Collections History 2024
Count: 801
December 2024:
Images and Text from an Archaeological Evaluation of Land at Back Lane, North Molton, Devon, November 2014 (Archive released)
This collection consists of images and text from an archaeological evaluation by South West Archaeology, of land at Back Lane, North Molton, Devon in November 2014. The majority of the features are likely to be medieval in date. This is not unexpected given the proximity of the site to the parish church and to one of the two principal manorial complexes (The Court House) in the settlement. Some iron slag and some medieval pottery were recovered from the site. The iron slag included material that was diagnostic of smelting and a deposit of concreted smelting waste in a large pit that may be the...
December 2024:
Images and Text from Watching Brief of Land off Durrant Lane, Northam, North Devon, Devon, June 2018 (Archive released)
This collection consists of images and text from a watching brief of land off Durrant Lane, Northam, North Devon, Devon in June 2018. The archaeological monitoring identified an episode of modern landscaping and three archaeological features (field boundaries) that reflected the layout of the historic field system. All of the features produced dating evidence that demonstrated their infilling during the 19th century, though the curving nature of the features would suggest that they may have earlier (possibly medieval) origins.
December 2024:
Images and Text from a Watching Brief at The Friary Wall, Adult Community Learning Centre, Carmelite Way, Maldon, Essex, August to September 2015 (Archive released)
This collection consists of images and text from a watching brief, by Archaeology South-East at The Friary Wall, Adult Community Learning Centre, Carmelite Way, Maldon, Essex, from August to September 2015. No archaeological features or finds except from masonry rubble in its foundations were found.
December 2024:
Images and Text from an Archaeological Evaluation, Monitoring and Recording at Barnstaple Museum Extension, The Square, Barnstaple, North Devon, 2016-2018 (Archive released)
This collection comprises images, context sheets, drawing sheets and lists from an archaeological evaluation, monitoring and recording at Barnstaple Museum Extension, The Square, Barnstaple, North Devon, undertaken by South West Archaeology Ltd in 2016-2018.
December 2024:
Data from an Open Area Excavation at Symmetry Park, Kettering, Northamptonshire, 2020-2023 (Archive released)
This collection comprises reports, site photographs, CAD data, a spreadsheet, a database and site records from an open area excavation conducted by Headland Archaeology (UK) on land to the east of the A509 at Symmetry Park, Kettering during September and October 2020. This excavation was commissioned by EDP on behalf of Tritax Symmetry, in advance of work associated with the construction of warehousing, distribution and associated office space and infrastructure.
December 2024:
Images from an Archaeological evaluation of land off The Long Shoot, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, (Phase 2), October 2016 (Archive released)
This archive consists of images from an archaeological evaluation by Worcestershire Archaeology, of land off The Long Shoot, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, in October 2016. Evidence of truncated ridge and furrow was recorded in some of the trenches, a modern field boundary in the centre of the site and further areas of modern disturbance elsewhere. No significant archaeological finds, deposits or features were recorded. All finds were of later post-medieval and modern date and were not retained. All of the features recorded related to medieval/post-medieval agricultural practices on the site and late...
November 2024:
Data from an Archaeological Evaluation at Moores Lane, East Bergholt, Suffolk, 2023 (Archive released)
This collection comprises images, reports and site records from the second phase of a trial trench evaluation at land off Moores Lane, East Bergholt. Work was carried out by Pre-Construct Archaeology Ltd in February 2023. The evaluation identified the remains of a post-medieval field system, a post-medieval pit, probably resulting from small-scale gravel or sand extraction, and three undated linear features.
November 2024:
Data from an Archaeological Monitoring at Three Bears Cottage, South Heath Cutting, Buckinghamshire, 2021 (HS2 Phase One) (Archive released)
This collection comprises photographs, reports and a spreadsheet from archaeological monitoring by INFRA Archaeology at Three Bears Cottage, Grim's Ditch, South Heath Cutting, Buckinghamshire in July 2021.
The Archaeological Monitoring was undertaken on the excavation of 12 fence posts, these were installed to the eastern edge of the Site and the works did not intrude into the Scheduled protection area. All of the monitored fence posts were excavated to a depth that penetrated into the underlying geological substrate.
The proximity of the Site to the Grim's Ditch Scheduled Monument and t...
November 2024:
Data from a Trial Trenching at Rocky Lane, Buckinghamshire, 2019-2022 (HS2 Phase One) (Archive released)
This collection comprises a digital archive of photographs, GIS, spreadsheets, reports and scanned site records from an archaeological evaluation undertaken by INFRA Archaeology on land at Rocky Lane, near Wendover Dean, Buckinghamshire in January and February 2019.
Archaeological remains were recorded in 2 of the 57 trenches excavated, these being a possible medieval pit in trench 19 and a possible dew-pond and burnt-out tree-bole in trench 16. The results of the archaeological evaluation identified sparse activity from the prehistoric period, possibly indicative of nearby settlement-related...
November 2024:
Images and Report from an Archaeological Watching Brief at Clitheroe Castle Keep, Clitheroe, March 2024 (Archive released)
This collection comprises images and a report from an archaeological watching brief by The Archaeology Co at Clitheroe Castle Keep, Clitheroe.
The fieldwork was undertaken on 26th March 2024 by Pascal Eloy, who has worked on several Medieval sites across Lancashire. Pascal was present during the excavation of two trial pits in accordance with condition 3 of planning application for Scheduled Monument Consent S00244967 FUL. Pottery analysis was carried out by Dr. R. Philpott and bone analysis by Dee Archaeological Services.
November 2024:
Data from Archaeological Excavations at Cranford Business Park, Kettering, Northamptonshire, 2016 (Archive released)
This digital archive comprises images, database, vector and spreadsheet data from excavations at Cranford Business Park, Kettering, Northamptonshire. The work was undertaken in 2016, by Oxford Archaeology East (OA East). In total circa 6.68 hectares was investigated by seven areas of excavation (Areas A to E, F1 and F2) within the circa 40 hectares development area which lay within two fields, extending either side of the A6 trunk road at its junction with the A14 carriageway.
November 2024:
Data from an Archaeological Recording at Northwood Mitigation, Middleton, Kingsbury, Warwickshire, 2020-2023 (HS2 Phase One) (Archive released)
This collection comprises text, images, spreadsheets, databases, gis and site records data from archaeological mitigation works carried out by Connect Archaeology between 5th October and 17th December 2020 at WP29D North Wood / Middleton Farm, near the village of Middleton, Warwickshire. Two archaeological mitigation areas (Mitigation Area A and B) were identified as having archaeological potential during previous archaeological investigations, including archaeological trial trenching.
November 2024:
Data from Archaeological Monitoring Along the Brome to Syleham Water Pipeline, Suffolk, May - August 2019 (Archive released)
This digital archive comprises images, spreadsheets, reports and site records from archaeological monitoring and supervision during construction of a water pipeline linking the existing network at two locations in Brome to a pumping station along Wingfield Road northwest of Syleham. The work was undertaken by Pre-Construct Archaeology Ltd in May and August 2019.The total length of new pipeline is approximately 10.6km. At Brome the northern branch of the proposed pipeline extends 0.8km southeast from the junction of the B1077 with Rectory Road (TM 13568 76394), while the southern branch extends...
November 2024:
Data from a Archaeological Recording at Roundhill Wood, Hints, Lichfield, Staffordshire, 2021-2023 (HS2 Phase One) (Archive released)
This collection comprises of text, images, spreadsheets, databases, GIS, site records from archaeological mitigation works which were carried out by Connect Archaeology between 8th March and 8th July 2021 at WP29D Roundhill Wood. The mitigation area had been identified as having archaeological potential during previous investigations, which revealed three distinct areas of archaeological features, including pits, ditches, gullies and postholes.
November 2024:
Data from a Archaeological Monitoring at Hurst DMV, Kenilworth, Burton Green, Warwick, Warwickshire, 2019-2023 (HS2 Phase One) (Archive released)
This collection comprises of reports, images, spreadsheets, gis and site record data from archaeological monitoring works, carried out by Connect Archaeology between 11th November 2019 and 8th July 2020 at Hurst Deserted Medieval Village (DMV). The need for archaeological monitoring of the construction of the haul road and the associated works compound was determined on the basis that there was potential for archaeological remains dating to the prehistoric, Romano-British and medieval periods, as identified through previous investigations outlined in the Project Plan.
November 2024:
Data from an Archaeological Mitigation at Milburn Grange, Warwickshire, 2020 (HS2 Phase One) (Archive released)
This digital archive comprises text, site records, images, gis geophysics, spreadsheet and vector data from a series of Archaeological mitigation works comprising metal detecting, test pitting and open area excavation at Milburn Grange in Warwickshire for HS2 Phase 1. Also includes paper records, photographic records, graphics, artefacts, ecofacts and digital data. The archive of these investigations is currently (as of May 2023) held at the offices of Wessex Archaeology in Sheffield.
November 2024:
Data from Construction integrated recording at Area 3 - Palaeolandscape/London and Birmingham Railway/Goods Station, Curzon Street Station Yard, Birmingham, West Midlands, 2019-2023 (HS2 Phase One) (Archive released)
This collection comprises of text, images, spreadsheets, vector and site record data from archaeological mitigation at the former station yard at Curzon Street Station, Birmingham. The work was undertaken Between 2019 and 2020, by Headland Archaeology (UK) Ltd. The works were permitted by the High-Speed Rail (London-West Midlands) Act, which provides powers for the construction and operation of High Speed 2 (HS2) Phase One. This mitigation area will form part of the HS2 terminus at Curzon Street, Birmingham.
November 2024:
Images from a Watching Brief at 2 Manor Farm Close, Merton, Bicester, Oxfordshire, October 2021 (Archive released)
This collection comprises images from a watching brief at 2 Manor Farm Close, Merton, Bicester, Oxfordshire. This work was undertaken by Groundworks Archaeology in October 2021. The watching brief identified a linear feature of 13th to 14th century origin, which is probably associated with the shrunken village earthworks immediately north of the site. A late 19th or early 20th century farm building was also identified which was built from a unique brick that, to date, is only known to have been manufactured in Australia.
November 2024:
Images from a Building Survey of Building 100, Former RAF Upper Heyford Airbase, Oxfordshire July 2018 (Archive released)
This collection comprises images from a building survey of Building 100 at the Former Royal Air Force (RAF) Upper Heyford airbase in Oxfordshire. This work was undertaken by Oxford Archaeology in July 2018. Building 100, the former Guardhouse which dates from 1926, provided an impressive entrance to the former technical area of RAF Upper Heyford airbase. It was later used by the United States Air Force Security Police in the 1980s and 1990s when the building was extended to the rear. In recent years, the airbase has been extensively redeveloped for residential and commercial use. Building 100 ...
November 2024:
Data from a Borehole Investigation at St John's Covert (Colne Valley Viaduct), Denham, Buckinghamshire, 2017-2018 (HS2 Phase One) (Archive released)
This collection comprises the reports, borehole logs and photographic archive for deposit modelling with boreholes at St John's Covert (Colne Valley Viaduct) Buckinghamshire. Work was undertaken by Cotswold Oxford Pre-Construct Archaeology (COPA) between November and December 2017. The purpose of this phase of work was rapid prospection of the sub-surface sedimentary sequence in the absence of historical ground data. The results of the borehole investigation and deposit modelling demonstrate the presence of an alluvial and peat sequence preserved beneath variable thickness of made ground.
November 2024:
Data from a Building Survey at Field Cottage, Fradley and Streethay, Lichfield, Staffordshire, 2020-2023 (HS2 Phase One) (Archive released)
This collection comprises reports, images, spreadsheets, GIS files and photogrammetric 3D models from a historic building recording carried out by Cotswold Archaeology, Oxford Archaeology, and Pre-Construct Archaeology (COPA) at Field Cottage, Fradley and Streethay, Lichfield, Staffordshire from October 2020 to October 2022. COPA were commissioned by Laing O'Rourke and J. Murphy & Sons Ltd (LM-JV) to carry out historic building and setting recording prior to the demolition of Field Cottage as part of the enabling works programme for the HS2 project in the Community Forum Area CFA22 Whittington...
November 2024:
Data from a Trial Trenching from Weeford to Whittington, Lichfield, Staffordshire, 2019-2023 (HS2 Phase One) (Archive released)
This collection comprises text documents, reports, site records, images, spreadsheets, and GIS files from trial trenching carried out by Connect Archaeology at Weeford to Whittington, Lichfield, Staffordshire from 2019 to 2023. The fieldwork revealed evidence of a possible Romano-British settlement, concentrated in the southern end of the evaluation area. A sherd of Roman pottery was recovered from a linear feature to the north of the evaluation area; whilst this artefact may be residual and the feature may be the remains of ridge and furrow, its presence could suggest the presence of Romano-B...
November 2024:
Images from a Historic Building Survey of Spout House Farm, Blacko, Lancashire December 2023 (Archive released)
This collection comprises images from a historic building survey of Spout House Farm, Blacko, Lancashire. This work was undertaken by Oxford Archaeology in December 2023. Whilst the house and barn represent historic buildings of local significance, later alterations to both have obscured details of their original character. However, the farm's setting and visual appearance convey a sense of the area's local agricultural history and these should be retained where possible.
November 2024:
Data from an Archaeological Trial Trench Evaluation at Railway Cottages, Doddershall Embankment, Buckinghamshire, 2017-2018 (HS2 Phase One) (Archive released)
This collection comprises the reports; site records; pottery, CBM, flint, metals, stone, animal bone and human bone recording data as well as the photographic archive from an archaeological trial trench evaluation at Railway Cottages, Doddershall Embankment, undertaken by COPA between 13th November 2017 and 16th February 2018.
November 2024:
Data from an Archaeological Recording at South of Stoneleigh Park, Cubbington, Warwickshire, 2020-2022 (HS2 Phase One) (Archive released)
This collection comprises of images, spreadsheets, text, scanned site records, CAD, video, and photogrammetry 3D models from archaeological recording by Headland Archaeology (UK) Ltd at land south of Stoneleigh Park, Warwickshire. The recording included a metal-detecting survey, test pits and six 'set-piece' mitigation areas.
The project forms part of Phase One of the High Speed 2 (HS2) rail project, which will involve the construction of a new railway approximately 230km (143 miles) in length between London and the West Midlands. Powers for the construction, operation and maintenance of Phas...
November 2024:
Data from Historic Landscape Recording at Park Street Burial Ground, Birmingham, West Midlands, 2017 (HS2 Phase One) (Archive released)
This collection comprises of images, CAD data, spreadsheets, and scanned site records from a Historic Landscape Recording by MOLA-Headland Infrastructure (MHI) at Park Street Burial Ground, Birmingham, West Midlands, in September 2017. The collection also includes video recordings of a webinar given by Wessex Archaeology titled The Archaeology of HS2: Uncovering Park Street, which gives a summary of Wessex Archaeology's work at the site.
November 2024:
Data from a Trial Trench Evaluation at Drayton Bassett, Lichfield, Staffordshire, England, 2021-2023 (HS2 Phase One) (Archive released)
This collection comprises the digital records and files created during trial trench evaluation work at Drayton Bassett and subsequent post-excavation assessment and analysis. Image, report, site record, spreadsheet, GIS and CAD data is included. Wessex Archaeology was commissioned to undertake the archaeological evaluation comprising the excavation of 422 trial trenches to the west of Drayton Bassett, Lichfield, southern Staffordshire.
November 2024:
The Routes and Roads of the Gough Map: GIS Database (Archive released)
This collection comprises image, text and GIS data from The Routes and Roads of the Gough Map project undertaken by Eljas Oksanen, Department of Cultures, University of Helsinki and Stuart Brookes, UCL Institute of Archaeology, between 2015 to 2024. The project maps the red lines and the settlements they connect on the Gough Map, and matches them with routeways reconstructed from documentary, archaeological, place-name and other historical cartographic evidence.
November 2024:
Data from a Trial Trenching at Turweston Manor, Buckinghamshire, 2019 (HS2 Phase One) (Archive released)
This collection comprises image, text and spreadsheet data from Trial Trenching at Turweston Manor, Buckinghamshire. The work was undertaken by Connect Archaeology between November and December 2019. The Turweston evaluations archive can be considered as part of the wider HS2 archive and as such has re-use value. The site has value on its own as it identified Roman, Medieval and Post-Medieval features. The evidence contributes to the corpus of such sites in Britain. The site was later excavated and the evidence from the evaluation will be valuable in conjunction with the evidence from the exca...
November 2024:
Data from a Test Pit and Trial Trench Evaluation at Dews Farm, Colne Valley, South Embankment, Hillingdon, 2019-2022 (HS2 Phase One) (Archive released)
This collection includes text, site photographs, CAD data, spreadsheets, site records and Harris matrices from a test pit and trial trench evaluation carried out by MOLA Headland Infrastructure at Dews Farm, Colne Valley, South Embankment, Hillingdon between 2019 and 2022.
November 2024:
Early Medieval Atlas Projects (Archive updated)
The Early Medieval Atlas is a long-term collaborative venture which is collating and analysing spatial evidence for early medieval Britain. Major funding has been provided by the Leverhulme Trust since 2005 for a series of substantial research programmes, with recent thematic enquiries including civil defence and warfare, administration and legal landscapes, travel and communication in Anglo-Saxon England. Digital resources produced by these research projects are being archived with the Archaeological Data Service in a rolling programme, with the aim of making these data accessible to both res...
November 2024:
Data from Archaeological Excavations at Felixstowe Academy, High Street, Walton, Felixstowe, Suffolk, March - November 2012 (Archive released)
This digital archive comprises images, spreadsheet, site record and report data from two phases of archaeological excavation on the site of the new Felixstowe Academy School, Walton, Felixstowe, Suffolk. The work was undertaken between 1st and 16th March and 31st October and 30th November 2012, by Pre-Construct Archaeology Ltd. The work was commissioned by CgMs Consulting Ltd on behalf of Balfour Beatty.
November 2024:
Data from an Archaeological Evaluation at Bierton, Land to North of Cane End Lane, Buckinghamshire, November 2017 (Archive released)
This digital archive comprises images, vector, report and spreadsheet data from an archaeological evaluation undertaken by John Moore Heritage Services in November 2017, at land north of Cane End Road, Bierton, Buckinghamshire (NGR SP 8410 1686). The eight trenches were mostly devoid of any archaeological features and various furrows on an east-west alignment were present within some of the trenches. Three modern features were identified in Trenches 2 and 8 and one Post-medieval linear ditch was excavated in Trench 5.
November 2024:
Digital data from an excavation at Soho Loop, Dudley Road, Birmingham, 2020-2023 (Archive released)
This collection comprises site photographs, photogrammetry, CAD, GIS, text and spreadsheet data from an archaeological excavation carried out by Wessex Archaeology between September and December 2020. Wessex Archaeology was commissioned by RPS Consulting, on behalf of Soho Loop Ltd, to conduct this excavation covering 0.17 hectares at the site of a late 19th century German Silver Works and late 18th century Glassworks at Soho Loop, Dudley Road, Birmingham, B18 718.
November 2024:
Site Data from Archaeological Evaluation, Excavation and Monitoring Work at Alnesbourn Crescent, Ipswich, November to December 2013 (Archive released)
This collection comprises image, report, site record and spreadsheet data from archaeological evaluation, excavation and monitoring work carried out on land adjacent to Alnesbourn Crescent, Ipswich, in advance of development. The work was undertaken by Pre-Construct Archaeology Ltd, November to December 2013. The aim of the work was initially to characterise the archaeological potential of the site, and then to preserve by record any archaeological remains which would be damaged or destroyed by the new development.
November 2024:
Data from a Construction Integrated Recording at Calvert Infrastructure Maintenance Depot, Buckinghamshire, 2021-2022 (HS2 Phase One) (Archive released)
This collection comprises image, report, site record and spreadsheet data from construction integrated recording work at the Calvert Infrastructure Maintenance Depot, Buckinghamshire. This includes the site records; context, pottery, CBM, Fired clay, flint, human remains, animal bone and environmental data and reports; and the photographic archive. The work was undertaken by COPA: Cotswold Oxford Pre-Construct Archaeology between 2021 and 2022.
November 2024:
British Institute in Eastern Africa Digital Archives: Aksum (Archive released)
Digital versions of images and slides from the excavations directed by Neville Chittick in northern Ethiopia from 1972-74 as well as David W. Phillipson's research from the excavations he directed at the ancient Ethiopian capital in 1993-97, and a 1902 Deutsche Aksum Expedition. This collection is part of the British Institute in Eastern Africa's Digital Archive Series.
November 2024:
Images from a Photographic Survey at Vickers Machine Gun Emplacement, Poulter's Bridge, Zephon Common Lane, Church Crookham, Hampshire, March 2023 (Archive released)
This digital archive comprises images from a photographic survey at Vickers machine gun emplacement, south of Poulter's Bridge, Zephon Common Lane, Church Crookham, Hampshire, centred on NGR 479663 151548. Wessex Archaeology was commissioned by Vistry Housebuilding - Southern, to prepare a management plan. This Second World War machine gun emplacement lies within the Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG) associated with an approved planning application for residential development.
November 2024:
Data from an Archaeological excavation at Fingringhoe Ranges, Lodge Lane, Langenhoe, Colchester, Essex, 2022 (Archive released)
This archive includes site photographs, a report, site records, spreadsheet and vector data from an archaeological excavation carried out by Colchester Archaeological Trust at Fingringhoe Ranges, Lodge Lane, Langenhoe, Colchester, Essex in 2022, in advance of alterations to the firing ranges.
November 2024:
Data from Archaeological Trial Trenching Works at Three Oaks, Courteenhall, Northamptonshire, May-June 2022 (Archive released)
This archive comprises site photographs, CAD data, spreadsheets, reports and a database from archaeological trial trenching works undertaken by Headland Archaeology between May and June 2022 on land on Courteenhall Estate, known as Three Oaks, Adjacent To M1 And Waltham Wood Courteenhall Road, Quinton, Northamptonshire.
November 2024:
Data from a Series of Archaeological Works at Berryfields, Bicester Road, Quarrendon, Buckinghamshire, 2018-2021 (Archive released)
This digital archive comprises vector, spreadsheet, image, report and site record data from several phases of archaeological works at Berryfields, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire between 2018 and 2021. The work was undertaken by John Moore Heritage Services. The purpose of the archaeological investigations was for the creation of a new village hall, sport facilities, allotments, wildlife reserve and play areas.
November 2024:
Digital Archive of an Archaeological Evaluation at Olympic Tyres, Batteries and Exhausts, 5 Market, Street, Soham, Cambridgeshire, April 2022 (Archive released)
This digital archive comprises images, spreadsheets and GIS from an archaeological evaluation by trial trenching at Olympic Tyres, Batteries and Exhausts, 5 Market, Street, Soham, Cambridgeshire, as a condition of planning consent for the demolition of an existing garage and construction of two dwellings. The work was undertaken by Allen Archaeology in April 2022.
October 2024:
Diet and Health in a Time of Transition: Pictish and Viking Age Orkney (Archive released)
There have long been conflicting interpretations of the archaeological and written evidence for the nature of interactions between the Orcadian Pictish populations and Scandinavian migrants during the Viking Age, with theories ranging from peaceful intermarriage to violent domination of the Picts (Bäcklund 2001; Leonard 2011; Smith 2001; etc.). However, changes in diet and mobility isotopes from the Late Iron Age or Pre-Viking phase (PVP, AD 500-790) through the Viking Age (VA, AD 790-1050) and Late Norse phase (LNP, AD 1050-1200) suggest more nuanced changes. This study including text and spr...
October 2024:
Images from a Photographic Survey of The Old Stables, Knowle, Kennilworth road, Solihull, April-July 2024 (Archive released)
This digital archive comprises images from a photographic survey prior to the conversion of a traditional red brick agricultural building (known as The Old Stables) into a two storey, four bedroom, residential dwelling, located at Chadwick End, Knowle, Metropolitan Borough of Solihull. The work was undertaken by Urban Stone Property Solutions Ltd between 25th April and 5th July 2024. The conversion also included a new access driveway for Home Farm (previously approved under PL/2020/01514/PPFL).
October 2024:
Data from an Archaeological Evaluation at South of Rose Farm, Longwick, Buckinghamshire, July-August 2019 (Archive released)
This digital archive comprises images, vector, spreadsheet, GIS, report and site record data from an evaluation at Land South of Rose Farm, Longwick, Buckinghamshire (NGR SP 78603 05065). The work was undertaken by John Moore Heritage Services in July and August 2019. The evaluation was successful in determining the archaeological character of the site. 7 trenches contained archaeological features; of particular interest were two small pits containing charcoal rich fills in trenches 8 and 10. Ditches and shallow gulleys were present in trenches 1, 4, 8 and 11; with the exception of trench 11 t...
October 2024:
Data from an Archaeological Evaluation at 19-21 Lower Road, Stoke Mandeville, Buckinghamshire, December 2019 (Archive released)
This digital archive comprises images, text, site record, vector and spreadsheet data from an archaeological evaluation at the land to the rear of 19-21 Lower Road, Stoke Mandeville, Buckinghamshire (NGR SP 83028 10492). The work was undertaken by John Moore Heritage Services in December 2019. The purpose of the evaluation was for the erection of three dwellings, alongside other ancillary works. The evaluation trenches were testing for the existence of archaeological remains, especially those relating between the Late Prehistoric and post-medieval periods. Throughout the course of the evaluati...
October 2024:
Data from an Archaeological Evaluation at 7 Oving Road, Whitchurch, Buckinghamshire, October 2021 (Archive released)
This digital archive comprises of images, GIS, vector, spreadsheet, report and site record data from an evaluation at 7 Oving Road, Whitchurch, Buckinghamshire (NGR SP798209). The work was undertaken by John Moore Heritage Services, in October 2021. A total of four trenches were opened. Modern and Late Post-Medieval archaeological remains were investigated in Trenches 1, 2 and 4. These included a domestic pit from which fragments of 18th century pottery and cattle bone with butchery marks were recovered. Archaeological remains encountered in Trench 3 comprised a ditch from which a 13th century...
October 2024:
Data from a Series of Archaeological Works at Barton Road, Parkham, Torridge, Devon, June 2017 - July 2017 (Archive released)
This digital archive comprises images, GIS and Geophysics data from the results of a desk-based assessment, a geophysical survey, a heritage impact assessment, and an archaeological evaluation that were carried out by South West Archaeology Ltd. (SWARCH) in advance of the proposed development of land off Barton Road, Parkham, Torridge, Devon.
October 2024:
Data from an Archaeological Evaluation at Notley Farm, Long Crendon, Buckinghamshire, April 2021 (Archive released)
This archive contains vector, image, report, spreadsheet and site record data from an archaeological evaluation at Notley Farm, Long Crendon, Buckinghamshire, ahead of the proposed development of an agricultural building and hardstanding (NGR SP 71207 09071). The work was undertaken by John Moore Heritage Services in April 2021. A single 50 metre trench was excavated within the footprint of the proposed building, revealing two linear ditches and two discrete features. No dating evidence was recovered, though both ditches were broadly aligned NE-SW, heading towards the Scheduled Monument of Not...
October 2024:
The Ancient Saar Project: London-Bahrain Archaeological Expedition (Archive updated)
This collection comprises the digital archive for the The Ancient Saar Project. Reports with accompanying figures, a project database and an imagebank database are available to download, with the latter containing 1656 photographs and drawings of the Saar excavations and finds.
The excavations at Saar, Bahrain, took place between 1990 and 1999. The work was undertaken by the London-Bahrain Archaeological Expedition which was formed specifically for the purpose. The UK academic supporter of the project was the Institute of Archaeology, University College, London. In Bahrain, the Expedition r...
October 2024:
Data from Earthwork Survey and Test Pitting at The Elms Recreation Ground, Wenny Road, Chatteris, Cambridgeshire, June 2015 (Archive released)
This digital archive comprises images, report, site record, CAD and spreadsheet data from an earthwork survey and archaeological test pitting on the Elms Recreation Ground, Chatteris, Cambridgeshire (TL 3976 8582). The work was undertaken between the 3rd and the 8th June 2015, by Oxford Archaeology East.This work was in advance of the proposed development of an access path, games enclosure and skate park.
October 2024:
Site Data from an Archaeological Evaluation at Langham Primary School, School Road, Langham, Colchester, March 2019 (Archive released)
This collection comprises images, report, site record, spreadsheets and CAD data from an Archaeological Evaluation at land opposite Langham Primary School, School Road, Langham, Colchester. The work was undertaken by Archaeology South-East in March 2019. Twenty evaluation trenches were excavated across the 2 hectares development area. Fourteen trenches contained archaeological remains.
October 2024:
Site Data from an Archaeological Evaluation at The Crown Inn, 14 Church Street, Fordham, Ely, Cambridgeshire, November 2023 (Archive released)
This collection comprises image, report, site record and CAD data from an archaeological evaluation (four trial-trenches) carried out at The Crown Inn, 14 Church Street, Fordham, Ely, Cambridgeshire in advance of the construction of new residential dwellings. The work was undertaken by Colchester Archaeological Trust in November 2023 as per the conditions of the project Brief and Written Scheme of Investigation.
October 2024:
Site Data from an Archaeological Evaluation at Freelands, Thorpe Road, Weeley, Essex, July 2023 (Archive released)
This collection comprises image, report, site record and CAD data from an archaeological evaluation (two trial-trenches) was carried out on land east of Freelands, Thorpe Road, Weeley, Essex in advance of a new residential development. The work was undertaken by Colchester Archaeological Trust in July 2023. This evaluation revealed a post-medieval/ modern ditch, modern ditch and three tree-throws, with a very small scatter of medieval pottery from the site.
October 2024:
Site Data from Archaeological Monitoring Work at Darcy House, St Osyth Priory, The Bury, St Osyth, Essex, July 2022 (Archive released)
This collection comprises image, report, site record and CAD data from Archaeological Monitoring Work at Darcy House, St Osyth Priory, The Bury, St Osyth, Essex in July 2022. Monitoring of the groundworks for two new car parks was carried out as specified in the Scheduled Monument Consent and Written Scheme of Investigation. All groundworks were archaeologically monitored by City and Country with archaeologists from Past and Present. Colchester Archaeological Trust were only employed in the preparation of the report.
October 2024:
Worcestershire Archaeology Research Reports (Archive updated)
This collection comprises publications from the Worcestershire Archaeological Research Reports series. Worcestershire Archaeological Research Reports (WARR) is a series of digital reports produced by Worcestershire Archaeology, part of Worcestershire Archive and Archaeology Service (WAAS). This series aims to accommodate major reports and make them widely available, thereby encouraging research, especially in the county. All types of archaeological topic are included, and a strong focus on Worcestershire has particularly developed.
October 2024:
Buckinghamshire Archaeological Society Milton Keynes Monograph Series (Archive released)
Milton Keynes was a small village in north Buckinghamshire before its creation as a 'new city' in the last quarter of the twentieth century ‒ when this also encompassed various other Buckinghamshire villages. The city's planning and construction gave rise to a wide archaeological investigation, including multiple excavations, before their landscape, stretching from the prehistoric to the 20th century, was swept away.
The resulting archaeological findings provide a comprehensive record of the history and archaeology of a wide, unique area of the English landscape. Over a period of 30 years t...
September 2024:
Site Data from an Archaeological Excavation at the DIRFT III Development Area, Watling Street, Northamptonshire, August 2015 to April 2016 (Archive released)
This collection comprises images, spreadsheets and CAD data from a programme of archaeological investigation undertaken by Cotswold Archaeology between August 2015 and April 2016 on behalf of Prologis UK Ltd, at DIRFT III, Land East of Watling Street (A5), Northamptonshire. An area of approximately 17.4 hectares, comprising 11 different excavation areas, was excavated across the 340 hectares development area. The excavations revealed a landscape of extensive and frequently low-key agricultural activity dating to the later prehistoric, Roman, medieval and post-medieval periods.
September 2024:
Data from Archaeological Mitigation Works at Matthew Arnold School, Staines-upon-Thames, Surrey, April 2019 and June 2021 (Archive released)
This digital archive comprises images, CAD, reports, site records and spreadsheets from archaeological mitigation works at Matthew Arnold School, Staines-upon-Thames, Surrey (Spelthorne Borough Council planning condition ref. 18/01084/FUL), centred on NGR 505346 170694. The work was undertaken intermittently between 23 April 2019 and 15 June 2021 by Wessex Archaeology, commissioned by Wates Construction Ltd.
September 2024:
Data from an Archaeological Evaluation at The Friary East, White Horse Lane, Maldon, Essex, February 2017 (Archive released)
This digital archive comprises images, site records, reports, spreadsheet and CAD data from an archaeological evaluation by trial trenching was conducted to the rear of The Friary East, White Horse Lane, Maldon, Essex, in advance of the potential conversion of the existing building into apartments and the construction of further apartment blocks. The work was undertaken by Archaeology South-East in February 2017.
September 2024:
Data from an Archaeological Trial Trench Evaluation at Cranford Business Park, Kettering, Northamptonshire, October - December 2015 (Archive released)
This digital archive comprises images, reports, site records, spreadsheets, database and vector data from an archaeological trial trench evaluation at Cranford business Park, Kettering, which lies at land north and south of the A6, by Junction 10 of the A14, ahead of the construction of an industrial estate with associated roadways and parking. The work was undertaken during October and December 2015, by Oxford Archaeology East.
September 2024:
Digital Data from a Geophysical Survey at Benarce and Kessingland,Suffolk, September - November 2023 (Archive released)
MOLA (Museum of London Archaeology) was commissioned to undertake a magnetometer survey between 4th September and 1st November on c60ha of land around the Hundred River, between Benacre and Kessingland, Suffolk. The survey identified archaeological pits and ditches of uncertain date on the dry land either side of the floodplain. It also detected a partially intelligible complex of magnetic responses arising from the Holocene floodplain sediments. These included some notably regular elements which are suspected to be the product of peat extraction or other human activity. Further magnetic respo...
September 2024:
Images, CAD Data and Site Records from a Building Recording at The Old Parlour, Home Farm, Kenilworth Road, Knowle, Solihull, May 2024 (Archive released)
This collection comprises site photographs, CAD data and site records from a building survey carried out by MEA Architects at The Old Parlour, Home Farm, Kenilworth Road, Knowle, Solihull during May 2024.
September 2024:
Site Data from an Archaeological Evaluation at Brimpton House, 59A High Street, Kelvedon, Essex, September 2023 (Archive released)
This collection comprises images, site records, reports and CAD data from an Archaeological Evaluation at Land to the rear of Brimpton House, 59A High Street, Kelvedon, Essex, CO5 9AE. The work was undertaken by Colchester Archaeological Trust in September 2023.
September 2024:
Digital Data from an Archaeological Excavation at Cirencester, Kingshill South, 2008 to 2013 (Archive released)
Between 2009 and 2013, Oxford Archaeology carried out an archaeological excavation across an area of circa 4.5 hectares at Kingshill South in Cirencester. The fieldwork uncovered evidence for activity spanning the prehistoric and Roman periods. The files in this digital archive include the primary records and subsequent specialist data sets from all the finds from this excavation. Alongside these is the spatial data and a collection of images from the three main phases of fieldwork 2008, 2010 and 2011-13. Details of the human skeletal remains analysis are included.
September 2024:
Site Data from an Archaeological Evaluation at The Paddocks, Old London Road, Copdock, Suffolk, January 2019 (Archive released)
This collection comprises image and CAD data from an Archaeological Evaluation at The Paddocks, Old London Road, Copdock, Suffolk. The project was undertaken in January 2019 prior to Suffolk Archaeology's merger with Cotswold Archaeology. A small evaluation, comprising four trenches, was undertaken on the plot of land south of The Paddocks in advance of its development for housing. A Bronze Age pit, two medieval ditches, two undated gullies and an undated posthole were identified.
September 2024:
Data from an Archaeological Strip, Map and Sample Excavation at Exeter Crematorium, Topsham Road, Exeter, April - May 2016 (Archive released)
This digital archive comprises images, spreadsheets, reports and site record data from an archaeological strip, map and sample excavation on land at Exeter and Devon Crematorium, Topsham Road, Exeter, Devon (SX 9379 9072) contiguous to the site of a probable Roman military supply depot at and adjacent to the former St Loye's College, Topsham Road, Exeter, Devon (NGR SX 9375 9080). The work was undertaken by AC archaeology during April and May 2016.
September 2024:
Data from an Archaeological Evaluation at No. 8 The Street, Darsham, Suffolk, August 2019 (Archive released)
This digital archive comprises images, report, site record, vector and spreadsheet data from an archaeological evaluation, undertaken in August 2019, by Pre-Construct Archaeology Ltd at Land Adjoining No. 8 The Street, Darsham, Suffolk.
September 2024:
Data from an Archaeological Strip Map And Sample at Plot 10, Dove Valley Park, Foston, Derbyshire, January - February 2023 (Archive released)
This digital archive comprises images, reports, site records and spreadsheet data from an archaeological strip map and sample undertaken by Pre-Construct Archaeology in January and February 2023, at Plot 10, Dove Valley Park, Foston, Derbyshire.
September 2024:
Images and Vector Data from an Archaeological Evaluation at Anderson Close, Needham Market, Suffolk, April 2019 (Archive released)
This digital archive comprises images and vector data from an archaeological evaluation that was undertaken by Cotswold Archaeology in April 2019 at Land West of Anderson Close, Needham Market in Suffolk. Eighteen trenches were excavated. Archaeological features examined were predominantly ditches representing field boundaries. The majority of these ditches were of post-medieval date but significantly a large ditch that crossed the site was of Roman date with one of the excavated slots through this ditch revealing a considerable quantity of pottery (275 sherds). Although no discrete features ...
September 2024:
Images and CAD data from an Archaeological Evaluation at North of Candlet Road, Felixstowe, Suffolk, June - August 2016 (Archive released)
This digital archive comprises images and vector data from an archaeological evaluation of a block of land to the north of Candlet Road, Felixstowe, Suffolk. The work was undertaken from June to August 2016, by Cotswold Archaeology, which was commissioned by Heritage Collective, acting on behalf of Christchurch Land and Estates (Felixstowe) Ltd, in order to locate, quantify and date any archaeological remains prior to the determination of a planning application for the proposed residential development of the land.
September 2024:
Data from an Archaeological Evaluation at Ferry Road, Felixstowe, Suffolk, August 2017 (Archive released)
This digital archive comprises images, reports, site records, geophysics and spreadsheet data from an archaeological trial trench evaluation carried out by Pre-Construct Archaeology on land west of Ferry Road, Felixstowe, Suffolk (NGR TM 315 363) between the 14th and the 31st August 2017. The archaeological work was commissioned by CgMs Consulting prior to the proposed development of up to 200 dwellings with associated road access and landscaping on the site. The aim of the work was to characterise the archaeological potential of the proposed development area.
September 2024:
Vector and Image data from an Archaeological Evaluation at Land adjacent to Ellough Airfield, Beccles, Suffolk, July 2013 (Archive released)
This digital archive comprises vector and image data from an archaeological evaluation, comprising the excavation of thirty trial trenches, undertaken by Cotswold Archaeology on land adjacent to Ellough Airfield, Warren's Lane, Beccles, Suffolk, in July 2013. The work, which was commissioned by Lark Energy Ltd, was undertaken as part of a programme of archaeological evaluation and mitigation, required as a condition of planning consent.
September 2024:
Data from an Archaeological Evaluation at 8 Loraine Way, Bramford, Suffolk, December 2021 (Archive released)
This digital archive comprises vector, image, geophysics, spreadsheet, report and site record data from an archaeological trial trench evaluation undertaken by PreConstruct Archaeology Ltd of land adjacent to 8 Loraine Way, Bramford, Suffolk, on 20th December 2021. The evaluation, which was commissioned by Kingsfleet Wealth, acting through Parker Planning Services Ltd, their archaeological consultant, was carried out to meet the requirements of conditions that had been attached to planning consent by Babergh and Mid Suffolk Councils for the construction of a commercial premises on the site. Th...
September 2024:
Data from an Archaeological Evaluation at Land South of Diss Road, Botesdale, Suffolk, November 2020 (Archive released)
This digital archive comprises images, geophysics, spreadsheet, report, vector and site record data from an archaeological evaluation, undertaken in November 2020 by Pre-Construct Archaeology Ltd, at Land South of Diss Road, Botesdale, Suffolk.
September 2024:
Site Data from an Archaeological Evaluation at Bromley Road, Lawford, Tendring, Essex, October to November 2017 (Archive released)
This collection comprises images, site records, reports, spreadsheets and CAD data from an Archaeological Evaluation at Bromley Road, Lawford, Tendring, Essex. The work was undertaken by Archaeology South-East October to November 2017.
August 2024:
A14 Cambridge to Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire; Alconbury Landscape Block (Archive updated)
This is a child collection of the main A14 Cambridge to Huntingdon archaeological project archive. For the purposes of analysis, the various targeted excavation areas (TEAs) that formed the mitigation work have been grouped into eight Landscape Blocks. These have been defined due to the nature of the archaeology, their geographical location, and in some cases, their geology/topography. This child collection concerns the Alconbury Landscape Block. Alconbury comprises four TEAs (2-4 and 5), covering 7.2 hectares on river terrace gravels and alluvium to west and south of Alconbury Brook. Archaeol...
August 2024:
A14 Cambridge to Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire; River Great Ouse Landscape Block (Archive released)
This is a child collection of the main A14 Cambridge to Huntingdon archaeological project archive. For the purposes of analysis, the various targeted excavation areas (TEAs) that formed the mitigation work have been grouped into eight Landscape Blocks. These have been defined due to the nature of the archaeology, their geographical location, and in some cases, their geology/topography. This child collection concerns the River Great Ouse Landscape Block. River Great Ouse comprises three TEAs (19-21), covering 19.5 hectares on the floodplain of the River Ouse north of Offord Cluny. Archaeologica...
August 2024:
A14 Cambridge to Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire; Fenstanton Gravels Landscape Block (Archive released)
This is a child collection of the main A14 Cambridge to Huntingdon archaeological project archive. For the purposes of analysis, the various targeted excavation areas (TEAs) that formed the mitigation work have been grouped into eight Landscape Blocks. These have been defined due to the nature of the archaeology, their geographical location, and in some cases, their geology/topography. This child collection concerns the Fenstanton Gravels Landscape Block. Fenstanton Gravels comprises five TEAs (26-29 and 31), covering 55.8 hectares on river terrace gravels (TEAs 26-29) and clay (TEA31) to the ...
August 2024:
A14 Cambridge to Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire; Conington Landscape Block (Archive released)
This is a child collection of the main A14 Cambridge to Huntingdon archaeological project archive. For the purposes of analysis, the various targeted excavation areas (TEAs) that formed the mitigation work have been grouped into eight Landscape Blocks. These have been defined due to the nature of the archaeology, their geographical location, and in some cases, their geology/topography. This child collection concerns the Conington Landscape Block. Conington comprises two TEAs (32 and 33), covering 21.4 hectares on clays to the north-east of Conington. Archaeological remains from Prehistoric, Ir...
August 2024:
A14 Cambridge to Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire; Bar Hill Landscape Block (Archive released)
This is a child collection of the main A14 Cambridge to Huntingdon archaeological project archive. For the purposes of analysis, the various targeted excavation areas (TEAs) that formed the mitigation work have been grouped into eight Landscape Blocks. These have been defined due to the nature of the archaeology, their geographical location, and in some cases, their geology/topography. This child collection concerns the Bar Hill Landscape Block. Bar Hill comprises five TEAs (34, 37/38, 41 and 46), covering 23.4 hectares on clays near the Bar Hill junction on the current A14. Archaeological rem...
August 2024:
A14 Cambridge to Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire; Brampton West Landscape Block (Archive released)
This is a child collection of the main A14 Cambridge to Huntingdon archaeological project archive. For the purposes of analysis, the various targeted excavation areas (TEAs) that formed the mitigation work have been grouped into eight Landscape Blocks. These have been defined due to the nature of the archaeology, their geographical location, and in some cases, their geology/topography. This child collection concerns the Brampton West Landscape Block. Brampton West comprises six TEAs (7-12, excluding 10B East), covering 75.3 hectares on river terrace gravels mostly to the west of the A1 (except...
August 2024:
A14 Cambridge to Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire; Brampton South Landscape Block (Archive released)
This is a child collection of the main A14 Cambridge to Huntingdon archaeological project archive. For the purposes of analysis, the various targeted excavation areas (TEAs) that formed the mitigation work have been grouped into eight Landscape Blocks. These have been defined due to the nature of the archaeology, their geographical location, and in some cases, their geology/topography. This child collection concerns the Brampton South Landscape Block. Brampton South comprises two TEAs (10B East and 13), covering 5.8 hectares on river terrace gravels east of the A1. Archaeological remains from ...
August 2024:
A14 Cambridge to Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire; West of Ouse Landscape Block (Archive released)
This is a child collection of the main A14 Cambridge to Huntingdon archaeological project archive. For the purposes of analysis, the various targeted excavation areas (TEAs) that formed the mitigation work have been grouped into eight Landscape Blocks. These have been defined due to the nature of the archaeology, their geographical location, and in some cases, their geology/topography. This child collection concerns the West of Ouse Landscape Block. West of Ouse comprises three TEAs (14-16), covering 19.5 hectares on gravels close to the River Ouse north-west of Buckden. Archaeological remains...
August 2024:
A Catalogue of British Bronze Age Axeheads (Archive released)
This archive provides a dataset of database data from a dataset list of roughly 8000 Bronze Age British axeheads, alongside associated elemental analyses, isotopic measurements and radiocarbon dates. It integrates several major existing data collection efforts and published catalogues, whilst also providing a basic typology.
August 2024:
Data from an Archaeological Strip Map And Sample at Weston under Penyard, Herefordshire, February 2023 (Archive released)
This digital archive comprises images, spreadsheets, gis and site record data from an archaeological strip, map and sample excavation of two mitigation areas, measuring 2025 metre squared and 625 metre squared respectively, on land at Weston under Penyard, Herefordshire (Area 1 centred on NGR 363540 223285 and Area 2 centred on NGR 363640 223205).Wessex Archaeology was commissioned by Orion Heritage Ltd, on behalf of Lagan Homes England Ltd, to undertake this work in February 2023.
August 2024:
Data from an Archaeological Trail Trench Evaluation at 22 Mildenhall Road, Barton Mills, Suffolk, May 2020 (Archive released)
This digital archive comprises reports, images, spreadsheets, vector and site record data from an archaeological trial trench evaluation undertaken by Pre-Construct Archaeology Ltd on a plot of land to the rear of 21 Mildenhall Road, Barton Mills, Suffolk. The evaluation, which was commissioned by Coleman Longbreck Ltd, consisted of six 20 metre and two 10 metre trial trenches. The work took place in May 2020.
August 2024:
Data from an Archaeological Evaluation East of Sackville Road, Hove, East Sussex, January 2021 (Archive released)
This digital archive comprises images, cad, gis, site records and report data from an archaeological evaluation on land east of Sackville Road, Hove, East Sussex. The work was undertaken by Wessex Archaeology between 18th - 25th January 2021 .The evaluation (WA 207772) comprised 6 archaeological trial trenches and 6 geoarchaeological test pits within the southern half of the site. A total of seven archaeological features, comprising a single linear ditch, three postholes and three pits, along with a further possible archaeological feature were recorded during the evaluation. None of the featur...
August 2024:
Data from Archaeological Evaluation and Mitigation Works at Main Street, Great Casterton, Rutland, November 2021 (Archive released)
This digital archive comprises images, cad, spreadsheets, site records and gis from an archaeological evaluation and subsequent mitigation works (comprising a strip, map and sample excavation) on a parcel of land located off Main Street, Great Casterton, Rutland, centred on NGR 499951 309211. The work was undertaken by Wessex Archaeology between 4th and 17th November 2021. A final assessment report was later commissioned and produced following recommendations in the initial post excavation document that further analysis of the finds and environmental assemblages should be undertaken.
August 2024:
Data from an Archaeological Monitoring at 13 St Johns Green, Chelmsford, Essex, November 2022-September 2023 (Archive released)
This collection comprises site records, CAD data, site photographs and reports from an archaeological monitoring carried out by Colchester Archaeological Trust at 13 St John's Green, Writtle, Chelmsford, Essex between November 2022 and September 2023, during groundworks for the construction of a two storey side extension, a single storey rear extension and associated services.
August 2024:
Data From an Archaeological Evaluation at Jubilee Sports Centre, 31 and 39-47 University Road, Southampton, April 2022 (Archive released)
This digital archive comprises images, gis, site record and report data from an archaeological evaluation and monitoring located in a car park behind Nos 31 and 39-47 University Road. The work was undertaken by Wessex Archaeology which was commissioned by Provelio on behalf of Southampton University. The land had formerly been gardens to the rear of those and other properties. The evaluation area was centred on NGR 442538 115052. Previous works comprising the archaeological monitoring of the removal of foundations and floor surfaces on the frontage were undertaken by Wessex Archaeology and rev...
August 2024:
Data from an Archaeological Excavation at Land off Common Mead Lane, Gillingham, Dorset, October 2022 (Archive released)
This collection comprises images, site record, report, spreadsheet and gis data from an archaeological excavation of a 2,000 metre squared parcel of land located at land off Common Mead Lane, Gillingham, Dorset. During the archaeological excavation a total of 23 features were uncovered and investigated, and comprise pits, postholes and possible postholes. Most were undated but eight contained artefacts dating from the Late Neolithic/Early Bronze Age to Early Iron Age periods. The work was undertaken by Wessex Archaeology in October 2022.
August 2024:
Data from an Archaeological Evaluation at a Proposed Water Booster Pumping Station, Buckland, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, March 2023 (Archive released)
This digital archive comprises images, site record, gis and spreadsheet data from an archaeological evaluation of a 0.40 hectare parcel of land located off Buckland Road, Buckland, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, HP22 5LP. The evaluation was undertaken to inform the design of a new Water Booster Station to further understand the possible effects of its proposed construction upon the archaeological resource. The evaluation was undertaken by Wessex Archaeology between 22 and 24 March 2023 and comprised the excavation of five trenches (15 metre x 1.80 metre).
August 2024:
Images and GIS from an Archaeological Evaluation at St Margarets Drive, Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire, July - August 2023 (Archive released)
This digital archive comprises GIS and images from an archaeological evaluation of land east of St. Margarets Drive, Alderton, Gloucestershire, in July and August 2023, by Cotswold Archaeology. This current phase of trial trench evaluation follows on from a previous Archaeology and Heritage Assessment and geophysical survey. It also compliments previous investigations of the north and centre of the site, which were undertaken in 2013 and identified Iron Age and Late Saxon remains, by including two trenches to better inform the extent of mitigation works required in that area.
August 2024:
Digital Data from an Evaluation South of Doctors Pond, Star Lane, Great Dunmow, Essex, September 2023 (Archive released)
This collection comprises site photographs, reports, CAD data and site records from an evaluation carried out by Colchester Archaeological Trust (CAT) during September 2023 on land south of Doctors Pond, Star Lane, Great Dunmow, Essex, in advance of the construction of a single-storey dwelling.
August 2024:
Data from a Level 2 Descriptive Buildings Recording Survey and Watching Brief at Tuckingmill, Camborne, Cornwall, 2017 - 2022 (Archive released)
This digital archive comprises report, images, gis and site record data from an archaeological watching brief during ground investigation works at Tuckingmill, Camborne, Cornwall, completed in May and June 2022, by Cotswold Archaeology, and a prior building recording completed in June and July 2017, by Cotswold Archaeology
August 2024:
Data from an Archaeological Watching Brief at Jerrings Hall Farm, Solihull, July - December 2023 (Archive released)
This digital archive comprises images, spreadsheet, gis, site records and reports from an archaeological watching brief during excavations and intrusive groundworks associated with building construction and related groundworks at Jerrings Hall Farm, Tamworth Lane, Solihull. A small number of archaeological features were uncovered across the site, with a greater concentration in the south and east where the land remains undeveloped. The earliest feature was a ditch located in the east, which contained a large, unabraded sherd of medieval pottery. It is probable that the ditch was a remnant of t...
August 2024:
Digital Archive from Sabratha Excavations: The Kathleen Kenyon and John Ward-Perkins Collection, 1948-1951 (Archive released)
This collection from the British Institute for Libyan and Northern African Studies (BILNAS) contains digitised correspondence, field notes, drawings, publication drafts, reports, and photographs pertaining to excavations directed by Dame Kathleen Kenyon and John Ward Perkins at Sabratha, Tripolitania. With the exception of a small number of photographs of Lepcis Magna, the entire collection pertains to Sabratha. The material within the collection relates to the Forum, East Forum Temple, Capitolium, Basilica/Church and Temple of Serapis, Insulae, the Severan Monument, the Theatre, the Byzantine...
August 2024:
Spoilheap Occasional Papers (Archive released)
Spoilheap Publications is a joint venture of Archaeology South-East (University College London) and Surrey County Archaeological Unit (Surrey County Council) intended to provide a publication outlet for the results of archaeological investigation and research from across south-east England.
August 2024:
Data from a Trial Trenching at Ryknield Street, Fradley and Streethay, Whittington, Lichfield, Staffordshire, 2020-2021 (HS2 Phase One) (Archive released)
This collection comprises reports, images, spreadsheets, GIS files and site records from trial trenching at Ryknield Street, Fradley and Streethay, Whittington, Lichfield, Staffordshire, conducted by Connect Archaeology from January to July 2020.
August 2024:
Spoilheap Monograph Series (Archive released)
Spoilheap Publications is a joint venture of Archaeology South-East (University College London) and Surrey County Archaeological Unit (Surrey County Council) intended to provide a publication outlet for the results of archaeological investigation and research from across south-east England.
August 2024:
Data from Trial Trenching at Middleton, Warwickshire, 2017-2023 (HS2 Phase One) (Archive released)
This collection comprises reports, images, spreadsheets, and GIS files from archaeological trial trenching undertaken by Connect Archaeology at Middleton, Staffordshire in June 2017. A total of eight trenches were excavated during the archaeological evaluation. These were required to help identify the location, extent, survival and significance of known and potential heritage assets in the area of early works at Marl Pit and Coppice Lane Cuttings.
August 2024:
Data from a Trial Trenching at Finham Brook, Stoneleigh, Coventry, Warwickshire, 2017-2023 (HS2 Phase One) (Archive released)
This collection comprises reports, images, spreadsheets, GIS files, and site records from trial trenching conducted by Connect Archaeology at Finham Brook, Kenilworth, Warwickshire in June 2017.
August 2024:
Data from a Building Survey at Royal College of General Practitioners Building Northern Elevation, Camden, 2020-2021 (HS2 Phase One) (Archive released)
This archive provides a comprehensive descriptive, analytical and visual record of the Royal College of General Practitioners Building, East Wing, Northern Elevation. It contains both images and reports and is a part of HS2.
The archive can provide information for any future research regarding the asset which would benefit from an accurate record of the asset, which is otherwise inaccessible to the public. Providing information of the party wall exposed during the demolition of Walkden House, revealing evidence of Georgian terraces formerly located on the site, and now hidden by weatherproo...
July 2024:
The Origins of Nottingham: archaeological investigations in the Medieval town from 1969 to 1980 (Archive updated)
This collection comprises scanned documents, notebooks, images, drawings, slides alongside databases, spreadsheets and Harris matrices from fieldwork conducted at six sites within Nottingham city centre.
Details are provided here of a project aimed at disseminating more widely the results of unpublished excavations of six sites within Nottingham city centre. The sites were excavated between 1969 and 1980 at Drury Hill (site code: DH69/70; accession number NCMG 2013-3), Woolpack Lane (site code: WL70; accession number NCMG 2013-4), Fisher Gate (site codes FG71/73/78; accession number NCMG 20...
July 2024:
Digital Archive from a Magnetometry Geophysical Survey on Land at Wing Road, Stewkley, Buckinghamshire, 2022 (Archive released)
This collection comprises the RAW, processed and interpretive data from a geophysical survey, undertaken by SUMO Geosurveys on land at Wing Road, Stewkley, Buckinghamshire in 2022.The magnetometer survey has not recorded any magnetic responses that could be interpreted as being of definite archaeological interest. Ridge and furrow ploughing is visible throughout the dataset which corresponds to ploughing recorded in the BHER. Zones of magnetic disturbance are likely to be due to modern activity.
July 2024:
Data from a Building Survey at Walkden House, Camden, 2018-2020 (HS2 Phase One) (Archive released)
This archive provides a basic visual record of Walkden House as of 2019 and its setting as of 2017. It contains both images and reports and is a part of HS2.
The archive can provide information for any future research regarding the asset, or as the original headquarters of a trade union the architectural artefacts of twentieth century design with a social agenda and their legacy as contemporary built heritage, from an accurate record of the asset, which has since been demolished.
July 2024:
Data from a Building Survey at Thistle Hotel, Camden, 2018-2019 (HS2 Phase One) (Archive released)
This archive provides a comprehensive descriptive, analytical and visual record of the Thistle Hotel as of 2017/2019 and its setting as of 2017. It contains both images and reports and is a part of HS2.
The archive can provide information for any future research regarding the asset or the link between the development of the railways and broader changes in the historic landscape, from an accurate record of the asset, which has since been demolished.
July 2024:
Data from Archaeological Mitigation Works at Tolgus, Redruth, Cornwall, October 2020 (Archive released)
This digital archive comprises images, site records, reports, spreadsheets and cad data from archaeological mitigation works comprising a strip map and record excavation covering 0.32 hectares centred on NGR 168850, 042150, at Tolgus, Redruth, Cornwall. The works were undertaken in order to mitigate Condition 3 of planning permission PA12/09717 granted by Cornwall County Council for the demolition of farm buildings, and the erection of 370 dwellings, along with associated access and utility arrangements. The work was undertaken by Wessex Archaeology between 12th and 26th October 2020.
July 2024:
Data from a Building Survey at Stalbridge House, Camden, 2020-2021 (HS2 Phase One) (Archive released)
This archive provides a comprehensive descriptive, analytical and visual record of Stalbridge House and its setting as of 2019. Contains text and images as a part of HS2.
The archive can provide information for any future research regarding the asset, the link between the development of the railways and broader changes in the historic landscape, or the architectural artefacts of twentieth century design with a social agenda and their legacy as contemporary built heritage, from an accurate record of the asset, which is otherwise inaccessible to the public due to its demolition.
July 2024:
WallCAP Project Digital Archive: Stone Sourcing and Dispersal (SSD) (Archive updated)
WallCAP, funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund, combined the ethos of community archaeology to meet key aims relating to the archaeological research and conservation and management of the Hadrian's Wall World Heritage Site. There were two primary strands of focused activity. This collection brings together the results of the Stone Sourcing & Dispersal (SSD) strand. The fieldwork and research undertaken for this strand focused on understanding the 'stone biographies' of Hadrian's Wall, through analysis of the geology of the region, the fabric of the Wall, and tracing this to prospective ...
July 2024:
Data from an Archaeological Excavation at Howes Lane, Bicester, Oxfordshire, April - June 2019 (Archive released)
This digital archive comprises images, gis, report, database and site record data from an archaeological excavation that was undertaken by Cotswold Archaeology from April to June, 2019, at Howes Lane, Bicester, Oxfordshire. Three excavation areas (A-C) were targeted on Iron Age and Roman features identified by evaluation.
July 2024:
Data from an Archaeological Trial Trench Evaluation at Plymouth College of Art, Tavistock Place, Plymouth, Devon, April - May 2012 (Archive released)
This digital archive comprises images, cad, report and spreadsheet data from an archaeological trial trench evaluation at the Plymouth College of Art, Tavistock Place, Plymouth, Devon, centred on National Grid Reference (NGR) 248200,054695. The work was undertaken by Wessex Archaeology between 02nd April 2012 till 15th May 2012.
July 2024:
Data from an Archaeological Watching Brief at The Bungalow, Blackditch, Stanton Harcourt, Witney, January 2023 (Archive released)
This digital archive comprises images,cad, gis, reports and site records from archaeological watching brief excavations at The Bungalow, Blackditch, Stanton Harcourt, Witney (NGR SP 41105 05743). The watching brief was undertaken by John Moore Heritage Services, between 03-Jan-2023 and 09-Jan-2023.
July 2024:
Data from an Archaeological Evaluation at St Mary's Church, The Street, Salcott, Essex, June 2023 (Archive released)
This digital archive comprises images, report, site record and cad data from an archaeological evaluation (two test-pits) and monitoring of a geotechnical survey was carried out at the Church of St Mary The Virgin, The Street, Salcott-cum-Virley, Essex in advance of the construction of a new annex to the existing parish church. The development site is located within the churchyard, adjacent to the north wall of the building, in an area that has potential for inhumation burials and earlier structures relating to the church. The work was undertaken by Colchester Archaeological Trust, in June 202...
July 2024:
Data from an Archaeological Evaluation at Bicester Avenue Garden Centre, Oxford Road, Bicester, Oxfordshire, October 2023 (Archive released)
This digital archive comprises of spreadsheets, images, gis, site records and report data from an archaeological evaluation of a parcel of land north of Bicester Avenue Garden Centre, Oxford Road, Bicester, Oxfordshire; centred on NGR 457850 221584. The work was undertaken between 23 - 27 October 2023, by Wessex Archaeology.
July 2024:
Data from an Archaeological Evaluation at Sir Geoff Hurst and Hawthorns Academy, Chelmsford, Essex, April 2023 (Archive released)
This digital archive comprises images, vector and site record data from an archaeological evaluation on the site of the Sir Geoff Hurst and Hawthorns Academy, Chelmsford, Essex. The purpose of the evaluation was to monitor the excavation of ground works associated with plans for the development of two new schools (Planning applications CHL 21/00395/FUL and 21/00396/FUL). The work was undertaken by Archaeological Research Services Ltd. The evaluation was undertaken between 11/04/23 and 14/04/23 in accordance with a written scheme of investigation.
July 2024:
Data from an Archaeological Excavation at Rivercross Phase 2, Brook Lane, Warsash, Hamphire, May 2022 (Archive released)
This digital archive comprises gis, database, image and report data from a programme of archaeological mitigation, which was undertaken by Cotswold Archaeology in May 2022 at the request of Bargate Homes (Southampton) on land known as Rivercross Phase 2, to the east of Brook Lane, Warsash, Hampshire. An area of 460 metres squared was excavated within the south-east of the site, along with seven test pits, targeted on the results of a prior evaluation.
July 2024:
Data from an Archaeological Strip Map And Sample at Land at Higher Town, Sampford Peverell, Tiverton, Devon, May - July 2022 (Archive released)
This digital archive comprises images, report, site records, spreadsheets and gis data from a programme of archaeological mitigation on land at Higher Town, Sampford Peverell, Devon (centred on NGR ST 0249 1409). The work was undertaken in May and July 2022, by Archaeology England Ltd, in association with the proposed development of 60 dwellings and construction of new vehicular access onto the highway to the west of the site.This work involved a Strip, Map and Sample excavation (SME) and environmental analysis of palaeoenvironmental samples retained from an earlier evaluation of the site unde...
July 2024:
Data from an Archaeological Evaluation at Rascasse, Sheepcotes Lane, Silver End, Essex, April 2023 (Archive released)
This digital archive comprises images, cad, site record and report data from an archaeological evaluation at Rascasse, Sheepcotes Lane, Silver End, Essex in advance of the construction of a new residential development. The work was undertaken by Colchester Archaeological Trust, in April 2023.
July 2024:
Data from an Archaeological Recording at Wendover Green Tunnel, Wendover, Buckinghamshire, 2020-2022 (HS2 Phase One) (Archive released)
This collection comprises images, documents, spreadsheets, photogrammetry and GIS data from Archaeological Recording at Wendover Green Tunnel, Wendover, Buckinghamshire, 2020-2022. This work was undertaken by INFRA Archaeology on behalf of HS2 Ltd. as part of Phase One of the High Speed 2 (HS2) rail project.
This site presents a dense Prehistoric landscape and a nationally important 5th/ 6th Century Anglo-Saxon cemetery consisting of 138 graves with grave goods. The results of these archaeological findings indicate that the site has the potential to inform some specific aspects of the 'futu...
July 2024:
Birmingham Resilience Project (Archive released)
AOC Archaeology was commissioned by Barhale Construction Ltd, on behalf of Severn Trent Water Ltd., to undertake Phase 1 and Phase 2 of an archaeological programme of works along the route of a portable water transfer pipe, located southwest of Birmingham, between Lickhill, Stourport-on-Severn and Frankley Reservoir, Birmingham (NGR: SO 82079 72657 - SO 99220 80243) between May and June 2017.
July 2024:
Data from a Building Survey at Euston Power Signal Box, Camden, 2020 (HS2 Phase One) (Archive released)
This archive provides a comprehensive descriptive, analytical and visual record of the Euston Power Signal Box and its setting as of 2020. It contains both images and reports and is a part of HS2. The archive can provide information for any future research regarding the asset, or key changes in the technology of railway infrastructure and how these changes influenced the distribution of goods or the movement of people, from an accurate record of the asset, which is otherwise inaccessible to the public due to its demolition.
July 2024:
Data from a Building Survey at Bree Louise Public House, Camden, 2018-2019 (HS2 Phase One) (Archive released)
This archive provides a comprehensive descriptive, analytical and visual record of the Bree Louise Public House and its setting as of 2019. It contains both images and reports and is a part of HS2.
The archive can provide information for any future research regarding the asset, the link between the development of the railways and broader changes in the historic landscape or how 19th and 20th century recreation and community buildings reflect social and economic change and contribute to community identity, from an accurate record of the asset, which is otherwise inaccessible to the public du...
July 2024:
Chester Archaeological Society Journal (Archive updated)
Founded in 1849, the Society was first entitled the 'Chester Architectural, Archaeological, and Historic Society', or more fully the 'Architectural, Archaeological and Historic Society for the County, City and Neighbourhood of Chester'. In 1886 this was reduced to the 'Chester Archaeological and Historic Society' but the word 'Architectural' was soon restored and 'North Wales' added. In 1966 the title was finally reduced to the simple 'Chester Archaeological Society' without any narrowing of the Society's purposes.
Notwithstanding generally increased specialisation within the historical dis...
July 2024:
Site Data from Archaeological Mitigation Work at Eaton Leys, Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire, July 2018 - April 2020 (Archive released)
This digital archive comprises images, gis, report, site records, vector and spreadsheet data from archaeological mitigation work at Eaton Leys, Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire. The work was undertaken by Wessex Archaeology, between 23rd July 2018 and 12th October 2018. This was followed by an extension to the previous strip map and record area to accommodate a subsequent design change, undertaken in April 2020.
July 2024:
Data from an Archaeological Evaluation at Millets Farm Centre, Kingston Road, Frilford, Oxfordshire, December 2022 (Archive released)
This digital archive comprises images, gis, cad and spreadsheet data from an evaluation at Millets Farm Centre, Oxfordshire. The work was undertaken by John Moore Heritage Services, between the 7th December to the 8th December 2022. The Digital Archive comprises the final versions of a selection of digital files generated during the fieldwork and post-excavation stages of the project. Files include synthesised registers, digitised
primary contexts, finds reports, digitised drawings and illustrations, digital photographs, GIS files.
July 2024:
Transactions of the Leicestershire Archaeological and Historical Society (Archive updated)
This collection comprises volumes of the Transactions of the Leicestershire Archaeological and Historical Society. The Society was founded in 1855 and over the years has changed its name slightly, but its aims have virtually remained the same; 'to promote the study of history, archaeology, antiquities and architecture of the county'. The Transactions journal is published annually and contains articles alongside a summary of all archaeological activity which has taken place in the city and counties of Leicestershire and Rutland. A sister publication the 'Leicestershire Historian' is also issued...
July 2024:
Data from a Building Survey at Railway Cutting Euston to Parkway, Camden, 2020-2021 (HS2 Phase One) (Archive released)
This archive provides a comprehensive descriptive, analytical and visual record of the Railway Cutting Euston to Parkway and its setting as of 2020. It contains images, reports, and photogrammetry images and is a part of HS2.
The archive can provide information for any future research regarding the asset or Railway Cutting Euston to Parkway, which would benefit from an accurate record of the asset, which is otherwise inaccessible to the public.
The archive can also be of benefit to the management of any future works to the asset, which may require an understanding of its design and mate...
July 2024:
Data from a Building Survey at Parkway Tunnel and Cutting, Camden, 2020-2021 (HS2 Phase One) (Archive released)
This archive provides a comprehensive descriptive, analytical and visual record of the Parkway Tunnel and Cutting and its setting as of 2020. It contains both images, reports, and photogrammetry data and is a part of HS2.
The archive can provide information for any future research regarding the asset, or the development of the London and Birmingham Railway, or early mainline railway in Britain in general, which would benefit from an accurate record of the asset, which is otherwise inaccessible to the public.
The archive can also be of benefit to the management of any future works to the...
July 2024:
Digital Data from a Geophysical Survey of the proposed Foxton to Gartree Pipeline Route, Leicestershire 2022 (Archive released)
This collection comprises geophysics and GIS data from an archaeological geophysical survey by MOLA Northampton of part of a proposed pipeline route that extends north-east from HMP Gartree to Foxton Sewage Treatment Works, Leicestershire.
The survey detected several short positive linear anomalies which may represent features of archaeological potential but are too scattered and fragmented to interpret with confidence. It also detected a small area of ridge and furrow, two historic field boundaries, two buried utilities and the remains of some Second World War era 'spectacle'-type dispersal ...
July 2024:
The Leicestershire Historian (Archive updated)
This collection comprises volumes of the Leicestershire Historian journal. This first appeared as the annual publication of the Leicestershire Local History Council in 1967 but when that body ceased to exist in 1995 the Leicestershire Archaeological and Historical Society took over its publication.
July 2024:
Data from an Evaluation at Station Road, Isleham, Cambridgeshire, July 2020 (Archive released)
This collection comprises images, GIS, site records, a report and database from an archaeological evaluation at land off Station Road, Isleham, Cambridgeshire undertaken between the 29th June and 3rd July 2020 by Oxford Archaeology East. A total of seven trenches were excavated on the 1.82ha site. Very few archaeological features were identified, with only two ditches and 10 post holes being uncovered in the northern half of the field.
July 2024:
West Midlands Archaeology Journal (Archive released)
This collection comprises volumes of the West Midlands Archaeology journal, published by CBA West Midlands. The Series began as a short News Sheet in 1958 issued annually by the Department of Extra Mural Studies, University of Birmingham. From Issue 3 onwards it came under the sponsorship of the Council for British Archaeology Group 8 which represented nearly all the archaeological societies in the West Midlands. The series developed steadily from fewer than a dozen pages in the first year to over 100 in issue 22 - the last 'news sheet' . With a new format and name West Midlands Archaeology ...
July 2024:
Site Data from an Archaeological Evaluation at the South of Higham Road, Burton Latimer, Northamptonshire, September 2014 (Archive released)
This digital archive comprises images, vector, report, site record, database and spreadsheet data from an evaluation on land south of Higham Road, Burton Latimer, Northamptonshire (SP 904 738). The work was undertaken between 1st and 9th September 2014, by Oxford Archaeology East.
July 2024:
Site Data from an Archaeological Excavation at Nayland Road, Great Horkesley, Essex, March - April 2021 (Archive released)
This digital archive comprises images, report, site records, gis, spreadsheet and database data from an archaeological excavation at Nayland Road, Great Horkesley, Essex. The work was undertaken between the 15th March and 29th April 2021, by Oxford Archaeology East (OA East). In total, 2 hectare was investigated by three areas of excavation (Areas 1-3) within a 9.5 hectare development area surrounding Horkesley Manor.
July 2024:
Data from Geophysical Surveys at Two Sites at Newbold Verdon, Leicestershire, 2021 and 2023 (Archive released)
This collection comprises magnetometer data and georeferenced raster plots of processed magnetometer data from two surveys east of Brascote Lane and north of Barlestone Newbold Verdon conducted in 2021 and 2023 respectively by Museum of London Archaeology (MOLA) Northampton. The Brascote Lane survey identified an open-sided rectilinear enclosure of indeterminate date, measuring c60m across, as well as two possible short lengths of ditch and two possible pits. The Barlestone Road survey identified part of another enclosure.
July 2024:
Images from an Archaeological Evaluation at Fiery Hill Road, Barnt Green, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, March - April 2014 (Archive released)
This digital archive comprises images from an archaeological evaluation on land off Fiery Hill Road, Barnt Green, Worcestershire prior to a proposed residential development on the site. The work was undertaken by MOLA between 24th March 2014 till 01st April 2014. Twenty-three trenches were excavated. Most trenches were excavated as planned though a few were shortened or re-positioned to accommodate buried services and protected trees across the site. Features of post-medieval date were recorded along with evidence for 19 - 20th century steam ploughing.
July 2024:
Digital Archive from a Geophysical Survey on Land North of Kimblewick Road, Kimble, 2022 (Archive released)
This archive comprises the RAW and processed data from a geophysical survey undertaken by SUMO Geosurveys on land north of Kimblewick Road, Kimble in 2022. The magnetometer survey recorded a number of magnetic responses that have been interpreted as being of uncertain origin. They comprised a series of linear responses and several pit-like anomalies which could be a result of modern agricultural processes or might possibly be of archaeological interest. Ridge and furrow plus modern ploughing are visible, and the route of a former field boundary were also marked.
July 2024:
Digital Archive from a Geophysical Survey at Northwood End Road, Haynes, Bedfordshire, 2022 (Archive released)
This archive comprises the RAW and processed data from a geophysical survey undertaken by SUMO Geosurveys at Northwood End Road, Haynes, Bedfordshire in 2022. The magnetometer survey detected a number of ditch-like anomalies which appear to form a sub-circular and rectangular enclosure. The route of a field ditch has also been plotted which makes up the western side of the rectangular enclosure. A number of linear trends have been assigned to the category of uncertain. Archaeological origins cannot be entirely discounted given the close proximity of the enclosures. Ridge and furrow ploughing...
July 2024:
Data from a Geophysical Survey at Anstey Lane, Groby, Leicestershire, May 2022 (Archive released)
This collection comprises raw and processed geophysical survey data and georeferenced raster images from a magnetic gradiometer survey of c. 57ha of farmland at Anstey Lane, Groby, Leicestershire undertaken by MOLA Northampton in May 2022. Six clusters of archaeological remains were detected across the survey area. They chiefly comprised enclosures and ring ditches, with scatters of pits and at least one possible kiln also present
July 2024:
Site Data from an Archaeological Evaluation at Latchford House, Latchford Lane, Great Haseley, July 2022 (Archive released)
This digital archive comprises images, cad, gis, spreadsheet and text data from an archaeological evaluation at Latchford House, Latchford Lane, Great Haseley, Oxfordshire. The work was undertaken on the 6th July 2022, by John Moore Heritage Services. The work involved the excavation of three 10 metre x 1.8 metre trenches, each of which uncovered archaeological ditches.
June 2024:
Church Wilne Deserted Medieval Settlement, Derbyshire (Archive updated)
Details are provided here of a project aimed at disseminating more widely the results of unpublished excavations of a deserted medieval village in the floodplain of the River Derwent at Church Wilne, Derbyshire (SK 449 318). These archaeological investigations were undertaken in 1974 and 1975 by the Trent Valley Archaeological Research Committee, assisted by funding from the Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission (England). This work was directed by Hazel Wheeler and conducted by TVARC staff and local volunteers. The small medieval village of Church Wilne was located on marginal land in t...
June 2024:
Data from a Building Survey at Grade II Listed Statue of Robert Stephenson, Camden, 2020 (HS2 Phase One) (Archive released)
This collection comprises reports, records, images, CAD files, and a laser scan from the building survey of the Robert Stephenson statue conducted prior to it's dismantling in line with HS2 enabling works. The survey was carried out by Mott MacDonald and MOLA Headland Infrastructure from July to October 2020 at the Euston Station Forecourt in the London Borough of Camden.
This archive provides a comprehensive descriptive, analytical and visual record of the Statue of Robert Stephenson and its setting as of 2020. The archive can provide information for any future research regarding the asse...
June 2024:
Data from a Building Survey at the Monument to the Christie Family, St James's Gardens, Euston, Camden, 2019 (HS2 Phase One) (Archive released)
This collection comprises reports, images, CAD files, spreadsheets, scanned site records and photogrammetry source images from a building survey carried out by MOLA Headland Infrastructure and MOLA Northampton at the Monument to the Christie Family, St James's Gardens, Euston, Camden, from January to March 2019.
June 2024:
Site Data from an Archaeological Watching Brief at Shipton Manor, Shipton-on-Cherwell, Kidlington, Oxfordshire, September 2021 to January 2022 (Archive released)
This collection comprises reports, site records, images, vector, spreadsheet and data from an archaeological strip, map and sample investigation at Shipton Manor, Shipton-on-Cherwell, Kidlington, Oxfordshire.
John Moore Heritage Services carried out this work between September 2021 and January 2022, during groundworks for a swimming pool at the site.
June 2024:
Data from a Historic Building Recording at the DB Cargo Shed and Parapet Wall, Granby Terrace and Park Village East, Camden, Greater London, 2017-2021 (HS2 Phase One) (Archive released)
This collection comprises reports, images, site records, and plans from the historic building recording carried out by MOLA Headland Archaeology at the DB Cargo Shed and Parapet Wall, Granby Terrace and Park Village East, Camden, Greater London from October to December 2017.
This collection provides a comprehensive descriptive, analytical and visual record of the DB Cargo Shed and Parapet Wall, Granby Terrace and Park Village East. The archive can provide information for any future research regarding the asset as part of the enabling works of HS2. This archive can be used independently and/...
June 2024:
Data from the Gatehouse Community Archaeology Project at Pontefract Castle, Pontefract, West Yorkshire, 2019-2020 (Archive released)
This collection comprises project data (site records, reports, finds data, specialist reports, school activity resources, images, illustrations, spreadsheets, 3D models, and a video) from a community focused archaeological investigation at Pontefract Castle undertaken by DigVentures between October 2019 and August 2020.
June 2024:
Data from an Archaeological Recording at Aylesbury Golf Course, Buckinghamshire, 2021-2022 (HS2 Phase One) (Archive released)
This collection comprises a digital archive of photographs, 3D models, GIS files, scanned site records, and reports from the archaeological recording conducted by INFRA Archaeology at Aylesbury Golf Course between November and December 2021. These works fall under the site code 1C21AGCAR. The archaeological evaluation established the presence of Bronze Age/early Iron Age, Iron Age, and Romano-British remains, comprising a number of rectilinear enclosure ditches, gullies, pits, postholes, and burials, suggestive of settlement occupation and related activity.
June 2024:
Digital Archive for Warhorse: The Archaeology of a Military Revolution? 2019-2023 (Archive updated)
This collection comprises reports, images and spreadsheet data from the 'Warhorse: The Archaeology of a Military Revolution?' project. The research project was supported by the Arts and Humanities Research Council and ran between 2019-23. The project conducted the first ever systematic archaeological study of medieval warhorses, and horses generally, in England across the period AD800-1600.
June 2024:
WallGIS: The GIS Data from the Hadrian's Wall Community Archive Project, WallCAP, 2019-2022 (Archive released)
WallCAP, funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund, combined the ethos of community archaeology to meet key aims relating to the archaeological research and conservation and management of the Hadrian's Wall World Heritage Site. Alongside the two main strands of the project, Heritage at Risk and Stone Sourcing & Dispersal, another key part of the project was the construction of a bespoke GIS for Hadrian's Wall. This WallGIS, with the underlying database and tables constructed to capture details and features specific to the Wall, brings together over 150 years of research and data about Hadri...
June 2024:
WallCAP Project Digital Archive: Stone Sourcing and Dispersal (SSD) (Archive released)
WallCAP, funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund, combined the ethos of community archaeology to meet key aims relating to the archaeological research and conservation and management of the Hadrian's Wall World Heritage Site. There were two primary strands of focused activity. This collection brings together the results of the Stone Sourcing & Dispersal (SSD) strand. The fieldwork and research undertaken for this strand focused on understanding the 'stone biographies' of Hadrian's Wall, through analysis of the geology of the region, the fabric of the Wall, and tracing this to prospective ...
June 2024:
Data from a Trial Trenching at Southern Sustainable Placement Area, Hillingdon, 2019 (HS2 Phase One) (Archive released)
This collection comprises site data (digital photographs, spreadsheets, specialist reports, scanned trench and context sheets, registers and drawings) from an archaeological evaluation conducted by Archaeology Wales and Wardell Armstrong, on behalf of Costain Skanska JV, at the Southern Sustainable Placement Areas, West Ruislip, in the London borough of Hillingdon. Work took place between 20th July and 1st October 2020 at SSP Areas A-F and between 20 August and 18th September at Areas G-H (SSP Areas G-H), centred on TQ 06566 86781 and TQ 06665 86390 respectively.
Areas A-F: It is possible t...
June 2024:
WallCAP: The Hadrian's Wall Community Archaeology Project Collections and Map (Archive released)
WallCAP, funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund, combined the ethos of community archaeology to meet key aims relating to the archaeological research and conservation and management of the Hadrian's Wall World Heritage Site. There were two primary strands of focused activity. First, a series of fieldwork interventions were undertaken at six sites in the Wall corridor with the aim of addressing issues that form part of the Heritage At Risk (HAR) agenda; this HAR strand undertook research that met key objectives in the Hadrian's Wall Research Framework as well as better understanding risks...
June 2024:
WallCAP: Heritage At Risk (HAR) (Archive released)
This collection comprises images, excavation reports, and specialist reports from the Heritage at Risk (HAR) strand of the WallCAP Project. Information within this archive is ordered by site. WallCAP, funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund, combined the ethos of community archaeology to meet key aims relating to the archaeological research, conservation, and management of the Hadrian's Wall World Heritage Site. There were two primary strands of focused activity.
June 2024:
Data from an Archaeological Monitoring at North Portal, Great Missenden, Buckinghamshire, 2019-2021 (HS2 Phase One) (Archive released)
This collection comprises images, GIS, spreadsheets, and an interim report from archaeological monitoring conducted by INFRA Archaeology on land at North Portal, near Great Missenden, Buckinghamshire. The monitoring took place from November 2019 to January 2020 and focused on ground-breaking works associated with the construction of a compound, haulage road and pylon bases for the National Grid and Balfour Beatty works to realign a large overhead power cable.
The works only exposed the upper surface or interface with the subsoil in places and no archaeological features were noted cutting th...
June 2024:
Data from a Trial Trench Evaluation at Wendover Green Tunnel, Buckinghamshire, 2019-2022 (HS2 Phase One) (Archive released)
This collection comprises site data (digital photographs, reports, GIS, spreadsheets, scanned trench and context sheets, registers and drawings) from a trial trench evaluation by INFRA Archaeology at Wendover Green Tunnel, Buckinghamshire. The evaluation, comprising 46 trenches (2 descoped), was undertaken during March 2019.
The trial trench evaluation has demonstrated several areas of archaeological activity across the site, primarily that of prehistoric and medieval occupation. It is suggested that further work, comprising open-area excavation, be carried out where this activity is most p...
June 2024:
Data from a Trial Trench Evaluation at Upper Bottom House Farm, Chalfont St Giles, Buckinghamshire, 2018-2019 (HS2 Phase One) (Archive released)
This collection comprises site data (digital photographs, reports, GIS, spreadsheets, scanned trench and context sheets, registers and drawings) from an evaluation by INFRA Archaeology at Upper Bottom House Farm, Chalfont St Giles, Buckinghamshire. The evaluation was carried out in three phases, in December 2018, June 2019 and December 2019.
The sparsity of archaeological features, which furthermore appear to be isolated and mostly undated, hinders any overall characterisation of the Site.
The large quarry pit is a single entity and is more than likely associated with the extraction of cha...
June 2024:
Data from a Trial Trench Evaluation at Wellwick Farm, Wendover Green, Buckinghamshire, 2018-2019 (HS2 Phase One) (Archive released)
This collection comprises a digital archive of photographs, reports, GIS, spreadsheets, and scanned site records from a trial trench evaluation by INFRA Archaeology at Wellwick Farm, near Wendover, Buckinghamshire between November 2018 and January 2019.
A total of 148 trenches were excavated producing substantial ditches, large pits, postholes and a buried prehistoric soil horizon. The trial trench evaluation has demonstrated areas of archaeological activity across the site and this information can be used in order to inform an appropriate mitigation strategy. It was recommended that open-a...
June 2024:
Data from an Archaeological Recording at Rocky Lane and Grove Farm, Wendover, Buckinghamshire, 2020 (HS2 Phase One) (Archive released)
This collection comprises a digital archive of photographs, reports, GIS, spreadsheets, and scanned site records from an archaeological recording by INFRA Archaeology on two locations: Rocky Lane and Grove Farm, near Wendover, Buckinghamshire, which was undertaken as part of HS2 Phase One between August and September 2020.
Archaeological features were uncovered at the Grove Farm North (Land parcel C21033), these included Neolithic pits and disarticulated human remains, the date of which is uncertain and C14 dating would be required to ascertain a time frame. Additionally, Iron Age bell-shaped...
June 2024:
Data from a Scheduled Monument Topographic Survey at Grim's Ditch, Buckinghamshire, 2020 (HS2 Phase One) (Archive released)
This collection comprises digital photographs, GIS, field survey reports, and an aerial photogrammetry report from a topographic survey conducted by INFRA Archaeology at Grim's Ditch Scheduled Monument, Buckinghamshire, between November and December 2020. The topographic survey was a non-intrusive survey. The segment of the Grim's Ditch Scheduled Monument: List Entry 1021198, that lies within the site, is 145m long and is aligned northeast-southwest and has a visible upstanding bank on the west side of a linear ditch. The coverage demonstrated a continuation to the south of both the negative a...
June 2024:
Data from a Trial Trench Evaluation at Grove Farm, Small Dean North Embankment, Buckinghamshire, 2019-2021 (HS2 Phase One) (Archive released)
This collection comprises site data (digital photographs, reports, GIS, spreadsheets, scanned trench and context sheets, registers and drawings) from a trial trench evaluation by INFRA Archaeology at Grove Farm, located between Great Missenden and Wendover, Buckinghamshire, targeted on the site of the Small Dean North Embankment and the Wendover Green Tunnel. The evaluation, comprising 69 trenches (16 descoped), was undertaken during February 2019.
The results of the archaeological evaluation identified a scatter of mostly undated features including pits, ditches and postholes, with a conce...
June 2024:
The Hillforts Primer: An Analysis of the Atlas of Hillforts of Britain and Ireland Data (Archive released)
The Hillforts primer digital archive comprises statistical model images, report and hillforts primer spreadsheet. In 2017 the Atlas of Hillforts of Britain and Ireland was published online (Lock & Ralston 2024) making a large, open dataset available for reuse and reinterpretation. The interpretation of this work was subsequently published in 2019 and 2022 (Lock & Ralston 2019; 2022). The hillforts data is large and complex, making it challenging to manipulate, especially in a discipline where a lack of data literacy skills is identified as a key issue limiting data reuse. The Hillforts Primer ...
June 2024:
Images and Site Record Data from a Historic Building Recording Survey and Archaeological Evaluation at Adelphi Cinema, Kenyon Lane, Moston, Greater Manchester, August 2021 - November 2021 (Archive released)
This digital archive comprises images and site record data from a historic building recording survey and evaluation of the former Adelphi Cinema on Kenyon Lane, Moston, Greater Manchester, M40 9DF. The historic building survey was undertaken in August 2021, by Archaeological Research Services Ltd, commissioned by Adelphi (Kenyon Lane) Developments Ltd (the clients).The historic building recording was required to assist in discharging condition 26 of planning application 127559/FO/2020, following the approval of the Written Scheme of Investigation. The archaeological evaluation was undertaken o...
June 2024:
Site Data from an Archaeological Evaluation at 84 Crowmarsh Battle Farm, Preston Crowmarsh, Oxfordshire, October 2022 (Archive released)
This digital archive comprises of images, GIS, CAD, text, spreadsheet and site record data from an archaeological evaluation at Land north of No.84, Crowmarsh Battle Farm, Preston Crowmarsh, Oxfordshire (NGR SU 61681 90661). The work was undertaken by John Moore Heritage Services on 19th October 2022. A single trench measuring 20 metre in length by 1.65 metre in width was located across the area of the proposed development. Two parallel ditches were identified in the south-western side of the trench. The smaller, most southerly failed to produce finds which allowed for conclusive dating, altho...
June 2024:
Site Data from Archaeological Excavations at Combe Cross, Filham, Ivybridge, October 2020 - April 2021 (Archive released)
This digital archive comprises images, site records, text and spreadsheet data from archaeological excavations undertaken by AC Archaeology, between October 2020 and April 2021, on land at Combe Cross, Filham, Ivybridge. The excavations established that the majority of the features on the site were Romano-British in date, with a small component of prehistoric use largely testified by a small number of finds. The Romano-British use of the site was dominated by a rectilinear enclosure and attached triple-ditched enclosure. Within these were located clusters of pits, ovens and gullies, along with...
June 2024:
Site Data from an Archaeological Watching Brief at Church of St Mary, Long Wittenham, Oxfordshire, February 2022 (Archive released)
This digital archive comprises images, CAD, text, spreadsheet and site record data from an archaeological watching brief at St Mary's Church, Long Wittenham, Oxfordshire (NGR SU 54855 94044). The work was undertaken by John Moore Heritage Services on 21st February 2022. The watching brief investigated two areas beneath the pew platforms at the east end of the nave, and uncovered pew foundation walls of probable medieval date; a post-medieval brick barrel vault; and layers relating to the post-medieval period.
June 2024:
Data from an Excavation at Wellwick Farm, Wendover, Buckinghamshire, 2019-2020 (HS2 Phase One) (Archive released)
This collection comprises reports, digital photographs, photogrammetry, GIS files, and site records from the excavation by INFRA Archaeology at Wellwick Farm, Wendover, Buckinghamshire undertaken from December 2019 to July 2020. The excavation at Wellwick Farm uncovered a high density of findings dating from prehistory to post-medieval, revealing changes in land use from socio-cultural or religious/ceremonial to domestic/agricultural. Notable finds include human remains and a lead coffin, which was recorded in 3D using Structure from motion (SfM).
June 2024:
Data from an Excavation at North Portal (South Heath Cutting), Great Missenden, Buckinghamshire, 2019-2021 (HS2 Phase One) (Archive updated)
This collection comprises a digital archive of photographs, GIS files, reports and scanned site records from an archaeological mitigation, in the form of open-area excavation, by INFRA Archaeology on land near Great Missenden and South Heath, Buckinghamshire. The excavation was targeted on the south-west side of the North Portal of the Chiltern Tunnel section of the High Speed 2 scheme, and comprised parts of two pastoral fields with a total area of approximately 2.58ha. The work was carried out between March and April 2019.
The mitigation uncovered the remains of large quarry pits, large p...
June 2024:
Data from a Building Survey during the Dismantling and Storage of the Piscator Sculpture by Paolozzi, Camden, 2020 (HS2 Phase One) (Archive released)
This archive provides a comprehensive description of the makeup and construction of the Piscator Sculpture and the method used to dismantle and store it. It contains reports and is a part of HS2.
The archive can provide information for any future research regarding the asset, the work of Paolozzi and the Euston Station piazza, which may otherwise be inaccessible to the public.
The archive can also be of benefit to the management of any future works to the asset, including determining the site of its relocation, which may require an understanding of its design and materials, as well as it...
June 2024:
Data from a Building Survey at 16-17 Melton Street, Camden, 2020-2021 (HS2 Phase One) (Archive released)
This archive provides a comprehensive descriptive, analytical and visual record of 16-17 Melton Street (former LUL entrance) and its setting as of 2020. It contains both images and reports and is a part of HS2.
The archive can provide information for any future research regarding the asset, or the link between the development of underground railways and broader changes in the historic landscape, architectural artefacts of twentieth-century design with a social agenda, key changes in technology of underground railway infrastructure and how these changes influenced the distribution of goods o...
June 2024:
Data from a Building Survey at 58-64 Euston Street, Camden, 2018-2019 (HS2 Phase One) (Archive released)
This archive provides a comprehensive descriptive, analytical and visual record of the exterior of 58-64 Euston Street and their setting as of 2020. It contains both images and reports and is a part of HS2.
The archive is of value as the demolition of the asset means that the archive provides the last remaining record of the asset.
Additionally, the archive can provide information for any future research regarding the asset and post-war development around Euston Station, which is otherwise inaccessible to the public. In particular, the archive can provide information relating to the cons...
June 2024:
Data from a Building Survey at 59-67 Cobourg Street, Camden, 2018-2020 (HS2 Phase One) (Archive released)
This archive provides a comprehensive descriptive, analytical and visual record of 59, 61, 65 & 67, Cobourg Street as of 2017/2019 and its setting as of 2017. It contains both images and reports and is a part of HS2.
The archive can provide information for any future research regarding the asset, or the link between the development of the railways and broader changes in the historic landscape, from an accurate record of the asset, which is otherwise inaccessible to the public due to its demolition.
June 2024:
Data from a Building Survey at 67-79 Euston, Camden, 2018-2019 (HS2 Phase One) (Archive released)
This archive provides a comprehensive descriptive, analytical and visual record of 67-79 Euston Street and their setting as of 2018. It contains both images and reports and is a part of HS2.
The archive is of value as the demolition of the asset means that the archive provides the last remaining record of the asset.
Additionally, the archive can provide information for any future research regarding the asset as an early 19th century residential terrace, as well as about the early 19th century development around Euston Station, which is otherwise inaccessible to the public.
June 2024:
Data from an Evaluation at Gate Burton Energy Park and Grid Connection Corridor, Gate Burton, Lincolnshire and Nottinghamshire, August-October 2022 (Archive released)
This collection comprises reports, site records, images, spreadsheets, CAD and GIS data from an archaeological trial trench evaluation carried out at Gate Burton Energy Park and Grid Connection Corridor, Lincolnshire and Nottinghamshire, between August and October 2022. Wessex Archaeology was commissioned by AECOM, on behalf of Low Carbon Ltd, to undertake these works across the two areas associated with a proposed solar park and grid connection route.
June 2024:
Data from a Historic Building Recording at the Baron of Southampton Monument, Camden, Greater London, 2018-2021 (HS2 Phase One) (Archive released)
This archive provides a comprehensive descriptive, analytical and visual record of the of the Baron of Southampton Monument at the former burial site of St James's Gardens. The archive can provide information for any future research regarding the asset as part of the enabling works of HS2.
This archive can be used independently and/or in in conjunction with the rest of HS2 datasets in order to inform the wider historic building records generated through this project. This can also function as a guide to digital archiving for future infrastructure projects benefiting both the commercial se...
May 2024:
Data from a Geophysical Survey at Lychgate Lane, Aston Flamville, Leicestershire 2023 (Archive released)
This collection comprises magnetometer data and georeferenced raster plots of processed magnetometer data from a geophysical survey covering c37ha at Aston Flamville, Lychgate Lane. Work was undertaken by Museum of London Archaeology (MOLA) Northampton between February and March 2023. Two areas with possible archaeological features were detected, one of which may be Roman in date, however, natural origins cannot be ruled out. Medieval to post-medieval ridge and furrow was also detected throughout most of the survey, area along with two former field boundaries.
May 2024:
Data from a Construction Integrated Recording at Wendover Green Tunnel, Wendover, Buckinghamshire, 2022 (HS2 Phase One) (Archive released)
This collection comprises a digital archive of photographs, GIS files, scanned site records, and reports from the archaeological monitoring conducted by INFRA Archaeology at Wendover Green Tunnel between February and June 2022, with both phases of work falling under the 1C21ELRCI site code.
The Construction Integrated Recording (CIR) uncovered the remains of a large Roman lime kiln with courses of faced chalk blocks surviving, which was recorded in 3D using Structure from motion (SfM). Other notable finds were a Neolithic pit with a Langdale polished stone axe head, a Roman pit with a first...
May 2024:
Images and Site Record from an Archaeological Strip, Map and Record and Watching Brief Nixon Street, Castleton, Rochdale, Greater Manchester June - October 2022 (Archive released)
This digital archive comprises images and a site record pdf from a programme of strip, map and record investigation and archaeological monitoring on land at Nixon Street, Castleton, Rochdale, Greater Manchester, in June, July and October 2022.The fieldwork was undertaken by Oxford Archaeology North, commissioned by Lanpro Services Ltd, on behalf of Seddon Construction, in advance of the residential development of the site.
May 2024:
Data from a Construction Integrated Recording at Illett's Farm, Northamptonshire, 2021-2022 (HS2 Phase One) (Archive released)
This collection comprises of digital photographs, vector graphics, spreadsheets, artefact assessments, and scanned site records and drawings from a construction integrated recording by Archaeological Research Services at Illett's Farm, Northamptonshire. The recording was carried out between November and December 2021.
The excavation of the L-Shaped trench picked up the presence of two north-east to south-west aligned graves, aligned parallel to a potential trackway in the unexcavated field approximately 1.2m to the north-west. One grave contained the remains of an adult female buried on her s...
May 2024:
Data from a Test Pitting at Blank Area Testing, Brackley to Southam, Northamptonshire, 2020-2022 (HS2 Phase One) (Archive released)
This collection comprises digital photographs, spreadsheets, reports and scanned site records from a test pit survey by Archaeological Research Services across 31 fields identified as 'Blank Areas', extending from Versions Farm, Brackley to Starbold Farm, Southam, Northamptonshire. Work was undertaken between October 2020 and March 2021.
The targeted test pit survey involved the excavation of 1544 manually excavated test pits. Field packages AC300 Gp1 (Versions Farm) and AC300 Gp 2 (North of Illet's Farm and North of Radstone) produced significant chipped lithic assemblages that warrant furt...
May 2024:
Images and GIS from an Archaeological Evaluation at Whirlbush Solar Farm, Aston Sandford, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, 2023 (Archive released)
This digital archive comprises images and GIS from an archaeological evaluation of land at Whirlbush Farm, Aston Sandford, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, in connection with proposals for the development of a solar farm. The work was undertaken between January and February 2023, by Cotswold Archaeology. The work was undertaken for EDP, on behalf of Whirlbush Solar Ltd and followed on from a previous geophysical survey that identified anomalies indicative of previous agricultural activity including ridge and furrow and former field boundary ditches.
May 2024:
Data from a Trial Trench Evaluation at Widmore Farm, Oxfordshire, 2020-2022 (HS2 Phase One) (Archive released)
This collection comprises photographs, GIS, a Harris Matrix, reports, and scanned site records and drawings from an archaeological evaluation by INFRA Archaeology at Widmore Farm, Oxfordshire.
The trial trenches identified several features both archaeological and natural in origin, however no datable evidence was recovered. Although lacking dating evidence, it is thought possible that these ditches were a continuation of a potential Romano- British trackway encountered within Finmere Quarry to the east (and intentionally targeted as such). Therefore the findings and data provided by this eval...
May 2024:
Data from a Trial Trench Evaluation at Upper Wendover Dean Farm, Buckinghamshire, 2019-2021 (HS2 Phase One) (Archive released)
This collection comprises a digital archive of photographs, reports and scanned site records from a trial trench evaluation by INFRA Archaeology on land at Upper Wendover Dean Farm, Buckinghamshire. The evaluation was carried out in two phases during February 2019 and January 2021. A total of 51 trenches were excavated, which exposed a small scatter of Iron Age features, including four pits and a ditch in three trenches. A further four trenches exposed another pit, gully, ditch and three post holes which were undated. A single fragment of human vertebra was recovered from an environmental soi...
May 2024:
Data from a Trial Trenching at Ladbroke, Warwickshire, 2020 (HS2 Phase One) (Archive released)
This collection comprises images, spreadsheets, reports, vector graphics, and scanned site records and drawings from a trial trench evaluation by Archaeological Research Services at Ladbroke, Warwickshire.
Of the 23 trenches excavated, 14 revealed the presence of archaeology that included ditch, pit, and posthole features. The features produced Late Iron-Age- Romano-British ceramics up to the 2nd century AD, together with some possible 3rd century AD ceramics from the unstratified topsoil in Field F28_0053.
The evaluation trenching confirmed the presence of well‐preserved Late Iron Age to Ro...
May 2024:
Data from a Trial Trenching at Lower Radbourne Deserted Medieval Village, Warwickshire, 2020 (HS2 Phase One) (Archive released)
This collection comprises images, spreadsheets, reports, vector graphics, and scanned site records and drawings from a trial trench evaluation by Archaeological Research Services at Lower Radbourne Deserted Medieval Village, Warwickshire. A total of 91 trenches were excavated across six fields in order to establish the survivability of the deserted medieval village. Of these, 35 revealed the presence of archaeology that included ditch, pit, posthole, gully, stone surface and structural features as well as stray small finds from the topsoil. These features produced Mesolithic through medieval a...
May 2024:
Data from an Archaeological Recording at Deserted Medieval Village of Lower Radbourne, Warwickshire, 2021-2022 (HS2 Phase One) (Archive released)
This collection comprises images, spreadsheets, reports, vector graphics, and scanned site records and drawings from archaeological recording by Archaeological Research Services at Lower Radbourne Deserted Medieval Village, Warwickshire. The work was undertaken between April and December 2021.
Area C32070 was dominated by intercutting features predominantly dated to two broad phases, prehistoric and medieval. The prehistoric features were represented by a large ring ditch, potentially dating to the Early Bronze Age, four smaller potential Bronze Age ring ditches and a series of intercutting d...
May 2024:
Data from a Trial Trench Evaluation at Kings Pond Cottages, Buckinghamshire, 2019 (HS2 Phase One) (Archive released)
This collection comprises site data (digital photographs, GIS files, reports, scanned trench and context sheets, registers and drawings) from a trial trench evaluation by INFRA Archaeology on land at Kings Pond Cottage, near Great Missenden, Buckinghamshire. The evaluation, comprising 19 trenches, was undertaken during February 2019.
The results of the evaluation on land at Kings Pond Cottage identified agricultural exploitation, likely removed from a settlement. Only one feature was able to be dated with any certainty, a field boundary ditch from the late 13th to early 15th century.
May 2024:
Data from an Archaeological Excavation at Widmore Farm, Oxfordshire, 2020-2022 (HS2 Phase One) (Archive released)
This collection comprises photographs, GIS, spreadsheets, scanned site records and drawings from an archaeological excavation by INFRA Archaeology at Widmore Farm, Oxfordshire between November 2020 and February 2021.
The archaeological works successfully identified a number of features, principally evidence of early to middle Iron Age occupation within the site, including the remains of at least five roundhouses with associated pits and postholes, as well as an associated system of enclosure and/or boundary ditches.
Further analysis is recommended for several finds assemblages including the ...
May 2024:
Data from a Trial Trench Evaluation at Piper's Wood Cottage, Little Missenden, Buckinghamshire, 2020 (HS2 Phase One) (Archive released)
This collection comprises a digital archive of photographs, GIS files, reports and scanned site records from a trial trench evaluation by INFRA Archaeology at Piper's Wood Cottages, Little Missenden Vent Shaft and ATS, Buckinghamshire, carried out during March 2020. No archaeological remains were revealed during the trial trench evaluation, with only two undated tree-throws revealed to the east of the centre of Site. Previously available data suggested the Site had been in agricultural use since at least the medieval period with no evidence to suggest any earlier features within the Site bound...
May 2024:
Data from an Archaeological Monitoring at Wendover Green Tunnel, Buckinghamshire, 2019-2020 (HS2 Phase One) (Archive released)
This collection comprises a digital archive of photographs, GIS files, scanned site records and a report from archaeological monitoring by INFRA Archaeology at Wendover Green Tunnel, Wendover, Buckinghamshire during November 2019. The Archaeological Monitoring exposed the remains of three ditches. These were all located near the north side of the current hedgerow which bisects the mitigation area C21027 on a northwest to southeast orientation. Most of the groundworks monitored did not expose the archaeological horizon. Archaeological features were identified in one location only and these wer...
May 2024:
Data from an Archaeological Monitoring at Grove Farm, Wendover, Buckinghamshire, 2018-2019 (HS2 Phase One) (Archive released)
This collection comprises images, GIS files, and an interim report from archaeological monitoring conducted by INFRA Archaeology on land at Grove Farm, near Wendover, Buckinghamshire. The monitoring consisted of two phases; one in September 2018 for the construction of an area of hard standing for an enabling works compound, and another in November to December 2019 for the construction of a haul road.
A total of c.0.14ha was stripped of topsoil where areas of hard standing were to be located for the enabling works. No archaeological features or finds were revealed during the monitoring in e...
May 2024:
Data from an Archaeological Recording at Newyears Green Mitigation, Hillingdon, 2020 (HS2 Phase One) (Archive released)
This collection comprises site data (digital photographs, spreadsheets, specialist reports, scanned trench and context sheets, registers and drawings) from a programme of archaeological
mitigation in the form archaeological recording undertaken by Archaeology Wales and Wardell Armstrong LLP on land at Newyears Green Lane, Ruislip in the
London Borough of Hillingdon. Work was undertaken between 17th August 2020 and 16th December 2020 ahead of construction works
associated with High Speed 2.
May 2024:
Images and GIS from an Archaeological Evaluation at Junction 10, M40, Baynards Green, Bicester, Oxfordshire November 2022 - January 2023 (Archive released)
This digital archive comprises images and GIS from an archaeological evaluation of land at Junction 10, M40, Baynards Green, Bicester, Oxfordshire. The work was undertaken between November 2022 and January 2023, by Cotswold Archaeology, at the request of RPS Heritage acting on behalf of Albion Land.
May 2024:
Data from Trial Trenching at the Fulmer to Haste Hill 18 inch 450NB HP Pipeline Diversion, Hillingdon, Greater London (HS2 Phase One) (Archive released)
This archive can be used independently and/or in in conjunction with the rest of HS2 datasets in order to inform the archaeological features and periods unearthed on this route as interpretations of landscape archaeology. This can also function as a guide to digital archiving for future infrastructure projects benefiting both the commercial sector and the research community. This collection comprises images, reports, and site records from archaeological trial trenching carried out by MOLA Headland Infrastructure at the Fulmer to Haste Hill Pipeline Diversion, Hillingdon, Greater London in Mar...
May 2024:
Data from a Historic Building Recording at 1-3 Cobourg Street, Camden, Greater London, 2019-2021 (HS2 Phase One) (Archive released)
This archive provides a comprehensive descriptive, analytical and visual record of 1-3 Cobourg Street, Camden. The archive can provide information for any future research regarding the asset as part of the enabling works of HS2.
This archive can be used independently and/or in in conjunction with the rest of HS2 datasets in order to inform the wider historic building records generated through this project. This can also function as a guide to digital archiving for future infrastructure projects benefiting both the commercial sector and the research community.
May 2024:
Data from a Geophysical Survey south of Goosey Lodge Farm, Rushden, Bedfordshire, August 2022 (Archive released)
This collection comprises geophysics data, processed geophysics images, a CAD drawing and a report from a geophysics survey at land at Goosey Lodge, Rushden, Bedfordshire. Work was carried out by SUMO Geosurveys between the 12th and 19th of August 2022. The magnetometer survey recorded linear trends, a weak pit-like anomaly and a rectangular area of increased response, none of which were interpreted as being of definite archaeological interest.
May 2024:
Digital Archive from a Geophysical Survey on the Land West of West Avenue, Ramsey, Cambridgeshire, 2021 (Archive released)
This collection comprises the raw and processed geophysics data from a magnetometry survey undertaken by Allen Archaeology on land west of West Avenue, Ramsey, Cambridgeshire, prior to submission of a planning application for a residential development, on Friday 22nd June 2021, prior to submission of a planning application for a residential development. The survey identified a few features of archaeological interest with two sides of a potential enclosure identified with parallel linear features which likely represent a former cultivation trend, potentially ridge and furrow agriculture of a m...
May 2024:
Digital Archive from a Building Survey at North Farm Close, Land West of Hard Lane, Harthill, South Yorkshire, 2022 (Archive released)
This collection comprises the digital archive (images, report, site records, and digitised drawings) from a building record undertaken by MAP Archaeological Practice Ltd between September and November 2022 at buildings at North Farm (North Farm Close), Hard Lane, Harthill, South Yorkshire. The work was carried out in advance of the restoration, partial demolition and conversion of the farmhouse and demolition of the five farm buildings, which had previously been partially converted into domestic dwellings in the 1980s/1990s.
May 2024:
Digital Archive from a Geophysical Survey by Magnetometry on Land off Wilsons Lane, Exhall, Warwickshire, 2019 (Archive released)
This collection comprises the raw and processed geophysics data from a magnetometry survey undertaken by Allen Archaeology on land off Wilsons Lane, Exhall, Warwickshire, on Friday 6th December 2019, to support a planning application for an employment development. The survey revealed very little of potential archaeological interest, other than a possible former trackway, ditch or land drain in the southern corner of the site. The evidence suggested a negligible archaeological potential for the proposed development area.
May 2024:
Site Data from Archaeological Evaluation and Mitigation Works at Hunters Moon, Easton Lane, Chippenham, Wiltshire, September 2012 to April 2018 (Archive released)
This collection comprises reports, site records, plans, images, spreadsheets and databases from archaeological evaluation and mitigation works at Hunters Moon, Easton Lane, Chippenham, Wiltshire. The work was undertaken by Wessex Archaeology between September 2012 and April 2018. Two phases of archaeological work were undertaken on the site.
May 2024:
Digital Data from an Archaeological Evaluation at Nayland Road, Great Horkesley, Colchester, Essex 2019 (Archive released)
This collection comprises images, spreadsheets, site records, a vector graphic, a database, and a report from an archaeological evaluation by Oxford Archaeology East at land east of Nayland Road, Great Horkesley, Colchester, Essex. The work was undertaken between the 15th and 26th July 2019 ahead of proposed 9.5ha residential development on two fields of arable land surrounding Horkesley Manor.
May 2024:
Data from an Archaeological Evaluation at 85 Rayleigh Avenue, Eastwood, Leigh-on-Sea, Essex, July 2023 (Archive released)
This collection comprises images, a site plan, and site records from an archaeological evaluation (two trial-trenches) carried out by Colchester Archaeological Trust in July 2023 at 85 Rayleigh Avenue, Eastwood, Leigh-on-Sea, Essex, in advance of the construction of two bungalows.
May 2024:
Data from an Archaeological Watching Brief at East Farm, Fovant, Wiltshire, August 2020 (Archive released)
This collection comprises, images, site records, spreadsheets, GIS, vector and text data from an archaeological watching brief carried out by Wessex Archaeology and commissioned by Michael Lyons Architecture, on behalf of the client, during groundworks associated with the development of a single dwelling at East Farm, Fovant, Wiltshire in August 2020.
May 2024:
Images and a Site Record from an Archaeological Watching Brief Report at Langley Business Park, Langley Road, Langley, Macclesfield, Cheshire, November 2022 (Archive released)
This digital archive comprises images and a site record from an archaeological watching brief in advance of a proposed mixed-use residential and light-industrial development at Langley Business Park, Langley Road, Langley, Macclesfield, Cheshire. The watching brief was undertaken on 1st November 2022 by Oxford Archaeology (OA) North, commissioned by Lanpro Services on behalf of Seddon Construction.
May 2024:
Images from an Archaeological Trial Trench Evaluation at Queens Dock, Toxteth, Liverpool, Merseyside, October 2022 (Archive released)
This digital archive comprises images from an archaeological trial trench evaluation of a proposed residential development at the site of Queens Dock, Liverpool, Merseyside. Oxford Archaeology (OA) North was commissioned by Glenbrook Property to undertake the work as part of conditions of two Planning Applications. The deposits remaining at the time of excavation indicated that the site prior to the construction of the current graving dock underwent a significant process of demolition and levelling that removed any evidence of remains down to a depth of at least 2m.
May 2024:
Digital Archive from Bollinhurst Impounded Reservoir, Disley, Cheshire: Rapid Desk-based Research, Walkover Survey and Watching Brief, 2008-2011 (Archive released)
This collection comprises the images, reports, and site records from various phases of archaeological recording work and monitoring carried out at Bollinhurst Impounded Reservoir near Disley, Cheshire (NGR SJ 9732 8383), by Oxford Archaeology North between 2008 and 2011. These works included a Desk-Based Assessment and Walkover Survey in 2009, and further to the results of that work, the Archaeological Planning Advisory Service of Cheshire Shared Services recommended that an archaeological watching brief should be undertaken on an area of proposed safety works. United Utilities subsequently ...
May 2024:
Data from an Excavation at Watch House Green, Felsted, Essex, July to August 2022. (Archive released)
This collection comprises images, a site plan, and site records from an excavation carried out by Colchester Archaeological Trust at land at Watch House Green, Felsted, Essex from July to August 2022. Following an archaeological evaluation, an open-area excavation was carried out as per the conditions of the brief and Written Scheme of Investigation (WSI) in advance of the construction of a residential development.
May 2024:
Data from an Excavation at Hedge Drive, Colchester, Essex, March 2023 (Archive released)
This collection comprises images, a site plan, and site records from an excavation carried out by Colchester Archaeological Trust at land to the rear of Hedge Drive, Colchester, Essex in March 2023. Archaeological excavation was carried out as per the conditions of the project brief and Written Scheme of Investigation (WSI) in advance of the demolition of garages and the construction of three new properties.
May 2024:
Data from a Geophysical Survey at Allum Lane, Elstree, Hertfordshire, August 2023 (Archive released)
This collection comprises magnetometer data and georeferenced raster plots of processed magnetometer data from a geophysical survey covering c6.4ha of land to the south of Allum Lane, Elstree, Hertfordshire. Work was commissioned by RPS Consulting and undertaken by Museum of London Archaeology (MOLA) in August 2023. The aim of the survey was to identify and map any archaeological remains that may be affected by a proposed development. Little evidence for archaeological features was detected by the survey.
May 2024:
Data from a Strip Map and Sample at Birch Quarry, Roundbush Corner, Maldon Road, Layer Marney, Colchester, April - May 2022 (Archive released)
This collection comprises images, a site plan, and site records from strip map and sample carried out by Colchester Archaeological Trust at Birch Quarry, Roundbush Corner, Maldon Road, Layer Marney, Colchester from April to November 2022.
May 2024:
Data from an Archaeological Evaluation and Excavation at Lanswood Park, Elmstead Market, Elmstead, Colchester, January 2020 - November 2021. (Archive released)
This collection comprises images, a site plan, and site records from an archaeological evaluation and excavation undertaken by Colchester Archaeological Trust at Lanswood Park, Elmstead Market, Elmstead, Colchester from January 2020 to November 2021. Following the evaluation, an area of approximately 2.3 hectares was stripped, mapped and excavated.
May 2024:
Data from an Archaeological Evaluation at Margaret Road, Colchester, Essex, March 2022 (Archive released)
This collection comprises images, a site plan, and site records from an archaeological evaluation undertaken by Colchester Archaeological Trust at land to the east of Albert Street and south of Margaret Road, Colchester, Essex in March 2022. Three-trial trenches were machine-excavated under the supervision of a Colchester Archaeological Trust (CAT) archaeologist. As per the brief and Written Scheme of Investigation (WSI), trenches T1 to T3 were all 12m long by 1.8m wide. The archaeological evaluation (three trial-trenches) was carried out in advance of the construction of nine new dwellings. T...
May 2024:
Data from an Archaeological Evaluation at Stranger's Way, Church Road, Brightlingsea, Essex, March 2023. (Archive released)
This collection comprises images, a project brief, a site plan, and site records from an archaeological evaluation undertaken by Colchester Archaeological Trust at Stranger's Way, Church Road, Brightlingsea, Essex in March 2023. The archaeological evaluation consisted of three trial-trenches and was carried out in advance of the construction of five new residential dwellings.
May 2024:
Data from a Geophysical Survey at Mercia Park Phase 2, Appleby Magna, Leicestershire, August 2023 (Archive released)
This collection comprises magnetometer data and georeferenced raster plots of processed magnetometer data from a geophysical survey on approximately 28ha of land to the north-west of Appleby Magna, Leicestershire. Work was undertaken by Museum of London Archaeology (MOLA) between 18th and 25th August 2023. The survey identified a fragmentary set of ditches which may be elements of an enclosure complex of uncertain date and some other linear features which could be ditches but are more likely to be geological fissures. Apart from these, the survey identified one, or perhaps two, suspected kilns...
May 2024:
Data from an Archaeological Evaluation at Ashe Park House, Ashe Park, Ivy Lodge Road, Campsea Ashe, Suffolk, March 2022 (Archive released)
This collection comprises images, a site plan, and site records from an archaeological evaluation undertaken by Colchester Archaeological Trust at Ashe Park House, Ashe Park, Ivy Lodge Road, Campsea Ashe, Suffolk in March 2022. The archaeological evaluation consisted of six trial-trenches and was carried out in advance of the construction of a conservation lake.
May 2024:
Data from an Archaeological Evaluation at Kings Acre, Third Avenue, Harlow, Essex, August 2022 (Archive released)
This collection comprises images, a site plan, and site records from an archaeological evaluation undertaken by Colchester Archaeological Trust at Kings Acre, Third Avenue, Harlow, Essex in August 2022. The archaeological evaluation consisted of two trial-trenches as per the Brief and Written Scheme of Investigation (WSI). Trench 1 (T1) was 22m long by 1.8m wide and Trench 2 (T2) was 26m long (in total) and 1.8m wide. The evaluation was carried out in advance of the construction of a new rehabilitation centre. The site is adjacent to the medieval moated site of Passmores (Scheduled Ancient Mon...
May 2024:
Data from an Archaeological Excavation at Phase 1 Car Park, Fingringhoe Ranges, Lodge Lane, Langenhoe, Colchester, Essex, October 2021 (Archive released)
This collection comprises images, a site plan, and site records from and archaeological excavation carried out by Colchester Archaeological Trust at Phase 1 Car Park, Fingringhoe Ranges, Lodge Lane, Langenhoe, Colchester, Essex in October 2021. An area measuring 867.5 square meters was mechanically-excavated under the supervision of CAT archaeologist in advance of the construction of the Phase 1 car park. An archaeological evaluation carried out in 2018 had identified a concentration of Roman features in the west of the site and an Iron Age/Roman red hill in the south. Three Bronze Age feature...
May 2024:
Digital Data from Archaeological Monitoring at The Sweyne Park School, Sir Walter Raleigh Drive, Rayleigh, Essex 2021 (Archive released)
This collection comprises images, text, site records, and vector data from archaeological monitoring carried out by Colchester Archaeological Trust in April 2021, on land at The Sweyne Park School, Sir Walter Raleigh Drive, Rayleigh, Essex, during the construction of a new school block.
May 2024:
Report and Survey Data from a Magnetometer Survey at Bretch Hill, Banbury, Oxfordshire, November 2022 (Archive released)
This collection comprises a report, raw and processed survey data from a magnetometry survey carried out by SUMO Geosurveys at Bretch Hill, Banbury in November 2022. The magnetometer survey has not recorded any magnetic responses that could be interpreted as being of definite archaeological interest. Several pit-like responses and curving trends have been assigned to the category of uncertain. While archaeological origins cannot be entirely ruled out; they could also be due to agriculture or natural processes. Ridge and furrow ploughing is visible throughout the dataset and the route of a prob...
May 2024:
Report and Survey Data from a Magnetometer Survey at Nadder Lane, South Molton, Devon, July 2022 (Archive released)
This collection comprises a report, survey and interpreted data from a geophysical survey undertaken by SUMO Geosurveys on land north of Nadder Lane, South Molton, Devon in July 2022. The magnetometer survey has not recorded any magnetic responses that could be interpreted as being of definite archaeological interest. Numerous dich-like anomalies, linear trends and bands of increased magnetic response have been detected in the survey and assigned to the category of uncertain. They are likely to be due to a combination of natural and agricultural processes; however, archaeological origins for s...
May 2024:
Images and Report from Historic Building Recording at Blacksmith's Cottage, Irnham, Lincolnshire, 2022-2023 (Archive released)
This collection comprises and report and images from a drawn and photographic survey undertaken by York Archaeology at Blacksmith's Cottage, Irnham, Lincolnshire between December 2022 and January 2023.
The historic building recording established that the single-storey range to the northeast of the Cottage was first constructed as a single blacksmith workshop including an integral chimney stack with a forge against an integral partition wall. Each gable wall would have comprised a small window opening and a former doorway was located to the rear northwest side wall. Subsequently, a two-store...
April 2024:
Geophysical Survey Data from a Magnetometry Survey on land at Station Lane, Millbrook, Bedfordshire, June 2023 (Archive released)
This collection comprises the geophysical survey data in raw and processed form from a magnetometry survey undertaken by Mola Northampton on 6th June 2023 on land at Station Lane, Millbrook, Bedfordshire. The survey data is accompanied by the resulting georeferenced raster plot4s of processed data, as well as documentation files including information on the MGR file format and an archive summary or overview. The Magnetometer survey was undertaken with a cart-mounted array of Bartington Grad601 fluxgate gradiometers. The survey identified boundary ditches of small plots probably linked to the...
April 2024:
Images from a Suite of Archaeological Works at Tirley Pressure Reduction Installation 2010-2011 (Archive released)
This digital archive comprises images from a suite of archaeological works between 2010 and 2011 that were undertaken in advance of construction of a Pressure Reduction Installation, near Tirley, as part of the Felindre to Tirley natural gas pipeline scheme. These works included geophysical survey, evaluation trenching, watching brief and excavation which identified and recorded archaeological remains ranging in date from the prehistoric through to the post-medieval period with an apparent focus of activity centred around the Roman period.
April 2024:
Images from an Archaeological Watching Brief at Woodlands, Tudhoe Village, County Durham, March 2022 (Archive released)
This digital archive contains images from an archaeological watching brief, that involved the monitoring and recording of the new build footprint of residential dwelling on the land. The footprint of the new build residential dwelling was excavated using a tracked 360˚ 14-tonne mechanical excavator utilising a toothless ditching bucket. Two undated ditches were encountered within the north-eastern corner of the new build footprint. Although no datable artefactual material was recovered from any of the ditches their form and the composition of their fills suggest a medieval origin.
April 2024:
Data from an Excavation at Ruddle Court Farm, Newnham, Gloucestershire, July 2019 (Archive released)
This collection comprises images, CAD data, a brief and site records from an archaeological evaluation carried out by Colchester Archaeological Trust in October 2022 to the rear of Hedge Drive, Colchester, Essex in advance of the demolition of garages and the construction of three new properties. The archaeological evaluation of the site (three trial-trenches) was excavated as per the conditions laid out in the project brief and WSI.
April 2024:
Digital Archive from an Archaeological Evaluation at Purley Farm, Colne Road, Coggeshall, Essex, May 2022 (Archive released)
This collection comprises images, CAD data, a report and site records from an archaeological evaluation carried out by Colchester Archaeological in May 2022 at Purley Farm, Colne Road, Coggeshall, Essex, in advance of the construction of a new dwelling.
April 2024:
CITiZAN: the Coastal and Intertidal Zone Archaeological Network (Archive released)
CITiZAN, the Coastal and InterTidal Zone Archaeological Network, is a community archaeology and citizen science project set up as a direct response to these threats. We raise awareness of our island heritage threatened by coastal erosion and climate change, train local communities to better identify and record this heritage and support our volunteers to monitor change over the long-term. Our volunteers contribute vital local knowledge and experience and are champions of their coastal and intertidal heritage.
April 2024:
Data from Archaeological Works and Metal Detecting Survey at Torksey Flood Relief Management Scheme, Torksey, Lincolnshire. (Archive released)
This collection comprises images, reports, spreadsheets, GIS files and a CAD plan from the archaeological works and metal detecting survey at Gainsborough Road, Torksey, West Lindsey, Lincolnshire undertaken by Wessex Archaeology during May and June 2021. Wessex Archaeology was commissioned by Jackson Civil Engineering Group Limited, on behalf of the Environment Agency, to undertake archaeological works and a metal detecting survey under Scheduled Monument Clearance during groundworks as part of the Torksey Flood Relief Management Scheme. The monitored works covered 3 ha, centred on NGR 483639...
April 2024:
Digital Data from an Archaeological Evaluation at The Sixth Form College, North Hill, Colchester, Essex 2023 (Archive released)
This collection comprises images, text, site records, and vector data from an archaeological evaluation (one trial-trench) by Colchester Archaeological Trust at the Sixth Form College, North Hill, Colchester, Essex. Work was undertaken between 12th and 14th April 2023, in advance of the construction of a new teaching block.
April 2024:
Geophysical Survey Data from a Magnetometry Survey at Spitfire Road, Calne, Wiltshire, June 2022 (Archive released)
This collection comprises raw survey data, GIS plots, and CAD interpretations of geophysical data from a magnetometry survey on land off Spitfire Road, Calne, Wiltshire carried out by SUMO Geosurveys Ltd in June 2022. The magnetometer survey has not recorded any magnetic responses that could be interpreted as being of definite archaeological interest. Evidence for past agriculture has been detected in the form of ploughing in Area 2 and the former course of a stream is visible in Area 1. Magnetic disturbance in Area 4 is a result of modern landscaping.
April 2024:
Surrey Record Society Monographs (Archive released)
Surrey Record Society publishes records relating to the historic county of Surrey, which includes the parishes of South London as far east as Rotherhithe. Since its foundation in 1913 the society has published transcripts, translations and abstracts of texts ranging in date from the twelfth to the early twentieth century. The subject matter is extraordinarily varied, including records of central and local government, documents illuminating the ecclesiastical, manorial, industrial and military history of Surrey and private diaries and correspondence. Each text is provided with a full general in...
April 2024:
The Society of Antiquaries of Scotland (Archive updated)
The Society of Antiquaries of Scotland have scanned the entire run of the Archaeologia Scotica and the Society's out-of-print monographs. The archive also includes a full run of the Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland from 1851 until the present. The latest editions of the journal are available digitally, although they are embargoed for three years, during which time they are only available to Fellows of the society using a login and password.
April 2024:
Data from a Magnetometer Survey at Oxney Road, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, May 2023 (Archive released)
This collection comprises raw and processed data from a magnetometer survey carried out at Oxney Road, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire by MOLA Northampton in May 2023. The survey was largely focused on the 'dry' ground in the north of the site. Just a few sample traverses were surveyed into the old peat fen to the south. One ditch and a few possible pits of uncertain date were detected on the dry ground, whereas the only feature identified in the fen was a modern field drain.
March 2024:
Extensive Urban Survey - Lincolnshire (Archive released)
The Lincolnshire Extensive Urban Survey project has been undertaken, between 2018 and 2022, as part of the national programme of Extensive Urban Surveys (EUS) promoted and funded by Historic England. The survey has covered a total of 30 towns. The main aim of the project was to synthesise and increase understanding of the historical development and the legibility of historic character for each of the survey towns in the historic county of Lincolnshire.
March 2024:
Images, Site Plans and Records from an Archaeological Evaluation at Wadhurst, New Road, Little Burstead, Billericay, Essex, July-September 2023 (Archive released)
This collection comprises images, site plans and records from an archaeological evaluation (four trial-trenches) carried out on land adjacent to Wadhurst, New Road, Little Burstead, Billericay, Essex. The work was undertaken by Colchester Archaeological Trust as specified in the project brief and wsi in advance of the construction of three bungalows with associated landscaping. Human remains and Roman finds have previously been found to the south-east of site, with cropmarks identified to the north and west. Evaluation revealed three/four modern features, one of which may be a backfilled pond...
March 2024:
Data from a Trial Trenching at Northern Sustainable Placement Area Phase 3, Hillingdon, 2019 (HS2 Phase One) (Archive released)
This collection comprises site data (digital photographs, spreadsheets, specialist reports, scanned trench and context sheets, registers and drawings) from an archaeological evaluation by Archaeology Wales and Wardell Armstrong on land at the Northern Sustainable Placement Area (NSPA), Newyears Green Lane, Ruislip, in the London Borough of Hillingdon.Work took place between 5th and 10th September 2019 and constituted the third of three phases of archaeological evaluation on the NSPA site (NSPA - Phase 3).
March 2024:
Images, GIS Data and Site Records from an Archeological Watching Brief at Poughill Road, Poughill, Bude, Cornwall, 2021-2022 (Archive released)
This collection comprises images, GIS data and site records from an archaeological watching brief undertaken by ISCA Archaeology between November 2021 and March 2022 at Poughill Road, Poughill, Bude, Cornwall, during groundworks associated with the development of 25 new residential dwellings.
March 2024:
Data from an Archaeological Evaluation at Manor Farm, Church Lane, Croydon, Cambridgeshire, November 2020. (Archive released)
This collection comprises reports, images, site plans, site records, and a database from an archaeological evaluation carried out by Oxford Archaeology at Manor Farm, Church Lane, Croydon, Cambridgeshire in November 2020. The evaluation was carried out in advance of a horse-riding arena being constructed.
March 2024:
Data from a Geophysical Survey at Telford Way, Bedford, March 2022 (Archive released)
This collection comprises geophysics data, a greyscale raster image, a CAD drawing and a report from a geophysical survey at land at Telford Way, Bedford. The survey did not record any magnetic responses that could be interpreted as being of definite archaeological interest. Strong ferrous anomalies on the periphery of the survey area are due to adjacent buildings, fences and Cardington Road.
March 2024:
Digital Data from an Archaeological Evaluation at Gammaton Moor Solar Farm, Alverdiscott, Devon 2021 (Archive released)
This collection comprises digital data (images, databases, spreadsheets, text, scanned site records, GIS data and a Harris Matrix) from an archaeological evaluation by Oxford Archaeology on the site of a proposed solar farm, located east of Gammaton in the Parish of Alverdiscott, Devon. The work was undertaken to inform the planning authority in advance of the determination of a planning application.
The fieldwork was undertaken in two stages because of restricted access into several fields due to cattle and crops. Trenches 49-64, 74, 75, 80, 87-93 and 98 were excavated in November 2021; all ...
March 2024:
Survey Data and a Report from a Geophysical Survey at Scotland England Green Link 2, 2021-2022 (Archive released)
This collection comprises geophysical survey data and a report from a magnetometer survey carried out by Headland Archaeology (UK) Ltd between October 2021 and January 2022. Headland Archaeology (UK) Ltd was commissioned by AECOM, on behalf of National Grid, to carry out a geophysical (magnetometer) survey on agricultural land within the proposed English Onshore Scheme (EOS) boundary (the Scheme), which forms part of the Scotland England Green Link 2 (SEGL2) project. This project proposes to 'export' electricity from Scotland to England by means of an undersea cable in the North Sea from Pete...
March 2024:
Survey Data from a Magnetometry Survey to the rear of 30 and 32 New Road, Over, Cambridgeshire, April 2023 (Archive released)
This collections comprises survey data, CAD, and GIS files from a magnetometry survey carried out by SUMO Geosurveys during April 2022 on land at and to the rear of 30 and 32 New Road, Over, Cambridgeshire. The magnetometer survey has not recorded any magnetic responses that could be interpreted as being of definite archaeological interest. Ridge and furrow ploughing is visible in the dataset and the routes of several electric fences have also been recorded. Magnetic disturbance has been detected which is due to modern processes.
March 2024:
Digital Archive for Grave Goods: Objects and Death in Later Prehistoric Britain 2016-2021 (Archive updated)
This collection comprises a project database, text resources for schools and 3 British Museum trail documents created during the Grave Goods: Objects and Death in Later Prehistoric Britain project between 2016 and 2021.
The Grave Goods project focused on material culture in graves and other formal mortuary contexts in Neolithic, Bronze Age and Iron Age Britain, c. 4000 BC to AD 43. The project conducted its analysis at a series of different scales, ranging from macro-scale patterning across Britain, to regional explorations of continuity and change, to site-specific histories of practice, t...
March 2024:
Cumberland and Westmorland Antiquarian and Archaeological Society Transactions (Archive updated)
The Cumberland and Westmorland Antiquarian and Archaeological Society was founded in 1866. The Society first published its Transactions (TCWAAS) in 1874. Fifteen volumes were published up to 1900 and from then it became an annual publication. Each volume of TCWAAS contains a collection of edited papers on various topics relating to both the history and the archaeology of the area. From the first, the Society embraced Lancashire-over-Sands, despite the geographical focus of its name; so when, in 1974, that area of Lancashire was officially absorbed into the new administrative area named Cumbria...
March 2024:
Digital Data from Archaeological Evaluation and Mitigation at Oundle Road, Weldon, Corby, Northamptonshire 2020-2021 (Archive released)
This collection comprises images, reports, scanned site records, spreadsheets, GIS data and CAD drawings from two phases of archaeological work by Wessex Archaeology at land north of Oundle Road, Weldon, Corby, Northamptonshire. The first phase of work took place in November 2020 and comprised a trial trench evaluation of a 6.2 ha parcel of land. The mitigation phase took place in October 2021 and consisted of the excavation, investigation and recording of two areas (Area 1 and Area 2).
February 2024:
Islands of Stone: Neolithic (and later) Crannogs in the Outer Hebrides (Archive released)
This collection comprises reports and database tables from the 'Islands of stone: Neolithic (and later) Crannogs in the Outer Hebrides' Project. This project, a collaboration between the University of Southampton, University of Reading and Historic Environment Scotland, was set up to explore a recently discovered set of crannogs in the Outer Hebrides dating to the Neolithic period. It sought to establish the extent to which Neolithic crannogs are widespread across these islands (and beyond) and to elucidate further their character through investigation of one 'showcase' site, Loch Bhorgastail,...
February 2024:
Digital Datasets from a Flood Alleviation Scheme at Swine Castle Hill, Bransholme, Hull, 2011-2023 (Archive released)
This collection comprises 3D models, fieldwork reports, and associated documents from the Holderness Drain Flood Alleviation Scheme at Bransholme, Hull. As part of the Holderness Drain Flood Alleviation Scheme the Environment Agency wanted to raise awareness and enhance public understanding of the 13th century motte castle which stands within the site. The Environment Agency commissioned Benedict Dyson, a masters student in digital archaeology at the University of York, to create a digital reconstruction of what the castle may have looked like during the medieval period in its surrounding land...
February 2024:
British Institute in Eastern Africa Digital Archives: Somalia (Archive released)
Digital versions of field notes, images and slides from an expedition directed by Neville Chittick between 1974 and 1984. His expedition covered Mogadishu and sites surrounding this large, historic city, as well as sites along the coast of Somalia. This archive also includes a broad area of historical content contained in the BIEA archive: aerial photographs of the region, photographs of the countryside, site maps, historical images of local architecture reflecting indigenous and Arabic influence on the city of Mogadishu, and Mogadishu street life. This collection is part of the British Insti...
February 2024:
British Institute in Eastern Africa Digital Archives: Tanzania (Archive released)
Digital versions of photographs, drawings, and fieldwork notes from the numerous archaeological surveys conducted by the Institutes former Director, J. E. G. Sutton, and from the excavation undertaken in 1986 by Peter Robertshaw in 1964 and 1966. Three further seasons of archaeological survey and excavation were undertaken between 2001 and 2003 by a team from University College, London (UCL) and the BIEA in collaboration with a project led by Ari Siiriäinen and Vesa Laulumaa from the University of Helsinki and the BIEA collection contains material from this work as well, including some photogr...
February 2024:
Digital Data from an Archaeological Evaluation at Corner Copse Solar Farm, Stanton Fitzwarren, Swindon, Wiltshire 2020 (Archive released)
This collection comprises images, text, databases, spreadsheets, scanned site records, and GIS data from an archaeological evaluation by Oxford Archaeology at the site of the proposed Corner Copse Solar Farm development to the east of Stanton Fitzwarren, Swindon, Wiltshire.
February 2024:
Digital Data from a Geophysical Survey at Staplegrove East Integrated Constructed Wetland Scheme, Taunton, Somerset 2023 (Archive released)
This collection comprises geophysics, GIS and CAD data from an archaeological geophysical survey by Archaeological Surveys Ltd within two fields at Staplegrove, near Taunton, Somerset, ahead of a proposed Integrated Constructed Wetland scheme. The detailed magnetic survey was carried out on the 2nd and 3rd October 2023 using a Sensys Magneto MX V3 6 channel cart-based system with 6 fluxgate gradiometers. The results indicate a group of anomalies that relate to former features mapped in the 1840s and associated with Pinkhurst Farm. A zone of magnetic debris to the north is also related to the d...
February 2024:
Data from an Archaeological Evaluation at Overstone Green, Northamptonshire, 2018-2019 (Archive released)
This collection comprises images, a report, a CAD site drawing, spreadsheet data and site records from an archaeological evaluation carried out by Oxford Archaeology South between November 2018 and February 2019 at Overstone Green, Northamptonshire. Singificant finds included the remains of a potential linear round barrow cemetery, Bronze Age pottery and charred cereal grains, a middle-late Iron-Age enclosed farmstead and Medieval and early Post-Medieval ridge and furrow cultivation.
February 2024:
Digital Data from an Archaeological Evaluation at Great Chesterford, North Uttlesford, Essex 2021 (Archive released)
This collection comprises images, text, scanned site records, GIS and a database from an archaeological evaluation by Oxford Archaeology at land north of Great Chesterford, within the North Uttlesford District of Essex. Between the 11th and 22nd October 2021, a total of 22 trial trenches were excavated across three areas, targeting geophysical anomalies and areas close to the former location of an Anglo-Saxon cemetery found during adjacent mitigation works.
February 2024:
Site Data from an Archaeological Evaluation and Excavation at St Dominic's Residential Home, London Road, Kelvedon, Essex, March 2023 (Archive released)
This collection comprises images, reports, site plans, and site records from an archaeological evaluation and excavation carried out by Colchester Archaeological Trust at St Dominic's Residential Home, London Road, Kelvedon, Essex in March 2023.
February 2024:
Site Data from an Archaeological Evaluation and Excavation at Springwood, Rectory Road, Latchingdon, Essex, May 2023 (Archive released)
This collection comprises images, reports, site plans, and site records from and archaeological evaluation and excavation carried out by Colchester Archaeological Trust at Springwood, Rectory Road, Latchingdon, Essex in May 2023 in advance of a new residential development.
February 2024:
Site Data from an Archaeological Evaluation and Excavation at Hall Meadows, Hall Road, Asheldham, Essex, November 2022 (Archive released)
This collection comprises images, reports, site records, and site plans from the an archaeological evaluation and excavation carried out by Colchester Archaeological Trust at Hall Meadows, Hall Road, Asheldham, Essex in November 2022.
February 2024:
Data from Geophysical and Earthwork Surveys at Maiden's Bower, Flass Vale, Durham City, July 2023 (Archive released)
This collection comprises geophysics data, greyscale raster plots, GIS data, CAD drawings and a report from geophysical and earthwork surveys conducted at Maiden's Bower round cairn in July 2023 in Flass Vale, Durham City, as part of a larger research project Belief in the North-East, a community archaeology project led by the Department of Archaeology at Durham University. The magnetometer data contain a relatively high concentration of small, discrete, dipolar and positive magnetic anomalies which may reflect near-surface ferrous and/or fired objects in the near-surface such as small items o...
February 2024:
Digital Data from a Geophysical Survey at Sandy Lane, Little Bealings, Suffolk 2022 (Archive released)
This collection comprises geophysics and GIS data from an archaeological geophysical survey by MOLA Northampton on c4ha of land to the south of Sandy Lane, Little Bealings, Suffolk. The aim of the survey, commissioned by Anglian Water, was to identify and map any areas of potential archaeological interest that might be disturbed by a proposed new pipeline.
The magnetometer survey commenced on 21st December 2022 with a cart-mounted array of Bartington Grad601 fluxgate gradiometers. The survey detected two prehistoric ring ditches as well as several pit-like features, a group of which also appe...
February 2024:
Digital Data from a Geophysical Survey at Steppingley Road, Flitwick, Bedfordshire 2021 (Archive released)
This collection comprises geophysics and GIS data from an archaeological geophysical survey by MOLA Northampton on behalf of Persimmon Homes Ltd across c8ha of land south of Steppingley Road, Flitwick, Bedfordshire. The purpose of the survey was to identify and map any archaeological remains which may be affected by a proposed development scheme. The magnetometer survey was carried out over two days commencing on 12th October 2021, with a cart-mounted array of Bartington Grad-01-100L fluxgate gradiometers. The survey identified two probable archaeological features of indeterminate date, compri...
February 2024:
Site Data from an Archaeological Evaluation and Excavation at Bulse Grange, Rookery Lane, Wendens Ambo, Essex, November 2022 (Archive released)
This collection comprises images, reports, site records, and site plans from an archaeological evaluation an excavation carried out by Colchester Archaeological Trust at Bulse Grange, Rookery Lane, Wendens Ambo, Essex, in November 2022 .
February 2024:
Archaeologia Aeliana - Journal of the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle (Archive updated)
Archaeologia Aeliana is the journal of the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne, which is the oldest provincial antiquarian society in the country, founded in 1813. The Society has always had an interest in archaeology and antiquities generally. Its particular focus, however, from the beginning, has been the North East of England (the historic counties of Northumberland and Durham), centred on Newcastle upon Tyne. It has also always had a special interest in Hadrian's Wall, and the journal has carried many important papers and reports on the Wall.
The Society probably started c...
February 2024:
Digital Data from a Geophysical Survey at Wroxham Road, Rackheath, Norfolk 2022 (Archive released)
This collection comprises geophysics, GIS and CAD data from an archaeological geophysical survey by SUMO Geosurveys of approximately 16 hectares of land outlined for residential development off Wroxham Road, Rackheath, Norfolk.
The survey identified magnetic responses in the south-west extremity of the site which are interpreted as being of archaeological interest. They form a ring feature, possibly segmented, which appears to have a central pit. The ring is also visible on aerial imagery, and it tentatively interpreted as being a prehistoric barrow. Elsewhere, the results indicate remnants o...
January 2024:
Report and Images from Historic Building Recording Work at The Flight Shed, Southampton Airport, 2022 (Archive released)
This collection comprises the images and report from a Historic Building Record of The Flight Shed, Southampton Airport, Southampton, Hampshire, undertaken by Pegasus Group February 2022. The building which is the subject of this Historic Building Recording comprises a 1930s aircraft hangar, constructed in 1937-1938 and originally utilised for the final assembly and testing of aircraft manufactured by Supermarine, including the Supermarine Spitfire. The structure was sold to the Ford Motor Company in the 1950s. The building had been subject to alteration and extension during the late 20th and ...
January 2024:
Digital Data from an Archaeological Watching Brief at Snows Volvo, Second Avenue, Milbrook, Southampton 2020 (Archive released)
This collection comprises images, reports and GIS data from an archaeological watching brief undertaken by Bournemouth University's Archaeological Research Consultancy (BUARC) for Snows Business Holdings Ltd at the former Cromwell tools premises located off Second Avenue in Millbrook, Southampton. Groundworks for the construction of a new car showroom on the site were monitored between 17th February and 22nd July 2020 and 24 trenches were recorded.
A large amount of disturbance was observed within the footprint of the building that was demolished ahead of the ground works. A thick brickearth ...
January 2024:
Data from a Magnetometer Survey at Lower Pennington Lane, Lymington, Hampshire, April 2023 (Archive released)
This collection comprises raw and minimally processed magnetometry data, greyscale images of minimally processed magnetometry data and a CAD drawing from a geophysical survey on land east of Lower Pennington Lane, Lymington, Hampshire. Work was carried out by Archaeological Surveys Ltd in April 2023. The results indicate the presence of a number of linear anomalies in the southern part of the site and a linear anomaly extending through two fields in the northern part of the site.
January 2024:
Data from a Geophysical Survey at Boston Road, Horncastle, October 2023 (Archive released)
This collection comprises geophysics data, an interpolated greyscale image and a report from a geophysical survey of 1.5 hectares of land off Boston Road, Horncastle. Work was carried out by Archaeological Services WYAS in October 2023. Based on the geophysical survey the archaeological potential of this Site is high in the east and low elsewhere.
January 2024:
Data from a Magnetometer Survey at London Road, Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire, April-October 2023 (Archive released)
This collection comprises raw and minimally processed magnetometry data, greyscale images of processed magnetometry data, and a CAD drawing from a geophysical survey at Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire. Work was carried out by Archaeological Surveys Ltd from August to October 2023. As the site was outlined as part of the Chipping Norton Strategic Development Area, the survey was carried out in order to assess the archaeological potential of the site prior to any development taking place.
January 2024:
Data from a Magnetometer Survey at Russley Green, Baydon, Wiltshire, August 2023 (Archive released)
This collection comprises raw and minimally processed and filtered magnetometry data, greyscale images of processed magnetometry data and a CAD drawing from a geophysical survey at Russley Green. Work was carried out by Archaeological Surveys Ltd in August 2023. As the site has been outlined for a proposed residential development, the survey formed part of the archaeological assessment.
January 2024:
Data from a Magnetometer Survey at Woodhayes Way, Henstridge, Somerset, October 2023. (Archive released)
This collection comprises raw and minimally processed magnetometry data, greyscale images of processed magnetometry data and a CAD drawing from a geophysical survey at Woodhayes Way. Work was carried out by Archaeological Surveys Ltd during October 2023. The objective of the survey was to use magnetometry to locate geophysical anomalies that may be archaeological in origin so that they may be assessed prior to development of the site.
January 2024:
Images and GIS Data from an Evaluation at Gayton Solar Farm (Phase 2), Gayton, Northamptonshire, 2022-2023. (Archive released)
This collection comprises images and GIS files from an archaeological evaluation carried out by Cotswold Archaeology at a proposed solar farm site near Gayton Solar Farm Gayton, Northamptonshire from October 2022 to March 2023. A total of 72 trenches were excavated at the site. The evaluation identified a concentration of features in the north-eastern part of the site, corresponding to an area of enclosure-type geophysical anomalies. Associated artefacts were Iron Age and Roman in date. The remains of ridge and furrow agriculture were also recorded across the site. This evaluation was undertak...
January 2024:
Magnetometry Data and Interpretation from a Survey of Land West of Marston Lane, Frome, Somerset, 2022 (Archive released)
This collection comprises raw, processed, and interpreted geophysical data from a Magnetometry Survey on Land West of Marston Lane, Frome, Somerset. The survey was carried out by Archaeological Surveys Ltd October 2022. The survey located many anomalies associated with formerly mapped field boundaries, land drains, infilled ponds, agricultural activity and widespread magnetic debris. Each of the survey areas also contained positive linear, discrete or amorphous responses, which generally lack a coherent morphology. It is possible that some relate to cut ditch-like or pit-like features, while...
January 2024:
Site Data from an Archaeological Evaluation at Former Chambers Bus Depot, Church Square, Bures St Mary, Suffolk, December 2022 (Archive released)
This collection comprises images, a project brief, and a site plan from an archaeological evaluation carried out by Colchester Archaeological Trust at the former Chambers Bus Depot, Church Square, Bures St Mary, Suffolk, in December 2022. The site is located within the historic core of Bures St Mary, which traces its origins back to the medieval period, and near to a crossing point over the River Stour which has been in use since at least the 16th century. Excavations at the site revealed two pits and three ditches dating to the medieval or post-medieval periods, and a further pit of post-medi...
January 2024:
Site Data from an Evaluation North of Michael Wright Way, Admirals Green, Great Bentley, Essex, July 2022 (Archive released)
This collection comprises images, sites records, and a site plan from an archaeological evaluation (four trial-trenches) carried out by Colchester Archaeological Trust in July 2022 on land north of Michael Wright Way, Admirals Green, Great Bentley, Essex in advance of the construction of a new mixed-used building. Cropmarks surround the development site with nearby archaeological investigations revealing Bronze Age, Iron Age and Late Iron Age/early Roman occupation evidence. The evaluation revealed a small concentration of seven features (one pit, four tree-throws and two ditches), most undat...
January 2024:
Data from a Trial Trench Evaluation at North Portal, South Heath Cutting, Buckinghamshire, 2018 (HS2 Phase One) (Archive released)
This collection comprises a digital archive of photographs, GIS files, reports and scanned site records from a trial trench evaluation by INFRA Archaeology on land at North Portal C2a, near Great Missenden, Buckinghamshire between August and November 2018. The results of the evaluation, although lacking in dating material, have identified a multi-phase site spanning several periods from the Prehistoric through to the post-medieval period. The evidence of iron smelting on a small scale is of interest, and is likely related to agricultural activity, however further investigation of the sample an...
January 2024:
Data from an Archaeological Evaluation, Excavation and Watching Brief at Wallingford Police Station, Wallingford, Oxfordshire, 2013-2019. (Archive released)
This collection comprises, images, plants, reports, site records, and a database from the an archaeological evaluation, excavation and watching brief carried out by Oxford Archaeology on the site of the former Police Station, Reading Road, Wallingford (NGR 460710 189010). The archaeological programme was undertaken in advance of housing development by Winslade Investments.
January 2024:
Data from an Archaeological Evaluation, Excavation and Watching Brief at Wallingford Police Station, Wallingford, Oxfordshire, 2013-2019. (Archive updated)
This collection comprises, images, plants, reports, site records, and a database from the an archaeological evaluation, excavation and watching brief carried out by Oxford Archaeology on the site of the former Police Station, Reading Road, Wallingford (NGR 460710 189010). The archaeological programme was undertaken in advance of housing development by Winslade Investments.
January 2024:
Report, Photographs, and Site Drawing from a Historic Building Survey of a Circular Structure at Home Farm, Hillend, Mottram, Tameside, March 2023 (Archive released)
This collection comprises a PDF report, digitised site plan drawing, and photographs, related to a Historic England Level 2/3 survey, carried out on a small circular ruined structure at Home Farm, Hillend, Mottram, Tameside. The work satisfied a planning condition, for conversion of the structure to a washing facility, as part of a proposed campsite. The structure was surveyed by Mark Fletcher of Matrix Archaeology, and the results of the work were presented in the Building Record Survey report, produced by J W Conservation and Matrix Archaeology Ltd, in April 2023. The ruin was located with...
January 2024:
Dendrochronology Database (Archive updated)
This resource consists of a database containing the tree-ring dates for over 4500 buildings in the United Kingdom, ranging from cathedrals to cottages and barns and is a Vernacular Architecture Group project. The database holds period, location and reference information for each record. It also includes some buildings that have been dated by high precision radiocarbon dating, and the names of buildings for which dating was attempted but not successful.
January 2024:
Digital Archive for Hornsea Offshore Wind Farm Project One (HOW01) 2015-2019 (Archive released)
This collection comprises fieldwork and post-excavation data associated with Hornsea Offshore Wind Farm Project One. Archaeological work was undertaken by Wessex Archaeology between September 2015 and July 2019 and comprised seven set piece excavation areas, seven strip, map and record areas, twenty targeted watching brief areas and a general watching brief along the route of cable through North Lincolnshire, Northeast Lincolnshire, and Lincolnshire. A historic building recording of a WWII dispersed airfield site was also undertaken.
January 2024:
Digital Archive from an Archaeological Scheme of Works at Unit 26-28, The Bell Plantation, Watling Street, Towcester, Northamptonshire 2020 (Archive released)
This collection comprises a report, images, spreadsheets, GIS data and site records from a programme of archaeological strip, map and record scheme at Unit 26-28, The Bell Plantation, Watling Street, Towcester, Northamptonshire undertaken by Allen Archaeology Ltd between July and August 2020. The excavation revealed Roman activity at the site. The main period of activity appears to be early Roman, with evidence of quarrying, an enclosure ditch, several pits, ditches and human burials and cremations.
January 2024:
Cambridge Antiquarian Proceedings (Archive updated)
CAMBRIDGE ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY was founded in 1840 'for the encouragement of the study of history and antiquities of the University, Town and County of Cambridge', and its Proceedings have been published on an annual basis since that time. In 1845 its remit became worldwide, although in effect its publications have since become increasingly local (Cambridgeshire). Similarly its subject matter is still all things antiquarian, but it has become increasingly concerned with archaeology and historic buildings. Since 1974 the County includes Huntingdonshire and Peterborough. In 1900 a breakaway socie...
January 2024:
Images and CAD Data from an Archaeological Evaluation at Northdale End Industrial Estate, Raunds, Northamptonshire 2019 (Archive released)
This collection comprises images and CAD data from an archaeological evaluation by Albion Archaeology at Northdale End Industrial Estate, Raunds, Northamptonshire, between 19th and 21st November 2019.
The trial-trench evaluation demonstrated that the late Saxon and medieval settlement identified elsewhere within the permitted development area does not extend into the Employment Area. No archaeological features, other than a tree throw and modern plough scars, were present within the trenches. It may, therefore, be concluded that no remains of archaeological significance are likely to be impac...
January 2024:
Digital Data from an Archaeological Evaluation at Car Park 14 and Adjacent Land, Laindon Link, Basildon, Essex 2023 (Archive released)
This collection comprises images, text, and GIS data from an archaeological evaluation by Oxford Archaeology East at the site of Car Park 14 and Adjacent Land, Laindon Link, Basildon, Essex.
A total of 7 30m trial trenches were excavated between 20th and 22nd of March 2023 within the proposed development area to the east of the stream and historic parish boundary. A further 5 trenches may be excavated at a later date, if required, in the scrub land to the west of the stream. No archaeological remains were encountered in any of the trenches. It appears that the site was previously excavated an...