Fabric,Description,Class,Ocurrence,Source,Date Range,,Suggested Date,,,Fabric,Sh No,,, 1a,Shell Gritted Ware,Coarse,Extremely common,Unknown local or Bedfordshire,I - IV ad,,,,0 - 300,1a,68,0,300, 2a,Soft Pink Grogged Ware,Coarse,Very common,Local,160/170 - 400 ad,,,,0 - 300,1b,4,0,300, 2b,Soft Pink Grogged Ware,Coarse,Sparse,Local,early II - early III ad,,,,160 - 400,2a,603,160,400, 3a,Local Grey Sand-tempered Ware,Coarse,Very common,Local,II - IV ad,,,,125 - 225,2b,3,125,225, 4a,Mortaria,Specialist,Moderate,"Cowley, Headington, Sandford, Oxford",130 - 170 ad,,,,100 - 300,3a,68,100,300, 4ag,Mortaria,Specialist,Moderate,Oxfordshire,100 - 150 ad,,,,75 - 100,3c,1,75,100, 4b,Mortaria,Specialist,Moderate,"Cowley, Headington, Sandford, Oxford",130 - 170 ad,,,,100 - 300,4a,4,100,300, 4ba,Mortaria,Specialist,Moderate,Oxfordshire,100 - 300 ad,,,,100 - 150,4ag,2,100,150, 4c,Mortaria,Specialist,Moderate,"Manduessedum, Hartshill, borders of Bucks and Leic",100 - 350 ad,,,,130 - 170 ,4b,1,130,170, 4ed,Mortaria,Specialist,Moderate,Local,100 - 200 ad,,,,100 - 300,4ba,5,100,300, 4eg,Mortaria,Specialist,Sparse,"Northants, Beds, Bucks",240 - 400 ad,,,,100 - 350,4c,1,100,350, 4ej,Mortaria,Specialist,Moderate,Northamptonshire,180 - 240 ad,,,,100 - 200,4ed,2,100,200, 4em,Mortaria,Specialist,Moderate,Local,100 - 300 ad,,,,240 - 400,4eg,1,240,400, 4f,Mortaria,Specialist,Sparse,Lower Nene Valley,IV ad,,,,180 - 240,4ej,1,180,240, 6,Lower Nene Valley Colour-coated Ware,Fine,Common,Lower Nene Valley,late II - IV ad,,,,100 - 300,4em,1,100,300, 8,BB1,Coarse,Rare,Dorset,late II - IV ad,,,,300 - 400,4f,1,300,400 9a,Local Black Sand-tempered Ware,Coarse,Very Common,Local,late II - IV ad,,,,175 - 300,6,18,175,300 12,Lower Nene Valley Greyware,Coarse,Sparse,Lower Nene Valley,late II - early III ad,,,,175 - 300,8,2,175,300 14,Upper Nene Valley Greyware,Coarse,Sparse,Lower Nene Valley or Northants/Bucks,II - early III ad,,,,175 - 300,9a,23,175,300 17a,Upper Nene Valley Oxidised Wares,Coarse,Sparse,Upper Nene Valley,II - early III ad,,,,75 - 200,9xy,1,75,200 18a,White Wares,Coarse,Moderate,Unknown,late I - II ad,,,,175 - 225,12,6,175,225 18b,White Wares,Coarse,Rare,Nene Valley,late II ad,,,,100 - 225,14,4,100,225 18c,White Wares,Coarse,Moderate,"Northants, Oxfordshire or Verulamium region",II/III ad,,,,100 - 225,17,73,100,225 18g,White Wares,Coarse,Fairly rare,Verulamium region,late I - II ad,,,,75 - 100,18a,12,75,100 19/29,Local Oxidised Sand-tempered Wares,Coarse,Rare,Local,II - III ad,,,,175 - 200,18b,4,175,200 20,Samian (Dr 18/31),Fine,Imported,Central Gaul,120 - 160 ad,,,,0 - 200,18c,1,0,200 20,Samian (Dr 18/31R),Fine,Imported,Central Gaul,120 - 160 ad,,,,75 - 100,18g,1,75,100 20,Samian (Dr 33),Fine,Imported,Central Gaul,140 - 170 ad,,,,100 - 200,19/29,94,100,200 20,Samian (Dr 35),Fine,Imported,Central Gaul,120 - 160 ad,,,,140 - 170,20 (Dr 33),2,140,170 24,Oxford Colour-coated Wares,Fine,Common,Oxfordshire,240/270 - 400 ad,,,,120 - 160,20 (Dr 18/31),1,120,160 28,Coarse Greyware,Coarse,Moderate,Local,late II - IV ad,,,,120 - 160,20 (Dr 19/31R),2,120,160 45,Belgic Grog-tempered Ware with sand,Coarse,Rare,Local,mid/late I ad,,,,120 - 160,20 (Dr 35),1,120,160 46a,Belgic Grog-tempered Ware,Coarse,Very Common,Local,I ad,,,,100 - 200,20,9,100,200 46da,Belgic Grog-tempered Ware,Coarse,Rare,Local,early/mid I ad,,,,240 - 400,24,30,240,400 47a,Local Early Sand-tempered Wares,Coarse,Common,Local,late I - II ad,,,,175 - 300,28,8,175,300 47c,Local Early Sand-tempered Wares,Coarse,Common,Local,late I - II ad,,,,50 - 75,45,16,50,75 ,,,,,,,,,0 - 100,46,18,0,100 ,,,,,,,,,0 - 50,46da,1,0,50 ,,,,,,,,,75 - 100,47a,51,75,100 ,,,,,,,,,75 - 100,47c,1,75,100 ,,,,,,,,46,,,,,