Site Data from an Archaeological Excavation at Barton, Oxford, October to November 2015

Oxford Archaeology (South), 2022. How to cite using this DOI

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Oxford Archaeology (South) (2022) Site Data from an Archaeological Excavation at Barton, Oxford, October to November 2015 [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

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Oxford Archaeology (South) (2022) Site Data from an Archaeological Excavation at Barton, Oxford, October to November 2015 [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]


South East facing general shot of site
South East facing general shot of site

This collection comprises images, CAD, spreadsheets, site records and reports from an archaeological excavation at an area of land west of Barton Park on the outskirts of Oxford. This work was undertaken by Oxford Archaeology (South) between October and November 2015 in advance of a proposed housing development.

The excavated features comprised remains of Romano-British and later field systems including rectilinear enclosures and possible trackways, perhaps representing a number of sequential attempts to cultivate an area of poor and frequently waterlogged land. These features were overlain and truncated by medieval ridge and furrow.

The pottery assemblage from the site was paltry, comprising little more than forty identifiable sherds of Roman or medieval date. There were, however, some notable isolated finds including a middle Bronze-Age pit, an early Roman cremation burial, and a single first-century AD Roman coin. Furthermore, residual finds of a spearhead and knife, although more than 200 metres apart, indicate the possibility of an early Anglo-Saxon inhumation cemetery in the vicinity. Finally, a modest assemblage of medieval and postmedieval horseshoes possibly indicates that the site was once situated along a routeway, perhaps between the medieval settlements of Headington and Wick.

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