Images and Site Records from an Archaeological Watching Brief at Stonelands, Widford Road, Hadham Cross, Hertfordshire, August 2022

DRP Archaeology, 2022. How to cite using this DOI

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DRP Archaeology (2022) Images and Site Records from an Archaeological Watching Brief at Stonelands, Widford Road, Hadham Cross, Hertfordshire, August 2022 [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]

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DRP Archaeology (2022) Images and Site Records from an Archaeological Watching Brief at Stonelands, Widford Road, Hadham Cross, Hertfordshire, August 2022 [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor]


Shot showing Plot 1 during work at Stonelands
Shot showing Plot 1 during work at Stonelands

This collection comprises images and site records from an Archaeological Watching Brief at Stonelands, Widford Road, Hadham Cross, Hertfordshire. DRP Archaeology was commissioned to undertake archaeological monitoring on the development groundworks in August 2022.

The site is located along the eastern periphery of the county of Hertfordshire. The site lies at the southern end of the village of Hadham Cross, itself part of a ladder settlement which extends along the B1004 and merges with the village of Much Hadham to the north. The site is set into a rural agricultural landscape.

The development consisted of the erection of a two part single storey rear and single storey side extension to the existing property. The proposed development had the potential to encounter heritage assets of archaeological interest related to medieval rural settlement types in Hertfordshire.

The development groundworks took place in August 2022 and consisted of two elements to the rear of the existing house. Plot 1 involved four footing trenches in the rectangular plan for the new extension, and subsequent ground reduction inside the footprint of the extension to level the slight east-west slope of the site. Plot 2 consisted of a soakaway with an interconnecting trench linking Plot 2 with Plot 1. This represented an investigation area of approximately 122m2. The results of the monitoring identified a layer of modern made ground overlaying the solid, undisturbed geological sequence. No archaeological features, deposits or finds were revealed.

Whilst the site is located in a landscape dominated by Medieval and Post-medieval settlement, groundworks revealed no evidence for this on the site of development. Instead, and despite the presence of heavily disturbed stratigraphy in the area around the existing house, it appears that outside of the direct building footprint there has been little disturbance. Thus, no evidence was revealed that could contribute to the research objectives.

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