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Dept of Archaeology
University of Southampton
Avenue Campus
SO17 1BJ
Tel: 080 593032
Courtesy of Musée Archaéologique Intercommunal d’Istres
David Williams
Distinctive FeaturesA short flat-based amphora type. Longish cylindrical neck with a triangular to flanged rim which has a small ledge running around the inside of the vessel immediately below the lip. The handles are oval in section and join from the upper shoulder to just below the rim. The shoulder is hemispherical and the rilled body leads to a flat base. Examples of these amphorae have been found to bear a stamp in the form of a menorah (Pacetti, 1998: Fig. 8.4), while one example from Rome was stamped [..] REG (Saguì, 1998: Fig.11.7).See characteristics | ||
Date RangeAround the middle of the fourth to the seventh centuries AD (Saguì, 1998).Search: [4th century AD] [5th century AD] [6th century AD] [7th century AD] | ||
OriginThe principal source seems to be southern Calabria (Arthur, 1989), where kilns have been found at Pellaro and Lazzaro, although they may also have been made at Naxos in eastern Sicily (Saguì, 1998; Panella, 2002).Search: [Italy] [North West Europe] | ||
DistributionWidely distributed in southern Italy, but is also present at Rome and particularly in the north-western sector of the Mediterranean (Marseilles and Tarragona), as well as in north Africa and occasionally in the eastern Mediterranean (Athens) (Bonifay & Villedieu, 1989; Sciallano & Sibella, 1991; Reynolds, 1995; Pacetti 1998; Saguì, 1998; Arena et alii, 2001; Panella, 2002).Search: [France] [Italy] [North Africa] [North West Europe] [Western Mediterranean] | ||
ContentsGas-chromatographic studies have revealed the presence of wine residues.Search: [Wine] | ||
CommentsPrincipal contributors: David Williams and Simon Keay | ||
CEIPAC linkThe following link will take you to the Centro para el Estudio de la Interdependencia Provincial en la Antiguedad Clásica CEIPAC database. In the CEIPAC system this amphora has the ID KE51+BYZ. Note: access to CEIPAC requires registration, which is possible via |