Data from the Gatehouse Community Archaeology Project at Pontefract Castle, Pontefract, West Yorkshire, 2019-2020

DigVentures, 2024.


Jodie with DigCamp excavating Victorian landscaping near drum tower.
Jodie with DigCamp excavating Victorian landscaping near drum tower.

This collection comprises project data (site records, reports, finds data, specialist reports, school activity resources, images, illustrations, spreadsheets, 3D models, and a video) from a community focused archaeological investigation at Pontefract Castle undertaken by DigVentures between October 2019 and August 2020.

This digital collection includes site data which includes project reports, site photos, spreadsheets, excavated context matrix, GIS, section drawings, and 3D models. The 3D models consist of a model of the whole gatehouse excavation area (Model 1), the running section though the drawbridge pit (Model 2 – this is a composite model as each 1.2m height of section needed to be removed before a further 1.2m could be exposed for health and safety reasons), and the post-excavation model of the drawbridge pit (Model 3). The source images used to create the photogrammetry models are also included in the collection.

The digital archive also includes resources and outputs created as part of the community focused side of the project. This comprises of the resources to run a workshop for schools (students test the PH levels of soil and discuss burial conditions for finds), as well as group visits evaluation data, community photos, and a video of the excavation.

The physical archive will be deposited with Wakefield Museums. The selected archive retains all registered finds, recovered animal bone and the pottery assemblage for future research. Material from Victorian or Modern deposits were discarded unless they were either a registered find, animal bone, pottery, a complete brick, or unique. Finds deposited in the finds archive include a copper-alloy axle housing, lead shot, two stone cannon balls, an iron axe, two coins and two tokens. A complete list of the finds, including registered finds, bulk material recovered and the selected archive list is available as part of this digital collection.

Finally, all site reports and specialist reports relating to this project are also included within this collection.