Household Number,Interview Date,Interviewer(s),Income?,Land?,Boundaries?,Land use?,Terraces?,When built?,Maintenance?,How much time?,Equipment?,Irrigation?,Form?,Crops?,How used?,Intercropping?,"How long, why?",Tractor?,Buy?,Sell?,How transport?,Change?,Process/store?,"Mill, price?",Animals?,Pasture?,Shared?,Land use change?,How?,Food shortage?,Wild plants?,Kinds?,Hunt/fish?,Species?,Water?,Heat?,Electricity?,When electricity?,Vehicle?,"Kind, when?",Road?,Constructed?,Old road?,City?,How often?,Other valleys?,Why?,Other help? HH024,07/05/2005,MM,Assistance and small scale pastoralism supplemented with agriculture.,Two dylym of farmland and nine dylym pasture land.,Wood fences and rock walls.,"400 meters square is used as a family garden for small-scale farming. There the family grows potatoes, beans, very little corn, and other vegtables such as tomatoes and peppers. Throughout the land there are the following trees: cherry, plum, pear, apple and ""thana"" a wild cherry tree.",YES,,,,,,,See above,For the family to use.,,,NO,,,,"Shkodra was the main market for Theth from 1936 on. Thethians took to the market in Shkodra the following products: beans, eggs, animals and purchased any necessities they needed including corn/flour. During the winter the path to Shkodra went through the Shtegu i Dhenve. However, in the summer people passed through the road over the Qafe e Terthores. Shtegu i Dhenve was an easier winter pass whereas Qafa e Terthores was dangerous in terms of the fequency of avalanches. The other old markets are Gusi where Thethi bought their corn/flour from. It was a 6 hours trip and it usually took an entire day for a round trip. The respondee mentioned that although northern markets like Gusi were used until the break up with Yugoslavia in the late 1940s, there wasn't much need for people to go to these markets as Shkodra was furnished with goods from Montenegro. However, it makes sense to go to these markets for corn/flour in order to bypass middlemen costs. In any case, most interviews indicate that Shkodra was utilized to sell pastoral products and the cash from these sales was used to purchase agricultural products in the nothern markets.",,,"One cow, 10 sheep, and one pig.",The pasture is located over the house above the modern road.,"The fenced area of the pasture is utilized by the family only, while the rest is shared with the neighborhood and anybody who wants to use it.",,,YES. They say that help is increasing but we are getting less help.,"NO, not at the moment as there is no market for them. A similar situation was described for the pre-communist era. During communist times, people in Theth collected ""teukel, rrenje sanxe, and snails"".",see above,YES,Wild goat is hunted. Fishing for river trout is also practiced.,,,,,NO,,,1936,,YES,"1-2 times a month to Shkodra and since one daughter is in Tirana, the family visits there often.",YES,They visit Shale's administrative center for official necessities such as certificates and other official business.,It is important. HH028,06/21/2005,"AY, MM","Historically the household derived its income through specialized labor. The grandfather was a master mason while th informant's father was a farmer; the informant himself was a shepherd. Interestingly, the family has specialized in three different professions. In terms of change over time, the family mastered certain professions, i.e. mason, while during communist times labor was primarily farming and shepherding. In the post-communist era they maintain their small holding of three dylym, from the original nine owned by three brothers. Government assistance: 700 lek a month?",Originally 9 dylym and it was divided between three brothers so respondent's family owns 3 dylym.,Two stones were used to mark the division and a wood fence that goes between the two pairs of stones marks the property.,Only 33% is being used for produce while the rest is planted with ("jonxhe") hay for the animals.,NO,,,,,YES,Water sprinkler while the water is brought to the fields from the spring using a water hose.,"Corn for food, potatoes, beans, onions, tomatoes, few grape vines, plums, apples, pears, and cherries.",For family use,YES,As long as they can remember. It is a traditional form of farming here.,"NO. However, they remember a horse plow being used in pre-communist times.",Shkodra,,,Gusi was used before but is no longer accessible after the implementation of modern borders in 1945.,"Corn is processed in the neighboorhood mill which is owned, used, and maintained communally by the neighborhood.","Corn is processed in the neighboorhood mill which is owned, used, and maintained communally by the neighborhood.","Three cows, 10 chickens, one dog, and one cat.",,,NO,,YES. They remember flour coming in the 1990s and hear of other help arriving to the village which never makes it to the people.,YES,"Hazelnuts (""lajthi""), ""drethe"", ""boronice"", ""mjeder"".",NO,,A nearby spring,Wood,YES,1965,YES,IFA - truck or transport. They got it 3-4 years ago.,YES,,The paths to the house are the original paths and they only change when the main village road changes.,YES,2-3 times a year in Tirana,YES,To visit wife's family in Barjam Curri,Very important. The only assistance they are getting is about 700 new lek per person each month. HH064,07/08/2005,MM,Pension but mainly assistance from relatives abroad.,30 dylym,,,NO,,,,,YES,"Vade" or by channeling the water into the field,"Onions , potatoes, corn, beans","Food, while alfalfa is used as fodder",YES,,NO,Shkodra,No surplus reported,,,Shkodra,"Nick Gjonaj east mill which is communally owned, operated, and maintained","One horse, two pigs, two cows, and 10 sheep",Pasture land is located above Okol east and it is used communally with other neighbors.,Shared with Nik Gjonaj neighborhood,,,,NO,"In the past the family has collected ""dlli"" or ""ddhi"" (juniper), ""bar zemne"", mountain tea, ""koca"", ""lule blini"", ""xhiroke"", ""selep"", ""lule shtogu"", ""rrenje sanxet"". These were collected during the communist regime and exported abroad for medicinal use.",YES,Very rarely the family hunts for rabbits using a hunting dog and a hunting shotgun; wild goats and boars are also killed whenever stumbled upon. In the past when there was a market for fur "shqerr" and foxes were hunted or trapped.,There is a mountain spring very near the house and this has been the family's source of drinking water.,Wood,YES,,NO,,,,,YES,The respondent travels to Tirana less than once a year.,YES,To visit the family; these regions are presently accessed via the road from Shkodra.,Help from relatives who live and work abroad are very important for the family. HH085,07/08/2005,"MM, AY","Work as electrician, and farming.","22 dylym , 20 of which are used as pasture and 1 1/2 as farm land.",,see above,NO,,,,,YES,Irrigation chanels or "vade". The field is watered once a week but no more than 4-5 times per season.,The usual Theth staple crops.,Personal use,YES,At least since King Zogu's times in order to get as much production as possible from the land. Note that potatoes are not typically intercropped because they drain the soil more so than the other crops.,NO,"Now in Shkodra, but during the communist regime there was a village store.",,,"Shkodra was the main market where animals were taken in order to sell them and the people often returned with salt used for cheese, for animals, and kitchen needs. Plave, Pej, and Gusi were also famous markets for the purchase of corn for bread.",On site and in Shkodra residence,Nik Gjonaj west and east mills are available for Nik Gjonaj neighborhood use. When one is broken the other may be used.,One cow,Pasture land for Nik Gjonaj is located beyond the Qafa e Pejes and it is shared by the neighborhood and also with Gjelaj. Pastures in Qafa e Valbones were also utilized by the Nik Gjonaj neighborhood.,Shared with others from Nik Gjonaj as well as with Gjelaj. In 1990's Qafa e Pejes and the pastures beyond were used by Okol and Nik Gjonaj and were rented from the owners in Kelmend (the area does actually belong to Kelmend and the Qafa e Pejes is the northern boundary of the village even though it is used mostly by Thethians) at 100 lek per sheep for the two summer months.,YES,"Up until 1957: pastoralism supplemented with small scale agriculture. 1957 to the end of the cooperative and the coming of privatization in late 1980's and early 1990's: cooperative bujqesore and from then on as reported above.",,NO,"Before they collected shqeme, teukla, xhiroke, and dllinje which were sold to the government who exported them abroad for medicinal use.",YES,Very little fishing for river trout. There is very little fish though because a net has been placed at the meeting of the Shala river with Drin which prevents the upstream migration of the trout.,By pipe from the village-wide water system (ujesjelles).,Wood via fire place and stove.,YES,1960. When the village was first electrified the people were wondering: "how is it possible that the water can turn the night into day?",NO,,"NO. In the winter it is easier to access Shkodra from Bregu i Lumit as follows: qaf mal i Shoshit, Ura e Shtrenjte, to Mes Shkoder. This path is blocked for only two months during the winter while the Qaf Terthores and Shtegu i Dhenve passess may be inaccessible for many more months.",road constructed in 1937,,YES,2-3 times a winter to Tirana,Very rarely,"Wakes and visits to relatives. It takes about 8 hours to Barjam Curri by foot and 4 hours to Valbona.",Very important HH100,07/06/2005,MM,"Animals, farming, pension, and assistance.",Five dylym of farmland and 50 dylym of pasture owned and used by the family.,,Only one dylym of the 5 dylym farmland is planted today.,,,,,,,,"Beans, potatoes, corn, onions. Trees: plums, apples, pears, cherries, walnuts, hazlenuts, thana, and vines.",Food,,,,,,,"In the past the Terthore path was utilized to go to Shkodra in the summer and Shtegu i Dhenve in the winter. In the pre-communist era people sold animals like cows, sheep, and goats in Shkodra; they purchased other necessities there as well.",,,"Now and during the communist era the family keeps/kept only one cow. In pre-communist times the family owned 50 sheep and 30 goats, 10 cows, one mule, one pig.",Above Gjelaj in the mountaneous pastures. Presently anybody may use them since the family is not using them.,,,"Pre-communist: mainly pastoralist subsistence Communist: cooprative bujqesore Now: son is a policeman","YES, decreasing","NO. They were collected only during communist times when there was a market to sell them. Before that, and presently, very little wild plant collection takes place in Theth.",,NO,In the pre-communist times people hunted wild boar and wild goat.,,,YES,,YES,Small mercedes purchased two years ago.,,,,YES,3-4 times a year for relative visits and to the hospital.,YES,For wakes or weddings,Important HH208,06/24/2005,"AY, MM",Shepherding is the main subsistence strategy which is supplemented by subsistence farming and pensions (1700 lek per month).,Four dylyms,"Marked with wood and wire fences, with just a few stone walls since they are expensive to repair, and are therefore no longer in use.","Planting takes place once a year, 50% with hay, often intercropped with grapevines, the remaining half with other subsistence farming.",NO,,,,,YES,"Channeled water, which is the old method","Corn, potatoes, beans, hay, onions, grapevines, and throughout the land there are plum, pear and apple trees.",Hay as winter fodder and the rest for home consumption.,YES,"Corn and beans, hay and grapevines, so that the land yields more agricultural production.",NO. Previoiusly oxen ahd horses wereused for ploughing.,Shkodra,No surplus was reported,,,On site,To the Gjecaj mill.,30 sheep and one cow.,Above the Gjelaj neighborhood.,"Shared with patrikin, and utilized by neighborhood generally.",YES,"During communism, the whole family had only one dylym of land. Sometimes it was divided into l00 sq. m. per brother, and passed on to their sons. After communism fell, the original lands were claimed by the appropriate owners without conflict, since all were aware of their old boundaries. Now people only get half the monetary assistance that they had during the DP era (approx. 2,000 lek per month for a family of 5) Since l997 there have been no winter reserves. They used to get l00kg. for 3,300 lek before from the winter village reserves which were stored in the builiding near the bridge on the western side of the valley. Since l997 there have been no winter reserves for the village.",YES,YES but very little as there is no market,"Mountain tea, camomile, Adam crocus wild orchids (salep), oreganum vulgare, teukel, rrenje sanxi, xhirokul, rranje fyeri","NO, but they used to hunt wild goats, wild boar, foxes, shqerr",see above,Water pipes linked to a source above the house.,"With wood, using a fireplace and a stove.",YES,Village electrified in l967,YES,"l964 military truck, but it's broken","NO. With extension of the land from one dylym to four dylyms, the paths also changed.",,The old road to the village was constructed in 1939.,"YES, both Shkodra and Tirana",Every 20 days to Shkodra for household necessities. Rarely to Tirana because of expense - last visit was 3 years ago.,YES,"For family visits, funerals and weddings around the area", HH219,07/07/2005,"AY, MM",Assistance and pension with very little support from other means of subsistence such as farming and shepherding.,Three dylym of farmland and the rights of about 100 dylym of pasture land that belong to the neighborhood. While they can use this land the respondent also mentioned that only one dylym of the 100 reported is actually their property.,,Only parts of this land is farmed and the rest is left unused.,YES,Most of them in communist times.,NO,,,YES,"Vade" or irrigation channels,"Corn, potatoes, tomatoes, onions, garlic, lettuce, and ""rrepa"". Among the trees are: pears, apples, plums, grape vines, wallnuts, and ""thana"".",For food,YES,To improve soil quality and to get more agricultural yield per area of farmland.,NO,"In the past Gusi was the main market place to purchase corn which was readily available in Gusi and hard to find and more expensive in Shkodra. Often families would make the trip and spend the night with friends or friends of friends and return the next morning. Shkodra was also a main market place where the natives of Theth sold beans, onions, lumber, potatoes, animsl, butter, and cheese. They purchased sugar, rice, spaghetti, and other necessities.","Xhirokull" and "salep" are sold in Shkodra and no other surplus was reported.,It would take a day-long trip to Gusi and often Thethians spend the night there and returned the next morning.,"In the summer, Qafa e Terthores was used to go to Shkodra and Shtegu i Dheneve was the traditional winter path to Shkodra. Gusi was accessed through Qafa e Pejes.",On site for the processing and deposited in winter residence in Shkodra.,"Ulaj, Kolaj, and Alicaj have traditionally used the same mill located below the Kolaj kulla near the bridge.","One cow (although it was mentioned the the respondent's son was with ""berre"" the day we visited the house even though no other animals were mentioned). In the pre-comm era the family owned 50 sheep, 25-30 goats, four cows, one pig, and about five chickens. In communist times the houshold had one cow and one pig.",The Ulaj pastures are located above Nen Rreth and each household grazes their flocks by themselves while everybody shared the use of the neighborhood pastures.,Shared with other members of the neighbohood.,YES,"The family owned about three dylyms of farmland and lots of pasture in the pre-communist era whereas in the communist era the family was left with only one dylym and no pasture land. Over time the economy shifted from pastoral, to wage working, and back to a mixture of small-scale farming and shepherding in the present time.","YES, decreasing",YES,Xhirokull and salep are collected even today. In pre-communist times only mountain tea (caj) was collected.,YES,"River trout, and very little hunting of wild goat, wolves, wild boar, and foxes which were more prevalent during communist times.",Via the main village aqueduct.,Wood via a fireplace and stove.,YES,,NO,,,,,NO,Lives in Shkodra and does not travel to Tirana.,YES,To visit daughter in Lezhe. Also in Shosh and Plan to visit relatives for religious holidays of their saints.,No one from the family is abroad. HH305,06/19/2005,"AY, MM","Agriculture, shepherding, pension, and help from relatives abroad and in Shkodra. No member of the family who is living in Theth is currently employed.",100 dylym,Rock markers are used with a tall (~0.5m) and a smaller rock used to depict the boundaries; wood fences are used for internal divisions of the land.,Mostly grass land for fodder and little bit of produce for family use.,NO,,,,,YES,Canals (vade) no longer in use; sprinklers which are fed with a water hose.,"Corn, potatoes, and beans.",Only for food,YES,Corn and bean intercropping has been practiced as long as they can remember.,"NO. Only with a horse and plow, and before ox and plow.",Shkodra and from the local store they purchase other essentials like oil and paste.,No surplus.,Car which takes about 7 hours round trip and the walk to the village store in the center and this may take up to 30-60 minutes round trip.,"They use to go to Gusi which took about 5 hours on foot or with mules and horses. The village road was completed by King Zog.",Processing of corn at the neighborhood mill and storage at home.,At the neighborhood mill which is free of use.,"Pre-communist: Five cows, two oxen, 80 sheep, one dog, one pig, 40 goats, 15 chickens. Communist: one cow and one dog. Today: one horse, two cows, 15 sheep, one pig, one dog recently killed by a wolf.","The pasture is located over the neighborhood and was owned and used communally by the neighborhood of Gjecaj. Tody, since they only own a small number of animals, they graze on their own land.",,YES,"The pasture is located over the neighborhood and was owned and used communally by the neighborhood of Gjecaj but now the family does not need to use these pastures as their own land is enough for their small herd. Pre-communist: same as today Communist: they were only allowed one dylym per family to grow corn and potatoes. Before communism: farming and shepherding Communism: labor Post communism: corn is used for animals",YES. It fluctuates rapidly,YES,"Mountain tea Pre-communist: ""rrenje sanxet"", xhirok collected and sold. Communist: ""delli"" for raki",YES,"Pre-communist: rabbits, foxes, ""shqerr"", wild goat, and wolves just to kill them. Communist: no hunting weapons available Now: wolves just to kill them, and wild goats",Nearby spring above the road near the barn on the way to Ndoc Thana's residence and it is brought via a water hose.,Wood via a fire place "oxhak" and a stove.,YES,1969,NO,,NO,The road to the village was built by Zog and the informant remembers it built before his first childhood memories (he had heard that it was built for the Shkodra family to have access to Theth for their summer vacation). The paths to the residence have changed since the houses and main road locations in the neighborhood have changed.,,YES,Once a month to supply themselves and visit relatives; and once or twice a year to Tirana.,YES,To valbona which is four hours walk for funerals and other visits.,Very important; couldn't survive without it. HH306,06/20/2005,"AY, MM","Mostly from wage labor brought in by son of and some agriculture, pastoralism and pension.","Seven dylym out of which only 1 1/2 dylym are utilized for crops like corn, beans, potatoes, and onions.",The outer boundaries are marked with wooden fences while the interior divisions are sporadically marked with stone walls.,The remaining land is utilized as pasture and exploited for winter fodder.,NO,,,,,YES,Water hose,"Corn, beans, potatoes, and onions.","Corn is used as animal food while beans, onions, and potatoes are used for food.",YES,Intercropping of corn and beans has been practiced in the area as long as people can remember and the natives' reason that this is the only combination that yields the most production out of the scarce farm lands of Theth.,NO,Shkodra,No surplus is usually produced.,By car and it may take anywhere from 3-4 hours each way depending on road conditions.,,On site and in Shkodra.,"Corn is processed in the neighboorhood mill which is located on the opposite side of the river from the Gjecaj neighborhood near the Gjon Gjecaj household cluster. It is functional and it is owned, maintained, and used collectively by the Gjecaj neighborhood at large, free of charge. It appears as though the neighborhoods of Theth (i.e., Okol, Gjecaj, Fushe, Drunas, Gjelaj, and Nik Gjonaj) own, maintain, and operate their own mills although presently only four mills are kept up as only 17-18 families now reside in Theth continuously throughout the year.","One cow, one pig, a house cat, and 10 chickens which is the standard number of chickens per household.",,,NO,,Pension amount has not fluctuated. Food relief?,NO,,NO,,From a mountain spring nearby which is accessed via a hose.,Fire wood,YES,The old residence was electrified at the same time that electricity came to the village in about 1966-1969 while the present residence was electrified from the onset of its inhabitation in 1986.,NO,,,,,Yes. The family lives in Shkodra for the winter but rarely goes to Tirana.,,YES,The women of the household visit their relatives in Nreaj (Shosh) and Nen Verriq (Shale).,No such remittances were reported as no relatives live abroad. HH307,06/26/2005,MM,"Pensions, subsistence farming.",Three dylyms,It is marked with fences and some walls. Before two rocks used to be used to mark these boundaries. The land is being used for subsistence farming.,,YES,Unknown,YES,Each year the retaining walls are mended after the snow damages them in the harsh winters.,NO,YES,Channels,"Corn, potatoes, beans grapevines, and some fruit trees.",As food,YES,During the pre-communist era this was practised very little (beans and corn).,NO,"Shkodra. Before, Plav (Gusi) and Peje were the main market places, but they were closed in 1947. People would go there to sell their pastoral products (sheep, goats, cheese, eggs, cows) and would return back with corn, flour. From 1976 onwards, medicinal plants were collected locally and sold.",,"5-6 hours to Plav, 8 hours to Peje.",,On site,"Gjecaj mill, locally.","One cow, chickens, one dog. Pre-communist: 100 sheep, two oxen, two cows.","Above the current residence, about 100 dylyms are for this family's use alone.",Not shared,YES,During Communism the family only owned one dylym.,,"YES. During Communism, mountain tea, lajthi, teaukel, balcam, wild berries, rranje xhansi were collected.",To sell,NO,,Through pipes from a spring.,Wood,YES,l967,NO,,,,,NO. Interviewee is too old to go other than going for the winter to Shkodra. which they've done since 1992.,,,,No family abroad. HH308,06/28/2005,MM,"Pension, wage labor (engineer, teacher), some outside help.",30 dylyms,"Wood fences, rock walls and boundaries and two standing rocks.",Others use their land at no cost.,NO,,,,,NO,,,,,,,Shkodra,,,Gusi and Peje were the main markets where they went to purchase corn. They used to take sheep and goats in exchange.,n/a,n/a,n/a,n/a,"Their family pasture lands used to be most of the land above Okol, but it is now forrested and no longer pasture land.",YES,"Pre-communist 5-6 dylyms was farmed and the rest was used for pasture and hayfields for winter fodder. At that time they had 300 sheep, 3-4 cows, one horse, one ewe and two pigs and a dog. In the Communist period they had one dylym of farmland, planted with corn and potatoes; they had one cow, one pig and one dog. Now only a dog.",NO,YES,"Used to collect shmza during Communist era, but there's not much left now, only mountain tea.","NO. He does remember hunting rabbits, wild goats and wild boars whenever the opportunity arose.",,By pipe from a spring.,Wood and fireplace.,,1969,YES,"Isuzu trooper - bought last year, their 4th car",YES,The construction of the village road started in 1924 and was completed in 1937.,,YES,"Live in Shkodra. Interviewee goes to Tirana once a year, but his son goes every day.",YES,For pleasure in their car.,"It is important, but usually the help is symbolic as they have to look after themselves." HH310,06/29/2005,"MM, EB",Pension and work.,Two dylym farmland and lots of pasture land.,,"For very minor farming and the rest is left fallow. The pastoral lands are located above the Campi, as well as above Okol on the western side of the valley.",,,,,,,,Potatoes and beans,Food,,,,,,,,,,One cow,Pasture land is located above the Kampi and is presently forrested and overgrown.,"The family does not use the pasture land, but others may use it.",,,"YES, 700 lek per month and it is decreasing over time.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,YES,Breg Lumi to visit relatives., HH009,06/18/2005,"AY, MM","Agriculture, pastoralism, and work.",25 dylyms but his patrikin owe about 100 dylym,Wooden fences,Most of the land is out of use and only 500 square meters is planted with crops. Some of it is used by hay.,NO,,,,,YES,Canals,"Corn, beans, and potatoes",Food,YES,As long as he can remember. Beans don't grow tall and may be planted with corn. Note: thinning of corn field is practiced and the discard is utilized as winder fodder.,NO,Shkodra,Shkodra,Transport to Gusi was by foot and use of draft animals like horses and took about 4 hours.,"In communist times there was an interior market in Theth and in the pre-communist era the market was in Gusinje which was about 4 hours walk away. With the closing of the borders with Yugoslavia in 1948, travel to Gusi was no longer possible.",Process on site and storage in Shkodra winter residence,Milling is done at the neighborhood mill free of charge.,"Pre communist: 40 sheep, goats, 2 or 3 cows, 2-3 horses. Communism: one cow and the village had about 15-20 horses.",Pasture located on the west upper mountain side and is shared with the neighborhood ("mehalle").,Shared with the neighboorhood,YES,"During communist time pastures and much of the farm land became state property. Precommunist: pastoralism and agriculture. Communism was primarily wage labor. Postcommunist: primarily agriculture.",NO. But government allowence is decreasing.,NO,During communist times kids collected mountain tea and "rrenje sanxet" to sell for profit.,YES,Minimal fishing of river trout,From the mountain spring nearby,Wood,YES,1966,NO,,YES,It was constructed in 1936.,The old village road was located through the "shtegu i deleve" over the "qafa e pejes". The old horse road is still visible today and a part of it may be found at the "Gryka e Shtegut." It is about 2 m wide.,YES,Shkodra for winter and Tirana about once or twice a year.,YES,"When living in Theth yes, but after 1996 no longer traveled to these regions in order to avoid trouble.",Outside help by relatives abroad is crucial. HH022,06/30/2005,"MM, EB","Pension and a little farming, but mainly help from relatives abroad.",5 dylym,"Fence, rock wall, and trees","Two dylym are utilized for hay and stored on site for the winter as fodder for the animals while the remaining three dylym are planted with beans, corn, and potatoes.",NO,,,,,YES,Via irrigation channels; irrigation is performed as flood-gate irrigation,"Fruit includes grape vines, apple, pear, plum, carnelian cherry and native cherry trees. The main agricultural products are beans, corn and potatoes.",For family use,YES,As long as they remember. Intercropping is practiced in order to retrieve more types of food products from the land and to increase agricultural productivity over available land.,NO,"It was mentioned that there is internal trade between villagers, whereas some products not grown in sufficient quantities are bought from the families who have a surplus. Shkodra is also the main center for the purchase of much needed products.","No surplus is reported. It was mentioned however that in the pre-communist era, the Thethi natives utilized a number of trade centers. Often they bought tobacco in Shkodra and sold it in Gjakove, Peje, and/or Gusi. Often they also took pastoral products like sheep, wool, butter, etc. to Shkodra and with the money from the sale they purchased their corn in the northern trade centers where it was sold for a more affordable price.",In the pre-communist era people walked to these centers and utilized draft animals whenever they could.,With the closing of the border the northern trade centers were no longer accessible.,On site,"Taken from the Gjecaj mill and it is free of charge. It is owned, maintained, and utilized communally by the entire neighborhood.","Presently the family owns one horse, two pigs, and chickens. In pre-communist times the family owned 70 goats, 100 sheep, one horse, two oxen, and approximately 10 cows.",Every neighborhood is reported to own and share their own pasture land. In pre-communist times the families of every neighborhood combined their animals and a group of shepherders spent the summer with the flocks on the highland pastures. Pastoralism is described as the original and most widely spread form of subsistance strategy by the informant. This may explain the absence of abundant material record from the earlier time periods as the vertical transhumant pastoralist subsistence strategy has been characterized as a lifeway with a "poor" material culture.,,YES,"The land owned by the family was utilized in the same way in the pre-communist era as it is today. The pastures that were once utilized by the family in the pre-communist era are no longer utilized today. During communist times, only one dylym farm land was left to the family and it was mostly utilized to grow potatoes, corn, and beans. Over time, the family was traditionally pastoralist in its lifeways, wage laborers during the communist era, and farmer/woodworker after the communist regime.",,NO,,NO,,Until 1985 the drinking water was carried from the river to the house. In 1985 the village network of pipes was inaugurated and the house is currently receiving its drinking water from the very same system.,,YES,1965,NO,,NO,"1936. The old road/path passed through the Shtegu i Dhenve though there was another pass through Tthorja where the modern road passes. This second old path is located above the modern road and follows it . In other words, the modern King Zog road followed an existing old path that people of Theth utilized to go to Shkodra.",See previous field,YES,Very rarely to Tirana and once a month to Shkodra,YES,"To visit relatives and for pleasure, but mostly for wakes and other occassions.",Very important. "It is with those that I survive." HH027,06/27/2005,"AY, MM","In the pre-communist era, it was mainly a pastoral economy (shepherding), supplemented by farming. The flocks spent the winter in Koplik and the summer on the mountainous pastures above the village.",Two dylym,Wood fences,100 percent farmland,NO,,,,,YES,"Vade, i.e. channels","Potatoes, beans, strawberries, onion, garlic, grapevines, pears, apples, cherries, (ftoj), mulberries","With the exception of beans which are often sold, all others are consumed by the family.",YES,As long as they remember,,,,,"The old market was in Vothaj which is the first village in Theth across the border. Groups as many as 12 people traveled there together for safety and brought sheep, goats and cows to the market to Shkodra and with the cash they went to Vothaj and Gusi where they purchased and brought back corn for bread.",In Tirana,"Tirana, 6 lek per kilogram",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, HH311,06/30/2005,"MM, EB",Pension,Four dylym of farm land,,One dylym planted and the rest is utilized as pasture land.,,,,,,,,Beans and potatoes,Personal use,,,NO - not possible to use any mechanized machinery in Nen Rreth as the road does not reach this marginalized neighborhood of Theth.,,,,"Musa Juka in the time of King Zog brought the modern road near today's Kampi and all the way to his house so that ""he could spend the summer in Theth"". In the older times, the family utilized the old market in Shkodra where they purchased salt and sold animals like sheep. Anything else they needed they brought back from the market. The family also used the old market at Gusi. They did not take any animals for sale there however, because the natives in the Gusi area had their own surplus of pastoral products. Instead they brought back corn. The trip to the market was often a day long activity.",On site,In the past the neighborhood mill was utilized which is presently out of use.,"One cow and two pigs. In the pre-communist era the family owned: 120 sheep, 30 goats, 10 cows, one horse. In the communist era: one cow ""and no pasture land for it"", and 500 meters square of land for family use.",,,YES,In the pre-communist era some family members left for the city and the low lands where they worked as wage laborers in order to support themselves and their families.,The family does not receive any assistance .,NO because people did not know about their use or value until the communist era when the people were advised about these valuable plants; additionally there was also a collection center in Theth where the villagers could sell these plants.,,NO,"However in the past there is a memory of an organized fur trade where foxes, ""shqerr"", and even wolves were targeted. Wild goats and rabbits were were hunted in an opportunistic way and consumed as food.",,,,,NO,,NO,,The old path to Shkodra went through the Shtegu i Dhenve or Gryk Shtegut.,YES,Only once every other year,NO since all relatives have moved to Shkodra,,No relatives currently abroad. HH312,07/01/2005,MM,In the city the respondent works as a carpenter. The family is also supported by a pension and assistance from a son and his family (3500 lek every two months).,One dylym of farmland and about 10 dylym of pasture,,,YES,They were built by the ancestors of the family probably at the end of the 1700's.,YES,20 days of work per year,NO,YES,Channeling the water,The usual Thethi staple food and alfalfa for fodder.,"Corn is used mainly for animals like pigs and very little of it is used for food. The rest, like beans and potatoes, are for family use as food, and the pastures yield the fodder for animals.",YES,As long as they remember.,YES,see below,see below,see below,"Before the building of the village road from Shkodra to Theth and up until the closing of the northern border, the people of Theth utilized the markets of Peje, Plave, and Gusi. They purchased their corn there more often than in Shkodra since by food and draft animals it was relatively a shorter trip in comparison to the trip in Shkodra. They did market their pastoral products in Shkodra, however, which included animals such as sheeps and goats, cheese. In addition they also sold lumber in Shkodra and often purchased salt which was needed for the animals, cheese, and possibly also to store meat.",In Shkodra.,Neighborhood mill which is owned by the entire neighborhood and is used and maintained communally.,"One cow and chickens. In the pre-communist era the family owned 50 sheep, 30 goats, two cows, two oxen, and two mules. During the communist regime the house owned one cow and one pig.","In the upper mountain pastures of Gjecaj west. In the past, however, the winter pastures for shala were in the Malesia e Madhe and Shjak, Durres where the pasture rights were rented out from the natives in these lowlands. Shepherds often gave their goats to another shepherd and in return they kept their sheep for the summer. The dairy products were given back to the families. Often every family sent a shepherd with the main neighborhood flock and it was reported that while the animals grazed together, they were milked separately.",Shared with others,YES,"Pre-communist: mostly pastoralism. Communist: farming of the very little land left for family use (1-2 dylym). Post-communist: mixture of farming and pastoralism.",YES. It is decreasing.,NO. There is no market for them now and in the pre-communist era. During the communist era there was a collection center in Theth where most people from the region sold the wild plants.,,NO,"In the past they hunted rabbits, foxes, wolves, ""shqerra"" (a sort of wild cat). In pre-communist times the furs were marketed in Shkodra and during communist times the furs were collected at the collection center in Theth.",,,YES,,NO,,,,,YES,1-2 times a year to Tirana.,,, HH313,07/12/2005,"MM, AY",Pension.,Eight dylym currently fallow.,,In pre-communist period four dylym was used as farmland and four as fodder field.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,The trip to Shkodra took as much as 3 days in the old times when people took animals to sell. It must have taken the same length and probably longer when animals were moved to Koplik for the winter.,,,,"Five sheep and two goats in pre-communist times. One cow in communist times and no animals at present.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,YES,Ifa truck purchased last year.,The extention of the old King Zogu road that connected Okol with downtown Theth was completed in 1957.,,,They don't travel to Tirana but Shkodra is their permanent residence.,,NO,,