at tips of two other slight projections and edges. 4 faces worn partly smooth and flat-concave. Largest smooth face appears also to have been abraded in central zone. Intact. Found near to Object nos. 6506:1, 3, 5. Dimensions 10.7 x 6.1 x 3.8 cm.",26/2/1995 00:00:00,, "6506",5.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Pounder/Smoother. Sub ovoid nodule, triangular in section, of dense dark grey close grained stone. Three flattish faces are worn very smooth. Parts of the edges, one end and particularly the other end are very abraded. Intact. A very aesthetically pleasing object. Dimensions 6.5 x 5.5 x 4.1 cm.",26/2/1995 00:00:00,, "6506",6.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. Not sieved.",26/2/1995 00:00:00,, "6507",1.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Pounder/Smoother or Weight. Spheroid nodule with flattened ends and part of one side. Light grey limestone. Pounding has produced an even pecking/abrading over entire convex surface, including the previously smoothed and flattened areas. The smoothed areas on the side and at one end have been partly hollowed due to constant pounding. Intact. Diameter 5.7-5.8 cm. Height 5.2 cm. Weight 283.7 gm.",16/3/1995 00:00:00,, "6507",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. Not sieved.",27/2/1995 00:00:00,, "6507",3.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAG","Fragment of the lining to a woven vessel. Sub-triangular, with one relatively flat side. The other side has impressions of cross woven basket. Probably from near the base of the vessel. Dimensions 3.7 x 3.3 x 1.5 cm.",27/2/1995 00:00:00,, "6507",4.00,"SHELL","PIERCED BIVALVE","One pearl oyster shell with sub-oval hole through the side. Shell length 5.2, width 5.2 cm. Hole dimensions 0.9 x 0.7 cm.",27/2/1995 00:00:00,, "6507",5.00,"BONE","BONES","One bone fragment. Not sieved.",28/2/1995 00:00:00,, "6508",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. Not sieved.",27/2/1995 00:00:00,, "6508",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. Not sieved.",27/2/1995 00:00:00,, "6508",3.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Pounder/Smoother. Badly broken sub oval nodule of light grey close grained stone, limestone? The two largest faces are flat and smooth with the narrow edges abraded. Some of the flat surfaces also appear abraded. Broken and scarred probably due to pounding. Dimensions 10.0 x 9.1 x 3.3 cm.",27/2/1995 00:00:00,, "6508",4.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Stone tool fragment. Probably from Pounder/Smoother. Thin sub rectangular chip of dark grey close grained stone, basalt. Extant original face has been worn smooth and is partly abraded. Probably broken off during pounding. Dimensions 3.7 x 2.5 x 0.5 cm.",27/2/1995 00:00:00,, "6509",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. Not sieved.",15/3/1995 00:00:00,, "6509",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. Not sieved.",15/3/1995 00:00:00,, "6524",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. Not sieved.",15/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6524",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. Not sieved.",15/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6525",1.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Fragment of Pounder/Smoother. Sub oval fragment of large sub ovoid nodule of dense very dark grey close grained stone, basalt (?). The main convex extant surface is worn smooth, the other is flat and abraded. Parts of the rest of the stone are slightly abraded. Possibly broken during pounding. Dimensions 12.3 x 8.5 x 3.3 cm.",16/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6526",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. Not sieved.",17/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6526",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. Not sieved.",17/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6526",3.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Fourteen fragments of bitumen. All different sizes and shapes. Some have impressions of vegetable matter. Largest is sub-ovoid with possible seed lump on one side 2.6 x 2.2 x 1.7 cm.",17/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6526",4.00,"STONE","BASIN","Complete basin, made up of this sub-triangular fragment, and of 6532:1-5 Low, near-vertical internal rim with flat internal base. The sides are nearly vertical, rounding to an uneven sloping base. The interior is smooth, the exterior is rough with some pick marks. Total dimensions 36.0-38.0 (rim-base) x 32.0 x 13.5-8.5 cm. Internal dimensions 28.5-25.0 x 25.0-20.0 x 0.6-0.5 cm (top-bottom of rim/sides). Dimensions of this fragment 27.5 x 22.0 x 13.0 cm.",17/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6526",5.00,"STONE","BASIN","Edge fragment of basin, sub-triangular. Dimensions 14.5 x 14.0 x 0.9 cm, maximum thickness of plaster on side 0.5 cm. Joins 6532:1-5, making up basin complete except for small trapezoid area in base. Light brown sandstone with numerous quartz inclusions. Rectangular basin with near vertical/slightly sloping internal sides and flat internal base. Vertical sides tapering and rounding to flattish rough base. Pick marks visible on the surfaces. Basin complete except for small trapezoid area in the base. Remnant light brown clay/plaster on top of sides, and on interior and exterior. Total dimensions exterior: 46.5 x 23.5 x 9.5-8.0 cm; interior: 38.0-36.0 x 19.5-15.0 x 4.5 cm.",17/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6526",6.00,"STONE","WORKED","Fragment of possible Grinder or Basin. Light grey stone with numerous quartz (?) inclusions. Two extant faces are fairly flat and the near vertical side is straight. Dimensions 18.3 x 12.7 x 4.4 cm.",17/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6527",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Occupation deposit sample. 4 buckets.",18/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6527",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Part of articulated fishbone. In small box.",17/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6527",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Part of articulated fishbone. Broken into segments.",17/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6527",4.00,"BONE","BONES","Articulated fishbone, in several parts. In small box.",17/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6527",5.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. Not sieved.",17/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6527",6.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. Not sieved.",17/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6527",7.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Sub triangular lump of copper slag with much brown corrosion. Dimensions 3.2 x 2.4 x 1.5 cm.",17/4/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "6528",1.00,"COPPER","ROD OBJECT","Short length of copper rod, broken off at one end, where is square in section, and tapering to a wedge at the other, where there is adhering corrosion-stained organic matter. Perhaps the hafted end of a copper tool and part of its decayed handle of bone or wood. Entire object extant length 4.9, extant diameter 1.4 cm. Thickness of copper part 0.6 cm.",17/4/1995 00:00:00,"Y","Poor condition. Consolidated with Paraloid B72." "6528",2.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Pounder/Smoother. Sub spherical, with flattened ends, nodule of light grey limestone. The two ends appear to have been worn partly smooth and then later very abraded, particularly in the centres. The rest of the surface is very abraded and partly deeply scarred. Intact. Diameter 8.8-9.0, height 6.0 cm.",18/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6528",3.00,"STONE","SOCKET","Possible door socket on fragment of broken basin. Sub-triangular fragment of light brown stone with numerous quartz inclusions, sandstone. Edge and base of basin are both fairly flat on the inside. As it is a small fragment it is impossible to tell which is the side and which is the base. The outside is also flattish with the pick marks showing. The inner corner of the basin has been roughly hollowed out into a square. This hollow may have been formed to create a door socket. However the roughly picked base of the hollow shows no circular pivoting marks. Stone found near a doorway at an angle with the hollow facing up. Stone dimensions 20.0 x 16.0 x 14.0 cm. Thickness of side/base 4.5-4.7 cm. Hollowed area dimensions 7.2 x 6.4 x 1.0 cm.",18/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6529",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. Not sieved. 2 bivalves show consistent angled breakages: where bashed open?",14/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6529",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. Not sieved.",14/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6529",3.00,"STONE","CHOPPER","Axe or Chopper. Large flake of light grey limestone with broad inclusion of banded brown flint/chert. Abraded narrow striking platform and broad plunging distal end. The sides have been narrowed near the proximal end possibly to aid hafting. All edges appear to have been retouched to shape tool. The distal edge is slightly convex and roughly retouched, probably bifacially but hard to tell as stone is so coarse. One corner of distal end is broken but otherwise tool is intact. L: 11.6, W: 8.0, T: 2.9 cm.",14/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6530",1.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Pounder/Smoother or Weight. Sub spherical nodule of mottled grey and white coarse grained stone. It has two flattened ends, one of which appears smoothed, the other less so and later damaged by scarring. The rest of the surface is abraded and partly scarred. Intact. Diameter 8.2-8.3m height 6.3 cm. Weight 770 gm (rough using kitchen scale) Chloritic metamorphic rock. (M Mendeck May 1995)",19/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6531",1.00,"STONE","BEAD","Cylindrical bead, tapered at the ends, of grey mottled stone with very polished surface. Possibly steatite. Intact. Woolley Type 6. Length 2.2, diameter 0.5-0.9 cm.",20/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6531",2.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Pounder/Smoother. Sub oval-triangular nodule of very dense dark grey close grained stone. Both flattish faces have been worn very smooth with considerable later deep scarring and some abrading on the edges. The curved sides are very abraded, particularly in two areas, and partly scarred. One concave part of the edge was once smooth and then later abraded. A well used and intact tool. Dimensions 9.9 x 8.9 x 4.3 cm. Chloritic metamorphic rock. (M Mendeck May 1995)",20/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6531",3.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Fragment of Pounder? Sub oval flake of very dense dark grey close grained stone. Extant face is irregular and abraded. The rounded corner is very smooth. Possibly broken off during pounding. Dimensions 8.0 x 5.2 x 2.0 cm.",20/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6531",4.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. Not sieved.",20/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6531",5.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. Not sieved.",20/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6531",6.00,"STONE","FRAG","Orange-red sub hemispherical nodule of quartz. The cortex is slightly darker in colour. One naturally weathered flat face has one deep scar. A pretty stone. Purpose? Intact. Dimensions 3.4 x 2.9 x 2.6 cm.",20/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6531",7.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Occupation/makeup deposit sample. 4 buckets, 13 L.",20/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6531",8.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Nineteen small fragments of bitumen from the lining to one or more woven vessels. The largest fragment is trapezoid and thin. One surface has palm frond impressions and the other is relatively smooth. Dimensions 2.0 x 1.8 x 0.3 cm.",20/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6531",9.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Possible scraper. Long flake of mottled brown flint with remnant creamy white cortex on two edges. Striking platform is slightly scarred and distal end is plunging. Distal half of dorsal face has been shaped and steeply retouched to form possible scraping edge or backing. Distal end has worn tip and the distal edge also has possible use wear. Intact. L: 4.5, W: 2.6, T: 1.4 cm.",20/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6531",10.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Concave scraper. Sub rectangular flake of brown flint with creamy white cortex. Made on a probable heat shattered piece. One long edge is unifacially retouched to form concave scraping edge. The adjacent short end and part of the other long edge have also been shaped or retouched. Intact. Dimensions 5.1 x 3.6 x 1.8 cm.",20/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6531",11.00,"FLINT","FLAKES","Four flakes of good quality brown flint. No. 4 may have been a tool. 1) Thin wide flake with scarred striking platform and feather distal end. Distal edge is worn or broken. Previous scars on dorsal surface struck from distal end. L: 1.5, W: 1.9, T: 0.4 cm. 2) Wide flake with scarred striking platform and broken feather distal end. Numerous scars on dorsal surface struck from proximal end. L: 2.3, W: 2.5, T: 2.6 cm. 3) Wide flake with striking platform creamy white cortex surface and feather ends. Previous scars on dorsal surface struck from distal end. L: 1.8, W: 2.8, T: 0.8 cm. 4) Wide retouched flake with focal striking platform adjacent to creamy white cortex surface. Slightly hinged distal edge has been retouched in centre from the dorsal face. Previous scars struck from one side. L: 2.2, W: 2.0, T: 0.6 cm.",20/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6531",12.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Possible point or awl. Triangular flake of brown banded flint. Striking platform reworked when restruck to form pointed tip. Tip and long distal edge possibly have use wear. Intact. L: 1.2, W: 1.9, T: 0.9 cm.",20/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6531",13.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","One large and seven small fragments of bitumen. All have vegetable impressions. The largest has a variety of impressions and a large fragment of shell within it: dimensions 3.6 x 2.2 x 1.2 cm.",20/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6531",14.00,"POTTERY","SHAPED SHERD","Shaped sherd possibly used as scraping tool. Sub-oval, with one very straight edge and gently curving body. The clay is brown-orange with sandy and creamy-white temper. Both surfaces have pinky-orange wash, and the interior is badly laminating. Dimensions 10.8 x 8.6 x 0.6 cm.",20/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6531",15.00,"ORGANIC","SEED","Carbonised fragment of a seed (?) Dimensions 0.4 x 0.4 x 0.2 cm.",20/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6531",16.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Angular pointed fragment of mottled brown flint with remnant light grey cortex and surface pitting. Possibly chipped off a pounder. Dimensions 1.9 x 1.4 x 1.1 cm.",20/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6531",17.00,"POTTERY","PAINTED JAR","Part of rim and body of Wadi Suq jar. Brown, friable fabric, grey core. Traces of red wash out. Rim rounded to outside, very short flaring neck, body swells. Probably wheel-thrown. Preserved height 23 cm. Rim diameter approx. 14 cm.",20/4/1998 00:00:00,," Wadi Suq, according to Rob Carter." "6532",1.00,"STONE","BASIN FRAG","Part of basin 6526:5, q.v., also made up of 6532:2-5. End fragment, dimensions 23.5 x 18.0 x 9.5 cm, maximum height plaster on the end rim is 2.5 cm.",22/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6532",2.00,"STONE","BASIN FRAG","Corner fragment of 6526:05, q.v., also made up of 6532:1, 3, 4 and 5. Dimensions 19.0 x 10.0 x 0.9 cm, maximum thickness of plaster on sides 1.0 cm.",22/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6532",3.00,"STONE","BASIN FRAG","Edge fragment of basin 6526:05, q.v., also made up of 6532:1, 2, 4 and 5. Dimensions 16.0 x 14.0 x 0.9 cm, maximum thickness plaster on base 1.0 cm.",22/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6532",4.00,"STONE","BASIN FRAG","Corner fragment of basin 6526:05, q.v., also made up of 6532:1-3 and 5. Dimensions 16.5 x 14.5 x 0.8 cm.",22/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6532",5.00,"STONE","BASIN FRAG","Large corner fragment of basin 6526:05, q.v. 6532:1-4 also join. Dimensions 36.0 x 31.5 x 14.0-10.5 cm.",20/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6532",6.00,"BITUMEN","LUMP","Large, sub-cuboid piece of bitumen. One face is flat, and irregular, the other flat and pitted. The sides are either vertical or steeply angled. The surface has numerous impressions of vegetable matter, probably palm-leaf. Dimensions 13.1 x 11.3 x 6.7 cm.",23/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6532",7.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Anvil/Pounder/Smoother. Very large sub ovoid nodule of dense dark grey close grained stone. Natural river cobble/boulder? One long side has been worn or shaped flat. Parts of the two sides, both flat and curved, and in particular the two flat ends are abraded. Its size and weight would indicate that it was set into the ground rather than used and lifted by hand. Intact and in very good condition. Dimensions 21.1 x 13.5 x 9.9 cm.",20/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6532",8.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Grindstone, intact. Made from large, oval, carefully shaped piece of light brown sandstone with numerous quartz inclusions. One face has been worn concave although it is pitted. The opposite face is flat. The sides are near vertical, being thickest on one long side. The other long side is a narrow and slightly damaged. This is where the grinding was close to the edge. Dimensions 31.8 x 20.5 x 4.0-6.0 cm.",20/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6532",9.00,"PLASTER","DISC LID","Lid of creamy white plaster, in the shape of an oval disc. Thick with slightly convex faces, one being very smooth. The sides are thick and rounded. Intact with slight edge damage. Diameter 7.9-8.5, thickness 4.0 cm.",20/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6533",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","One bivalve shell. Not sieved.",20/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6535",1.00,"STEATITE","SEAL","Square stamp seal, intact. Green stone with ?pyritic inclusion. Two holes in obverse, worn through to perforation. Reverse: pitched. Three parallel lines at right angles to perforation, either end finished by a short line a right angles. Four circles with central dot, one in each corner. Obverse: At bottom, a scorpion, facing left. In the upper register a crescentic standard at the centre, with a circle with central dot [or star] above. On either side, a palm frond, joined to the crescentic standard by a horizontal line. Dimensions 1.56 x 1.56 cm x 0.6 cm thick .",24/4/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "6535",2.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Sub ovoid lump of copper. Dimensions 1.6 x 1.1 x 1.0 cm.",22/4/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "6535",3.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Pounder/Smoother. Sub cuboid nodule of light brown stone with numerous quartz inclusions, sandstone. One face has been worn smooth and flat. The opposite probably was at one time similar but later was abraded. All the other faces and edges are abraded and partly deeply scarred. Intact. Dimensions 7.2 x 6.2 x 4.5 cm. (Possibly mis-labelled 6388:02)",22/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6535",4.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone.",22/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6535",5.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder or Core. Elongated ovoid nodule of banded brown-grey flint with creamy white cortex. One side edge and both ends are heavily abraded and deeply scarred. Intact. Dimensions 9.3 x 4.8 x 3.7 cm. Largest flake scar on side L: 2.3, W: 5.4 cm.",22/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6535",6.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. Not sieved.",22/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6535",7.00,"POTTERY","PAINTED JAR","Upper part of small painted jar. Fine orange clay, flaking. Outer surface and inside rim painted dark red and burnished. Several groups of black painted horizontal lines on shoulder, at base of neck and on outside of rim. Simple rounded rim, pushed out; short waisted neck and flaring shoulder. Not measured.",22/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6536",1.00,"POTTERY","JAR","Jar, complete except for tiny chips. Dense, dark grey clay. Outer surface fired to bright red in firing blushes. Temper of fine white grits. Outer surface polished. Rim rounded and slightly pulled out. Short waisted neck. Body globular and very wide, roughly finished with a blunt point (base) underneath. Rim diameter 8.9-.2 cm, Height 21.7 cm, Maximum width 21.4 cm.",29/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6536",2.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder or Weight. Spheroid with two flattened ends. One end is very smooth and flat the opposite is the same but with later abrading forming a slight hollow. The rest of the convex surface is finely abraded. Intact. Weight 237.7 gm. Diameter 5.4-5.5 cm. Height 5.3 cm.",29/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6536",3.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Sub ovoid nodule of grey close grained stone, limestone? Surface is weathered and crumbly but shows abrading and some deep scarring particularly beside the sharper edges. One scar on the convex edge is very big, otherwise it is intact. Dimensions 8.0 x 6.7 x 4.4 cm.",29/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6536",4.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder. Sub ovoid nodule of mottled light brown-grey limestone. One face has been worn very smooth and flat. There are a few other possibly deliberately worn small areas on the upper convex surfaces. The rest is partly abraded and scarred, particularly on the edge of the flat face. Intact. Dimensions 5.7 x 5.4 x 4.2 cm.",29/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6536",5.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder or Weight. Spheroid with two flattened ends. Light grey limestone. Surface is mostly worn smooth except for ends which are abraded. Intact. Weight 1325 gm. (Rough measurement on kitchen scales at site) Diameter 9.6-9.9 cm, height 8.3-8.4 cm.",29/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6536",6.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Anvil or large Pounder/Smoother. Sub trapezoidal fragment of light grey limestone. One side face is worn smooth and flat-convex. Its edges and most of the rest of the surface is abraded and scarred. One slightly concave face is particularly deeply scarred. Intact. Dimensions 13.8 x 12.8 x 8.7 cm.",29/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6536",7.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Pounder/Smoother. Sub cuboid/ovoid fragment of light grey limestone. Two opposite faces are worn smooth and flat, and then later abraded and partly scarred. The other faces, particularly the two slightly convex ends, are abraded. Intact. Dimensions 6.8 x 6.0 x 4.5 cm.",29/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6536",8.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Sub triangular-ovoid fragment of dense dark grey close grained stone. The extant convex surfaces are abraded, particularly one slightly convex end. The edges are abraded and partly scarred. Broken during pounding or intact? Dimensions 9.3 x 7.9 x 6.2 cm.",29/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6536",9.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Whole earth sample, entire fill of pot 6536:1. Contained small frags of fishbone. ALL DISCARDED.",2/5/1999 00:00:00,, "6536",10.00,"PLASTER","RENDER FRAGS?","Thirteen fragments of light grey-white plaster, probably render, or possibly from a collapsed, unexcavated architectural feature. Different shapes and sizes. Most fragments are sub-cuboid. All have impressions of stones etc on their lower surfaces, with a thick white coating on the upper surfaces. This coating has linear impressions. Largest cuboid fragment 15.0 x 12.0 x 0.7 cm. Rectangular fragment 23.0 x 0.9 x 3.5 cm. U-shaped end of object in 2 fragments, possibly the lining of a basin or its upper part. Plastered in two stages visible in the section. Possible worn white thick coating. Total extant dimensions 27.0 x 21.5 x 14.5 cm. Thickness Rim 3.4-4.6 walls minimum 0.7 cm.",29/4/1995 00:00:00,, "6538",1.00,"STEATITE","SEAL","Circular stamp seal, broken and mended in antiquity with bitumen. Lower edge, and lower left edge chipped off. Back: standard Edge: straight. Front:: To upper left, a scorpion, facing upwards. Below it, a turtle, facing upwards. To right, a male horned animal, standing facing right and looking back over its shoulder. By its chest, a ?chiselled, or possibly accidental, line. At bottom right, a bird with feathered back, facing right. In the upper register, a crescent. Di. 2.2, ht. 1.2",3/5/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "6538",2.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Pounder/Smoother. Sub ovoid nodule of dark grey close grained stone. Two faces have been worn smooth and flat-convex. The other surfaces are very abraded and in parts deeply scarred. Intact. Dimensions 6.3 x 5.4 x 4.5 cm.",2/5/1995 00:00:00,, "6538",3.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Pounder/Smoother. Sub ovoid nodule of dark grey close grained stone. One area of the convex surface and part of the opposite flat face has been worn fairly smooth. Two other flat side faces are also slightly smooth and later abraded. The rest of the surface is abraded and partly scarred. Intact. Dimensions 7.8 x 7.1 x 6.7 cm.",2/5/1995 00:00:00,, "6538",4.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Small Smoother/Pounder. Elongated ovoid nodule of creamy white limestone. Surface very smooth with one end very abraded and scarred. The other end is perhaps only slightly abraded. Intact. Dimensions 5.1 x 2.4 x 1.8 cm.",2/5/1995 00:00:00,, "6538",5.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. Not sieved.",2/5/1995 00:00:00,, "6538",6.00,"COPPER","FRAG","One sub ovoid/triangular fragment of copper. Dimensions 1.4 x 1.3 x 0.8 cm.",2/5/1995 00:00:00,, "6538",7.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Scraper. Large flake of mottled brown flint with thick light grey-white cortex on one side. Weathered heat fractured dorsal surface. Scarred striking platform and hinged distal end. Distal and part of one long edge has been roughly retouched from the ventral surface. This has formed a sharp distal edge and a wide concave-notched side edge. The proximal end of the long side edge has finer retouch or use wear, coming from the dorsal surface. Intact. L: 5.5, W: 4.9, T: 1.9 cm.",2/5/1995 00:00:00,, "6538",8.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Awl and possible denticulated scraper. Triangular flake of light brown flint. Striking platform reworked. Pointed tip formed by retouching one edge from the ventral side leaving a denticulated edge. The other edges and the tip has probable use wear. Intact. L: 2.3, W: 1.9, T: 0.8 cm.",2/5/1995 00:00:00,, "6538",9.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Borer/Scraper possible Burin. Large blade flake of mottled red-brown flint with quartz (?) vein and crimson weathered surface or cortex. Scarred and prepared striking platform and hinged distal end. One previous dorsal scar struck from the proximal platform. Distal end has been double struck from the dorsal surface to form a point which has use wear damage. The rest of one long edge has been finely bifacially retouched. The opposite edge has retouch or use wear. Intact. L: 6.6, W: 2.8, T: 1.6 cm.",2/5/1995 00:00:00,, "6538",10.00,"POTTERY","SHAPED SHERD","Shaped sherd possibly used as scraper or pointed tool. Sub-oval sherd of pot with one side (deliberately?) pointed. The edges are scalloped and the triangular point has a worn tip. The pot has orange-red clay with circular lime particles and a dull orange wash on the outer surface. Dimensions 8.9-6.7 (with-without point) x 6.6 x 0.5 cm.",2/5/1995 00:00:00,, "6539",1.00,"CLAY","TOKEN","Double-sided disc-shaped token, of fine, reddish baked clay. Impressed on either side. Side one: Design has an arrow head, pointing up, inside a square. To the left of the square, a palm frond. Above and below the square, curved lines, possibly crescents, the lower one upside-down. From the from the right edge of the square protrude the dual necks of an animal - the heads are not impressed. Side two: the impression is at a diagonal to that on the first side. An arrowhead, pointing down, inside a square. To the left, traces of a palm frond. Above and below the square, the same crescents as on the first side. From the right side of the square protrude the curved necks of an animal. The lower neck curves to the bottom of the impression, with a horned head on the end, facing the square. The left-hand head is not impressed. From the same seals as K16:53:02",3/5/1995 00:00:00,, "6539",2.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","One large and three smaller fragments of bitumen, all with roughly smoothed face, so probably from the lining of a vessel. There are some impressions of vegetable matter, probably palm. Largest is almost flat dimensions 6.9 x 4.8 x 1.0 cm.",3/5/1995 00:00:00,, "6539",3.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS?","One large and numerous tiny fragments of bitumen. Largest is a sub-ovoid lump with numerous vegetal impressions, probably palm. Possibly formed inside a vessel. Some sides are fairly smooth. Largest dimensions 5.7 x 4.1 x 3.3 cm.",3/5/1995 00:00:00,, "6539",4.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Pounder/Smoother. Elongated sub ovoid nodule of dark grey close grained stone, limestone? One face has been worn smooth and flat while its edges are abraded. The rest of the surface is abraded, particularly at the ends. Intact. Dimensions 5.7 x 3.8 x 3.7 cm.",3/5/1995 00:00:00,, "6540",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. Not sieved.",3/5/1995 00:00:00,, "6540",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. Not sieved.",3/5/1995 00:00:00,, "6540",3.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Pounder/Smoother fragment. Sub ovoid nodule of dark grey close grained stone. Two extant surfaces have been worn smooth and relatively flat but both were later abraded. The other extant face and the edges are abraded and slightly scarred. Probably broken during pounding. Dimensions 7.4 x 6.4 x 3.2 cm.",3/5/1995 00:00:00,, "6541",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Tannur fill sample. Approx. 4 buckets, entire fill, 25 L.",3/5/1995 00:00:00,, "6543",1.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder/Anvil. Sub rectangular fragment of dense dark grey close grained stone. Two flat faces are abraded, on one this is within a circular area. The near vertical extant edges are partly abraded, especially at the corner. One of these edges is straight, the other is concave. The surfaces near the broken edges are abraded and scarred. Probably broken during pounding. Dimensions 13.3 x 11.5 x 5.2 cm.",3/5/1995 00:00:00,, "6576",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone.",24/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6576",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell.",24/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6577",1.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder, intact. Sub-oval piece of light brown sandstone with small-large sand and shell inclusions. Upper face is flat but the surface is both abraded (from pecking the surface to enable better grinding?) and partly worn smooth. Some of the pitting was probably where small stone and shell grits have fallen off matrix. The lower face is slightly concave with an irregular sloping surface, having much shell grit. The edges are narrow and rounded. All edges show either tool marks from shaping or scarring from use. Dimensions 20.7 x 18.5 x 4.2-29 cm.",4/5/1996 00:00:00,, "6577",2.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Sub oval lump of copper with nick in one edge. Convex faces. Fairly solid. Dimensions 1.9 x 1.7 x 1.0 cm.",1/5/1996 00:00:00,, "6578",1.00,"PLASTER","ROOF FRAGS","Seventy three fragments of whitish gypsum plaster, presumably from render, perhaps from roof or ceiling. (1-5) Five large fragments showing linear impressions of palm fronds laid in rows. Largest has two faces at right angles, both with impressions. 18.5 x 18.0 x 6.7 cm. Palm frond width av. 1.5 cm. (6) Fragment with impression, 2.2 cm wide. (7) Curved fragment, with impressions of palm frond on inner surface. 6.7 x 4.4 x 2.6 cm. (8) Curved fragment, with possible finger impressions on inner surface. 13.2 x 3.9 x 3.3 cm. 65 fragments of various shapes and sizes showing interesting features and impressions of palm fronds, other vegetable matter, and bore holes and channels.",6/5/1996 00:00:00,,"170 plain fragments discarded" "6578",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone. Includes 4 fragments of tortoise.",1/5/1996 00:00:00,, "6578",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell.",1/5/1996 00:00:00,, "6578",4.00,"BITUMEN","WOOD IMPRESSION","Bitumen coated wood. Broken length of bitumen recovered in fragments. All have impressions of palm-wood and vegetable matter (from matrix). Some show impressions of white-ant/borer holes. One side often smooth. Largest fragment is broken in two, with one higher side and one smooth concave edge. The opposite face has a smooth linear impression of palm-wood (part of which is preserved on surface as light brown stain), surrounded by a small thin ridge. Impressions of wood- borer holes and channels on both faces. Dimensions 9.7 x 2.7 x 1.5 cm.",4/5/1996 00:00:00,,"Half of fragments consolidated (labelled)" "6578",5.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Three fragments of copper. 1) Possible broken object. Elongated narrow flat strip with small pointed projection at an angle to one side. One end broken in antiquity, the other recently. 1.9 x 0.7-0.9 x 0.3 cm. 2) Elongated sub ovoid with irregular lumpy brown and green corroded surface. 2.5 x 1.4 x 1.0 cm. 3) Sub diamond shaped flat strip of copper with one concave edge. 1.9 x 1.2 x 0.4 cm.",27/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6578",6.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Grindstone, also anvil and mortar. Intact. Sub-square piece of light brown sandstone with very small sand inclusions. Upper surface is smooth and flat near the edges, but very abraded in the central zone. This abrasion includes wavy striations. The lower face is convex, sloping down to one side. The central part is worn smooth, surrounded by abraded bevelling beside the edges. Three sides are straight and vertical, the other is very chipped but appears to have been slightly convex. Dimensions 14.7 x 13.7 x 4.8-2.8 cm.",5/5/1996 00:00:00,,"A very good example." "6578",7.00,"PLASTER","PLASTERED STONE","Plaster covered stone, possibly used as bung or heavy lid. Large, naturally sub-oval stone is light grey limestone. The lower surface is convex with a rounded central raised area. Upper surface plastered. The extant edge is narrow. Length 16.0, width 12.2, height 6.2 cm.",29/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6578",8.00,"STONE","SAMPLE","Small fragment of galena or pyrite? Metallic crystals, to be identified. Dimensions 1.4 x 0.9 x 0.4 cm.",24/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6578",9.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Fragment of grinder. Sub-rectangular piece of light brown sandstone with small sand inclusions. Two flat faces, the upper one smooth with only slight pitting. The edges are near vertical, with only one rounded end one possibly being original. Dimensions 6.9 x 4.7 x 2.4 cm.",5/5/1996 00:00:00,, "6579",1.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Fragments from bitumen lining of a woven palm-leaf basket. Part of ? base and numerous small fragments. Main fragment is sub-rectangular, with remains of two and possibly three corners of base and parts of three sides. Smooth exterior surface with much pitting and impressions of vegetable matter. Interior shows impressions of weaving. Dimensions main fragment: Base 7.5 x 7.0+ cm (extant x broken). Max. extant height 3.7 cm.",4/5/1996 00:00:00,,"Main fragment is very cracked and has been consolidated and strengthened. It sits on a foam support within box." "6579",2.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","20 fragments of copper. All irregular shapes and sizes. 1) Triangular strip curled up into an open ball, similar in shape to a butter curl or shell. 1.9 x 1.6 x 1.5 cm. 2) Irregular pointed fragment 2.2 x 1.2 x 0.9 cm. 3) Sub ovoid fragment 1.6 x 1.0 x 1.0 cm. 4) Sub triangular lumpy fragment 1.6 x 1.6 x 0.8 cm. 5) Sub triangular flat strip 1.5 x 1.2 x 0.3 cm. 6) Sub rectangular fragment 1.0 x 0.9 x 0.5 cm. 7) Pointed sub ovoid fragment 1.2 x 0.7 x 0.6 cm. 8.-10. Three sub ovoid fragments 1.1-1.0 x 0.6-5 x 0.5-6 cm. 11) Sub oval fragment 0.9 x 0.8 x 0.4 cm. 12) Sub triangular flat strip 0.8 x 0.7 x 0.3 cm. 13) Sub triangular flat strip 0.7 x 0.6 x 0.2 cm. 14) Sub ovoid with one flattish side and a pointed end. Some brown corrosion 11.4 x 1.0 x 0.9 cm. 15) Sub ovoid with one end narrower and with small surface lumps. 1.2 x 0.9 x 0.7 cm. 16) Tiny sub triangular and flat. 0.7 x 0.5 x 0.2 cm. 17-20) Four irregular fragments 0.2-0.6 x 0.3 x 0.2-0.3 cm.",27/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6579",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone.",1/5/1996 00:00:00,, "6579",4.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. 1 bivalve shows consistent angled breakage: where bashed open?",1/5/1996 00:00:00,, "6579",5.00,"FOSSIL","CORAL","Three pieces of broken coral fossils. Two are branched, one is sub circular and flattish. From makeup. 1) Double branched fragment, orange-cream colour. 5.9 x 4.0 x 2.3 cm. 2) Narrow single branch fragment. 4.8 x 2.7 x 1.3 cm. 3) Sub circular fragment with one convex face, the other flat. 3.4 x 2.8 x 1.3 cm.",27/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6579",6.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder/Axe/Core. Waisted sub rectangular piece of mottled brown flint with creamy white cortex on the sides. Fairly flat faces scarred from work done on all edges, whether deliberate shaping or use of tool. Largest flakes struck from both ends, making one face nearly flat. Both ends are slightly convex and are very scarred. One end is narrow and convex in section. Waisting formed by one naturally concave side with a small flake struck off at one end; the opposite side has a large concave scar, made more so by the natural circular faulting of the flint. Hafted where tool is waisted? Intact. Length 7.6, width 5.5-4.6, thickness 2.6 cm.",24/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6579",7.00,"PLASTER","DOMED LID","Large, domed lid of light grey plaster. Upper face is flat with numerous small holes. The lower face is convex with a sunken shield-shaped area in the centre. The edges are rounded and partly broken away on two sides. One other part of the edge is deeply cracked. Diameter 2.0 (1.8 where broken), thickness 4.0 cm.",27/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6579",8.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Notched Scraper. Flake of banded brown flint with creamy white cortex being the striking platform. The distal termination has snapped off. Previous flakes struck off the dorsal surface from the proximal end. One straight edge has continuous parallel unifacial retouch struck from the dorsal surface, with occasional retouch/use wear from the ventral surface. The other slightly convex side has a notch near the proximal end struck from the dorsal surface. The rest of the edge has continuous almost denticulated retouch struck from the ventral surface. It is probable that the tool was retouched all around including the distal end. Good example. Extant L: 4.0, W: 4.2, T: 1.2 cm.",2/5/1996 00:00:00,, "6579",9.00,"FLINT","CORE","Core. Possible Pounder. Sub ovoid nodule of banded grey chert and brown flint with thick light grey-white cortex. Mostly likely use was as a Core with two large cortical flakes removed form either end leaving long scars on either side of the nodule, possibly to prepare striking platforms. Smaller scars and abrading are visible at both ends. Several smaller flakes have been struck from the prepared/flaked surfaces, most have stepped/hinged terminations. Second possibility is that the nodule is Pounder struck at both ends, and partly at sides and edges. Nodule dimensions 9.0 x 8.0 x 5.8 cm. Large cortical flakes L: 8.3, W: 6.0 cm. L: 8.1?, 6.2 cm. Largest and clearest side flake L: 3.0, W: 3.4 cm.",27/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6579",10.00,"FLINT","FLAKES","Two flakes of brown flint. Possibly broken off Cores or Pounders. 1) Flake with one side broken off. Plain striking platform (naturally weathered skin) and plunging termination. Previous flakes struck off dorsal surface from proximal end. L: 2.9, extant W: 2.7, T: 1.0 cm. 2) Flake with concave prepared striking platform and hinged termination. Dorsal surface scarred from the side. L: 2.8, W: 2.2, T: 0.9 cm.",2/5/1996 00:00:00,, "6579",11.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Large sub trapezoid piece of light grey limestone. All faces are flattish with slightly rounded edges. All the faces are abraded and slightly scarred. The edges are scarred, particularly around the largest trapezoid face. Intact. Dimensions 10.2 x 9.3 x 8.7 cm.",4/5/1996 00:00:00,, "6579",12.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Possible grindstone fragment. Sub-triangular piece of light brown sandstone with very small sand inclusions. Upper face is slightly concave with linear runnels running longitudinally. Surface appears very worn. Lower face is roughly flat with large shallow natural hollows. The extant vertical edge is long and straight. The broken edges are near vertical and irregular. Relatively light weight stone, virtually limestone. Dimensions 21.5 x 15.5 x 4.6 cm.",4/5/1996 00:00:00,, "6579",13.00,"STONE","GROUP","Cluster of five irregular blue-grey and dark grey pebbles. 1) Sub ovoid dark grey close grained pebble. One side is concave. Smooth surface. Dimensions 3.2 x 2.6 x 1.3 cm. Weight 13.1 gm. 2-5) Four blue-grey worn (rolled) irregular pebbles. Surfaces are pitted. Size range: 4.9 x 3.2 x 1.2 cm to 2.0 x 1.6 x 0.3 cm. Weight 25.4 gm. Total weight 38.5 gm. C.f group 6580:3, from floor below.",27/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6579",14.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Thirty fragments of bitumen, of varying shapes and sizes. Most have impression of vegetable matter on one side. Seven have impressions of cross woven palm. Largest triangular fragment dimensions 4.9 x 4.6 x 1.6 cm. Largest fragment with impressions. Inside cross-woven pattern (2-up & over twill), the outer has linear laid frond strips, one on top of the other, with part of exterior smooth coating. Dimensions 2.8 x 1.6 x 0.5 cm. Palm strips width 0.6-0.7 cm. -One sub-oval fragment with smooth concave inner surface, rough convex outer surface. 1.5 x 1.2 x 0.2 cm.",29/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6579",15.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder/Axe/Core. Waisted sub oval nodule of mottled brown flint with creamy white cortex. One very large flake struck off one face from the shorter end. The surface is entirely scarred and abraded, particularly the edges and at both ends. The waisting is caused by large flakes struck from the sides of one face. Intact. Length 10.2, width 7.5-6.0, thickness 3.8-5.8 cm.",24/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6579",16.00,"FLINT","CORE","Core. Chunky sub triangular-trapezoidal piece of mottled brown flint. Single prepared platform. Core tapers at distal end. One convex edge possibly utilized as a scraper. Most flakes have hinged terminations. Height 2.8, width 4.8, thickness 4.3 cm. Flakes L: 2.5, W: 2.3 cm; L: 3.0, W: 2.1 cm.",24/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6579",17.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Large grindstone, partly broken. Sub-rectangular piece of light brown sandstone with medium sand grains and occasional broken shell inclusions. Upper face is worked flat and partly abraded. There is a rectangular area in the centre, a trough, that has been worn deeply concave. It has rounded edges and a partly smooth, partly abraded surface. One end of the upper surface, including the sunken area has broken away. The damage includes the two long sides, which are irregular and narrowed towards the broken end. The lower surface is roughly flattish, the extant sides near vertical to tapering. Very heavy. Extant length 50.5, width 52.5, thickness 23.0 cm. Worked concave surface (trough) extant length 44.0, width 31.0, depth 6.0 cm.",2/5/1996 00:00:00,,"Stone in good condition and a candidate for surface analysis" "6579",18.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Pounder/Smoother. Possible architectural fragment. Sub triangular piece of dark grey small grained stone. An angled corner fragment of what may have been a large cubic tool or block. The two extant right-angled faces are flattish. One is very flat and slightly smooth, the other is scarred/broken. One half of the corner edge is broken away/scarred. There are remnants of the convex faces above and below the two main faces. One is larger than the other and both are very scarred. Two other faces are broken and sloping. Dimensions 9.5 x 8.4 x 7.2 cm.",6/6/1996 00:00:00,, "6579",19.00,"ORGANIC","DATE","Carbonised date pip broken into two fragments. Length 1.2, width 0.5, thickness 0.5 cm. Weight 0.1 gm.",1/5/1996 00:00:00,, "6579",20.00,"COPPER","ROD OBJECT","Fragment of copper object. Straight shaft fragment, thin, rectangular in section with rounded ends, broken in antiquity. One end slightly larger than the other. Length 2.3, width 0.6-0.7, thickness 0.3-0.4 cm.",1/5/1996 00:00:00,, "6579",21.00,"STONE","FRAG","Fragment of stone tool, probable Pounder. Sub oval, with pointed ends, flake of dark grey close grained stone. Possible extant convex face is three quarters abraded. The other three faces are flattish from when chip broke off tool. Broke off at pointed end of fragment. Dimensions 3.8 x 2.2 x 1.3 cm.",5/5/1996 00:00:00,, "6579",22.00,"STONE","CORE","Core. Possible small Pounder. Half of spheroid nodule of white quartz with dull, wrinkled cortex. Flaked surface appears flat with convex bevel at one end. Parts of surface abraded and scarred, particularly around broken edge formed by removal of large flake. Larger flakes removed from one end and part of one side where stone very abraded. Individual smaller flakes difficult to distinguish. Overall dimensions 4.7 x 3.7 x 2.8 cm. Large flake (before bevel) L: 3.6, W: 3.4 cm.",5/5/1996 00:00:00,, "6579",23.00,"STONE","FRAG","Possible small Pounder. Non local stone. Sub trapezoid piece of dull red close grained stone. Largest face is flattish with rounded edges. The opposite face is smaller and also flattish. There are three main side faces all of which are slightly concave and worn. The wider end is also worn. Wear all probably natural. Dimensions 4.7 x 3.6 x 3.2 cm.",5/5/1996 00:00:00,, "6580",1.00,"STEATITE","SEAL","Circular stamp seal. Profile: F2. Reverse: Standard. Glazed. Design: Standing male figure in skirt on left with one arm extended to right touching the back of vertical horned animal which faces right. Its front leg is raised in front of it and has a large claw on it; back leg tucked under its body. Dimensions: Diameter 1.7 cm. Height 0.8 cm. Weight 2.3 gm.",15/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6580",2.00,"STONE","WEIGHT","Weight/Pounder. Carefully shaped large sub-spheroid with flattened top and bottom. Mottled light grey-pink limestone or marble, polished to a fairly smooth surface. The central zone of the circumference is abraded and slightly scarred. The rest of the surface has occasional scars and natural pitting. Weight reused as pounder, or trimmed/reworked? Intact. Height 7.6 cm. Diameter 12.5 cm. Weight approx. 1, 250 gm.",4/5/1996 00:00:00,,"Weight approx. 1,250 gm (kitchen scales)." "6580",3.00,"STONE","GROUP","Cluster of 89 small stones/pebbles. Most have worn irregular surfaces. 84 pale or light grey pebbles of various types- limestone, fossils, farush. Dimensions range 2.2 x 1.7 x 0.9 to 6.7 x 3.7 x 1.1 cm. Total weight 723.7 gm. 4 blue-grey pebbles, all different varieties of stone. Dimensions range 2.0 x 1.7 x 0.5 to 33.6 x 2.4 x 1.0 cm. Total weight 19.2 gm. 1 tiny red-grey pebble. Dimensions 1.0 x 0.8 x 0.6 cm. 6 gm.",29/4/1996 00:00:00,,"Total weight of group 748.9 gm. C.f group 6579:13." "6580",4.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Complete sealing. Disc-shaped with slightly domed back. Burnt grey clay. Reverse has finger-prints, and torn area at top, presumably where it was attached to string. Front has complete impression of seal. Design shows three standing figures in striated robes, with their hands linked. Each outer figure holds a long shield to the outside of the field. The two left-hand figures face left, the other right. All figures are probably bearded. Impression rather worn. Sealing height 2.7, width 23.6, thickness 0.95 cm. Approx. diameter of seal 2.1-2.3 cm. Weight 4.3 gm. Comment: photo of back would be useful?",29/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6580",5.00,"STEATITE","SEAL","Circular stamp seal. Pale grey steatite. Cracked and large chip off left-hand edge. Edge straight. Failaka Var. Reverse usual type but circles rather small. Design shows bearded nude male figure in centre, standing facing right. To the right he holds by the throat a horned male animal with ruffed neck, which is standing facing right, but with head back over its shoulder. To the left, the man holds an upright monkey-like creature with a tail. Between his head and the creature's is a motif the shape of a thistle-head. Height 1.0 cm. Diameter 2.35-2.42 cm. Boss diameter 1.8 cm. Weight 5.9 gm.",29/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6580",6.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Fragment of clay sealing. Pinkish baked clay. Quarter segment of edge preserved with fingerprints. Reverse has parallel striations, perhaps impressions of reed or badly-twisted string. Surface rough as though broken away, i.e. string may have been through interior of sealing. Design shows centre and part of edges of a 'rotary' pattern: from the centre radiate eight equally spaced 'spokes' comprised alternately of single lines and double parallel lines. One set of double lines has a hatched square at its extremity, and its opposite pair probably the same, but the impression has all but missed the edge of the clay. The single lines either side of this one terminate in crescents, and one of the remaining ones probably does. The ends of the fourth single line and the two remaining double lines are missing. Dimensions 2.24 x 1.85 x 0.67 cm. Approx. diameter of seal 2.8 cm (entire sealing 3 cm.). Weight 1.5 gm.",29/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6580",7.00,"COPPER","ROD OBJECT","Fragment of copper rod, rectangular to oval in section, both ends broken off, slightly tapering at one end. Extant length 3.1, width 0.7-1.0, thickness 0.5-0.8 cm.",27/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6580",8.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Pounder/Smoother. Sub spheroid of light grey limestone with two flattened faces. The largest circular face has been worn very smooth, with several scars on its edge. The opposite slightly sloping face is also partly smooth, but has been scarred and abraded. The wide band of the circumference is very abraded and scarred. Intact. A good example. Height 5.8 cm. Diameter 7.7-7.4 cm.",4/5/1996 00:00:00,, "6580",9.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Anvil/Pounder. Very large sub cuboid piece of light grey limestone, with one face and part of one long side showing remnant weathered brown surface. Two largest faces are naturally fairly flat and convex, with large scars towards one end of each, and smaller scars around the edges. One long side is flat and abraded, revealing a natural angled flaw. The opposite long side is naturally irregular and partly brown, with large scars at one end and smaller scars around the edges. Both ends are the most abraded, causing scarring on the other faces. One is flat and the other is slightly convex and narrower through use. Intact. Good example of tool. Dimensions 19.0 x 14.5 x 9.7 cm.",4/5/1996 00:00:00,, "6580",10.00,"FOSSIL BIVALVE","POUNDER","Pounder tool. Bivalve fossil reused as tool. Sub ovoid fossil of light grey limestone with remnant skin of darker grey. Entire surface abraded, slightly scarred and worn so that fossil shape is barely distinguishable. As a tool, both faces are convex, sloping down to narrow convex edge. The opposite edge is wide and flattish (i.e. the hinge of the bivalve). Intact tool As fossil bivalve: Height (shell hinge to ends) 3.8, width 4.4, thickness 3.4 cm. As tool: dimensions 4.4 x 3.8 x 3.4 cm.",6/5/1996 00:00:00,, "6580",11.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Sub spheroid piece of light grey limestone with three flat faces. Entire surface abraded ad scarred. Largest sub circular surface is very scarred flat. Intact. Dimensions 9.2 x 8.4 x 8.3 cm.",4/5/1996 00:00:00,, "6580",12.00,"PLASTER","DISC LID","Disc-shaped lid of light grey plaster. Flattish faces, both gently tapering to rounded edges. One face is smoother than the other, the edges slightly rough in texture. Intact, with small natural oval hole in the edge. Diameter 6.5-6.7 cm. Thickness 3.0 cm.",2/5/1996 00:00:00,, "6580",13.00,"PLASTER","BLOCK","Sub-cuboid fragment of light grey plaster. One flat surface is fairly smooth with occasional pitting. Four other faces are flat. One end is angled and irregular, perhaps broken. Dimensions 10.9 x 5.9 x 4.4 cm.",2/5/1996 00:00:00,, "6580",14.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Small Pounder. Possible Smoother. Sub ovoid pebble of white (quartz?) veined dark grey close grained stone. One face has a small white circular vein towards one end. Both face are slightly convex and smooth. The entire rounded edge is abraded, with about two thirds deeply scarred. This damage has made the edge narrower in two parts of the tool. Intact tool Good example. Dimensions 4.8 x 4.8 x 2.9 cm.",6/5/1996 00:00:00,, "6580",15.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Small Pounder. Possible Smoother. Elongated, flattish, oval white-light grey pebble (limestone?). Water or wind worn smooth. One face flat with shallow dimples, the mostly flat but angled down at one end. Parts of this angled face are very smooth. One side is straight, the other generally convex with concave hollow. One end is straight, the other is narrower and rounded. The straight end has one small scar on the corner, and the rounded end is slightly abraded. Barely used tool Dimensions 6.2 x 3.6 x 1.9 cm.",6/5/1996 00:00:00,, "6580",16.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Possible Smoother fragment. Angled sub rectangular piece of dark grey medium grained stone. Two extant faces are either side of a long rounded edge. One is flat and fairly smooth, the other slightly convex and abraded. The rounded edge is abraded and scarred. The broken face and two ends are flattish. Dimensions 7.8 x 6.4 x 2.5 cm.",6/5/1996 00:00:00,, "6580",17.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Possible Retouched Flake/Scraper/Burin. Wide flake of dark brown flint with remnant creamy white cortex. Plain striking platform and hinged termination. Previous strikes on the dorsal surface from the proximal end. One slightly convex edge has possible retouch or use-wear. This is discontinuous and unifacial, with two notches and a sharp point. Part of the edge may have been formed naturally by a small step, or linear disconformity, in the ventral surface. Or it is possible that this flaw was utilised to create a sharp angled burin tip. L: 4.6, W: 6.1, T: 0.7 cm.",6/5/1996 00:00:00,, "6580",18.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Small Pounder with Bitumen. Sub pentagonal pebble of light brown-grey limestone. Both main faces are concave, with one turning convex at the more pointed end. The surface is very smooth with small abrading on the rounded edges. Patches of bitumen adhering on one face and side. Dimensions 4.3 x 3.8 x 2.1 cm.",5/5/1996 00:00:00,, "6580",19.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Pounder/Smoother, fragment?. Elongated sub ovoid piece of dark grey close grained stone. Three angled, irregular faces are worn and abraded, except for one small very flat and smooth face. All angled edges and both narrow, nearly pointed, ends are very abraded. Dimensions 6.0 x 3.6 x 3.5 cm.",6/5/1996 00:00:00,, "6580",20.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Small Chisel/Pounder. Fan-shaped pebble of light grey limestone. Surface water or wind worn. Both faces slope slightly down to wide narrow edge from central thick rounded end. The narrow edge is convex and abraded, causing many scars, mostly unifacial. The rounded end is very abraded, faint marks, and slightly scarred. Intact tool Good example. Length 4.6, width 5.4, thickness 2.1-0.9 cm.",6/5/1996 00:00:00,, "6580",21.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Small Pounder. Sub ovoid pebble of dark grey small grained stone. Water-worn pebble with large angled broken edge, formed by one large and one small scar. The largest scar from strike at one end, where there is one abrading mark. Otherwise the stone is smooth and featureless, with slightly convex sides and gently rounded edges. Barely used tool Dimensions 4.8 x 3.6 x 2.1 cm.",6/5/1996 00:00:00,, "6580",22.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Small Pounder/Chisel. Sub oval pebble of grey close grained stone. Both faces are slightly convex, one slightly sloping. The other face is very abraded and scarred at the narrower end forming a thin convex edge. The opposite edge is slightly abraded. Intact tool Good example. Length 3.5, width 3.1, thickness 1.8-0.5 cm.",6/5/1996 00:00:00,, "6580",23.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Chopper/Pounder/Anvil. Slightly waisted, sub oval flattish piece of dull purple close-grained, dense stone. Both naturally? smooth, flat faces have large central abraded zone. All the edges are vertical and scarred, particularly deeply at the convex and straight ends. One edge is slightly concave, the other is straight but deeply chipped and scarred towards the flat end. The side scarring may have been for hafting. Intact. Dimensions 11.4 x 7.8-7.0 x 2.55 cm.",4/5/1996 00:00:00,, "6580",24.00,"PLASTER","PIERCED DISC","Pierced white plaster object in shape of sub-oval disc. Upper side is sunken, with central area raised and perforated by large sub oval hole. The lower side is convex, with smooth even surface. Possibly used to stopper a vessel, either at the mouth, or at the base. Hole is oval with one side concave. The vertical sides show impressions of large stalk or palm frond. Extant diameter 12.6-11.9 cm. Height 5.8 cm. Hole dimensions 2.9 x 2.3 cm. Length of hole 4.8 cm.",1/5/1996 00:00:00,, "6580",25.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Two fragments of copper. 1) Sub rectangular with flared ends and surface brown corrosion. One face slightly concave. 2.3 x 1.4 x 0.7 cm. 2) Sub rectangular flat strip. 1.0 x 0.7 x 0.2 cm.",1/5/1996 00:00:00,, "6580",26.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAG","Chunky sub-triangular fragment of bitumen, from the lining to a woven vessel. One surface smooth and slightly concave with faint linear impressions. One of the other two angled surfaces is also smooth. One end is flat. Dimensions 2.8 x 1.8 x 1.4 cm.",2/5/1996 00:00:00,, "6581",1.00,"STEATITE","SEAL","Circular stamp seal. Dark, hard stone, very worn. Traces of glaze. Edge convex, but perhaps worn that way. Reverse has traces of usual lines and circles. Design on front shows a standing bearded figure in the centre of the upper register. He wears a robe, and his head is turned to the right. To the right he grasps by the throat a male animal with ruffed neck (and probably horns, but worn), which faces him. To the left he grasps another quadruped, which stands facing him but with head turned back over its shoulder. This animal is drawn with thin spindly lines and has no ruffing on the neck. Below the man is a short-legged or kneeling animal with out-stretched ruffed neck, facing right. Height 0.95 cm. Diameter 2.43-2.47 cm. Boss diameter 1.9 cm. Weight 6.3 gm.",29/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6581",2.00,"STEATITE","SEAL","Circular stamp seal. Black stone, extremely worn and smooth. Edge and back worn shapeless. Faint scratches on front probably from incised design, worn completely away. Height 0.8 cm. Diameter 1.65-1.78 cm. Weight 3.4 gm.",29/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6581",3.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder, possibly complete. Sub-trapezoidal fragment of light brown sandstone with small-to-medium sand inclusions. Upper surface is worn smooth and flat. The lower surface is flat and pitted (worked?). The edges are near vertical. Dimensions 12.3 x 11.7 x 3.8 cm.",4/5/1996 00:00:00,, "6581",4.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder. Sub-rectangular, slightly waisted piece of light brown sandstone with small sand inclusions. Upper surface is worn smooth and flat, with some striations running across the width of the grinder. Lower face is slightly convex. It is pitted and irregular around a central, roughly oval, zone which has been worn smooth. Edges are narrow, tapering down to the lower face. As is large, must have been held in two hands, or was the lower grinding element, i.e. the grindstone. Intact, and a good example of a grinder. Dimensions 27.0 x 20.2-16.6 x 3.3 cm.",4/5/1996 00:00:00,, "6583",1.00,"STEATITE","SEAL","Exceptionally large circular stamp seal. Pale grey steatite, surface rough and cracked. Right edge of design slightly cracked. Edge concave. Failaka Var. Reverse has low boss, wide ledge, round edge, and usual circles and lines. Design shows a palm frond in centre of upper register, to either side of which is a horned male animal standing facing it, legs bent and body sloping upwards towards it. Each animal has a crescent above its back and a sunburst motif between its feet. The lower register is occupied by a double-headed horned animal, with ruffed neck and very short legs, perhaps a bovid. Height 1.21 cm. Diameter 2.95-3.01 cm. Boss diameter 1.9 cm. Weight 13.1 gm.",29/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6583",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone.",29/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6583",3.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Sub ovoid lump of copper with one convex side. Very lumpy surface with much brown corrosion. A small pebble adhering at end. Dimensions 2.0 x 1.7 x 1.4 cm.",1/5/1996 00:00:00,, "6583",4.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder fragment. Sub ovoid piece of dark grey coarse grained stone. The largest extant face is flat, the opposite is concave and scarred. Two sides are extant, one is flattish, the other convex. The broken side of the tool is irregular and concave. The entire surface of the tool is abraded and deeply scarred. A worn and broken tool. Dimensions 7.6 x 7.5 x 5.5 cm.",5/5/1996 00:00:00,, "6583",5.00,"POTTERY","PAINTED SHERD","Painted fragment from very large jar. Dense pink clay, inner surface eroded, outer very well-smoothed. Temper of sparse, fine, white grit. Painted decoration: traces of two horizontal red stripes. Area between has vertical panel of at least three thin vertical stripes, crossed with wide diagonal hatching. Probably from vessel similar to 5597:1. Extant height 5.9, width 5.9, thickness 1.6 cm.",29/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6584",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Flotation sample. Whole context. 3 buckets.",27/4/1996 00:00:00,, "6586",1.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Anvil/Grinder/Grindstone. Sub square piece of light brown sandstone with medium-coarse sand and shell inclusions. Upper face is flat, worn very smooth and slightly convex at edges. The central circular zone is abraded/pitted. The lower face is very convex. It is worn partly smooth in parts of the central zone, especially beside the broken edge. In the centre is a large pecked hollow. Three extant edges are evenly bevelled down to the lower face. One corner is chipped. The broken edge is vertical. A carefully-shaped double-sided tool. Dimensions 17.0 x 18.0 x 17.0+ x 5.4 cm.",4/5/1996 00:00:00,, "6589",1.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Pounder/Smoother/Axe. Sub rectangular, slightly waisted, piece of light grey quartzite. Both main faces are flat and smooth with partly scarred edges. One has an entire long side bevelled by scarring, forming a narrow edge. The opposite side is lightly abraded and slightly concave. Both ends are convex. The larger one is very smooth except for concentrated abrading at each end. The smaller end has a similar concentration of abrading towards one end. Intact. A very good example of a tool. Dimensions 8.7 x 6.7-5.8 x 4.0 cm.",5/5/1996 00:00:00,, "6592",1.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder fragment. Sub-oval piece of light brown sandstone with small-to-medium sand and shell inclusions. Upper surface is worn smooth and flat. The lower face is flattish but pitted due to coarse matrix. The extant edges are rounded, the broken ones are straight and vertical. Dimensions 13.3 x 13.3 x 3.5 cm.",4/5/1996 00:00:00,, "6597",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed.",9/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6597",2.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","General from SW part of room. 414.9 gm.",8/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6598",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed.",9/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6598",2.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","General from north part of room. 333.9 gm.",8/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6598",3.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","General from south part of room. 182 gm.",8/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6598",4.00,"BONE","BONES","1 bone.",9/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6599",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed",9/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6599",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed, mostly pearl oyster.",9/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6599",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed.",9/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6599",4.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Seven fragments of bitumen from the lining to one or more woven vessels lining. Most have one surface with impressions of cross-woven palm leaf, while the other is smooth. Two fragments are thicker. Vegetable inclusions. Largest (thickest) dimensions 2.4 x 1.7 x 0.8 cm. Leaf strip width 0.5-0.7 cm.",10/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6599",5.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed.",9/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6599",6.00,"STONE","FRAG","Probable building stone. Sub triangular elongated piece of light grey-brown limestone with gypsum crystals on the surfaces. Two sides and one end chopped off flat. Dimensions 14.7 x 7.2 x 4.5 cm. DISCARDED.",10/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6599",7.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Fragment of grinder, or of threshold stone. Thin, triangular piece of light grey farush (fossiline) limestone. One flat surface has been worn smooth in between numerous small holes and hollows. The shell fragments have also been worn flat. The other face is irregular but flattish. The three edges are near vertical (all broken?). Dimensions 9.1 x 7.3 x 2.8 cm.",10/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6599",8.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Small sub cuboid pebble of dark grey close grained stone. All weathered smoothish surface have a scattering of light pecking. One face is flattish, the other convex, tapering down to the narrower and smaller end. There is a narrow worn band around the two sides and ends, due to constant pecking. The edges of both ends are scarred. Dimensions 4.6 x 4.0 x 2.7 cm.",10/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6599",9.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pebble Pounder. Ovoid pebble of light grey limestone. One end is slightly convex and scarred, worn by constant pounding. The opposite smaller, slightly convex, end has slight pitting. The rest of the surfaces are worn with light pitting along the two rounded sides. Good example, intact. L: 4.1; W: 3.4; T: 2.2 cm. Oval pounded end dimensions 3.3 x 1.7 cm.",10/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6599",10.00,"STONE","FRAG","Fragment or possibly utilised stone. Triangular thin piece of grey limestone with flat bedding planes. The two flat faces have scattered dimples, which may be worn pecking marks (but doubtful). Dimensions 6.4 x 5.2 x 1.5 cm.",10/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6599",11.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","General. 3.9 gm.",10/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6600",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed.",22/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6600",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed, several are burnt.",22/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6600",3.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","General. 140.8 gm.",22/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6600",4.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Possible Scraper/Retouched Flake. Large flake from Pounder, possibly from Core. Mottled light grey-brown cherty flint. Scarred cortical platform, with damaged hinged termination (bipolar?). The ventral surface is flat. Previous flakes struck off the distal surface from the proximal end and sides. Three of four edges are pitted and scarred. One straight part of a the distal end of the left lateral edge appears to have been roughly, unifacially retouched. Intact. L: 7.3; W: 5.6; T: 2.1 cm.",22/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6600",5.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 6600:4. 191.3 gm.",22/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6601",1.00,"PLASTER","BASIN FRAG?","Large triangular fragment of light grey plaster, perhaps from the lining to a basin. One surface is smooth with a curved lip, the other is irregular. Dimensions 23.5 x 6.7 x 2.9 cm.",10/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6601",2.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder fragment. Long flake broken off light grey limestone Pounder. One extant convex side is completely pitted, scarring the larger face. One straight thin end has been scarred possibly after the tool was broken. The broken face is nearly flat. Dimensions 8.65 x 4.85 x 2.3 cm.",11/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6601",3.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside plaster frag 6601:1. 301.2 gm.",9/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6601",4.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 6601:5. 179.1 gm.",10/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6601",5.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder made of light brown sandstone. Almost intact. Sub-oval. One surface has been worn smooth with unidirectional fine striations across width. One end has been worn to be slightly convex. The other surface is convex with natural shallow hollows and smoothed areas. The edges are narrow and partly chipped. Dimensions 21.0 x 18.2 x 4.0 cm.",10/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6601",6.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed, unsieved.",11/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6601",7.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed.",10/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6601",8.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Three fragments of bitumen from the lining to one or more woven vessels. For all, one surface has impressions of cross-woven palm leaf while the other is generally smooth. Vegetable inclusions. Worn. Largest dimensions 2.7 x 1.7 x 0.8 cm.",10/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6601",9.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Sub ovoid pebble of light grey limestone. One side of the two convex faces has been very scarred, and the edges are pitted. Part of the rounded angled edges between the main faces are slightly pitted. H (above scarred face): 3.9; W: 5.0; T: 4.3 cm. Scarred oval face 5.0 x 4.3 cm.",11/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6601",10.00,"STONE","DOOR SOCKET","Door Socket. Large sub oval slab of light grey-brown limestone. Upper surface flattish and naturally exfoliating. Two deeper, flat sub oval areas on this face, one larger than the other, were possibly used for pivoting. The opposite face (base) is naturally weathered and slightly convex. The convex sides, with very rounded corners, have been chopped off near vertical, and the more convex end may be natural. There is an area of recent damage to the upper face. Dimensions 42.0 x 35.0 x 11.0-8.0 cm. Upper holes larger: 14.0 x 9.0-6.0 cm; smaller: 5.5 x - (open at one end) cm.",11/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6601",11.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pebble Pounder. Possibly originally bivalve fossil. Sub spherical pebble of light grey limestone. One face is slightly convex and slightly smooth. Its edges and the other surfaces are entirely lightly pitted. Dimensions 3.9 x 3.45 x 3.4 cm.",11/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6601",12.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed.",11/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6601",13.00,"POTTERY","COOKING POT","Cooking pot. A little of rim and some of body missing. Hard pink clay, circular lime inclusions. Rim thickened to inside, with groove inside edge. Slight groove on outside, just under opening. Body egg-shaped, elongated towards rounded base. Not measured.",,,"Possibly on display? Some sherds from 6605:1" "6602",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed, not sieved. Many are burnt.",11/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6602",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed, unsieved.",11/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6602",3.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","General. 0.3 gm.",11/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6603",1.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 6603:2. 603.8 gm.",11/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6603",2.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder, almost intact. Sub-oval piece of dark grey close-grained igneous stone. Possibly vesicular basalt or stone where crystals have fallen out creating hollows. One surface has been worn flat, the other is convex. The edges are rounded and partly scarred. The natural hollows cover the entire grinder. Dimensions 23.2 x 20.0 x 3.85 cm.",11/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6603",3.00,,,"NOT USED",7/5/1998 00:00:00,, "6603",4.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","1 shell only.",11/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6603",5.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","General. 58.7 gm.",11/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6604",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed.",11/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6605",1.00,"POTTERY","SHERDS","Re-numbered 6601:13, q.v.",,, "6606",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed, unsieved.",14/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6606",2.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder fragment. Sub oval flake of dark grey close grained igneous stone. Probably basalt. Flaked or struck accidentally (?) off flat naturally smooth face. Extant irregular convex face is very scarred across the highest rounded edge. The two lateral edges of the flake have been scarred, thus the stone continued to be used after the tool was broken. L: 8.2; W: 10.5; T: 4.3 cm.",14/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6606",3.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 6606:2. 294.6 gm.",14/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6606",4.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed.",14/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6606",5.00,"STONE","FRAG","Building stone. Diamond-shaped piece of light grey limestone. Naturally weathered faces, except for possibly one side which has been chopped off flat. Dimensions 16.0 x 9.2 x 7.1 cm. From sand. DISCARDED.",14/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6606",6.00,"STONE","FRAG","Natural piece of light grey limestone with one concave face. Worn dimpled surface. Possibly used in building or fill. Dimensions 6.2 x 4.7 x 3.6 cm. Discarded.",14/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6606",7.00,"STONE","PEBBLE","Probable natural pebble rather than Tool. Sub triangular flattish piece of light grey mudstone or limestone with obviously horizontal planes. All surfaces are worn and the edges are rounded. The largest faces are not obviously smoothed. Dimensions 6.7 x 5.8 x 1.3 cm.",14/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6606",8.00,"STONE","FRAG","Triangular piece of worn, light brown limestone. Natural weathered piece. Dimensions 5.9 x 3.8 x 1.9 cm. DISCARDED.",14/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6606",9.00,"POTTERY","PLATE","Rim fragment from plate, or possibly stand. Friable red clay, white grit inclusions. Surface mainly flaked off but paler. Rim bevelled to outside, body shallow and thickening towards centre. Conceivably a potter's wheel. Diameter in: 15 cm; out: 15.9 cm. Extant Height 2.5 cm.",12/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6606",10.00,,,"NOT USED",7/5/1998 00:00:00,, "6606",11.00,"STONE","FRAG","Building stone. Thin slab of limestone with one edge broken vertically. The two main faces are naturally flattish with hollows and fracture scars. One end is irregular and pointed. Dimensions 24.0 x 17.0 x 5.3 cm.",15/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6607",1.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","General. 416.2 gm.",14/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6607",2.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder. Sub spherical piece of light grey limestone. One square-round face has been worn smooth and flat with its edges and central zone lightly pitted. All other faces are slightly convex and entirely pitted. One face has been partially worn very smooth. Three of the faces have bitumen blobs. A good example, intact. Height (above flat face) 7.15; width 8.25; thickness 8.0 cm. Flat face dimensions 6.1 x 6.0 cm.",14/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6607",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed.",14/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6607",4.00,"STONE","PIERCED BLOCK","Large cuboid piece of light grey limestone (tiny sand hollows), with square central hole. Possibly an anchor or counter-weight. One face is roughly convex, the opposite is flat. All sides have been roughly shaped near vertical. The hole has flat sides, with narrow vertical chisel marks. It is largest at the convex surface and narrower at the flat surface. Dimensions 18.3 x x13.5 x 6.3 cm. Hole 4.0 x 4.0; depth 6.5 cm.",14/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6607",5.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Smoother, reused as Pounder. Sub ovoid piece, with one flattened face, of light grey limestone. The main oval face, with pointed corner, has been worn concave and smooth. There are fine unidirectional striations across the width of the tool. The wear continues down at each end, sloping into the sides of the tool. The ends of the tool are also scarred. The opposite main face is convex, gently curving down to one side and both ends. This face and side are entirely pitted. The other side is straighter and scarred from strikes to the edge adjacent with the smoothed face. A good example, intact. Dimensions 7.4 x 5.6 x 4.2 cm. Smooth face 7.4 x 5.6 cm.",14/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6607",6.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 6607:4. 5, 11. 507.5 gm.",14/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6607",7.00,"STONE","BLOCK","Architectural block, possibly reused as a mortar or door-socket. Dressed cuboid-trapezoid (side-side on) block of light brown-grey limestone, with tiny sand hollows. Shaped like the keystone of an arch. All the faces are pitted and then ground flat or slightly convex. The four sides are flat with a pitted, slightly concave zone towards the wider end, which is mostly circular, perhaps from re-use as a mortar or a door socket. Two adjacent sides are reworked more than the others. The larger square end is very slightly convex, with a scatter of pitting. One corner is chipped off. The smaller square end is less finished, with pitting in a large circular concave area. Its edges are rounded. The stone's natural horizontal bedding crosses the width of the object. Dimensions 22.3 x 18.6 x 17.6 cm. Rectangular face A) 22.3-21.5 x 18.0-17.5 cm; circular pitting: 12.0 x 10.0-8.0 cm; B) 22.2-21.5 x 18.7-16.8 cm; circular pitting:14.0 x 12.0 cm. Trapezoidal faces C) 22.0-21.6 x 17.0-10.5 cm; circular pitting: 12.0 x 10.0 cm; D) 21.8-21.3 x 17.5-13.5 cm; pitting scattered. Square end faces E) large: 18.6-18.3 x 17.6-17.3 cm; F) small: 16.0 x 14.7-11.0 cm.",16/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6607",8.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 6607:7, 14. 337.7 gm.",15/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6607",9.00,"PLASTER","LINING","Large sub-triangular fragment of light grey gypsum plaster. Concave inner surface is smooth, the exterior is convex with impressions of soil within which it was laid. Thicker at wider end, presumably the base, and tapering to an uneven edge at the top. Either part of a plaster basin, or lining to a small hollowed area. The edges are broken. Dimensions 19.5 x 17.0 x 4.9-0.5 cm.",15/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6607",10.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 6607:9. 13. 283.9 gm.",15/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6607",11.00,"STONE","FRAG","Building stone. Sub rectangular flattish slab of light grey limestone. One long side chopped off flat. Dimensions 24.0 x 17.5 x 5.0 cm. DISCARDED.",15/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6607",12.00,"POTTERY","SHERDS","Group of sherds, not separately described.",15/2/1998 00:00:00,,"Stored with un-numbered pottery from same context." "6607",13.00,"STONE","TOOL","Mixed.",15/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6607",14.00,"STONE","FRAG","Building stone. Sub cuboid slab of light grey limestone, roughly shaped. All faces are flat or convex. Two faces have naturally weathered surfaces. Dimensions 21.2 x 15.5 x 10.0 cm.",15/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6607",15.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 6607:14. 318 gm.",15/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6607",16.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed.",15/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6608",1.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","General. 440.9 gm.",14/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6608",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed.",14/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6608",3.00,"BONE","BONES","1 fish jaw fragment.",14/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6608",4.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Possible Pounder fragment. Sub triangular chunky piece of light grey cherty flint, with remnant crystalline grey cortex. Broken face is flat. Parts of irregular sides are scarred. Dimensions 3.3 x 2.4 x 1.6 cm.",14/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6608",5.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAG","Fragment from the bitumen lining to a woven vessel. One surface has impression of cross-woven palm leaf, while the other is smooth. Inclusions of vegetable matter. Dimensions 1.9 x 1.2 x 0.2 cm. Leaf strip width 0.7 cm.",14/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6610",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed.",15/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6610",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed.",15/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6610",3.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","General. 242.4 gm.",15/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6611",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed. 1 broken pearl oyster possible net weight. [ignore. JM]7 show consistent angled breakages : where bashed open?",15/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6611",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed.",15/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6611",3.00,"FLINT","CORE","Bifacial Core, possible rough Pounder, or possible building stone. Large sub square piece of banded brown-light grey tabular flint. The main faces are roughly flattish with light grey cherty cortex. Four sides have been struck, producing wide flakes. Three have been struck from the same face, the other scar (from the other face) is slightly worn. The scarring along the platform edges suggests that the piece was used partly as a Pounder. The large scars could also suggest that the stone was chopped off to create a more useful building stone. Dimensions 10.4 x 10.2 x 5.2 cm. Clearest flake scars L: 7.0; W: 4.3 cm; L: 5.8; W: 5.95 cm",15/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6611",4.00,"SHELL","PIERCED BIVALVE","Venus clam with central hole. Dimensions (L x W x Th. at hinge) 4.3 x 4.6 x 1.3 cm, hole 1.1 x 1.05 cm.",15/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6612",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed.",21/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6612",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed.",19/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6612",3.00,"FLINT","FLAKE","Retouched flake. Chunky flake of mottled brown flint with thick creamy white cortex along one side. Prepared triangular platform and hinged termination. Dorsal edge of platform has been unifacially retouched to form possible steep, narrow scraping edge. Max. L: 4.5 cm. Flake L: 4.0; W: 3.0; T: 1.6 cm.",19/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6612",4.00,"FLINT","FLAKE","Thin flake. Diamond-shaped flake of light grey-brown cherty flint, good quality. Scarred narrow platform and step termination. Flattish ventral face. Previous scars removed from proximal and sides of dorsal face are also flattish, with a step termination. L: 3.8; W: 3.6; T: 0.45 cm.",19/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6612",5.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","General. 35.6 gm.",19/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6615",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed. 11 show consistent angled breakages: where bashed open?",21/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6615",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed.",2/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6615",3.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","From beside 6615:4. 267.9 gm.",18/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6615",4.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Sub cuboid pebble of light grey limestone, with naturally worn flattish faces. All faces have scattered pecking, especially the ends. One end is flat, the other is narrower and has a rounded point. Dimensions 7.95 x 5.6 x 3.3 cm.",18/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6615",5.00,"FLINT","CORE","Core/Pounder. Chunky sub ovoid cobble of mottled dark brown flint with light grey cortex. Heat affected/treated. One main prepared rectangular platform. The rest of the outer surface is scarred and slightly pitted. Last small flake scar has a step termination. Overall dimensions 4.0 x 3.8 x 3.7 cm. Platform dimensions 2.9 x 2.4 cm. Flake scars L: 3.6 (entire flaked face); W: 4.0 cm; L: 1.95; W: 2.5 cm.",18/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6615",6.00,"BITUMEN","BUNG","Sub-oval and partly broken small bung. One surface flat, the other is convex. All surfaces smooth with chipped thin edges. Inclusions of vegetable matter. Dimensions 2.7 x 1.7 x 0.55 cm.",18/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6615",7.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","General. 212 gm.",21/1/1998 00:00:00,, "6615",8.00,"BITUMEN","LID OR BUNG","Small sub-oval bung or tiny lid. One convex surface, one flattish surface, with small knob towards one end. Broken edges. L: 3.0; W: 2.5; T: 0.5 (-0.8 with knob) cm.",2/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6615",9.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Small chip/fragment. Sub triangular thin piece of brown flint with creamy white cortex along one edge. Thin dark red flaw runs through stone. Dimensions 1.6 x 1.4 x 0.3 cm.",2/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6615",10.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Heart-shaped piece of light grey limestone. One face is convex, the opposite is flattish with a thin crimson stain. Both sides are rounded and scarred. One end is wider than the other, both are scarred and pitted. Entire surface is pitted and scarred. Intact. Dimensions 6.15 x 5.5 x 4.4 cm.",2/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6615",11.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 6615:10. 118.4 gm.",2/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6615",12.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed.",2/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6615",13.00,"STONE","FRAG","Fragment, probably natural. Sub trapezoid, flat piece of light grey limestone, with horizontal bedding planes. Worn dimpled surfaces, which may, in part, be worn pitting. However most likely to be natural. Dimensions 9.85 x 5.7 x 1.6-1.1 cm.",2/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6615",14.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 6615:13. 81.5 gm.",13/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6615",15.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Possible Pebble Pounder. Sub ovoid pebble of light grey limestone. Both main faces are convex and fairly smooth. The rounded edges and the two narrow ends are pitted, possibly naturally. Dimensions 4.3 x 3.2 x 2.2 cm.",3/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6615",16.00,"ORGANIC","DATE PIP","1 fragment of carbonised date pip, central part. Dimensions 0.6 x 0.5 x 0.5 cm.",3/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6615",17.00,"POTTERY","SHERDS","Group of sherds, not separately described.",7/5/1998 00:00:00,,"Stored with un-numbered pottery from same context." "6616",1.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 6616:2. 95.8 gm.",19/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6616",2.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder. Sub-rectangular piece of light brown sandstone. One surface has been worn flat, with scattered pecking and unidirectional striations across the width. Smoothest zones at each end. Base is naturally irregular with hollows, and worn smooth upper parts. It tapers towards the two ends. The edges are chipped, with the two ends being convex, and the sides scarred straight and vertical (possibly broken). Dimensions 19.2 x 12.7 x 2.9 cm.",19/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6616",3.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Oval fragment of copper with pointed side. One face is flat, the other is bumpy. Dimensions 1.75 x 1.45 x 0.65 cm.",1/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6616",4.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed.",3/5/1998 00:00:00,, "6616",5.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pebble Pounder fragment. Sub ovoid pebble of whitish limestone, broken longitudinally. Naturally worn smooth with a scarred wider end. L: 3.5; W: 1.8 (extant); T: 2.2 cm.",3/5/1998 00:00:00,, "6616",6.00,"STONE","FRAG","Natural wiggly piece of grey limestone. Dimensions 3.95 x 2.35 x 1.5 cm. DISCARDED.",3/5/1998 00:00:00,, "6616",7.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Flat strip, in rough butterfly shape with ragged edges. Dimensions 2.0 x 1.5 x 0.4 cm.",3/5/1998 00:00:00,, "6616",8.00,"BONE","BONES","Group of mixed bone from floor.",3/5/1998 00:00:00,, "6617",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed.",19/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6618",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed.",19/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6618",2.00,"BONE","BONES","1 large mammal long bone fragment, possible butchered end(s).",19/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6618",3.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","General. 230.8 gm.",19/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6618",4.00,"STONE","PEBBLE","Probable natural pebble, but a possible Tool. Rounded triangular pebble of light grey-brown stone. The largest face is flat and smooth (natural?). The rounded edges have a scattering of light pitting (natural?). Dimensions 3.8 x 3.7 x 1.95 cm.",19/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6618",5.00,"STONE","FRAG","Worn wedge-shaped stone which may have been utilized as a Smoother. Light grey mudstone or limestone with obvious horizontal planes. The largest face is flat and smooth- probably naturally. The edges are rounded. Dimensions 4.2 x 3.7 x 1.8 cm.",21/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6620",1.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","General. 269.5 gm.",21/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6620",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed.",24/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6620",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed.",26/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6620",4.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Three fragments of bitumen from the lining to one or more woven vessels, with impressions of cross-woven palm leaf on one surface. The other surface is generally smooth. Vegetable inclusions. Largest dimensions 5.05 x 2.8 x 0.8 cm, width of palm leaf strips 0.7-1.1 cm.",21/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6620",5.00,"POTTERY","SHERDS","Group of sherds, not separately described.",19/4/1998 00:00:00,,"Stored with un-numbered pottery from same context." "6621",1.00,"POTTERY","SHERD","Sherd from lower body of large jar. Red clay, large grit inclusions (not typical Barbar ware). Drilled hole, from inside, now near broken edge, has not gone right through. Dimensions 10.1 x 6.4 x 0.85 cm.",22/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6621",2.00,"STONE","FRAG","Possible building stone. Sub oval flat piece of grey mudstone, with pronounced horizontal bedding. The entire surface is weathered smooth, with rounded edges. Dimensions 6.8 x 4.1 x 1.0 cm. DISCARDED.",14/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6621",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed.",14/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6621",4.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Possible Pebble Smoother. Sub ovoid pebble of light grey-brown limestone with darker brown skin. Naturally weathered smooth with small dimples. One oval face is flat and worn (naturally?) very smooth, the other is convex. The three sides are rounded, one is straight, the other two are convex. Intact. Dimensions 3.6 x 3.0 x 1.8 cm. Possible smoothed area approx. 3.1 x 2.3 cm.",15/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6621",5.00,"STONE","PEBBLE","Pebble. Oval pebble of grey limestone, with several natural small hollows on one face and end. Dimensions 4.0 x 3.0 x 1.0 cm. DISCARDED.",7/5/1998 00:00:00,, "6621",6.00,"POTTERY","PAINTED SHERD","Sherd from lower neck of jar. Fine orange clay, sandy temper. Red wash out, black design painted over. Wheel thrown. Design: parts preserved of 2 horizontal registers. Upper one, bounded on lower side by black line, probably divided into narrow vertical panels by groups of vertical lines. (One group of five preserved, fragment of second to right). Two preserved panels each contain a single semi-circle, sitting on the lower boundary line. Lower register probably had band of multi-sided triangles composed of groups of lines slanting alternately right and left. (One five-sided triangle preserved, second to the left). This register is bounded below by 2 lines. Dimensions 5.95 x 4.75 x 0.4 cm.",22/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6621",7.00,"SHELL","PIERCED BIVALVE","Pearl oyster shell with large sub-oval hole in the centre. Shell H: 5.3; W: 4.65; T: 1.0 (hinge) cm. Hole dimensions 1.1 x 0.8 cm.",15/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6622",1.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","General. 206.9 gm.",23/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6622",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed, several are burnt.",23/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6622",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed.",24/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6622",4.00,"STONE","FRAG","Rectangular piece of worn. dark grey limestone. Heat affected. Natural piece. Dimensions 6.3 x 4.8 x 2.3 cm. DISCARDED.",23/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6622",5.00,"PLASTER","POT LINING","Fragment of grey plaster, possibly part of a pot lining. Square and slightly curved. Exterior is more even and covered with tiny lumps, the interior smoother, with rounded shallow ripples. Dimensions 6.0 x 4.8 x 1.4 cm.",24/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6622",6.00,"PLASTER","FRAGS","Ashy plaster lumps, dark grey with numerous inclusions. Three very large, five smaller fragments. Largest is ovoid, dimensions 15.4 x 11.3 x 5.9 cm.",24/2/1998 00:00:00,,"and a small bag of crumbs." "6622",7.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 6622:4.",23/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6623",1.00,"STONE","FRAG","Building stone or possible heavy tool- Pick. Elongated triangular piece of limestone with three naturally worn faces, two are flat, one is slightly concave. The pointed end is rounded and scarred possibly through use. It is more likely that it was used only in a wall. From collapse. Dimensions 19.5 x 8.7 x 6.3 cm.",23/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6623",2.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 6622:1. 237.2 gm.",23/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6623",3.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Large Pounder fragment. Sub cuboid piece with rounded extant edges. Light grey-brown limestone. Four extant surfaces (all broken) are entirely pitted and the edges are scarred. Presumably end fragment. Dimensions 12.25 x 8.05 x 6.1 cm.",23/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6623",4.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 6623:3. 315.1 gm.",23/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6623",5.00,"STONE","FRAG","Probable building stone. Sub rectangular piece of limestone with naturally worn surfaces, one being flattish. Found on collapse. Dimensions 10.8 x 11.7 x 5.3 cm.",23/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6623",6.00,"FOSSIL ECHINOID","ECHINOID","Small circular fossil of light grey limestone. Unusual type of echinoid, with three concave linear depressions fanning out at one end. Flat base, rounded edges. No sign of use. Intact but worn surface. Height 1.9 cm. Diameter 2.8 cm.",24/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6623",7.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed.",25/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6623",8.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed.",25/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6623",9.00,"STONE","FRAG","Possible Tool- Hammer, but probable natural fragment. Sub cuboid piece of light brown-grey limestone. Very worn with a powdery surface. One main face is flat, the other is convex and damaged. The sides are near vertical. The wider convex end has been heat affected (orange-brown). The wider end and the smaller (broken?) rectangular end appear to be scarred. It is possible that the scarring on the sides and ends are not natural. Dimensions 6.75 x 4.4 x 3.4 cm.",25/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6624",1.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","General. 129.6 gm.",24/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6624",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed.",24/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6624",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Two burnt gastropod fragments.",19/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6626",1.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","General. 290.6 gm.",26/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6626",2.00,"STONE","SAMPLE","Triangular piece of whitish crystalline limestone (and gypsum?). Probably used in building. Irregular and partly hollowed surfaces. Kept as sample. Dimensions 15.5 x 14.0 x 7.0 cm.",26/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6626",3.00,"STONE","SAMPLE","Unusual green close grained stone. Sub rectangular with weathered surfaces. Dimensions 4.3 x 3.05 x 1.0 cm.",26/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6626",4.00,"PLASTER","RENDER FRAGS","Nine fragments of gypsum plaster. Various shapes, sizes and colour, ranging from light to dark grey. Most are probably from wall render or similar. One thin flat piece has a smoothish upper face, with the other one having soft, dark grey ashy plaster adhering. The largest fragment is long and triangular, consisting of firm grey mortar with numerous tiny inclusions (sand and dark particles), and a small stone at the wide end. Largest dimensions 19.0 x 6.5 x 4.0 cm. 19 similar fragments discarded.",28/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6626",5.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed.",26/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6626",6.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Twelve small fragments of bitumen from the lining to one or more woven vessels. All have one surface with impressions of cross-woven palm leaf, the other being smooth. Vegetable inclusions. Largest dimensions 1.3 x 1.2 x 0.4 cm. Leaf strip width 0.55 cm.",26/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6626",7.00,"BONE","BONE","General bone, missing. Never arrived in Finds cabin.",7/5/1998 00:00:00,, "6626",8.00,"STONE","FRAG","Building stone. Irregular thin piece of light grey limestone. One face is fairly flat with smooth dimples. The other face slopes down to one side where the stone is coarser and browner. Naturally weathered surfaces, with three edges chopped off to fit wall. Dimensions 21.0 x 20.0 x 4.5 cm. DISCARDED.",28/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6626",9.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 6626:8. 358.1 gm.",28/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6626",10.00,"FLINT","FLAKE","Small wide flake of light brown cherty flint. Plain platform with hinge termination. L: 1.15; W: 1.9; T: 0.3 cm.",28/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6626",11.00,"STONE","FRAG","Natural stone used in building. Chunky trapezoidal piece of grey limestone. Heat affected. Two weathered main faces, with 4 sides chopped off flat. Dimensions 6.6 x 6.4 x 3.45 cm. DISCARDED.",28/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6626",12.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 6626:10; 11. 179.4 gm.",28/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6629",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","2 pearl oyster fragments.",1/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6629",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed.",1/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6630",1.00,"BITUMEN","CUP","Bitumen coating to woven cup, in fragments, three quarters extant. Partly crushed, and rim missing. Cup was cross-woven of palm-leaves, with square convex base, bitumen-coated inside and out. The lining is partly crushed and missing the rim. All faces are smooth. Max. dimensions very approximately: H: 8.15; W: 7.7; T: 4.5 cm. Base approx. 5.0 x 4.5 cm. Largest side 7.5 x 6.4 cm. Max. thickness of wall 0.3 cm.",1/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6630",2.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","More then twenty fragments of bitumen from the lining to one or more woven vessels. One surface has impressions of cross-woven palm leaf, the other being generally smooth. Most are associated with the near-complete cup 6630:1, others were scattered within the deposit. Vegetable inclusions. Largest dimensions 2.8 x 2.2 x 0.3 cm. Leaf strip width 0.5 cm.",28/2/1998 00:00:00,, "6630",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed.",1/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6630",4.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","1 pearl oyster fragment.",1/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6630",5.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Probable Pounder/Pestle. Pointed piece of light grey limestone, triangular in section, with one flat end. Naturally weathered surfaces except near one end, which has been flaked (naturally?) forming a flat surface. Around two of its steep edges are parallel scars. Dimensions 13.5 x 8.6 x 4.0 cm. Flat face 7.0 x 4.4 cm.",1/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6630",6.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 6630:5. 204.1 gm.",1/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6631",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed.",1/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6631",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","One burnt bivalve fragment.",1/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6632",1.00,"COPPER","ROD OBJECT","Length of copper rod, rectangular in section, tapering at one end. Perhaps a chisel fragment of part of the haft of a tool or weapon. Dimensions 2.8 x 0.9-0.6 x 0.6-0.4 cm.",3/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6633",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Fish vertebra with long pointed shaft. At first thought to be a pin object, but as is natural, incorporated into general bone 6633:5.",3/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6633",2.00,"STONE","WORKED","Core? Tool preform? Possible building stone. Chunky sub ovoid flake of light grey limestone with numerous flaked facets on dorsal surface. General axe-like appearance. Flakes removed from prepared flat platform at the smaller end, with one removed from the wider distal end. The two last flake scars have deep step terminations. Dimensions 8.0 x 8.3 x 5.2 cm. Flake scar dorsal L: 6.1; W: 4.3 cm. Flake scar on dorsal end L: 4.0; W: 5.1 cm.",3/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6633",3.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 6633:2. 154.5 gm.",3/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6633",4.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed. 33 show consistent angled breakages: where bashed open? Two fragments are burnt. One worn, broken pearl oyster shell has possible large central hole (net weight?). ignore. JM]",3/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6633",5.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed.",19/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6633",6.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Nine fragments from the lining to one or more woven vessels. All have impressions of cross-woven palm leaf, the other surface being small and mostly flat. One piece is probably from the base and the other from the side of a vessel. The base piece is sub-oval, with slightly convex smoothish surfaces and broken thin edges. Impressions of cross-weave can be seen between two thin outer layers of bitumen. Numerous vegetable inclusions. Dimensions base fragment 3.6 x 2.7 x 1.2 cm; other largest fragment 2.9 x 2.5 x 0.4 cm. Leaf strip width (base) 0.7; (others) 0.1 - 0.8 cm.",3/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6633",7.00,"ORGANIC","DATE PIPS","2 fragments of carbonised date pips. 1.0 x 0.65 x 0.5 cm; 0.85 x 0.6 x 0.45 cm.",3/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6633",8.00,"PLASTER","RENDER FRAG","Fragment of light grey plaster, presumably from wall or installation. Sub-oval and thin. One face slightly concave, the other irregular and rough. Dimensions 8.2 x 6.8 x 1.8 cm.",3/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6633",9.00,"CLAY","FRAGS","2 small fragments of light green clay. No visible impressions. Largest dimensions 2.4 x 1.6 x 0.75 cm.",3/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6633",10.00,"STONE","FRAG","Elongated angled fragment of light grey limestone. Natural, not worked and presumably chipped off a building stone. Dimensions 8.7 x 3.7 x 2.6 cm. DISCARDED.",3/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6633",11.00,"STONE","FRAG","Fragment of grey fossiline limestone. Darker core. Natural, not worked, a broken cobble. Dimensions 4.3 x 3.9 x 3.1 cm. DISCARDED.",3/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6633",12.00,"STONE","PEBBLE","Pebble/possible small tool. Flat oval pebble of light grey limestone with strong horizontal bedding. All edges are worn with small hollows. One face is very flat and smooth. Dimensions 3.9 x 3.1 x 0.9 cm.",3/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6633",13.00,"COPPER","CHISEL FRAG","Fragment of tapering shaft of chisel. Rectangular in section, flat surfaces. Feels solid. L: 4.5 cm. Shaft section 0.7-0.5 x 0.5-0.4 cm.",14/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6633",14.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder fragment, Hammer or Pestle type. Wedge-shaped piece of dark grey, close grained igneous stone. Probably basalt. One trapezoidal main face is slightly convex (an old break), with rounded scarring from percussion of the narrow end and one side. The opposite face is broken and angled/irregular. It has been broken from a strike to the wide end. Both sides are straight, one an old break, the other worn (naturally?) smooth. The narrow end is straight with a (naturally?) worn face. The other wide, convex end is almost entirely pitted. Its edge adjacent to the main convex face is worn (naturally?) smooth, probably before the convex face was broken. Dimensions 5.8 x 5.5-2.9 x 2.55-1.4 cm.",19/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6633",15.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 6633:14. 103.8gms.",19/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6633",16.00,"POTTERY","SHERDS","Group of sherds, mostly cooking pot. Not further described.",19/4/1998 00:00:00,,"Stored with un-numbered pottery from same context." "6633",17.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Missing. Lost during cleanup of area. Unknown whether core or tool.",7/5/1998 00:00:00,, "6633",18.00,"BONE","BONES","Group of fish bone from floor. Two articulated fins.",3/5/1998 00:00:00,, "6633",19.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Triangular piece of dark brown flint with creamy white cortex and red-brown sub-cortex. Dimensions 1.4 x 1.35 x 0.65 cm.",3/5/1998 00:00:00,, "6635",1.00,"STONE","FRAG","Natural sub triangular piece of grey limestone, possibly broken off a building stone. One face has angled surface which has been rippled due to weathering, the other is irregular-flattish. The edges are slightly scarred/worn. Dimensions 14.5 x 10.95 x 2.85 cm. DISCARDED.",4/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6635",2.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 6635:1. 128.7 gm",4/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6635",3.00,"PLASTER","RENDER FRAGS","Seventeen fragments of light grey plaster, presumably from render of a corner. Many have dark, soft ashy deposit on rough face (mortar) and impression of wall stones etc. Five come from a corner: largest dimensions 10.4 x 6.15 x 5.6 cm. Two fragments are irregular and curved parts of render and mortar. Ten fragments are flat render from a wall, with thick brush strokes impressed on the upper surface, one having a very defined and curved 'design'. Largest dimensions 20.0 x 12.0 x 1.6-1.0 cm.",5/3/1998 00:00:00,,"Includes 6635:18, not separately labelled" "6635",4.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed.",5/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6635",5.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed. Some possibly labelled 6634:1",5/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6635",6.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","General. 201.9 gm.",5/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6635",7.00,"STONE","FRAG","Natural irregular lump of mottled grey limestone with numerous hollows. Dimensions 7.0 x 4.8 x 4.1 cm. DISCARDED.",7/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6635",8.00,"POTTERY","SIEVE JAR","Upper part of sieve-necked jar: rim, neck and part of upper body extant. Red clay, white grits, cream slip out. Rim rounded and swollen, neck slightly waisted. Shoulder rounded with blunt ridges. Sieve built into neck, stopped up with plaster from underneath, so presumably post-breakage. Preserved height 18.2 cm. Rim diameter 11.2-11.6 cm.",13/4/1998 00:00:00,,"Possibly labelled 6634:8" "6635",9.00,"POTTERY","COOKING POT","Numerous sherds of cooking pot, not reconstructed. Hard fired red clay with circular lime inclusions.",5/3/1998 00:00:00,,"Returned to general pot, sack 179. Possibly labelled 6636:1" "6635",10.00,"POTTERY","SIEVE JAR","Rim, neck and part of upper body of jar. Non-joining part provides half of base and some of lower body. Pink clay, circular white inclusions. Cream slip out. Rim bevelled to outside. Neck waisted high up, straight below. Body rounded, small flat base. Two to three perfunctory ribs at base of neck. Preserved height of lower part 21.4; upper part 17.0 cm. Rim diameter 10.4 cm. Base diameter approx. 9.6 cm (reconstructed). Max. width 32.0 cm (reconstructed).",13/4/1998 00:00:00,,"Possibly labelled 6634:10" "6635",11.00,"PLASTER","RENDER FRAGS","Two joining fragments of light grey plaster, perhaps from the render to a long, narrow bench. One long edge is straight and thick, curving up from the smoother flattish face of the piece. The opposite edge is slightly convex and curves down from the flattish face. The upper surfaces have several replasterings, over a rougher basal lump. Small area of soft, dark ashy plaster on one end of the flattish face. Max. dimensions 47.0 x 11.7 x 7.55-3.9 (straight edge-convex edge) cm.",15/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6635",12.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Five fragments of bitumen, from the lining to one or more woven vessels. All have one smoothish side and the other showing the impression of cross-woven palm- leaf. Vegetable inclusions. Largest fragment dimensions 1.1 x 1.25 x 0.5 cm.",15/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6635",13.00,"STONE","PEBBLE","Pebble. Half a sub-oval tiny grey pebble, probably limestone. The surfaces are naturally weathered. Dimensions 2.5 x 1.4 x 0.5 cm. DISCARDED.",15/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6635",14.00,,,"Changed to 6687:13.",7/5/1998 00:00:00,, "6635",15.00,,,"Changed to 6687:3.",7/5/1998 00:00:00,, "6635",16.00,"POTTERY","FILLED NECK","Jar neck stuffed with plaster, possibly for re-use. Both ends broken off and worn, one, presumably the base, heavily. Orange clay, pink surface, fine grit temper. Long, narrow neck, of type typical for sieve-necked jars. Neck is stuffed with ash-plaster, which protrudes above the top, and there is D-shaped hole right through the plaster, probably made with the stalk of a palm-frond. Extant height of object 9.5 cm. Outer diameter of jar neck 6.4-6.7 cm. Hole elliptical, width max-min 3-2 cm.",4/3/1998 00:00:00,,"Possibly labelled 6634:2" "6635",17.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Sample from inside pot 6635:8 or 10 (Jon Last's Group E). 288.6 gm.",3/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6635",18.00,"PLASTER","FRAGS","Eight fragments of plaster. Three fragments are small and thin, with one side having dark, soft ashy plaster adhering (with carbonised vegetal matter). Three fragments each have an unusual raised lump (knob) on their smooth flat surfaces, the largest being the best defined. Largest dimensions 12.95 x 9.3 x 1.65 cm. These lumps are oval and measure 4.0 x 2.9; 2.0 x 1.8; 1.8 x 1.45 cm. One fragment has a narrow, concave linear impression (twig?) on the rougher surface. One fragment is a large irregular lump (probably wall mortar) of medium grey colour, with numerous small inclusions (white-black). The surfaces are worn, with one side being fairly straight. Dimensions 22.0 x 12.75 x 7.75 cm. 260 fragments discarded.",,,"Stored with 6635:3, not separately labelled" "6637",1.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","General. 143.0 gm.",5/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6637",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed, two burnt fragments",5/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6637",3.00,"FOSSIL BIVALVE","TOOL","Fossilized bivalve, perhaps used as a tool. Mid-grey limestone. Part of sharp edges and the convex faces are lightly pitted and scarred. Bivalves L: 5.0; W: 5.25; T: 3.3 cm.",5/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6637",4.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder, possible Smoother. Sub ovoid piece of light grey limestone with two flattened faces. The flattest face (worn or natural?) has been lightly pitted, especially around the edges. The other slightly sloping face and the wide circumference/sides are entirely pitted and lightly scarred. Dimensions 6.2 x 6.2 x 5.0-4.3 cm.",7/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6637",5.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder fragment. Sub cuboid piece of dark grey close grained igneous stone. Probably basalt. Extant surfaces are worn and pitted, with numerous small scars. The largest face is flattish, and the opposite is slightly convex and lightly pitted. One long side and one end are flattish. One end has a scarred sloping face, which tapers to a scarred point. The tool is broken along one side. Dimensions 7.95 x 7.1 x 7.15 cm.",8/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6637",6.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed.",8/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6637",7.00,"STONE","FRAG","Building stone. Diamond shaped, flat piece of dark grey limestone. Four sides have been chopped off flat. Dimensions 12.7 x 8.5 x 3.0 cm. DISCARDED.",10/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6637",8.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Pounder/Anvil fragment. Possibly reused as a Pounder/Chopper after broken. Triangular piece of dark grey, small grained igneous stone. Probably dolerite. Part of two original flattish faces are extant on one side of the fragment. The main triangular face is almost entirely pitted, and scarred along one thick, straight edge and corners. The other face is adjacent to the first, and it is smooth with a natural patina. Its edges are partly scarred. The opposite flattish face is broken. Dimensions 10.3 x 10.0 x 3.5 cm.",10/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6637",9.00,"STONE","FRAG","Trapezoidal fragment of light grey limestone, triangular in section. The two main faces are flattish. The three thicker edges have been chopped off flat. Dimensions 9.3 x 9.0 x 5.5 cm. DISCARDED.",10/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6637",10.00,"PLASTER","RENDER FRAG","Burnt (black) piece of plaster, probably wall render or similar. One face is smooth and slightly convex. The other face is irregular. Dimensions 6.75 x 5.15 x 1.4 cm.",10/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6642",16.00,"BONE","BONES","Fish vertebrae group.",28/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6642",17.00,"PLASTER","RENDER FRAGS","Four fragments of plaster, at least three from wall render or similar. They all have one smoothish face, the other being irregular. Two of these have dark ashy plaster adhering to the smooth faces. Third fragment is a piece of soft dark grey ashy plaster. It has one flat and one convex face, and numerous vegetal inclusions. The convex face has a whitish plaster and small bone fragments adhering to it. Dimensions of large render fragment 6.3 x 3.6 x 2.1 cm; ashy piece 5.35 x 2.65 x 1.7 cm.",28/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6642",18.00,"STONE","SAMPLE","Natural thin oval pebble. Elongated triangular pebble of green-grey, close grained stone. Weathered smooth, no visible usewear. Dimensions 3.3 x 1.8 x 0.9 cm.",28/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6642",19.00,"BONE","BUTCHERED","Butchery cuts on long fragment of curved, narrow, tapering bone with oval section. One side near the thinner end has two sets of two thin cuts across the bone. One forms part of the end of the bone. Towards the thicker end there is a series of fine, thin cuts across the bone, and one which again forms the other end of the bone. These cuts are not recent. Bone unidentified but appears to be from a sea creature. Same type as worked bone 6668:19. Extant length 5.8; width 0.6-0.4; thickness 0.6-0.4 cm.",26/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6643",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed.",15/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6643",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed.",15/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6644",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed.",25/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6644",2.00,"STONE","FRAG","Building stone. Sub triangular tabular piece of light grey limestone. Both main faces are weathered flat. Three sides have been roughly chopped off. Dimensions 15.0 x 14.0 x 4.5 cm. DISCARDED.",25/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6644",3.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder fragment. Oval piece of light grey limestone. Parts of two original faces extant. One face has been worn smooth and slightly convex, with fine unidirectional striations running at a slight angle to the length of the face. The other face is convex, totally pitted and slightly scarred. Dimensions 6.5 x 6.2 x 2.8 cm. Smoothed face (broken) 5.45 x 2.5 cm.",28/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6644",4.00,"STONE","SAMPLE","Small irregular, pointed fragment of green medium grained stone. Worn surface. Dimensions 3.3 x 1.7 x 1.2 cm.",29/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6644",5.00,"BONE","BONES","1 large mammal fragment.",30/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6644",6.00,"PLASTER","RENDER FRAG","Rectangular flat piece of light grey plaster. One face is smoother than the other. Probable wall render or similar. Dimensions 4.5 x 2.5 x 1.0 cm.",25/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6645",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed.",16/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6645",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed.",16/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6645",3.00,"STONE","FRAG","Building stone. Sub rectangular piece of grey limestone. with two flattish, naturally weathered faces. One side and parts of two ends have been chopped off flattish. Dimensions 14.0 x 9.5 x 4.0 cm. DISCARDED.",16/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6645",4.00,"STONE","FRAG","Building stone. Sub trapezoid piece of light grey limestone with four naturally irregular faces tapering to a rounded end. One end has been chopped off flat. From collapse. Dimensions 18.5 x 20.8 x 11.5 cm. DISCARDED.",17/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6647",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed.",18/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6647",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed.",18/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6647",3.00,"STONE","FRAG","Building stone. Small fragment of light grey limestone. Dimensions 4.1 x 2.05 x 1.5 cm. DISCARDED.",18/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6648",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed. Mostly pearl oyster. 13 fragments are burnt.",22/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6648",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed. 1 burnt.",21/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6648",3.00,"PLASTER","JAR BUNG","Two fragments of light grey plaster from inside the mouth of a sieve-necked jar, with impressions of rows of holes. Largest fragment dimensions 5.1 x 4.2 x 2.3-1.15 (with-without hole bumps) cm.",22/3/1998 00:00:00,,"6648:6 stored here" "6648",4.00,"FOSSIL BIVALVE","POUNDER","Fossilized bivalve, reused as a pounder. Mid-grey limestone, heat-affected. Broken in half vertically, from the centre of the hinge. The sharply angles edges are pitted and scarred. Bivalves L: 4.4 W: 3.1; T: 3.1 cm.",22/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6648",5.00,"STONE","FRAG","Building stone. Sub circular piece of grey limestone. One face is flat, the opposite has a natural linear hollow. Naturally weathered surfaces. The rounded edges are convex, with one side chopped off flat. Dimensions 8.5 x 8.5 x 3.3 cm. DISCARDED.",22/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6648",6.00,"PLASTER","RENDER FRAGS","Five fragments of plaster, presumably from wall render or similar. Not measured.",4/7/2000 00:00:00,,"Stored with 6648:3, not separately labelled." "6650",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mostly burnt pearl oyster, from ?Midden.",23/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6650",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Fish bone fragments.",22/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6650",3.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","General. 96.2 gm.",23/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6653",1.00,"FLINT","CORE/TOOL","Core/Chopper. Sub ovoid nodule of brown mottled flint with thick creamy white cortex on the convex main face. This face is scarred near the edges. The other main face is deeply scarred with a central crystalline hollow. The convex narrow edges subsequently have been continuously struck, and then partly crushed. These features would accord with both Core reduction as well as Chopper tool preparation. All the scars have hinged terminations. Dimensions 7.1 x 5.8 x 5.2 cm. Platform max. dimensions 7.1 x 5.8 cm. Platform scar L: 1.7; W: 2.8 cm. Edge scars L: 3.4; W: 3.0 cm; L: 2.1; W: 3.7 cm.",22/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6653",2.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Large intact grindstone. Trough, with saddle-shaped section. Rectangular slab of light grey farush limestone with large shell and pebble fragments and minimal fine sandy matrix. The upper surface is worn smoothish and concave, with one end higher and sloping down towards the other open end. The long sides have informal edges/ridges, with part of another remaining at the corner of the highest end. The higher zones of the upper surface have been worn smooth, with numerous pecking marks in between, as well as natural stone cavities and fallen-out particles. No striations are visible. There is a deeper rounded area near the centre of the face, which has a slightly concreted deposit after a light brushing. The upper surface is covered in thick opaque brown residue, with the appearance of honey, possibly once viscous plaster. The open end is particularly worn, with large gaps between the shells. The sides are near vertical or irregular, with the flat base sloping up at the ends (saddle). Dimensions 60.5 x 47.0 x 12.6-5.5 cm. Thickness at the open end 6.5-5.5 cm. Upper face exterior: 60.3 x 45.0 cm; interior: 60.3 (?worn) x 33.0 cm. Depth of concavity from highest end to highest side ridge is 6.0 cm.",23/3/1998 00:00:00,,"There is recent pick mark damage to both main surfaces. The stone was found upside down at about 45 degrees within collapse. The soil sample taken from beside the upper face is 6653:3.Honey-like residue same as on broken Grinder 6672:5 / 6681:2." "6653",3.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","From beside upper surface of grindstone 6653:2. 289.2 gm.",23/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6653",4.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","General. 298.1 gm.",23/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6653",5.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed.",24/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6653",6.00,"PLASTER","RENDER FRAGS","Eight fragments of plaster. Five are light grey, three are darker. All are probably from wall render or similar. Three are thin and flat, with one face showing thick brush marks, while the other faces are rougher. One rectangular piece (largest) is thicker, with one worn smooth flat face. One piece has a slightly convex smoothish face. Three darker fragments are very thin with slightly concave smooth faces. Dimensions largest piece 10.0 x 6.6 x 2.7 cm.",25/3/1998 00:00:00,,"Six fragments discarded." "6653",7.00,"BONE","BONES","Fish bone fragments.",25/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6654",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed.",22/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6654",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Fish bone fragments, burnt.",6/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6654",3.00,"PLASTER","FRAG","Oval fragment of light grey plaster, perhaps wall render or possibly from a vessel lining. One face is smooth and slightly convex. The other is rough. Dimensions 4.4 x 3.55 x 1.5 cm.",22/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6654",4.00,"POTTERY","SHERD","Rim of large storage vessel. Not described.",6/4/1998 00:00:00,,"Stored with un-numbered sherds from same context." "6655",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","All pearl oyster.",23/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6655",2.00,"PLASTER","RENDER FRAGS","Five fragments of light grey plaster. All probably from wall render or similar. Three are joining and have a thin dark grey 'set coat' on the smoother face. One is angled, showing part of two concave linear impressions of wood or palm. Dimensions of darker frags 11.3 x 9.5 x 2.3 cm.",23/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6655",3.00,"PLASTER","PERFORATED OBJECT","Three large joining pieces of light grey plaster, mortar and stones. Originally a squarish object or architectural feature, with one convex/domed end. The two faces, and all sides and ends, are flattish. One side has horizontal rows of circular marks, 4 to a row, perhaps formed by a line of sieves (such as 6656:5) laid end to end, and pushed against the plaster (or vice versa). The mortar between the stones is slightly darker than the plaster. The soft ashy plaster has been cleaned off the rest. Max. dimensions 33.0 x 29.0 x 10.0 cm. Largest fragment 33.0 x 18.0 x 10.0 cm. Area of sieve impressions 24.0 x 8.0 cm. Hole diameter 1.3 cm.",23/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6655",4.00,"STONE","DOOR SOCKET","Large sub triangular block of grey limestone, with very rounded corners. Weathered and partly exfoliated surface. The upper face is undulating with a deeper, elongated oval sunken area along one side. This zone was probably used as a door socket. The opposite face (base) is flatter, with a slightly convex flat area along the concave side. The two sides are concave, one is convex. They have been roughly chopped off near vertical. Dimensions 37.0 x 33.0 x 14.1-4.9 cm. Oval socket hole top: 12.5 x 8.0; bottom: 7.0 x 2.5 cm.",23/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6655",5.00,"STONE","FRAG","Building stone. Sub ovoid piece of light grey limestone. One face is flat, the other irregular. Five edges have been chopped off flat. Dimensions 12.0 x 9.5 x 5.2 cm. DISCARDED.",23/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6656",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed.",23/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6656",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed.",24/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6656",3.00,"PLASTER","RENDER FRAGS","Nine fragments of light grey plaster, various sizes and shapes, presumably from render to wall, ceiling or installation. One has a darker 'set coat' on the surface. All have one surface fairly smooth, and the other showing the impression of the wall surface and hollows. Several show straight edges. Largest fragment 13.15 x 9.85 x 3.6 cm. 23 plain/similar fragments discarded.",28/3/1998 00:00:00,,"23 plain/similar fragments discarded." "6656",4.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Large Pounder/Anvil. Possibly reused as Building stone. Sub oval block of light grey limestone. Parts of the original two sides, two ends, and a small portion of one main face are extant. The rest of the tool has broken away. The original main face and the wide side is flattish-slightly concave, with naturally weathered, pockmarked surfaces. There is a scatter of what may be pitting (or recent wear?) across this side, and scarring on its rounded edges. The other side is angled and has little sign of wear on the three weathered planes. Both rectangular ends are slightly convex and entirely pitted, with scarred edges. One end is larger than the other. Dimensions 17.5 x 13.6 x 9.3 cm. Ends small: 6.0 x 4.0; large: 10.0 x 4.0 cm.",23/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6656",5.00,"POTTERY","DRAINING OBJECT","Fragment only, of a thin, flat, pottery object, pierced with rows of holes, perhaps for some kind of sieving or draining operation. Crumbly brown clay, sandy temper. One face has been embedded in a thick layer of white gypsum plaster. One long, straight edge. Fragments of plaster suggest a second, parallel, straight edge. Remains of 4 rows of holes, probably of 4 holes each. Present length 9.5 cm. Probable original width approx. 10.0 cm. Thickness of pottery component 2.0 cm. Overall thickness approx. 4.0 cm. Holes diameter: one is 1.0 cm; others are 1.4 cm.",23/3/1998 00:00:00,,"*Same plaster fragments with part of pot sieve adhering in 6648:3." "6656",6.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Probable Building stone, possible Pounder preform. Triangular tabular nodule of dark brown flint with thick, undulating, creamy white cortex. 3 sides have been knocked off (flaked from one main face) to form flattish-sloping faces. Some of the edges are scarred. Dimensions 8.7 c 7.35 x 5.1 cm.",24/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6657",1.00,"POTTERY","VAT","Rim fragments from a large ribbed storage vat. Brown clay, grit temper, pink surface wearing off. Rim turned out and flattened on top. Body swells slightly. Four ribs preserved. Presumably coil built. Plaster splashes in places. Present height 13.5 cm. Rim diameter estimated at 55 cm.",26/3/1998 00:00:00,,"Returned to general pot, sack 179." "6657",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed.",26/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6657",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed.",30/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6657",4.00,"PLASTER","RENDER FRAGS","Four fragments of light grey plaster. All probably from wall or bench render, or similar. All have one face which is relatively smooth and the other which has the impression of the surface of the stones and hollows on which it was laid. Two have a convex outer smooth surface. Largest curved fragment dimensions 9.05 x 9.0 x 3.4; average thickness of coat 1.1 cm. 12 fragments similar discarded.",29/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6658",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed.",26/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6658",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Fish bone fragments.",1/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6658",3.00,"PLASTER","RENDER FRAGS","Three fragments, probably wall render, of light grey plaster. Two have one smoothish flat face, with the reverse being irregular and showing the impression of the wall surface. One is fairly smooth on both sides, with smooth, flat, corner edges. Largest dimensions 8.1 x 6.5 x 2.9 cm.",1/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6658",4.00,"FLINT","FLAKE","Broken blade flake. Now trapezoidal, thin flake of mottled light grey-brown opaque flint. Plain narrow platform with snapped termination. Previous flakes removed from proximal end, most recent one creating long central scar. One thin edge is worn slightly ragged. Extant L: 2.2; W: 2.3; T: 0.5 cm.",26/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6664",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed.",28/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6664",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed.",28/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6664",3.00,"PLASTER","RENDER FRAGS","Two fragments of light grey plaster. Thick and flat, with one face smoother than the other. Presumably from wall render or similar. Largest dimensions 7.2 x 4.7 x 3.0 cm.",28/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6665",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed. Two fragments are burnt.",30/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6665",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed.",29/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6665",3.00,"PLASTER","RENDER FRAGS","Six fragments of light grey plaster. Various shapes and sizes, but most are thin with one smooth side. These are presumably from wall render or similar. One is very blobby and white. Largest thin fragment dimensions 7.15 x 3.8 x 2.1 cm.",29/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6665",4.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAG","Sub-oval piece of bitumen from the lining to a woven vessel. One face is fairly smooth and slightly concave. The other face has impressions of palm-leaf strips. Dimensions 2.55 x 1.95 x 0.7 cm.",29/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6665",5.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder fragment. Sub-oval piece of light brown sandstone with small to medium sand grains. One main face has been worn flattish, with pitting and shallow hollows. This face is smoother beside the convex end. The residue on the surface, especially at the convex end, is dark grey with lots of fish scales (sampled by RLS). The extant edges are worn and rounded, with, short, deep perpendicular striations. The two sides and extant end are all convex, the broken end is straight. The other main face is naturally undulating and covered in the remains and the trails of sea-creatures (snails etc). It is sloped up to the end and rounded at the sides. The upper parts of the sides are in places ground smooth. All these lower surfaces are also partly covered in residue: dark grey ashy sediment with white plaster blobs, and some fish bone fragments. Dimensions 13.1 x 14.7 x 5.0-2.2 (extant L x W x T broken-old edges) cm.",29/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6665",6.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 6665:5. 184.7 gm.",29/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6665",7.00,"ORGANIC","DATE PIP","Broken carbonised date pip. One end broken off and part of surface damaged. Dimensions 1.1 x 6.5 x 0.6 cm.",29/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6665",8.00,"POTTERY","SHERDS","Group of sherds, not separately described.",6/5/1998 00:00:00,,"Stored with un-numbered pottery from same context." "6665",9.00,"POTTERY","SHERDS","Not separately described.",6/5/1998 00:00:00,,"Stored with un-numbered pottery from same context. Sack 177" "6666",1.00,"FLINT","FLAKE","Sub oval flake of mottled grey flint, heat affected. Plain platform with step termination. Previous flakes struck off the dorsal face from the proximal end. Max. L: 2.6 cm. Flaked L: 2.25; W: 3.0; T: 0.95 cm.",29/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6666",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Fish bone fragments.",31/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6666",3.00,"FOSSIL ECHINOID","POUNDER","Pounder Tool. Light grey limestone. Conical shape with circular circumference. Surface is worn, with some pitting around the angled circumference, and possibly on the upper convex face. The flat lower face with central anus, is only scarred from the edges. One part of this edge has broken away. Mostly natural wear? Diameter 7.0 cm; height 3.9 cm.",31/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6666",4.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed. One fragment is burnt.",1/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6667",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Two: one bivalve clam, one tiny gastropod.",30/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6667",2.00,"BONE","BONES","1 fish vertebra.",30/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6667",3.00,"PLASTER","RENDER FRAG","Sub-rectangular flat piece of light grey plaster, presumably from wall or installation. One face is flattish and smooth, the other is irregular. Dimensions 4.0 x 3.45 x 1.1 cm.",30/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6668",1.00,"POTTERY","SHERDS","Group of sherds including part of cooking pot with blackened exterior. Not separately described.",30/3/1998 00:00:00,,"Stored with un-numbered pottery from same context." "6668",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed. 4 show consistent angled breakages: where bashed open?",31/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6668",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed, mostly fish. Several partial articulated fish vertebrae. 1 fish scale. 4 burnt fragments. 1 unusual 'toothed' fish bone.",11/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6668",4.00,"POTTERY","SHERDS","Group of sherds, not separately described.",31/3/1998 00:00:00,,"Stored with un-numbered pottery from same context." "6668",5.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed.",31/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6668",6.00,"STONE","PEBBLE","Naturally worn ovoid pebble, no visible usewear. Oval pebble of mid grey, close grained stone, probably limestone. Surface naturally weathered, with lots of small hollows/pockmarks. One face is convex, one is flat, and the sides are rounded. One side has a bigger hollow. Dimensions 4.9 x 3.4 x 1.8 cm.",31/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6668",7.00,"BONE","BONES","Fish bone.",31/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6668",8.00,"POTTERY","SHERDS","Group of sherds, not separately described.",31/3/1998 00:00:00,,"Stored with un-numbered pottery from same context." "6668",9.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Quartz Pounder flake. Heart-shaped cobble flake of milky white quartz. The original convex surface is very scarred and pitted. The ventral surface is rippled, the platform is scarred, the termination is hinged. L: 3.7; W: 3.5; T: 1.4 cm.",11/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6668",10.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Smoother. Ovoid piece of grey limestone. It is darker on the oval main face, which has been worn smooth and convex. The smoothing continues at each end in the direction of the wear (across tool), sloping slightly down the sides of the piece. This worn face has fine unidirectional striations running the width of the tool. There is a blob of white plaster at one side of the face, and the edges are slightly scarred. The other main face is oval and convex. It has rounded edges beside the two slightly convex sides and the convex ends. All of these are entirely pitted, with some slight scarring on the sides and edges. A good example, intact. Dimensions 7.0 x 6.2 x 5.0 cm. Smooth face 6.2 x 5.9 cm. Other convex face approx. 5.0 x 5.0 cm.",11/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6668",11.00,"PLASTER","PIERCED OBJECT","Half of a roughly cylindrical grey plaster object, with one flat and one rounded end. Pierced longitudinally, probably by a palm frond. Hole wider at the flat end, and pushed out and narrower at the other end. In the centre of the hole the impression of the stick is wider, Approx. diameter 8.35-7.4 cm. Height 7.1 cm.",11/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6668",12.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 6668:10. 131.3 gm.",11/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6668",13.00,"BONE","BONES","Fish bone group.",12/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6668",14.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Scraper, concave on probable Core piece. Sub rectangular piece of dark brown flint with light grey blotches. Creamy white cortex at one end and red-brown sub cortex at the other end. Triangular in section. Slightly concave thin edge has continuous denticulated retouch, with possible usewear. Part of the opposite concave edge has similar but coarser retouch, possibly for backing. L: 3.7; W: 2.6; T: 1.8 cm. R/U one edge L: 2.7; other edge L: 2.5 cm.",12/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6668",15.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 6668:14. 90.3 gm.",12/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6668",16.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder. Sub oval nodule of mottled light grey cherty flint and brown flint. Creamy white cortex and red-brown sub cortex. Both main faces are scarred from percussion of the edges. Both narrow side edges, one convex, the other concave, are continuously scarred. One oval convex end is larger than the other, with a pitted surface and scarred edges. The smaller oval end is pitted/abraded, with scarred edges. Dimensions 6.3 x 6.2 x 3.7 cm. Pitted area at small end 3.8 x 2.0 cm. Pitted area at large end approx. 5.0 x 2.2 cm.",12/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6668",17.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 6668:16. 101.4 gm.",12/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6668",18.00,"POTTERY","SHERDS","One rim and three body sherds of large red ridged storage jar. . Joins 6657:1.",11/4/1998 00:00:00,,"Stored with un-numbered pottery from same context, sack 179." "6668",19.00,"BONE","BUTCHERED","Butchery cut on long fragment of curved, narrow, tapering bone with oval section. One side near the thicker end has a single, thin cut at an angle to the bone, which is not recent. Bone unidentified but appears to be from a sea creature. Same type as worked bone 6642:19. Extant length 8.04; width 0.74-0.4; thickness 0.7-0.3 cm.",31/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6668",20.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Fourteen fragments of bitumen. Range of shapes with one flat face. Most are worn but show vegetal impressions, including palm leaf strip, and fish bone inclusions. Largest dimensions 2.0 x 1.6 x 0.95 cm.",30/3/1998 00:00:00,,"Accidentally washed." "6668",21.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Elongated thin piece of copper with flat-oval section. Slight bend in the middle. Dimensions 2.0 x 0.4 x 2.5 cm.",4/5/1998 00:00:00,, "6669",1.00,"POTTERY","SHERDS","Group of sherds, not separately described.",5/4/1998 00:00:00,,"Stored with un-numbered pottery from same context." "6669",2.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Fifteen fragments of bitumen. They are smoothish on the exposed side, with several hollows and occasional bumps. The other side is adhering to a thick burnt deposit, which includes small pebbles and possibly carbonised vegetable matter. Unusual combination. Very crumbly. Largest total dimensions 3.1 x 1.9 x 1.0 (bitumen is 0.4) cm.",31/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6669",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed. mostly fish bone. Two unusual fragments, one having a 'toothed' edge.",12/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6669",4.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","2 fragments of pearl oyster.",31/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6669",5.00,"ORGANIC","DATE PIPS?","3 carbonised organic fragments. 2 are probable date pips, but without central hollow line. The other piece is a sub-conical but unidentified fragment, possibly woody. 1) whole pip or seed dimensions 0.8 x 0.45 x 0.4 cm. 2) broken pip or seed dimensions 0.9 x 0.65 x 0.5 cm. 3) Sub conical fragment dimensions 1.0 x 0.8 x 0.7 cm.",31/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6669",6.00,"BITUMEN","BUNG","Oval bung or lid, with inclusions and impressions of vegetable matter. Almost in two parts, the upper being partly squashed sideways. One face is smooth and convex, the second irregular, with part of the curved edge overhanging and concave. Diameter 3.8-3.1 cm. Max. thickness 1.8 cm.",12/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6670",1.00,"PLASTER","RENDER FRAG","Sub-oval slab of light grey plaster, perhaps from render, or from a bench. Upper surface is flat, with one straight edge curving up (thickest part). The piece is thinner opposite the straight edge. The surface has had what appears to be two separate 'set coats' added to it. The lower side is slightly convex and smooth, perhaps having been poured onto sand. Dimensions 38.5 x 37.0 x 8.2-0.7 cm.",31/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6670",2.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 6670:1. 135.2 gm.",31/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6670",3.00,"PLASTER","RENDER FRAGS","Sixteen fragments of light grey plaster. All wall or bench render or similar. Of those kept: 1) 7 are flat with one face smoothish or showing sloppy finger/brush marks of applied plaster; the other face is rough and often has chunks of plaster; one has flattened surface, probably the impression of a wall stone; one has multiple plaster layers. 2) 2 smaller pieces similar to above but with the outer surface very smooth and milky. 3) 2 are flat and thin, with one edge bent back from the outer surface (from a bench?). 4) 2 joining frags of slab with one bumpy flat surface with one edge curved up. 5) 2 are angular with one face showing linear impressions of palm or similar woody material. 6) 1 with stepped layer of 'set coat' plaster. Dimensions largest 1) 24.0 x 19.0 x 3.7 cm. 2) 9.1 x 6.3 x 2.05 cm. 3) 27.0 x 14.0 x 3.0-2.0 cm. 4) 32.0 x 26 x 7.0-5.0 (vertical-opposite edge) cm. 5) 10.0 x 5.3 x 4.6 cm. 6) 7.7 x 6.0 x 1.55 cm. 204 other similar fragments discarded.",2/4/1998 00:00:00,,"*4 other fragments kept for chemical analysis. One exported Nov 1998" "6670",4.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed. 2 fragments are burnt.",31/3/1998 00:00:00,, "6670",5.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Three lumps of bitumen. Two are sub-cuboid with vegetable inclusions, and impressions of probable palm-leaf pieces. Largest dimensions 1.7 x 1.5 x 1.35 cm.",2/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6670",6.00,"STONE","MORTAR","Probable mortar/anvil or doorsocket fragment. Double-sided. Sub-cuboid block/cobble of light grey limestone, with two rounded corners. Parts of both main faces, one side and both ends are extant. One main face is flat at one end, the other end has part of a circular (?) area which has been worn concave. This face is pitted in areas, the concave part being entirely pitted. Its edges are scarred. The other main face is slightly concave with a raised, rounded ridge at the narrow end, and part of the side. It is entirely pitted, and the edges slightly scarred. The sides and ends are rectangular. The original side and is convex and entirely pitted, the other (broken?) side is flat. Both ends are flat, and entirely pitted. Dimensions 21.5 x 10.5-4.3 x 7.6-4.6 cm. Main face 21.1 x 9.8 cm; convex area 11.7 x 8.5 cm; depth of concavity 1.5 cm. Other main face 21.5 x 7.7-5.0 cm.",2/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6670",7.00,"PLASTER","RENDER FRAGS","Twenty eight fragments, eight joining, of thick, light grey plaster, found slumped together as group beside a wall. Presumably wall render or similar. One face is smooth and flat, the other face is more irregular. The fragments show that the plaster was laid in 3 coats. The first was thick and rough, the second having a more refined mix but thick; the third is a thin 'set coat' approx. 0.5 cm thick. The eight pieces form a broken rectangular section, with one straight edge curving up from the smooth face. Section dimensions 61.0 x 42.0 x 7.0-3.0 (high edge-opposite side) cm.",20/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6670",8.00,"CLAY","SAMPLE","Two lumps of light green clay. No visible inclusions. Natural. Dimensions largest 5.85 x 4.1 x 2.9 cm.",20/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6671",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","1 bivalve clam.",1/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6672",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed. One fragment is burnt.",6/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6672",2.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Pointed ovoid piece of copper, with some sediment adhering to surface. Dimensions 1.4 x 0.7 x 0.45 cm.",5/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6672",3.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Very worn sub oval piece of dark grey, close grained igneous stone. Probably basalt. Worn surfaces, with one flat main face. The other face is convex, pitted and scarred. The irregular convex edges are also scarred. Dimensions 5.4 x 4.6 x 2.2 cm.",5/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6672",4.00,"SHELL","SEAL","Cut-off apex of large cone shell, presumably for use as shell seal. Tip of apex has been ground, or has worn, flat, exposing natural central hole. 'Design' on obverse is the natural spiral pattern of the sectioned shell, which has been cut, or has, worn, very flat. The side of the shell has part of the brownish mottled natural patterning. Diameter 2.9-2.6 cm. Height 1.3 cm.",6/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6672",5.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Fragment of grinder. Joins 6681:2. This fragment is trapezoidal, being one corner of a grinder broken longitudinally. Together the two fragments form a thin elongated rectangle, with one long side and parts of two ends extant. The grinder was made from light grey-brown sandstone, almost entirely comprised of tiny gastropod shells. The slight matrix between is of medium-coarse sand grains and other shell grit. One main face has been worn flat and smooth (as possible), the shells worn flat. There is a thick opaque, brown residue on the surface of both fragments, and partly down the concave broken side (i.e. post break). This residue is possibly plaster (must have been viscous at the time- it looks like honey). The other main face (base) is flattish, with undulating inclusions, and one sunken, scarred corner. The extant side and the two ends are convex and form rounded corners. The wider broken end (= 6672:5) is thicker than the other (=6681:2), which tapers towards the broken concave side (old middle of the grinder). The broken side shows the angled bedding of the shell fragments. Honey-like residue same as on grindstone 6653:2. Total dimensions (with 6681:2) 22.7 x 10.6 x 2.9-1.5 cm. Dimensions this fragment 10.6 x 9.0 x 2.9-2.5 cm.",6/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6672",6.00,"PLASTER","RENDER FRAG","Fragment of light grey plaster, probably from wall render or similar. One face is flat and smoothish. The other is irregular with strip of darker harder mortar. Dimensions 3.9 x 3.5 x 2.1 cm.",6/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6672",7.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 6672:6. 161.5 gm.",6/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6673",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed. Two fragments are burnt.",4/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6673",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed. 2 burnt fish vertebrae.",5/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6673",3.00,"STONE","FRAG","Natural piece of grey limestone. Triangular, flat and thin, with weathered surface. Dimensions 10.8 x 7.5 x 1.5 cm. DISCARDED.",4/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6673",4.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Possible Tool- Scraper? Angled sub cuboid piece of dark grey flint with light grey cortex. Heat affected/treated. One narrow, steep edge has possible retouch/usewear, or accidental damage. L: 2.3; W: 1.2; T: 1.3 cm. R/U edge length 1.1 cm.",5/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6673",5.00,"POTTERY","SHERDS","Group of sherds, not separately described.",12/4/1998 00:00:00,,"Stored with un-numbered pottery from same context." "6673",6.00,"STONE","DOOR SOCKET","Door socket. Cuboid block of light brown limestone with tiny sand hollows. All faces are rectangular. The upper face is roughly shaped flat, with possible grinding near the centre. A squarish hole has been vertically chiselled out in the centre of the face. The sides of the hole are slightly tapering inward, the base is uneven with several possible large, circular drill marks. The opposite main face (base) is (shaped?) flat, at a slight angle to the upper face. It has a series of linear incisions in the centre (5) and along one side (5). The central marks are parallel to the width of the face, the other group is parallel to the length. These incisions were probably made by a chisel, possibly during the cutting of the block, or to sharpen the tool. The marks have a V-section. The two rectangular sides are flattish-slightly convex. They have been roughly shaped, and show near vertical and horizontal chisel marks. The two rectangular ends are ground very flat over old chisel marks in the central zone and the corners. A good example, intact. Dimensions 18.5 x 15.0 x 10.7 cm. Main upper face 17.0 x 13.8 cm. Hole (relative to socket L x W) top: 6.7 x 8.0 cm; bottom: 3.1 x 3.8-3.4 cm; depth 6.0 cm. Base face 18.5 x 15.0 cm. Largest incision group 5.0 x 2.8 cm.",11/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6673",7.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 6673:6. 259.8 gm.",11/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6673",8.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Scraper. Flake of dull, mottle grey, heat affected flint. Creamy white cortex remains in shallow hollows. Plain platform with hinged termination. Previous flakes struck off the dorsal face from the proximal end. One lateral edge at the proximal end has been continuously, with unifacial retouch/usewear to form a slightly concave scraping edge. A good example. L: 5.15; W: 5.75; T: 1.9 cm. Length of R/U: 3.8 cm.",11/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6673",9.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","General. 41.1 gm.",11/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6673",10.00,"STONE","PEBBLE","Pebble. Ovoid pebble of light grey limestone with a naturally weathered surface. No visible signs of usewear. Dimensions 3.5 x 2.0 x 1.0 cm. DISCARDED.",12/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6674",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed, mostly bivalve clam.",6/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6674",2.00,"BONE","BONES","1 fish bone fragment.",6/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6674",3.00,"STONE","FRAG","Probable building stone. Sub ovoid piece of light grey limestone. Both main faces are naturally weathered and flat, the edges are irregular. Dimensions 9.0 x 6.0 x 5.5 cm. DISCARDED.",6/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6679",1.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Borer/Burin. Elongated chunky piece of mottled grey-brown flint with creamy white cortex. One pointed end is notched on one side possibly due to shaping as a Borer, or from use as a Burin. Dimensions 4.3 x 1.65 x 1.2 cm.",11/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6679",2.00,"STONE","FRAG","Natural fragment. Sub oval piece of grey limestone, possibly heat affected. Weathered dimpled surface. Dimensions 9.3 x 5.0 x 2.7 cm. DISCARDED.",11/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6679",3.00,"COPPER","SLAG","Irregular lump of mostly brown corroded metal. Dimensions 2.7 x 2.0 x 1.25 cm.",11/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6679",4.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed. 2 show consistent angled breakages: where bashed open? 2 fragments are burnt.",12/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6679",5.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed.",12/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6679",6.00,"PLASTER","RENDER FRAGS","Two fragments of grey plaster. Probably wall mortar or similar. Both are fairly flat. Largest dimensions 4.45 x 4.2 x 1.65 cm.",11/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6681",1.00,"PLASTER","RENDER FRAGS","Five fragments of light grey plaster, from walls or similar. The two largest render pieces have one smoothish face, with brush and other marks, and one rougher face showing the impression of the wall surface. One cuboid piece is more chalky in texture and is probably mortar. 30 fragments discarded. Largest render dimensions 18.0 x 8.5 x 4.94-0.8 (with-without back projection) cm; 14.0 x 14.0 x 3.7-1.3 (with-without edging lip) cm. Mortar dimensions 10.0 x 4.8 x 4.2 cm. 30 fragments discarded.",21/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6681",2.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder fragment, joins 6672:5, q.v. This rectangular fragment dimensions 14.1 x 8.9 x 2.9-1.5 cm.",19/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6681",3.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Probable grindstone fragment. Worn sub-trapezoidal/rectangular piece of light brown sandstone with mixed sized sand grains, and occasional shell fragments. One main face (upper?) is flattish-slightly concave, with linear, rounded hollows. The tiny gastropod shell fragments are worn flat, and are very smooth beside two of the original sides. The other face is flattish and naturally undulating. The two straight sides and one end may be original, forming one end of a grindstone which had rounded corners. These are all worn, and one corner is broken away. The other concave edge appears to be an old break. Dimensions 14.5 x 13.9 x 5.4-2.7 cm.",20/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6681",4.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","All bivalve clam.",21/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6681",5.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed.",22/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6681",6.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder. Sub ovoid fragment of dark brown banded tabular flint. Old desert varnish covers the 2 main faces which are dimpled and hollowed, and have old scars. One side and parts of the main faces have a green coloured residue. One long edge is scarred and pitted. The triangular convex end is pitted/abraded, with deep scars extending into one face. The opposite end is pitted on the edges. Dimensions 8.2 x 4.8 x 3.4 cm. Smaller end 2.3 x 2.3 cm.",21/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6681",7.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAG","Irregular fragment of bitumen, from the lining of a woven vessel, possibly from the thicker stitched part of a cup or basket. The irregular convex surface is smooth, the rest is broken with inclusions of vegetable matter. Impressions of cross-woven palm leaf. Dimensions 1.7 x 1.7 x 1.3 cm.",21/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6681",8.00,"STONE","DOOR SOCKET","Pentagonal block of light grey limestone. Trapezoidal in long section. The upper face has a central, raised, flat, sub rectangular area. Near the centre is a carefully worked circular concave hollow. Both the flat and concave areas are entirely pitted. Towards one side of the hollow is a circular brown deposit, the pivoted sandy residue. This deposit is darker in the centre. The rest of the upper face is roughly scarred and slopes down towards each end. The opposite main face (base) is naturally weathered and undulating. One side is straight, the other is angled. The two ends are straightish. All sides and ends are near vertical, and roughly shaped with large scars. A good example, intact. Dimensions 35.7 x 29.5 x 13.2-8.2 cm. Upper face 27.0 x 20.0 cm. Circular hollow 13.0 x 12.5 cm. Pivoting residue diameter outer ring: 5.5 cm; inner dark circle 4.2 cm.",22/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6681",9.00,"STONE","FRAG","Building stone. Rectangular piece of light grey limestone. One face is flat, the other pyramidal. The two sides and two ends have been chopped off nearly flat. Dimensions 13.0 x 9.0 x 6.8 cm. DISCARDED.",23/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6681",10.00,"STONE","FRAG","Building stone. Triangular piece of light grey limestone, with one corner darker and heat affected. Triangular in section with a naturally weathered surface. One long side has been chopped off flat; the others are naturally flattish. Dimensions 11.0 x 9.5 x 4.5 cm. DISCARDED.",23/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6681",11.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Retouched Flake, probably originally broken off Pounder. Reused as Scraper? Bipolar oval flake of brown chert with dark grey cortex, and red-brown sub cortex. Unusual stone. Flat ventral surface with cortical platform. Crushed distal edge. The convex cortical face is pitted and scarred on all its rounded edges. There is retouch/usewear (scarring) on both the upper lateral edges. There is a bitumen residue blob on the cortex near the lateral edge. L: 7.15; W: 6.75; T: 2.3 cm. R/U edges length left: 4.8 cm; right: 4.2 cm.",23/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6681",12.00,"STONE","FRAG","Probable building stone. Sub oval flake of light grey limestone, with two flat faces. Dimensions 9.0 x 6.8 x 1.0 cm. DISCARDED.",23/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6681",13.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Small leaf-shaped flattish piece of copper. Bent into a slight curve. Metal showing through at pointed end. Dimensions 1.0 x 0.6 x 0.35 cm.",23/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6682",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed. 1 small pearl oyster has irregular large hole in the centre, possible net sinker or natural? [ignore. JM]3 show consistent angled breakages: where bashed open? 3 fragments are burnt.",13/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6682",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed. Several burnt.",21/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6682",3.00,"PLASTER","RENDER FRAGS","Two fragments of light grey plaster. One face smoother than the other. Probable wall render or similar. Largest dimensions 7.95 x 3.4 x 0.7 cm.",13/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6682",4.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","General. Area 386. Ashy. 605.3 gm.",20/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6682",5.00,"PLASTER","FRAG","Sub-triangular lump of dark grey, soft, ashy plaster. Numerous vegetal and tiny pebble inclusions. One face is smoothish and concave, presumably made when an object was pressed up against it. Dimensions 13.6 x 9.5 x 8.1 cm.",21/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6683",1.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","General. Area 386. Ash & plaster floor. 563.2 gm.",20/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6683",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Fish bone fragments.",21/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6683",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","One broken bivalve clam.",21/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6684",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed. 2 show consistent angled breakages: where bashed open?",13/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6684",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed.",13/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6684",3.00,"PLASTER","RENDER FRAGS","Six small fragments of dark grey ashy plaster. Some pieces are very soft and contain numerous inclusions such as tiny pebbles, shell, animal bone and vegetal material. Also a sharp, hard, shiny tooth fragment. Two have a smoother, harder, flat surface, suggesting render of some sort. Very crumbly and laminating. Largest dimensions 7.2 x 4.4 x 1.7 cm.",13/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6685",1.00,"PLASTER","RENDER FRAGS","Six fragments of light grey plaster, all wall render & mortar, or similar. 1) One sub-triangular with one flat, very smooth face, showing layerings of plaster. 2) Rectangular slab with thick render layer on smoother whiter undercoat with wall impressions. 3) Two pieces of thin render with brush strokes or other marks on one surface. 4) Two angled pieces of plaster/mortar, one with area of soft, dark grey ashy plaster. Dimensions 1) 14.5 x 13.0 x 3.4 cm. 2) 21.5 x 0.9 x 5.85 cm. 3) Largest 10.0 x 8.4 x 1.6 cm. 4) Largest 7.55 x 6.2 x 5.8 cm.",22/4/1998 00:00:00,,"40 fragments discarded." "6685",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed.",22/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6685",3.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Tiny fragment of copper. Sub oval, flattish faces. From sand. Dimensions 0.7 x 0.4 x 0.1 cm. DISCARDED.",14/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6685",4.00,"COPPER","NEEDLE","Fragment of eye and part of shaft of needle. Circular in section. L: 2.4 cm. Diameter of eye: 0.5-0.3; of shaft: 0.4 cm.",15/4/1998 00:00:00,," Good metal seen at break." "6685",5.00,"BONE","HORN","Curved fragment of horn core. Oval section. Wider end divided into rounded spaces, and starting to bend inwards (i.e. attachment end). Other end broken diagonally. Extant length 8.15; width 4.35-3.5; thickness 2.6-1.95 cm.",21/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6685",6.00,"BONE","BONES","Fish bone group.",21/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6685",7.00,"BONE","BONES","1 mammal bone fragment.",22/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6685",8.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Ten fragments of bitumen. Thick pieces or broken flattish blobs, with smoothish faces. Vegetable inclusions and impressions of palm-leaf strips. Largest dimensions 2.85 x 2.1 x 0.8 cm.",22/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6685",9.00,"BITUMEN","BEAD","Half of spherical bead. Large central hole. Slightly worn convex surface. Height 1.6; diameter approx. 1.7 cm. Hole diameter approx. 0.5 cm.",22/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6686",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed.",14/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6686",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Fish bone.",14/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6687",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","One murex.",16/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6687",2.00,"POTTERY","SHERDS","Group of sherds, not separately described.",16/4/1998 00:00:00,,"Stored with un-numbered pottery from same context." "6687",3.00,"POTTERY","DISH","Oval dish. One end missing, otherwise intact. Hard red fabric, grit temper, roughly smoothed. Surface flaking off. Rim flattened on top and slightly bevelled to outside. Sides slightly curved, base flat. Height 9.4 cm. Extant Length 40.5 cm. Width Rim 38.7; Base 23 cm.",20/4/1998 00:00:00,,"Fill inside is 6687:13. Originally labelled 6635:15." "6687",4.00,"POTTERY","SHERDS","Group of sherds, not separately described.",15/4/1998 00:00:00,,"Stored with un-numbered pottery from same context." "6687",5.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed.",18/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6687",6.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed.",18/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6687",7.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Triangular chunky fragment of mottled dull grey flint, heat affected. One main faces crinkled and angular. Dimensions 2.9 x 1.9 x 1.6 cm.",16/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6687",8.00,"STONE","MORTAR","Mortar, or doorsocket. Double sided. Sub-triangular slab of light grey limestone. One face is worn concave, covered entirely with pitting, and the edges are scarred. There is a small, circular, concentrated zone of pitting towards the convex side. The opposite face is flat and entirely pitted. The two straight and one irregular sides are near vertical, and have been naturally weathered. They are scarred along the upper edge. There are some gypsum crystals on the surfaces. Dimensions 19.7 x 14.3 x 6.8 cm. Upper face 19.7 x 14.3 cm. Circular pitting on upper face 13.0 x 12.0 cm. Lower face 19.5 x 13.5 cm.",16/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6687",9.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 6687:8 & 10. 232.9 gm.",16/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6687",10.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Smoother. Possibly reused as Pounder. Bun-shaped piece of light grey limestone. The main rectangular face, the actual side of the stone, has been worn smooth and convex. It has fine unidirectional striations across the width of the tool. The two semicircular main faces are worn smooth and flat, but to a lesser extent than the rectangular face. One main face has faint unidirectional striations across its width, the other has faint lines that appear to run at an angle to the width. This second face has been subsequently/earlier used for pounding, as the smoothing is only on the high areas around a central circular hollow. This hollow is pitted and contains bitumen (sampled by RLS). The bitumen may have adhered to the surface after the tool was abandoned. The three convex sides are convex and pitted, with some edge scarring. A good example, intact. Dimensions 7.0 x 5.5 x 4.3 cm. Rectangular face 5.55 x 4.2 cm. Semicircular faces 4.95 x 4.3 cm; 4.95 x 4.2 cm.",16/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6687",11.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Heart-shaped piece of copper. Dimensions 1.1 x 1.05 x 0.8 cm.",18/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6687",12.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","General. 234.1 gm.",18/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6687",13.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Fill inside pot dish 6687:3.",16/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6688",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed.",18/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6688",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed.",18/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6688",3.00,"PLASTER","RENDER FRAGS","Two fragments of light grey plaster. Wall render or similar. Both are flat, with one face smoother than the other. The largest has two straight sides, and has a thin set coat. Largest dimensions 11.6 x 9.55 x 2.2 cm. 10 fragments discarded.",16/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6688",4.00,"FLINT","FLAKE","Possible Tool or Projectile preform. Oval flake or light brown flint, thickest at the proximal end. Semicircular platform restruck from the dorsal side. Feather termination. Small flakes have been subsequently struck from the dorsal side of the platform, perhaps in an effort to remove a dark brown vertical flaw in the stone. Extant L: 3.65; W: 3.25; T: 1.05 cm.",16/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6688",5.00,"PLASTER","RENDER FRAGS","Three fragments of plaster from wall render. Smoother surface is concave, the other is convex and dimpled from impression of wall surface. Largest dimensions 16.0 x 12.0 x 3.4 cm.",16/4/1998 00:00:00,,"Sampled from north wall of Area 377." "6688",6.00,"POTTERY","SHERDS","Two large and several smaller body sherds of large red ridged storage jar. Probable same pot as 6675:1. Not further described.",18/4/1998 00:00:00,,"Stored with un-numbered pottery from same context. Sack 179" "6688",7.00,"POTTERY","SHERDS","Group of sherds, not separately described.",18/4/1998 00:00:00,,"Stored with un-numbered pottery from same context." "6688",8.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","General. Area 382/377. 131.5 gm.",18/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6689",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed.",18/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6689",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Fish bone.",18/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6689",3.00,"PLASTER","RENDER FRAGS","Three fragments of light grey plaster, from wall render or similar. Flattish, with one smoother face than the other. The rough face has impressions of the wall surface and fine vegetal matter. Dimensions largest fragment 12.8 x 6.35 x 1.3 cm. 4 render fragments discarded.",18/4/1998 00:00:00,,"Includes 6689:6, not separately labelled" "6689",4.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAG","Sub-oval piece of bitumen from the lining to a woven vessel. One face is smoothish and slightly convex, the other shows impression of cross-woven palm leaf. Inclusions of vegetable matter. Dimensions 2.9 x 2.25 x 0.6 cm. Width palm strip 0.6 cm.",18/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6689",5.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","General. Area 382. 129.9 gm.",18/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6689",6.00,"PLASTER","FRAG","Plaster lump, presumably of mortar, dark grey with numerous air holes and tiny pebble inclusions. Dimensions 8.6 x 8.0 x 2.9 cm",,,"Stored with 6688:3, not separately labelled" "6690",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Fish bone.",18/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6690",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","One broken pearl oyster.",18/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6691",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Missing, never arrived in finds cabin.",7/5/1998 00:00:00,, "6691",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Missing, never arrived finds cabin.",7/5/1998 00:00:00,, "6691",3.00,"PLASTER","FRAGS","Not described.",7/5/1998 00:00:00,,"Missing, never arrived finds cabin." "6691",4.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Not described. Missing 1998.",7/5/1998 00:00:00,, "6691",5.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","General. Area 382. 120.9 gm.",18/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6692",1.00,"SHELL","SHELL","Murex shell. Found in situ on floor. Lost in area cleaning.",7/5/1998 00:00:00,, "6692",2.00,"FLINT","TOOL FRAG","Possible Pounder fragment. Sub rectangular chunky piece of brown flint, triangular in section. Natural patina on two converging faces. Parts of two extant edges pitted and scarred. *This artefact was retrieved from spoil heap where it had been accidentally thrown during cleanup of area. It is possibly not the piece identified on the floor prior to the cleanup: J. Last. Dimensions 3.4 x 3.3 x 2.05 cm.",7/5/1998 00:00:00,, "6692",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed.",3/5/1998 00:00:00,, "6692",4.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed, including one small fishbone vertebrae like a counter (diameter 0.8 cm, thickness 4.0 cm). Also a large mammal long bone with joint - humerus.",6/5/1999 00:00:00,, "6692",5.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Three pieces of copper, two are broken off objects. (1) Tip of shaft of 'Pin'. Square in section, tapers to tip. L: 1.4; Thickness 0.2 x 0.2 cm. (2) Tip of shaft of possible Fishhook or Nail. Square in section, tapering abruptly to tip. Bent into slight curve at tip. L: 1.7; Thickness 0.5-0.45 x 0.15 cm. (3) Sub ovoid lump with brown staining. Dimensions 1.4 x 1.25 x 0.65 cm.",6/5/1999 00:00:00,, "6692",6.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Whetstone/smoother. Possibly hafted. Used sideways, at an angle to the sides, across the surface of a tool or object. Elongated, very regular, rectangular large pebble with one convex end and the other end broken off with stepped scars across the width of the tool. Naturally weathered smooth surface, with both faces slightly convex, the sides straight. Both faces have the same usewear. The surfaces adjacent to the sides are abraded/smoothed, with fine unidirectional striations across the width. These worn zones are uniformly parallel to the tool's sides and convex end. Similar wear is beside the convex end, with striations perpendicular to it. Some of this wear continues right across the surface, particularly near the broken end. The broken end may have been used after it was broken as its edges are scarred, and one face near it is also pitted. There is less wear on the actual rounded edges. An unusual (unique?) example. Larger, similar in shape, but not obviously same use as 7001:43. Dimensions 8.2 x 3.4 x 1.5 cm. Average width of wear along each side and convex end 1.05 cm. 76.1 gm.",30/3/1999 00:00:00,, "6693",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed. 2 fragments are burnt.",19/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6693",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Fish bone, some articulated vertebrae.",19/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6693",3.00,"STONE","SAMPLE","Gypsum crystals, flat pieces. 11 fragments of flat crystals, 2 are large with several layers. Largest dimensions 12.4 x 9.2 x 1.5 cm.",19/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6693",4.00,"POTTERY","SHERDS","Group of sherds, not separately described.",6/5/1998 00:00:00,,"Stored with un-numbered pottery from same context." "6694",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed.",19/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6694",2.00,"BONE","BONES","2 mixed fragments.",19/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6695",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Fish bone.",20/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6696",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed, mostly bivalve clam.",21/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6696",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Fish bone.",21/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6697",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed, mostly bivalve clam.",21/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6697",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed.",21/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6697",3.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Fragment of tool, possible Grinder. Sub rectangular piece of light grey limestone with tiny sand grain hollows. One face is flat, the other is slightly irregular. One straight, flat end may be original. Accidentally brushed (as bagged with plaster). Very worn. Dimensions 9.1 x 6.4 x 2.8 cm.",21/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6698",1.00,"POTTERY","SHERDS","Group of sherds, not separately described.",21/4/1998 00:00:00,,"Stored with un-numbered pottery from same context." "6698",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","All but one is bivalve clam.",21/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6698",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Fish bone.",21/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6698",4.00,"ORGANIC","DATE PIP","3 fragments of carbonised date pip(s). Largest dimensions 0.8 x 0.55 x 0.3 cm.",21/4/1998 00:00:00,, "6701",1.00,"POTTERY","SIEVE JAR SHERD","Neck of jar, with some of shoulder, and worn fragment of rim. Pink clay, sandy temper, cream slip out and inside rim. Rim bevelled to outside (very worn), short, slightly waisted neck, flaring shoulder. Traces of integral sieve inside neck. Perfunctory ribbing on outside, at top of shoulder. Not measured.",6/5/1998 00:00:00,, "6701",2.00,"POTTERY","SHERDS","Group of sherds, not separately described.",3/5/1998 00:00:00,,"Stored with un-numbered pottery from same context." "6701",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Fishbone vertebra.",3/5/1998 00:00:00,, "6701",4.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed.",3/5/1998 00:00:00,, "6701",5.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","3 bivalve clams.",3/5/1998 00:00:00,, "6701",6.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","More than thirty fragments of bitumen lining. All have one smooth flattish face, with the other showing impressions of cross-woven palm leaf. Vegetable inclusions. Largest dimensions 3.3 x 2.1 x 0.6 cm. Leaf strip width 1.0-0.7 cm.",3/5/1998 00:00:00,, "6705",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Bivalve clams.",3/5/1998 00:00:00,, "6705",2.00,"STONE","MORTAR","Building stone, possibly briefly used as mortar. Sub-square piece of light grey fossiline limestone. Three sides have been chopped off to be flattish. Both main faces and one convex side are naturally weathered. One face is slightly concave and shows a scatter of light pecking or natural hollowing due to weathering of inclusions. The other face is slightly convex with numerous natural hollows. Dimensions 14.0 x 13.0 x 7.55 cm.",3/5/1998 00:00:00,, "6705",3.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 6705:2. 77.3 gm.",3/5/1998 00:00:00,, "6705",4.00,"BONE","BONES","3 fishbone vertebrae, partly burnt.",3/5/1998 00:00:00,, "6706",1.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 6706:6. 76.3 gm.",3/5/1998 00:00:00,, "6706",2.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pebble Pounder. Small sub ovoid pebble of dark grey close grained stone, with medium sized white inclusions. The smoothly worn surface is light grey. Possibly dolerite? One end and part of one side are entirely scarred. The oval end has been worn to an angled convex shape. Intact, good example Height above scarred face 3.6; W: 2.9-2.2; T: 1.9-1.3 cm. Scarred face 2.9 x 1.9 cm.",3/5/1998 00:00:00,, "6706",3.00,"FOSSIL BIVALVE","POUNDER","Pebble Pounder, on probable Bivalve fossil. Spherical piece, with slightly flattened faces of light grey limestone. Probable base of shell hinge visible on wide side. Surface entirely pitted and slightly scarred. Intact. Shell L: 3.2; W: 3.5; T: 3.1 cm.",3/5/1998 00:00:00,, "6706",4.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder. Spherical piece of dark grey, medium grained igneous stone. Probably dolerite. One oval face is worn smooth and convex, at an angle to the opposite face. The opposite circular face is worn smooth, with slight pitting. Its edges are scarred. The circumference/wide convex sides is entirely lightly pitted. The smoothed surfaces are obscured by residue, possibly gypsum crystals or plaster. Good example, intact. Diameter 8.2-7.9 cm. T: 7.4-5.8 cm. Oval face 4.6 x 4.4 cm. Circular face 4.3 x 4.2 cm.",3/5/1998 00:00:00,, "6706",5.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Pebble Pounder/Smoother. Ovoid pebble of dark grey limestone, with brownish surface. One side face is scarred. The rounded edges are abraded smooth. Intact, a good example. Dimensions 3.5 x 3.0 x 2.7 cm.",3/5/1998 00:00:00,, "6706",6.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder. Ovoid nodule of dark grey-brown flint smooth creamy white cortex remaining on the 2 main faces. Part of one side, both ends, and minimally on other areas of the tool, are pitted and slightly scarred. The pitting is continuous from one end and up the side. The shape of the nodule has been barely changed through use. A good example, intact. L: 6.15; diameter 5.0-4.8 cm. Main pitted zone: 3.4 x 3.0< cm. (where at the side). One oval end pitted 3.2 x 2.5 cm.",3/5/1998 00:00:00,, "6706",7.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 6706:4 etc. 106.0 gm.",3/5/1998 00:00:00,, "6706",8.00,"FOSSIL BIVALVE","POUNDER","Pounder on a probable Bivalve Fossil. Light grey limestone. Sub spherical with two low convex faces. The entire surface is pitted and scarred. Too worn to discern hinge. Diameter 4.7-4.6; T: 3.4 cm.",3/5/1998 00:00:00,, "6706",9.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 6706:8. 26.4 gm.",3/5/1998 00:00:00,, "6706",10.00,"BONE","ARTICULATED","Butchery cut marks on the side of one of two articulated mammal long bones. Probable radius and ulna. The thicker bone, radius, has a series of thin cuts, at an angle to the bone, towards the joint. These cuts do not appear to have been recent. Done during skinning of animal? Bones have broken into sections during lifting, cemented together by salt crystals. Length of cuts 1.2-0.5 cm.",3/5/1998 00:00:00,, "6706",11.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder. Thick oval piece of dark grey, small-medium grained igneous stone. Probably dolerite. The two opposing oval faces have been worn smooth and flat. One is at a slight angle to the other. No striations are visible. Both faces have been subsequently scarred on parts of their edges. The circumference/wide convex sides is pitted and abraded. Several scars penetrate it from the edges. A good example, intact. Dimensions 8.7 x 8.4 x 5.55-4.0 cm. Oval faces 6.9 x 6.9 cm; 7.3 x 6.95 cm.",3/5/1998 00:00:00,, "6706",12.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 6706:11 & 16. 75.0 gm.",3/5/1998 00:00:00,, "6706",13.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder. Sub ovoid piece of dark grey-brown flint with two flattish faces. One face has red-brown sub cortex or skin, the other is scarred. All irregular wide sides are pitted and scarred, especially on the angled edges. Dimensions 6.7 x 6.1 x 4.8 cm.",3/5/1998 00:00:00,, "6706",14.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Beside 6706:13. 51.1 gm.",3/5/1998 00:00:00,, "6706",15.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Twelve fragments of bitumen. All have two smoothish faces and numerous vegetable inclusions and impressions. Largest dimensions 2.5 x 1.7 x 0.8 cm.",3/5/1998 00:00:00,, "6706",16.00,"STONE","PEBBLE","Possible Pebble Smoother or possible curated pebble. Oval pebble of mid grey, close grained stone, limestone? Totally weathered smooth. The two flat faces are very smooth and one has several linear marks. The edges are rounded. Dimensions 2.8 x 1.6 x 1.05 cm.",3/5/1998 00:00:00,, "6706",17.00,"STONE","PEBBLE","Possible Tool- Pebble Pounder. Drop-shaped pebble of light grey limestone. Surface has several natural hollows and a scatter or light pitting, perhaps not natural. Dimensions 3.0 x 2.2 x 1.9 cm.",3/5/1998 00:00:00,, "6711",1.00,"POTTERY","COOKING POT","Cooking Pot. Complete, but badly cracked. Very slight distortion, therefore, to max. width. Red clay, circular white inclusions. Outside smoothed diagonally. Smoke-blackened out. Rim diameter 13.9-14.9 cm. Max width approx. 32.5 cm. Height 27.8 cm.",28/4/1999 00:00:00,, "6711",2.00,"PLASTER","PIERCED DISC","Grey plaster disc, one face slightly convex, pierced centrally from the convex face, not reaching all the way through. Opposite face is very flat and smooth, apparently shaved-off, with possible tool-marks, and natural drying hollows. The convex face is rougher. Perforation made with palm-leaf stalk, with rim slightly raised, perhaps from pulling out of stalk. One side of hole has orange-brown stain or residue. Edges of disc slightly outstanding to flat face, suggesting object made by pouring into mould. Intact except for one scar on rim. Found in situ in pot 6711:1. Diameter 14.2-13.6 cm. Thickness 3.35 cm. Hole dimensions 1.03 x 1.0 cm.",4/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7000",1.00,"STONE","TOOL?","Possible small Smoother/Pounder. Elongated ovoid pebble of grey limestone with naturally weathered smooth surface. The circumference and one face are slightly pitted, perhaps not naturally. One side has a large scar (recent?). One face is flat and (worn?) very smooth. Dimensions 6.4 x 2.85 x 2.0 cm.",21/2/1999 00:00:00,, "7000",2.00,"FOSSIL BIVALVE","POUNDER","Bivalve fossil Pounder. Light grey limestone. The entire surface, especially the circumference, is pitted and slightly scarred. Well used. Intact. Dimensions 4.3 x 4.25 x 3.4 cm. Shell length from hinge 4.3 cm. Weight 76.5 gm.",25/2/1999 00:00:00,, "7000",3.00,"FOSSIL BIVALVE","POUNDER","Bivalve fossil Pounder. Light grey limestone. Damaged with large scar (recent?) one side above hinge. Small scars around circumference and some pitting on rest of surface. Both halves asymmetrical. Barely used. Dimensions 4.45 x 4.4 x 3.3 cm. Shell L: 4.45 cm.",25/2/1999 00:00:00,, "7000",4.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder, possible Smoother. Sub ovoid piece of dark grey, fine grained, igneous stone, possibly basalt. One face has been scarred flat-concave. The opposite face is steeply convex, with zones of abrading and possible smoothing, in between the pitting and scarring from edge percussion. The convex edge between the two faces, and parts of other edges have been abraded. Dimensions 6.05 x 5.3 x 4.7 cm.",25/2/1999 00:00:00,, "7000",5.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder, probable Smoother fragment. Ovoid fragment of dark grey medium grained, igneous stone. Possibly basalt. One extant face is flattish and worn smooth. Its rounded edge is pitted and slightly scarred. The thin convex edge is worn, perhaps utilised. Dimensions 7.0 x 4.5 x 1.4 cm.",25/2/1999 00:00:00,, "7000",6.00,"STONE","BASIN FRAG","Fragment of circular or oval basin. Triangular piece of whitish oolitic limestone. The curved side leans outward, and its rim is slightly convex. The interior has a sloping side and flat base. The exterior has a corresponding sloping side and a flat to slightly convex base. The exterior shows the scars and vertical chisel marks, whereas the interior and the rim have also been ground. Extant L: 14.7; W: 10.7; H: 7.0 cm. Interior side H: 3.0 cm. Rim thickness: 2.9 cm.",25/2/1999 00:00:00,, "7000",7.00,"POTTERY","BOWL","Fragment of shallow bowl, profile except centre of base. About 1/8 of diameter preserved. Hard, fairly coarse, greeny-buff clay, sandy temper. Surface worn and patinated. Rounded rim, slight depression just under on inside. Shallow ribbing on outside below rim. Straight sides, flat base. Present height 5.8 cm. Rim diameter (reconstructed) c. 34 cm, Base diameter (reconstructed) c. 10 cm.",25/2/1999 00:00:00,, "7001",1.00,"FOSSIL ECHINOID","POUNDER","Fossil echinoid used as Pounder. Sub oval piece of light grey limestone with one end broken off at an angle when fossil formed. One face convex, the other flat with a near central anus. The surface is rough, the faces and the edges pitted and scarred. The broken angled edge has the highest concentration of scarring. Diameter 4.8-4.6 cm. Thickness 2.3 cm.",1/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7001",2.00,"PLASTER","RENDER FRAGS","Eight pieces of light grey plaster, apparently from wall render. They have one flat side and the other with impressions of the wall on which they were laid. Two of these are curved along one side for a corner. One has ashy plaster on the back. Largest dimensions 15.4 x 12.0 x 4.1 cm. Approximately 80 fragments were discarded",1/3/1999 00:00:00,,"7001:55 stored here, not separately labelled" "7001",3.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Cuboid piece of light grey limestone. All the flattish faces are pitted and the edges scarred. The sharply angle edges of one rectangular face are very scarred. Unusual shape, like building stone but worked. Dimensions 7.4 x 5.2 x 5.0 cm.",28/2/1999 00:00:00,, "7001",4.00,"SHELL","COCKLE RING","Cockle shell with large but slightly irregular central hole punched through. Shell L: 3.6; W: 3.6 cm. Hole 2.1 x 1.9 cm. 5.5 gm.",28/2/1999 00:00:00,, "7001",5.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed. Includes small bag of shell from below bitumen basket 7001:52 found in 1mm sieve.",27/2/1999 00:00:00,, "7001",6.00,"STONE","BASIN FRAG","Large, angled fragment of rectangular basin. Light creamy coloured oolitic limestone. Part of rim with flat top, straight-sided wall, and flat bottom. Inside the junction between the side and the base is concave, on the outside it is a right angle. Very worn surface and edges battered. Exterior shows chisel marks at angle to horizontal. Rim and interior have been (at least partly) ground. Stone cleavage visible at a slight angle to the vessel. Largest dimensions 23.5 x 15.5 x 14.5 cm.",3/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7001",7.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Chopper/Pounder fragment. Sub oval piece of dark grey igneous stone with small-medium grains. Basalt or Dolerite? Original face is convex, the broken one convex. Three sides form a continuous convex edge which has been scarred after broken (from chopping?). The other side is straight, convex and thicker. The edge beside the original face is scarred. Dimensions 7.5 x 5.75 (above chopping edge) x 2.8-1.2 cm.",27/2/1999 00:00:00,, "7001",8.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed. Includes small bag of bone from below bitumen basket 7001:52 found in 1mm sieve.",6/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7001",9.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Midden in NE corner of Area 600, pearl oyster shells.",2/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7001",10.00,"BONE","BONES","Mammal.",3/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7001",11.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","About twenty fragments from the lining of a woven vessel, showing on one face impressions of palm leaf strip cross-woven. The other face is generally smooth. There are numerous vegetable impressions and inclusions, many worn. Largest fragments (1) triangular flat 4.05 x 3.7 x 0.95 cm; (2) chunky ovoid 3.8 x 2.5 x 1.6 cm.",3/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7001",12.00,"SHELL","PIERCED BIVALVE","Venus clam shell with large sub-circular hole in centre. Some gypsum salt encrustation. Shell L: 4.3; W: 4.9 cm. Hole diameter 1.4-1.3 cm. 12.5 gm.",4/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7001",13.00,"STONE","DISC LID","Oval piece of whitish oolitic limestone, probably a lid and/or a smoother/abrader. Both faces are fairly flat and partly smooth, tapering towards each other at one side. One face has a linear hollow near one end. The circumference is scarred. Intact. Dimensions 8.9 x 8.15 x 3.3-2.1 cm. Weight 257.7 gm.",4/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7001",14.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Approximately twenty fragments of dull light green clay, all with surfaces eroded. One dark grey piece with a smoothed edge and a groove in it. Reverse of this piece has string impression, and the obverse has a small area of a seal impression, with illegible motifs. Largest piece 2.25 x 1.27 x 1.1, smallest 0.9 x 6.0 x 0.53 cm. Impressed fragment 1.5 x 1.22 x 0.8 cm.",6/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7001",15.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder or Hammer. Tapered ovoid nodule of mottled brown-grey flint/chert, with smooth creamy white cortex, and red-brown sub cortex. Both convex ends and side edges are pitted and scarred, the scarring invading both convex faces. Intact. Dimensions 7.8 x 7.1 x 5.3 cm. Wide end wear 7.25 x 2.9 cm.",6/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7001",16.00,"STONE","PEBBLE","Possible Tool. Smoother? Sub triangular pebble of light grey limestone with very rounded corners. The two faces are flat and one is very smooth. The edges are convex. The edges and the corners are slightly pitted, possibly not naturally. There is a large natural angled scar on the longest edge. Dimensions 4.55 x 2.75 x 2.05 cm.",6/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7001",17.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Fragment of grinder, or possibly grindstone. Trapezoidal piece of light brown sandstone with small sand grains. One face has been worn flat and the upper zones smooth. Across the face, at an angle, is an area of wide unidirectional striations, possibly natural weathering. The surface is more pitted towards the shorter extant edge. One edge is stepped, having broken away, the other broken edge is straight. The opposite face is flattish with areas of pitting, and may have been used for grinding near the broken edge. The extant convex edges are rounded and partly ground above pitting. Dimensions15.25 x 14.15 x 5.1-2.0 cm.",6/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7001",18.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Grindstone fragment. Oval piece of light brown sandstone with small-to-medium sand grains. One sloping face has been worn concave, with unidirectional striations running the length of the fragment. The opposite face (base) is slightly convex, curving up at the narrowest end (near saddle-shape). The extant side is straightish, the extant end is convex. Both are near vertical with shaping scars. The two broken edges are irregular and near vertical. Dimensions 21.5 x 13.5 x 6.05-2.7 cm. Concave face 20.2 x 13.5 cm.",6/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7001",19.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Anvil/Large Pounder. Large cuboid, hipped (triangular in long section) cobble of light grey limestone. Possibly dolomite or chert (partly silicified). The largest face is rectangular. The opposite side of the stone is formed by two rectangular and one triangular face sloping up towards a straight edge. This is joined on the other side by a vertical triangular face. All faces are flattish and pitted. All edges are scarred, especially the ends. One end and one side is also very abraded. All faces could form a flattish work surface or base. There are no specific concentrations of pitting on any face. Intact, a good example. Dimensions 17.0 x 13.25-10.55 x 9.4 cm. Faces: rectangular (base) 16.5 x 12.5; (sloping) 10.85 x 12.7-6.6; 11.2 x 8.55-6.35; triangular (sloping) 13.15 x 9.85; (vertical) 15.1 x 8.2 cm.",6/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7001",20.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Possible Pounder fragment. Sub triangular fragment of mottled grey-crimson, variable grained igneous stone, with smooth weathered cortex (looks like porphyry). Possibly basalt or dolerite. Parts of three convex cortical faces extant which is partly pitted. One end is pointed and scarred. All of the sharply angled cortical edges are scarred. The broken face is angled-flat, showing slightly harder grey lumpy inclusions. Dimensions 8.8 x 4.3 x 2.3 cm.",6/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7001",21.00,"STONE","BASIN FRAG","Angled fragment (worn) of side/base of rectangular basin. Whitish oolitic limestone. Probable side is thinner and tapers towards the rounded broken edges. On the interior the side curves round to join a flat base (extant). The exterior of the side is slightly concave (worn?), and has a more sharply angled corner to join a flat base. Only rough shaping scars are visible on the exterior, as all faces are worn. Max. dimensions 14.5 x 11.75 x 9.6 cm. Extant height 11.75 cm. Extant interior depth 7.5 cm.",6/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7001",22.00,"BONE","BONES","Fish bone in NW corner of Area 600.",8/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7001",23.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Large Pounder. Possible Smoother preform. Sub spherical cobble of light grey limestone. Both circular opposing faces are flatted, one is larger and flatter than the other. The thick circumference is convex. The entire surface is pitted (there are some natural hollows), with scars from percussion of the rounded edges. Intact, a good example. Diameter 9.6-8.7 cm. Thickness 7.2 cm. Faces (1) 8.05-7.9; (2) 6.8-6.15 cm.",10/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7001",24.00,"FOSSIL ECHINOID","POUNDER","Fossil echinoid used probably as Pounder. Oval piece of light grey limestone. The convex face shows five radiation echinoid features which continue onto the opposite flat face with a central anus. The surfaces are slightly worn with some pitting that may not be natural. Intact. Diameter 6.0 x 5.4 x 2.7 cm. 101.4 gm.",10/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7001",25.00,"POTTERY","PIERCED SHERD","Flat sherd, shaped to be sub-oval, with perforation drilled from interior face, which has been ground flat. Red clay, numerous white circular inclusions, occasional rounded quartz grits. One side has point with blunt tip and scars on either side. Intact. Dimensions 7.1 x 6.5 x .75 cm. Hole diameter 0.3 cm, upper part of drilling diameter 0.7 cm.",1/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7001",26.00,"SHELL","CONE BEAD","Cone shell, pale, partly glossy/worn surface, with apex ground flat and pierced, presumably for use as bead. L: 3.05; W: 1.65; T: 1.3 cm.",4/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7001",27.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Grindstone or mortar fragment. Sub-circular piece of light brown sandstone with small-to-medium sand grains. One face has been worn flat-slightly concave and is entirely pitted. The other face is naturally undulating. The edges are scarred, one is straight and the rest are convex. Dimensions 10.6 x 9.75 x 2.5 cm.",8/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7001",28.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Two grindstone fragments, not joining but apparently of same stone. Farush, light grey fine sand grain matrix between small broken and whole shells (mostly gastropod). Both fragments have one face worn smooth and flat, with natural hollows between the particles. There are fine unidirectional striations running diagonally across the stone. The other face is naturally undulating. The extant sides are convex. (1) Sub-oval fragment dimensions 14.9 x 10.05 x 2.4 cm. (2) Semi-circular fragment dimensions 6.85 x 3.4 x 1.75 cm.",21/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7001",29.00,"SHELL","SEAL","Cut-off apex of large gastropod, probably a cone shell, presumably for use as a shell seal (using obverse 'design' of natural spiral pattern of cut-off shell), or perhaps a counter. Apex worn smooth on outside of shell. Obverse chipped around edges, and ground down in centre. Diameter 5.25-5.5 cm. Thickness 1.8 cm. Wt. 42.8 gm.",16/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7001",30.00,"SHELL","TOOL","Tool, possibly polisher, made from a long, narrow, oval piece of cowrie shell, with a worn brown spotted surface. One long edge, slightly incurved, is the ribbed shell opening, the other long, convex being the worn-down body. All edges are well rounded from wear, and the two sides have occasional small scars, possibly from use. The two ends show wear with fine striations across the width. One is thicker than the other and is also slightly pitted. Intact. Dimensions 6.3 x 1.55 x 0.65 cm. Ends: thicker 0.75 x 0.55; narrower 0.7 x 0.4 cm.",16/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7001",31.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Pounder/Smoother, well used or broken. Sub ovoid piece of dark grey fine grained igneous stone. Possibly basalt. One oval face is flattish, with pitting and scarring in between higher zones which have been worn smooth. The opposite flat, oval face is smaller and covered in light pitting. The convex sides/circumference slopes down from the smaller face. 3/4 of the circumference is pitted and ground/abraded, with the other 1/4 broken off possibly from pounding. Dimensions 8.4 x 7.65 x 4.95 cm.",23/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7001",32.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Sub ovoid nodule of dark, fine grained igneous stone. Heavy and dense. Possibly basalt or dolerite. Both faces are flat and are lightly pitted. They are scarred on three convex sides from edges pounding. One edge is straight and less scarred. Intact. Dimensions 9.75 x 8.1 x 4.65-3.3 cm.",23/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7001",33.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pestle/Pounder. Sub cuboid nodule of dark grey, medium grained igneous stone, with whitish inclusions. Possibly dolerite. The surface is naturally weathered smooth. One rectangular face is very smooth and flattish, perhaps not naturally. The opposite rectangular face and sides are smaller and slightly dimpled. The sharply angled edge of the slightly concave side is pitted and scarred. The two slightly convex, trapezoidal ends are very pitted, with slight scarring at the edges. One end is wider than the other with pitting on the edges more than the centre. Intact. Dimensions 8.1 x 5.3-5.0 x 4.2-3.85 cm.",23/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7001",34.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pebble Pounder, probably on bivalve fossil (typical shape, although no visible markings as is well used). Circular-spherical with two convex faces piece of light grey limestone. Entire surface pitted, especially the thick, almost vertical, circumference. Intact, a good example. Diameter 3.6-3.5 cm. Thickness 3.0 cm. 58.4 gm.",23/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7001",35.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Smoother. Also (later?) used as Anvil/Pounder. Sub ovoid nodule of dark grey crystalline limestone, possibly dolomite. One oval face has been worn very smooth and flat, with fine multidirectional striations running perpendicular across all of the edges. There is a small, deep pitted area towards the scarred straight side. This face is partly covered by a thin black residue, possibly bitumen. The opposite face is sloping and partly (worn?) smooth. The straight side is flattish, lightly pitted, and scarred from edge percussion. The other side and the two rectangular ends are convex. They are all pitted and abraded. Intact, a good example. Dimensions 6.9 x 5.7 x 5.5-3.1 cm. Smoothed faces (1) 5.0 x 4.7; (2) 4.7 x 4.15 cm.",23/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7001",36.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder/Pestle. 1/4 of possibly thick oval/circular small cobble of light grey crystalline limestone. Possibly reused fragment or well used tool. Both faces are flat and lightly pitted, with one scarred from the convex edge. The convex edge is lightly pitted and abraded. The two other edges form a right angle and are pitted over worn scars. Dimensions6.45 x 5.1 x 3.85 cm. Convex edge 5.75 x 2.8 cm.",23/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7001",37.00,"STONE","PEBBLE","Unused or possible tool: Smoother. Sub ovoid/triangular pebble of light grey limestone. One face has a slightly smoother zone beside the convex end which may not be natural. The other face has natural shallow pitting. Intact. Dimensions 3.5 x 3.25 x 2.05 cm.",23/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7001",38.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Fragment grinder or possibly of grindstone. Sub-trapezoidal block of light brown sandstone with small sand grains. The sub-rectangular extant face is worn smooth and flat, with scattered pitting. There are vague unidirectional striations across the width of the face. The sides are near vertical, whereas the two ends slope towards each other meeting in a long edge. Their surfaces are pitted and slightly scarred. Dimensions 6.5 x 5.5 x 5.7 cm. Flat face 6.0 x 5.5 cm.",23/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7001",39.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder made from fragment of grindstone. Light brown sandstone with small-medium sand grains. One extant face has been worn flat, slightly concave on the highest zones; the rest is pitted. It is smoothest next to the extant side, with fine unidirectional striations running across the width of the face. The opposite face and the broken edges are irregular. The extant side is near vertical with large scars. Dimensions 8.45 x 7.5 x 6.3 cm. Flat face 7.45 x 7.3 cm.",23/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7001",40.00,"STONE","PEBBLE","Possible Tool: Pestle/Smoother. Kidney-shaped flattish pebble of light grey limestone. One face is slightly convex, the other concave. The surface is naturally weathered smooth with scattered hollows. The rounded edges are slightly pitted and one convex end has what appear to be fine unidirectional striations perpendicular, and across, the edge. These wear marks may not be natural. Dimensions 7.1 x 4.45 x 1.45 cm.",23/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7001",41.00,"FOSSIL ECHINOID","POUNDER","Echinoid fossil used as Pounder. Oval piece of light grey limestone showing 5 radiating markings of echinoid on convex face, and central anus on flat-convex face. Parts of the faces and the rounded circumference are pitted and scarred. Notably deep is the concentrated pitting at one end of the convex face, perhaps partly due to natural hollows. Intact, a good example. Diameter 6.15 x 5.55 x 2.6 cm.",23/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7001",42.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Pebble polisher/smoother. Oval flattish pebble of attractive unusual banded dark grey and light brown close grained stone. Banding in form of asymmetrical concentric circles with 'eye'. Pebble is weathered very smooth, with one face having fine unidirectional striations running at a slight angle to the width. Intact, a good example. Dimensions 3.0 x 2.15 x 0.9 cm. 8.4 gm.",23/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7001",43.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Pebble Chopper/Anvil. Shaped like a stubby knife. Flat elongated pebble of close grained dark grey igneous stone, possibly basalt. Both sides are straight (one being slightly convex), with one end convex and the other straight. Surface weathered smooth, with one face subsequently entirely pitted and/or scarred by gypsum crystal formation. The slightly convex side is scarred especially towards the straight end. There are deeper scars on the sides near the corners of the straight end, perhaps relating to hafting. Smaller than, similar in shape to, but NOT same use as, 6692:6 in Building 62. Intact, a good example. Dimensions 4.95 x 2.5 x 0.7 cm. 16.0 gm.",23/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7001",44.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Small Chopper. Leaf-shaped flake of very dark brown, heat affected flint. Light brown coarser flint blob towards one end. Thick piece, possible core fragment or wide flake with reworked/scarred platform and termination. Both convex edges are bifacially scarred, with small area next to blunter end left untouched. The scars reveal the crazed structure of the flint. Intact. Dimensions 4.75 x 3.1 x 1.75 cm.",23/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7001",45.00,"FLINT","CORE/TOOL","Possible opposing Core or well-used Pounder. Ovoid nodule, with two flattish ends, of dark brown flint with white spots and remnant creamy white cortex and red-brown sub cortex. Both ends are scarred flat perhaps for platform preparation. The largest end is a stepped flake scar. Both ends have hinged flakes struck off them, the largest flake off the largest end. All the edges are pitted and scarred. Intact. Dimensions 4.4 x 3.5 x 3.4 cm. Ends 3.0 x 2.3; (flake) L: 3.4; W: 3.05 cm. Flakes L: 4.95 W: 3.3 (+); L: 1.75 W: 2.2 cm.",23/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7001",46.00,"STONE","CHOPPER","Quartz pebble chopper. Sub-oval fragment or flake of milky white quartz nodule. Original convex face is smooth with slight patina. The broken face is flattish, with possible platform being the short straight edge. All edges of the fragment are scarred including the possible platform. One convex lateral edge is heavily worked, the other lateral edge is barely used. A good example in unusual material. Dimensions 4.1 x 4.2 x 1.4 cm. Main edge L: 4.2 cm. 32.8 gm.",23/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7001",47.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Sub triangular lump with one narrow pointed end. One face is convex, the other irregular. Dimensions 2.1 x 1.3 x 0.7 cm.",23/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7001",48.00,"STONE","TOOL","Quartz pebble Polisher/Pounder, almost Chopper. Elongated ovoid pebble of milky white quartz with slightly weathered cortex/skin. Originally triangular in section. One oval face has been worn smooth and flat with unidirectional striations (narrow, short and deep) across the width. The surface also has scattered pitting. There is an oval concave zone of pitting centred on the angled edge of the opposite faces. The narrow triangular end (like butt) and the wider convex end (like bit) are scarred. All the edges are pitted and scarred. Intact, a good example. Dimensions 5.55 x 3.1 x 2.4 cm. End dimensions 2.45 x 1.3; 1.4 x 2.2 cm.",31/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7001",49.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Ovoid lump of copper with two flattish faces and convex irregular edges. Dimensions 1.9 x 1.6 x 0.85 cm.",1/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7001",50.00,"STONE","TOOL","Anvil or Mortar and/or Large Pounder. Well used, double sides. Cuboid large cobble of dark grey, medium grained igneous stone. Possibly dolerite. One rectangular flattish face is been almost entirely pitted in a large oval concave zone. One long, naturally weathered surface remains along one side. All the edges are scarred, especially the two sides. The opposite face is also pitted. It has a flat central zone, and concave areas towards each side. These concave areas are the remains of older circular pitted zones which have subsequently been pounded almost completely away. The two ends are naturally rounded and smooth, one is slightly convex, the other slightly concave. They are partly pitted and scarred, especially on the corners. A good example. Dimensions 15.7 x 11.8 x 6.7-4.6 cm. Face dimensions (1) 14.6 x 10.7; (2) 14.0 x 10.4 cm. Approx. diameter concave areas: (1) 13.6-10.0; (2) 9.5 & 10.1 cm. 2.54 kg.",2/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7001",51.00,"STONE","BASIN FRAG","Fragment of rectangular basin. Very worn piece of whitish oolitic limestone. Remnant stub of straight side wall, and flat interior base. Edge between wall and lower base is damaged. The exterior base is flat. Entire surface is pitted. Dimensions 21.03 x 15.0 x 7.1-4.65 (rim-inside base) cm.",25/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7001",52.00,"BITUMEN","CUP","Corner fragment of bitumen coating to cup or basket woven of palm-leaves. Parts of base and three sides extant. The interior and exterior of the cup has a smooth bitumen surface, with impressions of the inner cross-woven palm strips visible in between. Max. dimensions 11.9 x 9.9 x 4.0 cm. Extant dimensions of base interior 7.2 x 5.3 cm. Extant height interior 9.0 cm. Max. wall thickness 2.0 cm. Palm strip width 0.7-0.6 cm.",28/3/1999 00:00:00,,"Consolidated using Vinamul 6825 10% in distilled water, followed by Vinamul 10% & Klucel G (5:1)" "7001",53.00,"POTTERY","PIERCED SHERD","Pentagonal pierced sherd made from a ridged jar. Hole has been created from the inside of the pot sherd. Orange-red clay with numerous sub-angular quartz grains. Outside has mixed creamy-red slip. Dimensions 5.75 x 5.1 x 0.9 cm. Hole diameter 0.5-0.3 cm. 25.8 gm.",27/2/1999 00:00:00,, "7001",54.00,"FLINT","CORE/TOOL","Core or Pounder. Chunky heart-shaped nodule of unusual mottled pink and grey flint/chert (slightly coarse), with grey dimpled cortex. There is a large hollow on one end and one lower side. Cortex and some angled edges are pitted and scarred. Scars are large and appear well ordered. If core then is multi platformed, with most flakes struck off the cortex. Perhaps abandoned as unsuitable? Flakes are slightly hinged. Intact. Dimensions 7.3 x 6.55 x 4.7 cm. Last flakes L: 5.2 W: 3.7; L: 3.4 W: 3.5 cm.",6/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7001",55.00,"PLASTER","FRAGS","Fourteen pieces of dark grey, ashy plaster, with numerous carbonised vegetal inclusions and impressions. Largest dimensions 9.6 x 6.9 x 6.2 cm.",,,"Stored with 7001:02, not separately numbered. Approximately 50 fragments were discarded." "7002",1.00,"PLASTER","FRAGS","Fragments of burnt and ashy plaster. One dark grey soft ashy lump with numerous carbonised vegetal inclusions and impressions, and several hollow channels - perhaps made by animals. Dimensions 5.7 x 3.9 x 3.25 cm. Three lumpy irregular pieces of black-grey burnt plaster (extremely hard) with air-holes. Largest dimensions 12.4 x 9.55 x 4.9 cm.",14/3/1999 00:00:00,,"8 smaller pieces discarded." "7002",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","1 bivalve clam.",14/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7003",1.00,"PLASTER","RENDER FRAGS","Ten fragments of light grey plaster, presumably render, with numerous tiny inclusions. Mostly flat with one face sometimes showing application strokes and ridges. Three pieces are from corners, and two are thicker at the back where they were pushed between the stones of the wall. One has a small stone in it. Largest dimensions 20.0 x 18.0 x 1.9 cm. Thickest is 3.85 cm. 80 fragments discarded, 30 of which were large.",1/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7003",2.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Corner fragment of grindstone. Sub-square piece of light brown sandstone with small-to-medium sand grains. One face is worn concave, the other flat. They are both pitted. The extant sides are near vertical, the broken ones vertical and straight. Dimensions 17.5 x 17.5 x 6.55-2.5 cm.",3/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7003",3.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Fragment of grinder or grindstone. Sub- square corner fragment of light brown sandstone with fine sand grains. One face has been worn smooth and slightly convex. It is slightly pitted, more so towards the original centre. The other undulating face has been ground partly smooth. The original concave-convex sides are rounded. The broken sides are vertical. Dimensions 9.8 x 9.2 x 3.1 cm.",3/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7003",4.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed.",6/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7003",5.00,"BONE","BONES","Fish bone.",6/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7003",6.00,"POTTERY","BASE","Base only of jar or beaker. Burnt grey-brown clay, light weight, perhaps vegetable-tempered. Apparently unusual, but hard to assess what is result of burning. Present diameter 8.35 cm. Present height 3.15 cm.",27/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7004",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed. Unusual jaw frag with white teeth showing on both sides, ray?",6/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7004",2.00,"PLASTER","FRAG","Ashy plaster lump. Ovoid piece of dark grey soft ashy plaster with numerous carbonised vegetal inclusions and impressions. Dimensions 8.1 x 4.35 x 4.2 cm.",4/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7004",3.00,"STONE","CHOPPER","Large grinder or perhaps grindstone reused as large Chopper. Dense & heavy stone. Oval piece of light brown sandstone with small sand grains and occasional shell fragments and grit. One face has been worn fairly smooth and slightly convex, bending down especially at each end. The surface is pitted, with the zones closest to the edges smooth, with unidirectional striations running across the width of the stone. The opposite face is flattish with a concave area towards one end. It is entirely pitted. The extant side and the two ends are pitted and carefully shaped convex and vertical (not rounded). One side has been deeply scarred at an angle to the length (for chopping?). Despite being broken/reused is a good example. There are recent blotches of red, yellow and black paint(?) on the surface. Dimensions 29.7 x 18.0 x 4.3-5.95 cm. Extant side thickness 5.7 cm. Ends thickness 4.1-5.2 cm.",4/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7004",4.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder fragment. Sub-triangular piece of light brown sandstone with small sand grains. One face has been worn smoothish and slightly convex. It is pitted with smoother zones near the edges, which have unidirectional striations running perpendicular to the extant edge. The base is naturally undulating, being slightly concave near the extant edge. Latter is slightly concave and rounded, this part of the grinder being thinner than the original central areas. Dimensions 18.75 x 17.2 (perpendicular to edge) x 4.35-2.2 cm.",4/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7004",5.00,"COPPER","BLADE FRAG?","Piece of copper sheet, approximately square. One side broken, the others probably intact. Perhaps part of a blade. Dimensions 2.9 x 2.55 cm, 0.7 cm thick.",6/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7004",6.00,"BITUMEN","BEAD","Sub-spherical bead, with two flattened ends. Large central hole. Slightly worn and cracked surface with vegetable inclusions. Diameter 2.25-2.2; Length 1.8 cm. Hole diameter 0.8-0.6 cm. 6.0 gm.",6/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7004",7.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed.",6/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7004",8.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder. Ovoid piece of dark grey igneous stone, with small grains. Possibly Basalt or Dolerite. One face has been worn smooth and flat, curving downward at one corner. In the direction of this corner are fine unidirectional striations. There is slight pitting in the centre. The opposite face is slightly convex, very pitted and scarred. The sides are pitted and scarred, one being straight and flat, the other concave. The two trapezoidal, convex ends are entirely pitted, with some scarring on the edges. Dimensions 6.65 x 4.75-4.0 x 4.8 cm. Smoothed face 4.95 x 4.45 cm. Ends 4.9 x 4.0; 4.3 x 3.95 cm.",6/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7004",9.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pebble Pounder. Ovoid pebble of light grey limestone. One face is flattish, the other convex. One end is narrower and thinner than the other. The ends and one thinner side edge are partly scarred. Intact. Dimensions 4.4 x 2.6 x 2.4 cm. Weight 38.2 gm.",6/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7004",10.00,"FOSSIL ECHINOID","POUNDER","Fossil echinoid Pounder. Oval piece of light grey limestone with one convex and one flattish face. The convex surface is rough and pitted with an additional lump of stone on one side (fossil misshaped). The flat face has a central anus but is only slightly pitted. The rounded edges are scarred. Intact. Diameter 6.0 x 5.6 cm. Thickness 2.9 cm. 111.2 gm.",6/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7004",11.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pebble Pounder. Sub circular-triangular pebble of light grey limestone. Both faces are fairly flat, one is slightly convex. All the narrow rounded edges are pitted and slightly scarred. Intact. Dimensions 4.7 x 4.6 x 1.65 cm. 58.0 gm (gypsum on surface).",16/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7004",12.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Pebble Smoother/Pounder. Irregular ovoid pebble of light grey limestone. Surface weathered smooth. One face is convex, the other worn smooth and flat. The thinner, wide convex end and sides are partly pitted and scarred. The other end is thicker, facilitating handling. Intact, a good example. Dimensions 4.6 x 4.1 x 2.95-1.1 cm.",16/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7004",13.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pebble Pounder, possible Weight. Spherical piece of light grey limestone with one very flat face. Two side faces are almost flat. Entire surface pitted. Possibly originally a fossil? Intact, good example. Diameter 3.503.45 cm. Thickness (above flat face) 3.4 cm. Flat face 2.35 x 2.35 cm. 61.4 gm.",16/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7004",14.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Small grinder or fragment. Flat, sub-rectangular to triangular piece of compact purple sandstone with small grains. One face is flat, the other is slightly convex. One side is convex, the other is straight. One end is straight, the other convex and slightly scarred. Dimensions 5.55 x 4.85 x 2.55 cm.",16/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7004",15.00,"FOSSIL BIVALVE","POUNDER","Fossil bivalve used as Pounder. Parts of the convex faces are pitted. The sharp edges and the hinge are very scarred. Intact. Shell L: 4.9; W: 5.25; T: 3.5 cm.",16/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7004",16.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Lump of bitumen broken into two adjoining parts. One face is roughly convex, the other concave. One end is blunt, the other is narrow and convex. The bitumen has numerous hollows caused by linear vegetable (palm?) impressions. Dimensions 6.0 x 3.9 x 1.9 cm.",16/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7004",17.00,"STONE","GRINDER","End fragment of double-sided grinder. Splash of bitumen on one face and broken edge. Rectangular piece of light brown, small-grained sandstone. Originally a rectangular stone with straight, vertical sided and ends, and rounded corners. Both faces have been worn flat, with scattered pitting concentrated near the straight broken edge. The rest, especially beside the original edges are smooth. One face, the one which has been used the most, has fine unidirectional striations across the width of the tool (length of fragment). The other face has several striations running perpendicular to the first. Dimensions 17.5 x 12.5-8.4 x 3.6 cm.",6/5/1999 00:00:00,, "7005",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","2 bivalve clam.",14/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7005",2.00,"BONE","BONES","One mammal bone.",14/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7005",3.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Smoother. Sub oval piece of light grey limestone/mudstone with pronounced linear cleavage that runs approx. across the width of the stone. One face appears to have been worn smoother with traces of fine unidirectional striations running the length of the stone (i.e. perpendicular to the natural cleavage). The edges of the face are rounded. The opposite face is naturally slightly convex. The two sides are straight and vertical (good finger holds). The two convex ends are at angles to the sides. Unusual stone for this tool. Intact. Dimensions 6.95 x 5.75 x 3.2 cm. Smooth face 6.0 x 5.4 cm.",18/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7005",4.00,"PLASTER","RENDER FRAG","Rectangular piece of light grey plaster, presumably from wall or installation. One face is flat with the broken sides tapering to a flattish rough back. Numerous tiny pebble and other inclusions. Dimensions 9.2 x 5.95 x 3.4 cm.",18/3/1999 00:00:00,,"7005:6 stored here, not separately labelled" "7005",5.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Five fragments from the lining of a woven vessel. Both faces are smoothish (although now worn), while he interior shows impressions of both sides of cross-woven palm-leaf strips. Some vegetable inclusions. Largest dimensions 3.35 x 2.5 x 0.8 cm.",1/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7005",6.00,"PLASTER","FRAGS","Four small lumps of ashy plaster with numerous carbonised vegetal inclusions and impressions. Not measured.",,,"Stored with 7002:5 and not separately numbered." "7006",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed.",15/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7006",2.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder fragment. Possibly reused as Chopper. Almost diamond-shaped piece of dark grey, close grained igneous stone. Probably basalt. Extant convex face has been worn smooth and one broken edge is scarred (chopping?). The other broken faces are irregular. Dimensions 7.65 x 4.5 x 2.55 x cm. Possible chopping edge L: 5.4 cm.",13/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7006",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed.",15/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7007",1.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Large Pounder/Anvil fragment. Approx. 1/4 of a spherical or cubic cobble of light grey limestone, partly silicified, possibly dolomite. Parts of two extant convex faces are entirely pitted and slightly scarred. All the edges are scarred. Could have been used as a heavy chopper. The broken faces are flattish and join at right angles. Dimensions 15.15 x 10.5 x 8.3 cm.",15/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7007",2.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder. Sub-spherical nodule of mottled light and dark grey-brown flint, with thin, light grey cortex. Entire surface is pitted and abraded, with occasional scars near the rounded edges. The scars have created one flat face and a sloping flat one. Intact, a good example. Dimensions 5.15 x 5.0 x 4.95 cm.",15/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7007",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed.",15/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7007",4.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed. Two are burnt.",15/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7007",5.00,"PLASTER","RENDER FRAGS","Six pieces of light grey plaster from wall render or similar, with one flattish face. The back of the largest fragment is partly covered with dark grey ashy plaster. Numerous carbonised vegetal inclusions and impressions. Largest piece dimensions 23.0 x 12.5 x 2.3 cm.",15/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7007",6.00,"METAL","CAN","Discarded",15/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7007",7.00,"STONE","BASIN","Large basin or trough, about three-quarters extant. Sub-square, with rounded corners, made of a hollowed piece of whitish oolitic limestone. Broken into 2 large and 6 small fragments, all of which have a weathered appearance. Rim is flattish and uneven in height. The side walls are fairly vertical, but they are slightly convex/concave in plan. On the interior the base of the sides curve inward, and sweep out again to join a concave base. The bottom of the exterior sides angle more sharply to join a flattish base. The rim and the exterior sides have angled chisel marks which are partly obscured by grinding. The interior sides and base are very weathered, but may have been more carefully ground. The base has large shaping scars. The interior is covered in gypsum salt crystals, as are the fragment edges. Max. dimensions 42.5 x 29.0 (+) x 19.5 cm. Rim width 4.6-3.9 cm. Interior sides height 11.0 cm. Max. extant interior depth 14.0 cm.",15/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7007",8.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder fragment. Semicircular piece of dark grey, medium grained igneous stone. Possibly dolerite. One face has been worn smooth and slightly convex, slightly less than half has broken away. Fine multidirectional striations are visible on this face, the wear continuing slightly down at all the edges. The extant circumference/convex sides is entirely. The edges beside the two flattish broken faces are slightly scarred. Dimensions 11.5 x 7.65 x 4.55 cm. Smooth face 9.25 x 6.55(+) cm.",15/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7008",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed. Includes 3 worn oysters (not pearl) and 1 strombus. 2 bivalve clams have angled breaks: from where bashed open? One bivalve clam is burned.",20/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7008",2.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Slag/copper fragment. Irregular small lump with brown staining. Dimensions 1.2 x 0.65 x 0.6 cm.",14/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7008",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed, mostly fishbone, some burnt.",20/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7008",4.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Farush grindstone. Triangular slab of light grey-brown sandstone made up entirely of tiny gastropods and shell grit in a matrix of occasional sand grains. Numerous natural hollows and gaps. One face has been worn flat, with the upper zones of the shells etc smooth. There are hints of fine unidirectional striations running the length of the face. The lower zones are covered in a thick light brown residue (?), like honey. The opposite face is flat and naturally slightly undulating. It slopes up towards the other face near one rounded corner. The edges are roughly chopped off straight and near vertical. Dimensions 22.7 x 19.5 x 4.85-1.95 cm. Flat face 21.8 x 19 cm.",16/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7008",5.00,"STEATITE","SEAL","Circular stamp seal, of creamy steatite, glazed. Intact, in excellent condition. Edge: Failaka var. 1. Reverse standard. Obverse: Design: Recessed border with worn band of dogtooth decoration. In centre is rotating design of five horned animal heads with long ruffed necks joined at the centre by a circle. Diameter 2.64 cm; boss diameter 1.9 cm; thickness 1.24 cm. Creamy steatite. Glazed.",17/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7008",6.00,"PLASTER","RENDER FRAGS","Three small thin piece of worn light grey plaster, presumably from render. Both faces are flattish with thin worn edges. Largest dimensions 5.7 x 5.0 x 1.15 cm.",20/3/1999 00:00:00,,"7008:15 stored here, not separately labelled" "7008",7.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAG","Fragment from the bitumen lining to a woven vessel. One face is smoothish with dimples. The other has the impression of cross-woven palm leaf strips. The two other sides are crimped and short. Dimensions 3.5 x 2.95 x 1.2 cm. Strip width 0.5-0.7 cm.",20/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7008",8.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder or Hammer. Drop-shaped piece of light grey crystalline or sillicified limestone. Like chert. Both faces are flat and pitted. Both the pointed and the wide convex ends are very scarred from pounding. These scars continue up both the faces and the sides. Intact but well used. Dimensions 10.9 x 8.05 x 4.8 cm. Wide end length 8.1 cm.",20/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7008",9.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder made from corner fragment of a larger grinder, or a grindstone. Cuboid block of light brown, medium-grained sandstone. One face has been worn flat and smooth on the upper zones. There are fine unidirectional striations running at a slight angle to the length of the face. The surface is pitted, mostly with linear hollows which follow the cleavage of the rock (running lengthwise at an angle to the flat face). The opposite face (base) is convex. The two extant slightly convex edges (now one side and one end) slope gently down to the base. The convex end has white plaster adhering to it. The other two broken edges are vertical. Dimensions 11.8 x 8.1 x 6.55 cm. Flat face 10.15 x 7.3 cm.",20/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7008",10.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Thick, oval grinder. Intact. Light brown sandstone, with small-medium sand grains. One face has been worn flat, with most of the surface pitted, except near the edges, which are smooth with fine unidirectional striations running across the width of the face. Striations are also visible across the side edges. The opposite face is sloping (down from one end), slightly concave and pitted. Both faces have blobs of residual white plaster, thickest in the concave areas. One straight vertical side is thicker than the other bevelled convex side. Both ends are convex, one is thicker than the other. Dimensions 21.5 x 13.4 x 7.15-3.2 cm.",21/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7008",11.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder. Sub cubic/spherical nodule of mottled grey-brown flint, with remnant creamy-white cortex, and red-brown sub cortex. The surface is entirely pitted and lightly scarred. The opposing convex faces are partly abraded. Intact, a good example. Dimensions 5.40 x 5.35 x 5.05 cm.",21/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7008",12.00,"FLINT","CORE/TOOL","Chert. Core with 2 platforms, &/or possible Anvil/Large Pounder. Cuboid block of orange-brown chert, with mottled light-dark brown cortex. One face very flat with slightly pitted, naturally weathered surface. It has been used as a striking platform, or for edge pounding. The flake scars are continuous, being better formed on 2 edges with mainly feather and only a few stepped terminations. The other edges were perhaps tested only. The opposite face is convex. A large flake, with feather termination, has been removed from one half of the face by striking the convex end of the stone. This end has numerous scars and is slightly pitted (from pounding?). The other end is narrower and naturally concave. Intact, a good example. Dimensions 12.25 x 10.55 x 7.4 cm. Main platform 11.25 x 9.6 cm. Flake scars: from main 5.0 x 4.4; from end 7.0 x 7.45 cm. 1.54 kg.",21/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7008",13.00,"PLASTER","TRIPOD LEG","Oval lump of plaster: about half a 'leg' from a cooking tripod. Dark ashy plaster, with smooth exterior face and rougher concave interior. One end is convex (the top), the other is roughly straight (the base). There are numerous carbonised vegetal inclusions and impressions, including date pips. Max. dimensions 12.3 x 11.9 x 6.5 cm. Thickness of curved wall at base 5.25 cm.",21/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7008",14.00,"SHELL","PIERCED BIVALVE","Pearl oyster shell with large sub oval central hole. Shell L: 4.45; W: 4.6 cm. Hole 1.2 x 1.1 cm. 7.5 gm.",20/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7008",15.00,"PLASTER","FRAGS","Nine lumpy pieces of dark grey soft ashy plaster. Most have partly rounded edges, perhaps broken off from hand-moulded lumps. All have numerous carbonised vegetal inclusions and impression (grasses, palm?). Largest dimensions 9.0 x 7.45 x 4.0 cm.",,,"Stored with 7008:06, and not separately numbered." "7009",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Fishbone.",17/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7009",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","1 pearl oyster.",17/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7009",3.00,"STONE","DOMED LID","Lid, or possibly a smoother/abrader. Circular piece of whitish oolithic limestone, perhaps a reused or reshaped fragment. One face is flat, perhaps worn not shaped. The opposite face is slightly convex. The edges are scarred. Intact. Diameter 10.0-9.85 cm. Thickness 2.8-1.4 cm.",18/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7010",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed. Ashy deposit on some.",17/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7010",2.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Oval fragment, thin with two flat faces. Dimensions 1.25 x 0.8 x 0.25 cm.",17/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7011",1.00,"PLASTER","RENDER FRAGS","Four plaster fragments, perhaps from floor render. Irregular pieces of fairly soft, light brown sandy plaster with numerous tiny pebble inclusions. Both faces flattish. Largest dimensions 8. x 6.5 x 1.9 cm.",18/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7011",2.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder, also possible Anvil. Cuboid, slightly waisted, piece of dark grey, medium grained igneous stone. Possibly basalt or dolerite. One rectangular face has been worn flat and fairly smooth. There are traces of fine unidirectional striations across the width of the face, and possibly others down the length. The opposite face is flat and smooth near the edges, with a shallow circular pitted area in the centre. The two sides are concave and smooth, and are easy to grip for use. The two rectangular flat ends are pitted, and slightly bevelled around the edges due to scarring and pitting. One end is slightly bigger than the other. Intact, a good example. Dimensions 9.5 x 8.1-7.4 x 6.85-5.6 cm. Width at waist 6.65 cm. Faces: smooth 7.95 x 6.6 cm; pitted 7.95 x 6.55 cm. Pitted are diameter 2.9 cm. Ends: 8.15 x 6.8; 7.35 x 5.5 cm. Weight approx. 1.14 kg.",18/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7011",3.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder, well worn to smaller oval shape with one narrow end missing. Ovate/saddle type. One face has been worn slightly convex and smoothish. Although obscured by gypsum crystals, the face is pitted with smooth zones in between which have unidirectional striations running across the face, and the edge of the sides. The opposite face is convex, thicker at one straightish side than the other convex one. Once shaped, it is now worn. The extant end is narrow and blunt, the other end broken off straight. Dimensions 20.0+ x 12.75 x 4.1-1.3 cm.",18/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7011",4.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder, broken. 3/4 of sub ovoid piece of dark grey, medium grained igneous stone. Possibly dolerite or basalt. One circular face has been worn smooth and flat, with fine unidirectional striations running the length of the stone. It's edges are slightly scarred, with one corner broken away. The opposite face is irregular and very scarred, the convex sides are scarred and abraded. These surfaces have a worn appearance. Dimensions 7.4 x 6.9 x 4.4 cm. Flat face 6.8 x 6.55 cm.",18/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7011",5.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pebble Pestle, possible Smoother. Ovoid pebble of light grey limestone with naturally weathered smooth surface. Both ends are lightly pitted. One convex face is smoother than the rest perhaps not naturally. Alternatively the smoothness may be due to finger pressure during pestle use. Intact. Dimensions 4.7 x 3.0 x 2.35 cm. 52.7 gm.",18/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7012",1.00,"CLAY","SEALING?","Three small fragments of crumbly red-brown fired clay, possibly from sealings. Largest piece is sub-circular with one smooth face. No design. Dimensions 1.15 x 1.0 x 0.64 cm.",18/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7012",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Fishbone.",18/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7012",3.00,"CLAY","FRAGS","20 blocky fragments of natural clay. Light green-cream coloured, with yellow mottles. No inclusions. Largest 4.05 x 3.15 x 1.5 cm.",18/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7012",4.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed.",18/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7013",1.00,"STONE","TOOL/WEIGHT","Smoother, possible Weight. Spherical cobble, with two flattened faces, of crystalline (silicified) limestone. Carefully made with one flattish circular face and the wide circumference entirely lightly pitted. The latter is partly ground or abraded. The other circular face is worn slightly convex and is smooth. There are vague fine multidirectional striations visible perpendicular to the edges. Intact, an excellent example. Diameter 6.5-6.2 cm. Thickness 5.95 cm. 313.6 gm.",6/5/1999 00:00:00,, "7015",1.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder made from fragment of grindstone. Sub-cuboid piece of mixed, dark grey, coarse grained igneous stone, with numerous whitish and other inclusions. Possible gabbro or dolerite, too coarse to be a smoother. One extant face (upper) has been worn concave, the opposite is flat. Both have scattered pitting, with the concave face having fine unidirectional striations at an angle to the length of the face. The extant side is vertical with shallow vertical chisel marks. At the top is rounded and scarred. One broken side and end are irregular. The other is flattish with the higher zones worn partly smooth, with fine unidirectional striations running across corner to corner. Dimensions 5.9 x 4.6 x 5.15 (thickness) cm. Smoothed face 6.1 x 5.85 cm; max length of wear following striation direction 6.5 cm.",23/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7015",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed.",23/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7015",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed including oyster (not pearl).",23/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7018",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed, mostly mammal (sheep sized). One mammal long bone has butchery cut marks.",31/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7018",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed.",31/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7018",3.00,"PLASTER","RENDER FRAGS","Three irregular, worn pieces of light grey plaster, presumably render. One face is smooth and flattish, the other has impression of surface laid on. Largest dimensions 8.0 x 7.8 x 1.5 cm.",31/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7018",4.00,"STONE","CHOPPER","Pebble Chopper, possibly on a tool fragment. 1/4 oval-shaped pebble (?) of dark grey igneous stone, possibly basalt. Triangular in long section with very rounded edges. Two main faces and straight side are worn naturally smooth. The thin convex edge is deeply scarred, as are the three angled edges of the straight flat side. Intact? L: 4.4; W: 4.55; T: 2.8 cm. Convex edge 4.55 x 1.1 cm. Side edges L: 4.15; 3.18; 2.85 cm.",31/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7018",5.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Slightly tapered cuboid piece of light grey limestone. Two flattish faces and one side are very scarred from percussion of ends and edges. The other side and the two ends are entirely pitted. One rectangular end is slightly convex and is wider than the trapezoidal flat end. Dimensions 7.45 x 5.45-4.4 x 5.35-4.3 cm.",31/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7018",6.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Heavy grinder, intact. Oval slab of light brown farush sandstone with fine sand grains and numerous small pieces of shell, which increase in number towards the convex face. One face is worn flat and smooth with very visible unidirectional striations running across the width of the face. In between are scattered pitted patches. The opposite face is slightly convex and naturally undulating, with numerous gypsum crystals. One side is less convex than the other. Both are rounded with perpendicular wear marks. One end is nearly straight, the other is convex and slightly burnt. Dimensions 21.5 x 17.5 x 5.0-4.4 cm.",31/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7019",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Fishbone.",31/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7019",2.00,"PLASTER","RENDER FRAG","Triangular white plaster fragment from lining to wall or installation. One face is flat, the other irregular with impression of the surface it once adhered to. Dimensions 9.4 x 6.9 x 1.55 cm.",31/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7019",3.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Smoother. Sub ovoid cobble of dark grey, medium grained igneous stone. Possibly dolerite. Trapezoidal in section with rounded edges. Both circular ends are flat, possibly shaped, and lightly pitted. Two oval faces have been worn smooth and flat. Faint fine unidirectional striations visible across the width of the larger flat face, and at an angle across the other. All the rounded edges are pitted. One face is deeply scarred. Intact, a good example. Dimensions 8.55 x 8.3 x 8.0 cm. Oval faces 6.8 x 5.9; 6.5 x 5.0 cm. 1.13 kgs.",31/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7019",4.00,"POTTERY","SHERDS","Group of sherds, not separately described.",4/5/1999 00:00:00,,"Stored with un-numbered pottery from same context." "7019",5.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","2 pearl oyster.",31/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7027",1.00,"STONE","BASIN","Rectangular basin, broken into fragments. Straight-sided walls with worn, originally flattish rim, with traces of grinding on it. On the inside the bottoms of the walls curve gently to a flat, slightly concave base. On the outside the bottoms of the walls turn more abruptly to a flat base. Although worn, there are traces of chisel marks and large shaping scars on the surface of the walls and base. One side and end have horizontal chisel marks below the rim, and vertical marks below, this arrangement reversed with the other side and end. Rim 43.0 x 24.5 (exterior); 36.5 x 2.0 (interior) cm. Base 43.5 x 2.7 cm. Height 16.0-13.5 cm. Max. interior depth at edge 11.0, at centre 12.0 cm.",18/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7027",2.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Intact dressed block of whitish oolitic limestone reused first as a mortar or door-socket, then as a grindstone and possible mortar. Square block with shaping scars and sloping chisel marks on the four flat rectangular sides. The upper square face (when found) is slightly concave with occasional linear chisel marks and unidirectional striations parallel to one edge. There are several small pitted areas scattered across the face, perhaps not natural. The lower square face is flat with an oval pitted concave zone towards one corner. The rest of the face is partly pitted with remnant shallow shaping scars. The two faces, especially the lower one, are partly covered with gypsum crystals, obscuring details. Max. dimensions 33.8 x 33.0 x 12.1-9.5 cm. Upper face 33.8-32.5 x 32.5-31.8 cm. Lower face 34-33 x 33.0-30.8 cm. Oval zone (lower face) approx. 18.0 x 15.0 cm. Depth of concave face 1.6 cm. Depth of pitted oval 1.7 cm.",18/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7027",3.00,"POTTERY","RIDGED JAR","Rim and neck rim of ridged jar, broken into two joining sherds. Pink clay, darker core, fine sandy temper, cream surfaces. Rim bevelled to outside and rounded off. Neck flares slightly to shoulder, which is straight and flaring. Three shallow encircling ribs preserved on shoulder. Interior at shoulder has smudge of dark residue, possibly bitumen. Rim diameter in 11.5-11.0; out 12.4 cm. Extant height 8.0 cm. Max. present width at broken shoulder 19.0 cm.",19/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7027",4.00,"POTTERY","JAR BASE","Jar base. Base and part of lower body of ribbed jar. Soft pink clay, surface buff in, black patches out. Circular white inclusions. Body tapers to neat flat base. Encircling shallow ribs, worked as a spiral. Preserved height 10.9 cm. Base diameter 8.6 cm.",19/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7027",5.00,"PLASTER","PIERCED DISC","Pierced discoid object made from light grey plaster. Both faces convex, one smoother than the other. The rim is thick and rounded, with scarring all around the circumference, especially on two opposite sides. The central hole is large, made, according to its impression, with a palm frond. Rims worn. Diameter 9.15 cm. Thickness 4.95-4.7 cm.",18/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7027",6.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Smoother. Possible weight? Cubic cobble of dark grey, close grained igneous stone. Probably basalt. The two opposing faces are flat, the largest one (main) is circular, the other rectangular. They are worn smooth with scattered light pitting near the centre. The main face is especially smooth, but there are no visible striations, nor any edges worn more than the other (multidirectional?). One flat side has a worn circular area, slightly concave, similar to the smaller face. The other side is deeply scarred with smooth upper zones. The light smoothing on the sides may be due to finger wear when tool held and used. The two convex ends are oval and carefully ground/abraded. One is very smooth in the centre. Intact, a good example. Dimensions 6.75 x 6.35 x 5.6-4.8 cm. Smooth faces: main4.5 x 4.35; other 3.75 x 3.4 cm. Side smooth area 3.0 x 2.95 cm. End smooth area 3.8 x 3.0 cm. 443.5 gm.",18/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7027",7.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Spherical nodule of light grey limestone, partly silicified. Entire surface is deeply pitted and slightly scarred. Intact, a good example. Diameter 5.7-5.55 cm. Thickness 5.2 cm. 216.9 gm.",18/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7027",8.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder. Sub square-oval large pebble of dark grey, medium grained igneous stone, with large oval whitish inclusions. Possibly porphyritic Basalt or dolerite. Surface weathered smooth. One squarish face has bee worn flat, with fine unidirectional striations across the width. One side is straight, the other is convex. Both oval convex ends are scarred, one more than the other and partly up one side. Intact, a good example. Unusual stone, similar to 7027:20. Dimensions 6.65 x 5.65 x 3.45 cm. Smoothed zone 4.8 x 4.15 cm. Scarred areas on ends (and side) 5.7 x 3.5; 4.75 x 3.05 cm.",18/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7027",9.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder with bitumen adhering to flattish face and down all sides (bitumen below tool which lay on floor). Tapered cuboid cobble of dark grey, medium grained igneous stone. Possibly dolerite. One face is convex, the other is roughly flat. They are both entirely pitted. One straight side has been worn flat and smooth in between pitting. It is too worn to show striations. The oval convex side and ends are entirely pitted and lightly scarred. One end is larger than the other, and slopes down to the convex face. Intact. Dimensions 10.0 x 8.6-3.6 x 5.55-4.65 cm.",18/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7027",10.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Large Pounder. Tapered cuboid cobble of light grey limestone. One face convex, with central pitted zone, which has caused deep scars on either side. The opposite face is slightly concave and pitted, with deep scars across the surface from edge and end percussion. The smaller and larger oval ends are entirely pitted, with scarred edges. One side is slightly convex and pitted. The other is straighter and scarred. Intact, a good example. Dimensions 12.4 x 9.25-5.75 x 7.6-4.5 cm.",18/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7027",11.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder. Ovoid nodule of brown-grey mottled flint, with thick creamy cortex. Several areas are pitted and scarred, but the surface is still mostly cortex. The main areas are the two oval convex ends, with one contributing to deep scarring on one face which has also been pounded. There are three other small pounded oval zones, one on the other face, and on the two sides. Intact, a good example. Dimensions 7.55 x 7.3 x 5.85 cm. End zones 6.35 x 2.75; 5.8 x 3.5 cm. Opposite face zone 2.7 x 2.2 cm. Side zones 2.9 x 2.5; 3.1 x 2.1 cm. 456.7 gm.",18/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7027",12.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder/Chopper. Sub ovoid piece of grey chert, with red-brown mottles and creamy cortex. Both oval faces are deeply scarred from edge percussion, one slopes down towards the other at the thinner end (due to scarring). The sides are slightly convex and scarred on the edges. The two ends are convex, the thinner one could have provided a good chopping edge. Both ends are pitted, scarred and slightly abraded. Intact. Dimensions 7.3 x 5.65 x 3.6-1.2 cm. Ends: thin 4.5 x 2.5-1.2; thicker 5.45 x 3.55-2.6 cm.",18/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7027",13.00,"FOSSIL ECHINOID","TOOL","Echinoid fossil used as Pounder/Chopper and possible Smoother. Oval piece of light grey limestone. The convex face is too worn to show fossil markings but the flat face has a central anus. The convex face is pitted in the centre and scarred around the edges, especially at one end. The flat face is very pitted and scarred in the centre and near the edges. The rest is worn very flat and smooth but with no visible striations. Intact, a good example. Diameter 6.7-6.1 cm. Thickness 2.7 cm.",19/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7027",14.00,"STONE","TOOL/WEIGHT","Smoother, Possible Weight. Spherical, with two flattened faces, large pebble of dark grey, fine-medium grained igneous stone. Possibly basalt or dolerite. Carefully shaped, entire surface is lightly pitted, except for central oval zone on the flat base which is slightly smooth, but with no visible striations. Intact, a good example. From floor. Diameter 5.65-5.5 cm. Thickness 4.4 cm. Smooth face diameter approx. 3.4-3.0 cm. 233.6 gm.",19/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7027",15.00,"STONE",,"Pounder, possibly broken Pestle, reused as Smoother. Tapering trapezoidal piece of dark grey, close grained igneous stone. Probably basalt. The small convex oval end is extant. It is pitted and abraded, with scarring from its percussion invasive up the faces and sides. The faces, one convex, the other flattish, as well as the two rounded sides are present. All are scarred from end and edge percussion. The larger end has broken off at an angle. The flattish face and the broken end have subsequently been worn smooth on the upper zones. For both there are very fine unidirectional striations across the width. Dimensions 6.35 x 7.05-4.6 x 4.35-3.15 cm. Wear: smooth face 5.55 x 5.55 cm; end 4.6 x 3.05 cm.",19/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7027",16.00,"POTTERY","SHERDS","Group of sherds, not further described.",19/4/1999 00:00:00,,"Stored with un-numbered pottery from same context." "7027",17.00,"PLASTER","DOMED LID","Small light grey plaster lid, poorly made, one face convex, the other flat in the centre and roughly bevelled to the rim. One irregular edge (worn break). Convex face (with deep cracks) has wiggly raised lines, possibly made when removed from wet palm of hand. Diameter 6.3-5.8 cm. Thickness 1.85 cm.",19/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7027",18.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Smoother. Sub ovoid nodule of light grey, slightly silicified, limestone. Narrow convex face (back) and one side, and the other straight side and two ends have been entirely pitted, presumably to shape tool. The opposite face is now almost square (originally oval) and worn very convex by long term use, curving down at each end. The wear is longest at opposite corners of each end (creating the square shape), with fine striations running predominantly in this direction. There are other similar striations perpendicular to and beside the straight side edges. The two side faces and one end have been briefly used for smoothing (upper zones only), with vague multidirectional striations visible. The pitting of the surface perhaps continued during use as it is very concentrated on the back and centre of the ends, slightly scarring the smooth face edges. Intact, an excellent example. Dimensions 6.95 x 6.65 x 5.75 cm. Smooth face square shape: 6.65 x 6.65 cm; in main striation direction 7.35 x 7.8 cm. Smooth areas: sides 6.15 x 4.65; 4.9 x 4.75 cm; end 3.8 x 3.15 cm. Smooth face convexity (striation L x W) 5.4 x 1.3 cm. 424.6 gm.",19/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7027",19.00,"STONE","CHOPPER","Pebble Chopper. Oval pebble of light grey limestone, with pronounced horizontal cleavage and weathered smooth surface. Both faces are flat, one is mostly obscured by gypsum crystals. The other appears worn or slightly pitted. One convex end is deeply scarred. Intact. Dimensions 3.05 x 3.1 x 1.3 cm. Scarred end L: 3.2 cm.",19/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7027",20.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Sub ovoid cobble of dark grey, close grained igneous stone, with medium-large whitish inclusions. Possibly porphyritic basalt. There is pronounced cleavage planes running the length of the tool and perpendicular to the main oval faces. Perhaps heat affected (scarring is angular). Main faces are slightly concave and weathered smooth. One side is straight and flat, the other convex and sloping. The smaller end is straight, the other slightly convex. Both ends and one side are very pitted and scarred, the scarring invasive up the faces and convex side. Intact. Unusual stone, but similar to 7027:8. Dimensions 8.8 x 6.15 x 4.0 cm. Ends 5.05 x 3.65; 4.25 x 3.3 cm.",19/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7027",21.00,"STONE","TOOL/WEIGHT","Smoother or Weight. Sub spherical, with one flat face, large pebble of dark grey, medium grained igneous stone. Possibly basalt or dolerite. Carefully made, the entire surface is lightly pitted, except for small circular face which is very smooth and flat. The flat face may be the naturally weathered surface and there are no visible striations. There is an angled crack across the convex side, and a few scattered scars. A good example. Diameter 5.8-5.65 cm. Thickness 4.85 cm. 272.5 gm.",19/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7027",22.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder. Sub ovoid nodule of light grey, silicified limestone. Narrow convex face (back), and two convex ends are entirely pitted. The two sloping sides are scarred from edge percussion. The main oval face has been worn convex and smooth with fine unidirectional striations running the width of the tool. Subsequently the ends and the edges of the smoothed face has been scarred through percussion. Intact, a good example. Dimensions 6.7 x 6.1 x 6.0 cm. Smooth face (L x W) 5.9 x 5.7 cm. Convexity (striation L x W) 1.4 x 0.6 cm. 364.2 gm.",19/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7027",23.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder. Sub circular nodule of mottled dark brown-light grey flint, with small remnant of creamy-white cortex on one face. One face is convex with a central ridge, the opposite is flat and comparatively smooth. They are both pitted and scarred. The circumference is indented from large scars on three sides (like a rounded triangle), the resulting rounded corners are abraded smooth above some pitting. Intact, an interesting example. Dimensions 6.55 x 6.4 x 4.95 cm.",19/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7027",24.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pebble Pounder. Triangular weathered piece of light grey limestone with pronounced horizontal cleavage. Both faces are flat, the edges and corners are rounded. Parts of the surface, especially the edges are pitted. Dimensions 5.2 x 3.4 x 2.5 cm.",19/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7027",25.00,"STONE","CHOPPER","Pebble Chopper. Sub triangular pebble of light grey limestone with weathered smooth surface and small natural hollows. The thin convex edges are scarred. The stone is thickest near unscarred edges. Dimensions 3.6 x 2.8 x 1.9 cm. Main scarred edge L: 3.35 cm.",19/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7027",26.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pebble Pestle, possible Smoother. Ovoid naturally weathered pebble of milky white quartz. The two faces are slightly convex. The larger one has a linear scar and was possibly used for smoothing, the other is slightly pitted near one side. The smaller oval end is scarred, the larger end less so. Intact. Dimensions 5.6 x 3.9 x 3.05 cm. 99.3 gm.",19/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7027",27.00,"STONE","CHOPPER","Pebble Chopper. Oval flattish pebble of light grey limestone, slightly crystalline or silicified. One face is slightly convex, the other is slightly concave. Three of the four slightly convex thin edges (one side, two ends) are scarred. The tool bulges near the other edge. Intact, a good example. Dimensions 4.75 x 4.1 x 2.1-1.0 cm. 56.9 gm.",19/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7027",28.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pebble Pounder. Sub ovoid-tapered piece of dark grey, medium grained igneous stone. Possibly basalt or dolerite. One face is flat, the other is convex. Both are slightly scarred. The thick sides and ends are pitted, scarred and abraded. Possibly on a tool fragment. Dimensions 4.35 x 3.6-2.3 x 2.9 cm.",19/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7027",29.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pebble Pounder. Elongated ovoid pebble of light grey limestone, with fine crimson veins. Surface has weathered smooth and dull. One face is convex, the opposite is flat. Both are entirely pitted. The sides are slightly indented towards the straight end, and are very smooth, possibly from finger wear (nice to hold here). The flat and the convex ends are entirely pitted. There is a thin crimson stain, possible residue, on the flat face. Intact, a good example. Dimensions 5.15 x 2.5 x 2.4 cm.",19/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7027",30.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Fragment of grindstone. Triangular piece of light brown sandstone with fine sand grains. One face has been worn slightly concave. It is pitted with smooth upper zones with vague fine unidirectional striations running the length of the face. The opposite face is irregular and slopes up toward the thin convex extant edge. Adhering to its surface are small fragments of plaster and ash. The two broken edges are irregular. Dimensions 19.3 x 11.7 x 6.1-1.2 cm.",19/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7027",31.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Oval grindstone made of a thin slab of light grey-brown farush sandstone. It contains small shells (mainly gastropod) and grit in matrix of fine grained sand (more sand than shell). There are numerous hollows in the worn concave face, with smooth areas in between having fine unidirectional striations running the length of the face. One extant straight end is higher than the rest, forming an informal ridge. The face slopes down towards the thin convex end. The opposite face is flat and naturally undulating. The two sides are angled and broken near the narrow end. Dimensions 18.3 x 15.8 x 4.4-2.4 cm.",19/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7027",32.00,"COPPER","OBJECT?","Tiny arrowhead-shaped piece of copper. Both sides flattish, with one being more lumpy and convex. One pointed tip, the other end like a little narrow tang. Dimensions 1.85 x 1.2 x 0.75 cm. Tang L: 0.3; W: 0.6 cm. Found under pot 7027:4.",19/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7027",33.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Worn fragment of grinder or grindstone. Flat faced piece of light brown sandstone. One face is very flat, perhaps the original use surface. The other is flat with scattered pitting. The edges are scarred. Dimensions 9.85 x 7.55 x 2.25 cm.",18/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7031",1.00,"FOSSIL BIVALVE","CHOPPER","Bivalve Fossil used as Pebble Chopper. Light grey limestone with vague impressions of radiating shell marks on the convex faces. Parts of these faces are lightly pitted, with percussion more concentrated on the sharply angled edges and hinge on the circumference. The main worked area is almost opposite the hinge resulting in an oval pitted and scarred zone. Intact, a good example. Shell L: 4.6; W: 4.65; T: 3.2 cm.",4/5/1999 00:00:00,, "7050",1.00,"PLASTER","RENDER FRAGS","Nine pieces of light grey plaster, from render to wall, ceiling or installation. Mostly with one face flat and smoother than the other, which has impressions of stones, etc, on which the plaster is laid. Some have finger furrows, one white lump is very worn. The largest pieces still have some of the stones attached. (1) One has a flat outer face which is made from a white, finer grade plaster. Two other pieces (2) are smaller. Two fragments (3) are curved, one perhaps part of a corner (wall or ceiling) or even part of a basin. The inner surface of this is made from a slightly darker plaster, and shows furrowed finger marks. (4) One dark grey plaster fragment forms a thin right-angle, perhaps coming from an edge of a bench. (5) Two joining door jamb pieces are semicircular in section, one with a very flat end. The plaster is moulded around and includes small stones. They both have a slightly flattened area with short deeper horizontal marks (like rungs) running down the top of the convex face. This is presumably an impression of the door post, perhaps made of reed or a pole with rope/palm leaf strips wrapped around it (see also 7052:1) These marks are irregular in width and distance between. Dimensions (1) 30.0 x 25.0 x 9.5 cm; (2) 13.85 x 10.75 x 2.8; 8.6 x 8.6 x 1.8 cm; (3) 27.0 x 22.0 x 11.0; 18.0 x 12.5 x 9.5 cm; (4) 8.6 x 4.7 x 4.1 cm; thickness 1.5-0.75 cm; (5) Total 22.1 x 13.4-11.6 x 4.6 cm. Approx. 150 fragments discarded.",11/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7050",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed.",11/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7050",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed. One mammal bone is burnt.",11/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7050",4.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Fragment of grindstone. Worn. Light brown sandstone with small-to-medium sand grains. Part of thick, chunky, straightish rim extant, sloping slightly down at the top towards the interior. The inner side of the rim forms a short, concave wall, which then curves gently towards a sloping inner base. The surface has worn smoothish, with unidirectional striations running parallel to the rim. This surface has broken off not far from the rim and has a scarred thin edge with well worn surface. The outside of the rim is near vertical but worn. The lower edge is rounded, the base is flat. Extant L: 12.2; W: 10.25; T: 5.7-2.3-0.9 (rim-interior base below rim-broken base edge) cm. Width of rim 4.75- 6.35 (top-interior base) cm.",11/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7050",5.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Coarse grinder. Oval/ovoid chunk of farush limestone, with numerous small shells and fragments (mostly tiny gastropod). The matrix is minimal and comprises mixed sand grains. One face has been worn flat, with smoothed upper zones having fine unidirectional striations at a slight angle to the width of the face. On this face and partly down the sides is a brown honey-like substance (gypsum?). The other face is steeply convex, with one side scarred straightish, perhaps to facilitate holding. Dimensions 11.4 x 9.5 x 6.05 cm.",4/5/1999 00:00:00,, "7050",6.00,"POTTERY","INCISED JAR FRA","A few fragments from an incised jar. Most of neck, sherd from shoulder, 3 other possible related sherds. Hard-fired pink clay, good buff slip, fine sandy temper. Wheel-thrown. Vertical neck. Top edge perhaps deliberately cut or filed down. Shoulder fragment has pattern of opposing diagonal lines made with a two-pronged comb, forming a pattern of diamond-shapes with double edges. Area of design bordered by a single incised line, separating it from a blank area. Fabric and design compatible with Uruk types, but too poorly preserved for any degree of certainty. Top of neck diameter approx. 9.0 cm. Preserved height of neck 4.0 cm. Shoulder sherd dimensions 4.8 x 4.2 cm.",6/5/1999 00:00:00,, "7051",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","One pearl oyster with recent hole.",8/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7051",2.00,"POTTERY","PIERCED SHERDS","Two shaped body sherds, probably from same jar, each with drilled hole. Orange-brown fabric with numerous rounded quartz, and occasional white inclusions. Pink-red slip out. (1) Sub-oval with two pointed ends, central hole. Dimensions: 6.3 x 4.6; hole diameter: 0.6 cm. (2) Broken sub-square with part of hole at edge. Dimensions: 3.35 x 3.2; hole diameter 0.6 cm.",8/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7051",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed.",8/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7051",4.00,"PLASTER","RENDER FRAGS","Two flat pieces of light grey plaster, presumably from render to wall, ceiling or installation. One face is slightly smoother than the other. Both have two coats, the top one (set coat) is a finer grade and paler. Largest dimensions 11.85 x 9.1 x 1.8 cm.",8/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7052",1.00,"PLASTER","RENDER FRAGS","Nine pieces of light grey plaster, presumably from render. For most, one face is flat and smoother than the other, which has impressions of stones, etc, on which the plaster is laid. (1) One has linear concave impressions of palm fronds/reeds (ceiling). Three pieces are curved. (2) Two of these are door jamb pieces which are semicircular in section, with a concave back. They both have a slightly flattened area with short deeper horizontal marks (like rungs) running down the top of the convex face. This is presumably an impression of the door post, perhaps made from a pole with rope or palm frond strips wrapped around it (see also 7050:1). The width of the rungs and distance between is irregular. Four pieces have darker hard plaster as the lowest coat. Several have different plaster coats. (3) Largest kept is rectangular and regular with two flat faces. It looks like a floor tile with two broken corners. Dimensions (1) 5.9 x 5.65 x 3.1 cm. Width of hollows 2.0-1.5 cm. (2) 10.7 x 9.25 x 2.3; 9.1 x 7.8 x 1.9 cm; (3) Largest dimensions 21.0 x 17.0 x 2.65-2.0 cm. Approx. 70 fragments discarded.",8/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7052",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed.",8/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7052",3.00,"BONE","TUSK","Tusk, possibly boar. Curved, oval in section. Surface partly peeled off. L: 4.9; W: 1.45; T: 1.0 cm.",8/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7052",4.00,"FLINT","FLAKE","Flake possibly off Pounder. Utilised? Trihedral flake of mid brown flint. Scarred triangular platform, stepped termination. Previous flakes struck of the dorsal face from the proximal end. No retouch although very slight wear near centre of straight, steep sided lateral edge. L: 3.85; W: 2.55; T: 0.95 cm.",8/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7053",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed.",11/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7053",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed, one is burnt.",11/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7053",3.00,"PLASTER","RENDER FRAGS","Three flat pieces of light grey plaster, presumably from render to wall, ceiling or installation. One face is slightly smoother than the other. The largest is worn. Largest dimensions 8.8 x 7.85 x 2.2 cm.",11/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7053",4.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Chopper/Pounder. Slightly waisted, rectangular cobble of dark grey, fine grained igneous stone. Possibly basalt. Triangular in section as it is thicker at one end (butt), and thinner at the other (bit). One face is slightly concave with the original smooth weathered surface scarred at the edges. The other face is slightly convex and is almost totally scarred. The scarring comes mainly form percussion of the 'bit', as well as the two sides and the edges 'butt'. A large scar towards the 'butt' end of the thicker side may be to facilitate hafting, and corresponds to a natural concavity on the other side (waisted). Intact, a good example. L: 9.9-9.4; W: 7.5-6.9; T: 5.3-2.1 cm. Bit edge L: 7.0 cm. Butt dimensions 7.1 x 5.3 cm.",11/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7053",5.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pebble Pounder. Elongated, slightly pointed ovoid pebble of light grey limestone. Surface has weathered smooth. One face is convex, the other is flat. The rounded edges are partly pitted, concentrated at the ends. Intact. Dimensions 3.8 x 2.2 x 1.85 cm. 17.1 gm.",11/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7054",1.00,"PLASTER","RENDER FRAGS","Two flat pieces of light grey plaster, presumably from render to wall, ceiling or installation. One face is slightly smoother than the other. Both are worn. Largest dimensions 6.3 x 4.8 x 1.1 cm.",11/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7054",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed.",11/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7054",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed, including murex and strombus, one of which has hole opposite the opening.",11/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7054",4.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder. Spherical nodule of mottled grey flint, with creamy white cortex on one of the two flat faces and part of the side. The wide circumference is entirely pitted and scarred. The percussion of the edges has caused invasive scarring on each face. Intact. Diameter 6.55-6.35 cm. Thickness 5.5 cm.",11/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7054",5.00,"FLINT","FLAKE","Utilised Flake. Wide winged flake of brown flint with creamy cortex and red-brown sub cortex on the right side. Plain platform, hinged termination, plunging at the right side. Previous flake scar seen on dorsal face struck from the same platform. The straight distal edge and the convex lateral (wing) edge have discontinuous retouch/usewear. Intact. L: 4.4; W: 5.0; T: 0.5 cm. R/U lengths: distal 4.3; lateral 2.0 cm.",11/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7054",6.00,"STONE","SAMPLE","Haematite or burnt material. Heavy. Small ovoid lump of black stone which rubs off easily onto the fingers. Dimensions 1.25 x 1.2 x 1.1 cm. Magnet test not done.",11/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7057",1.00,"PLASTER","RENDER FRAGS","Two flat pieces of light grey plaster, presumably from render to wall, ceiling or installation. One face is slightly smoother than the other. Both are worn. The largest has worn linear impressions, perhaps of palm. Largest dimensions 5.9 x 4.3 x 1.5 cm.",17/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7057",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed including an enormous pearl oyster shell with thick and glossy mother of pearl interior (showing shellfish silhouette). The exterior has groups of tiny holes (some occupied) in the centre. The flaking convex edge and the straight edge of the hinge are worn with a slightly nibbled appearance. Utilised? The shell exterior surface adjacent to the hinge is worn off. Shell L: 12.9; W: 12.8; T: 1.9 (at hinge) cm. Length edges convex: 15.1; straight 9.3 cm. From Fill.",17/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7057",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed.",17/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7057",4.00,"FLINT","SCRAPER","Scraper on slightly convex edge. Good quality dark brown flint with banded creamy-grey cortex. Cortical platform (corner) and hinge termination. Previous flakes seen on the dorsal face struck off the same platform, and before then from somewhere off the left distal end (two deep hinge hollows on present wide distal edge). The distal tip is broken. The steep left lateral edge is slightly convex and has discontinuous unifacial retouch/usewear. L: 3.15; W: 1.35; T: 1.4 cm. R/U on edge L: 1.7 cm.",17/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7057",5.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","One large and eight small fragments from the lining of a woven vessel. Thicker than normal, they all have one smoothish face (mostly convex), and the other showing cross woven palm- leaf strips. The largest fragment appears to have a zigzag pattern. Dimensions 5.95 x 3.7 x 1.0 cm. Strip width 0.5-0.7 cm.",17/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7057",6.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Wiggly, almost key-shaped flat piece of copper. Larger rounded end has central hollow, the rest is narrower and straight. Each end is slightly indented. One face very flat, the other has two lumps. Dimensions 2.95 x 1.5 x 0.5 cm.",17/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7057",7.00,"COPPER","HOOK","Two fragments (joining) from shaft and beginning of curved hook, the rest broken off (the end of the shaft recently). Circular in section. Max extant L: 4.4 cm. Diameter of shaft 0.5 (0.3 without patina) cm.",17/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7057",8.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Fragment of grinder, or possibly of grindstone. Sub-cuboid fragment of light brown sandstone, triangular in section. One extant rectangular face has been worn flat and smoothish, with vague unidirectional striations across the width. The face also is pitted near the edges. One side and one end may be part of an original corner. Both ends and the broken side are pitted and scarred. Dimensions 10.15 x 6.05-4.2 x 4.85-4.1 cm.",17/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7057",9.00,"STONE","CHOPPER","Chopper. Drop-shaped or triangular, flat tile piece of banded crimson, dark grey, crimson and cream coloured, medium grained igneous stone. Fairly chunky. Possibly a sill or dyke fragment of basalt or dolerite? The piece has weathered smooth, with both sides flat and the extant edges slightly rounded. One end is narrow, the other is wide. Both faces have a scattering of light pitting, especially near the long side edges. Both the ends are deeply scarred with percussion concentrated on the edges of the crimson face. The straight side is also scarred on both faces. Intact, a very good example. Unusual stone. Dimensions 10.6 x 6.5 x 2.5 cm.",17/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7057",10.00,"STONE","PEBBLE","Possibly utilised. Oval flat pebble of dark grey, close grained stone with milky white quartz vein. Possibly igneous - basalt? Surface weathered very smooth. The two faces are almost (finger?) polished near the centres. There is a small scar on the narrow, rounded circumference which is perhaps not natural. It is an attractive pebble. Intact. Diameter 2.85-2.7 cm. Thickness 0.9 cm. 10.9 gm.",17/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7057",11.00,"IVORY","WORKED","Rectangular piece of ivory (?), with paler outer part and denser inner part. Presumably cut from tusk with convex outer face. This face is slightly flaking with several shallow cut-marks near the edges, some pitting and a few brown stains. The opposite face is flat with shallow irregular hollows. The two sides have been sawn straight and vertical. The two ends are thin, the convex face curving down to the edges. One end is damaged, and the entire piece is broken across the middle into two joining fragments. Total dimensions 6.0 x 3.8 x 1.0 cm. Wt. 20.0 gm.",14/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7057",12.00,"FLINT","FLAKE","Large triangular flake of light grey-brown mottled flint, with creamy cortex down the left side. Plain platform and slightly plunging terminations. A previous flake scar can be seen on the dorsal face struck from the proximal end. The surface has a thin pale patina. The right lateral edge is thin and slightly worn, possible usewear?. Intact. L: 7.1; W: 5.1; T: 0.95 cm.",17/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7057",13.00,"FLINT","FLAKE","Flake of good quality dark brown flint, with creamy-grey cortex on the dorsal face. Prepared platform is a concave flake scar, which has broken away on the right side. The termination is hinged. A previous flake scar can be seen on the dorsal face struck from the proximal end. The worn convex distal edge may be due to retouch/usewear. L: 4.7; W: 4.0; T: 0.85 cm.",17/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7058",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed.",17/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7058",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed.",17/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7058",3.00,"FLINT","SCRAPER","Multi-edged Scraper on flake of mottled brown flint. Prepared (concave) platform with one scarred end. The conical ventral scar is split in two, the termination and lower left lateral side have been struck off diagonally from the dorsal face. Previous flake scars seen on the dorsal face were struck off the proximal end. The right lateral straight edge has slightly denticulated bifacial retouch/usewear. The wide left lateral side has two straight edges, and the convex dorsal edge of the platform, have discontinuous retouch/usewear. L: 5.15; W: 4.7; T: 1.75 cm. R/U edges: main 4.45; left 1.9 & 2.6; platform 2.5 cm.",17/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7058",4.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Quartz Pebble Pounder. Half of an ovoid pebble of milky white quartz with weathered smooth surface. The sharply angled edges of the flattish face, and the two rounded ends are scarred. The convex edge between the two convex faces is slightly pitted, perhaps not naturally. Intact. Dimensions 3.8 x 1.85 x 1.8 cm.",17/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7059",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Pearl oyster and one thorny oyster.",17/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7059",2.00,"POTTERY","PAINTED SHERD","Shoulder or body sherd of closed painted vessel. Fine red clay with occasional circular yellow inclusions. Exterior has thin yellowish slip and black painted decoration. Design is of two horizontal lines above a large hatched zone. Max dimensions 6.7 x 5.95 x 0.65-0.3 cm.",17/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7059",3.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Fragment of farush grindstone. Sub-rectangular slab of light grey limestone, with numerous mixed small shells and fragments in generous matrix of fine fused sand. One face appears vermiculated and is slightly pitted. It has been worn flat and smooth on the tops of the particles. There are several visible fine unidirectional striations running across the width of the face. The opposite face is rough and naturally undulating. Three of the edges are broken, with one straight and possibly original. All are vertical. Dimensions 16.0 x 9.95 x 5.05-4.9 cm.",17/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7059",4.00,"PLASTER","RENDER FRAG","Worn, irregular lump of plaster, presumably from lining to wall, ceiling or installation. Dimensions 6.9 x 4.85 x 2.2 cm.",22/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7059",5.00,"BONE","BONES","Three fishbone fragments.",22/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7059",6.00,"FLINT","SCRAPER","Convex Scraper on piece or broken flake of brown flint. One face is angled down the centre, possibly from previous flake removals. The other face has a curved bevel down to the convex edge. This edge has retouch/usewear. The second face is also pitted/worn beside the convex edge and on the top of the bevel. The other edges are thin and ragged. Dimensions 2.95 x 2.65 x 1.0 cm. R/U edge L: 2.6 cm.",22/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7059",7.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Five chunky fragments of brown-black bitumen. Both faces have smooth parts in between vegetable impressions and inclusions. Largest dimensions 4.05 x 3.3 x 1.75 cm.",22/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7059",8.00,"POTTERY","PAINTED SHERD","Painted shoulder fragment. Red clay, fairly heavy grit temper. Surface eroded. Black painted design out: vertical line, with vertical row of short horizontal lines struck through it. Traces of further design. Dimensions 4.8 x 4.35 x 0.55 cm.",17/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7060",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mostly fishbone, except for one long narrow bird bone (broken in two).",29/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7060",2.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Smoother/Chopper on fragment. Sub square piece of dark grey, close grained igneous stone. Probably basalt. One face is flat, with deep scattered pitting and smooth upper zones which have fine unidirectional striations running along the length of the face. The other flattish face is totally scarred. The faces are at an angle to each other, sloping towards each other at the convex, main chopping, edge. The two extant edges are convex, with one being thickest. The broken edges are straight and vertical, forming a right-angled corner. All edges are pitted and scarred. Max. dimensions 6.95 x 6.25 x 2.7 cm. Convex edge L: 6.7 cm.",6/5/1999 00:00:00,, "7060",3.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Oval grindstone, intact. Oval-rectangular slab of light grey farush limestone (heavy), with numerous broken shells in a matrix of fine-grained sand. One face has been worn flat with scattered and concentrated pitting forming several shallow hollow areas. The smoothed upper zones have fine unidirectional striations running the length of the face. The opposite face is flattish and naturally undulating. One side and one end are straight and vertical, the others are convex and rounded. Dimensions 26.3 x 17.5 x 6.2-3.0 cm.",6/5/1999 00:00:00,,"Intact, a good example" "7060",4.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Anvil/Mortar. Trapezoidal boulder of dark grey, medium-coarse grained igneous stone. Possibly dolerite or gabbro. There are two worked faces on one side of the stone, joining each other along a curved scarred edge. One rectangular face is concave, the other is square and flat. Both are entirely pitted with scarred edges which continue down the adjacent faces. The other side of the stone is a single flattish, scarred face, with scarred edges. The two ends of the stone are very scarred. One is semicircular and convex, the other is pointed with two concave scarred sides. All the edges are scarred. Well-worn anvil, with the main work done onto the pitted faces & edges. Dimensions 19.7 x 19.5 x 8.8 cm. Concave rectangular face 11.5 x 11.2 cm; depth 0.7 cm. Square face 10.75 x 10.15 cm. Scarred flattish face 19.0 x 17.5 cm.",6/5/1999 00:00:00,, "7060",5.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Large Pounder. Sub cubic cobble of light grey, slightly silicified limestone. One face is flat, the other is irregular. Both are oval and entirely scarred from edge percussion, with the centres pitted afterwards. The thick straightish sides and convex ends are entirely pitted, with scarred edges. Intact. Dimensions 10.8 x 10.25 x 8.2 cm.",6/5/1999 00:00:00,, "7061",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed.",4/5/1999 00:00:00,, "7061",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Pearl oyster.",4/5/1999 00:00:00,, "7061",3.00,"PLASTER","RENDER FRAG","Worn piece of plaster, presumably from wall or installation. Total dimensions 8.3 x 5.6 x 2.2 cm.",4/5/1999 00:00:00,, "7061",4.00,"STONE","BOWL FRAG","Fragment of rim and body of a shallow bowl or mortar. Pink-purple orthoquartzite. Extant face is convex with a slightly worn polished surface. One broken face is concave, the other two are flat. Insufficiently preserved to determine vessel form, but comparison with more complete examples suggests reconstruction as narrow, simple rim, shallow concave interior, and a convex rim/body. The entire surface is polished. Dimensions 2.7 x 2.25 x 1.25 cm. Approx. diameter of exterior perhaps16 cm.",4/5/1999 00:00:00,, "7063",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Pearl oyster.",26/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7063",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed, one is burnt.",26/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7063",3.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Four small fragments from the lining of a woven vessel. One face is smooth and slightly convex, the other has impression of cross-woven palm leaf strips. Largest dimensions 1.7 x 0.95 x 0.25 cm.",26/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7063",4.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Scraper/Blade. Backed or double-sided. Trihedral flake of good quality, dark brown flint and thick creamy cortex on each side. Focal platform beside corner of cortex with slightly hinged termination. Previous flake scars seen on dorsal face were struck of proximal and distal ends (corners). The slightly convex right lateral and distal edges have retouch/usewear. This is bifacial and continuous on the lateral edge. Intact. Flake L: 4.05; W: 5.2; T: 2.1 cm. Tool 5.0 x 3.25 x 2.1 cm. R/U edges L: 3.95; L: 4.3 (R/U only 2.7) cm.",29/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7071",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mammal (sheep), includes one knuckle bone.",4/5/1999 00:00:00,, "7071",2.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pebble Pounder. Ovoid pebble of light grey limestone. Entire surface is pitted with several natural hollows. One end is thicker (sub triangular) than the other, both have concentrated pitting and scarring. Intact. Dimensions 5.25 x 3.85-3.45 x 3.1 cm. End dimensions: 3.25 x 2.7; 3.5 x 1.5 cm.",4/5/1999 00:00:00,, "7500",1.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Small curved elongated oval piece of copper or green slag. Lumpy. Dimensions 1.8 x 0.9 x 0.5 cm.",28/2/1999 00:00:00,, "7500",2.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Smoother fragment. Hemispherical piece of light grey limestone. Approximately half of flat-slightly convex face extant, worn smooth, with fine unidirectional striations. The remaining convex sides are entirely pitted, with some scarring. Perhaps broken during use as a temporary Pounder. Dimensions 6.5 x 5.8 x 3.2 cm. Extant height 5.9 cm. Broken smoothed face 5.9 x 3.5 cm.",27/2/1999 00:00:00,, "7500",3.00,"FLINT","FLAKE","Probable Pounder flake. Oval, dark grey cherty flint, heat affected, with whitish skin on dorsal surface. Scarred, convex 'platform', hinged termination. Dimensions 3.5 x 3.0 x 0.7 cm.",27/2/1999 00:00:00,, "7500",4.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed, mostly bivalve clam. 17 clam shells show consistent angled breaks: possibly where bashed open? One pearl oyster has pretty lumpy nacre.",4/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7500",5.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed.",4/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7500",6.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed.",6/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7500",7.00,"COPPER","WIRE OBJECT","Length of copper wire, rectangular in section, extreme tip broken off, bent at one end. Presumably part of nail or fish hook. Dimensions 2.5 x 0.5-0.3 x 0.35-0.25 cm. Extant L: 3.1 cm.",13/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7500",8.00,"STONE","SPINDLE WHORL","Pierced disc with one slightly domed face, presumably a spindle whorl. Intact. Grey igneous stone, with large whitish inclusions. Large central hole shows fine circular drill marks. The surface has been ground/polished smooth, with fine striations visible. The edges and parts of both faces are slightly chipped. Diameter 3.31-3.38 cm. Thickness 0.69 cm. Hole diameter 0.8 cm. 11.9 gm.",15/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7500",9.00,"PLASTER","ROOF FRAG","Worn, triangular fragment of light grey plaster, apparently from a ceiling. One face has four linear impressions, perhaps of palm fronds. The other face is convex and smooth. One side is thick and rounded, the other narrows to a thin point. Dimensions 11.9 x 10.75 x 4.7-1.5 cm. Impressions L: 8.65 cm. W: 0.85; 0.3 cm.",7/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7500",10.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder. Spherical nodule of mottled grey-brown chert, with creamy cortex and red-brown sub cortex. The entire surface is pitted, with scarring mainly on the edges and across one of the two flattish faces. One of these scars is angular and deep (flaw). Intact. Dimensions 6.1 x 5.8 x 5.0 cm.",7/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7500",11.00,"STONE","POLISHER","Pebble polisher/smoother. Oval pebble of light creamy-brown, close grained stone. Possible marble or limestone. Surface weathered smooth. One face is flat and polished around a central oval zone of fine unidirectional striations. The opposite face is slightly convex, with wear of the same kind in the central zone but less concentrated. There are a few small scars around the convex edge. Intact, a good example. Dimensions 4.4 x 3.75 x 2.2 cm. 53.3 gm.",7/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7500",12.00,"FOSSIL BIVALVE","POUNDER","Pebble Pounder, possibly on asymmetric fossil bivalve. Ovoid pebble of light grey limestone with horizontal cleavage. Both oval faces are convex, one is scarred, the other with circular weathered surface and pitted. One convex side and both ends are very pitted. Intact. Dimensions 3.9 x 3.6 x 2.85 cm.",7/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7500",13.00,"POTTERY","JAR","Lower part of large jar. Base and lower body extant, parts of shoulder to base of neck, fragment of neck itself, no rim. Red clay, heavily tempered with circular white inclusions, so eroded surface appears speckled. Originally cream surface out. Neck perhaps short, body rounded, tapering more abruptly than usual to low ring base. Lower body has heavy vertical finger-marks inside. Preserved height 14.4 cm. Original height estimated at approx. 40 cm. Base diameter 8.5 cm. Max. width (reconstructed) approx. 35.5 cm.",3/5/1999 00:00:00,, "7501",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed.",28/2/1999 00:00:00,, "7501",2.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder. Sub ovoid nodule of grey-brown flint with creamy white cortex. Well used with deep scars across surface, and only two small pitted cortical faces remaining. Dimensions 4.7 x 4.5 x 3.9 cm.",28/2/1999 00:00:00,, "7501",3.00,"CLAY","SAMPLE","10 fired clay samples. Possible kiln/wall fabric. Dark orange-brown clay with numerous quartz and vegetal inclusions. One flattish surface. Other thinner walled fragments included in pot as part of a tannur. Largest dimensions 7.4 x 6.0 x 2.5 cm.",28/2/1999 00:00:00,, "7501",4.00,"POTTERY","FLANGED DISC","About half of a pottery disc, with a central perforation, flanged on one side. Red clay, quartz inclusions. Edges roughly shaped. May be made from a vessel sherd, as one surface is like the outside of a pot, and the other like the inside, but seems too flat. Diameter c. 10 cm. Diameter of hole 2.5 cm. Thickness 0.4 cm.",28/2/1999 00:00:00,, "7501",5.00,"SHELL","PIERCED BIVALVE","Pearl oyster shell with large irregular oval hole in the centre. Intact. Shell L: 5.5; W: 5.1 cm. Hole dimensions 2.2 x 1.3 cm. 12.5 gm.",28/2/1999 00:00:00,, "7502",1.00,"BONE","BONES","One mammal? Bone.",28/2/1999 00:00:00,, "7503",1.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Tapered lump of copper, possibly a blade tip fragment. One side flattish, the other sloping. One end wider and more irregular than the other. Dimensions 1.5 x 10.5 x 0.75 cm.",4/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7503",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","One bivalve clam with two large concave nicks taken out of the edge [ignore. JM] L: 4.25; W: 4.65 cm. Length of nicks 2.35 cm.",4/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7503",3.00,"CLAY","FRAGS","Fired clay pieces, Similar to plaster but made from different material. Possibly from collapsed structure (kiln?) within or near circular walled area. 13 pieces kept, 10 others discarded. All are roughly flat, especially one (outer) face. Orange-brown with numerous quartz sand, occasional tiny plaster inclusions and vegetal impressions. Largest dimensions 10.0 x 8.9 x 2.3 cm.",4/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7504",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed.",1/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7504",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed.",2/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7504",3.00,"STONE","MORTAR","Grindstone/mortar. Intact. Slab of light brown sandstone, square with rounded corners, with small-to-medium sand grains. One face is worn flat/slightly convex, with fine multidirectional striations that are visible running perpendicular and across each edge. The surface is only slightly pitted, with wear mostly on the coarser sand beds which diagonally cross the face. The opposite face is concave and dimpled, probably natural or perhaps a worn grindstone surface. It is rounded and convex beside the edges. There a deep crack running diagonally across one of the three convex sides, the other is concave. Dimensions 23.5 x 23.5 x 4.5-3.05 cm.",4/3/1999 00:00:00,,"Intact, an excellent example." "7504",4.00,"PLASTER","FRAGS","Six plaster fragments, four ashy & two burnt fragments. The ashy plaster is dark grey and soft, with numerous carbonised vegetal inclusions and impressions. The burnt plaster is black and brittle, with air cavities. Largest dimensions: ashy 5.05 x 4.3 x 3.2 cm; burnt 6.3 x 3.6 x 2.5 cm.",2/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7505",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed.",1/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7506",1.00,"POTTERY","PIERCED DISC","Centrally drilled potsherd, shaped to be circular, half extant. Made by nipping round sherd. Typical Barbar fabric (Q. al-B. Ware 1). Pink clay, frequent inclusions. Diameter (reconstructed) 5.7 cm. Thickness 0.7 cm. Width of half fragment 3.7 cm.",2/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7506",2.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder. Sub cubic nodule of dark grey-brown flint with remnants of creamy white cortex on two opposite faces. The edges are pitted and scarred, with some abrading. The scarring continues deeply into each face (6). Intact, a good example. Dimensions 6.25 x 6.0 x 5.85 cm.",4/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7506",3.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Chopper. Possibly on Pounder fragment or large flake, now reworked. Sub u-shaped nodule of mottled grey-brown flint with creamy white cortex, and partial red-brown sub cortex. The convex working edge (3/4 of stone circumference) is continuously scarred, mostly unifacially. The opposite end has irregular concave scars (possibly shaped?) with a raised hooked thick point at one end (easy to hold). L: 6.1; W: 6.15; T: 4.45 cm. Chopping edge L: 6.15 cm.",4/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7506",4.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder/Anvil fragment. Sub cuboid piece of dark grey, small-medium grained igneous stone. Possibly dolerite or basalt. One part of an original face has been worn slightly concave and is entirely pitted. The three other faces are broken off fairly flat, the ends are broken and convex. One end and some of the edges are scarred. Dimensions 9.8 x 5.4 x 5.2 cm.",4/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7506",5.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Pounder/Smoother fragment. Trapezoidal piece of dark grey, small grained igneous stone. Possibly dolerite or basalt. The surface is weathered smooth and slightly polished. On two opposing flat faces this polish appears heightened, with indications of fine multidirectional striations. These faces curve down to the extant smooth straight side, and what remains of the other one. The three faces are slightly pitted, with one having a semicircular zone beside a broken edge. Part of the original corner is extant as a pitted, pointed end. The other end is broken and irregular. Dimensions 7.1 x 4.3 x 4.75 cm.",4/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7506",6.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder fragment. Sub triangular piece (flake of tool) of dark grey, small grained igneous stone. Possibly dolerite or basalt. Part of original convex surface extant, covered in pitting. Three broken faces are flattish. Dimensions 4.3 x 2.45 x 2.35 cm.",4/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7506",7.00,"BONE","BONES","Fishbone.",2/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7506",8.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed. Includes murex & large oyster (not pearl). One murex covered and filled with bitumen.",3/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7506",9.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Large Pounder. Cuboid piece of hard (partly silicified?) light grey limestone (dolomite or almost chert?). One face is flattish with natural irregular brown-cream surface. Another adjoining flat face has been struck off a larger block. The two remaining faces and the narrower convex end are deeply scarred from pounding on the edges. The other square end is flattish, and the surface pitted and scarred. Heavy, possibly originally a building stone reused? Dimensions 11.6 x 8.5 x 7.5 cm.",13/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7506",10.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Fragment of grinder. Light brown sandstone with medium sized grains. One face has been worn flat, with unidirectional striations running at an angle to the present length of the tool. The original sides/edges are convex and rounded, sloping down a convex base (saddle). The base has been partly ground to shape. Dimensions 14.45 x 6.8 x 4.2 cm.",13/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7506",11.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Fragment of grinder. Worn cuboid piece of light brown sandstone with medium sized grains. One face has been worn flat with partly visible unidirectional striations running the surviving length of the tool. Part of one rounded convex side/edge extant at the corner of the fragment, which slopes down to a convex base. Dimensions 6.2 x 4.8 x 4.9 cm.",13/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7506",12.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Broken grinder, originally oval. Sub-triangular fragment of light brown sandstone with small sand grains and occasional shell grit. One face has been worn smooth and flat, curving down (convex) at the extant end. Fine unidirectional striations run across the tool. The broken long edge also has perpendicular wear marks. The rounded edges slope down to a convex base (saddle). The extant end is scarred. Dimensions 18.8 x 11.4 x 4.3-2.0 cm.",13/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7506",13.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Chopper/Pounder. Drop-shaped or tapered nodule of mottled dark and light brown flint, with irregular creamy white cortex. Both faces are deeply scarred from edge pounding. The edges are scarred and pitted. Highest concentration on the sharply angled convex ends and adjacent sides, one of which is wider than the other. Intact. Dimensions 9.9 x 8.3 x 4.6 cm.",13/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7506",14.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder or grindstone fragment. Sub-square piece of light grey-brown farush limestone, with small sand grains and large shell fragments (mostly small gastropods). Possible corner fragment of an oval grinder. One face has been worn very flat, with fine unidirectional striations running the length of the tool. Three sides are slightly convex, the other is straight. The convex sides slope down to an irregular convex base. Dimensions 10.6 x 10.4 x 4.55 cm.",13/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7506",15.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed.",13/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7506",16.00,"PLASTER","RENDER FRAG","Thin, sub-rectangular fragment of white plaster, perhaps from a wall. One face is flat, the other irregular with an impression, possibly of a twig. Dimensions 6.75 x 4.85 x 1.6 cm.",3/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7507",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed, mostly fish bone.",4/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7507",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed.",6/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7507",3.00,"PLASTER","FRAG","Ovoid lump of dark grey, ashy plaster, with numerous carbonised vegetal inclusions and impressions. On one face is a narrow linear impression. Dimensions 9.4 x 5.0 x 3.9 cm.",3/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7507",4.00,"POTTERY","RIDGED JAR","Lower part of ridged jar, with top cut off at base of neck and ground smooth. Piece of body and about half of base missing. Very flaky - much of surface cracking off. Red clay. Temper of grits and circular white inclusions. Cream surface out. Shoulder and body rounded, body tapers to eroded flat base. Encircling ribs peter out towards base. Single oval hole at about maximum width. Height 42.6 cm. Opening diameter 14.0 cm. Base diameter 8.5 cm, max. width 44.6 cm. Hole dimensions 1.65 x 0.8 cm.",2/5/1999 00:00:00,, "7507",5.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pestle. Triangular shaped/tapered pebble of dark grey, close grained igneous stone. Probably basalt. The surface is naturally weathered smooth. One face is flatter than the other. The wide sub rectangular, convex end, and the oval small end are both pitted and abraded. The wide end is slightly scarred along the edges, with the abrading only on the higher zones. Intact, a good example. L: 5.2; W: 4.75-1.5; T: 3.3-1.85 cm. Wide end 4.75 x 3.3-2.2 cm; oval end 1.85 x 1.5 cm.",9/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7507",6.00,"STONE","VESSEL","Half the base and part of the body of a decorated cylindrical compartmented vessel, of unusual dark grey stone, fine grained with high concentration of mica. Base is circular, almost flat, very slightly convex, and polished, with walls rising almost vertically, sloping inward very slightly towards the top. No trace of rim. Interior is divided into two identical halves by a thin, vertical wall up the middle, 3/4 of one compartment being extant, and 1/4 of the other. The interior has been chiselled out and later ground smooth (not polished), leaving remnant chisel marks in the corners and on the dividing wall. The exterior is decorated all over with closely incised horizontal lines forming a ribbed pattern. The ribs are evenly nicked with fine vertical lines. Base diameter 10.5 cm. Extant height 4.73 cm. Exterior wall width 0.5 cm. Dividing wall width 0.45-0.75 (top-base) cm. Max. dimensions 10.25 x 5.45 x 4.73 cm. A low grade metamorphic stone, not steatite (Peter Bush and Graham Evans1999) Fragment is pitted and scarred at one end, and may have been reused for pounding.",17/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7507",7.00,"STEATITE","VESSEL FRAG","Fragment from small decorated lugged vessel of grey steatite, including tiny portion of rim. Exterior ground smooth, interior showing consecutive sloping chisel marks. Plain rim, narrowed to a thin fine edge at the top. Sides straight, thickening and flaring slightly to lug, then rounded and tapering, presumably to thick round base. The incised decoration is confined to a band of circles just below the rim, each with double circumference and central dot. The band is bordered top and bottom by a single incised line. The lug is tubular, pierced vertically, and has two vertical incised lines on it. Gypsum crystals have formed on parts of the exterior and within the lug hole. Dimensions 6.3 x 4.95 x 0.25-0.85 cm. Rim di. (reconstruc.) perhaps c. 8 cm.",17/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7508",1.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Quartz Pebble Pestle. Tapered, sub ovoid, milky white quartz nodule, with a crinkly natural surface filled with greyish sediment/algae. It has two flattish faces, one flat side and one convex side. The convex wider end and parts of the sides have been ground smooth. The narrower end is very scarred, continuing partly down the sides. Intact, unusual material. L: 5.1; W: 3.6-2.0; T: 3.95 cm. Wide end 3.1 x 1.75 cm. Narrow end 2.0 x 2.4 cm. 76.9 gm.",6/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7508",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed including murex, chunky oyster & scallop.",6/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7508",4.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed, including large cuttlefish fragments.",6/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7508",5.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder. Sub trapezoidal piece of dark grey medium grained igneous stone, with paler inclusions. Possibly dolerite. Two roughly flat faces have small smoothed upper zones. One oval end has been worn very flat and smooth, with fine unidirectional striations running at an angle to the width, and partly continuing down one face. The faces are all scarred around the edges from pounding. All the thick sides are abraded and pitted on the higher parts, with scarring on the edges. Intact. Dimensions 63.3 x 6.0 x 3.6-2.65 cm. Smoothed end 5.9 x 2.8 cm.",13/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7508",6.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Pounder/Smoother fragment/broken. Sub cuboid piece of dark grey, medium grained igneous stone. Possibly dolerite. Both main faces are flat and partly pitted. One is worn very smooth (not naturally?), curving down at the wider end. The other face is smooth only on the upper zones. The extant side is straight, the broken side is angled. Both are flattish, pitted and scarred. The extant rounded end is straight and pitted/abraded. The other end is broken off flat and subsequently pitted. All the edges are scarred. Dimensions 7.3 x 4.95-3.55 x 3.9 cm.",16/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7508",7.00,"FOSSIL ECHINOID","POUNDER","Fossil Echinoid used as Pounder. Oval, conical piece of light grey limestone. The high convex face has remnants of fine radiating echinoid features, the opposite flat face has a central anus. The upper face is partly pitted (one has bitumen inside) and the surface has fine cracks. The flat face and the circumference is very pitted and scarred. Intact. A very good example. Diameter 7.8-7.2; thickness 4.15 cm. 256.0 gm.",16/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7508",8.00,"POTTERY","RIM SHERD","Rim and part of shoulder, probably from globular cooking vessel. Soft coarse red-brown fabric, frequent flat sub-angular red grits (mainly 2-3mm, though one is 8mm). Not a local ware. Handmade. Rounded everted lip, with horizontal rope cordon at top of shoulder. Cordon is impressed with diagonal slashes, perhaps impressed by rope. Rim diameter (reconstructed 18.0 cm. Extant height approx. 10.5 cm.",6/3/1999 00:00:00,,"NB Grits cf. Ras al-Khaimah Wadi Haqil pottery (Robyn: similar but this sherd has less variety of inclusions and WH pot tends to be darker/overfired/painted & cordons never this type). Nearest comparison with fabric, technique, even rim shape (but not cordon) = Iron I of East Coast, Northern Emirates, c. 1300-1100 BC. NOT like early 2nd millennium pot from that area though. See also Hojlund's type B58 (City I), but this has slashed cordon, not impressed, and appears to be in a local ware." "7508",9.00,"STONE","FRAG","Triangular fragment of light grey limestone. Naturally worn Discarded. Dimensions 7.5 x 7.3 x 3.55 cm.",16/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7508",10.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Hoe or possible Chopper/Pounder on Mortar fragment. Elongated oval piece of light grey limestone. The two partly extant faces slope towards each other and a long scarred edge. Both faces are entirely pitted. The two long, sharp broken edges have been subsequently scarred (chopping). One end is convex (original), the other has broken off flat. Dimensions 17.8 x 7.5 x 5.25 cm. Chopping edges lengths: straight 17.5; concave 11.5 cm.",16/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7508",11.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder. Ovoid nodule of mottled light brown-grey flint with thick smooth creamy cortex. Parts of the surface are pitted and scarred, particularly both ends and sides. One face has been scarred flat (single large scar). Intact, a good example. 6.2 x 5.5 x 4.55 cm.",16/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7508",12.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder fragment. Drop-shaped/tapered piece of dark grey close grained igneous stone. Probably basalt. Parts of four faces extant. One convex face is fairly smooth, the other is scarred. One end has been worn smooth and flat, the other is convex and abraded/pitted. All the edges are scarred, especially the broken ones and the pointed end. The broken face is undulating. Dimensions 11.8 x 9.35 x 5.35 cm.",16/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7508",13.00,"POTTERY","RIDGED JAR","ridged jar. Almost complete - a few gaps in body. Hard pink clay, cream surface out. Rim bevelled to outside, neck very slightly waisted, shoulder rounded, lower body slightly elongated, tapering to convex base. Height. 40.8 cm. Rim diameter 11.0 cm. Max width 35.4 cm. Base diameter approx. 7.8 cm.",8/5/1999 00:00:00,, "7508",14.00,"PLASTER","DOMED LID","Grey plaster lid, one slightly convex face, the other roughly flat. Carefully made. Convex face very smooth with two very shallow dimples. Flat face covered in gypsum crystals. Circumference rounded. Intact. Found in association with broken sieve-neck jar 7508:13. Diameter 8.0 cm. Thickness 2.6-2.4 cm.",18/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7508",15.00,"STONE","POLISHER","Polisher. Small triangular naturally weathered pebble of dark grey close grained igneous stone, possibly basalt. One face has been worn smooth and flat, with fine unidirectional striations visible near one side and wide end. The opposite convex/angled face is also partly smooth (from fingers?). Intact, good example. Dimensions 2.3 x 1.85 x 1.15 cm.",6/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7508",16.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Grindstone/mortar, also anvil, or possibly door-socket. Small, saddle-shaped boulder of light grey limestone, or possibly dolomite (the stone is hard and partly silicified, perhaps chert?). One face has been worn concave, and is deeply pitted. The edges are scarred. The opposite face (base) is slightly convex, pitted and scarred. The two sides and ends are roughly vertical with large scars. This type of tool is usually larger. Dimensions 15.5 x 11.5 x 10.1-8.8 cm. Concave face 12.4 x 11.25 cm.",22/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7509",1.00,"COPPER","SAW BLADE?","Blade, perhaps from a saw. Long, thin, and flat, with straight sides which converge gently towards a thinner end, now broken off. Wider end also broken off. One long edge would appear to be toothed, but this might just be the effect of corrosion. The other edge is slightly undulating. The surface is covered in small lumpy corrosion, otherwise the core metal appears solid. Extant length 15.1; width 4.4-2.0; thickness 0.65-0.25 cm.",9/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7509",2.00,"COPPER","WIRE OBJECT","Shaft of nail or fishhook. Circular-square in section and slightly tapering towards one end. Both ends snapped off. Extant L: 5.5 cm. Diameter 0.35-0.25 cm.",17/3/1999 00:00:00,,"Broken into two fragments" "7509",3.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Pounder/Smoother fragment. Drop-shaped/tapered piece of dark grey close grained igneous stone, possibly basalt. One corner of the wider end has broken off. The surface is worn smooth. One face is flat and possibly used for Smoothing. The other face is undulating, it is smooth and convex towards the wide end. Both sides are rounded and one is smooth. The pointed end is slightly pitted, the wide end is lightly pitted. Dimensions 7.05 x 3.6 x 2.6 cm.",17/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7509",4.00,"STONE","MULTI-TOOL","Pebble Pounder/Chopper. Oval pebble of light grey limestone. Both convex faces and rounded edges are weathered smooth. One long edge and parts of the two sides are pitted and scarred. Intact, a good example. Dimensions 3.35 x 2.8 x 1.9 cm. Long edge 3.95 x 1.35 cm.",17/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7509",5.00,"STONE","POLISHER","Pebble polisher, or possible weight. Trapezoidal crystal/nodule of milky white quartz. The four slightly convex facets (one is smaller) are smooth, with at least two done through use. Unusual, intact, a good example. Dimensions 3.5 x 2.2 x 2.1 cm. Smoothest sub oval face 3.35 x 1.05; 3.4 x 2.1 cm. 21.1 gm.",17/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7509",6.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder. Large sub square fragment of mottled dark and light grey, medium grained igneous stone. Possibly gabbro or dolerite. One extant sub square face has been worn flat and smooth, with fine unidirectional striations running from one corner to the other. It is also slightly pitted with a narrow curved depression across the centre, and three edges are deeply scarred. The two rounded corners or ends are pitted and scarred. Three extant faces have naturally weathered smooth surfaces, which have been scarred from the narrow ends and broken edges. The broken face is flattish. Found on work platform broken face down. 12.5 x 11.1 x 6.4 cm. Smoother face 9.6 x 9.4 cm.",6/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7509",7.00,"STONE","BASIN","Rectangular basin made from light grey oolitic limestone. Underside of base reused as grindstone and part of a work platform. Grinder 7509:8 found above. Rectangular shape is slightly tapered in plan. Worn surface, with one corner broken off flat. The surfaces have numerous natural hollows, and were originally at least partly ground to shape. Some sloping chisel marks are visible on the rim and the exterior. Most of originally flat rim now irregular and rounded. Sides and ends are vertical. On the interior the ends are narrower with rounded corners. The lower parts of the walls are worn (light brown) and concave, curving to a concave base. On the exterior the walls turn at right angles to a flat base. The base has a large crack running lengthways and is worn on the upper zones. There are possible unidirectional striations running at an angle to the length. Intact. Dimensions 52.5 x 26.5 x 16.3-13.5 cm. Rim exterior: 51.0 x 26.0-23.0; interior: 40.5 x 19.0 cm. Base 49.2 x 24.5-22.5 cm. Depth interior 12.7 cm.",6/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7509",8.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Thick, sub-oval saddle shaped grinder. Light brown sandstone with fine-medium sand grains. One face has been worn flat and smooth, and near the are fine, unidirectional striations across the width . The wear slopes slightly downwards at the convex end. There is a scattering of pitting across the face as well. The opposite face is convex, sloping up at the sides to meet the flat face. Both the straightish edges are scarred, as is part of the extant convex end. The other end has broken off at an angle and is vertical. Found flat face down on work platform of 7509:07, stone basin reused as grindstone. Dimensions 19.0 x 14.5 x 7.3-5.7 cm. Flat face 18.0 x 14.0 cm.",6/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7509",9.00,"STONE","MORTAR","Mortar/Anvil, possible Grindstone. Rectangular slab of light brown sandstone with small sand grains. One face has been worn flat, with deep pitting covering the surface, especially in the centre, and with smooth beside the edges. The smooth zones have vague striations and worn edges which are perpendicular to each side. The opposite face is slightly convex. One side and one edge is straight, the others slightly convex. Intact and a good example. found on work platform flat face down. Dimensions 21.8 x 19.5 x 6.75-4.15 cm. 4.82 kg.",6/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7509",10.00,"STONE","MORTAR","Broken grindstone/mortar. Trapezoidal slab (originally square?) of light brown sandstone with very fine sand grains. One face worn flat and pitted all over, with ground areas beside the original edges. There are fine unidirectional striations running across the width of the face, and wear on the edge of the long straight side. Base is concave and naturally undulating. Two original straight sides form a corner, the tip of which is broken off. The sides are vertical and slightly worn. The two broken edges are near vertical. Dimensions 22.0 x 14.0 x 5.25-3.45 cm.",6/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7509",11.00,"PLASTER","LID?","Thin fragment of light grey plaster, perhaps part of a lid. Fan shaped with thin convex edge which has slightly nibble appearance (utilised?). One face is flattish, the other is convex and smooth. Dimensions 14.55 x 11.75 x 3.6 cm.",6/4/1999 00:00:00,,"Found on work platform flat face down." "7509",12.00,"STONE","MORTAR","Mortar/Anvil on worn oval Grinder. Oval piece of light brown sandstone with fine-medium sand grains. One face worn flat and smooth with fine striations across the width. The wear continues slightly downward (convex) at the ends. The centre of the face is covered by a large circular pitted area. All the edges are scarred. The opposite face is convex and pitted (shaping), originally saddle shaped. It slopes up to meet the sides of the flat face. The two faces taper towards each other at a thin convex end, the other end is rounded and thicker. Found on work platform flat face up. Dimensions 17.4 x 15.4 x 4.35-0.6 cm. Circular pitting diameter 9.4 cm.",6/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7509",13.00,"STONE","MORTAR","Grindstone/mortar, also anvil. Large and heavy oval-to-rectangular slab of light grey farush sandstone, with fine sandy matrix and numerous small shells, particularly gastropods. One oval face has been worn flat on the upper zones, in between which the surface is very pitted, especially in the centre. The opposite face is slightly convex (saddle-shaped), narrowing at the convex end. The other end has been broken off straight. The two sides are straight and near vertical. Dimensions 24.0 x 19.0 x 7.75 cm. Flat face 22.5 x 18.0 cm.",6/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7509",14.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder, possibly double-sided. Oval with two flat-to-slightly-convex faces, one the original grinding surface, the other the back. The main grinding face has been worn smooth with fine unidirectional striations across the width. In between are pitted zones, especially in the centre. The wear continues down at each end. Both ends are scarred, with one badly damaged. The base is slightly dimpled with some ground upper zones. It has a large fragment of shell embedded in the surface. The sides an the ends are convex and only slightly rounded. There are wear marks perpendicular to the thickest side, possibly from use or from shaping. The thinner side is scarred. Found base up on work platform 7509:8. Dimensions 27.8 x 19.7 x 3.4-1.25 cm. Weight approx. 2.46 kg.",6/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7509",15.00,"BONE","BONES","2 fishbone fragments.",17/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7510",1.00,"PLASTER","FRAGS","Five fragments of ashy plaster. All are irregular dark grey soft lumps with numerous carbonised vegetal inclusions and impressions. Largest dimensions 6.4 x 5.0 x 2.9 cm.",4/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7510",2.00,"BONE","BONES","One fishbone.",10/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7510",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Two pearl oyster, one is burnt.",10/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7511",1.00,"FOSSIL ECHINOID","POUNDER","Echinoid fossil used as Pounder. Small oval piece of light grey limestone. The circumference and upper convex face very scarred. The lower flat face is pitted and partly scarred with a central anus still visible. Intact but well-used. Diameter 3.7-3.4 cm. Thickness 1.4 cm.",11/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7511",2.00,"STONE","TOOL?","Bivalve fossil possibly used as Chopper. Small clam of light grey limestone. All the sharp edges are damaged, perhaps through chopping. The convex faces are slightly pitted & worn. Shell L: 2.4; W: 2.45; T: 1.0 cm.",11/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7511",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed.",11/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7512",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Fishbone.",13/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7513",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Fishbone.",15/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7514",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed. Includes large broken mammal bone (cattle?), and three horn core fragments.",15/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7515",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Fishbone, one is burnt. From doorway niche.",5/5/1999 00:00:00,, "7519",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","4 bivalve clam.",24/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7519",2.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","About thirty fragments from the lining of a woven vessel. One face is flat and smoothish. The other has impressions of cross-woven palm leaf strips. Largest dimensions 3.4 x 2.2 x 0.2-0.1 cm. Strip width 0.7-0.4 cm.",24/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7519",3.00,"STONE","DOOR SOCKET","Door Socket or Mortar on (reusing) cuboid dressed block of whitish oolitic limestone with several natural cylindrical fossil worm holes. Block is very regular, with flat faces. These have traces of shaping scars, but are mostly ground. The upper face has been worn concave and roughly oval, leaving a narrow flat rim around the edge. The base of the hollow has partly worn through three horizontal worm holes. The rim at both ends have been worn slightly away (concave), and at other points it is chipped. The base is also flat, with a scar running along one side. Found upside down within a wall buttress. Grey soft ashy mortar/plaster adheres to the concave face and one side (from the buttress). Sandy deposit remains within the lower part of the concave face (sampled). Dimensions 18.5 x 15.0 x 9.6-8.7. Oval hollow diameter: top 17.0-14.0; bottom approx. 7.0-5.0 cm. Depth 3.8 (4.5 worm hole) cm.",6/5/1999 00:00:00,, "7531",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed. 1 burnt murex.",25/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7532",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Fishbone.",25/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7532",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","3 bivalve clam, one is burnt.",29/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7533",1.00,"STEATITE","SEAL","Small, damaged seal, of mottled grey stone. Glazed. Face has cracked off, exposing perforation, drilled from both ends. Reverse standard: boss slightly oval (narrower where pierced by holes for suspension). Diameter 2.0 cm. Extant height 0.7 cm. Boss diameter 1.37-1.53 cm.",22/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7533",2.00,"PLASTER","DOMED LID","Grey plaster, approximately oval in plan, one face convex and fairly smooth (small weathered lumps on one side), the other is roughly flat with several rounded hollows. The narrow edges are rounded and very slightly curved up towards the convex face. Intact. Diameter 11.5-10.6. Thickness 3.1 cm.",22/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7533",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed. Includes one fish vertebrae with very regular/smooth surface (diameter 1.95 cm): possible counter? One mammal (sheep?) long bone has diagonal cut butchery marks (skinning?) near joint and is partly burnt. Other mammal bones are also partly burnt.",21/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7533",4.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed.",21/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7533",5.00,"FLINT","CORE","Bipolar Core. Chunky cuboid piece (on flake?) of good quality, dark brown flint. Creamy cortex remains on unprepared part of main platform, one end has been struck off (hinge flake) to provide a new platform for a hinged flake. The opposing platform is the possible ventral surface of the original flake, with three hinged flakes struck off it. The three flakes struck off the platforms (2 off main) are hinged with crushed distal edges. Dimensions 4.7 x 3.1 x 2.5 cm. Platforms: main 3.7 x 2.25; other 4.1 x 2.7 cm. Platform flakes: main L: 1.7; W: 2.0; other L: 2.1; W: 2.4 cm. Flakes off platforms: main L: 2.6; W: 3.9; other 1.55; W: 2.9 cm. Not associated with flint & stone group 7533:6-52 & bitumen basket 7533:7 (different part of the area).",23/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7533",6.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Pebble possibly used as pounder/smoother. Ovoid pebble, with fairly pointed ends, of banded dark and light grey limestone (quartz veins?), horizontally bedded. Surface weathered smooth, with one face slightly convex. The other face is flat and slightly polished. The ends are slightly pitted, as are parts of the side edges, perhaps not naturally. Intact. Dimensions 3.9 x 2.3 x 1.7 cm. Part of stone/flint group 7533:53.",27/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7533",7.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Approx. 40 fragments from the lining of a woven vessel. One surface is smoothish and often convex. The other has the impression of cross-woven palm leaf strips. Numerous inclusions and impressions of vegetable material on smooth face. Largest dimensions 3.8 x 3.3 x 0.4 cm. Strip width 0.8-0.6 cm. Found below bitumen lid 7545:1 & associated with stone and flint group 7533:53.",27/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7533",8.00,"FLINT","CORE","Core on wide flake. Possibly utilised as scraper. Brown flint with creamy cortex on dorsal face. Prepared platform, slightly hinged termination. One flake has been struck off the same platform on both the dorsal (previously) and the ventral face, & both have a hinged termination. The upper part of the left and right lateral edges are worn, possibly from use. L: 3.1; W: 4.85; T: 1.2 cm. Platform 3.95 x 1.0 cm. Flake scar ventral L: 2.1; W: 1.5 cm. Possible usewear length: left 2.65; right 2.2 cm. Part of group 7533:53.",28/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7533",9.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder, possible blunt wedge, pebble sized. Tapered cubic piece of dark grey, medium- grained igneous stone. Possibly basalt or dolerite. One trapezoidal face is weathered smooth with scarred edges. The opposite face is slightly convex and totally scarred. The convex and straight sides are pitted and scarred, especially on the edges. The rectangular large end is pitted and scarred around the edges. The oval small end is totally scarred. Dimensions 4.3 x 3.95 x 3.2 cm. Part of group 7533:53.",28/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7533",10.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pebble pestle. Elongated, sub-ovoid pebble of light grey limestone. The surface is weathered smooth, with numerous small natural hollows. One face is slightly convex, the other is flattish. The larger triangular end is scarred flat, with some scarring continuing up the faces. The other narrower end is unworked. Intact, a good example. Dimensions 5.8 x 3.25 x 2.35 cm. Triangular end 2.7 x 2.35 cm. Part of group 7533:53.",28/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7533",11.00,"STONE","PEBBLE","Pebble, unused. Irregular flattish, semi-circular pebble of creamy-grey limestone. Surface weathered smooth, with numerous natural hollows. One face is slightly convex, the other slightly concave. One side is straight, the other convex. Both ends are convex. Perhaps selected for chopping but not yet used? Dimensions 3.7 x 2.8 x 1.3 cm. Part of stone group 7533:53.",28/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7533",12.00,"STONE","POLISHER","Pebble polisher, and possible pestle. Ovoid, large pebble of light grey limestone. Surface is weather smooth, with rounded edges and numerous small hollows (pockmarked). One face is slightly convex, the other flat with an oval polished patch. One side is straight, the other convex. Both ends are convex, with slightly pitted, perhaps not naturally. Intact, a good example. Dimensions 6.7 x 3.6 x 2.35 cm. Polished patch 5.75 x 2.9 cm. 82.5 gm. Part of group 7533:53.",28/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7533",13.00,"STONE","PEBBLE","Pebble smoother, and possible pounder. Low, conical pebble, squarish in plan, of light grey limestone. Surface is weathered smooth, with a few tiny natural hollows. One face is convex and lightly pitted in the centre, perhaps not naturally. The other face is flat and polished near the edges where is slightly higher. The edges are rounded. Intact. Dimensions 3.65 x 3.4 x 2.1 cm. Part of group 7533:53.",28/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7533",14.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pestle, broken and heat cracked. Sub-ovoid piece of dark grey/black, small grained igneous stone. Possibly basalt or dolerite. One side, probably the butt and perhaps one side of the tool are missing, and split by a large longitudinal fracture. One face is convex with a pitted, naturally smooth face. The other face is flat and entirely pitted (or just broken). The extant side is straight and narrow, curving to a thick convex end (bit). Both edges are pitted and scarred. The broken side and other end have flat faces which appear pitted. Hard to tell if these broken faces have been used or are just worn. Dimensions 5.8 x 4.6 x 3.65 cm. Wear on bit end 4.7 x 2.3 cm. Part of group 7533:53.",28/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7533",15.00,"STONE","POLISHER","Pebble polisher. Triangular small pebble of dark grey/black, close-grained igneous stone. Probably basalt. Surface is very shiny, perhaps a combination of weathering and finger rubbing. One flat triangular face is polished, with unidirectional striations running across the width of the face. The larger end next to this face is also polished (fingers?). The other smaller face is convex and all the edges are rounded. The angled side (two sides of triangle) is covered by bitumen. Intact, a good example. Dimensions 2.65 x 1.75 x 1.4 cm. Polished face 2.4 x 1.6 cm. Part of group 7533:53.",28/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7533",16.00,"SHELL","CONE BEAD","Small cone shell with slightly worn yellow surface, and slightly greenish linear discolouration. Apex has broken off exposing hole. Although rim of hole is flat, it doesn't appear ground. Intact. L: 2.65; W: 1.45; T: 1.2 cm. Associated with stone/flint group 7533:53.",28/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7533",17.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Pebble chopper and pestle. Elongated pebble of grey limestone, perhaps heat affected as it is darker than normal and feels coarse. Surface is weathered smoothish. One face is slightly convex, the other slightly concave. Half of one convex side and thicker end are pitted and scarred. The smaller rounded end appears used, indicated by a darker circular area on its tip rather than any pitting. Intact. Dimensions 4.25 x 2.2 x 1.35-1.05 cm. Scarred edge L: 3.7 cm. Part of group 7533:53.",28/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7533",18.00,"FOSSIL BIVALVE","POUNDER","Bivalve fossil used as pebble pounder/chopper. Originally ovoid, now hemispherical, pebble of light grey limestone with very worn surface. Half of the fossil, opposite and at an angle to the hinge, has either been broken off before fossil utilised, or pounded away. The hinge area, the sharp convex edges and the surface and edges of the 'broken' area are pitted and scarred. Shell L: 3.8+; W: 4.1; T: 3.4 cm. Part of group 7533:53.",28/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7533",19.00,"STONE","TOOL","Smoother/abrader or broken pestle. Sub-square (tile?) fragment of grey quartzite, or perhaps crystalline limestone. Carefully made/used tool with both flat faces worn smooth, with no visible striations. One side is slightly thicker than the other. Both sides and the end are straight and flat, with bevelled corners from end wear. Their faces of one side and the end are entirely abraded, with a scar on each. The other thicker side abraded at each end and on parts of its edges. The broken sloping face has scattered pitting and abraded edges. Dimensions 5.9+ x 6.5 x 2.7-2.1 cm. End including bevels 6.2 x 2.1-1.6 cm. Part of group 7533:53.",28/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7533",20.00,"FOSSIL ECHINOID","POUNDER","Echinoid fossil used as pounder. Low conical pebble of light grey limestone. The surface is entirely pitted and scarred, with only the central anus on the flat face remaining of the fossil. The rounded circumference is scarred. Intact, a good example. Diameter 5.4 x 4.85 x 3.5 cm. Part of group 7533:53.",28/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7533",21.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Pebble pestle/chopper. Sub-ovoid pebble of light creamy-grey limestone. Surface is weathered smooth, with occasional small hollows. One face is slightly convex, the other irregular. The convex end is pitted, with a deep angled scar from percussion having removed much of this end and one side. The narrow sharply angled edge of the scar at the end of the tool has subsequently been scarred. The other end is straight and unworked. Dimensions 4.3 x 2.8 x 2.1-1.34 cm. Scarred edge L: 1.6 cm. Part of stone group 7533:53.",28/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7533",22.00,"STONE","POLISHER","Pebble polisher. Sub-cuboid, with trapezoidal section, pebble of light grey limestone. Surface weathered smooth, and slightly irregular due to horizontal bedding, with several hollows. One sub-rectangular face has been worn flat and polished, with vague possible fine striations at an angle to the sides (near right side). The straight sides and one end slope up to a smaller rectangular face. The other end is almost flat. Intact. Dimensions 3.8 x 2.4 x 2.15 cm. Polished face 3.75-3.3 x 2.1 cm. Part of group 7533:53.",28/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7544",8.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Fragment, probably of Pestle, reused as Pounder. Irregular piece of dark, close grained igneous stone. The surface of the cobble appears to have been weathered smooth. Parts of two faces and one end are extant. They are joined by rounded edges. Most of one face has been abraded, which continues partly into the other face. The end is very abraded. The broken face is flattish and worn. All the edges have been scarred after tool was broken. Dimensions 5.4 x 4.6 x 3.45 cm.",20/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7544",9.00,"STONE","MORTAR","Anvil/Mortar, broken longitudinally. Sub cuboid block of dark grey, medium grained igneous stone. Possibly basalt or dolerite. One complete and two partial rectangular faces extant. All are pitted and scarred, especially near the edges. Parts of two ends extant, possibly originally square now triangular. One is flat and mostly scarred, the other is slightly convex and pitted. The broken face is concave and irregular. Dimensions 14.4 x 12.8-10.45 x 8.8-2.3 cm. Main rectangular face 11.9 x 10.2 cm.",20/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7544",10.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Grindstone, possibly broken. Large trapezoidal slab of light grey farush sandstone, with fine grains, numerous natural hollows and shell inclusions. One face has been worn flat-slightly concave. It has possible unidirectional wear marks at an angle to the straight side. From wear it has slightly raised rims/edges on one straight side and one convex end. The other edges are open. The opposite face/base is flat with a naturally undulating hollowed surface. The open end (broken?) is straight, but at an angle to the side, and the open side is convex. The edges are near vertical. L: 36.8; W: 36.0; T: 5.3-2.05 (rim-open end) cm. Worn face L: 34.5; W: 34.5 cm. Depth of concave face 1.7 cm.",20/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7544",11.00,"POTTERY","BASE","Small circular base, from unusual vessel, perhaps a bowl. Red clay with numerous, circular white inclusions, also rounded quartz ones. Very worn and flaking exterior, but may be usual Barbar-ware. Interior concave and smoothed. Base is gently rounded with small central dimple or possibly a chip. Wall rises, then starts to curve inwards. Base diameter 4.2 cm. Extant height 3.45 cm. Max. extant body diameter 7.3 cm.",20/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7544",12.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Possible Pounder badly heat affected causing surface to turn black and crack (and flake off). Hemispherical cobble of dark (grey?), medium-large grained igneous stone. Possibly dolerite or gabbro. The main oval face is roughly flat and scarred, the opposite face is convex. One side is flattish and scarred. The other side and both ends are slightly convex. Most of the visible surface appears pitted. Dimensions 7.1 x 5.95-5.4 x 5.35 cm. 323.9 gms.",20/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7544",13.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder. Spherical nodule of dark brown flint with remnant creamy cortex, and red-brown sub cortex. Almost entire surface is pitted and scarred, to just below cortical depth. Like a ball with two slightly flattened faces. Intact, a good example. Diameter 5.15-5.1 cm. Thickness 4.4 cm. 158.9 gms.",20/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7544",14.00,"FOSSIL BIVALVE","POUNDER","Bivalve fossil used as Pebble Pounder. Light grey limestone. Both convex faces are lightly pitted, especially towards the convex edges. Parts of the circumference especially the hinge are pitted and scarred. There is an extra small lump of stone on one face. Intact. Shell L: 4.6; W: 5.1; T: 3.35 cm.",20/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7544",15.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed.",20/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7544",16.00,"SHELL","BEAD","Half barrel-shaped bead, made from a sawn off top half of a strombus shell. Slightly glossy white-light brown shell. Carefully ground smooth at apex and around spiral edges. Apex hole at a slight angle to the other end. Intact. Diameter 1.3-1.2 cm. Length 0.95 cm.",20/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7544",17.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAG","One rectangular fragment from the bitumen lining to a vessel. One face smooth and slightly convex, the other showing the impression of a cross-woven palm leaf strips. Worn impression. Dimensions 3.3 x 2.0 x 0.4 cm.",20/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7544",18.00,"BONE","BONES","Fishbone.",20/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7544",19.00,"PLASTER","DOMED LID","Grey plaster lid, one face convex and very smooth, half covered with gypsum crystal encrustation, the other flattish with small lumps. There are linear impressions (of palm frond?) across the centre and at an angle on one side. Parts of the edge are chipped away. Diameter 8.7-8.5 cm. Thickness 3.6 cm.",22/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7544",20.00,"STONE","PEBBLE","Possibly briefly utilised as Pounder or Polisher. Perhaps a Weight. Ovoid pebble of dark grey, close grained igneous stone. Possibly basalt. Surface is weathered very smooth. One face is convex, the other flattish. The sides and one end are rounded, the other end is angled flat. Each end has a few light pitting marks, perhaps not natural. The flattish face is slightly smoother than the rest of the surface. On Floor. Intact. Dimensions 4.35 x 3.1 x 1.95 cm. 39.3 gms.",22/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7544",21.00,"PLASTER","DISC LID","Disc-shaped lid of light grey plaster. Both faces equally convex, one smoother than the other. Intact. Diameter 9.45-9.4 cm. Thickness 3.9 cm.",22/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7545",1.00,"BITUMEN","LID","About half of a lid, in two joining fragments. Sub-oval in plan, with thick cylindrical knob in centre. Knob has flat top. The upper face of the lid is concave around the knob, then curves downward near the thin, ragged edge. The lower face, however, is convex in the centre, concave near the edge. The surfaces were originally smooth, now largely worn and slightly pitted, showing impressions and inclusions of vegetable matter. Extant L: 5.65; W: 4.0; T: 1.05 (-2.75 with knob) cm. Diameter of knob 2.5-2.1 cm. Found above bitumen basket frags 7533:7 which is associated with flint & stone group 7533:6-52.",3/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7545",2.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Seven fragments from the lining of a woven vessel. One face is mostly convex and smooth with vegetable impressions. The other has impression of cross woven palm leaf strips. Largest dimensions 3.45 x 2.0 x 0.4 cm.",3/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7545",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Mostly fishbone, some mammal.",5/5/1999 00:00:00,, "7545",4.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Seven fragments of bitumen. Quite thick, with both faces irregular but fairly smooth. All have vegetable impressions and inclusions. Largest dimensions 2.8 x 2.4 x 1.05 cm.",5/5/1999 00:00:00,, "7546",1.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Half a grindstone, perhaps once oval. Roughly semicircular slab of light grey-brown farush limestone, with numerous whole and broken shells in matrix of fine partly fused sand. One face has been worn flat, with very smooth areas in between vermiculated-looking hollows and scattered pitting. There are fine unidirectional striations running across the face from one corner of the broken edge to the opposite corner on the extant convex end. The opposite face is convex, coarse and crumbling, and roughly bevelled up at each extant side and end. The flatter central zone is covered in white plaster. Dimensions 17.5+ x 20.5 x 6.2-4.4 cm.",19/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7546",2.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Large Pounder, possible Smoother preform or Weight. Sub spherical, with one flattened face, cobble of light grey limestone (partly silicified). The largest circular face is flat, the opposite is slightly convex. The flat face has a slight hollow near the centre, the convex face has a round worm hole. The convex edge is thick. The entire surface is pitted, with some scarring from edge percussion. Intact, a good example. Found in group on floor beside pot bases 7546:3, 7546:7 & 7546:8. Diameter 9.95-9.35 cm. Height 7.7 cm. 1160 gms.",19/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7546",3.00,"POTTERY","PIERCED BASE","Base and lower part of jar, with the body pierced by a diamond-shaped hole. Red clay with numerous circular yellowish and rounded quartz inclusions. Outer surface smooth, the inner surface appears rough. The base is rounded and slightly raised at the edge. Associated with pot bases 7546:7 & 7546:8, and stone tool 7546:2. Base diameter 7.0-6.8 cm. Extant height 5.7 cm. Hole 2.7 x 1.85 cm.",20/4/1999 00:00:00,,"Found sunken in hollow on floor." "7546",4.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Large Pounder. Sub cubic cobble of light grey limestone. Two faces are flat, the other four are convex. The entire surface is deeply pitted, with a central hollow on the largest flat face. Intact, a good example. Dimensions 10.2 x 9.4 x 7.6 cm.",19/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7546",5.00,"STONE","TOOL","Large Pounder or Anvil/Mortar. Cuboid cobble of light grey and silicified dark grey limestone, like chert (or dolomite?). One face is flat, the opposite is concave. The sides are straight, both ends are slightly convex. The entire surface is pitted, and all the edges are scarred partly invading all faces. Intact. Dimensions 13.1 x 9.9-8.0 x 7.3-6.3 cm.",19/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7546",6.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Smoother, possible Pounder. Ovoid piece, with one flat face, of dark grey, large grained igneous stone. Possibly dolerite. One face has been worn smooth and convex, sloping down at each end. There are no visible striations. The opposite face was possibly a break which has is now flattish. It has scarred edges, especially at the narrower end. One side is straight, the other is convex and deeply scarred. Dimensions 10.7 x 6.8 x 5.05 cm. Smoothed face 10.5 x 6.6 cm.",19/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7546",7.00,"POTTERY","RE-USED BASE","Jar base, re-used as feature sunk in hollow on floor. Base and little of lower body of ribbed jar. Red clay with numerous circular white, and rare rounded quartz inclusions. Ribbed body, tapers to flat disk base. Inside base, resting on a thin layer of sand, is a second jar base worn almost into a disk. Burnt red clay, with quartz inclusions. Much eroded. Body tapers to a low ring-base. The interior of the inner base is pitted and worn (utilised?) concave, except for a small unworn oval area. Found in group on floor beside other pot bases 7546:8 & 7546:3, and stone tool 7546:2. Ribbed pot base diameter 9.0 cm; extant height 5.2 cm. Inner pot diameter 11.45-10.95 cm; base diameter 7.2 cm; extant height 2.5 cm.",20/4/1999 00:00:00,,"Vinamul 6825 & Klucel G used on sand between bases. Sand between bases consolidated onto lower base (only) using Vinamul 6825 (10% in distilled water); followed by Vinamul & Klucel G (5:1)." "7546",8.00,"POTTERY","COOKING POT","Lower body and base of cooking pot, found in sunken hollow on floor, broken into sherds in the ground. Red clay, heavy grit temper with numerous circular white inclusions. Smoke blackening out, and also on inside of possibly related sherds. Base rounded, of the more elongated and tapered style. Circular pitted or eroded patch inside, slightly off-centre, perhaps use-wear. Found in group on floor beside pot bases 7546:7 & 7546:3, and stone tool 7546:2. Present height approx. 12.0 cm. Pitted area diameter 6.5 cm.",20/4/1999 00:00:00,," Possibly related sherds from 7511." "7546",9.00,"BONE","HORN CORE","Horn core, gently curving shape, possibly of cattle. Missing concave side of tip. Parts of the skull attachment extant. L: 17.3, W: 3.8; T: 2.55 cm.",20/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7549",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed, several burnt.",13/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7549",2.00,"GYPSUM","SAMPLE","5 small fragments of burnt (dark grey) gypsum crystals, in tiny desert rose formations and sheets. Largest dimensions 2.6 x 1.6 x 0.9 cm.",13/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7549",3.00,"PLASTER","FRAGS","Five fragments of plaster. One face is smooth and flat, the other is irregular with burnt orange-red earth attached. Largest dimensions 8.45 x 7.25 x 1.3-0.9 cm.",13/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7549",4.00,"PLASTER","SAMPLE","Elongated lump of grey ashy plaster. Comprises ash, sand, plant phytoliths (palm leaf?) and crystals. Dimensions 10.9 x 5.5 x 3.2 cm.",31/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7549",5.00,"PLASTER","SAMPLE","Approx. 10 small fragments of a fine, white plaster. Comprises very light (due to heat?) white plaster with tiny inclusions, including vegetable, with thin, flat and smoothish, top 'set' coat. White is stained orange-brown. Largest dimensions 2.9 x 2.4 x 0.5 cm. Top coat approx. 0.1 cm thick.",31/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7549",6.00,"PLASTER","FRAGS","Four small fragments of plaster. One face is smooth and flat, the other irregular. Flat face has burnt red-orange plaster (sandy) with numerous grain (wheat/barley?) and other vegetable impressions. Largest dimensions 5.4 x 5.2 x 1.95 cm.",13/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7549",7.00,"PLASTER","FRAGS","Three small lumps of white, compact, ashy plaster. Comprises whitish soft plaster, sand, burnt red-orange earth or plaster. Largest dimensions 5.4 x 4.2 x 2.2 cm.",31/3/1999 00:00:00,, "7549",8.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Approx. 10 small lumps of 'compact fired earth'. Comprises compacted burnt orange-brown sand, tiny pebbles, plaster, with numerous grain (wheat/barley?) and other vegetable impressions. Very crumbly largest 7.0 x 4.2 x 3.4 cm.",13/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7549",9.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Circular flattish piece of dark brown 'fired earth', broken into two joining fragments. Comprises compacted burnt sand, grain (wheat/barley) impressions and tiny pebbles. Crumbly texture. Total dimensions 5.3 x 4.8 x 1.2 cm.",13/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7555",1.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","9 small lumps of burnt orange-brown earth. Most have one flat, fairly smooth face, the other face is more irregular. Comprises compacted sand, small lime particles with occasional vegetable impressions. Crumbly texture. Largest dimensions 6.8 x 4.3 x 2.95 cm.",7/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7556",1.00,"PLASTER","SAMPLE","Three large fragments of plaster with two different layers. Upper layer is coarse, light grey plaster with a smooth, flattish surface (now cracked and stained orange by burning), with tiny grit and occasional small lime particles. Below this is burnt orange-brown earth, comprised of compacted sand, tiny lime particles, crystals, tiny pebbles and grit, as well as grain (wheat/barley?) and other vegetable impressions. The surface of the earth is smooth and flat. Largest dimensions 24.7 x 13.8 x 4.45 cm. Upper layer thickness 2.25 cm, where the top 1 cm is changed to an orange colour.",13/4/1999 00:00:00,"E","Exported to UK 1999" "7557",1.00,"STONE","SAMPLE","Approx. 20 small fragments of limestone, crumby texture. Stone is white-yellow, and for some piece has been reduced to pure lime. Largest dimensions 4.55 x 2.65 x 2.3 cm.",7/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7557",2.00,"PLASTER","FRAGS","Six fragments of plaster. All have one flattish smooth face, the other irregular. Partly burnt orange-brown. Burnt orange-brown earth adheres to the surfaces. This contains numerous grain (wheat/barley?) and other vegetable impressions. Largest dimensions 3.95 x 3.95 x 2.15 cm.",13/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7558",1.00,"POTTERY","COOKING POT","Cooking pot. About a half of rim, less of body. Base and lower body missing. Brown clay with large grits. Reddish surface out. Surface colour smoothed diagonally. Rim bevelled to inside, body globular. Rim diameter approx. 13.5 cm. Present height 14.4 cm. Max width (reconstructed) 22.4 cm.",27/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7559",1.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Sub ovoid lump of copper. Fish-shaped with twisted tail. Slightly lumpy surface. Dimensions 2.55 x 1.5 x 1.2 cm.",21/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7559",2.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Fragment of Pounder? Trapezoidal piece of dark grey, medium grained igneous stone. Possibly dolerite or basalt. No original surfaces survive. Dimensions 3.4 x 2.65 x 2.5 cm.",21/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7559",3.00,"POTTERY","SHAPED SHERD","Body sherd made into an oval shape with smooth edges. The flat face also appears slightly ground, as do the two ends of the slightly concave face, to make it flatter. One end is thicker and straighter. Red clay, circular white and grit temper. Dimensions 3.0 x 2.8 x 1.0-0.5 cm.",4/5/1999 00:00:00,, "7560",1.00,"BONE","BONES","One fishbone.",13/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7561",1.00,"PLASTER","FRAGS","Four fragments of plaster. All have one smooth flattish side, the other irregular. Orange-brown burnt sandy soil is attached to both sides, containing small crystals, tiny pebbles and occasional grain and other vegetable impressions. Largest dimensions 7.3 x 7.0 x 3.0 cm.",13/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7580",1.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Anvil, or very large Pounder. Looks like worn-out bowling ball! Sub spherical/ovoid boulder of light grey limestone. Surface weathered smoothish, then entirely pitted and scarred. One circular, very slightly convex face appears to be the main working surface. Its surface is pitted, with work concentrated near the edges forming deep scars down the upper-parts of the sides. The sides slope under towards an opposite narrow oval face. This slightly convex face does not appear to have been used as much and it is likely to have usually formed a convenient base. It is also pitted, with work concentrated beside each side causing deep scars. The two convex edges are also entirely pitted and slightly scarred. Intact. Unusually large example. Max. dimensions 16.6 x 14.8 x 12.3 cm. Main face (originally 1.6 x 14.6) to scarred edges 14.3 x 11.8 cm. Other face approx. 11.2 x 5.3 cm. Largest scar L: 8.85; W: 8.6 cm. Weight approx. 4.560 kg,",10/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7580",2.00,"STONE","BASIN FRAG","Corner fragment of small rectangular basin. Carefully made, from whitish oolitic limestone, with a slightly worn surface. Narrow rim is flat to rounded, with vertical sides. The lower part of the interior face of the walls curves gently to a flat/slightly sloping base. The lower exterior part of the walls turns at right angles to a flat base. There are some recent marks on one side of the base, and the corner has a small chip out of it. There are vertical chisel marks on the exterior walls and the entire surface has, at least partly, been ground. The long broken side of the base has been burnt. Dimensions exterior 13.7 x 11.3-9.3 x 9.15-8.4 cm. Interior 12.2 x 8.2 cm. Depth 4.0 cm.",10/4/1999 00:00:00,,"Accidentally washed." "7580",3.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Large Smoother & Large Pounder/Anvil, broken at one end and reused for chopping/pounding. Tapered sub-cuboid block of dark grey, small-medium grained igneous stone. One face has been worn flat and smooth, with striations running across the width and visible crossing perpendicular to the rounded side edges. One side is slightly convex and similarly worn, although not as much. The opposite side is totally scarred from end percussion. The small triangular, slightly convex end is pitted and abraded, and the edges are scarred. Three edges of the sloping broken face at the large end have been scarred. Dimensions 12.6-8.35 x 8.7-3.75 x 7.75-4.65 cm. Flat face 12.6-8.35 x 8.7-3.75 cm. Small end 5.05 x 3.65 cm. Large end 9.7 x 7.7 cm. Chopping edges L: convex 10.65; straight 7.7 cm.",20/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7580",4.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Chopper. Flattish sub square piece of dark grey, close grained igneous stone, with olivine inclusions. Probably basalt. Both faces have been worn mostly flat and smooth, with fine predominantly unidirectional striations that run across the width of the face. There are some multidirectional striations which run perpendicular to the other edges. The two sides and one end are straight and flat. The other end is slightly convex. All have scarred edges, with also some pitting on the ends. Intact. Dimensions 8.15 x 7.35 x 2.95-2.15 cm. 303.3 gms.",20/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7580",5.00,"STONE","TOOL/WEIGHT","Smoother, possible Weight. Double-sided, only just used. Sub spherical nodule of dark grey, medium-grained igneous stone. Entire surface lightly pitted with occasional scarring. The surface is also partly abraded. There is flaw in the stone across one end of the main circular convex face. The opposite side of this face has been worn partly smooth (1), but no striations are visible. Another oval smoothed zone (2) is on the sloping side of the opposite face. Intact. Dimensions 5.55 x 5.15 x 4.9 cm. Smoothed zones: (1) 4.0 x 3.6 cm; (2) 3.8 x 2.9 cm. 223.8 gms.",20/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7581",1.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Chopper/Pounder fragment. Brief Smoother? Irregular trihedral piece of dark grey, fine grained igneous stone. Probably basalt. One face extant, now a tapered rectangle in plan, flat towards the narrow end, and convex towards the wider end. It has a weathered smooth surface, which has concentrated pitting in the centre. all its edges are scarred. The opposite side of the stone, has two sloping faces, joining along a broken straight edge. They have worn scarred surfaces, with one having smooth patches (worn?) on the highest areas. The convex sides, with sharply angled edges beside the original face, are scarred perhaps from chopping. The triangular narrow end (butt) is scarred. The narrow wide end (bit) is scarred and abraded. Dimensions 10.4 x 5.6-2.0 x 4.8 cm. Scarred sides L: 9.35; 8.25 cm. Butt 1.9 x 2.6 cm. Butt 3.75 x 1.5 cm.",12/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7582",1.00,"STONE","CHOPPER","Chopper on Pounder or other tool fragment. Sub oval piece of dark grey, medium-coarse grained igneous stone. Possibly dolerite. One face is convex, with a small worn remnant of the original weathered surface in one corner, the rest is pitted and scarred. The opposite face is roughly flat and totally pitted. The two straightish edges and the convex ends are scarred. All edges are thin, except one the straight end, where only the edge beside the convex face is scarred. Dimensions 6.9 x 5.7 x 2.3 cm.",14/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7582",2.00,"POTTERY","PAINTED SHERD","Painted body sherd from shoulder of large jar. Red clay, black near outer surface, with fine sand and grit temper. Cream wash out, and decoration in crimson paint. Horizontal line, below which two undulating horizontal lines. Dimensions 7.3 x 2.9 x 1.1 (thick) cm.",14/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7583",1.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Sub cubic cobble of light grey limestone. Entire surface is pitted and scarred. The wear is concentrated on the wide sides, with one deeply scarred and sloping. Intact, a good example. Similar to 3307:6. Dimensions 8.2 x 7.5 x 7.35 cm. Weight approx. 670 gms.",20/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7584",1.00,"PLASTER","DOMED LID","Grey plaster lid, one face smooth and slightly convex, with drying cracks near one edge, the other slightly lumpy, with four hollow impressions of date pips. One of these hollows is in the centre of the lid. The edges are irregular and often very thin. Diameter 9.4-8.85 cm. Thickness 3.55 cm.",22/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7584",2.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder. Ovoid nodule of light grey banded chert, with creamy cortex, and red-brown thick sub cortex. Both sloping ends are pitted, with scarred edges. The rest of the surface is covered in deep, angular scars (nature of stone). Intact. Dimensions 7.45 x 6.8 x 5.9 cm.",22/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7585",1.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder/Chopper. Chopped-off cylindrical nodule of dark brown flint with creamy cortex remaining on the wide circumference. Both circular faces are flat, one is smaller than the other. There is a central linear flaw across the stone, paralleled by two cortical hollows. The edges of these faces are scarred, especially the larger one. The circumference/cortex is totally pitted. Intact, an unusual shape. Diameter 4.85-4.65 cm. 2.5-2.15 cm. Faces diameters 4.85-4.3; 3.85-4.05 cm.",20/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7585",2.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Quartz pebble Pounder/Chopper. Ovoid pebble of milky white quartz, with weathered smooth surface. Both faces are slightly convex, the edges rounded. Both sides and ends are pitted, the ends have a few small scars. Part of one side is a deeply scarred from percussion on a narrow edge. Pounder until chopping edge established? Intact, a good example. Dimensions 5.1 x 3.9 x 2.95 cm. Chopping narrow edge L: 2.9 cm. 70.8 gms (grubby).",20/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7585",3.00,"STONE","POLISHER","Pebble Polisher. Oval pebble of grey limestone with pronounced 2-dimensionsal bedding at an angle to the main faces. The surface is weathered smooth. One face is slightly convex, the other is flat and slightly polished. There are no visible striations. The rounded edges have only a few, probably natural, tiny scars. 49.0 gms. Dimensions 5.45 x 3.6 x 1.6 cm. Polished zone approx. 4.8 x 3.2 cm.",20/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7585",4.00,"FLINT","NODULE","Ovoid nodule of dark flint, with white and brown, dimpled desert varnish surface. One old potlid on side. Intact. Dimensions 4.15 x 2.95 x 2.5 cm. 37.6 gms.",28/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7585",5.00,"STONE","TOOL?","Possible Pebble Pounder/Smoother. Half-conical pebble of light grey limestone with weathered smooth surface. The edges are rounded and appear abraded with occasional scarring and pitting. These are possibly not natural. These form the edges of the oval flat face and lead up to the pointed convex face. Intact. Dimensions 3.95 x 3.25 x 2.7 cm.",28/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7585",6.00,"FOSSIL ECHINOID","POUNDER","Echinoid Fossil used as Pebble Pounder. Low conical piece of light grey limestone, with 5 radiating fossil markings on the convex face, and a central anus on the flatter face. Shape of fossil well preserved with rounded edges. Parts of both faces are pitted and worn. The circumference is slightly pitted, with scarring concentrated on the two sides. One end has two deep scars. Dimensions 5.25+ x 4.5 x 2.5 cm. Scarred end L: 2.85 cm.",28/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7585",7.00,"FOSSIL ECHINOID","POUNDER","Echinoid Fossil used as Pebble Pounder/Chopper. Low conical piece of light grey limestone, with parts of the 5 radiating fossil markings on the convex face, and a central anus on the flatter face. Both faces are pitted and worn. The circumference is very pitted and scarred, concentrated at each end. One of these ends is narrow and could be used as a chopper. Intact, a good example. Dimensions 5.25+ x 4.5 x 2.5 cm. Scarred end L: 2.85 cm.",28/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7585",8.00,"STONE","CHOPPER","Pebble Chopper. Sub oval pebble of light grey limestone with weathered smoothish surface. The entire surface has then been pitted, concentrating on the rounded edges with some scarring. One long convex edge of the tool is deeply scarred. Intact, a good example. Dimensions 4.4 x 3.5 x 2.2 cm. Chopping edge L: 4.4 cm. 45.5 gms.",28/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7585",9.00,"BITUMEN","BEAD","Spherical bead with large central hole. Broken into three fragments. Numerous vegetable inclusions and impressions. Surface is pitted. Diameter 2.65 cm. Length 11.75. Hole diameter 1.1-0.9 cm.",28/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7585",10.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Two fragments of copper. (1) Possibly fused pieces, broken into two pieces. Irregular with a lumpy, ridged surface. Has brown corrosion within. Dimensions 4.14 x 2.55 x 1.9 cm. Similar to 7589:1 & 8021:13. (2) Ovoid casting lump, with smooth surface showing curves of molten drip. Dimensions 2.3 x 1.5 x 0.9 cm.",28/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7585",11.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed, including pearl oyster with small hole (worked/recent?).",28/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7586",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed including large mammal long bone fragment.",21/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7586",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed.",21/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7586",3.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Grindstone fragment. Roughly one quarter of an oval thin slab of light grey-brown farush limestone, with occasional pieces of shell, marine worms etc., in matrix of fused sand. One face has been worn flat and smooth, with fine unidirectional striations across the width of the face. In between is scattered pitting and small natural hollows. The opposite face is flat and naturally undulating. The two convex extant edges are slightly rounded, with the longest one partly ground. The two broken edges are vertical. Dimensions 14.8 x 11.2 x 2.7-2.2 cm.",21/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7586",4.00,"STONE","TOOL/WEIGHT","Possible Fishing Weight or small Grinder on Grinder fragment. Slightly waisted cuboid piece of light brown sandstone with small-medium sand grains. Two rectangular faces are worn flat and smoothish, with no visible striations. The two sides are slightly waisted with vague pecking around the middle of faces and sides. Both square ends are pitted. Intact, neat little object or tool. Dimensions 5.95 x 3.4-3.3 x 3.05 cm. Flat faces max. dimensions 4.75 x 2.6; 5.25 x 3.0 cm. 96.7 gms.",22/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7586",5.00,"STONE","PEBBLE","Possibly utilised pebble with worn weathered surface. Pointed sub ovoid pebble of black close-grained stone, possibly basalt but more likely is fire-blackened limestone. One convex face is fairly smooth, with the wide thin end which is scarred, perhaps not naturally. Dimensions 3.0 x 1.9 x 1.4 cm.",22/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7586",6.00,"POTTERY","INDUS RIM","Fragment of rim and upper body only, of huge storage jar, painted in Indus style. Light brown clay, pink surfaces. Inclusions of mica, and large pieces of ground red pottery, or crushed red stone. Outer surface originally painted sealing-wax red and highly polished. Rim thickened and rounded, body flares immediately below to shallow depression, then flares again. Preserved height 13 cm. Rim diameter approx. 38 cm.",4/5/1999 00:00:00,, "7588",1.00,"FLINT","BLADE","Denticulated Blade/Scraper. Brown flint with pale patina on all surfaces, except where potlidded on ventral. Shaped like a razor blade with one flat end, and the termination opposite the main working edge. Broken at proximal end, hinge termination. Fairly flat on both faces. Slightly denticulated bifacial retouch/usewear on the straight right lateral edge. This edge turns at right angles to form a straight short end and turns again before the hinge termination. Both these have retouch/usewear. A good example. L: 4.2; W: 3.1; T: 0.8 cm. R/U edges: straight 3.3; end 1.6; other edge 1.25 cm.",22/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7588",2.00,"STONE","CHOPPER","Chopper on Pounder or other tool fragment. Sub triangular piece of dark grey, medium grained igneous stone. Possibly dolerite. Parts of tow original worked faces are extant on one face of the fragment. One is more pitted than the other, and the edges are rounded and fairly smooth. The opposite face, broken, is slightly convex and dimpled. The two thin convex sides and end are scarred. The other end is thicker with the edge beside the original faces partly scarred. Dimensions 6.5 x 6.3 x 1.8 cm.",22/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7588",3.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Anvil, or large Pounder. Sub cubic small boulder of light grey limestone. Surface found covered in ash and lime plaster particles. One flat square face was possibly the main working surface. It is entirely pitted, with three edges scarred. One of the two squarish side faces is entirely pitted covering large scars originating from the main face. The other side has little wear over except for edge pitting and scarring. Both the convex ends and base are entirely pitted above deep scars. Max. dimensions 14.6 x 11.55 x 12.5 cm. Flat face 11.55 x11.5 cm. Convex face approx. 11.0 x 7.45 cm. Sides 12.75 x 11.7; 12.3 x 10.9 cm.",22/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7588",4.00,"BITUMEN","ROOFING?","Thick fragment used to line something. Sub-square, with linear impressions of palm-leaf on one face. The other face is fairly flat and smooth, with a line dividing one slightly lower area from the other. Dimensions 6.6 x 6.35 x 2.3 cm.",29/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7588",5.00,"BONE","BONES","Mostly fishbone, some mammal.",29/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7588",6.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed.",29/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7588",7.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Approx. 20 fragments from the lining of a woven vessel. One surface is smoothish and often convex. The other has the impression of cross-woven, palm leaf strips. Numerous inclusions and impressions of vegetable material on smooth face. Largest dimensions 3.2 x 2.0 x 0.8 cm. Strip width 0.7-0.5 cm.",29/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7588",8.00,"STONE","CORE","Core or shaped large Mortar fragment. Sub cubic, sharply edged piece of light pinkish-grey partly silicified limestone. Part of one original face, or cortex, extant as the rectangular, smaller face of the block. It is sloping, with a smooth, partly pitted surface. At the wide end of the block is the other original surface, which is similar but less pitted. Their common edge is very scarred. The other two straight edges of the end face have been used as a striking platform, making two flat faces. The largest new face (the largest face of the block) has then been used as another platform, creating three other faces (two flat, one concave). Dimensions 9.6 x 9.2 x 6.7-4.6 cm. Original sloping face 7.3 x 6.5; original platform 6.55 x W: 5.75+ cm. Other platform (scar) L: 9.0; W: 9.1 cm. Sides scars L: 8.6; W: 6.7; L: 4.4; W: 6.55; L: 5.7; W: 5.15 cm.",22/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7588",9.00,"PLASTER","ROOF FRAGS","Three fragments of light grey plaster, presumably render. (1) Chunky & angular from ceiling. Impressions of row of palm fronds (variable widths) on one flattish face; on the other side the silhouette of a structural corner with impressions of probably palm wood beam (impressions of fibres visible). Dimensions 12.2 x 11.7 x 7.6 cm. Palm frond face 11.3 x 10.55 cm. Beam 7.95 x 3.5 x 4.2 (orientation fragment L x W x T) cm (2) Two fragments with one flat face with brush/finger strokes, the other showing impressions of wall. Largest dimensions 14.05 x 11.7 x 2.35 cm.",29/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7588",10.00,"STONE","ANVIL","Anvil, barrel-shaped. Perhaps once a Weight or other Object? Originally an ovoid boulder, with naturally weathered smooth surface, of dark grey, medium grained igneous stone. Probably dolerite. Each end of the convex body was carefully shaped almost flat and oval by pitting and, for the intact end, grinding. Subsequently most of one side and end have been worked, with most percussion occurring on the end. This has resulted in a huge concave scarred area. The opposite side of the body has two shallow oval, overlapping pitted zones. The worked end is now only fragmentary, and what remains is very pitted and scarred at the edges. The other intact end is less worn and probably formed the base of the anvil during most of its use. Height 19.6 cm; max. width 15.4 cm. End diameter 9.45-8.0; 7.8+ x 2.15+ cm. Scarred area dimensions 17.5 x 15.0 cm. Pitted zones 8.75 x 7.1 cm obscures part of another one now only 8.8 x 4.2 cm. Approx. weight 5.22 kg, probably has lost about one third - one half the weight of original object. A pair with 7588:11, found together. An excellent example, unique shape.",29/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7588",11.00,"STONE","ANVIL","Anvil on naturally weathered smooth conical or pyramidal boulder. Dark grey, medium grained igneous stone. Probably dolerite. One naturally flat rectangular face (originally square before use?), with rounded edges and corners has scarred edges, particularly that beside the main working face. This triangular working face is totally pitted and scarred flat, with two adjacent oval, concave pitted patches. One edge has a deeper scar. The opposite convex triangular face has scattered pitting, concentrated in an oval area beside the weathered face. There are two much deeper and narrower pitted hollows towards the other end. Parts of these hollows have been worn smooth and shiny, perhaps used as whetstone? The two narrower triangular ends have scattered pitting on their smooth weathered surfaces. Approx. weight 4.44 kg. Total dimensions 16.5 x 14.3 x 11.7 cm. Rectangular face 14.0 x 10.7 cm. Working face 15.25 x 13.8 cm; its oval patches approx. 9.0 x 6.4 x 0.3; 8.5 x 5.5 x 0.2 cm. Triangular face 14.1 x 13.3 cm; its oval pitting 10.6 x 5.5; its deeper hollows max. dimensions 6.1 x 4.6 x 0.3; 5.4 x 2.2 x 0.4 cm. A pair with 7588:10, found together. Intact, an excellent example.",29/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7588",12.00,"POTTERY","PALETTE","Sub-rectangular, slightly curved fragment of vessel, re-used as palette or for fine grinding. Red clay, white circular and sandy grit temper. Orange-red wash out. Inside surface deliberately ground smooth and flat. Towards one side is an oval patch which has been worn slightly concave and has fine uni-directional striations running down the length. There is also a pinkish residue, conceivably pigment or cosmetic, which roughly corresponds to this wear, and spills out unevenly over the surrounding surface, perhaps signifying a liquid. The larger end is straight, and the surface beside it has sloping uni-directional striations. The edges of the fragment are slightly worn. Dimensions 8.15 x 6.8 x 0.8 cm. Oval worn patch 3.3 x 2.4 cm. Residue area 4.2 x 3.0 cm.",29/4/1999 00:00:00,," Accidentally washed but apparently fairly clean when arrived in sherd yard." "7589",1.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Possible fused fragments. One irregular lump of copper. Both surfaces are lumpy or ridged, with a pointed extension on one side. Broken into two fragments due to bronze disease (?) corrosion. Dimensions 2.75 x 2.65 x 1.05 cm. Similar to 7585:10 & 8021:13.",24/4/1999 00:00:00,, "7590",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed, including sheep rib fragments. From doorway niche.",5/5/1999 00:00:00,, "7590",2.00,"BITUMEN","LUMP","Solid piece of bitumen, oval in section, both ends broken off. Smoothish surface, seam along one edge. Inclusions and impressions of vegetable matter. Dimensions 1.8 x 1.3-0.8 x 0.8-0.7 cm.",5/5/1999 00:00:00,, "7593",1.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder. Sub spherical nodule, with two slightly flattened faces, of grey-brown flint with remnant creamy cortex in hollows. Thin angled vein/flaw runs across part of the stone. Entire surface pitted, with some scarring especially one side of one slightly flatter face. The wide circumference is slightly abraded as well. Intact, a good example. Diameter 6.4-6.25 cm. Thickness 5.9 cm.",6/5/1999 00:00:00,, "7593",2.00,"STONE","BASIN FRAG","Corner of side fragment of rectangular basin with one slightly convex side or end. Whitish oolitic limestone with worn, dimpled surface, and irregular inner broken edge. Short stub of thick wall extant, which curves on the inside to a flat inner base. The outside turns sharply to a flat lower base. Dimensions 19.5 x 15.0 x 8.4-3.1 (wall-inner base) cm. Extant wall height interior 5.0 cm.",6/5/1999 00:00:00,, "8000",1.00,"PLASTER","BASIN FRAG","Broken piece of basin made from whitish plaster. Sub-rectangular, with edges broken off except for one straight sided corner of the fragment. One face is concave with a few large linear impressions or wear marks running diagonally across the surface. The opposite face is convex and slightly irregular. There are three coats of plaster evident. The lowest is a fine grade white; then a thin darker soft grey; with the top being the thickest and slightly lumpy (thickness of these 0.5; 0.5; 1.5-2.5 cm.). Dimensions (as rectangle) 24.5 x 17.5 x 3.7 cm. Max. dimensions 26.8 x 23.0 x 3.7 cm.",18/4/1999 00:00:00,, "8000",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Two bivalves.",18/4/1999 00:00:00,, "8002",1.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder fragment. Once conical cobble of dark grey, medium grained igneous stone. Probably basalt or dolerite. Surface of cobble was weathered smooth. A strike on the lower side has caused large concave scar, breaking away two thirds of the tool, leaving one curved outer part. The surface has scattered pitting, concentrated with scarring around the angled edge of the flat face (pitting appears lighter grey). The flat face is entirely pitted and worn. Max. dimensions 7.9 x 5.55 x 5.25 cm.",12/4/1999 00:00:00,, "8002",2.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Smoother/Pounder. Sub spherical cobble of dark grey, medium grained igneous stone. Possibly dolerite or basalt. The two opposing faces are circular and slightly concave. Both are pitted, one with a concentration near the centre. The upper zones at the edges are smooth, but there are no visible striations. The wide convex sides and ends are entirely pitted (shaping). One side has a deep scar across it, whereas another has an oval area which has worn flat at an angle to the main faces. This may also be natural weathering. Dimensions 6.85 x 6.8 x 5.55-5.3 cm.",12/4/1999 00:00:00,, "8002",3.00,"STONE","TOOL/WEIGHT","Smoother or Weight. Spherical pebble of light grey limestone with two small flat faces. Carefully made, the entire surface lightly pitted except for the flat circular faces. Both faces have small oval areas, possibly the original weathered surface, of which at least one has been worn smooth and has fine unidirectional striations running the length of the tool. Intact, a good example. Diameter 5.6-5.5 cm. Thickness 4.5 cm. 224.3 gms.",12/4/1999 00:00:00,, "8002",4.00,"BONE","BONES","Fishbone, several articulated vertebrae.",14/4/1999 00:00:00,, "8002",5.00,"STONE","PEBBLE","Possibly utilised as Smoother/Polisher. Sub oval pebble of light grey limestone with naturally weathered surface. One face is convex, the other is flat. Both have occasional natural small hollows. The flat face has a very smooth oval zone, possibly through use. Intact. Dimensions 4.95 x 3.15 x 1.95 cm. Oval zone approx. 4.3 x 3.0 cm.",13/4/1999 00:00:00,, "8006",1.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Broken Smoother. Ovoid pebble of light grey, slightly silicified or crystalline, limestone with two slightly convex faces. Stone is vaguely banded horizontally light and dark grey. Carefully made, the entire surface is pitted. One oval face has been worn smooth and convex, with fine unidirectional striations running the length of the tool. The other face has an oval hollow. Broken off at one end, otherwise a good example. Dimensions 4.9 (+) x 5.0 x 4.0-3.4 cm. Smoothed face 4.4 x 4.1 cm. 165.6 gms. Convexity (striation L x W) 1.2 x 0.8 cm.",20/4/1999 00:00:00,, "8006",2.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Pebble Polisher/Pounder. Elongated ovoid pebble of soft, light grey limestone. One oval face is flat, the other slightly convex. They are both pitted. One convex side has diagonal unidirectional striations. The ends are oval, one is larger than the other and scarred. The centres of both are fairly smooth with unidirectional striations running along the length. There is a large scar in one side near the larger end. Dimensions 5.8 x 2.75 x 2.0 cm. Dimensions striations: side 5.1 x 1.5; ends 1.45 x 0.65; 0.65 x 0.45 cm.",20/4/1999 00:00:00,, "8006",3.00,"STONE","PEBBLE","Pebble possibly utilised as Pounder. L-shaped pebble of light grey limestone with weathered smooth surface. Both faces are slightly convex, the larger convex end is slightly pitted, possibly not naturally. Dimensions 6.45 x 2.75 x 1.4 cm.",20/4/1999 00:00:00,, "8006",4.00,"STONE","PEBBLE","Pebble with no sign of use. Tapered oval pebble of light grey limestone with weathered smooth surface. One face is flat and very smooth, the other slightly convex with several shallow hollows. Dimensions 5.0 x 4.9 x 1.8 cm.",20/4/1999 00:00:00,, "8006",5.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Large Smoother. Reused. Sub ovoid-rectangular cobble of dark grey, medium grained igneous stone. Possibly dolerite. One face worn flat and smooth, slightly sloping down at opposite corners, and scarred at the other two corners. Slightly covered in thin gypsum salts. The opposite face has a large central scar (from the sides), with the areas towards each end subsequently smoothed flat. No striations are visible on either face. One side is more convex than the other, both ends are convex. They are all entirely pitted with some scarring on the edges. The flatter side may have originally been smoothed as is very regular. It has a diagonal line etched across it. The edge between the concave face and one end is bevelled (once smooth) flat (now pitted). Intact, a good example of reuse. Dimensions 9.6 x 8.6 x 5.95-4.2 cm. Smoothed faces: flat 7.7 x 7.55; concave 7.0 x 6.9 cm. Old smoothed faces: side 7.25 x 6.1; bevel 4.15 x 2.8 cm. Weight approx. 970 gms.",20/4/1999 00:00:00,, "8011",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Bivalves, one is burnt.",20/4/1999 00:00:00,, "8012",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed, including strombus with oval hole opposite opening.",20/4/1999 00:00:00,, "8012",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed.",20/4/1999 00:00:00,, "8013",1.00,"COPPER","PIN FRAGS","Two non-joining fragments of broken pin or possibly needle. Circular in section. 1) Tapers to a point. Length 2.15, diameter 0.2-0.1 (good metal-tip) cm. 2) Length 1.85 cm. Diameter 1.5 (good metal) cm.",14/4/1999 00:00:00,, "8015",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Fishbone.",3/5/1999 00:00:00,, "8016",1.00,"POTTERY","BOWL","Fine wheel-thrown bowl or cup. About a third of base and lower body - scant profile to rim. Very fine, dense red clay, no apparent inclusions. Fine pinched rim, slightly pulled out. Body swells slightly, then tapers to wide, flat cut base. Extremely delicate and carefully made. Outside shows marks of horizontal scraping with smooth instrument. One pair of drilled mend-holes, 2.3 cm apart, near base. Part of a third preserved further round. Height 7.0 cm. Rim diameter (reconstructed) 10.4 cm. Base diameter 4.0 cm. Holes Max. diameter 0.4 cm. Min. diameter 0.1 cm.",3/5/1999 00:00:00,, "8018",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed, including strombus, murex and tiny gastropod. A few are burnt.",20/4/1999 00:00:00,, "8018",2.00,"BITUMEN","LID OR BUNG","Large bung. Two oval lumps of bitumen pushed onto either side of a hole in a pottery vessel- fragment of ribbed pot survives between. Larger piece has a roughly convex lower face, the smaller is flattish with a probable a shallow knob. Entire surface is pitted, and bitumen contains numerous vegetable inclusions and impressions. The edges are all chipped. Dimensions 7.65 x 6.55 x 2.45 cm.",29/4/1999 00:00:00,, "8019",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed, including strombus.",21/4/1999 00:00:00,, "8019",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Fishbone.",21/4/1999 00:00:00,, "8021",1.00,"STEATITE","BOWL","Rim and part of body of decorated steatite bowl. Almost quarter of rim and part of body extant. Coarse grained, greenish-grey steatite, worn surfaces, broken into four joining fragments. Simple rounded rim, now worn and slightly undulating, sides gently rounded, dropping nearly vertically then curving inwards: base presumably wide and gently rounded. Below rim on exterior is an incised horizontal row of circles each with double circumference and central dot, below that a horizontal line. This decoration is worn and in parts vague. Both faces have been ground and polished smooth. Present height 4.9 cm. Rim diameter (reconstructed) c. 9.5 cm.",22/4/1999 00:00:00,, "8021",2.00,"COPPER","SLAG","Casting slag? Irregular flat piece of copper, with three jutting corners. Both faces are slightly lumpy. Dimensions 3.6 x 2.35 x 0.6 cm.",22/4/1999 00:00:00,, "8021",3.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Large irregular lump of mostly brown corroding copper (and?). Very lumpy surface with sandy deposit adhering in parts. One piece of better copper, with oval section, is jutting out of the side. It is approximately chisel sized but disappears quickly into the lump after 2 cm. Dimensions 5.15 x 5.0 x 4.3 cm.",22/4/1999 00:00:00,, "8021",4.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pebble Pounder. Ovoid pebble of light grey limestone, with more silicified darker centre. Both faces are flattish, with one larger than the other. They are lightly pitted and scarred at the edges. The convex edges are pitted, with deeper scarring along one side and the convex end, and the edges of the flatter end. Intact. Dimensions 3.9 x 3.4-2.8 x 2.7 cm. Side scarring 3.1 x 1.8 cm.",28/4/1999 00:00:00,, "8021",5.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pebble Pounder, possible Polisher. Elongated ovoid pebble of light grey limestone, with pronounced horizontal cleavage. One face is weathered convex and has been entirely pitted. The other face is flat and is very smooth, perhaps not naturally. There are no visible striations. The rounded edges are partly pitted and scarred. Intact. Dimensions 4.25 x 2.55 x 1.3 cm.",28/4/1999 00:00:00,, "8021",6.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pebble Pounder. Ovoid pebble of light grey limestone. Surface is soft and worn. One face is convex with a high kick up towards one end. The other face is flat. Both are lightly pitted. The mostly convex edges are wide and pitted, with concentrated scarring at each end and one straight side. Intact. Dimensions 3.9 x 2.9 x 2.75 cm.",28/4/1999 00:00:00,, "8021",7.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder, possible Smoother. Sub triangular pebble of light grey limestone. Surface is weathered smooth with numerous small hollows. One face is convex and covered in light pitting. The other face is flat and appears to be worn very smooth, probably not naturally. It also has fine multidirectional striations. The rounded edges are slightly pitted and scarred. Intact. Dimensions 5.35 x 4.3 x 2.5 cm.",28/4/1999 00:00:00,, "8021",8.00,"FOSSIL BIVALVE","POUNDER","Bivalve Fossil used as Pounder. Sub ovoid fossil of light grey limestone. Vague impression of radiating ribs of shell extant on both convex faces. Parts of these faces are pitted, one in an oval zone near the hinge, the other in two oval zones near the hinge and near one edge. The entire convex edge is pitted and scarred, especially on and near the wide hinge. Intact, an excellent example. Shell L: 5.4; W: 5.75; T: 3.95 cm. 102.8 gms.",28/4/1999 00:00:00,, "8021",9.00,"FOSSIL ECHINOID","POUNDER","Echinoid fossil briefly used as Pounder. Ovoid pebble of light grey limestone, with lovely smoothish surface. Upper convex face has remains of 5-rayed echinoid with a central hollow. The other face is flat with a raised central anus. Both faces have scattered light pitting which may not be natural, the flat face is partially very smooth. The rounded circumference is slightly scarred. Intact, a good example. Diameter 4.45-4.05 cm. Thickness 1.9 cm.",28/4/1999 00:00:00,, "8021",10.00,"STONE","PEBBLE","Possibly briefly used as Chopper. Flat oval pebble of light grey limestone, with weathered smoothish surface. Both faces are flat. The rounded edges have slight scarring, which may not be natural. Found on floor. Intact. Dimensions 3.9 x 3.6 x 1.05 cm.",28/4/1999 00:00:00,, "8021",11.00,"PLASTER","PIERCED DISC","Light grey plaster object, in the shape of a thick disc, pierced centrally. Carefully made, perhaps in a mould. One face is very smooth and flat, with a linear shallow mark (flaw?) near the hole. The other side is also flattish but not quite as smooth or regular, with a small scar beside the rounded circumference. The hole, which is slightly off-centre, preserves the impression of a palm stalk. On the surface of the less regular side, there is an angled hollow which runs from the hole to the edge. This was perhaps made when the frond was withdrawn from the hole, or alternatively by rope wear. The hole is slightly larger on this face than the other. Intact. Diameter 7.65 cm. Thickness 2.35 cm. Hole dimensions: flat face 0.9 x 0.8 cm; irregular face 12 x 0.9 cm. 140.6 gms.",28/4/1999 00:00:00,, "8021",12.00,"BITUMEN","LUMP","Solid sub-ovoid lump of brownish black bitumen. One face is angled, with cooling creases across the surface. The other face is slightly convex and pitted. The edges are thick and irregular. Contains vegetable impressions and inclusions. Two small fragments have broken off the main piece. Dimensions 6.55 x 6.05 x 3.05 cm.",28/4/1999 00:00:00,, "8021",13.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Possibly fused fragments. Sub rectangular piece, with two lumpy or ridged flattish faces. Dimensions 2.9 x 1.95 x 0.9 cm. Similar to 7585:10 & 7589:1.",28/4/1999 00:00:00,, "8021",14.00,"BONE","BONES","Fishbone.",22/4/1999 00:00:00,, "8021",15.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed, including small cowrie.",22/4/1999 00:00:00,, "8021",16.00,"BONE","HANDLE","Sheep/goat radius with the proximal end cut off, presumably the handle for a tool such as 5506:03, qv. The cut edge fairly smooth, perhaps ground, with a rectangle cut out of the bone next to it. On the side opposite the hole are two fine etched lines, starting 0.2 cm from the cut edge, and continuing down the shaft for at least 1.2 cm. On one other side are finer lines parallel to, and 0.7 cm from, the edge. Bone has recently broken close to the joint. Inside the bone is a mass carbonised date pips, pushed in to a depth of 3 cm. Total length 9.05; width 2.3-1.5-1.8 (joint-shaft middle-cut end) cm; thickness 1.55-1.0-1.0 (joint-shaft middle-cut end) cm. Cut hole L: 1.2 cm; W: 1.0- 0.9 (bone outer surface end-inner edge); 0.8-0.3 (bone inner surface end-inner edge) cm. Date pip packing starts 2.3 cm from cut end.",22/4/1999 00:00:00,,"One date-pip removed as sample, 8021:17." "8021",17.00,"ORGANIC","DATE PIP","Broken carbonised date pip found with others shoved accidentally into broken shaft of bone handle 8021:16. One partly removed as sample, as the rest of it and others wedged tightly (to a length of 3.0 cm!). Fragment dimensions 0.5 x 0.5 x 0.4 cm.",22/4/1999 00:00:00,, "8026",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Large vertebrae.",27/4/1999 00:00:00,, "8026",2.00,"BONE","WORKED?","Bony excrescence from the skull of a fish, possibly partly worked to enhance its natural similarity to a model fish. Most of the bone is extant, but one end is broken off. The bone has naturally angled, curved shallow lines, resembling scales, and linear seams top and bottom. Towards the pointed end (head), the bottom seam joins a natural line which curves up each side, resembling gills. On one side near the tip is a circular hole, like an eye, and the tip is also slightly damaged making it look like a mouth. Length 5.85 x 2.5 x 1.55 cm. Eye hole diameter 0.15 cm.",27/4/1999 00:00:00,, "8028",1.00,"STEATITE","SEAL","Seal fragment of very dark grey stone. About a quarter preserved. Surface worn - traces of glaze in base of incisions. Edge convex (Failaka F1). Reverse mostly broken away: trace of one dot-and-circle motif. Only right-hand side of deeply cut design extant. Obverse has right-hand side of a deeply-cut design showing part of a seated human figure facing left. Diameter (estimated) approx. 3.0 cm. Preserved thickness 1.24 cm.",29/4/1999 00:00:00,, "8029",1.00,"POTTERY","BOWL","Bowl. About one third extant: full profile. Hard red clay, temper of grit and possibly vegetable matter. Rim flat on top, not very even. Body gently rounded, tapers to eroded low ring-base. Height 15.2 cm. Rim diameter (reconstructed) approx. 35 cm. Base diameter (reconstructed) approx. 10-12 cm.",3/5/1999 00:00:00,, "8030",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed, including bird long bone with curious joined longitudinal split. Test pit.",3/5/1999 00:00:00,, "8031",1.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Chopper/Scraper or large flake. Oval flake of grey flint with bands of brown and red-brown, and a remnant creamy cortex. Cortical/skin flake, with previous flakes struck of the dorsal face from the proximal end. Hinge termination. The platform is flat and slightly scarred, making a narrow butt. The distal end is convex, fairly thick, and entirely pitted and scarred, appearing serrated on the ventral edge. The use has caused some bifacial invasive scarring up the faces. Both lateral edges are slightly scarred, with the right one having retouch/usewear (partly bifacial) on a straight edge. Higher up this edge is concave with a notch that may be recent. Intact, a good example. L: 8.3; W: 7.0; T: 1.8 cm.",3/5/1999 00:00:00,, "8031",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mostly mammal - sheep/goat long bones & fragments split longitudinally beside joint. One fish vertebrae. Test Pit.",3/5/1999 00:00:00,, "8031",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed, including large oyster, large bubble shell and one burnt clam.",3/5/1999 00:00:00,, "8040",1.00,"STONE","BASIN FRAG","Corner fragment of rectangular basin made from whitish oolitic limestone. Reused in wall. Not certain whether the largest broken face of the piece represents the base or one side. The rim has broken away and is sloping. It is narrow, with a concave inner corner. The interior is concave with fairly vertical walls, worn thin with the broken edge ragged. Its surface shows pronounced ridges in between wide curved hollows, placed at an odd angle to the faces. These look similar to adze marks and are slightly different from the usual weathered bedding planes of the stone. The outer faces of the walls/base show sloping chisel marks and rough shaping scars. Max. extant outer dimensions 21.5 x 15.5 x 12.0 cm. Extant depth approx. 14 cm. Thickness of walls is variable. Curved markings ridge-ridge: 4.7-4.2; 3.75-2.75 cm.",6/5/1999 00:00:00,, "8055",1.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Fill of niche. Bag of heavy fraction after 1mm sieve. Unsorted.",6/5/1999 00:00:00,, "9004",1.00,"STONE","CHOPPER","Large long pointed chopper. Wide plunging flake of light pink-brown course grained stone, limestone. Retouched along proximal edge and retouch and usewear on two edges at the pointed end. Opposite end has been sidestruck and shaped to be narrower. Intact. L: 6.0, W: 12.5, T: 3.4 cm.",16/3/1995 00:00:00,, "9006",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. Trench B.",16/3/1995 00:00:00,, "9008",1.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Soil archaeo-magnetic sample. Sand with possible gypsum content. 1 bag.",18/3/1995 00:00:00,, "9011",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. Trench C.",16/3/1995 00:00:00,, "9016",1.00,"SOIL","SAMPLE","Soil archaeo-magnetic sample. Fill to nomad fire. Trench C fill. 1 bag.",16/3/1995 00:00:00,, "9023",1.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder made of oval piece of light grey-brown stone with numerous inclusions of quartz, and occasional shell and pebbles:, farush. Intact. One face has been worn flat and smooth. The opposite is irregular but slightly convex, sloping down to mostly narrow edges. One edge is concave/notched. Dimensions 20.6 x 15.8 x 5.4 cm.",18/3/1995 00:00:00,, "9023",2.00,"COPPER","DISC","Decorated disc of bronze or copper, concave, with raised band round the circumference. Trace of gilding on the surface, which is decorated with the figure of a pelican facing right and an elaborate plant. Asymmetrically placed hole, probably secondary, punched through wing of bird. Underside shows three small protrusions (stumps) placed to form a triangle, presumably for attachment. Roundel mounting from dagger or sheath? Cast? Intact. Height 1.1, diameter 3.4-3.5, thickness at rim 0.1 cm. Pierced hole diameter 0.3 cm. Stumps max. height 0.8, diameter 0.25 cm. Presumably intrusive.",18/3/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "9023",3.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder. Sub ovoid nodule of banded brown chert with some remnant areas of creamy white cortex. Surface has numerous flake scars and the curved edge of maximum diameter is particularly abraded. Dimensions 7.0 x 6.2 x 4.7 cm. See also 9023: 6 & 7.",19/3/1995 00:00:00,, "9023",4.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone, including cuttle fish. Not sieved.",19/3/1995 00:00:00,, "9023",5.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Mixed shell. Not sieved.",19/3/1995 00:00:00,, "9023",6.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Probable Core or possible Pounder flake. Sub rectangular with 2 fairly flat scarred faces. If core it has bipolar platforms. Brown banded chert with remnant light grey cortex on part of one platform. Height (between platforms): 4.0, W: 5.3, T: 1.8 cm. See also 9023: 3 & 7.",19/3/1995 00:00:00,, "9023",7.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Possible Chopper or Pounder. Sub ovoid piece of banded and mottled brown chert with numerous white crystalline inclusions. Deeply flake scarred but in no regular pattern. One convex edge has possible discontinuous use wear or retouch. Intact. Dimensions 7.4 x 5.8 x 4.6 cm.",19/3/1995 00:00:00,, "9023",8.00,"FOSSIL BIVALVE","POUNDER","Bivalve fossil possibly utilised as Pounder tool. Light grey limestone. Complete bivalve with all edges abraded or worn. Intact. Dimensions 3.8 x 4.4 x 2.7 cm.",19/3/1995 00:00:00,, "9023",9.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Sub oval or rectangular fragment of copper with thick patina. Fairly flat surfaces. One end has notch. Dimensions 2.3 x 1.8 x 0.7 cm.",19/3/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "9023",10.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Grindstone, broken into two joining end fragments, not complete. Double sided/reused. Originally a sub-oval piece of light brown sandstone with numerous quartz inclusions. Upper surface is worn smooth and concave with a long flat area. This may have continued right up to one long edge, now broken. The base has also been worn smooth and concave right up to the same broken long edge. The edges are near-vertical and vary between high on one long side and broken away and narrow on the other. Total dimensions 50.0 x 25.5 x 0.8-0.3 cm.",10/4/1995 00:00:00,, "9023",11.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Sub ovoid fragment of copper with brown staining. Dimensions 2.0 x 1.9 x 1.2 cm.",10/4/1995 00:00:00,"Y", "9023",12.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder (broken) Sub spherical light grey limestone nodule with entire convex surface abraded. One face has concentration of pounding forming slight hollow in centre. The opposite face is where the tool was broken after a blow was struck probably during pounding. Dimensions 9.5 x 8.3 x 5.9 cm.",10/4/1995 00:00:00,, "9023",13.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Pounder/Smoother fragment. Sub ovoid fragment of dark grey close grained stone. Extant face is convex with central flat area worn smooth and sides/edge abraded. Probably broken during pounding. Dimensions 6.5 x 3.6 x 2.5 cm.",10/4/1995 00:00:00,, "9023",14.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Pounder/Smoother fragment. Sub triangular fragment of dark grey close grained stone. Areas of three extant faces have been worn smooth and variously concave, flat and convex. The rest is abraded and partly deeply scarred. Probably broken during pounding. Dimensions 6.1 x .8 x 3.4 cm.",10/4/1995 00:00:00,, "9023",15.00,"SHELL","PIERCED BIVALVE","Spiny oyster shell with large sub-oval hole in the centre of the side. Intact. Shell length 6.0, width 5.9 cm. Hole 1.0 x 0.5 cm.",10/4/1995 00:00:00,, "9023",16.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder fragment. Sub cuboid fragment of brown flint with creamy white cortex. Strike/abrading marks on one face probably due to pounding. Dimensions 2.3 x 1.8 x 1.4 cm.",10/4/1995 00:00:00,, "9023",17.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder fragment. Sub-rectangular fragment of light brown stone with numerous quartz inclusions. One face has been worn smooth and flat. The opposite is angled. Three edges are vertical, the other is narrow and rounded. Possible abrading on some edges. Possibly continued in use when fragmentary. Dimensions 5.7 x 4.3 x 3.6 cm.",10/4/1995 00:00:00,, "9023",18.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Small Pounder (?). Sub cuboid nodule of smooth dark grey stone. (with no grain related to chert?) At least four faces and their edges are abraded, probably due to pounding rather than a natural wearing. One face is very smooth and flat possibly due to either desert polish or smoothing. Dimensions 3.5 x 2.5 x 2.0 cm. Siliceous ? metamorphic rock. (M Mendeck May 1995)",10/4/1995 00:00:00,, "9023",19.00,"STONE","TOOL","Pounder. Half of a spherical nodule of light grey limestone. Parts of the outer surface are abraded and partly scarred, particularly near the broken edge. Probably broken during pounding. Dimensions 6.1 x 6.0 x 3.7 cm.",22/4/1995 00:00:00,, "9220",1.00,"STONE","MORTAR","Large stone mortar. Roughly-shaped lump of limestone, with upper surface worn into a shallow irregular hollow. Not measured.",3/11/2005 00:00:00,, "E16:001",1.00,"BONE","BONES"," ",2/2/1991 00:00:00,,"Surplus dirt removed with light brushing." "E16:001",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,2/2/1991 00:00:00,, "E16:001",3.00,"FLINT","CORE","Possible core of grey/black flint. 4.2 x 5.0 x 3.8 cm.",24/2/1991 00:00:00,, "E16:003",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,3/2/1991 00:00:00,, "E16:004",1.00,"BONE","BONES",,5/2/1991 00:00:00,, "E16:004",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,4/2/1991 00:00:00,, "E16:004",3.00,"STONE","TOOL","Black hard stone, one broken-off face, so perhaps part of a larger tool. Wedge shaped, broad surfaces worn smooth, edges and ends with signs of wear. 7.1 x 4.9 x 4.7 cm.",8/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Washed to remove surplus sediments." "E16:004",4.00,"STONE","TOOL","Piece of black stone, probably dolomite. Irregular rounded plan, edges all worn. 10.2 x 8.8 x 6.0 cm.",2/3/1991 00:00:00,,"All surfaces brushed to remove surplus sediments." "E16:004",5.00,"BONE","BONES","Two parts of jaw bone from a large animal, plus other assorted fragments of bone.",14/2/1991 00:00:00,, "E16:004",6.00,"STONE","TOOL","Hard black pebble, broken off. Rounded irregular shape very smooth. 3.4 x 1.8 x 2.0 cm.",8/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Stone has been washed to remove surplus sediments." "E16:004",7.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Small rounded fragment of corroded copper.",19/2/1991 00:00:00,, "E16:005",1.00,"BONE","BONES",,11/2/1991 00:00:00,, "E16:005",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,11/2/1991 00:00:00,, "E16:006",1.00,"BONE","BONES",,17/2/1991 00:00:00,, "E16:006",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,18/2/1991 00:00:00,, "E16:006",3.00,"ORGANIC","DATE","Carbonised date stones.",17/2/1991 00:00:00,, "E16:006",4.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Three small corroded pieces of copper.",18/2/1991 00:00:00,, "E16:007",1.00,"STONE","TOOL FRAG","Black hard stone, fragment from a larger object. Now roughly crescentic in plan, with two facets worn smooth. 8.2 x 4.7 x 3.2 cm.",8/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Stone has been washed." "E16:007",2.00,"BONE","BONES",,11/2/1991 00:00:00,, "E16:007",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,11/2/1991 00:00:00,, "E16:007",4.00,"POTTERY","PLATE FRAG","Single fragment comprising a base, part of rim and body. Buff clay, sand and vegetable temper. Rim bevelled to the outside, outer edge rounded. Below the rim an encircling depression made by a finger scrape. The body tapers to a slightly raised flat base. Height 6.0 cm. Rim diameter [reconstructed] 31.0 cm. Diameter of base 6.8 cm.",24/2/1991 00:00:00,, "E16:010",1.00,"BONE","BONES",,14/2/1991 00:00:00,, "E16:010",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Shell recovered from a sieved context.",23/2/1991 00:00:00,, "E16:010",3.00,"FLINT","FLAKE","Triangular fragment of unworked purple flint. 2.5 x 2.0 x 0.6 cm.",24/2/1991 00:00:00,, "E16:010",4.00,"STONE","TOOL","White pebble, pear shaped with chip from narrow end. Worn smooth all over, narrow end shows signs of wear. 3.2 x 2.8 cm.",8/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Stone has been washed to remove traces of unwanted sediments." "E16:010",5.00,"ORGANIC","DATE","Carbonised date stones, recovered from a sieved context.",21/2/1991 00:00:00,, "E16:010",6.00,"STEATITE","SEAL","Glazed steatite seal, broken. Edge grooved - Failaka variation . Reverse: boss missing, traces of three lines. Perforation extant, drilled from each end. Design obliterated. Isolated drill holes extant, and traces of two long-neck animals facing each other. Diameter c. 2.11, preserved ht. 0.6 cm.",10/3/1991 00:00:00,"Y", "E16:010",7.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Four fragments of copper. The largest measures 3.0 x 1.5 x 0.3 cm.",21/2/1991 00:00:00,, "E16:010",8.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Not described.",21/2/1991 00:00:00,, "E16:010",9.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Two sacks, 60 litres, of a whole earth sample taken for flotation.",21/2/1991 00:00:00,, "E16:010",10.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Tiny chip of dark brown flint, very thin. Dimensions 0.7 x 0.5 x 0.01 cm. From Flotation Sample E16:010:9.",15/1/1998 00:00:00,, "E16:011",1.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Three fragments of badly corroded copper. [1] 3.5 x 2.0 x 1.2 cm. [2] 1.5 x 1.3 x 0.8 cm. [3] 1.1 x 0.6 x 0.4 cm.",19/2/1991 00:00:00,, "E16:011",2.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Number of bitumen fragments with weave impressions, presumably from the lining to one or more woven vessels. Not measured.",12/2/1991 00:00:00,, "E16:011",3.00,"ORGANIC","DATE","Carbonised date stones.",12/2/1991 00:00:00,, "E16:011",4.00,"FLINT","FLAKE","Unworked purple/brown flake. 3.6 x 2.7 x 1.5 cm.",24/2/1991 00:00:00,, "E16:011",5.00,"BONE","WORKED","Fish vertebra, possibly worked. Not measured.",12/2/1991 00:00:00,, "E16:011",6.00,"BONE","BONES","Bone from a sieved context.",14/2/1991 00:00:00,, "E16:011",7.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,12/2/1991 00:00:00,, "E16:012",1.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","copper fragments form this context.",24/2/1991 00:00:00,, "E16:012",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Large collection of shells, stored in a separate container from the rest of the E16 shell.",23/2/1991 00:00:00,, "E16:012",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Large assemblage of bone recovered by sieving from this context,",19/2/1991 00:00:00,, "E16:012",4.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Not described.",19/2/1991 00:00:00,, "E16:012",5.00,"CLAY","BEAD","Large, crude, cream coloured clay bead, sharply biconical with pinched ends. Perforation begun from both ends, but does not go all the way through. Dimensions 1.3 x 1.6 x 1.3 cm.",21/2/1991 00:00:00,, "E16:012",6.00,"CLAY","BEAD","Small roughly cylindrical orange clay bead with slightly tapered ends. Dimensions1.0 x 0.3 x 0.3 cm.",24/2/1991 00:00:00,, "E16:012",7.00,"FLINT","FRAGS","Three pieces of unworked brown flint. [1] 1.7 x 1.0 x 0.7 cm. [2] 2.2 x 1.0 x 0.3 cm. [3] 3.7 x 2.2 x 0.6 cm.",27/2/1991 00:00:00,, "E16:012",8.00,"ORGANIC","CHARCOAL","Fragments of charcoal.",27/2/1991 00:00:00,, "E16:012",9.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Small ball of copper, badly corroded. 1.5 x 1.3 x 1.3 cm.",27/2/1991 00:00:00,, "E16:012",10.00,"POTTERY","NECK","Neck of vessel. Not individually described.",25/3/1991 00:00:00,,"Stored with un-numbered sherds from same context." "E16:013",1.00,"BONE","BONES","All bone recovered from a sieved context.",18/2/1991 00:00:00,, "E16:013",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Shell recovered from a sieved context.",19/2/1991 00:00:00,, "E16:013",3.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Four lumps of corroded copper, recovered from a sieved context.",19/2/1991 00:00:00,, "E16:013",4.00,"ORGANIC","DATE","Carbonised date stones recovered from the sieve.",18/2/1991 00:00:00,, "E16:013",5.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Fragments of bitumen, many with weave impressions, so presumably from the lining to one or more woven vessels. Not measured.",19/2/1991 00:00:00,, "E16:014",1.00,"ORGANIC","DATE","Carbonised date stones, recovered from a sieved context.",24/2/1991 00:00:00,, "E16:014",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Bone from a sieved context.",23/2/1991 00:00:00,, "E16:014",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Shell recovered from a sieved context.",24/2/1991 00:00:00,, "E16:014",4.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","50%, [20 litres], from the fill of a feature, taken as a whole earth sample for flotation.",27/2/1991 00:00:00,, "E16:015",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","50% [30 litres], of pit fill taken as a whole earth sample for flotation.",27/2/1991 00:00:00,, "E16:015",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Bone recovered from the fill of a feature.",21/2/1991 00:00:00,, "E16:015",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,18/2/1991 00:00:00,, "E16:015",4.00,"POTTERY","BASE","Not individually described.",18/3/1991 00:00:00,,"Stored with un-numbered pottery from same context." "E16:016",1.00,"ORGANIC","CHARCOAL","Sample of carbonised material for C.14 dating.",2/3/1991 00:00:00,, "E16:016",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Bone recovered from the sieve.",27/2/1991 00:00:00,, "E16:016",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,21/2/1991 00:00:00,, "E16:016",4.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Whole earth sample taken for flotation.",27/2/1991 00:00:00,, "E16:017",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,27/2/1991 00:00:00,, "E16:017",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Bone recovered from a sieved context.",27/2/1991 00:00:00,, "E16:017",3.00,"ORGANIC","DATE","Carbonised date stones recovered from sieving.",24/2/1991 00:00:00,, "E16:017",4.00,,"DISCARDED",,8/4/1991 00:00:00,, "E16:017",5.00,"ORGANIC","CHARCOAL","Charcoal fragments.",18/2/1991 00:00:00,,"All pieces very badly corroded." "E16:023",1.00,"COPPER","RING","Copper strip or length of wire bent round to form a ring with overlapping ends. 2.5 x 2.3 x 0.4 cm.",7/3/1991 00:00:00,, "E16:024",1.00,"POTTERY","BASE","Not separately described.",18/3/1991 00:00:00,,"Stored with in-numbered sherds from same context." "E16:024",2.00,"BITUMEN","BEAD","Large, bead. Dimensions 2.6 x 1.9 cm, central perforation approx.0.6 cm.",18/3/1991 00:00:00,, "E16:028",1.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Two pieces of corroded metal. 1) unidentifiable fragment of metal, with what remains of a stem which branching out into three bulbous ends. Presumably casting slag. ]2.6 x 2.1 x 0.9 cm. 2) Irregularly shaped fragment, perhaps broken off thin flat object. 2.3 x 1.1 x 0.6 cm.",7/3/1991 00:00:00,, "E17:001",1.00,"BONE","BONES","This context contains a lot of fish and gazelle bones.",16/1/1991 00:00:00,,"All bones in this assemblage given a light brushing to remove surplus dirt." "E17:001",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,29/1/1991 00:00:00,, "E17:001",3.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Piece of limestone, probably a fragment from a thick grinder. Irregular in plan, with one curved, worked edge, the rest been broken off. One broad face worn very flat, the other domed. Dimensions 13.4 x 9.6 x 5.2 cm.",5/3/1991 00:00:00,,"Surface brushed to remove surplus sediments." "E17:001",4.00,"POTTERY","INCENSE BURNER","Part of the side and base of a rectangular vessel. Parts of two legs extant in corners: presumably there were four originally. Pink clay, coarse grit temper, with a cream slip. Present height 6, 2 cm, diameter 5.0 cm. Probably part of an Islamic-period incense-burner: presumably intrusive.",24/2/1991 00:00:00,, "E17:002",1.00,"CARNELIAN","BEAD","Short cylindrical carnelian bead. Dimensions 0.3 x 0.3 x 0.1 cm.",20/1/1991 00:00:00,, "E17:002",2.00,"CARNELIAN","BEAD","Sub-spherical carnelian bead. Dimension 0.6 x 0.6 cm, Central perforation approx 0.2 cm. in diameter.",20/1/1991 00:00:00,, "E17:002",3.00,"STONE","BEAD","Spherical bead, half broken away along the length of the central perforation. Woolley Type 13. Dimensions 0.6 x 0.6 x 0.2 cm.",20/1/1991 00:00:00,, "E17:002",4.00,"BONE","BONES","Large mixed assemblage of bone from E17:002. One fish bone has a number of butchery marks on the surface. Two small fish vertebra have had their edges smoothed.",21/1/1991 00:00:00,,"All bone in this assemblage is in very good condition." "E17:002",5.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Shell from a 100% sieved context. It has been stored in two plastic bags.",20/1/1991 00:00:00,, "E17:002",6.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Seven small fragments of copper.",20/1/1991 00:00:00,, "E17:002",7.00,"SHELL","OPERCULUM","Operculum of gastropod. 0.4 x 0.9 x 1.0 cm.",20/1/1991 00:00:00,, "E17:002",8.00,"BONE","SAMPLE","Sack of residue from the 100% dry sieving of context E17:002; the bone from this residue equals E17:002:004.",21/1/1991 00:00:00,, "E17:002",9.00,"ORGANIC","DATE","A number of carbonised date stones, a possible C.14 sample.",27/1/1991 00:00:00,, "E17:002",10.00,"COPPER","RING FRAG?","Fragment of copper, possibly part of a ring, or just a piece of wire.1.4 x 0.3 x 0.2 cm.",11/2/1991 00:00:00,, "E17:002",11.00,"BONE","FISH","From the one metre square D. Series of five fish vertebra, may be part of 012.",24/1/1991 00:00:00,,"Brushed lightly to remove surplus dirt." "E17:002",12.00,"BONE","BONES","From the one metre square D.",24/1/1991 00:00:00,,"Light brushing to remove surplus dirt." "E17:002",13.00,"BONE","FISH","From the one metre square D.",23/1/1991 00:00:00,,"Surplus dirt removed with light brushing." "E17:002",14.00,"BONE","BONES","From the one metre square D.",24/1/1991 00:00:00,,"Light brushing." "E17:002",15.00,"BONE","FISH","From the one metre square D.",24/1/1991 00:00:00,,"Light brushing." "E17:002",16.00,"POTTERY","PAINTED SPOUTED JAR","Part of rim and body of painted spouted pot. Pink clay, shell temper, smeared black wash out, smeared red paint on rim. Inside the rim and neck perfunctory band of paint, level with the spout. Also black wash. Rim flat on top, lipped to the outside, no neck. Body rounded, short spout below the rim. Raised ridge below the rim interrupted by the spout. Preserved height 6.0 cm. Rim diameter c. 17.0 cm.",26/3/1991 00:00:00,,"Reconstructed using a nitro cellulose adhesive." "E17:002",17.00,"BONE","BONES","From the one metre square D.",24/1/1991 00:00:00,,"Brushed lightly." "E17:002",18.00,"BONE","BONES","From the one metre square D.",24/1/1991 00:00:00,,"Brushed lightly with a soft brushed." "E17:002",19.00,"BONE","BONES","From the one metre square D.",24/1/1991 00:00:00,,"Light brushing with a soft brush to remove surplus dirt." "E17:002",20.00,"BONE","FISH","From the one metre square G.",26/1/1991 00:00:00,,"A soft brushed was used to remove surplus dirt from the bone." "E17:002",21.00,"BONE","BONES","Extremely fragmentary jaw bone.",26/1/1991 00:00:00,,"Fragments consolidated in lab, general condition of the bone poor." "E17:002",22.00,"BONE","BONES","From the one metre square G.",26/1/1991 00:00:00,,"brushed lightly with a soft brush to remove surplus dirt." "E17:002",23.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","One sack of a whole earth sample from grid D for flotation.",29/1/1991 00:00:00,, "E17:002",24.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","One sack of a whole earth sample from grid G for flotation.",29/1/1991 00:00:00,, "E17:002",25.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","One sack of a whole earth sample from grid J for flotation.",29/1/1991 00:00:00,, "E17:002",26.00,"FLINT","FRAG","One piece of unworked flint. Dimensions 6.4 x 2.2 x 1.3 cm. Another item E17:002:28 separated in 1992.",24/2/1991 00:00:00,, "E17:002",27.00,"STONE","FRAG","Small chip from larger stone object, one surface highly polished. 2.8 x 2.8 x 0.3 cm.",24/2/1991 00:00:00,, "E17:002",28.00,"FLINT","CORE","Core perhaps later utilised as a Chopper or Heavy Scraper. Hemispherical piece of light grey-brown flint with numerous crystalline hollows and light brown cortex (and red-brown subcortex). Strange material to select, probably abandoned due to eventual unsuitability. One main prepared striking platform, with flake scars having hinged-step terminations. Dimensions 9.1 x 7.1 x 4.4 cm. Platform flake scar (with step termination) L: 6.3; W: 3.0 cm . Other flake scars L: 3.3; W: 2.1. L: 0.9; W: 2.0 cm. Originally separated from E17:002:26 in 1992.",26/1/1998 00:00:00,"M", "E17:003",1.00,"BONE","BONES",,29/1/1991 00:00:00,, "E17:003",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,29/1/1991 00:00:00,, "E17:003",3.00,"STONE","TOOL","Piece of hard black stone, apparently a fragment from a larger tool, which had two flat opposing faces and rounded edges. One face and remains of unbroken edge worn smooth. 7.4 x 4.3 x 3.8 cm.",8/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Stone has been washed." "E17:004",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Bone recovered from the sieve.",4/3/1991 00:00:00,, "E17:004",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Context sieved 100%.",30/1/1991 00:00:00,, "E17:004",3.00,"BONE","FISH","Fish vertebra recovered from sub grid A.",2/3/1991 00:00:00,, "E17:004",4.00,"BONE","FISH","Fish vertebra recovered from sub grid D.",2/3/1991 00:00:00,, "E17:004",5.00,"BONE","FISH","Part of fish tail recovered from sub grid D.",4/3/1991 00:00:00,, "E17:004",6.00,"BONE","JAW","Small jaw bone, recovered from sub grid D.",2/3/1991 00:00:00,, "E17:004",7.00,"BONE","FISH","Fish vertebra and part of fish tail/fin. Recovered from sub grid D.",3/3/1991 00:00:00,, "E17:004",8.00,"BONE","JAW","Jaw bone from animal, recovered from sub grid E.",2/3/1991 00:00:00,, "E17:004",9.00,"BONE","FISH","Fish bones recovered from sub grid B.",2/3/1991 00:00:00,, "E17:004",10.00,"BONE","BONES","Part of horn core. Bone recovered from sub grid B.",2/3/1991 00:00:00,, "E17:004",11.00,"BONE","BONES","Gazelle bones partially articulated, recovered from sub grid B.",2/3/1991 00:00:00,, "E17:004",12.00,"BONE","JAW","Jaw bone recovered from sub grid B.",2/3/1991 00:00:00,, "E17:004",13.00,"BONE","FISH","Fish bones recovered from sub grid B.",2/3/1991 00:00:00,, "E17:004",14.00,"BONE","JAW","Small jaw bone, recovered from sub grid B.",2/3/1991 00:00:00,, "E17:004",15.00,"BONE","FISH","Fish vertebra recovered from sub grid B.",2/3/1991 00:00:00,, "E17:004",16.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Flotation sample taken from sub grid A.",3/3/1991 00:00:00,, "E17:004",17.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Flotation sample taken from sub grid B.",3/3/1991 00:00:00,, "E17:004",18.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Flotation sample taken from sub grid C.",3/3/1991 00:00:00,, "E17:004",19.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Flotation sample taken from sub grid D. 1 mm flot no carbon",3/3/1991 00:00:00,, "E17:004",20.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Fragments of bitumen, all with weave, so presumably from the lining to one or more woven vessels. One fragment looks like an edge piece. Not measured.",3/3/1991 00:00:00,, "E17:004",21.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Corroded copper fragments recovered from this context. [1] 2.2 x 2.0 x 1.6 cm. [2] 1.9 x 1.8 x 1.0 cm. [3] 2.4 x 1.5 x 1.2 cm. [4] 1.2 x 1.7 x 0.7 cm [5] 1.4 x 0.9 x 0.4 cm. [6] 0.7 x 0.4 x 0.5 cm.",4/3/1991 00:00:00,, "E17:004",22.00,"ORGANIC","DATE","One carbonised date stone.",3/3/1991 00:00:00,, "E17:004",23.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Piece of cream unworked flint. 4.3 x 1.3 x 1.7 cm.",6/3/1991 00:00:00,, "E17:004",24.00,"ORGANIC","SHERD","Large base sherd, with interior surface covered in a layer of carbonised remains. Exported for analysis by John Evans.",6/3/1991 00:00:00,, "E17:004",25.00,"POTTERY","PLATE","Base preserved, and about a third of rim and body. Buff, gritty clay. Rim has rounded bevel to inside, with lip round inside of rim. Groove under rim outside. Body slightly dished, very shallow, with low ring-base. Height 6.4 cm. Rim diameter (reconstructed) 33 cm. Base diameter 7.8 cm.",27/4/1998 00:00:00,, "E17:010",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Whole earth sample taken for flotation.",5/3/1991 00:00:00,, "E17:014",1.00,"PLASTER","SAMPLE","Sample of plaster for analysis, not described.",31/3/1994 00:00:00,,"Exported to UK for analysis. March 1994." "E18:001",1.00,"STONE","TOOL","Fragment of gritty yellowish stone, rhomboid both in plan and section. Traces of wear on one side of one broad face. 6.2 x 5.9 x 3.7.",28/1/1990 00:00:00,, "E18:001",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,6/2/1990 00:00:00,, "E18:001",3.00,"BONE","BONES",,5/2/1990 00:00:00,, "E18:002",1.00,"BITUMEN","FRAG","Not described.",28/1/1990 00:00:00,, "E18:002",2.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Elongated blob of copper waste. 2.7 x 1.4 x 0.6",28/1/1990 00:00:00,, "E18:002",3.00,"BITUMEN","STOPPER","Not described. Missing.",24/3/1990 00:00:00,, "E18:002",4.00,"BONE","BONES",,5/2/1990 00:00:00,, "E18:002",5.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,28/1/1990 00:00:00,, "E18:004",1.00,"BONE","BONES",,5/2/1990 00:00:00,, "E18:004",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,2/2/1990 00:00:00,, "E18:005",5.00,"BONE","BONES",,22/1/1991 00:00:00,, "E18:007",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,2/2/1990 00:00:00,, "E18:007",2.00,"BONE","BONES",,2/2/1990 00:00:00,, "E18:008",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,8/2/1990 00:00:00,, "E18:008",2.00,"BONE","BONES","MISSING",28/1/1990 00:00:00,, "E18:008",3.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,26/3/1990 00:00:00,, "E18:009",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,26/3/1990 00:00:00,, "E18:009",2.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,26/3/1990 00:00:00,, "E18:009",3.00,"STONE","TOOL","About 1/3 of spherical greyish stone, flattened on two opposing sides. 3.8 x 4.4 x 5.0.",2/2/1990 00:00:00,, "E18:009",4.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,6/2/1990 00:00:00,, "E18:009",5.00,"BONE","BONES",,30/7/1991 00:00:00,, "E18:010",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,14/2/1990 00:00:00,, "E18:012",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,11/2/1990 00:00:00,, "E18:012",2.00,"BONE","BONES",,12/2/1990 00:00:00,, "E18:012",3.00,"COPPER","BLADE FRAGS?","Four thin, flat fragments of copper, perhaps pieces from one or more broken blades, as one has the remains of a hole, possibly for a rivet. 1) Extant length 1.4, extant width 2.0m 0.3 cm thick. One end has remains of hole pushed through, di.0.5. 2) Fragment, now triangular in plan, 1.9 x 1.8 x 0.3 cm thick. 3) Fragment, now triangular in plan, one possible original edge. 2.6 x 1.6, x 0.2 cm thick. 4) Small chip, 1.2 x 1.2, x 0.3 cm thick. Also small blob of scrap, 1.2 x 1.2 x 0.9",3/2/1990 00:00:00,, "E18:012",4.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,3/12/1990 00:00:00,, "E18:012",5.00,"STEATITE","SEAL","Damaged seal, of greenish steatite. Edge convex, Failaka Var. 4 Reverse has low boss, with traces of 3 incised lines around base. Three incised lines at right-angles to perforation, and four incised circles with central dot. Traces of glaze. Obverse: the design shows a seated figure on the left, facing right, holding a pan balance, below which is a long-necked round-bottomed jar on a stand. Second, much-damaged standing figure on the right. Diameter 2.61-2.67; height 1.56 cm.",3/2/1990 00:00:00,"Y", "E18:012",6.00,"STONE","TOOL","Piece of greyish stone, almost spherical, flattened on two opposing sides, with traces of wear in at least two other places. Max. diam. 6.9, h. 6.2. Abs.l. 12.42m, E 4.92m, N 0.91m",3/2/1990 00:00:00,, "E18:012",7.00,"STONE","TOOL","Dark grey stone, roughly spherical, with one flattened surface, possibly damaged. Diam. 6.2, h. 4.8. Abs.l. 12.40m, E 4.95m, N 0.98m",3/2/1990 00:00:00,, "E18:015",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","DISCARDED",21/3/1990 00:00:00,, "E18:015",2.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Two blobs of copper waste. 2.3 x 1.5 x 0.6, and 1.5 x 1.4 x 0.5 cm",28/1/1990 00:00:00,, "E18:015",3.00,"BONE","BONES",,28/1/1990 00:00:00,, "E18:015",4.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","MISSING",28/1/1990 00:00:00,, "E18:015",5.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing of grey clay, about half preserved. Reverse has string impressions. Front has upper half of a seal-impression, showing on the right the head of a horned animal, facing left. In front of its face is a palm-branch or tree. Behind the head, above the animal's back, is a much smaller animal, a male quadruped with ruffed neck, facing left, but with had turned back over its shoulder. Part of another motif is just visible below its back legs. Dimensions 3.0 x 3.5 x 1.4 cm. Diameter of seal c. 2.4 cm.",16/5/1994 00:00:00,, "E18:015",6.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Scraper or tool blank. Point sub oval flake of light brown flint, with irregular flaking properties. Platform is scarred and ventral surface is flat with several scars. Dorsal face is scarred from the proximal end. Both side edges have been struck leaving invasive scars on both faces. One upper edge, more carefully shaped, may have been utilized as a concave scraper. L: 3.2; W: 3.9; TH: 0.8 cm. From Flotation Sample E18:015:1",15/1/1998 00:00:00,, "E18:020",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,23/1/1990 00:00:00,, "E18:020",2.00,"BONE","BONES",,28/1/1990 00:00:00,, "E18:020",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,28/3/1990 00:00:00,, "E18:023",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,2/2/1990 00:00:00,, "E18:024",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,7/2/1990 00:00:00,, "E18:029",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,26/3/1990 00:00:00,, "E18:030",1.00,"PLASTER","PIERCED DISC","Disc of grey plaster, with off-centre perforation. One broad surface almost flat, the other domed. Max. diam. 8.6, max. h. 3.8, perforation approx. 1.6.",24/3/1990 00:00:00,, "E18:030",2.00,"PLASTER","DOMED LID","White plaster lid, one face smooth and flat, the other domed with rounded edge. Max. diam. 12.4, max. h. 4.0 cm.",24/3/1990 00:00:00,, "E18:030",3.00,"STEATITE","SEAL","Seal of brownish stone, speckled with pink. Edge Failaka Var. 2 Reverse glazed, with three incised lines at right angles to the perforation, and four incised circles with central dot. Design shows a standing human figure in a hatched skirt, facing right. In his left hand he holds a shield-like object with a spike at top and bottom. His right hand grasps the hand of a second, naked human figure sitting on a triangular stool and also facing right. In the right field is an inverted long-necked animal with a triangular hatched symbol above its back. Diameter 2.60-2.70 cm. Height 1.24 cm. For design, see Kjaerum no. 67",27/3/1990 00:00:00,"Y", "E18:030",4.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,24/3/1990 00:00:00,, "E18:030",5.00,"BONE","BONES",,24/3/1990 00:00:00,, "E18:030",6.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Fragments of bitumen from the lining of one or more woven vessels. Weave impressions. Not measured.",24/3/1990 00:00:00,, "F16:001",1.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Two small unidentifiable fragments of copper. Condition poor but stable.",9/1/1991 00:00:00,, "F16:001",2.00,"PLASTER","SAMPLE","One fragment of a light, grey ash based plaster, with fibre impressions on one side, and carbonised organics in matrix. Dimensions 9.0 x 5.6 x 3.0 cm.",11/2/1991 00:00:00,, "F16:001",3.00,"STONE","WORKED","Small worked pebble, all sides, apart from break, smooth. In section flat base, round sides curving up to form a concave top. 2.4 x 1.9 x 0.9 cm. Function unknown.",11/2/1991 00:00:00,, "F16:001",4.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,19/1/1991 00:00:00,, "F16:002",1.00,"BONE","BONES",,9/1/1991 00:00:00,, "F16:004",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,12/1/1991 00:00:00,, "F16:006",1.00,"BONE","BONES",,13/1/1991 00:00:00,, "F16:006",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,13/1/1991 00:00:00,, "F16:006",3.00,"NOT USED","NOT USED",,20/4/1991 00:00:00,, "F16:006",4.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Lump of limestone, roughly d-shaped in plan. Worn very smooth on one broad face, the other naturally domed. Grinding face not absolutely flat, but slightly hollowed, so one side is more heavily worn than the other. Dimensions 19.0 x 15.0 x 4.9 cm.",28/2/1991 00:00:00,,"Surfaces brushed to remove surplus sediments." "F16:007",1.00,"CLAY","SAMPLE","Fragments of unfired clay. Returned to the sherd yard.",19/2/1991 00:00:00,, "F16:008",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,16/1/1991 00:00:00,, "F16:008",2.00,"BONE","BONES",,16/1/1991 00:00:00,, "F16:011",1.00,"BONE","BONES",,16/1/1991 00:00:00,, "F16:011",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,16/1/1991 00:00:00,, "F16:012",1.00,"BONE","BONES",,23/1/1991 00:00:00,, "F16:012",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,23/1/1991 00:00:00,, "F16:014",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,11/2/1991 00:00:00,, "F16:014",2.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Round fragment of corroded copper.1.4 x 1.4 cm.",11/2/1991 00:00:00,, "F16:014",3.00,"BONE","BONES",,11/2/1991 00:00:00,, "F16:014",4.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Not described.",12/2/1991 00:00:00,,"Bitumen very fragile." "F16:014",5.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Small fragment of grey flint, unworked but surface highly polished. 3.0 x 2.0 x 0.8 cm.",2/3/1991 00:00:00,, "F16:014",6.00,"STONE","TOOL","Grey pebble, probably limestone. Approximately sub-cubic, but with one face irregular and rounded. Smooth. 3.4 x 3.4 x 3.0 cm.",8/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Stone has been washed." "F16:014",7.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Fragment of copper, square section. 2.3 x 0.6 x 0.5 cm.",24/2/1991 00:00:00,, "F16:015",1.00,"BONE","BONES",,26/1/1991 00:00:00,, "F16:015",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,26/1/1991 00:00:00,, "F16:022",1.00,"COPPER","WIRE OBJECT","Two pieces of badly corroded copper wire, perhaps from a pin or nail. [1] 4.4 x0.4 x 0.4 cm. [2]1.7 x 0.6 x 0.6 cm.",19/2/1991 00:00:00,, "F16:022",2.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Four pieces of badly corroded copper.",19/2/1991 00:00:00,, "F16:022",3.00,"BITUMEN","BEAD","Bead with off-centre perforation. Dimensions 2.8 x 2.5 x 2.2 cm.",24/2/1991 00:00:00,,"General condition good, but very friable." "F16:022",4.00,"BONE","BONES",,23/2/1991 00:00:00,, "F16:022",5.00,"STONE","TOOL","Hard, black, close grained stone. Irregular shape, perhaps originally sub-rectangular in plan, now broken in half. One broad face worn very smooth, opposing face uneven but also worn very smooth. Edges also smooth, and possible percussion on short edges. Broken edge also smooth. 6.7 x 4.6 x 4.6 cm.",8/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Stone has been washed." "F16:022",6.00,"POTTERY","SHERDS","Vessel profile, not separately described.",20/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Apparently stored with un-numbered pottery from same context." "F16:023",1.00,"PLASTER","SAMPLE","Sample of plaster for analysis, not described.",31/3/1994 00:00:00,,"Exported to UK for analysis. March 1994." "F16:025",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Shell recovered from a sieved context.",21/2/1991 00:00:00,, "F16:025",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Bone recovered from a sieved context.",19/2/1991 00:00:00,, "F16:025",3.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","A 40 litre whole earth sample taken for flotation. Fill from within a feature.",21/2/1991 00:00:00,, "F16:025",4.00,"FLINT","FLAKE","Bipolar flake of mottled brown flint and light grey chert, with weathered brown skin/patina on thick edge. Platform scarred with distal end crushed indicating that it was struck on anvil, i.e. bipolar. Dorsal face has scar struck from distal end. Scarring also on one upper edge beside skin. L: 2.7; W: 2.1; TH: 0.9 cm. From Flotation Sample F16:025:3.",15/1/1998 00:00:00,, "F16:031",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Whole context taken as a whole earth sample for flotation.",6/3/1991 00:00:00,, "F16:033",1.00,"STONE","DISC LID","Piece of grey limestone, in the shape of a thick disc, presumably used as a lid. Salty encrustations all over, and a blob of bitumen on each side. Dimensions 6.4 x 3.5 cm.",8/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Stone has been washed." "F16:033",2.00,"STONE","BASIN","Limestone basin, long, thin and rectangular, edges chipped. Outside rather irregular. Dimensions 38.0 x 13.0 x 12.4 cm. Thickness of base 5.5 cm.",18/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Stone has been brushed." "F16:033",3.00,"STONE","TOOL","Limestone, probably a natural geode, approximately spherical with two opposing slightly flattened faces. 6.9 x 7.4 x 6.4 cm.",17/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Stone has been washed." "F16:034",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Fill to feature taken as a 100% flotation sample.",5/3/1991 00:00:00,, "F16:037",1.00,"STONE","SOCKET","Irregular slab of limestone, rounded depression at one edge with signs of wear inside. Presumably a door socket. Dimensions 23.0 x 18.0 x 4.4 cm.",10/4/1991 00:00:00,,"This stone has been brushed." "F16:037",2.00,"PLASTER","DOMED LID","White plaster lid, approximately hemispherical in shape, with smooth faces. One face flat, the other humped. Diameter 12.1-13.1, thickness 4.9 cm.",17/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Plaster lid has been brushed." "F16:037",3.00,"STONE","MORTAR","Mortar of limestone/farush, shaped as a shallow, rectangular basin, broken off across width. Inside worn smooth and hollow, apparently by back and forth movement. Not measured.",18/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Stone has been brushed." "F16:037",4.00,"STONE","SOCKET","Door-socket made from fragment of limestone basin, probably originally sub-rectangular to oval. About a third broken off. Inside has circular marks, where it has been re-used as a door socket. Walls thick at the base, thinner near the edge. Dimensions 25.0 x 23.0 x 12.0 cm; base 4.0 cm. thick.",18/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Basin has been brushed." "F16:037",5.00,"STONE","TOOL","Close grained black stone. Wedge shaped lump, fits the hand comfortably. Broad end has tool marks? One converging face roughly flat, one convex and worn smooth. 10.9 x 7.4 x 6.0 cm.",8/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Stone has been washed." "F17:001",1.00,"BONE","BONES",,7/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:001",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,2/6/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:001",3.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Minute fragment of copper",2/5/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:001",4.00,"FLINT","FLAKE","Blade, triangular in section, possibly retouched, brown 3.9 x 1.7 x 1.4.",1/7/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:002",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","MISSING",21/3/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:002",2.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Minute scrap of copper",2/3/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:004",1.00,"BONE","BONES",,7/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:004",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,6/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:004",3.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Two small blobs of copper waste",2/5/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:004",4.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,26/3/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:004",5.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS?","Not described. Presumably fragments.",6/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:005",1.00,"POTTERY","SIEVE JAR","Sieve-necked jar, with base complete, most of shoulder and body extant, and about a quarter of rim. Pink clay, fine grit and veg. temper, buff surface. Swollen rim, neck flares with slight ridge at base. Round body, tapering to flat base. Inside of base very rough from finger-marks. Sieve made separately and set into neck. Neck made separately and stuck onto body. H. 27.7, rim di. c. 9.5 (reconstruc.), max. width 24.8 ba. di. 7.0-7.2.",28/3/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:005",2.00,"BONE","BONES",,7/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:005",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,6/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:005",4.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Two small, angular fragments of copper.",4/4/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:005",5.00,"POTTERY","BOWL","Bowl. Three-quarters of base preserved, just under half of rest. Irregular. Pink clay, grit and veg. temper, cream slip wearing off on inside. H. 5.0, rim di. 30.0-34.0 (reconstruc.), ba. di. 6.0. Series of drilled holes along broken edges, two on one side, two preserved on opposite side. Presumably an ancient repair.",11/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:006",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,26/3/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:006",2.00,"BONE","BONES",,7/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:006",3.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Bitumen fragments form the lining to one or more bitumen vessels. Weave impressions. Not measured. Two blobs of copper waste are labelled with this number too.",6/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:006",4.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,7/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:006",5.00,"BITUMEN","FRAG","Not described.",6/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:007",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,7/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:007",2.00,"BONE","BONES",,8/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:009",1.00,"CLAY","SAMPLE","Dark khaki-green clay.",18/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:011",1.00,"BONE","BONES",,22/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:012",1.00,"BONE","BONES",,22/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:012",2.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","From residue:- One small fragment of carbonised seed, probably date pip. Wgt <0.1 gms.",26/3/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:013",1.00,"BONE","BONES",,23/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:013",2.00,"FOSSIL BIVALVE","POUNDER","Half a large bivalve fossil possibly used as a Pounder. Light grey limestone with darker grey skin, and hinge side of fossil broken off. Only the narrow rim or circumference of fossil shows signs of use as is continually pecked. Crimson red stain on smooth surfaces beside the convex edge. Found in Pot bag in 1997. Diameter/width: 6.4 cm. Length (broken): 4.0 cm. Height: 4.2 cm.",18/4/1997 00:00:00,, "F17:017",4.00,"STONE","QUERN","WRONG NUMBER. FIND AND CHECK. Irregular lump of limestone, flattened on one broad face, with opposing face worn into a shallow, smooth depression. Dimensions 22.0 x 18.5 x 6.9 cm.",28/2/1991 00:00:00,,"Surface brushed to remove surplus sediments." "F17:020",1.00,"BONE","BONES",,23/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:020",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,23/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:020",3.00,"COPPER","FRAG","MISSING - not located Nov. 98 presumably lost 1990",27/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:020",4.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Denticulated Scraper. Probably natural chunky piece, or one broken off a Pounder, of brown cherty-flint, with one flat face opposing a worn irregular face. The thick convex edge has been roughly retouched to form two broad notches and a blunt pointed tip. The rest of the edge is scarred. Dimensions 4.8 x 3.55 x 2.3 cm. One of five flints temporarily mislabelled (F18:020:4) and hopefully now correctly located in 1998. Separated into F17:020: 4, 7-10 in 1998.",20/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:020",5.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS?","Not described. Presumably fragments.",27/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:020",6.00,"POTTERY","PAINTED SHERD","Single sherd only. Buff clay, fine grit temper, orange surface out. Red and black paint. Neat pattern in black: horizontal line, above which are preserved the lower halves of two figures standing side by side. One is apparently human, the other perhaps part of a quadruped. The area below the line is painted red. Well-made. Dimensions 7.5 x 7.2. (This sherd was subsequently re-numbered F17:021:007 and is marked as such.",1/8/1991 00:00:00,, "F17:020",7.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Awl or Drill on an old Core?. Thick ovoid piece or core of mottled brown flint, one side carefully trimmed to form a short point. One side of the point has been retouched, the other formed by a heavy strike. The angled edge opposite the point is scarred. Dimensions 2.5 x 2.3 x 1.6 cm. Separated from F17:020:4 in 1998.",20/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:020",8.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Fragment or Flake. Pointed piece of dark grey flint with ambiguous flake scarred surface. The short point and two of the long edges are worn or possibly utilised. Dimensions 2.9 x 1.7 x 1.2 cm. Separated from F17:020:4 in 1998.",20/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:020",9.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Broken flake, the hinged termination end. Long pointed piece of semi-translucent mottled brown flint. Dimensions (original width first) 2.9 x 1.1 x 0.75 cm. Separated from F17:020:4 in 1998.",20/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:020",10.00,"FLINT","FLAKE","Flake of brown mottled and banded flint with remnant crystalline cortex. Concave plain but damaged platform and slightly plunging termination. Previous scar struck from proximal end on dorsal surface. One thick slightly convex edge may have been utilised as there is some wear (one small notch may be recent damage). L: 2.6-3.4; W: 2.75 x 0.9 cm. Separated from F17:020:4 in 1998.",20/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:021",1.00,"BONE","BONES",,25/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:021",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,25/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:021",3.00,"STONE","TOOL","Grinding tool of white limestone. Approximately conical, with base worn very smooth. H. 6.5, diam of base 6.5-7.1 cm.",18/3/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:021",4.00,"PLASTER","FRAG","Plaster fragment with possible impression of rafter. Not measured.",9/3/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:021",5.00,"STONE","SOCKET","Doorsocket or mortar, double sided. Sub-cuboid, but very worn and rounded, piece of light grey limestone. Both main rectangular faces have large circular, concave areas which have large circular pitted marks. One side is concave, the other side and the two ends are flatter. Dimensions 15.2 x 15.0 x 14.0 cm. One face 15.2 x 12.0 cm; circular area 10.0 x 9.0 cm. Other face 13.5 x 12.5 cm; circular area 10.0 x 9.5 cm.",14/7/1998 00:00:00,, "F17:021",6.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Large fragment of grinder of limestone. Ext. l. 42, ext. w. 36, max. h. 14, min. h. 3.8",17/3/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:021",7.00,,,"Re-numbered from F17:020:06 and described under that number.",15/3/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:021",8.00,"STONE","TOOL","Piece of dense black stone shaped like 4-sided pyramid with broad end broken off flat. All other edges worn smooth. 1.8 x 1.3 x 3.35 high.",1/7/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:021",9.00,"STONE","PEBBLES","2 long flat smooth white pebbles, 5.7 x 3.4 and 5.3 x 3.5.",1/7/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:022",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,26/3/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:023",1.00,"BONE","BONES",,25/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:023",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,25/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:024",1.00,"BONE","BONES",,25/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:024",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,25/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:024",3.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,26/3/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:024",4.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Oval shaped convex scraper made from a retouched cortical flake. Inner material of nodule and flake is dark brown and light brown flint, with an outer layer of light brown chert below a light grey cortex. Zones of scarring and crushing on the cortex at the proximal and distal ends of the flake suggests that this is was struck from the core using the bipolar technique (on an anvil). The convex edge of the flake has been unifacially retouched. L:3.0; W: 3.7; T: 1.2 cm. NB. another flake originally described as part of this has been separated in 1998 and is now F17:024:5.",25/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:024",5.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Blocky sub trapezoidal fragment of very dark brown flint. One face is concave and smooth, the opposite is flat. There are five angled edges. Dimensions 1.6 x 1.6 x 0.7 cm. Originally part of F17:024:4 and separated in 1998.",25/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:025",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,26/3/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:026",1.00,"BONE","BONES",,25/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:026",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,25/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:026",3.00,"PLASTER","RENDER FRAG","Small, slightly curved fragment of plaster, possibly from a roof. Convex surface has linear marks, perhaps of a roofing mat. Concave surface smooth. 4 x 4.5 x 1.2 cm. Thick.",27/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:026",4.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Two un-retouched fragments of greyish brown flint. 2.2 x 3.1 x 0.8; 3.9 x 3.6 x 2.5.",1/7/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:026",5.00,"COPPER","LUNATE BLADE?","Small, thin, flat piece of copper, apparently complete, probably a lunate blade. Shaped like a slice off the outer edge of a circle, with one straight edge and one curved. Length 3.6, width 1.1 cm.",27/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:026",6.00,"STONE","BOWL FRAG","Undecorated rim sherd, grey heavy stone. Dimensions 6.6 x 7.5 x 1.5.",1/7/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:032",1.00,"BONE","BONES",,3/12/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:032",2.00,"POTTERY","PAINTED CUP","Painted cup. Less than half extant: profile of all except centre of base. Lightly fired brown clay, grit temper, black paint out. Pinched rim, body swells slightly then tapers to flat base. H. 5.0, rim di. (reconstruc.) c. 8.0, ba. di. (reconstruc.) c. 4.0. Three horizontal stripes below rim.",1/4/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:040",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,26/3/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:041",1.00,"BONE","BONES",,15/3/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:041",2.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,28/3/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:041",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,15/3/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:041",4.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Two blobs of copper waste,",15/3/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:041",5.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,26/3/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:041",6.00,"PLASTER","RENDER FRAGS","Numerous fragments of plaster which has been used to face something long and thin - perhaps a door jamb or lintel. Ash-plaster has been applied first, then white plaster, which has been smoothed down on the outside. Max. reconstructible length 23.0, width 11.0 cm. Max. thickness of white plaster 1.0, of ash 1.0 cm.",17/3/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:041",7.00,"STONE","TOOL","Piece of dense black stone, approx. sub-rectangular in plan, one broad face broken off flat, one worn smooth. Signs of wear on 3 of narrow faces. 4th broken off. 9.0 x 6.4 x 3.7.",18/3/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:041",8.00,"BONE","GAZELLE","Bone of young gazelle, consolidated in lab.",27/3/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:041",9.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAG","Bitumen fragment from the lining of a woven vessel. Weave impressions. Not measured.",15/3/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:041",10.00,"STONE","TOOL","Dense dark grey . Roughly cylindrical, small damaged patch on rounded surface. Rounded surface worn. Weight 291.3 gms. Max. diam.6.2, max. h. 4.8. Abs.l. 11.26m, E 3.78m, N 0.75m",19/3/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:041",11.00,"STONE","TOOL","Dark grey stone. Block-shaped but faces trapezoid rather than rectangular. One corner worn away; all broad faces worn smooth. Both short ends also show traces of wear with some chips. 12.1 x 8.7 x 9.4. Abs.l. 11.16m, E 2.58m, N 3.47m",19/3/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:041",12.00,"FLINT","NODULES","1 small, well-rounded chert or flint nodule, orangey-brown colour: 3.5 x 4.5 x 2.7. 1 small, well-rounded brown chert or flint nodule: 2.9 x 3.8 x 2.3.",19/3/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:041",13.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Missing. Context sheet has 'grinder'.",1/7/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:041",14.00,"STONE","TOOL","Piece of dense black stone, irregular, traces of wear around narrow edges. 6.6 x 6.4 x 3.7.",1/7/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:041",15.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Piece of brown stone, rhomboid in plan, one broad face roughly broken off, one domed but chipped. Poss. traces of wear on 3 narrow edges and on domed surface. Dimensions 7.6 x 6.2 x 4.0 cm.",1/7/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:041",16.00,"STONE","FRAG","Piece of black stone, irregular, possible traces of wear on one facet. 5.0 x 3.7 x 2.4.",1/7/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:041",17.00,"FLINT","FRAGS","Two flakes or natural pieces, possibly struck off pounders.1. Blocky, probably natural piece of dark greyish brown flint with mottle of grey chert at distal end. Struck surface is concave and angled, distal end is roughly pointed and sheared in vicinity of poor quality chert. L: 2.4; W: 1.9; TH: 1.0 cm. 2) Smaller chip of brown banded flint with cortex on one edge. Focal 'platform' and snapped distal end. L: 0.7; W: 1.2; TH: 0.3 cm. Both from Flotation Sample F17B:041:2.",15/1/1998 00:00:00,, "F17:043",1.00,"BONE","BONES",,15/3/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:043",2.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,26/3/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:045",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,26/3/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:045",2.00,"BONE","BONES",,15/3/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:047",1.00,"BONE","BONES",,15/3/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:047",2.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,26/3/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:047",3.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Minute angular copper fragment",20/3/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:049",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,26/3/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:049",2.00,"STONE","SOCKET","Rough piece of greyish stone, approximately cylindrical. Hollowed out to form mortar or door socket. Hollow extremely smooth, perhaps natural fossil formation. Diam. 12.0 x 11.0. H. 4.0 cm.",1/7/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:049",3.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Blob of copper waste",20/3/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:051",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,20/3/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:051",2.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Bitumen fragments from the lining of one or more woven vessels. Weave impressions. Not measured.",20/3/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:051",3.00,"COPPER","SPEARHEAD","Socketed spearhead. Complete and in good condition. Blade long and narrow, with central rib, widening very lightly towards the base. Socket made of copper sheet bent round to overlap. Total length 18.3; blade l. 10.0; socket l. 8.3. Max. w. 2.9.",1/7/1990 00:00:00,,"Used in Museum Exhibition 1990" "F17:051",4.00,"STONE","TOOL","Piece of white limestone in shape of a cone slightly flattened so top is a ridge not a point. Deliberately shaped and round face worn very smooth. 7.2 x 6.4 x 6.4.",20/3/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:051",5.00,"FLINT","NODULE","Brown flint or chert nodule, well-worn, smooth, almost spherical with bulge on one side. 3.7 x 4.2 x 4.8. Abs. h. 11.78. E. 2.28m, N.1.81m.",1/7/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:051",6.00,"COPPER","SPEAR SOCKET","Copper socket, presumably from a spearhead like F17:51:03. Made of overlapping sheet. Length 10.9, max. diam 2.0, min diam. 1.5 cm.",1/7/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:051",7.00,"STONE","TOOL","Roughly spherical fossil-bearing grey limestone tool. Traces of wear in places. Weight 474.9 gms. Max. diam. 7.3. Max. lh. 6.2. Abs. h. 11.72m. E. 1.89, N. 2.63.",1/7/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:051",8.00,"STONE","TOOL","Piece of grey limestone rhomboid. Max. 8.4 x 7.5, max. h. 3.3. Abs.l. 11.79m, E 1.06m, N 1.85m",20/3/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:051",9.00,"FLINT","FRAG","thick backed blade flake, cortex still on opposite side to rib. Possible re-touched edge. Brown. 6.4 x 3.7 x 1.7.",1/7/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:051",10.00,"STONE","TOOL","Slab of white limestone approx. triangular in plan. Broad faces apparently deliberately smoothed. 2 narrow faces broken off, 3rd irregular. 10.4 x 8.4 x 3.3.",20/3/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:051",11.00,"BONE","BONES",,22/3/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:051",12.00,"POTTERY","SPOUTED VESSEL","Fragment of rim and body of spouted vessel. Red clay, hard grit temper. Outside smoothed and fire-blackened. Rim slightly swollen to inside, rounded body, short spout. Pres. H. 10.0, rim di. 11.0 (reconstruc.).",19/4/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:051",13.00,"STONE","TOOL","Black pebble, approx. rectangular in plan, one broad face flat, the other roughly broken. Traces of wear around all narrow edges. 5.0 x 4.1 x 3.0.",1/7/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:051",14.00,"STONE","TOOL","Piece of hard black stone, irregular, possible traces of wear on 3 facets. 9.6 x 7.4 x 5.7.",1/7/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:054",1.00,"BONE","BONES",,22/3/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:054",2.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,26/3/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:054",3.00,"BONE","GAZELLE","IN NATIONAL MUSEUM May 1999 Gazelle? bone including skull",24/3/1990 00:00:00,, "F17:059",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,6/1/1991 00:00:00,, "F17:059",2.00,"BONE","BONES",,12/1/1991 00:00:00,, "F17:060",1.00,"BONE","BONES",,7/1/1991 00:00:00,, "F17:060",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,7/1/1991 00:00:00,, "F17:064",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","context 100% sieved.",7/1/1991 00:00:00,, "F17:064",2.00,"BONE","BONES","context 100% sieved.",7/1/1991 00:00:00,, "F17:065",1.00,"BONE","BONES",,29/1/1991 00:00:00,,"Surplus surface dirt removed by brushing." "F17:065",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,8/1/1991 00:00:00,, "F17:065",3.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Small fragments of bitumen, not described.",8/1/1991 00:00:00,, "F17:065",4.00,"PLASTER","SAMPLE","Piece of hard white plaster. Obverse concave, reverse convex and slightly coarse in texture. 8.1 x 5.4 x 0.9 cm.",24/2/1991 00:00:00,, "F17:065",5.00,"BONE","BONES","Amalgamated with F17:065:001.",28/1/1991 00:00:00,, "F17:065",6.00,"BONE","COMB","Sixteen long, tapered, flat pieces of deliberately-shaped bone, presumably the teeth of a comb. (Fifteen shown in photograph). Longest piece: 2.5 x 0.4 x 0.2 cm. Shortest piece: 1.5 x 0.4 x 0.15",14/3/1994 00:00:00,"Y","Paraloid B72 in acetone, 5% wt/volume." "F17:066",1.00,"BONE","BONES",,8/1/1991 00:00:00,, "F17:068",1.00,"BONE","BONES",,9/1/1991 00:00:00,, "F17:070",1.00,"BONE","BONES",,12/1/1991 00:00:00,, "F17:070",2.00,"BONE","BONES","From a sieved context.",27/1/1991 00:00:00,, "F17:070",3.00,"CLAY","FRAG","DISCARDED",27/1/1991 00:00:00,, "F17:070",4.00,"STONE","BOWL","Small bowl. Missing 1991",20/4/1991 00:00:00,, "F17:070",5.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder made of slab of white limestone, sub-circular in plan. One broad face roughly chipped, the other uneven but worn smooth on the higher part. Narrow edges all worn. Dimensions 12.7 x 13.9 x 6.9 cm.",8/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Stone has been washed." "F17:070",6.00,"STONE","TOOL","Hard, black stone, irregular rounded piece. One facet worn into a smooth convex shape. Narrower edges show signs of wear. All broad faces worn smooth. 6.2 x 6.5 x 5.2 cm",8/4/1991 00:00:00,,"This stone has been washed." "F17:070",7.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Bitumen fragments with weave impressions on one side, presumably from the lining to one or more woven vessels. Vary in size from 8.0 x 7.0 x 2.1 cm, to 2.6 x 3.2 x 1.4 cm.",24/2/1991 00:00:00,,"General condition very friable. " "F17:070",8.00,"BITUMEN","ROOFING?","Large pieces of bitumen with reed impressions on one side. [1]9.0 x 6.6 x 1.5 cm.[2]7.2 x 7.1 x 1.4 cm.[3]5.2 x 3.6 x 1.3 cm.[4]5.2 x 5.0 x 1.3 cm. Also a number of smaller fragments.",12/2/1991 00:00:00,,"All the fragments of bitumen are very fragile. A consolidant was applied by brush to each of the larger pieces, but it seems to have done nothing more than coat the surface of the bitumen." "F17:070",9.00,"BONE","GAZELLE","Bones from Gazelle, one part of skull with horn core intact. Number of bones from foot.",12/2/1991 00:00:00,, "F17:070",10.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,29/1/1991 00:00:00,, "F17:070",11.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Small triangular fragment of copper object. 2.0 x 1.0 x 0.3 cm.",29/1/1991 00:00:00,, "F17:070",12.00,"BONE","BONES","Amalgamated with F17:070:002.",29/1/1991 00:00:00,, "F17:070",13.00,"COPPER","NAIL","Long, fine, pointed object, presumably a nail. Dimensions 5.8 x 0.5 x 0.3 cm.",31/1/1991 00:00:00,, "F17:070",14.00,"BITUMEN","BEAD","Bead. Dimensions 2.2 x 2.2 x 0.5 cm.",2/2/1991 00:00:00,, "F17:070",15.00,"POTTERY","VESSEL","Not described.",20/4/1991 00:00:00,,"'complete pot above floor' Missing. Perhaps unrelated sherds, sent to sherd yard?" "F17:070",16.00,"BONE","BONES","Localised collection of bones.",2/2/1991 00:00:00,, "F17:070",17.00,"POTTERY","PAINTED SHERD","Sherd from large painted vessel. Brown clay, red slip, black paint. Linear motifs. 10.6 x 7.7 x 1.5 cm. Probably same as F18:016:03",11/2/1991 00:00:00,, "F17:071",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Context sieved 100%.",2/2/1991 00:00:00,, "F17:071",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,3/2/1991 00:00:00,, "F17:071",3.00,"ORGANIC","DATE","Carbonised seeds.",3/2/1991 00:00:00,, "F17:072",1.00,"BONE","FISH",,3/2/1991 00:00:00,, "F17:072",2.00,"COPPER","RING","Copper strip or length of wire bent into a ring with slightly overlapping ends. 2.5 x 2.0 0.4 cm.",11/2/1991 00:00:00,, "F17:072",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,4/2/1991 00:00:00,, "F17:073",1.00,"BONE","BONES",,12/2/1991 00:00:00,, "F17:073",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","From a sieved context.",4/2/1991 00:00:00,, "F17:073",3.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Five very small fragments of corroded copper.",4/2/1991 00:00:00,, "F17:074",1.00,"BONE","BONES","From a sieved context.",5/2/1991 00:00:00,, "F17:074",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","From a sieved context.",5/2/1991 00:00:00,, "F17:075",1.00,"CLAY","SEALING","MATCH DRAWING TO PHOTO - SEATED FIGURE INNACURATE?? DESCRIBE PIN-HOLE TOO. Sealing of burnt clay. Approximately disc shaped. Reverse irregular with string impressions. Part of the edge also has string marks. On the front is a seal-impression, showing a central standing figure facing right, holding a long pointed object in front of him, at waist height and at right angles to his body. He is wearing a hatched skirt, and has an elongated neck and stylised head. On the right side, one rosette above the held object and one below. On the left side a ?seated figure. Diameter of the impression c 2.2 cm.",8/4/1991 00:00:00,"Y", "F17:075",2.00,"BONE","SCAPULA","One complete scapula.",14/2/1991 00:00:00,,"Fragile." "F17:075",3.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Missing 1991. Recorded on context sheet as 'rubber'. Presume stone.",20/4/1991 00:00:00,, "F17:078",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Contents of pit removed as a whole earth sample and taken for flotation. 1mm flot no carbon.",7/3/1991 00:00:00,, "F17:078",2.00,"CLAY","TOKEN","Broken token. Dark grey clay, heavily burnt. Half a circular disk of clay with raised edge, smoothed on outside edge. No trace of an impression. Dimensions: Diameter 1.85 cm. Height of edge 0.65 cm. Thickness of centre 0.3 cm.",7/3/1991 00:00:00,, "F17:079",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Fill from basin taken as a flotation sample. 1mm ashes no seeds",19/3/1991 00:00:00,, "F17:080",1.00,"STONE","TOOL","Slab of white, close grained limestone. Square in plan, rectangular in section. One broad face and one narrow face worn smooth. 6.9 x 6.7 x 4.5 cm.",8/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Stone has been washed." "F17:080",2.00,"STONE","TOOL","Black, hard stone. Approximately sub-cubical with two opposing faces converging slightly to form a narrow end, around which there are signs of wear. Worn smooth on one converging edge. 7.7 x 6.3 x 7.2 cm.",8/4/1991 00:00:00,,"This stone has been washed." "F17:080",3.00,"STONE","TOOL","BETTER DESCRIPTION DESIRABLE. BUT MISSING FROM BOX 1998. Black, close grained stone. Irregular with many facets, all worn smooth. Signs of wear around two opposing smaller facets, one of them chipped. 5.3 x 5.6 4.1 cm.",8/4/1991 00:00:00,,"This stone has been washed." "F17:080",4.00,"STONE","TOOL","BETTER DESCRIPTION NEEDED Black, close grained stone.",20/4/1991 00:00:00,, "F17:080",5.00,"STONE","TOOL","Dark greyish green stone, perhaps andesite. Cube shaped with rounded edges. One face shows signs of wear. 7.4 x 7.1 x 6.6 cm.",8/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Stone has been brushed to remove surplus sediments, has also been treated with acetone to remove ink from the surface." "F17:080",6.00,"PLASTER","SAMPLE","Sample of plaster for analysis, not described.",31/3/1994 00:00:00,,"Exported to UK for analysis. March 1994." "F17:080",9.00,"STONE","TOOL","WRONG NUMBER - CHECK NOT ONE OF OTHERS FROM CONTEXT WHICH MISSING Piece of close grained black crystalline stone, rectangular in plan, one broad face worn smooth, one peaked. Edges show signs of wear. 7.5 x 6.2 x 4.0 cm.",8/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Stone has been washed." "F18:001",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,2/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:001",2.00,"BONE","BONES",,28/1/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:003",1.00,"BONE","BONES",,28/1/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:005",1.00,"BONE","BONES",,28/1/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:005",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,2/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:008",1.00,"BONE","BONES",,28/1/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:008",2.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,2/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:008",3.00,"COPPER","ROD OBJECT","Small piece of copper rod, possibly awl frag. Too corroded to tell if tubular, or rectangular in section. 2.7, diam. 0.6",29/3/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:010",1.00,"BONE","BONES",,28/1/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:010",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,2/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:010",3.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Dark grey stone grinder. Originally spherical, flattened on opposing sides. About half surviving. One flat side worn very smooth, traces of wear all over. Max. 5.8 x 3 x 4.",28/1/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:010",4.00,"STEATITE","SPINDLE WHORL","Stone disc domed on one side, with central perforation. Greeny-black mottled stone. Two parallel linear incisions on domed face. Similar to K18:20:02. Di. 3.0-3.15. Di. of perforation 0.64.",28/1/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:010",5.00,"STONE","PIERCED DISC","Flat, limestone circle with large perforation off centre, possibly water-worn. Max. diam. 7.7, max. h. 1.6, perforation max. diam. 2.2",,,"Used in Museum Exhibition 1990" "F18:010",6.00,"STONE","WEIGHT","Cylindrical stone with tapered ends. Black, polished stone, very close-grained. Presumably a weight of Mesopotamian type. Length 3.85, di. 1.2 cm. Weight: 9.1 gms.",28/1/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:010",7.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Branching blob of copper waste. Length 2.95, width 1.25 cm.",28/1/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:012",1.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAG","Fragment of bitumen from the lining of a woven vessel. Weave impression. Not measured.",14/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:012",2.00,"BONE","BONES",,2/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:013",1.00,"BONE","BONES",,28/1/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:013",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,2/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:013",3.00,"ORGANIC","DATE",,10/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:015",2.00,"BONE","BONES",,18/2/1991 00:00:00,, "F18:016",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,2/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:016",2.00,"BONE","BONES",,6/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:016",3.00,"POTTERY","PAINTED SHERD","Two fragments from shoulder of large jar. Red clay, temper of grit, grog, and possibly bone fragments. Painted red out, with black over. Design of horizontal undulating lines. c. 10.0 x 7.5, 8 x 2. F17:070:17 is surely same pot, though does not fit.",15/4/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:017",1.00,"BONE","BONES",,6/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:017",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","MISSING",9/4/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:017",3.00,"FLINT","NODULE","About half of a flint spheroid. Broken to reveal hard spherical centre, rather like the stone of a fruit. 3.9 x 4.2 x 3.0.",22/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:018",1.00,"CLAY","FIGURINE","Figurine of an animal, possibly a bull, made of baked clay. Head and limbs missing. Ext. length: 8.8; Ext. height: 3.8.; body thickness 3.2.",6/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:018",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,6/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:019",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,2/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:021",1.00,"BONE","BONES",,6/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:021",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,10/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:022",1.00,"BONE","BONES",,7/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:022",2.00,"STONE","TOOL","Fragment of dark grey smooth stone. Broken segment from rounded pebble, with remaining round edge worn smooth. Max. 5.9 x 3.6 x 2.6. Abs.l. 12.60m, E 1.45m, N 0.00m.",14/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:023",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,10/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:024",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,26/3/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:024",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,11/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:024",3.00,"BONE","BONES",,11/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:025",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,11/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:025",2.00,"PLASTER","POT LINING","Hollow cylinder of white plaster. Very roughly shaped, with everted upper and lower edges. Smooth on the inside. Probably used to line the neck of a pottery jar. Max. diam. 14, hole max. diam. 8.5, ext. H: 9.3.",11/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:025",3.00,"FOSSIL ECHINOID","TOOL","Possibly utilised as tool. Broken oval fossil of light grey limestone. Half of the conical face broken away, the base is flat with central anus visible. The surface is worn, but there are few, probably natural, scars on the rounded circumference. Dimensions 7.3 x 6.55 x 4.8 cm.",14/7/1998 00:00:00,, "F18:025",4.00,"PLASTER","FRAG","Not described.",11/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:026",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,11/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:026",2.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Blob of copper waste",11/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:026",3.00,"ASH","SAMPLE",,12/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:027",0.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,12/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:028",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,12/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:028",2.00,"STONE","TOOL","Flat oval grinder of dark grey/blueish stone. One broad side worn very smooth, l. 10, w. 8, max. h. 3.2.",14/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:028",3.00,"STONE","CHOPPER","Chopper on probable Vessel fragment. Oval piece of dark orange-brown, black veined quartzite. The original outer convex face is ground very smooth. The fragment is thickest where the outer face starts to curve inward (i.e. at start of base?). The other face is broken flattish, with an angled thick end. The two side edges are worn and slightly scarred, but the narrow convex edge, and part of the thicker larger edge, is scarred/retouched bifacially. This has created a good chopping edge. L: 11.4; W: 10.0; T: 3.1-1.0 cm. *The stone is similar to, but different colour than, vessel rim fragment 1006:10 & 4730:1. RLS 1998.",14/7/1998 00:00:00,, "F18:028",4.00,"PLASTER","FRAG","Not described",14/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:028",5.00,"PLASTER","FRAG","Fragment of plaster with impressions. Not measured.",14/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:029",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,14/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:029",2.00,"BONE","BONES",,15/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:029",3.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,26/3/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:029",4.00,"ASH","SAMPLE","Two fragments of compacted ash",17/3/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:029",5.00,"BITUMEN","FRAG","Not described.",22/3/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:029",6.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,26/3/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:029",7.00,"STONE","PEBBLE","Small red/orangey flat rectangular pebble, carnelian?, agate? perhaps deliberately shaped. L. 2.8, w. 1.7, h. 1. Abs.l. 12.34m, E 1.32m, N 3.17m.",24/3/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:029",8.00,"STONE","TOOL","Fragment of dark grey stone, roughly rectangular in plan. One edge rough and broken off, two sides worn smooth including the corner between them. One broad side rises to a slight ridge in the middle which is worn on both sides. Max. 18 x 11 x 10. Abs.l. 12.18m, E 0.54m, N 3.81m.",25/3/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:029",9.00,"SHELL","GASTROPOD BEAD","White gastropod shell with apex pierced, presumably for use as bead. Length. 2.3, max. w. 1.4. Probably used in Museum Exhibition 1990.",25/3/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:030",1.00,"COPPER","ROD OBJECT","Short length of thick copper rod, badly corroded L. 1.5; w. 0.53.",4/4/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:030",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,14/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:030",3.00,"BONE","BONES",,15/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:030",4.00,"CLAY","SAMPLE",,15/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:033",1.00,"STEATITE","SEAL","Seal of cream-coloured stone, chip on one side of obverse. Edge waisted. Reverse has three incised parallel lines at right angles to the perforation, and four incised circles with central dot. Design shows a palm frond in the centre, on either side a male horned animal rampant, with ruffed neck. The animal on the left faces outwards, head stretched up and turned towards frond. The one on the right faces inwards, one foreleg touching the frond. Diameter 2.1, height 1.86 cm.",1/7/1990 00:00:00,"Y", "F18:033",2.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,26/3/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:033",3.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAG","Fragment of bitumen from the lining of a woven vessel. Weave impressions. Not measured.",14/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:033",4.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","9 blobs of copper waste, presumably casting slag. Largest 1.5 x 1.1 x 0.9 cm",20/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:033",5.00,"BONE","BONES",,22/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:033",6.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,20/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:033",7.00,"STONE","TOOL","Dark grey stone, spherical, flattened on two opposing sides, then on another two so that the flattened edges converge slightly. Diam approx. 5, h. 5.5. Weight 332.6 gms. Abs.l. 12.27m, E 2.79m, N 2.39m",26/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:033",8.00,"STONE","TOOL","Dark grey oval pebble worn smooth, max. 8 x 5.5 x 3.8. Abs.l. 12.29m, E 2.36m, N 2.76m",28/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:033",9.00,"PLASTER","STOPPER","Pear-shaped lump of white plaster, perhaps a stopper. Max. h. 11.2, base diam. approx. 10.5.",25/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:033",10.00,"STONE","TOOL","Dark grey stone, rough elongated sphere. Traces of possible wear on broad face. L. 5.8, w. 4.5, h. 4) Abs.l. 12.31m, E 1.18m, N 3.21m.",25/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:033",11.00,"STONE","DISC LID","Soft, disc-shaped piece of white limestone, presumably used as a lid. Max. diam. 9.8, max. h. 4.5. Weight 353.2 gms.",25/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:033",12.00,"STONE","PEBBLE","Creamy coloured, oblong, smooth pebble, l. 5.9, w. 3.2 h. 1.7. Abs.l. 12.30m, E 3.62m, N 3.80m",27/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:033",13.00,"STONE","TOOL","About half of a spherical grinder of white limestone. Natural fossil near break. No definite signs of wear. Abs.l. 12.29m, E 3.69m, N 3.72m.",26/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:033",14.00,"STONE","TOOL","Very dense grey stone. Irregular shape, probably natural, but fits hand nicely. One broad surface shows traces of wear. One short side broken off. 10.3 x 7.0 x 4.4.",28/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:033",15.00,"STEATITE","SEAL","Dark grey steatite seal, with glaze preserved in the carved figures. Boss damaged. Edge straight, Failaka Var. 2) Reverse has three incised lines at right angles to the perforation, and four incised circles with central dot. Design shows two naked standing human figures facing left. The figure on the left holds a shield-like object in his right hand, the other touches the head of an animal with long, notched, backswept horns, to the right. The animal stands facing left, and looks back over its shoulder to the edge of the seal. On his other hand he holds a ?jar. Between the heads of the two figures are the ?sun and crescent moon. Diameter 2.2, pres. ht. 0.9 cm",20/2/1990 00:00:00,"Y", "F18:033",16.00,"STEATITE","SEAL","Light grey steatite seal, worn, with traces of glaze. Edge: Failaka Var. 2) Reverse has three incised lines at right angles to perforation and three incised circles with central dot. Obverse has design of two rampant horned animals, their bodies crossed at the waist to form an X. Their heads are separated by a standard topped with a crescent. In the left field is a naked male figure standing facing right, holding a spear. In the right field is a wedge-shaped motif with an animal head and ?forelimb protruding from the top. Between the animals' feet is a ?fish. Diameter 2.61-2.67, height 1.56 cm.",20/2/1990 00:00:00,"Y", "F18:033",17.00,"STEATITE","BOWL RIM","Rim fragment from decorated open vessel made of dark grey steatite. Rim plain, sides steep. Surfaces very shiny - well polished or possibly glazed. Just under the rim on the outside are two carved motifs side by side, each representing a 'sunburst' - central circle surrounded by short, radiating lines which are pointed at the outer edge. Below these is an encircling band of touching triangles, apex down, and just below that a similar band, the triangles apex up. The decoration is very carefully executed and the surface finish exceptionally fine. Dimensions 2.0 x 2.3 cm.",20/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:033",18.00,"STONE","PEBBLE","Small oval grey pebble, one edge shows damage from pounding? or use as hammerstone? Max. 4.7 x 4.2 x 2.4. Abs.l. 12.12m, E 2.13m, N 0.16m",20/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:033",19.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder. Thin slab of yellowish limestone. One broad surface worn very smooth. Max. dimensions 17.5 x 15.8 x 1.7.",25/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:033",20.00,"BITUMEN","FRAG","Lump of bitumen with ?wood impression. Not measured.",20/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:033",21.00,"COPPER","BEAD?","Spherical copper blob, conceivably a bead. Diam. 0.7. Abs.l. 12.13m, E 0.55m, N 3.99m",20/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:033",22.00,"STONE","TOOL","Oblong piece of dark grey stone. One broad side very flat and smooth, possibly natural. One narrow side the same but worn. Max. l. 12, max. w. 6, h. 4) Abs.l. 12.20m, E 1.25m, N 2.97m.",20/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:033",23.00,"STONE","TOOL","Roughly spherical white stone with traces of wear in one place. Max. diam. 5.6, h. 5) Weight 208.6 (chipped). Abs.l. 12.20m, E 1.52m, N 3.04m.",20/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:033",24.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","One large and about a dozen small fragments of bitumen, with weave impressions inside. Largest frag. has neat hole, but could perhaps be from a nail driven in above? Outside not smooth but with straw impressions: looks as though it has been stuck to a mat, not a basket. Largest frag 4.7 x 3.6, hole 0.5 cm di.",26/3/1990 00:00:00,,"Beautifully consolidated by someone or something - JAM Nov. 1998" "F18:033",25.00,"STONE","PEBBLE","White oval pebble with one broad face flat and one face domed. Possible traces of wear on narrow edges. Max. 5.5 x 3.8 x 2.4. Abs.l. 12.18m, E 2.46m, N 2.82m.",20/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:033",26.00,"STONE","TOOL","Irregular pebble worn smooth in places. Max. 5.9 x 5.4 x 4.4. Abs.l. 12.12m, E 3.12m, N 3.63m.",20/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:033",27.00,"STONE","PEBBLE","8 small pebbles, all worn, slightly different sizes. Abs.h. 12.16m, E 3.79m, N 3.06m",20/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:033",28.00,"POTTERY","PLATE","Flat plate. Base intact, less than half of rim and body extant. Soft greeny buff clay, temper of vegetable matter and a little grit. Rim bevelled to outside, straight, widely flaring sides, flat base. H. 5.2, rim di. 32.0-34.0 (reconstruc.), ba. di. 7.2-7.4.",28/3/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:033",29.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAG","Fragment of bitumen from the lining of a woven vessel. Weave impressions. Not measured.",20/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:033",30.00,"STONE","SAMPLE","Alabaster? or calcite? Abs.l. 12.27m",2/3/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:033",31.00,"STONE","PEBBLE","Long white porous smooth pebble. 6.4 x 3.5.",1/7/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:033",32.00,"CLAY","BEAD?","Tiny flanged disc of red clay, core black in places, with large central perforation. About half of edge missing. On one side the disc face has an encircling band of tiny incised circles, made with a small hollow instrument such as a quill. Perhaps a bead, or a toy wheel. Di. 1.8, di. of perforation 0.76 cm.",1/7/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:033",33.00,"COPPER","STRIP","Flat strip of copper, one end tapering to a blunt point, the other broken off. Length 5.6, width 0.6-0.9, thickness 0.1-0.3 cm.",25/3/1998 00:00:00,,"In two pieces" "F18:033",34.00,"COPPER","HOOK FRAGS","Two hook fragments. 1) Curved hook-end. 1.6 cm long, c. 0.3 maximum thickness. 2) Very corroded fragment, possibly hook or point. 1.2 cm long.",1/7/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:040",1.00,"COPPER","HOOK","Barbed fish hook. Straight shaft, round in section, bent in slightly and tapering towards the top. Point of hook has corroded barb. l. 5; max. width 2.7; max. di. of shaft 0.55.",14/2/1990 00:00:00,," Used in Museum Exhibition 1990" "F18:040",2.00,"BONE","BONES",,18/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:040",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,18/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:040",4.00,"PLASTER","FRAG","Not described.",25/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:042",1.00,"BONE","BONES",,22/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:042",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,20/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:042",3.00,"STONE","SAMPLE","Irregular chunk of stone. Haematite ?",22/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:043",1.00,"STONE","TOOL","Piece of light grey fossil-bearing limestone, approx. sub-conoid. Broad face shows sign of wear, rest is very roughly shaped. H. 8.45, broad face 8.4 x 6.9.",22/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:043",2.00,"FLINT","FLAKE","6.0 x 4.6 x 1.5.",20/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:043",3.00,"BITUMEN","LUMP","Half lump with ?string impression. Not measured.",20/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:045",1.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAG","Fragment of the lining to a bitumen-coated woven vessel. Dimensions c. 6.0-8.0 cm.",20/2/1990 00:00:00,,"Have altered measurement from original 0.6-0.8, presume mistake. JM 2004" "F18:045",2.00,"BONE","BONES",,22/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:045",3.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Two thin, flat, tiny scraps of copper. Larger 0.9 x 1.4 x 0.2",21/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:045",4.00,"STONE","PEBBLES","6 small worn pebbles",20/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:045",5.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Fragments of bitumen from the linings of one or more woven vessels. Weave impressions. Not measured.",20/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:045",6.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,20/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:045",7.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","From residue:- Small bag with one small fragment of carbonised date pip. Wgt <0.1 gms.",26/3/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:045",8.00,"COPPER","AWL?","Long rod, possibly awl, badly corroded. Probably square in section. Tapered slightly at either end. Dimensions 7.9 x 0.8 cm.",20/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:045",9.00,"PLASTER","PIERCED DISC","Flat, circular disc of white plaster with central small perforation. Convex faces. Diam. 12.5, max. h. 3.3. cm.",28/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:045",10.00,"POTTERY","PAINTED JAR","Complete painted jar: intact but badly cracked. Salt-encrusted and slightly abraded. Red clay, hard fine grit temper, carelessly-applied black wash over upper body, showing rough diagonal brush-marks. Too eroded to show whether hand or wheel-made. Bevelled rim, short, waisted neck with slight ridge at base, round body tapering to very low ring-base. Badly worn right through in three places, one of which has been mended with a bitumen plug. H. 24.4, rim di. 12.2-12.4, ba. di. 7.5.",26/2/1990 00:00:00,,"Broken down and restored." "F18:045",11.00,"STONE","TOOL","White stone sphere with one flattened surface. Diam. 8, h. 7. Abs.l. 12.21m, E 3.58m, N 3.11m",20/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:045",12.00,"STONE","SAMPLE","Pyrite?. Frag. of shiny dark grey stone, segment of rounded pebble. Abs.l. 12.13m, E 4.65m, N 2.01m",27/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:045",13.00,"POTTERY","PLUGGED SHERD","Potsherd with bitumen plug filling hole in surface. From body of jar with red clay, grit temper. Polished out. Not measured.",22/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:045",14.00,"BONE","BONES","From inside vessel F18:045:010",15/3/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:045",15.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","From inside vessel F18:045:010.",15/3/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:045",16.00,"COPPER","FRAG","From inside vessel F18:045:010.",15/3/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:045",17.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,26/3/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:045",18.00,"BITUMEN","FRAG","Not described.",29/3/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:045",19.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Copper blob, 1.5 x 1.2 x 0.8 cm",29/3/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:045",20.00,"PLASTER","DOMED LID","White plaster lid, roughly hemispherical in shape. One face fairly flat, the other convex. Max. diam. 8.8, max. h. 3.5 cm. Weight 273.5 gms.",8/4/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:045",21.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing fragment. Fine yellowish clay. Irregular shape, one surface flattened and smooth, possible traces of illegible impression on opposing face. Dimensions 1.2 x 1.04 x 0.45 cm.",18/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:046",1.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder of cream coloured fossil-bearing limestone. Flat and rectangular, one broad face flat, one slightly domed. L. 24, w. 18.5, max. h. 5.",28/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:046",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,22/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:046",3.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAG","Fragment of bitumen from the lining of a woven vessel. Weave impression. Not measured",20/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:046",4.00,"ASH","SAMPLE",,20/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:046",5.00,"STONE","LAMP?","Irregular light coloured stone, flat with one side hollowed out. Possibly natural. Max. 7 x 6.5 x 1.7",20/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:046",6.00,"BONE","BONES",,22/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:046",7.00,"COPPER","PIN","Long thin piece of copper, circular in section, pointed at one end. Large lump of corrosion near point suggests some protuberance. Presumably pin or similar. Length c.9.1; original diam 0.25.",20/2/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:048",1.00,"BONE","BONES",,22/3/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:048",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,22/3/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:048",3.00,"BITUMEN","FRAG","Not described. Missing.",4/4/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:048",4.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,28/3/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:048",5.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Three blobs of copper waste. Largest 2.1 x 1.2 x 1.0 cm.",22/3/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:048",6.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Narrow pointed chip of brown flint. Dimensions 1.3 x 0.4 x 0.2 cm. From Flotation Sample F18 B:048:4.",15/1/1998 00:00:00,, "F18:048",7.00,"COPPER","ROD OBJECT","Short length of thick copper rod, probably rectangular in section, bent into curve. Extant length 1.9, diam 0.6 cm.",21/11/1998 00:00:00,, "F18:050",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,26/3/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:050",2.00,"BONE","BONES",,20/3/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:050",3.00,"ORGANIC","SAMPLE","Charcoal sample",20/3/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:051",1.00,"STONE","TOOL","Dark grey stone, roughly cylindrical. One broad face worn, also approx. one third of edge worn, opposite side damaged. Max. 7.9 x 7.8 x 3.9. Abs.l. 11.76m, E 3.91m, N 3.31m.",22/3/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:051",2.00,"PLASTER","FRAGS","Two fragments of hard creamy plaster, one with a circular hole going right through at an oblique angle. Hole diam. 0.9",22/3/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:051",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,22/3/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:053",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,28/3/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:055",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,26/3/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:056",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,26/3/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:057",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,26/3/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:059",1.00,"BONE","BONES",,24/3/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:059",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,24/3/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:059",3.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,29/3/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:059",4.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Two fragments of copper. 1) Scrap of copper sheet, now triangular in plan, 2.4 x 1.0 x 0.3 cm. 2) Blob, very light in weight, 1.0 x 0.8 x 0.5 cm",24/3/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:059",5.00,"STONE","SOCKET","Sub-square limestone basin with shallow, small rim, complete in 4 pieces. Reverse has worked rectangular depression, approx. 19 x 8 cm, the centre of which was used as doorsocket. Another worked round depression also shows evidence of use as door socket. Dimensions 26 x 26 cm, h. 7.4 cm.",25/3/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:059",6.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Possible un-retouched tool: irregular with sharp edges. 3.2 x 4.3 x1.4.",24/3/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:059",7.00,"FLINT","FLAKES","Three flakes of brown flint. 1) Pointed piece which may have been deliberately retouched on each side to create an awl-like tool. Flint is opaque. Dimensions 2.0 x 1.2 x 0.75 cm. 2) Tiny flake/chip of translucent flint. Feather termination. L: 0.7; W: 0.5; TH: 0.1 cm. 3) Tiny flake/chip of translucent flint. Feather termination L: 0.6; W: 0.4; TH: 0.1 cm. All from Flotation Sample F18 D & C: 059:3.",15/1/1998 00:00:00,, "F18:062",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,28/3/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:062",2.00,"STONE","PIERCED DISC","Grey stone disc with small central perforation. Max. diam. 6.5, h. 1.9, perforation diam. 0.8.",24/3/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:063",1.00,"FOSSIL ECHINOID","ECHINOID?","Light coloured stone cone with flat base, possibly sea urchin or similar. Max. diam. 6.2 (base), h. 3.2. Abs.l. 12.20m, E 4.01m, N 1.83m",24/3/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:063",2.00,"STONE","TOOL","White stone, irregular pebble, one very smooth flattened surface. Max. 7.6 x 6.8 x 5.7. Abs.l. 12.20m, E 4.08m, N 1.96m",24/3/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:063",3.00,"STONE","TOOL","Light grey stone, roughly hemispherical, one side flattened. Many chips, narrow edge worn in one place. Max. diam. 5.9, h. 4.3. Abs.l. 12.20m, E 4.21m, N 2.07m",24/3/1990 00:00:00,, "F18:063",4.00,"FOSSIL BIVALVE","BIVALVE","Fossilized bivalve. Not further described.",24/3/1990 00:00:00,, "G16:001",1.00,"STEATITE","SEAL","Seal of pale green stone, with white glazed surface. Splitting: two chips missing from the edge of the face. Boss missing, rest cracked, but the design is still clear. Edge broad and waisted, Failaka Var. 3. Design has a border of an incised line hatched around the outside. Left lower field shows a standing, naked man, his right arm bent away from his body towards the border of the seal, while with the other hand he holds his erect penis. Above, and at right-angles to him, is a very stylized female figure, facing right, legs wide apart, holding her feet with her hands, apparently engaged in sexual intercourse with the male. On either side of her head is a triangle, one hatched, the other probably originally hatched, but now damaged. Linear style. Diameter 2.0, extant height 1.0 cm. NM 4816",8/4/1991 00:00:00,"Y", "G17:002",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,26/3/1990 00:00:00,, "G17:002",2.00,"BONE","BONES",,19/3/1990 00:00:00,, "G17:002",3.00,"FLINT","NODULE","Round piece of flint broken from hemispherical piece. 6.7 x 7.6 x 2.2.",19/3/1990 00:00:00,, "G17:002",4.00,"BITUMEN","FRAG","Large fragment of bitumen, with reed/wood impressions. 8 x 6.5 cm",3/12/1990 00:00:00,, "G17:002",5.00,"POTTERY","INCISED SHERD","Fragment only, from rim of hole-mouthed vessel. Lightly-fired brown clay, sparse grit temper. Plain rim, body flares widely. Band of punched circles under rim, and another below. Crudely made by hand. Dimensions c. 3.0 x 3.0.",19/4/1990 00:00:00,, "G17:002",6.00,"POTTERY","BOWL","Bowl. Under half of rim and body extant, base missing. Pink clay, grit temper. Slightly thickened rim, rounded body. Pres. H. 8.2, rim di. 13 (reconstruc.)",19/4/1990 00:00:00,, "G17:002",7.00,"POTTERY","PAINTED CUP","Painted cup. Little of rim, less than half of body, full profile of base. Lightly-fired brown clay, rough grit temper, band of purple paint on outside of rim. Pinched rim, globular body. Crudely made by hand. H. 6.0, rim di. 4.6.",16/4/1990 00:00:00,, "G17:003",1.00,"BONE","BONES",,7/3/1990 00:00:00,, "G17:003",2.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS?","Not described. Presumably fragments.",9/3/1990 00:00:00,, "G17:003",3.00,"STONE","TOOL","Dark grey stone, originally probably sub-rectangular. No obvious signs of wear. Damaged, max. 6.3 x 5.5 x 3.6.",9/3/1990 00:00:00,, "G17:003",4.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,7/3/1990 00:00:00,, "G17:006",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,26/3/1990 00:00:00,, "G17:006",2.00,"BONE","BONES",,15/3/1990 00:00:00,, "G17:006",3.00,"STONE","PEBBLE","Dark grey, oval, flat pebble, max. 3.9 x 2.1 x 0.9.",15/3/1990 00:00:00,, "G17:006",4.00,"PLASTER","FRAGS","Four fragments of light grey, ash-based plaster, perhaps from the rim of a basin or similar. Not measured.",17/3/1990 00:00:00,, "G17:006",5.00,"PEARL","PEARL","Small, yellow pearl, pyramid-shaped. Diameter 0.2 cm.",24/2/1994 00:00:00,,"Found in flotation" "G17:007",1.00,"STEATITE","SEAL","Glazed seal of pale grey steatite. Edge straight, Failaka Var. 1. Reverse has three incised lines at right angles to the perforation, and four incised circles with central dot. The design shows a bearded figure wearing a hatched skirt, standing facing right, in a boat with an animal-head prow. He holds a shield-like object to the right, and to the left a horned animal with its head turned back over its shoulder to face left. In the right field is plant, with a triangle above. Diameter 1.11, height 0.96 cm. NM 4134.",7/3/1990 00:00:00,"Y", "G17:008",1.00,"STONE","TOOL","Large, dark grey stone grinder, almost round, with three flattened, smooth areas, slightly damaged. Max. diam. 9.6, max. h. 7.2. Abs.l. 11.24m",20/3/1990 00:00:00,, "G17:008",2.00,"STONE","TOOL","White limestone, cylindrical. Weight 322.7 gms. Max. diam. 7.9, max h. 3.1. Abs.l. 11.26m",20/3/1990 00:00:00,, "G17:008",3.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Sub-circular, limestone grinder with several flattened sides, one side showing signs of rubbing/grinding. Max. diam. 7.4 Abs.l. 11.29m",19/3/1990 00:00:00,, "G17:012",1.00,"BONE","BONES",,3/12/1990 00:00:00,, "G17:012",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,3/12/1990 00:00:00,, "G17:017",1.00,"BONE","BONES",,26/3/1990 00:00:00,, "G17:017",2.00,"POTTERY","PIERCED DISC","Small pierced disc of fired red clay with shell temper (Barbar ware). Diam. 2.4, h. 0.4, central perforation 0.2 cm.",26/3/1990 00:00:00,, "G17:018",1.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Three substantial fragments of copper, presumably processing waste. 1) Thin, flat, piece, irregular in plan. Conceivably corroded piece of a heavy blade. 3.2 x 3.1 x 0.6. 2) Rough-surfaced lump, very light in weight. 2.5 x 1.8 x 1.4. 3) Heavy, irregular, branching fragment.3.6 x 2.8 x 1.4.",26/3/1990 00:00:00,, "G17:018",2.00,"STEATITE","SEAL","Seal of pale grey glazed steatite. Edge: Failaka Var. 2. Reverse has three incised lines at right-angles to the perforation, and four incised circles with central dot. Design shows a wheel of six animal heads joined at the base of their necks to a hatched central circle. Each animal has two horns and one ear(?) shown. Four have straight horns and two are shown with curving horns. All face right. Filler motifs are: a hatched triangle, two wavy lines, and a crescent. Diameter 2.70, height 1.25 cm.",26/3/1990 00:00:00,"Y", "G17:018",3.00,"POTTERY","SPOUT","Curved spout, end broken. Pink clay, hard fine grit temper, buff surface. Overall length 8.0, width at wide end c. 6.5.",15/4/1990 00:00:00,, "G17:020",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,27/3/1990 00:00:00,, "G17:020",2.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,28/3/1990 00:00:00,, "G17:020",3.00,"FLINT","NODULE","Roughly spherical flint nodule, possibly used as grinder. 6.4 x 4.3 x 4.3.",26/3/1990 00:00:00,, "G17:020",4.00,"STONE","TOOL","White stone in shape of cube with rounded corners. One surface chipped. Worn smooth, perhaps from handling. Weight 283.7 gms (incomplete). 6.2 x 5.9 x 4.7.",27/3/1990 00:00:00,, "G17:021",1.00,"BONE","BONES",,29/3/1990 00:00:00,, "G17:021",2.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Substantial blob of copper waste.",29/3/1990 00:00:00,, "G17:021",3.00,"POTTERY","PAINTED CUP","Fragments of painted cup: pieces of rim and lower body. Hard, fine pink clay, sparse temper of white grit, red wash or slip over lower body, black paint. Beaded rim, sides slope in to rounded base. Horizontal band of solid black triangles under rim, below which two encircling bands with zig-zag band between them. Rim painted black. Wheel-thrown, fine and even. H. 9.5 (v. approx.), rim di. 11.5 (reconstruc.).",15/4/1990 00:00:00,, "G17:023",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,28/3/1990 00:00:00,, "G17:025",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,29/3/1990 00:00:00,, "G17:025",2.00,"FLINT","FLAKE","Tiny flake/chip of translucent brown flint. Plain platform and stepped termination. L: 0.5; W: 0.4; TH: 0.1 cm. From Flotation Sample G17 A & D:025:1.",15/1/1998 00:00:00,, "G17:026",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,28/3/1990 00:00:00,, "G17:027",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,28/3/1990 00:00:00,, "G17:029",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,28/3/1990 00:00:00,, "G17:029",2.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Small blob of copper waste.",28/3/1990 00:00:00,, "G17:031",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,28/3/1990 00:00:00,, "G17:032",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,28/3/1990 00:00:00,, "G17:032",2.00,"STONE","PEBBLE","Discarded: mistaken for a sealing.",16/4/1994 00:00:00,, "G17:034",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,29/3/1990 00:00:00,, "G17:034",2.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Three small blobs of copper waste.",29/3/1990 00:00:00,, "G17:034",3.00,"STONE","FRAG","Fragment of coarse grained dark grey stone, probably broken off a Pounder during use. Pointed flake with remnant convex pitted surface at proximal end. Dimensions 1.9 x 0.9 x 0.7 cm. From Flotation sample G17 D:034:1.",15/1/1998 00:00:00,, "G17:036",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,29/3/1990 00:00:00,, "G17:036",2.00,"COPPER","WIRE LOOP","Length of thick copper wire, curled round to form a loop with long, pointed, overlapping ends. Length of wire c.11.5; thickness 0.6. Di. f loop 1.5 - 2.8 cm",28/3/1990 00:00:00,, "G17:036",3.00,"STONE","TOOL","Piece of dark grey stone, irregular. One flat surface with possible traces of wear. Max. 7 x 5.2 x 3.9",28/3/1990 00:00:00,, "G17:036",4.00,"BONE","BONES",,29/3/1990 00:00:00,, "G17:036",5.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAG","Thick fragment of bitumen from lining to a woven vessel. Weave impression on one side, smooth on other. Not measured.",29/3/1990 00:00:00,, "G17:037",1.00,"BONE","BONES",,29/3/1990 00:00:00,, "G17:037",2.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Blob of copper waste",29/3/1990 00:00:00,, "G18:001",1.00,"BONE","BONES",,1/3/1990 00:00:00,, "G18:001",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,28/2/1990 00:00:00,, "G18:002",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,26/3/1990 00:00:00,, "G18:002",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,3/3/1990 00:00:00,, "G18:002",3.00,"BONE","BONES",,3/3/1990 00:00:00,, "G18:002",4.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder made from slab of yellowish limestone, roughly triangular in plan, one face worn. Two narrow faces perhaps deliberately shaped, the third roughly broken. Apex also broken off. Dimensions 11.5 x 11.7 x 5.2 max. h.",6/3/1990 00:00:00,, "G18:002",5.00,"STONE","TOOL","Piece of heavy black stone, sub-rectangular in plan with one corner broken off. One broad face flat, one domed. 7.7 (max. pres.) x 5.7, max. h. 3.3.",1/7/1990 00:00:00,, "G18:002",6.00,"STONE","TOOL","Irregular piece of grey stone. Possible traces of wear in two places. 7.2 x 4.1 x 3.0.",1/7/1990 00:00:00,, "G18:003",1.00,"BONE","BONES",,1/3/1990 00:00:00,, "G18:003",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,1/3/1990 00:00:00,, "G18:003",3.00,"FLINT","FLAKE","Flake. 3.1 x 3.0 x 0.9.",2/3/1990 00:00:00,, "G18:006",1.00,"BONE","BONES",,5/3/1990 00:00:00,, "G18:006",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,6/3/1990 00:00:00,, "G18:006",3.00,"POTTERY","BOWL","Small bowl or cup, with less than half of rim and body extant. Lightly-fired brown clay, temper of large grits. Pinched rim, swollen body. Crudely made. Pres. H. 4.6, rim di. c. 6.5 (reconstruc.).",13/4/1990 00:00:00,, "G18:010",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,28/3/1990 00:00:00,, "G18:013",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,29/3/1990 00:00:00,, "GR5:002",1.00,"POTTERY","COOKING POT","(See Grave catalogue).",15/4/1993 00:00:00,"Y", "H13:005",1.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Two lumps of copper. One round and flat, diameter c.1.5 cm. One irregular, 2.2 x 0.9 cm.",14/2/1991 00:00:00,, "H13:005",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,14/2/1991 00:00:00,, "H13:005",3.00,"BONE","BONES",,14/2/1991 00:00:00,, "H13:005",4.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Eight fragments of bitumen, probably all part of a vessel lining. Largest 2.7 x 1.7 x 0.5 cm.",14/2/1991 00:00:00,, "H13:006",1.00,"BONE","FISH",,14/2/1991 00:00:00,, "H13:006",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,14/2/1991 00:00:00,, "H13:006",3.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Many tiny fragments of bitumen, with weave impressions, presumably from the lining to one or more woven vessels. Largest 1.3 x 1.5 x 1.3 cm.",14/2/1991 00:00:00,, "H13:007",1.00,"BONE","BONES",,17/2/1991 00:00:00,, "H13:007",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,18/2/1991 00:00:00,, "H13:008",1.00,"BONE","FISH",,17/2/1991 00:00:00,, "H13:009",1.00,"COPPER","CLASP FRAG","Piece of copper bent round into a ring, with the ends overlapping slightly. Fresh breaks to both ends. Joins H13:09:02. Dimensions 1.8 x 1.7 x 0.4 cm.",21/2/1991 00:00:00,, "H13:009",2.00,"COPPER","CLASP","Two pieces of corroded metal overlapping to form X shape, with one 'leg' missing. the ends of the other 'legs' curve inwards. 3.8 x 1.9 x 0.5 cm. Joins 01",7/3/1991 00:00:00,, "H13:009",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Assemblage of fish bones.",17/2/1991 00:00:00,,"Very fragile." "H13:009",4.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,18/2/1991 00:00:00,, "H13:009",5.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Bitumen fragments with weave impressions on one side, so presumably from the lining to one or more woven vessels. Largest 2.2 x 1.3 x 0.7 cm.",18/2/1991 00:00:00,, "H13:009",6.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Four fragments of corroded copper. Dimensions of largest fragment 1.2 x 1.0 x 0.5 cm.",18/2/1991 00:00:00,, "H13:009",7.00,"FLINT","FLAKE","Unworked brown flint flake, partially covered in cortex. 4.0 x 2.6 x 1.2 cm.",24/2/1991 00:00:00,, "H13:010",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Whole earth sample taken for flotation.",25/3/1991 00:00:00,, "H13:011",1.00,"BONE","BONES",,17/2/1991 00:00:00,, "H13:011",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,19/2/1991 00:00:00,, "H13:011",3.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Five small fragments of bitumen. Largest 1.3 x 1.5 x 1.1, with impressions of string or reed.",18/2/1991 00:00:00,, "H13:012",1.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Sealing on pink clay. Reverse has three parallel string impressions and a small flat part with an impression of wood?, or reed. Smeared fingerprints on edge. The front has a seal impression, the lowest part broken off. The design shows a standing figure wearing a flounced skirt, arms up to either side. To the right he holds a ?shield, and on the right of that there is a hatched vertical crescent. To the left of the figure there is a horned animal facing left with head turned to look back over its shoulder. Compare Kjaerum 201 and 202. 2.5 x 2.2 x 1.0 cm.",26/3/1991 00:00:00,"Y", "H13:012",2.00,"BONE","FISH",,19/2/1991 00:00:00,, "H13:012",3.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Several bitumen fragments, apparently part of the lining to a woven vessel. Largest 1.4 x 1.6 x 0.5",19/2/1991 00:00:00,, "H13:012",4.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Four small fragments of badly corroded copper. Dimensions of largest fragment 1.5 x 1.0 x 0.6 cm.",19/2/1991 00:00:00,, "H13:012",5.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,18/2/1991 00:00:00,, "H13:013",1.00,"BONE","BONES",,19/2/1991 00:00:00,, "H13:013",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,18/2/1991 00:00:00,, "H13:013",3.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAG","Fragment of bitumen from the lining of a woven vessel. Weave impressions. 1.1 x 1.2 x 0.8 cm.",19/2/1991 00:00:00,, "H13:014",1.00,"BONE","FISH",,19/2/1991 00:00:00,, "H13:014",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,19/2/1991 00:00:00,, "H13:014",3.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Four fragments of bitumen, three with weave impressions on one side, so presumably from the lining to one or more woven vessels. Largest 1.78 x 0.95 x 0.54 cm",19/2/1991 00:00:00,, "H13:014",4.00,"COPPER","RING","Small copper ring or link formed from a piece of flattened wire, pointed at one end, bend round so the ends are near each other. Di. 0.9 cm. [This description revised that published Temple p. 113].",19/2/1991 00:00:00,, "H13:014",5.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Badly corroded fragment, 2.0 x 1.4 x 0.6 cm.",19/2/1991 00:00:00,, "H13:014",6.00,"BONE","BONES","Amalgamated with H13:014:001.",19/2/1991 00:00:00,, "H13:014",7.00,"PLASTER","SAMPLE","Small square sample of white plaster, with purple pigmentation on one side. 2.0 x 2.0 x 1.1 cm.",19/2/1991 00:00:00,, "H13:014",8.00,"ORGANIC","DATE","Fragment of a carbonised date stone.",19/2/1991 00:00:00,, "H13:015",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Sample of whole earth taken for flotation.",25/3/1991 00:00:00,, "H13:016",1.00,"BONE","BONES",,24/2/1991 00:00:00,, "H13:016",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,24/2/1991 00:00:00,, "H13:016",3.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Very small fragments of bitumen, the larger pieces having weave impressions on one side - presumably from the lining to one or more woven vessels. One piece: 1.3 x 1.3 x 0.3 cm.",3/3/1991 00:00:00,, "H13:017",1.00,"BONE","BONES",,24/2/1991 00:00:00,, "H13:017",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,24/2/1991 00:00:00,, "H13:018",1.00,"BONE","BONES",,24/2/1991 00:00:00,, "H13:020",1.00,"BONE","BONES",,24/2/1991 00:00:00,, "H13:020",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,24/2/1991 00:00:00,, "H13:020",3.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Bitumen fragments with weave impressions on one side, presumably from the lining to one or more woven vessels Largest: 2.4 x 2.2 x 1.5",24/2/1991 00:00:00,, "H13:020",4.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Eleven fragments of copper. Dimensions of largest fragment 2.0 x 2.0 x 0.6 cm.",24/2/1991 00:00:00,, "H13:020",5.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Small fragment of flint. 2.0 x 1.5 x 0.6 cm.",6/3/1991 00:00:00,, "H13:022",1.00,"BONE","FISH",,2/3/1991 00:00:00,, "H13:022",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,4/3/1991 00:00:00,, "H13:022",3.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Bitumen fragments with weave impressions on side, presumably from the lining to one or more woven vessels. Not measured.",2/3/1991 00:00:00,, "H13:022",4.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Two very badly corroded fragments of copper. [1] 2.2 x 1.6 x 1.2 cm. [2] 0.7 x 1.1 x 0.6 cm.",2/3/1991 00:00:00,, "H13:024",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,4/3/1991 00:00:00,, "H13:024",2.00,"BONE","BONES",,4/3/1991 00:00:00,, "H13:024",3.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Quantity of bitumen fragments, some from the lining to one or more woven vessels. Largest 2.1 x 2.0 x 1.9",7/3/1991 00:00:00,, "H13:024",4.00,"BONE","WORKED","Fragment of polished bone? Not measured.",4/3/1991 00:00:00,, "H13:024",5.00,"BONE","WORKED","Fragment of polished bone? Not measured.",4/3/1991 00:00:00,, "H13:024",6.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","A 60 litre whole earth sample taken for flotation.",5/3/1991 00:00:00,, "H13:024",7.00,"ORGANIC","SHERD","Pot sherd with interior surface covered in a layer of carbonised remains. Exported for analysis by John Evans.",6/3/1991 00:00:00,, "H13:024",8.00,"ORGANIC","DATES","Carbonised date pips, not counted or measured. Stored with bitumen fragments H13:24:3, not separately labelled.",,, "H13:025",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,5/3/1991 00:00:00,, "H13:025",2.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Missing 1999",,, "H13:025",3.00,"BONE","BONES",,5/3/1991 00:00:00,, "H13:025",4.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Bitumen fragments presumably from the lining to one or more woven vessels, Weave-impressions. Largest frag. 3.2 x 2.8 x 0.8",5/3/1991 00:00:00,, "H13:025",5.00,"ORGANIC","SHERD","Pot sherd with carbonised remains adhering to the interior surface. Exported for analysis by John Evans",25/3/1991 00:00:00,, "H13:027",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Six bags, 120 litres of a whole earth sample taken for flotation.",6/3/1991 00:00:00,, "H13:027",2.00,"BONE","BONES",,5/3/1991 00:00:00,, "H13:027",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,5/3/1991 00:00:00,, "H13:027",4.00,"STONE","TOOL","Grey pebble, almost the shape of a knuckle bone worn smooth. Approximately square in plan, one end rounded, the other concave. Rounded end thinner and with wear marks. 3.7 x 3.6 x 2.3 cm.",8/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Stone has been washed." "H13:027",5.00,"FLINT","FRAG","DISCARDED. Small chip of unworked flint. 1.8 x 1.6 x 0.5 cm.",5/3/1991 00:00:00,, "H13:027",6.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Three corroded fragments of metal. [1] 2.0 x 1.6 x 1.0 cm. [2] 1.4 x 1.0 x 0.8 cm. [3] 1.8 x 1.5 x 0.5 cm.",5/3/1991 00:00:00,, "H13:028",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","80 litre sample of whole earth removed from this context for flotation.",13/3/1991 00:00:00,, "H13:028",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,13/3/1991 00:00:00,, "H13:028",3.00,"BONE","BONES",,13/3/1991 00:00:00,, "H13:028",4.00,"ORGANIC","SHERDS","Pot sherds with a carbonised layer on its interior surface.",15/4/1991 00:00:00,, "H13:028",7.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","WRONG NUMBER. 20 litre sample of whole earth taken as a flotation sample. Possibly mis-labelled H17:16:7",19/3/1991 00:00:00,, "H13:029",1.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Large quantity of fine slivers of bitumen from the lining to a woven vessel, all with clear weave impressions on one side. All apparently from one crushed vessel. Examples: 3.0 x 2.5 x 0.15 cm 1.5 x2.1 x 0.12 cm",13/3/1991 00:00:00,, "H13:029",2.00,"BONE","BONES",,13/3/1991 00:00:00,, "H13:029",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,13/3/1991 00:00:00,, "H13:029",4.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Large quantity of bitumen fragments, some from the lining to one or more woven vessels, some thick and robust. Largest: 2.4 x 2.2 x 1.5",13/3/1991 00:00:00,, "H13:029",5.00,"ORGANIC","SHERD","Pot sherds with carbonised remains on the interior surfaces. Exported for analysis by John Evans.",25/3/1991 00:00:00,, "H13:029",6.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","A number of small nondescript fragments of bitumen, at least one of which from the lining to a woven vessel coated inside and out:1.5 x 1.4 x 0.4 cm.",25/3/1991 00:00:00,, "H13:031",1.00,"BONE","BONES",,13/3/1991 00:00:00,, "H13:031",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,13/3/1991 00:00:00,, "H13:031",3.00,,,"Amalgamated with H13:031:004",20/4/1991 00:00:00,, "H13:031",4.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Tiny fragments of bitumen. Largest 1.6 x 1.4 x 1.3 cm.",25/3/1991 00:00:00,, "H13:031",5.00,"ORGANIC","SHERD","Fragments of pot with carbonised remains on the interior surfaces.",25/3/1991 00:00:00,, "H13:032",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,18/3/1991 00:00:00,, "H13:032",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Small mammal bone returned from analysis York on 1/4/95.",18/3/1991 00:00:00,, "H13:032",3.00,"BITUMEN","FRAG","Fragment of bitumen. 2 x 1.3 x 0.9 cm.",18/3/1991 00:00:00,, "H13:032",4.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Two corroded fragments of metal. Dimensions of largest fragment 2.0 x 1.0 x 0.8 cm.",18/3/1991 00:00:00,, "H13:032",5.00,"ORGANIC","SHERD","Pot sherd with carbonised remains on the interior surface.",25/3/1991 00:00:00,, "H13:033",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,18/3/1991 00:00:00,, "H13:033",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Small mammal bones returned form analysis York on 1/4/95.",18/3/1991 00:00:00,, "H13:033",3.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Several fragments of bitumen, some at least from the lining to one or more woven vessels, coated inside and out. Largest: 2.4 x 1.8 x 0.9",18/3/1991 00:00:00,, "H13:033",4.00,"FLINT","FRAGS","Ten pieces of flint, all apparently unworked. Dimensions of largest piece 2.5 x 2.0 x 0.9 cm.",18/3/1991 00:00:00,, "H13:033",5.00,"ORGANIC","SHERD","Pot sherds with carbonised remains on the interior surfaces. Exported for analysis by John Evans.",25/3/1991 00:00:00,, "H13:033",6.00,"ORGANIC","DATE","Carbonised date pip, not measured. Stored with bitumen fragments H13:33:3, not separately labelled.",,, "H13:034",1.00,"BONE","BONES",,18/3/1991 00:00:00,, "H13:034",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,18/3/1991 00:00:00,, "H13:034",3.00,"FLINT","FRAG","One small piece of unworked brown flint.",25/3/1991 00:00:00,, "H13:036",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,18/3/1991 00:00:00,, "H13:036",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Small mammal bones returned from analysis York on 1/4/95.",18/3/1991 00:00:00,, "H13:036",3.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Fragments of bitumen recovered from this context. Robust, with impressions of leaf or reed on one side. Largest piece: 3.2 x 2.4 x 0.9 cm.",25/3/1991 00:00:00,, "H13:052",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","15 litre whole earth sample removed for flotation.",13/3/1991 00:00:00,, "H14:001",1.00,"POTTERY","SHERD","Not individually described.",16/1/1991 00:00:00,,"Stored with un-numbered pottery from same context." "H14:001",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Large collection of shells from this unit.",26/1/1991 00:00:00,, "H14:003",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,4/3/1991 00:00:00,, "H14:003",2.00,"POTTERY","SHAPED SHERD","Pot sherd from a jar shoulder, carefully smoothed to form a round disc. Orange clay, grit temper, outer surface red and slightly ridged. Dimensions 3.8 x 3.8 x 0.4 cm.",5/3/1991 00:00:00,, "H14:005",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,4/3/1991 00:00:00,, "H14:005",2.00,"BONE","BONES",,4/3/1991 00:00:00,, "H14:005",3.00,"STONE","MORTAR","Piece of limestone, apparently the edge of a mortar or a shallow trough. Shallow edge slightly concave upper surface. Dimensions 12.2 x 10.8 x 9.8 cm. 5.2 cm. thick, edge 6.0 cm high.",8/4/1991 00:00:00,, "H14:005",4.00,"STONE","BASIN","Triangular fragment of limestone, apparently edge from a mortar or basin, but re-used, as one long edge worn very smooth would indicate. 8.2 x 5.5 x 4.5 cm.",8/4/1991 00:00:00,, "H14:007",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,18/3/1991 00:00:00,, "H14:007",2.00,"BONE","BONES",,18/3/1991 00:00:00,, "H14:007",3.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Fragment of metal. 1.7 x 1.1 x 0.3 cm.",18/3/1991 00:00:00,, "I12:004",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,2/2/1990 00:00:00,, "I12:004",2.00,"BONE","BONES",,28/1/1990 00:00:00,, "I13:001",1.00,"BONE","BONES",,19/3/1990 00:00:00,, "I13:001",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Duplicate with something else.",19/3/1990 00:00:00,, "I13:001",3.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Not described.",16/1/1991 00:00:00,, "I13:001",4.00,"COPPER","FRAG","One fragment of badly corroded copper.",17/2/1991 00:00:00,, "I13:001",5.00,"ORGANIC","SHERD","Pot sherd with carbonised remains on the interior surface. Exported for analysis by John Evans.",25/3/1991 00:00:00,, "I13:022",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,26/1/1991 00:00:00,, "I13:022",2.00,"BONE","BONES",,26/1/1991 00:00:00,, "I13:022",3.00,"ORGANIC","DATE","Carbonised date stone.",23/1/1991 00:00:00,, "I13:023",1.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Missing 1991",16/2/1999 00:00:00,, "I13:028",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,27/1/1991 00:00:00,, "I13:028",2.00,"BONE","BONES",,27/1/1991 00:00:00,, "I13:028",3.00,"METAL","SLAG","Grey lump of metal waste, slag/clinker.",17/4/1991 00:00:00,, "I13:030",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,29/1/1991 00:00:00,, "I13:030",2.00,"BONE","BONES",,29/1/1991 00:00:00,, "I13:030",3.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Four lumps of bitumen. The two largest measure, 1. 6.8 x 4.9 x 3.4 cm.2. 5.5 x 3.9 x 2.1 cm.",29/1/1991 00:00:00,, "I13:030",4.00,"ORGANIC","DATE","One carbonised date stone.",29/1/1991 00:00:00,, "I13:032",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,2/2/1991 00:00:00,, "I13:033",1.00,"BONE","FISH","Five fish vertebra, articulated in two sections, one of three and the other of two.",2/2/1991 00:00:00,,"Bones encrusted with salt deposits, making them very brittle. " "I13:033",2.00,"BONE","FISH",,2/2/1991 00:00:00,,"Heavily salt encrusted fish bones. General condition poor." "I13:033",3.00,"BONE","FISH","Three articulated fish vertebra.",2/2/1991 00:00:00,,"Heavily encrusted with salts, general condition poor." "I13:033",4.00,"BONE","FISH","Part of an articulated fish vertebra, in two pieces.",2/2/1991 00:00:00,,"Bones heavily encrusted with salt, general condition poor." "I13:033",5.00,"BONE","FISH",,3/2/1991 00:00:00,, "I13:033",6.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,4/2/1991 00:00:00,, "I13:035",1.00,"BONE","FISH","Collection of fish bones. Two sections of articulated fish vertebra. Very fragile fish skull with otolith in situ.",12/2/1991 00:00:00,,"Fish skull was consolidated in lab, requires careful handling." "I13:035",2.00,"COPPER","FRAG","One small, heavy copper fragment. 1.9 x 1.1 x 1.1 cm.",18/2/1991 00:00:00,, "I13:035",3.00,"BONE","BONES","Assorted fragments of bone.",14/2/1991 00:00:00,, "I13:035",4.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,14/2/1991 00:00:00,, "I13:035",5.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Fragments of bitumen, some with weave impressions, presumably from the lining to one or more woven vessels. Not measured.",14/2/1991 00:00:00,, "I13:036",1.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder made from slab of limestone, long rectangular plan. One broad face has been worn very smooth, the other flat with rounded edges. Dimensions 30.0 x 17.0 x 4.1 cm. Broken into two pieces.",28/2/1991 00:00:00,,"Surface brushed to remove surplus sediments. Broken into two pieces. one originally numbered I14:016:006." "I13:036",2.00,"COPPER","FRAG","One piece of badly corroded copper. One piece of copper.5.1 x 4.9 x 2.2 cm.",11/2/1991 00:00:00,, "I13:040",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","60 litre whole earth sample taken for flotation.",19/3/1991 00:00:00,, "I13:043",1.00,"BONE","BONES",,19/2/1991 00:00:00,, "I13:043",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,19/2/1991 00:00:00,, "I13:043",3.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Bitumen fragments with weave impressions, presumably from the lining to one or more woven vessels. Not measured.",19/2/1991 00:00:00,, "I13:043",4.00,"COPPER","FRAG","One lump of badly corroded copper.",19/2/1991 00:00:00,, "I13:043",5.00,"ORGANIC","DATE","Carbonised date stone.",19/2/1991 00:00:00,, "I13:052",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,20/4/1991 00:00:00,, "I14:001",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,26/3/1990 00:00:00,, "I14:001",2.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Rough, irregular fragment of copper waste.",20/3/1990 00:00:00,, "I14:001",3.00,"STONE","BASIN FRAG","Corner fragment from a deep limestone basin, presumably originally square or rectangular. Sides ridged, the effect of tool marks or perhaps of water. Base very thin, worn almost right through. Height 12.0 cm, thickness of base 1.1 cm.",20/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Washed." "I14:001",4.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Not described.",4/2/1991 00:00:00,,"Very friable." "I14:001",5.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Tiny blob of copper waste, 1.0 cm long.",4/2/1991 00:00:00,, "I14:001",6.00,"BONE","BONES",,4/2/1991 00:00:00,, "I14:010",7.00,"STONE","DOMED LID","Piece of limestone, or possibly plaster, round in plan, one side flat the other domed. Presumably used as a lid. 2.8 cm high, diameter 7.0 - 7.4 cm.",8/4/1991 00:00:00,,"This stone has been washed." "I14:016",1.00,"STONE","TOOL","Slab of limestone, triangular in plan with one curved side. One broad surface deliberately smoothed. Straight edges possibly deliberately shaped too. 16.0x 11.2 x 6.4 cm.",2/3/1991 00:00:00,,"Surfaces brushed to remove all surplus sediments." "I14:016",2.00,"STONE",,"DISCARDED Listed on unit sheet as 'imported stone' - probably a fragment of black volcanic rock",9/2/1991 00:00:00,, "I14:016",3.00,"STONE","BASIN FRAG","Corner fragment from a limestone basin, presumably square or rectangular in form. Dimensions 8.3 x 5.9 x 13.0 cm.",20/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Washed." "I14:016",4.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Broken mortar, from a irregular lump of limestone. One broad surface worn smooth, with slight depression near what may have been the middle, but broken off. Dimensions 28.0 x 13.0 x 12.0 cm.",5/3/1991 00:00:00,,"Surface brushed to remove surplus sediments." "I14:016",5.00,"STONE","OBJECT","DISCARDED.",5/2/1991 00:00:00,,"Recorded on context sheet as 'stone object', presumably unworked." "I14:016",6.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Part of I13:036:001. q.v.",28/2/1991 00:00:00,,"Surfaced brushed to remove surplus sediments." "I14:016",7.00,"STONE","BASIN FRAG","Corner fragment from a limestone basin, presumably square or rectangular in form. Present height 4.8 cm; max. ext. length 7.1 cm.",20/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Stone washed." "I14:016",8.00,"COPPER","RING","Copper strip or length of wire coiled into a ring. Three coils. Overall diameter 1.8 cm, depth of ring 1.5 cm, width of strip 0.4 cm.",11/2/1991 00:00:00,, "I14:016",9.00,"STONE","TOOL","Smooth grey stone, roughly pyramid shaped, with base of pyramid broken off. Other surfaces worn smooth, apex possibly used for pounding. Obviously broken off from a larger tool. 10.1 x 10.0 x 6.9 cm.",25/3/1991 00:00:00,, "I14:016",10.00,"STONE","TOOL FRAG","Sliver of hard black stone, broken from the face of a larger object. One broad side worn very smooth, as is the remaining part of one edge. Rest are all broken off. 11.2 x 6.4 x 4.5 cm.",8/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Stone has been washed." "I14:016",11.00,"BITUMEN","BEAD","Bead, circular perforation set slightly off centre. 2.0 x 2.4 x 1.0 cm, 0.7 cm in diameter.",12/2/1991 00:00:00,, "I14:016",12.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Very small fragment of copper.0.7 x 0.4 cm.",11/2/1991 00:00:00,, "I14:016",13.00,"STONE","TOOL","Irregular chunk of limestone. One broad surface worn very smooth. 21.0 x 13.5 x 3.2 cm.",28/2/1991 00:00:00,,"Surfaces brushed to removed all surplus sediments." "I14:016",14.00,"STONE","TOOL","Black close grained, hard stone. Rounded irregular shape, broken off in two places, one broad surface worn very smooth, edges rounded it shows signs of wear. 8.3 x 5.6 x 6.0 cm.",20/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Washed." "I14:016",15.00,"FLINT","CORE","Largish lump of pink/grey flint. Chips of flint missing from all sides. 7.2 x 6.0 x 6.5 cm.",24/2/1991 00:00:00,, "I14:016",16.00,"STONE","WEIGHT","Hard, black, highly polished stone, presumably a weight 0f Mesopotamian type. Cylindrical, tapering rounded ends. Small chip out of one side. Dimensions 3.3 x 1.0 x 1.0 cm. Wt. 8.0 gm. (kindly supplied by National Museum of Bahrain.",24/2/1991 00:00:00,, "I14:016",17.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Bitumen fragments with weave impressions, presumably from the lining to one or more woven vessels. Not measured.",12/2/1991 00:00:00,, "I14:016",18.00,"STONE","BLOCK","Partial block of stone, possibly an architectural element, or an anchor, or grindstone or socket fragment. Parts of four original flat faces extant on a corner fragment of light grey limestone. All have circular pitting and some flat ground areas. The broken convex face has half of a fossiline tubular worm hole. Dimensions 8.05 x 7.02 x 9.4 cm. Worm hole 5.5 x 2.5 cm.",14/7/1998 00:00:00,,"Washed." "I14:016",19.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,12/2/1991 00:00:00,, "I14:016",20.00,"BONE","BONES","Large assemblage of bone.",23/2/1991 00:00:00,,"Bones require further cleaning." "I14:018",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,11/2/1991 00:00:00,, "I14:018",2.00,"BONE","BONES",,12/2/1991 00:00:00,, "I14:018",3.00,"STONE","TOOL","Piece of white limestone, roughly wedge shaped. Thin end and narrow edges smooth, as is part of one broad face near the broad end. Rear of face and other broad face chipped, showing possible tool marks. 9.7 x 8.8 x 7.3 cm.",9/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Stone has been washed." "I14:018",4.00,"STONE",,"DISCARDED. Recorded on context sheet as 'imported stone' - presumably unworked fragment of black, volcanic rock.",9/2/1991 00:00:00,, "I14:018",5.00,"STONE","TOOL FRAG","Dense grey limestone, thin fragment of large tool. Rounded irregular shape, now broken off. Remaining part of one broad face worn very smooth and concave. 13.3 x 5.6 x 4.6 cm.",8/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Stone has been washed." "I14:018",6.00,"NOT USED","NOT USED",,20/1/1990 00:00:00,, "I14:018",7.00,"STONE","TOOL","Piece of smooth white alabaster like stone. One rounded edge deliberately smoothed. 7.4 x 5.4 x 4.9 cm.",17/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Stone has been washed." "I14:019",1.00,"BONE","FISH",,12/2/1991 00:00:00,, "I14:019",2.00,"STONE","TOOL","Hard black crystalline stone. Now wedge shaped with two broken off edges. Probably originally rounded. All remaining edges worn smooth. 6.3 x 5.7 x 3.5 cm.",8/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Stone has been washed." "I14:019",3.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Small corroded fragment of copper.",12/2/1991 00:00:00,, "I14:019",4.00,"COPPER","FRAG","One badly corroded copper fragment.1.6 x 1.5 x 0.9 cm.",12/2/1991 00:00:00,, "I14:019",5.00,"COPPER","FRAG","One fragment of copper. 1.7 x 1.0 x 0.7 cm.",12/2/1991 00:00:00,, "I14:019",6.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Unidentified lump of metal, partly covered in cu corrosion products.",12/2/1991 00:00:00,, "I14:019",7.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,14/2/1991 00:00:00,, "I14:019",8.00,"BONE","FISH",,14/2/1991 00:00:00,, "I14:019",9.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Six fragments of copper, badly corroded, with ends showing fresh breaks. [1] 2.0 x 0.3 cm. [2] 2.3 x 0.4 cm. [3] 1.8 x 0.3 cm. [4] 1.6 x 0.3 cm. [5] 1.7 x 0.3 cm. [6] 1.0 x 0.4 cm.",23/2/1991 00:00:00,, "I14:019",10.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Eight small copper fragments.",14/2/1991 00:00:00,, "I14:019",11.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Sixteen fragments of bitumen, not further described or measured.",14/2/1991 00:00:00,, "I14:020",1.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Badly corroded copper frag.2.8 x 2.0 x 1.1 cm.",12/2/1991 00:00:00,, "I14:020",2.00,"COPPER","HOE","Complete metal hoe head in fairly good condition, worn slightly on one side edge. Thick sheet of metal, approximately oval in plan, one long edge slightly flattened and slightly bent up to form the blade-edge. Near the opposite edge is a round hole, with a high collar to the inside. This is re-inforced by a solid rib opposite the blade-edge, sloping down towards the centre of the blade. Width 18.0, length 15.0 cm. Thickness of blade 0.6 cm. Max. depth of collar 3.0 cm. Di. of hole 3.3-4.0 cm.",5/3/1991 00:00:00,,"Requires stabilizing." "I14:020",3.00,"STONE","TOOL","Smooth grey stone, wedge shaped in section, roughly triangular in plan. Thick end broken off, one edge worn smooth, third edge very thin, possibly used for pounding. 9.2 x 10.3 x 4.6 cm.",25/3/1991 00:00:00,, "I14:020",4.00,"STONE","TOOL","Black stone, irregular round shape in plan. Rounded underneath but roughly flat on top, with a hemispherical hollow, possibly natural. 11.6 x 9.6 x 5.9 cm. depression 4.8 x 4.2 cm.",25/3/1991 00:00:00,, "I14:020",5.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder of grey, crystalline stone, probably limestone. Sub-rectangular slab. Edges show possible signs of wear. Dimensions 6.3 x 6.6 x 4.4 cm.",9/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Stone has been washed." "I14:020",6.00,"FLINT","NODULE","Rounded lump of flint partially covered with a thin layer of cortex. Upper and lower surfaces with possible signs of wear. 4.1 x 5.8 cm.",17/4/1991 00:00:00,, "I14:020",7.00,"STONE","DOMED LID","Small, almost round, stone lid, one surface very smooth and flattish, the other domed. Dimensions 7.7 x 6.9 x 2.7 cm.",20/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Washed." "I14:020",8.00,"STONE","TOOL","Smooth grained cream coloured stone. Apparently half of a tool originally hemispherical, with two opposed flattened sides. All surfaces smooth, except broken edge. The flattened sides are very polished. 7.6 x 8.1 cm.",25/3/1991 00:00:00,, "I14:020",9.00,"BONE","BONES","Large assemblage of animal bone, with possibly more being recovered from the contexts above, I14:016, and I14:019.",14/2/1991 00:00:00,,"Bones require further cleaning." "I14:020",10.00,"STEATITE","SEAL","Black steatite seal, rectangular in plan, triangular in section. Reverse has four equally-spaced incised circles with central dot. At right angles to the perforation, which is through the long axis, is a band of three incised lines. The design shows a couchant horned animal facing right, with a long ruffed neck and upright horns. Above its back is a hatched square (4 x 7) 0.8 x 1.2 x 1.5 cm. cf. Kjaerum 190-192. NM 4817.",26/3/1991 00:00:00,"Y", "I14:020",11.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Large piece of shell, with one flat smooth surface and a smooth domed surface. Natural or worked? 2.4 x 2.2 x 0.9 cm.",19/2/1991 00:00:00,, "I14:020",12.00,"COPPER","PIN","Copper pin, in two pieces. [1] 8.2 x 0.5 cm. [2] 1.9 x 0.4 cm.",23/2/1991 00:00:00,, "I14:020",13.00,"COPPER","RING","Badly corroded copper ring, with dent in one side. 2.1 x 2.0 x 0.5 cm.",24/2/1991 00:00:00,, "I14:020",14.00,"COPPER","POINT","Piece of copper, tapers down to a point. 3.4 x 0.6",23/2/1991 00:00:00,, "I14:020",15.00,"BONE","BONES","Collection of bone from this context, some pieces articulated.",19/2/1991 00:00:00,,"Requires further cleaning to remove the sand from around all the pieces." "I14:020",16.00,"BONE","BONES","Large assemblage of bone from this context. May be part of the same assemblage recovered asI14:016:020: and I14:020:009:",18/2/1991 00:00:00,, "I14:020",17.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,14/2/1991 00:00:00,, "I14:020",18.00,"STONE","TOOL","Black hard pebble, irregular round shape, worn very smooth. 2.4 x 2.4 x 1.9 cm.",8/4/1991 00:00:00,,"This stone has been washed." "I14:020",19.00,"CLAY","SAMPLE","Unfired clay fragments, returned to the sherd yard.",18/2/1991 00:00:00,, "I14:020",20.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Number of bitumen fragments, many with weave impressions, so presumably from the lining to one or more woven vessels.",17/2/1991 00:00:00,, "I14:020",21.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Fifteen corroded fragments of copper, ranging in size from 3.3 x 2.2 x 1.5 cm, to 0.5 x o.5 x 0.4 cm.",18/2/1991 00:00:00,, "I14:020",22.00,"SHELL","CONE BEAD","Conus ebraeus shell, apex polished and pierced, presumably for use as bead. Dimensions 2.7 x 2.0 x 0.4 cm.",24/2/1991 00:00:00,, "I14:020",23.00,"STEATITE","BOWL RIM","Decorated rim fragment from large, shallow, grey steatite bowl. Rim bevelled to outside. Shallow, fairly straight sides. Two deeply-cut encircling lines just below the rim on the outside of the bowl. Inside very smooth and shiny. 5.1 x 5.5 x 0.9 cm. Rim di. c. 18 cm.",21/2/1991 00:00:00,,"Removed for analysis, returned on the 24.04.91." "I14:020",24.00,"SHELL","CONE BEAD","Cream-coloured cone shell, slightly damaged, pierced through apex, presumably for use as bead. Dimensions 1.6 x0.9 x 0.7 cm. Perforation 3mm in diameter.",21/2/1991 00:00:00,, "I14:020",25.00,"BONE","WHISTLE FRAG?","Length of thin, hollow bone, highly polished in places along its length. One end smoothed off, the other, which is slightly wider, is broken. Possibly part of a whistle? Length 2.9, width 0.6, thickness 0.1 cm.",19/2/1991 00:00:00,, "I14:020",26.00,"PLASTER","DOMED LID","Small, domed lid, of gritty plaster. One face flat, the other convex. Neat and regular, and in good condition. Max. diameter: 6.5, thickness 2.6 cm.",17/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Washed." "I14:020",27.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder made of limestone, approximately rectangular in plan, one broad face worn very smooth, the other naturally domed. Dimensions 20.5 x 17.0 x 4.0 cm.",3/3/1991 00:00:00,,"Stone brushed to remove surplus sediments from the surface." "I14:020",28.00,"CLAY","SAMPLE","Large collection of unfired clay. Returned to the sherd yard.",19/2/1991 00:00:00,, "I14:020",29.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder made from slab of limestone, approximately rectangular in plan. One broad face worn very smooth, the other undulating and irregular. Dimensions 22.0 x 20.0 x 4.6 cm.",5/3/1991 00:00:00,,"Surface brushed to remove surplus sediments." "I14:020",30.00,"COPPER","FRAG","One lump of badly corroded copper.3.0 x 2.7 x 2.0 cm.",19/2/1991 00:00:00,, "I14:020",31.00,"SHELL","DENTALIUM BEAD","Length of naturally tubular Dentalium shell, probably cut, to form long bead. 1.7 x 0.5 cm.",14/3/1994 00:00:00,, "I14:020",32.00,"FLINT","NODULE","Large nodule of flint, with cortex on surface. Unworked, irregular in shape, with natural hollow on one side. 11.3 x 9.5 x 5.8 cm",17/4/1991 00:00:00,, "I14:020",33.00,"BITUMEN","BUNG","Potsherd sandwiched in bitumen, presumably a bung for a repair. Not measured. Stored with fragments I14:20:20, not separately labelled.",,, "I14:022",1.00,"BONE","JAW","Fragments of jaw bone.",16/1/1991 00:00:00,,"Consolidated in lab." "I14:022",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,4/3/1991 00:00:00,, "I14:022",3.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Small corroded fragment of metal. 1.3 x 0.8 x 0.7 cm.",7/3/1991 00:00:00,, "I14:022",4.00,"STONE","TOOL","Hard, close grained black stone. Long, flat on one side and domed on the other. Ends convex, one wider than the other. Broad faces worn very smooth, ends show signs of wear. Narrow end and one long edge chipped. 8.2 x 6.2 x 4.3 cm.",9/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Stone has been washed." "I14:022",5.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Corner fragment of limestone grinder, presumably originally rectangular in plan. One broad face worn smooth, the other slightly domed. Dimensions 7.4 x 5.0 x 4.1 cm.",20/4/1991 00:00:00,,"washed." "I14:022",6.00,"STONE","TOOL FRAG","Grey stone with pinkish stripes. Corner fragment from a larger object. Four facets, all smooth. 4.8 x 5.5 x 3.0 cm.",8/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Stone has been washed." "I14:022",7.00,"FLINT","FRAGS","Two small chips of brown flint, both unworked. [1] 1.7 x 1.8 x 0.4 cm. [2] 0.9 x 1.1 x 0.5 cm.",2/3/1991 00:00:00,, "I14:022",8.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Fragments of bitumen, some with weave-impressions on one side, Assemblage also includes one piece of pot sandwiched between two layers of bitumen. Not measured.",3/3/1991 00:00:00,, "J16:000",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,23/2/1990 00:00:00,, "J16:001",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,26/2/1990 00:00:00,, "J16:001",2.00,"BONE","BONES",,26/2/1990 00:00:00,, "J16:001",3.00,"STONE","TOOL","White stone, sub-rectangular in plan, one broad face broken off, the other worn smooth, as are all narrow edges. Max. 12.5 x 10.7 x 6. Abs.l. 10.20m, E 4.05m, N 3.40m",27/2/1990 00:00:00,, "J16:001",4.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Grindstone of dense white stone, approx. rectangular in plan, one broad surface naturally flat , one with worn depression, other surfaces fairly rough. Dimensions 17.5 x 11.5 x 6.4.",28/2/1990 00:00:00,, "J16:001",5.00,"PLASTER","DOMED LID","White plaster lid, one face flat, the other convex. Max. diam. 13.0, max. h. 2.2 cm.",27/2/1990 00:00:00,, "J16:001",6.00,"STONE","TOOL","White stone in shape of short cylinder, slightly elongated at one point. Patches of wear from use at one place on circumference. Smooth. Max. diam. 7, h. 5.4. Abs.l. 10.19m, E 3.77m, N 3.81m",28/2/1990 00:00:00,, "J16:001",7.00,"STONE","TOOL","Dense dark grey stone, approx. in the shape of a flattened cube. Broad faces all worn smooth to some degree. Short ends rounded and worn down. Max. 8 x 6.7 x 4.9. Abs.l. 10.18m, E 3.82m, N 3.83m",27/2/1990 00:00:00,, "J16:001",8.00,"STONE","BASIN FRAG","Corner of basin or large mortar, made of fairly light limestone. Ext. l. 26.5, ext. w. 20, max. h. 13, min. h. 2.5 cm.",17/3/1990 00:00:00,, "J16:001",9.00,"POTTERY","JAR","Upper part of jar. Less than half of rim and shoulder extant. Brown clay, crude grit temper, cream slip made stripy by finger pressure while wet. Rim bevelled to outside, waisted neck, rounded shoulder. Pres. H. 18.2, rim di. 10.0 (reconstruc.).",20/3/1990 00:00:00,, "J16:001",10.00,"STONE","BASIN","DOES PLAN GIVE SHAPE? Large part of limestone basin with straight, well-worked sides. Inside, 4 grooves towards one corner. Ext. length 33, width 43, max. ht. 20.5, min. ht. 2.0 cm.",29/3/1990 00:00:00,, "J16:003",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","MISSING",9/4/1990 00:00:00,, "J16:003",2.00,"BONE","BONES",,9/4/1990 00:00:00,, "J16:003",3.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Rough fragment of copper waste or slag.",15/3/1990 00:00:00,, "J16:003",4.00,"COPPER","ROD OBJECT","Short length of thick copper rod, badly corroded. 3 cm long, diam 0.6",21/11/1998 00:00:00,, "J16:005",1.00,"STONE","TOOL","White stone in the shape of a short cylinder, slightly smooth from handling. Max. diam. 8.4, max. h. 6.3. Abs.l. 10.19m, E 8.95m, N 3.85m",29/3/1990 00:00:00,, "J16:005",2.00,"STONE","TOOL","Piece of fossil -bearing white stone, perhaps originally hemispherical with one flattened surface. Broken. Max. 8.9 x 7.1 x 4.8. Abs.l. 10.23m, E 9.01m, N 3.80m",29/3/1990 00:00:00,, "J16:005",3.00,"STONE","TOOL","White stone in shape of thick disc flattened in two places on narrow surface to form a blunt nose which shows signs of wear. Possible signs of wear also on opposite end. Max. diam. 7.4, max. h. 5.6. Abs.l. 10.22m, E 9.05m, N 3.75m",29/3/1990 00:00:00,, "J16:005",4.00,"PLASTER","DOMED LID","White plaster lid, roughly hemispherical in shape. One face is flattish, the other is convex. Max. 8.5 x 8 x 3.5 cm.",29/3/1990 00:00:00,, "J16:005",5.00,"STONE","TOOL","Light grey stone, approx. cube with rounded corners, one face worn smooth, two other very smooth patches, perhaps a natural property of the stone. Max. diam. 7.2, max. h. 6.1. Abs.l. 10.18m, E 8.92m, N 3.80m",29/3/1990 00:00:00,, "J16:005",6.00,"BONE","BONES",,19/3/1990 00:00:00,, "J16:005",7.00,"BITUMEN","BEAD","Slightly damaged bead of bitumen. Max. di. 2.3; l. 2.2; di. of perforation 0.7.",19/3/1990 00:00:00,, "J16:005",8.00,"PLASTER","FRAGS","Fragments of thin, hard, off-white plaster. Concave face fairly smooth, opposing convex face is rough. Crumbling. Largest piece measures 10.3 x6.7 x 0.9 cm.",24/2/1991 00:00:00,, "J16:005",9.00,"STONE","WORKED","Fragment from a small worked pebble. Two broken edges, other edge has been deliberately rounded in part, before curving round to a flattened side. Two broad sides smooth and highly polished. 2.7 x 1.8 x 0.9 cm. Function unknown.",11/2/1991 00:00:00,, "J16:005",10.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","DISCARDED Recorded on context sheet as 'bronze waste', then crossed out. Presumably casting slag.",23/1/1991 00:00:00,, "J16:005",11.00,"STONE","FRAG","DISCARDED Recorded on context sheet as 'stone frag.', then crossed out.",23/1/1991 00:00:00,, "J16:005",12.00,"CLAY","SAMPLE","One small and one large lump of very solid baked clay, or even possibly stone. Probably a piece of hearth or something similar. Both have broken edges. 1) Small, rounded. 3.4 x 2.8 x 2.0 cm. 2) Irregular. 8.0 x 5.5 x 5.5 cm.",24/2/1991 00:00:00,, "J16:005",13.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,23/1/1991 00:00:00,, "J16:005",14.00,"BONE","BONES","Large assemblage, mainly fish bones.",23/1/1991 00:00:00,, "J16:005",15.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Not described.",22/1/1991 00:00:00,, "J16:005",16.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Missing or discarded?",,, "J16:005",17.00,"STONE","COBBLE","Ovoid cobble naturally worn smooth. Dull grey-green colour. Dimensions 17.0 x 17.0 x 12.5 cm. Washed.",14/7/1998 00:00:00,, "J16:005",18.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Seven fragments of copper.",22/1/1991 00:00:00,, "J16:005",19.00,"FLINT","FRAG","One sub-cuboid fragment of flint, with two flat smooth faces which slope at one end. Both ends are slightly scarred. Dimensions 1.9 x 0.9 x 0.7 cm.",14/7/1998 00:00:00,, "J16:005",20.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,22/1/1991 00:00:00,, "J16:005",21.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder made from lump of limestone, roughly rectangular in plan, with one tapered end. One roughly flat, broad face, the other domed. Traces of pounding around the edges and ends. Dimensions 11.9 x 9.1 x 7.5 cm.",2/3/1991 00:00:00,, "J16:005",22.00,,,"DISCARDED Recorded on context sheet as just 'bead' . Perhaps a broken bitumen bead, or copper casting slag",1/7/1991 00:00:00,, "J16:005",23.00,"COPPER","FRAG","DISCARDED Recorded on context sheet as 'bronze bead, then crossed out. Probably casting slag.",1/7/1991 00:00:00,, "J16:006",1.00,"PLASTER","FRAGS","Three pieces of a hard white plaster. [1] 6.2 x 5.6 x 1.4 cm. [2] 8.3 x 7.0 x 1.6 cm. [3] 7.4 x 5.2 x 2.3 cm.",24/2/1991 00:00:00,, "J16:006",2.00,"PLASTER","ROOF FRAG","Piece of hard, white, plaster, probably from roof . One side has the impressions of beams and tied fibres. 10.7 x 7.2 x 5.2 cm.",24/2/1991 00:00:00,, "J16:006",3.00,"COPPER","SEMI-CIRCLE","Thick strip of copper, bent round into a flat semi-circle, as though part of a large washer. Apparently complete, but corrosion conceals ends, so possibly part of a circular object. If so, about a third remains. Width of strip 1.3, thickness 0.7 cm If circular, outer di. would be c. 7.5 cm, inner c. 5 cm.",17/4/1991 00:00:00,, "J16:006",4.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Missing 1991",20/4/1991 00:00:00,, "J16:006",5.00,"STONE","PEBBLE","Missing 1991",20/4/1991 00:00:00,, "J16:006",6.00,"FLINT",,"MISSING? Find and check.",,, "J16:006",7.00,"PLASTER","FRAG","Not described",1/7/1991 00:00:00,,"Missing 1991" "J16:006",8.00,"STONE",,"DISCARDED Recorded on context sheet as 'unworked stone', then crossed out",24/1/1991 00:00:00,, "J16:006",9.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Amalgamated with J16:006:006.",24/1/1991 00:00:00,, "J16:006",10.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Amalgamated with J16:006:017:",20/4/1991 00:00:00,, "J16:006",12.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,21/2/1991 00:00:00,, "J16:006",13.00,"BONE","BONES","Fragment of a large bone.",27/1/1991 00:00:00,, "J16:006",14.00,"ORGANIC","DATE","One carbonised date stone.",27/1/1991 00:00:00,, "J16:006",15.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Missing 1991.",20/4/1991 00:00:00,, "J16:006",16.00,"STONE","PEBBLE","DISCARDED",20/4/1991 00:00:00,, "J16:006",17.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Tiny blob of copper waste, 0.9 cm long.",27/1/1991 00:00:00,, "J16:007",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Two sacks of a whole earth sample for flotation.",24/1/1991 00:00:00,, "J16:007",2.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Three corroded lumps of copper.",28/1/1991 00:00:00,, "J16:007",3.00,"STONE",,"DISCARDED",28/1/1991 00:00:00,, "J16:007",4.00,"NOT USED","NOT USED",,20/4/1991 00:00:00,, "J16:007",5.00,"STONE",,"DISCARDED",24/1/1991 00:00:00,, "J16:007",6.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Large collection of shell recovered from this context.",26/1/1991 00:00:00,, "J16:007",7.00,"BONE","BONES",,26/1/1991 00:00:00,, "J16:007",8.00,"STEATITE","BASE FRAG","Fragment of base from a large grey steatite vessel, possibly burnt inside. 10.3 x 6.2 x 1.3 cm.",9/2/1991 00:00:00,,"Condition good, interior surface shows traces of burning." "J16:007",9.00,"PLASTER","FRAG","Not described",1/7/1991 00:00:00,, "J16:007",15.00,"FLINT","FLAKE","WRONG NUMBER: CONTEXT SHEET ENDS WITH 9!One small unworked flint flake.",27/1/1991 00:00:00,, "J16:007",16.00,,"DISCARDED",,27/1/1991 00:00:00,, "J16:009",1.00,"BONE","BONES",,28/1/1991 00:00:00,,"Light brushing to remove surplus dirt." "J16:009",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,28/1/1991 00:00:00,, "J17:001",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,23/2/1990 00:00:00,, "J17:001",2.00,"BONE","BONES",,3/12/1990 00:00:00,, "J17:001",3.00,"STONE","BLOCK","Worked rectangular block of fossil-bearing limestone. Length 32.5, w. 25, h. 18 cm.",17/3/1990 00:00:00,, "J17:001",4.00,"STONE","TOOL","White stone shaped as cube with rounded corners. No apparent signs of wear. One face chipped. Max. diam. 8.9, max. h. 5.7",20/3/1990 00:00:00,, "J17:001",5.00,"STONE","TOOL","White stone, perhaps originally cube-shaped with rounded corners, one face broken away. Max. diam. 7.9, max. h. 6.6",19/3/1990 00:00:00,, "J17:001",6.00,"FLINT","FLAKES","Unretouched flake of opaque light brown, slightly mottled flint. Struck off a bipolar core. Previous flake scar on dorsal surface struck from distal end. Scarred long narrow platform with scarred concoidal fracture. L: 3.5; W: 3.0; T: 1.4 cm. NB. another flint flake previously catalogued under this number now is J17:001:14 (in 1998).",15/3/1990 00:00:00,, "J17:001",7.00,"SHELL","CONE BEAD","Cone shell, apex filed flat and pierced, presumably for use as bead. Slightly damaged. L. 3.1, max. diam. 1.9 cm. Used in Museum Exhibition 1990.",28/3/1990 00:00:00,, "J17:001",8.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Rough, substantial fragment of copper waste.",18/3/1990 00:00:00,, "J17:001",9.00,"FOSSIL BIVALVE","BIVALVE","Fossilized bivalve. Length 5.0, width 5.4, thickness 3.3 cm.",20/3/1990 00:00:00,, "J17:001",10.00,"POTTERY","COOKING POT","Upper part of jar: rim complete, about a third of upper body extant, no base. Hard crisp pink clay, sand and veg. temper. Outside smoke-blackened. Pres. H. 17.9, rim di. 14.0-14.2 cm.",10/4/1990 00:00:00,, "J17:001",11.00,"STONE","TOOL","Dark grey stone, oval in plan, one broad surface, the other rough. Traces of wear around narrow edges. Max. 9.3 x 7.6 x 3.4. Abs.l. 9.65m, E 8.24m, N 4.88m",29/3/1990 00:00:00,, "J17:001",12.00,"STONE","TOOL","Dense dark grey stone, approx. shape of flattened cube, one end thicker than the other. Broad faces all worn smooth to some degree and thick end. Thin end worn, perhaps used for pounding. Max. 6.7 x 6.5 x 4.5. Abs.l. 9.60m, E 9.20m, N 6.20m",29/3/1990 00:00:00,, "J17:001",13.00,"FOSSIL ECHINOID","TOOL","Sea-urchin. Possible traces of wear around edges. Max. di. 6.2, h.3.4. Note: this object was not recorded on the unit sheet in Dec 1993, and there must therefore be some doubt as to its provenance.",8/4/1990 00:00:00,, "J17:001",14.00,"FLINT","FLAKE","Flake of translucent good quality brown flint. Platform is concave with one previous scar struck from it on the dorsal surface. The termination is hinged. Possible usewear or retouch along one fairly straight edge. L: 2.4; W: 2.5; T: 1.0 cm. Previously catalogued as part of J17:001:6, and separated in 1998.",15/3/1990 00:00:00,, "J17:002",1.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Fragmentary limestone grindstone or mortar, perhaps originally square. Triangular fragment, with deep hollow forming semi-circle on upper face, and shallower depression on opposing side. Ext. 20 x 17, max. h. 12.5, min. h. 3.5",17/3/1990 00:00:00,, "J17:002",2.00,"POTTERY","RIDGED JAR","Upper part of ridged jar. Rim, neck and part of body extant. Much salt encrustation. Red clay, hard grit temper. Rim bevelled to outside, short neck, flaring shoulder. Shoulder has shallow ridges made by turning vessel and pressing on outer surface while still wet. Bitumen wash inside neck and dribbled down inside of body. Pres. Ht. 14.8, rim di. 14.8.",21/4/1990 00:00:00,, "J17:004",1.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Grindstone or mortar fragment, used on both sides. Piece of white limestone, one broad facet rubbed smooth and concave. Opposing facet also smooth and concave. One edge rounded, others all broken. Dimensions 19.0 x 14.5 x 10.9 cm.",17/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Stone mortar fragment has been brushed." "J17:004",2.00,"STONE",,"DISCARDED. Context sheet has 'foreign stone - green'. Probably unworked piece of volcanic rock.",21/1/1991 00:00:00,, "J17:004",3.00,"STONE","BASIN FRAG","Fragment from a limestone basin. Low, slightly lipped edge, and a little of flat base. Height 7.0, thickness of base 2.9 cm.",9/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Stone has been washed." "J17:004",4.00,"BONE","BONES","Large assemblage of fish bone. In five plastic bags.",21/1/1991 00:00:00,, "J17:004",5.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Two bags of shell from this context. J17:004:015 amalgamated with these shells.",21/1/1991 00:00:00,, "J17:004",6.00,"COPPER","FRAG","One unidentified lump of metal, copper.",21/1/1991 00:00:00,, "J17:004",7.00,"FLINT","NODULE","Possible Pounder. Sub ovoid-triangular nodule of brown cherty-flint, with thick creamy-brown cortex. One face is more convex than the other. All rounded convex edges are pitted. The wider, thinner end is scarred, revealing the flint inside. Two other areas on the surface are pitted, perhaps not naturally. Dimensions 7.0 x 6.7 x 4.2 cm. Washed.",14/7/1998 00:00:00,, "J17:004",8.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Two small lumps of metal, copper.",21/1/1991 00:00:00,, "J17:004",9.00,"COPPER","RING","Thick, narrow strip of copper bent over to form about three-quarters of a hoop. Presumably a finger ring or similar. Di. 2.1, thickness 0.3 cm.",17/4/1991 00:00:00,, "J17:004",10.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Amalgamated with J17:004:005:",21/1/1991 00:00:00,, "J17:004",11.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Fragmentary grindstone/mortar, of close grained grey stone, round in plan, perhaps with a square base originally. All unbroken surfaces worked smooth. Height 9.0 cm; di. c. 29.0 cm.",20/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Washed." "J17:004",12.00,"CLAY","BEAD","Small brown tubular clay bead, with small chip out of one side, perforation set slightly off centre. Dimensions 1.0 x 0.3, hole 0.1 cm in diameter.",12/2/1991 00:00:00,, "J17:004",13.00,"COPPER","FRAG","One small lump of metal, copper.",2/1/1991 00:00:00,, "J17:004",14.00,"FLINT","FRAGS","Five pieces of flint, all unworked.",21/1/1991 00:00:00,, "J17:004",15.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Small piece of shell amalgamated with J17:004:005:",22/1/1991 00:00:00,, "J17:007",1.00,"STONE","TOOL","Slab of blue-grey stone, perhaps dolomite, roughly sub-rectangular in plan. One broad face worn smooth, edges also with possible signs of use, particularly the narrower ends. 8.6 x 7.1 x 4.2 cm.",18/3/1990 00:00:00,, "J17:008",1.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Large limestone mortar. Roughly worked block with smooth depression on one face. Max. l. 41, w. 28.5, max. h. 22.",29/3/1990 00:00:00,, "J17:008",2.00,"STONE","SOCKET","Irregular lump of water worn limestone with natural large hole, possibly natural. Hole has a bitumen stain and is newly damaged. Max. 27 x 20 x 9.5. Hole diam. approx. 7.",1/4/1990 00:00:00,, "J17:009",1.00,"BONE","BONES",,15/3/1990 00:00:00,, "J17:010",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,12/1/1991 00:00:00,, "J17:010",2.00,"BONE","BONES",,12/1/1991 00:00:00,, "J17:011",1.00,"STONE","WORKED?","DIMENSIONS? One small white, irregularly shaped stone, with a hole through the middle. This perforation may be natural.",22/1/1991 00:00:00,, "J17:011",2.00,"STONE","TOOL FRAG","Fragment of black stone, possibly a chip from a grinder or pounder, disc shaped.",7/3/1991 00:00:00,,"Stone washed to remove surplus sediments." "J17:011",3.00,"METAL","FRAG","Small fragment of corroded Iron waste.",22/1/1991 00:00:00,, "J17:011",4.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Five fragments of metal, copper.",22/1/1991 00:00:00,, "J17:011",5.00,"SHELL","CONE BEAD","Tiny white cone shell, pierced through the apex, presumably for use as a bead. Dimensions 0.9 x 0.7 cm.",9/2/1991 00:00:00,, "J17:011",6.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Single piece of shell, with a flat smooth surface and a smooth domed surface, possibly natural. Amalgamated with the general shell recovered from this context, J17:011:015:",22/1/1991 00:00:00,, "J17:011",7.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Two sacks of a whole earth sample for flotation. 1 mm flot little carbon",20/1/1991 00:00:00,, "J17:011",8.00,"STONE",,"Context sheet has 'stone, fractured', crossed out.",22/1/1991 00:00:00,, "J17:011",9.00,"CLAY","SAMPLE","A lump of hard grey material, perhaps burnt clay. Rounded, irregular shape. 4.5 x 4.2 x 3.8 cm.",22/1/1991 00:00:00,, "J17:011",10.00,"FLINT","FRAGS","Three pieces of flint, all unworked.",22/1/1991 00:00:00,, "J17:011",11.00,"STONE","FRAG","DISCARDED. Context sheet has 'stone fragment', crossed out,",23/1/1991 00:00:00,, "J17:011",12.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder made from angular chunk of crystalline limestone. Two opposing broad flat faces. In one broad face, two small drilled holes and possible traces of another larger one. Holes c.1.0 cm in diameter, probably natural. Dimensions 9.2 x 8.4 x 6.4 cm.",7/3/1991 00:00:00,,"Stone washed to remove surplus sediments." "J17:011",13.00,"COPPER","NAIL","One complete, but bent copper nail. Flat head, with shaft tapering down to a point. 4.2 x 0.7 x 0.7 cm.",23/1/1991 00:00:00,, "J17:011",14.00,"STONE","FRAG","DISCARDED",23/1/1991 00:00:00,, "J17:011",15.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","J17:011:006: has been amalgamated with the general shell bag for this context, J17:011:015:",26/1/1991 00:00:00,, "J17:011",16.00,"BONE","BONES","Large assemblage of bone, mainly fish.",26/1/1991 00:00:00,,"Light brushing to remove excess dirt." "J17:011",17.00,"STONE","TOOL?","Piece of limestone, possibly the segment from a natural geode, now wedge shaped with one rounded side. 8.9 x 8.9 x 6.7 cm.",5/3/1991 00:00:00,,"Stone washed to remove surplus sediments adhering to the surface." "J17:011",18.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Fragment of grinder made from slab of farush. Worn very flat on one broad face. Dimensions 7.8 x 6.4 x 2.2 cm.",5/3/1991 00:00:00,,"Stone surfaces brushed to remove surplus sediments." "J17:011",19.00,"NOT USED","NOT USED",,20/4/1991 00:00:00,, "J17:011",20.00,"STONE","FRAGS","Two chips of hard black stone, apparently fragments from a larger object. One has traces of polish. [1] 6.0 x 4.3 x 0.9 cm. [2] 3.9 x 2.8 x 1.8 cm.",8/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Both pieces have been washed." "J17:011",21.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Piece of corroded copper, 3.7 x 0.7 x 0.3 cm.",23/2/1991 00:00:00,, "J17:011",22.00,"BONE","SCAPULA","Scapula from a large animal.",24/1/1991 00:00:00,,"Partially consolidated in situ, prior to lifting, completely consolidated in lab." "J17:011",23.00,"STONE",,"DISCARDED.",26/1/1991 00:00:00,, "J17:011",24.00,"FLINT","FRAGS","Amalgamated with J17:011:010.",26/1/1991 00:00:00,, "J17:011",25.00,"STONE",,"DISCARDED",26/1/1991 00:00:00,, "J17:011",26.00,"STONE",,"DISCARDED",26/1/1991 00:00:00,, "J17:011",27.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Small fragment of copper.",27/1/1991 00:00:00,, "J17:011",28.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Amalgamated with J17:011:004:",26/1/1991 00:00:00,, "J17:011",29.00,"FLINT","NODULE","One rounded lump of flint, partially covered in cortex. One face flat with deep natural hollow, 5.0 x 4.7 cm.",17/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Flint has been washed." "J17:011",30.00,"FLINT","CORE","Possible flint core, purple brown in colour. 4.0 x 4.6 x 3.7 cm.",7/3/1991 00:00:00,, "J17:011",31.00,"POTTERY","PAINTED JAR","Part of rim and body of a painted jar. Fine red clay, with virtually no temper. Rim pinched, no neck, rounded shoulder. Black paint. Band under rim, below that a band of hatched triangles, parts of three extant. Preserved height 7.0 cm.",26/3/1991 00:00:00,, "J17:011",32.00,"ORGANIC","SHERD","Pot sherd with thick layer of bitumen/organic carbonised remains on the interior surface. Exported for analysis by John Evans.",20/3/1991 00:00:00,, "J17:012",1.00,"STONE","DISC LID","Disc of white limestone, presumably a lid. Very carefully shaped and smoothed. Max di.9.2 cm. 1.9 cm thick.",8/4/1991 00:00:00,,"This piece has been washed." "J17:013",1.00,"BONE","BONES",,29/1/1991 00:00:00,, "K16:000",1.00,"BONE","BONES",,9/4/1990 00:00:00,, "K16:000",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","MISSING",9/8/1990 00:00:00,, "K16:001",1.00,"BONE","BONES",,26/2/1990 00:00:00,, "K16:001",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,14/2/1990 00:00:00,, "K16:002",6.00,"ORGANIC","SEEDS","WRONG NUMBER. THERE IS NOTHING RECORDED ON THE CONTEXT SHEET FROM THIS UNIT. Carbonised seeds. NB: There are no missing sixes in the database.",15/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K16:003",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,17/2/1990 00:00:00,, "K16:003",2.00,"BONE","BONES",,17/2/1990 00:00:00,, "K16:003",3.00,"STONE","TOOL/WEIGHT","White pebble, bullet shaped, l. 3.9, max. diam. 1.8. Abs. l. 9.83m, E 2.38m, N 2.70m",14/2/1990 00:00:00,, "K16:003",4.00,"FLINT","NODULE","Part of flint nodule, approx. hemispherical, cortex on domed surface shows signs of wear. Max. 5.5 x 4.6 x 3.9. Abs. l. 9.96m, E 3.40m, N 2.67m",14/2/1990 00:00:00,, "K16:004",1.00,"STONE","TOOL","Dense light-coloured stone, wedge-shaped. The three broad faces all worn extremely smooth. One end rounded with signs of wear, the other broken off. Max. 7.2 x 6.2 x 5.6. Abs. l. 9.96m, E 0.23m, N 4.02m",17/2/1990 00:00:00,, "K16:004",2.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder made of sub-rectangular piece of stone, one broad side very smooth and flat, one domed. Max. l. 21, max. w. 17, max. h. 3.6.",17/2/1990 00:00:00,, "K16:004",3.00,"STONE","TOOL","White stone in shape of cube with rounded corners, cut in half diagonally. Probably in fact worn to this shape, as diagonal faces show signs of wear. Max. 6.3 x 5.6 x 5.4. Abs. l. 9.92m, E 0.61m, N 3.50m",17/2/1990 00:00:00,, "K16:004",4.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Curiously-shaped fragment of copper. Probably only scrap or casting waste, but looks like a human foot, with a short rod lying alongside the big toe.4.9 x 1.6 x 0.6 cm. Abs. l. 9.92m, E 3.35m, N 2.79m",9/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K16:004",5.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,26/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K16:004",6.00,"STONE","PEBBLE","Black/grey stone pebble, worn smooth, damaged. Max. 5.4 x 3.9 x 2.7. Abs. l. 9.98m, E 4.24m, N 4.50m",9/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K16:004",7.00,"STONE","DISC LID","Limestone disc with rounded edges, one broad face slightly smaller than the other, very regular and smooth. Presumably used as a lid. Max. diam. 6.3, ht 3.0.",9/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K16:004",8.00,"STONE","TOOL","Dark grey stone in shape of cube with very rounded edges, traces of wear in several places. 5.6 x 5.1 x5.3. Max. diam. 5.6. Abs. l. 9.90m, E. 0.45m, N. 4.64m.",19/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K16:004",9.00,"SHELL","CONE BEAD","Conus ebraeus shell, pierced through apex, presumably for use as bead. l. 2.9, max. diam. 2.1 cm.",9/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K16:004",10.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAG","Fragment of bitumen from the lining of a woven vessel. Weave impressions.Not measured.",9/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K16:004",11.00,"BONE","BONES",,15/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K16:004",12.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,12/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K16:004",13.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Three substantial fragments of copper waste, and four tiny ones. Largest: 2.9 x 2.4 x 1.6",4/4/1990 00:00:00,, "K16:004",14.00,"COPPER","HOOK FRAG","Two joining fragments of copper rod bent at one end. Presumably a fish-hook with the tip broken off. End of shaft, has thicker corrosion, perhaps caused by the binding for the line. Extant length c. 3.4, diam 0.3 - 0.4",5/11/1998 00:00:00,, "K16:005",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,16/2/1990 00:00:00,, "K16:005",2.00,"BONE","BONES",,16/2/1990 00:00:00,, "K16:005",3.00,"COPPER","WIRE","Short length of copper wire, presumably shank of pin or fish-hook. L. 1.5, w. 0.28.",3/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K16:005",4.00,"BITUMEN","ROOFING?","Four fragments of bitumen. Perhaps from roofing. Largest measures 3 x 2 x 0.6 cm",3/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K16:008",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,23/2/1990 00:00:00,, "K16:008",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Includes fish skull. Used in Museum Exhibition 1990.",3/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K16:008",3.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,26/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K16:008",4.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","4 blobs of copper waste and two tiny fragments. Also short length of copper rod, presumably shaft of a pin or hook. 1.4 long, di. 0.3",3/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K16:008",5.00,"STEATITE","SEAL"," Dark grey glazed steatite seal. Edge: Failaka Var. 2. Reverse has three incised lines at right angles to the perforation, and three incised circles with central dot. The design shows two horned animals facing outwards, looking back over their shoulders towards each other. Between them is a hatched rectangle, possibly a door or altar. The top of the rectangle is decorated with a double crescent 'standard'. Drilled motifs in each of the two upper crescents. Diameter 2.4, height 1.20 cm. NM 4136.",6/3/1990 00:00:00,"Y", "K16:008",6.00,"POTTERY","TANNUR","Fragments of tannur, parts of rim and base only. Pink clay, hard grit temper, surface buff in places. Inside smoke-blackened, outside scraped down vertically. Rim bevelled to outside. Base rim flat underneath. Not measurable.",1/4/1990 00:00:00,, "K16:008",7.00,"POTTERY","INDUS JAR","Painted jar of Indus-related style. Part of neck and shoulder only. Pink clay, sparse temper of fine grit, polished red paint out, black paint over. Neck swells to rounded shoulder. One horizontal band at middle of neck, five or six at base. Five or six more further down shoulder. Between sets of stripes a tree motif at one point, then about a quarter of the way round the shoulder a St. Andrew's cross with the left and right portions hatched. Below cross two or three horizontal semicircles. Burnt and discoloured. Pres. H. 9.8, di. near base of neck 11.0 (reconstruc.).",1/4/1990 00:00:00,, "K16:008",8.00,"POTTERY","BOWL","Fragment of miniature deep bowl, giving profile to near base. Very thin, hard fired red clay, with little temper. Plain rim, straight sides, presumably rounded base. Pres. H. 4.2, rim di. (reconstruc.) 7.0 cm.",1/4/1990 00:00:00,, "K16:008",9.00,"POTTERY","PAINTED JAR","Painted jar: about two thirds of rim and neck extant and a little of shoulder. Light, buff clay, grit and veg. temper. Traces of dark red paint, or possible reserve slip, on shoulder (probably three horizontal stripes) and inside rim. Pres H. 6.4, rim di. 9.5.",9/4/1990 00:00:00,, "K16:008",10.00,"POTTERY","SIEVE JAR","Upper part of sieve-necked jar. Rim and most of neck extant. Badly chipped and abraded. Red clay, grit temper, cream slip. Band rim, long neck. Traces of sieve built into top of neck. Pres. H. 8.5, rim di. 10.2-10.4",9/4/1990 00:00:00,, "K16:008",11.00,"POTTERY","INDUS SHERD","Sherd from lower neck and upper shoulder of large painted jar, of Indus type. Orange clay, grey core, fine heavy grit temper. Red wash out and inside neck, polished. Black paint over. Design consists of horizontal band on neck, with another at base. Below this, vertical line extends from horizontal one, with three vertical wavy lines to right of it. To left, part of fringed shape preserved. c. 9 x 8.4.",9/4/1990 00:00:00,, "K16:008",12.00,"POTTERY","PAINTED VESSEL","Fragmentary painted vessel. Less than half of rim and upper body extant. Orange clay, grit temper, red wash out, black paint over. Rim turned out, flat on top, short neck, globular body. Encircling band under neck, another lower down shoulder. Between them are triangles, with apex down, actually hatched but paint has spread to give appearance of solid colour. Below lower band, vertical line as continuation of triangle, apex preserved in one place only. Smoke-blackened out. Perhaps wheel-thrown. Pres. H. 8.7, rim di. c. 9.0 (reconstruc.).",9/4/1990 00:00:00,, "K16:008",13.00,"POTTERY","SHERDS","Not described.",9/4/1990 00:00:00,,"Unable to unravel unit sheet. Not located. Presume sherds." "K16:009",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,26/2/1990 00:00:00,, "K16:009",2.00,"BONE","BONES",,26/2/1990 00:00:00,, "K16:009",3.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder made from very loose grained stone, incorporating many seashells. Rhomboid in plan, 2 worked edges, 2 broken edges. One broad face worked smooth and flat, the other rougher. Dimensions Max. 15.5 x 13 x 4.7.",28/2/1990 00:00:00,, "K16:009",4.00,"STONE","WORKED","Flat piece of white stone, approx trapezoidal in plan, comprises one edge from worked slab, base flat, sides vertical, upper surface perhaps water worn. Possibly piece of drain ? Max. 13 x 9 x 4.5. Abs. l. 9.73m, E 0.15m, N 1.75m",28/2/1990 00:00:00,, "K16:009",5.00,"STONE","WORKED","Piece of fossil bearing white stone, possibly just a corner of a building slab. 4 worked surfaces extant, 2 broken off. Max. 11 x 10 x 8. Abs. l. 9.76m, E 0.18m, N 1.73m",28/2/1990 00:00:00,, "K16:010",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,28/2/1990 00:00:00,, "K16:010",2.00,"BONE","BONES",,9/4/1990 00:00:00,, "K16:011",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,28/2/1990 00:00:00,, "K16:011",2.00,"BONE","BONES",,28/2/1990 00:00:00,, "K16:012",1.00,"PLASTER","BASIN","Double basin, of light grey plaster, broken into numerous fragments. For dimensions see site notes.",11/5/1999 00:00:00,, "K16:014",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,1/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K16:016",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,3/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K16:016",2.00,"BONE","BONES",,3/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K16:016",3.00,"PLASTER?","SAMPLE",,5/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K16:016",4.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Fragments of bitumen with possible reed impressions. Not measured.",24/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K16:016",5.00,"COPPER","HOOK","Copper fish hook. Elegant example, in excellent state of preservation. Corroded line still bound round top. Length 4.9, max. width 2.5, max. di. of shaft 0.6.",26/3/1990 00:00:00,,"Used in Museum Exhibition 1990. Cleaned." "K16:016",6.00,"PLASTER","FRAG","Not described.",28/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K16:016",7.00,"STONE","TOOL","Small worked limestone sphere, slightly flattened top and bottom and elongated into a slight point in one place with traces of wear around the point. Max. diam. 4.5, h. 4.",19/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K16:017",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,6/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K16:017",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Same as L16:005: & L17:011 (!)",5/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K16:017",3.00,"PLASTER","VESSEL?","Small, shallow, plaster vessel, or perhaps a lid. Good condition. Heavy base, thick, straight sides. Diameter base 7.8-7.9; diameter mouth 6.75; H: 4.7-5.0; inside depth 1.5 cm.",5/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K16:017",4.00,"PLASTER?","SAMPLE",,5/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K16:017",5.00,"POTTERY","PIERCED DISC","Oval clay disc, cut from cooking-pot. Red clay, purple surface out, circular lime inclusions. Small hole in centre. 4.6 x 3.9 x 0.2 cm. Di. Of hole 0.3 cm.",20/4/1998 00:00:00,, "K16:018",1.00,"ORGANIC","SAMPLE","Probably insufficient quantity.",9/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K16:018",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","MISSING",9/4/1990 00:00:00,, "K16:018",3.00,"BONE","BONES",,3/12/1990 00:00:00,, "K16:018",4.00,"ORGANIC","SEED","Missing.",9/2/1999 00:00:00,, "K16:018",5.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,26/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K16:020",1.00,"STONE","TOOL","Fragment of very dense grey stone. Approx. trapezoidal in plan, one broad surface worn extremely smooth, rest badly damaged, but at least 2 other worn facets. Max. 7.3 x 6.3 x 4.1. Abs. l. 9.80m, E 0.56m, N 2.67m",29/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K16:020",2.00,"STONE","TOOL","Disc-shaped soft porous white stone. Three flattened areas equally spaced around the diameter. Grooves in one plane on both broad faces suggest used for rubbing, or could be natural. Max. diam. 7.2, h. 2.8. Abs. l. 9.80m, E 0.58m, N 2.52m",29/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K16:026",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","From residue:- Small bag with fragments of carbonised organic material. Wgt <0.1 gms.",28/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K16:026",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,24/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K16:026",3.00,"PLASTER","FRAG","Not described.",24/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K16:027",1.00,"PLASTER","FRAG","Not described.",24/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K16:027",2.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Thin, flat copper fragment, triangular in plan.2.2 x 0.9 x 0.3",24/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K16:028",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,28/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K16:029",1.00,"FLINT","NODULE","Small ovoid nodule of dark brown flint with desert varnish. Like a little egg. Naturally worn piece with five circular depressions of various depths, four of them interconnected by circular perforations. Max. diam. 3, max. h. 2.9. Abs. l. 9.54m , E 9.06m, N 0.20",24/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K16:029",2.00,"POTTERY","PAINTED JAR","Painted jar: just over half rim preserved, and much of upper body. Lower body fragmentary and does not join top. Friable orange clay, sandy temper. Plum wash over outside and inside neck. Black paint out. Neatly-made everted rim, long neck widening to fairly broad shoulder. Lower body tapers. Base eroded but probably slightly flattened. Design of eight horizontal bands from rim to maximum width. H. (reconstruc.) 8.6, rim di. 3.8, max. width 7.7. Wheel-thrown.",24/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K16:029",3.00,"STEATITE","SEAL","Black steatite seal, with traces of glaze in places. Slightly rubbed around the edges, but otherwise in excellent condition. Edge: Grooved, Failaka Var. 4, with wide incised, glazed band around the edge. Reverse domed with an incised band around the base, and four circles with central dots, equally spaced, and three parallel lines at right angle, worn away on top of boss. The design shows five standing, beaded figures all facing right and holding hands. They have long skirts and narrow waists, and one wears a triple belt. Above the central figure is a crescent moon on its back, with a six pointed star on either side of it. 0.96 x 2.03 cm. Compare Kjaerum 190-192. NM 4814.",25/3/1991 00:00:00,, "K16:029",4.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,26/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K16:029",5.00,"STONE","TOOL?","White stone sphere with 2 opposing flattened faces, very regular and smooth. Max. diam. 10.4, h. 7.3. Abs. l. 9.54m, E 10.00, N 0.95",25/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K16:029",6.00,"STEATITE","LID","Decorated steatite lid. Complete except for slight damage to edge. Profile is that of a low cone. Thick stalk-like handle at centre, flattened and widened at the top. Inside flanged. Upper face covered by double band of incised circles, each with double circumference and central dot. Top of handle is covered with random pattern of single circles with central dot, in a smaller size than those on the body. Lid diam. 8.7, knob diam. max. 3.8, h. 5.2 cm.",25/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K16:029",7.00,"STONE","TOOL","Piece of dense dark grey stone, approx. wedge-shaped with rounded edges, one sharp side broken off, all other surfaces worn smooth. Fits the hand well. Max. 9.5 x 7. x 3.8. Abs. l. 9.48m, E 8.26m, N 1.06m",29/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K16:029",8.00,"STEATITE","SEAL","Seal of dark grey ?steatite. Surface and reverse damaged. EDGE (Failaka Var. 2). Design shows a scene of sexual intercourse. A naked female figure is seen from the front with legs wide apart, head turned to the left. Below her is a male figure lying on his back, holding his erect penis in his right hand, apparently about to enter her. In his left hand he holds a straw which leads from a jar at his feet. His head is missing. In the left field is a ?turtle or lizard, in the right an unidentified motif. Diameter 2.47-2.54, extant height 0.75 cm. NM 4810.",25/3/1990 00:00:00,"Y", "K16:029",9.00,"CARNELIAN","BEAD","Biconical carnelian bead. Perforation slightly off centre. Woolley Type 8. Dimensions 0.6 x 0.6 cm.",11/2/1991 00:00:00,, "K16:029",10.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder, of white stone, trapezoidal in plan, one broad face slightly domed, one worn very smooth, one end thicker than the other. Ext. l. 21.5, max. w. 18.8. max. h. 3.5.",1/4/1990 00:00:00,, "K16:029",11.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder of white limestone. Roughly square in plan, one broad face ground smooth, the other slightly humped. Dimensions 22.4 x 21.0 x 5.2",3/3/1991 00:00:00,,"Washed. Presumably wrong description, or wrong drawing, as it does not show a geode. Original description: Lump of limestone, probably a natural geode, that has been squared off with one narrow edge slightly tapered. Possible traces of wear around edges. Original measurements 7.4 x 7.3 x 6.2 cms." "K16:029",12.00,"COPPER","INGOT FRAG","Wedge-shaped piece of copper, presumably edge from a bun-ingot. 3.6 x 3.0 x 1.8.",25/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K16:029",13.00,"STEATITE","SEAL","Seal of greyish stone, with white surface, possibly affected by fire. Edges waisted - Failaka var.2. Reverse domed with a narrow flat area around the base. Four incised circles with central dots, and three roughly incised lines across the centre running at right angles to the perforation. Reverse also bears brush like marks, presumably from the carving tool. The design shows a deeply incised design. In the centre a snake is shown as a vertical zig zag with a beak like head. To either side a stylized figure with out stretched arms, apparently dancing. On the right hand side of the figure on the right is a hatched motif, perhaps a fish? 0.9 x 1.75 cm. NM 4815.",25/3/1991 00:00:00,, "K16:029",14.00,"CARNELIAN","BEAD","Biconical carnelian bead with nearly half missing. Broken along perforation. Dimensions1.0 x 0.7 cm.",11/2/1991 00:00:00,, "K16:029",15.00,"STONE","TOOL","Narrow piece of dense stone, roughly hemispherical in plan, curved edge shows signs of wear, flat edge opposite very smooth. Max. 12.5 x 8.5 x 6.9. Abs. l. 9.55m, E 9.70m, N 1.73m. Used in Museum Exhibition 1990",25/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K16:029",16.00,"STEATITE","SEAL","Seal of black steatite with traces of glaze. Edge15/04/97 convex - Failaka Var. 1, but worn, with a glazed band. Reverse has four equidistant incised circles with central dot and at right angles to the perforation, a band of three incised lines on either side, which do not join up over the top of the boss. Glazed area around the base of the boss. Design shows four horned animals, three of them round the edge of the seal, two facing outwards, and the middle one with its head to the centre. A fourth animal with elongated ruffed neck stands above it and has its head to the edge of the seal. 0.98 x 2.33 cm. NM 4819.",26/3/1991 00:00:00,, "K16:029",17.00,"BITUMEN","BEAD","A single large bead, with central perforation. Dimensions 1.8 x 2.4 x 0.6 cm.",31/1/1991 00:00:00,, "K16:029",18.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","About a dozen fragments of bitumen, flat, with weave impressions on one side, presumably the lining to one or more woven vessels. Largest: 3.2 x 2.8, x 0.5 thick.",26/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K16:029",19.00,"FOSSIL BIVALVE","BIVALVE","Fossilised bivalve. Length 3.5 width 4.0, depth 2.2 cm.",26/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K16:029",20.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Rough, irregular blob of copper waste. 2.4 x 2.1 x 1.0",28/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K16:029",21.00,"BONE","TOOL?","Bone object made from long, thin, solid piece of bone shaped to be rectangular in section. One end broken off, the other, which tapers slightly, has been pared to a chisel-like end. Length 6.5, max. width 0.9, thickness 0.6 cm.",31/1/1991 00:00:00,"Y", "K16:029",22.00,"POTTERY","JAR","Jar, with base intact, and about half of rest preserved. Pink clay, grit and vegetable temper, cream slip out and inside neck. Slip scored into stripes by finger-pressure. Everted rim, fairly straight neck, rounded body, flat base. Uneven. H. 36.6, rim di. 12.0 (reconstruc.), ba. di. 7.0 cm.",1/4/1990 00:00:00,, "K16:029",23.00,"STONE","DISC LID","Circular disc of white coralline limestone (is honeycombed with tiny holes). Carefully made, with flat faces and pecked rounded edges, possibly the result of being reused as a pounder. Diameter: 8.9-8.6; Th: 2.95-3.05 cm.",20/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Washed" "K16:029",24.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Amalgamated with K16:29:43",30/1/1991 00:00:00,, "K16:029",25.00,"BONE","TURTLE?","Unidentified fragment of material, suggestion that it might be part of a turtle shell. 1.4 x 0.5 x 0.6 cm.",30/1/1991 00:00:00,, "K16:029",26.00,"STONE","TOOL","White stone, probably originally cubic but slightly rounded so that two faces converge to a blunt point. About one third broken off. Max. diam. 10, max. h. 9.7. Abs. l. 9.54m, E 9.18m, N 2.06m",25/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K16:029",27.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Pounder/Smoother fragment. Sub-triangular piece of very dark medium grained stone (possibly dolomite). Irregular flattish main faces are entirely pitted. The lower part of the long convex side is pitted, the upper part is worn smooth, with fine striations running roughly lengthwise. The blunt point and the butt end are worn and scarred. Dimensions 15.3 x 7.7 x 4.7 cm.",7/3/1991 00:00:00,,"Washed" "K16:029",28.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Sub cubic light grey limestone. Both opposing faces are flattish, one is very scarred, the other has a smoothed patch and natural hollows. All surfaces are pitted, especially the rounded tick sides. All edges are scarred. Dimensions 7.6 x 7.4 x 3.9-6.3 cm. Abs. l. 9.46m, E 9.15m, N 2.06m",1/4/1990 00:00:00,,"Washed" "K16:029",29.00,"FLINT","NODULE","Large rounded nodule of flint, all surfaces chipped, with some areas worn smooth. 7.8 x 7.0 x 4.8 cm.",5/3/1991 00:00:00,, "K16:029",30.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Corner fragment of grinder. White stone, trapezoidal in plan, two edges finished, two broken, one broad face roughly flat, one very smooth. Dimensions 10.3 x 8 x 5.2",25/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K16:029",31.00,"PLASTER","ROOF FRAGS","Two large adjoining flat slabs (like floor pavement) of light grey plaster, presumably from ceiling of house. Together they have one long straight edge and part of a corner with an ledge showing the impression of the surface against which it abutted. This is similar to a 'tongue' in timber. One face is smooth, the other has vague manufacturing creases. Max. 34.5 x 14 x 2.4-3.4 cm.",25/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K16:029",32.00,"STONE","TOOL","Piece of limestone, roughly spherical, probably a natural geode. Very rounded and smooth. Two slightly flattened opposing faces. 7.6 x 6.5 cm.",3/3/1991 00:00:00,,"Washed " "K16:029",33.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Angular fragment 1.5 x 1.8 x 0.9.",25/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K16:029",34.00,"PLASTER","FRAG","Fragment of white plaster. Thin and flat. One side fairly smooth, the other with striations and a linear bulge, presumably from being impressed against palm-stalks or similar. 8.5 x 5.0 x 2.5 cm.",26/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K16:029",35.00,"STONE",,"DISCARDED",31/1/1991 00:00:00,, "K16:029",36.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,31/1/1991 00:00:00,, "K16:029",37.00,"BONE","BONES","Large assemblage of bone.",31/1/1991 00:00:00,, "K16:029",38.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Large Pounder/Anvil. Oval piece/cobble of dark grey, small-medium grained igneous stone. Probably dolerite. One main oval face is slightly convex. The surface is entirely pitted, including the old scars. The opposite face is flattish, with the upper parts of the worn old scars also pitted. There are a few blobs of bitumen on it near the straight side. One straight side is oval and flat, the other side is smaller and convex. There is no visible edge between the latter side and the two ends. All sides and ends are pitted, with scarred edges beside the flat face. The highest concentration of scarring and pitting is at the ends. A good example, intact. Dimensions 13.8 x 11.0 x 6.3 cm. Ends: 9.6 x 4.5 cm; 8.8 x 4.7 cm.",14/7/1998 00:00:00,, "K16:029",39.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Unidentified piece of copper, flat, with rounded edges. 2.1 x 1.8 x 0.5 cm. Vaguely coin like in appearance. Spill. Taken by Lloyd Weeks for metallurgical analysis at Sydney, 1998",11/2/1991 00:00:00,, "K16:029",40.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Three sacks of a whole earth sample for flotation.",30/1/1991 00:00:00,, "K16:029",41.00,"BONE","BONES",,26/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K16:029",42.00,"STONE","FRAG","Probable Copper ore, Pyrites?. Small arrowhead-shaped nodule, with one flattish face. Dimensions 2.1 x 1.2 x 0.6 cm.",30/1/1991 00:00:00,, "K16:029",43.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Various copper fragments. Includes K16:29:24. One spill fragment taken by Lloyd Weeks for metallurgical analysis at Sydney, 1998",30/1/1991 00:00:00,, "K16:029",44.00,"BITUMEN","BUNG","Waisted piece of bitumen, clearly once pushed through a hole and spread out on either side. One surface has finger marks, the other is slightly domed. Broken. Further frags. possibly associated. Max. extant di 4 cm, overall thickness 1.8, Diameter of hole it caulked was 2.2.",16/11/1998 00:00:00,, "K16:047",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,20/4/1991 00:00:00,, "K16:047",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,3/2/1991 00:00:00,, "K16:047",3.00,"BONE","FISH",,3/2/1991 00:00:00,, "K16:047",4.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Three small blobs of copper waste. Largest 3.2 cm long.",3/2/1991 00:00:00,, "K16:049",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Three sacks of a whole earth sample for flotation.",2/2/1991 00:00:00,, "K16:049",2.00,"BITUMEN","LUMP","Large, solid lump of bitumen. Not measured.",,, "K16:049",3.00,"FAIENCE","BEAD","Small pale blue biconical bead. Probably faience, or possibly frit. Dimensions 0.5 x 0.4 cm.",11/2/1991 00:00:00,, "K16:049",4.00,"CLAY","BEAD","Sub-spherical bead of baked clay. Slightly irregular central perforation, approx.0.3cms in diameter. Bead dimensions 0.8 x 1.1 cm.",2/2/1991 00:00:00,, "K16:049",5.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Two thick, flat fragments of copper waste, largest 2 cm long. One possible bent rod fragment, perhaps part of a fish hook. Extant length 1.1, di. 0.4 cm",2/2/1991 00:00:00,, "K16:049",6.00,"ORGANIC","STONE","One small stone, possibly dolomite, has adhering to its surface a thin layer of dark brown organic material. Function unknown. 7.2 x 3.4 x 2.6 cm.",20/3/1991 00:00:00,, "K16:049",8.00,"BONE","FISH","Mainly fish bone recovered from this context.",3/2/1991 00:00:00,, "K16:049",9.00,"STONE","PEBBLE","DISCARDED",3/2/1991 00:00:00,, "K16:049",10.00,"FLINT",,"DISCARDED",3/2/1991 00:00:00,, "K16:049",11.00,"PEARL","PEARL","Small, yellow pearl, hollow on one side, probably fits K16:049:12. Diameter 0.2 cm.",24/2/1994 00:00:00,," From flotation." "K16:049",12.00,"PEARL","PEARL","Small yellow pearl, one side with slight protrusion, probably fits K16:049:11. Diameter 0.2 cm.",24/2/1994 00:00:00,," From flotation." "K16:051",1.00,"COPPER","INGOT","'Bun' ingot, roughly hemispherical, and solid. Di. 10.3 - 10.7. H. 5.5 cm.",28/2/1991 00:00:00,,"Requires further treatment. Also three fragments of copper sheet. One fragment taken by Lloyd Weeks for metallurgical analysis at Sydney, 1998" "K16:051",2.00,"PLASTER","DOMED LID","Half a domed lid of coarse light grey plaster. One face flattish, the other convex and rough with rounded edges. Diameter: 13.0; W: 9.5; TH: 4.2 cm.",17/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Washed." "K16:051",3.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Piece of black stone, probably dolomite, in the approximate shape of a pyramid with triangular base. Base has been worn smooth, two sides polished and the apex shows signs of possible pounding. 12.5 cm high, base 13.0 x 14.0 cm.",28/2/1991 00:00:00,,"Brushed lightly to remove all surplus surface sediments." "K16:051",4.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Fragment of grinder, made from slab of farush, approximately d-shaped in plan. One broad surface worn very flat, the other roughly flat. Dimensions 25.0 x 15.0 x 6.4 cm.",5/3/1991 00:00:00,,"Brushed to remove surplus surface sediments." "K16:051",5.00,"STEATITE","LID","Decorated lid of grey steatite. Disc shaped, rising slightly towards the centre, which has a short, stalk-like handle, which widens out and is flattened at the top. Handle and edges chipped. Edge is hatched by series of short, slanted incised lines, inside which is a band of circles, with double circumference and central dot. The base of the handle is encircled with a single incised line, and there is another near the top. On the top of the handle are two more circles, the same size as the others. H. 3.9, di. 7.4 - 7.1 cm.",7/3/1991 00:00:00,, "K16:051",6.00,"BITUMEN","ROOFING?","Five fragments, various sizes, probably from roof-coating. Outside face smooth, interior face bears in minute detail the impressions of all the different components used in the construction of the roof. Each piece has been made in two distinct layers. The main layer carries the impressions and this has then been backed with a second, thinner layer of bitumen. [1] 4.5 x 3.9 x 2.3 cm. [2] 6.2 x 3.7 x 2.2 cm. [3] 6.6 x 5.3 x 1.6 cm. [4] 9.1 x 4.8 x 2.2 cm. [5] 14.0 x 12.0 x 2.2 cm.",11/2/1991 00:00:00,,"Brushed lightly to remove loose surface debris. Since excavation, the two layers of bitumen, making up these pieces have begun to separate slightly." "K16:051",7.00,"PLASTER","DOMED LID","Domed lid of grey plaster. One face flat, slightly damaged, the other rounded and flat on top. Max diameter 8.5, thickness 3.2 cm.",17/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Washed." "K16:051",8.00,"POTTERY","JAR","Small jar, complete except for chips at rim, also badly cracked on one side. Red clay, occasional black grit. Plain rim, waisted neck, rounded body, flat base. Small hole in lower body, presumably deliberate. H. 10.4, rim di 6.3, max. width 9.8, ba. di. 3.5 cm.",19/2/1991 00:00:00,,"Large crack running across one side of the pot, with other hair line cracks spreading out from it. May require consolidating at some stage. Ware type 2.7, munsell 2.5 yr 2-4." "K16:051",9.00,"FLINT","FLAKE","One small unworked brown flint. 4.4 x 1.8 x 0.8 cm.",24/2/1991 00:00:00,, "K16:051",10.00,"PLASTER","ROOF FRAG","Two pieces of fairly hard white plaster, with vegetable (reeds or palm) impressions on one side of each. Presumably from roof. 5.4 x 4.0 x1.1 cm. 7.0 x 6.5 x 1.0 cm",11/2/1991 00:00:00,, "K16:051",11.00,"COPPER","CHISEL","Chisel, intact. Square in section, with one end left square and the other flattened into a slightly splayed square-ended blade. Dimensions 10.2 x 1.5 x 1.2 cm.",,,"Cleaned" "K16:051",12.00,"STONE","TOOL","DESCRIPTION",20/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Flint nodule with cortex still adhering to surface. Surface chipped and worn. 5.8 x 5.7 x 5.0 cms. " "K16:051",13.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Flint nodule with cortex still adhering to surface. Surface chipped and worn. 5.8 x 5.7 x 5.0 cm.",20/4/1991 00:00:00,,""" J*#|x -? ? -+ +HOUSING LIST ? AWALI- -? - ?-From 2nd January 1991 - ?-House 483B--Mr. Neil Gorsuch - ?--?` ?--?? ---Mr. Marcus Woodburn - ?--?` ?--?? ---Mr. David Jennings - ?-HOUSE 483C--Miss Catharine Maclaughlin - ?--?` ?--?? ---Miss Marlies Heinz - ?-HOUSE 475C--Mr. David Bartlett - ?--?` ?--?? ---Mr. William Moffat - ?-HOUSE 475D--Mr. Martin Hicks - ?--?` ?--?? ---Mrs. Alison HicksWALI- -? - ?-From 2nd January 1991 - ?-House 483B--Mr. Neil Gorsuch - ?--?` ?--?? ---Mr. Marcus Woodburn - ?--?` ?--?? ---Mr. David Jennings - ?-HOUSE 483C--Miss Catharine Maclaughlin - ?--?` ?--?? ---Miss Marlies Heinz - ?-HOUSE 475C--Mr. David Bartlett - ?--?` ?--?? ---Mr. William Moffat - ?-HOUSE 475D-Re?dig part of House 3 to look for robber trench Redig and sieve all from part of Area 8 (street) ++Further excavation-- Strategy here is to work on the north side of last year's excavations.? -excavations and offices. 10.30 a.m.-?? -Coffee break !! 11.00 a.m.-?? -Individual discussions with director. Equipment - ?--?` ?--?? -collection. 12.30 a.m.-?? -LUNCH - ?--?` ?--?? -Afternoon free.-(?-- ? h? + +-? ?""-STAFF ALLOCATION- -? +Flint nodule with cortex still adhering to the surface. Surface chipped and worn. 5.8 x 5.7 x 5.0 cms." "K16:051",14.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Two badly corroded fragments of metal. [1] 3.3 x 3.1 x 0.5 cm. [2] 2.5 x 2.0 x 1.4 cm",5/2/1991 00:00:00,, "K16:051",15.00,"STONE","TOOL","Lump of white limestone, perhaps originally rectangular in plan, but broken off. Remainder of one broad face worn smooth. Other faces roughly squared off. 13.2 x 20.0 x 28.0 cm.",9/4/1991 00:00:00,,"This object has been washed." "K16:051",16.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder, of cream crystalline limestone with shells. One broad face worn so as to be slightly concave. Three of the four edges waisted, possibly from use. Height 4.5 cm; diameter 8.4 x 9.4 cm.",9/4/1991 00:00:00,,"This object has been washed." "K16:051",17.00,"STEATITE","LID","Decorated lid of grey steatite, handle missing and edges slightly damaged. Surface worn and badly scratched. Flat, disc shape, with internal flange. Around the circumference is a double row of incised circles, each with double circumference and central dot. Extant H. 2.5, di. 10.4 cm.",7/3/1991 00:00:00,, "K16:051",18.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Three sacks of a whole earth sample taken for flotation. 26 l, little carbon, plus 30 l, little carbon",9/2/1991 00:00:00,, "K16:051",19.00,"STONE","TOOL","Slab of black stone, dolomite. Roughly round in plan, one broad face polished, the other worn very smooth. Edges worn too. 10.0 x 8.2 x 3.7 cm. On display in Exhibition Room on site",5/3/1991 00:00:00,,"Surfaces brushed to remove surplus sediments." "K16:051",20.00,"POTTERY","PIERCED SHERD","Small worked sherd, almost square. Hard red clay. The edges have been deliberately rounded and a small hole put through the centre of the sherd. 2.9 x 2.9 x 0.5 cm.",9/2/1991 00:00:00,, "K16:051",21.00,"STONE",,"Missing?",,, "K16:051",22.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Four fragments of metal.",5/2/1991 00:00:00,, "K16:051",23.00,"FLINT","PEBBLE","Small rounded pebble of flint, with upper surface polished. 4.3 x 3.0 x 2.6 cm.",7/3/1991 00:00:00,, "K16:051",24.00,"BONE","RODENT","Most of the skeleton of a small rodent.",9/2/1991 00:00:00,, "K16:051",25.00,"STEATITE","LID","Decorated lid of light grey steatite. Shape of low cone in profile, with central stalk-like handle, which is thickened and domed at the top. Lower edge is flanged, inside slightly concave. Slight damage to top of knob and outer edge. Incised decoration is very neat, consisting of ring of circles round the outer edge, each with double circumference and central dot. A faint incised line around the base of the handle , the top of which has been covered in a series of single circles with central dot. H. 5.0, di. 7.3 cm.",28/2/1991 00:00:00,,"Washed to remove traces of sediment." "K16:051",26.00,"POTTERY","LID","Pottery disc, presumably a lid. One surface has a rough patch in the centre, presumably the attachment for a knob, now missing. Brown clay. Di.10.0 x 10.0 cm. Thickness 1.2 cm.",21/2/1991 00:00:00,," Ware 3.1, Munsell 7.5yr, 6-4." "K16:051",27.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder made from slab of farush. Irregular in plan, worn very smooth on one broad face, naturally pitted on the other. Pieces of bone adhering. Dimensions 28.0 x 23.0 x 2.8 cm.",28/2/1991 00:00:00,,"Surfaces brushed to remove surplus sediments." "K16:051",28.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder made of slab of grey stone with purplish patches, perhaps a crystalline limestone. Roughly trapezoidal in plan, one broad face worn very smooth, the other roughly domed. Yellowish substance adhering to the grinding surface. Dimensions 23.0 x 18.5 x 5.7 cm.",28/2/1991 00:00:00,,"Surface of this stone have been lightly brushed to remove loose sediments." "K16:051",29.00,"PLASTER","DOMED LID","Domed lid of grey plaster. One side flat, the other convex, flattened on top. Very regular and in good condition. Diameter: 11.7; TH:3.8 cm.",17/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Washed." "K16:051",30.00,"BITUMEN","BEAD","One large round, bead, with flattened ends. 2.2 x 1.9 cm. Large central perforation.0.7 cm in diameter.",9/2/1991 00:00:00,, "K16:051",31.00,"BONE","BONES",,6/2/1991 00:00:00,, "K16:051",32.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,9/2/1991 00:00:00,, "K16:051",33.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Seven fragments of bitumen, with flat smooth surfaces. Not measured.",9/2/1991 00:00:00,, "K16:051",34.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Bitumen fragments with weave impressions, presumably the lining to one or more woven vessels. Not measured.",9/2/1991 00:00:00,, "K16:053",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Two sacks of a whole earth sample taken for flotation.",3/2/1991 00:00:00,, "K16:053",2.00,"CLAY","TOKEN","Disc-shaped token of brown clay, with a seal-impression on either side, one thinner than the other. First face: Square frame containing a tanged upright arrow head. Two animal necks protrude from the right, the heads not impressed. Above the frame is a crescent moon lying on its back. To the left of the frame is a palm frond. Second face: This shows the same design, but in mirror image. Diameter 1.95 - 2.0 cm. 0.5 - 0.85 cm. thick. From the same seal as 6539:01. Compare museum catalogue p.154, no.284, and Kjaerum no. 52.",9/4/1991 00:00:00,"Y", "K16:053",3.00,"STONE",,"DISCARDED",3/2/1991 00:00:00,, "K16:053",4.00,"FLINT","FRAGS","Two small chips of brown, unworked flint. [1] 1.7 x 0.9 x 0.3 cm. [2] 1.7 x 1.2 x 0.2 cm.",4/3/1991 00:00:00,, "K16:053",5.00,"FLINT","NODULE","Rounded flint nodule, chips knocked off the surface. 5.2 x 5.0 x 4.3 cm.",2/3/1991 00:00:00,, "K16:053",6.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Amalgamated with K16:053:012:",3/2/1991 00:00:00,, "K16:053",7.00,"COPPER","SLAG","Two fragments of clinker. Not measured.",3/2/1991 00:00:00,, "K16:053",8.00,"STONE","STONES","DISCARDED",3/2/1991 00:00:00,, "K16:053",9.00,"FLINT","FLAKE","Brown flint flake, with possible retouch on one edge.3.8 x 2.2 x 0.9 cm.",11/2/1991 00:00:00,, "K16:053",10.00,"STEATITE","SEAL","Grey steatite seal, with traces of glaze on the reverse. A little worn. Edge convex, Failaka var. 2) Edge retains a band of glaze. Reverse has a band of three incised lines across the centre running at right angles to the perforation. Two of these lines do not meet in the middle, perhaps worn. Four equally-spaced incised circles each with a central dot. Perforation clumsily executed. The design shows a central standing figure in a tiered skirt, facing right, torso in profile, with hands raised towards a horned male animal which faces left but looks back over its shoulder towards a crescent in the right field. To the left of the standing figure is a second male animal, facing left, with its head turned back over its shoulder towards the central figure. Below this is a human foot, schematically drawn. Diameter 2.65, height 1.15 cm. Compare Kjaerum 93. NM 4818.",25/3/1991 00:00:00,"Y", "K16:053",11.00,"BONE","BONES","Large collection, mainly of fish bone.",14/2/1991 00:00:00,, "K16:053",12.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","K16:053:006 amalgamated with this.",5/2/1991 00:00:00,, "K16:053",13.00,"BITUMEN","BEAD","Bead, one side badly damaged. 2.4 x 1.7 cm. Central perforation 0.7 cm in diameter.",4/2/1991 00:00:00,, "K16:053",14.00,"COPPER","OBJECT","Copper object, or piece thereof, in the form of a thick rectangular slab. Thick and heavy, with solid metal showing through corrosion.1.6 x 1.8 x 1.0 cm. Also small irregular fragment, presumably casting slag. 1.6 x 1.2 x 0.5",12/2/1991 00:00:00,, "K17:000",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,2/2/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:000",2.00,"BONE","BONES",,9/4/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:001",1.00,"BONE","BONES",,6/2/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:001",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,9/2/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:001",3.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Fragment of grindstone/mortar. Wedge-shaped piece of white stone, being a segment from the rim of a low-walled stone vessel. Short, upright side, sloping abruptly inside, perhaps to a hole worn right through base. Inside worn very smooth. H. 5.9; diam. c.30 cm.",18/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:001",4.00,"POTTERY","PAINTED JAR","Fragment of rim and upper body of painted jar. Fine red clay, v. sparse temper of a little fine grit. Traces of red wash out, black paint over. Rim swollen to inside, flat on top, body flares. Horizontal black band under rim, another further down. Between them two sets of vertical black stripes preserved, probably five in each set. Between the latter, two festoons attached to upper horizontal band, and immediately below these, five inverted festoons sitting on lower horizontal band. Pres. H. 5.0, rim di. (reconstruc.) c. 8.0.",2/4/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:002",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,6/2/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:002",2.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder, of loose-grained white stone with many shells, approx. sub-rectangular in plan. One broad face worn very flat, the other slightly domed and very rough. One corner removed, and edge of breaks rubbed into a smooth curve. Max. 17 x 11.5 x 3.6.",28/2/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:004",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,10/2/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:004",2.00,"BONE","BONES",,7/2/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:004",3.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,26/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:004",4.00,"POTTERY","SPOUTED VESSEL","Part of rim and body of spouted vessel, including spout. Friable grey clay, pink core, vegetable. Inner and outer surfaces blackened. Everted rim, no neck, globular body. Not very regular or well-finished. Short broad spout attached just under rim. Pres. H. 11.8, rim di. 11.4 (reconstruc.).",20/2/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:004",5.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Triangular fragment, superficially resembling broken tip of pointed blade, but in fact a flat stone with copper corrosion adhering. 2.6 cm long",9/2/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:004",6.00,"LEAD","FRAG","Triangular piece of lead, l. 2.5, max. w. 1. Traces of copper.",2/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:004",7.00,"STONE","TOOL?","Fragment of dark grey stone approx. trapezoidal in plan, one broad surface flat, roughly broken, the other domed with traces of wear. Max. 8.8 x 8.8 x 3.5.",12/2/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:006",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,7/2/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:006",2.00,"BONE","BONES",,9/2/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:006",3.00,"BONE","VERTEBRA","Vertebra notched around edge and centrally pierced, but probably unworked. Max. diam. 3.5. Abs. l. 9.70m, E 0.78m, N 5.90m",10/2/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:007",1.00,"STONE","MORTAR","Fragment from top of rim to large stone bowl or mortar. Rim thick, bevelled to inside. Pres. H. 2.0, length of fragment 3.0, width of fragment 4.0 cm.",3/2/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:007",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,6/2/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:009",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,6/2/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:009",2.00,"PLASTER","FRAG","Not described.",11/2/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:009",3.00,"BONE","BONES",,12/2/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:010",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,6/2/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:010",2.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Large irregular, angular lump, possibly core with wear on point. Max. 11.5 x 9.3 x 7. E 2.30m, N 3.60m",6/2/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:010",3.00,"BONE","BONES",,26/2/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:011",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,6/2/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:011",2.00,"BONE","BONES",,9/4/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:011",3.00,"STONE","TOOL","Dark grey stone, probably originally cylindrical, broken, wear on all remaining surfaces. Max. 5.8 x 4.9 x 5.2. Abs. l. 9.78m, E 1.30m, N 3.90m",5/2/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:012",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,3/4/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:012",2.00,"BONE","BONES",,22/2/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:012",3.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,26/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:012",4.00,"NOT USED","NOT USED",,19/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:012",5.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","From residue: one fragment of carbonised seed. Wgt <0.1 gms.",26/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:012",6.00,"FOSSIL","CONCH","Large fossilized shell, possibly conch. L. 89; max. di. 7.8.",20/2/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:013",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,7/2/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:013",2.00,"BONE","BONES",,9/2/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:013",3.00,"FOSSIL ECHINOID","ECHINOID","Fossil echinoid, possibly worked. H. 3.8, di. 59 - 6.6cm",5/2/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:013",4.00,"STONE","TOOL","Dense dark grey stone, just one corner chipped off larger piece, worn smooth where not broken. Max. 9 x 6 x 3.3. Abs. l. 9.71m, E 0.73m, N 7.56m",2/2/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:013",5.00,"STONE","BASIN FRAG","Corner of limestone basin, part of 2 sides and base preserved. Presumably square or rectangular originally. Tool marks visible on outside. Max. 11 x 9, max. h. 8, min h. 2.0 cm.",6/2/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:013",6.00,"FLINT","FLAKE","Piece of backed blade, cortex on one side of back. One long edge deliberately notched. 4.4 x 2.7 x 1.0.",6/2/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:013",7.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,26/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:014",1.00,"BONE","BONES",,9/2/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:014",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,10/2/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:014",3.00,"STONE","TOOL","Dark grey, coarse stone fragment, 6 flat surfaces, worked?. Max. 7.2 x 5.5 x 3.8. Abs. l. 9.55m, E 2.50m, N 2.00m",10/2/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:015",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,14/2/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:015",2.00,"BONE","BONES",,16/2/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:015",3.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Sickle Blade with a fine polish/sheen. Brown flint blade flake, snapped/struck-off at each end, with creamy cortex on one side of dorsal surface. Both lateral edges have been re-touched, one with denticulated retouch, the other backed. Polish over most of dorsal surface, and near edges of ventral surface. Dimensions: 4.3 x 2.67 x 0.95 cm.",27/2/1990 00:00:00,"M", "K17:015",4.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder fragment of limestone, approx. rhomboid in plan, one broad surface flat, one domed. Max. dimensions 8.5 x 7.5 x 3.5.",17/2/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:015",5.00,"STONE","MORTAR","Piece of white stone in shape of curved wedge, outer edge worked, rest broken off. One broad surface flat, the other concave. Presumably a segment of a circular mortar with deep central depression. Max. 17 x 8, max. h. 6.2, min. h. 1.9. (See also L17:000:001).",17/2/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:019",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,14/2/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:020",1.00,"BONE","BONES",,9/2/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:020",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,10/2/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:020",3.00,"FOSSIL ECHINOID","TOOL","Fossil sea anemone [I think she means echinoid] with traces of wear on broad surface. H. 4.0; di. 6.2 - 6.8.",10/2/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:021",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,9/2/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:021",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Same as K16:017:002",5/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:021",3.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAG","Fragment of bitumen from the lining of a woven vessel. Weave impression. Not measured.",5/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:023",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,17/2/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:023",2.00,"BONE","BONES",,17/2/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:025",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,22/2/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:025",2.00,"BONE","BONES",,22/2/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:025",3.00,"STONE","VESSEL FRAG","Undecorated stone vessel fragment. Dimensions 9.5 x 5.5 cm",22/2/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:025",4.00,"STONE",,"MISSING",9/4/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:025",5.00,"STONE","FRAG","Very irregular piece of lightweight stone, reddish, twisted like clinker. 5.7 x 2.7 x 1.8.",19/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:025",6.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Segment of nodule. 4.8 x 2.8 x 2.4.",1/7/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:026",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,22/2/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:027",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,22/2/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:027",2.00,"BONE","BONES",,22/2/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:028",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,22/2/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:028",2.00,"BONE","BONES",,22/2/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:028",3.00,"STONE","TOOL","Piece of white limestone, approx. hemispherical, flattened off in two places to produce a blunt point at one end. Possible traces of wear around narrow edges. Max 9.5 x 8.5 x 2.8.",27/2/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:029",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,25/2/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:029",2.00,"STONE","ANCHOR","Large pierced stone, oval with squared-off end, presumably an anchor. Intact. Squared end has almost square hole going right through. Rounded off end has a slight concave depression on surface, as though a second hole has been started. Dimensions l. 30, w. 16.5, h. 13. Hole: 9 x 8.5.",18/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:029",3.00,"STONE","TOOL","White stone tool, approx. wedge-shaped but with one broad surface having two facets, side opposite sharp edge is broken off, traces of wear over most of rest. Max. 12.5 x 9.5 x 8.5. Abs. l. 9.60m, E 2.34m, N 3.10m",26/2/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:029",4.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Grindstone fragment. Part of white, irregular slab, one broad face roughly flat, one smooth and worn into concave depression with slight lip to it. Max. dimensions 22 x 13.5 x 4 cm.",25/2/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:029",5.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Fragmentary grindstone/mortar, now wedge-shaped piece of white stone with slightly raised rim. Inner surface worn smooth, and slopes away from edge to thin part of base near original centre. Side straight, base flat. Max. 14.5 x 7.5, max. h. 7.9, min. h. 2.5.",26/2/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:029",6.00,"STONE","VESSEL FRAG","Corner fragment from low-sided, rectangular, white stone vessel with thick base. Max. dimensions 9.5 x 11 cm, max. h. 8, min. h. 4 cm.",26/2/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:029",7.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Fragmentary grindstone, now wedge-shaped piece of limestone. Presumably segment of disc-shaped object with deep depression in centre. Depression also around inside of rim. Max. h. 12.",28/2/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:029",8.00,"CLAY","FIGURINE","Animal figurine of baked clay. No limbs or head extant. L. 10, ext. h. 5.",25/2/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:029",9.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Fragment of grindstone/mortar. Piece of white stone, triangular in plan, with edge opposite apex raised to form a rim. Other edges broken. Base worked flat, inside surface rubbed smooth and slightly worn down. Max. 21 x 18 x 15, max. h. 10, min. h. 5.5.",26/2/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:029",10.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Grindstone fragment. Thin slab of white stone, upper surface worn but not smooth to the touch. Tool marks on base, which has been worked flat. One worked edge surviving, three broken. Max. 17 x 10.5. Max. h. 3.8, min. h. 1.9.",25/2/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:029",11.00,"BONE","BONES",,25/2/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:029",12.00,"STONE","VESSEL FRAG","Triangular fragment of white stone, part of rim and base of a vessel with low straight sides and flat base. Rim thick, sloping down to thin base. Max. dimensions 11 x 8 x 9 cm. Max. h. 3.4 cm.",26/2/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:029",13.00,"FLINT","CORE","Trapezoidal core of brown flint with remnant patch of creamy white cortex. Single platform with both wide and blade flake scars. Dimensions 3.4 x 2.8 x 2.7 cm. Flake scars L: 2.6; W: 2.7. L: 2.1; W: 3.2. (irregular) L: 3.1; W: 1.9 cm.",27/2/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:029",14.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Grindstone fragment. Wedge-shaped piece of white stone, two sides worked and smooth, other edges broken. Max. w. 8.5, max. h. 10.",25/2/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:029",15.00,"STONE","TOOL","Dark grey stone, probably originally oval in plan, one long face flat, one domed. Possible traces of wear around edges. Max. 8.2 x 6.1 x 5.2. Abs. l. 9.53m, E 3.20m, N 3.07m",26/2/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:030",1.00,"STONE","TOOL","Fragment of light grey stone, 3 converging surfaces preserved, all worn smooth, point where they meet also shows traces of wear. 7.2 x 4.8 x 2.0.",9/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:030",2.00,"BONE","BONES",,26/2/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:032",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Used in Museum Exhibition 1990",7/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:032",2.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Scraper. Double, with side and concave edges. Sub trapezoidal, 5-sided, flattish worked natural piece of brown mottled flint. One face is flat, the other angled. Two ends and one side have been knocked off at an angle, one steep concave edge has rough retouch/usewear. One short thinner straight edge has been carefully retouched. Another longer and natural straight steep edge has possible usewear. Dimensions 4.9 x 4.0 x 1.3 cm. Separated into this and K17:032:22 in 1998.",9/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:032",3.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder fragment of loose-grained stone with many shells. Approx. trapezoidal in plan, 2 worked edges, 2 broken. 1 broad face worn very flat, the other rough. Max. 10.3 x 8.2 x 2.",9/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:032",4.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,7/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:032",5.00,"BITUMEN","FRAG","Not described.",3/4/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:032",6.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Fragment of grindstone/mortar. White wedge-shaped, one edge worked, three broken. One broad face roughly flat, one very smooth. Max. 11.5 x 8 x 3.5",18/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:032",7.00,"PLASTER","LINING","Small rectangular fragment of light grey plaster. One edge is smooth and round, indicating a rim or top of thick lining. Two opposing faces are smooth, with three broken edges. Appears heat affected. Max. 5.5 x 4.3 x 2.5.",9/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:032",8.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Fragment of grindstone/mortar. Wedge-shaped piece of white stone, comprising fragment from side and base of low-sided vessel or flat slab with slightly raised edge. L. 7.5.",9/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:032",9.00,"STONE","TOOL","Fragment of dark grey stone, originally shaped as a short cylinder. traces of wear on all surviving surfaces. Max. 6.6 x 5.1 x 2.6.",5/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:032",10.00,"STONE","BASIN FRAG","Corner of rectangular white stone basin: part of two sides and a little of the base extant. Presumably square or rectangular in plan. Inside ridged. Max. h. 7.5, min. h. 1.7.",9/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:032",11.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Piece of white limestone, approx. square in plan, one end higher than the other and one broad face heavily worn into a depression. Lowest end broken off, other edges seem deliberately shaped. Depression suggests used for back and forth rubbing action. Ext. l. 13.5, ext. w. 12, max. h. 10.5",17/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:032",12.00,"STONE","PEBBLE","Dark grey pebble, max. 4.5 x 3.8 x 1.9.",5/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:032",13.00,"STONE","TOOL","Dark grey stone fragment. In shape similar to axe or hoe blade, with signs of wear near sharp edge. Max. 7.4 x 7 x 4.",5/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:032",14.00,"POTTERY","VAT","Large storage vessel, about half extant, base complete. Red clay, temper of grit and white grit. Rim slopes out, body swells slightly then tapers fairly abruptly to slightly pointed base with a deliberate hole through its centre. The hole has been plugged with plaster. Body has applied ridges (15) from rim to base. H. c. 38.0, rim di. 31.0.",21/4/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:032",15.00,"FLINT",,"Missing 1990, not found search 1998. Probably not used - bracketed on united sheet",1/7/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:032",16.00,"FLINT",,"Missing 1990, not found search 1998. Probably not used - bracketed on unit sheet",1/7/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:032",17.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Large Scraper or Chopper of mottled brown flint with creamy cortex. Plain platform with reworked termination. The previous flake scars on the dorsal surface were struck from the proximal edge. The distal edge (cortex) has been thinned on the ventral side and bifacially retouched to form a thickish straight working edge. A slightly convex edge adjacent to the platform also has retouch or usewear. This edge terminates in a thick point, with slightly worn tip, which is hooked due to a concave lateral edge. The opposite lateral edge has some possible usewear. Dimensions 9.6 x 5.7 x 1.8 cm.",14/6/1993 00:00:00,"N", "K17:032",18.00,"FLINT","CORE","Oval Core of dark brown, good quality flint, with thick creamy white cortex. Cortex is concave and crystalline at one end. Bipolar flaking with irregular scarring on the concave face which is partly cortical. One platform is cortical, the other is scarred and narrow. The flake scars are hinged. Overall dimensions 6.5 x 5.3 x 3.4 cm. Scars L: 4.1; W: 5.3 cm; L: 2.1; W: 3.4 cm.",14/7/1998 00:00:00,, "K17:032",19.00,"FLINT","CORE","Exhausted Core. Foot-shaped chunk of good quality brown, slightly mottled flint, with creamy white cortex. Opposing platforms prepared by strike from cortex. Hinged flake scars. Several over-hinged scars have formed a lump on the end of the 'foot'. Dimensions 8.0 x 3.9 x 3.15 cm. Main platform 4.6 x 3.15 cm. Last flake scar L: 1.4; W: 1.9 cm.",14/7/1998 00:00:00,, "K17:032",20.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder. Ovoid nodule of poor quality, mixed, grey-brown cherty/flint. Creamy coloured cortex with some salmon-coloured staining, and red/brown sub cortex. Except for one face, the surface is almost entirely scarred, especially so at the small and convex ends. Intact. Dimensions 9.1 x 7.6 x 6.6 cm.",14/7/1998 00:00:00,, "K17:032",21.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Small Pounder. Sub ovoid nodule of brown flint with numerous scars and pitting. One face has natural hollow with remnant white crystalline cortex. Pitting on the more angled parts of the tool, especially the more pointed and butt ends, creating the scars. Intact. Dimensions 4.4 x 3.8 x 3.75 cm.",15/3/1993 00:00:00,, "K17:032",22.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Natural sub square piece of dark grey-brown flint with light grey cortex. Irregular potlidded faces, with a sharp and coarse feel. Split for K17:032:2 in 1998. Dimensions 4.6 x 4.5 x 1.0 cm.",9/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:034",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,3/12/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:034",2.00,"BONE","BONES",,3/12/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:034",3.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Thin, flat, heavy fragment of copper, irregular in plan and very badly corroded. Possibly part of a broken blade, or perhaps just scrap or processing waste. 2.7 x 2.7, x 0.4 thick.",9/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:034",4.00,"STONE","TOOL","White stone, cube-shaped. All surfaces smooth and worn. traces of bitumen adhering in places. 4.9 x 4.7 x 4.6",19/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:034",5.00,"STONE","TOOL","Dense brown stone, probably flint, irregular with one flat side worn to a polish, traces of 2 other surfaces also very smooth, rest of tool broken away. 7.4 x 6.5 x 3.9.",20/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:034",6.00,"STONE","FRAGS","Fragments of building material - mixture of ?mortar and plaster",17/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:035",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,20/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:035",2.00,"BONE","BONES",,20/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:035",3.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAG","Fragment of bitumen from the lining of a woven vessel. Weave impressions. Not measured.",20/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:035",4.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Scraper on large flake of brown flint with creamy cortex. Wide flake with tongue off to one side at proximal end. Plain platform with distal edge bifacially retouched &/or usewear to form adjoining convex and concave scraping edges. Usewear also on other edge. Distal surface probably created by natural flaking and pot-lidding. Some plaster adhering to scar on concoidal fracture. L: 5.25; W: 8.9; 0.65 cm. Separated from K17:035:9 in 1998.",20/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:035",5.00,"FOSSIL BIVALVE","TOOL","Bivalve, opening end worn down by nearly half, forming flat surface. Pres. l. 2.5; w. 4.3; depth 3.1.",20/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:035",6.00,"POTTERY","FILLED NECK","Section of neck and shoulder of jar, blocked with plaster, through which a hole has been pierced. Greeny-buff clay with sandy temper. Now eroded. Fill material consists of ash mixed with something to harden it. Hole made with implement such as palm stalk. Di. of neck 8.0. Di. of hole in ashy substance c. 2-3 cm.",20/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:035",7.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Fragment of flat limestone grindstone/mortar. Max. 10.1 x 7.9 x 2.8",20/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:035",8.00,"STONE","PEBBLE","Small, light grey pebble, max. l. 4.4, max. w. 3.2",20/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:035",9.00,"FLINT","TOOL","End fragment of Pounder. Flaked off cobble of mottled brown flint with white crystalline cortex. Concave surface very pitted and scarred. Probably broken off during use. Dimensions 4.4 x 3.4 x 2.3 cm. Separated from K17:035:4 in 1998.",20/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:040",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,24/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:040",2.00,"BONE","BONES",,24/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:040",3.00,"PLASTER","FRAG","Not described.",24/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:043",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,26/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:044",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,28/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:044",2.00,"FLINT","FLAKE","Blocky (wedge-shaped) flake or fragment of brown flint. Plain platform with straight hinged termination. L: 1.5; W: 0.85; TH: 0.7 cm. From Flotation Sample K17:044:1.",15/1/1998 00:00:00,, "K17:045",1.00,"STONE","TOOL","MISSING 1998 Dark grey stone, irregularly shaped, rounded and smooth all over. Max. 5.6 x 5.2 x 4.6. Abs. l. 9.44m, E 4.55m, N 9.38",25/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:045",2.00,"STONE","PEBBLE","MISSING 1998 Smooth red/orange pebble, max. 3.5 x 2.8 x 1.7. Abs. l. 9.47m, E 3.94m, N 9.71m",25/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:045",3.00,"STONE","TOOL","MISSING 1998 Dark grey dense stone, shaped approx. like a squashed cylinder. Both ends show signs of wear, badly faceted in places, and rubbed smooth in places. Max. 16.5 x 13.1 x 7.5. Abs. l. 9.56m, E 4.90m, N 7.56m",25/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:045",4.00,"STONE","TOOL","Dark grey dense stone, wedge-shaped with rounded edges. One broad surface worn very smooth, the other also smooth with ridges, perhaps deliberately fashioned to fit the fingers. Narrow edges show signs of wear. Broad surface opposite pointed end is smooth and gently curved to fit hand. Max. 10 x 7.5 x 5.9. Abs. l. 9.46m, E 4.40m, N 8.41m",25/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:045",5.00,"STEATITE","LID","Exceptionally small decorated lid of grey steatite. Central handle is missing, and edge is chipped for about a third of the circumference. Shape of a low cone, with inside flanged. Edge is hatched with short diagonal lines. Body completely covered with a double row of circles, each with central dot. Single incised line around base of handle. Extant H. 1.6, di. 4.0 cm.",28/2/1991 00:00:00,, "K17:045",6.00,"STONE","TOOL","White stone, probably originally shaped as a cube but broken in half. Remaining surfaces are smooth and the surface opposite break is worn very smooth. Scratch marks all in same plane show direction of rubbing. Max. 7.8 x 6.2 x 4.4. Abs. l. 9.38m, E 4.52m, N 8.96m",25/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:045",7.00,"STONE","PEBBLE","Dark grey smooth pebble. Max. 3.2 x 2.9 x 1.5. Abs. l. 9.46m, E 4.24m, N 9.28m",25/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:045",8.00,"CLAY","BEAD","Long tubular bead of light brown clay. Carefully manufactured, with squared-off ends. Dimensions 2.1 x 0. 4 cm.",29/1/1991 00:00:00,, "K17:045",9.00,"SHELL","CONCH","Large conch shell, slightly damaged. L. 10.8, max. diam. 7.0 cm. Used in Museum Exhibition 1990.",25/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:045",10.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Fragment of white stone grinder, triangular in plan, with one extant one worked edge, and two broken ones. One broad surface slightly domed, one very smooth. Max. 8.5 x 9.5 x 9.5, max. h. 4.",25/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:045",11.00,"PLASTER","RENDER FRAGS","Two joining pieces of light grey plaster, presumably render. Approx. trapezoidal in plan with one corner missing. Longest narrow surface has 3 finger impressions. Max. 15.5 x 8.4 x 4.2.",25/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:045",12.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder made from slab of white stone, trapezoidal in plan. Two worked edges, two broken ones. One broad face roughly flat, one very smooth. Max. 12.5 x 10.7 x 3.8.",25/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:045",13.00,"FLINT","NODULE","Approx. half of spherical flint nodule, . Max. di. 3.9. Abs. l. 9.41m, E 5.07m, N 8.29m",25/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:045",14.00,"STONE","TOOL","Fragment of light coloured stone, cube-shaped with rounded corners, one face now broken away, opposite surface very smooth. Max. 5.3 x 5.7 x 4.6. Abs. l. 9.41m, E 4.96m, N 8.90m",25/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:045",15.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Two fragment of same grinder. Limestone, probably originally sub-rectangular in plan. 1) One end. One broad surface very smooth, the other flat but rough. Narrow edges all smooth too. L. 21.5, ext. w. 9.5, max. h. 3.5. 2) About half. One broad surface smooth and flat, the other slightly rounded. Rounded broad surface is heavily crusted with occupation debris (small bones, charcoal) and plaster. W. 21, ext. l. 15, max. h. 4.",25/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:045",16.00,"STONE","TOOL","Piece of soft white stone, approx. triangular in plan with largest edge curved. One narrow face broken off flat, all others smooth. Max. 16.5 x 10 x 4.5. Abs. l. 9.47m, E 5.17m, N 8.76",25/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:045",17.00,"PLASTER","DISC LID","Thick, disc-shaped lid of white plaster. Both faces rounded. Max. diam. 61.1. Max. h. 3.4.",25/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:045",18.00,"BONE","BONES",,28/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:045",19.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,28/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:045",20.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Fragment of same grinder as K17:045:015, qv.",29/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:045",21.00,"STONE","TOOL","Piece of brown stone, possibly chert, roughly disc-shaped but with one side thicker than the other. Possible traces of wear around narrow edge. Max. 6.1 x 5.9 x 4.3. Abs. l. 9.43m, E 5.58m, N 8.35m",29/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:045",22.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Sub-hemispherical piece of light grey limestone, with one flattish face scarred through use. The opposite slightly convex face and the rounded circumference/sides are al heavily pitted. Diam: 6.7; H: 4.6 cm. Abs. l. 9.48m, E 6.30m, N 8.75m",29/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:045",23.00,"STONE","TOOL","Dark grey stone in shape of slightly squashed cylinder wider at one end than the other. Both ends show signs of possible wear. Body all worn smooth. Max. 8.1 x 5.9 x 4.4. Abs. l. 9.49m, E 6.04m, N 9.02m",29/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:045",24.00,"FLINT","NODULE","Flint nodule with cortex still adhering to the surface. Surface chipped and worn. 5.8 x 5.7 x 5.0 cm.",20/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Washed" "K17:045",25.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Sub ovoid, dark grey medium grained stone, with two large concave scars almost opposing. These and the rest of the surface are entirely pitted. Dimensions 5.94 x 5.47 x 5.0 cm. Abs. l. 9.55m, E 4.88m, N 9.96m",25/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:045",26.00,"STONE","STOPPER","Piece of limestone shaped like a mushroom, perhaps a stopper. 'Stalk' perhaps broken off. Top of the 'cap' smooth with rounded edge. Diameter 6.4 cm, 'cap' 2.6 cm thick, 'stalk' 2.6 cm long.",8/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Washed" "K17:045",27.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bone.",29/1/1991 00:00:00,, "K17:045",28.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,29/1/1991 00:00:00,, "K17:045",29.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder made from lump of limestone, roughly sub-triangular in plan, tapered at one end. One broad face worn smooth, the other domed and rough. Much thicker than the usual grinders. Dimensions 23.8 x 14.8 x 9.9 cm.",3/3/1991 00:00:00,,"Washed, stored on shelves" "K17:045",30.00,"STONE","POUNDER","MISSING 1998 Pounder. Sub ovoid light grey limestone. One surface concave, the opposite is flattish and scarred. The jutting parts of the edges or circumference are pitted. Worn surface (exposed to elements?). Dimensions 8.34 x 7.29 x 6.93 cm.",5/3/1991 00:00:00,,"Lightly brushed." "K17:045",31.00,"STONE","TOOL","MISSING 1994 Piece of limestone. Probably natural geode, originally spherical, but now with two opposing flat faces, making it a thick disc. Traces of wear on one broad face and three of the edges. 9.5 x 8.1 x 5.7 cm.",8/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Washed." "K17:045",32.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Thin, flat fragment of copper waste. 1.2 x 0.8 x 0.2 cm",30/1/1991 00:00:00,, "K17:045",33.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Three fragments of bitumen, two with impressions. Not measured.",9/2/1991 00:00:00,, "K17:045",34.00,"COPPER","NAIL","Length of badly corroded copper rod, probably rectangular in section. One end thicker than the other - perhaps a nail. Dimensions 3.9 x 0.5 x 0.4 cm.",9/2/1991 00:00:00,, "K17:045",35.00,"NOT USED","NOT USED",,1/7/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:045",36.00,"NOT USED","NOT USED",,1/7/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:045",37.00,"NOT USED","NOT USED",,1/7/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:045",38.00,"NOT USED","NOT USED",,1/7/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:045",39.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Three sacks of a whole earth sample for flotation. Not located February 1994.",29/1/1991 00:00:00,, "K17:045",40.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Small Pounder. Spherical nodule of light grey limestone, with two slightly flattened opposing faces. Surface entirely pitted. It has been rubbed very smooth in one place probably (recent testing?). Dimensions 3.8 x 3.7 x 3.5 cm.",5/3/1991 00:00:00,,"Washed " "K17:045",41.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder/Hammer. Carefully made sub cuboid/flared tool. Dark grey close grained stone, which has polished rounded long faces like a thick celt. Some fine horizontal striations are visible on parts of the polished faces. Both ends are convex and very pitted, one being smaller than the other and having two long scars run off it down two faces. The narrower sides are also slightly pitted. Good condition. Dimensions 7.24 x 4.15-5.23 x 4.64 cm.",20/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Washed" "K17:045",42.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Sub spherical nodule of light grey limestone, with two slightly flattened convex faces. Entire surface is pitted, with some scarring at the edge of one convex face. Sandy crystalline soil and fish bone fragments adhere to the other convex face. Diameter: 7.1-7.0; H: 6.13 cm.",7/3/1991 00:00:00,,"Washed " "K17:045",43.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder/Hammer. Sub cuboid dense, dark grey, medium grained stone. Two largest opposing faces and the two long sides are flattish , the two ends are convex. All faces are worn, most particularly the ends and the rounded edges. One end has a blob of bitumen above scarring. Dimensions 5.43 x 4.65 x 4.2 cm. Abs. l. 9.51m, E. 3.84m, N 9.86m",25/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:045",44.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder fragment. Corner piece of dark grey, medium grained stone, probably andesite, roughly wedge-shaped. Parts of three flattish faces, and the broken irregular face are entirely pitted. The angular edges are very worn. Dimensions 6.54 x 4.52 x 2.76 cm.",7/3/1991 00:00:00,,"Washed" "K17:047",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,28/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:049",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,28/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:049",2.00,"BONE","BONES",,28/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:049",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,28/3/1990 00:00:00,, "K17:055",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","One sack of a whole earth sample for flotation.",29/1/1991 00:00:00,, "K17:060",1.00,"BONE","BONES",,30/1/1991 00:00:00,, "K17:060",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Amalgamated with K17:060:001.",30/1/1991 00:00:00,, "K17:060",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,30/1/1991 00:00:00,, "K17:069",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,12/2/1991 00:00:00,, "K17:069",2.00,"BONE","BONES",,11/2/1991 00:00:00,, "K17:070",1.00,"BONE","FISH",,6/2/1991 00:00:00,, "K17:070",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,6/2/1991 00:00:00,, "K17:070",3.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Three sacks of a whole earth sample taken for flotation. 10 l, little carbon, plus 10l, no carbon, plus 10 l little carbon, plus 10l little carbon, , plus 10l little carbon, plus 10l, little carbon",9/2/1991 00:00:00,, "K17:070",4.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Small fragment of unworked brown flint. 2.6 x 1.6 x 1.0 cm.",24/2/1991 00:00:00,, "K17:070",5.00,"SHELL","SHELL","One small piece of shell.",11/2/1991 00:00:00,, "K17:070",6.00,"FLINT","FLAKE","Brown, unworked flint flake. 4.6 x 1.7 x 0.4 cm.",2/3/1991 00:00:00,, "K17:070",7.00,"STONE","TOOL","White limestone. Approximately cube shaped, one face especially smooth. Each of the side adjacent to the smooth side has a small indentation in the centre, near the smooth face. 5.0 x 5.6 x 5.8 cm.",9/4/1991 00:00:00,,"This stone has been washed." "K17:070",8.00,"STONE","BEAD","Large quartz bead, probably originally rhomboid, now broken in half. Surfaces highly polished. Woolley Type 20? Dimensions 3.0 x 1.6 x 1.0 cm.",23/2/1991 00:00:00,, "K17:070",9.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Blob of copper waste 2.4 cm long.",12/2/1991 00:00:00,, "K17:070",10.00,"POTTERY","PAINTED JAR","Small painted jar: part of rim and body only. Fine red clay, very sparse temper of fine grit and shell. Rim flat on top, no neck, shoulder rounded. Paint black. Band under the rim, below that a band of triangles filled with vertical stripes. Four extant. Rim diameter c.9.0 cm. Preserved height 3.5 cm.",26/3/1991 00:00:00,, "K17:071",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,11/2/1991 00:00:00,, "K17:071",2.00,"BONE","BONES",,11/2/1991 00:00:00,, "K17:073",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Three sacks of a whole earth sample taken for flotation. 30 l, no carbon.",9/2/1991 00:00:00,, "K17:073",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Assorted fragments of bone.",14/2/1991 00:00:00,, "K17:073",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,11/2/1991 00:00:00,, "K17:073",4.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Two small fragments of copper, badly corroded.",12/2/1991 00:00:00,, "K17:073",5.00,"FLINT","FRAGS","Two fragments of mottled brown flint, both with remnant whitish cortex on one edge. Both possibly struck off pounders. 1) Sub trapezoid fragment with flattish faces and sides. Dimensions 1.6 x 1.2 x 0.6 cm. 2) Small fan-shaped fragment with opposing concave and convex faces. Dimensions 1.2 x 0.7 x 0.2 cm. Both from Flotation Sample K17:073:1.",15/1/1998 00:00:00,, "K17:076",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","two sacks of a whole earth sample taken for flotation. 20 l, little carbon, plus 36 l, little carbon, plus 10 l, little carbon.",11/2/1991 00:00:00,, "K17:076",2.00,"COPPER","FRAG","1 fragment of copper, possibly slag. Lumpy sub ovoid. From flotation sample. 3 of 3. Resort 7.3.93 by H. T. Dimensions: 1.5 x 1.3 x 0.9 cm.",9/2/1993 00:00:00,, "K17:076",3.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Three fragments of hard, brown burnt clay. 1) Pinched fragment with finger print on one surface. 0.58 x 0.26 x 0.74. 2) Partial seal-impression, from centre of seal. A central circle is surrounded by four others (three preserved), the outer ones each separated from each other by a short, radiating line (three preserved). 2.26 x 1.46 x 1.4. 3) Partial seal impression, from same seal as (2), this time with central circle, two of outer circles, and three radiating lines preserved. 1.16 x 0.94 x 0.49.",10/2/1991 00:00:00,," From flotation sample, 1 of 3." "K17:076",4.00,"POTTERY","PIERCED RIM","Rim sherd from straight sided-deep bowl, pierced near lower break. Drilled from outside, chipped off on inside. Pink clay, grit temper, greenish surface. Not a usual Saar pottery type - the sides are too straight and the diameter too wide. 7.0 cm wide, 5.8 long, 1.2 average thickness.",22/4/1997 00:00:00,,"From flotation residue K17:76:1" "K17:078",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,12/2/1991 00:00:00,, "K17:078",2.00,"BONE","FISH",,12/2/1991 00:00:00,, "K17:078",3.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Four fragments of copper.",12/2/1991 00:00:00,, "K17:080",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Three sacks of a whole earth sample taken for flotation. 30 l, little carbon.",18/2/1991 00:00:00,, "K17:080",2.00,"FLINT","NODULE","Flint nodule with cortex on surface. Sub spherical in shape, chipped with traces of wear. 6.4 x 6.8 cm.",20/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Washed." "K17:080",3.00,"STONE","DISC LID","Soft limestone disc, presumably a lid. Approximately oval in plan with thin edges. Narrower ends show possible signs of pounding. Dimensions 12.9 x 11.7 x 2.9 cm.",28/2/1991 00:00:00,,"Surface brushed to remove surplus sediments." "K17:080",4.00,"BONE","BONES",,19/2/1991 00:00:00,, "K17:080",5.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,19/2/1991 00:00:00,, "K17:096",1.00,"NOT USED","NOT USED",,20/4/1991 00:00:00,, "K17:096",2.00,"COPPER","FRAG","One small fragment of copper.",30/1/1991 00:00:00,, "K17:096",3.00,"BONE","BONES",,30/1/1991 00:00:00,, "K17:096",4.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,3/2/1991 00:00:00,, "K17:096",5.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Large pale grey lump of flint, fits second piece of flint recovered as K17:096:007: have amalgamated both pieces under this number. [1] 7.1 x 6.8 x 4.6 cm. [2] 7.5 x 5.1 x 3.6 cm.",7/3/1991 00:00:00,, "K17:096",6.00,"STONE","STONE","DISCARDED",30/1/1991 00:00:00,, "K17:096",7.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Amalgamated with K17:096:005:",7/3/1991 00:00:00,, "K17:100",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,6/2/1991 00:00:00,, "K17:100",2.00,"BONE","FISH",,6/2/1991 00:00:00,, "K17:103",1.00,"PLASTER","CONVEX LID","Grey plaster lid, circular in plan, both faces domed, one slightly narrower than the other. Sides waisted. Diameter 11.3, thickness 8.6 cm.",17/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Washed." "K18:003",1.00,"STONE","TOOL","Stone grinder, possibly flint, roughly rectangular, with a smooth lower surface. 11.7 x 8.0 x 5.3 cm,",20/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Washed." "K18:003",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Large assemblage of shell recovered from this context.",4/3/1991 00:00:00,, "K18:003",3.00,"STONE","TOOL","White limestone, rounded irregular lump, chipped. Possible traces of wear on remaining facets. 11.0 x 7.4 x 8.8 cm.",9/4/1991 00:00:00,,"This stone has been washed." "K18:004",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,27/2/1991 00:00:00,, "K18:005",1.00,"STONE","TOOL","Cream close grained limestone. Rounded irregular lump, approximately triangular in section, broken off across section. Preserved end has possible signs of wear. 10.2 x 7.4 cm.",9/4/1991 00:00:00,,"This stone has been washed." "K18:005",2.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Fragmentary grindstone/mortar. Slab of grey limestone, worked into approximately trapezoidal plan. One broad face apparently trimmed as though to start making basin, rudimentary edge visible, and slightly hollowed out, with narrow, deeper depression in the centre. Other broad face worn and dips down towards one edge. Lowest corner has notch right through. Dimensions 18.5 x 16.0 x 5.8 cm.",17/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Stone has been brushed." "K18:005",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,4/3/1991 00:00:00,, "K18:009",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Approx. 60 litres of pearly oyster shell (1991). Discarded.",12/5/1999 00:00:00,, "K18:009",2.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","A 60 litre whole earth sample taken for flotation. 1 mm flot little carbon",19/3/1991 00:00:00,, "K18:009",3.00,"BONE","BONES",,27/2/1991 00:00:00,, "K18:009",4.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Large irregularly shaped piece of flint, partially covered in places with cortex. 10.7 x 9.5 x 3.5 cm.",7/3/1991 00:00:00,, "K18:009",5.00,"STONE","TOOL FRAG","Black, close grained stone. Broken off end, long oval in section, very smooth. 4.5 x 3.4 x 2.3 cm.",9/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Stone has been washed." "K18:009",6.00,"STONE","TOOL","White limestone. Long object, triangular in section. Ends possibly used for pounding. Broad faces smooth, one worn very smooth. Badly chipped. Very regular. Similar to K18:020:027: 8.5 x 4.5 x 5.6 cm.",9/4/1991 00:00:00,,"This stone has been washed." "K18:009",7.00,"FLINT","FRAGS","Two pieces of brown unworked flint, with partial covering of cortex. [1] 4.0 x 3.4 x 1.0 cm. [2] 4.7 x 4.1 x 1.0 cm. Amalgamated with K18:009:004",20/3/1991 00:00:00,, "K18:016",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Three sacks of a whole earth sample taken for flotation.",27/2/1991 00:00:00,, "K18:016",2.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Piece of blue/grey unworked flint. Surface very smooth and shiny. 4.2 x 2.9 x 1.3 cm.",4/3/1991 00:00:00,, "K18:016",3.00,"BONE","BONES",,27/2/1991 00:00:00,, "K18:016",4.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Large assemblage of shell. Has been stored separately from the rest of the bone recovered from this context.",27/2/1991 00:00:00,, "K18:019",1.00,"NOT USED","NOT USED",,20/4/1991 00:00:00,, "K18:019",2.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","A 60 litre sample of whole earth taken for flotation.",19/3/1991 00:00:00,, "K18:019",3.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Whole earth sample taken for flotation.",19/3/1991 00:00:00,, "K18:019",4.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Whole earth sample taken for flotation.",19/3/1991 00:00:00,, "K18:019",5.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Whole earth sample taken for flotation.",19/3/1991 00:00:00,, "K18:019",8.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Whole earth sample taken for flotation.",19/3/1991 00:00:00,, "K18:019",9.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Whole earth sample taken for flotation.",19/3/1991 00:00:00,, "K18:019",10.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Written with a dash for number of litres on context sheet - presumably discarded",,, "K18:019",11.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Written with a dash for number of litres on context sheet - presumably discarded",,, "K18:019",12.00,"GLASS","FRAG","Rim fragment of decorated glass. 2.1 x 1.9 x 0.2 cm.",10/3/1991 00:00:00,, "K18:019",13.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Possible small Pounder. Irregular sub ovoid pebble of close grained brown stone. Parts of the surface have a thin dark brown skin or patina. Otherwise the surface is worn with a scattering of pitting which may or may not be natural. Both rounded ends, one narrower than the other, appear to be the most worn. Dimensions 5.2 x 2.9 x 2.05 cm. From Flotation Sample K18:019:3.",15/1/1998 00:00:00,, "K18:020",1.00,"COPPER","HOOK","Small copper fish hook broken into two pieces. Swollen with corrosion just above base of shaft. 4.6 x 2.0 x 0.4 cm.",2/3/1991 00:00:00,, "K18:020",2.00,"STONE","SPINDLE WHORL","Small stone object, circular in plan, one face flat, the other domed. Pierced through the centre of the faces. Similar to F18:10:04. Dimensions 2.3 x 2.2 x 0.8 cm. Central perforation 0.4 cm in diameter.",5/3/1991 00:00:00,, "K18:020",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,5/3/1991 00:00:00,, "K18:020",4.00,"BONE","BONES",,5/3/1991 00:00:00,, "K18:020",5.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Whole earth sample taken for flotation.",5/3/1991 00:00:00,, "K18:020",6.00,"STONE","BASIN FRAG","Edge fragment from a round or sub-rectangular basin of white, porous limestone. Inside rounded. Fragment of plaster lining adhering to the inside face. Height 16.0 cm. thickness of base 3.0 cm.",17/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Stone fragment brushed." "K18:020",7.00,"BITUMEN","FRAG","Lump of bitumen broken into two pieces, no impressions on any surface. Not measured.",7/3/1991 00:00:00,, "K18:020",8.00,"STONE","TOOL","Wedge-shaped fragment of greyish crystalline limestone, broken from edge of mortar or quern. One side concave and worn very smooth. Dimensions 8.4 x 6.1 cm. Thickness 1.0-3.7 cm.",18/4/1994 00:00:00,, "K18:020",9.00,"NOT USED","NOT USED",,24/2/1994 00:00:00,, "K18:020",10.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Whole earth sample taken for flotation.",5/3/1991 00:00:00,, "K18:020",11.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Whole earth sample taken for flotation.",5/3/1991 00:00:00,, "K18:020",12.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Whole earth sample taken for flotation.",5/3/1991 00:00:00,, "K18:020",13.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","whole earth sample taken for flotation.",5/3/1991 00:00:00,, "K18:020",14.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Whole earth sample taken for flotation.",5/3/1991 00:00:00,, "K18:020",15.00,"NOT USED","NOT USED",,1/7/1991 00:00:00,, "K18:020",16.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Whole earth sample taken for flotation. 1mm flot, little carbon",5/3/1991 00:00:00,, "K18:020",17.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Whole earth sample taken for flotation.",5/3/1991 00:00:00,, "K18:020",18.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Whole earth sample taken for flotation.",5/3/1991 00:00:00,, "K18:020",19.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Sample of whole earth taken for flotation.",5/3/1991 00:00:00,, "K18:020",20.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Sample of whole earth taken for flotation.",5/3/1991 00:00:00,, "K18:020",21.00,"FOSSIL ECHINOID","TOOL","Grey stone, pyran core shaped, probably fossilized sea urchin. Base chipped. No definite signs of use. height 2.8 cm, diameter 5.6-6.2 cm.",9/4/1991 00:00:00,,"This object has been washed." "K18:020",22.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder fragment. Sub-oval light grey sandstone. One flat face and one convex face tapering to rounded edges, with one narrow long edge. Dimensions 21.0 x 8.3 x 3.16 cm.",9/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Washed." "K18:020",23.00,"PLASTER","DISC LID","Disc-shaped lid of grey plaster. Opposing flat faces with worn damaged edges. Heavier than usual, all surfaces worn and covered in gypsum crystals. Dimensions 11.7 x 10.8 x 3.15 cm.",13/3/1991 00:00:00,, "K18:020",24.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Limestone grinder broken in half. One face flat, the other domed. Height 4.6, present length 14.5, width 17.2 cm.",9/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Stone has been washed." "K18:020",25.00,"FLINT","NODULE","Half of a circular nodule of very dark brown patinated flint. Uneven, flattish faces are potlidded, with two straight and one convex sides. Dimensions 4.05 x 3.4 x 1.9 cm.",9/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Washed." "K18:020",26.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Lump of flint, with chips knocked off the surface. 7.4 x 5.0 x 3.6 cm.",13/3/1991 00:00:00,, "K18:020",27.00,"STONE",,"MISSING. Context sheet has 'polishing stone'. Perhaps a natural pebble which was discarded without recording?",1/7/1991 00:00:00,, "K18:020",28.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Flint core/chopper with two edges showing use-wear. Poor quality mottled light-medium brown flint with crystalline hollows. L: 9.6, W: 7.9, T: 4.7 cm. NB This record was found with a nonsensical number (0002:28) on the database, and probably belongs here, as there was a gap, and the context sheet has 'hammer stone'. But it is not certain.",9/3/1992 00:00:00,, "K18:020",29.00,"BITUMEN","STOPPER","Cone-shaped piece of bitumen. Dimensions 3.5 x 2.6 x 2.7 cm.",10/3/1991 00:00:00,, "K18:020",30.00,"ORGANIC","SHERD","Pot sherd with layer of carbonised remains on the inside. Exported for analysis by John Evans.",20/3/1991 00:00:00,, "K18:020",31.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pounder, possible Punch. Sub ovoid nodule of mottled brown flint/chert, no cortex remaining. Pitted areas on one main face, the narrower end and several angled edges. The pounding has caused scarring over the rest of the surface. Dimensions 7.0 x 5.4 x 3.5 cm.",14/7/1998 00:00:00,, "K18:020",32.00,"PEARL","PEARL","Pearl, tiny, irregular, yellowish, found in flotation residue. Diameter c. 0.1 cm. Not measured as very fragile.",15/4/1993 00:00:00,"Y", "K18:020",33.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","2 fragments of copper. From flotation sample. Resort 3.3.93 by H. T. 1) Sub ovoid lump with small areas of brown staining (iron/rust?). Dimensions: 2.1 x 1.1 x 0.8 cm. 2) U-shaped thin flat strip. Dimensions: 1.9 x 1.6 x 0.3 cm.",5/3/1993 00:00:00,, "K18:020",34.00,"BITUMEN","FRAG","Bitumen fragment with possible textile impression on one side, and straw-impressions on the opposing side. 1.5 x 2.0 x 0.6 cm.",14/6/1993 00:00:00,, "K18:020",35.00,"PEARL","PEARL","Pink pearl found in flotation, irregular. 0.1 x 0.2 cm.",16/5/1994 00:00:00,, "K18:020",36.00,"PEARL","PEARL","Pink pearl found in flotation. 0.1 x 0.2 cm.",16/5/1994 00:00:00,, "K18:020",37.00,"FLINT","FLAKE","Flake of translucent brown flint. Scarred platform and plunging termination. Distal edge is straight with one pointed tip. L: 1.3; W: 1.0; TH: 0.4 cm. From Flotation Sample K18:020:14.",15/1/1998 00:00:00,, "K18:020",38.00,"PEARL","PEARL","Tiny ovoid pink pearl. One face is partly whitish. Dimensions 0.18 x 0.15 x 0.12 cm. Found 1991. Number is uncertain, but this is the most likely option following a labelling muddle.",4/3/1998 00:00:00,, "K18:023",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,5/3/1991 00:00:00,, "K18:023",2.00,"FLINT","NODULE","Lump of flint with a number of chips knock off the surface. 7.4 x 5.7 x 4.6 cm.",13/3/1991 00:00:00,, "L16:000",1.00,"STEATITE","VESSEL FRAG","Part of decorated pale grey steatite vessel. Long section from body, probably near rim, to near base. Long, near-vertical body, gently swelling in the middle, thickening towards base. Apparently from a tall, narrow vessel, cylindrical or possibly with a sub-rectangular plan. Outside smooth, with incised decoration, inside roughly scraped. Highest-preserved part of decoration, probably immediately below rim, consists of an encircling band of circles with central dot, so close as to touch each other. Below this is a double encircling line, then two more bands of circles bordered below by a double line, then a fourth band of circles, this time bordered below by four parallel encircling lines. Below these are the preserved tops of six lines slanting diagonally down to the left, and just to their right, the tips of two lines slanting at the opposed diagonal - presumably also six originally. Dimensions 2.5 x 5.4 cm.",26/2/1990 00:00:00,, "L16:000",2.00,"BONE","BONES",,9/2/1990 00:00:00,, "L16:000",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,7/2/1990 00:00:00,, "L16:001",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,14/2/1990 00:00:00,, "L16:001",2.00,"BONE","BONES",,15/2/1990 00:00:00,, "L16:001",3.00,"PLASTER","FRAG","Not described.",19/3/1990 00:00:00,, "L16:001",4.00,"STEATITE","SPOUTED BOWL","Fragmentary shallow spouted bowl of decorated grey steatite. Three-quarters of rim missing, and sections of body. Rim rounded, body swells slightly then tapers gradually to wide, gently rounded base. Short, blunt spout is open at the top, cut directly at the lip and not piercing the body. Exterior is polished, with incised decoration consisting of: a band of circles with central dot immediately below rim, bordered top and bottom by a double encircling line. Below that, extending down the body, is a band of groups of five or six short diagonal lines, each group at the opposed diagonal to its neighbours, producing a zigzag effect. The decoration is careful and even. H. 6.0, rim di. c. 14.0 cm.",27/3/1990 00:00:00,,"Used in Museum Exhibition 1990" "L16:001",5.00,"STEATITE","SPOUTED BOWL","Shallow spouted bowl of dark grey steatite, possibly burnt, rather worn. About half of rim, body and base preserved, giving full profile, including spout. Fairly thick, rounded rim, body tapers gradually into wide, flat base. Short, blunt spout just below rim. Incised decoration in confined to area immediately below rim: single encircling line, below which is a band of incised circles with central dot, with another encircling line below these. The circles may have a second, outer circumference (surface is too worn to be sure), much wider than normal. Decoration is rather uneven and perfunctory, with the circles placed widely apart. H. 4.5; di. c.11.8. Internal spout hole 0.8, external 1.0.",27/3/1990 00:00:00,,"Used in Museum Exhibition 1990" "L16:001",6.00,"STONE","PEBBLE","Dark grey pebble shaped like an irregular cube. One face domed shows sign of wear, other face also smooth. Max. 4.6 x 3.5 x 3.2",19/3/1990 00:00:00,, "L16:001",7.00,"STONE","TOOL","Dark grey stone, originally sub-cuboid, now broken. Surviving facets all worn smooth, one worn to a polish. Max. diam. 6.6, max. h. 5.9. Abs. l. 9.65m, E 8.84m, N 4.37m",10/4/1990 00:00:00,, "L16:001",8.00,"STONE","TOOL","White stone, sub-cuboid originally, now broken, surviving facets all worn smooth. Max. diam. 6.5, max. h. 5.3. Abs. l. 9.69m, E 6.40m, N 3.29m",1/4/1990 00:00:00,, "L16:001",9.00,"POTTERY","PAINTED BOWL","Base and part of lower body of open painted vessel. Brown clay, temper of grit and white grit, red wash out, black striped over. Flat base, carinated body. Design of broad horizontal band near maximum width, two narrower ones below. Pres. H. 3.2, ba. di. 2.4, max. width 6.5. Wheel-thrown.",9/4/1990 00:00:00,, "L16:001",10.00,"POTTERY","INDUS SHERD","Shoulder sherd from very large Indus-related painted storage jar. Orange clay, brown core, temper of grit including white grit. Shoulder rounded. Red paint over most of preserved area with broad band unpainted across the middle. This space is bordered top and bottom by narrow black horizontal band which merge in places - c. 6 below and 4 above. These are painted over the red. In the unpainted band between them is a horizontal row of joined black circles, each with a large central dot. Polished. c. 18.5 x 19.5.",9/4/1990 00:00:00,,"Used in Museum Exhibition 1990" "L16:001",11.00,"POTTERY","COOKING POT","Over half of rim extant, v. little of rest. Very hard grey clay, brown surface, hard fine temper of grit, including white grit. Hole-mouthed vessel: no rim, swelling sides. Pres. H. 3.0, rim di. 11.8.",9/4/1990 00:00:00,, "L16:003",1.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Three rough, irregular lumps of copper waste. Largest 3.4 x 2.9 x 2.6 cm. Abs. l. 10.27m, E .042m, N 2.20m.",14/2/1990 00:00:00,, "L16:003",2.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","From Flot. residue:- Small bag of carbonised organic material, about 20 very small fragments. Wgt <0.1 gms.",26/3/1990 00:00:00,, "L16:003",3.00,"COPPER","FRAG","About a dozen small fragments of copper waste. Largest 2.1 x 1.1 x 0.6 cm",29/3/1990 00:00:00,, "L16:003",4.00,"POTTERY","SHERDS","Not described.",1/4/1990 00:00:00,, "L16:004",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,15/3/1990 00:00:00,, "L16:004",2.00,"BONE","BONES",,15/3/1990 00:00:00,, "L16:004",3.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAG","Large fragment of bitumen from the lining of a woven vessel. Exterior smooth, interior rough, and showing impressions of a woven object. Dimensions 5.7 x 4.0 x 2.0",12/1/1991 00:00:00,, "L16:004",4.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,14/4/1991 00:00:00,, "L16:009",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,2/2/1991 00:00:00,, "L16:009",2.00,"BONE","FISH",,2/2/1991 00:00:00,, "L16:014",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,3/2/1991 00:00:00,, "L16:014",2.00,"BONE","BONES",,3/2/1991 00:00:00,, "L16:015",1.00,"STEATITE","LID","Small decorated lid of grey steatite, with stalk-like handle. Slight damage to the top of the knob on the end of the handle, and some chipping around edge. Conical in profile. Band of incised circle, each with double circumference and central dot, around edge. Possibly circle motifs on knob too, but worn. Single incised line around the base of the knob. H. 5.1, di. 6.8 cm.",28/2/1991 00:00:00,, "L16:015",2.00,"BONE","BONES",,6/2/1991 00:00:00,, "L16:015",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,6/2/1991 00:00:00,, "L16:015",4.00,"BITUMEN","FRAG","Not described.",6/2/1991 00:00:00,, "L16:038",1.00,"POTTERY","VAT","Large storage vat, base and some body sherds only. Hard red clay, grit temper. Disc base, sides flare. Coil-made: probably ribbed, as there are notched rows on the eroded outer surface. Non-joining sherds suggest inside was painted to below maximum width, in dark red. Outer surface very abraded. Pres. H. c. 46, ba. di. 11.4 cm.",1/7/1991 00:00:00,, "L16:039",6.00,"STONE","TOOL","THIS MUST BE A WRONG NUMBER: CONTEXT NOT EXCAVATED Piece of soft white stone, an edge fragment from a broad flat tool. Finished edge straight, and slightly raised, inner surface smooth and slopes down away from the edge. The underneath roughly flattened. 8.2 x 5.7 x 3.2 cm. NB There is no possible remedy for this muddle - none of the missing stone tools look as though they fit.",25/3/1991 00:00:00,, "L16:122",1.00,"PLASTER","SAMPLE","Sample of plaster for analysis, not described.",31/3/1994 00:00:00,,"Exported to UK for analysis. March 1994.NB There is no number one missing from the database records, so the only way of possibly solving this would be to go through all the unit sheets for all contexts with no finds recorded on the database to see if they had a single find which was a plaster sample. Not worth it." "L16:142",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,5/2/1991 00:00:00,, "L16:142",2.00,"BONE","BONES",,5/2/1991 00:00:00,, "L16:163",1.00,"PLASTER","SAMPLE","Large piece of plaster, built up in two layers. The first and thinner layer, bears a series of regular reed impressions and is backed by the second and much thicker layer of plaster, the outer surface of which is flat and smooth. 44.5 x 40.5 x 6.0 cm. 1.5 cm thickness of first plaster layer. 4.5 cm thickness of the second plaster layer.",25/3/1991 00:00:00,," Too large to store with the rest of the plaster objects in box 64." "L16:163",2.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Fragment from a limestone grinder. Dimensions 11.2 x 5.4 cm.",20/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Brushed. [CHECK THIS ISN'T LABELLED L16:143]" "L16:165",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,4/3/1991 00:00:00,, "L16:165",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Mixed bag of bone, with a number of tortoise shell fragments.",4/3/1991 00:00:00,, "L16:165",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Shell recovered from the sieve.",4/3/1991 00:00:00,, "L16:165",4.00,"BONE","BONES","Includes fragments of tortoise shell.",4/3/1991 00:00:00,, "L16:165",5.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Not described.",4/3/1991 00:00:00,, "L16:165",6.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Three small pieces of corroded copper recovered from the sieve. [1] 1.9 x 1.4 x 0.7 cm. [2] 1.2 x 0.8 x 0.7 cm. [3] 0.9 x 0.8 x 0.6 cm.",4/3/1991 00:00:00,, "L16:165",7.00,"ORGANIC","DATE","Carbonised date stones recovered from the sieve.",4/3/1991 00:00:00,, "L16:165",8.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,20/4/1991 00:00:00,, "L16:165",9.00,"BONE","GAZELLE","Articulated gazelle bone.",7/3/1991 00:00:00,, "L16:165",10.00,"BONE","BONES","Articulated gazelle bones.",7/3/1991 00:00:00,, "L16:165",11.00,"STONE","TOOL","Hard black stone, approximately rectangular in plan. One broad face worn concave, the other badly chipped. Edges show signs of pounding. 7.8 x 7.2 x 5.8 cm.",9/4/1991 00:00:00,,"This stone has been washed." "L16:165",12.00,"STONE","TOOL","Hard, greyish stone, very approximately cube shaped, with one protruding end. One broad face worn smooth. 3.8 x 3.2 x 2.7 cm.",9/4/1991 00:00:00,,"This stone has been washed." "L16:165",13.00,"PLASTER","DISC LID","Disc-shaped lid of grey plaster, half extant. Both faces flat with rounded rim. Diameter < 13.3; thickness 3.2 cm.",17/4/1991 00:00:00,, "L16:165",14.00,"BONE","FISH",,7/3/1991 00:00:00,, "L16:165",15.00,"STONE","TOOL","Close grained hard black stone lump, approximately triangular in section. One broad face worn very flat and smooth with a chip from the centre. The other faces curved, one smoothed into two facets, the other roughly chipped. Ends show traces of wear, also apex. 11.5 x 9.2 x 8.5 cm. Missing 1998.",9/4/1991 00:00:00,,"This stone has been washed." "L16:165",16.00,"PLASTER","DOMED LID","Large domed lid made from two layers of gypsum plaster. Originally a disk of softer, whitish plaster (with vegetable impressions) was made with one flattish and one convex face. Then the convex face was thickened by the addition of gritty and harder grey plaster. Two bitumen blobs are on the white face, and the edge of the grey face is partly worn away. Diameter: 15.3-14.95; Thickness: 4.9 cm.",9/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Washed. Missing 1998" "L16:165",17.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Not described.",10/3/1991 00:00:00,, "L16:165",18.00,"POTTERY","BOWL","Bowl fragment. Part of rim, body and base: just under half extant. Pink clay, buff surface, grit temper. Plain rim, slightly pulled out, rounded body, ring base. Height 6.5 cm, rim diameter 14.0 cm, base diameter [reconstructed] 3.8 cm.",26/3/1991 00:00:00,, "L16:165",19.00,"COPPER","PIN","Long thin fragment of metal",17/4/1991 00:00:00,,"recovered from flot heavy residue. Missing, presumably since 1991" "L16:166",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,4/3/1991 00:00:00,, "L16:166",2.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","A whole earth sample taken for flotation.",19/3/1991 00:00:00,, "L16:167",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Shell recovered from the sieve.",4/3/1991 00:00:00,, "L16:167",2.00,"BONE","BONES",,4/3/1991 00:00:00,, "L16:167",3.00,"BONE","BONES",,4/3/1991 00:00:00,, "L16:167",4.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Not described.",13/3/1991 00:00:00,, "L16:167",5.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Five fragments of corroded metal. [1] 3.4 x 1.9 x 0.7 cm. [2] 1.5 x 1.3 x 0.7 cm. [3] 1.3 x 0.4 x 0.4 cm. [4] 0.5 x 0.6 x 0.5 cm. [5] 0.4 x 0.3 cm.",13/3/1991 00:00:00,, "L16:167",6.00,"ORGANIC","DATE",,20/4/1991 00:00:00,, "L16:170",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Whole earth sample taken for flotation. From residue:- Small bag of carbonised organic material, including fragments of seeds, date pips. (& possibly bitumen?) Wgt 2.0 gms. One small bag of carbonised bone. Wgt <0.1 gms.",19/3/1991 00:00:00,, "L16:170",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,13/3/1991 00:00:00,, "L16:170",3.00,"BONE","BONES",,13/3/1991 00:00:00,, "L16:170",4.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Not described.",13/3/1991 00:00:00,, "L16:170",5.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Fragment of metal recovered from flot heavy residue.",17/4/1991 00:00:00,, "L16:170",6.00,"FLINT","FRAGS","Four very small fragments of flint recovered from the heavy residue L17:070:001:",17/4/1991 00:00:00,, "L16:173",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Whole earth sample taken for flotation.",19/3/1991 00:00:00,, "L16:173",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,13/3/1991 00:00:00,, "L16:173",3.00,"BONE","BONES",,13/3/1991 00:00:00,, "L16:173",4.00,"BONE","BONES",,13/3/1991 00:00:00,, "L16:173",5.00,"PLASTER","SAMPLE","Sample of plaster for analysis, taken from internal wall render.",20/3/1991 00:00:00,,"from possible date press taken for analysis. Exported for John Evans" "L16:178",1.00,"STONE","TOOL","Black close grained rounded irregular stone. One broad face worn smooth. 4.7 x 4.1 x 3.7 cm.",9/4/1991 00:00:00,,"This stone has been washed." "L17:000",1.00,"BONE","BONES",,9/2/1990 00:00:00,, "L17:000",2.00,"STEATITE","SPOUT","Grey steatite spout, presumably broken off a shallow spouted vessel like L16:01:05. Short and blunt, with a carefully worked square aperture inside, and three incised lines on the outside near the bottom. Length 3.2, w. 3.0 cm.",2/5/1990 00:00:00,, "L17:000",3.00,"FLINT","FLAKE","Slice, cortex on blunt edge possibly re-touched. L. 4.1; max. w. 2.0; depth 1.15.",7/2/1990 00:00:00,, "L17:000",4.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Used in Museum Exhibition 1990",10/2/1990 00:00:00,, "L17:000",5.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Grindstone fragment. Originally disc-shaped with deep depression on one side. Max. l. 18, max. h. 6, min. h. 1.2.",5/2/1990 00:00:00,, "L17:001",1.00,"STONE","TOOL","Dense dark grey stone, like a cuboid but trapezoidal rather than square in section. Signs of wear on two of the broad faces. Max. 11.4 x 8.5 x 9.3.",7/2/1990 00:00:00,, "L17:001",2.00,"BONE","BONES",,15/2/1990 00:00:00,, "L17:001",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,18/2/1990 00:00:00,, "L17:001",4.00,"POTTERY","PAINTED JAR","Painted torpedo-shaped jar: fragment of rim and upper body only. Red clay, sparse grit temper, polished red wash out and inside neck. Rim neatly bevelled to outside, straight neck, high shoulder, body flaring slightly. Neat and well-made. Three encircling grooves under rim. Pres. H. 9.5, rim di. 10 (reconstruc.).",25/3/1990 00:00:00,, "L17:006",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","MISSING",9/4/1990 00:00:00,, "L17:006",2.00,"BONE","BONES",,17/2/1990 00:00:00,, "L17:008",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,22/2/1990 00:00:00,, "L17:008",2.00,"BONE","BONES",,22/2/1990 00:00:00,, "L17:008",3.00,"COPPER","CHISEL","Chisel blade, apparently complete, but badly corroded. Rectangular in section, flattening and broadening slightly towards one end, tapering towards the other, and also flattening, but very slightly, and possibly broken off. L. 10.2, broad end 1.4, narrow end 0.7. Max. thickness 1.2.",20/2/1990 00:00:00,, "L17:008",4.00,"STONE","TOOL","White stone tool, spherical but slightly flattened on two opposing sides and a little squashed on one other side. No obvious traces of wear. Recent fracture. Max. diam. 9, h. 6.8. Abs. l. 9.43m, E 2.16m, N 9.30m",26/2/1990 00:00:00,, "L17:008",5.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder of limestone, sub-rectangular in plan, one broad face smooth, the other worked. Max. 18 x 16 x 5.",26/2/1990 00:00:00,, "L17:008",6.00,"SHELL","BEAD","Solid piece of shell, worked into the shape of a truncated cone with rounded edges, pierced longitudinally, presumably for use as bead. Diam. 1.3, thickness 0.5 cm.",15/3/1990 00:00:00,, "L17:008",7.00,"STONE","TOOL","Piece of white stone, approx. spherical but squashed in two converging planes to form a ridge at one end. Signs of wear over rest of surface. Max. diam. 7.6, max. h. 6.8. Abs. l. 9.47m, E 2.85m, N 5.33m",1/4/1990 00:00:00,, "L17:008",8.00,"CLAY","BEAD","Biconical clay bead, surface paler. Small central perforation approximately 0.2 cm in diameter. Bead 1.2 x 1.0 cm.",12/2/1991 00:00:00,,"Used in Museum Exhibition 1990" "L17:008",9.00,"PLASTER","FRAG","Fragment of plaster with impressions of woven material, presumably palm. Not measured.",4/4/1990 00:00:00,, "L17:008",10.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,12/2/1991 00:00:00,, "L17:008",11.00,"BONE","FISH",,14/2/1991 00:00:00,, "L17:008",12.00,"STONE","TOOL","Piece of limestone, probably a natural geode. Shaped into a slightly rounded cube, one face very worn down. 8.2 x 8.6 x 6.8 cm.",3/3/1991 00:00:00,,"Brushed." "L17:008",13.00,"STONE","BASIN","Block of limestone, square in plan, one broad face roughly hollowed out to produce flat-based depression, on which there are possible scratch marks. 15.0 x 13.0 x 5.6 cm. Depth of depression c.2.7 cm.",28/2/1991 00:00:00,,"Surface brushed." "L17:008",14.00,"PLASTER","PIERCED DISC","Plaster disc with off-centre perforation. One broad face slightly domed, the other flat, but irregular, as though the material had been poured onto the ground. Dimensions 13.6 x 15.0 x 3.0 cm.",5/3/1991 00:00:00,,"Brushed" "L17:008",15.00,"PLASTER","DISC LID FRAG","Segment from a large, thin, disc-shaped plaster lid. Grey, with flecks of charcoal and vegetable matter. Dimensions 24.0 x 19.0 x 4.9 cm. Radius < 17.0 cm.",25/3/1991 00:00:00,,"Washed" "L17:008",16.00,"SHELL","CONE BEAD","Conus ebraeus shell, pierced through apex, presumably for use as bead. Dimensions 3.0 x 2.0 x 2.1 cm. Diam. of perforation 0.6 cm.",24/2/1991 00:00:00,,"Washed " "L17:008",17.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Broken grinder of grey crystalline limestone, originally sub-rectangular thin slab, now broken off. Both sides worn, one flat the other very slightly rounded. Max ext. l. 15.0 cm, width16.0 cm, thickness 3.8 cm.",17/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Brushed " "L17:008",18.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,20/4/1991 00:00:00,, "L17:008",19.00,"STONE?","DISC","Light weight stone disc, one face slightly concave, the other flat. Small perforation in the centre with remnants of ash-based plaster. Two small depressions on concave surface. Reverse surface slightly convex and smooth. Max. diam. 13.3, max. h. 4.1. Abs. l. 9.47m, E 0.42m, N 5.38m",1/4/1990 00:00:00,, "L17:008",20.00,"STONE","PEBBLE","White, translucent pebble, irregular rounded shape. DIMENSIONS ???",9/4/1991 00:00:00,,"WASHED " "L17:009",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,1/3/1990 00:00:00,, "L17:060",9.00,"STONE","TOOL","Rounded cube of green black hard stone, probably a natural geode. Possible traces of wear over much of the surface. 7.5 x 8.3 x 7.9 cm.",10/4/1991 00:00:00,,"This stone has been washed." "L17:062",1.00,"BONE","BONES",,13/3/1991 00:00:00,, "L17:123",1.00,"STONE","MORTAR","Mortar/anvil. Intact. Large boulder of grey stone. Sub-triangular/trapezoid in plan, flattish upper face and rough/natural saddle base. Roughly shaped with large broad scars on the upper sides, struck from the upper face. Upper face has 5+ oval-circular pitted zones which are partly contiguous. Slightly weathered surface with some gypsum salt encrustations. Dimensions 49.0 x 44.5 x 29.0-26.0 cm. Upper face 42.0 x 36.5 cm. Pitted zones 18 x 13; 17 x 14; 10 x 8; 12 x 10; 10 x 10 cm.",17/3/1999 00:00:00,"N","Has been moved from original position but remains within House 53. Left in situ" "L18:001",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,24/2/1991 00:00:00,, "L18:001",2.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Piece of brown unworked flint. 6.6 x 5.0 x 1.9 cm.",17/4/1991 00:00:00,, "L18:002",1.00,"STONE","BASIN FRAG","Missing 1991",20/4/1991 00:00:00,, "L18:002",2.00,"STONE","TOOL","Slab of white limestone, roughly hemispherical in plan, broad faces worn smooth, though possible natural. 13.6 x 10.8 x 4.9 cm.",10/4/1991 00:00:00,,"This stone has been washed." "L18:003",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Three sacks of a whole earth sample taken for flotation. 28 l floated (?), little carbon, plus 30 l, no carbon.",24/2/1991 00:00:00,, "L18:003",2.00,"STONE","TOOL","Piece of hard close grained green stone. Long and thin, semi-circular in section, one end broken off. Very smooth and polished. 4.4 cm. long, di.1.6 cm.",9/4/1991 00:00:00,,"This object has been washed." "L18:007",1.00,"STONE","BASIN FRAG","Two broken pieces of a rectangular stone basin of white limestone. Height 9.5 cm , thickness of base 5.3 cm, thickness of side 4.2 - 7.6 cm, max present length 28.0 cm, max present width 21.8 cm. Includes L18:007:002.",17/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Basin fragments has been brushed." "L18:007",2.00,"STONE","BASIN FRAG","Part of L18:007:001, q.v.",17/4/1991 00:00:00,, "L18:007",3.00,"STONE","TOOL","Hard black stone, probably andesite. Roughly oval in plan, chipped. One broad face concave, the other domed with traces of wear in the centre. Ends also show signs of wear. 16.0 x 12.1 x 5.2 cm.",9/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Stone has been washed to remove surplus surface sediments." "L18:007",4.00,"STONE","TOOL","Lump of grey limestone, perhaps broken off a larger object. Unbroken facets show possible signs of use. 10.8 x 10.5 x 8.6 cm.",9/4/1991 00:00:00,,"This stone has been washed." "L18:009",2.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","PROBABLY A WRONG NUMBER : THERE ARE NO FINDS RECORDED FOR L18:9 Three sacks of a whole sample taken for flotation.",27/2/1991 00:00:00,, "L18:010",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,4/3/1991 00:00:00,, "L18:010",2.00,"STONE","TOOL","Slab of crystalline limestone, rhomboid in plan, carefully shaped and smoothed all over. Cream coloured, one side dark grey. 9.2 x 7.8 cm, 2.4-3.0 cm thick.",10/4/1991 00:00:00,,"This stone has been washed." "L18:014",1.00,"STONE","BASIN","Neatly made rectangular limestone basin/trough. One long side broken or trimmed away almost completely. Base 52.0 x 24.0, top 64.0 x 29.0, inside 44.0 x 20.0, height cm, thickness of base 10.5 cm.",18/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Basin brushed." "L18:015",1.00,"STONE","TOOL","Hard black crystalline stone, perhaps originally oval in plan, now broken off. One broad face perfectly flat, but not apparently worked. The other domed and worn smooth, chipped. End possibly used for pounding. 7.2 x 8.1 x 4.1 cm.",10/4/1991 00:00:00,,"This stone has been washed." "L18:015",2.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Edge fragment of grindstone/mortar of limestone or farush. Face worn concave. Height 8.5 cm, max present length 13.0 cm, max present width 15.5 cm.",17/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Stone has been brushed." "L18:015",3.00,"STONE","BASIN FRAG","Corner fragment from a rectangular basin, with a low square foot under the corner. Grey limestone. Depression in one side, perhaps natural. Height 14.5, thickness of base c.2.0, thickness of side 2.0, max. present length 9.8, max present width 6.0 cm.",17/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Basin fragment has been brushed." "L18:015",4.00,"STONE","TOOL","Hard, close grained black stone, approximately rectangular in plan and triangular in section. Broadest face chipped roughly flat, the other two worn smooth, one very much so. Small facet between chipped face and the less smooth broad face, which is worn to a polished smoothness. Edges show signs of pounding. 9.0 x 6.1 x 3.8 cm.",10/4/1991 00:00:00,,"This stone has been washed." "L18:018",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Three sacks of a whole earth sample taken for flotation. Little carbon",3/3/1991 00:00:00,, "L18:018",2.00,"STONE","TOOL","Slab of close grained grey stone, approximately rectangular in plan, one broad face worn extremely smooth. 11.8 x 6.0 x 3.4 cm.",9/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Stone has been washed." "L18:018",3.00,"PLASTER","LID FRAG","Segment of a plaster disc, perhaps a lid. Thick rounded rim and unevenly mixed plaster. Depression near the broken edge, probably accidental. Max present radius: 12.5; TH: 4.2 cm.",17/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Brushed." "L18:020",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Three sacks of a whole earth sample taken for flotation. 1mm flot, no carbon",3/3/1991 00:00:00,, "L18:021",1.00,"BONE","HORN CORE","Two horn cores recovered from this context.",13/3/1991 00:00:00,, "L18:021",2.00,"BONE","HORN CORE",,13/3/1991 00:00:00,,"Partially consolidated in situ." "L18:022",1.00,"BONE","HORN CORE",,5/3/1991 00:00:00,, "L18:026",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,10/3/1991 00:00:00,, "L18:027",1.00,"NOT USED","NOT USED",,20/4/1991 00:00:00,, "L18:027",2.00,"STONE","TOOL","Piece of hard, close grained black stone, approximately hemispherical, but badly chipped. Worn very smooth on part of rounded surface, the wear is over chips, not broken by them. Di. 6.1-6.9, height 3.0 cm.",9/4/1991 00:00:00,,"This object has been washed." "L18:027",3.00,"STONE","TOOL","Thin slab of grey crystalline stone, triangular in plan, one edge curved, the other two broken off. Rounded edge has possible signs of wear. 10.2 x 9.0 x 3.5 cm.",9/4/1991 00:00:00,,"This stone has been washed." "L18:027",4.00,"PLASTER","BLOCK","Block of grey plaster, approximately rectangular in plan. Three edges worked smooth and square, fourth broken off and damaged. One broad face very flat and smooth, the other irregular and slightly hollow. 19 .0 x 14.5 x 7.3 cm.",17/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Plaster block has been brushed." "L18:027",5.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,13/3/1991 00:00:00,, "L18:027",6.00,"BONE","BONES",,13/3/1991 00:00:00,, "L18:027",7.00,"STEATITE","SEAL","Seal of green mottled stone, perhaps polished. 'Persian Gulf' type. Edge grooved, Failaka Var. 2. Reverse has high boss, broken. No decoration apparent. Design deeply cut, difficult to interpret. Probably shows schematic horned animal facing right, with a possible second horned animal, also facing right. Along the edge, above the horns of the second animal, is a curved line with left end thickened. Above the back of the first animal an irregular line. Diam. 1.8, ht. 0.7 cm. NM 2810.",25/3/1991 00:00:00,"Y", "L18:028",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,13/3/1991 00:00:00,, "L18:031",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Whole earth sample taken for flotation.",19/3/1991 00:00:00,, "L18:038",1.00,"POTTERY","SHERDS","Not described.",1/7/1991 00:00:00,,"Missing May 1999. Presume sherds." "L18:063",1.00,,,"DOES THIS EXIST?",,, "L18:063",2.00,"STONE","MORTAR","Fragment of a stone mortar of white limestone. Base has been worked flat, face dips abruptly from the rim to the broken edge. Perhaps discarded because it has been worn right through. Height 5.5 cm, di. approximately 33.0 cm.",17/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Stone has been brushed." "M16:001",1.00,"POTTERY","SHERDS","Group of sherds not separately described.",5/2/1991 00:00:00,,"Stored with un-numbered pottery from same context." "M16:001",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,5/2/1991 00:00:00,, "M16:001",3.00,"BONE","FISH",,5/2/1991 00:00:00,, "M16:001",4.00,"ORGANIC","DATE","Two carbonised date stones.",9/2/1991 00:00:00,, "M16:001",5.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Rough, irregular blob of copper waste. 1.6 x 1.0 x 0.9",9/2/1991 00:00:00,, "M16:002",1.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Hard, close grained black stone. Approximately trapezoidal in plan, rectangular in section, short ends rounded. Surface irregular, but smoothed from use. Ends pounded. 11.0 x 9.2 x 4.4 cm.",9/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Stone has been washed." "M16:002",2.00,"STONE","WEIGHT","White quartz stone, apparently a cube broken approximately in half. Five highly polished faces, the sixth being the break. Perhaps an weight of the Indus type. Dimensions 1.9 x 1.8 x 1.0 cm. Found in association with a small, squared sherd of approximately the same length and breadth, M16:002:003 qv. Wt. 3 gm. (kindly supplied by National Museum of Bahrain).",9/2/1991 00:00:00,, "M16:002",3.00,"POTTERY","SQUARE SHERD","Small, deliberately shaped square of pottery. Red clay. Found in association with crystal cube M16:002:002. 1.9 x 1.9 x 0.5 cm.",9/2/1991 00:00:00,, "M16:002",4.00,"STONE","PEBBLE?","DISCARDED. Context sheet has 'polishing stone', crossed out.",13/3/1991 00:00:00,, "M16:002",5.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,24/2/1991 00:00:00,, "M16:002",6.00,"BONE","BONES",,24/2/1991 00:00:00,, "M16:003",1.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Pointed fragment of copper. 4.4 x 0.7 x 0.6 cm.",24/2/1991 00:00:00,,"Badly corroded." "M16:003",2.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Fragments of bitumen without impressions. Not measured.",24/2/1991 00:00:00,, "M16:003",3.00,"FLINT","FRAG","One piece of purple, flint, possibly worked. 1.9 x 1.5 x 1.2 cm.",6/3/1991 00:00:00,, "M16:003",4.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Small fragment of unworked flint, white and brown in colour. 3.6 x 2.2 x 1.3 cm.",27/2/1991 00:00:00,, "M16:003",5.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Fragments of bitumen with weave impressions, presumably part of the lining to one or more woven vessels. Not measured.",24/2/1991 00:00:00,, "M16:003",6.00,"BONE","BONES",,24/2/1991 00:00:00,, "M16:003",7.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,24/2/1991 00:00:00,, "M16:009",1.00,"STONE",,"DISCARDED",13/3/1991 00:00:00,, "M16:009",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Fish bone, with fragments of tortoise shell recovered from this context.",3/3/1991 00:00:00,, "M16:009",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Shell recovered from the sieve.",4/3/1991 00:00:00,, "M16:009",4.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Fragments of bitumen with weave impressions, presumably from the lining to one or more woven vessels. Not measured.",3/3/1991 00:00:00,, "M16:010",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Missing 1991",1/7/1991 00:00:00,, "M16:010",2.00,"STONE","SOCKET","Door-socket of white limestone, approximately sub-rectangular in plan, hollowed out on both broad faces. One hollow shows signs of rotary wear, presumably used as a door socket. Dimensions 12.4 x 10.1 x 5.4 cm. One hollow 5.1 x 5.1 x 2.8 cm.",17/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Stone has been brushed. Second hollow not yet cleaned." "M16:015",1.00,"STONE","WORKED","Small worked orange stone, possibly carnelian, Triangular in section, with base flat, and the other two sides smooth. Approximately oval in plan. 3.1 x 2.0 x 1.1 cm.",5/3/1991 00:00:00,, "M16:015",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Includes fragments of cuttlefish.",4/3/1991 00:00:00,, "M16:015",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Shell recovered from the sieve.",4/3/1991 00:00:00,, "M16:015",4.00,"ORGANIC","DATE","Carbonised date stones recovered from the sieve.",4/3/1991 00:00:00,, "M16:015",5.00,"COPPER","FRAG","One lump of copper recovered from this context. 2.3 x 2.0 x 1.5 cm.",4/3/1991 00:00:00,, "M16:015",6.00,"STONE","TOOL","Hard, black, close grained stone, irregular angular shape. Worn very smooth. 5.4 x 3.9 x 3.3 cm.",9/4/1991 00:00:00,,"This stone has been washed." "M16:015",7.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Slab of white limestone. Now semi-circular in plan, straight edge broken off. Half of rounded edge chipped too. Undamaged part of edge worn smooth, as are the broad faces. One broad face flat, one rounded. Much thicker and heavier than the usual grinders. 15.0 x 19.0 x 7.0 cm.",17/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Stone has been brushed." "M16:015",8.00,"PLASTER","DOMED LID","White plaster lid, one face flat, one convex. Slice broken from edge. Diameter: 15.1, thickness 4.3 cm.",17/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Brushed." "M16:016",1.00,"STONE","TOOL","Hard, close grained black stone. Approximately trapezoidal in plan, triangular in section, i.e. more or less wedge shaped. Surfaces worn smooth, short ends pounded, also thin long edge. 12.0 x 9.5 x 6.8 cm.",9/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Stone has been washed." "M16:016",2.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Fragments of bitumen from a vessel or vessel lining. Not measured.",5/3/1991 00:00:00,, "M16:016",3.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Black, hard, close grained stone, approximately rectangular in plan with rounded ends, rectangular in section. All surfaces smooth, long sides worn especially smooth, and one worn concave. Ends show signs of pounding. 9.6 x 7.8 x 4.5 cm.",9/4/1991 00:00:00,,"This object has been washed." "M16:016",4.00,"BONE","BONES",,3/3/1991 00:00:00,, "M16:016",5.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,4/3/1991 00:00:00,, "M16:016",6.00,"STONE","TOOL","Missing 1991",1/7/1991 00:00:00,, "M16:016",7.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Whole earth sample taken for flotation. Little carbon, 1mm plus 0.41 flots put together.",19/3/1991 00:00:00,, "M16:016",8.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,5/3/1991 00:00:00,, "M16:016",9.00,"BONE","BONES",,5/3/1991 00:00:00,, "M16:016",10.00,"BITUMEN","FRAG","Large, thick piece of bitumen. 6.1 x 5.6 x 2.6 cm.",5/3/1991 00:00:00,, "M16:016",11.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Small fragment of metal. 1.1 x 0.9 x 0.5 cm.",10/3/1991 00:00:00,, "M16:016",12.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Small fragments of bitumen. Not further described.",5/3/1991 00:00:00,, "M16:016",13.00,"METAL","LUMP","Large triangular lump of corroded metal. 6.0 x 5.0 x 2.1 cm.",13/3/1991 00:00:00,, "M16:016",14.00,"STONE","TOOL","Hard crystalline stone, mottled grey and white. Probably originally sub-rectangular slab, now broken off. Worked to that shape, but no obvious traces of use. 5.9 x 4.0 cm.",9/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Washed" "M16:018",1.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Small piece of brown unworked flint. 2.3 x 1.5 x 0.8 cm.",5/3/1991 00:00:00,, "M16:018",2.00,"STONE","DOMED LID","Porous limestone. Roughly circular in plan, but chipped. One face very flat, the opposite one slightly domed. Edge very sharp. Several natural depressions. Di. 13.0 cm. 2.7 cm. thick.",17/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Stone lid washed." "M16:018",3.00,"PLASTER","DOMED LID","Domed lid of grey plaster. One face slightly convex, the other has a ledge, then is roughly flattened with several depressions, possible finger marks, or perhaps the result of pouring over an uneven surface. Diameter: 17.0; TH: 4.5 cm.",17/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Washed." "M16:018",4.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Missing, 1991. Context sheet has 'rubber stone'.",20/4/1991 00:00:00,, "M16:018",5.00,"STONE","TOOL","White limestone in the shape of a very blunt wedge. Surfaces smooth, narrow end possibly used for pounding. Missing 1998.",9/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Stone has been washed." "M16:018",6.00,"BONE","BONES",,10/3/1991 00:00:00,, "M16:018",7.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,10/3/1991 00:00:00,, "M16:018",8.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Fragments of bitumen. Not further described.",10/3/1991 00:00:00,, "M16:018",9.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Two fragments of corroded metal. [1] 1.4 x 1.1 x 0.6 cm. [2] 1.1 x 0.9 x 0.5 cm.",10/3/1991 00:00:00,, "M16:019",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,7/3/1991 00:00:00,, "M16:019",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Two shells recovered from this context, one very large, measuring 14.2 x 10.7 x 1.2 cm.",7/3/1991 00:00:00,, "M16:019",3.00,"BONE","BONES",,10/3/1991 00:00:00,, "M16:019",4.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Thirteen fragments of metal of various sizes, from 2.2 x 1, 6 x 1.0 cm - 0.5 x 0.3 x 0.1 cm.",7/3/1991 00:00:00,, "M16:019",5.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Bitumen fragment, many with weave- impressions on one side, presumably from the lining to one or more woven vessels. Not measured.",7/3/1991 00:00:00,, "M16:019",6.00,"STONE","DOMED LID","Lid of grey limestone, or possibly plaster. Roughly circular in plan, one side worked flat, the other slightly rounded. Di. 10.5 cm. x 3.8 cm thick.",17/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Can't locate." "M16:019",7.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Missing 1991. Context sheet has 'stone rubber'.",20/4/1991 00:00:00,, "M16:023",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Includes fragments of cuttlefish.",4/3/1991 00:00:00,, "M16:023",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Shell recovered from the sieve.",4/3/1991 00:00:00,, "M16:023",3.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Not described.",4/3/1991 00:00:00,, "M16:029",1.00,"BONE","BONES",,13/3/1991 00:00:00,, "M16:029",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,13/3/1991 00:00:00,, "M16:029",3.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Bitumen fragments. Not further described.",13/3/1991 00:00:00,, "M16:029",4.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Seven fragments of corroded metal, in various sizes, from 3.1 x 2.6 x 1.5 cm - 0.7 x 0.6 x 0.4 cm.",13/3/1991 00:00:00,, "M16:029",5.00,"COPPER","FRAG","One fragment of corroded metal. 3.7 x 1.5 x 1.4 cm.",13/3/1991 00:00:00,, "M16:029",6.00,"BITUMEN","FRAG","Large lump of bitumen, with smaller associated fragments. Lump seems to be made up of a number of layers of bitumen, as though it had been poured out and allowed to set.",13/3/1991 00:00:00,,"Very brittle, individual layers beginning to separate." "M16:033",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Whole earth sample taken from this context for flotation. From residue:- Small bag with 3 small fragments of carbonised date pips. Total Wgt <0.1 gms. 1mm flot, little carbon",19/3/1991 00:00:00,, "M16:033",2.00,"STONE","TOOL","White limestone in the shape of a flattened sphere. Faces worn smooth, edges probably pounded. Di. 5.6 cm. H. 4.2 cm.",9/4/1991 00:00:00,,"This stone has been washed." "M16:033",3.00,"BITUMEN","BEAD","Large, complete bead, apparently made by folding a piece of bitumen over on itself to form a biconical shape, with one flattened end and double-angled angled perforation. Dimensions 4.1 x 2.3 x 1.6 cm.",10/3/1991 00:00:00,, "M16:033",4.00,"STONE","BEAD","Complete stone bead, partly white, partly grey-brown. Roughly ovoid, one end flattened. Dimensions1.7 x 1.6 x 0.9 cm.",10/3/1991 00:00:00,, "M16:033",5.00,"STONE","TOOL","Hard, close grained black stone. Approximately trapezoidal in plan, sub-rectangular in section. Faces all worn very smooth, short ends pounded and chipped. 8.1 x 5.4 x 3.6 cm.",9/4/1991 00:00:00,,"This stone has been washed." "M16:033",6.00,"BONE","BONES",,10/3/1991 00:00:00,, "M16:033",7.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Fragment of clay sealing in pale grey clay. Reverse has faint striated impressions. The front has part of the left edge of a seal impression, showing a possible standing naked human figure facing right, with arms raised to the right. To the right is the head of an animal with ruffed neck and long, swept-back horns, facing left but head turning back over its shoulder. The figures are very small, and the carving exceptionally fine. Dimensions 1.3 x 0.9 x 0.4",16/5/1994 00:00:00,, "M16:035",1.00,"BONE","BONES",,13/3/1991 00:00:00,, "M16:037",1.00,"FLINT","FRAG","One half of a small flint core. 4.2 x 3.2 x 2.1 cm.",18/3/1991 00:00:00,, "M16:037",2.00,"BONE","BONES",,13/3/1991 00:00:00,, "M16:037",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,13/3/1991 00:00:00,, "M16:037",4.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS?","Not described. Presumably fragments.",13/3/1991 00:00:00,, "M16:037",5.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Nine small fragments of corroded metal.",13/3/1991 00:00:00,, "M16:037",6.00,"BONE","BONES","A section of turtle/tortoise shell.",14/4/1991 00:00:00,, "M16:038",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Whole earth sample taken from this context for flotation. From residue:- Small bag of carbonised organic material, mostly date pip fragments, about 15. Total Wgt 0.2 gms.",19/3/1991 00:00:00,, "M16:039",1.00,"POTTERY","COOKING POT","Cooking vessel: less than half preserved, including about a quarter of the rim. Base missing. Standard cooking fabric. Mouth thickened and slightly pushed up, no neck, globular, ovoid body. Pres. H. 28.5, rim di. c. 13.8 cm.",20/4/1991 00:00:00,, "M16:039",2.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Whole earth sample taken for flotation.",19/3/1991 00:00:00,, "M17:001",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,27/2/1991 00:00:00,, "M17:001",2.00,"STONE","MORTAR","Fragment from the edge of a straight sided mortar. Grey limestone/farush. Low edge, interior worn smooth and hollow. Side and base roughly shaped. Dimensions 14.6 x 4.3 2.1 cm.",17/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Stone mortar fragment has been washed." "M17:001",3.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Small piece of brown flint. Possible retouch along one edge. 3.0 x 2.0 x 1.1 cm.",27/2/1991 00:00:00,, "M17:001",4.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Piece of red/brown unworked flint. 4.3 x 3.5 x 1.0 cm.",4/3/1991 00:00:00,, "M17:002",1.00,"STONE","MORTAR","Grey crystalline limestone, corner fragment from a mortar. Perhaps rectangular originally. Inside has been rubbed smooth and hollow. Height 7.0 cm., max. present length 8.5 cm., max. present width 8.5 cm., thickness of the base 3.2 cm.",17/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Stone fragment has been brushed." "M17:002",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,4/3/1991 00:00:00,, "M17:002",3.00,"FOSSIL","SHELL","One large fossilized shell.",27/2/1991 00:00:00,, "M17:002",4.00,"STONE","TOOL FRAG","Chip of hard black stone with worn surface, presumably off a larger object. 3.9 x 2.6 x 1.0 cm.",9/4/1991 00:00:00,,"This stone has been washed." "M17:004",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,27/2/1991 00:00:00,, "M17:005",1.00,,,"DISCARDED. Context sheet has 'unknown object'.",28/2/1991 00:00:00,, "M17:005",2.00,"FLINT","CORE","Possible flint core, appears to have had a number of flakes strike from its surface. Purple/brown in colour. 4.5 x 4.3 x 3.4 cm.",7/3/1991 00:00:00,, "M17:008",1.00,"PLASTER","ROOF FRAG","Large piece of plaster, one surface plain, fairly smooth but rough, the other side is covered in a series of palm frond impressions. Perhaps from roofing. Dimensions 28.5 x 23.0 x 3.1 cm.",7/3/1991 00:00:00,,"stored on shelves" "M17:008",2.00,"BONE","HORN CORE","Fragments of horn core.",2/3/1991 00:00:00,, "M17:008",3.00,"BONE","FISH","Otolith.",2/3/1991 00:00:00,, "M17:008",4.00,"BONE","FISH",,3/3/1991 00:00:00,, "M17:008",5.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,4/3/1991 00:00:00,, "M17:012",1.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Fragment of corroded copper. 2.2 x 0.5 x 0.6 cm.",2/3/1991 00:00:00,, "M17:012",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Bone recovered from sieve.",2/3/1991 00:00:00,, "M17:012",3.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Fragments of bitumen. None appear to have any weave impressions on either side. Not measured.",3/3/1991 00:00:00,, "M17:012",4.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Small fragment of copper recovered from the sieve. 1.9 x 1.3 x 1.1 cm.",2/3/1991 00:00:00,, "M17:012",5.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Shell recovered from the sieve.",4/3/1991 00:00:00,, "M17:012",6.00,"ORGANIC","DATE","Carbonised date stones recovered from the sieve.",2/3/1991 00:00:00,, "M17:013",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Includes a fragment of tortoise shell.",4/3/1991 00:00:00,, "M17:020",1.00,"BONE","BONES",,13/3/1991 00:00:00,, "M17:020",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,13/3/1991 00:00:00,, "M17:020",3.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Fragments of bitumen with weave impressions on one side, from the lining to one or more woven vessels. Not measured.",13/3/1991 00:00:00,, "M17:020",4.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Corroded lump of metal. 1.7 x 1.7 x 0.9 cm.",13/3/1991 00:00:00,, "M17:020",5.00,"FLINT","FRAG",,18/3/1991 00:00:00,, "M17:020",6.00,"PLASTER","BASE LINING","Approximately one quarter of a small, rimless plaster 'bowl', presumably the lining from the base of a pottery vessel. Interior surface very uneven, exterior surface smooth and well shaped. Very similar to Q20:020:1. Dimensions 10.7 x 5.9 x 2.2 cm.",13/3/1991 00:00:00,,"Recovered from this context in two pieces, reattached with H.M.G." "M17:020",7.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAG","Fragment of bitumen from the lining of a woven vessel. Weave impressions on one side.",13/3/1991 00:00:00,, "M17:020",8.00,"POTTERY","SAMPLE","Sherd with residue.",13/3/1991 00:00:00,," Taken to London for analysis by John Evans." "P19:000",1.00,"BONE","BONES",,17/2/1990 00:00:00,, "P19:000",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,17/2/1990 00:00:00,, "P19:000",3.00,"PLASTER","FRAGS","Large plaster fragments, ash-based, with impressions of reeds and matting. Not measured.",17/3/1990 00:00:00,, "P19:000",4.00,"STONE","SAMPLE","Coral?",17/2/1990 00:00:00,, "P19:000",5.00,"BITUMEN","FRAG","Not described.",16/2/1990 00:00:00,, "P19:000",6.00,"STONE","TOOL","Piece of light brown stone, apparently segment from circular slab, very flat and smooth on one face, slightly domed on the other. About one quarter of circle extant, broken edges perhaps deliberately smoothed. Small drilled hole near edge and traces of a second. Max. 9.5 x 8.9 x 5. Di. c. 17 - 18.0.",17/2/1990 00:00:00,, "P19:000",7.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Tiny blob of copper waste",17/2/1990 00:00:00,, "P19:000",8.00,"STONE","TOOL","Slab of pink stone, square in plan, rounded corners. One or two chips, one in centre of broad surface, possibly an attempt to drill a central perforation. 6 x 6, h. 3.",18/2/1990 00:00:00,, "P19:000",9.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Fragment of flat worked stone, possibly grindstone/ mortar. Both faces worn. L. 8.5, max. w. 7.",18/2/1990 00:00:00,, "P19:000",10.00,"POTTERY","BOWL","Deep bowl. Less than half of rim and body extant, base missing. Hard pink clay, temper of hard grit and possibly shell, green surface out. Plain rim, body drops vertically then swells to rounded shape. Pres. H. 8.5, rim di. 9.6 (reconstruc.).",10/4/1990 00:00:00,, "P19:000",11.00,"STONE","TOOL","Dark grey stone, roughly in the shape of a very blunt wedge. Narrow edges smooth from handling and show signs of wear. Max. 7.6 x 6 x 4.5",5/3/1990 00:00:00,, "P19:000",12.00,,,"DISCARDED",5/3/1990 00:00:00,, "P19:001",1.00,"BONE","BONES",,23/2/1990 00:00:00,, "P19:001",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,23/2/1990 00:00:00,, "P19:001",3.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Large fragment of limestone grindstone/mortar. Ext. l. 21. ext. w. 18, max. h. 10 cm.",17/3/1990 00:00:00,, "P19:001",4.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,26/3/1990 00:00:00,, "P19:001",5.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Eight small fragments of bitumen with rather small, delicate weave impressions on one surface, presumably from the lining to one or more small woven vessels. Largest 1.9 x 1.4 x 0.3 cm.",27/2/1990 00:00:00,, "P19:001",6.00,"POTTERY","JAR","Not restored.",25/2/1990 00:00:00,,"Stored in sherd-sack." "P19:001",7.00,"STONE","SAMPLE","Coral?",18/2/1990 00:00:00,, "P19:001",8.00,"SHELL","CONE BEAD","Conus ebraeus shell, pierced through apex, presumably for use as bead. l. 3.0; max. w. 2.1, with circular hole at broad end.Used in Museum Exhibition 1990.",15/3/1990 00:00:00,, "P19:001",9.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Two tiny blobs of copper waste",18/2/1990 00:00:00,, "P19:001",10.00,"STEATITE","SEAL","Seal in light grey steatite, glazed. Edge: Failaka var. 2. Reverse has four incised circles with central dot, and three lines across. Design shows a divine figure seated on a stool, facing right. He wears a horned headdress and a tiered skirt. In one hand he holds a long straw by which he drinks from a pot set at his feet. Below him is a scorpion, facing left. In front and facing him is a kneeling horned animal, above a damaged bird motif. Above the animal's head is an ?astral symbol. Behind the seated figure is a smaller, naked, standing figure, which faces the seated one and touches him with one hand. In the left field are three other motifs: a hatched crescentic object above a circle with radial lines, below which is a triangle, hatched horizontally, and perhaps representing an offering stand. Diam. 2.60-2.64, ht. 1.32. Used in Museum Exhibition 1990",20/2/1990 00:00:00,"Y", "P19:001",11.00,"PLASTER","POT COATING","Fragment of light grey plaster, apparently used to coat pottery vessel. Inside surface is smooth, with impression consistent with outside of a jar, including pronounced carination, perhaps from just below rim. Exterior surface is rough. Vague vegetable impressions on thick upper edge. Plaster contains tiny fragments of fish bone, and object was made by two applications of the same material (inner rim area first). Dimensions 17.25 x 13.0 x 13.2-1.15 cm.",3/3/1990 00:00:00,, "P19:002",1.00,"PLASTER","DOMED LID FRAG","Fragment of domed lid of light grey plaster. One face flat to slightly concave, the other convex with a rounded edge. Diameter 12.0 cm.",25/2/1990 00:00:00,, "P19:002",2.00,"BONE","BONES",,23/2/1990 00:00:00,, "P19:002",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,23/2/1990 00:00:00,, "P19:002",4.00,"STONE","VESSEL FRAG","Piece of soft white stone, apparently broken from the circumference of a shallow vessel, or perhaps a disc-shaped object. Dimensions 16 x 7.2 x 2.7 cm. Diam. Perhaps around 20.0 cm.",2/3/1990 00:00:00,, "P19:002",5.00,"BITUMEN","FRAG","Not described.",2/3/1990 00:00:00,, "P19:003",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,1/3/1990 00:00:00,, "P19:003",2.00,"PLASTER","CONVEX LID","Thick ovoid lid, of white plaster. Two opposing broad faces are convex. Max. diam. 8.7, max. h. 5.2",20/3/1990 00:00:00,, "P19:004",1.00,"BONE","BONES",,25/2/1990 00:00:00,, "P19:004",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,25/2/1990 00:00:00,, "P19:004",3.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Many small, disintegrating fragments of bitumen with weave impressions on one side, presumably from the lining to one or more woven vessels. Largest 2.1 x 1.2 x 0.6",27/2/1990 00:00:00,, "P19:004",4.00,"SHELL","CONE BEAD","Shell of Conus ebraeus, pierced through apex, presumably for use as bead. l. 2.5; w. 1.5. Wrongly labelled 14:4, Used in Museum Exhibition 1990",27/2/1990 00:00:00,, "P19:004",5.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Removed to UK",27/2/1990 00:00:00,, "P19:004",6.00,"ORGANIC","SAMPLE","DISCARDED",27/2/1990 00:00:00,, "P19:004",7.00,"COPPER","BLADE?","Very corroded but substantial strip of metal, bent round and tapering to a point at one end. Opposite end possibly broken off. Tip of curved knife-blade or similar. 1.7 cm long. Compare other 'lunate blades' from the site",2/3/1990 00:00:00,, "P19:004",8.00,"STONE","TOOL","White stone, approx. cubic in shape with rounded corners. 8.1 x 8.0 x 7.5 . Abs. l. 9.05m, NW 3.22m, NE 4.82",3/3/1990 00:00:00,, "P19:004",9.00,"STONE","TOOL","Dark grey stone, approx. spherical, flattened in two opposing planes. Approx. diam. 7, h. 4.5. Abs. l. 9.01m, NW 4.00m, NE 5.85m",2/3/1990 00:00:00,, "P19:004",10.00,"STONE","TOOL","Dark grey stone, in the shape of a short cylinder with bulging sides. Old chip from one side. Approx. diam. 8.5, max. h. 5.6. Abs. l. 9.07m, NW 3.23m, NE 5.81",3/3/1990 00:00:00,, "P19:004",11.00,"PLASTER","DOMED LID","Hemispherical lid, of white plaster. Lower half domed, upper part splays near top to slightly convex face. Di. 11.9 - 12.5, H. 5.4.- 8.5 cm.",2/3/1990 00:00:00,, "P19:004",12.00,"STONE","TOOL","Light coloured stone, with 3 flat surfaces, damaged, max. 9.2 x 8.2 x 7.5. Abs. l. 8.98m, NW 3.75m, NE 5.35m",3/3/1990 00:00:00,, "P19:004",13.00,"PLASTER","DISC LID","Five joining fragments of a very large disc-shaped lid, of light grey plaster. About three-quarters extant. Both faces are smooth and slightly convex, with rounded edges. The largest fragment has irregular hollows on one face. Diameter: 51.0, thickness 3.75 cm. Hollow: 10.0 x 7.0 x 1.5-3 cm.",25/3/1990 00:00:00,,"Stored on shelves, placed in plastic bag 1998. here is some sandy brown residue still in the hollow" "P19:004",14.00,"POTTERY","BOWL","Bowl. About a quarter of vessel preserved, profile except for centre of base. Pink clay, perfunctory cream slip, hard grit and vegetable temper. Rim squared off, sides almost straight, flat base. Two gouge marks inside near base, made before firing. Scratch marks out, also done before firing. H. 5.0, rim di. (reconstruc.) 34.4, ba. di. (reconstruc.) 6.0.",20/3/1990 00:00:00,, "P19:004",15.00,"POTTERY","JAR","Upper part of large storage jar. Rim and part of body only. Hard pink clay, temper of grit and ?shell, outer surface dark red, now peeling (perhaps slip). Heavy rim, flat on top, no neck, body swells. Two holes preserved just below rim, made before firing. Spacing suggests eight originally. Pres. H. 23.0, rim di. 40 (v. approx.) cm.",20/3/1990 00:00:00,, "P19:004",16.00,"BONE","FISH VERT","Fish vertebrae, consolidated in lab.",26/3/1990 00:00:00,, "P19:004",17.00,"STONE","TOOL","Spherical light coloured stone, diam. 8.",2/3/1990 00:00:00,, "P19:004",18.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder made from slab of white stone. Very flat and smooth on one side, domed on the other, edges worked, and one broken. Max. dimensions 11 x 14 x 4.",2/3/1990 00:00:00,, "P19:004",19.00,"SHELL","WORKED OYSTER","Oyster shell with edge ground away and several small holes and attempted holes. Dimensions 10.1 x 5.0 cm.",,, "P19:005",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,28/2/1990 00:00:00,, "P19:005",2.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,26/3/1990 00:00:00,, "P19:005",3.00,"FLINT","FLAKE","Flake retouched to form very jagged edges on three sides. 4th side broken off straight. Rib on one side. L. 5.5, w. 5.1, depth 1.3. Used in Museum Exhibition 1990.",19/3/1990 00:00:00,, "P19:006",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,6/3/1990 00:00:00,, "P19:006",2.00,"BONE","BONES",,5/3/1990 00:00:00,, "P19:006",3.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Angular piece of flint, some cortex adhering. 8.9 x 4.4 x 4.8.",19/3/1990 00:00:00,, "P19:007",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,26/3/1990 00:00:00,, "P19:016",1.00,"METAL","SLAG?","Small piece of metal slag? 4.9 X 3.0 Abs. l. 9.42m, NW 5.40m, SW 3.16",3/12/1990 00:00:00,, "P19:017",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,13/3/1991 00:00:00,, "P19:017",2.00,"BONE","BONES",,20/3/1991 00:00:00,, "P19:017",3.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Whole earth sample taken for flotation. From residue:- One small bag of carbonised seeds, some probably date. Wgt <0.1 gms.",19/3/1991 00:00:00,, "P19:017",4.00,"PLASTER","FRAGS","Six assorted fragments of plaster. [1] 8.7 x 5.0 x 1.1 cm. [2] 9.8 x 7.0 x 0.9 cm. [3] 10.4 x 6.0 x 2.3 cm. [4] 12.2 x 8.0 x 2.1 cm. [5] 15.9 x 10.9 x 2.3 cm. [6] 6.4 x 7.5 x 4.6 cm.",13/3/1991 00:00:00,, "P19:017",5.00,"FLINT","FLAKE","Flake of brown coarse flint. Plain platform and hinged termination. Previously struck flakes from platform evident on dorsal and one side faces. Possible usewear on thin convex edge, and pointed tip is damaged. L: 3.6; W: 1.9; TH: 0.9 cm. From Flotation Sample P19:017:3.",15/1/1998 00:00:00,, "P19:018",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,10/3/1991 00:00:00,, "P19:018",2.00,"BONE","BONES",,10/3/1991 00:00:00,, "P19:018",3.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Whole earth sample taken for flotation.",19/3/1991 00:00:00,, "P19:018",4.00,"STONE","TOOL FRAG","Grey stone, probably crystalline limestone. Probably a natural geode, shaped to be cylindrical, now broken in half. Surviving end worn smooth. Di. 6.0 cm. Present height3.7 cm.",10/4/1991 00:00:00,,"This stone has been washed." "P19:018",5.00,"STONE","TOOL","Large grey pebble, irregular shape, one facet possibly worn smooth. Opposing narrow edge possible used for pounding. 5.3 x 5.5 x 5.2 cm.",10/4/1991 00:00:00,,"This stone has been washed." "P19:018",6.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Five assorted fragments of corroded metal. [1] 4.2 x 3.1 x 2.1 cm. [2] 3.8 x 2.8 x 1.7 cm. [3] 2.4 x 1.9 x 1.1 cm. [4] 1.5 x 1.6 x 0.4 cm. [5] 1.1 x 0.7 x 0.4 cm.",10/3/1991 00:00:00,, "P19:018",7.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Bitumen fragments. Not further described.",10/3/1991 00:00:00,, "P19:018",8.00,"COPPER","HOOK FRAG","Length of copper rod, turns abruptly at one end, where there is a recent break. Pointed at short end, thickened and flattened towards break. Presumably part of a fish hook. 2.4 x 0.3 x 0.3 cm.",24/3/1991 00:00:00,, "P19:019",1.00,"STONE","TOOL","Hard black stone, fairly thin, approximately round in plan, with one flattened facet. One broad face domed and worn smooth, the other has an irregular surface, but also worn very smooth in places, as is flat facet. Edges are worn, perhaps used for pounding. 7.1 x 6.4 x 4.1 cm.",10/4/1991 00:00:00,,"This stone has been washed." "P19:019",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,5/1/1991 00:00:00,, "P19:019",3.00,"BONE","BONES",,5/1/1991 00:00:00,, "P19:019",4.00,"STONE","PEBBLES","Three pebbles. [1] a white translucent pebble, irregular rounded shape, worn smooth where not chipped. 4.0 x 3.8 x2.4 cm. [2] A grey pebble, perhaps chert, rounded irregular shape, chipped. 3.0 x 2.4 x 1.8 cm. [3] A hard cream coloured stone, flat, rounded, irregular shape. 2.7 x 2.7 x 1.1 cm.",9/4/1991 00:00:00,,"All three pebbles have been washed." "P19:022",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,16/1/1991 00:00:00,, "P19:022",2.00,"BONE","BONES",,16/1/1991 00:00:00,, "P19:022",3.00,"FLINT","NODULE","One half of a nodule of unworked, purple/pink flint. Cortex on the outside of the remaining half. 5.8 x 3.7 x 4.3 cm.",7/3/1991 00:00:00,, "P19:025",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,29/1/1991 00:00:00,, "P19:025",2.00,"BONE","BONES",,29/1/1991 00:00:00,, "P19:025",3.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Three sacks of a whole earth sample for flotation.",29/1/1991 00:00:00,, "P19:025",4.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","A number of bitumen fragments. The largest, 3.0 x 2.9 x 0.4 cm. has weave impressions on its interior surface, so is presumably from the lining to one or more woven vessels.",29/1/1991 00:00:00,, "P19:025",5.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Very small fragment of copper.",29/1/1991 00:00:00,, "P20:000",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,14/2/1990 00:00:00,, "P20:000",2.00,"BONE","BONES",,15/2/1990 00:00:00,, "P20:000",3.00,"POTTERY","VAT","Less than half of rim and upper body extant. Pink clay, grit temper. Rim slopes out, body swells very slightly then begins to taper. Whole body as extant covered with applied ridges (seven extant). Pres. H. 23.8, rim di. (reconstruc.) c. 46.0.",9/4/1990 00:00:00,, "P20:000",4.00,"PLASTER","ROOF FRAGS","Fragments of plaster, presumably roof or ceiling render, with impressions of palm leaf on one side. Not measured.",12/2/1990 00:00:00,, "P20:000",5.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Lump of unworked brown flint, irregular elongated natural nodule with thin patchy cortex and desert varnish. 9.0 x 4.8 x 3.6 cm.",27/2/1990 00:00:00,, "P20:000",6.00,"PLASTER","FRAG","Not described.",5/3/1990 00:00:00,, "P20:001",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,23/2/1990 00:00:00,, "P20:001",2.00,"COPPER","BANGLE","Thin bangle, oval in section. Diam. 6.5, thickness 0.3, width 0.5 cm.",11/2/1990 00:00:00,,"Broken into 6 pieces." "P20:001",3.00,"BONE","BONES",,15/2/1990 00:00:00,, "P20:002",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,16/2/1990 00:00:00,, "P20:002",2.00,"BONE","BONES",,16/2/1990 00:00:00,, "P20:002",3.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,26/3/1990 00:00:00,, "P20:002",4.00,"STONE","FRAGS","2 fragments",12/2/1990 00:00:00,, "P20:002",5.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Part of stone pounder, h. 6, base 3.",14/2/1990 00:00:00,, "P20:002",6.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,26/3/1990 00:00:00,, "P20:002",7.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Small unbaked fragment of grey ashy clay, roughly rectangular in shape. Possible traces of illegible motifs on one face. Dimensions 0.8 x 0.8 x 0.3 cm.",12/2/1990 00:00:00,, "P20:002",8.00,"CLAY","SEALING","Thin flake of pinkish fired clay, roughly rectangular in shape. Obverse. Figure of short-horned animal, head partially missing, with flicked up tail facing left. Behind it is a vertical line, perhaps the remains of a tree, and above its back a star/sun symbol. Reverse. Two parallel string impressions. Dimensions 0.7 x 1.0 x 0.2 cm.",12/2/1990 00:00:00,, "P20:002",9.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Two fragments of copper. From flot. residue P20D:2:3. 1) Sub oval 1.2 x 0.8 x 0.5 cm. 2) Sub triangular 1.4 x 0.6 x 0.4 cm.",12/2/1990 00:00:00,, "P20:003",1.00,"BONE","BONES",,16/2/1990 00:00:00,, "P20:003",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,16/2/1990 00:00:00,, "P20:004",1.00,"BONE","BONES",,16/2/1990 00:00:00,, "P20:004",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,16/2/1990 00:00:00,, "P20:004",3.00,"PLASTER","DISC LID FRAG","Thin, flat fragment of large disc lid of light grey plaster. Dimensions 16.5 x 16.0 x 3.9 cm.",17/2/1990 00:00:00,, "P20:004",4.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Pointed oval fragment of brown flint retouched to form a Denticulated Scraper and possible Burin. Natural piece has one flat and one concave face, with the steep sided convex edge and part of the butt end coarsely retouched. It is possible that the thick, but sharp, pointed end was used as a double burin as there is a small scar below each point. Dimensions 5.4 x 2.9 x 1.6 cm. Originally catalogued with, but now separated from, P20:004:7-9 in 1998.",16/2/1990 00:00:00,, "P20:004",5.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,26/3/1990 00:00:00,, "P20:004",6.00,"CLAY","BEAD","Short cylindrical reddish clay bead, apparently with longitudinal rib on either side. Broken in half. Extant length 0.5 cm",17/2/1990 00:00:00,, "P20:004",7.00,"FLINT","FLAKE","Flake of very dark grey-black opaque flint, with remnant patinated surface. Scarred platform, irregular/hinged termination. Previous scar struck from proximal end on dorsal surface. L: 1.8; W: 1.3; T: 0.4 cm. Separated from P20:004:4 in 1998.",16/2/1990 00:00:00,, "P20:004",8.00,"FLINT","FLAKE","Pointed wide flake of translucent brown flint, with remnant creamy white cortex on platform. Shaped similar to a cat's claw. Focal platform with hinged termination. Previous scar struck off proximal end on dorsal face. No obvious signs of use on tips. L: 1.0; W; 1.9; T: 0.3 cm. Separated from P20:004:4 in 1998.",16/2/1990 00:00:00,, "P20:004",9.00,"FLINT","FRAGS","Two fragments of flint. 1) Sub-triangular or wedge-shaped fragment of brown flint, with two opposing flat faces (one very shiny) converging to form a thin worn edge. Dimensions 2.7 x 1.4 x 0.7 cm. 2) Tiny sub-triangular piece of slightly lighter coloured brown, with angled point. Dimensions 0.9 x 0.6 x 0.4 cm. Both separated from P20:004:4 in 1998.",16/2/1990 00:00:00,, "P20:005",1.00,"BONE","BONES",,23/2/1990 00:00:00,, "P20:005",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,23/2/1990 00:00:00,, "P20:005",3.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Dark grey micaceous stone, poss. part of pounder. Approx. l. 9, w. 4.5.",18/2/1990 00:00:00,, "P20:005",4.00,"FOSSIL","FOSSIL","Fossilised small bean-shaped creature, large chip missing. L. 2.5, w. 2.2, h. 1.8.",20/2/1990 00:00:00,, "P20:005",5.00,"FLINT","NODULES","2 flint nodules",25/2/1990 00:00:00,, "P20:005",6.00,"BITUMEN","FRAG","Not described.",27/2/1990 00:00:00,, "P20:005",7.00,"STONE","TOOL","White stone, cylindrical with rounded ends. One particular smooth patch on circumference. Approx. diam. 6, h. 5.5.",25/2/1990 00:00:00,, "P20:007",1.00,"BONE","BONES",,3/12/1990 00:00:00,, "P20:007",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,3/12/1990 00:00:00,, "P20:007",3.00,"CARNELIAN","BEAD","Carnelian bead, Banded brown, cylindrical with bulge in centre - sub-biconical. Dimensions 1.3 x 0.45 cm.",26/2/1990 00:00:00,,"Used in Museum Exhibition 1990, along with 4-7, previously all catalogued under this number." "P20:007",4.00,"CARNELIAN","BEAD","Banded brown carnelian bead with flecks of white. Cylindrical. Dimensions 0.81 x 0.45 cm.",,, "P20:007",5.00,"CARNELIAN","BEAD","Banded brown carnelian bead with white patina. Cylindrical with slightly tapered ends, one slightly damaged. Dimensions 0.82 x 0.5 cm.",,, "P20:007",6.00,"CARNELIAN","BEAD","Banded brown carnelian bead with white patina. Cylindrical with slightly tapered ends. Dimension 0.8 x 0.45 cm.",,, "P20:007",7.00,"CARNELIAN","BEAD","Dull brown, lentoid carnelian bead, with chips and white patches. Woolley Type 3. Dimensions 0.75 x 0.9 cm.",,, "P20:009",1.00,"BONE","BONES",,26/2/1990 00:00:00,, "P20:009",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,26/2/1990 00:00:00,, "P20:009",3.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder made from piece of very coarse light-coloured stone containing shells. One surface worked smooth and sloping down towards broken edge. Dimensions 20 x 16, max. h. 11, min. h. 4.",17/3/1990 00:00:00,, "P20:010",1.00,"BONE","BONES",,5/3/1990 00:00:00,, "P20:010",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,6/3/1990 00:00:00,, "P20:010",3.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,26/3/1990 00:00:00,, "P20:011",1.00,"BONE","BONES",,5/3/1990 00:00:00,, "P20:011",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,6/3/1990 00:00:00,, "P20:011",3.00,"STONE","PEBBLE","Hemispherical grey pebble, probably broken from natural geode. 4.6 x 4.5 x 2.2 cm.",5/3/1990 00:00:00,, "P20:011",4.00,"PEARL","PEARL","Small pearl, slightly irregular shape. Pinkish sheen, diam. 4.02mm. Found below top layer of plaster in SE corner of room embedded in floor. Used for Museum Exhibition 1990. Submitted to the Gem and Pearl Testing Laboratory of Bahrain, 24.1.93, which confirmed identification, and gave measurements of 3.97-4.03 x 4.05 mm, weight of 0.46 carats.",3/3/1990 00:00:00,, "P20:011",5.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Fragment of copper slag or waste.1.9 x 1.4 x 1.2 cm",5/3/1990 00:00:00,, "P20:011",6.00,"STONE","TOOL","Stone pebble, crystalline yellow/white, hemispherical. Presumably half of an originally rounded pebble. One facet possibly used for pounding. 3.3 x 3.0 x 1.6 cm.",14/3/1994 00:00:00,, "P20:028",1.00,"STONE","TOOL","Slab of close grained black stone, Approximately wedge shaped, two corners chipped. Both broad faces worn smooth over irregular surface, thick end shows signs of pounding, and possible thin end too. 5.8 x 6.1 x 2.6 cm.",10/4/1991 00:00:00,,"This stone has been washed." "P20:028",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,14/1/1991 00:00:00,, "P20:031",1.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Fragment of gindstone/mortar, of fossil bearing limestone. Lump broken from a larger piece used on two opposing sides which bear smooth depressions. Dimensions 12.5 x 28.0 x 18.4 cm.",5/3/1991 00:00:00,,"Stone washed to remove surplus sediments." "P20:034",1.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Small fragment of copper waste. 0.6 x 0.7 x 0.3",30/1/1991 00:00:00,, "P20:035",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,5/2/1991 00:00:00,, "P20:035",2.00,"BONE","BONES",,11/2/1991 00:00:00,, "P20:035",3.00,"STEATITE","LID","Half a decorated steatite lid, unusually small, and unusually black. Conical in shape, with internal flange. Central handle broken off. Surface badly pitted, and some of the decoration lost. The outside edge is hatched all the way round with short incised angled lines, inside which runs a band of circles, each with central dot. The base of the handle is encircled with a double incised line. Di. 5., extant H. 2.1 cm.",24/2/1991 00:00:00,,"Surface has been badly damaged by salt action, causing part of the surface to flake off." "Q19:000",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,25/2/1990 00:00:00,, "Q19:000",2.00,"BONE","BONES",,25/2/1990 00:00:00,, "Q19:000",3.00,"STONE","TOOL","Cylindrical white stone, perhaps flint, with heavy cortex. Cortex missing at ends. Rounded edges worn smooth and slightly faceted. Traces of burning. Diam. 6, h. 5.5.",25/2/1990 00:00:00,, "Q19:000",4.00,"BITUMEN","BEAD","Half of a bead. Estimated. diam. 2, h. 1.5.",18/2/1990 00:00:00,, "Q19:000",5.00,"STONE","TOOL","Tool of light brown stone, disc-shaped, with two opposing edges rounded and two opposing ends worn and flattened. Very smooth all over. Polisher?. L. 4.5, w. 3, max. th. 1, min. 0.6",,, "Q19:000",6.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,28/3/1990 00:00:00,, "Q19:000",7.00,"STONE","TOOL","White stone cube with rounded edges. Weight? 3.6 x 3.4 x 3.6.",25/2/1990 00:00:00,, "Q19:000",8.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Angular, irregular piece of flint, some cortex, possibly a core. 4.8 x 5.5 x 2.2.",27/2/1990 00:00:00,, "Q19:000",9.00,"CLAY","SAMPLE",,27/2/1990 00:00:00,, "Q19:000",10.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder of light grey stone, one corner broken off. Sub-rectangular, one broad surface worn very flat and smooth, one domed. L. 21.5, w. 14.3, max. h. 4.5.",27/2/1990 00:00:00,, "Q19:000",11.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Possible Pounder. Dark grey flat ovoid and smooth pebble, with traces of fine pitting around the circumference. Percussion marks most notable at each rounded end. L: 4.2; W: 3.4; TH:1.4 cm. NB. two stone tools described initially with Q19:0:11 have been given other numbers- Q19:0:21 & 22 (RLS1998)",15/1/1998 00:00:00,, "Q19:000",12.00,"BITUMEN","BEAD","Slightly damaged bead. Diam. 2.5, h. 1.5, perf. 0.6.",27/2/1990 00:00:00,, "Q19:000",13.00,"STEATITE","BOWL RIM","Rim sherd of decorated steatite bowl. Fine stone. Below rim, two encircling incised lines, below which a band of circles each with central dot, and below that five parallel encircling lines. Dimensions 3.4 x 5.2 x 0.5.",27/2/1990 00:00:00,, "Q19:000",14.00,"FLINT",,,1/7/1991 00:00:00,, "Q19:000",15.00,"STONE","POLISHER","Dense black thin stone, perfectly sub-rectangular. Very regular and even. Broad faces highly polished, short ends heavily pitted from pounding. Dimensions 5.5 x 4.9 x 2.2 cm. Weight 112.5 gm.",18/4/1994 00:00:00,, "Q19:000",16.00,"STONE","PEBBLE","Smooth grey pebble, roughly cone-shaped. Dimensions 3.2 x 2.5 x 3.5 cm.",14/3/1994 00:00:00,, "Q19:000",17.00,"STONE","TOOL","Dark grey dense stone. One end of a stone tool, broken off. Irregular, but end comes to a rough blunt point, and one flat surface is worn smooth. Pointed end pitted from pounding. Extant length 4.6, width 5.0 x 5.2",18/4/1994 00:00:00,, "Q19:000",18.00,"STONE","TOOL","Dense crystalline black stone. Irregular and many-sided. Narrow points pitted from pounding. Dimensions 5.2 x 5.4 x 5.6 cm.",18/4/1994 00:00:00,, "Q19:000",21.00,"STONE","POUNDER","Pounder. Dark grey coarse grained pebble. Sub ovoid with two flat faces and very scarred circumference edges probably from pounding. Dimensions 4.x 3.4 x 2.0 cm. NB. originally described with Q19:0:11",15/1/1998 00:00:00,, "Q19:000",22.00,"STONE","MULTI TOOL","Pounder/Smoother fragment. Dark grey coarse grained stone. Originally bun-shaped, with one convex face having scarred and pitted lower edges. Opposite this is one flat and partially worn smooth face, with some pitting presumably from pounding. Two other broken faces are irregular. Tool apparently broken during use, evident from scars radiating from lower and other faces. Dimensions 4.8 x 3.9 x 3.4 cm. NB. originally described with Q19:0:11.",15/1/1998 00:00:00,, "Q19:001",1.00,"BONE","BONES",,25/2/1990 00:00:00,, "Q19:001",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,25/2/1990 00:00:00,, "Q19:001",3.00,"STONE","TOOL","Fragment of dark grey stone, two smooth broad facets preserved and one narrow edge showing wear at one end. Max. 9.5 x 6.7 x 3.4",28/2/1990 00:00:00,, "Q19:001",4.00,"PLASTER","DISC LID","Thick, white plaster lid, in the shape of an oval disc. Convex faces. Max. diam. 9.1, max. h. 5.0 cm.",19/3/1990 00:00:00,, "Q19:001",5.00,"METAL?","SLAG?",,20/3/1990 00:00:00,, "Q19:001",6.00,"POTTERY","PAINTED JAR","Painted jar: rim, neck and part of shoulder only. Buff clay, grit temper, cream surface, red paint. Band rim, short neck, swelling shoulder. Traces of paint on neck, shoulder, and inside rim. Probably three horizontal bands on shoulder.",13/4/1990 00:00:00,, "Q19:001",7.00,"METAL","SLAG","Lump of metal slag, 3.0 x 2.8 x 2.0 cm",5/11/1998 00:00:00,, "Q19:003",1.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Large dark grey stone grindstone/mortar, in two pieces. Max. 21.5 x 18, h. 12.",25/3/1990 00:00:00,, "Q19:003",2.00,"STONE","GRINDER","End fragment of grinder made of white stone. One broad face flat and worn smooth, one convex, rounded end, straight sides, originally rectangular. Ext. l. 12.2, w. 14, max. h. 4.",25/3/1990 00:00:00,, "Q19:003",3.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Collection of bitumen fragments from the lining of a small woven vessel. Two corner fragments from the base, the rest body fragments. Exterior surface smooth, interior shows regular woven impressions. Not measured.",7/1/1991 00:00:00,,"Fragments consolidated. General condition good. " "Q19:004",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,24/3/1990 00:00:00,, "Q19:004",2.00,"BONE","BONES",,24/3/1990 00:00:00,, "Q19:006",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,24/3/1990 00:00:00,, "Q19:006",2.00,"BONE","BONES",,24/3/1990 00:00:00,, "Q19:006",3.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE",,28/3/1990 00:00:00,, "Q19:006",4.00,"FLINT","TOOL","Round lump of flint, possible traces of wear. Max. diam. 5.9",24/3/1990 00:00:00,, "Q19:009",1.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder fragment. Now wedge-shaped, like a quarter of a disc. Limestone. Ground flat on one broad face, domed on the other. Breaks well worn. Radius < 9.4 x 4.1 thick.",5/3/1991 00:00:00,,"Surface brushed to remove surplus sediments." "Q19:009",2.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Not described.",18/1/1991 00:00:00,, "Q19:009",3.00,"BONE","BONES",,18/1/1991 00:00:00,, "Q19:009",4.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,19/1/1991 00:00:00,, "Q19:009",5.00,"COPPER","FRAG","One small lump of metal, copper.",21/1/1991 00:00:00,, "Q19:009",6.00,"STONE","TOOL","Small, white, round stone, 3.5 x 3.5 cm.",9/2/1991 00:00:00,, "Q19:009",7.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Fragment of grinder. Limestone slab, roughly rectangular in plan, with one curved edge and two straight edges, perhaps broken off. One broad face worn very flat, one naturally flat. Dimensions 14.0 x 10.6 x 5.2 cm.",5/3/1991 00:00:00,,"Stone brushed to remove surplus sediments." "Q19:009",8.00,"STONE","TOOL","Fragment of hard, black stone, probably dolomite. Apparently a corner chipped of a larger tool. Traces of wear on the unbroken surfaces. 6.3 x 6.0 x 2.5 cm.",7/3/1991 00:00:00,,"Stone washed to remove surplus sediments." "Q19:010",1.00,"POTTERY","PLATE","A large fragment comprising part of rim, body and base. Pink clay, grit temper, buff surface. Rim bevelled and lipped to the outside. Sides straight, tapering to a flat base. Height 5.8 cm. Rim diameter c.3.26 cm. Base diameter [reconstructed] 3.8 cm.",26/3/1991 00:00:00,, "Q19:012",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Two sacks of a whole earth sample taken for flotation. 33l. Little carbon",2/2/1991 00:00:00,, "Q19:013",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","One sack of a whole earth sample, the fill of a tannour, taken for flotation. 15 l floated (?), no carbon",3/2/1991 00:00:00,, "Q19:016",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,23/2/1991 00:00:00,, "Q19:016",2.00,"BONE","BONES","001:003",23/2/1991 00:00:00,, "Q19:016",3.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Three sack, 60 litres, of a whole earth sample taken for flotation. 30 litres floated (?), plus 21 litres. No carbon",21/2/1991 00:00:00,, "Q19:016",4.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","About a dozen fragments of the bitumen lining to a woven vessel, largest measuring 1.5 x 0.6, x 0.5 cm thick. Probably labelled Q20:16:4.",23/2/1991 00:00:00,, "Q19:016",5.00,"COPPER","HOOK FRAG","Length of copper rod, slightly bent, probably perhaps a fish-hook fragment. Flattened and thickened towards one end, coming to a point at the other. 3.9 x 0.3 x 0.5 cm.",23/2/1991 00:00:00,,"wrongly labelled Q20" "Q19:016",6.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Fragments of copper. Wrongly labelled Q20",23/2/1991 00:00:00,, "Q19:016",7.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Amalgamated with Q20:016:006.",23/2/1991 00:00:00,, "Q19:016",8.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Amalgamated with Q20:016:006.",23/2/1991 00:00:00,, "Q19:016",9.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Edge fragment of a grinder, made from crystalline limestone. Rather thin. One side worn very smooth, the other rounded. Dimensions 8.0 x 5.3 x 2.2 cm.",17/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Stone has been washed." "Q19:016",10.00,"METAL","FRAG","Curved fragment of iron wire, found in flotation. Length 3.4, width 0.1 - 0.5 cm., 0.1 cm. thick.",16/5/1994 00:00:00,, "Q19:016",11.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Fragment of Smoother. Dark grey close grained stone. One extant convex face has been worn very smooth and has fine unidirectional striations in a zone beside one broken and scarred/worn edge. One end of fragment is straight, the other pointed. Dimensions 3.0 x 2.3 x 0.8 cm. From Flotation Sample Q19:016:3.",15/1/1998 00:00:00,, "Q19:020",1.00,"STONE","SOCKET","Door socket, made from thick, circular limestone slab, hollowed out on one face. Hollow is deep and oval in plan, as though something had been rubbed back and forth as well as rounded and round. Perhaps a re-used mortar. Di. of top 24.5 - 25.5 cm., Di. of base 22.0 x 24.0 cm. Height 10.8 cm. Hollow 22.0 cm. long, 13.0 cm wide, 7.3 cm deep.",17/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Stone has been brushed." "Q19:027",1.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Grindstone made of slab of limestone shaped to be approximately sub-rectangular, one broad face worn slightly concave and badly salted. Dimensions 27.0 x 31.0 x 10.5 cm.",18/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Stone has been brushed." "Q20:000",1.00,"BONE","BONES",,25/2/1990 00:00:00,, "Q20:000",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,25/2/1990 00:00:00,, "Q20:000",3.00,"STONE","RUBBER","1 small limestone rubber/weight?, cube-shaped with rounded corners, max. 5.4 x 4.8 x 5.2",28/2/1990 00:00:00,, "Q20:000",4.00,"CLAY","COUNTER?","Conical piece of clay, pinched to be four-sided, flat square base. Baked orange clay. Perhaps a counter or gaming piece. Height 2.1, base 1.8 x 1.6 cm.",26/2/1990 00:00:00,, "Q20:001",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,26/2/1990 00:00:00,, "Q20:001",2.00,"BONE","BONES",,28/2/1990 00:00:00,, "Q20:001",3.00,"STONE","TOOL","Piece of coarse-grained pink stone, part of thin slab, smooth on both sides, two broken edges, 1 long straight smooth edge, one curved. Presumably piece from oval-shaped grinding slab. 8.6 x 6.5 x 2.2",27/2/1990 00:00:00,, "Q20:001",4.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Angular piece of flint, some cortex adhering. 8.1 x 6.6 x 3.6.",27/2/1990 00:00:00,, "Q20:001",5.00,"POTTERY","RIM","Not recorded.",20/3/1990 00:00:00,,"MISSING" "Q20:001",6.00,"STONE","PEBBLE","Very thin, flat, oval, dark grey pebble, l. 2.5, w. 1.9, max. th. 0.3",20/3/1990 00:00:00,, "Q20:001",7.00,"POTTERY","COOKING POT","Rim and part of shoulder of cooking pot. Red clay, hard, sandy temper, outer surface partly smoke-blackened. Pres. Ht. 6.0, rim di. 16.2-16.4.",28/3/1990 00:00:00,, "Q20:005",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Bag lost! This unit was excavated in 1990, so there should have been no finds recorded on this number for this year.",14/1/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:009",1.00,"BONE","BONES",,7/1/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:009",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,7/1/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:009",3.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Small fragments of bitumen. Not further described.",7/1/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:009",4.00,"STONE","TOOL","Piece of hard, black stone. Semicircular in plan, perhaps broken off a larger, rounded tool. Surviving rounded edges worn, extremely smooth in one place. 5.1 x 6.0 3.8 cm.",2/3/1991 00:00:00,,"Washed to remove surplus surface sediments." "Q20:010",1.00,"STONE","PIERCED BLOCK","Block of dressed limestone, apparently half of a larger block. Rectangular in plan and section. Square hole made to about 3/4 of the way through, about mid way between preserved opposing edges. Block has fractured neatly through the hole. Block 14.9 x 10.0 x 8.0 cm. Hole 4.2 x 6.0 cm.",5/3/1991 00:00:00,,"Stone washed to remove surplus sediments from the surface." "Q20:010",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,5/1/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:010",3.00,"BONE","BONES",,13/1/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:010",4.00,"PLASTER","SAMPLE","Sample from a plastered installation, showing layering process. Hard white plaster, with a second layer of hard grey plaster applied over it. White plaster possibly wall-render, with subsequent layer forming part of a plastered installation. 18.7 x 11.5 x 2.7 cm.",28/2/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:011",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,8/1/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:011",2.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Small fragments of bitumen. Not further described.",8/1/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:012",1.00,"BITUMEN","FRAG","Fragment of bitumen. One smooth, slightly curved face. 3.8 x 4.0 x 2.0 cm",14/1/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:013",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,8/1/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:013",2.00,"BONE","BONES","sieved context.",8/1/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:013",3.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Two small unidentifiable fragments of copper.",8/1/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:015",1.00,"POTTERY","SHERDS","Group of sherds, not separately described.",21/1/1991 00:00:00,,"Stored with un-numbered pottery from same context." "Q20:015",2.00,"POTTERY","SHERDS","Group of sherds, not separately described.",21/1/1991 00:00:00,,"Stored with un-numbered pottery from same context." "Q20:015",3.00,"POTTERY","SHERDS","Collection of body sherds from the same pot. Not separately described.",12/1/1991 00:00:00,,"Stored with un-numbered pottery from same context." "Q20:015",4.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,9/1/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:015",5.00,"STONE",,"DISCARDED",9/1/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:015",6.00,"STONE","RUBBER","Pieces of wedge shaped limestone which has been used as a rubber. One broad face worn very smooth. 10.1 x 7.5 x 5.1 cm.",5/3/1991 00:00:00,,"Stone washed to remove surplus surface sediments." "Q20:015",7.00,"STONE",,"DISCARDED",31/1/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:015",8.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Two small fragments of copper.",31/1/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:015",9.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","A number of small bitumen fragments. Not further described.",31/1/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:015",10.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Three sacks of a whole earth sample taken for flotation.",29/1/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:015",11.00,"BONE","BONES",,30/1/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:015",12.00,"PLASTER","SAMPLE","Joining pieces of very hard, grey, close grained material, perhaps clay plaster. Approximately sub-rectangular, but very irregular, with irregular, uneven surface. [1] 6.0 x 5.4 x 5.0 cm. [2] 6.2 x 5.8 x 5.0 cm.",24/2/1991 00:00:00,,"Recovered in one piece, but then broken in half in an attempt to identify it." "Q20:015",13.00,"METAL","FRAG","Piece of very badly corroded iron. 8.8 x 3.2 x 2.7 cm.",25/3/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:015",14.00,"POTTERY","PAINTED JAR","Rim and base fragments only of a painted jar. Red clay, little temper, thin walled. Rim flat on top, pinched inner rim. No neck, shoulder swells. Lower body wide, tapering to a flat base. Black paint on the rim fragment, band under the rim, with a hatched design below that, probably part of a hatched triangle. Preserved height of the rim fragment 2.4 cm. Base fragment 2.0 cm. Diameter of base 4.0 cm.",26/3/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:015",15.00,"ORGANIC","SHERD","One large pot sherd with interior surface covered in a thickish layer of bitumen, may well contain organic remains. 13.8 x 9.6 x 2.3 cm. Exported for analysis by John Evans.",6/3/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:016",4.00,,,"Wrong label for Q19",,, "Q20:016",5.00,,,"Wrong label for Q19",,, "Q20:016",6.00,,,"Wrong label for Q19",,, "Q20:016",7.00,,,"Wrong label for Q19",,, "Q20:016",8.00,,,"Wrong label for Q19",,, "Q20:020",1.00,"PLASTER","BASE LINING","Piece of burnt plaster, perhaps formed inside the base of a vessel. One smoothish, convex face, the opposite one cracked deeply. Similar to M17:020:6. Dimensions 16.0 x 10.0 x 4.9 cm.",28/2/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:020",2.00,"PLASTER","RENDER FRAG","One piece of hard white wall plaster. Obverse coarse and reasonably flat, reverse smooth and uneven. 13.4 x 10.5 x 6.3 cm.",24/2/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:020",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,16/1/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:022",1.00,"BONE","BONES","Collection of bones, including large rib bone, jaw, whole horn core and a selection of teeth.",14/2/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:022",2.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Piece of flint, not quite spherical, partially covered in cortex. One side flat with signs of wear. Possible pounder? 5.0 x 5.1 x 4.8 cm.",16/1/1991 00:00:00,,"Washed." "Q20:022",3.00,"STONE","TOOL","Rounded lump of a hard bluish stone, probably dolomite, with large chips missing. All of the surfaces show signs of smooth wear. 12.7 x 10.1 x 9.1 cm.",7/3/1991 00:00:00,,"Stone washed to remove surplus sediments." "Q20:022",4.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,14/2/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:022",5.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Three sacks of a whole earth sample taken for flotation. 30 l floated (?), plus 30l, little carbon",14/2/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:022",6.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Collection of bitumen fragments. Not further described.",18/2/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:022",7.00,"SHELL","SEAL","Large shell seal, made from the apex of a large gastropod. Edge waisted (Failaka Var 2). Reverse domed, using natural shape of shell, and perforated transversely. Traces of burning. Obverse has the natural 'incised' spiral of the sectioned shell. Di. 3.5, ht. 1.4 cm.",14/2/1991 00:00:00,"Y", "Q20:022",8.00,"STONE","BLOCK","Block of rough limestone, with protuberance in one corner. One broad face, the other worn smooth. 12.5 x 12.0 x 5.9 cm. Protuberance c 3.2 cm long, 4.3 cm diameter.",28/2/1991 00:00:00,,"Surface brushed to remove all surplus sediments." "Q20:022",9.00,"SHELL","SHELL","Small unworked shell. 1.5 x 1.0 x 0.8 cm.",24/2/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:022",10.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder made from slab of limestone, one broad face worn flat, one slightly domed. Rounded irregular shape. Dimensions 24.0 x 18.0 x 4.1 cm.",5/3/1991 00:00:00,,"Surface of stone brushed to remove excess sediments." "Q20:025",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Large assemblage of shell recovered from this context. This has been stored separately from the rest of the general shell recovered from this context, in a plastic crate with ""Q20:060:001"". Discarded May 1993",28/1/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:025",2.00,"BONE","BONES",,29/1/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:025",3.00,"STONE","TOOL","Cylindrical piece of light grey limestone, roughly waisted. One end worn smooth, the other with a natural depression. 7.0 x 8.4 cm.",17/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Stone has been washed." "Q20:025",4.00,"STONE","TOOL","Piece of crystalline limestone, approximately sub-rectangular in plan. One face worn smooth and concave, the other rises to a blunt ridge. 7.2 x 6.0 x 2.8 cm.",17/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Stone has been washed." "Q20:025",5.00,"FOSSIL ECHINOID","ECHINOID","Fossilized sea urchin, rather worn and battered. 6.7 x 6.0 x 3.3 cm.",17/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Stone has been washed." "Q20:025",6.00,"STONE",,"DISCARDED Context sheet has 'foreign stone', so probably a fragment of black volcanic rock",6/2/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:025",7.00,"STONE",,"DISCARDED Context sheet has 'foreign stone', so probably a fragment of black volcanic rock.",6/2/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:025",8.00,"FLINT","NODULE","Unworked, purple flint nodule. 9.4 x 6.9 x 5.3 cm.",2/3/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:025",9.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Piece of grey unworked flint. 4.5 x 3.5 x 2.4 cm.",7/3/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:025",10.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Piece of grey, unworked flint. 3.8 x 3.8 x 1.7 cm.",2/3/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:025",11.00,"STONE","TOOL","Fragment of a hard, black stone with one facet worn very smooth. 6.4 x 2.8 x 2.9 cm.",17/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Stone has been washed." "Q20:026",1.00,"BONE","BONES",,26/1/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:027",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Three sacks of a whole earth sample for flotation, pit fill.",23/1/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:027",2.00,"BONE","BONES",,23/1/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:027",3.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,23/1/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:027",4.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Tiny blob of copper, presumably casting slag. O.8 x 0.7 x 0.4 cm.",23/1/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:027",5.00,"STONE",,"DISCARDED",23/1/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:029",1.00,"POTTERY","SHERD","Not separately described.",23/1/1991 00:00:00,,"Stored with un-numbered pottery from same context." "Q20:030",1.00,"BONE","BONES",,11/2/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:030",2.00,"STONE",,"Missing 1991. Context sheet has 'large quern fragment, so probably a piece of grinder.",20/4/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:030",3.00,"FOSSIL BIVALVE","TOOL","Rounded lump of grey stone, probably fossilized bivalve, abraded and chipped, especially around the edge. Possibly used as a tool. 4.7 x 4.3 x 3.7 cm.",17/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Stone has been washed." "Q20:032",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","three sacks of a whole earth sample taken for flotation.",4/2/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:032",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,4/2/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:032",3.00,"BONE","BONES",,11/2/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:032",4.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Fragment of metal recovered from the flotation residue.",23/2/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:032",5.00,"ORGANIC","DATE","Carbonised date stone recovered from the flotation residue.",23/2/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:041",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,23/2/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:041",2.00,"BONE","FISH","Whole cuttlefish bone, recovered from context in four pieces.",28/2/1991 00:00:00,,"Old breaks have made it difficult to join the pieces together." "Q20:041",3.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Three sacks, 60 litres, of a whole earth sample taken for flotation. 18l floated (?), + 30l, no carbon",23/2/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:041",4.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Two fragments of badly corroded copper. [1] 1.5 x 1.3 x 1.1 cm. [2] 3.2 x 3.4 x 2.3 cm. Plus a piece of metal waste. 3.2 x 3.0 x 1.1 cm. Plus two small pieces of metal recovered from the heavy residue of flotation sample Q20:041:004:",27/2/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:041",5.00,"COPPER","BLADE","Piece of substantial copper sheet, approximately rectangular in plan, with one corner recently broken off. Thin tang' protrudes from about the centre of one short side. Presumably remains of blade. Dimensions 5.4 x 2.9 x 0.4 cm. Also related fragment, does not join: 1.6 x 1, 8 x 0.3 cm.",5/3/1991 00:00:00,,"Active Nov. 1998 Broken into two pieces" "Q20:041",6.00,"STONE","WORKED","Edge fragment of a disc shaped object. Crystalline limestone. Very carefully shaped and smoothed. 6.9 x 3.3 cm.",17/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Stone has been washed." "Q20:041",7.00,"STONE","TOOL","Cylindrical piece of mottled grey, hard, crystalline stone, with indentations on each circular face. Slightly chipped. 7.6 x 5.1 cm.",17/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Stone has been washed." "Q20:041",8.00,"STONE","TOOL","Lump of hard, black stone, roughly spherical, with two squared off facets, one large chip. 7.2 x 7.7 x 7.1 cm.",17/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Stone has been washed." "Q20:041",9.00,"STONE","TOOL","Piece of hard, black, close grained stone. Perhaps originally oval in plan, one broad face worn flat, the other steeply domed and also worn smooth. Edges also worn. Now broken off longitudinally. 11.9 x 5.2 x 6.6 cm.",17/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Stone has been washed." "Q20:041",10.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Thin slab of crystalline limestone, apparently the end part of a grinder. End perhaps originally rounded, now badly chipped. One face worn very smooth, the other rounded. Unusually thin. Dimensions 12.9 x 15.0 x 2.7 cm.",17/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Stone has been washed." "Q20:041",11.00,"STONE","TOOL","Chip of hard, black crystalline stone, slightly worn in one place. 11.7 x 6.3 x 2.9 cm.",17/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Stone has been washed." "Q20:041",12.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Bitumen fragments with weave impressions on one side, so presumably from the lining to one or more woven vessels. Not measured.",2/3/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:041",13.00,"SHELL","SHELL","Fragments of one large shell.",27/2/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:041",14.00,"FLINT","FRAG","One pieces of unworked flint.",20/3/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:041",15.00,"COPPER","PIN?","Length of fine copper wire, bent into gentle curve. Perhaps part of a fine pin or even fish-hook. 1.6 long, 0.13 - 0.185 diameter.",20/11/1998 00:00:00,, "Q20:043",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,19/2/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:043",2.00,"BONE","BONES",,19/2/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:043",3.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Three sacks of a whole earth sample taken for flotation. From residue:- Two small fragments of carbonised seeds. Wgt <0.1 gms. 30 l, little carbon, plus 28 l.",19/2/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:043",4.00,"CLAY","SAMPLE","One piece of unfired clay. Returned to the sherd yard.",19/2/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:043",5.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Two fragments of copper, badly corroded. One fragment of thick metal sheet, 2.1 x 0.9, x 0.23 cm thick. One irregular blob, presumably casting slag, 1.9 x 1.7 x 0.9 cm",19/2/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:043",6.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Amalgamated with Q20:043:005:",19/2/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:043",7.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Large number of tiny, disintegrating fragments of bitumen, some with weave impressions on one side, so presumably from the lining to one or more woven vessels. Largest 1.5 x 1.2 x 0.6 cm",19/2/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:044",1.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Remains of the bitumen lining to a woven vessel. Large number of fragments, with weave impressions on one side, including four corner pieces from the square base, the largest of which measures 3.7 cm, giving minimum diameter for base of 4.0 cm or thereabouts. Base corner frag. 3.7 x 2.4, x 0.4 cm thick.",18/2/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:044",2.00,"STONE","TOOL","Piece of hard, black mottled stone. two facets worn to a polish, end with signs of having been used for pounding. Broken off. 6.7 x 4.7 x 3.8 cm. N. B. an unusual stone.",17/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Stone has been washed." "Q20:044",3.00,"STONE","TOOL","Hard, black stone, roughly oval in plan, one side worn smooth, over an irregular perhaps broken off surface, the other side domed, also smooth. 6.4 x 4.9 x 3.5 cm.",17/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Stone has been washed." "Q20:044",4.00,"STONE","TOOL","Long black pebble, worn very smooth, chipped near one end, this end abraded, possibly used for pounding.",17/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Stone has been washed." "Q20:044",5.00,"STONE","TOOL","Square slab of hard, black, close grained stone, one side worn very smooth, the other domed. All smooth. 5.6 x 6.1 x 3.0 cm.",17/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Stone has been washed." "Q20:044",6.00,"STONE","TOOL","Chip from the worn part of a tool, made of hard black stone. 4.4 x 2.4 x 0.8 cm.",17/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Stone has been washed." "Q20:044",7.00,"STONE","TOOL","Piece of hard grey stone, perhaps flint with heavy cortex. Irregular shape with one flat face, probably worn smooth, with bitumen stain. 6.9 x 5.9 x 3.9 cm.",17/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Stone has been washed." "Q20:044",8.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","One piece of corroded copper, broken in two.",18/2/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:044",9.00,"COPPER","FRAG","One piece of corroded copper.2.1 x 1.8 x 0.9 cm.",18/2/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:044",10.00,"STONE","DISC LID","Lid of porous limestone, roughly disc-shaped. Di. 8.9 - 9.4 cm, thickness 2.4 - 3.3 cm.",17/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Stone has been washed." "Q20:045",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,13/3/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:045",2.00,"BONE","BONES",,13/3/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:047",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,19/2/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:047",2.00,"BONE","BONES",,19/2/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:047",3.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Three sacks of a whole earth sample taken for flotation. 30 l floated, no carbon. Plus 30l, little carbon. Plus 30l, little carbon.",19/2/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:047",4.00,"PLASTER","SAMPLE","Four pieces of a hard grey, ash plaster. Largest 5 x 5 cm.",21/2/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:047",5.00,"BITUMEN","BEAD","Fragments of a bead. Part of one longitudinal side surviving intact.1.8 x 1.7 x 0.7 cm.",19/2/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:052",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,5/3/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:052",2.00,"BONE","BONES",,4/3/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:052",3.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Whole earth sample taken for flotation.",19/3/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:052",4.00,"STONE","TOOL","Lump of limestone, roughly cuboid, one long edge tapered. Ends show signs of pounding, tapered face worn smooth. 8.5 x 7.1 x 6.9 cm.",17/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Stone has been washed." "Q20:052",5.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Lump of grey farush, very roughly squared, perhaps a grinder. No obvious signs of wear, but hard to tell as the surface is so uneven. Dimensions 7.6 x 7.2 x 6.5 cm.",17/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Stone has been washed." "Q20:052",6.00,"STONE","TOOL","Dark grey close grained stone, approximately sub-rectangular in plan. both faces worn very smooth, edges perhaps used for pounding. 6.4 x 6.2 x 2.9 cm.",17/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Stone has been washed." "Q20:052",7.00,"PLASTER","STOPPER","Cone-shaped plaster stopper, with the broad face roughly flat. Dimensions 8.3 x 9.3 x 5.6 cm.",17/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Washed." "Q20:052",8.00,"STONE","TOOL","Grey pebble, shape approximately cylindrical but slightly bent. Worn smooth, ends pounded.",17/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Stone has been washed." "Q20:052",9.00,"FLINT","NODULE","Large nodule of flint, partially covered in cortex, with chips missing from either end. 8.4 x 6.4 x 4.3 cm.",7/3/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:052",10.00,"FLINT","CORE","Possible flint core. 4.2 x 3.2 x 2.9 cm.",7/3/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:052",11.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Grindstone, apparently intact. Irregular slab of limestone, one end much narrower than the other. One face worn into a slight depression from back and forth movement. Dimensions 43.0 x 27.0 x 9.0 cm.",18/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Stone has been brushed. On display in Exhibition Room on site" "Q20:052",12.00,"BITUMEN","BEAD","Large bead. Exterior surface fairly smooth. Perforation runs at a slight angle through the bead. 2.2 x 2.1 cm. Perforation approximately 0.6 cm in diameter.",4/3/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:052",13.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Five fragments of bitumen with weave impressions on one side, so presumably from the lining to one or more woven vessels. Largest 2.3 x 1.6, x 0.4 cm thick.",4/3/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:052",14.00,"STONE","TOOL","About half of a roughly spherical piece of limestone. 2.8 x 3.0 cm.",17/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Stone has been washed." "Q20:053",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,10/3/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:053",2.00,"BONE","BONES",,27/2/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:053",3.00,"POTTERY","BASE","Complete base from a large pot. Not further described. Dimensions 18.5 x 33.5 x 0.7 cm.",27/2/1991 00:00:00,,"(Stored with un-numbered sherds from context. Not separately described.)" "Q20:053",4.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Collection of bitumen fragments, all with weave impressions on one side, so presumably from the lining to one or more woven vessels. Not measured.",27/2/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:053",5.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Flat circular chip of brown flint, with possible retouch around the edge. 5.6 x 5.2 x 0.9 cm.",4/3/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:053",6.00,"STONE","TOOL","Grey stone probably natural spherical geode, halved. Flat face worn to a polish. Di.8.1 - 7.9, height 4.7 cm.",17/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Stone has been brushed." "Q20:053",7.00,"STONE","TOOL","Chip from a tool of black, hard, close grained stone. All unbroken parts worn very smooth. 9.7 x 5.3 x 2.1 cm.",17/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Stone has been washed." "Q20:054",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,4/3/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:054",2.00,"BONE","BONES","Large assemblage of, mainly fish, bone recovered from this context.",2/3/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:054",3.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","60 litre whole earth sample taken for flotation.",27/2/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:054",4.00,"ORGANIC","DATE","Carbonised date stones.",2/3/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:054",5.00,"CARNELIAN","BEAD","Biconical carnelian bead. Woolley Type 8. Dimensions 0.8 x 0.6 cm.",2/3/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:054",6.00,"STEATITE","BOWL RIM","Fragment of rim from a decorated steatite bowl. Rim bevelled to outside, top slashed with regular, close diagonal lines. Just below the rim is a band of similar lines, running at the opposed diagonal. Below this are two encircling incised parallel lines, and below them a band of incised circles, each with central dot. Dimensions 3.1 x 1.3 x 0.7 cm.",7/3/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:054",7.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Bitumen fragments with weave impression on one side, so presumably from the lining to one or more woven vessels. Not measured.",2/3/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:054",8.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Five fragments of corroded copper, of various sizes. [1] 2.8 x 1.8 x 1.0 cm. [2] 1.6 x 1.3 x 0.4 cm. [3] 1.8 x 0.9 x 0.8 cm. [4] 1.1 x 1.0 x 0.4 cm. [5] 0.9 x 0.6 x 0.5 cm.",2/3/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:054",9.00,"FLINT","FRAG","One piece of brown unworked flint. 2.2 x 1.3 x 0.5 cm.",2/3/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:055",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","100% whole earth sample taken for flotation.",27/2/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:055",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,4/3/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:055",3.00,"BONE","BONES",,2/3/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:055",4.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","Three fragments of bitumen. Not further described.",20/3/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:056",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","100% whole earth sample taken for flotation.",27/2/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:057",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","100% whole earth sample taken for flotation.",27/2/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:058",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","N. B. equals square Q19.",4/3/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:058",2.00,"BONE","BONES","N. B equals square Q19.",25/3/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:058",3.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","60 Litre whole earth sample taken for flotation. N. B. equals square Q19.",27/2/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:058",4.00,"CLAY","SAMPLE","Sample of unfired clay recovered from this context. Returned to the sherd yard. N. B. equals square Q19.",4/3/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:058",5.00,"SHELL?","BEAD?","Missing 1991. Context sheet has 'shell bead?'",20/4/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:058",6.00,"FLINT","FLAKE","Piece of grey unworked flint. 2.8 x 2.3 x 0.6 cm. N. B. equals square Q19.",7/3/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:058",7.00,"ORGANIC","SHERDS","Two sherds, originally one, with interior surfaces covered in a layer of bitumen, may well contain organic remains. Small bag of bitumen fragments. N. B. equals square Q19. Exported for analysis by John Evans.",6/3/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:058",8.00,"STONE","TOOL","White limestone, approximately cylindrical. Ends worn very smooth. 4.5 x 5.0 x 4.1 cm.",17/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Stone has been washed." "Q20:058",9.00,"STONE","TOOL","Piece of hard, black, close grained stone. Approximately sub-rectangular in plan. Ends show signs of pounding, long edges and one broad face worn smooth, other broad face broken. 7.6 x 5.9 x 3.7 cm.",17/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Stone has been washed." "Q20:058",10.00,"STONE","TOOL","Hard crystalline black stone, rectangular in plan, one face flat, the other broken off. Edges show traces of wear. 8.6 x 7.0 x 3.0 cm.",17/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Stone has been washed." "Q20:059",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,9/2/1999 00:00:00,, "Q20:059",2.00,"BONE","BONES",,9/2/1999 00:00:00,, "Q20:059",3.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","60 litre whole earth sample taken for flotation. N. B. equals square Q19.",3/3/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:059",4.00,"COPPER","FRAG","One lump of metal recovered from heavy residue, from flotation sample Q20:059:003: N. B. equals square Q19.",20/3/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:059",5.00,"FLINT","CORE","Core (with conjoining flake- recently broken) of dark brown flint with remnant creamy white cortex. Flakes struck off one prepared platform. Core appears exhausted, with remnant material of poorer quality. Flake scars all have hinged-step terminations. Range of flake sizes: L: 1.8; W: 1.5. L: 0.8; W: 1.1. L: 1.0; W: 1.6. L: 1.7; W: 1.8 cm. From Flotation Sample Q20:059:3.",15/1/1998 00:00:00,, "Q20:059",11.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","N. B. equals square Q19.",4/3/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:059",12.00,"BONE","BONES","Recovered from this context a large piece of tortoise shell bone. 6.3 x 5.1 x 0.3 cm. N. B. equals square Q19.",3/3/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:060",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Large assemblage of shell recovered from this context. It has been stored separately from the rest of the general shell recovered from this context, in a crate with ""Q20:025:001"".",4/3/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:060",2.00,"BONE","BONES",,4/3/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:060",3.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","60 litre whole earth sample taken for flotation.",2/3/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:060",4.00,"FLINT","FRAGS","Twenty three pieces of flint, in assorted sizes from a possible core 6.8 x 4.3 x 4.4 cm, down to a small chip 1.1 x 0.6 x 0.2 cm. All pieces appear to be unworked. Colour ranges from brown through to grey.",7/3/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:060",5.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Two fragments of corroded metal, presumably casting slag. 1.9 x 1.9 x 1.6, and 2.5 x 1.2 x 0.6 cm.",4/3/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:060",6.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Fragments of bitumen, some with weave impressions, so presumably from the lining to one or more woven vessels. Not measured.",5/3/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:060",7.00,"ORGANIC","DATE","Carbonised date stones recovered from this context.",4/3/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:060",8.00,"COPPER","CHISEL FRAG","Broken-off tip of small copper blade, perhaps from a chisel. Extant length 0.7, complete width 1.1, max. thickness 0.4 cm.",20/11/1998 00:00:00,, "Q20:060",9.00,"COPPER","RING FRAG","Short length of flattened copper wire, slightly bent. Perhaps part of a ring. Extant length 0.9, 0.4 wide, 0.2 cm thick.",20/11/1998 00:00:00,, "Q20:060",10.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Small fragment of copper sheet, roughly rectangular in plan. 0.9 long, 0.5 wide, 0.2 thick.",20/11/1998 00:00:00,, "Q20:060",11.00,"FLINT","CORE","IF THIS EXISTS IT IS INCORRECTLY LABELLED 8. FIND, RENUMBER AND DESCRIBE",5/3/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:061",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,4/3/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:061",2.00,"BONE","BONES",,4/3/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:061",3.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Whole earth sample taken for flotation. 60 l. very little carbon.",19/3/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:061",4.00,"BITUMEN","LINING FRAGS","Fragments of bitumen with weave impressions on one side, so presumably from the lining to one or more woven vessels. Not measured.",3/3/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:062",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","60 litre whole earth sample taken for flotation.",2/3/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:064",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,10/3/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:064",2.00,"PLASTER","FRAG","Lump of grey ashy plaster. One surface rough, the other very smooth with a line impressed across the surface. 9.5 x 7.9 x 4.1 cm.",10/3/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:064",3.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Whole earth sample taken for flotation.",19/3/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:064",4.00,"BONE","BONES",,10/3/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:064",5.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Piece or broken flake with three blunt points at different angles. Possibly struck off a Pounder. Brown flint with light brown inner cortex at thin pointed edge. One face is scarred creating a short denticulated concave edge. Dimensions 1.4 x 0.9 x 0.9 cm. From Flotation Sample Q20:064:3.",15/1/1998 00:00:00,, "Q20:067",1.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Partial grinder, now slab of grey limestone farush. Apparently originally sub-rectangular in plan, but broken off. Surviving two corners very neatly rounded. One face flat, with traces of bitumen staining, the other also flat, but edge rounded rather than sharp. Neither side very rubbed: perhaps not used much. Dimensions 22.0 x 19.5 x 5.5 cm.",17/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Stone quern fragment has been brushed." "Q20:069",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Whole earth sample taken for flotation. N. B. equals square Q19. 1mm flot no carbon.",19/3/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:070",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Whole earth sample taken for flotation. N. B. equals square Q19.",19/3/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:071",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Whole earth sample taken for flotation.",20/4/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:072",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Whole earth sample taken for flotation. 100% sample, 1 mm flot, very little carbon",19/3/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:076",1.00,"PLASTER","LID FRAG","Fragment of a small plaster lid, with one curved edge. Dimensions 6.5 x 4.0 x 1.8 cm.",13/3/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:077",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Whole earth sample taken for flotation. I mm flot. No carbon.",19/3/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:078",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,25/3/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:078",2.00,"BONE","BONES",,25/3/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:078",3.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Whole earth sample taken for flotation.",19/3/1991 00:00:00,, "Q20:078",4.00,"PLASTER","FRAG","Not described.",17/4/1991 00:00:00,,"DISCARDED," "Q21:001",1.00,"STEATITE","BOWL FRAG","Body fragment from decorated steatite bowl. Interior and exterior surfaces show signs of burning. Three of the edges appear to have fresh breaks, the fourth exhibits signs of weathering. Decoration shows remains of band of circles each with central dot, below which six horizontal lines slanting down to the left, and to the right one preserved line at the opposed diagonal. Fits, and joined to, L16:001:004. Dimensions 5.2 x 3.2 x 0.6 cm.",9/1/1991 00:00:00,,"Interior and exterior surfaces slightly friable, otherwise general condition good." "Q21:005",1.00,"BONE","BONES",,14/1/1991 00:00:00,,"Lightly brushed to remove surplus dirt." "Q21:005",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,14/1/1991 00:00:00,, "Q21:005",3.00,"COPPER","FRAG","One small unidentifiable fragment of copper. Condition poor.",14/1/1991 00:00:00,, "R20:003",1.00,"STONE","TOOL","Lump of white crystalline stone, probably local limestone. Rounded, irregular shape, one broad face worn very smooth, possible traces of wear on the other facets too. 9.9 x 13.6 x 9.5 cm.",7/3/1991 00:00:00,,"Surfaces washed to remove remains of surplus sediments." "R20:003",2.00,"STONE","TOOL","Mottled green/black hard, close grained stone. Approximately sub-rectangular in plan, one face more or less flat, the other domed. Both sides worn smooth, especially the domed face. 12.5 x 8.4 x 3.9 cm.",9/4/1991 00:00:00,,"This stone has been washed." "R20:003",3.00,"STONE","TOOL","thin lump of purple stone, roughly triangular in plan, signs of wear along the two long edges. 17.0 x 10.8 x 5.0cms",7/3/1991 00:00:00,,"Stone washed to remove surplus sediments." "R20:003",4.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Two fragments of copper, one thin and irregular, presumably casting slag, 1.4 x 1.2 x 0.4 cm. One blob, broken fragment or slag, 1.2 x 0.5",27/1/1991 00:00:00,, "R20:003",5.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Amalgamated with R20:003:004.",27/1/1991 00:00:00,, "R20:003",6.00,"COPPER","TIP","Short length of copper wire, tapering to sharp point at one end. Presumably tip of fish hook or pin.0.9 x 0.2 cm.",28/1/1991 00:00:00,, "R20:003",7.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,28/1/1991 00:00:00,, "R20:003",8.00,"BONE","BONES",,28/1/1991 00:00:00,,"Brushed lightly to remove surplus dirt." "R20:004",1.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Piece from plate-shaped grindstone/mortar. Slab of white limestone, presumably originally circular. Depression towards centre of the upper surface, which has been worn very smooth. Height 3.0 cm., max. present radius 16.2 cm.",5/3/1991 00:00:00,, "R20:005",1.00,"BONE","FISH",,3/2/1991 00:00:00,,"Brushed lightly to remove surplus dirt." "R20:005",2.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,3/2/1991 00:00:00,, "R20:007",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,19/2/1991 00:00:00,, "R20:007",2.00,"BONE","FISH",,14/2/1991 00:00:00,, "R20:007",3.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Three sacks of a whole earth sample taken for flotation. 30 l, v. little carbon, plus 30 l, little carbon.",14/2/1991 00:00:00,, "R20:007",4.00,"POTTERY","JAR","Jar, with a few pieces missing. Pink clay, greenish surface out and inside neck, white mineral temper; reserve-slip on shoulder. Band rim, neck swelling to rounded shoulder and body. Lower body tapers to small, inadequate disc base. Vessel stands awkwardly. Surface around edges of base worn off. H. 34.4, rim di. 11.5-11.8, ba. Di. 5.0-5.2, max. width 28.8.",13/3/1991 00:00:00,, "R20:007",5.00,"STONE","TOOL","Slab of grey, crystalline stone. Approximately rectangular in plan, with one end narrower than the other. Narrow end chipped. One broad edge smoothed, possible signs of wear on one narrow edge. 10.7 x 7.6 x 3.3 cm.",25/3/1991 00:00:00,, "R20:007",6.00,"STONE","TOOL","Hard, greenish grey stone, roughly square in plan, one broad face flat, the other convex and rubbed into four facets. Two opposing sides rounded and pounded. Rest all worn smooth, especially convex area. 9.8 x 9.2 x 6.2 cm.",9/4/1991 00:00:00,,"This stone has been washed." "R20:007",7.00,"STONE","TOOL","Black hard, close grained stone, approximating to a blunt wedge, irregular shape. Two opposing facets pounded, as is the thin edge between them. Rest worn smooth in patches. Most of the surface is uneven. 10.0 x 8.1 cm.",9/4/1991 00:00:00,,"This stone has been washed." "R20:007",8.00,"PLASTER","LID FRAG","Three fragments from a grey plaster lid, one face roughly flat, the other slightly rounded and smoothed flat on the top. Found inside pot R20:007:004. 10.0 x 2.0 cm.",17/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Plaster lid has been washed." "R20:007",9.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Full contents from pot R20:007:004, taken as a flotation sample. 4 l, no carbon.",14/2/1991 00:00:00,, "R20:007",10.00,"NOT USED","NOT USED","Recorded as bitumen, but crossed out on context sheet (for Q20, but must be error)- presumably not used",20/4/1991 00:00:00,, "R20:007",11.00,"NOT USED","NOT USED","Recorded as stone object, but crossed out on context sheet (for Q20, but must be error) - presumably not used",20/4/1991 00:00:00,, "R20:007",12.00,"PLASTER","DOMED LID","Large plaster lid, one face domed, one flat with, both with rough uneven surfaces. Half extant. Diameter: < 20.0, thickness 6.5 cm.",28/2/1991 00:00:00,,"Surface lightly brushed to remove surplus sediments." "R20:007",13.00,"STONE","TOOL","Grey close grained pebble, apparently originally rounded, but broken or struck obliquely to form wedge shape with sharp edges. Edge possibly retouched. A shaping tool? 4.3 x 4.2 x 2.5 cm.",10/4/1991 00:00:00,,"This stone has been washed." "R20:007",14.00,"COPPER","ROD OBJECT","Length of thick copper rod, probably square in section, presumably broken off a tool or weapon. 2.6 x 0.4 x 0.5 cm.",19/2/1991 00:00:00,, "R20:007",15.00,"COPPER","FRAG","One small lump of corroded copper. 1.1 x 1.3 x0.7 cm.",18/2/1991 00:00:00,, "R20:018",1.00,"STONE","GRINDER","Grinder made of slab of crystalline limestone, rectangular in plan. Worn very smooth on one broad face, the other having a natural slight dome. Many small, regular holes, presumably natural. Dimensions 20.0 x 15.0 x 3.7 cm.",28/2/1991 00:00:00,,"Surface brushed to remove surplus sediments." "R20:020",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,12/2/1991 00:00:00,, "R20:020",2.00,"BONE","BONES",,11/2/1991 00:00:00,, "R20:020",3.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Three sacks of a whole earth sample taken for flotation.",19/2/1991 00:00:00,, "R20:020",4.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Nine pieces of shell, all possibly natural.",11/2/1991 00:00:00,, "R20:020",5.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Very small fragment of unworked brown flint.1.0 x 0.4 x 0.4 cm.",11/2/1991 00:00:00,, "R20:020",6.00,"BONE","TURTLE","Fragment of turtle shell?",11/2/1991 00:00:00,, "R20:020",7.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Very small fragment of copper.",11/10/1990 00:00:00,, "R20:022",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,5/2/1991 00:00:00,, "R20:022",2.00,"BONE","FISH",,5/2/1991 00:00:00,, "R20:022",3.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Three samples of a whole earth sample taken for flotation. 60 l, no carbon.",9/2/1991 00:00:00,, "R20:022",4.00,"FLINT","NODULE","One half of a flint nodule. Colour in grey and white bands. 3.5 x 4.3 x 3.8 cm.",24/2/1991 00:00:00,, "R20:023",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,14/2/1991 00:00:00,, "R20:023",2.00,"BONE","BONES",,14/2/1991 00:00:00,, "R20:026",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Two sacks of a whole earth sample taken for flotation.100% of context. 30 l, no carbon",12/2/1991 00:00:00,, "R20:026",2.00,"STONE","BEAD","Tiny stone bead in the shape of a thick disc. Dimensions 0.2 x 0.3 cm.",5/3/1991 00:00:00,, "R20:028",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS","Shell from an ash dump.",14/2/1991 00:00:00,, "R20:028",2.00,"BONE","FISH",,14/2/1991 00:00:00,, "R20:028",3.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Three sacks of a whole earth sample taken for flotation.",12/2/1991 00:00:00,, "R20:028",4.00,"ORGANIC","DATE","Carbonised date stones.",17/2/1991 00:00:00,, "R20:028",5.00,"STONE","BEAD","Biconical white stone bead, perforation slightly off centre. Woolley Type 9, rounded. Dimensions 1.1 x 0.8 x 0.7 cm.",24/2/1991 00:00:00,, "R20:028",6.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Three very small blobs of copper. Largest 0.8 x 0.7 x 0.5",18/2/1991 00:00:00,, "R20:030",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,23/2/1991 00:00:00,, "R20:030",2.00,"BONE","BONES",,23/2/1991 00:00:00,, "R20:030",3.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Three sacks, 60 litres, of a whole earth sample taken for flotation.",21/2/1991 00:00:00,, "R20:030",4.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Lump of purple flint, partially covered in cortex on one side. 8.7 x 6.1 x 3.3 cm.",7/3/1991 00:00:00,, "R20:030",5.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Tiny fragment of copper.",24/2/1991 00:00:00,, "R20:030",6.00,"BONE","TURTLE","Fragment of turtle shell.",23/2/1991 00:00:00,, "R20:030",7.00,"STONE","GRINDSTONE","Fragment of grindstone made of limestone lump with shallow worn depressions on two opposing faces. Height 17.0 cm, Di. < 18.5 cm.",17/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Stone has been brushed" "R20:032",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,21/2/1991 00:00:00,, "R20:032",2.00,"BONE","BONES",,21/2/1991 00:00:00,, "R20:033",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,21/2/1991 00:00:00,, "R20:033",2.00,"BONE","BONES",,21/2/1991 00:00:00,, "R20:033",3.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Three sacks of a whole earth sample taken for flotation. 60 l, little carbon",19/2/1991 00:00:00,, "R20:033",4.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","About two dozen minute fragments of bitumen. Largest 2.4 x 1.4 x 1.0 cm.",21/2/1991 00:00:00,, "R20:033",5.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Two small fragments of badly corroded copper slag. [1] 2.3 x 1.0 x 0.5 cm. [2] 0.6 x 0.6 x 0.4 cm.",21/2/1991 00:00:00,, "R20:034",1.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Two sacks of a whole earth sample taken for flotation. 60 litres, 100% of the context. 30 l, little carbon.",19/2/1991 00:00:00,, "R20:035",1.00,"SHELL","SHELLS",,23/2/1991 00:00:00,, "R20:035",2.00,"BONE","BONES",,23/2/1991 00:00:00,, "R20:035",3.00,"FLOTATION","SAMPLE","Three sacks, 60 litres, of a whole earth sample taken for flotation. Little carbon",21/2/1991 00:00:00,, "R20:035",4.00,"BITUMEN","BEAD","Bead. 2.0 x 2.3 cm. Central perforation 0.6 cm in diameter.",21/2/1991 00:00:00,, "R20:035",5.00,"PLASTER","DOMED LID","Plaster lid, one face domed, the other flat, with a series of linear impression marks running across the surface. Thin rough edges. Dimensions 7.6 x 6.9 x 2.0 cm.",24/2/1991 00:00:00,, "R20:035",6.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Four very small fragments of metal, probably from an artefact rather than slag. [1] 1.6 x 1.1 x 0.5 cm. [2] 2.2 x 2.0 x 1.9 cm. [3] 1.8 x 1.6 x 1.1 cm. [4] 1.8 x 1.2 x 0.8 cm.",21/2/1991 00:00:00,, "R20:035",7.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Amalgamated with R20:035:006:",21/2/1991 00:00:00,, "R20:035",8.00,"BITUMEN","BUNG","Piece of bitumen, possibly used as a repair plug for a pot. 6.0 x 5.0 x 1.1 cm.",21/2/1991 00:00:00,, "R20:035",9.00,"STONE","PEBBLE","Smooth white, crystalline pebble, flat on one side, domed on the other, perhaps originally oval but broken off. 5.1 x 4.3 x 2.9 cm.",9/4/1991 00:00:00,,"The stone has been washed." "R20:035",10.00,"STONE","PEBBLE","Rounded, white pebble. Very smooth in places, perhaps the result of polishing. 4.0 x 3.4 x 2.1 cm.",21/2/1991 00:00:00,, "R20:035",11.00,"STONE","PEBBLE","Small irregular white crystalline stone. 2.9 x 3.1 x 1.9 cm.",18/4/1991 00:00:00,,"Stone brushed." "R20:035",12.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Lump of purple/brown unworked flint. 4.3 x 3.5 x 2.5 cm.",21/2/1991 00:00:00,, "R20:035",13.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Amalgamated with R20:035:006:",21/2/1991 00:00:00,, "R20:035",14.00,"COPPER","FRAG","Amalgamated with R20:035:006:",21/2/1991 00:00:00,, "R20:035",15.00,"COPPER","FRAGS","Amalgamated with R20:035:006:",21/2/1991 00:00:00,, "R20:035",16.00,"CARNELIAN","BEAD","Cylindrical carnelian bead, one end cut off flat, the other apparently damaged. Woolley Type 4. Dimensions 1.2 x 0.6 x 0.6 cm.",24/2/1991 00:00:00,, "R20:035",17.00,"BITUMEN","FRAGS","About two dozen minute bitumen fragments. Largest 1.1 x 0.7 x 0.6 cm",21/2/1991 00:00:00,, "R20:035",18.00,"STONE","FRAG","Fragment of milky white quartz. Shaped a bit like a flat mushroom. One face is fairly flat with cortex or naturally weathered dull surface. The other face is the broken inner surface of the 'cobble'. The wider convex edge has what may be the equivalent of a stepped termination. Dimensions 2.3 x 2.1 x 0.3 cm. From Flotation Sample R20:035:3.",15/1/1998 00:00:00,, "R20:035",19.00,"FLINT","FRAG","Blocky, sub triangular, fragment of brown banded chert, probably struck from a Pounder. Dimensions 1.7 x 1.5 x 1.1 cm. From Flotation Sample R20:035:3.",15/1/1998 00:00:00,,