Site Name,Site No.,Date,Unit No.,Level,Beginning depth,End depth,Supervisor,Excavators,Munsell Color,Soil Texture,Inclusions,Internal Variation,Artifact Density,Disturbances,Level Type,Under,Over,Same As,Fills,Cuts,Cut By,Other,Description of Relationship with Other Levels,Description of Level,Interpretation of Level,Photos,Scale,NW,NE,SW,SE,Center,Corner Measured From,Drawings Theth Grunas,IAS-S006,23/June/2008,2008-003,000,0,0,CF,"GAD, CMS, NDH, CBS, KBK",10 YR 4/3,,,,,,Modern ground surface,,001,,,,,,,"Vegetation, pole height: 2.7 meters.",,003062308001,,95.81,95.92,95.78,95.92,"95,84",, Theth Grunas,IAS-S006,24/June/2008,2008-003,001,0,10,CF,"GAD, CMS, NDH, CBS",10 YR 4/3,,,,Low,,Fill,000,002,,,,,,,Small amounts of charcoal and daub as we near the bottom.,,003062408001,,95.78,95.845,95.845,95.802,95.775,, Theth Grunas,IAS-S006,25/June/2008,2008-003,002,10,20,CF,"GAD, CMS, NDH, CBS",10 YR 4/3,,flakes and cores,,Low,,Fill,001,003,,,,,,Nearing cultural level,Angular blocks that are not water-carried. Still seeing charcoal and daub in larger amounts concentrated in East.,,003062508001,,95.822,95.835,95.762,95.79,95.789,, Theth Grunas,IAS-S006,25/June/2008,2008-003,003,20,30,CF,"SD, JTB, BFO, KDK, WL, CF",10 YR 4/3,,rock,,,,Fill,002,004,,,,,,,Burnt grey colored rock; possible feature (see sketch). Larger rocks focused on southern end. Charcoal and daub present. Possible floor.,,"003062608001 003062608002 003062608003 003062608004",,95.719,95707,95.653,95.625,95.661,, Theth Grunas,IAS-S006,26/June/2008,2008-003,004,30,40,CF,"GAD, JTB, KDK, CBS, NH, CMS, WL, CF",10 YR 4/3,,,,,,Fill,003,005,,,,,,,"Soil along the eastern edge of rocks is more compact than rest of unit. Soil type one (daub, inclusions, charcoal). Rest of unit is type two. Burnt limestone and burnt bedrock found in association with the �wall�.",,"003062708001 003062708002 003062708003 003062708004",,95.577,95.620,95.607,95.557,95.578,, Theth Grunas,IAS-S006,27/June/2008,2008-003,005,40,50,CF,"NH, JB, CS, CF, WL",10 YR 3/4; 10 YR 5/8 (east side),,,,,,Fill,004,006,,,,,,,Larger charcoal and daub deposits. Wall was removed. Eastern soil may be part of a floor space.,,"003062808001 003062808002",,95.429,95.486,95.474,95.463,95.459,, Theth Grunas,IAS-S006,28/June/2008,2008-003,006,50,60,"CF, WL","JTB, CF, MG, AC, CMS, SD",10YR 3/3,silty clay loam,gravel,,Low,Small Burrows,Fill,005,007,,,,,,Alongside level 060,FCR and burned rock on east wall. Elevations are of the entire 4x4 unit.,,"003063008001 003063008002",,95.378,95.378,95.401,95.388,95.419,, Theth Grunas,IAS-S006,30/June/2008,2008-003,060,50,60,"MG, CF","JTB, CF, MG, AC, CMS, SD",10YR 4/4,clay loam,gravel,patches of clay,Low-Medium,Small Burrows or root holes,Occupation surface,005,007,,,,,,Alongside level 006,"Opening measurements North: N: 1012.025 E: 970.944 EL: 95.486 Center: N: 1010.281 E: 970.872 EL: 95.492 South: N: 1008.164 E: 970.855 EL: 95.481 Elevations for entire 4x4 unit.",Either a floor or rubble from a floor directly above sterile clay level - CF,"003063008001 003063008002",,95.378,95.378,95.401,95.388,95.419,, Theth Grunas,IAS-S006,30/June/2008,2008-003,007,60,70,"MG, CF","JTB, CF, MG, AC, CMS, SD",10YR 4/3 brown,silty clay loam,gravel,becomes harder and more yellow toward bottom,Low (more pottery toward bottom of unit; none in upper fill),None,Fill,006,008,,,,,,,"West side of unit different soil, loosely packed, granular, sterile, no daub, no charcoal. New rocks on west side of unit. Soil along western edge of unit orange in color. Bottom of unit becomes harder and more yellow with gravel and artifacts.",,"003070108001 003070108002",,95.320,95.316,95.295,95.293,95.294,, Theth Grunas,IAS-S006,01/July/2008,2008-003,008,70,80,"MG, CF","JTB, CF, MG, AC, CMS, SD, GAD",10YR 4/4 dark yellowish brown,silty clay loam,gravel,,Medium,,Fill,007,009,,,,,,,Fill similar to bottom of Level 007,,"003070108003 003070108004 003070108005 003070108006",,95.216,95.196,95.228,95.177,95.225,, Theth Grunas,IAS-S006,01/July/2008,2008-003,009,80,90,"MG, CF","JTB, CF, MG, AC, CMS, SD, GAD",,silty clay loam,gravel,pockets of gray soil,Medium,Possible rodent holes,Fill,008,,,,,,,,"Matrix is yellow, relatively hard with gravel, moderate amounts of daub and charcoal. Pockets of gray soil are perhaps postholes or burrows.",,"003070108008 003070108009 003070108010 003070108011 003070108012 003070108013",,,,,,,, Theth Grunas,IAS-S006,02/July/2008,2008-003,070,60,70,CF,"JTB, AC, CMS, SD, GAD, CF, MG, FD, WL",10YR 4/4,clay loam,light gravel,,Low,Possible burrows,"Occupation surface Other interface",060,080,,,,,,Alongside level 007,Top ten centimeters of clay platform in eastern third of unit. Northeast corner: patch of soft clay loam.,Clay material possibly brought to site to create a house floor.,"003070208001 003070208002",,95.317,95.234,95.304,95.273,95.304,, Theth Grunas,IAS-S006,02/July/2008,2008-003,080,70,80,MG,"JTB, GAD, CMS, WL, FD",7.5YR 4/6 strong brown,clay loam with patches of clay and loam,"gravel, rock",orange clay loam with patches of yellow clay and black loam,Low,"Burrows, root holes","Fill Other interface",070,090,,,,,,Alongside level 008,Bottom portions of occupation platform incorporating some of the underlying prehistoric ground surface.,,"003070208003 003070208004 003070208005",,95.238,95.206,95.215,95.202,95.2,, Theth Grunas,IAS-S006,02/July/2008,2008-003,090,80,90,CF,"JTB, FD, SD, GAD, CF",10YR 4/4 dark yellowish brown,silty clay loam to clay loam,rounded river cobbels,,Low -Medium,"Burrows, decaying bedrock, daub","Fill Other interface",080,,,,,,,,Very clay sediment under clay cap. Either fill or sediment. Ceramics present.,,"003070208006 003070208007",,,95.187,95.184,95.212,95.168,, Theth Grunas,IAS-S006,02/July/2008,2008-003,010,90,100,"MG, CF, WL","GAD, FD, JTB",10YR 3/6 dark yellowish brown,clay loam,"bedrock, gravel",,Low,"Burrows, decaying root systems",Fill,009,011,,,,,,,Possible arrival upon sterile level.,,"003070308001 003070308002",,94.486,94.965,94.982,94.952,94.956,, Theth Grunas,IAS-S006,03/July/2008,2008-003,011,100,110,"CF, MG, WL","GAD, FD, JTB",7.5YR 4/4 brown,silt,,,Low; several extremely small sherds not kept,Some burrows under,"Fill Other interface",010,,,,,,,,Coming down to bedrock. Northeast is sterile. Silty deposits. West area by rocks show no cultural remains. Gravel on south of unit.,,"003070308003 003070308004",,94.915,94.874,94.859,94.862,94.828,, Theth Grunas,IAS-S006,04/July/2008,2008-003,012,110,120,"WL, GF","JTB, FD, CMS",10YR 3/4 dark yellowish brown,silty clay loam,gravel and burned (or stained) bedrock,,Low -Sterile,Root systems and burrows,Fill,011,013,,,,,,,Approaching heavy bedrock.,"Cultural patches: 001: N: 1010.314 E: 968.189 EL: 94.764 002: N: 1010.414 E: 968.772 EL: 94.748 003: N: 1010.734 E: 968.724 EL: 94.766 004: N: 1011.920 E: 968.744 EL: 94.776 005: N: 1012.307 E: 968.760 EL: 94.801",,,94.790,94.817,94.785,94.835,94.769,, Theth Grunas,IAS-S006,04/July/2008,2008-003,013,120,130,"CF, WL","JTB, FD, CMS, NH",,silty clay loam,rocks,mixes of different colored soils,None,Decaying bedrock,Fill,012,,,,,,,,Fill and debris over undulating material.,,"East Profile Photo Unit 003 2008 North Profile Photo Unit 003 2008 South Profile Photo Unit 003 2008 West Profile Photo Unit 003 2008",,94.694,94.700,94.719,94.763,94.684,,East Profile Unit 003 2008