Site Name,Site No.,Date,Unit No.,Level,Beginning depth,End depth,Supervisor,Excavators,Munsell Color,Soil Texture,Inclusions,Internal Variation,Artifact Density,Disturbances,Level Type,Under,Over,Same As,Fills,Cuts,Cut By,Other,Description of Relationship with Other Levels,Description of Level,Interpretation of Level,Photos,Scale,NW,NE,SW,SE,Center,Corner Measured From,Drawings Okol ST159,IAS-S009,09/July/2007,001,001,0,10,MG,"ZT, AG",2.5YR 2.5/1 reddish black,"sandy clay loam, friable","gravel, rocks",low,high,none,Fill,,002,,,,,,,"Very rocky plow zone. Dark organic soil. At top of level, lots of modern artifacts: glass, nails, bone, pottery.",Plow zone.,OKOL07092007 001,1 : 1,10,16,15,19,15,NW, Okol ST159,IAS-S009,09/July/2007,001,002,10,29,MG,"ZT, AG",7.5YR 3/2 dark brown,sandy clay loam,"many large rocks, gravel",low,very low,none,Fill,001,003,001 (a little lighter in color),,,,,"Below 001 Above 003",Fill. Many rocks. More clay. Some artifacts. Much charcoal.,Fill under plow zone.,OKOL07092007 002,1 : 1,29,36,36,43,38,NW, Okol ST159,IAS-S009,09/July/2007,001,003,29,34,MG,"ZT, AG",same as 002,sandy clay loam,"rocks, gravel",low,very low,none,Fill,002,004,001,,,,,"Below 002 Above 004",Fill just above clay level with much charcoal.,Fill.,"OKOL07092007 003 OKOL07092007 004",1 : 1,34,40,40,46,38,NW, Okol ST159,IAS-S009,09/July/2007,001,004,34,36,MG,"ZT, AG",10 YR 5/6 yellow brown,sandy clay loam,"rocks, gravel",low,very low,none,Fill,003,005,002 and 003,,,,,"Below 003 Above 005",Same rocky soil.,Fill.,"OKOL07092007 005 OKOL07092007 006",1 : 1,36,45,42,51,43,NW, Okol ST159,IAS-S009,09/July/2007,001,005,36,50,MG,"ZT, AG",10 YR 5/4 yellowish brown,clay,"rocks, gravel",low,none,none,Fill,004,006,004,,,,,"Below 003 Above 005","Clay with rocks above sterile level 006, which is clean reddish clay and was checked via sondage.","Same rocky soil, but capped with yellow clay and with clay throughout. Above red clean clay.","OKOL07092007 007 OKOL07092007 008 OKOL07092007 009 OKOL07092007 010",1 : 1,36,45,42,51,43,NW,