Data from a Trial Trench Evaluation at Wendover Green Tunnel, Buckinghamshire, 2019-2022 (HS2 Phase One)

High Speed Two Ltd., INFRA Archaeology, 2024. How to cite using this DOI

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High Speed Two Ltd., INFRA Archaeology (2024) Data from a Trial Trench Evaluation at Wendover Green Tunnel, Buckinghamshire, 2019-2022 (HS2 Phase One) [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

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High Speed Two Ltd., INFRA Archaeology (2024) Data from a Trial Trench Evaluation at Wendover Green Tunnel, Buckinghamshire, 2019-2022 (HS2 Phase One) [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

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Possible posthole structure from the site’s main Late Bronze Age/Iron Age phase. Copyright HS2 Ltd.
Possible posthole structure from the site’s main Late Bronze Age/Iron Age phase. Copyright HS2 Ltd.

This collection comprises site data (digital photographs, reports, GIS, spreadsheets, scanned trench and context sheets, registers and drawings) from a trial trench evaluation by INFRA Archaeology at Wendover Green Tunnel, Buckinghamshire. The evaluation, comprising 46 trenches (2 descoped), was undertaken during March 2019.

The evaluation forms part of Phase One of the High Speed 2 (HS2) rail project, which will involve the construction of a new railway approximately 230km (143 miles) in length between London and the West Midlands. Powers for the construction, operation and maintenance of Phase One are conferred by the High-Speed Rail (London - West Midlands) Act 2017.

Project Summary

The aims of the trial trenching were to:

  • Confirm the presence/absence, extent and depth of any surviving archaeological remains within the site
  • Determine the nature, date, condition, state of preservation, complexity and significance of any archaeological remains
  • Determine the likely range, quality and quantity of artefactual and environmental evidence present
  • Suggest measures, if appropriate and feasible, for further archaeological investigation to mitigate identified significant impacts

The trial trenching also sought to contribute to the delivery of the following GWSI: HERDS Specific Objectives:

  • KC5: Identifying settlement location and developing models for settlement patterns for the Mesolithic, Neolithic and Early Bronze Age.
  • KC9: Does a lack of visibility of Neolithic and Bronze Age monuments reflect genuine area distinctiveness, or is this due to variation in geology or investigative techniques?
  • KC35: Investigate the impacts on rural communities of social and economic shocks in the mid-14th century and thereafter and their contribution to settlement desertion.
  • KC40: Identify patterns of change within Medieval rural settlement from the 11th to mid-14th century.
  • KC49: Ground truth and develop multispectral and LiDAR prospection techniques

Re-Use Value Statement

Of the 44 trenches excavated, 31 revealed archaeological features, including ditches, pits, postholes and inhumations. The site appears to have had a domestic function within the prehistoric period, with a possibly later funerary use which itself has the potential to be multi-phased. It is suggested that further work, comprising open-area excavation, be carried out where this activity is most prevalent to help identify the extent, form and character of possible wider activity. Any future work would greatly benefit from the use of this archive and its data to inform overall strategy and methodologies.

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