Site Name,Site No.,Date,Unit No.,Level,Beginning depth,End depth,Supervisor,Excavators,Munsell Color,Soil Texture,Inclusions,Internal Variation,Artifact Density,Disturbances,Level Type,Under,Over,Same As,Fills,Cuts,Cut By,Other,Description of Relationship with Other Levels,Description of Level,Interpretation of Level,Photos,Scale,NW,NE,SW,SE,Center,Corner Measured From,Drawings Gimaj,IAS-S008,11/July/2007,001,001,0,9,MG,"ZT, AG",7.5 YR 4/4 brown,silt loam,rocks,low,low - modern and prehistoric pottery,,Fill,surface,002,,,,,,Above 002,"A-horizon over compact, rocky B-horizon",A-horizon,Gimaj07112007 012,1 : 1,9,10,9,8,11,NW, Gimaj,IAS-S008,11/July/2007,001,002,9,19,MG,"ZT, AG",10 YR 5/6 yellowish brown,clay silt loam,rocks - all sizes,low - poss wall to W?,v low - one ceramic,roots sm and lg,Fill,001,004,,,,,,Under 001,"B-horizon, very rocky. Some small pieces of modern tile, not kept.","Fill with possible wall to W. NOTE: level 003 = the last of 002 stratum and wall fall",Gimaj07112007 013,1 : 1,19,22,18,22,22,NW, Gimaj,IAS-S008,11/July/2007,001,004,19,30,MG,"ZT, AG",2.5 Y 6/6 olive yellow,clay loam,rocks - all sizes,low,none,large root,Fill,002-003,005,,,,,,Under levels 002-003 and under the wall fall in levels 002-003.,"Clay loam under wall fall. Some charcoal. One sample taken.","Clay loam, alluvial from perroi?",Gimaj07112007 014,1 : 1,30,31,32,32,32,NW, Gimaj,IAS-S008,11/July/2007,001,005,30,40,MG,"ZT, AG",2.5 Y 6/6 olive yellow,clay loam,many large and medium rocks,low,none,"roots, one large",Fill,003/004,sterile,004,,,,,Under levels 002-003 and under the wall fall in levels 002-003.,"Very rocky clay subsoil, devoid of artifacts and charcoal.",Clay loam alluvial fill around large boulders.,Gimaj07112007 015,1 : 1,40,39,40,40,40,NW,